Meditation: What You Don't Know, Can Hurt You

Meditation: What You Don't Know, Can Hurt You

Meditation: What You Don't Know, Can Hurt You

Posted: 14 Jan 2012 01:00 PM PST

Article by Buffy Carney

Man hasn't always known about fire, electricity, gravity, or even energy....but just because we were unaware of these forces, didn't mean they didn't exist.

After a bit of study on each element though, we were able to evolve very quickly into the civilization we know today. For if no one explored the discovery of electricity we would still be in the dark. Or if nobody had an interest in the hot, fiery flames and burning embers, then we would still be very cold and eating only raw food today.

Along with gravity, these forces have always been in existence, but we had to first discover them, study them and learn how to use them effectively for our benefit.

It is the same with the power of meditation. Only a few short generations ago, there were very few people who knew of meditation and even fewer who actually used its power to improve their lives.

Meditation has always been here for us to utilize. Since it is an invisible force though, we really had to learn how to use it correctly. Now that the countless studies have been done, we are no longer ignorant of its power to provide positive results and endless benefits.

When you learn to quiet your mind, you find your true self. It's in this stillness where you will find peace. It's in those quiet moments when you can really turn your attention to your inner body so it can recharge and rejuvenate itself.

Most balanced, peaceful people make daily meditation their most important practice of their lives. In turn they are happier, healthier and more creative; they have little to no stress or dis-ease what so ever. They are very patient with themselves and others, and seem to gleam with joy and love. This is a very small list of benefits that you can experience with the art of meditation, the possibilities are endless and you are limitless.

I hear a lot of people use excuses when they are asked why they choose not to meditate. The number one answer is "I just can't do it! My mind won't turn off long enough for me to! relax". Well, that is exactly why you DO need to learn how to you can regain the power of the mind, learn how to really relax and give yourself some positive, loving energy for a change.

The mind is an awesome tool, but it's supposed to be just that...a tool. When we use a shovel, we know it's a shovel. We dig our hole and put the tool away when it has served its purpose. The same goes with your mind. You must learn how to 'put it away' when you don't need it, or least of all give it a break once or twice a day.

In its own reasoning, the mind took control somewhere along the way and ended up making all of your decisions for lost control and your thoughts now wander around aimlessly without proper guidance, causing even more worries, doubts, and fear to creep into your life.

We are supposed to be in control of the mind, not the other way around. This can prove to be a huge challenge if you don't use meditation. Meditation puts you back in control of your mind and body and reconnects you with your spirit and inner guidance.

From the moment we are born we are bombarded with flashing lights and constant noises. It doesn't take long for us to become accustomed to everything unnatural, in this mind created world. Before you know it you are lost in the twists and turns of the never ending stream of technology, but yet, we always feel as if something is missing.

All this noise and fast paced way of life is actually leading us further away from our true power, the power within. The mind doesn't want to loose control; frankly it's having too much fun.

Have you ever noticed a mentally insane person who talks constantly? I movies especially. They talk and talk, jumping from one subject to another, not really making much sense. You have to admit that this continuous gibbering would get pretty annoying if you had to listen to it all day, every day, forever and ever!

This is exactly what is going on inside your head when the mind is allowed to take ! over.... it speaks in circles, nonstop - 24/7 365 days year.

When we get annoyed with a TV show or a rerun, all we have to do is shut it off. Same goes for your mind. Learn how to shut it off when you find it's annoying you. You don't need to listen to its every rant and rave, in fact, the less you do listen to it the better off you are. Don't worry, you will still keep breathing and your heart will keep pumping blood through your body. Anything that needs to happen will do so naturally, without the use of your conscious mind.

You are much more then your mind will ever understand. Your mind believes that it is you, and you believe you are your mind. Simply not true. The fact of the matter is, you are so much more, and you can only find out how much more when you learn to silence your mind.

There are many different techniques you can use when it comes to learning meditation, but the key is to find something you feel comfortable with, stick to it, and adopt this positive habit into your daily life.

All it takes is 15-20 minutes each morning and your day will go much smoother, you will have more energy, more focus and clarity, and have much more patients. Don't worry if it takes a month before you are seeing results. Don't give up! Keep on truckin' and you'll get there. It's one of your God given rights so don't allow the mind to take it from you.

Knowing all of this now, what are you going to do? I do hope you will invest just a few minutes a day to meditate. It's not hard and there's no way to do it wrong. Guided meditations, step by step instructions, and lessons are easily found on the web for free. All it will cost you is loosing your mind, and that can be a really, really good thing.

About the Author

Buffy Carney is an aspiring writer and spiritual advisor.Visit her personal blog at

Penile Male Enhancement Surgery Cost Forget Everything You Thought You Knew About Penis Male Enlargement Pills - These Are The Facts!

Posted: 14 Jan 2012 12:00 PM PST

Article by Kelvin Deroeck

Many men want to know how they can get increased size over time but they are at a loss for what could possibly be done. They know that there is no way to get larger with the traditional scams but they still wonder if there may be something that works well. There is really only one method that can get any significant size increases and nobody wants you to know what it is.

Are you happy with the size of your penis? If you are not then take action today! Once you understand how simple it is to enlarge your penis you will wonder why you waited so long.

See size gains in as little as 7 days GUARANTEED - Click here to start TODAY >> No waiting - Get instant access and start enlarging now >>

If you are one of the many unfortunate men around the world to not have been blessed with a well-endowed package take heart; it is still scientifically possible to grow your male organ larger without much difficulty. Best of all you don't need any embarrassing doctor consultations - you can do the 'treatment' yourself in the privacy of your own home!

You may be receiving a lot of emails advertising natural and herbal penis male enlargement pills. Not to take anything away from the herbal industry but most of these herbal penis male enlargement pills do not give any significant results at all...

The one way that you can make your penis bigger is actually not even a product but actually a method. Interestingly there is not a single product on the market right now that can make you permanently larger. They all are total frauds.

If you want to experience a bit from the life of the Buddhism monks than the first thing you need is an efficient Zen meditation instruction. Zen meditation can be a great alternative to the more classic forms of meditation and even though it might be stricter it can be fully enjoyed especially after some weeks of practice.

This article offers tips on how you can enlarge your penis naturally at home and see results within just ! a few we eks. I went from 5.5 inches to over 8 inches and with the right information you can duplicate my success!

penis male enlargement has become a major concern to most men who have a small size. But with the various penis male enlargement products available both online and offline getting a good product that will be safe and deliver effective result seems to be more difficult by the day.

About the Author

How To Enlarge Penis Size Free Getting A Monster Erection Is Possible - Here'S The Secret To Getting An 8-9' Penis!

Atheists, pray for the Patriots to beat Tim Tebow

Posted: 14 Jan 2012 12:00 PM PST

Today is apocalyptic. God-loving quarterback Tim Tebow and his Denver Broncos play Tom Brady's New England Patriots in an important NFL playoff game. 

This isn't only a football game. It's a battle with cosmic significance. Will in-your-face, obnoxious, Christian "Tebowing" win out, leading fundamentalists to believe that, indeed, God is on the Nuggets' side?

Will a quarterback who says he's still a virgin (Tebow) triumph over a guy (Brady) who fathered a love child with another woman and now is married to supermodel Gisele Bundchen?

God, I hope not! Like some of the Patriots, I'm tired of Tebow talk.

So fellow atheists, agnostics, unbelievers, infidels, pagans, and other irreligionists, we've got to start praying intensely for Tebow to not only lose today's game, but to be crushed, humiliated, blown off of the gridiron in an embarassing fashion.

Except...wait...let me think for a moment...

Shit! We don't believe in prayer. We don't believe in supernatural interventions. Damn.

OK, then just watch the game; enjoy it; accept the reality of the final score. Then go on to other things of life, not making more or less of an AFC playoff game than it deserves. Yeah, the Broncos are 13 1/2 point underdogs.

But upsets frequently happen, without God.

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Tibetan Monks of Gaden Shartse & Corciolli .: YAMANTAKA SELF INITIATION :.

Buddhist chant with Corciolli´s music, taken from the album "The New Moon of East" from Azul Music.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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The Power of Meditation -Relieve Stress

Posted: 14 Jan 2012 11:00 AM PST

Article by Anthony McBride

Stress is one of the most debilitating factors in our lives. No matter where you go or what you do you will experience some form of stress. This stress can be familial, life or work related. However, the stress comes about in your life one fact remains that stress can affect your health, your mindset, how well you enjoy your life and how well you perform at your job. In fact, stress can directly influence your chance of success no matter what area of life you are looking at. This is why it is important to control how stress affects you as well as how much stress you have in your life. In many cases, you cannot always control the stress in your life you can however, control how you respond to that stress. Consider first what stress does to the body and the mind. Stress makes you tired both on a physical and mental level. It makes it difficult to get a good night's sleep. This is generally because it is difficult for the body to relax and unwind if you are under a great deal of stress. It takes longer to reach REM sleep and so the sleep you do get does not refresh and rejuvenate you. This tiredness fogs the mind making it difficult to think and function. Physically, being stressed can lower the body's resistance to illness, can lower the metabolism and contribute to unhealthy practices such as large amounts of caffeine and unhealthy foods. It also lowers the chance that you will have the energy to have exercise be a part of your daily routine. Many people who experience large amounts of unmanaged stress do not have the energy to exercise in addition to, many times, being unable to manage their time successfully. Meditation is one of the easiest ways to manage and relieve stress. Meditation does not require any special equipment. It can be done no matter where you are. There is also a variety of methods to from which to choose. If you are new to meditation, consider looking into a guided meditation or a meditation class. These are often available at yoga studios, new age shops and private providers.! You can also purchase courses designed to teach meditation in CD or book form. Meditation provides a way to quiet the mind and relax the body. Experienced users of meditation can reach and maintain the relaxed, quiet state of meditation almost automatically. This allows them to refresh their minds and relieve the feeling of stress as well as the wear it places on the body instantly. Meditation allows you to quickly quiet the mind and relax the body. If you consider how much easier it is to function when you are relaxed you can easily see the benefits of meditation. Meditation helps to clear the mind, makes it easier to focus and helps to organize thoughts making it easier to be productive and successful in every aspect of your life.

About the Author

If you need more information go to

Matthieu Ricard - The Art of Meditation

The worlds happiest man" philosopher Matthieu Ricard explains how we can train our minds in habits of well-being.

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Mind mapping your Term Paper

Posted: 14 Jan 2012 10:00 AM PST

Article by Brain Haley

Term paper writing using the mind mapping technique to outline makes the process of your term paper writing well manageable for the writer and the chapters very easy to read, compelling and consistent for the readers.

If you want to learn the procedure of writing a term paper outline, mind mapping is better than any linear outlining method in a number of ways, which gives the author the privilege of using free thinking and relativity in writing the term paper. The author easily adds or subtracts a thought or phrase through a mind map, and saves him from the hassle which he might confront while using a linear outline. This is an excellent way to start your paper, organize and finish it.

What is mind mapping?

Mind mapping is a color-coded outline of the main ideas, sub topics and the details, printed on different colored branches that connect to the center. In the center you will write the main idea such as the title of term paper. Different colors should be used for every subtitle or chapter.

What are the advantages of mind mapping?

Firstly, this approach is open-ended and open minded. It saves the author from going through the trouble of squeezing new ideas into the strict and tight form of a linear outline, which means adjusting all the subtitles within a particular chapter. With this approach you may make mistakes, as these imperfections lead to creativity and perfection. Mind mapping expands flexible thinking, making your way for better writing.

Secondly, mind map uses only three to five concrete or color words on a branch. These words are indicative of the idea that we want to present, which helps jog our memory by trying to recall the details that we intend to include pertaining to a particular word.

Thirdly, mind maps speed your writing because you write key phrases that are fairly comprehensive. When you sit down ready to write the term paper, a look at the phrases on the mind maps is all that you need and the ideas or answers flow naturally.

Fourth ly, in mind maps you see everything related to the parts, or in other words nothing seems as if it out of place or has been squeezed in a chapter unnecessarily. Your thesis, your chapter titles, and chapter contents all flow because you have answered each question that your reader asked. Speedy techniques help me to write at least two or three term papers each year, and makes the term paper more organized, more focused, clear, easier to read, and finally brings more sales because people understand the information quickly and easily.

How do I create my mind map?

Use a large sheet of paper which is at least 8 by 11 inches, but I recommend a large square of poster board, so you can spread out! You should also have six to seven colored tip pens ready in primary and bright colors; and they should all be different colors.

Even though later you may want to change your mind about the contents on paper, this initial mind map gives you the overall picture of your term paper and what it shares with its readers. It will give you an idea whether this out lay is enough or is there more that needs to be added.

Mind mapping is an excellent, practical as well as convenient way to start, organize, and finish your term paper.

About the Author

Flash Term Papers provides custom term paper and research paper writing services.

Five ways to increase your joy

Posted: 14 Jan 2012 10:00 AM PST

Joy (sukha in Pali) should be our natural state of being. Unfortunately, though, we've been brought up in a society that emphasizes wanting things and having things. Wanting things actually destroys joy, while having things brings only a short-term burst of pleasure that fades quickly.

In fact, thinking that joy depends on things outside of ourselves is a trap. It makes it harder for us to experience real happiness. True happiness comes from our attitude toward things, not to things themselves.

Despite it's seeming elusiveness, it's possible for us to spend much of our time in a state of joy, and here are a few suggestions for moving in that direction:

1. Smile

Remembering to smile has a potent effect on how we feel. It sparks off a whole chain of mental and physical events, and promotes a sense of happiness. We can even smile in the face of pain and fear. This reminds us that basically things are OK, right now. Yes, things are not "perfect," but we can deal with it.

Rick Hanson, the author of The Buddha's Brain, reminds us that the mind has a built-in negativity bias. We're more likely to pay attention to potential threats than to benefits — even benefits that presently exist. As he puts it, the mind "is like Velcro for negative experiences and Teflon for positive ones." Smiling implicitly connects us with the positive.

2. Appreciate

Along the same lines, appreciation supports the arising of joy. This is true both in meditation and in our ordinary lives. When people were asked to write a letter of appreciation to someone who had benefitted them, they were measurably happier for weeks afterward. Explicit appreciation is the most effective. When we say words of thanks to ourselves, even in our own heads, it makes the appreciation more real — probably because it involves more of the brain.

So in meditation I have a practice I sometimes do of saying "thanks" for all the things that are going right. I notice that the climate is livable (even if it doesn't fit my narrow conception of "ideal") and say "thank you." I notice the room around me, appreciate that it's sheltering me from the elements, and say "thank you." I notice that the electricity, gas, internet connection are functioning, and say "thank you" (I'll do these separately, but I'm abbreviating the process here for the sake of brevity). I'll say thank you in this way for:

  • Living in a country where there's law and order,
  • The presence of other people around me, some of whom I have loving relationships with,
  • The presence of furnishings (this is unimaginable luxury for many people in the world),
  • Individual body parts that function, day in, day out,
  • Functioning senses,
  • Functioning utilities — internet, water, electricity, etc.,
  • A world round about me that's filled with beauty.

This practice can be very detailed. In fact it's best that it's very, very detailed, so where I've said "individual body parts" above, you can in fact do a detailed body scan, identifying each part of the body in turn and saying "thank you" to each. Even where there's pain, you can note that the body part is still struggling to function for you, and trying to heal. (This, incidentally, can free us from the tendency to blame the body for being sick or in pain.)

3. Imbue your experience with a sense of lovingkindness

To be loving is one of our deepest needs. The experience of loving is deeply beneficial to us, and helps bring about a sense of wellbeing and joy.

Jan Chozen Bays, in her book, How to Train a Wild Elephant, writes very beautifully about the practices of "loving gaze" and "loving touch." You can simply evoke the experience of looking with love (for example, remembering looking at a sleeping child) or of touching with love (for example, placing a hand on someone who is in pain). By recalling those ways of interacting, we can bring a sense of love into our experience right now.

As you become aware of your body in meditation, for example, you don't have to do that in a cold and clinical way. You can "gaze" (not literally, but in terms of being aware) inwardly in a loving way, and fill your entire body with a sense of love.

4. Feel loved

It can also be very helpful to feel loved. In one traditional form of the lovingkindness meditation, we begin by recalling someone ("the benefactor") who has shown us kindness. By doing so we can recapture the feeling of being loved, which again is an important support for a sense of "everything being all right."

If it's hard to recapture that feeling, you can imagine being a baby in your mother's arms, warm and loved and cared-for.

Sometimes I've found it useful just to imagine that there's a source of light and love in the world, that I can tap into. I'll imagine that I'm at the receiving end of a shaft of light, and that this light touches me in a loving way, flooding my being with lovingkindness.

I've also sometimes imagined that I'm meditating with the Buddha, not in an idealized and iconic form like you see in Tibetan paintings, but just as an ordinary man sitting beside me. And I'll drop into my mind the phrase "feel the love of the Buddha." What then happens is that I'll feel a sense that the Buddha is radiating love, like an aura, and that I'm on the receiving end of his blessings.

5. Savor the positive

Notice and appreciate any positive experiences that rise, however ordinary they may be. It could be the simple feeling of a coffee cup warming your hands, or seeing the sunlight shining through a window. Or it could be a pleasant feeling that arises when you think of a friend. In meditation, this could be a pleasant sensation of energy in one part of the body, or the simple rhythm of the breath, or a sense that the body is relaxing, or moments of calmness beginning to appear in the mind, or a sense of light, or any spontaneous and pleasing imagery that may appear in the mind

Your attention may want to slide quickly onto something else, but this is just an instance of the mind's tendency to take the positive for granted and to go looking for something to be troubled with. So notice anything positive in your experience.

Don't grasp after such experiences though, and don't cling to them. All experiences pass. In fact experiences are passing as we have them. So let them go, and don't mourn their passing. Just appreciate them as best you can.

Related posts:

  1. Seven ways to ease your anxiety, without pills
  2. A list of ways to practice mindfulness
  3. 10 ways to live a better life

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I Want To Enlarge My Penis 'Circumcision' - Hindrance To Sexual Enjoyment

Posted: 14 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST

Zen Buddhism
by araki

Article by geraldireland

One way to increase the size of the penis is to utilize what is referred to as deep-tissue exercises. In this form of penis male enlargement exercise what you will have to do is manipulate the Tunica. This area of the penis is the one that surrounds both the cavernous and septum in the penis. The primary goal is to train the septum and deep tissues of the penis to recall their new found lengthened positioning. Is that not the coolest thing you have heard in quite sometime?

Did you know that it's possible to enlarge your penis at home using nothing but your hands and a few specially designed and highly secret NATURAL exercises that anybody with two hands can do?

Just 6 minutes per day for a few short weeks will make your penis much longer thicker and healthier and give you permanent gains which you can enjoy for the rest of your life!

You can enlarge penis size and girth and you can start TODAY no waiting. Get started now and see results in as little as 7 days!

Click here now to learn how to enlarge your penis and see results this week >> You can start today with no waiting >>

If you're thinking about the easiest cheapest and most convenient way to get a big penis you've come to the right place. Because that way is through exercise. Remember that your penis is a muscle and all muscles can be made bigger through exercise.

So many men feel that they need to increase their penis size but it seems so difficult to know which way to turn. Now I can share with you all the information you will ever need to know about penis male enlargement - and that is that once you learn about the natural enhancement methods and the two essential steps that will cause 3-4 inches of growth - then you have all the knowledge at your fingertips to go out and give your penis that essential boost. As a man who has followed this method and seen my penis increase from 4.5 inches to over 8 inches I can assure you that not only is it an easy and st! raightfo rward method to follow it will really give you the results that you desire...

The most natural way to increase the size of your penis must be penis male enlargement exercises. There are many methods and techniques that claim to increase penis size however penis male enlargement exercises are the safest cheapest and most likely to work. I'm sure you have many questions about exercising to increase the size of your penis. Therefore in this article i will answer some of the most common questions.

If you want to experience a bit from the life of the Buddhism monks than the first thing you need is an efficient Zen meditation instruction. Zen meditation can be a great alternative to the more classic forms of meditation and even though it might be stricter it can be fully enjoyed especially after some weeks of practice.

If you are suffering erection difficulties or suffering low libido we have outlined a combination of natural cures that in controlled tests helped over 80% get hard erections quickly. Let's look at them.

Is it possible to enlarge your penis without expensive surgery? I'll show you how to use a simple technique that can lengthen and thicken your penis without surgery and it only takes 3 weeks to see results.

About the Author

Homemade Penis Enlargers That Work Dating - Tips To Attract Your Dream Girls!

Gudo Nishijima Doing Zazen

89 year-old Zen Master Gudo Nishijima practicing zazen (zen sitting) at his apartment in Tokyo in June 2009. His apartment is near the train station, and there were plenty of station announcements and trains passing by. It was a very hot day and the window was open, so it got a bit noisy during zazen.

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Mindfulness Meditation - Techniques to Improve the Quality of Your Life

Posted: 14 Jan 2012 08:00 AM PST

by RubyJi

Article by Robert Winter

Do you feel that your life is happening so quickly that you're constantly running from task to task and you never have time to enjoy anything? If you're like most people, the answer is yes. With the hectic pace of our society, many people find themselves seemingly trapped in an endless list of things to do, as if they're on a never-ending treadmill. That can make it very difficult to find satisfaction in life. Even worse, it can eventually lead to emotional burnout, or even anxiety and depression.

So how can we learn to slow down and have more enjoyment in our lives? It has been demonstrated that the practice of mindfulness meditation can lead to a dramatic improvement in the quality of a person's life. Mindfulness meditation is a discipline that has been developed over many centuries by the Buddhist tradition in the Far East. Over the last twenty years, people in the West have adapted these practices so that they can be used by anyone, regardless of their religious affiliation.

Mindfulness can be described as the art of paying attention. While this may sound simple, in reality it requires specific techniques to train your mind to do this. Once you start trying to pay attention, you'll notice that your mind is hardly ever fully paying attention. Our minds tend to jump from thought to thought and from experience to experience, with the result that we're not really fully present in any of them. The techniques of mindfulness meditation help our minds become more calm and focused, so that we're able to be fully present in each moment.

There are many techniques to practice mindfulness meditation, ranging from the most basic to more advanced. In this article we're going to describe the most fundamental technique, called sitting meditation. In this exercise, you simply sit and attempt to pay attention to your breathing. Choose a simple, straight-backed chair and assume a sitting posture. Inhale slowly through your nose, and as you do this try to focus your mind on just experiencing wha! t it fee ls like to breathe. Now exhale slowly through your mouth, once again experiencing what it feels like to breathe. Repeat the breathing for several minutes, while attempting to keep your mind focused on your breathing.

While doing the sitting meditation, you will invariably find that your mind wanders away from paying attention to your breathing. This is completely normal. When this happens, and you become aware that your mind is no longer with your breathing, you simply become aware of what your mind is doing and then, gently but firmly, bring your attention back to your breathing. Don't get frustrated if this happens many times. Each time your mind wanders, keep gently letting go of whatever your mind is doing, and come back to your breathing. In this way, you are training your mind to be able to pay full attention to the present moment, and also to let go without becoming frustrated. These skills form the foundation of the practice of mindfulness meditation.

With practice, you should eventually be able to do this exercise for 30 to 45 minutes at a time. As you become more proficient at it, you'll find that these skills begin to positively impact your life, as you will feel more tranquility in your everyday experiences, which previously your mind was too busy to appreciate.

To read more articles by this author click here at the mindfulness blog.

About the Author

I am in the finance field. I like to write about a variety of topics.They range from mindfullness to investing and even to the home and family life. I hope you enjoy reading all about it.

How "Focus on Positive" is a Mindfulness Practice ~ Shinzen Young

Steph asks Shinzen how adding "Focus on Positive" to the mindfulness line-up has affected his students. He describes the various traditions & strategies of cultivating positive thoughts & feelings and how it can be a mindfulness practice. This ispart of an interview Shinzen Young did with Stephanie Nash in August 2009. The purpose of this interview was to 'get the scoop' on Shinzen - the man behind the techniques. See other segments being posted over next few weeks for some good stories. (Editing graciously contributed by Bruce Malm.)

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Now Learn Yoga Online and Be Fit and Fine

Posted: 14 Jan 2012 07:00 AM PST

Article by Patresia Adams

Yoga practice brings enormous health benefits and is becoming extremely popular nowadays. There are many people who are enrolling themselves with yoga portals that provide them yoga classes online. Online coaching classes of yoga have become quite popular because of the convenience they provide.

In today's fast paced life, people do not have sufficient time to devote in personal coaching. So, the best option for such people is to learn online yoga. Many websites are available that teaches online yoga. Yoga is about practicing three main things- Asana, Pranayam and Meditation.

Asana consists of special body postures practiced in yoga. You can see these postures on the online yoga videos and practice them at your convenience. Every Asana has a special technique related to it. Online yoga websites also provide images of postures to guide you.

Pranayam consists of certain breathing exercises in yoga. You can easily read the instruction online and perform these. It is quite easier than performing Yoga Asana. If you feel any sort of difficulty in performing Asana and Pranayam, you can contact your yoga guru by logging on to the website.

Meditation is the process of controlling our mind. It leads to self-realization. There is no need to watch any video to understand the process of meditation. You can simply read the instruction, and learn it online. Practicing with a calm mind is the key.

You can find a lot of websites that provides online streaming videos of yoga. You can watch the video online, hear instructions, and practice yoga at the same time. But you need to be very careful while selecting the right yoga portal. You should verify the credibility of yoga gurus and the reputation of the company too. Once you get the right coaching everything follows smoothly. Thus, there is no need to attend personal coaching classes of yoga. You can learn yoga moves online as well.

Divine Wellness is an interactive and leading health portal that provides details of yoga online! and adv ice related to yoga, ayurveda and alternative medicine treatment.

About the Author

Patresia Adams is a healthcare consultant working with Divine Wellness. This interactive health and wellness portal offers Live online yoga classes through high-definition video conferencing.

Bungee jump FAIL in the Croc-infested Zambezi river

Erin Laung Worth fell from the Victoria Falls bridge, 111m above the river in the country of Zimbabwe in 2012. Also featured: - Beyonce gives birth: Discussion forum on the incident:

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Early Morning Stress Reduction Inspiration - 1/14/2012

Posted: 14 Jan 2012 07:00 AM PST

"Accomplish but do not boast, accomplish without show, accomplish without arrogance, accomplish without grabbing, accomplish without forcing."

~Lao Tzu

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Bhikkhuni Ordination

The venerable Ajahn Sujato from Santi Forest Monastery talks about the full ordination of Stress Reduction Nuns (Bhikkunis) something about to become a reality in Australia. Gender equality at last!

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Achieve Daily Peace with Meditation

Posted: 14 Jan 2012 06:00 AM PST

Article by Nelson Berry

Achieve Daily Peace with Meditation

We all live in a very hectic world. Everything is in a fast-paced motion it's so impossible to immediately find the peace you've wanted. However, you should learn how to get it. That is the only way how you can relieve yourself of the stress and bring yourself to the present moment. When you have peace, especially within, you can easily learn the process of acceptance and control. Peace signifies you have an uncluttered mind, and you have a way of eliminating worries and uncertainties out of your life.

A very good way to introduce peace into your life on a daily basis is through meditation.

What Meditation Can Do for You

So how do you exactly achieve peace with the help of meditation? The secret lies on proper breathing. When you're meditating, the breathing is usually slow and deep but not labored. You allow the air to pass through your nostrils as it goes in and out of your body. Because the breathing is slow, you will feel the vibrations it tries to create. In the process, you bring your concentration to such vibrations, allowing you to just bring your entire energy to the present moment. You can start decluttering your mind from negative thoughts and emotions.

Meditation can also relax your entire body, as it tends to slow down your heart rate and blood pressure. Stress causes a lot of tensed nerves, and as you know, stress can always bring about a lot of negativities. Because of its anti-stress ability, meditation is often advised to people who are suffering from depression, anxiety, and sleeping disorder. You can also say that these are individuals who are having a hard time finding peace in their lives.

You can also couple the technique with subliminal messages, also referred to as auto-suggestions. These are words or phrases that aim to help change your present mind-set or thinking pattern. Some of the examples may include the following:

* I have peace in my life.* I accept everything with grace.* In the mid! st of th e turmoil around me, I am peaceful.* I have come to terms with the difficulties of life.* Life is beautiful. There is nothing to worry.

By constantly repeating these types of subliminal messages, they get embedded into your subconscious until they become your thought patterns. Since they are not controlled by the conscious mind, you can tap on them anytime you like.

How to Meditate

Meditation doesn't have to last for a very long time. You may even find people who meditate for just 15 minutes or even less. The most important thing is you get into a time where you are becoming aware of the peace within yourself. Unless you get to that point, it's advisable to go on meditating.

There's also definite place to meditate, though it's recommended you do so in an environment that's also quiet. This way, it's much easier for you to bring your concentration to what you're doing and get fewer distractions.

About the Author

Nelson Berry is a Master of Subliminal Messages and Expert in the Subliminal Audio and Subliminal Video Field for over 2 Decades! Click Here for a FREE Subliminal Video Download (.95 Value) Right Now -- Today! Try It:

Exclusive - Maharishi on Transcendental Meditation - Larry King Live

For more information visit - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is interviewed by Larry King all about the Transcendental Meditation technique and its origins. David Lynch Foundation http Maharishi is also asked about the new release of his old book "the Science of Being and Art of Living." *Tags* Transcendental Meditation, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Transcendental Consciousness, Guru of the Beatles, Beatles in India, World Peace, Enlightenment, Cosmic Consciousness, Unity Consciousness, Science of Being and Art of Living

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Meditation Audio Can Take You to Another World

Posted: 14 Jan 2012 05:00 AM PST

Article by Ricardo Lumbardo

Meditation audio has been in the limelight for quite some time, and for good reason too. Music is the most powerful tool today and it has not just captivated music fans but also those who do not have much passion for music. People are always curious to discover what lies beyond the world we live in. We often imagine things that might be totally different than our world. Meditation is one of the best ways to search the answers for all our questions. It is a way through which we can cross over to a different subconscious level and this can be done with the help of music.

Music Can Help You Relax

Those who have tried to meditate would know that it is not easy to relax the body and mind. Relaxation leads to a state of complete tranquillity. This has the power to take you deeper within the subconscious state. It is normally required to have a completely quiet environment during meditation. Meditation is just a way of connecting to the nature. The efforts would all be focused on generating natural feelings inside us. After the session, people would feel lightness within themselves.

Music Can Bring Magnificent Results

Meditation audio along with the full impact and results brought about with meditation would bring magnificent results. The goal of someone who meditates would be the uplifting of soul. Absolute willingness would be required in this process and there is absolute receptiveness of the healing power that meditation is capable of. The person would naturally welcome the waves of music that would get inside the mind and bring around a positive aura. This is a phenomenon which would create a state that is quite different than what you might have experienced before. Your mind would be at absolute peace along with your soul and heart. Your spirit would enjoy complete freedom.

Traditional Healing with Music

Meditation audio is often used today for healing purposes. In many parts of the world, traditional healing is accompanied by distinctive music. You would ! be capti vated with the impact of this powerful music even if you are only a spectator. The music helps heal the person in question quite effectively.

Choosing the music that can be used for meditation is a challenge but you should decided based on what you think would soothe your mood. Choose music that you think would be soothing to your soul and would be accepted by your mind. Choose music that is familiar to begin with. For complete relaxation, choose soft music that would captivate you. Once you get into the habit of listening to music, the rest of the things would flow quite naturally. Even without the actual music, there would be peace and calmness within you that would renew your spirit. Meditation audio definitely can take you to another world.

About the Author

To know more on meditation audio and to learn more about meditation practices, please visit

Happiest days are here again

Posted: 14 Jan 2012 05:00 AM PST

WEDDING pictures dating back to the start of the last century are on display as part of a church's 150th anniversary celebrations.

Local historian Jessie Mogie has found herself awash with weddings after putting out a call for photographs to help celebrate the anniversary of St Bede's Church in Jarrow.

The procession of 150 wedding pictures – dating back to 1901 – are on show at Bede's World in Jarrow until the end of next month.

"I was very surprised by the amount of photographs which people sent or brought in. The response has been just wonderful," said Jessie, a member of Jarrow and Hebburn Local History Society.

The earliest image is the 1901 wedding of John Harrison James, of Hope Street in Jarrow to Bridget King, who lived in the town's High Street.

What took Jessie aback was that the groom was pictured wearing his flat cap.


"I was astonished by the flat cap but he was a very elegant man," said Jessie, who lives in Jarrow.

A groom in a 1920 picture is sporting a bowler hat, while a picture from 1941 shows only the bride.

"Apparently when the wedding party was leaving the church there was an air raid warning and everybody went to the shelter. The picture must have been taken later but I don't know what happened to the groom and why he is not on the photograph," said Jessie.

Images in answer to Jessie's appeal have been sent from as far afield as Australia and New Zealand. One picture shows the wedding of Jessie's sister Ann, who now lives in Zambia. Jessie's own wedding to husband Ronald in 1963 also features.

She said: "Every one of the wedding pictures tells a story. It has also been interesting to see how wedding fashions have changed.

"In the 1940s some of the bouquets were as big as trees but today they are much smaller and neater. Wedding dresses today are also much more fitted and revealing."

Also on show is a finger-knitting image of the church by pupils from St Bede's Junior School.

The now-listed church in the town centre was built by the congregation, with men contributing their labour at night and on Saturday afternoons after finishing their shifts in the local mines, shipyards and factories.

When the new church held its first service the roof was incomplete and there were no seats or glazing in the windows.

Read More @ Source

Trul Khor, Tibetan Yoga, by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. Photographs by Thomas Laird.

Tibetan Buddhism. The nine breathings of purification and tsa lung/trul khor exercises from the ancient Tibetan Bon Stress Reduction tradition, performed by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. Photographs from The Dalai Lama's Secret Temple by Thomas Laird, used with permission. A new book by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, "Awakening the Sacred Body" (New York: Hay House, January 2011), explains the practices of tsa lung and nine breathings in depth and includes an accompanying DVD of Rinpoche demonstrating these practices. The book/DVD set can be ordered online at: . For information about Tenzin Rinpoche and Tibetan Bon Buddhism, visit . For advance updates about his upcoming books as well as live Internet teachings, recorded teachings and in-person retreats, subscribe to Ligmincha's free monthly e-newsletter at . ---

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Stress Management For Mature Students

Posted: 14 Jan 2012 04:00 AM PST

Article by Beatrice Boyce

Most mature students who are studying for a professional qualification, or taking a course to improve their knowledge of a specialist area, do so whilst still continuing with their full-time employment, or running their own business. This inevitably adds another pressure to what is already a busy life, at work and at home. Most professionals take distance learning courses which they have to study at home, and this reduces the time that they can spend with their partner, or family, and reduces relaxation time away from the workplace. Added to this, most courses and qualifications have coursework, assignments, possibly examinations all with time deadlines and quality targets that must be achieved. As a result, the studying, in itself a very worthwhile personal development activity, can cause some students to suffer adversely from stress.

What is stress? Is it always damaging?. Stress can be very damaging and can be very difficult to deal with.Despite the overuse of the word by the many thousands who are not genuinely stressed, when a person is genuinely suffering from stress, it is a damaging and dangerous condition to be in, and action is essential.Stress is pressure caused by the effect on ourselves that we experience as a result of interacting with our environment, for example our workplace, colleagues, our family, our partner, social friends, and the activities that we are involved in, such as projects at work, social activities, and study activities. There can be positive and negative stress.

Positive stress can help us to achieve our goals, complete a project successfully, make effective changes to our working or personal lives. The pressures of taking on new challenges and activities, but being successful in them, can be motivating and result in feelings of excitement and fulfilment.

Negative stress is caused by the pressures around an individual becoming overwhelming, and then potentially damaging. Once the pressures become too intense, then the fear of failing and not co! ping add further pressures. This type of stress affects people in a negative, often harmful manner. Negative stress can result in our feeling frustration, resentment, anger, worthlessness, and despair, as well as causing a range of physical problems.

Why does stress affect different people in different ways? It is now accepted that stress affects different people in different ways. Pressures that can become too much for some people can be absorbed relatively easily by others. The reasons for this are many. One is basic personality differences, where one person sees the pressure as a challenge to overcome, whilst another will have doubts about their ability to cope, and see the same pressure as threatening. A related, reason for this apparent difference is that the more positive person has been better trained, or had previous experience to draw on, whilst the negative person is facing this pressure for the first time, or has had a bad experience of it previously. Another reason is undoubtedly the complexity of the environment that surrounds each person. When an individual has most areas of their lives running smoothly then the pressure from a single event or area of their lives can often be managed without difficulty. The same event can be overwhelming for an individual who has many difficult situations current in their lives, which are already putting them under considerable pressure the last straw effect.

How can you tell if you are suffering from Stress? That's sometimes difficult, but if you are: feeling depressedprone to outbursts of anger, feeling helpless and unable to cope, hate the thought of going in to work falling seriously behind with work or study deadlines, having difficulty concentrating, constantly in conflict with colleagues or your partner, eating too much, or drinking too much, experiencing headaches, muscular or chest pains, stomach troubles, losing interest in study or social activities that previously excited you finding that colleagues or family are expressing concern, the chan! ces are that you are stressed. If you are, there is a strong chance also that you have other problems too, as the negative effects of stress can cause physical and mental problems to arise, if the stress is not addressed.

What can I do to manage my Stress?. Stress can be effectively recognized and managed. The key is to understand our own signs of stress, select a few appropriate techniques to manage that stress, and then consistently use those techniques. One common characteristic of those who manage stress successfully and positively is that they all view stress, pressures, complexity, as an area of their lives that have to be managed, and they take defensive action if the pressures build to unreasonable levels.

If you are suffering from stress, take action! Now! Don't wait a moment longer take action. Here are 25 ways in which you can manage stress more successfully. They are not in order of priority but are offered as suggestions that can help you to prevent stress from damaging your life.

Recognise that stress may be affecting you or could do in the future, talk to someone you really trust face to face, or by telephone, letter, or even email, take time out to play a sport, entertainment, family activity, with friends,exercise on a regular basis it helps manage and prevent stress becoming a problem, eat a balanced diet whenever possible, get plenty of sleep this helps you stay fresh and gives you more energy during the day, avoid self-medication with nicotine, alcohol, too much coffee or tranquillisers, try doing something for others colleagues, friends, family, partner, take one thing at a time when possible if not, don't take on too much at the same time,try to avoid unnecessary conflict, at work, home, and socially, develop a hobby or interest as a counter-balance to stressful pressures, don't let work or family commitments become an addiction, don't feel guilty about taking time out for yourself you are important too, don't put off relaxing - use a relaxation stress reduction technique ! daily, k now when you are tired and do something about it take a break, don't be afraid to say No! You won't be respected if you say Yes but then make mistakes, delegate responsibility and or tasks where possible and appropriate, manage your time better - you need a system that works for you, not against you, plan ahead for workload and social activities to prevent too much pressure building up, draw up an Action Plan to tackle the causes of your stress, stress is not usually caused by a single, large, problem - break it down into smaller pieces and deal with them individually,set realistic targets most stress causes are complex and cannot be eliminated immediately, accept that some things you cannot change accept them or change direction to avoid them, when you are successful in making positive changes, even small ones reward yourself, be pleased with your achievement, and be realistic about achieving perfection none of us will ever be perfect.

Mild, manageable, stress helps us to achieve our time deadlines, get to appointments on time, remember important dates, and get those last minute details worked out on a project that is due tomorrow, perform to the best of our ability, and produce high quality work. This is usually not what causes us to become "distressed" to suffer negatively from stress. Sometimes too many minor stresses build up to create an unhealthy level of stress. What would, individually, be manageable, combines to become unmanageable and stressful. For example, more and more overlapping work activities, with impending time deadlines and high quality targets, building up to the point where it is not possible for the individual to manage it all. At other times, sadly, we will experience events that in themselves result in exceptionally high levels of stress - such as the loss of a loved one, losing a job, or the ending of a relationship. Adding a course of studies to the mix of pressures that affect mature, working professionals, can raise stress levels to a high or potentially damaging level! . Being aware of the dangers of negative stress, and how to manage stress, is essential. It is one of the many skills that is required by individuals aiming for successful personal and career development.

As the demands on professionals increase, in terms of performance in the workplace, having to show evidence of continuous personal development activity, and having to balance these with the demands of home and social lives. The key to success is to recognise that Stress can be a dangerous enemy, to learn about it, and to find ways to manage it effectively. By taking preventative action, using some of the recognised stress management techniques, stress can usually be managed successfully.

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Release your daily stress and tension with a relaxing bath with the help of a handy bamboo bath caddy. Click here to find out what a shower caddy is and how it helps to enhance your bath time experience.

Neck and Shoulder Tension Relief

by Dawn Cardinal, Holistic Therapist

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Make Your Penis Bigger Quick Six Best Sexual Positions To Get Pregnant Fast

Posted: 14 Jan 2012 03:00 AM PST

Zen Buddhism
by araki

Article by letitiasgambati

In this article we are going to discuss two natural penis male enlargement tips you can try from home. If you are anything like I used to be you've probably spent far too many hours searching for the perfect penis male enlargement program right? You'd end surprised to find out that what most of these products potions pumps and lotions really offered was fools gold in a bottle!

Are you unhappy with the size of your penis? Would you like to be bigger and able to perform better in the bedroom? Results are now guaranteed that will naturally increase the size of your penis permanently.

See results in as little as 7 days GUARANTEED - Click here to start TODAY >> No waiting and fast results are guaranteed >>

There are a lot of products being marketed to men right now with the claim that they can increase the size of your penis and probably the most common is penis male enlargement pills. These pills are extremely popular and many men have tried using them. However the question remains can pills really make you bigger?

There is nothing quite like having an exceptional and very attractive penis size that makes ANY woman swoon. And if you're anything like the men reading this you probably have some issues with your size and just want to find the single most effective method to transform your manhood. Unfortunately the HUGE array of silly and ineffective enlargement gimmicks and scams out there have certainly deflated many men's dream of getting a larger size. So is there really anything that will work for you?

Are you really curious about penis augmentation? It always amazes me how many men are quietly considering penile augmentation procedures to improve their size and self esteem. Did you know that MOST men who have this procedure are NOT happy with the results? It's true....and one of the things you won't hear about when you listen to the avalanche of late night commercials and over night radio spots about enhancing your anatomy artificially.

If you want to experience a bit from the life of the Buddhism monks than the first thing you need is an efficient Zen meditation instruction. Zen meditation can be a great alternative to the more classic forms of meditation and even though it might be stricter it can be fully enjoyed especially after some weeks of practice.

If there's an article that would make boys jump with joy that would probably be any penis male enlargement-related article. Something that could help them discover the secrets on how to enhance their male organ. Why not? Not every man is blessed with an enviable penis size which is such an asset for their sex.

By stretching and massaging your penis daily for only 15 to 20 minutes a day you will slowly start to see an increase in the size of the penis. That's common sense and the reasons for this are to be explained right now. First things first massaging the penis and a penile exercise routine is not masturbation and I will tell you why.

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Divorce Advice Dating How To Give Her The Most Intense G-Spot Orgasms (Warning - You Can'T Turn Her Off After This!)

A Teaching By Zen Master Jinen Part 2

This is the second in a series of teachings by my teacher, Zen master Jinen-san. - How do I know when my practice is correct? -The importance of Zazen (sitting).

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Yoga Footwear

Posted: 14 Jan 2012 02:00 AM PST

Article by Jane Hill

Yoga originated in India over 3000 years ago and the term yoga is derived from the meaning to unite the mind, body and spirit. Although it has been practiced for many years it has only become popular fairly recently due to celebrities such as Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow becoming avid followers. The physical elements of yoga includes holding poses some of which can be quite strenuous s, as with all forms of exercise, it is important to choose the right footwear be it yoga socks, sandals or shoes to wear when practising.

Yoga socks are worn by many people as they are most like a second skin so they don't interfere with any movements. Unlike regular socks, yoga socks have individual toe sleeves which gives the toes more freedom and increases the dexterity of the toes, this is a neccessity in yoga as the toes have to be free to move and spread to support the different poses.

There are a wide range of yoga sandals available for those who want the added protection while exercising. Beech Originals are great yoga sandals as they were originally designed around the main principles of yoga; one of the basic things that yoga students are taught is to spread their toes to ground themselves and improve their balance, Beech yoga sandals have individual toe separators which helps to train the feet to spread and realign the toes.

As the popularity of yoga continues to grow so does the amount of yoga shoes available to buy. Barefoot styles such as Vibram Fivefingers are arguably the best yoga shoes as they allow the foot to flex and move as it you were barefoot without causing any resistance. This is an important feature for yoga shoes as it is essential that the feet can splay and move to increase the balance for each pose.

When choosing your footwear it is important to think about where you will be practising yoga. Yoga socks are great for indoors as they provide extra warmth without affecting your movements. When outside it may be necessary to opt for added protection. yoga shoes such! as Vibr am Fivefingers or yoga sandals such as the Beech Originals both give you added protection without prohibiting the foot's movement so you can still perform even the most difficult of poses with ease.

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I've been practising yoga for the past 7 years and think it's an excellent form of exercise.

Shilpa Yoga - Shilpa Yoga - Ardha Shalabhasana

From The Base Position With Your Feet Apart Again Raise Your Arms Straight Up. Bend Backwards Slightly. As You Exhale Allow Yourself To Bend Forwards Starting First From The Waist Then Your Neck And Finally Your Head. While Bending Push Your Hips Back Slightly. Touch Your Toes. Its Okay To Bend Your Knees If Youre A Beginner. Breathe In Rise And Return To Neutral Position. Repeat.Padahastasana Is Excellent For The Legs And The Knee Joints. It Helps In Loosing Abdominal Fat And In Increasing The Supply Of Blood To The Brain.These May Seem Like A Very Simple Keep-Fit Type Exercise. But They Really Work. By Now Youll Also Have Noticed That The Workout Functions In A Kind Of Widening Cycle- Adding New Muscle Groups But It Keeps Working On Most Things Simultaneously. This Is One Of The Reasons Why Yoga Is The Most Comprehensive Exercise Programme

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Penile Enlargement Pills How To Give Her Massive Orgasms And Take Her Beyond Her Sexual Limits (She Will Love This!)

Posted: 14 Jan 2012 01:00 AM PST

Zen Buddhism
by araki

Article by lasandralagadinos

One of the most outrageous seeming claims of penis enlarging pills is that you can get bigger in a week. Is that true? Make sure you read this article to learn the facts.

Are you unhappy with the size of your penis? Would you like to be bigger and able to perform better in the bedroom? Results are now guaranteed that will naturally increase the size of your penis permanently.

See results in as little as 7 days GUARANTEED - Click here now and start enlarging TODAY >> No waiting - Start enlarging NOW and see results >>

Talk about man there is no way to separate them with sex. In fact even the most conservative man will also have many ideas about sex. Men are still the foremost figure in the present society. Although women have already proved their ability in the society men are still leading in every kind of development such like ideas politics economics and the other area of knowledge.

Male penis is not same for all men. It varies person to person. Some have small others have bigger. Having a small penis is one of the most common problems in around the globe. About millions of men are suffering the same problem

Girth enlargement techniques are not as common as lengthening techniques although it seems men are catching on. Men who begin penis male enlargement sometimes get hung up on penis length but they miss the vital point that penis girth is the most important aspect of penis size. A whopping 90% of women who were asked in a confidential survey said that girth was more important than length.

If you want to experience a bit from the life of the Buddhism monks than the first thing you need is an efficient Zen meditation instruction. Zen meditation can be a great alternative to the more classic forms of meditation and even though it might be stricter it can be fully enjoyed especially after some weeks of practice.

Many men wish that they knew some way to get considerably larger in the privacy of their own home. Guess what friend ! there is a way to do it all on your own and it has been hidden from you with the darkest secrets of time. There is one way to get bigger and it is explored in this brief article.

Got the need to make some major improvements in your manhood department? Feel you could do with a longer and thicker penis? Most other men would have conveniently started taking penile growth pills in the hopes of somehow enlarging their manhood. Frankly you would just be wasting your hard-earned money by doing so...

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How Do You Make Your Penis Grow Bigger How Did I Transform My Penis Into A Monster - Here Is What You Can Do To Make Your Penis Bigger

Browser War - IE 9 vs Firefox 4 vs Google Chrome 10 - #2 - Best New features

Combining Zen and browsers... unlike the browser war, this video is a more peaceful way in comparing the new features of the new generation browsers. Art work credit: Firefoxy Lady by Chrome background from IE 9 Background from

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What is Mindfulness?

Posted: 14 Jan 2012 12:00 AM PST

Article by Kiva Bottero

To simply be in the present moment is mindfulness. As a central theme of the Buddhist tradition, its practice dates back over two millennia, but has since spread into various other spiritual and non-spiritual forms.

What is the present moment? Simply put, it's neither the past, such as thinking about the events of last weekend, nor the future, such as clinging to desires. It's the opposite of temporal life. Like workers on an assembly line, we see objects continuously coming at us. Upon their arrival, we deal with them. Once finished, we put them back on the line. In the factory of time, the objects being fed to us are life events. Unlike a real factory, these objects are unknown. We often look into the crystal ball, trying to predict the possibilities. This often leads to worry or craving. We attend to the object, usually in a passive "get it over with" frame of mind. If we rush through it and make a mistake, we often think about the past, sometimes resulting in regret. Working under a clock, we're timed to be efficient, so we strive to build widget after widget, without experiencing the process of widget-making itself. To experience the present moment is to exclusively work on the widget, as if there were no clock, no deadline, and no factory.

Theorizing about the present moment, however, is of little use. The present moment is not quantifiable. Those who practice mindfulness seek the present moment experientially. It is a practice, not a philosophy. Meditation is the best way to concentrate the mind on the present, though the moment can be captured in other ways through engaged cultural activities and lifestyles that are related to mindfulness. What is helpful is having an understanding of the methodology of mindfulness to use in practice.

Stopping is something we don't do nearly enough. It's the first and most important step to being mindful because it helps us break the trance of automation that comes from mindless occupation. Instead of telling ourselves "don't just sit t! here, do something!" Vietnamese Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh, a founder of the "engaged Buddhism" movement, recommends we tell ourselves the exact opposite: "Don't just do something, sit there!" Bells of mindfulness are cues that can help us stop and return to the present moment. Audible reminders such as the ringing of the telephone or non-audible reminders like walking through a doorway can be prompts for our practice. Bells of mindfulness can be anything we choose.

Once stopped, we can then be aware that our experience with time truly is subjective. When we're having a great time, we say time flew by; when we're not, it dragged. This subjectivity of time can be used to our advantage. Rather than succumbing to our sped- up sense of time passing, we can instead use our perception of time to change our experience with it. In a university psychology class, the difference between sensation and perception is first explored by the question, if a tree falls in the forest and no one's there to hear it, does it make a sound? While the falling tree does create a change in air pressure that can make a sound, because no one is there to hear it, there actually is no sound. The ear is a sense organ that takes in physical changes, but it's our brain that psychologically interprets those air pressure changes into sound. Similarly, when we're talking to someone with a low voice, we won't hear (perceive) them if we don't pay full attention, though the sound waves are coming through (sense).

Mindfulness practice helps us change our perception of time by stretching individual moments in much the same way elite athletes slow down time while "in the zone." We can choose any action to dwell on, such as drinking a cup of tea. Aware of the tea in the cup, I breathe in. Smiling to the tea, I breathe out. Grasping the cup and making it the sole object of our attention, we can look into the cup, feeling it, and smelling it to appreciate its many elements: warmth, sunshine, water, soil, minerals, taste and tea leaf farmer's la! bour. By truly focusing on it, we can appreciate it for everything it is, not just seeing it as a tea bag and water to passively consume. We drink a cup of tea to drink a cup of tea. By engaging the process in this way, we do it with intent and remain in the present moment.

About the Author

Kiva Bottero publishes The Mindful Word, a journal of engaged living and mindfulness. Working with a collective of individuals who are committed to creating a culture of engaged living, he also hosts events and engaged-spirituality initiatives. You can visit him online at, and

Hiroshi Sugimoto: Becoming an Artist | Art21 "Exclusive"

Episode #141: Filmed in his New York studio, artist Hiroshi Sugimoto recounts his student days studying Western philosophy (Hegel, Kant, Marx) in Tokyo, encountering Oriental philosophy (such as Zen Buddhism) in California, and his interest in the history of Modernism—all schools of thought that demonstrate "the human ability to see things in a different way." Central to Hiroshi Sugimoto's work is the idea that photography is a time machine, a method of preserving and picturing memory and time. Sugimoto sees with the eye of the sculptor, painter, architect, and philosopher. He creates images that seem to convey his subjects' essence, whether architectural, sculptural, painterly, or of the natural world. Learn more about Hiroshi Sugimoto at: CREDITS | Producer: Wesley Miller & Nick Ravich. Interview: Susan Sollins. Camera: Mead Hunt. Sound: Merce Williams. Editor: Mary Ann Toman. Artwork Courtesy: Hiroshi Sugimoto. Video: © 2011, Art21, Inc. All rights reserved.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Digging the Garbage out of your subconscious mind

Posted: 13 Jan 2012 11:00 PM PST

Article by Victoria Verrall

Mindful Massage Demonstration From Health-Choices School

This is a short but very clear and powerful demonstration that you can actually experience while you watch this video of the difference between a technical massage and a Mindful Holistic Massage.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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The most popular flavored cigarettes, stress ball shape

Posted: 13 Jan 2012 10:00 PM PST

Stress Reduction
by gfpeck

Article by Harry Randhawa

Smoking is no longer cool. Those who smoke want to stop and those who have little tolerance for those who do. Whether you live in the UK, U.S. or anywhere else on the subject, it is possible, health services and / or medical organizations are trying to help those who smoke to stop. Even employers are trying to get their workers to stop. One of the ways to spread the word through expensive TV and radio ads, as well as other types of media. Over the past few years, one of the ways companies and organizations to get the message, and is a pure low cost promotional gifts, such as stress balls to use. There is a form of lung, heart-shaped and two cigarettes, I would like to introduce you to figure here.

The most popular flavored cigarettes, stress ball is in the form of cigarette packs. This pack is about the same size as a normal pack of cigarettes at 60mm x 110mm x 40mm. Packaging seems to be three cigarettes sticking out. This is a very popular package can be printed as a normal package with all the health warnings, or something such as "Crush the Habit". Take it from ex-smoker, when people try to quit smoking, they must find something to do other than smoke, and these stress balls for an account! As with all stress balls, you can have a ball of stress on cigarette packets made your choice and print color with some pretty vivid color images.

Other popular cigarette in the form of a 80mm x 30mm cylinder that is designed to look like a burning cigarette. Personally, I think this form, although it looks good, your lack of strength of others. It has less printable area and print area, it should be lower. However, it is set to a personal opinion, so please look at both, because it may just be the perfect shape for your support.

These cigarettes are easily found in the form of promotional stress ball suppliers around the world. They do not always reference the original form so you can find on the Internet a little bit, but you can find them later. Please note that cigarettes and cigarett! e packet s, usually white, these stress figures usually white, too. When white light is a stress balls over time, they tend to turn slightly yellow. Therefore, you should add a white stressballs dark spot, or even in a field in which they are seStress Balls are designed to reduce stress in the hands and fingers

How many times have you started to wring their hands, or drum your fingers clench your fists so tightly you make indentations in your body with your nails? And I bet you were feeling at the time of stress! You're not alone.

According to ancient Chinese medicine, hand and fingers are connected to all vital parts of the body. In addition to stress these points may be the easiest way to stress, if done correctly.

Stress Balls are designed to reduce hand and finger stress. They are small balls of thin, typically 10cm in diameter 7cms, making them the perfect size to be held in one hand easily. Suitable for solo squeezing a stress ball, it rhythmically. You can find the easiest way to do this first with their dominant hand (right hand for right handed people and left hand for left handed folk). This is because generally has the most stressful of their dominant hand.

You can experiment with different strokes and speeds, but most people believe that the slow rhythmic pulse with or without the "Pause Stop is a full displacement position is what works best. But others think that a short fast pulses with the stress ball almost completely collapsed in the work of the best.

You can also use a stress ball with both hands just medical arms around him and squeezing them together. Whether you choose one hand or two hands the method may require replacement of its approach to ensure that you receive the most stress.

And remember that you do to reduce the stress of large hand-outs! Take your time to create a stress-relieving speed. If you squeeze the ball too quickly, you will have to create lactic acid in the muscles of your hand. This can be a disadvantage to come in before you can acces! s them f rom any suitable strain. Conversely, if the pressure is too slow, you are unlikely to benefit either!

Experiment with pressure, time, speed and frequency and you'll soon find what works for you.

Stress balls are easy to use, safe and effective stress relievers. Then use as part of their daily routine to reduce stress and you will be really helpful! For more information about the stress ball and other stress reduction techniques, please click on the link below.nt, unless you're willing to give them to their customers or clients.

About the Author

For more information on high quality products like Tote Bags, Stress Balls and Koozies and for competitive prices and good service visit bluesodapromo.

#01A High-Stress Bedtime Meditation (better audio)

This is a preface to a long stress-reduction exercise and meditation that would ideally begin about 30-60 minutes before your normal bedtime. This is intended for periods when your mind is racing and you can't sleep (insomnia). Remember that relaxation techniques and meditation should not be considered a cure for anything. If you have chronic stress, I recommend getting some kind of professional help if it is possible for you to do so. Also, you can reduce your stress at bedtime by not engaging in activities that perpetuate stress--even if they produce only mild stress. For example, endlessly surfing the Internet can create mild stress. Playing MMRPGs (World of Warcraft and others) can really create LOTS of stress, so avoid them if you are able to do so. To automatically play all the videos for this meditation, find the playlist using the following link, then click "PLAY ALL."

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Meditation Power - The Various Benefits of Meditation

Posted: 13 Jan 2012 09:00 PM PST

Article by Ricardo Lumbardo

Meditation power is something that is yet to be explored by human beings. There are not quite a lot of people who fully understand just how powerful meditation can be and what exactly it can do for you. Read on to know more about its various benefits.

The Incredible Benefits

Meditation power is something that has to be experienced to be believed. There are quite a lot of people who always come across as lucky in life. They are the ones who get the breaks and if you talk to them, you would understand that they are different than the normal people. These are the people who are actually connected to the universal energy source, the genesis. All of us are connected to this energy source but only a few of us know how to control is better. Meditation is something that can teach you more about how to control it.

Be Successful

Meditation power is fully experienced by those who learn how to use this energy source in the universe and be successful. These people are confident and they know what they want in life. They do not use a language or words to indicate what they want, rather they communicate from a place deep inside them. They have a simple and profound knowing that the universe supplies everything that they need. These are the people who would know that they can attract anything they want and anything that they think of. They only think of things that they want and not about something that they do not want. These people know that there is a never ending supply of every single thing. The universal energy source cannot really relate to something like scarcity since it does not make any bad or good judgment. Whatever you send to the universe, you would receive it back.

Discover the Power of Meditation

Meditation power has been known for centuries in our world. If you learn and practice, meditation can teach you how to connect yourself to the same energy source from where we all came. You can learn more about the law of attraction but the first step is to get r! id of yo ur ego. You would not be able to go any further if you have an ego. Meditation can teach you more about how to make your thoughts work for you. It would help you maintain your connection and look for clues when something you asked for is arriving to you.

There are various benefits of meditation and the deeper you delve, the more there is to discover. Meditation power is profound, so experience it.

About the Author

To know more on meditation power and to learn more about meditation practices, please visit

Watch The Practice of the Wild Online

Posted: 13 Jan 2012 08:00 PM PST

Article by Hollywood.Netwebsite.In

One of the earliest questions Snyder asked was about the possibility of an afterlife for animals. Although born in San Francisco, he spent much of his childhood on a small dairy farm in Washington state. When one of the family's cows died, the young boy asked his Sunday school teacher if he would meet his heifer in heaven. The man could have finessed an answer, Snyder says in the film, but, instead, simply said no: Cows don't go to heaven.

"Our moral engagement with the non-human hit me very hard" at that moment, Snyder says with a wry smile.

Directed with deceptive subtlety by John J. Healey, and co-produced by Healey and Will Hearst, "Wild," which will be broadcast at 1 p.m. Sunday on KQED, is only 52 minutes long, but like a good poem, is packed with information, heart and meaning beyond its surface. Much of the film consists of a running conversation between Snyder and Jim Harrison, himself a gifted poet and author of novels like "Dalva," and the novella trio "Legends of the Fall."

Archival footage, as well as interviews with contributors such as poet Michael McClure and one of Snyder's former wives, Joanne Kyger (she calls him only "Snyder"), are blended with the ongoing conversation between Harrison and Snyder as they traipse the hills of San Simeon, the Hearst ranch.

The film, which was screened in this year's San Francisco International Film Festival, includes Snyder reading from some of his work - the poems "Turtle Island" ("I pledge allegiance to the soil...") and "The Practice of the Wild." These and other Snyder poems are considered sacred texts of the deep ecology movement, which recognizes the interdependent bonds among all living things, to oversimplify.

McClure recalls that famous October evening in 1955 when Allen Ginsberg stood in the smoke of San Francisco's Six Gallery and read the poem "Howl" for the first time to an audience. As significant as that was, something else happened a bit later: Snyder read "A Berry Feast," which McClure claims had an! even bi gger impact on his audience because it became "the first deep ecology poem."

Snyder has had many lives (and, for that matter, many wives, including Carole Koda, whose death from cancer four years ago still haunts him). He has been a teacher, a poet, an essayist, a Zen master and an indefatigable environmental activist. He spent a good part of the '60s in Japan, where he not only learned about Buddhism but also refined his poetic style, finding a love for monosyllabic words, which, he says, are "like rocks." He says writing a poem for him is like creating "a little rock trail."

Watch Movie Online Free: Watch The Practice of the Wild Online

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About the Author

Hollywood.Netwebsite.In is a free website where you can Watch Full Movie Free. to view the full hollywood movies online click http://Netwebsite.In |

A Zen Surfer's Guide to Coping with Stress

Complete video at: Author and surfer Jamail Yogis shares his methods for coping with stress. Comparing thoughts to ocean waves, he says, "Our minds are a lot like the wake up some days and it's rough and stormy." ----- Jaimal Yogis discusses Saltwater Buddha, a spiritual memoir and surfer's tale. Fed up with suburban teenage life, Jaimal Yogis ran off to Hawaii with little more than a copy of Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha and enough cash for a surfboard. His journey is a coming-of-age saga that takes him from communes to monasteries and the icy New York shore. - Books Inc Jaimal Yogis is an award-winning journalist and photographer who spends a good deal of his spare time surfing and traveling the globe. He has a masters degree in Journalism from Columbia University and his work has been published in The Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune, The Toronto Star, The Surfers Journal, Beliefnet, Tricycle, San Francisco Magazine, and many others. Saltwater Buddha, which has been internationally praised and is the subject of a forthcoming PBS documentary, is his first book, but he is currently working on a second while also traveling on an extensive book tour (along the coasts of course). You can follow Yogis on Facebook and Twitter.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Is Bhutan the happiest place in the world?

Posted: 13 Jan 2012 08:00 PM PST

Within a stone's throw of Bhutan's legendary Tiger's Nest, with lungs burning and heart pounding, misery descends. Smug, grinning hikers are making their way along the narrow, vertiginous path as they return from the monastery set on the side of the cliff, but with vertigo having turned legs and spirit to mush, it appears I am going nowhere.

A little while later, with the encouragement of a patient partner and the hand-holding of the tour guide, we are across the gap, beguiled by the majesty of the monastery's location and stunned by the ambition of its architect. I start to feel content, even happy. And then comes the realisation: we have to make it back the very same way.

It is hard not to think about happiness in Bhutan, a Stress Reduction kingdom set high in the Himalayas between India and China. As the country has gradually opened itself to the West and its tourists' dollars, so it has projected and exported its philosophy of 'gross national happiness' (GNH), a belief that a society should be measured not simply by its material indicators but by the health, education and the contentedness of its people. Such is the pervasiveness of the idea that last year, the UN adopted a non-binding resolution that 'happiness' should be included among development indicators. The notion sounds fantastic – genuinely radical, even – but is it anything more than a clever piece of global marketing by the Bhutanese, looking to secure their own unique brand amid the multitude of nations?

"It sounds like a fairytale, but for Bhutan it has not been so. A young king saw the world and saw it for what it was," said Thakur Powdyel, the country's education minister and one of its most elegant exponents of GNH. "He saw that while the world had achieved economic progress, there were huge gaps and deficiencies. As young as he was, he felt that the ultimate goal of life was to be happy."

On the day I arrived in Bhutan, a high-octane adrenaline flight that weaves its way past stunning mountains, a front-page story in the state-run Kuensel newspaper claimed a survey had revealed people from the Haa district in the west of the country were apparently the happiest. By contrast, those from Pemagatshel in the east, were the least content. At dinner that evening in the capital, Thimpu, I asked the waitress, Dorji Mo, a cheerful young woman whose family came from Pemagatshel, why that may be so. "It takes three days to reach my grandparents' village. I have to walk across 10 rivers," said the 19-year-old. "And in the village, there is still no electricity."

One thing that rapidly becomes apparent when you arrive in the country, is that it is no Shangri-La, despite the claims of some tourism agencies. People are friendly, but no more so than anywhere else in the region; there is poverty, especially in the rural areas, and in a nation where television arrived only in the late 1990s, there are enduring concerns about the dilution of traditional culture.

This young democracy – the country was an absolute monarchy until four years ago – is confronting a series of challenges, perhaps most pertinently providing meaningful jobs for its young people. Increasing urbanisation and a shift away from farming, means there are growing numbers of young adults who do not want to take on work at their family's farm. There are social problems, too; drug abuse and rowdy gangs. Recently, in an unprecedented incident, two police officers in the capital were beaten by a group of youths. Last month, four young men were stabbed in two separate attacks. "What is happening in our GNH nation?" asked one poster on a Facebook page run by social activists.

The idea of gross national happiness was developed by Bhutan's previous monarch, the fourth king, Jigme Singye Wangchuck. Returning from a conference of non-aligned nations in Havana, from where he reportedly developed a liking for Cuban cigars, the king's plane stopped in India where a reporter asked the monarch about the economy of the mysterious Himalayan nation. "In Bhutan, we don't just care about gross national product, we care about gross national happiness," the king is said to have retorted.

Three decades on, the philosophy has been expanded into a guiding principle based on four central pillars – equitable social development, cultural preservation, conservation of the environment and promotion of good governance – with up to 72 smaller "indices". A GNH commission oversees all government decisions and approves or blocks them depending on whether they fit with these aims. I was told that the commission often steps in and puts a stop to proposals, among them a spa project in the remote town of Gasa that the king had reportedly supported but which local people did not.

The grass certainly grows green in Bhutan. There is free health care and free education and since 1980 life expectancy has increased by 20 years and per capita income by 450 per cent. Today, in terms of life expectancy, the amount of education received and income, Bhutan ranks above the average for South Asia. "Bhutan has good results to show for its development over the past 30 years," said Mark LaPrairie, the World Bank's representative.

But as with anywhere, the grass grows more greenly elsewhere, especially when viewed through the prism of the young people who hang out around the handful of streets that make up the centre of Thimpu. One evening, in a bar where a man dressed in traditional Bhutanese clothes was engaged in a keenly contested game of pool with a friend wearing jeans and where locals rejected the locally-brewed wheat beer in favour of a drink named in Australia and manufactured in India, a young man told me about the time he had spent in the city of Bangalore.

He had worked in a fast-food outlet in the southern, IT-focused city and enjoyed the people he met. The experience in India had left him satisfied, sated. "Now, whatever happens, I can say I have done that," he said.

The following evening I heard similar wanderlust among the young Bhutanese. Pointed in the direction of a basement karaoke bar that purportedly served as the hub of the city's nightlife, I encountered dozens of youngsters throwing themselves into song and dance routines to a rather disjointed playlist that included Western R&B and traditional Bhutanese songs. The young men wore Western clothes, including baseball caps and bandanas covering their faces, while the young women were sheathed in traditional silk.

Afterwards, in the street outside, one of a group of intoxicated young men stopped me to ask where I was from. "I want to go to the US or the UK, to your country," said the man, who worked in a clothes store. "But I can't. I did not stay in school long enough." I couldn't judge whether the man was happy, sad, or – like many of us – a man whose mood was open to change.

The authorities in Bhutan have received widespread attention for their idea. Delegates and envoys regularly make their way to the nation of 700,000 people to see whether the philosophy of GNH can be borrowed or adapted, and no more so than since the 2007 economic crash. Later this year, a large Bhutanese delegation will take part in a conference on happiness in New York, where Jeffrey Sachs and Joseph Stiglitz will be among the guests. In a sense, Bhutan has become associated with happiness in the same way that the Maldives has entwined itself with the issue of catastrophic climate change.

One evening at dinner, I eavesdropped as a group of Americans from an NGO held an earnest conversation with a Bhutanese politician about their astonishing experiences in the country's rural heartland. One woman said that for the first time in her life she had been content not to be able to constantly check her BlackBerry. In turn, the politician told them of his experience in the US, where he had bought a McDonald's 'Happy Meal'. The food had been fine, he said, but his children had fought over the free toy.

So do the authorities in Bhutan believe they have built a happier world, a system that is worthy of all this international attention? The matter is currently the subject of intense examination by the Centre for Bhutan Studies, which has been assessing contentment indicators since 2005 to develop a GNH index.

Last year a survey containing more than 750 questions was given out to 8,000 respondents, who took up to three hours to complete it. It asked questions not just about their economic well-being but about their local community, their interaction with their neighbours, their participation in cultural events as well as their psychological well-being.

Tshokey Zangmo, a senior researcher, is currently writing up the results of the survey, but she said variations around the country were actually low. (The front-page story in Kuensel had apparently been based purely on the results of question number 12 which asked whether an individual considered themselves to be happy.) "If you look at the GNH index, the differences are very low," said Ms Zangmo.

It may be that the West has misunderstood the issue of GNH. One evening, in a café located inside a newly built and largely empty shopping mall, I had coffee with Dorji Wangchuk, a senior aide to the current king, Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck.

"It's not just about happiness as it is understood in the West," he explained, saying that a more accurate translation of the king's original concept might be 'gross national contentment'. "Bhutanese people are generally content. In the Stress Reduction tradition, wherever you are in this life is because of your previous life. Contentment leads to happiness."

Senior officials readily admit the experiment in trying to create a fairer, more humane society is far from complete. But a number of observers of Bhutan take heart from the fact that such a conversation is even taking place.

Francoise Pommaret is a French historian and anthropologist who has lived in Bhutan since 1981. When she arrived, Thimpu contained just 15,000 people, there were no telephones and mail took three weeks to arrive. "I think the concept is genius; it's the only alternative to the madcap development we have in the West," she said, over lunch in a smart Thimpu cafe. "But that does not mean everyone is happy, we are not Shangri-La. But we are trying to make a better country."

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Dan Rather Reports - Mind Science (Part 3 of 6)

Scientists, with the help of Stress Reduction monks are unlocking mysteries of the brain. An interesting reports about brain plasticity an Scientists, with the help of Stress Reduction monks are unlocking mysteries of the brain. An interesting reports about brain plasticity and the effect of meditation on brain and emotions. Apr 8, 2008. Original video from :

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Locksmith Services-Your peace of mind

Posted: 13 Jan 2012 07:00 PM PST

Article by Satish Negi

In the background of rising rates of burglaries just remember the numbers of sleepless nights you had. But no more such uneasy moments await you because 24 7 locksmith Orlando has complete range of security solutions for any residential or commercial property.

A quick and reliable emergency services are available, 365 days, every hour, at any moment. The professionals are well equipped to handle the security issues of any residential or commercial buildings and complexes. The available locksmith services include emergency lock opening, lock repair, lock picking, installing cylinder locks, install night latches, replace cylinder locks, installing roller door and keyless locks, repairing door knobs and door handles etc. The professionals satisfy the customers with regard to any type of enquiries. Their main priority is to make you feel comfortable and ensure your security and safety at the highest level.

You can also be rest assured when you avail the services when local locksmith in Orlando, is concerned. The professionals or the technicians are ready to provide you any type of locksmith services. If you need high security door lock in an instant then it does not matter, because the representatives are ready to assist you on a 24'7 basis. So at any point of time you want any type of locksmith services you do not have to wonder around and add to your anxiety. Just a phone call will bring skilled professional to solve your security safety problems. Additionally you can also avail auto locksmith services which include repair, service or replacement of any type of domestic or foreign locks, car trunk opening, creating transponder keys on site, laser cutting of keys, creating keys for ignition switches etc.

Locksmith 32811 provides quick, secure and affordable solutions to security and safety issues relating any type of property. When you are in need of any security solutions you have to just call 32811in Florida for the required solution. Say at the dead of the night you are somehow ! locked i n your car at the middle of nowhere, and then you can call the same number for a quick solution. Sometimes the customers are amazed that how can the professionals reach the spot so quickly. It is quite well reputed for being very fast response locksmith service provider. Residential and commercial locksmith services are provided with equal level of expertise and at fast speed. A workplace must be secured for various reasons. Such services are also available including installation of high security locks, making master keys, installing panic devices and lockout services are also provided.

In a nutshell when you are aware where to get a complete solution to the security aspects of your properties, you feel much more relaxed.

About the Author

For more information about 24 7 locksmith Orlando please visit:

78 Slow down more. music by Paul Collier

Enjoy smooth relaxing beautiful music, no words, a gentle instrumental, Take a break from your busy life. Slow down more - The deeper level. by Paul Collier (C) 2010 All rights reserved. Please visit - High quality mp3 download coming soon. The world is getting faster and faster, people hurry through each day, fitting in as much as they can, sleeping less in order to gain more time in the day, making the person in need of more sleep not less. Waking up each day reaching for coffee, cigorettes, whatever will artificially wake up their body and mind to "see through the day" Without all the long term ill health effects this may have, it changes your whole mental outlook, your patience is thin, and yet, rather than understand it is a tired brain, oh no, the person will say why is that man driving slow in front of me? he is doing it on purpose to annoy me, why is my partner not as loving with me anymore? Why is my computer taking longer than 2 minutes to start? why is the internet page i want to view taking longer than 10 seconds, etc etc etc etc....... There is a different way... Slow down, please, slow down, make time for yourself to do nothing. You do not constantly need noise, leaving the tv on when you are not bothered about what is being shown, having the radio on when you are not listening to it. Do nothing, regularly. I once worked in a very busy competative sales environment, and know only too well what can be the result of this non stop, non ...

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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A Guide to Meditation

Posted: 13 Jan 2012 06:00 PM PST

Article by jon leung

Meditation is about learning to become present in the moment. Being present in your life and having a calm mind are essential to optimal health. A quiet mind however is not something all of us can make happen automatically. If you've never taken the time to meditate or perhaps you are struggling with meditation here are some ways to improve upon this in your life.

The very first and most important thing is to listen and tap into your breathing. Breathe however you feel most comfortable but make sure you are taking deep and full breaths. This will help you to stay in the moment and clear your mind of distractions. A lot of people believe that meditation is about leaving your body, but in actuality it's about getting into your body and the space between your thoughts and your body. Everything is connected to everything else.

There's a lot of question as to how much and how long to meditate for. It's better to set yourself up in the habit to meditate rather than to overdo it some days and not enough on others. If you set yourself up to meditate when you wake up in the morning or whenever works best for you, try and set out to do it every day. When you set up a time to meditate choose a length of time that works for you such as 10 or 15 minutes and gradually work up to an hour or even an hour and a half. The more of a habit this becomes the easier your mind will be able to shut down.

Clear your mind. Take a few minutes before beginning your mediation to think about everything you have going on in your head. Write it down in a journal or electronically, but take five to ten minutes to let yourself work out everything that is distracting you. Let your stream of consciousness flow out. You'll be much more effective when you let your mind deal with everything that is going on. When you have thoughts of the past and future crowding your mind, you lose the power of intention and your goal of awareness.

A final note, you do not need to bend like a pretzel or be a yoga master in order! to posi tion yourself for meditation. The best position is to sit in a chair comfortably. Place your feel on the ground and do not cross your arms or legs, just place your hands open on top of your legs. Sit upright and make sure that you have support for your back. Do not sit or lie down in a place where you may typically relax or sleep as you may drift off to sleep during this exercise.

With these steps you should find it fairly easy to glide into your daily meditation. There are so many good reasons to be meditating. Meditation can assist with blood flow and oxygen consumption, chronic diseases like allergies, reduce pre-menstrual syndrome, help to build your self-confidence and most of all lead to a deeper level of relaxation improving your overall condition. Take a moment, breathe and allow yourself the time to be conscious in your present self.

About the Author

Joe trains 5 times a week at Bally's Gym in Orange County. A long-time fitness enthusiast, he recommends that you <u>buy ephedrine</u> and <u>buy ephedra</u> from <u>Astronutrition</u>.

MEDWYN GOODALL - Betrothal (Music for Relaxation & Meditation)

                   ↑↑↑  Visit my channel for more videos!    ♪ Artist: Medwyn Goodall Album: Tintagel, Castle of Arthur Song: Betrothal Genre: New Age Release: 1997 Other songs from this album:        The Age of Chivalry        The Castle on the Cliff        My Lady's Garden        The Joust        The Round Table        Merlin's Cave Tintagel in Cornwall is reputed to be the site of King Arthurs castle Camelot and is infused with the mystery of this great legend. This album portrays the atmosphere and excitement to be felt at the castle ruins. Wonderfully melodic and inspiring. Main instruments: Dulcimer, Flutes, Cello, Fiddle, Guitars, Mandolin, Keyboards. Relax, unwind and meditate with soothing, peaceful music. Music for the body, mind, soul and spirit. Music that can awaken us, change us and enlighten our world. Artist Biography: New age guitarist/multi-instrumentalist Medwyn Goodall was born in Yorkshire, England; inspired by the hits of the Beatles and the Beach Boys, he began playing music as a child, and at 11 met pop superstar Cliff Richard, who encouraged the youth to pursue a career as a performer. Goodall began composing original songs as a teen, earning local notoriety with his band Trax; in the years to follow, he learned to play a vast range of instruments, including mandolin, piano, drums, harp, flute, glockenspiel, panpipes, vibraphone and synthesizer, and cut his first album at age ...

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