Early Autism Sign: Babies' Brain Responses to Eye Contact

Early Autism Sign: Babies' Brain Responses to Eye Contact

Early Autism Sign: Babies' Brain Responses to Eye Contact

Posted: 26 Jan 2012 01:00 PM PST

CREDIT: Rene Jansa | Dreamstime

The way that babies as young as six months look at the eyes of other people may be an early sign of autism, a new study suggests.

Researchers looked at brain scans of infants as they were shown pictures of faces, and those who were later diagnosed with autism showed marked differences in brain activity from those who were not later diagnosed with the condition when the eyes in the pictures were directed at the infants.

The study included 104 babies who either had a higher risk of developing autism, because they had a sibling with the condition, or had no family history of autism.

"This study takes us a step further in understanding what goes on in the brain that subsequently causes autism to emerge in children," said study researcher Mayada Elsabbagh, a scientist at McGill University in Canada.

The study is published today (Jan. 26) in Current Biology.

Infant brain responses could be an early sign

About 1 in 110 children in the U.S. has autism, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Parents who have one child with autism are 2 to 8 percent more likely to have a second child with the disorder.

Diagnoses of autism are based on children's social behavior, and are generally made in children 2 years and older.

But parents often know something is wrong before that age.

"As early as infancy, they notice that something is different, but it's difficult to have it confirmed with a diagnosis until the child ages," Elsabbagh said.

Study findings suggest there might be a way to diagnose the disorder earlier based on infant brain responses, and that treatments for the condition may be more effective when given at earlier ages.

"The next step is to increase our knowledge on how to diagnose earlier, and provide access to earlier intervention, which we know can reduce the impact of the symptoms," Elsabbagh said.

Making eye contact could be the key

In the new study, researchers recruited families from the British Autism Study of Infant Siblings, which tracked infants starting at 5 months of age until they were 3 years old.

They tested 54 infants who had a sibling with autism, and so were at high risk of developing the condition, and 50 infants who did not, and so were the control group.

The infants, at 6 to 10 months, were shown faces that switched from looking at them to looking away from them, a way of gauging their response to eye contact with another person.

Researchers used sensors placed on the infants' scalps to measure their brain in response to eye gaze directed toward or away from the baby.

They found that of the 54 infants at higher risk, the 17 who were diagnosed with autism by 3 years of age tended to have different brain responses from the 50 infants who were not at risk, and were not later diagnosed with the condition.

But Elsabbagh cautioned that the study's findings were imperfect.

"Not every child that developed autism has brain function that showed a huge difference," she said. "It could be some other factor that prevents autism from emerging."

Researchers also only looked at children who were at high risk of autism.

"These children are at higher risk than children in the general population — children who don't have an older sibling affected by autism," said Alycia Halladay, director of research for Autism Speaks, a group that advocates for autism research, who was not involved with the study.

"So we don't know if these findings are applicable to other children with autism, or to just those who are at risk," she said.

But Halladay did point out that the study raised interesting questions about the role of early social behaviors like looking or tracking a child's eye gaze.

"Further research needs to be done on whether brain activity can be the basis for early intervention," she said.

Pass it on: How an infant responds to eye contact could determine whether they are at risk for autism.

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From Here To Andromeda Part 3 & 4

2 Hours - In Part 3 & 4 of the Here To Andromeda series, find out why so many UFOs are suddenly appearing all over the world. Are they here to teach us? Are they here to help humanity make a quantum leap? What do Governments know about UFOs? Will humanity find a new home in the universe? Join UFO Researcher and Environmentalist David Sereda as he embarks on a journey in search of a way to travel to the Andromeda Galaxy 2.2 million light years away to find a new home for humanity. Along his journey he explores UFOs, and Space Propulsion Theory in order to solve the greatest riddle in the universe: How can one travel faster than the speed of light and go anywhere in the universe in the blink of an eye. The 4 Part Series Features: Lockheed Martin Senior Research Engineer - Boyd Bushman, and Professor of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies at Columbia University - Robert Thurman, and many more. NOW on DVD from UFOTV® - From Here To Andromeda (The 4-Part Series) - Cat#U685 - Go to www.UFOTV.com

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Why I Became SDA

Posted: 26 Jan 2012 12:00 PM PST

Article by Jarrod J. Williamson, Ph.D.

This essay will be in a couple of parts. It is not intended to be a heavily theological or apologetic work, just an outline of how I became a Seventh-day Adventist.

Let me introduce myself by telling you a bit of my history. I recently earned a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from UCLA. I have a B.S. in Chemistry from Fresno State University.

I became a Seventh-Day Adventist after converting to Christianity in college. Before that, I was a Chan (a.k.a. Zen) Buddhist for about a decade. I became a Chan Buddhist (a religion I now respect, but disagree with) after spending a number of years studying Hung Gar Kung Fu under Sifu Mel S., who was (if I understand correctly, a student of Bucksam Kong. (I owe Sifu a great deal and hope some day I can regain contact and thank him profusely.)

Hung Gar is a great martial art that does wonders for developing confidence, character, self-defense skills and is an art that can be studied for a life-time. If any of you have seen the Once Upon a Time In China movies (of Jet Lee fame), the movies are about the great Chinese physician and martial artist Sifu Wong Fei Hung. (For some basic info about Hung Gar, see http://www.kungfucinema.com/articles/2001-04-08-01.htm</a href> and {a href>http://www.wle.com/thePen/iskf.html)</a href>.

However, while in college at Fresno State University (studying Chemistry) I became convinced that there was some sort of God after learning about hemoglobin in my biochemistry class. I guess it was the teleological argument that hit me. But hemoglobin seemed so well designed that I just figured it could not have been the result of natural selection.

Oddly, when I asked my professor, "You mean to tell me that that [hemoglobin] just happened by accident?" my professor essentially yelled at me. He said, "Evolution is the only way we could have gotten here. We are obviously here. Therefore evolution must be true."

Ignoring the circular reasoning for a minute, and ignoring the merits of the v! arious a rguments for and against biological evolution, there is something else this event taught me. I realized that, if what I had said I implied I believed in the existence of the Easter Bunny or Santa Clause, the professor would have politely ignored me, thought I was strange, and changed the subject. He would not have yelled at me. I learned that, for that professor, he had an underlying emotional reason for responding as he did. This was not dispassionate scientific reasoning, but emotionalism.

In any event, I digress.

Hemoglobin started me down the path to believing there was a God of some sort. Exactly what this meant, I did not know at the time. I was not sure what kind of God there was.

I had already left the Eastern religions (i.e., Chan Buddhism) because I no longer accepted a dualistic view of the universe where good and evil was just a matter of perception. (The thought that Hitler and his victims might have the same ultimate fate disturbs me morally.) So I was left with the so-called western religions.

I began studying the reasons for believing whether Islam or Christianity were true. Notice that I was not just studying the particular doctrines of Islam and Christianity and then picking the one I felt I liked the most, or made me feel the best, but I was trying to pick the one that was true.

(Part II later.)

About the Author

Jarrod J. Williamson earned his doctorate in Chemical Engineering from UCLA and currently serves in the public school system in Southern California. He can be emailed at bakupulu@hotmail.com and his personal blog, Asphalt Adventist, is found at http://www.AsphaltAdventist.blogspot.com</a href>.

Tantra Music - The Tantric Experience - Zen Meditation

Finest relaxing music ever which lets your mind and body relax.Watch in Full Screen for a better experience.

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Finding Our Values

Posted: 26 Jan 2012 12:00 PM PST

My New year's resolution this year is not to make any New Year resolutions. In any case, I've usually forgotten about them February. The real changes I've made have come when I've been in touch with the motivations that underpin my life and seen clearly what I need to do next.

At the end of the MBSR course we ask the question, does mindfulness practice touch on your underlying values – things you really care about that can continue to motivate you over the years? It's moving to hear what people say: "I've spent my life rushing, now I want to go deeper"; "I really love my children and I want to communicate with them better"; "my depression has meant that I feel I have missed out on years of my life, now I want to really live it."

Often we're driven instead by the need to manage arrangements, earn a living and respond to demands and that can get mixed with anxiety and worrying what other people think of us. So here's a simple exercise to help connect with your core values.

  •  Take a sheet of paper and write on it: 'Things I love' then make a list of everything you can think of, keeping your hand moving for several minutes, not thinking or censoring too much
  • Then take another sheet of paper and write: 'Times I've felt fulfilled and truly alive', and do the same
  • Look at your lists see what patterns or issues emerge and write a list of the most important values or qualities that these lists express.
  • Next time you meditate, turn those words or phrases over in your mind. If you notice a particular resonance or impulse to act, then notice it. Also notice if there's a judging voice telling you that you really ought to do something because you aren't a good enough person, and let it go.

Real change comes when we find new ways of being more truly ourselves.

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Meditation Keeps You healthy and Happy and That's a Fact

Posted: 26 Jan 2012 11:00 AM PST

Article by Margaret Stockley

Meditation keeps you healthy and happy and that's a fact!

Simply put, how you think becomes how you feel.

Your thoughts impact your immune system whether you are conscious of this or not. Negative thinking is a trait that is learned. It is a habit.

Positive thinking is also a habit and can be learned and reinforced through meditation. Meditation brings the brain waves into alpha rhythm where you experience a feeling of well-being and calmness. The brain likes this feeling so each time you meditate you create a positive response within the mind. Gradually you look forward to and make time for your meditation sessions. In turn, you become happier for longer and longer until you retain a feeling of contentment within you.

Neuropeptides are chemicals that are produced by the brain in varying amounts depending on how you are feeling. When you are angry or sad, you inhibit your ability to fight infection or remain optimistic or in control of your life, resulting in poorer choices relating to finances and relationships. You are more likely to become sick for longer periods of time and stress increases to the point that it can become chronic.

When you are happy you increase specific cells in the body that fight infection demonstrating in a very simple way that the immune system responds to the way that you think. Relationships improve because you are someone that people want to be around. In turn, your happiness becomes infectious and people are happy in your company.

Meditation is clinically proven to maintain a positive mental state keeping you happy and healthy so that you can be a beacon of light to others.

Like all things in life you have a choice. Happy or sad?

Meditation is the Healthy, Wealthy and Really Smart way to live.

About the Author

Margaret teaches TriYoga and Meditation and has a daily meditation blog HealthyWealthyandReallySmart.blogspot.com She owns her own studio and publishes a free weekly meditation newsletter available at http://www.CanDoMind.com

Guided Meditation with Thanissaro Bhikkhu

A guided mindfulness meditation on the body and breathing with Thanissaro Bhikkhu. For more guided meditations with Thanissaro Bhikkhu visit: www.dhammatalks.org Here are two great websites with many downloadable dharma talks and teachings, please visit: www.dharmaseed.org http Awaken The spiritual journey is the process of awakening to the precious mystery of life. The experience of presence is the essence of awakening. Right now, tune into your present moment, consciously attending to the sounds, sensations, sights, tastes, and smells in your environment. Close your eyes and bring awareness into your body, noticing where you are carrying resistance. Perhaps there is a tightness in the tongue, jaw and throat or a tension in the belly. Gently let loose and relax. Now, shift your awareness to your mind, becoming conscious of the thoughts that occupy your attention. Then, simply follow your breath, allowing a temporary quieting of the mind chatter that keeps you ruminating about the past or worrying about the future. It is this perpetual mind traffic that numbs you. Make a commitment to do one thing different today that breaks the pattern -- one thing that your mind cannot immediately disregard by saying "been there, done that." Hike to a new place, go to a new restaurant, wear a new color, take a different route to work. Awaken, even if for a moment, to the splendor of the Infinite and Eternal disguising itself as Form and Phenomena. - Dr. David Simon "Good things always ...

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New Year Trivia Quiz

Posted: 26 Jan 2012 10:00 AM PST

Article by Deanna Mascle

More Men Than Women Have Oral HPV Infection

Posted: 26 Jan 2012 10:00 AM PST

CREDIT: Dreamstime

About 7 percent of adults and teens in the United States are orally infected with the human papillomavirus, or HPV, a new study says. This represents about 14.9 million people.

More men are affected than women: About 10 percent of men ages 14 to 69 have an oral HPV infection, compared with 3.6 percent of women, the study showed.

Oral HPV infections cause some oropharyngeal cancers, or cancers of the tongue, the tonsils or back of the mouth. People who are infected with the strain HPV 16 are 14 times more likely to develop these cancers compared with those not infected with the virus.

The new findings were "reassuring," according to study researcher Dr. Maura Gillison, chair of cancer research at The Ohio State University , because they show that while oral infection with the virus is common, cancer cases as a result of these infections are rare. In other words, most infected people don't get cancer. The American Cancer Society estimates there will be about 40,000 new cases of cancer of the oral cavity and pharynx in 2012.

The findings also show oral HPV infections are, for the most part, sexually transmitted. People who reported engaging in oral sex were twice as likely to have an oral HPV infection as those who did not engage in oral sex. People who had had sex of any kind, including vaginal sex or oral sex, were eight times more likely to have an oral HPV infection than those who had not had sex. Among those who'd had 20 or more sexual partners, one in five had an oral HPV infection.

"Taken together, these data indicate that transmission by casual, nonsexual contact is likely to be unusual," the researchers wrote in their study.

However, there are clues HPV may also spread by kissing. Oral HPV infections were more common among sexually experienced people who had not engaged in oral sex than among sexually inexperienced individuals, a finding that is "consistent with transmission by other sexually associated contact (eg, deep kissing)," the researchers wrote in their study.

"This study of oral HPV infection is the critical first step toward developing potential oropharyngeal cancer prevention strategies," Gillison said. "This is clearly important, because HPV-positive oropharyngeal cancer is poised to overtake cervical cancer as the leading type of HPV-caused cancers in the U.S."

More studies are needed to know whether the HPV vaccine effectively prevents oral HPV infections, the researchers said. Currently, the vaccine is recommended to prevent cervical cancer, anal cancer and genital warts.

How common is oral HPV?

Between 1998 and 2004, incidence of new cases of oropharyngeal cancer in the United States more than tripled (from 0.8 cancers per 100,000 people to 2.6 cancers per 100,000 people).

Despite the rise, little was known about the prevalence of oral HPV infection, and the characteristics of those who have it.

In the new study, Gillison and colleagues analyzed data from more than 5,500 men and women in the United States. Participants answered questions about their sexual behavior and substance use. They were also asked to gargle mouthwash for 30 seconds, and cells that were exfoliated into the rinse were analyzed for evidence of HPV infection.

The researchers found HPV in the cells of 6.9 percent of the participants, and HPV 16 in 1 percent.

The infection was most common among those ages 60 to 64 years, (at 11.4 percent), and those ages 30 to 34 (at 7.3 percent).

Physicians should encourage their patients who engage in oral sex to use barrier protection, Dr. Hans P. Schlecht, of the Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, wrote in an editorial accompanying the study.

Smokers and alcohol users also had a high prevalence of HPV. About 20 percent of those who said they smoke 20 or more cigarettes per day had oral HPV infection.

More research

It's not clear why oral HPV infection was more common among men than women. It could be that HPV is more likely to be transmitted through oral sex on women versus men, the researchers said. Differences in hormone levels between the sexes could also affect the duration of an infection.

Smoking may suppress the immune system, leading to longer infections with the virus, the researchers said.

The researchers noted their findings are based on study participant's reports of their sexual behavior and smoking, which may not be completely accurate.

Researchers need to follow people over time to better understand the effects of age, gender, sexual behavior and smoking on the incidence and duration of oral HPV infections, the researchers said.

The study will be presented this week at the Multidisciplinary Head and Neck Cancer Symposium in Phoenix. The study and editorial are published online today (Jan. 26) in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Pass it on: Oral HPV infections affect about 7 percent of adults in teen in the United States, and are more common in men than women.

Follow MyHealthNewsDaily staff writer Rachael Rettner on Twitter @RachaelRettner. Find us on Facebook.

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How to Become a Psychic through Meditation

Posted: 26 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST

Article by Thom Sanders

Many psychics have a natural gift that allows them to see things the rest of us can't, yet some of their techniques and abilities can be learnt by anyone. Psychometry is a psychic ability that some may not have heard of yet many of us have seen performed either in real life or in the movies. Psychometry is the ability to gain information through touching or holding an object. Many people will be lucky enough to have a naturally affinity for this while others can learn to gain these psychic abilities through some simple techniques.

There are a number of different methods people use to develop psychic abilities, one of the most popular and beneficial ways is through meditation. Meditation helps you to clear your mind and allow yourself to reach a higher state on consciousness. While holding an object meditation allows you to clear your mind of all other thoughts and allow the information from the object to come through clearly.

While meditating with an object it is important to keep positive, believe in the process and keep your mind open. Think of this psychic ability as merely a hidden sense that you already possess and are simply unearthing, keep faith that you can do this and you can read this object.

To start the process, begin using a simple meditation technique to relax the mind and body. Keep your mind clear of all other thoughts. When you feel you are ready hold an object you are not familiar with and continue your meditation. Now anything that pops into your mind should be information coming from the object, try to concentrate on this information.

The information from the object may come in many forms such as images, thoughts or even emotions that may bring feelings of joy or feelings of sadness. Go with your first thoughts and gut feelings as the meditation has allowed you to enter a higher state of consciousness.

One of the best things about learning this psychic technique is that you can achieve an immediate validation of your findings as long as the own! er of th e object is there. Do not be too disheartened if at first you are not very successful, because like anything, practice makes perfect.

About the Author

This article was written by Thom Sanders on behalf of Psychic Light who provide Online Tarot Reading and Psychic Telephone Reading

What is Meditation?

Visit www.MindLaws.com Meditation is a common word thrown around in new age circles, but what exactly is it? There may be so-called "various forms" of meditation, but do they have a common end? The end which is the end of duality, or the sense of separation? Jiddu Krishnamurti and Dr. Allan W. Anderson are having a discussion to find out what meditation is. This is an excerpt from their 18 hour discussion for PBS in 1974. If you would like to watch the entire series (which I recommend) visit http

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What is the Cause of Your Stress

Posted: 26 Jan 2012 08:00 AM PST

Article by John and Davina Williams

Stress is known to be one of the most common causes of illness in our society today, therefore you need to learn how to manage your stress.

Stress is responsible for the breakdowns in relationships at work, school and at home which then lead to health problems Learn how to minimise, alleviate or eliminate stress in your life.

It is now recognised in the business arena that stress-related issues are one of the most common causes of absenteeism in the work place.

Major Corporations are now recognizing the need to manage their employees stress and are implementing stress reductions programmes in the work place. Make time to look at all that is happening in your daily life right now.

Manage your Stress in everyday life.

Take note of the things that occur every day that have a direct impact on your stress levels. Before we can deal with the problems that stress creates in our lives, we need to recognize and understand what is going on, look at what exists and then develop a plan and treat the underlying causes.

Learn what the most common causes of stress are and how to manage those issues in order to become more effective and efficient at work, at home, in your relationships; improve your health and your life. All of the things in your life that cause you stress, when they are not managed, have a huge impact on the amount of stress generated on a daily basis that influence your stress levels and can actually cause the levels to skyrocket and quickly become out of control.

Manage your Stress and feel the difference.

Determining what causes the stress in your life is possible using available resources, of which there are many, and then eliminate that stress if you really mean business. Now it is time to learn how to manage your stress so you can improve your quality of life without further delay.

People experience and express their stress in different ways.

Some people get angry, act out their stress or take it out on others. For some people it! s intern al they develop eating or substance abuse problems while others who have a chronic illness may find that the symptoms of their illness flare up when they experience an overload of stress.

Take the first step now and identify what causes your stress and then you can draft a plan to help you manage and reduce those cause.

About the Author

John and Davina Williams write many articles on ways to manage and eliminate stress. Get your copy of the 5 top causes of stress and read our blog here right now.

Body-Mind Medicine

Posted: 26 Jan 2012 07:00 AM PST

Article by Stephen Lau

Copyright (c) 2009 Stephen Lau

Your mind is directly related to your body. Your mental state affects your physical well being. This body-mind medicine is the foundation of Oriental medicine.

Not until recently did modern Western medicine begin to recognize the dynamic relationship between the mind and physical illness. Now, there is "psychoneuroimmunology" which is the study of how the mind, the brain, and the immune system affect one another in terms of overall health.

There is strong evidence that your thoughts, feelings, and moods affect the production of your brain chemicals, which directly impact the physiological system in your body. In other words, there is scientific evidence in body and mind interactions in human diseases, or the efficacy of body-mind medicine.

To illustrate body-mind medicine, your heart is more than just a circulatory pump. To the Chinese, the "heart" is an organ of "thinking" ("think with your heart"), which means your heart is a storage of your thoughts and emotions, and therefore is responsible for any positive or negative impact on the beating of your heart, or more specifically on your heart health.

William Harvey, the first scientist who established a link between the heart and the mind, or body-mind medicine, said: "Every affection of the mind that is attended with either pain or pleasure, hope or fear, is the cause of an agitation whose influence extends to the heart."

Your emotions can have a significant impact on your heart health, in terms of regulating your blood pressure and heart beat and rhythm, through the autonomic (involuntary) nervous system. In addition, your negative emotions, such as anger and anxiety, can adversely affect your cardiovascular system through the release of hormones, such as adrenaline and non-adrenaline, which can cause blood clotting and hardening of arteries.

In Chinese medicine, there are seven emotions: joy, anger, worry, contemplation, sorrow, fear, and anxiety. These emotions can caus! e diseas es and disorders, or they may be a result of distress of the internal body organs. Chinese healing focuses on the body-mind medicine.

Your mind may also increase your cancer risk. Depressed individuals have a higher risk for cancer. The reason is that if you are depressed, your immune system is impaired, and weakened immunity may be a contributing factor to abnormality of cells and tissues. As a matter of fact, several studies have been conducted to determine if personality characteristics may predispose an individual to cancer. In one study, for example, women after undergoing breast biopsies and being diagnosed with malignancy were found to be less capable of expressing their anger openly than those whose biopsies were negative. In other words, repressed and suppressed emotions adversely affect the immune system, which in turn may provide a breeding ground for cancer development. In another study at UCLA, findings indicated that emotional counseling and education not only improve immunity from cancer but also reduce the risk of cancer relapse. This attests to the significance of body-mind medicine.

Your mind may also have an impact on your diabetes because your emotions have a direct influence on your blood sugar and insulin production. In animal studies, it has been demonstrated that a stressful environment is conducive to elevation of blood sugars.

Body-mind medicine should play a pivotal role in modern medicine. The mind and body are two fully integrated features of life. Therefore, diseases in the mind are reflected as diseases in the body. So, to stay healthy, take care of not just your body but also your mind. Negative emotions may play havoc with your overall health.

About the Author

For more information on how to be healthy the Oriental way, go to Stephen Lau's websites: The Seven Pillars of Wisdom; and Are You Healthy? (http://www.healthylivinghealthylifestyle.com). Stephen Lau is a writer and researcher with websites on longevity, eating disorders, mental depression, Chinese natural healing and Zen health.

Being Mindful - Dr. Jennifer Jones

Dr. Jennifer Jones explains that being mindful is the key to happiness and explains how to be mindful

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Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 1/26/2012

Posted: 26 Jan 2012 07:00 AM PST

"An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind."

~The Buddha
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Buddhistic C91 Dual Card Quad Band Super Mini Cell Phone

Posted: 26 Jan 2012 06:00 AM PST

Article by Rita Anderson

If you are a true lover of luxury with an enduring faith in the latest technology and you are looking for a medium to showcase this to the other, nothing but a luxury phone can only help you. The recent telecommunication world is witnessing path breaking revolution and the most innovative ways to add comfort in the life of users. Using all such parameters the mobile phone market is gaining tremendous growth. So the mobiles phones in a way bring luxury in your life but precisely the luxury phones area source through which you can draw out the attention of the others.

For the exact adherent of luxury the Buddhistic C91 Dual Card Quad Band Super Mini Cell Phone is a great option to show their extravagance. This distinctively ahead model accompanies FM and Buddhistic Music Box. It is amongst a small sum of mobiles which are truly blessed with the implausible features.Come with us to have a visit in the amazing features which are really wonderful;

Image Quality Unquestionably the model has perfect image quality with 13.0 lacpixel camera that helps in shooting MP4 with sound. It creates the best quality pictures expected from a luxury phone. To make your pictures visible to all or more effervescent you can connect your luxury device to computer and download or upload images and videos. Take pleasure of the high definition PC camera for mind-boggling picture quality.

Memory Storage The ROM contains 1GB space and manages up to 4GB expendable memory card for the Document Management function.

Bluetooth - High speed wireless technology. High definition PC Cam - The best class pictures obtainable from a phone! It easily gets attached to your PC for easy picture upload and downloading.

Contact DetailsThis overwhelming model holds praiseworthy telephone directories with 300 groups of name cards telephone books and making caller groups. You can customize the ringtones or can give an individuality to your caller with the incoming call with photo function.

Connectivity Attri! butesThi s visually elegant phone comes with quad band and dual SIM card facilities. The model supports Bluetooth and you can transmit the data using USB data wire that performs as U disk or by bluetooth2.0.

Fun FeaturesYou can use E-book, can hear music with the help of added buddistic music box, you can access FM radio and can play music at backdrops. Enjoy movies with 3GP, MP4 formats and play full screen, speed as well as pause features.

In a nutshell we can call this little magic a true luxury that you can buy to redefine your status, class and appeal.

About the Author

Check out different luxury phones fall in love with lavish cell phone

Dogen Zenji's dodge

Posted: 26 Jan 2012 06:00 AM PST

A couple of days ago I happened to come across some interesting stuff while I was reading Dogen's ideas about Buddhism in the book, Beyond Thinking, which has been edited by Kazuaki Tanahashi.  This Q&A especially caught my attention.

Question 6: Why, among the four bodily presences taught in the buddha's house, do you emphasize sitting alone, recommend Zen samadhi, and expound entry into realization?

Answer: It is impossible to know completely the methods by which all buddhas from the past practiced and entered realization, one after another.  It is hard to know, but if you look into it, all buddhas are engaged in zazen as the source of realization.  Don't look for anything else. 

This appears to be a dodge by Dogen.  First of all, we learn from Dogen that it is impossible to know the methods by which the Buddhas attained awakening.  But then Dogen is quite sure it was by sitting meditation, that is zazen!   Dogen uses the compound term "zazen" as if za/sitting posture imparted some special power to zen/dhyâna—which it doesn't. In the Stress Reduction canon, particularly the older sections such as the Sutta-Nipata in which there are nineteen references to jhâna (dhyâna), sitting has no importance.  There is no such compound in other words.  

For Soto Zen—not Buddhism in general—the important part of meditation is just sitting (J., shikantaza). It is chiefly by sitting that we become Buddhas.  

For the new student, this is certainly puzzling.  Nor is it a correct picture of Buddhism.  Dogen seems to want the student to become like a Buddha statue which never changes position.  When Dogen says:

"You should know that the practice of zazen is the complete path of buddha-dharma and nothing can be compared with it."

The student can be assured that Dogen has no canonical basis for his assertion.  Dogen's idea doesn't even tally with those of other Zen masters who had a much different understanding of Zen or dhyâna in which posture wasn't primary.  

"While still alive, be therefore assiduous in practising Dhyana.  The practice consists in abandonments.  'The abandonment of what?' you may ask.  Abandon your four elements (bhuta), abandon your five aggregates (skandha), abandon all the workings of your relative consciousness (karmavijnana), which you have been cherishing since eternity; retire within your inner being and see into the reason of it.  As your self-reflections grows deeper and deeper, the moment will surely come upon you when the spiritual flower will suddenly burst into bloom, illuminating the entire universe.  The experience is incommunicable, though you yourselves know perfectly well what it is" (Suzuki, Essays in Zen Buddhism [Second Series], 8).


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Patch Parables 3 - The Parable of the Raft

This weeks Parable - The Parable of the Raft. WATCH IN HD, ITS MUCH PRETTIER! This weeks parable is all about clinging to right, and wrong states of mind. It's important that we do not hold onto things that no longer serve us. This includes both material goods, emotional states, mental understandings and so on and so forth. Learn to let go. Made with Love by~ Jordan Duchnycz and Vanessa Cuccia Audio Recording by VISION Logo by Lee VanPelt Intro Music by Seb Skelly Credits Music by Super Junior -Happiness- Background music by Iwasaki Taku Special thanks to Andrew Golden, for without him this could not have been made! Thank you so much for everyone who provided their time, energy, and Love into helping create this project! Check out more at www.thespiritscience.net twitter- @spiritsciences www.facebook.com/thespiritscience

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Spiritual Self Help – 3 Essential Steps to Achieving Spiritual Enlightenment

Posted: 26 Jan 2012 05:00 AM PST

Article by Nelson Berry

Spiritual self help is designed to help anyone who want to embark on a journey towards spiritual awareness, growth, and development. One common problem among people these days is the lack of contentment and a detachment from their inner selves. This, in truth, is the common aim of any religion in the world. Inside each of us lies a spiritual being seeking to be set free. Unfortunately, most people have mistaken religion as a tradition to follow or as a routine or activity. Only a very small percentage of every religion achieves true spiritual enlightenment.

Do you think that a mundane life void of passion is what you're made for? Do you think that religion is all about outward activities and inward nothingness? Don't settle for anything less than what you're meant to experience in this life.

Spiritual self help can help you reach your true destiny. It can help you maintain composure and peace in the face of life's challenges, and can give you access to your deepest emotions.

1. Get in touch with the inner you. This may sound like a cliché, which is why it is often taken for granted. But the truth is that there is a spiritual being residing inside you. In fact, you are not a physical being seeking for spirituality; you are a spiritual being only residing in a physical body.

The problem is, today's materialistic world has made us into physical beings that are disconnected from the spiritual beings that we really are. This spiritual being recedes into the background and becomes a faint haunting inside us that we are made for something more.

So what you have to do is find this spiritual being inside you. Once you get in touch with that part of you, you will be overwhelmed with its innate passion, love, and peace – everything you need to live the life you've always dreamed.

2. Rest your mind. To achieve spiritual awareness, you need to give your mind some time to breath. Don't let it get cluttered with day to day concerns. Don't juggle ! multiple trains of thought at once. If you busy your mind up, it becomes more and more detached to its true power. If you let your mind rest regularly, you will be able to see an unlimited space which can be filled with peace and contentment, from which we can draw strength in life's biggest challenges.

3. Remove all doubts. There is no more powerful force that can drive you further from spiritual awakening than doubt. If you doubt the existence of that powerful spiritual being inside you, then it won't manifest itself in any way. The problem is, the conscious mind is naturally full of doubts; it's just the way it is wired due to the way it perceives this rather tricky society.

Thankfully, there is a way to remove all negative thoughts and beliefs from your mind so you can free it to believe in the power inside you. This is the use of subliminal messages to uproot all the doubts embedded even in the deepest recesses of your mind.

Here are some examples of positive subliminal messages that can awaken the spiritual power inside you:

I am a spiritual being. I am in touch with the powerful spirit that dwells in me.The spirit of peace and contenment lives inside me.

About the Author

Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Subliminal Messages online. Valued at 0, click for 4 Free Subliminal messages!

Radical Spirituality Lessons-God is Beyond Morality-3 of 3

Meet Yogiraj Live: hamsa-yoga.org Visit Yogiraj's website to see his tour schedule and for lots of articles, and streaming radio interview, mantras, and exclusive video of him. Are you inherently a hypocritical being or a noble being? What's deep inside the depths of your consciousness? Why are your actions one way and your thoughts another? What are the teachings of the Buddha regarding thought vibrations and manifestation? ***Yogiraj is considered an illumined living master and solar seer, and helps sincere practitioners of yogic meditation awaken to higher levels of consciousness through chakra awakening and esoteric practices of Himalayan yoga. Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath was born on May 10, 1944 in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India. He has been meditating since the age of 3, and spent his early years in the Himalayas amongst the HamsaNath yogis, in whose presence he was transformed. The divine transformation flowered after his deep and personal experiences in 1961 and 1967 with the yogi-christ Mahavatar Shiv-Goraksha-Babaji, the same spiritual master described in Yogananda's Autobiography of a Yogi. He has a wife of 30+ years, Gurumata Shivangani, with whom he built by hand the Hamsa Yoga Sangh Ashram (Spiritual Retreat) outside the city of Pune, near Bombay, India. They have two sons, and two grandchildren. Yogiraj teaches yogic meditation for the evolution of human consciousness. These perennial practices of yoga are the most ancient closely guarded sacred practices ...

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Kelaniya Raja Maha Vihara - A Hallowed Site of Buddhist Pilgrimage

Posted: 26 Jan 2012 04:00 AM PST

Article by Pushpitha Wijesinghe

Among the cities of Sri Lanka that boasts a proud historical heritage, the city of Kelaniya holds a special place. Todayâ??s Kelaniya is an industrial and commercial centre, with an extensive urban population, due to the cityâ??s proximity to the countryâ??s commercial capital. As such, it is not imbued with the same old-world charm and serenity that suffuses most of Sri Lankaâ??s other, more prominent heritage-scapes.

Yet, this is a region that appears in records that well pre-date the first Indian settlements, such as the Ramayana. The cityâ??s main claim to legendary veneration comes from records of the Buddha having made a visit here during his lifetime, at the behest of the then-tribal king. It is also the famous birthplace of Singhalese heroes such as Queen Vihara Maha Devi and King Dutugamunu and has been known throughout Asia as a centre of Buddhist learning until its ultimate destruction at the hands of Dravidian and Portuguese invaders.

The foremost cultural and religious jewel that stands testament to the enduring historical repute of the city is the Kelaniya Raja Maha Vihara, or the Kelaniya Royal Temple. The majestic white stupa that appears on the west bank of the River Kelani, along the Colombo-Kandy route, 10 kilometres away from Colombo, is one of the largest and most revered Buddhist shrines in Sri Lanka. The temple complex, which encompasses ten acres, is reputed to be built on the very site which the Buddha is believed to have preached the Dharma during His third visit to the isle, according to the local historical chronicles of the Dipavamsa and Chulavamsa.

The visit of the Buddha to this hallowed site is said to have taken place on a Vesak (May) full moon day eight years after His Enlightenment, at the invitation of the Naga tribal king, Maniakkhika. The jewelled throne the Buddha sat on during His preaching, His hair and some of His utensils is said to have been enshrined in the stupa by the Naga king. If this assertion is true, the Kelani stupa woul! d well p redate the ones built at the actual advent of Buddhism to Sri Lanka, which took place during the Asokan era in the 3rd century BC. The architectural form of the stupa, which takes the shape of a heap of grain, is said to remain unchanged from the days of its original construction.

The Duruthu Maha Perahera is headquartered at and held by the Kelaniya Royal Temple every January to commemorate this historic visit. This is a procession of royal pageantry whose splendour is only second to that of the Dalada Perahera of Kandy, featuring an entourage of fire-dancers, whip-crackers, standard, bearers and gorgeously caparisoned elephants.

The temple is said to have flourished during the 15th century as a world-renowned centre of learning, until the Portuguese invaders confiscated much of the temple lands during their occupation of the islandâ??s coast. The subsequent Dutch takeover of these regions and their friendlier relations with the Sri Lankan king saw the temple complex restored to its former glory. It was again rescued from dereliction and restored during the 20th century under the patronage of one Ms Helena Wijewardana.

Today, the temple complex comprises the magnificent stupa, old and new shrines and an extensive monastic quarters. It is a showcase of the Sri Lankan low countryâ??s artistic and architectural heritage, with its dragon arches, lion-dragon arches and the graceful sculptures of the reclining Buddha and deities. The statue of Lord Hanuman and the relatively recent erection of the 18 foot Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara are the standout features here, while the murals and frescoes are also much-lauded. The majority of the newer art restoration owes their authentic beauty to the illustrious master of neo-classical artistic tradition, Solis Mendis, especially the vestibule ceiling of the old shrine which depicts a symbolic cosmological diagram of the heavens.

This temple is one of the key locations for those who travel to Sri Lanka seeking culture sight-seeing spots. Touri! sts wish ing to learn more information about this and other like cultural monuments of the land are directed to the travel portal Truly Sri Lanka, which provides up-to-date information essential for planning a successful tour Sri Lanka.

About the Author

Pushpitha Wijesinghe is an experienced independent freelance writer. He specializes in providing a wide variety of content and articles related to the travel hospitality industry.

The True Power of the Mind

Posted: 26 Jan 2012 03:00 AM PST

Article by Richard Onebamoi

The true power of the mind, extraordinary as it is many are yet to enjoy its potential and possibilities. Understanding the true power of the mind is critical to your personal and professional success. Mahatma Ghandi observed, "A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes." With the thoughts, you hold in your mind, you will initiate a sequence of actions or inactions that will lead to the actualization of the contents of the thought, whether these thoughts are empowering or disempowering.

The reality is the state of your mind determines the state of your life, the condition of your life and your thoughts hold the key to what you achieve and do not achieve. Consequently, self-improvement must begin with the enlargement of your mind through the acquisition of information, training and nourishing it with positive mental diets, such as reading books that are uplifting, meditation or joining a mastermind group in order to produce thoughts that are in harmony with your core values, goals and objectives.

"You have powers you never dreamed of. You can do things you never thought you could do. There are no limitations in what you can do except the limitations of your own mind" Darwin P. Kingsley. The reason most people are not successful right now is because of the condition of their minds and the limitation placed on it. There are clutters in the mind that are hindering progress of any activity embarked on. Your ability to progress is highly impacted if your mind is incapacitated in any shape or form. Therefore, it is crucial that your mind is uncluttered from these things causing it to be unproductive.

Success in any enterprise is a product of the right use of the mind. Your mind is one single factor that determines your value in life and your relevance to your world Napoleon Hill observed, "What the mind of man can conceive and believe, he can achieve." The mind serves like an incubator and whatever that you sow into it can reproduce. In order to be successful t! he mind has to conceive plus you have to believe that it is possible to achieve whatever it is that you have conceived. This is the reason why it is imperative to feed the mind with materials that will enhance the mind to a positive conception to the levels of possibilities.

I want you to understand that through appropriate use of your mind you can produce outstanding changes you desire in your life, for, "as he thinks in his heart so is he." Begin today the results will be immeasurable. Please, feel free to share your thoughts.

About the Author

Richard Onebamoi is a pastor, international and multi-giftedmotivational speaker, author, success facilitator, and empoweringpeople to unlock the power to succeed. And now I would like to inviteyou to signup for his free monthly newsletter: href="http://www.self-improve-blog.com/freeezine.php">SuccessEmpowerment Newsletter

Thich Nhat Hanh - The Daily Path Podcast from MyPath TV

Meet with celebrated peace activist and Buddhist monk, Thich Nhat Hanh. To watch the full-length version of this video and many, many more, follow the link on our profile for a free trial of MyPathTV.com, the #1 destination for Mind-Body-Spirit Programming!

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Consciousness Holistic Health

Posted: 26 Jan 2012 02:00 AM PST

Article by Yakovsamelson

A strong consequence of the fascinating innovations and technological inventions developed a fast and more comfortable way of life. Provoking recent kinds of intellectual diseases and traumas, a strong effect of the quickly increasing stress level is this era where everything spins on fast-forward. Ignoring the body, the mental fitness experts are treating the mind, while the traditional physicians treat the body, ignoring the brain. As an alternative of improved searching for the reason of the dieses, these two kinds of health warning signs are treated by means of drugs or in special cases by means of surgery. The brain, the body as well as the spirit are considerable aspect that are meant to always be built-in in one style of drugs. The maximum correct and effective answer comes from the Holistic Health comprehension.

Being a wellness attitude of the nature of your brains, body and spirit, integrated in one piece the Holistic Health, makes produce every individual an entire and built-in being in the emotional, spiritual, biological and communal pathways. The comprehension and recognition headed for this integrity, are going to guide our everyday life to an impressive and benefic change. The wholly awareness of the Holistic Health is created on a synergy of both systems eastern and western, religious and scientific, ancient and modern, human being and social, fulfilling a benefic wholesome excellent of both the holistic nature of health and life.

The Holistic Health has an extraordinary long history, being among the eldest types of medicine, being around a lot longer than the prescription of drugs or the nowadays medicine. For most of the centuries, civilizations all approximately the world come with used the miraculous plants and herbs for various kinds of therapies and healing method and in addition a huge selection of drugs have the base ingredients from the ordinary medicine.

Educators, chiropractors, homeopaths, naturopaths, Mental Fitness professionals and even a small a ! part of the medical field are embracing the successful using of the holistic attitude. Gaining extraordinary importance universal on account of its unbeaten outcome, the Holistic Health rapidly grows in reputation. Embracing the Holistic teachings, the Reconnective Healing is an eloquent example of one of the maximum proficient and beneficial ordinary medicine. Permitting the patient to connect by means of his internal balance, as well as with the fascinating worldwide energies, this innovative and radical treatment is produced on a spectrum of light and awareness. The Reconnective Healing uses fitness frequencies and resources in order to connect the patient to his own essence, while the health disorders are diminished or superior. Draining all the negative energies, re-centering an optimum form of internal equilibrium and eradicating all the excessive energy blocks and interferences are the primary stage of this revolutionary treatment.

The utmost familiar and major Holistic Health approaches are focusing largely on environmental health, nutritional counseling, massage, homeopathy, acupuncture food, allergies, meditation, exercises, herbs, organic living and nutritional foods. The most crucial realization aspect towards the Holistic teaching is the ordinary and non-toxic sort of approach in the direction of both the human body along with the environment.

About the Author

If you are reading this article this is not a coincidence, this is because you decided that you want to change the quality of your life. You can read more information at Reconnect Your Life.

3 Ways to Achieve Superior Mind Control

Posted: 26 Jan 2012 01:00 AM PST

by RubyJi

Article by Gregory Frost

The power of the mind is still a subject shrouded in mystery - even in these modern times. We humans have only discovered the use and potential power of less than half the mind, and this is after more than 500 years of research into the brain. When modern science came along, with proponents like Sigmund Freud, they discovered that within the conscious, tangible mind lies a deeper, more powerful component of the brain, called the pre-conscious mind. Now termed the subconscious mind, it has been identified as the secret mind that is operating beyond the realm of awareness. When science did discover this hidden awareness, it has been trying for many years to target the subconscious mind and literally change a person from within.

Technologies such as affirmations, auto suggestions, binaural beats, hypnosis and even subliminal messaging are just some examples of the modalities used to subvert the subconscious mind and place positive messages within. These technologies give the end user superior mind control, in the sense that it allows them to drive past the normal defences of the conscious mind - right into the core of the subconscious. To a microbe within the human brain, the subconscious mind would probably represent an ethereal presence within the cerebral cortex of the human mind, wiping and moving as a single almost ghostlike entity within the recesses of the brain. Its wisps touch all the neurons that are critical to emotion, fear, character, speech, nuance - the very basic building blocks of the human soul and spirit. Within the subconscious would be a halo of messages and instructions, all wrapping along in a sort of maelstrom in the mind, sending messages into various parts of the brain. The subconscious mind is actually the soldier - carrying out orders from the physical awareness. These orders are in turn translated into base and raw emotional reactions that we experience. A good example would be phobias.

The subconscious is affected either by a constant bombardment of messag! es or a single, catastrophic event that imprints within its matrix. Let us take the fear of swimming as an example. It could be due to horror stories told by friends, watching movies of people drowning and associating water with trauma. As a child grows up, this constant bombardment of messages will lead to a fear of water and of swimming. Or it could be a single event, like an explosion on a boat, or seeing someone get mauled by a shark.

The carnal emotions reverberate into the subconscious mind and thus get reproduced every time there is physical contact with water. Reverse this technology and you have yourself methods in which you can gain superior mind control. They follow the same principles as mediation and hypnosis - or any one of the more advanced techniques discussed earlier in this article. Once you have these methods practiced to perfection, you will be able to conquer any hindrances or addiction in your life, over time and with effort.

About the Author

Click Here to get your Free 'Ultimate Success Unleashed' and achieve success faster. Greg Frost is a self improvement coach and has been helping thousands of people worldwide to achieve their dreams and goals through the use of subliminal messaging cds.

Mindful Awareness - What is it and how does it work?

www.mindfulawarenesstrainingsystem.com A short explanation of what Mindful Awareness is, its benefits and how it works. Visit the website to download 3 free MP3s of mindful awareness exercises.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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10 Natural Stress Relief Remedies

Posted: 26 Jan 2012 12:00 AM PST

Article by Ryan Camana MNLP, MHt, MTT, BA

Stress affects all of us. There is the positive stress known as "eustress" which is from exercise and other enjoyable experiences. Of course the stress you want to rid yourself of is the negative stress. The kind that leads to weight gain, heart attacks and even cancer. Definitely you want to get rid of this stress as fast as possible.

Here are some techniques you can use to reduce your stress level:

1. Practice yoga, meditation, or tai chi. Any type of ritualistic practice, especially if it involves long flowing movements, helps to alleviate stress. Taking time to focus on yourself, relaxing each individual part of your body can make a huge difference in your outlook and dramatically reduce stress.

2. Have some green tea. Green tea is fantastic at relieving stress because of a chemical known as theanine. Theanine is a naturally occurring relaxation chemical. It calms and focuses the mind leading to relaxation. Theanine can also be taken directly as a supplement to help acute stress.

3. Take Siberian ginseng. Sometimes referred to as Eleuthero this adaptogenic herb is master at helping you deal with daily physical and mental stress. The herb is even used by astronauts to help deal with the high amounts of physical and mental strain experienced with space travel.

4. Keep a journal. Journaling is a fantastic way of "venting" the emotions you're experiencing. Rather than holding everything in, a journal or diary can give you that much needed perspective on a problem you're having. Journaling allows you to "clear" your subconscious mind by effectively taking down spinning plates that you may feel you have to keep balanced.

5. Take a rhodiola supplement. Another fantastic adaptogenic herb which helps your mind and body deal with prolonged tension or stress. Rhodiola also comes from the Siberian area and has been used extensively by Olympic athletes.

6. Drink Chamomile tea. Chamomile tea is derived from a white flower with a yellow center. Chamomile has been us! ed for c enturies for all sorts of ailments especially for stress and stomach ailments. Try drinking chamomile before bed to get a better night of sleep.

7. Listen to music. The ideal music to listen to when relaxing is "harmonic" music. Harmonic music like classical music slows the brain waves allowing for a deep relaxation.

8. Exercise. Short burst, intense exercise is extremely effective for stress reduction. Many people enjoy running long distances. Long distance running can stress the body significantly if not done properly. If you are not trained in long distance running, I'd advise against it.

9. Take a bath with epsom salts. A warm bath is a relaxing experience mentally. Add epsom salts and you can increase your magnesium levels. Low levels of magnesium cause muscle tension, cramps and calcium deficiencies. If you find yourself craving chocolate you probably have a magnesium deficiency.

10. Do something good for someone else. Human beings are hardwired to help other people. Studies show that people who serve in charities, churches and other "helping" organizations experience less stress and more happiness.

Be sure to practice anti stress activities daily. Stress has a nasty habit of sneaking up on us with no warning.

About the Author

These techniques are powerful but they are not enough. There are still more stress relief techniques you need to acquire to move from fear to success in your life.

For more free tips, sign up for my personal development newsletter at: www.DynamicBreakthroughs.com

Learn Reiki

fastspiritualawakening.com Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. Reiki is part of an ancient Tibetan Buddhist practice that stresses empowerment. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy. A special thank you for all the great information to www.reiki-for-holistic-health.com http

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Get to Know Your Subconscious Mind

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 11:00 PM PST

Article by Gregory Frost

When you are talking about the power of the mind, what you need to do is to find out more about the subconscious mind and what kind of potential it has to actually control every aspect of your body and mind. The subconscious mind is hidden deep within the cortex of the brain, and it resides within the intangible areas of the brain. Every one has a sub conscious mind, and this is what you need to know about on how powerful it is and how you are going to be able to use it to your own advantage.

Mind power is our cognisant intellect, the way we reflect. The brain is comparable to a continually graceful mechanism on the other hand an ordinary spring cannot dispatch forth unsullied stream and acidic from the identical gap, nor acquiesce equally salt water and unmarked. So it is with the brain and its thoughts; it cannot uniformly imagine unenthusiastic and optimistic judgments at the identical time. When talking about this, the whole point of the power of the mind is that it is able to give some sort of momentum for yourself for some sort of self development and improvement.

It can be the way you unconsciously handle a state of affairs whether appropriately or not. The force of the non conscious mind comes from the thoughts and beliefs of the office within the mind. Nevertheless your considerations and believe is what your subconscious brain force will produce. The process is done continuously, minute by minute. Every Last thought generated regularly by your psyche index will trigger your non conscious mind to form those persuasions and muscularity whether positive or severe into your spirit. This is how your present and future is created.

This is why you need to get to know the subconscious mind as far as you can because it can be the key to your own self improvement. Follow through with some research and really, you would be surprised on what you are going to find out about your mind and yourself. The subconscious mind is in there, and it is time that we wake up and find out how we! are goi ng to use it to our own advantage. If your are looking at the whole host of psychological and physiological problems in the world today, most of them can be tracked back to being rooted within the mind and this is what you need to trust and believe in.

So, take some time to yourself and get to know the small and still voice in your mind, and you would be able to fundamentally change your life in ways that you cannot even conceive. As you know, you will be able to find yourself and improve on the things in your life. So, the good thing is that there are plenty of websites and information online that you can use to help yourself find out more about the subconscious mind and how you can use it to increase the potential of your life.

About the Author

Click Here to get your Free 'Ultimate Success Unleashed' Subliminal Cd and supercharge your success. Greg Frost is an authority in the subliminal industry for many years and has helped thousands of individuals worldwide to attain their dreams and goals with his subliminal messaging cds.

Know the misconceptions of Yoga

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 10:00 PM PST

Article by Patresia Adams

Even though, Yoga has now become very popular in India and abroad, there are a number of misconceptions of Yoga in the minds of people. Many still take it as something only for the saints and not for the common people. Now if one goes by the words of Patanjali, the father of Indian Yoga, Yoga is nothing, but the ability to control the modifications of the mind with one's will power. In simple words, it is the reunion of the self with the divine power. It can be termed as a mental state of mind where you cut yourself from the rest of the world and find the inner peace and comfort.

Misconceptions of Yoga at a glance:

You must have seen people who have the power of stopping the circulation of blood or go without food for days or can obstruct a truck. Well, all this requires constant practice, but still it is not Yoga.

Similarly, incidents like breaking iron plates or walking through fire can not be called Yoga practices.

There are people who can remain underground for weeks and also claim to read another person's mind. Now, this again should not be considered as Yoga.

Holding breath for long time, making complicated postures are again not something you can say Yoga or related to Yoga.

Treatment with Yoga:

Yoga is undoubtedly very effective in curing various diseases and also helps in staying fit and healthy. Just by practicing Yoga 15 minutes a day, one can keep himself fit and fine. Now, what more you can ask for?

Divine Wellness is an online platform offering information and consultations on holistic wellness tailored for individual's requirements. The site also aims to aware the people about the misconceptions of Yoga and offers interactive Yoga classes. It also provides vital information about treatment with Yoga.

About the Author

Patresia Adams is a healthcare consultant working with Divine Wellness. This interactive health and wellness portal offers Live online yoga classes through high-definition video conferencing.

Create A Buddhist Sanctuary with Wind Chimes in Your Garden

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 10:00 PM PST

Article by Mitchell Sorenson

When ever you hear of Buddhism the very first thing that enters your mind is a place called nirvana. Nirvana is a place where you achieve total happiness. It is a place that is peaceful and without stress because with this religion you are taught to give up your earthy possessions and live a simple life.

That is the reason why most Buddhist temples are found on top of Tibetan mountains far away from civilization. In their temples all they do is pray, meditate and live a humble life communing with nature. One of the most salient features of these temples is the bells they ring. These bells emit a deep rich oriental tone which is a symbol of tranquility and peace. People who search for their nirvana will take pains to climb these mountains. The echo of the sound of the bells indicates how close they are to achieving their goals. The closer they are to this sound means they have reached finally their nirvana.

To recreate a Buddhist sanctuary you can hang wind chimes in strategic areas or your home. You can choose your backyard or garden to recreate your own Nirvana. You can hang these elegant accents from the branches of your trees and enjoy the soothing music they make whenever a gust of wind blows by. The sound of its pentatonic scaled melody will take you to a spiritual journey up in the Himalayan Mountains. Its rich, deep tones are truly calming and therapeutic.

You will have the same effect if you drape these wind chimes inside the rooms of your house preferably by the windows where air can move thru freely. Your rooms will have a relaxing atmosphere and it will make them look more inviting. You will be mesmerized by watching these ornaments dance gracefully in the air while they sing an inspiring harmony of stillness and serenity.

About the Author

Mitchell Sorenson, author of this article is also interested in wind chimes and recommends you to please check out personalized wind chimes if you liked reading this information.

World Religion Studies in Natural Healing

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 09:00 PM PST

Article by Michael Bustamante

World Religion Studies, as taught by Natural Healing Schools, educates students about various religious beliefs and philosophies in order to enhance alternative healing methods. Students explore the historical, psychological, and religious expressions of various world cultures to cultivate a deeper understanding of true physical health and spiritual wellbeing.

World Religion Studies investigates the influence that religious practices may provide to the body's ability to heal itself, as well as to our spiritual presence in the natural world. World Religion Studies students learn by exposition, interpretation, and discussion of the relevance of the world's religions to spiritual and physical health. They are taught how the holistic healing processes of the body can be enhanced by utilizing various aspects of religion such as prayer, yoga, or meditation.

The World Religion Studies curriculum examines the major world religions to gain insight into the foundation and history of various religious beliefs. Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Zen Practices, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism, Shamanism, Confucianism, Taoism, and other religions are investigated, helping students achieve a better understanding of cultural diversity and global perspectives.

World Religion Studies are intended to expand the students' understanding of other cultures, and to teach students to utilize the beneficial aspects of spiritual studies in their personal interactions with others.

If you are interested in learning more about World Religion Studies Schools and additional learning programs, search our site for more in-depth information and resources.

DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERAL OVERVIEW and may or may not reflect specific practices, courses and/or services associated with ANY ONE particular school(s) that is or is not advertised on SchoolsGalore.com.

Copyright 2006 - All Rights ReservedMichael Bustamante, in association with Media Positive Communications, Inc. for SchoolsGalore.com

Not! ice to P ublishers: Please feel free to use this article in your Ezine or on your Website; however, ALL links must remain intact and active.

About the Author

Michael Bustamante is a staff writer for Media Positive Communications, Inc. in association with SchoolsGalore.com. Find World Religion Studies at SchoolsGalore.com; meeting your needs as your educational resource to locate schools.

Zen Master Dae Bong Dharma Talk, Karma, Mind, True Nature

Zen Master Dae Bong speaks about Zen Practice. Mu Sang Sa Home page. www.musangsa.org.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Men at Higher Risk for Signs of Alzheimer's, Study Suggests

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 09:00 PM PST

CREDIT: Hanna Monika Cybulko | Dreamstime

Men have a higher risk than women of developing memory problems and other mental impairments that are early signs of Alzheimer's disease, a new study suggests.

Researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., followed 1,450 people ages 70 to 89, and found that 296 patients developed mild cognitive impairment (MCI) over the course of the three-and-a-half year study.

People with mild cognitive impairment have memory, language, thinking and judgment problems that are noticeable to themselves and their families, but not serious enough to interfere with day-to-day life.

"We found that the incidence was higher in men than in women," said study co-author Rosebud Roberts, professor of epidemiology at the Mayo Clinic. Of the 722 men in the study, 161 developed MCI, whereas 135 of the 728 women did.

The findings counter earlier research that suggests women have a higher incidence of mild cognitive impairment.

Researchers re-evaluated study participants with a battery of tests designed to diagnose mild cognitive impairment every 15 months for a median of 3.4 years.

The research is published online today (Jan. 25) in the journal Neurology.

Marriage and education

In addition to gender differences, researchers also found that mild cognitive impairment was more common in people who were widowed, divorced or separated, or in those who were less educated, than those who were married or who had more education.Researchers did not detect a higher risk of MCI in people who had never married.

People who are widowed, divorced or separated are more likely to experience depression, loneliness and lack of social support than those who are married, Roberts said.

"We think that these may contribute to why previously married people have a higher risk of MCI," she said. "These factors have been associated with an increased risk of MCI and dementia in other studies."

The incidence of mild cognitive impairment in elderly persons ages 70 and older was "quite high," Roberts said. "One out of every 16 men and women in this age group will develop a new onset of MCI in a given year."

The study highlights the need for doctors to check for risk factors of mild cognitive impairment that are treatable, such as depression and sleep apnea, said Dawn McGuire, professor of neurology at the Neuroscience Institute of Morehouse School of Medicine. McGuire was not associated with the study.

"This means user-friendly detection tools," McGuire said. "And we need to have, as standard of care, an aggressive approach to MCI work up."

Treatable causes

Roberts agreed, saying researchers need to assess whether those treatable conditions related to mild cognitive impairment differ between men and women. "It's important for us to understand whether risk factors for MCI — obesity, Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, depression, lack of exercise and a lack of intellectual stimulation — affect risk of MCI differently in men and women."

While the study was well-designed, it had some weaknesses, Roberts said. The researchers would have liked to have had a larger group of participants, she said. "[And] people who were sicker were more likely to refuse to participate."

The study authors also acknowledged that the population was mostly of European descent, which McGuire said is both a strength and a weakness.

Because the study had relatively homogenous group of participants — most were elderly whites of European descent who lived in the same region — many potentially confounding factors were reduced, she said. Therefore, results "such as the gender difference in MCI, a surprise finding, may otherwise have been masked."

However, the findings might not apply as well to other groups. "As the authors are the first to note, these findings may not be generalizable," McGuire said. "This is a fairly big limitation given the changing demographic. Within 30 years, whites of European descent will be the minority in our country; and, the population most at risk of MCI and dementia — those 65 and over — will have doubled."

Pass it on: Men may have a higher risk than women of mild cognitive impairment, a precursor to Alzheimer's disease.

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Ask A Monk: Pornography and Masturbation (and Addiction in General)

"Hello Yuttadhammo, my question is, Through meditation, could I learn to control my mind in a way that would enable me to destroy an addiction, or addictive tendencies? I'm addicted to pornography and masturbation. It's ruining my life, can you help?" Please submit questions to my YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com or Google Moderator: www.google.com subscribe for updates here: www.youtube.com and don't forget to click the "like" button to help promote these videos! Thanks everyone for your questions, comments and support for what I do. May all beings be happy. --------------------------------------------------------------- Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: www.twitter.com Buzz: www.google.com Weblog: yuttadhammo.sirimangalo.org Schedule: yuttadhammo.sirimangalo.org Audio Talks: yuttadhammo.sirimangalo.org Book on How To Meditate: yuttadhammo.sirimangalo.org Sirimangalo International (Our non-profit organization): www.sirimangalo.org Supporting This Work: www.sirimangalo.org

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Luggage Lockers Provide Peace Of Mind

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 08:00 PM PST

Article by Alan Trotter

Travelling can be extremely stressful because there are so many things that can go wrong. Add in the fact that most people are doing something that they do not do every day and that their focus is usually on the trip or what they will do on holiday, and it is easy to see why things get lost or are not looked after properly.

All of this means that having the ability to use luggage lockers to store your belongings is a great option for many travellers. An increasing number of railway stations and airports are providing this facility which can only be of benefit to the customer.

If you arrive in a city in the early morning and have the full day to enjoy what is available, you may not want to carry your luggage about with you. Connecting flights can sometimes allow a great deal of freedom for a traveller but carting around baggage can seriously impact on the level of freedom that a person feels they have. It makes sense therefore to take advantage of the luggage lockers that are found in railway stations or airports as this provides the traveller with a greater degree of freedom when moving around in their spare time.

The freedom to move around is a good advantage but the biggest benefit probably comes with the peace of mind that is provided by having your valuables properly stored away. There are many important documents that people have when travelling and losing items such as passports or wallets can turn a good holiday into a nightmare very quickly. Being able to have these items locked away securely is a fantastic way to make the most of being in a particular city without having to constantly check where they are.

The freedom provided by luggage lockers ties in perfectly with the sense of adventure that many people hope to find on holiday, but with the safety they offer as an added bonus. All of this means that users who want to explore a new city or just make the most of their free time without feeling hindered by their luggage can do so. It doesn't matter whether you h! ave just one item or the luggage for a whole family, there will be sufficient space in the luggage lockers to ensure you can enjoy yourself without having to worry about your property. Holidays are meant to be relaxing so take the necessary steps to ensure you are able to unwind as much as possible.

About the Author

Anyone arriving in the English capital can do more exploring if they take advantage of Heathrow baggage storage facilities, or find a handy London luggage depository where they can safely store their luggage for a few hours, or possibly longer.

Learn how to beat stress

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 08:00 PM PST

Helena Oliviera, Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Naomi Tsu battles high levels of stress every day at work. And increasingly, the Atlanta attorney, doesn't always cut it off when she goes home.

"It's hard to put down that BlackBerry," laments Tsu.

Tsu carves out time every day to rest her busy mind and ease her stress levels. She enjoys cooking and spending time with friends. And she routinely begins her day with meditation — lasting anywhere between five minutes to an hour. With every breath in — and out — she feels her body relax.

"It makes my stress level livable," she said. "After I meditate …

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The Habits of Happiness- Matthieu Ricard at TED.com Part 1/2

Buddhist monk, photographer and author Matthieu Ricard talks about happiness the conditions it requires, at what it really means. He shows some wonderful images of Tibet and the Himalayas as well. An inspiring speech and a good introduction into some of the core philosophies of Buddhism. Go to ted.com for more movies of some of the worlds finest speakers and thinkers.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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