Spiritual Quantum Physics and Insanity

Spiritual Quantum Physics and Insanity

Spiritual Quantum Physics and Insanity

Posted: 13 Jan 2012 01:00 PM PST

Article by Ellis Peterson

The Power of Visualization

You can change the world. It's easy. How? In this video, scientist Gregg Braden explains how the Law of Attraction works. That there is a field around us, a collective consciousness, in which we all participate. This collective consciousness creates our reality. It can be influenced by us through our DNA, by using the power of our thoughts and our heart. We can use this law on an individual base but also collectively, to change our world. There's even a formula (the square root of 1%) of how many participants are needed to achieve a certain effect for a bigger group (for instance peace). This has been proven scientifically, through experiments. For changing the whole world population this would only take 8000 participants. The power of visualization is a gift from God for mankind to take fate into our own hands, and not having to stand by and watch powerlessly. So, let's accept this gift gratefully, and use it!! If you want to participate in future mass visualizations where we use our collective power for causes like cleaning our planet and helping people in need, you can leave your e-mail address at our website www.visualizedaily.com The images of Gregg Braden are taken from his video "The Science of Miracles" which can also be found on YouTube.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Tea And Meditation: The Basis Of A Healthy Lifestyle

Posted: 13 Jan 2012 12:00 PM PST

Article by Marcus Stout

If one researches the elements of a healthy lifestyle, there are clearly defined elements that are universal to longevity and good health:

* Healthy Diet* Exercise* Reduce Stress

Healthy Diet:

Volumes have been written about healthy diets but all experts agree that crash and/or gimmick diets do not work and are risky for good health. A sensible diet that includes good proportions of fruits and vegetables are the bets for your health. Drinking regular amounts of pure water also serves as the basis of healthy living.

The trick to losing weight is follow a balanced, health plan and stick to it. This means that moderation is the key.


Again, moderation and regularity are the keys. Aggressive exercise regimes are fine for athletes but for the normal person, over strenuous exercise regimes are soon abandoned and they can be dangerous to your health. The best is to gradually increase your activity and simple walking is an excellent way to achieve the exercise requirements of your body.

Reduce Stress:

Most experts agree that stress can be a killer and we live in a world of stress. Ours is a fast paced, competitive environment and most people react poorly to stressful events and often internalize stress as part of their daily living.

One of the best ways to eliminate a great deal of stress is meditation. Meditation describes a state of concentrated attention on some object of thought or awareness. It usually involves turning the attention inward to the mind itself. Meditation is often recognized as a component of Eastern religions, where it has been practiced for over 5,000 years. (Source: Wikipedia).

Meditation is recognized in almost all religious to create a spirit of serenity but meditation has secular applications as well. Yoga practitioners for example, rely on meditation to achieve a relaxed and focused state and some physical fitness trainers and martial arts practitioners also rely on meditation for relaxation and focus.

B! ut every one can benefit from meditation. The benefits come quickly and meditation can reduce blood pressure and generally create a feeling of well being and contentment that is important to a healthy lifestyle. The technique of meditation is simple to learn and if one meditates for as little as 15 minutes a day, positive results will be achieved.

Tea and Meditation:

A cup of high quality loose leaf tea taken before and after meditation will add to the experience. The tea can be a single garden estate black, green, oolong or white variety or one of the many quality blends on the market today.

Drinking tea creates a distinct feeling of well being by itself and, when combined with daily meditation reduces stress and prepares one for the stress of a hard day and a life of health and longevity.

About the Author

Marcus Stout is President of the Golden Moon Tea Company. For more information about tea, black tea and wholesale tea go to http://www.goldenmoontea.com

Brain Massage Meditation

Brain Massage Meditation.... www.brainsync.com

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Illegal Meat Imports Carry Viruses, Threaten Health

Posted: 13 Jan 2012 12:00 PM PST

chimp eating
CREDIT: Chimpanzee photo via Shutterstock

Viruses that are potentially harmful to human health have been identified in illegally imported meat from primates, according to a new study.

The illegal products, which include meat from baboons, chimpanzees and rats, were confiscated from five airports throughout the United States, the study said.

The researchers found evidence of retroviruses and herpes viruses in the meat. While it's not clear if these viruses could infect humans through handling of the meat, or if they could spread from one person to another, the findings nevertheless suggest these products have the potential to spread disease to humans, the researchers said.

The study was part of a pilot program to establish methods to survey and test illegally imported meat for diseases. While the study was quite small, the researchers said they hope the effort can be expanded to survey ports of entry throughout the United States and possibly identify more viruses, said study researcher Kristine Smith, associate director for health and policy at EcoHealth Alliance, a nonprofit organization that aims to conserve biodiversity.

The study was "a proof of concept to let the government know that the agencies that are responsible for regulating these products need more resources to be able to do this type of testing," Smith said. "We know there are health risks associated with these products," she said.

Wildlife meat and disease

The harvesting of meat from wild animals has in the past led to the emergence of new human diseases. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is thought to have jumped from non-human primates to humans through the butchering and sale of meat from monkeys and chimpanzees. More than 55-million lbs. of wildlife products are thought to enter the United States every year, mainly through New York, Los Angeles and Miami, the researchers said.

While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regulates and confiscates some of these products, "we know we don't catch it all," Smith said.

The researchers analyzed samples of illegally imported wildlife meat that had been confiscated from airports in New York City, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Houston and Atlanta between 2006 and 2010.

A genetic analysis revealed the meat samples were from 60 animals—35 samples were from rodents, mainly rats, and 25 were from primates, including two from chimpanzees and 10 from baboons.

Thirteen of the primates were found to contain viruses, including simian foamy viruses (a retrovirus), and cytomegalovirus and lymphocryptovirus (types of herpesviruses.)

None of the tested samples contained simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), a virus that is closely related to HIV. In addition, none of the rodent samples were found to contain viruses. However, the researchers tested for a limited number of pathogens, and the samples could harbor dangerous microorganisms that weren't picked up by the tests.

Health risk

The simian foamy viruses (SFV) found in the meat samples have been known to infect people, mostly after bites from an infected animal. When this happens, the virus stays in the victim, but does not appear to produce any symptoms of disease. The virus is also not easily spread between people.

But researchers have only studied long-term infections with this virus for around 10 years or so. And this type of virus is part of a family of viruses that are typically slow to produce symptoms (such as HIV). That means people infected with SFV might become ill down the road or develop a disease such as cancer that is associated with the infection, Smith said.

"We just don't know enough about it to be able to dismiss the risk," Smith said.

While it's somewhat reassuring, for now, that the researchers didn't find evidence of some other disease-causing pathogens, such as SIV and anthrax, in the tested samples, Smith said expanded tests of more products would likely reveal more microorganisms to worry about.

"I think with larger numbers of confiscations, we're going to be finding more of these viruses we know exist," Smith said.

Pass it on: Illegally imported meat from wildlife may be a conduit for spreading disease.

Follow MyHealthNewsDaily staff writer Rachael Rettner on Twitter @RachaelRettner. Find us on Facebook.

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How You Can Learn the Secrets of Mind Power

Posted: 13 Jan 2012 11:00 AM PST

Article by Louis Bacurre

Just in case you didn't already know, your mind is like a magnet. What it thinks and sees, it will eventually attract. There is this thing that is called the law of attraction, and it deals very strongly with mind power.

The law of attraction is about believing so strongly that something will happen that it does end up happening. This means that you can have the most amazing life if you just put your mind to it. It may take time, but with practice you can have what you want. Your mind is amazing and powerful.

Every one of us is born with this mind power, but most of us don't believe that it can actually help us or even that it exists. It's been proven, for example, that humans only use about 10% of their current brain capacity for power; now, think about that for a second. That's crazy, but it's probably true. Most of us just stick with the 'tried-and-true,' and never try to break out or our comfort zones.

When we fail at something, rather than learning from it, we let it act as a negative magnet, pulling further ill will and misfortune upon us. The things that we think happen to us because we let them.

Your life as it is today is a reflection of your thinking. What happens in your mind appears in your life because it is what you conceive and believe. What some people call psychic power or ESP actually refers to things that can be created using some of the unused brain power lying wasted.

All you need to do is think on what you want to achieve and let that guide your actions, so every step you take is towards the furthering of the goal.

Many things can be used to boost the effectiveness of your mind power. These range from goal setting to affirmations to visualization techniques. Even hypnotherapy can do it. We'll cover each of these techniques below.

Visualization is done by sitting quietly and using your mind to imagine all of the things you would like to have in your world. Let your mind create picture images of those things. Anyone can use the visuali! zation t echnique to bring these desires into their subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind will then bring them into the world. Hold positive images in your mind and you will have positive results; hold negative images and you will have negative results. Plan ahead what you want to do before you begin your visualization practice.

It may be helpful to write down your ideas like a story of what your ideal life. What are your goals? What are your dreams and visions? Be as specific as possible and write everything down so that you will remember what you have discovered. Repeat this process a couple of times each day until it begins to feel real and you begin to truly believe in your dreams.

Another way to increase the amount of mind power that you have is by affirmations. Affirmations are nothing more than positive bits of encouragement that you give yourself throughout the day. It can be a positive amount of encouragement about anything. For example, you can increase your mind power by saying that you will lose those 10 pounds by the end of the month.

And it doesn't matter if it feels strange to you do this at first; it's going to become a habit, and like any habit, it's going to take about 28 days to develop this habit, too.

Another thing that you can do to help develop more mind power is through brainwave entertainment. What this is, is synchronizing your brainwaves through audio technology. The brain naturally can do several things. One of those things is the ability to heal itself. Through brainwave entertainment you can enhance this ability.

This process also improves memory and enhances natural psychic powers. This method is advanced but it can do amazing things.

Hypnosis can also help to increase your mind power by helping you relax and get into your subconscious mind directly. For example, hypnosis has been used successfully to help others quit smoking. These people simply go into a session with a trained hypnotist, relax, and listen to the trained hypnotist tell t! hem agai n and again that smoking tastes very bad, that they don't have the desire, that they're repulsed by it, and that they're ready to quit. And although this may take several sessions (just as any habit-training will), it does work.

These people become convinced through their subconscious minds that they are able to quit smoking. They are convinced to believe in themselves when before they did not.

So as you can see, everyone has this type of mind power, but they just have to believe in their abilities. It may not happen overnight, but you can change your life and turn things around if they're not going so well for you. To do this, you have to be able to direct your energies into the universe and know that what comes back to you is what you have manifested.

The subconscious mind is the starting place. How much mind power do you have?

About the Author

Look at the exciting world of using your mind power with the popular http://www.mindpower-info.com website. Discover for yourself the amazing secrets of your mind power. with a FREE audio and ebook Package.

Mindfulness Intervention in Chronic Illness (Part 4/5)

Mindfulness Intervention in Chronic Illness was presented by Steven D. Hickman at the Marion Brodie Symposium held in La Jolla, CA on September 13th, 2007. Neuropsychiatry and Behavioral research clinician, Steven D. Hickman, Psy.D., has been a faculty member at the California School of Professional Psychology in San Diego, CA since 2002. Dr. Hickman's specialty is teaching courses in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction which focuses on the practice of present-moment awareness as a way of coping, healing and living with the challenges of chronic pain, life-threatening illness, anxiety, and depression. For more information about the Parkinson's Disease Association of San Diego visit www.PDASD.org, call (858) 273-6763 or e-mail Info@PDASD.org.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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How To Read Minds

Posted: 13 Jan 2012 10:00 AM PST

Article by Greg Frost

Many people find the act of reading minds quite daunting; most of these individual give different sentiments when asked what they think about individuals who possess such talents. Any individual can gain the ability of how to read minds this is not an act for special people or for people who may have access to the spiritual world as many may explain the phenomenon. Reading minds is influenced by laws of attractions which are ever present with us; laws of attraction determine who we are, what we are and even the future we expect to have. The subject on universal laws of attraction a thorny issue among people today; however individual who take sides to downplay effects of laws of attraction ignore the fact that this force influences each and every individual be it a child or an adult. Every individual's personality and lifestyle is determined by issues they've had to go through in different stages of their lives. People reason and act from emotions and feelings locked inside their subconscious mind. Anyone interested in learning how to read minds should first and foremost understand basic concepts of how the mind operates to take effect its functions.

There are quite a number of books which have been written about the functions of the mind and how one can develop their minds to perform desired acts. Emphasis on possibilities in anything an individual sets their minds to do is the primary influence of affecting any self development act. Reading books and other motivational articles are basis for which the mind creates belief systems towards what an individual desires. It is important to read books and articles which are written by good reputable writers. Anyone interested in affecting any self development act should be aware of the fact that reaching a desired target does not happen overnight and that they'll need to be consistent in anything they set their minds to do.

Universal laws of attraction aid in influencing personal development acts; the subject on effects of universal laws of ! attracti on create lots of buzz among individual today, however research has it that these forces work whether an individual is aware or not. People seek to get information about laws of attraction turn favor on their side in that they learn and affect natural forces to work for their advantage.

Universal laws of attraction set basis under which certain mind talents are influenced, for instance, reading mind connotes the synchronization of body mind and soul in order to seek to learn what someone else may be thinking about; people who've reached advanced stages of reading minds can tell sentiments exuded by a group of people in a given setting. Individuals who are interested in learning how to read minds should first and foremost do research about the subject before affecting any kind of self development act to this effect. Mind reading is a vital acquired skill and be of great help to anyone who may be interested in success in different areas of their lives.

About the Author

Click Here to get your Free 'Secret Success Package' and transform your life in amazing ways!

Accepting Emotions (ACT method)

ACT method for accepting difficult emotions. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Based on Dr Russ Harris book "The Happiness Trap"

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Death of a Loved One Raises Heart Attack Risk, Study Shows

Posted: 13 Jan 2012 10:00 AM PST

CREDIT: Anna Khomulo | Dreamstime

Grief can be heart-breaking — literally. During the first 24 hours following the death of a loved one, a person's risk of experiencing a heart attack increases by about 21 times, a new study shows.

The study also found that the risk of heart attack remained eight times above normal during the first week after the loss of a loved one. Although this increased risk of heart attack slowly declined over time, it remained elevated for at least a month following the loss.

"Bereavement and grief are associated with increased feelings of depression, anxiety and anger, and those have been shown to be associated with increases in heart rate and blood pressure, and changes in the blood that make it more likely to clot, all of which can lead to a heart attack," study researcher Elizabeth Mostofsky, a post-doctoral fellow in the cardiovascular epidemiological unit at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) in Boston, said in a statement.

To study the effects of bereavement and grief on the heart, researchers interviewed approximately 2,000 patients who suffered heart attacks, also known as myocardial infarctions, over a 5-year period. Patients answered questions about events that could potentially trigger a heart attack, such as losing someone close to them within the past year.

For those who experienced a heightened risk of myocardial infarctions following the death of someone close to them, sorrow and anguish over the loss may have played a role, according to the study, which was published online Jan. 9 in the journal Circulation.

"Some people would say a 'broken heart' related to the grief response is what leads to these physiologic changes," said study researcher Dr. Murray Mittleman, director of BIDMC's cardiovascular epidemiological research program. "So, that emotional sense of the broken heart may actually lead to damage leading to a heart attack and a physical broken heart of a sort."

Appropriate psychological interventions are important inhelping to lower the heart attack risk of someone who is grieving, according to the study authors. "We do think it's plausible that social support during that increased time of vulnerability would help mitigate the risk of heart attack," Mostofsky said.

"Physicians, patients and families should to be aware of this risk and make sure that someone experiencing grief is getting their physical and medical needs met," Mittleman said. "And if an individual develops symptoms that we're concerned might reflect the beginnings of heart attack, we really need to take it very seriously and make sure that that patient gets appropriate evaluation and care."

Pass it on: During the first 24 hours following the death of a loved one, a person's risk of experiencing a heart attack increases by about 21 times.

Follow Remy Melina on Twitter @remymelina, and follow MyHealthNewsDaily @MyHealth_MHND. Like us on Facebook. 

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Meditation and the Brain 2/12: Neurological Differences in Advanced Meditators

ProfoundMeditationProgram.com - Take the free test drive . . . http - Receive a free, powerful meditation audio and PDF course on Meditation and the Brain. Visit and "Like" our Facebook page: www.facebook.com

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No More Blues: Postnatal Yoga for Anxiety Free New Moms

Posted: 13 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST

Article by RateND

Being a mom is a milestone to millions of women. Once the baby arrived, some young moms found themselves feeling trapped in an overwhelming situation.

New mothers are more and more open to the fact that Postnatal Yoga can help women minimize the risk of developing Post Natal Depression (PND, a clinical depression) or even worse a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD, a serious sort of anxiety often associated with those experiencing assault or people living in war torn areas).

1 in 10 women experience PND. The condition can last for weeks, months, or if the patient doesn't receive a proper care - for years.

In many cases, PND patients can easily overcome their blues by moral supports from their loved ones and friends.

What are the signs of PND?

There are strings of alarming conditions that show that you might need a professional help:

- If you find your spouse and your newborn annoying;

- You feel exhausted all the time;

- You're unhappy especially in the morning and in the evening;

- You've lost your appetite;

- Finding yourself sleepless;

- You're not interested in intimacy and somewhat repel your spouse,

- You've lost interest in things you normally passionate about;

- You feel overwhelmed and can't seem to be organized no matter how hard you try;

- Constant bad thoughts;

- You're always afraid that you might somehow "break" the baby.

Yoga as mommy's "Me Time"

Postnatal Yoga is a grate method to keep you in tune with the transition from being pregnant to becoming a mom.

Speaking to RateND, Joanna Dela Cruz from Green Lavender Yoga in Toronto indicates how Yoga can be beneficial to new moms.

"After the sheer physical effort of labor, yoga <em>Asanas</em> (postures) can help with strengthening new mum's body. Certain postures can help to re-build and re-strengthen weakened pelvic and abdominal muscles after labor. Practicing yoga can also provide relief and! act as a balm for aching shoulders, back and legs that many new mum's experience."

According to her, there's an equal meditative aspect of Yoga that has calming effect such as <em>Samavritti Pranayama</em> breathing technique which one should practice under supervision of a qualified Yoga instructor.

Joanna also suggested a simple relaxation practice.

"Many times, with the new arrival, mom can easily forget about time for herself, a simple yoga practice and deep breathing can help mom feel continually refreshed and energized."

Can mommy and baby practice Yoga together?

Feeling confined at home and overwhelmed by the newborn are things that new moms normally feel in the first weeks after the birth of the baby. In fact, the first few weeks are critical for mom to recover from physical and emotional setbacks. Being in a Postnatal Yoga class with other new moms can help reduce your stress.

"Yoga time with baby is a time for bonding and fun. Various postures will not only help to stretch or strengthen mum's body, but add baby into the mix, and it's a whole other level of fun and exploration! Or if baby wants to nap...mum can simply take some time just for her."

According to Joanna, there are several Yoga poses that are especially beneficial for the new moms.

"Cow-face arms (Gomukhasana) or Eagle Arms (Garudasana) are particularly nice. If she needs to stretch out her low back and back legs just a simple forward fold (Uttanasana) with knees slightly bent or straight will be great, as well as Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)."

Joanna Dela Cruz is a certified Vinyasa Flow and Hatha Yoga instructor and the co-owner of the Green Lavender Yoga Studio in Toronto. Green Lavender has prenatal and postnatal Yoga, restorative and gentle Yoga, Hatha, Vinyasa classes, as well as Qi Gong.

About the Author

RateND is a Canadian Premium Naturopathic Review Website. We aim to publish articles on all things Naturopathy that are informational and fun to read.

Shilpa Yoga - Padahastasana

From The Base Position On The Ground Breathe In Deeply Raise Both Legs Up Trying To Bring Them Up As High As Possible. Now Raise Both Arms Keeping Them Straight Attempting To Reach Towards Your Toes. Attempt To Bring Your Body As Close To A 45-Degree Angle As Possible Without Bending Your Knees Or Your Elbows. Breathe Normally. Hold. Gently Exhale As You Release. Take Particular Care That You Avoid Any Jerky Movements While Executing This Asana.Naukasana Is One Of The Asanas Thats Excellent Fighting The Fat Around Your Waist. Its Great For Reducing Weight. Its Very Good For The Stomach As Well As Strengthening The Back And The Leg Muscles. It Also Helps In Regulating The Kidneys. Its Very Helpful In Cases Involving Diabetes And Dyspepsia. And It Improves Concentration Because Of The Focus Required To Balance Oneself.www.shemaroo.com

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Life as a Conscious Practice

Posted: 13 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST

'Everything is practice.' ~Pele

Post written by Leo Babauta.

When we learn a martial art, or ballet, or gymnastics, or soccer … we consciously practice movements in a deliberate way, repeatedly. By conscious, repeated practice, we become good at those movements.

Our entire lives are like this, but we're often less conscious of the practice.

Each day, we repeat movements, thought patterns, ways of interacting with others … and in this repeated practice, we are becoming (or have already become) good at these things. If you constantly check Facebook or Twitter, that is practice, and you are forming that habit, though it's usually not with too much awareness.

When you smoke, or eat junk food, or speak rudely to others, or put yourself down internally, this is something you are practicing to be good at. You may already be good at these things.

What if, instead, we practiced consciously, deliberately, and became good at the things we really want to be good at?

What if you first, above all skills, learned to be more aware of what you are practicing? What if constant conscious action is the skill you became good at?

If you could learn to take conscious action, you could learn to practice other things you want to be good at, rather than the ones you don't.

What Are You Practicing?

Ask yourself these things throughout the day, to practice conscious action:

  • Do I want to practice rushing through my morning, or can I wake a little earlier and simplify my morning routine so that I practice a slow, enjoyable morning ritual?
  • Do I want to practice leaving dirty dishes out, or can I practice washing my bowl when I'm done with it?
  • Do I want to practice leaving clothes strewn about, or papers lying on the counter, or can I take a few seconds to put them where they belong?
  • Do I want to speak angrily to my kids or spouse, or can I speak to them with kindness and compassion?
  • Do I want to practice complaining and self-pity, or can I practice gratitude?
  • Do I want to practice rushing and being busy, or can I practice simplifying and going slowly?
  • Do I want to practice eating fried foods, sugary foods, salty junk food snacks, fast foods … or can I practice eating whole foods, vegetables and fruits, nuts and beans and seeds?
  • Do I want to practice surfing time-wasting sites, or can I practice clearing away distractions and creating?
  • Do I want to practice watching mindless entertainment, or can I practice moving my body and exerting myself in activity?
  • Do I want to practice smoking, or can I learn a healthier way to deal with stress?
  • Do I want to practice shopping, or can I practice giving?

These are only examples … your life will show you what you've been practicing, and you can decide what you might rather practice instead. Or you might be completely happy with what you've been practicing.

How to Practice

The first step is always awareness. When you are conscious of what you are doing, you can decide whether this is an action or thought pattern you want to practice, or if there's an alternative you'd rather be good at.

As you go through your day, practice this awareness. It's the first skill, and it's the most important one. Be aware, without feeling guilty or angry at yourself, of what you're doing and thinking. You will forget to to this, but remind yourself. You might wear a rubber band around your wrist, or carry a talisman, or make tally marks on a slip of paper each time you remember.

As you get good at conscious action, start to practice those actions and thought patterns you want to be good at. Start to notice the ones you'd really rather not be good at, and see if you can deliberately practice other actions and thought patterns.

As you consciously, deliberately repeat these things, you'll get better at them. It takes a lot of repetition to get good at a skill, but you've got time.

Important Conclusions

You won't be able to change all your habits at once, and I'm not implying that you should try. The habit you're really changing is consciousness, and practice. Other habits will be difficult to change, especially if you're trying to change all of them, but it's OK if you mess up. Give yourself permission to make mistakes without guilt, and instead just deliberately practice again, and again.

If something is too hard, and you can't get it right no matter how many times you practice, you can try it in smaller steps. If you can't quit smoking, try not smoking once, and instead relieving stress through walking or doing some pushups or meditation or self-massage. If you can't quit junk food, just replace one snack with a fruit, or add a tasty veggie to your dinner.

I'd like to emphasize that this isn't about perfection. There is no perfect way of life, and you don't need to strive to be perfect every moment of the day. I believe you're already perfect. This is just about conscious action, which is a useful skill to have.

Remember that we become good at what we repeatedly do, and what we do repeatedly can be done consciously. It's when we're conscious that we are truly alive.

'If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.' ~Dalai Lama

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The Secret Benefits Of Mind Control Tricks

Posted: 13 Jan 2012 08:00 AM PST

Article by Greg Frost

Mind tricks have been one of popular human activities which are sometimes really hard to explain. The mind is so powerful that, it can be manipulate anything as it desires. While the term has had, for years, a negative connotation associated with brainwashing, it is also a term used to achieving complete dominance over the human mind and its functions. Mind control tricks can be very helpful if appropriately used. These have been the source of motivations for troubled minds or frustrated minds.

If you are engaging mind control tricks, it's always advised to prepare adequately for the following days activity. Things such as having your clothes ironed and your shoes polished, just for the following day's activities serves as a prerequisite to healthy mind and a blessed day. Moreover, being able to know exactly the time you are supposed to be wake up, take a shower, take breakfast, also serve as the path to a healthy mind. Of course there is never any form of frustration when the right thing is done.

Moreover, in affecting mind control tricks, most people are able to achieve what they wish to do in the course of the day. Be it attending their meetings and also completing the days work successfully. These mind tricks simply prepares your mind and makes you ready to face any other sort of thing. To add to it, a bad day is avoided, since that is usually the wish of most workers.

Imagine running or exercising at morning with some ear phones in your ears. This is always so refreshing since music is so good for human emotions. Most people run along the street with music on. They are not mad but rather practising mind control tricks. They simply want to have a good day and nothing else. It is also believed that, with this practise the mind is relieved and at least some basic problems of life are ignored. This is usually the best part people want to know, to ignore their problems.

Nevertheless, changing new clothes, buying a new cell phone, a new television all a! id in re freshing the mind. Although this may sound expensive because most people conform to their old live styles even if it means staying with something for years without end. However the truth, the mind is such that, it becomes exhausted for things it continuously see everyday for a very long time. And at this stage, the mind tends to cause the individual fatigue. This is why it is appropriate to consider buying new things at regular intervals.

Good news for those who find it uneasy to approach a lady or guy on a date. Most people simply cannot approach the opposite sex, but with mind control tricks, this can be a thing of the past. For instance in other to be able to get the phone number of the opposite sex after meeting for the first time, it is appropriate to say stuff like, how can we meet again? Or how do I see you again? And not, can I have your phone number? Most people after being asked how they can be seen again, simply give you their contact so that there can be appropriate communication between the two of you. This is the general rule about this and moreover, it is always considered polite.

About the Author

Click Here to download your FREE "Secrets Of The Subconscious" package. It normally sells for but for a limited time only, you can grab it for free. Unlock the full potential of your mind with this free package at http://www.mindsecretsexposed.com/freegifta.html

Early Morning Spiritual Consciousness Inspiration - 1/13/2012

Posted: 13 Jan 2012 08:00 AM PST

"Respond intelligently even to unintelligent treatment."

~Lao Tzu
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How to Reduce Stress Using Breath Awareness

Posted: 13 Jan 2012 07:00 AM PST

Article by Rena Hatch

You can survive without food for weeks, without water for days but without oxygen for only minutes! But most of us spend very little time thinking about our breath. As the Oxford University Press reminds us, "In earlier years breathing was synonymous with life itself, for with the 'last breath' its absence signified death and departure of the soul." Similarly, in yoga, the Sanskrit word for breath is prana, which also means life force energy.

When we bring our consciousness to our breath, we slow down and we begin to realize the deeper layers of ourselves, our thoughts and feelings. Did you know that when we are under stress some of us actually hold our breath? Other times, we just breath very shallow. We are unconsciously stopping our life force and causing even more stress in our body. If you start practicing conscious breathing (purposefully focusing on and noticing your breath) your body will relax and the mind will become more focused.

The breath can be more than a bodily function, it can be a powerful stress reduction tool and a trusted friend. It is always there for you. When you give your attention to it, it brings you inward, away from all the external, busy-ness and into the present moment. Throughout the book, Practicing The Power of NOW, Eckhart Tolle suggests using the breath as a tool for coming into the NOW.

Focus on the breath and the mind naturally slows down while the body relaxes. The "monkey mind" becomes less jumpy. Most meditation practice includes some form of breath awareness, since it relaxes the body and focus the mind. Try out the following stress reduction strategies.

Useful tips: 1.Next time you are feeling tense or confused, shift your focus to your breath. Notice how your breath is moving in your body (or not moving, if your holding your breath). Then count each inhale and exhale, silently, "One" on the inhale, "Two" on the exhale, etc. 2. For even deeper relaxation, try counting only the exhales. 3. For more concentration, focus on the space! between the breath. The space where the exhale becomes the inhale and the inhale becomes the exhale, etc.

Practicing breath awareness regularly brings an inner peacefulness and deep relaxation. As thoughts slow down, and the mind becomes clear, you may become aware of limiting thoughts to release, you may make space for new thought patterns and you may connect with insight and deep wisdom. "Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is only one you know you have for sure" ~ Oprah Windfrey.

About the Author

Rena Hatch, wise woman life coach, certified yoga teacher empowers women to gain confidence and inner peace through individual life coaching, weekend retreats http://www.LunaGaia.com, free daily guided meditations http://www.BLISSciplineAIM.com.

Spiritual Wellness - Mediation and Prayer Creates a Healthy Life

Posted: 13 Jan 2012 06:00 AM PST

Article by Kristina Angelgate

Spiritual wellness is an integral part of a balanced life and it's one of the 7 aspects of wellness. This spiritual plan involves meditation and prayer. Spiritual wellness is a firm foundation to take a healthy helpful action. The key of having healthy life is through a holistic approach of wellness. When you experience feelings like fear, disappointment or that of joy, pleasure etc at times makes you feel that you're becoming spiritual well, when these actions become more consistent with your beliefs and value.

Tips that can be applied to change your daily life:

Spend five minutes for spiritual wellness:

• Meditation is connected to the body, mind and soul to create emotional balance for the overall well being. Meditating for five minutes will make your mind clear and also you tend to stay relaxed. Just 5 minutes of breathing deeply will help you evade all the negative energy and will also help you in seeing the world in a whole new perspective. Meditation reduces stress, depression, panic, difficulty in sleeping and so on. It also gives a solution to all your problems. The highest state of consciousness can be received through meditation.

• Another spiritual practice is prayer. Prayer makes the body feel healthy also improves your faith. Prayer is a highest power to meditate on your belief, in which your mind would feel that you're not alone. Prayer is the only way one could think off to solve any kind of problem since there is a strong vibe that god is listening to your prayers but here faith plays a very important role.

• Reading of spiritual message for few minutes will help you to strength that connection.

The ideal structure in a potently suggestive statement is an affirmation. Affirmations Coach helps us to reach new levels of awareness and happiness and it not only gives you happiness but also changes your mood, mind and health.

Certain people play the role of a spiritual guide who develops skill in the truth of god. They are able to receiv! e messag es from angels. Through heavenly guide and studies, they use different techniques and tools. One of the spiritual guides says the following quote" Angels spiritual functions helps us in realizing your hopes and dreams". If you're graced with good fortune or love you can receive the blessings which help you to live in harmony.

Most of them even give Intuitive angel card guidance. Through angel card you're seeking spiritual guidance especially to solve your everyday problems. Through intuitive angel card guidance there are even ways to increase your financial abundance so one can avail this service by subscribing to many free websites that are exclusively made for daily angel guidance.

About the Author

Kristina Angelgate is an Affirmations Coach, Spiritual Entertainer in Austin Texas. She is available for Psychic Private readings in Austin Texas.

Stress Relief Via Yoga Relaxation Techniques

Posted: 13 Jan 2012 05:00 AM PST

Article by Dan Vervondel

The stress is interconnected to health and many people find instantaneous stress reduction by laughing or going on some leisure action or practising some hobby. Yoga relaxation techniques considers anxiety as discrepancy and this is misery as the physical and mental levels are at disproportionate pace. The prolonged state of pressure turns to become alarming and they become very restless. The activities of man have gained so much force that the system is incapable to cope with it and is making the person emotionally hypersensitive. The modern man attempts to resolve and reduce his tension by resorting to drinking, smoking, drugs or sex. He tries to hold on to such ways of resolving strain. To a great extent this is often leading to disasters and the amount of break ups is frequently cumulative. In fact, it is proven that great personalities who have high expectations face more anxiety.

A lot of people prefer doing yoga to maintain a good and healthy life.Fitness is important in doing yoga. Yoga techniques are helpful in maintaining good organs and other parts of the body such as the muscles, joints, glands, tissues and vital organs. These are the main focus of setting yoga techniques.Here are some yoga techniques that you can practice during your yoga session. Despite your busy schedule or the crowed place you stay at, keeping up with these yoga techniques will help you go through it.The five yoga techniques include: posture, relaxation, meditation, deep breathing and movement of joints. Each technique has its own role and function. The movement of joints is called the 'sandhichalana'. This is one of the yoga techniques that focus on the joints. The joints undergo full movements which include the movement of the hands, movement of the neck and the movement of the lower limb.In relaxation, there are some yoga techniques that will deepen your concentration and prevent your attention to be drawn easily.

Yoga relaxation is the best way to reduce stress and being the oldest ! ways of reducing pressure, it is widely accepted. Yoga and strain reduction work good in association.Regular training of Yoga teaches you to stay calm and to look things in a different angle. As your mind becomes calm, the muscles, joints and bones are tranquil. This relaxed state of mind helps in accomplishing you work without problems. People doing Yoga are good in work implementation and produce improved quality. Each human being who undergoes stress has to concentrate and has to assign some time for repose so that he is able to reduce tension and function normally.

About the Author

Stress relief and relaxation meditation as key to a happy lifestyle via happythoughtlifestyles.comThis resource of useful tips and articles from Dan Brussels assists you in achieving a better healthier lifestyle for you and your family.Another fitness oriented blog of Dan Brussesl to visit:lifestyle.eu

April’s STD Consciousness Month Open Doorways for STD Testing

Posted: 13 Jan 2012 04:00 AM PST

Article by Jerry Davies

Unfortunately, April Idiot's Day solely occurs as soon as in a 12 months and an STD can happen a number of times. Seeing the reactions of people who found out they have been positive had me thinking deep and arduous as to why they seemed shock when clearly, during their exposure, they had been considering sanely. Is it due to worry of the unknown? Or is it our denial of crossing our boundaries and subconsciously looking for an affordable excuse for a mistake that could have been prevented?

April is STD Consciousness Month and it could not have come at a better time. From the celebrations of a new yr, to the month of love and at last, the Spring Break extravaganza, April has come to be the month of enlightenment and a check on reality. It is a time to mirror on one's errors that can mold one's perspective in an instant. It peeks at a very delicate issue that faces our society that has tried several tactics to control it. STD has struck each state laborious and it's hurting the inhabitants bodily, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It should hold this identical pattern till we will do one thing about it. Being conscious of STD is nothing new to everybody. However it's not only that we have now to concentrate on it, we also must take action.

I'm always a giant fan of prevention and planning forward in terms of sexual encounters because folks must assume accountability of their actions, whether proper or wrong. At a mean of about 65 p.c of students from a college say that they're having vaginal intercourse in line with Lee Ann Hamilton, the assistant director of Well being Promotion and Preventive Services at Campus Well being Service. Nearly 2,000 students at that college, which we will not mention resulting from privateness considerations, get tested annually. An increase number of STD circumstances have been reported after spring breaks and keeps on growing as the yr goes by. Many "Get Your self Examined" projects have been organized yearly to offer STD consciousness to offer ! info to individuals sexually active.

In our era, STD awareness is effective among the population, but not efficient enough. Though one would prefer prevention strategies, it's awfully laborious to contemplate on tips on how to think on prevention when you are at "the climax of the moment." With a whole lot of components that are inclined to cloud our judgment during times where preventive measures must be used, the best option is to get tested. With the growing number of STD instances around the United States, STD testing is one of the simplest ways to go about it.

About the Author

Early detection can present early therapy and avoid permanent harm on your health. STD Consciousness isn't just for April, but for each single day that passes by. Your knowledge of STD and your sexual health is a question that STD Testing can answer for you.

A way with words

Posted: 13 Jan 2012 04:00 AM PST

On stage, Josh Ritter is floating. Anyone attending his show three years ago can tell you: He looks like the happiest man in the room, with a giant, aw-shucks grin and charisma bursting from every pore.

He said on the phone from his home in Brooklyn that the jubilation he feels on stage gives him the opportunity to be the person he wants to be the rest of his life. He said that up there, everything falls away and he is concentrating to such a degree that he ends up in a beautiful, slow place.

"It's like when you dive in, when you are racing, when you swim and when you look up and you can see people cheering, but it is silent," Ritter said.

The Idaho-born singer/songwriter is in the middle of a return visit to Alaska that has resulted in three sold-out shows, including Saturday's at Discovery Theatre.

Ritter considers the fact that people still show up to see him a miracle, which might be why Ritter makes a point of sticking around after most of his shows to sign whatever is handed to him and get photos with whomever wants one.

"Many times, Josh will have hundreds of people waiting to talk to him," said Doug Rice, who started a Josh Ritter fan site that has since been incorporated into the songwriter's official site. "And because he gives every fan so much devoted attention, the venue must close down for the night. And even recently that didn't stop him -- he took everyone outside onto the sidewalk and continued to talk, sign autographs and even hug every fan until the very last one."

Ritter described his touring schedule as intense but pretty common for a musician. "I try not to keep count," he said with a laugh. "It's sort of like looking down when you are on a tight rope."

Ritter carefully chooses how he says things and his songs reflect that, garnering comparisons to wordsmiths like Paul Simon and Leonard Cohen. Paste magazine listed by him as one of the greatest living songwriters, so it isn't a surprise to find out how devoted to his words he is, describing their importance the way engineers describe load-bearing walls.

"Everybody has wild dreams at night, but unless you are able to write them down in a way that you can express what you are feeling, all the wild imagination in the world doesn't do you any good," he said.

In harnessing that imagination, Ritter has not been content to stay put when he has found a sound he knows will work. You find big contrasts between 2006's contemplative "The Animal Years" and "The Historical Conquests of Josh Ritter," which followed a year later. The latter album, his fifth studio release, was recorded in a two-week frenzy and offers a more rollicking approach.

His latest album, "So Runs the World Away," is another departure, with more instrumentals and a larger, more deliberate feel.

Ritter admits to wanting to push the envelope and to the differences in albums. He hopes his fans trust him enough to go along with him on these journeys.

"They are giving you money, and they aren't giving it to you so you can get a tan and eat fancy yogurt," he said. "They're giving it to you because they want you to do more stuff, and doing more means not only just putting out more stuff and writing more, but really trying to take some chances with it and take them to new places."

One of the chances Ritter took in 2011 was publishing his first novel, "Bright's Passage," the story of a soldier in World War I who returns to the states with an angel in tow. He described the story as a comedy, but it does have several dark scenes of war and violence.

Ritter is obviously proud of the accomplishment. Last year was one of the most intense years of his life, he said, with the publishing of "Brights" and the unraveling of the musician's marriage. People may remember the opening act from his last trip to Alaska with Dawn Landes, his then-girlfriend. He doesn't dwell on the divorce in the interview, quickly focusing on how ready he is to start the new year, which he said will include a new album. He is writing another book as well.

While the artist regularly performs with a band, Ritter will play a solo set in Anchorage, and he's happy about it. While he loves his band, he doesn't love the idea of never getting the chance to play solo the way he used to.

"It's like going back to your hometown."

Josh Ritter

When: 7:30 p.m. Saturday

Where: Discovery Theatre

Tickets: $ 35, centertix.com (sold out)


Read More @ Source

Sam Harris: with Bill Maher

Sam Harris is the author of the New York Times bestsellers, The End of Faith and Letter to a Christian Nation. The End of Faith won the 2005 PEN Award for Nonfiction. Mr. Harris' writing has been published in over fifteen languages. He and his work have been discussed in Newsweek, TIME, The New York Times, Scientific American, Nature, Rolling Stone, and many other journals. His writing has appeared in Newsweek, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Times (London), The Boston Globe, The Atlantic, The Annals of Neurology, and elsewhere. Mr. Harris is a Co-Founder and CEO of Project Reason, a nonprofit foundation devoted to spreading scientific knowledge and secular values in society. He received a degree in philosophy from Stanford University and a Ph.D. in neuroscience from UCLA. www.samharris.org

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Meditation as a Health and Spiritual Exercise

Posted: 13 Jan 2012 03:00 AM PST

Article by alexis

According to Buddhism, a person can reach "Nirvana" or the highest state of enlightenment through continuous meditation and by participating in the Buddha's daily service, among other things. Through time, many people have benefited from the practice of meditation.

Meditation, as practiced by Buddhist monks and practitioners, has become a spiritual tool and health enhancer in one. More than just the chants and meditative posture, meditation is about proper breathing and concentration of one's thoughts. As a health and spiritual practice, meditation came into prominence centuries ago in the East where people's lives and culture demanded a way to "escape" the realities of life.

How do we know if we are already in a state of meditation or just wasting away time with our eyes closed? Meditation is a state of mind that leads to inner peace, self-fulfillment, self- improvement, and the development of a positive outlook in life. There are two types of meditation; the concentrative and the mindfulness type. Concentrative is more on the person's concentration, sitting quietly and calmly with good breathing patterns. It is said that the one's mind is somewhat connected to one's breath of air. Continuous rhythm of inhales and exhales of the breath will make the person feel more calm and relaxed, focusing on their steady flow of air in and out of their bodies. This will result in the mind being more aware and tranquil at the same time. Mindfulness, on the other hand, involves attention and awareness on passing wave of sensations, images, feelings, thoughts, sounds, smell, anything that your body can interact with. This in turn will give the person a more non-reactive mind state, much like looking at a television, without any feeling or thoughts that can bother you away.

Meditation and relaxation often go hand in hand. In scientific studies, it has been proven that there are health benefits in practicing this kind of activity. By being in a relaxed state of mind, the person is also rega! rded to as in alpha state, of which is a level of consciousness that promotes good healing. Relaxation in a person is highly recommended, since people always move and think, and by being relaxed it can also give relaxation to the body and mind that will eventually enhance our well-being as well. Knowing all this, one can see the connection of both scientific and religious factors, all because of meditation. Indeed, this activity shows a unique philosophy that can really help oneself. In practicing such kind of relaxation process, the person sees the innermost self at its fullest. This helps the person in dealing with external difficulties, seeing past all this and in a way becomes humble and calm in dealing with situations. This relaxed state of meditating allows the person in helping oneself health-wise, since this to can take away simple headaches, stress, or even mild anxiety. It began way before, and it will never go away. This kind of activity brings out the person in you. By meditating, this will give you a sense of calmness in a positive state. There are no known facts that this can be harmful to you, so why don't you give it a try?

About the Author

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How To Achieve Power To The Subconscious Mind

Posted: 13 Jan 2012 02:00 AM PST

Article by Greg Frost

True success comes from brain through power to the subconscious mind; most people may debate this fact but then the truth still remains the mind plays an integral part in an individual lifestyles. People who dispute this may reason that fate is the only true explanation of success; on the other hand People who believe in the power of the mind and influences of mind therapies believe that one has the power to choose their destiny. Well, each side has strong points to argue about their belief and stance, however more logic and reason falls in favor of the people who believe the power of the subconscious mind. Many people who've ever engaged the power of the mind attest its effects in manifesting desired results. Positive affirmations are the basis of creating a strong subconscious mind.

Anyone new to mind alternating activities should first and foremost seek information which relates to the specific therapy they wish to achieve; for instance an individual interested in curbing procrastination should find prior knowledge about how the therapy they wish to affect cures procrastination tendencies. This information is very important as it creates familiarity grounds which are effective in initiating the therapy as the mind is more likely to accept information on familiarity grounds. New information introduced to the mind goes through lots of scrutiny before it's allowed into the subconscious mind. However, some therapies such as subliminal and brainwave technology create bypasses to the subconscious mind. Anyone affecting subliminal technology affects direct induction of subliminal messages into their minds.

Subliminal technology is quite complicated but yet quite effectual in self development acts; anyone whose ever engage subliminal technology in curbing or developing mind acts has something positive to write home about the technology. Subliminal is a sure way of achieving mind alteration acts and unlike yoga and hypnosis one does not have to go through trances to achieve the desired resu! lt. Subl iminal products come in quite a number of shapes and forms, it is important for an individual to have a clear idea of the specific therapy they wish for intended therapy. For instance, anyone interested in curbing addiction should seek a particular subliminal technology product for the intended therapy. Some of the popular addictions subliminal are smoking subliminal, weight loss addiction etc. For effective therapy one may have to combine two subliminal therapies so as to achieve one common goal.

It is imperative for anyone seeking subliminal therapy to find assistance about the specific subliminal product they need. There are quite a number of avenues one can seek to find such assistance the common one being the auction outlet one intends to purchases subliminal from. Engaging a subliminal expert from the site of purchase is quite beneficial especially if you need some combination of subliminal therapies. Some of these sites stock free subliminal products for sampling purpose, visiting such sites can be quite beneficial when one's making decision of the product to purchase. It is possible to achieve power to the subconscious mind and the only fast and easy way of achieving positive self development therapy in mind alteration acts is by engaging subliminal technology.

About the Author

Click Here to get your Free 'Secret Success Package' and transform your life in amazing ways!

Mindful eating to lose weight...It really works!

This one simple shift in your eating habits will make a big difference in your diet.

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Taking A Look At Mind Power

Posted: 13 Jan 2012 01:00 AM PST

Article by Edward Fitzwirt

The mind itself is like a magnet, and what you think and see you will eventually attract. This is based upon what is called the 'Law of Attraction,' and your mind is an amazingly powerful instrument. When you believe something very strongly, it's eventually going to happen.

This is real mind power! If you can think and feel and believe that you will have a great life, then you will. First you must imagine it and that takes practice. But with persistence in anything you do, you can achieve success. The mind is a remarkable thing.

While all this is true, most of us can't get past the negative aura of the past. You've probably spent several years trying to overcome that negativity with no positive results.

And that may be why we feel like we're having a lot of trouble. We may think negatively because we don't believe that what we want to have can actually be ours. So what that means is that we continue to attract more negative things instead of more positive things. However, if you take a look at it honestly, you'll know that the life you have in front of you is the one you've thought about and attracted to you.

Your mind is the filter through which you see the real world; what you perceive and make yourself aware of is what you act upon. If you make your attitude positive, you'll notice more positive outcomes, and you can use your subconscious mind power to draw more beneficial results to you.

Think about something you want to have happen in your life, then put your subconscious mind power into bringing it in to reality. If you believe in negative things, you will bring negative things. If you believe in positive events, then they can occur.

There are some things you can begin to do today to use your mind power more fully. One way to do this is through visualization. Visualization is a powerful tool that can have a noticeable impact on your day to day life. In the process it will expand your mind power and enhance your ability to bring the things you want into yo! ur life.

Visualization is simply taking the time to think through what it would be like to have achieved your goal, to focus on it, to take it into your mental fortress and let it seep into your subconscious. Make mental images and explore them. It will help you recognize the opportunities to make those images into reality when you encounter them.

What this is doing is imprinting your subconscious mind with opportunities to excel. Use this to shape how you want your life to be when this all works.

Write things down like a story on a piece of paper. Use your goals to help your create your visions and guide you on what to write. Your goals should be the basis for your visualization. Write things down until what you write starts to become reality.

You can also increase your mind power by doing affirmations. Affirmations are simply little pieces of encouragement that you give yourself as you go throughout your day. It can be a bit of positive encouragement about anything. For example, you can say that you're going to lose 10 pounds in a month.

Keep telling yourself those positive things, it really will all happen! If you do it consecutively for 28 days it automatically becomes a habit.

One training process that can be interesting is the use of brainwave entertainment. This is where you listen to some sort of audio frequencies to change those thoughts in your mind to positive ones. The mind is one of the best healing utilities your body has and if you can train the mind properly, you can increase this relentlessly. Maybe you've spent the last couple years forgetting more than you're remembering and need a little memory boost.

Other things are improved concentration abilities and greatly expanded memories. This is an advanced technique, and it can work wonders if you let it.

Hypnosis works to enhance mind power by relaxing and getting into your subconscious mind. Take for instance those who use hypnosis to quit smoking. What do they do? They simply go to a session, relax! , and li sten to someone tell them over and over again that they do not want to smoke anymore, and that they no longer have the desire, they are ready to quit, and then it happens for them.

This process simply takes someone who doesn't believe in themselves to the point where they do believe that they can overcome the addiction.

So as you can see, everyone has this type of mind power, but they just have to believe in their abilities. It may not happen overnight, but you can change your life and turn things around if they're not going so well for you. To do this, you have to be able to direct your energies into the universe and know that what comes back to you is what you have manifested.

But it all starts within the subconscious mind. How much mind power do you have?

About the Author

Explore the phenomena of using your secret mind power by visiting the popular http://www.mindpower-info.com website. Find out what is meant by power mind for yourself. Visit here and get your FREE DVD Package.

Mindfulness Meditation Technique for Relaxation and Health

restartyourheart.com Mindie Kniss on Mindfulness Meditation, Awesomeness Fest 2010, Costa Rica

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Psychic Meditation

Posted: 13 Jan 2012 12:00 AM PST

by kahala

Article by Kelly Keys

As I have said many times meditation is the foundation of psychic ability. When you want to improve anything in your life such as relationships or a financial situation, meditation unlocks the negativity that gets trapped in our beings.

Our minds fill up with negativity every single day because we are always on the go, the news is rarely positive, the traffic stresses us out, we worry about our children, and maybe our health is suffering or someone we love is ill. The list goes on and on. Our goal is tolet go of the negativity in our daily lives by achieving psychic meditation.

Meditation helps us to achieve a peaceful and happy life that is complete and content.There are a number of helpful things to do to enhance meditation:

* Sit up straight; in a chair or on the floor, but with a straight spine.

* Meditate every single day; before long you can't imagine skipping a day.

* Morning is the best time to meditate to get your psychic abilities flowing. The morning is best, before the day's activities get going and the stress kicks in.

* Find a calm, peaceful and quiet environment. This is very important with meditation.

* Music is a personal choice. If you play music, listen to calming instrumental music.

You want to concentrate and focus deeply on a solid object or your breath. You want to learn with practice how to lose all other thoughts that seem to push their way into our minds while meditating. Psychic meditation is about concentration. You will learn to let everything go even when you aren't meditating. You will be mindful during the day to remain mentally calm.

Start out with your meditation for 10 minutes every day and work up to 30 minutes even two times a day. Meditation will literally change your life for the better and it will enable you to develop your psychic intuitiveness.

About the Author

Begin your meditation journey right now and have peace when trying to get the child to eat their peas! Learn how today. Kelly recommends http://www.linkshield.com/c/1001_23

Chakra Balancing for the Anahata Heart Chakra Fourth Chakra Healing Meditation

Please Read :) 20% discount for our YouTube Friends! We really appreciate all of your wonderful comments and support! This Hypnotic Tibetan Singing Bowl, Affirmation and Solfeggio Frequency video is attuned to the Heart Chakra. It is designed for your energetic spiritual awakening, and personal enjoyment! It is not meant to treat any medical or psychological condition. SPECIAL 20% DISCOUNT Use code UTB in the download shopping cart! (Not good for the DVD, downloads only) Did you know, we have the Full length Seven Chakra DVD, plus downloadable Chakra Healing videos and MP3s? chakrahealingsounds.com. We're also available on Amazon.com and iTunes. Deep, energy shifting Gamma, Alpha, Theta and Delta Meditation binaural beat Chakra Healing Suites and Alpha binaural beat individual Chakra Balancing MP3s and CDs. Dr. Jane Ma'ati Smith C.Hyp. Msc.D. is a certified hypnotist, a gifted sound energy healer and Reiki master, a spiritual counselor and a doctor of metaphysical science; she is not a medical or psychiatric doctor, and can not give advice on medical or psychological conditions.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Learn How Reiki Can Help You Reduce Your Stress

Posted: 12 Jan 2012 11:00 PM PST

Article by Kathryn Eckley

Reiki is the most fabulous tool for stress reduction that can be used anywhere, by anyone, without the need for any fancy equipment.

Once you are attuned to the Reiki energy by a Reiki Master, you have the ability to channel Reiki to help yourself and others for life!

Even if you stop using Reiki for a period of time, you still have the ability to channel Reiki energy anytime you choose to do so.

How fabulous is that?

After completing Reiki Level 1 you will have a stress reduction technique, that you can use to help yourself relax, whenever you want, even while watching television!

Even better there are no difficult exams that need to be passed, it is a simple hands on healing type technique that increases inner peace and calms.

Reiki will give you exactly what is right for you at any particular moment, you don`t need to direct it, you simply relax and let it flow.

Reiki works on your mind, body spirit and emotions.

It treats you as a • whole• and as such Reiki can help you with anything.

One of the Reiki ideals that is introduced at the foundation level, Reiki Level 1 states:

• Just for toady do not worry•

Consider, how great it would be if you never worried about anything?

Mmmmmm• .

Well I have to say that sometimes this is a simple thing to do, especially if everything is going well.

Sometimes it is easier to start smaller and then gradually work up to doing a whole day worry free.

At times of great stress and worry consider: • Just for two minutes do not worry• and then build up to • Just for five minutes do not worry• , • Just for ten minutes do not worry• and so on , until you are up to a whole day of not worrying.

Maybe even say" Just for this next two minues......"

Take as long as you like, there is no rush • the great thing is Reiki will guide you what is right for you at any particular time in your life.

Any period of not worrying is reducing you! r stress , helping your body relax and rebalance.

You would not expect to run a marathon having never run before in your life• . So don`t be hard on yourself• all progress is progress, however small.

Notice your progress and congratulate yourself, take a moment to feel good about your improvement.

Celebrate with Reiki!

http://www.reikicoach.comKathryn Eckley - UK

About the Author

Usui,& Karuna Reiki Master Teacher & Reiki Drum Practitioner


A-1 Stress, by David R. Hawkins, Map of Consciousness

Check out more at -- www.veritaspub.com From Hawkins, originator or the map of consciousness, comes the original presentation of stress. Stress results from our point of view, from what we hold in mind, as well as from our attitudes and beliefs. The source of stress is within ourselves and not out in the world. There is no escaping stress in the world for it is self-created. Relief occurs from understanding its true cause. What is exhilarating to one person is debilitating to another. Dr. Hawkins describes methods of precluding stress rather than trying to alleviate its aftermath, which is the approach of the many so-called stress-reduction programs available today. For more information click on map of consciousness click on the link above ( www.veritaspub.com

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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How to get the Mind of a Zen Buddhist Monk

Posted: 12 Jan 2012 10:00 PM PST

Article by Mary Desaulniers

Copyright 2006 Mary Desaulniers

It has been 8 weeks since I started Bill Harris' Holosync Awakening Prologue. And I must say that I have been pleasantly surprised by the results. I was not looking for gut-wrenching changes in my personality. After all I am, on the whole, quite even in temperament. Like most folks, I am happy, confident and secure most of the time.

What attracted me to Bill Harris' program initially was the fact that his promises did not carry the usual sales pitch. He did not promise that all your dreams would materialize with the use of his product. Nor did he say that you would become infinitely wealthy or successful or that all your desires would be made manifest. What he did promise was that

a) you would become more happy, more tranquil;

b) you would improve your brain power--increase in learning ability, memory, intuition, creativity and concentration;

c) you would experience remarkable improvement in spiritual and emotional health;

d) you would ( if you follow through with the 12 levels of the program until the end) develop the brain state of a Zen Buddhist monk.

It was this last promise--that I can have the mind and brain state of a Zen Buddhist monk-- that really intrigued me. So I ordered the initial program--the Awakening Prologue online.

So far, 8 weeks into the program ( meditating 1 hour a day with Holosync), I have noticed

a)a remarkable ability on my part to focus on my work( writing),

b)increased creativity and productivity,

c)a deep, deep sense of happiness that wells up several times during the course of the day.

But what has been for me the most profound change is the ease with which I seem to enter a meta-consciousness, an "other" me looking at myself and all that happens to me in a detached, witnessing manner. It's as though I am able to enter an altered state that prevents me from judging or reacting with blind emotions. I am watching my response( whether it be joy, anger, annoyance) as ! though i t were someone else's, another reality, not mine. And the benefit of this detachment is the ability not to be aroused unnecessarily by circumstance.

Well, you are probably wondering, what is Holosync and how does it work?

In its simplest form, Holosync is meditation through neurotechnology. It is based on the work of Dr. Gerald Oster whose research into the effects of sound waves on brain wave patterns led to his use of sound to create desired electrical patterns in the brain, including those of a Zen Buddhist monk who has been meditating for over 20 years. Studies have shown that these monks have unusually balanced and synchronized whole brains, developed through years of focusing by repeating a prayer or mantra. The repetitive practice of meditation has created new neural pathways in their brains allowing them to experience the ineffable sense of oneness and connectedness so typical of spiritual experiences.

Instead of merely duplicating these brain wave patterns, Harris chose to view the entire Holosync meditation process as evolutionary which means that the brain is pushed by progressively stronger stimulus to develop new structures and new thresholds. And it is this search for stronger stimulus that led Harris to the use of progressively lower frequency carriers to push the brain to higher levels of organization.

Using the analogy of a runner, Harris explains the uniqueness of his meditation process in this way:

"Once the brain finished creating the pathways needed to handle the first set of frequencies we originally gave it, evolution would stop. We would be like a runner who could never increase his run to two, three or more miles.

"In terms of the running analogy I've used, lowering the carrier frequency is like adding more miles to your run. On the other hand, the meditative brainwave pattern caused by the beat frequency the brain creates in reconciling the Holosync tones corresponds to how fast you run. Slowing the brain wave from beta to alpha to theta to de! lta is l ike running increasingly faster. By allowing us to run faster and farther, carrier frequency allowed us to really push the brain to change."

The technology behind Holosync is part of a new revolution in neuroscience which sees brain wave entrainment as a means to enhanced brain power, health and longevity. Research now shows that the endorphins released when the brain is exposed to alpha and theta binaural beat patterns enhance many mental functions such as learning and memory. A recent study by Dr. Vincent Giampapa M.D. revealed that placing a listener in the various brain wave patterns using Holosync audio technology dramatically affects three hormones related to longevity and well-being. He found the following changes in levels of melatonin, DHEA and cortisol in 19 users of Holosync listening 4 hours a day over a 3 day period:

a)Over 68% had increases in DHEA ( the hormone that acts as a buffer against stress and aging) levels with an average increase of 43.77%.

b)Cortisol, the stress hormone, was down an average of 46.47%, with positive changes in 68% of the people.

c)Levels of melatonin, the hormone associated with restful sleep, increased an average of 97.77% with positive changes detected in over 73% of the participants.

The entire process of moving through the 12 levels of Holosync would take 7 years. This is really quite encouraging considering that a normal Buddhist monk would take 20 years or more of intense meditation to arrive at this level. For me, the die is cast. I am committed to the entire program; even the 7 year engagement is seductive because it tells me that this is not a simple exercise in magic, but a lifelong commitment to mind and spiritual development.

About the Author

A runner for 27 years, retired schoolteacher and writer, Mary is now doing what she loves--running, writing, helping people reclaim their bodies. Nutrition, exercise, positive vision and purposeful engagement are the tools used to turn their bodies into creative selves. You can subscribe to Mary's newsletter by contacting her at http://www.GreatBodyafter50secrets.com or visit her at http://www.greatbodyat50.com

Feminist Ideals In Buddhist Art

Posted: 12 Jan 2012 09:00 PM PST

Article by Victor Epand

Goddess Tara, who was a female Buddha and meditation deity, is arguably the most popular goddess in the Buddhist pantheon. She is considered to be the goddess of universal compassion who represents virtuous and enlightened activity.

The word Tara itself is derived from the root tri, which means to cross. It also implies the meaning of the one who enables living beings to cross the Ocean of Existence and Suffering. Her compassion for living beings and her desire to save them from suffering was said to be even stronger than a mother's love for her children. The story of Tara's origin, according to the Tara Tantra, recounts that eons ago she was born as a king's daughter.

As a spiritual and compassionate princess, she regularly gave offerings and prayers to the ordained monks and nuns. She developed great merit, and the monks told her that due to her spiritual attainments, they would pray that she would be reborn as a man and spread Buddhist teachings. She responded that there was no male and no female and that nothing existed in reality, and she wished to remain in female form to serve other beings until everyone reached enlightenment. She was implying to the short fall in the monk's knowledge in presuming that there could only be male preachers for the Buddhist religion.

This is why Tara might be considered one of the earliest feminists. Legend has it that Tara was born from the compassionate tears of Avalokiteshvara, which is Buddha of the form of compassion. Avalokiteshvara was looking down from his heaven on the world of suffering beings, and he wept to see that more and more of them were in pain. From the tears streaming down his face two Taras were born, a peaceful white one from the left and a fierce green one from the right. Tara is also often referred to as Avalokiteshvara's consort.

In a historical sense, Tara is associated with the two pious and virtuous wives of Tibet's first great religious king, Songsten Gambo. White Tara is associated with his wife from imperi! al China , Wen Cheng, and Green Tara is identified with Bhrkuti, his Nepalese wife. To the Buddhists the symbolism of color is of great import, and the sadhanas, which are the ancient manuals laying down procedures for worship, are very particular in stipulating the colors of the deities visualized.

This color is intended not only to unfold the nature of the deity represented, but also to indicate the functions to be performed by that deity. Specifically, colors are used in the paintings under a definite mystic scheme, based on the psychic experiences of the sadhaka or worshipper. It is no wonder then that her devotees visualize Tara in a myriad variety of colors. Tara has come in visions as red as the sun's ray and redder than the vermilion, while others see her in visions of sapphire blue. Still there are others that see her whiter than milk, then others see her as simply being golden.

The most popular of all the known forms of Tara are the widely worshipped Green and White Taras. It is believed that the first artists modeled Green Tara on a young virgin, and the White Tara on a physically mature, was a voluptuous woman. Traditionally, the Green Tara is visualized as young girl having a mischievous and playful nature, whhile the White Tara is represented as a mature woman, full-breasted and wise.

About the Author

Victor Epand is an expert consultant for Krishna art, religious gifts from India, and Hare Krishna books. Please visit these sites for Krishna art, religious gifts from India, and Tara.

Courteney Cox: David 'is my best friend'

Posted: 12 Jan 2012 09:00 PM PST

Courteney Cox and David Arquette remain close and run their production company together, Coquette Productions.
Courteney Cox and David Arquette remain close and run their production company together, Coquette Productions.
  • "[David Arquette is] my favorite person in the world," Courteney Cox told PEOPLE
  • Cox and Arquette separated in fall 2010 after 11 years of marriage
  • "[We went out to celebrate] David's one year of sobriety," Cox says

(PEOPLE.com) -- They may be the happiest unmarried couple in L.A.

"He's my favorite person in the world," Courteney Cox told PEOPLE of her estranged husband David Arquette at the "Cougar Town" TCA party. "He's my best friend. No matter what happens in our future, he's my very best friend."

Cox and Arquette, who separated in fall 2010 after 11 years of marriage, remain close and together run their production company, Coquette Productions, that has some art-imitating-life projects in the works.

Cox tells PEOPLE, "We sold one show, 'Ten Year,' about a couple who separated after 10 years of marriage. It's not really about David and me, but it's something we related to and we thought we should tell a story about people who could actually get along after being separated. It's telling a different version."

As far as Arquette's recovery after rehab for alcohol abuse, his No. 1 supporter says they just celebrated a milestone. "[We went out to celebrate] David's one year of sobriety," Cox says. "He's great. Good for him."

See the full article at PEOPLE.com.

© 2011 People and Time Inc. All rights reserved.

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Quan Am Pagoda, Cholon, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Quan Am Pagoda was founded in 1816 by Chinese residents of Cholon in Vietnam. Since that time, Cholon and Saigon have grown together, and are now both part of Ho Chi Minh City. Quan Am Pagoda is an active site of worship for Buddhists. This video shows the shrines to Quan Am (Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva of compassion), Sun Wukong ("monkey"), and Bao Cong (the divine judge).

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A Shift in Consciousness

Posted: 12 Jan 2012 08:00 PM PST

Article by Suzanne Rose

Connection Between Quantum Physics and Consciousness

www.encognitive.com We may suspect that quantum mechanics and consciousness are related, but the details are not at all clear. In this paper, I suggest how the mind and brain might fit together intimately while still maintaining distinct identities. The connection is based on the correspondence of similar functions in both the mind and the quantum-mechanical brain. Accompanying material for a talk at The Second Mind and Brain Symposium held at the Institute of Psychiatry, Denmark Hill, London on 20th October, 1990. Ian J. Thompson Physics Department, University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 5XH, UK October, 1990. ======================= The Mind-Brain Problem The problem of the relation between mind and body is well known as a difficult `world knot'. Over the centuries various monistic and dualistic theories have been proposed, and the subject has had renewed interest as we try to assimilate the implications of quantum physics. These implications may make us reexamine our views of brains and bodies, but it is still not clear what consequences they have for our understanding of minds. http

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Courteney Cox: David Arquette 'is my best friend'

Posted: 12 Jan 2012 08:00 PM PST

Courteney Cox and David Arquette remain close and run their production company together, Coquette Productions.
Courteney Cox and David Arquette remain close and run their production company together, Coquette Productions.
  • "[David Arquette is] my favorite person in the world," Courteney Cox told PEOPLE
  • Cox and Arquette separated in fall 2010 after 11 years of marriage
  • "[We went out to celebrate] David's one year of sobriety," Cox says

(PEOPLE.com) -- They may be the happiest unmarried couple in L.A.

"He's my favorite person in the world," Courteney Cox told PEOPLE of her estranged husband David Arquette at the "Cougar Town" TCA party. "He's my best friend. No matter what happens in our future, he's my very best friend."

Cox and Arquette, who separated in fall 2010 after 11 years of marriage, remain close and together run their production company, Coquette Productions, that has some art-imitating-life projects in the works.

Cox tells PEOPLE, "We sold one show, 'Ten Year,' about a couple who separated after 10 years of marriage. It's not really about David and me, but it's something we related to and we thought we should tell a story about people who could actually get along after being separated. It's telling a different version."

As far as Arquette's recovery after rehab for alcohol abuse, his No. 1 supporter says they just celebrated a milestone. "[We went out to celebrate] David's one year of sobriety," Cox says. "He's great. Good for him."

See the full article at PEOPLE.com.

© 2011 People and Time Inc. All rights reserved.

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Sam Harris: MSNBC

Sam Harris is the author of the New York Times bestsellers, The End of Faith and Letter to a Christian Nation. The End of Faith won the 2005 PEN Award for Nonfiction. Mr. Harris' writing has been published in over fifteen languages. He and his work have been discussed in Newsweek, TIME, The New York Times, Scientific American, Nature, Rolling Stone, and many other journals. His writing has appeared in Newsweek, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Times (London), The Boston Globe, The Atlantic, The Annals of Neurology, and elsewhere. Mr. Harris is a Co-Founder and CEO of Project Reason, a nonprofit foundation devoted to spreading scientific knowledge and secular values in society. He received a degree in philosophy from Stanford University and a Ph.D. in neuroscience from UCLA. www.samharris.org

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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