Celebrate School Lunch (Michael Pollan Video)
This week is National School Lunch Week, a time to celebrate school lunch programs, raise awareness, and take action to create a healthier food culture for the next generation. In this new video from Nourish Short Films, food journalist Michael Pollan advocates for a better menu for Americas children.
Better School Food
Schools play a key role in providing wholesome meals for kids and promoting food literacy. Parents, teachers, administrators, and policymakers can work together to ensure healthy school food for our children.
Next: Ways to get involved with school lunch
more on: Children, Diet & Nutrition, Eating for Health, Family Life, Food & Recipes, Health & Wellness, Healthy Schools, Make a Difference, News & Issues, Videos, Videos, children's health, education, Family Life, health, healthy kids, Michael Pollan, Nourish, parenting, parents, school food, school lunch, schools