Cultivating Evenmindedness

Guided Upekkha Bhavana (Cultivating Evenmindedness) This is one of the guided meditations that I led recently in a Google+ Hangout. This particular one is a guide to developing the quality of equanimity (upekkha), or evenmindedness. There's an introductory talk in which I outline four different uses of the term equanimity, and then I guided the class through an approach to meditation in which we lose our sense of separateness, so that there's an element of anatta (not-self) brought into the practice before we begin to cultivate lovingkindness. The practice also brings together mental stillness and non-reactivity, and metta, or lovingkindness. It's important to remember that "even-mindedness" (or equanimity) is actually "even-minded love" or "equanimous love" and isn't a state of uncaring. PS. You can see all of our 100 Days of Lovingkindness posts here. Read More @ Source The Path To Success: How To Get Motivated B...