Many consumers might not yet be wakeful that the red piece coloring their food, fabric, war paint or pharmaceuticals could be extracted from the dejected bodies of insects.The words Cochineal, Cochineal Extract, Carmine, Crimson Lake, Natural Red 4, C.I. 75470, E120, as well as even the little natural colorings refer to the color called carminic acid, that is primarily used as afood coloringand incosmetics.Carminic acid is the piece found in tall concentration in cochineal insects. It is extracted from the insects body as well as eggs as well as is churned with aluminum or calcium ipecac to have cerise color (also well well known as cochineal).In good headlines for those of us seeking to equivocate the products of animal exploitation, the part must be enclosed on wrapping labels when used as the food additive, as it has been well well known to cause severe allergic reactions, asthmatic attacks, andanaphylactic shockin the little people.As of January 5, 2011, the new U.S. Food as well as Drug Administration law will require all foods as well as war paint containing cochineal to declare it on their part labels, due to objections from people who have concerns for reasons of health, ethics or religion.
Image: Suat Eman / FreeDigitalPhotos.net