Health Benefits Of Meditation

Health Benefits Of Meditation

Health Benefits Of Meditation

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 12:00 PM PST

Article by Michelle Spencer

Just to be more relaxed each day is enormously valuable for our health. Meditation takes us one step further. Hundreds of.medical surveys support the contention that meditation is good for health. These are the most common findings.

Meditation releases muscular tension. This automatically relieves pain, increases mobility and lets the body relax.

The breath, the body fluids and the nerve impulses can flow more freely.

Meditation lowers high blood pressure. The release in muscular tension makes the body more pliable. The heart doesn't have to pump as hard to force the blood through the veins and arteries. When stressed, our blood becomes thick with cholesterol This thins out when we relax.

Meditation stimulates the immune system and the production of white blood cells. The immune system winds down when the body is stressed. The healing process works best when the body is relaxed or sleeping.

Meditation speeds recovery rates after illness or surgery. Meditation opens constricted air passages. It is particularly good for asthmatics or hayfever sufferers.

Meditation increases blood circulation to the digestive tract, the skin and the brain. When we are stressed, our digestive system shuts down. The blood supply is redirected into the big muscles for the "fight-or-flight" reflex. Meditation reverses this, and the digestive system can function efficiently again.

The flow of blood to the skin and the extremities can be directly experienced as a pleasant tingling when you relax. Improved circulation means the entire body is better fed with nutrients and waste products removed more efficiently.

Meditation dramatically affects hormonal activity. This is a complex finding that still needs interpretation. Obviously, the stress hormones diminish during meditation. However it also appears that a mediator's pattern of hormonal secretions is generally typical of someone five or ten years younger than themselves. This suggests that the physical stresses of age do no! t weigh so heavily on a meditator. Meditators are like people who are very fit.

About the Author

There are many reasons why people learn how to meditate, but the health benefits of meditation are probably higher up most people lists than anything else. Find out how meditation can impact your life today.

For Breast Cancer Risk, Red Wine May Be Better than White

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 12:00 PM PST

red wine, white wine, benefits of wine, alcohol and health
CREDIT: Wine photo via Shutterstock

Women who drink red wine may have a lower risk of breast cancer than women who drink white wine, a small new study suggests. 

The results show that premenopausal women who drank 8 ounces of cabernet sauvignon every night for about a month had lower estrogen levels than women who drank white wine. Increased estrogen levels have been linked to breast cancer.

Much research has linked increased consumption of alcohol with an increased risk of breast cancer, the researchers say.

Still, previous studies have found that red grapes, grape juice, grape seed extract and red wine contain compounds called aromatase inhibitors, which can lower estrogen production. Drugs made from aromatase inhibitors are used to treat some types of breast cancer in postmenopausal women; this study was the first to examine whether red wine might also have an estrogen-lowering effect in younger women. 

"I'd say that if someone is not a drinker, they shouldn't start drinking," said Dr. Glenn Braunstein, chairman of the Department of Medicine at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles and co-author of the study."But if someone is a wine drinker, they should stick to red wine."

Red vs. white

For the study, researchers recruited 36, healthy premenopausal women around age 36. The women were told to drink 8 ounces of either cabernet sauvignon or chardonnay each evening for three weeks, and then to drink the other type of wine each night for another three weeks.

The women did not consume any grape products, or other alcoholic drinks during the study. Throughout the study, researchers collected blood samples to measure hormone levels.  

They found that during the three weeks of cabernet drinking, women showed a slight decrease in estrogen, and an increase in testosterone, which could mean that red wine may act as an aromatase inhibitor in younger women.

"The estrogen dropped about 10 percent, and free testosterone went up a little over 10 percent," Braunstein said. Those changes were "all going in the direction you'd expect with aromatase inhibitors," he said.

That degree of change in hormone levels is unlikely to bring unwanted side effects, according to Braunstein. "They had pretty normal hormonal changes. There would be no long-term effects, like osteoporosis, at these levels."

Still, the findings are modest, he acknowledged."We would have liked to have had more robust findings," Braunstein said.  "We didn't have enough subjects to see smaller changes."

Does red wine have different effects on breast cancer than other alcoholic drinks?

Braunstein, and other doctors who were not involved in the study ,said that people should view the results with caution.

Braunstein would have liked to conduct the study for a longer period of time and have had more participants.

"Also, we asked people not to drink other alcohol or eat grapes or raisins, but we did not control their diets," he said.

Dr. Wendy Chen, an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School who was not involved in the study, said she found fault with the study's methodology.

"They used an unusual way of analyzing the data," Chen said. Hormone levels can vary greatly between people, so researchers usually look at how one person's levels change over time. Instead, the researchers averaged values for each group, she said.

Chen studies the relationship between alcohol and breast cancer, and recently published a study that found that women who drink frequently, regardless of the type of alcohol, have an increased chance of developing breast cancer. 

Her findings are in line with many other studies showing that increased consumption of alcohol is linked with an increased risk of breast cancer.

"The big question is that there is plenty of data that links alcohol to breast cancer, but it is unclear if wine has the same effects as other types of alcohol," Braunstein said. "I would posit that it doesn't have the same effect."

Pass it on: Drinking red wine instead of white may offer women a lower risk of breast cancer.

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RSA Animate -- Crisis of Capitalism

In this short RSA Animate, radical sociologist David Harvey asks if it is time to look beyond capitalism, towards a new social order that would allow us to live within a system that could be responsible, just and humane. View his full lecture at the RSA.

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I have no real friends in England, says Mario Balotelli

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 12:00 PM PST

London, Jan 11 (ANI): Mario Balotelli, who is well known for his outrageous antics off the pitch, feels that he has no real friends in his 'adopted city' England and insists that the stories about him are "always exaggerated".

The Manchester City star revealed that he would be happiest if people would stop talking about him and let him get on with his day job.

"Someone should explain to adults and elderly people that I'm not the only rich young footballer," the Mirror quoted him as telling in an interview with Italian Vogue magazine.

"I'm 21 and I've been living far from home for almost two years now. I adapted well, but I don't have real friends here."

The Italian star - infamous for throwing darts at youth players, wrecking 100,000 pounds cars, trying to break into a women's prison or setting off fireworks in his bathroom - expressed his exasperation when media blows up the issues surrounding him.

"The most annoying thing is that in Italy those foolish talks are re-used and amplified without checking," he said.

"If I buy a Fiat Uno, I'll read that for a man like me a Ferrari was more suitable. If instead I buy a Ferrari, they'll write that I should have kept my feet on the ground and bought a Fiat.

"If I smile, I'm not serious. If I don't smile, I'm a rich sulker that doesn't enjoy having the most beautiful job in the world," he added. (ANI)

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Namgyal Monks chant

Namgyal Monks visit The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum from the Dalai Lama's private monastery in Dharamsala, India for The Compassionate Mandala Tour. The tour includes a Tibetan concert featuring traditional multi-phonic chanting, nomadic songs with modern rhythms and riffs; the creation and dissolution of a sand mandala.

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Posted: 11 Jan 2012 11:00 AM PST

Article by Richard A. Manfredi

Zen monks reciting

Monks reciting at a Buddhist temple in Kyoto, Japan

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Newfound Hormone Irisin Could Fight Obesity and Diabetes

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 11:00 AM PST

CREDIT: Hartphotography | Dreamstime

A newly identified hormone that mimics the effects of exercise could one day help people lose weight and fight obesity-linked diseases without surgery.

Lab mice that were injected with this hormone lost weight and improved regulation of their blood sugar levels, which lowered their risk of diabetes, according to researchers in a new study. Normally the hormone, which the researchers have named irisin, builds up in the blood of people after doing months of endurance exercise.

The findings are detailed today (Jan. 11) in the journal Nature.

"This work represents a very important discovery because it has the potential of generating a new treatment" for obesity and its related diseases, such as Type 2 diabetes, said Sven Enerbäck, a geneticist specializing in obesity-related conditions at GöteborgUniversity in Sweden, who wasn't involved in the study.

Such diseases are an enormous health problem in many parts of the world, Enerbäcktold MyHealthNewsDaily.

Slimming substance

Clues to this hormone's existence came from prior research conducted by Bruce Spiegelman, lead investigator of the new study. Spiegelman, who is a cell biologist at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School, and his collaborators had found another protein whose levels increase after exercise, strengthening the muscles.

Like exercise itself, that protein had effects throughout the body. Mice with high levels of it were protected against obesity and diabetes.

"We knew the effect wasn't only limited to muscle," said study researcher Pontus Bostrom, a cell biologist at Harvard.

But what was not clear was exactly how exercised muscles communicate with the rest of the body to cause these widespread effects, Bostrom said. So the team searched for related proteins that were made by muscle cells, and found one that rose after endurance exercise and traveled through the bloodstream to other tissues.

They named it irisin, after the Greek messenger goddess Iris.

They found the hormone accumulated in the blood of mice after three weeks of running on a wheel, and in the blood of people after 10 weeks of endurance exercise.

When the team boosted irisin levels in mice through an injection, their fat cells consumed more oxygen and burned more calories.

The researchers next tested the hormone's effects in obese mice on a high-fat diet. They found the animals became slightly leaner within 10 days of being treated with a precursor to irisin.

These mice also showed an improved ability to regulate their blood sugar levels, which could help prevent diabetes, and the mice displayed no adverse reactions, according to the study.

Tantalizing treatment

Because the structure of irisin in mice and humans is identical, the hormone probably plays a similar role in us, Enerbäck said.

Moreover, the process of developing irisin into a drug could be faster and less complicated than with some other drugs because irisin is naturally produced in the body, he said. "If everything works as positive as possible, then I think it could be available six years from now."

This would be good news for those who have tried changing their diet and exercising more but still have been unable to lose weight, Enerbäck said. "This hormone could speed up that process and make it easier for people to achieve these goals once they have decided to change their lifestyle."

In the meantime, Bostrom said, there is "a vast set of questions to address." He and his collaborators will test whether long-term treatment with irisin can lead to more dramatic weight loss and improve other obesity-related conditions, such as hypertension and heart disease.

"In the future, we hope to be able to give this as a therapeutic to treat metabolic diseases, but there's a long road ahead," he said.

Pass it on: Irisin, a newfound hormone, may stimulate weight loss and improve health by mimicking the effects of exercise.

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Mind Power Mp3 Review: Meditation Download for Brain Entrainment

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 10:01 AM PST

Article by Danny Bauman

Brainwave Generator, Brain Entrainment and Hypnosis Downloads are great technologies with which we can train our brain. We can make our brain function at its full potential. These are the recorded programs of various musical tones and rhythms or a cycle of hypnotic suggestions. Working of all these programs is to a great extent quite similar to one another. They will train your brain up to a particularly designed frequency level.

With all downloads you can turn yourself into an induced state of altered consciousness. You can use them for many purposes. They can be used for entertainment, conversation and therapy. With hypnosis downloads you become highly suggestible to what the hypnotherapist says. It works in a real effective manner. You can also lose weight along with many other targets to achieve with their help.

What all the brainwave generator, brain entrainment and hypnosis downloads can do and how:

As we know how busy we have gone now a days, it becomes all the more important to us. Work has become the central theme of life these days. For this we have to keep working continuously for many hours a day in a row. It does not let the brain remain relaxed at all. But giving rest to the brain is as equally important as our work is. Maintaining balance between our day to day activities and a relaxed state of mind will keep our brain healthy. A healthy mind can work and think at its full potential. That is why it is very important to feel and experience the state of meditation in your daily routine without fail everyday.

How does one feel with brainwave generator, brain entrainment and hypnosis downloads:

With the help of these technologies comprising brainwave generator, brain entrainment and hypnosis downloads we can step into a relaxed state of awareness. It also permits us to step into a deep meditative state. It takes very little time to perform its function to its fullness. Moreover we can also use these brainwave generator, brain entrainment and hypnosis downl! oads for many other purposes as well.

Delta, Theta, Alpha and Beta are the four frequency levels in the functioning of brain. All these are linked with different states of consciousness. Our brain function passes through all the frequencies on a regular basis. These frequency levels depict how the brain is working at that particular moment. But it will always be that one frequency level is much higher than the others at that given moment of time.

Delta frequencies activate deep sleep or conscious relaxation. They are the slowest frequencies inside the brain. They lie between 1 and 4 hertz.

After delta frequencies come theta. This level operates when we are preparing to sleep. This can also occur when we are in a deep state of meditation or dreaming about something. Our thoughts are floating aimlessly and they start generating a life of their own.

Many people are using brainwave generator, brain entrainment and hypnosis downloads so that they can experience relaxation and meditation states. These wonderful states make them forget all about their tensions. It also makes them experience a whole new spectrum of awareness.

Alpha frequency level lies above theta. This state occurs when we are involved in some kind of casual work or just talking with someone. At this point of time we are in alpha state. Level of the frequency is between 8 and 14 Hz.

Beta level lies above alpha.When our mind is fully alert and we are doing something very important which requires direct attention. At such times we are in beta state.

Now a days people mostly stay in beta state. They keep scanning their thoughts 24 hours a day. This is the reason behind the unhealthy brain that humanity possesses in the present scenario of existence. We never provide rest to our brain and hence are never able to experience a meditative state in our life.

Brainwave generator and brain entrainment control beta waves and entrain them into alpha and theta waves. This is what they are supposed to do.

There a! re many different brainwave generator, brain entrainment and hypnosis downloads through which we can take our brain into a meditative state. But binaural beats are the most popular and effective ones. Binaural beats are a particular kind of audio signals. These signals are very different from each other as the frequencies they use are very different too. Stereoes are used to record the beats so that left and right channels can be played at slightly different frequencies.This also separates left audio channel from the right audio channel. 800 Hz and 810 Hz, for instance, are the two frequencies which can be used to run these two different channels. First these signals are accepted with the help of ears. After this the brain tends to get entrained to the frequency difference between the two.

These brainwave generator, brain entrainment and hypnosis downloads are very effective. With them we can power up our brain, experience meditative and relaxation states. This also makes us realize our higher potential lying deep within the very essential core of our human existence.

Now many kinds of brainwave generator, brain entrainment and hypnosis downloads are there. Here on this site named Brainwave Generator, Brain Entrainment and Hypnosis Downloads, you will be able to review which one of them is the best suiting your needs and requirements. We will review the best brainwave generator, brain entrainment and hypnosis downloads available all over the net so that you are able to get the best bet for you.

Keep visiting every now and then as we are sure that you will find some new technique added to this Brainwave Generator, Brain Entrainment and Hypnosis Downloads site every time you come again.

Related articles in Brainwave Generator, Brain Entrainment and Hypnosis Downloads:

Hypnosis Downloads Review

Hypnosis Downloads

About the Author

Mind Power Mp3 Review Team searched through websites to investigate best meditation download for brain entrainment. Our consciousness, our body, words, music, indeed the entire universe is full of vibration. They all are nothing more than vibration of energy.

Sitali - Yoga Breathing exercise for freshness & relaxation

Sitali, the cooling breath, enables you to cool down, to relax, control appetite if you are on a diet and to prevent headache. It is a Pranayama to reduce an access of Pitta, of fire. With the help of this Pranayama you can achieve serenity and calmness of mind. You can practice sitting in front of the computer, at work, at home or anywhere. You can sit on the floor or on a chair. Presented by Lisa and Sukadev

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Learning about life by riding the waves of Costa Rica

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 10:00 AM PST

They say that Costa Ricans are the happiest people on Earth. Whether it's the World Database of Happiness or the Happy Planet Index, Costa Rica regularly comes out on top in terms of self-satisfaction about life. No surprise, given Costa Rica's "pura vida" lifestyle.

Curious about this pure life, I ventured to the town of Tamarindo, to seek some higher learning at surf school.

After a refresher lesson with a gentle instructor on Day 1, I was paired the next day with instructor Percy Lawrence. He had an infectious smile and spirit; I knew my surf education was about to change.

As we walked out to the ocean, I was keen to jump on the board, but Percy kept me on the beach, lying on the board and paddling into the sand, a sure sign of a novice surfer.

"Paddle, paddle," Percy instructed. "You have to practise, and build your muscle memory."

I finally passed the "paddle the sand" test and stood up, but Percy continued to keep me from the water, telling me to watch the waves.

He asked, "How long did it take for those waves to get here?" Still in ultra-analytic city mode, I did some quick calculations in my head, desperately trying to recall late-night news explanations of how long it takes a tsunami to travel across the Pacific.

"Umm, three weeks?" I said, tentative in my response, but confident there was a right or wrong answer.

"Maybe," Percy said slowly, "Maybe less, maybe more. But it doesn't matter anymore. What matters is that the wave has travelled all the way here, and now, you have the privilege of riding it."

After briefly rolling my eyes at his philosophical rhetoric, I had a reality check. Not everything had to be right or wrong here. In that moment, I left my city mentality behind in favour of a pura vida attitude.

Over the next several days, Percy alternately encouraged, yelled, praised and criticized.

I limped out of the water at the end of each day, but every morning returned for more. Beyond gaining confidence on the board, I couldn't help but draw some parallels between surfing and life.

Look ahead, don't look down

Too often, we find ourselves in a hunched position, looking down - at our desks, holding snow shovels or over a keyboard. In surfing, you have to keep your eyes up, and trust that your feet will land on the board where they need to be. On the water and in life, the waves will keep coming, whether you ride them or not. But life's more fun if you raise your head and choose to ride the waves.

Keep things simple

Most mornings at surf camp, I headed to the beach certain that I was forgetting to bring something.

Accustomed to the abundance of gear associated with most Canadian winter sports, it didn't seem right to head out the door barefoot, with just a board tucked awkwardly under my arm.

Keep life simple - look at everything around you, and understand the difference between what it is you want and what you really need.

Paddle, paddle

On the third day, I seemed to be doing everything right, but just as I stood up, the wave would get in front of me, and I would lose momentum and sink into the water.

"Paddle, paddle!" I could hear Percy cry. After a few missed attempts, he swam over to me, sensing I was frustrated. "Listen," he said.

"Why do you stop paddling when the wave starts to push you? That's when you need to give two really hard paddles. Why do all that work and then just stop?"

He was right. Never stop at 90 per cent. The last 10 per cent is the hardest work, but often provides the best rewards.

Change up your supporting cast

Surfing is as much about the people around you as it is about the waves. In everyday life, we have lead actors in our lives, but we also have a huge set of supporting actors. Some enter our lives for a scene or two; some become part of our lifelong cast. This is particularly true when travelling. Let's face it, camaraderie is inevitable when you're paddling side by side, a wave is about to break on top of you and you have a split-second decision to go over, under or through. Getting to the other side of that wave together often turns a stranger into a friend.

Change up your supporting cast on a regular basis, and you'll gain a broader perspective on life.

On my last day surfing, I was out practising on my own and caught a great wave. As I gazed to shore, I soon realized I was going to run down Percy, who was coaching his next disciple in the whitewash. As I approached, I almost jumped off my board to avoid him, but when he saw me, his signature grin reappeared. 'Yeaaah!" he shouted, moving out of the way and enthusiastically waving me through. "Pura vida, man."

Back at my landlocked desk, 41 degrees latitude north of Costa Rica, I find that I think about waves at some point every day. How they sound, and how they curl. How, from the water, I saw the early morning sun peek over the hills and then watched that same golden globe sink into the sea at the end of the afternoon. I think about how next time, I'll get on my feet faster and paddle harder. And during the ebb and flow of daily life, I hope my own tide takes me back to the surf soon.

If you go

Getting there: For a shorter trek to Tamarindo, try to fly to Liberia, in the northwestern province of Guanacaste, about an hour's drive from Tamarindo.

Where to stay: I stayed at Witch's Rock Surf Camp, located on the beach. Pack-ages include lessons, board rental, accommodations, daily seminars and break-fast.

Surf's up: Surf schools are becoming widely available all over the world, ranging from one-day lessons to weeklong (or longer) surf expeditions.

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Mindfulness 101: separate your senses from your stories

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 09:12 AM PST

Oh, the stories I tell myself. As do you. As does everybody. We wouldn't be human if we weren't story tellers. 

I wake up in the morning. Almost immediately I recollect the basic narrative of my life.

I live in Oregon. I'm married to the woman in bed next to me. I need to get up, raise the thermostat to 69 degrees, and let our dog out of the downstairs room where she spends the night. Then... make coffee, take the dog outside, get the newspapers.

If I simply was aware of what my senses were telling me, I'd be unable to function. Even if I remembered my past, without being able to envision a plot-line for how the morning would go I'd be pretty much stuck in a meaningless present moment.

So what neuroscientists call the "narrative network" is vital, important, and essential. It's easy, though, to let all those narratives rambling through the brain in a monkey mind fashion overwhelm another way of being in the world: experiencing it sensorily. 

I first learned about these brain networks in Jon Kabat-Zinn's "Mindfulness for Beginners." 

It turns out that a recent scientific study from the University of Toronto has shown that there are different networks in the brain for different kinds of self-referencing of experience. One network, termed the Narrative Focus (NF), is active when we build a story based on our experience. It involves a great deal of thinking, often coupled with rumination and worry.

A second network, termed the Experiential Focus (EF), is active when we are grounded in what is being experienced in the present moment, when we are very much in the body and in unfolding sensory experience -- without all the evaluation of the narrative network.

Religions, of course, are almost entirely about the Narrative Focus. So are organized spiritual faiths and mystical teachings. They all involve stories about the purpose of life, God, supernatural entities, salvation, enlightenment, and so much more.

Thinking, praying, meditating, contemplating, introspection, self-improvement, devotion, rituals -- these are dependent on narratives. "If I do X, then Y will happen." "I came from here, and my goal is to reach there." "There's a plan for my life."

But it doesn't take religion to get our minds rocking and rolling to the almost non-stop music of Story, which tends to play inside our heads whenever there's some silence. David Rock talks about this in an interesting Psychology Today piece about the narrative and experiential networks.

One network for experiencing your experience involves what is called the "default network," which includes regions of the medial prefrontal cortex, along with memory regions such as the hippocampus. This network is called default because it becomes active when not much else is happening, and you think about yourself.

If you are sitting on the edge of a jetty in summer, a nice breeze blowing in your hair and a cold beer in your hand, instead of taking in the beautiful day you might find yourself thinking about what to cook for dinner tonight, and whether you will make a mess of the meal to the amusement of your partner. This is your default network in action. It's the network involved in planning, daydreaming and ruminating.

This default network also become active when you think about yourself or other people, it holds together a "narrative". A narrative is a story line with characters interacting with each other over time. The brain holds vast stores of information about your own and other people's history. When the default network is active, you are thinking about your history and future and all the people you know, including yourself, and how this giant tapestry of information weaves together. In this way, in the Farb study they like to call the default network the 'narrative' circuitry.

Like I said, this is the foundation of almost all religiosity, spirituality, and mysticism. A rose isn't just a rose. A chance meeting isn't just a chance meeting. Finding a parking spot on a busy street isn't just finding a parking spot on a busy street.

To a follower of Jesus, or a devotee of a guru (as I was for many years), events in everyday life aren't simply as they seem. They're filled with meaning, deep significance, cosmic import. Our lives are being guided. There's a story arc, a plot line, leading to a super-happy ending. 

Salvation! Enlightenment! God-realization!

True believers, even more than other people, have their minds filled with narratives about the past and future. Every action, every happening, every encounter -- they're potentially acts of God, messages from the divine. Life supposedly is to be lived in accord with the oft-cited adage: "We aren't human beings having spiritual experiences; we are spiritual beings having human experiences."

This attitude feeds the brain's narrative network, leaving the experiential side of us deprived. Yes, we need stories. But we also need to be in touch with, well, touch. Along with sight, hearing, taste, and smell.

Our senses ground us. Sensuality connects us with the world of not-us, thereby naturally bringing about the ego-loss and humility that organized forms of spirituality artificially strive for, yet typically fail to achieve. Rock goes on to say:

When you experience the world using this narrative network, you take in information from the outside world, process it through a filter of what everything means, and add your interpretations. Sitting on the dock with your narrative circuit active, a cool breeze isn't a cool breeze, it's a sign than summer will be over soon, which starts you thinking about where to go skiing, and whether your ski suit needs a dry clean.

...The Farb study shows there is a whole other way of experiencing experience. Scientists call this type of experience one of direct experience.

...When this direct experience network is activated, you are not thinking intently about the past or future, other people, or yourself, or considering much at all. Rather, you are experiencing information coming into your senses in real time. Sitting on the jetty, your attention is on the warmth of the sun on your skin, the cool breeze in your hair, and the cold beer in your hand.

...Experiencing the world through the direct experience network allows you to get closer to the reality of any event. You perceive more information about events occurring around you, as well as more accurate information about these events. Noticing more real-time information makes you more flexible in how you respond to the world. You also become less imprisoned by the past, your habits, expectations or assumptions, and more able to respond to events as they unfold.

Here we are. Where else could we be?

Unfortunately, often we're somewhere else: within the stories we tell inside our heads. At every moment we have a choice. Be here in directly experienced reality, or drift off into a mental realm of our own making. 

There's a balance to be struck between narrative and experiential living. Both are important. Both are essential. We just should be aware when we've gotten stuck in the plot-lines of our stories.

Taking a deep breath. Feeling the grass between the toes of bare feet. Patting the fur of a family pet. There are lots of ways to bring ourselves back into direct experience, leaving our stories behind.

Including, especially including, our religious story-telling.

[Here's a link to the 2007 study that forms the basis for popularized accounts of the research. It's fairly heavy reading, but, hey, it's science.]

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Quantum Buddhism manifestation part 3

Part 3: First approach of Quantum Buddhism regarding the ability to manifest, create, influence nature.

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The self doesn't suffer

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 09:01 AM PST

The Buddha has made it very clear in the Nikayas (Pali discourses) that what suffers is not our self.  Sound strange?  It shouldn't.  Unfortunately, some Buddhists—in fact lots of them—are under the mistaken impression that suffering should be equated with the self!  Again, I stress that suffering has nothing to do with our self, not when you come across this passage from the Samyutta-Nikaya.

"What is suffering is not the self (yam dukkham tadanattâ).  What is not the self should be seen as it really is with correct wisdom thus: This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self (na meso attâ)" (S. iii. 45).

This takes us to the obvious question:  What is not the self? The answer is easy.  What is not the self or anattâ consists of the Five Aggregates:  form, feeling, perception, mental impressions, and consciousness.  As a strict rule, I should never identify my self with the  Five Aggregates.  If I do, I am not following Dharma (P., dhamma).  So what does it mean to follow Dharma?

"Bhikkhus, when a bhikkhu is practicing in accordance with the Dhamma, this is what accords with the Dhamma: He should dwell engrossed in revulsion towards form, feeling, perception, mental impressions, and consciousness" (S. iii. 39).

An aside, let me add that the practice of Buddhism is simple and straightforward.  It gets complicated when there lacks a clear distinction between self (our Buddha-nature) and what is not the self, namely, the Five Aggregates which, incidentally, belong to Mara the Evil One.


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Global Financial Crisis Explained

The Short and Simple Story of the Credit Crisis. By Jonathan Jarvis. The goal of giving form to a complex situation like the credit crisis is to quickly supply the essence of the situation to those unfamiliar and uninitiated. This project was completed as part of my thesis work in the Media Design Program, a graduate studio at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California. For more on my broader thesis work exploring the use of new media to make sense of a increasingly complex world, visit

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Email Readings: Mind Tricks and Subconsious Energy

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 09:01 AM PST

Article by Jim Cassa

Email readings are a great way to get information on energy blocks we all have and to release these blockages. This is especially so with our inner selves, the mind tricks we experience on a daily basis, and how we apply our subconscious mind energy to everyday problems. A psychic email reading is a pathway to valuable answers. Psychics offer it as a tool for empowerment.

Every human being, including you reading this, has vast potential in our hearts and minds. Much of this great and beautiful potential energy we do not use. It remains latent. Then we have our mind playing tricks upon us. Our deep inner mind, the subconscious part, is both a dictator and a valuable servant. By tapping into our deep inner mind many things become possible. What seems like mind tricks before become realities as we manifest our desires into real life.

Email readings give us an opportunity to probe for and get psychic answers while staying in the privacy and comfort of our homes. Clairvoyants are good at identifying energy blocks. Once spotted these energy blocks become easier to release. Our energy can then be used for positive purposes. Joy enters into our lives and happiness becomes the norm.

The energy of electricity was an undiscovered power until someone smart enough harnessed it for our use and application. Its was present for thousands of years but untapped. We human beings are similar in that we can do many great things in life but often we feel chained and restricted. We also have untapped inner power.

Our fist step to understanding mind tricks and subconscious energy is to become aware of our inner mind. Awareness means knowing of its presence. When we know about something we very soon raise our energy and begin to steer our lives into the direction we wish to go.

Let us begin to apply our mind and inner strength in practical ways. Let us begin right now. Do you wish to wake up tomorrow at a certain time? Command your subconscious mind to take action and awaken at the appointed! hour. T he mind always listens to our higher self. You can command it into action as you desire. Our deep inner mind takes orders and listens to the outer conscious mind.

We have much to learn about the mind and the outer conscious part of us can instruct the subconscious mind on many things. You can even ask it to solve problems and give you answers and make life a better ride.

Email readings offer us a useful alternative to phone psychics. It reads the psychic energy in your life situation. It reveals mind tricks and uncovers subconscious energy. It is wise to make use of this powerful empowerment tool.

About the Author

The accurate psychic reading ability of Jim Cassa is well respected around the international globe. Jim has clients in Australia, Europe , and the USA. Get one of the best international psychics and call Jim for a reading now.

Understanding Mindfulness

What is mindfulness? Charlotte Thaarup-Owen of Creative Transformations gives practical insight into experiencing mindfulness.

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This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Integrating Channeling and Meditation

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST

Article by Terry Swejkoski

Spiritual Quantum Physics and the Runes

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 08:15 AM PST

Article by Ellis Peterson


The Age of Aquarius with its new paradigm of the Laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics will be with us for the next 2000 years.

It will be like a new highway for mankind to travel that by passes the old Piscean highway that leads to the 'Bates Motel.'

It is time for all of us to take this new highway or suffer the fate of those who stop at the Bates Motel.

There are three major functioning principles of the Laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics:

1. All is energy2. You never die3. Thoughts are things that create

Any of the Piscean principles, ideas, dogmas, religions etc that do not espouse these principles are doomed to travel the old road to 'Bates' and extinction.

Make sure you stay on the new Aquarian highway.

Another of the laws is that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.

There is neither time nor space there. There is only the here-now. Everything that ever was is or will be exists in this ocean.

Let's take a look at the runes and see if they fit into the new Age of Aquarius and the Laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics.

The runes are individual energy quanta packets that have always existed, exist now and will ever exist in the Quantum Ocean.

You can think about or meditate upon any rune and make contact with the energy quanta packet in the Quantum Ocean and attract the energy into your aura and into your life.

One of the great mysteries of the runes that fits hand in glove with these laws, was abstracted put of the Quantum Ocean by Guido Von List, the great German mystic and rune master.

He called it: "Enstehen - Sein - Vergehen - Zum Neven Entstehen."

"Arising - Being - Passing Away to New Arising."

This powerful concept of the runes can change your life once you grasp it. It tells mankind that you are born - die - and are reborn-again.

This idea takes all the fear out of your life. You ca! n slow d own and plan and do your activities more consciously knowing that you have all the time in the world (all worlds) to complete, to learn, to experience anything you desire.

Turn off the mind eroding TV and study the runes!

Runes are magical powers given to us by the Grand Architect of the Universe.

About the Author

Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory anot d dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has written over 200 articles. See them on his websites:

The 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse Book Recommendation

There are so many amazing books out there that I could recommend, but felt compelled to recommend this book in particular today because it closely aligns with a lot of the messages I give in my videos. This book truly has the potential to dramatically change your life for the better! :) Are you feeling confused, hopeless, and/ or overwhelmed with life these days? Are you seeking clarification about some aspect or many aspects of your life? Wanting to release what no longer serves you and feel more peace within? Wanting to go deeper within your being to uncover more of who you really are & feel that deep connection to your core essence? If any of the above applies to you, than this is the perfect book for you! Debbie touches upon the basics you need in order to get in touch with the deeper parts of your being, to heal yourself emotionally and spiritually, and to create a life that aligns with not only your highest good, but the highest good of all. I also recommend her other book "The Dark Side of the Light Chasers" which is all about embracing the shadow. :) FYI: I am not affiliated with Debbie Ford in anyway. I am simply recommending her book because I think it's an excellent book that can really help people. The exercises are simple, yet effective. I remember the first time I read it a couple years ago-- Pretty much everything I read aligned with me and continues to resonate to this day. Another FYI: I am now offering life coaching sessions that exclude the use of my ...

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Early Morning Meditation Inspiration - 1/11/2012

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 08:00 AM PST

"By letting go it all gets done."

~Lao Tzu
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