Yoga Retreats - Fitness and Fun
Yoga Retreats - Fitness and Fun |
- Yoga Retreats - Fitness and Fun
- Omega-3s Vital for Sperm Health
- Top 5 myths about Yoga
- Alcohol Releases the Brain's 'Feel-Good' Chemicals
- Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram in Chennai
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Yoga Retreats - Fitness and Fun Posted: 12 Jan 2012 01:00 PM PST Article by James William Yoga is an ancient time art of practicing of physical poses. A large number of people are passionate about yoga and its benefits. It increases body strength and flexibility, ability to relax and gives peace to the mind, body and soul. People can have more fun with yoga by attending yoga retreats and wellness programs. Yoga Retreats are places which brings you the widest range of sojourns at one place. This is the only place which acts as a platform for the people to share their passion for yoga and its benefits. Companies, who organise retreats as well as wellness programs, also organise Yoga Holidays and accommodations as a package from all over the World. They attempt to categorize arrangements according to environmental preferences i.e. one can select Retreats or Retreat Centres based on her location choice, retreat theme such as yoga / spiritual / detox, opt for specific types of Yoga, etc. Plus, they give a person the opportunity to enjoy scenic surroundings, as many yoga retreats are located in beautiful locations around the world. Yoga Holidays are the ideal way to relax and recharge. They help in widening the awareness and knowledge about yoga among people. Many showcases are being organised about these retreats to spread yoga throughout the world in an organized manner. As a result, people are waking up to the fitness and fun element of yoga. Yoga helps in reducing stress, boosting stamina, blood circulation and immunity, enhancing mental power, etc. Yoga can help on successfully recover from serious sicknesses and disabilities. Another important benefit of taking Yoga Holidays is that people get a break from their daily routine as they go out in different, exotic locations and this makes them feel completely rejuvenated. The yoga trainers guide people in a proper system and make them feel comfortable in practicing yoga. They share and communicate the ancient knowledge of Western and Eastern traditions through the healing power of yoga and meditation with people. These! wellnes s programs further enhance the fun by offering other facilities like walking, cycling, excursions, etc. They may include instructions on breathing, chanting, and meditation. This results in huge benefits like correcting metabolic disorders, overcoming stress and mind behaviours that seem beyond your control, and changing firmly entrenched attitudes or personality disorders. About the AuthorJames William is an expert author who mainly writes articles on yoga. He is providing useful information on Yoga Retreats and Yoga Holidays. Shilpa Yoga - Shilpa Yoga - Anulom VilomThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||
Omega-3s Vital for Sperm Health Posted: 12 Jan 2012 01:00 PM PST
A fatty acid found in fish is critical to turning dysfunctional round-headed sperm into strong swimmers with cone-shaped heads packed with egg-opening proteins, a new study finds. Docosahexnoic acid, also called DHA, is an important omega-3 fatty acid involved in eye and brain development; recent studies in mice have implicated it in male fertility as well. "DHA is high in the testes and brain, but until this it was not well understood what it does in these tissues," study researcher Manabu Nakamura, of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, told LiveScience. "About three years ago we created the knockout mouse, which isn't able to make its own DHA, and we learned that DHA is really essential for sperm formation." In the new study, Nakamura and colleagues figured out why DHA is so critical to healthy sperm. Like other omega-3s, DHA is found in fish, especially cold-water oceanic fish, and algae. For fish-fearing wannabe fathers, seafood and algae aren't our only source of the nutrient; your body can also make DHA from other omega-3 acids. Sterile swimmers In their past work, Nakamura and colleagues studied mice without a DHA-synthesizing enzyme, finding that if these mice also didn't get DHA in their diet, the males were infertile. Fertility returned when their diet was supplemented with the fatty acid. [What Are Omega-3 Fatty Acids?] Following these findings, in the new study the team looked at how sperm develops in DHA-deficient mice. The researchers determined that DHA plays a role in the formation of a structure called the acrosome on the head of the sperm. The acrosome is a pointy caplike structure containing enzymes that break through the egg's outer layers, enabling the sperm to fertilize it. "The acrosome on top of this cone head is gigantic, it is a large sack containing lots of enzymes," Nakamura said. "When the sperm meets the egg, the acrosome bursts and it releases enzymes and helps the sperm penetrate into the egg." The acrosome forms when many little bubbles of membrane (called vesicles) fuse together inside the sperm-to-be. These bubbles hold the enzymes the sperm needs to penetrate and fertilize the egg. When they come together they all fuse into one long sheet of membrane in the front of the sperm, forming a cap, the acrosome. Without DHA, this membrane fusion doesn't happen. If the vesicles don't fuse, the acrosome doesn't get made and sperm maturation halts. At this point, the researchers only see sperm with round heads, not the cone-shaped heads of healthy sperm. DHA deficiency Because humans and other mammals are able to make their own DHA from other fatty acids, DHA deficiency isn't very common. But, if that DHA-synthesizing enzyme is defective, it could lead to problems with infertility. Low blood levels of DHA have been linked to decreased fertility in the past; a DHA-rich diet could clear up these infertility problems. "As long as this endogenous [within the body] system is working fine, humans can synthesize enough DHA in their bodies if they have the precursor," Nakamura said. "But some groups [of people] may have a decreased ability to synthesize DHA. In this case the dietary supplements may help." In the long term, the acrosome could be a target for a male birth control pill, if the acrosome formation could be switched on and off, but the researchers aren't studying that yet. They are, however, looking to other parts of the body to see how the DHA deficiency affects brain and eye function. It could act in very similar ways, by facilitating vesicle fusion, in other parts of the body. The study, announced this week (Jan. 9), is published in the October 2011 issue of the journal Biology of Reproduction. This story was provided by LiveScience, a sister site to MyHealthNewsDaily. You can follow LiveScience staff writer Jennifer Welsh on Twitter @microbelover. Follow LiveScience for the latest in science news and discoveries on Twitter @livescience and on Facebook. Tibetan Ritual Sounds and DanceThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||
Posted: 12 Jan 2012 12:00 PM PST Article by Arun Rajkumar From time immemorial, man has had to deal with challenges in the body, mind and spirit. So the sages of ancient India came up with a discipline called Yoga to deal with this skilfully. Interestingly, it is as relevant to the modern day man as it was to the people of those days. The amazing thing about yoga is that it considers man, not as a sum total of billions of cells but, as a consciousness that is connected with the universal consciousness. Yoga does not aim at curing any disease. It works on uplifting the spirit in you. As a by-product of this, one gets relief from a host of ailments like backache, headache, stress, ulcer, migraine, dullness, depression, anxiety, obesity etc. Let us now look at the popular myths about Yoga.1)"Yoga is only for those with flexible bodies."Many watch videos and photos of yoga classes and compare their flexibility with that of the instructor and decide that they can't do it.Yoga is for all, irrespective of your age, sex or flexibility. With sustained practice, you will only get better and will be able to do what all those cover-page models on Yoga books do and much more.Because of our habit of sitting for long hours in front of the computer or TV, our muscles get stiffened and thereby reduce flexibility. By paying a little attention to this phenomenon, we can overcome it. 2)"Yoga is a religious practice."Yoga is an ancient Indian art and Patanjali's Yoga Sutras is perhaps the most scientific piece of literature that man has ever produced. It is a path that leads to the ultimate: enlightenment.Yes, Yoga can be practiced religiously. But it is not a religion. It is a way of life that is life-supportive. Honouring the body is Asana.Honouring the breath is Pranayama.Honouring the spirit is meditation. 3)"You need to be a vegetarian to do yoga."A vegetarian diet, no doubt, has tremendous advantages over a non-vegetarian diet and is also consistent with the non-violence that Yoga advocates. Though it is highly recommended to lead a vegetarian ! life, it is not a necessity, to learn Yoga.There are three types of food: a)One that causes activity (Rajasik).b)One that causes sleep or lethargy (Tamasik). c)One that keeps the mind calm and centred (Satvik). Non-vegetarian diet comes under the second category. How you would like your day to be: tired, lethargic and sleepy or active, alert and brisk? The foods that enhance the latter are called Satvik foods. And they include green leafy vegetables, sprouts, grains, milk and curd. 4)"Yoga is difficult to practice."The law of the body is, "When there's no pain, there's no gain." If you want to learn to play the guitar, you have to spend time everyday to practice the techniques taught. Only then you will be able to reap the benefits of your efforts. Similarly, in order to reap the benefits of Yoga, you need to come out of your comfort zone and actually do something. However, some of the benefits, like feeling light and calm, can be felt almost within minutes of your practice. 5)"I'm young and I don't need to do Yoga now. It's for people above 60."A friend of mine once very aptly said, "If you begin to practice Yoga when you're 20, you'll lead a peaceful life. If you begin when you're 60, you'll have a peaceful death." Now, the choice is yours. About the AuthorThe article is written by the web team Art of Living | ||||
Alcohol Releases the Brain's 'Feel-Good' Chemicals Posted: 12 Jan 2012 12:00 PM PST
Drinking alcohol triggers the release of endorphins — chemicals that produce feelings of pleasure — in certain areas of the brain, which may help explain why some people drink more than others, according to a small new study. Researchers compared brain images of 13 heavy drinkers and 12 other people before and after they'd had an alcoholic drink. In all the study participants, alcohol caused endorphins to be released in specific areas of the brain – and the higher the level of endorphins, the better drinkers reported feeling. However, researchers also found that the more endorphins were released into the front area of the brain, heavy drinkers tended to feel more intoxicated than those who weren't heavy drinkers. "This is the first study to show how alcohol makes us feel good," said study co-author Jennifer Mitchell, a neuroscientist at the University of California, San Francisco. "And this is the first time we've seen this in humans." The study appears today (Jan. 11) in the journal Science Translational Medicine. Treatments for alcoholism About 79,000 deaths in the United States each year are caused by excessive alcohol use, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. According to one study, a third of Americanadults have experienced alcohol abuse or alcoholism. For some people undergoing treatment, 12-step programs, detox treatment, or group therapy seem to help. But prescription drugs such as naltrexone are considered the most effective treatment, and they come with certain side effects. Mitchell said she hopes the study's findings will bring researchers a better understanding of how endorphins control drinking, and could lead to a better drug for people who want to drink less or quit. Areas of the brain may lead people to drink too much In the new study, researchers performed brain scans of both groups of drinkers, which allowed them to track the immediate effects of alcohol in the brain. Endorphin activity increased in brain regions including the orbitofrontal cortex, the front area involved with reasoning and decision-making, and the nucleus accumbens, also known as the "pleasure center." Endorphins are produced naturally in brain cells. When released, they produce feelings of pleasure and reward, which signal the brain that it likes what you're doing and wants you to do it again. "Both the nucleus accumbens and the orbitofrontal cortex may be working together on how you feel about alcohol, and what makes you drink," Mitchell said. "Experts have speculated that in addiction, both of these areas or either are dysfunctional in a way that leads people to drink too much," she said. Dr. Martin Paulus, a psychiatrist at the University of California San Diego, thought the study revealed "a precise mechanism of how people get drunk." But the study had a few limitations, noted Paulus, who was not involved with the work. "The study was too small, and it wasn't clear whether these same mechanisms hold true in males and females," he said. But overall, he said the findings were intriguing. "A lot of people drink alcohol, but we don't know how it affects the brain," he said. "This points to a mechanism that you see working, based on the release of endorphins." Pass it on: Drinking alcohol triggers a "feel-good" response because it releases endorphins. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. Find us on Facebook. Bodhidharma's ShoeThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||
Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram in Chennai Posted: 12 Jan 2012 11:00 AM PST | ||||
Posted: 12 Jan 2012 11:00 AM PST
Like so many people, I struggled with acne as a young adult. I felt as though I tried every product on the market, but nothing seemed to work. In adulthood, I learned that the causes of acne weren't what I thought they were. I was basically fighting a battle without even knowing my true opponent. The truth is, there are many causes of acne, but diet can play a major role. I knew this on some level, but I was surprised to learn that chocolate is not a culprit. In fact, a 2009 article published in the International Journal of Dermatology pointed out that there is no conclusive link between chocolate and acne. Phew — let's all breathe a sigh of relief before we delve in to what really may be causing those blemishes. That same article suggested that the typical American diet may very well be causing acne in many people. Foods that have a high-glycemic index, such as refined flours and sugars, and that have a lot of omega-6 fatty acids, such as vegetable oils, meat and eggs, are linked to increased incidence of acne. Foods that have a high-glycemic index digest quickly and release a burst of glucose (sugar) into the blood. Researchers believe that elevated blood glucose levels may increase production of oil (sebum), and raise the levels of hormones such as testosterone, which can contribute to acne. Foods that contain omega-6 fatty acids, known precursors to inflammation, have also been associated with acne. These fatty acids are distinct from omega-3 fatty acids, high levels of which have been shown to reduce the risk of acne by lowering sebum production. Milk may also be prompting those pimples, according to a 2005 article published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. Researchers evaluated data from more than 47,000 women and found a link between acne and increased milk consumption. The authors wrote that they this may be because of the hormones or other molecules that are found in milk. So, now that we know what may be causing the acne, there are a few things we can do about it:
Healthy Bites appears on MyHealthNewsDaily on Wednesdays. Deborah Herlax Enos is a certified nutritionist and a health coach and weight loss expert in the Seattle area with more than 20 years of experience. Read more tips on her blog, Health in a Hurry! | ||||
Posted: 12 Jan 2012 10:00 AM PST Article by hi joiney (1942, 'Biography br The two primary sources for Huineng s life are the preface to the Platform Sutra and the Transmission of the Lamp br Huineng was born into the Lu family in 638 A D in the town of Xing in Guangdong province His father died when he was young and his family was poor so he did not have the chance to learn to read or write He may have been a Hmong or a Miao One day while he was delivering firewood to an inn he heard a guest reciting the Diamond Sutra and he had an awakening He immediately decided to seek the Way of Buddhahood The guest gave him ten taels of silver to provide for his mother and Huineng embarked on his journey After travelling for thirty days on foot Huineng arrived at Huang Mei Mountain where the Fifth Patriarch Hongren presided br From the first chapter of the Platform Sutra br I then went to pay homage to the Patriarch and was asked where I came from and what I expected to get from him I replied I am a commoner from Hsin Chou of Kwangtung I have travelled far to pay you respect and I ask for nothing but Buddhahood You are a native of Kwangtung a barbarian How can you expect to be a Buddha asked the Patriarch I replied Although there are northern men and southern men north and south make no difference to their Buddha nature A barbarian is different from Your Holiness physically but there is no difference in our Buddha nature br Hongren immediately asked him to do chores in the rice mill Huineng stayed to chop wood and pound rice for eight months br Becoming the Sixth Patriarch br The Sixth Patriarch Cutting a Bamboo by Liang Kai br One day Hongren announced br The question of incessant rebirth is a momentous one Day after day instead of trying to free yourselves from this bitter sea of life and death you seem to go after tainted merits only i e merits which will cause rebirth Yet merits will be of no help if your Essence of Mind is obscured Go and seek for Prajna wisdom in your own mind and then write me a stanza gatha about it He who understands what the Essence ! of Mind is will be given the robe the insignia of the Patriarchate and the Dharma the ultimate teaching of the Chn school and I shall make him the Sixth Patriarch Go away quickly br Delay not in writing the stanza as deliberation is quite unnecessary and of no use The man who has realized the Essence of Mind can speak of it at once as soon as he is spoken to about it and he cannot lose sight of it even when engaged in battle br However the disciples said to each other that they didn t need to write any gathas and that surely their teacher and head monk Venerable Shenxiu would become the Sixth Patriarch So only Shenxiu wrote a gatha for Hongren As the head monk Shenxiu was well respected and under great pressure to produce a gatha that would qualify him as the next patriarch However he was uncertain as to his own understanding and eventually decided to write a poem anonymously on the wall in the middle of the night announcing his authorship only if Hongren approved It stated br The body is a Bodhi tree br the mind a standing mirror bright br At all times polish it diligently br and let no dust alight br When the disciples saw this gatha on the wall there was a great stir When Hongren saw it he told them Practice according to this gatha you will not fall into the evil realms and you will receive great benefits Light incense and pay respect to this gatha recite it and you will see your essential nature All the disciples praised and memorized the gatha br However privately Hongren told Shenxiu You have arrived at the gate but haven entered it With this level of understanding you still have no idea what the supreme Bodhi mind is Upon hearing my words you should immediately recognize the original mind the essential nature which is unborn and unceasing At all times see it clearly in every thought with the mind free from all hindrances In the One Reality everything is real and all phenomena are just as they are br Hongren asked Shenxiu to compose another gatha that demonstrated true understanding Shenxiu tried hard but ! couldn c ome up with another verse br When a young novice passed the rice mill chanting Shenxiu s gatha Huineng immediately knew this verse lacked true insight He went to the wall and asked a district officer there to write a poem of his own for him The officer was surprised How extraordinary You are illiterate and you want to compose a poem Whereupon Huineng said If you seek supreme enlightenment do not slight anyone The lowest class may have great insights and the highest class may commit foolish acts In veneration the officer wrote Huineng gatha on the wall for him next to Shenxiu s which stated br Bodhi originally has no tree br The bright mirror also has no stand br Fundamentally there is not a single thing br Where could dust arise br br br br br Huineng then went back to rice pounding However this gatha created a bigger stir everyone was saying Amazing You can judge a person by his looks Maybe he will become a living bodhisattva soon However when the alarmed Hongren came out he just casually said This hasn seen the essential nature either and proceeded to wipe the gatha off with his shoe br One night Hongren received Huineng in his abode and expounded the Diamond Sutra to him When he came to the passage to use the mind yet be free from any attachment Huineng came to great enlightenmenthat all dharmas are inseparable from the self nature He exclaimed How amazing that the self nature is originally pure How amazing that the self nature is unborn and undying How amazing that the self nature is inherently complete How amazing that the self nature neither moves nor stays How amazing that all dharmas come from this self nature br Hongren told Huineng If one recognizes the original mind and the original nature he is called a great man teacher of gods and humans and a Buddha He passed the robe and begging bowl as a symbol of the Dharma Seal of Sudden Enlightenment to Huineng br Although this story is as clearly stated as it can be it should also be noted that Huineng was not permitted to make himself known as the S! ixth Pat riarch until later on This was due to the fear that his fellow monks might be angered that he had been made the Sixth Patriarch and not Shenxiu or one of the other monks who had seniority over him br Quotes br When alive one keeps sitting without lying down When dead one lies without sitting up In both cases a set of stinking bones What has it do with the great lesson of life With those who are sympathetic Let us have discussion on Buddhism As for those whose point of view differs from ours Let us treat them politely and thus make them happy But disputes are alien to our School For they are incompatible with its doctrine br After death br The mummified body of Huineng is kept in Nanhua Temple in Shaoguan Prefecture northern Guandong br Huineng s body was seen by the Jesuit Matteo Ricci who visited Nanhua Temple in 1589 Ricci told the European readers the story of Huineng in a somewhat garbled form describing him as somewhat akin to a Christian ascetic Ricci names him Lusu i e The Sixth Patriarch br Notes br Pine 2006 br ed Beijing China http www guoxue com fxyj jdcdl jdcd_005 htm Retrieved 25 March 2009 160 br Stirling 2006 pg ix br Watts 1962 pp 111 113 br Images of Huineng s temple and Mummy br De Christiana expeditione apud Sinas Book Three Chapter 1 Pages 222 224 in the English translation Louis J Gallagher 1953 China in the Sixteenth Century The Journals of Matteo Ricci Random House New York 1953 The Latin original text De Christiana expeditione apud Sinas suscepta ab Societate Jesu can be found on Google Books br See also br Hong Yi br List of buddhist poems br References br Pine Red The Platform Sutra The Zen Teaching of Hui Neng 2006 Counterpoint ISBN 1 59376 177 5 br Stirling Isabel Zen Pioneer The Life amp Works of Ruth Fuller Sasaki 2006 Shoemaker amp Hoard ISBN 978 1 59376 110 3 br Watts Alan W The Way of Zen 1962 Great Britain Pelican books ISBN 0140205470 br External links br Wikimedia Commons has media related to Huineng br more images of Huineng s mummy br Legends in Chan the Northern Sou! thern Sp lit Hui neng and the Platform Sutra br Platform Sutra of Hui Neng br The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch the text of the Tung Huang Manuscript translated by Philip B Yampolsky introduction and notes omitted br Hui Neng Page br Buddhist titles br Preceded 160 by br Hongren br Zen patriarch Shnhu lineage br Succeeded 160 by br Heze Shenhui br St Zen patriarch br Succeeded 160 by br Qingyuan Xingsi br Rinzai Zen patriarch br Succeeded 160 by br Nanyue Huairang br v 160 160 d 160 160 e br Buddhism topics br Foundations br Three Jewels Buddha 160 Dharma 160 Sangha 160 Four Noble Truths 160 Noble Eightfold Path 160 Nirvana 160 Middle Way br The Buddha br Tathgata 160 Birthday 160 Four sights 160 Physical characteristics 160 Footprint 160 Iconography 160 Films 160 Miracles 160 Family Suddhodana father 160 Maya mother 160 Yasodhara wife 160 Rahula son 160 Places where the Buddha stayed 160 Buddha in world religions br Key concepts br Three Marks of Existence Impermanence 160 Suffering 160 Not self 160 Dependent Origination 160 Five Aggregates 160 Karma 160 Rebirth 160 Sara 160 Sahra 160 Defilements 160 Ignorance 160 Craving 160 Five Hindrances 160 Ten Fetters 160 Faculties 160 Enlightenment Awakening 160 Parinirvana 160 Thusness 160 Two truths doctrine 160 Emptiness 160 Bodhicitta 160 Bodhisattva 160 Buddha nature 160 Mindstream 160 Dzogchen br Cosmology br Ten spiritual realms 160 Six Realms Hell 160 Animal realm 160 Hungry Ghost realm 160 Asura realm 160 Human realm 160 Heaven 160 Three planes of existence br Practices br Refuge 160 Buddhist devotion 160 Puja Offerings 160 Prostration 160 Chanting 160 Merit 160 Paritta 160 Generosity 160 Renunciation 160 Morality Precepts 160Bodhisattva vows 160 Patimokkha 160 Threefold Training Morality 160 Concentration 160 Wisdom 160 Four Divine Abidings Loving kindness 160 Compassion 160 Sympathetic joy 160 Equanimity 160 Perfections 160 Enlightenment Qualities 160 Seven Factors of Enlightenment 160 Bases of Power 160 Five Strengths 160 Faith 160 Effor! t Four R ight Exertions 160 Mindfulness Satipatthana 160 Jhna Dhyna 160 Bhavana 160 Meditation Kammana 160 Recollection 160 Smarana 160 Mindfulness of Breathing 160 Serenity meditation 160 Insight meditation 160 Shikantaza 160 Zazen 160 Kan 160 Mandala 160 Tonglen 160 Tantra 160 Tertn 160 Terma br Attainment br Types of Buddha 160 Private Buddha 160 Bodhisattva 160 Four stages of enlightenment Stream enterer 160 Once returner 160 Non returner 160 Arahant br Monasticism br Monk 160 Nun 160 Novice monk 160 Novice nun 160 Anagarika 160 Ajahn 160 Sayadaw 160 Zen master 160 Roshi 160 Lama 160 Rinpoche 160 Geshe 160 Tulku 160 Householder 160 Lay follower 160 Disciple br Major figures br Gautama Buddha 160 Sriputta 160 Mahamoggallna 160 Ananda 160 Maha Kassapa 160 Anuruddha 160 Mahakaccana 160 Nanda 160 Subhuti 160 Punna 160 Upali 160 Mahapajapati Gotami 160 Khema 160 Uppalavanna 160 Buddhaghosa 160 Nagasena 160 Bodhidharma 160 Nagarjuna 160 Asanga 160 Vasubandhu 160 Atisha 160 Padmasambhava 160 Dalai Lama br Texts br Tipitaka Vinaya Pitaka 160 Sutta Pitaka 160 Abhidhamma Pitaka 160 Commentaries Visuddhimagga 160 Mahayana sutras 160 Chinese Buddhist canon Tripitaka Koreana 160 Tibetan Buddhist canon br Branches br Theravada 160 Mahayana Zen 160 Pure Land 160 Tiantai 160 Nichiren 160 Madhyamaka 160 Yogacara 160 Vajrayana Tibetan Buddhism 160 Shingon 160 Early Buddhist schools 160 Pre sectarian Buddhism 160 Basic points unifying Theravada and Mahayana br Countries br Bangladesh 160 Bhutan 160 Burma 160 Cambodia 160 China 160 India 160 Indonesia 160 Japan 160 Korea 160 Laos 160 Malaysia 160 Mongolia 160 Nepal 160 Pakistan 160 Russia 160 Singapore 160 Sri Lanka 160 Taiwan 160 Thailand 160 Tibet 160 Vietnam 160 Middle East Iran 160 Western countries Australia 160 United Kingdom 160 United States br History br Timeline 160 Buddhist councils 160 History of Buddhism in India 160 Decline of Buddhism in India 160 Ashoka the Great 160 Greco Buddhism 160 Buddhism and the Roman world 160 Silk Road transmission of Buddhism 160 Persec! ution of Buddhists br Philosophy br Abhidharma 160 Logic 160 Buddhology 160 Eschatology 160 Reality 160 God 160 Humanism 160 Engaged Buddhism 160 Socialism 160 Anarchism 160 Economics 160 Atomism 160 Evolution 160 Sexuality 160 Homosexuality 160 Ethics 160 Fourteen unanswerable questions br Culture br Art 160 Greco Buddhist art 160 Poetry 160 Buddha statue 160 Budai 160 Symbolism Dharmacakra 160 Flag 160 Bhavacakra 160 Thangka 160 Prayer wheel 160 Mala 160 Mudra 160 Mantra Om mani padme hum 160 Music 160 Holidays Vesak 160 Magha Puja 160 Uposatha 160 Rains retreat 160 Monastic robe 160 Architecture Vihara 160 Wat 160 Stupa 160 Pagoda 160 Thai temple art and architecture 160 Pilgrimage Lumbini 160 Bodh Gaya 160 Sarnath 160 Kushinagar 160 Bodhi Tree 160 Mahabodhi Temple 160 Calendar 160 Cuisine 160 Vegetarianism br Miscellaneous br Lineage 160 Maitreya 160 Avalokitevara Guan Yin 160 Amitbha 160 Brahm 160 Mra 160 Dhammapada 160 Vinaya 160 Sutra 160 Hinayana 160 Liturgical languages Pali 160 Sanskrit 160 Dharma talk 160 Kalpa 160 Higher Knowledge 160 Supernormal Powers br Buddhism and br Science 160 Psychology 160 Hinduism 160 Jainism 160 East Asian religions 160 Christianity 160 Theosophy 160 Gnosticism br Lists br Buddhas 160 Twenty eight Buddhas 160 Bodhisattvas 160 Buddhists 160 Suttas 160 Books 160 Temples br Portal 160 Category 160 Glossary 160 Outline 160 Index br v 160 160 d 160') About the AuthorI am a professional writer from China Crafts Suppliers, which contains a great deal of information about pork loin chop, natural casing, welcome to visit! 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New Machine Makes $1,000 Human Genome Scans a Reality Posted: 12 Jan 2012 10:00 AM PST
LAS VEGAS – A new DNA sequencing machine from Life Technologies that can scan an entire human genome for $ 1,000 could help transform cancer treatment and help usher in the era of individualized health care. Until now, it has taken weeks or months to sequence a human genome at a cost of $ 5,000 to $ 15,000, and the machines themselves cost upward of half a million dollars. The Ion Proton sequencer, in contrast, is priced at $ 149,000 and can scan a person's genome in just a few hours for about $ 1,000. "This has been a remarkable rate of technological innovation," Greg Lucier, chief executive officer of Life Technologies, told an audience at CES 2012. "Before this point, the machines were too big and too expensive and it took weeks, if not months, to get results. Now this machine is the size of a desktop printer. A clinician just puts in a sample, pushes a button and a couple hours later you have results." Lucier said affordable genome scans for patients will allow doctors to treat diseases such as cancer at a much earlier stage. "In the not too distant future, you can go in on Monday to get worked up, the analysis takes place overnight and the next morning the oncologist is telling you about the mutations in your DNA and hopefully be able to prescribe a therapy that will work just for you," he said. Cardiologist Eric Topol of the Scripps Translational Science Institute called the Ion Proton sequencer a "really remarkable achievement." "What was announced this week is just extraordinary," Topol said. "In the near term, someone with a newly diagnosed cancer would have their therapy individualized rapidly and [for much less] than typical scans that are done for cancer today. This is really an exciting time." This story was provided by InnovationNewsDaily, sister site to MyHealthNewsDaily. Follow InnovationNewsDaily on Twitter @News_Innovation, or on Facebook. 108 Japanese TemplesThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||
Relax and Allow Yourself to Be Pampered with a Spa Deal Posted: 12 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST Article by William Green We all lead hectic lives. Whether it's meeting deadlines at work, running around after the kids or trying to keep on top of your social commitments that has you all hot and bothered, you should invest in some you time with a great value spa deal. The growth of the daily deals market means that competition is fierce to offer you the best value on some amazing pampering experiences. You can compare all the best spa deals at and take the stress out of finding the right one for you. If time is of the essence then it's possible to squeeze a quick pampering session into even the shortest window of opportunity. Why not take yourself off in your lunch hour for an indulgent manicure or pedicure? Many salons do some late night appointments so you could even go straight from work for a relaxing massage or reviving facial to soothe away the stresses of a busy day. Weekends are also a great time to indulge in a morning or afternoon pampering session. Why not escape the kids and turn off your phone for a few hours while enjoying some top to toe TLC? Of course, the holy grail of the spa deal is the weekend spa break. If you're lucky enough to be able to wangle a whole weekend to yourself then why not grab a like-minded friend and hole yourselves up in a luxury country house or city hotel for a luxurious weekend of rest and relaxation? Forget the outside world and concentrate on being selfish for a short, but oh so sweet period of time. As a harassed mum of three I make it a priority to escape off somewhere lovely with room service and scented candles at least once a year. These are my favourites: Titanic Spa, Huddersfield The Titanic Spa in Huddersfield in the UK's first eco-spa, but I'll admit that that's not why I love it so much. Hidden away within a gorgeous old textile mill this spa is an amazing place to spend the night. Spacious, luxurious, two-storey apartments complete with balconies overlooking the river make a refreshing change from bog-sta! ndard ho tel rooms, and are the perfect place to enjoy a celebratory glass of bubbly with your companion. The spa itself is utter relaxation, with a tranquil pool and an atmospheric hot and cold experience. My absolute favourite feature of this spa however is the relaxation lounge. Curl up on plump cushions in a pit in front of a crackling fire and drift off into blissful oblivion. World Spa, Thoresby Hall, Nottinghamshire This spa is tucked away in the beautiful grade one listed mansion, Thoresby Hall, which makes the perfect place to enjoy a sumptuous weekend away. With a range of hot and cold treatment rooms, including an invigorating ice cave for the very brave, this spa simply oozes upper-class establishment. My personal favourite feature is the hydrotherapy pool, which features sculpted under water beds on which you are pummelled by powerful water jets - a facility that I am yet to experience at any other spa. Aqua Sana, Center Parcs, Sherwood Forest This spa, while located in the Sherwood Forest Center Parcs resort, is open to the public as well as Center Parcs guests. The 'World of Spa' is the largest hot and cold experience that I have had the pleasure of utilising, with a wide range of different ways in which to sweat out all of your stresses. The heated outdoor pool is lovely for a dip, whatever the weather, and the Zilli Café offers some tasty treats if you'd like to indulge in lunch or a treat during your visit. If you do wish to stay the night then you can book an overnight stay in one of the Center Parcs apartments to get the most out of your you time. This also means that you get to experience the restaurants and other facilities of the Center Parcs complex. All of the above spas offer the usual range of treatments, from luxury manicures to full body mud wraps, and you're guaranteed to leave them feeling relaxed, refreshed and revitalised. Unfortunately, as lovely as spa breaks are, they have to end and we have to return to our usual hectic da! ily rout ines. However the beauty of is that is offers amazing, regular spa deals at huge discounts, so you can afford to treat yourself to a pampering session more often. About the AuthorThe Article is written by Roxanne Wells at providing an aggregation of Daily Deals, Hotel Deals, Holiday Deals, and Spa Deals. Visit for more information on Products & Services. Copyright information This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included. Visit before you shop. #100 - *Soft Spoken* Pampering Massage Sleep RelaxationThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||
Rare Gene Mutation Increases Prostate Cancer Risk, Research Finds Posted: 12 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST
Researchers have identified a rare genetic mutation that appears to significantly increase men's risk of prostate cancer. Men who have the mutation are 10 to 20 times more likely to develop prostate cancer than those without the mutation, the researchers said. In particular, the mutation increases the risk of hereditary and early onset prostate cancer. The findings mark the first time an inherited gene mutation has been found that confers such a high risk for prostate cancer, said study researcher Dr. Kathleen Cooney, professor of internal medicine and urology at the University of Michigan Medical School. It is also one of the first genetic markers to be identified for early-onset prostate cancer. The mutation, found in a gene called HOXB13, is quite rare: only about 1 percent of men with prostate cancer have it. While much more research is needed, there is a possibility that men with a family history of prostate cancer may one day undergo genetic screening for this mutation, said study researcher William Isaacs, professor of urology and oncology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Such screening would be similar to the tests given to women with a family history of breast cancer, who are screened for mutations in the breast cancer susceptibility genes known as BRCA1 and BRCA2. More studies on larger groups of men are needed to confirm exactly how common this mutation is, and how much risk it conveys, Isaacs said. Future studies may identify additional genetic mutations that influence prostate cancer risk. "This might be potentially the tip of the iceberg," Isaacs said. Prostate cancer in families The study included 94 men whose families had a history of prostate cancer (for instance, both father and son had prostate cancer.) Researchers sequenced 200 of the men's genes, all from a region of the genome suspected to be linked with prostate cancer. The researchers identified four men with the same mutation in the HOXB13 gene. When their relatives were tested, all 18 men with prostate cancer in these four families were found to have the mutation. Next, the researchers looked to see how common this mutation was in a second group of 5,100 men with prostate cancer. About 1.4 percent, or 72 men, in this group had the mutation. Among men who had a family history of the disease and who developed prostate cancer before age 55, 3.1 percent had the mutation, whereas 0.6 percent of men without a family history who developed prostate cancer later in life had it. Among men without prostate cancer, the chances of having this mutation were lower, about 0.1 percent. Future research The finding is an "important discovery," and may provide insight into the factors that drive prostate cancer, said Dr. Manish Vira, of the Arthur Smith Institute for Urology, part of the North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System in New Hyde Park, N.Y. "Hopefully, further work with this particular gene will improve our understanding of how prostate cancer develops," Vira said. It's not clear how the mutation leads to cancer, but the HOXB13 gene is thought to play a role in the development of the prostate gland, Cooney said. The mutation was found only in families of European descent. More research is needed to determine mutations that may influence the risk of prostate cancer in other ethnic groups. The study is published in the Jan. 12 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine. Pass it on: A rare genetic mutation may increase the risk of inherited prostate cancer. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily staff writer Rachael Rettner on Twitter @RachaelRettner. Find us on Facebook. | ||||
Buddhist Monks and Monasteries in Thailand Posted: 12 Jan 2012 08:00 AM PST Article by Arjanyai The Buddhist brotherhood is composed of four assemblies of Buddhists, namely, monks, nuns, laymen and laywomen. Monks and nuns form the monastic section while laymen and laywomen form the lay section. The two sections follow the path of the Buddha at different levels. The monks are more devoted to spiritual development than the laymen. To minimize personal cares and worries, they shave their heads, wear only three robes and possess only a few necessary requisites. They depend on the laymen for material necessities such as food, clothing, lodging and medicine, and give them spiritual advice and guidance in return. To maintain the moral standard of the people and to make their own life favourable to spiritual devotion, the monks keep strict discipline. Although the rules are very strict, the monkhood is not separated from the lay world because the monasteries are always open to anyone who wants to retire there, either permanently or temporarily. In Thailand it is even a custom for every young man to stay for a time, long or short, in the monastery and acquire a religious training. The present King himself entered the monastery, had his head shaved and lived by alms like the other monks. This tradition is a factor which leads to the stability of Thai Buddhism and the continuing increase in monks and monasteries. Thailand's area of 200,000 square miles is thus dotted with 28,196 Buddhist monasteries where 339,648 monks and novices live.1 Travellers from foreign countries have been so impressed by these large numbers of monks and monasteries that they often call Thailand the Land of the Yellow Robe. Monks form the Sangha, the third principle of Buddhism; the others being the Buddha, the Enlightened One, and the Dharma, his teachings. The monks follow the three main virtues of the Buddha: wisdom, purity and compassion. Compassion is interpreted as social responsibility. Through this virtue and through mutual dependence for material and spiritual life, the monks and the laymen have been in c! lose rel ationship since the beginning, and the monasteries have been centres of spiritual and social life of the people throughout the history of the Thai nation. Today social roles of the monks are more obvious in the rural life of the villages than in the urban life of the capital, towns and cities. It is usually the villagers themselves who build the monastery for their own community. They feel themselves belonging to the monastery and the monastery belonging to their community. The village monastery serves as the centre of social life and activities of the village, for village social life follows the Buddhist holy days, temple fairs and merit-making ceremonies. The villagers also feel very close to monks in the local monastery as the monks are in daily contacts with them and are con-stantly drawn into their problems, both secular and spiritual. When a villager is in distress, when he has a dispute with his neighbour, when he seeks counsel or when he simply wants to learn, he turns to the monastery and the monks. Boys too difficult to handle at home are taken in and orphans are cared for. The temple grounds are usually the most natural location for a movie to be shown, for a lecture to be given and for polling booths to be set up for a political election. Some branches of learning have been preserved and continued in the monastery, such as architecture, sculpture, painting, carving, carpentry, and tile, brick and cement making. The monks may offer basic technical advice on these matters and offer help in organizing building programs such as well, dam, road and bridge building. Many social problems would have been pressing upon the people in the rural society due to the lack of schools, medical facilities, a police and court system, social welfare and community services, if they were not checked by these social roles of the monks and monasteries. About the AuthorMake your own slideshow, Image hosting Submit link Promote your story or website | ||||
HIV Transmission: 1 in 900 Sex Acts Transmits Virus Posted: 12 Jan 2012 08:00 AM PST
A heterosexual person infected with HIV will transmit the virus to their partner once in every 900 times the couple has unprotected sex, according to a new study conducted in Africa. However, the exact number of sexual acts that are needed to transmit the virus can vary tremendously depending on the amount of the virus in the infected person's blood, said study researcher James Hughes, of the University of Washington in Seattle. In fact, the amount of virus in the blood is the single most important factor in determining whether HIV is passed between sexual partners, the study found. For every tenfold increase in the concentration, there is about a threefold increase in the risk of transmission during a single sexual act. People with very high blood concentrations of the virus (such as those who very recently acquired the infection) may need to have sex only 10 times to transmit the virus, Hughes said. "The average can be a little deceptive," Hughes said. The new findings reinforce the idea that the best methods for reducing HIV transmission are those that decrease the concentration of the virus in the blood, as can be done with antiretroviral drugs, Hughes said. A study published last year found the drugs could reduce the transmission of HIV between partners by 96 percent. The new study also confirmed condoms are highly effective in preventing HIV infection, reducing the risk of transmission by 78 percent. Male circumcision reduced the risk of HIV transmission by 47 percent. HIV transmission Earlier studies attempted to estimate the rate of HIV transmission, but were typically quite small, and did not measure the concentration of the virus in the blood throughout the entire study period. The new study included 3,297 couples from sub-Saharan Africa that were "HIV-discordant," meaning one partner had HIV while the other did not. The HIV-infected partners in the study were tested periodically over the two-year study for the amount of HIV in their blood. Infected partners were also interviewed every month and asked how many times they had sex, and whether they used protection. The uninfected partners were tested periodically to see whether they had acquired HIV. The researchers used genetic testing of the virus to confirm that any new HIV infections had been acquired from the study partner designated at the study's start. Eighty-sixHIV transmissions occurred during the study period. Men were about twice as likely to transmit HIV to women as women were to men. This increased risk of transmission could be attributed to higher virus concentrations in the blood of men compared with women, according to the study. In addition, women were more likely to have genital herpes, which increases susceptibility to HIV. Condoms were reported to be used in 93 percent of sexual acts, but the researchers suspect their use was overreported. Therefore, condoms actually may be even more effective at preventing HIV transmission than the 78 percent reduction that the researchers estimated, Hughes said. The AIDS epidemic The study relied on self-reports, which might be wrong. However, errors in reports of the number of sexual acts would be unlikely to affect most of the study results, Hughes said. The average risk of HIV infection per sexual act estimated in the study is consistent with what has been found by previous research, but there are many situations in which that number may not apply," said Dr. Myron Cohen, a professor of medicine, microbiology, immunology and public health at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, who was not involved in the work. That's because the participants included in the study are couples that have remained together and discordant over a long period of time. This indicates the couples might have some biological protection against transmission, Cohen said. "The true estimation might be higher if you were studying different kinds of people," Cohen said. While most of the findings are likely generalizable to other countries, the number of sexual acts needed to transmit the virus is likely specific to the African population studied, Hughes said. Previous studies in the United States have found a lower transmission rate. In addition, the findings only apply to heterosexual couples, and not men who have sex with men, a group that is likely to have a much higher transmission rate, Hughes said. Pass it on: The best way to reduce the risk of HIV transmission is to lower the amount of the virus in the blood. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily staff writer Rachael Rettner on Twitter @RachaelRettner. Find us on Facebook. | ||||
How To Put Out Your Own Fire: Stressed Out Boomers Posted: 12 Jan 2012 07:00 AM PST Article by Amy Sherman, LMHC Do you experience the blahs? Are you having trouble shaking away the blues? Do you feel overwhelmed, overwrought and overspent? You're not alone. You're simultaneously balancing the roles of parent, spouse, caregiver, friend and employee and have passed the point where you can effectively cope and function well. In today's world, where stress levels in your personal and professional life are at their limit, it's not uncommon for you to need a little coaching to get you on a better road to better health.Everyone has had the occasional "off" day where the minor inconveniences and anxiety of daily living make you want to stay in bed, rather than confront the day. This is normal. It's basically the body interpreting the messages from your mind and the message is, "I'm worn out emotionally and physically." According to the Department of Health and Human Services, companies spend billions of dollars a year dealing with the effects of stress on their employees. The consequences of stress manifest as numerous sick days, slow production, poor motivation, decreased involvement and even substance abuse. Here are three key methods to help ease the chaos you may be experiencing inside: * The oldest and best way to master stress is through stress reduction techniques, first introduced by Dr. Herbert Benson of Harvard University in the 1970's. However, most people never practice the time-tested techniques or even recognize that they need help. Anyone can learn the relaxation response, which involves slow, rhythmic breathing and imagining (visualizing) peaceful, positive images in your mind. Numerous scientific studies support relaxation as an effective tool to promote better health and increase longevity. * What about your attitude? Can you pick and choose what bothers you? Do you let things roll off your back or does it need further attention, now? Try to keep your thoughts on what you want, rather than on what you don't want and see if that makes a difference. Reducing the amount of ti! me you d well on the negative, helps to reduce the impact it has on you physically - thereby strengthening your emotional ability to cope. * Try delineating some of your responsibilities to others. Can a sibling take your mom to the MD, so you can focus on your son's homework? Can you and your spouse find some R&R time this weekend, while your teenagers or adult children spend time with grandma? Don't be afraid to ask. It's important to lessen your burdens by getting as much help from your support system, so you can be a healthier support for others. The goal for stress reduction is to manage any feelings and challenges you may face, so that you can stay productive, effective and emotionally on track.#### About the AuthorAmy Sherman, LMHC, is a licensed mental health counselor in private practice for over 13 years. She is the author of "Don't be a Bummed Out Boomer: Ten Strategies to Beat the Blues and the Blahs". For more information about the 40+ population and their specific issues, go to She can be reached at God in our Stress: The Christian's Guide to Stress ManagementThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||
Both positions are to be avoided Posted: 12 Jan 2012 07:00 AM PST To realize the ultimate nature of the Tathagata one must do so by avoiding conceptual constructions (prapañca) and the position that there is nothing to be realized. There certainly is something to be realized which is ultimate. The problem is this: We cannot go about realizing it by our old ways. We will end up reifying something we believe to be ultimate or just deny any such thing is realizable—we might call this position radical agnosticism. Both positions are to be avoided like the plague. By avoiding these two positions we can get closer to the idea of the Middle Way which I hasten to add is a spiritual means to a spiritual substance. This Way doesn't rely on the thought generating apparatus of the psychophysical body (pañca-skandha). Nor does the Way surmise that with the death of the psychophysical body one is simply no more and thus liberated.
Tibetan Lama Detained In India: .3 Million Found In His Monastery 2011-02-02This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||
Stay Healthy - Learn to meditate Posted: 12 Jan 2012 06:00 AM PST Article by evyta andriani He wondered how people who live to 100, with a high quality of life do? In his book Aging, the Harvard researcher, George Vaillant, MD, discovered that the centurions. To cultivate a sense of peace, welfare and maintain a positive attitude. How? Heres one of its biggest secrets: meditation. Ironically, it is meditation, has been known in the West as a healing technique, but it has been practiced for centuries in the East. So in my quest to give you the easiest way to purify your energy wisely, I'll start with the definition of meditation, then I'll show you how easy it is applicable to their daily routine. Definition of meditationMeditate on the teachings of the exercises of the body and mind as a way to reconnect with the environment and its healing powers. Meditation, if it has often shown that the promotion of peace and prosperity. Meditation is also a mental practice in which the mind is directed to an area, often breathing. Which derives its energy from the human relationship with nature and creates a sense of unity or self. This unit has been shown to improve communication with the spirit of the organization. It was also requested to allow and encourage positive thoughts positive physiological and psychological effects. Meditation techniques are easy to learn and can be easily incorporated into any lifestyle. If practiced regularly, meditation to balance your body and mind. General benefits of meditation and breathing exercises are: Deep inner peaceImproved self-esteemImproved creativityPhysical health / healingThe reduction in health careBrake / reverse agingReverse heart diseaseThe body to stimulate the immune systemStress Reduction I found that really is not the right way to meditate. Some of my favorites, which began the meditation exercises. Remember, no problem. Try these, or just sit quietly for 20 minutes per day. He was glad he did. The practice of meditation, land Sitting cross-legged in a comfortable position (Indian style) relaxed positi! on, hand s on his back. Close your eyes and imagine a ray of light from the base of the spine through the earth and the connection to its center. Allow this beam to develop until it is wider than its own body and that the envelopes. This is your personal space. During this year, while its body and is anchored to the ground. Remember, the more land, more aware of what they are. The presence of his superior, self: listening to your voice. Clean Energy Exercise Now they are based, its important to clean this space. Often, we see energy and other people are not aware of that. We do so through interaction with others and the basic activities of daily living. More Information Please Visit: Website, dedicated to provide article about all problem health: About the is Health Resource Website, dedicated to provide article about all problem health like: sexual Problem,sleep problem and many article health resource | ||||
Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 1/12/2012 Posted: 12 Jan 2012 06:00 AM PST ![]() "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading." ~Lao Tzu Technorati Tags: Buddha Buddhist Buddhism Meditation Dharma Basic Meditation: How To Meditate 1This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||
Posted: 12 Jan 2012 05:00 AM PST Article by Michael McGrath Although there are a great many illnesses that are caused by tiny bacterial infections, viruses and other nasties, most doctors agree that the vast majority of illness stems from stress! Stress and the strain it places on the human body takes many forms of dis-ease from back pain and migraines to more sever and even life-threatening conditions. As the symptoms of stress become more complex and complicated many medical professionals are seeking new ways to deal with this ever growing epidemic. Although hypnosis has been used in mainstream medicine for many years now, with great success, it is only fairly recently that meditation has been introduced as a possible treatment for certain stress-based ailments. Meditation has been performed by initiates for thousands of years and millions of people from all over the world participate in daily or weekly meditations. Meditation is probably the very best mental, and non drug, way of deaaling with negative emotional and mental issues. It has been demonstrated throughout the centuries by Zen Buddhist Monks and other Eastern Traditions that meditation has many beneficial effects on mind and body and may even prolong life and youthfulness. However, the only problem with mediation is learning the art form itself. It takes monks and Zen masters decades to perfect mediation techniques. Unfortunately, in order to fully benefit from the type of physical healing that is demonstrated in deep meditation takes many, many years to learn. This is a great disadvantage especially in the Western World where time is always a concern. Dedicating yourself to daily practises of 2 to 3 hour mediation exercises is just not possible for most people in our society. Therefore, with all the benefits that mediation brings, yet the long time delay before you get the results you want, it is not surprising that modern Western science has devised a solution. Years of research has allowed scientists to identify the exact brainwave patterns that occur du! ring dee p states of meditation. Master meditaters were monitored using EEg machines and sophisticated modern techologies in order to identify their brain and bodily rhythms during meditation. Doing this researchers identified the exact brainwave patterns that occur during deep states of meditation. This was an eye-opener. However, with the discovery that a sound technology known as binaural beats could entrain the brain (change the listeners brainwaves) and specific binaural beats could create specific brainwaves it was just a matter of time until someone created binaural beats that could replicate the brainwaves of deep meditators. Binuaral beats have been incorporated into meditation programs such as Holosync. Holosync is used to create instant states of meditation with no effort. Now within a few short minutes you can be experiencing exactly the same states as a Zen Buddhist Monk without having to spend 20 years learning how to do it! Holosync uses very specific binaural beats to create the exact same mental states that a Zen Buddhist Monk experiences while in deep meditation. So now you have no need to spend a life-time learning meditation. All you need is a stereo CD player, some good stereo headphones and 45 minutes of undisturbed quiet! About the AuthorTo learn more about binaural beats visit and to read a full explaination and review of Holosync go to | ||||
The Brilliant Buddha Tabletop Fountain Posted: 12 Jan 2012 04:00 AM PST Article by Kira I. Meisenburg To the 1.6 million Buddhists around the world Buddha is more than just an iconic representation of their religion. Buddhism (or Buddha Dharma) is more than just a religion to them. It is their way of life and philosophy which is a conglomeration of all their traditions, practices and beliefs all based on the teachings off Buddha whose real name by the way is Siddhartha Gautama. Buddhism is one of the top three religions around the world. In the philosophy Buddha has taught, he shared his insights in order to help people finish their sufferings (which they call dukkha) in order to arrive at nirvana, the ultimate level of contentment. Buddha comes in many forms as it is recognized in the country where he is worshipped. But to many people, Buddha is more popularly represented by a fat bellied bald headed person who embodies wealth, prosperity and happiness. To be given a statue of Buddha is to bestow the recipient all the good fortune on this earth. To the worshippers of Buddhism, to have a statue of Buddha in their homes is mandatory for it is an idol that is most revered. It is truly pleasant to receive a Buddha tabletop fountain as a gift. The brilliant combination of Buddha and the sound of water gently flowing down the river rocks on which he sits upon brings the sense of calm and serenity of which they both represent. Water symbolizes cleanliness and continuation of life. It is no wonder that the mere sight of water flowing down a fountain brings that air of rest and wellness. You will be absolutely enthralled watching this fountain come into life once you switch it on and the water spills unto the rocks and into its water dish below. The Buddha tabletop fountain is creatively crafted out of polyresin with a faux-stone finish. It stands at 9 ' diameter by 8 1/'2 high. You can place this gorgeous work of art anywhere in your home or at the office. It will look great with any indoor motif and will improve your personal space with an oriental or Zen like refuge. The ! Buddha t abletop fountain is one of the best creations of Traditional Fountains. You can find this model on their website. If you would want to order this for a gift to someone special or just for your personal use, this product comes with a very inexpensive price of .28. UPS Ground delivers this breathtaking home accent to your doorstep within 8 working days. About the AuthorA Buddha Tabletop Fountain is a common sight to see in the homes of the elite. To have that rich and famous feel in your humble home, be sure to get one! Gudo Nishijima on dropping body and mindThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||
Large Penis Exercises Climax - The Stairway To Heaven Posted: 12 Jan 2012 03:00 AM PST Article by trevorpanchana You can make your erect penis bigger quickly and permanently using easy methods. I went from a humiliating 5.5 inches long and 5 inches around to over 8 inches long and exactly 6 inches around. Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about increasing your erect penis size quickly and permanently. Are you happy with the size of your penis? If you are not then take action today! Once you understand how simple it is to enlarge your penis you will wonder why you waited so long. Are you able to please your woman? Well the fact is that a recent study has shown that nearly 67% of women say that they are not happy with the penis size of their partner. That is not a very promising number. Many men want to know how to make a penis larger. Most of these men know they don't need to turn to any risky methods such as surgery to make their penis larger but they don't know the first thing to do to make it larger naturally. There is no magic solution to make your penis bigger overnight but there are effective ways to give you the girth and length you want overtime. Many men want to know if you can enlarge your penis without pills or weights or surgery. They are looking for some sort of all natural penis male enlargement technique that will really work to increase both the length and thickness of their male member. Can it be done? Absolutely! Find out how here. Do you want to have an average to small penis all of your life? No you don't. Finally there is a method that is guaranteed to work for you! You can change your life starting from today and get a bigger penis get better sex and increase your confidence. Enlarge your penis at home >> If you want to experience a bit from the life of the Buddhism monks than the first thing you need is an efficient Zen meditation instruction. Zen meditation can be a great alternative to the more classic forms of meditation and even though it might be stricter it can be fully enjoye! d especi ally after some weeks of practice. Men are always on the hunt form something that will make their penis permanently larger but they don't know what actually works to get them increased size. The only method that does anything is hand exercises. Everything else is a total fraud and will not add any size. The time is now to get a bigger erection. All natural methods have now become incredibly popular and they are working for thousands and thousands of men. The truth is that these methods have been used for thousands of years yet never were available to the mainstream public because the intense marketing done by the penis pill industry. About the AuthorTips For Dating A Single Mom Christian Sex Questions - Most Common ALAN WATTS ON ZENThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||
Spiritual Quantum Physics and the Key to Power and Peace Posted: 12 Jan 2012 02:00 AM PST Article by Ellis Peterson THE KEY TO POWER AND PEACE The Laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics tells us that unlimited power is ours. It flows from the Mind of God to the infinite Quantum Ocean and into our individual auras. This flow of power is a gift from the Creator God. All we have to do is to get 'ourselves' out of the way. We must let go of all our false and unconscious beliefs, ideas, concepts and programming. It is a true scientific maxim: "Let go and let God." The primary Spiritual Quantum Physics maxim that we must accept and steep our blood and bones in is: "There is only one mover in all creation and that mover is THOUGHT." There is a cause, a reason for you as well as the universe. There is a power greater than you are and you are part of it. In this stultified materialistic godless world we find ourselves living in we must start to look to the spiritual writings and spiritual poetry for some guidance. We must learn to seek out the Creator God. Here is a marvelous example of spiritual poetry that will get you thinking. "O, raise up thine eyes to the eternal skyIn thy bondage strike out to be freeHush the whispering voice of the infinite WhyWith "I am and I was and I ever will be."Anon The entire race of humanity is born free. Free to determine his destiny. Free to disclose the sources of his Being and immensity of his power. Why is it that the great mass of humanity leads drab and colorless lives filled with fear, frustration and insecurity? These thoughts are products of man's conscious mind. Circumstances shape man's destiny. But there are resources which can raise the human soul above his circumstances. Thought habits of your conscious mind shape your life. Conceptual habits of conscious mind are the greatest bar to man's discovery of himself. The important thing to remember is that every day of your life the same power that brings you good fortune also brings you bad fortune according to how you use it. The conc! eptions of yourself as children of god, as infinite souls, as co-creators, as god-lings are locked up in your subconscious mind. Learn how to unlock it. Do not think that you have to fight your subconscious or delete it that is the wrong approach. Learn to work with it. Learn to marry your conscious mind to your subconscious mind peacefully. About the AuthorEllis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory anot d dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has written over 200 articles. See them on his websites: Ram Dass "Awareness"This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||
Posted: 12 Jan 2012 01:00 AM PST Article by ethanjimeno Every man on the planet would like to get his penis bigger permanently if there was some method to actually do so. In developed nations no one knew any method that actually did work to get someone larger for life. As it turns out there are exercises that can be done with just your hands that do get men increased measurements. Are you unhappy with the size of your penis? Would you like to be bigger and able to perform better in the bedroom? Results are now guaranteed that will naturally increase the size of your penis permanently. Are you serious about adding a couple of inches to both your penis girth and length? In this article you would discover a hidden technique to get a thicker and bigger penis using only your hands... There are a lot of men who desperately want to get a bigger penis but they are not fools and know very well that using any kind of medicine equipment or surgery is a very slippery slope. Obviously you don`t want to enlarge your manhood by causing damage to it or spend your life savings on an expensive surgery. Have you considered penis male enlargement exercises? Chances are if you are here reading this then you are not in the small percentage of men in the large penis category. Most men are in the average size category but there are a few unfortunate souls who are in the small penis group. Don't lose heart if you are one of them. There are things that you can do such as... Are you happy with your penis size? Most men are not. If you want to enlarge your penis size permanently and see huge gains - read on.. Just 6 minutes per day for a few short weeks will make your penis much longer thicker and healthier and give you permanent gains which you can enjoy for the rest of your life! Enlarge your penis at home >> If you want to experience a bit from the life of the Buddhism monks than the first thing you need is an efficient Zen meditation instruction. Zen meditation can be a great alternative to th! e more c lassic forms of meditation and even though it might be stricter it can be fully enjoyed especially after some weeks of practice. You've probably seen and heard of so many different systems that claim to enlarge your penis that you're fed up of it. You might even have tried them and found that they are totally unsuccessful. I know from my experience of pumps pills patches and extenders that they are all an expensive waste of time. However only a few months after I embarked upon the natural growth system did I have a penis which is now nearly 4 inches bigger than before. It is such a simple and easy method to use you can also see huge gains ... Have you heard about Arabic jelqing exercises? Read here what they are and whether or not they work. About the AuthorNatural Ways To Make Your Penis Longer My Real Opinion On Male Enhancement Products - Years Of Personal Experience Revealed Alan Watts - become liberatedThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||
Posted: 12 Jan 2012 12:00 AM PST Article by Les Finley What is Yoga? Yoga is a very old way of life that came from India that encourages personal health, spirituality and wellness. It doesn't clash with any religion but does have an influence on our spiritual path. What Yoga is not: a religion, a circus act, looking intently at a candle in roomful of smoky incense, or just for adolescents who are flexible.To practice correctly you need discipline, concentration and attentive breathing. The effect of serious Yoga practice is an excellent union of mind, body and spirit. No matter your age, knowledge, body shape, or physical skills can implement a Yoga program. Hatha based or alignment Yoga has been around for approximately 5000 years. More and more medical practitioners and therapists are using Yoga as a remedy for many kinds of poor health conditions. The rewards of Yoga practice are numerous and consist of increased strength and flexibility, cardiovascular vigor, healing injuries, produces mental clarity and emotional balance. Most significantly, it's a complete exercise. Yoga practice can replace various exercises such as:.1. Weight lifting drills for strength.2. Jogging or aerobics for cardiovascular workout.3. Tai Chi for building awareness of balance and harmony.4. Stretching exercises for flexibility.5. Meditation for relaxation and tranquility of the mind. Yoga is more than a stretching and relaxation system, it's the ideal test for your mind and body. Should you practice Yoga? All persons from couch potatoes to world class athletes can profit from the exercise of Yoga. Purna Yoga requires the perfect positioning of your body as you hold the poses you develop your physical strength and stabilize your emotional and mental condition. This does not happen overnight, if you are looking for a fast solution to a health problem you are better off looking for another type of exercise.Yoga will be your preferred exercise if your long term goal is to reclaim your energy, health and dynamism. Yoga exercise is a perfectly balanced p! rogram t hat can be started by anyone above the age of eight. Your practice can be made more challenging as you progress or take it easy on days which you are fatigued. Familiarize yourself with the various Yoga styles to have a better understanding of the classes that are offered in the Yoga schools near you. You need to be able to choose the correct Yoga style which will match your practice goals and your level of physical fitness. No matter why you are interested in learning more about starting a Yoga practice, you will certainly profit from the self-control, breathing techniques and the physical exercise you get while practicing Yoga. About the AuthorTo learn about flaxseed side effects, hiv sores and other information, visit the Health And Nutrition Tips website. Yoga Shakti - Siddhanamaskar and PranayamThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||
Breath awareness meditation exercises and stress relief Posted: 11 Jan 2012 11:00 PM PST Article by Sharen Scott You may be able to survive without food and water for several days but imagine surviving few minutes without oxygen. That's right! Many of us can't even imagine surviving without oxygen even for few minutes. If air is so important for us, why don't we think about it even for a little while! Breathing is also synonymous to life itself. Even when we talk about a person taking its last breath, it signified death and the departure of the soul from the body.When you start getting conscious about your breathing activity, you will start feeling deeper layers within yourself, your body, your thoughts and feelings. Getting stressful make us hold our breathing activity for some time. Some of us during stress breathe very shallow. We are already stressed and we are stopping our own life force that keeps us alive. Breathing consciously (purposefully) enhances our concentration and helps us get more focused and relaxed.Your breath can be your most trustworthy friend and a true stress reduction tool whenever you need it. When you start concentrating towards your breath, it will gradually isolate you from all the external factors and worries that might be troubling you and bring you to a state where you can be just be in the present.Focusing on breath automatically slows down the mind and relaxes your whole body. Your mind becomes steady and then you can concentrate on things you want to think about. Many of the meditation practices focus on breath awareness since it induces a relaxing effect on your body and being relaxed, you can harness all the benefits of meditation and Yoga. The following stress reduction techniques can be quite helpful: Upon feeling stressed or confused, immediately shift your focus on your breath. Notice how your breath is moving up and down your body. Silently count your inhale and exhale. Focus on the time space between the breaths. Regularly practicing breath awareness meditation exercise brings inner peace and relaxation to the body.Being aware of breathing means you are awa! re of be ing alive and so can enjoy being the present. The best part about breath awareness is that you can become aware of your breath anywhere, anytime. While working in the office or taking a walk in the morning, you can become aware of your breath and come back into the present. About the AuthorThe Lifesurfing Program The Lifesurfing Program offered at the I.M.U. includes a variety of approaches to discover and enhance a state of a vibrant, wakeful inner quietness, which is the basis for inner freedom, joy and celebration. Stress Management During FinalsThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||
Nicotine May Help Combat Memory Loss Posted: 11 Jan 2012 11:00 PM PST
Nicotine could help people with early memory loss maintain or improve their attention and memory, a new study suggests. Study participants with mild memory problems who received nicotine performed better six months later at tasks such as reacting to a stimulus on a computer screen and memorizing a paragraph, according to the study. The results are important because doctors have gotten better at diagnosing dementia while the condition is still in its early stages, said study co-author Dr. Paul Newhouse, a professor of psychiatry at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. "The earlier you can intervene, the better," Newhouse said. "We want to treat people as early as we can and save as much brain function as we can." The study is published today (Jan. 9) in the journal Neurology. Signs of improvement Researchers at Vanderbilt studied the effects of nicotine on 67 nonsmokers age 55 or older who had mild cognitive impairment, a precursor to diseases such as Alzheimer's disease. People with mild cognitive impairment have memory, language, thinking and judgment problems that are noticeable to themselves and their families, but are not serious enough to interfere with day-to-day life. Researchers divided the study participants into two groups. One group of 34 participants received 15 milligrams of nicotine per day, via a nicotine patch, for six months. The remaining 33 participants received a placebo patch. Participants who received nicotine showed a 46 percent improvement of long-term memory for their age, while the placebo group showed a 26 percent decline. Mimics a brain chemical Nicotine works to improve thinking skills because it mimics a normally occurring chemical in the brain, acetylcholine. "It has the same three-dimensional structure, so it fits the receptor," Newhouse said. "What nicotine does is it stimulates those receptors. They act like amplifiers to turn up normal nerve signals. "The ability of you and I to pay attention is enhanced by stimulating nicotinic receptors," he continued. People with Alzheimer's disease lose many of these nicotinic receptors, Newhouse said. "The disease attacks the very systems that memory and attention depend on," he said. While researchers have studied the effects of nicotine on learning and memory for many years, this study, funded by the National Institutes of Health, is the one of the first to look at early memory loss. "Nicotine is not a patentable substance, so there was not any corporate interest," Newhouse said. Nevertheless, nicotine could be a good option for some people with mild memory loss because it has few side effects. Some people experience nausea when they take nicotine in high doses. But in the study, "It was generally very well-tolerated," Newhouse said. "There was a little bit of weight loss." The study results are exciting, said Dr. Eden Evins, an associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School who was not involved with the study. "This is the longest study [to date], and they're showing improvement," Evins said. Some of study's data show that people with mild cognitive impairment who take nicotine didn't improve, but also didn't get worse, and that's still important, Evins said. "This begs the question of whether nicotine may be a viable treatment for mild cognitive impairment," she said. Both Evins and Newhouse said future studies should look at the effects of nicotine in a larger group of people. The duration of the study is also a weakness. "A major limitation is that we tested people for six months," Newhouse said. "We need to see whether the benefits occur over a long period of time." Future studies should not only look at test results, but also whether treatment with nicotine has practical implications, Evins said. "You want to see if this makes a difference in people's lives," she said. There's also some concern that nicotine use could lead to drug abuse, Evins said. "For young people, there's a real question about whether nicotine is gateway drug," she said. "We need to know more." The study authors noted a number of potential conflicts of interest. Dr. Newhouse receives research support from AstraZeneca, Eli Lilly and Company and Targacept, Inc., and has consulted for a number of pharmaceutical companies. Pass it on: Nicotine could help people with mild memory loss, but more research is needed to determine whether the treatment is truly effective. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. Find us on Facebook. | ||||
Mind Control Marketing, How and Why it Works Posted: 11 Jan 2012 10:00 PM PST Article by William J. Froning Internet marketing is a highly competitive means of doing business. The number and types of products available is endless. To be successful the internet marketer has to be able to develop strategies and techniques that convince consumers that their product is the one they want. There are many effective methods available to the internet marketer to accomplish this. The use of mind control marketing has proven to be an effective technique to improve sales. Just what is mind control? Basically, it is the use of various methods to influence the human mind. The use of these methods will influence the thinking of an individual in unconscious ways. The effects upon the unconscious mind will then result in changes in the individual's behavior and emotions. This subvert manipulation will effect the way one's decisions are formed. There is present day thinking that this technique is negative in that it effects an individual's freedom and independence in making choices and decisions. Actually, it is a neutral concept that merely attempts to communicate with one's own mind to develop abilities and potentials to their maximum level. The works of mind control effect the human mind. With the use of these techniques it is very easy to make a person believe something is as it is presented. This technique is used in various instances and for various purposes. It is present in something as simple as influencing a child not to eat foods that are not healthy for them. Mind control is not something bad at all. It has, however, become a powerful tool that can have a very positive effect upon life and living. Mind control has been found to be very effective in the field of marketing. It is, after all, the brain that decides whether or not to buy a specific product. Marketers can benefit greatly from the knowledge and skills of mind control in their work on the internet. While there are those who consider mind control to be an infringement upon their freedom and independence, there is no proof th! at would render mind control to be illegal or destructive. In the field of marketing, visualizations appear to be the most effective and least invasive of the techniques. The positive aspects of this technique will simply bring about good things about the specific product.This mind control technique is very effective in every sense of the word. Mind control can be a very powerful tool in any if not all fields in life. It should, however, be used only in a positive manner. Remember, with great power comes a great responsibility to use it wisely. If you are interested in mind control and other forms of covert persuasion, please visit my website. There is no better place to learn what works, and what does not. See below.Bill Froning's website provides reviews of products, with ratings of the top products in various niches. He also includes top articles designed to help customers in performing their research. Currently, he is providing Articles and ratings of the best software for persuading others to purchase your products. If you are interested in learning all of the best products and methods for persuading others to purchase your products, visit this website: [anchors] Read more: Creative Commons License: Attribution About the AuthorBill Froning performs research on various interesting niches on the internet and writes articles about the products offered in those niches. Top products are reviewed and ranked and many articles by other authors are presented for the reader to review. The information provided is designed to provide customers with the information needed to make informed decisions as to products they will promote. Slim Month 1: Start Where You Are - Mindful Practice, Mindful EatingThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
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