Benefits of Multidimensional Consciousness

Benefits of Multidimensional Consciousness

Benefits of Multidimensional Consciousness

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 12:03 PM PST

Article by Ericpepin

Stanislav Grof "Race for Consciousness"

Insight & Opening: Stanislav Grof is a psychiatrist with almost 50 years of experience in research of nonordinary states of consciousness. He has been the principal investigator in a psychedelic research program at the Psychiatric Research Institute in Prague, Czechoslovakia, chief of psychiatric research at the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center, assistant professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, and scholar-in-residence at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California. It was at Esalen that he codeveloped, with his wife Christina Grof, Holotropic Breathwork, a technique that includes deep, connected breathing, music, art, and trained facilitation with the goal wholeness, healing, and wisdom. Currently, Grof is professor of psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies and Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, California, conducts professional training programs in Holotropic Breathwork and transpersonal psychology, and gives lectures and seminars worldwide. He is one of the founders and chief theoreticians of transpersonal psychology and the founding president of the International Transpersonal Association. Among his publications are more than 100 papers in professional journals and the books Realms of the Human Unconscious; The Human Encounter With Death (with Joan Halifax); LSD Psychotherapy; The Adventure of Self-Discovery; Beyond the Brain; Books of the Dead; The Holotropic Mind; The Cosmic Game ...

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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8 Out of the Ordinary Approaches to Defeating Your Food Cravings

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 12:00 PM PST

Do you feel like you can't lose weight because you struggle with cravings?

Has a gnawing, insatiable want hijacked your healthy eating plan?

Chocolate, candy, potato chips, pizza, steak, coffee, ice-cream, salt or what have you —most of us battle these cravings.

But we don't have to.

Are you ready to defeat them? If so let's dive in and reveal what you can do to conquer your dangerous moments without regret.

  • Drink, Drink, Drink
    First off, if you're dehydrated, you're likely to feel wiped out. When you're pooped liked that, chances are you'll be craving a stimulant in the form of sugar or caffeine - think chocolate or coffee.

    So drink a glass of water — yes, plain water. By the time your body tells you you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated. And, dehydration occurs as mild hunger. So… glug, glug, glug and make it a habit to drink a glass of water every couple hours.

  • Why You Need to Sleep More
    If you're majorly stressed, or suffer from insomnia or sleep deprivation, you're probably exhausted much of the time.

    I know about this; believe me! It took seven years and an entire collection of My Little Pony before my daughter slept through the night. Sleep deprivation is a form of torture — don't underestimate it.

    Adrenal imbalance causes your body to call upon your adrenal glands for more stress hormones to act as a pick-me-up, but over time, your adrenals become less able to respond appropriately. Chances are, you'll resort to sugar or carbohydrate snacks or coffee during the day and carbohydrates or alcohol at night, all of which exacerbate the pr! oblem.
    I seriously recommend finding a way to chill and give your adrenals a break. I've found meditation and exercise such as yoga to be a blessing. A hectic cardio workout is not going to help here. Keep it on the calm side.

  • The Shocking Truth About Boredom and Dissatisfaction
    Being bored or dissatisfied with a particular situation, such as work or a cruddy relationship, or life in general, is the number one cause for filling up on undesirables.

    "The longing for sweets is really a yearning for love or sweetness," wrote Jungian analyst Marion Woodman and she was spot on. So often we try to fill the void with eating. Instead, take time to reflect and assess what's really going on.

    Dr. Oz suggests that it helps to realize that emotional hunger onset is sudden and urgent, while physical hunger is gradual and patient.

    Fully facing this kind of eating may lead to some serious soul searching. You may want to consult someone if it becomes overwhelming. But when food is masking a deeper dissatisfaction, no amount of the fix will take away the pain or frustration. Work on healing that and then the cravings will naturally disappear.

  • How to Change Bad Habits
    Psychology professor Debra Zellner, Ph.D., draws the conclusion that our cravings are predominantly determined by habit rather than biological need.

    You know how you fall back to habit in times of stress rather than creatively brainstorming fresh approaches? Well the same is true here. When you're stressed, she argues, your generally strong restraint flies out the window and thoughts about comfort foods come rushing in.

    So how do we avoid this stress trigger cycle? According to Zeller, we should:
    • Indulge on occasion: By making certain foods "taboo," we tend to make a dash for them when our defenses are shot. The alternative is to have that chocolate once in a while and de-demonize it. Enjoy a bowl of ice cream now and then. Don't associate certain foods with the 'forbidden fruits.'

    • Mix up your patterns: Just as with Pavlov's dogs, Zeller continues, a stimulus produces an automatic, virtually involuntary response in each of us. Figure out if predictable times or places make your cravings appear. Then, change your indulgence time and place, shake up the predictable and don't create a mindless pattern.

    • Make healthy associations: Find healthy foods that you enjoy and make a habit of eating those at stressful times instead. For me, I've trained myself to crunch on cucumbers. Granted, we always need to have cucumbers in the house, but it definitely beats chocolate!
  • A Little Bit of Yin and a Little Bit of Yang
    Ever heard of Macrobiotics? Well, key to this philosophy on life is the idea of Yin and Yang, two complementary and antagonistic forces. Before you think this is some new age concept, know that Hippocrates first used this philosophy in 400 BC to describe healthy, long lived people.

    In terms of food, certain foods, such as meat, chocolate, cheese and coffee have contractive or Yang qualities. Other foods, like beer, white sugar, soya and potatoes, have expansive or Yin qualities. And then foods like whole grains and veggies have a neutral effect on the body.

    The body naturally strives for balance. Without one iota of doubt, what passes through your lips contributes to where your body's at and what it's going to need more of. When you're eating too much Yin or too much Yang, your system won't be happy. And h! ello, th ese extremes are the core of the Standard American Diet. Loads of meat, salt, sugar and fats.

    They throw the body out of its natural balance and we crave whatever is required to regain equilibrium. Sadly though, we're putting in excessive amounts on either side of the scale.

    By paying attention to what you're eating in overload and introducing more balancing foods, cravings will decrease. Remember, the key is balance — not excess.

  • Are You Malnourished?
    For me, malnutrition has always been associated with the image of a starving African pot-bellied child. Painful. And don't get me wrong, that's certainly malnutrition.

    But did you know how malnourished most of us "First Worlders" are? An estimated 70% of all Americans do not consume sufficient nutrients, mainly as a result of refined and processed foods.

    Why do I mention this? If the body is starved of nutrients, it will produce cravings.

    Renowned physician, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, states that in order to stop the "addictive drives and perverted cravings" we suffer from, it is essential to restore nutritional excellence.

    We need to eat a diet high in what he calls Nutrient Dense foods such as green veggies, non-starchy veggies, beans, fresh fruits, whole grains and raw nuts and seeds.

    The toxins in our processed fare just keep us coming back for more and so you need to oust them!

  • Temptation Be Gone
    Clearly, if you've stocked up on your favorite indulgence, you'll eat it. Corollary: if it's not there, you can't eat it.

    That one's easy! Banish the temptation. And oh, never go shopping on an empty stomach. A full tummy is less prone to rumble for honey — with apologies to Pooh bear.

  • Spew It All Out
    My final tool for you here is to keep a food journal. Track your eating habits and see if your cravings exhibit a pattern. With this information, you'll be in a far better position to understand and help yourself.

The Final Word
Cravings aren't the enemy. In fact, they can be a gift - a window into what's ticking in your internal clock. By opening a dialogue with your body, you can begin to love and support it just as it supports and loves you with every unfailing heartbeat and every unfailing breath.

But that's entirely up to you. Changing behaviors is work. No, it's not like reinventing the wheel or finding a cure for cancer. But it does take commitment and facing some harsh challenges.

If you're still reading this, that's a good sign. Nobody can or will make the changes for you. Beating your cravings is the same as anything else. You have to be focused and work damn hard. Oftentimes you'll need courage too. If you're prepared to face the challenge, your health will improve and you'll lose that excess weight. You've also got an excellent chance of feeling more whole if you confront the psychological aspects of what's driving your behavior.

Ready to tackle the task?

Written on 1/05/2012 by Kerri Baruch. Kerri is a Holistic Health Coach passionate about restoring excellent health in clients by supporting them as the full individuals that they are. Kerri shares recipes, blogs and Health Coaching info on her site Eat Real. Be Well. Photo Credit: Calgary Reviews


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Want To Know The True Secret Of Power Of Mind?

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 11:00 AM PST

Article by Alex Rahn

In the '80s, there was a series of television and radio spots with the slogan 'A mind is a terrible thing to waste.' That slogan goes beyond getting minorities into colleges, and on to every day life.

The power of mind is the most powerful thing in the universe!

You've certainly heard about the law of attraction; the idea behind the book and film 'The Secret'. Whatever you put your mental energy toward will come to you is the message of the work.

It is not magic that we are talking about in here. The power of the mind cannot be harnessed if we do not do the same passionately and with the focus and determination that we have within us. The laws of attraction cannot be implemented in life if it is not properly done. The thoughts that we have really matter a lot since whatever we think of gets implement in our lives.

In the medical world, this is known as the Placebo Effect; people who are told they're taking a medicine will get the benefits of that medicine even if they're given a sugar pill. This happens about 40% of the time and is something clinical trials have to correct for. Similarly, the adage of 'Mind Over Matter' holds some credence as well.

It's amazing to see how those who only got a placebo are able to cure their ailment. Then of course there are others who believe hear about the side effects, take the placebo and somehow end up with even the rarest of kinds.

It's just one of the many ways we can prove how powerful the subconscious mind can alter your life. Have you ever got up in the morning and decided that it was going to be a dreadful day and that is what happened?

It is not coincidence, if there is one thing that you should know by now everything happens for a reason. The reason is your mind.

What you will find is that it all revolves around quantum physics. This teaches us that you can create energy around you for anything. Even if we take it a little further, the way it works is your mind creates reality. So if you believe you're go! ing to g et in a car accident, and you keep telling yourself you will, then it's going to happen. However, we want you to train your mind to work towards the positive things in life.

There is a belief among the scientists that all psychic abilities like clairvoyance, remote viewing, etc can be explained by the theories and laws of Quantum physics.

So to sum it up nothing is real! Everything we experience, everything we see, hear and feel was created by our subconscious thoughts. It sure seems real but it is all a creation of our mind power.

There are perhaps a very small amount of people who have really thought about using the power of the mind in order to achieve something good and make our lives better from the way they are. It is in fact a prudent thing if we really have our minds working and try and use its power to live a better life. Moreover assets are always meant to be used in a good way before they star t being used in the other way round.

Keep reading for some techniques which can help you to access your own mental potential to achieve your goals in life.

Most importantly you have to have a goal to aim for. This needs to be a very clear and specific goal. For example do not just have it in mind to make a lot of money - decide on the exact amount and then all of your efforts and mental action can go to getting that amount of money.

Pull yourself away from distracting influences. Keep that effort constant. Try to clear your mind of the usual pattern of thirty different thoughts running at once.

There are some people who have a great knowledge of their own mind power and hence work in improving it at all times. This is further developed when they are able to completely channelize their thoughts to the goal they desire to achieve.

You have to make it happen and it all starts with the thought process. The first time around you'll probably have a hard time focusing on just one thought with a million racing through your head.

Your ability to shape your lif! e, by ac tively taking part in the influence your mind has on your perceptions of reality is nearly unlimited. It's limited primarily by what you can imagine yourself doing. At times, this can border on obsession - imagine wanting a new home.

Ensure that everything you do is focussed towards getting that dream home. You may have to work a bit harder at work for example. You could even check out the rest mortgage rates even if you can't afford it at the moment. You can even buy a few things to put inot your new home.

When you make this goal the target of the power of the mind, you begin to set the events in motion which lead to it coming to pass. The home will go on the market, your offer will be accepted and you'll easily secure a great mortgage. It's not luck that made this happen; it's not just your hard work either - the power of the mind played the starring role.

You are going to have to deal with all the ins and outs of the subconscious mind. It's important for you to understand that you can change your life by creating everything around you. This takes us back to the theories around quantum physics again and that it truly is mind over matter.

About the Author

Discover the amazing experience of using your mind power from the popular site. Find details to develop power of the mind with a power of mind FREE DVD Package when you visit here.

Yoga & Meditation in India

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 10:05 AM PST

Article by Syed Danish Raza

Yoga & Meditation in India was propounded by the ancient Indian sage Patanjali and is derived from the Sanskrit word 'Yog' which means 'union,' presumably union with the divine being or God. One of the orthodox systems of healing the mind and body is Yoga and Meditation, they are among the best alternative processes used as the remedial of various diseases. Literally meaning union, yoga seeks to unite the individual soul with the universal Soul or God, not through any religious rites but through a uninterrupted effort to control one's mental and physical faculties. Meditation and Yoga are synonymous with India and if you want a truly happy and spiritual experience then come for a Yoga and Meditation tour to India, that will go far beyond a holiday or vacation you have experienced so far. The yoga and meditation tours, one of the theme travel tour in India, allow you to combine travel with the peaceful sacred experiences.

Physically Yoga helps in cleansing the body of toxins, muscle toning, improving blood circulation, correct body posture and the like, at the highbrow level it helps the practitioner to surpass the unrealities of a materialistic life and be in communion with the Supreme Being. We have exclusive Yoga and naturopathy tours under the guidance of experts at places like Rishikesh and Uttarkashi with special meditation classes in the Himalayas. Some of the most common practiced types of Yoga are: Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Tantric Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Raja Yoga. Yoga in India is gaining more and more attention with every passing day. However, it must be mentioned that the aim and motto of yoga can differ from person to person. Physical seaworthiness, flexibility and spiritual growth are the main bases of yoga. This holistic approach goes a long way in achieving excellent results. A stress-free, calm, balanced and fit body adds up as the reward for regular practitioners of yoga.

While, Meditation is a part of yoga that soothes the mind in an unbeli! evable m anner. The art of meditation in India should be practiced with a well-trained guru. Its practice will not only calm the senses but also help in honing the power of concentration. Meditation can increase your patience besides making you view life in a new dimension altogether. The disturbed mind, the restless psyche can be well treated by this ancient therapy without the help of any medicine. A balanced mind is what meditation propagates and helps every practitioner achieve.

Apollo Hospital - Apollo has a well-equipped Yoga and Meditation department. Various diseases have their own requirements and characteristics. In fact, every human problem differs from the other. Therefore, it is necessary to have a proper consultation with qualified doctor before undergoing any sort of treatment. The expert doctors specialized in yoga and meditation will cure you completely. Besides, the Yoga and Meditation department in Apollo hospital is among the best you can ever go to.

Apart from this, there are various centers all over the country like Madras in (Chennai), Rishikesh, Haridwar, Shivpuri, Kerala, and Bihar one can find several meditation centers.

So, Rejuvenate yourself in the traditional Indian way.

About the Author

Traveling is something I have always cherished. An expedition offers a blend of countless itineraries ranging from Heritage, culture, tribes, adventure, wildlife and much more.


Yoga for the New Beginner

If you've never tried yoga before and have been worried about jumping in, here's your chance! Sarah leads a gentle and deliberate series of asanas geared toward the brand new yogi. Where you take this practice will be your journey. Welcome!

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Early Morning Zen Buddhism Spirituality Inspiration - 1/5/2012

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 10:00 AM PST

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

~Lao Tzu

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Technorati Tags: Buddha Buddhist Buddhism Meditation Dharma
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James Burke : The Day The Universe Changed: "Worlds Without End", 1 of 5 (CC)

Watch Entire Show: More Shows: Episode 10, conclusion of James Burke's ground-breaking series "The Day The Universe Changed" discusses the differences between "Western" Scientific and other views of the world and nature. In particular, "our" world view to that of Buddhism or Zen Buddhism Spirituality "Monks". Series ends with an optimistic outlook for the future with the Internet's potential to bring all world views togther in a global community. See channel page for purchase options.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Methods to eliminate stress in pregnancy

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST

Article by E Spence

Becoming stressed whist expecting may cause problems to both the child and the mommy. If the tension levels keep soaring, this can result in higher than average blood pressure and indicators of anxiety. Along with there is at the same time a likelihood it can possess a unfavorable outcome on the unborn boy or girl.

Every day life dose without a doubt convey nerve-racking circumstances but they can typically be dealt with if prepared. Just about all it requires is a handful of beneficial alterations and adjustments to accomplish a stress free pregnancy.

Down below are 5 very good methods to chop down the stress during pregnancy:

A wholesome diet regimeEating in a healthful manner can aid keeping lesser stress levels by stopping the stress hormones from climbing. As an example of this, food that incorporate vitamin B will help to produce extra anti stress hormones (known as serotonin) inside of the body. One more benefit of healthier eating is that this will also maintain vigor levels higher while pregnant.

Keeping on the go with physical exerciseDaily stress can be held to a minimum amount with the usage of safe exercise. The appropriate kind of physical activities will certainly give the female an outlet to vent out any stress of which might be building up within and may furthermore assist the intellect to stay clear and confident. Basic activities such as strolling in pleasant surroundings will be enough to achieve this.

Spending the time to restHaving the proper amount of rest when pregnant is extremely necessary to reducing stress levels. This is worth getting a little moment to devise a perfect sleeping pattern to enable the physique to relax and revitalise regularly. To help with rest, listening to relaxing songs, reading or taking a nice bath prior to bed will aid beneficial sleep.

Furthermore, a cozy pillow is actually a must. If uninterrupted sleep is not possible (simply because you are at work), the next best thing would certain! ly be to consider a break in a calm place with your feet up for about 15 minutes 2 or 3 times a day.

Having another person to talk withBeing able to have a chat or moan with another person can help to off load any kind of stress. It helps to converse with someone and this can act as a beneficial discharge to whatever build up of stress energy within the body. Also heading to the doctor in the event you are worried with any aspect of the pregnancy is going to help. As you discuss to the medical professional, you will definitely pick up information that can hopefully place any kind of worries to rest. In a few words, it is commonly more effective to convey than to keep the inner thoughts bottled up.

Stress reduction the healthy methodRelaxation methods such as yoga and mind-calming exercise can easily aid to relieve the mind and lower stress.

Meditation is known to help with items like pain reduction, blood pressure and basic rest. These are decent features to strive for when pregnant and meditation can certainly help. Just about all that is needed is a peaceful area where an individual are not going to be interupted. Basically shut the eyes and completely focus on something that is calm and comforting.

Antenatal yoga is one thing that ought to also be considered. This is a great activity which usually could help with bringing down stress while pregnant by using comforting inhaling and exhaling techniques and relaxing postures.

And also don't forget about massages. Massage routines are easy to locate in books and online. A person can self massage or perhaps ask your companion, associate or anybody else to apply the actual massage for you.

About the Author

Are you one of many looking for ways of coping with stress when pregnant?

For more free advice, tips and suggestions, visit How to deal with stress and anxiety

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How to Have the Best Year or Your Life (without Setting a Single Goal)

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST

Editor's note: This is a guest post from Jeff Goins of Goins, Writer.

This new year, do something different: stop setting goals.

If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results, then making resolutions for another year is a sure-fire way to drive yourself crazy. I did it for years, and it got me nothing.

Resolutions are pipe dreams, and goals are a waste of time. They are designed to trick you into believing all you need to change your life is a plan.

But plans don't work. Life is too chaotic and busy. For most of us, it's impossible to stick to a list of goals for more than a few weeks, not to mention an entire year.

So how do you change your life? By controlling what you can: your daily habits.

The Pointlessness of Plans

Most good things happen without a plan: friendships, falling in love, finding a job, and so on. If you want to make your new year count, you'll need to be intentional — not by setting goals, but by making space in your life for what really matters.

This was how I was able to get into shape, launch a blog, train for a half-marathon, get a book deal, and keep my day job this year — while loving every minute of it.

Most productivity systems focus on beginning with the "end in mind" and setting goals to get there. Many are based on the assumption that in order to get what you want later, you're have to give up what you want now. You work the plan, endure pain, and win.

But this is not the only path you can take.

I just finished one of the best years of my life, and most of it was completely unplanned. How did I do it? By creating new disciplines I actually liked doing. I wasn't only fixated on the end results; I also enjoyed the process.

This is the secret to a healthy, productive life and to making an impact on the world. Create good, sustainable habits that you enjoy, and you'll end up with a life you can be proud of.

Instead of Goals

There is an alternative to setting goals that will bring you closer to the life you want. Focus on a few practices you can enjoy doing on a regular basis. The trick here is consistency. These four helped me:

  • Get up early. When the world wakes up, distractions abound. If you are going to focus on creating a new life for yourself, you'll need to find the time. The best way to do this is to work while others are sleeping. At first, I didn't like waking up before the sun, but eventually my body adjusted and I began looking forward to the solitude.
  • Over-commit. The adage "under-promise and over-deliver" is a farce. It only propagates the status quo. Real difference-makers push boundaries. They test, prod, and poke until something gives. You can do this, too, by saying "yes" to more things than you're comfortable with. Learn to stretch yourself. You might be surprised by what you're actually capable of. Your confidence will grow, too.
  • Talk to strangers. Relationships are what make the world go round. This is true for your career, personal well-being, and inner life. When you meet new people, you make connections that can lead to all kinds of future breakthroughs. Even when it's uncomfortable, reach out and introduce yourself to new people. The worst they can say is "no." Fortunately, many won't.
  • Practice generosity. Give away your time, money, services, and ideas. When you do this, you will get a lot more than you give. People will learn to trust you, and if you really help them, they will tell others about you. This will build your reputation, and you will have more friends than you know what to do with. And as the saying goes, what goes around really does come around.

After a year of doing these things, I ended up with a life I couldn't have imagined or planned for. And I had a blast doing it. So I'm going to do it all over again, without setting a single goal.

The best year of your life is within reach — if you are willing to give up on the craziness of plans and instead focus on creating new habits. The first step is to begin.

Read more from Jeff at his blog, Goins, Writer, or get his free eBook The Writer's Manifesto.

Reminder: Clutterfat Challenge Webinar Tonight

From Leo: Just a reminder that I'm holding a free live webinar tonight (Thursday Jan. 5, 2012) at 8 pm EST to help you with the Clutterfat Challenge. I'll talk about some of the best ways to tackle the challenge — how to tackle your mountains of stuff, how to deal with some of the tougher items, and so on. You'll also be able to ask me questions live.

Join me for the webinar here: Clutterfat Challenge Webinar (free, and we won't ask for your email).

Note: The webinar won't be on this page until 8 pm EST (Thursday Jan. 5, 2012).

You can still sign up for the Clutterfat Challenge — a 30-day challenge to reduce your clutter.

There's also still time to sign up for the paid Clutterfree Course, which starts on January 10th, to keep you motivated and excited about your journey. Through course materials, homework, live webinars and personal feedback, you'll have all the tools you need to clear the clutter for good. Register by Saturday, January 7th.

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Nichiren Buddhism Slow Gongyo Chant With Words

Example of Nichiren Buddhism Gongyo recited slowly by Robert E Lee. Gongyo is a partial reading of two different chapters of the Lotus Sutra the highest teaching of Shakyamuni Buddha. Check out thisvideo- SGI group

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Utilizing the Power Of Mind Over Matter

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 08:00 AM PST

Article by Jill Plaser

The ability of the human mind to influence matter is what is meant by the phrase 'mind over matter'. We have heard this phrase repeated several times perhaps by our parents and teachers while they motivated us to reach greater heights with studies and during examinations against all hindrances.

Hence, basic concentrations, will power for self improvement, bearing extreme pain to moving physical objects with your mind all fall under the purview of this.

A close association exists between the phrase 'Mind over matter' and the term psychokinesis and the latter can even be stated to be an extreme form of the former as it entails being able to move matter physically with the sheer power of one's thoughts.

This paranormal phenomenon was researched by parapsychologists in the 19th century in order to study the degree to which human mind was responsible for moving matter from one place to another with the power of thoughts. At first when the reasons were attributed to ghosts and spirits it was coined Telekinesis while later on when the human mind power came into the scene it was coined psychokinesis.

This extreme form of mind over matter can be measured in two different ways. Firstly, the micro psychokinesis refers to minute atomic changes in matter that only a microscope or any such scientific instrument can pick up. Secondly, Macro psychokinesis involves the movement of large matter visible in the normal sense of sight.

In the field of spirituality or philosophy, the less extreme version of the expression 'mind over matter' is seen to be reflected. Here, it is the mind centric aspect of the same which gets more focus with the responsibility assumption concept.

In the personal growth studies sector, the responsibility assumption is all about taking the responsibility of your own life in your own hands. In other words, your future and the destiny you etch for yourself are a function of your mind and its thought.

The law of attraction and other beliefs such as 'af! firmatio ns' are other techniques which travels towards the same goal of exercising the concept of mind over matter.

The Law of attraction states that if you focus your entire energy into a goal that you desire to meet and have full faith that you will definitely do so in the near future, then the energy from your subconscious mind will connect with that of the universe and lead to your goal being manifested in reality. Constant positive affirmations to your mind like 'I will become successful' will result in your subconscious to actually believing it as true and thereby forcing it to happen.

Numerous claimants to psychokinetic ability exist in this world some of whom are remembered.

Starting with the 1972 author of the novel 'Cyborg', he claimed to be capable of moving 'energy wheels' on multiple small table tops with the sheer power of his mind.

Uri Geller another Israeli was famous for his spoon bending techniques. Nina Kulagina again was a Soviet psychic who shot several videos of herself demonstrating such powers.

Coming to Felicia Parise now, an American laboratory technician who became a celebrity for her telekinesis abilities claimed to be able to move small things spontaneously and then later with intense focus and effort, at will. Her inspiration was the black and white films of Nina Kulagina and was alleged to move objects like plastic pill containers, compass needle, aluminum foil, etc. At the height of her fame.

She was also stated by a tabloid to be the First American to move matter with her mind. She finally left such demonstrations since it took a toll on her physically.

Coming down to the most spiritually advanced place in the world, the great mountain range of the Himalayas in India, Nepal and Tibet, one can say that this vast place radiates with positive energy and hence is called the seat of spirituality in the ancient East. Sadhus and monks who renounce everything that is worldly reside here in the nooks and corners spending their lives in harnessing ! the powe rs of the mind and being experts at it.

If you want to witness individuals performing psychokinetic powers openly, then you must visit India to witness the world famous Hindu pilgrimage Kumbh Mela (once a year), Ardha Kumbh Mela (Once in 6 years) and Purna Kumbh Mela (Once in 12 years) where the sadhus come down to take a holy dip in the river Ganges.

It can be concluded that the power of mind is a vital force and if harnessed properly or unleashed altogether, it can influence and control any matter, be it tangible or intangible. Thus once you concentrate, connect your energy with that of the cosmos, make continuous affirmations in your mind's eye, charge up your future vision with your own emotions, you will realize the power of your mind over matter.

About the Author

Look at the exciting world of using your mind power with the popular website. Discover for yourself the amazing secrets of of mind perception. Get a FREE video, audio and mind power book package when you visit here.

Planning Tours of India With Safety in Mind

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 06:00 AM PST

Mind Relaxation
by caribb

Article by Stanley Ashby

This initial shock may shake us, but it is really a major breakthrough. It heralds the first in a series of miraculous self separations in which we begin to see that we have been living from an unseen part of ourselves a self that thinks clinging to wreckage is the same as being rescued! o reduce opportunities for corruption in the health care delivery system by limiting the discretionary powers of health care providers, budget managers, and procurement agents. The critical challenges for sierra leone remain to enhance recovery sustain democratic governance, peace, justice and security protect the human rights of vulnerable groups create employment, particularly for youth increase capacities for managing development and tackling income poverty broaden political participation, especially amongst marginalized groups such as women and youth accelerate the pace of social advancement and reduce the heavy dependence on official development assistance o. D. A.

. these key priorities are articulated in the conclusions of the consultative group meeting in december 2006, the peace consolidation strategy agreed with the peacebuilding commission and other economic development planning documents. Instead of increasing our load of anxiety, jesus promises to make it lighter. He says in matthew 1128 30, come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. The warmth from the blanket can relieve all the aches and pains of a long day on your feet. Keeping your muscles relaxed all night for a more peaceful, healing sleep. Electric blankets are made with very soft, comfortable material that is perfect to snuggle with, and will not cause any skin burns. Those days when you are just absolutely chilled to your bones, can be made better by snuggling in with a king size electric blanket. Wrapping up with a warm blanket is very r! elaxing, and will help you fall asleep much faster.

The medications were effective partially taking care of some of her symptoms, but their side effects were devastating. Eli lost all her body hair, including her eyelids and eyebrows. And even when she became able to socialize up to a certain degree, eli would never be able to advance much in academics or to hold a job, get married or raise a family. In other words, eli was a special child. She lived in a special world.

Eli would always need close assistance and medical care. Some of her medications were quite expensive. Eli's dad would have to create a testamentary kind of trust as well, the attorney suggested.

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As the aroma of the brew withers swiftly, make sure to drink this piping hot.

About the Author

And even when she became able to socialize up to a certain degree,consider rest in peace heavy Eli would never be able to advance much in academics or to hold a job, get married or raise a family The medications were effective partially taking care of some of her symptoms, but their side effects were devastating Those days when you are just absolutely chilled to your bones, can be made better by snuggling in with a king size electric blanket

Relaxation Music 6 - Rain of Love

let music heal your mind, body and soul (Indonesia nature)

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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It has always been within our grasp

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 06:00 AM PST

Screen shot 2012-01-04 at 11.22.10 PMIt is not that this particular piece of ore magically has gold in it when we pick it up.  It has always contained gold.  We only recognize it to contain gold after we learn about the nature of gold and where to look for it.  It is the same with pure Mind or the clear light Mind.  This mysterious Mind has always been present within our grasp.  It has never been apart from us.  When we take up its study by reading what the Buddha and other great teachers taught, only then do we have a chance to recognize it in us.  



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Book Review: "The World Peace Diet: Eating for Spiritual Health and Social Harmony" Will Tuttle, Ph.D.

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 05:00 AM PST

Article by Walter E. Jacobson, M.D.

Albert Einstein once wrote, "Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." In his book, "The World Peace Diet," Dr. Will Tuttle illuminates and expands on this concept.

"The World Peace Diet" is a book that, if you have the willingness and the courage to read, will elevate your consciousness, change your perceptions about the world and its confused and conflicted understanding of morality, open your heart to a greater appreciation of nature, God and spirit, change the choices that you make on a daily basis, and in so doing change the universe for the greater good of all concerned.

"Everybody, soon or late, sits down to a banquet of consequences."

~ Robert Louis Stevenson

The Whole Peace Diet speaks to the terrorism, torture, mutilation, castration, rape, imprisonment, subjugation and mass murder of animals for food and other commodities, and above all, for profit.

It details the ways in which our society and our humanity reflects the ways in which we treat animals. Essentially, what we do to others, we do to ourselves. As we continue to inflict pain, suffering and death on other living entities, ignoring the facts that they have feelings, intelligence, intuition, mother-child relationships, peer relationships, and a divine purpose no better or worse than our own, we can rest assured there will never be peace on the planet. We can continue to expect ongoing war, violence, aggression, torture, sadism, rape, murder, the list goes on and on.

"The World Peace Diet" not only delves into the parallels of our behaviors towards animals and our behaviors towards each other, as well as our societal woes born of our hunger for profit by any means necessary, it also exposes the reader to the historical roots of humankind's diversion from a plant-based to an animal-based diet.

"By desecrating animals, we create energy fields that desecrate us and block our purpose on this! earth: to unfold wisdom, love, and understanding."

~ Will Tuttle, Ph.D.

"The World Peace Diet" is brilliant, powerful and revealing. Equally so, it is a profoundly disturbing book: It holds up a mirror that provides a reflection most people will not enjoy looking at. We have been trained to dissociate the food we eat with the process that is involved prior to it arriving on our plate. We have become unconscious accomplices of mass murder. It's very sad.

The depths of our unconsciousness and the suppression of the truth of what we do to defenseless animals on behalf of our creature comforts reveal a society that is mired in duality and hypocrisy. Even our sacred religions which are supposed to be beacons of light to lead the way to God, Truth, Love and Peace have been co-opted by an animal eating/exploitation mentality.

As Dr. Tuttle so eloquently puts it: "May we ponder deeply the wisdom of the Golden Rule before it's too late, and begin to actually live it with respect to the animals who are at our mercy."

"Slaughter and justice cannot dwell together."

~ Isaac Bashevis Singer

Almost everyday I hear people talking about how horrible the world is, how everything is getting worse: the economy, the environment, the violence and war, the aggressive, competitive mentality in general, the ever-increasing inequality of classes.

Almost everyday I hear the sense of powerlessness and futility people have in terms of their desire to make a difference and to change our world for the better.

I tell you this with no equivocation: Just about all of the problems we are facing in the world today such as war, poverty, starvation, environmental devastation, obesity, cancer, heart attacks, diabetes, a multitude of other diseases and conditions, alcohol and drug abuse, massive economic inequality and political abuse of power are the result of a society entrenched in eating the flesh and blood of animals.

Read this book. Change your mind. Change your diet. Change y! our life .


About the Author

Board Certified Psychiatrist, speaker and author (Forgive To Win!).Spiritual techniques and cognitive tools for happiness, physical and emotional well-being, prosperity and success in all realms.Insight oriented psychotherapy, cognitive therapy, spiritual psychotherapy, psychopharmacology, couples therapy, equine assisted therapy, hypnosis and past life regression therapy.CHECK OUT MY WEBSITE AT: walterjacobsonmd.comCheck out Forgive To Win! at:

Splendors of the Spirit: Swedenborg's Quest for Insight, Part 1

Part 1 of Splendors of the Spirit: Swedenborg's Quest for Insight. "From time immemorial humanity has pursued answers to the fundamental questions -- Who are we? What is the meaning and purpose of life? What happens after death? Two centuries ago in Sweden there lived a man who found remarkable answers to these questions. His name was Emanuel Swedenborg, an eminent scientist, inventor, statesman and philosopher. This program conveys the essential and ever-relevant insights brought back by Swedenborg from his unprecedented explorations of the spiritual worlds." "Emmy Award-winning producer Penny Price portrays the fascinating life and thought of the Swedish Enlightenment scientist and spiritual visionary Emanuel Swedenborg, whom Zen scholar DT Suzuki revered as the 'great king of the mystical realm.' Interweaving breathtaking nature photography, expert interviews, computer animation, and rare, archival stills with dramatic re-enactment featuring acclaimed actor Lillian Gish and contemporary documentary footage, this program conveys the essential and ever-relevant insights brought back by Swedenborg from his unprecedented explorations of the spiritual worlds. Swedenborg documented the death experience as the soul departs its expired material form, awakens into the afterlife realm, and is stripped of every accretion of personality to gravitate to the level of the upper or nether regions that corresponds perfectly to its innermost nature."

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Funny SMS Can Relax Your Friends And Family

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 04:00 AM PST

Article by James

You are not fully dressed until you wear a smile. Smile is the best pleasant or favorable disposition or aspect. If you're not using your smile, you're like a man with a million dollars in the bank and no checkbook. Now the question arises is what fun is? I will define "fun" as anything that is done solely for pleasure, gaiety, enjoyment or amusement, making us happy; we need a healthy life full of happiness and joys. For that we should enjoy our lives by having fun which makes us to smile. A very important medium of smiling and rejoicing our friends and family members is Fuuny SMS.

Funny sms can be in the form of large collection of funny messages, funny SMS, funny quotes, funny greetings, funny poems, and funny phrases. Now days it is very common way to get entertained by downloading the Latest funny SMS and also by sending them through various sources like mobiles and internet to put the change in the mood of your friends and family members. Fun can be created in many ways .To put a smile in anyone's face not only refreshes that person but also you get reward of it. You can find any kind of funny sms in different websites. But you have to search for the best one which will not only good in the texture but also quality enhancing of that funny text messages. Life is very short we should enjoy it always for this purpose modern ways of communication has reached to the peak of its level of importance; it is now the part of our daily routine. Sending funny love notes and funny routine quotes by adding the touch of maturity captures other attention of reader.

One should crush on his/her friends and relatives by sending these lovely sms. Another lingua way of sending texts shows the closeness to the culture of one and other like in Pakistan mostly Urdu Funny sms glares the new impressing and eye catching attention of the reader. Funny sms produces new environment in the reader's mind. If any person is trapped badly in his work and he is tired and bored of doing that work from so long perio! d of tim e, suddenly he gets sms from his friend which is funny one.

He will be glad to read it and thus entering into an other different phase of his mood he will feel much relax and thus funny sms can also do the work of refreshing someone and giving a break to someone. A bland smile is like a green light at an intersection, it feels good when you get one, but you forget it the moment you're past it. Smile can recharge your body activities and can give you that peace of mind which you some times really want badly. So, one should always be connected to such sites and services of Fuuny SMS and funny quotes so that he can also rejoice his daily routine and can smile for once in a day which is definitely going to affect his boring schedule.

Generally SMSs are being sent everywhere and these include all kinds of messages from jokes to quotes but the one which is really common and is sent the most by all the people is the funny SMS.

About the Author

Sms puch provide the Fuuny SMS delivery. Anybody can send the free sms to whole in Pakistan. Anybody can send the Hindi free sms, sms in English, Latest funny SMS, joke sms, Funny text messages in number of largest collections of SMSs.

Stress and Cancer - Can Stress Cause Cancer?

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 03:00 AM PST

Stress Reduction
by OmarC

Article by Carol Ann

Some human activities, such as smoking, are known to lead to cancer. Researchers have been trying to discover whether psychological factors can lead to the formation of malignant rumors. It is worth asking whether stress can be linked directly to the development of cancer.

Stress affects the body in a specific way. When you are under stress due to something bad happening in your life or due to a busy lifestyle in general, your body produces more adrenaline and another type of hormone called cortisol. Both hormones work to increase the heart rate, blood pressure and blood sugar levels. This can be quite harmful. In addition, a person who is under stress can drink more alcohol, smoke more or start smoking and/or gain weight.

All these consequences are harmful for the general health. Various studies have shown that they may provide for the development of cancer. Despite this, evidence is inconclusive. Researchers have not discovered a direct link between stress and the development of any type of malignant tumor. Despite this, it is worth looking as some of the strongest results that support the thesis that stress can lead to cancer.

Numerous studies have shown that high levels of persistent stress can result in the weakening of the immune system. In turn, it has been suggested that the body may become more vulnerable to viruses that cause cancer. This means that it is possible for chronic stress to lead to virus-associated cancer, such as lymphoma.

The most recent studies in this field have involved the testing of animals having diseases similar to the ones in humans. The findings have led researchers to conclude that the release of stress hormones into the blood stream may lead to changes in processes in the cell that can prevent cancer. These changes occur in processes that repair the cell DNA after damage and ones that control the growth of cells. This means that it may be possible for stress to result in the reduction of the natural protection of the body against the fo! rmation of tumors.

Overall, it cannot be said with certainty whether stress can lead to cancer. The important thing to keep in mind is that this psychological condition affects negatively both the body and the behavior. For this reason, it is worth taking adequate measure for stress reduction. These may include mediation, yoga, aromatherapy, practicing of a kind of sport as well as more effective time management.

About the Author

For more information about cancer cures, find out about one doctor's innovative treatments, and medical breakthroughs in natural cancer cures.

Brian Greene shows why science surpasses religion

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 03:00 AM PST

Physicist Brian Greene has ably taken on Carl Sagan's role as TV's best popularizer of science. My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed his recent "Fabric of the Cosmos" series on PBS. I've read his book by the same name, as well as his recent "The Hidden Reality." 

This afternoon, while exercising at an athletic club, I listened to an interview with Greene on a Point of Inquiry podcast. (I've discovered a bunch of interesting new podcasts to supplement my Philosophy Talk listening after spending $ 1.99 on the terrific Instacast iPhone app; highly recommended.)

Listening to Greene talk with Chris Mooney, the interviewer, I wished that every religious true believer could be exposed to the reality of science. 

Not the cartoon version that fundamentalists and science-deniers see, because that's a caricature of the scientific method. You know, the notion that scientists are dedicated to eliminating love, mystery, intuitions, and faith from life; that science is all about cold, hard calculations of a mechanical universe's clockwork nature; that scientists are arrogant, claiming that what can't be captured by their equations isn't worth knowing.

Here's some of what I recall from the interview that belies these ridiculous assertions. 

Greene talked about how science has found that reality in the atomic micro-world, as in the cosmic macro-world, is far different from how we experience the everyday world. So if you believe there's more to reality than meets the eye, embrace modern science.

Reality, though, may not appear as you'd like it to be. This is where many there must be more believers get off the science train. Scientists are dedicated to exploring the farther reaches of reality. However, the scientific method aims to discover what is actually there, not what we human beings wish was there.

For example, Greene described how the search for the Higgs boson is going. He doesn't like the media terming it the "God particle." In fact, it was pretty clear he detests that nickname. Yes, he said, the Higgs field is theorized to permeate all of space. It's omnipresent. So, supposedly, is God.

But the HIggs field, or particle, bears no resemblance to the entity people call "God." The Higgs field, if it exists, is how objects acquire mass. Thus it would be responsible for the thing-ness of the universe, which otherwise would be massless.

Greene explained that the HIggs field is sort of like an invisible vat of molasses that is all around us. When particles are pushed through the resistance of this field, they acquire mass. (If anything, then, I see the Higgs field as an "anti-God particle," because it converts the ethereality of reality into something much more material and substantial.)

The Large Hadron Collider is trying to knock a chunk of nothingness out of the Higgs field, thereby revealing the Higgs boson, a particle, through inspection of what the boson decays into. 

This is complicated stuff, but there's a lot of beauty in it. Mooney and Greene talked about how evolution caused humans to be adapted for survival and reproduction, not for understanding the secrets of the cosmos. It was important for our ancestors to be able to throw a spear so it hit a running antelope; coming up with the mathematics of relativity theory wasn't a priority back then.

In many ways, modern science goes against the grain of traditional human nature. Religiosity doesn't. This helps explain why it is easy for people to believe in God, soul, spirit, heaven, life after death, and such, while descriptions of the quantum realm and the big bang are tough for our brains to grasp.

Greene, a string theory researcher, was asked about the value of considering other competitors for a Theory of Everything such as quantum gravity. I liked his answer:

In terms of whether alterative approaches should be tried, absolutely. The health of a science, to my mind, is partly reflected in the independent lines of investigation that are trying to solve the same problem. If everybody is marching in lockstep, that's deadly.

You want to have a range of approaches that may be complementary, that may be contradictory; one may help another, one may knock off another. You know, this is great for science. I think string theory is our best approach for putting gravity and quantum mechanics together, but others think other approaches may be better. And I'm thrilled they're pursuing those approaches.

Science is open, creative, experimental. Unlike religion, science doesn't say "this is the Absolute Truth; you must not consider other truths." If someone can come up with persuasive evidence that theory Y is a better reflection of reality than theory X, then X takes a back seat to Y.

"Back seat," though, almost always doesn't mean being tossed out of the car.

This is another misconception that religious fundamentalists and other anti-science types are prone to. They wrongly believe that fundamental understandings of science are regularly overthrown, so why accept what scientists currently are claiming to be true?

Greene demolished this point of view, using Newtonian and Einsteinian physics as an example. Newton's laws of motion weren't shown to be wrong by Einstein. He just showed how they don't apply in realms far distant from what we experience in everyday life, such as at near light-speed.

Science progresses. It learns. It changes. It builds upon current knowledge. 

By contrast, almost universally religions are stuck. They talk about ageless revelations that were as true several thousand years ago as they are now. They claim that a holy book or holy person has revealed all that can be known about the ultimate reality of the cosmos, so take it or leave it.

Thanks for the choice, religion. I'll leave it. Science is much more appealing.

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China the Homeland of Tea

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 02:04 AM PST

Article by Tianlanlan

China is the origin of tea. It was in the South-West part of China that Chinese tea was first found.South-Western China falls in the tropical and sub-tropical climate zone. It is covered by large areas of primeval forests. The warm and moist environment is the perfect cradle for tea trees. Huge, 2,700 years old wild tea trees and 800 years old planted tea trees can still be found there.

Chinese people are believed to have enjoyed tea drinking for more than 4,000 years. Legend has it that Yan Di, one of three rulers in ancient times, tasted all kinds of herbs to find medical cures. One day,as he was being poisoned by some herb he had ingested; a drop of water from a tea tree dripped into his mouth and he was saved. For a long time, tea was used as an herbal medicine. During the Western Zhou Dynasty, tea was a religious offering. During the Spring and Autumn Period, people ate fresh tea leaves as vegetables. With the popularization of Buddhism from the Three Kingdoms to the Northern and Southern Dynasties, tea's refreshing effect made it a favorite among monks in Za-Zen meditation.

Of the three major beverages of the world-- tea, coffee and cocoa-- tea is consumed by the largest number of people.China is the homeland of tea. It is believed that China has tea-shrubs as early as five to six thousand years ago, and human cultivation of teaplants dates back two thousand years. Tea from China, along with her silk and porcelain, began to be known the world over more than a thousand years ago and has since always been an important Chinese export. At present more than forty countries in the world grow tea with Asian countries producing 90% of the world's total output. All tea trees in other countries have their origin directly or indirectly in China. The word for tea leaves or tea as a drink in many countries are derivatives from the Chinese character "cha." The Russians call it "cha'i", which sounds like "chaye" (tea leaves) as it is pronounced in northern China, and the English word "tea" sou! nds simi lar to the pronunciation of its counterpart in Xiamen (Amoy). The Japanese character for tea is written exactly the same as it is in Chinese, though pronounced with a slight difference. The habit of tea drinking spread to Japan in the 6th century, but it was not introduced to Europe and America till the 17th and 18th centuries. Now the number of its drinkers in the world is legion and is still on the increase.

Chinese tea is a beverage, as wellas a pass time, it is a culture. Whatever you think it is, it is a life time of enjoyment.

About the Author

With more information about Chinese tea, pay a visit to our online store. You will buy it with high satisfy.

Relaxation Music for Anxiety and Stress Relief

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 01:03 AM PST

Article by Darin Browne

One the best and easiest to implement therapy for anxiety and stress relief is relaxation music. You can put this on in the background at work or around the home and find that, with no other effort, you can achieve some degree of anxiety and stress relief. It sounds simplistic, yet the use of this type of music is gaining popularity because of its effectiveness and the easy of use.

The real question is, "Are all relaxation tunes the same," and the answer of course is, "No!"

The Effectiveness of Music for Anxiety and Stress Relief

The old saying was that music soothes the savage beast, and that still holds true today. If you are angry, stressed or frustrated, it is a great way of unwinding and gaining real anxiety and stress relief. Studies have shown that music can either relieve or heighten tension, and movie makers have used orchestration to manipulate emotions such as joy and fear for years.

So there is no doubt that music can affect your emotions and thus bring you joy and tranquility as much as fear and loathing. Hence it makes sense that we can use music to provide anxiety relief.

Relaxation Music for Anxiety and Stress Relief

However, not all types of music offers effective anxiety and stress relief, and this is not linked to an individual's tastes in music. Someone may enjoy heavy metal or thrash, but that does not mean that playing this music in the background will help reduce stress. In fact, this style probably promotes it rather than reduces it, even if the individual likes the style!

Even rock music, country music or dance music are much less effective for anxiety relief, despite their popularity. Relaxation music is the really effective music which offers a true reduction in stress and anxiety levels, even if we might think it is too dull to listen to for enjoyment!

Anxiety and Stress Relief Prescribed by Experts

Not all relaxation music has the same effectiveness. Much of this music has been churned out with! oversta ted claims, but in recent times science has stepped in to offer a helping hand. Clinical psychologists like Dr Frank Lawlis (who is well known from his appearances on the Dr Phil Show) are actually prescribing and manipulating relaxation orchestration to maximize its impact for anxiety and stress relief. This means that the most modern and up to date music has not been produced exclusively by a musician alone, but by a collaboration between a clinician and a musician. By combining both of these skills relaxation music has moved from an art to a science, from entertainment to relaxation power!

So if you are considering using music for stress reduction, please consider music designed by experts in both the field of music and also the field of psychology. By combining the two we now have a subtle, effective and easy to use form of music which can provide real and tangible anxiety and stress relief.

About the Author

Dr Frank Lawless, featured on the Dr Phil TV Show, offers an amazing, natural cure for anxiety and stress relief management that features the ultimate relaxation techniques for stress. So for amazing stress remedies and articles on stress and how you can overcome it, check out Anxiety and Stress Relief

Produce Youth Hormones & Build Your Energy - Six Powerful Tips Meditative-oriented practices are just one of many tools that you can use to deeply relax and build your energy. The benefits to increasing your energy are many including reduced stress and the elimination of stress-like symptoms, such as insomnia, as well as slowing down the aging process. Learn powerful tips that you can do immediately to reduce stress, empower yourself and look younger! To receive your free self-empowerment e-books and audios, visit http See below to read the article. Meditation and meditative-oriented practices are just one of many tools that you can use to deeply relax and develop your inner power. The benefits to doing so are many including reducing stress and stress-like symptoms, such insomnia and body aches, as well as preventing pre-mature aging. In this article, you'll learn powerful tips that you can do immediately to reduce stress and empower yourself. Just like a carpenter needs to have many tools in his tool box to get a job done, you'll also want to have many tools in your tool box to achieve deep relaxation and empowerment---especially in times of stress. A carpenter needs to have more than a hammer to build a house. So too, you'll need to have many tools at your disposal to build a foundation of calmness amd balance. The more tools you have at your disposal, the more empowered you'll be and the more benefits you'll reap. Maintaining a sense of calm in everyday life is more difficult than it is to be in balance ...

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Buddhist Monasteries in Arunachal Pradesh

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 12:00 AM PST

Article by Caper

Arunachal Pradesh is an enchanting tourist destination of northeast India. This picturesque destination offers natural beauty, rich wildlife and beautiful Buddhist Monasteries. This land of Buddhists has several wonderful monasteries. Some of the famous Buddhist Monasteries of Arunachal Pradesh are:

Bomdila MonasteryIt is a famous attraction of Arunachal Pradesh. Built in the year 1965, it is a home to the Buddhist Lamas and monks. It was established by the 12th reincarnate of Tsong Gontse Rinpoche. Also named as Gentse Gaden Rabgyel Lling monastery, it preaches Mahayana Buddhism. Its architecture resembles the Tsona Gontse monastery at Tsona in Tibet. Later the 13th reincarnate of Tsona Gontse Rinpoche added a prayer hall to it. There is a beautiful Buddha temple inside it. The hall was sanctified by His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama in the year 1977.

Tawang MonasteryLocated amidst picturesque surroundings, it is the largest Buddhist monastery in Asia. Located in the Twang district at an altitude of 10,000 feet, it leaves the visitors mesmerized with the breathtaking views of the Himalayas. It was built in the 17th century by a Bhutanese lama. The assembly hall has a giant statue of Lord Buddha. It is decorated with beautiful thangkas and murals. The colorfully painted windows decorated with motifs are other attractions of it. There is also a library here housing a rich collection of the scriptures, thankas, manuscripts and images. One has to cross the Sela Pass to reach the monastery. It is the second highest motorable pass in the world.

Urguelling MonasteryBuilt in the 15th century by Urgen Sangpo, it is a beautiful monastery located at 5 km from Tawang town. This town is the birth place the sixth Dalai Lama, Tsangyang Gyatso. The monastery is steeped in sheer historic significance. It was attached by the Mongols in the 18th century. To protect the statues and scriptures written in gold and silver, they were transported! from he re to the Tawang monastery. Later the Urguelling Monastery was restored in 1699.

About the Author

Buddhist Monasteries in Arunachal Pradesh are the famous attractions of Northeast India. Arunachal Pradesh Monasteries such as Bomdila Monastery, Tawang and Urguelling attract tourists from across the globe.

Book online-Top No.1 books download!

Posted: 04 Jan 2012 11:00 PM PST

Zen Buddhism
by araki

Article by Mr.Terry

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I am expert tutor and lecturer.Experience more than 10 years

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So many people are now sharing their experience of another view of life, attempting to communicate something radically different from the normal viewpoint. It rings like a promise of a simpler way to be.

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Guided Meditation The easiest meditation technique

Posted: 04 Jan 2012 10:00 PM PST

Article by paula blake

Men and women have distinct concepts about meditation. Based on several, meditation is concentrating on one thing. The renowned spiritual master Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says, meditation is de-concentration. Meditation is accepting this moment - living every moment completely. Even so, the result of meditation is improved concentration. 1 can go deeper into one's self and have rest with full awareness via a guided meditation. Meditation becomes fully effortless when it is carried out with the guidance of a master.

Really frequently we identify ourselves with the body. A guided meditation takes us from the body level to the level of the spirit and therefore makes our spiritual journey stunning and quicker. Constant practice of a guided meditation transforms not only the practitioner's life, but also adjustments the whole environment around the practitioner.

These guided meditations are developed to assist you to function along with your guides - and produce a relationship along with your higher self (which is your link to the realm of spirit).

When in a state of meditation - our energetic vibration is raised. Our brain resonates and functions with theta brain wave frequencies, which makes it possible for us to access both information and healing that we typically can't access during our day-to-day activities.

But with practice, we turn out to be much more familiar with this mode of operation, and it becomes significantly simpler to connect with spirit and obtain the guidance and healing we require and desire.

When the time comes to leave meditation, remind your self that there is a skill to leaving. In other words, you do not just jump right out. My teacher, Ajaan Fuang, as soon as said that when most people meditate, it is as if they're climbing a ladder up to the second story of a constructing: step-by-step-by-step, rung-by-rung, slowly up the ladder. But as soon as they get to the second story, they jump out the window. Do not let yourself be that way. Feel of just ho! w much e ffort went into finding yourself centered. Do not throw it away.

The very first step in leaving would be to spread thoughts of great will when more to all the folks around you. Then, prior to you open your eyes, remind your self that although you are going to have your eyes open, you want your attention to remain centered inside the body, at the breath. Attempt to preserve that center so long as you are able to, as you get up, walk around, speak, listen, whatever. In other words, the skill of leaving meditation lies in learning how not to leave it, regardless of whatever else you may be doing. Act from that sense of becoming centered. Should you can maintain the mind centered in this way, you'll have a standard against which you are able to measure its movements, its reactions to the events around it and inside it. Only once you have a solid center like this can you gain insight into the movements of the mind.

About the Author

If you're looking to find out more about guided meditation you can visit the author website about medtiation tips and techniques.

Buddhist Destinations in India Inspiring Cultural Learning Core

Posted: 04 Jan 2012 09:00 PM PST

by Makwa

Article by Biplav Dev

Buddhism is the most practiced religion across the world and its sole aim is to teach people the true essence of Dharma in the world's context. Buddhism is the most rational philosophy and spiritual doctrine that inspire people to follow the law of Karma.

Buddhist destinations in India are the most awe struck holy shrines which for centuries have been the focal points of cultural inclinations and learning core. The Buddhist Tour in India takes you across the most sanctified lands of Lumbini, Bodhgaya, Sarnath, Sravasti, Kushinagar, Ajanta and Ellora caves.

Lumbini: - Lord Buddha was born in to a royal lineage in Lumbini at Nepal and was believed by every regal member that he would be the greatest warrior prince.

Bodhgaya: - At the age of 29 Prince Buddha left all worldly pleasures and went to Bodhgaya to attain ultimate enlightenment to seek answer to the problems of this mundane world.

Bodhi Tree: - Lord Buddha completed a vigorous meditation under the consecrated Bodhi Tree and finally accomplished self edification for creating a philosophy of utmost Dharma.

Sarnath: - After attainment of self consciousness apostle of Dharma came across to Sarnath to give the first teaching of Buddhism to all the religious fanatics.

Sravasti: - The sacred terrain where lord performed his first miracle was also his favorite rainy season retreat nucleus where he preached the true art of living a pure life to attain salvation.

Kushinagar: - The mot blessed place where Lord Buddha took Maha Samadhi as well as his lasting memories can be witnessed in every corner of the shrine. The mortal remains of lord were conserved in eight folds and were distributed later by Emperor Ashoka.

Ajanta: - The most sanctified caves were the retreat centers of Buddhist monks who taught Buddhist rituals and cultures. The 29 caves depict the life of Lord Buddha and every sculpture has something to teach for soul enhancement.

Ellora< /b>: - The caves discovered in the early 19th century are the finest example of religious unity in India. The rocks carvings exhibit the fusion of three religions i.e. Hinduism, Jainism & Buddhism.

Buddhism followers will doubtlessly find there solace amidst Buddhist Destinations in India and the most consecrated traverse will be undoubtedly soul rewarding for every religious enthusiasts.

About the Author

Author is an eminent and experienced Content Writer in Travel & Tourism related topics. Author has written several articles onBuddhist Tours India and Ajanta etc. Currently, Author is rendering service for Go Heritage India Journeys.

Methods Used In Mind Over Matter

Posted: 04 Jan 2012 08:00 PM PST

by RubyJi

Article by Joseph Maclone

Human mind is undoubtedly more powerful than anything else in the universe and this is reflected from the saying 'Mind over matter'.

Thus, the power of concentration, the ability of your will power to improve you beyond the wildest dreams, focusing of your mind elsewhere to bear an unbearable pain or even using your thoughts to move physical objects come under it.

The word Psychokinesis refers to the power of moving physical objects with the power of one's mind. Thus, as a concept it signifies one kind of an extreme of the term 'mind over matter'.

First coined as 'Telekinesis', the reason behind such paranormal activity was thought to be due to the workings of spirits and ghosts. When later on parapsychologists studied and experimented to find the presence of human mind as the reason behind the same, the word psychokinesis was coined.

Depending on the measurement of such phenomena, there exits two categories to this phenomena. One is micro psychokinesis where the changes in the movement are too minute to observe without use of scientific instruments while macro psychokinesis is bigger movements in objects which can be seen by ordinary eyesight.

Apart from the paranormal aspect of mind over matter, this concept also has its share of significance in philosophical or spiritual doctrines concerned with personal growth. In this regard, mention may be made of the topic of responsibility assumption where it is entirely focused around the issue of mind over matter.

Responsibility assumption says that you yourself are responsible for your own fate. An important part of personal growth studies, it proclaims that your life and what it come out to be is what your mind power has resulted in.

Even concepts like law of attraction and mental affirmations talk in similar lines based on the new age spirituality concept of mind being actually over matter.

The law of attraction is of the opinion that if you have an object of desire in life, you need to turn all your at! tention and concentration on the same, visualizing yourself at the stage of attainment of the desire, coupled with constant mental affirmations that the said object is coming your way. You'll see that the energy from your mind will attract what you desire from the cosmos into manifesting in your life in reality.

Claimants to psychokinesis are countless in number but some names are worthy of mention.

One of these is Martin Caidin, the author who wrote the novel Cyborg in 1972. He was famed to have been able to move energy wheels kept on multiple table tops.

The Israeli Uri Geller was known for his spoon bending tricks while the Soviet psychic Nina Kulagina shot several black and white short films demonstrating the same.

An American Laboratory technician named Felicia Parise became a celebrity for her psychokinetic abilities which used to come to her spontaneously in the beginning but developed later when she worked on it with intense focus and concentration after being inspired from the Nina Kulagina films. She was able to move objects like pill containers, compass needles, aluminum foils, etc with the sheer power of her mind.

She was tagged as the First American to move matter with mind by National Enquirer, a tabloid. She left demonstrating psychokinesis when she reported bodily stress from the same.

Apart from all the above modern scientifically researched claims, one finds such people and such special abilities in the age old and remotest corners of massive mountain ranges like that of the Himalayas, stated to be powerhouse places of positive energy and spirituality. The sadhus and monks who renounce the world and live in such mountains of India, Nepal and Tibet are said to be experts on mind powers.

India is known for its world famous holy pilgrimage named Kumbh Mela (Annual), Ardha Kumbh Mela (once in six years) and Purna Kumbh Mela (Once in 12 years) where such special souls come down to the holy river Ganges where feats such as the psychokinesis can easily be seen! by ever ybody.

With the power of the human mind harnessed and developed, one can attain the impossible. They say one can achieve anything with the power of concentration, faith and true belief. So if you truly believe in the saying 'mind over matter' and work towards developing your mind power, then creating, controlling and changing whatever you want in your life is very much possible.

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Explore the phenomena of using your mind power by visiting the popular website. Find out about mind power healing for yourself and using mind power hypnosis when you visit here and get your FREE video and audio DVD Package.

2 Mindful Eating :Talk By Zen Master Jan Chozen Bays MD ( Oregonian How We Live by N Haught )2of 3

Part 2 of 3: Mindful Eating :Talk By Zen Master Jan Chozen Bays MD ( Oregonian : How We Live by N Haught ) 2 of 3 Jan Chozen Bays MD Talks to Participants of a recent Mindful Eating Workshop ( including Oregonian Writer Nancy Haught ) Author of "Mindful Eating : A Guide to Rediscovering a Healthy and Joyful Relationship with Food" Chozen uses mindfulness to help participants look at their relationship to food, over eating, and weight. The art of mindfulness can transform our struggles with food-and renew our sense of pleasure, appreciation, and satisfaction with eating. Drawing on recent research and integrating her experiences as a physician and meditation teacher, Dr. Jan Bays offers a wonderfully clear presentation of what mindfulness is and how it can help with food issues. Mindful Eating Talk By Zen Master Jan Chozen Bays MD Orgegonian How We Live by Haught sacred art weight problem over eating mindfully book zen buddhism roshi nancy mindfulness treatment teaching workshop oregon classes retreat wisdom ancient practice tips thinking based stress reduction blog training dr doctor medical psychology mindfullness children childhood obesity mind buddha disorder silent japanese food article oryoki oriyoki meditation techniques beginners bowl instructions how to learn style meditation techniques for beginners bowl set

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Buddhist sculptural art of the Lower Krishna Valley Vinay Kumar Rao

Posted: 04 Jan 2012 07:00 PM PST

Article by A. Mittal

Under the prevailing influence of Buddhism, a distinctly impressive range of sculptures were produced in every part of India – and beyond. This book transports the reader to the lower Krishna Valley region in Andhra, south India – a region exhibiting some of the finest examples of Buddhist sculptural art. The Krishna: one of the most important rivers of peninsular India, afforded not only a convenient navigational approach to the sea, but also brought into being a number of flourishing urban settlements, like Amaravati, Nagarjunakonda, and Goli. The river also immensely facilitated India's maritime trade and cultural relations with the East Asian countries.

The political, social and economic stability in the region during 300 BC and 300 AD – largely owing to the presence of the Krishna River, induced its inhabitants, specially the adherents of Buddhism, to generously donate money for various Buddhist establishments. Occupied by both Mahasanghika and Mahisaska sects, there were seen intense monastic and other religious activities in almost the entire peninsular India. Resultantly, an impressive number of stupas, viharas and caityas appeared in the Krishna Valley region as well. The stupas, in particular, played a significant part in promoting sculptural art. The external face of these vast dome-shaped buildings were aesthetically carved, depicting the Jataka stories, stories of the Buddha's previous births, or the important events from his life, avadana episodes, and much else.

With numerous illustrations, the book captures the most representative Buddhist symbolic, anthromorphic, and narrative sculptures of the lower Krishana Valley region, analyzing how they compare with their counterparts at various other Buddhist sites. Besides the symbolic and anthromorphic presentations of the Buddha, the author also tries to figure out the various deities/divinities of the Buddhist pantheon, sculpted here. Again, in his effort to reconstruct the contemporary life of the people living in t! his regi on during the first three centuries of the Christian era, Vinay Kumar examines the secular sculptures carved on the outer walls of the stupas.

Dr Vinay Kumar Rao is currently Assistant Professor in the Department of History, Assam University.

About the Author

This articls is written by technical writer DK agencies. DK is one among the major booksellers and subscription agents handling books originating from India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Books are available in English and all other vernaculars (local languages). For any query Please visit:

Folk Musician Patty Larkin Happiest Engaging Her Fans In Concert

Posted: 04 Jan 2012 07:00 PM PST

It's only been two years since Patty Larkin released her last album, "25," but the music business has changed so much since then the Massachusetts singer and songwriter barely recognizes it.

Instead of simply making an album and touring behind it, musicians now are caught up in a cycle of constant engagement with fans online, via Facebook, Twitter and other social media . It's part of what Larkin calls "the new landscape," though adapting doesn't come naturally for everyone.

"I'm still a little ways away from setting up a camera in my kitchen," Larkin says by phone from Cape Cod, before coming to Old Saybrook Friday, Jan 6. She laughs, and muses that maybe she'd be open to putting "something on my head while I'm canoeing. People can watch me wipe out."

Or she can carry on with a technique proven to engage fans: go play concerts for them.

"Luckily, I'm a touring artist first and foremost, so I have that base," she says.

Along with performing live, Larkin spent a lot of time in 2011 teaching, at places like Berklee College of Music in Boston and a North Carolina music education program called the Swannanoa Gathering.

"That for me is another way to keep performing and playing," she says.

It also helps that Larkin also has spent the past 25 years building an audience in folk music circles, where artists and fans tend to have a deeper, more reciprocal relationship.

"It has been listener-supported rather than corporate-supported, and I think that when you look at those really huge tours, they're being sponsored by Nivea or a car company," she says. "Things like film and commercials have gotten super-competitive to try to get your music into. When I talk to the artists I tour with, it's back to where grassroots music is under the radar, but certain areas are losing their promoters or their venues because things have gotten so tough."

Like many artists, Larkin makes a living more from performing — and selling merchandise at shows — than from record sales, which made it an easy choice when her former record label, Vanguard, angled for a cut of her touring and merchandise revenue as part of an all-encompassing "360 deal," as it's known in the music industry.

"You're basically hiring a marketing firm, and I chose not to do that this time," she says.

Instead, she licensed the "25" to western Massachusetts label Signature Sounds, then hit the road. The idea behind "25" was to pick songs spanning Larkin's career and record new versions with some of her friends and favorite musicians, including Rosanne Cash, Erin McKeown, Shawn Colvin, John Gorka, Cheryl Wheeler and more.

"The whole year after that album came out, I toured with many of the people on the album, and so that was really pretty remarkable," Larkin says. "Just kind of reconnecting with people is remarkable in a way, because so many things have happened in the last two years about the music business that it's fun to talk to these people about how their lives have changed and their art has changed."

She continues, "Hanging over all this is, 'How are you adjusting business-wise to this whole new landscape?'" Larkin says. "When music is free, what do you do? Dance."

PATTY LARKIN performs Friday, Jan. 6, at Katharine Hepburn Cultural Arts Center, 300 Main St, Old Saybrook. Tickets for the 8 p.m. show are $ 25. Information: 203-510-0473 or

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Using Self Hypnosis - Inside Your Subconscious Mind

Posted: 04 Jan 2012 06:00 PM PST

by RubyJi

Article by Chris Hurley

Have you ever thought about using self hypnosis? Have you ever thought about how your mind operates? What makes it tick? Well, let me try to explain it in layman's terms.

Even though you are thinking, living and being in your conscious mind, it is actually your subconscious mind that is really running the show behind the scenes. Basically, it is constantly trying to maintain the status quo or stability in your life. It does all the heavy lifting and does not like surprises. So naturally it is negatively oriented toward new things and resists changes in your life. You might say is it "on guard" and maintains a constant vigil to protect you in this negative manner. That's why you were so apt to say "No" more times than you would say "Yes" as a child. As a matter of fact the word "No" is the most common word a baby and toddler hears and to no seems to say. We grow up in this negativity and our subconscious mind is in always agreement. And this mindset continues on through adulthood. That's why habits are so hard to break, weight is so hard to lose and your self image so hard to change and improve upon, etc. This is why you are so often prone to adopt a negative attitude toward a person, place, thing or idea in a conversation with others, rather than a positive one. The subconscious mind is suspicious and develops thoughts that second guess, in a negative way, the intent of the change as far as the conscious mind is concerned. This often leads to rationalizing, the search for an ulterior motive or our already low self esteem feels unworthy of the change, so the subconscious mind summarily dismisses the proposed change and the status quo, therefore, is maintained.

Take smoking, for instance. How often does a smoker have to be bombarded with advertising shouting at them regarding the hazards of smoking and the many diseases and terrible death it can bring on, even in graphic details, and still they still continue "enjoying" their smoke breaks. That's the subconscious mind at work fighting o! ff stron g suggestions for change, even for the good of the organism itself. This is why it is difficult to make a change for the better such as losing weight or quitting smoking without using self hypnosis.

The subconscious mind actually has the intellectual ability of a four or five year old child. It is naive and does not know right from wrong and does not have reasoning or analytical abilities. But it can however, remember everything you've experienced in your life including what you've seen, touched, tasted or smelled. It handles all of your bodily functions automatically like breathing, heart pumping, digestion, organ functions, etc., all of this without your need to consciously think about it.

So therein lays the problem. You cannot reason with the subconscious mind and that's where using self hypnosis comes into the picture. It is said for something to change in your inner self, your mind, there must be 100% agreement between the conscious and the subconscious minds. You can achieve that degree of agreement by using self hypnosis to get beyond the conscious mind to to reach the subconscious mind. Once this is done by achieving a very deep state of self hypnotic relaxation, you can give it specific detailed suggestions or instructions on how to go about solving the particular issue at hand. Once the solution is communicated to the subconscious mind and accepted as the truth, it will change and adopt the new mindset and use the new solution when dealing with the particular issue in the future. Just like a child likes to please his parents, the subconscious mind wants to help and please you.

In summary, the important fact is that you cannot use the conscious mind to rationalize your way to change or self improvement. You must circumvent the conscious mind and access the subconscious mind directly. It cannot rationalize and cannot use logic. The best way to access the subconscious mind directly is through hypnosis or by using self hypnosis. When accessing the subconscious mind it is imperati! ve that the self suggestion given when using self hypnosis be carefully crafted to speak directly to it with maximum effect. Please check out for more information on self hypnosis.

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Deaths from Most Cancers Drop: Report

Posted: 04 Jan 2012 06:00 PM PST

CREDIT: Dreamstime

Cancer death rates have continued to decline in both men and women in recent years, according to a new report.

Between 2004 and 2008, cancer death rates decreased by 1.8 percent per year in men, and by 1.6 percent per year in women. Overall cancer incidence rates overall that period declined by 0.6 percent per year in men and were stable in women, according to the report from the American Cancer Society.

However, rates of new cases of a few specific cancers, including pancreatic cancer and melanoma, are on the rise, according to the report.

In 2012, more than 577,000 people will die from cancer in the United States, and more than 1,638,000 people will be diagnosed with the disease, according to estimates in the report.

The report is published yearly, and is online today (Jan. 4) in CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians.

Other findings include:

  • Death rates continued to decline between 2004 and 2008 for all four major cancer sites (lung, colorectum, breast and prostate), with the drop in lung cancer's death rate accounting for almost 40 percent of the decline in men, and the drop in breast cancer's rate accounting for 34 percent of the decline in women.
  • About 1,024,400 cancer deaths (732,900 in men and 291,500 in women) were averted between 1991 and 2008 as a reflection of 18 years of consistent declines in cancer death rates.
  • Compared with Whites, African-American men and women have poorer chances of surviving once cancer is diagnosed. The five-year relative survival rate is lower in African Americans than in Whites for every stage of diagnosis, for nearly every type of cancer.
  • Further drops in the death rate could be accelerated by applying existing cancer knowledge across all segments of the population, with an emphasis on those groups in the lowest socioeconomic bracket.

A special section of the article focuses on cancers that have been on the rise, including cancers of the pancreas, liver, thyroid and kidney, as well as melanoma, esophageal adenocarcinoma and certain types of oropharyngeal cancer associated with human papillomavirus (HPV) infection.

The reasons for these increases are not entirely known. Part of the increase may be linked to the increasing prevalence of obesity, as well as increases in early detection practices for some cancers. These rising trends will exacerbate the growing cancer burden associated with population expansion and aging, the researchers say.

The report is based on data from the National Cancer Institute and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The expected numbers of new cancer cases and cancer deaths should be interpreted with caution because these estimates are based on statistical models and may vary considerably from year to year, according to the report.

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