Vacations and Yoga in Costa Rica

Vacations and Yoga in Costa Rica

Vacations and Yoga in Costa Rica

Posted: 15 Jan 2012 02:00 PM PST

Article by Richard James

There are many people in the world who enjoy incorporating their favorite exercise routine such as yoga into their vacation or holiday. If you are one of these people consider doing yoga in Costa Rica. Costa Rica is a beautiful country with a myriad of different atmospheres that are perfect for your favorite pastime of yoga. Yoga in Costa Rica means getting to tune into the ultimate relaxation besides beautiful beaches or exotic rain forests.

When one chooses to do yoga in Costa Rica many times they choose to stay at a beautiful resort to add to their yoga experience. Here while you do yoga in Costa Rica you can stay in places that offer amenities such as a spas, saunas, pools and rooms with views of natural beauties such as the mountains, volcanoes, beaches, or river as. Many of these resorts know how much visitors like to do their yoga in Costa Rica so they try to combine these and give you package deals. With one of these deals you can get specials and discounts for your stay at while you do yoga in Costa Rica.

While staying at one of these resorts on your vacation to do yoga in Costa Rica you will find many different programs to take part of. Many of these allow you to take advanced yoga classes and help you on your own spiritual path as you do yoga in Costa Rica. May resorts offer their own teachers who can help you improve your own yoga techniques and help you with some of the more advanced poses that are involved with yoga. Taking a vacation to do yoga in Costa Rica is a great opportunity for those who are looking for some time away to get some peace and quiet or for couples who are looking to do yoga in a quiet atmosphere. Many of the resorts where you can do yoga in Costa Rica also offer group discounts. This is perfect for those who are involved in yoga classes back home. Not only will your perfect your yoga routines but will get a chance to perfect your meditation. Many of these resorts also include delicious nutritious meals because they understand the importance of physi! cal and spiritual health.

When you are not doing yoga in Costa Rica you can take advantage of some of the lovely attractions they have to offer. You can go white water rafting, take a hike in a beautiful cloud forest or a lovely rain forest, go on a nature cruise where you can see rare animals, go bird watching, snorkeling in the ocean, surfing or just relax on the beach while you soak up the sunshine. You will find the ultimate vacation when you decide to go away to do yoga in Costa Rica!

About the Author

For an aesthetic experience about yoga and surfing and Costa Rica Surf Camp, LaEscuela is the best place to visit. Besides, Costa Rica gives you the chance to escape from your routine life. What are you waiting for pal?

Yoga Has It All and Does It All

Posted: 15 Jan 2012 01:00 PM PST

Article by Kari Farmer

Yoga's benefits are becoming more and more known in the western world. A lot of people think of yoga as acrobatic poses. There's that pose that you're not sure if you're going to come out okay from. Or there's the one that just doesn't look humanly possible. How about the one that involves doing a push up which is hard enough just to do never mind hold.

Fortunately there's good news. Those poses are for when you become more flexible and stable and there's easier poses that you can begin with that anyone can do.

Yoga is not just for toning up and becoming more flexible though. Yoga is good for you physically, mentally, and spiritually. It's a tri-factor of health.

Increased energy and vitality, a calmer outlook on life, and a connection to the real you can all be expected from practicing yoga. It's really something you can't afford to not do if you are looking to be healthier and happier.

Yoga for the body

Yoga helps in many areas of physical fitness including flexibility, strength, muscle toning, and better breathing which means it creates a toned, flexible, and strong body. This obviously will help you to get up that extra flight of stairs or push yourself a little harder on the treadmill.

It improves respiration by learning how to breathe properly while doing the poses. Not a lot of people know how important breathing is but it can affect how you feel and look, your resistance to disease and even your life span.

There are poses that help your thyroid. That's right, there are several yoga postures that "massage" your thyroid and when you do these yoga postures the thyroid gland will feel relaxed, cleansed and cared-for. Your thyroid makes hormones that regulate your metabolism. So if your thyroid is not healthy, then your metabolism is not healthy. And since your metabolism is the rate at which you burn calories, when your metabolism is "off" you won't have the energy you need for a happy life and it will be almost impossible to lose weight.

You' ll feel and look stronger and eventually be able to do those poses you thought were out of reach.

Increased flexibility and strength can help prevent the causes of some types of back pain. Many people who suffer from back pain spend a lot of time sitting at a computer or driving a car. That can cause tightness and spinal compression, which you can begin to help with your yoga. It also will help with your alignment which will prevent many other types of pain.

Yoga for the mind

Yoga is excellent for stress relief. If you've ever done meditation then you know that concentrating on something whether it is listening to a sound or staring at an object focuses your mind and helps you let go of all the worries and problems that can plague it. So concentrating on your pose and most importantly your breath is an excellent form of calming yourself.

Yoga also gives you a heightened awareness of your body. Not the awareness of how much fat is hanging over your shorts but the movements your body makes or the muscles used to make those movements. The reason for this is the slow transition between poses. Knowing and appreciating what your body can do leads to greater self confidence and self esteem.

Yoga for the spirit

Just as the concentration of focusing on your breathing and pose helps with calming you down, it can also help get you to another level of spirituality or connection to that area of your life.

Yoga is a Sanskrit word. It means union with God. This union is a conscious union. We are all united with God but we are not aware of it. When we practice Yoga, we become conscious of our union with God through our stillness and awareness.

Once you feel that oneness, once you connect with yourself you will begin to understand your beliefs and what feels right to you. You'll recognize truth for what it is and I can attest that there's nothing better than that.

For an excellent book on the many ways yoga can help you go to gnani yoga and start fee! ling the benefits today.

About the Author

There are so many natural ways to improve our overall health. For some ideas check out my website at Manifest Connection and check out the health page.



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How Leader's Break the Stress Cycle

Posted: 15 Jan 2012 12:00 PM PST

Article by Ron Crossland

A leader's strength can become a toxic asset according to Geoff Tickey, Managing Director of Psychological Consultancy, Ltd. These dark side qualities "become apparent during novel or stressful periods, or when the individual feels relaxed and invulnerable." Stressful times truly do bring out the worst in even the best of us.

Recessions stress us. This recession has been long and deep. While we appear to be climbing out of this most difficult period, everyone agrees it will be a slow ascent. At this point even the heartiest have stress scars. It has been with us so long, has become so familiar, it may feel a permanent part of us.

Which is exactly what happens with chronic stress. Normally stress comes in phases, some time periods being more stressful than others. Our brains activate the stress control systems automatically when this happens: blood pressure increases, heart rate increases, and various chemicals get pumped into our system. But the stress usually occurs for some duration and falls away. Our brains are wired for this type of environment and they automatically relax the stress response systems and the mind and body return to a normal level.

However, according to Nuno Sousa of the Life and Health Sciences Research Institute at the University of Minho in Portugal and his colleagues after periods of unrelenting stress our stress coping mechanisms lock into place, even when the external stress cues disappear. The stress is gone, but the brain's stress response gets stuck to "on." It's like stress burn in. And that's a problem, because we continue to react as if there is stress after stressors evaporate. Given the global circumstances, the world's workforce is set up to stay in chronic stress mode during the coming recovery.

Being a leader causes stress by itself. Add layoffs, credit evaporation, a stalled global economy, and scandal and the stress of leadership can become strain, or chronic stress. The chronic stress epidemic we face likely affects more people, mo! re leade rs, than the swine flu will this winter.

According to an insightful study by the Center for Creative Leadership, external stressors on leaders are roughly the same across industry and company size. Customers, peers, bosses, and direct reports are the usual suspects for stress. Each of these cause about the same amount of stress, but the cause varies across the sources.

* Bosses cause stress primarily through insufficient support. In stressful times support needs to increase (which predictably places more stress on bosses), which means the snowball of stress at the top can become an avalanche by the time it rolls to the lower levels of leadership responsibility.* Peers cause stress because stressful times cause greater likelihood of competition and a fall-off in collaboration. When others stop collaborating, we tend to stop as well. Another downward cycle.* Direct reports stress centers around performance issues. Take away performance issues and stress reduces fast. Layoffs generally create more work for those that remain, which increases the likelihood of performance issues. * The same is true about customers. If they are unreasonably demanding or setting out of reach expectations, stress rapidly increases. If they are happy stress falls away. This stressor varies widely more across industry.

During normal times, successful leaders use well developed coping mechanisms to counteract stress. Unfortunately during protracted periods of stress, normal coping mechanisms begin to fail. When they fail we usually don't recognize they are not working, we simply assume we need to do them more. When we do them more they fail more and we actually get stuck in a rut of trying to defeat chronic stress with normal coping mechanisms. The brain gets stuck in stress mode and it gets stuck in coping mechanism mode that doesn't work. For example, most managers find exercise a helpful stress reduction activity. When stress goes up they exercise more. Adding more exercise time actually doesn't help, if you ar! e alread y exercising frequently. In fact it could harmful.

According to Dr. Sousa the most successful method to break the cycle is a long break: call it vacation, furlough, sabbatical, career change, or taking time off between jobs. Regardless of name, however, it needs to be four weeks in duration and preferably in an environment free of whatever was causing the stress. And you need to do stuff that is fun you don't ordinarily do.

The reason it works? You reset your coping strategy and your wonderful, plastic, adaptive brain can get out of the rut it gets in. But you need to be in a supportive environment. Being out of work reduces the former stress you may have experienced on the job, but actively looking for another job is simply another stressful job in itself.

Those who are between jobs for whatever reason and have the luxury of shifting gears to a more relaxing mode for a month before they return to the fray have an excellent opportunity to reset this stress cycle.

So leaders, if you want to make the most of what we all hope will be a recovery, you need to recover yourself. You need to refresh - not by coping as you always do, but by taking some extended time away so you can return refreshed and a be a source of inspiration, not stress, to your constituents. As psychologist Richard Farson advocates in his book, Management of the Absurd: Paradoxes in Leadership, even under normal times leaders need to, "raise their own morale as managers."

About the Author

Ron Crossland, co-author The Leader's Voice and The Leadership Experience. Former President, Tom Peters Company.

Thomas Roe: methods and resources for reducing anxiety

Lecture 04: Thomas Roe, a licensed clinical psychologist and the coordinator for graduate student counseling services at UC Davis, specializes in working with graduate students, stress and anxiety, and biofeedback. In this lecture he describes techniques students can use to reduce public speaking anxiety and explains the resources that the Counseling and Psychological Services center offers to students. At the end of the lecture, Barbara Myslik explains how to avoid some common mistakes speakers make and the "four C's" of public speaking.

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Is Your Mindset Secretly Making You Miserable? Here’s How to Fix It

Posted: 15 Jan 2012 12:00 PM PST

Is your mindset secretly ruining your life?

And if so, is there a way to fix it?

Michael Jordan wasn't considered the best basketball player of all time when he was starting out. In fact, he was cut from his varsity team when he was a sophomore. Instead of giving up, Jordan became even more determined, and spent hours upon hours practicing on the court and improving his skills.

When people look back, they say it was obvious that he was an amazing basketball player, but hindsight is always 20/20. What made the difference was his mindset, and what will make the difference in your life is your mindset.

The Two Mindsets: Fixed vs Growth
In her book, MindSet: The New Psychology of Success, Carol Dweck introduces two different mindsets: the fixed mindset, and the growth mindset. The fixed mindset puts their emphasis on talent. They avoid challenges, because they believe each failure reflects on who they are as a person, so they never want to "look bad."

This leads to excuses, blaming, and defensiveness whenever feedback is given or something goes wrong. It halts learning and leads to anything but success.

The growth mindset on the other hand focuses on learning, effort, and working hard. People with the growth mindset focus on learning from their mistakes, they claim responsibility and they constantly strive to improve.

Are You Stuck in the Fixed Mindset?
So, how do you know if you're stuck in the fixed mindset? You'll know because you avoid challenges, you give up when things aren't going right, and you think thoughts such as "I'm just not good at this, so I might as well give up."

It's the belief that you! should be great instantly and that you cannot improve or get better by effort, so what's the point in trying. Growth minded people experience frustration, but they keep moving forward and doing their best. They aren't perfect, they just realize it takes time to get better.

What About Context?
You can have a growth mindset in one context, such as learning, but have a fixed mindset in another context, such as social situations.

For example, you may believe that you can get better at anything if you apply yourself and study. But when it comes to social situations, you're stuck being the shy and awkward. Now, does this mean that you can magically become outgoing and energetic? Maybe not, but it does mean that you can improve and get better.

Carol Dweck discovered that shy people with the growth mindset were just as nervous as the fixed mindset people, but they saw it as a challenge and an opportunity to grow.

They had fun and they improved, while the fixed mindset people accepted their seemingly bad luck and tried to avoid social situations altogether.

Can You Change Your Mindset?

If you're stuck in the fixed mindset, you probably believe that mindsets cannot be changed, and that's when a change will help you the most.

Ironic, isn't it?

Change is possible, but it happens slowly (in most cases). The first step is to become aware of how your mindset is holding you back; notice where you want to avoid challenges, criticism, and feedback.

Then start looking at how you can begin to improve. If you want to do work you love, it happens one step at a time. Most people never start because they don't know exactly where to go, but the truth is that you don't have to know, you just have to start now.

You'll get better, smarter, and faster.

Does This Me! an Talen t Doesn't Exist?
Denying talent would be foolish. Some people are naturally better than others, but mere talent does not guarantee success. Many who have been talented have not been willing to put in the effort to improve, while many that haven't had talent have worked hard and gone onto become world class. This doesn't mean that you necessarily have to become world class. What it does mean is that you can go after your dreams. But know that it will take hard work. However, the harder you work, the more you learn, and the more you learn, the closer you get to your dreams.

There are no shortcuts and no quick-fixes, so start learning today.

Written on 1/15/2011 by Henri Junttila. Henri writes at Wake Up Cloud, where he shares his personal tips on how you can live the life you know you deserve. When you feel ready to take action, get his free course: How to Find Your Passion (And Build a Business Around It).Photo Credit: wolleydog

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Tibetan Yoga: Secrets of the Yogis of Tibet - Part 5

The Yogis of Tibet

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The Health Improvements Of Meditation

Posted: 15 Jan 2012 11:00 AM PST

Article by Vanwyhe Holowell

There has been an increasing interest in alternative healing modalities that take their influences from the realms of complementary, herbal, and alternative medicine. One of the healing modalities that have been studied with much success has been meditation. Meditation is a process of breathing, guided imagery, affirmations, and 'self-talk' designed to induce positive states of well-being, wholeness, and ultimately, healing in an individual.

Meditation could be a series of daily spoken or written statements and affirmations, or incorporated with yoga, walking, or other styles of exercise to create a total holistic affect. The overall benefits of meditation are evidenced in positive changes within the body, mind, and the spirit. Most of all meditation enables anybody being a restored and re-energized person without all the expenses of gyms, fitness instructors, and even sometimes, practitioners. It may be a self-driven effective personal practice that can help anybody and results is visible immediately.

The fundamental premise of meditation is self-guidance and self-inventory. The steps of meditation are made to allow people to obtain in touch with the inner person to in order to create outward changes. Meditation is rooted in the spiritual understanding that the understanding of self starts healing and that self-healing is possible. This of course could be a challenge to a lot of, since many of us have a difficult time understanding that humans and especially ourselves are problematic. Not problematic by design, but problematic in our awareness of the world and how we interact with it. Meditation enables us to consider a second take a look at how we percieve the world and how we respond. Self-inventory and the creation of statements and affirmations to alter outward results forces the person to take more time re-creating a better and whole person who can positively interact with the world. Meditation could be a means toward self-promotion and self-healing, and even forgiveness.

! Deep bre athing can permit the negative occasions of the past to be positioned in perspective and eradicated from your present view of the globe. Guided imagery makes it possible for the meditation to resolve prior pain, and hurt, and permit the healing process to start, changing old resentments, frustration and pain with positive solve, and emotional as well as religious freedom to start in a new location with people and scenarios. In deep breathing, it is understood that good outcomes will come and great events will need location merely because the individual will this straight.

About the Author

Meditation for the transition from this existence is important. Using special cremation urns and boxes can make this time meaningful for those who are left behind. It might be a consideration for companion cremation urns as well as a timely and expedited purchase in advance for all those who are concerned.

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Can Relaxation Techniques Be Used To Conquer Your Anxiety?

Posted: 15 Jan 2012 10:00 AM PST

Article by John David

There has been a shift in how people are treating their medical problems since the late 1960s and alternative therapies have been gaining ground ever since. Some more enlightened doctors are now using these far older treatments as part of an holistic or complimentary therapy program. And amongst these treatments the idea of controlled breathing and relaxation techniques as a method for achieving a relaxed state of mind and body have become very popular.

Now the question here is whether or not these relaxation techniques are a help or a hindrance when it comes to dealing with your anxiety and panic attacks? Are they a magic cure for your anxiety issues or might they possibly make matters worse for you? We're going to have a look at this issue in some depth here in this article.

Being aware of and practicing relaxation techniques is an important element of any program to help you deal with anxiety but they should only be an element and not the only solution you use. Like any medical condition you'll generally need a multi-pronged approach to deal with it most effectively.

When you experience a heightened state of anxiety or a full blown panic attack then your body is in full "fight or flight mode". You'll have adrenaline pumping through your system which can cause sweating, shaking and rapid breathing. A set of relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, can help shift your physiological state back to something that bit more calm.

Now here's the issue with relaxation techniques in the context of an actual panic attack. The deep breathing is designed to slow your heart rate, flush the adrenaline from your blood and put you in a more relaxed state. But it simply doesn't deal with the cognitive or psychological issues involved with anxiety attacks and because of that their effectiveness is going to be limited - especially if an attack is already underway.

Because our brains work in very "emotion first and logic second" type of way once you're mentally experiencing th! e early stages of a panic attack it's already too late for the breathing or relaxation exercises because your body is now in a state known as emotional hijack where your emotional brain has taken over and is driving the car - so to speak.

Regaining control of your mental state at this point is going to be far more beneficial because once your brain tells your body that everything is ok because you understand your anxiety triggers then the body will already be working to calm itself down.

To properly deal with your anxiety issues you need a far more holistic approach to the issue - there are no one-size-fits-all solutions to this particular, and very human problem.

About the Author

John David is a recovered anxiety and panic attack victim who is passionate about teaching other victims about the best ways to help anxiety.

You can learn more by going to his site at:

Hypnosis for Better Memory

This will help you remember things easier and clearer, and will also help you relax through your day to day activities

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Meditation Online

Posted: 15 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST

Article by Editor123

In this fast changing world, the importance of meditation cannot be denied. Every now and then, people are looking for internal peace and happiness in their lives to deal with their constant problems. Therefore, meditation has become a real craze in the world where time is running out from hands. Meditation is defined as a specialized technique, or practice that usually makes a person to focus on an object, perhaps a candle, a sound or your breath. So, that for a time being, you can forget about your daily life work pressure and can feel your inner self.

Benefits of MeditationMeditation is of great importance for a person for dealing with the increasing busyness and work pressures. With proper meditation a person can attain just peace and lots of happiness related with this. As you meditate the number of random thoughts developing in your mind diminishes, as well as your attachment to these thoughts, and your identification with them. This whole process of meditation helps you to keep your mind in rest and give a chance to your body to synchronize with your activities related with brains easily an People suffering from heavy stress can seek big relief into the technique of meditation. It is known as the great stress buster for stress management. Taking stress is not good for the body and you cannot perform perfectly until and unless you get rid of your stress problem. It means your mind is the key to remove stress from your life. Meditation provides experience, relaxation, increased awareness, mental focus, clarity and a sense of peace if practiced regularly. So, learn tricks and tips to get more happiness and peace with proper meditation procedure and process.d effectively. Moreover, the technique of meditation allows your mind activity to settle down and results in you becoming more peaceful, calm and focused.

About the Author

Visit Modern Meditation, for further information on meditation online, meditation community, meditation workshops, meditation news, meditation exercises etc please visit at

Deep Sleep Meditation (1/3)

Part 1 of 3

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Guaranteed Success,Improve book online downloads for women

Posted: 15 Jan 2012 08:00 AM PST

Article by William Bodri,Rhonda Jones,William Kelley,Mike Grafstein,etc.

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Alan Watts - The Religion of No Religion

For over 40 years Alan Watts was the foremost interpreter of Eastern philosophy. He was instrumental in introducing Taoism, Buddhism and Zen to a Western audience in the 1950s and 60s. He was the author of more than 20 books and is one of the most widely read Philosophers of the 20th century. He was also a very highly regarded public speaker, renowned for his extraordinary intellect and wit. Alan Watts was a man ahead of his time and this is proved by the fact that his insights are still relevant today, more than 30 years after his death. Watts was an autodidact (self educated) and had extensive knowledge in a diverse number of fields. His books and lectures often touched upon cosmology, quantum mechanics, physics, mathematics, ecology, psychology, biology, technology, art and literature. He also didn't limit himself to only Eastern philosophy. He also had a remarkable knowledge of all the world's major religions and philosophies. Watts was awarded an honorary doctorate for his work on comparative religion. He also had a good understanding of many European and Asian languages, including Chinese calligraphy. The thing that most endeared Alan Watts to his audiences was his humour and humility. His lectures were often punctuated with poetry and readings from the ancient sages. His audiences often alternated from spontaneous laughter to astonishment when Watts delivered one of his amazing insights. Although many viewed Watts as a guru, he was adamant that he wasn't. He once ...

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Spiritual Healing

Posted: 15 Jan 2012 07:00 AM PST

Article by Rachel Ann

Although spiritual healing has been acknowledged and practiced in the eastern world for literally thousands of years, it is only now that we are beginning to take it serious here in the west. Complimenting conventional medicine, as well as often being accompanied by other alternative treatments such as herbal or aroma therapies for instance, it allows a holistic approach, where all aspects of a person's being are treated (as opposed to merely concentrating on a particular symptom and attacking it with chemicals, as is often the case in conventional treatment). It is achieved through channelling natural life energy, better known as Chi or Prana, to patients in order to aid with the recovey from injury, distress or illness. Often used to fight serious illness and aftereffects of treatments like radiation or chemotherapy, it helps to shorten required recovery times by speeding natural healing processes.

The energy flows into and through the healer, who directs it through his or her consciousness to the patient. Thus directed, it may flow out through the hands and over any given distance.

Some healers or healing traditions will use touch; for instance a healer may lay hands on the head or shoulders of a person seking healing, or, if appropriate, the hands may be laid directly on the affected area. Others will prefer to let the hands hover over the areas causing concern. For example, in order to cure or at least aid a patient with depression, the healer may hold his hands over the heart and the head in an attempt to clear blockages restricting the flow of energy from the heart to the mind (and vice versa) which may be causing the depression.

There are those who believe that the healer doesn't actually have to be near the patient to provide healing. Here, the energy is being directed through focusing thoughts on the person requesting help, either through meditation, prayers or petitions.

Many people shy back from the thought of spiritual healing, because they think that it req! uires fa ith in order to be healed. However, this is not the case. Although many believe that this natural energy is provided by God (and many traditions and religious faiths do have healing rituals, usually performed by a specific person or persons and involving aids such as anointing water or oil), one does not have to have religious faith of any kind in order to receive, or channel, healing energy. It is an energy naturally inherent within the Universe and thus, at least to a certain extent, in anyone.

Spiritual healing can be taught and learned, and there are many courses available, often including teaching not only regarding personal healing, but also healing in groups of varying sizes. Frequently those attending these courses find that their fundamental understanding of spiritual healing has been broadened profoundly.With or without faith, spiritual healing is becoming ever more popular and is at last being recognised as a valid, successful complimentary treatment by an increasing proportion of the medical profession.

About the Author

Rachel Ann writes for the metaphysical industry and is a reiki master, and spiritualist, all articles are unbiased and fact based. Recommended websites are:Psychic readingPsychic readingPsychic Reading

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Red Pine's translation of the Lankavatara Sutra

Posted: 15 Jan 2012 07:00 AM PST

Screen shot 2012-01-15 at 9.40.17 AMYes, right next to me hot off the press is a translation and commentary of The Lankavatara Sutra by Red Pine (Bill Porter).  First, let me say that if anyone is expecting this new translation to remove the scales from their eyes, forget it!  It ain't going to happen.  (By the way, I have been reading the Sutra for several days.) 

The Lankavatara Sutra (hereafter, LS) shall always remain more or less impenetrable but not because of the grammar or the language.  It shall always be more or less impenetrable because the newbie who takes it up as a study has no profound insight into the nature of Mind (i.e., Mind as substance) or even what Yoga is really about.  

First of all the LS is meant for Bodhisattvas.  To get into the Bodhisattva club it is first necessary to initially realize the Mind that is bodhi (S., bodhicitta).  No initial realization—no club membership.  Without this important and necessary step it is extremely difficult to see where the LS is going since it is for advanced Bodhisattvas.  

Making matters worse, the LS lacks a unifying story like some Sutras.  Given this problem, a system might seem absent.  Still, there is something that holds the LS together.  More importantly, it is not theoretical, in the sense of laying down some kind of abstract philosophy, but rather appeals to the gnostical side of us.  

Turning to Red Pine's translation, and very much like Suzuki's translation, what we are straightway presented with is the mystical transformation (paravrtti) of King Ravana's consciousness.  Let's call it for now a super gnosis.  What is important during Ravana's gnosis is "he realized what appeared was nothing but the perception of his own mind."  He then "found himself in a realm free from such projections."  

This is no run-of-the-mill gnosis but one in which King Ravana becomes profoundly transformed; who sees the world the way it really is which is "the realm of nothing but mind" which is "something the foolish don't know / bewildered by false projections".  By the same token, this gnosis is not subjective.  There is not a single case in the LS in which mind is a subject of an activity such as thinking or perceiving.  Mind is really absolute substance (tathata)—not subject—when mind is set free (Red Pine and Suzuki, XLIII).  As such, the everyday world is illusory and dreamlike—only Mind is real.

Switching gears, for now I don't find Red Pine's translation to be any better than D.T. Suzuki's translation as if he were able to magically erase the difficulties such a text brings with it which speaks of a profound gnosis.  This is evident if the reader has both translations and follows the chapters.  Let me add that Red Pine's commentary proves helpful but so is D.T. Suzuki's Studies in the Lankavatara Sutra, not to mention Florin Giripescu Sutton's book, Existence and Enlightenment in the Lankavatara-sutra, and Auke D. Forsten's marvelous work, Between Certainity and finitude: A Sutdy of Lankavatarasutra Chapter Two

One more thing.  I believe Zen began to go downhill when, by choice, it began to ignore the importance of the LS.  Early Zen, of course, did not ignore the LS.  In fact, it was pivotal to its extraordinary development because it was transmitted by Bodhidharma to Hui-k'o who became the Second Patriarch of Zen.  Without the Lankavatara Sutra no Zen, in other words.  If Red Pine's translation serves a worthy purpose it will be to remind the present day generation of Zennists just how far they have strayed off the path, indulging in far too much ritual and sitting.  Keep in mind that the Second Patriarch predicted that "the understanding of this Sutra will become superficial after four generations.  How utterly lamentable."


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Tokyo (Part 1)

My brief visit to Tokyo. I booked a trip to visit a friend, earthquake, tsunami, exploding nuclear reactor, yadda yadda yadda, I am in Tokyo, friend isn't, and this is what you get. First part of... I don't know how many... I will try to put one up every day, but hard to say what motivation will be.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Keep A Stress Diary To Determine How Much Stress You Have In Your Life And Learn How To Manage It

Posted: 15 Jan 2012 06:00 AM PST

Article by Brett Simpson

When first learning about managing stress the first thing you need to learn is that it's best to become aware of how much stress you are under, any moment in time, and how to determine the source of that stresses and where it's coming from. You can use at stress diary to do that and it will help you considerably. Use a diary to make note of any stress or stressful situations you experience and you will learn to pinpoint situations or circumstances that are causing you to have stress (as well as what is triggering it). You can then look back at your diary and be reminded of what happened in that situation when you have stress and think about some actions or type of stress release to help you manage and relieve your stress.

Try to track stress, in your diary, over a period of time. Shoot for at least one daily note if possible. Watching the stress levels on a daily basis over several months of time will give you an excellent handle on what you can do to manage that stress in your life as well as which techniques for stress reduction are working for you and which are not.

It does not matter if you work on paper or if you use a digital format, such as your computer. A simple notepad document or a Word document will work, but try to make note of stressful times in your life throughout the day is much possible, so you really want something that is convenient, portable and easy to carry. You could carry a simple notebook that fits in your pocket, in fact this may be the most convenient. You could consider using an application on your iPhone (as your iPhone is usually with you all the time). What you really need is some way to jot down something on a minutes notice. A note may look like this: 8:15 AM forgot something on the way to work, had to turn around and go back home. That is an entry from my own diary and it was a stress trigger stress for me. My response was that I was frustrated and angry at myself and my stress rating for that event was five. The importance rating was only a 2, meani! ng that I did not feel it was that important. The importance of the stress trigger and the level of stress that it creates need to be rated on a scale of 1 to 10.

So for the example above, forgetting something and having the turnaround and return home may only have importance of two or three whereas hearing about the death of a friend, or family member would certainly be very high, as well as having a high importance level such as 10. Losing a job might be a 10 importance level too. Your response to the stress also needs to be rated from 1 to 10, so if you forget something and had to turn around and go back to retrieve it is a stress level of 2, while crying or losing your temper and getting angry at someone may have a stress level of six, seven or eight. If you get to a point where you cannot deal with it anymore and you have to go somewhere alone, your stress levels may be in the nine or 10 stress range.

Keep your stress level diary and your stress triggers in your diary every day and you will get better and better at finding what is triggering your stress and you will find successful strategies and tactics that you can use to reduce the stress in your daily life.

About the Author

Brett has been a writer for nearly 20 years his latest interest is in appliances. Come visit his latest website that talks about products such as portable mini fridge and Haier mini fridge which everyone needs.

Early Morning Meditation Inspiration - 1/15/2012

Posted: 15 Jan 2012 06:00 AM PST

"Music in the soul can be heard by the universe."

~Lao Tzu

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Technorati Tags: Buddha Buddhist Buddhism Meditation Dharma
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Catch Criminal Minds Season 6 episode 10 To Witness Behavioral Analysis Unit’s Next Venture!

Posted: 15 Jan 2012 05:00 AM PST

by RubyJi

Article by Ashish

Those, who have a desire to get a Criminal Minds season 6 episode 10 download, should pay attention towards this article, because I have the spoilers for you. The most striking feature of Criminal Minds is that it presents crime in really convincing way to depict the activities of the police force and criminals. If you want to get acquainted with a few more Criminal Minds and activities of this world, then keep viewing season 6 episodes.

The next episode will be focused on the Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) and its new venture. It is always wonderful to witness their unique strategies, which they apply while solving criminal cases. Till now, the team has handled crimes against adults, crimes against children, corruption, communicated threats, bombing and arson investigations. This time, Behavioral Analysis Unit has something special to do. So, watch Criminal Minds season 6 episode 10 online to catch their special mission. It is a must-watch episode and I'm sure you want to catch it more than once!

This time, the team has completely different case, in which they will move to Mexico to assist local authorities to catch a serial killer. The case is different in its own way, because the killer executes only women by using a metal wire. Criminal Minds S06E10 entitled 'What Happens At Home' will bring forward a few exciting but shocking moments for the viewers of the show. So, don't forget to catch them all!

The members of BAU are really good at criminal analysis and their presence of mind is really remarkable. They are competent enough to catch the criminals, because they know how far criminals can go. I really look forward to catching Criminal Minds and its S06E10, because I think this mission is more difficult than others. This time, the serial killer is smarter than the criminals, who have already appeared in Criminal Minds season 6 episode 10.

The situations are already worse for Mexican women, but the most striking situation will take pl! ace when the killer will kill a woman, while BAU is doing its investigations. It is really challenging for the team, because the crime will be done right under the team's nose. You can catch this sharp-minded killer, if you get a Criminal Minds season 6 episode 10 download from any entertaining, but reliable portal on the web! You should always keep a copy of your favorite show's must-watch episodes!

Above all this, Rachel Nichols will be seen in the role of Agent Ashley Seaver. He is going to appear in the show to give a completely new turn to this case. I hope he gives it a positive turn. So, don't miss to watch Criminal Minds season 6 episode 10 because a new mystery is waiting for you!

About the Author

For good site to watch criminal minds season 6 visit through this article. You can also used this site for criminal minds full episodes HD collection with crystal clear quality and downloading speed.

pablo das on mindful consumption.

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Video Rating: 5 / 5

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How Karuna Reiki Assist the Globe?

Posted: 15 Jan 2012 04:00 AM PST

Article by Hellen

Karuna is a Sanskrit word and is employed in Hinduism, Buddhism and Zen. It means any motion that's taken to diminish the suffering of other people and could also be translated as "compassionate action." As we help others and help them in their recovery procedure, or as we seek to heal ourselves further, Karuna Reiki assists in opening several new doors.

It really is also the motivating quality of all enlightened beings who're working to end struggling on Earth. They continually send an unlimited quantity of therapeutic vitality and guidance to us, but not all are receptive to it. As you develop Karuna in yourself, not just are you helping others, but you also become much more receptive to the Karuna which is being sent by all enlightened beings. Thus your own recovery is quickened at the same time. Karuna Reiki opens you to work much more closely with all enlightened beings. This contains people enlightened ones already who are present in both bodily too as those inspirit. The most substantial energy component of it's when the Karuna Reiki Master begins to direct the greater energies in a more integrated, conscious dance with Spirit.

For people in a very recovery practice, Karuna Reiki Master is really a approach to enhance your healing practice. Designed for Energy Workers, it has two attunements and numerous new therapy symbols. Those that obtain the attunements report experiences with their guides along with a therapeutic presence. The Reiki attunement is nearly often a really unique spiritual encounter for the receiver and sometimes also for the Grasp.Reiki one - benefits bodily body

The Reiki one attunement seems to primarily benefit the bodily body in opening it up to channel a lot more Reiki power. Once someone is attuned it'll never lose the capacity to use Reiki. In Reiki one the history of Reiki as well as the hand positions are taught. There are typically 4 initiations for Reiki 1 (depending on method there might be less initiations). A Reiki attunement takes about! 20-30 m inutes and can be a extremely relaxing and advantageous encounter.

Reiki 2 - rewards subtile physique

The Reiki 2 attunement provides an even greater feasible level of energy vibrations inside the student. Here an individual also learns three Reiki symbols: The Power Image, The Mental Symbol and also the Distance Symbol these could be employed to help people to focus power for specific purposes. For Reiki 2 there is normally only 1 initiation. The Reiki 2 attunement appears to have the greatest impact on the sub tile entire body also recognized within the western world because the Aura.

About the Author

Want to know more info about Karuna Reiki? Visit our Karuna Reiki website at

Alan Watts - Ecstasy Alan Watts (1915-1973) who held both a master's degree in theology and a doctorate of divinity, is best known as an interpreter of Zen Buddhism in particular, and Indian and Chinese philosophy in general. He authored more than 20 excellent books on the philosophy and psychology of religion, and lectured extensively, leaving behind a vast audio archive. With characteristic lucidity and humor Watts unravels the most obscure ontological and epistemological knots with the greatest of ease. - "Inability to accept the mystic experience is more than an intellectual handicap. Lack of awareness of the basic unity of organism and environment is a serious and dangerous hallucination. For in a civilization equipped with immense technological power, the sense of alienation between man and nature leads to the use of technology in a hostile spirit---to the "conquest" of nature instead of intelligent co-operation with nature". Alan Watts

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Spiritual Quantum Physics and the Intellect of Man

Posted: 15 Jan 2012 03:00 AM PST

Article by Elis Peterson

Why Stress Management Is Important

Posted: 15 Jan 2012 02:00 AM PST

Article by Bret

Why Stress Management Is Important

Stress is the root cause of several illnesses, both major and minor. Doctors and mental wellbeing specialists agree that stress reduction techniques can prevent a myriad illnesses, and disorders, as well as escalate a patient's facility to get better following the development of a variety of health issues.The human response to stress is activated inside the brain, manufacturing chemical and physical changes right through the body, which affect each aspect of it's functioning. Throughout moments of excessive stress the brain's creation of such chemicals as Dopamine, Epinephrine, and Norepinephrine spread, causing the distribution of larger amounts of these Catecholamines right through the body.

The intensification of the presence of such chemicals contributes to physiological changes such as increased heart rate, and blood pressure, increased cell reproduction, and withdrawing of the immune system. As time goes on, unmanaged stress can lead to the development of ulcers and other digestive problems, heart disease, even heart attack and stroke. The immune systems' ability to fight off infection and disease is hindered, allowing for the start of all manner of illnesses and viral infections. Additionally, the development of chronic conditions such as Diabetes and Asthma, have been linked to stress.

Stress is also connected to several mental and emotional disorders, such as Depression, Anxiety, extreme Phobias, and panic attacks. The "Fight or Flight" instinct produced in the brain through moments of extreme stress is also associated to the on-set of these chronic mental health issues. Learning to deal with stress in healthy ways can help limit the chemical changes happening within the brain and body, in that way improving both physical and mental health.

Saying Goodbye To Stress

Anxiety disorders are often a result of stress. From GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) to panic disorder, you can cut back on the anxiety in your life directly ! by reduc ing stress. Stress is customary in every day life regardless who you are, but if you allow your stress to rob you of your life, serious problems will appear. Happily, ongoing stress is easy to overcome, but it is critical to know the steps to doing so.

Stress is an inner reaction produced by outside factors, like pressure. One of the finest methods to overcome such reactions is with heaps of working out. Daily exercise can help you learn to physically deal with stress by improving your tolerance to stress during exercise. At some point during a panic attack, most folks seem short of breath and a pounding heart. A hard workout gives you these same experiences, but in a healthy way. As you work out more and more, you force your body to tolerate these conditions without panicking.

Getting a nice night's sleep is also especially valuable to reducing stress. Stress can physically wear out a person's body, and without sleep, you will feel the effects of stress much more readily. This can lead to anxiety disorders extremely easily. To get an adequate amount of sleep, make sure that you schedule at least 8 hours for sleeping. Don't eat or drink lots of sugar or caffeine products ahead of bedtime and try to do relaxing activities in the few hours before bedtime. If needed, see your doctor for help with sleeping issues.

An additional key to reducing stress is to schedule time for non-work linked activities. Take vacations or at least days off in order to have fun. Work is a main cause of stress, and with that stress comes anxiety about money, wellbeing, and several other things. By setting aside specific time to enjoy yourself with loved ones or on your own, you can physically and mentally set aside the stress for at least a few hours. Try to have at least an hour to yourself every day and an entire long weekend every few months to purely enjoy fun activities.

Finally, work to reduce stress by learning to think a bit differently in relation to life. Many of the most stressed-out people a! re perfe ctionists. While this can be a good trait, it can also go too far. Know when to let something go. Also, think positively about your life. When you worry that you aren't good enough or are upset about little things, they really add up to hurt you. Supervising your thought process is only part of the battle, but if you work at dropping stress, you can avert budding anxiety issues.

For more info and resources on panic and anxiety attacks visit Panicaway.Thereviewarticles.Com

About the Author

Bret is an author very much interested in research and problem solving. First identify a problem, then research a solution. Once a solution is found.....write about it!

Meditation: Improve Your Health, Reduce Your Stress

Posted: 15 Jan 2012 01:00 AM PST

Article by Keira Adams

Nowadays we reside in a fast-paced society. Events occur so rapidly that frequently we don't get the opportunity to respond in a meaningful way. Too often, instead of thinking things over, we make sudden and impulsive decisions.

However, it doesn't have to be this way. Each of us has to loosen up a bit now and then and relax. If not, tension will mount and impact how you handle the people around you, not just at work but in your own home.

The use of meditation is a means for you to relax for a while and allow your mind to focus until you settle down sufficiently to cope with the everyday demands of life.

Indeed, if you believe that your life is too stressful, you should definitely slow things down. Your head is in all probability overloaded with too many worries and cares. Meditation can help you relax and ease your stress.

The benefits of meditation have been experienced ever since it was first practiced many thousands of years ago. These include:

1. Stress reduction: Because meditation calms your mind and relaxes your body, it relieves your tension and stress. This is accomplished by the breathing exercises that are a component of the practice. Lowering your stress levels is among the primary reasons that you should engage in meditation.

2. Numerous health benefits: Research studies show that meditation can assist in healing disease. A major study conducted in 1976 by Australian psychiatrist Ainslie Meares, which was released in the Medical Journal of Australia, demonstrated the regression of cancer after a patient regularly practiced meditation. Meditation is also known to reduce hypertension, which is a plus for individuals who are at risk of high blood pressure and heart disease.

3. Better concentration: One form of meditation calls for concentrating on a specific object like a lit candle or reciting a mantra. Activities like these have been demonstrated to enhance concentration and focus.

4. Acceptance: Another benefit of meditation is the enh! anced ca pacity to accept things as they are. This helps considerably in managing your annoyance and dissatisfaction over events and situations over which you have no control. Those who are dealing with anger management issues will most certainly see the benefits of meditation.

So the next time you feel stressed out, try to calm yourself down by practicing meditation. While your problems won't go away, you can at least become mentally prepared to face them.

About the Author

Want to learn more about meditation techniques? Visit Meditation Techniques: Relax Your Mind, Reduce Your Stress at

Meditation Music of Ancient Egypt (3 of 9)

Sacred Ceremony

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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How To Influence The Power Of The Unconscious Mind

Posted: 15 Jan 2012 12:00 AM PST

Article by Greg Frost

There are quite a number of issues that influence an individual's success. Some of these issues are such as the individual's lifestyle, personality, social setting and key among these being their mind thought setups. Anyone who seeks to attain any kind of success must affect certain thoughts which are relevant to the kind of success they wish to achieve. The mind is the central commanding post of each and every individual; thoughts allowed in the mind create opportunities for initiation of relevant opportunities. The unconscious mind plays a major role in achieving any success. It is very important to understand the functions of the mind in order to comprehend fully its tasks and purpose towards any target goal.

A number of writers and successful persons have poured countless hours in writing books and articles about the influence of the unconscious mind in any envision activity. Each of this information emphasis the power of having a positive mind in everything an individual sets their minds to achieve.

The mind is formed in such a way that it can influence any result an individual wishes to have; there is no limit to what the mind can do. However, most people are not able to tap onto the power of their unconscious mind because of certain influences such as social settings and lifestyles. For anyone to attain anything they put their minds to attain then choosing the right social setting and lifestyle is paramount in affecting the act. Social settings and an individual's lifestyle dictate thoughts produced in the mind. For instance; research has it that an individual who spends most of their time with successful people creates a mental setup which is similar to individuals in this social setting and for such individual to attain success relevant to what his peers have is normally quite easy as compared to an individual who spends his time with unsuccessful people.

It is important to note that the mind grows and learns through external forces presented to it. It is very important! for an aspiring success individual to find relevant social settings and lifestyles which are conducive for them acquiring the kind of success they wish. Once this is influenced then the creation of positive thoughts towards set success becomes easy and achievable. Positive thoughts towards aspired success create a mental thought setup which is very important in achieving the target success. Positive affirmations are the main influence to any lasting success, unconscious learning is what takes effect when an individual affects positive affirmation on any success activity they wish to achieve.

It is very important to understand that success does not come overnight and any lasting result will have to be worked on and emphasized throughout a period of time. It is important to understand that success does not come overnight and that one has to work to achieve such success. Influencing the power of the unconscious mind is the only way of achieving permanent success in anything an individual sets their minds to do.

About the Author

Click Here to download your FREE "Secrets Of The Subconscious" package. It normally sells for but for a limited time only, you can grab it for free. Unlock the full potential of your mind with this free package at


Sue Smalley, PhD describes how when you practice mindfulness you learn to relate to your thoughts and feelings and bodily sensations differently. Susan Smalley is a Professor of Psychiatry, and the Founder and Director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC) at the Jane and Terry Semel Institute of Neuroscience and Human Behavior at UCLA.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Mind Power Techniques That Enrich Life

Posted: 14 Jan 2012 11:00 PM PST

Article by Greg Frost

Have you ever imagined what your state could be if you lacked your mind? Your mind is the most vital and essential organ of your body system and no one can fully understand its capability. It is undeniable that scientific and technological improvements have improved the functioning of our brains. Nevertheless, there exist negative impacts on our brains that are disadvantageous to holistic human growth. The solution to this problem lies in applying mind power techniques towards the right direction if intended goals are to be achieved.

There exist countless mind power techniques that are practiced worldwide to enhance effective achievement of set goals. The mind power techniques aid in attaining lots of benefits. They help people in enhancement of the mentality of achieving success, lead people to focus on specific goals in life, alleviate insomnia, and help people shun harmful practices such as smoking, addiction to drugs as well as boosting people's confidence which is an essential element for success. Basically, achievement of life's set goals calls for crystal focus on the set goal, the procedure and process involved in the achievement of that goal as well as the methods or strategies to be employed in achieving it.

However, distractions on the mind by existing external factors can cause a change in attention making an individual miss out on relevant information needed for the achievement of the set goal. If not controlled many people end up losing out on their ultimate goal on earth. This is why mind power techniques have been developed to curb such distractions that only serve to derail you from achieving your goal. The blockades are very strong and require special techniques that bar them from interfering in your set goal.

These techniques comprise of the brainwave entrainment techniques such as books, audios, DVDs as well as CDs. Reading certain books or listening to CDs and DVDs gives desirable outcomes to parties involved. The internet has a vast pul! l of inf ormation addressing mind power techniques. Currently, brainwave entrainment technology has hit the world and is gaining popularity at a supersonic speed based on the fact that its outcomes are amazing. Through this technology, the feasibility of changing subconscious mind into conscious mind has been enhanced consequently increasing mind power in an amazing manner.

Mediation strategy is an ancestral practice which has resulted in desirable outcomes and cannot be neglected. This strategy when employed with appropriate exercise offers the most effective way to keep your mind fresh. Subliminal communication as well as positive thoughts provides another powerful mind power technique which helps in improving a person's capability. Many audio programs have been developed that help in developing vigor as well as increasing the mind's capability.

When undergoing these mind power techniques, a person has to be very attentive to the set goal and specificity in set goal is also very vital. Having positive thoughts is crucial to the achievement of set goals and any negative thoughts should be transformed to positive thoughts by use of the imagination. Remember, the achievement of any goal greatly depends on a person's subconscious mind because it drives all actions that an individual carries.

About the Author

Click Here to get your Free "Success Accelerator" Brainwave Cd today! Unleash your Mind Power potential to attain the lifestyle that you want. Go claim your Free Cd today!

Mindful Mirroring Activity

A segment from a documentary about the Inner Kids program broadcast by In this activity Annaka Harris leads students in a mindful mirroring activt.. The video was taken in a Los Angeles classroom where the Inner Kids mindfulness program was taught.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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The Secret To Stress Relief: Meditation-With A Difference

Posted: 14 Jan 2012 10:00 PM PST

Article by Victor Davich

Monday, 1:45 PM. Your stressful day is about to become a world-class stressful day. Why? Because you're standing behind The Little Old Lady From Hell!!You're at your local pharmacy because you need to pick up a prescription for your daughter who has the flu. You promised you'd be back in the office by two. But that's never going to happen. Not if the three people ahead of you have anything to say about it. One of them is The Little Old Lady from Hell (LOLFH), an elderly woman on a walker, wearing a hearing aid, who, at the moment, is looking at a package of Maalox as if it has just magically materialized in her hand!Next, LOLFH begins to question the pharmacist assistant, who is trying to be helpful. The guy in front of you anxiously turns to see if another register is open. He is drinking a Red Bull and bobbing up and down on his feet. This doesn't make you feel any calmer. The third person ahead of you is on her cell phone, yakking away with her hair stylist--directly in your ear! You nervously glance at your watch. If you're not back in the office in ten minutes, your boss is going to be furious and you'll miss a crucial conference call. Meanwhile, LOLFH keeps nattering away about antacid pills. This makes you feel good and stressed. You feel like you'd like to pour the entire bottle down her throat, snatch the cell phone out of the woman's hand, fling it into the street, and Crazy Glue the bobbing Red Bull guy's feet to the floor. But this isn't Dodge City in 1870. You can't take the law into your own hands. So you're stuck, stuck in the line from Hell, behind three people whose only function in life is to make the Subway tuna salad you bolted down on the way over here start doing a Tango in your tummy.Besides your stomach upset, you feel other things happening in your body. Like your heart racing, tenseness and pain in your shoulders and chest, flushed face, a sudden urge to pee-even blurry vision. But these physical symptoms are nothing compared to the thoughts racing through your mind. ! Thoughts like: "Why do I always get in the wrong line!?""Why doesn't the counter person tell the LOLFH to wait until she takes care of other customers!?""Why the hell can't I take an extra ten minutes at lunch without getting reamed out by my boss!?""What if I can't make it back on time!? Will I be fired?!"Welcome to the world of stress. If this or a similar experience has ever happened to you, then you know firsthand what stress is. And you don't need-or want-a scientific explanation. You just want that stress to be gone! Chances are good that if you're like the rest of us, you encounter stress and anxiety provoking events on a daily, even hourly basis. And we're not even talking about the big stuff. Like getting "pink slipped" at work on Christmas Eve, or missing the plane to a vital client meeting, or finding out that you, your spouse, or child have a life threatening disease with a 50-50 survival rate-and little or no health insurance. And speaking of health, there's so much stress out there that the medical statistics are mind-boggling: Over 75% of all doctor visits in this country are stress-related. You may be a victim of stress and not even realize what it's doing to you, both physically and mentally. That you will feel stress is a guaranteed, never-ending fact of life. And so your only hope is to learn a way to get through life with the best possible and most effective stress reduction strategy you can find.So what's the answer? Can you escape from stress? Is there some secret tool, technique, or method to reduce stress? The answer to the first question is "no": Stress is a constant companion for all of us. But-and here's the good news-- the answer to the second question is definitely "yes!" There is a secret tool to reduce any kind of stress. Something so simple that you may not believe it at first. And it's this: The fastest, most efficient way out of stress is through it. Yes. I'll repeat this again. Make it a screensaver. Put it under a refrigerator magnet: The fastest, most efficient! way out of stress is through it. "How do I do that!?" you say, "My stress is so dense I need a jackhammer to break through it!" Fortunately, the way "through" stress doesn't require a jackhammer; all it requires is your willingness to deal with stress in a new and constructive way. One that is simple, painless, and, as you will find, might change your life forever. This tool is called "meditation." And given the state of the world-and our national economy-there has never been a better time for you to learn how to use it. There are numerous meditation programs out there to check out and chose from. One of them 8 Minute Meditation Stress Relief, specifically targets stress and uses meditation in 8 minute periods-the time between two TV commercials. It's what you might call "an eastern tool that gives you western results-a way out of your stress. By going through it.

About the Author

Victor Davich is the author & creator of "8 Minute Meditation". TIME Magazine calls it "the most American form of meditation yet." Victor's other best-selling books & audios empower over 90,000 readers with unique Eastern Tools for Western results. Anyone can learn to meditate, and anyone can reduce their stress with these simple Stress Management techniques.

Healing Yoga for Your Heart - Chapter 10: Tree Pos Healing Yoga for Your Heart utilizes carefully selected poses that provide maximum healing benefits to anyone who has heart disease, high blood pressure or simply wants to better care for their heart and health. Stretching, deep breathing, visualization and guided meditations all come together in this easy-to-follow, easy-to-practice DVD that aims to lessen anxiety, ease stress, increase blood flow and reduce the strain on your heart. On days when time is tight or energy is low, simply utilize the fifteen minute guided meditation for a simple way to slow down and care for your heart in a gentle and calming manner.

Video Rating: 0 / 5

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Posted: 14 Jan 2012 09:00 PM PST

Article by ANIL RAO

Sleep Meditation 60 Minutes 1 Hour Ocean Hard Rain HD 5 gig Monsoon of 2010 Nature Sounds Relaxing

WATCH IN FULL HD STEREO 1080P This video took 1 Hour to Shoot, 3 Hours to Render in Full HD and almost 5 Hours to Upload because it's a 5 Gigabyte File. Please share and embed. I like Sleep and Meditation Videos. HiDef Video and Audio Stereo Audio and Full 1080P HD Video Relaxation Meditation Video 60 Minutes Video 60mins 1 Hour Ocean and Heavy Hard Rain HD Audio Video 5 gig Monsoon of 2010 Weather Report Los Angleles California Nature Sounds Relaxing Once video is porcessed watch in 1080P Full HD video and audio Stereo 60 Minutes one hour video 1 hr long 60mins meditation sleep video water water sounds waterfall sounds California highdef natural sounds peaceful sounds tranquil sleep sounds white noise insomnia insomnia video yt:quality=high YouTube Partners can upload unlimited length of videos basically. I have done even 2 hours videos before. Most people now can do 10 or 15 Minutes they expanded the time for all so it's great.

Video Rating: 3 / 5

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Simple Yoga For Kids

Posted: 14 Jan 2012 09:00 PM PST

Article by Darvin J. Hooey

Yoga for kids? Certainly! A centuries old practice, yoga has earned the designation as an essential practice for physical and mental health. The benefits of yoga are numerous. Why not let your children share in these benefits as well? Your kids can adopt this practice immediately which leads to improved flexibility, coordination, increased strength, enhanced concentration and reduced stress, which would provide a lifetime of benefits for them! Contrary to generally held opinion children are NOT just small adults. They require a different strategy... a different environment.

Kid's Style of Yoga

Kids may have difficulty doing the traditional yoga poses exactly as they're supposed to, but they can still benefit from the practice of yoga. Yoga for kids has to be fun and entertaining simultaneously! Yes, the normal asanas are the foundation, but to keep the kids having fun the resulting postures are more interpretive in nature. There are classes starting up for kids across the nation. They deal with this entertainment requirement by building in music, storytelling, animal references, games, arts and crafts. There are yoga studios that offer classes to kids beginning as toddlers! Just be sure the instructor has the required certification to teach children.

Special Benefits To Kids

As I said before, the benefits of yoga for adults are well known, but the benefits of yoga for kids exceed even those that adults experience. Yes, it can help with weight loss, flexibility, concentration and strength, but yoga also assists with more kid specific issues. For example, research has shown that yoga can help with hyperactivity and attention deficit disorders in children. Yoga provides the sensory and motor stimulation that kids need. Practicing yoga at an early age allows kids to develop self-esteem and improved body awareness. Since yoga is not a competitive sport, it develops a sense of cooperation and compassion, instead of competition. This creates a! more gi ving and caring child.

At Home Yoga For Kids

The benefits of yoga can absolutely be brought home for your kids to enjoy, as with adults! The main obstacle, as with most child activities, is keeping their attention. However, as previously mentioned, if you incorporate animal movements and sounds, songs and games, they will stay engagedyou will keep their attention! After all, kids love to move and make sounds, and yoga lends itself to both. You should not be too critical as they wander their way through the different poses. Don't get mad, if they aren't performing them exactly right. Instead, allow this to be an experience in self discovery with your direction.

Yoga fro kids is in many ways superior to yoga for adults. Why not start your kids journey down this lifetime road of self-discovery and self-improvement now versus later, and the benefits they gain will increase exponentially!

About the Author

If you truly wish to succeed at being in the best shape of your life, then you must visit the world's best resource. Go to Next Level Yoga immediately, to see how easily it can be done with at home workouts!

Signs and symptoms Of A Spiritual Awakening

Posted: 14 Jan 2012 08:00 PM PST

Article by Carmen Bauer

One more preferred book in the New Age movement is <em>The Urantia Guide</em>, which describes the federal government galaxy, and describes all types of guides and angels.<em>The worlds teem with angels and men and other highly particular beings, but they are handicapped by time and area: The limit of velocity for most nonseraphimed beings is 186,280 miles of your planet per 2nd of your time the midway creatures and sure people can, usually do, attain double velocity - 372,560 miles per second - whilst the seraphim and other people can traverse room at triple velocity, about 558,840 miles per second.- <em>The Urantia Book</em>: Time and Room Providers of Solitary Messengers</em>However an additional supply of info on the spirit-UFO connection comes from astronauts who have traveled beyond our planet. A lot of report seeing alien spacecraft through their journeys and odd structures on the much aspect of the moon. Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell claims there have been a lot of UFO visits to Earth, but each and every is covered up. Mitchell founded the Institute for Noetic Science.<em>The Institute of Noetic Sciences serves an rising motion of globally conscious citizens devoted to manifesting our highest capacities. What I indicate is do not just target on healing by yourself, but also encouraging healing to others as properly. Healing by yourself and other folks is an crucial function of attaining an awakened state. Accomplishing equilibrium is one more critical feature in spiritual awakening. The bodily system and spirit should really be I fantastic balance.The truth is we could go on disagreeing forever on the plenty of strategies on how enlightenment can be attained. Following measures for spiritual awakening is fine as prolonged as you reached that state. Getting an unforeseen surge of spiritual Awakening is also fine. The reality is it doesn't actually issue any lengthier how you obtain it, but instead what you can do now that you ! have ach ieved that degree.It appears that everyone's aim, in this day and age, is how to reach spiritual enlightenment. As significantly back as the Paleolithic time period, mankind look to be on a mission for godly unification and awakening. Diverse primeval ceremonies attained by varied groups of men and women universally. Native people, who are however in existence currently, indicate us a preview of how our ancestors had a extra profound feeling for the entire world and the spirits.The Historical Egyptians had harmonizing of unique chants and resonances which took place through the witching hour in a variety of internet sites like the holy man-built brook and the underground compartment beneath the Great Sphinx. The chanting and sounds allegedly encourages a portion of the head that can open up the brain to throughout the world power and electrical encouragement. It is meant to release or discharge your supernatural gifts and capabilities. When it has been unlocked, psychic and spiritual awakenings will be knowledgeable by the man or woman, who has stirred them - instinct, creativeness, clairvoyant capabilities, and so forth.Historic Egypt also new the finish of the 12 months as the time of reckoning, consideration and moving towards spiritual enlightenment. 1 of their rituals was Ushet Rekhat - Mother Worship. This ritual started with a reflection ritual which reinforces the knowing and dedication of the disciple. The reflection ritual would also draw comprehending and wellness to individuals who share it.

About the Author

The author has a long time of experiencing folks practical experience a deep spiritual awakening and support them in their path to individual spirtual growth and advancement. Stick to her journey and count on to understand a lot via his fast witted anecdotes and lessons on numerous lessons from the law of abundance to spiritual development to manifesting income.

The Kybalion: The Mental construct of the Universe, Consciousness, Light, and Quantum Physics Video created by John Carnagey The Following is taken from the Kybalion... "The infinite mind of The ALL, is the womb of universes." "While it is true that the ALL is all, it is equally true that the ALL is within ALL." "..And, in the degree that Man realizes the existence of the Indwelling Spirit immanent within his being, so will he rise in the spiritual scale of life. This is what spiritual development means-the recognition, realization, and manifestation of the Spirit within us. Try to remember this last definition-that of spiritual development. It contains the Truth of True Religion." "As above, So Below." The Hermetic Teachings are to the effect that THE ALL is Imminent in ("remaining within; inherent; abiding within") its Universe, and in every part, particle, unit, or combination, within the Universe. This statement is usually illustrated by the Teachers by a reference to the Principle of Correspondence. The Teacher instructs the student to form a Mental Image of something, a person, an idea, something having a mental form, the favorite example being that of the author or dramatist forming an idea of his characters; or a painter or sculptor forming an image of an ideal that he wished to express by his art. In each case, the student will find that while the image has its existence, and being, solely within his own mind, yet he, the student, author, dramatist, painter, or sculptor, is, in a sense, immanent in; remaining within; or abiding within ...

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Why isn't a movie as appealing in HD?

Posted: 14 Jan 2012 08:00 PM PST

Last night I took advantage of my wife being out of town to stream, through Amazon, an action movie that I've wanted to see for a long time: The Bourne Identity (2002).

My wife isn't big on action flicks and wouldn't have appreciated the way-cool Mini chase through the streets, alleys, and walkways of Paris nearly as much as I did. But what irritated me through the entire two-hour movie experience was watching it on our television in HD (high definition).

I paid an extra dollar to get the HD version. Then, almost as soon as I started watching amnesiac Matt Damon try to figure out his CIA-provided identity, quite a few of them, actually, a sense of this looks way too real popped up in my mind. 

And never left.

I kept being bothered by the fact that when Damon entered an American embassy or a Swiss bank, he looked exactly like Matt Damon entering an American embassy or a Swiss bank. The "movie look" had left The Bourne Identity

I've seen previews of this movie, and it looked much different in non-HD. So I'm trying to get some philosophical mileage out of the two hours I spent watching a highly entertaining movie, which would have been quite a bit more enjoyable for me if I could have immersed myself deeper in its unreality.

My wife and I watch a lot of television shows in high definition. Reality shows like Survivor look just fine. Sports events look just fine. Scientific shows like Cosmos look just fine. But The Bourne Identity didn't.

Having just blogged about our differing "narrative" and "experiential" ways of experiencing reality, my theory is that I wanted to be immersed in a fictional movie story, a narrative, for those two escapist hours -- not something that looks like my everyday experience of life. Cinematographers have ways of doing this.

Watching the movie in HD took away a lot of that magic.

I was watching the scenes as filmed, but I couldn't get away from the thought "this is a movie." The actors looked so real, so lifelike, so sharp, so crisp, it was like I was watching The Bourne Identity being made. I could picture the actors on a sound stage, or on location, with the director looking on outside of camera range.

Here's my Big Philosophical Conclusion: We want our stories about life to be fuzzy around the edges. Too much detail reveals the flaws in them. Reality isn't what we desire; it's a narrative that's more appealing than here-and-now reality.

Religions, of course, are all about story-telling.

They do a great job of entertaining us with narratives about God, salvation, heaven, hell, spiritual ascent, enlightenment, and such without leaving themselves open to questions about nitty-gritty verifiable details, because usually there aren't any such details in the stories.

There's two more films in the Bourne series that I want to see. For sure, next time I won't choose HD. I want my escapism to be different from reality. However, I wish religious fables could be communicated in high definition. Then their reality-escaping nature would be crisply apparent.

[Technical note: partway through The Bourne Identity I considered fiddling with our TV's display settings. But it was late, and I didn't want to interrupt the flow of my movie-watching. Reading some online discussions of this subject, here, here, and here, complaints similar to mine sometimes are met with a "dude, you need to adjust your set by doing X, Y, Z." Well, I doubt it. Anyway, those suggestions are aimed at degrading the lifelike look of an HD movie, so I stand by my Big Philosophical Conclusion.]

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The Great Fitnah

Purity of Islam The Great Fitnah Shaikh Hussain Yee Shaikh Hussain Ye is the President of Al Khadim Organization in Malaysia. He is a Malaysian national of Chinese descent. Although born into a Stress Reduction family, he embraced Islam at the age of 18 in 1968. He pursued further studies at the Islamic University of Madinah in Saudi Arabia majoring in Hadith. After graduating in 1978, he joined the Muslim Welfare Organization, 'Perkin', in Malaysia, which focuses on the well being of the new converts to Islam. Later he seconded as director of Islamic centre in Hong Kong. With his vast experience in Islamic Social Welfare and Da'wah work, he founded Al Khadim with a group of volunteers in 1984. He also studied under one of the great scholars on Hadith of his time, Shaikh Muhammad Nasiruddin Al Albani. Today, Ustaz Muhammad Hussain Ye is a well-known personality in the Islamic world. He gives regular lectures in the Asia Pacific region and conducts a lot of summer camps in UK and Europe by the invitation of local and international organizations. Born into a Stress Reduction family, Hussain Yee embraced Islam at the age of 18. He pursued studies at the University of Madinah in Saudi Arabia majoring in Hadith. After graduating in 1978, he joined the organization called 'Perkim', in Malaysia, which focuses on the well being of the new converts. Later he seconded as director of centre in Hong Kong. He then founded Al Khaadem with a group of volunteers in 1984. He also studied four years under ...

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A Visit to Gangtok During Festival – Glory of Buddhist Festivals

Posted: 14 Jan 2012 07:00 PM PST

Article by Andrew

Gangtok, the largest town of Indian state Sikkim is situated in the Shivalik hills of eastern Himalayas at an altitude of 1,437 meters. The name Gangtok means lofty hills which itself suggest about the land amidst lovely woods and hills. This charming town adds a perfect picturesque effect to the Himalayan beauty. Blessed with high Himalayan peaks and a mild climate throughout the year, Gangtok has been rediscovered as one of the popular tourist spots in the recent years.

Along with nature's splendor beauty Gangtok is surrounded by many Buddhist monasteries which add a spiritual effect to the view of this naturally blessed town. The monasteries all over the town give a Holy effect to the town and spreads and aura of peace and holiness. The monasteries and the Tibetan institutes give the visitors an idea of Tibetan culture and history. On the other hand the great Tsomgo Lake stands for its silent presence of sublime beauty and purity. Gangtok also offers a perfect glimpse of the Kanchenjunga Mountains which gives a splendid beauty and visual glory to human eyes. The major attractions of Gangtok are: Rumtek monastery, Tashiding monastery, Tshuklakhang palace, Deer park, Himalayan Zoo Park, Nathula pass, White Hill, Tsogmo Lake, Enchey monastery, Ganesh Tok and so on.

Gangtok beholding a pleasurable climate throughout the year experience huge amount of tourists from every corner of the world throughout the whole year but during the festivals of Gangtok, the number of visits is the maximum. A visit to Gangtok during festival allows the tourists to enjoy the festive colors of the land along with its natural beauty. Being a town amidst the belief of Buddhism and Hinduism, Gangtok festivals are greatly influenced by both the religions.

The main festivals of Gangtok are: Saga Dawa, Phang Lhabsol and Dasain. Saga Dawa is a Buddhist festival where people visit the monasteries to pray and offer butter lamps. Also the procession of priests provides a spectacular view of holiness. Phang L! habsol i s a Gangtok festival celebrated in the honor of Mt. Kanchenjunga. Dasain on the other hand is a festival celebrating the victory of good over evil which is sacred for both the Hindus and the Buddhists. There are many other festivals of Gangtok such as Loosong, Maghe Sankranti, Flower festival, Gangtok festival, Losar and so on. All these Gangtok festivals add colors of festivity and merriment to the land and thus a visit to Gangtok during festival adds glory to a travelers delight.

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For More Info :Hotels in Gangtok and Gangtok Hotels

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