Binaural Beats & The Art of Meditation

Binaural Beats & The Art of Meditation

Binaural Beats & The Art of Meditation

Posted: 25 May 2012 01:00 PM PDT

Article by Michael McGrath

Meditation and the Power of Binaural Beats.Even if you have never heard of binaural beats I am sure you know at least a little about meditation.The act of performing meditation dates back millennia. The use of binaural beats is very recent. Meditation is an art form that has been widely practised by eastern traditions over the centuries and only relatively recently gained popularity in western societies.Meditation is believed to be a way of accessing our own inner minds to develop a connection with a Higher Power by many religions and spiritual teachers. But, it is not only used for religious or spiritual purposes.There are many other benefits to meditation besides the spiritual aspects. Bodily healing has been reported due to meditative practises and meditation is a great way to uncover and remove negative thought patterns, beliefs and memories with strong negative emotional connotations. Meditation is also a powerful way to deal with stress! Because meditation can be used as a way of stilling the mind it has become extremely popular as a self improvement tool. Its ability to reduce stress has had a profound effect on many thousands of people and helped them to overcome illnesses, recovery faster after surgery and deal with deep-seated psychological issues.Although there are many different forms of meditation that all aim to produce the same results. The only drawback to meditation is the time it takes to learn how to do it effectively.Scientific investigations into meditation uncovered the fact that experienced meditators enter very specific mental states while meditating. These mental states have corresponding brainwaves associated with them and it discovered that these same states could be produced using binaural beats.Binaural beats can now be purchased that will allow anyone to experience extremely deep states of meditation with minutes merely by listening to them through stereo headphones.Binaural beats enter the scientific consciousness in 1839 when they were first discovered by Wilhelm Do! ve and t hen again in 1973 when Gerald Oster wrote an article in Scientific American about their affects on the brain and ability to create specific brainwaves.Because of Oster's findings and subsequent scientific experiments there are now recordings that use binaural beats which can induce deep states of mediation within a few minutes of listening to them!To use sound for creating deep states of meditation it is necessary to have two tones that are different only in frequency. When these sounds are merged they create binaural beats in the brain. Let me explain.These sounds are then used to create binaural beats in a very unique way. By sending one sound to one ear and the other sound to the other ear the brain creates a beat type effect to be heard. The illusion of hearing a beat that does not really exist has an amazing affect on the brain. These binaural beats create brainwaves that are the same frequency as the frequency difference between the two sounds.This is how binaural beats can be used to create the very same state as a person who can enter deep states of meditation.Even though using binaural beats will guarantee you succeefully enter deep states of meditation you may want to try it using a more traditional approach.Over the centuries many different forms of meditation have been established. Some use breathing techniques while others use mental techniques such as concentrating on one focused thought and holding it.By far the easiest way to experience meditation is through the use of binaural beats. However you can experience the state right now by relaxing, closing your eyes and repeating a question you want the answer to over and over in your mind. With each answer you get you ask "is it more than that?" until you feel you have reached the final answer.If you are interested in learning meditation then I strongly suggest you try it. If you don't have the time to invest in learning the techniques involved then get some binaural beats. Binaural beats will ensure you enter a meditative and there are many! differe nt ones intended to produce different results.

About the Author

Michael is a university graduate with over 23 years expereience in personal development and hypnosis.

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Tap into the healing power of your mind

Posted: 25 May 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Article by Webmaster

Check out for a new cherished lifestyle with Powerurmind; Get all queries solved for anxiety treatment, depression help, OCD, weight loss, brainwaves treatment and hypnotherapy. Powerurmind techniques will help you to turn your life around as the methods of Powerurmind are scientifically proven.Are you looking to get rid of sleeplessness, stress, relieve depression, and boost intelligence, confidence and creativity? The six steps of Powerurmind can help you in:• Profoundly deep meditation• Increased learning ability, improved focus and concentration, greater intuition and enhanced creativity.• The release and falling away of the dysfunctional emotional and mental pattern.• Increases the production of whole variety of beneficial brain chemicals including pleasure causing endorphins and also the number of others proven to slow ageing and increase the longevity as well.• Achievement becomes easier and without the same feelings of anxiety and stress. • Lowers the stress levels and increases the ability to deal with whatever comes at you from the world, clearly and calmly. The techniques of Powerurmind will help in increasing concentration, enhance memory, eliminate negative thoughts and attract happiness and wealth. Powerurmind introducing special mind and unlocking techniques for stress Management, self confidence, motivation and leadership.

Powerurmind techniques will help to find the solutions for your health related problems:• Depression• Insomnia• Weight Loss• Anxiety and OCD• Stress

You have hidden power that can change your life. Powerurmind techniques will help you to achieve your goals, manifest your dreams and find the inner peace and harmonize your body physiology and metabolism to heal. All the problems arise due to misperceptions and with this technique you can access the relaxed sub- conscious mind, identify those faulty thought patterns that are causing the problems and turn them around. Powerurmind has also bought brainwave pattern for you. Every aspec! ts of ou r life create a pattern of brainwaves and a tone at a specific frequency uniformly. At proper frequency brainwaves, can stimulate positive aspects of our life. The steps of Powerurmind will enable you to reach the deep subconscious level of mind and teach you to re-program your life for health wealth, happiness, and more productivity, capability for more intimacy, creativity, and wholeness.

Depression brainwave

Looking for anxiety treatment, depression help, OCD, guidance on weight loss, brainwaves treatment & hypnotherapy? Powerurmind is the best solution. From the techniques of Powerurmind you can achieve all goals, manifest your dreams and fined inner peace and harmonize your body physiology and metabolism to heal. Powerurmind techniques will turn your life around. The six steps of Powerurmind techniques will enable you to reach the deep subconscious level of mind and teach you to re- program your life for health, wealth, happiness and more productivity, capability for more intimacy wholeness and creativity. In fact, it is the state of peak performance. This in fact is the true nature of mankind. • Audio Visual gives necessary secrets and inputs of brain entertainment and desired brainwave pattern and technologically induced meditation.• Brain Synchronization as you enter at deep alpha and theta state the body relaxes completely and the mind becomes calm. It helps in controlling your brain and can turn it on or off at will.• Hypnosis and hypnotherapy helps in eliminating negative thought patterns deep embedded fears and phobias.• Nutrition and diet to balance brain chemistry.• Natural way for hormonal balance• Recognizing the positive source of energy.

About the Author

A strong believer in the powers of the mind and nature, Author has been meditating for the last thirty five years and strongly believes that Meditation is the chest of all medicines both preventive and curative. She has developed expertise in holistic curing with Mind Power (Alpha, theta and brain entrainment). She is the founder of Powerurmind Research Institute which is presently working in the field of techniques to realize the power of the mind. The technique developed which is known as Powerurmind techniques has excellent results. She treats patient in her centre with a holistic approach and have achieved excellent results.

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Turn Peace Of Mind Into A Habit

Posted: 25 May 2012 11:00 AM PDT

by RubyJi

Article by Lynn Claridge

Let me ask you what you prefer, a restless agitated mind or peace of mind?

On the other hand, do you enjoy tension and mental unrest or do you prefer a calm and peaceful mind?

Did you know peace of mind is conductive to better emotional and physical health, increased energy, stronger mental powers, improved memory and a better ability to learn. It also helps to handle more efficiently the daily affairs of life, also stressful and difficult situations, and circumstances.

Do you know that a stronger concentration ability brings deeper peace of mind, and a quiet mind strengthens the ability to concentrate? These two abilities are interconnected.

You live in a world where fear, strain, and restlessness are all round. I expect you are thinking that there is nothing, you can do about it? Let me tell you, you can. The answer is you just have to accept the situation. You can experience inner peace even under stressful conditions and circumstances; however, it does not come instantly. You have to develop it gradually.

Just take a few minutes to think how important it is to you to have peace of mind. Become convinced of its importance, and decide to do something about it.

To find peace of mind you should practice concentration and meditate on a regular basis and you inner peace will growth. Repeat affirmations about peace, and eventually your mind will accept them. Visualize peaceful circumstances, and envisage yourself acting calmly in situations, which usually make you feel tense and nervous.

Daily practice will calm down your mind. This calmness will influence your inner being, your body, your circumstances, and the people you meet. It will transform you into a peacefulness and calmness generator.

I expect you are thinking, I am afraid that having peace of mind might make my life dull, uninteresting and boring, let me tell you this is not true. You can enjoy life with a peaceful mind. In fact, you will enjoy it more, because you will experience calmness, ha! ppiness and inner strength. You will not feel threatened by anything; you will have constant inner joy.

You will be able to enjoy an action movie or a thriller, yet stay calm and relaxed. You will be able to enjoy a football game, while your mind is calm. You will be able to enjoy food, physical exercise, your hobbies or anything else you can think of, without stress or strain.

Now I would like you to think about all the anger, resentment, unhappiness, physical and mental tension, nervousness, strife, and the waste of time and energy that results from lack of inner peace and you will start to appreciate the importance of gaining real peace of mind.

Peace begins in the mind. If you want to live peacefully, you have to start working on calming down your mind, thoughts and worries.

Inner peace and inner balance is a state of mind. Developing inner strength and the ability to make the mind quite, through concentration, exercise, meditation, detachment, visualization or affirmations will take you a long way towards attaining and maintaining inner balance and peace.

Remember, Your subconsciously longs for peace.

About the Author

Lynn Claridge is the author of "The Thinking inthe6th Phenomenon" and has personal development web site and a spiritual development web site Mystical Empowerment that is dedicated to help people understand their inner self.

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Terry is an incest survivor who has used food as her main source of comfort for many years. Her metta practice enables her to see this trauma as a wild beast at the edge of a forest -- and to look at it in the eye, from a distance.

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The Power Of Your Mind

Posted: 25 May 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Article by Adenuga Sunday Joseph

The mind of man is the most important part of him that differentiate him from animals. The mind of man makes him to be the most impotant of God's creatures. Man's mind is so awesome and powerful that there is absolutely nothing that is impossible with any man that believes that he can. Whatever you believe you can achieve, if you put your mind to work, you find out that the impossible will suddenly become possible.

Nothing is ever impossible for a man who's mind is made up, man's mind is so powerful, if put to good use will make him to get whatever he desires in this life. With this mind power, man has made this world or earth better than he met it, man has put into this earth a lot of imput that makes this world easy for all of us to live in.

Can you imagine, man has competed with the birds in the air and floor them, beat them to any level, what man is doing in the sky, the birds whose natural habitat is the air cannot do it.Man competed with the fish in the sea and beat them hands down, this is the power of the mind. No fish can do what man has been able to do in the sea, man is AWESOME, because he has a mind.

On land there is no animal under the sun that can do what man is doing. Man is not an animal, man is created by God to rule this world with the power of his mind. Mna has exploited every opportunity to the extent that I am working on this weblog and in minutes you can read it from any nation of the earth. We have used our mind power to the extent that you can speak with a friend or client anywhere in the world with just a little hanset, so little are these hansets, yet so great are the functions they perform.

Do you see what I am saying? Only a few years ago nobody would believe that a time will come when you can get breaking news of happenings around the world with the aids of television and now internet. Something they taught was impossible in those days are common things to us in this generation, the model of cars we use today were made possible by the power of t! he mind of people like you and I.Every convinience that we enjoy today were brought to be because somebody believe he could do it, used his mind and came out with a breakthrough that has brought great blessings to mankind. These things were brought to be by people like you and me, the only difference is that they used their minds. You too can do what others are doing, all you need to do is use your mind.Use your mind well, you can do whatever you set out to do, say I can. Yes say it again, I can do all things. The bible says, I can do all things through Christ that strenghtens me. You can do it, friend, go out and do what you need to do tobe successful

About the Author

Adenuga Sunday Joseph is the owner of, a blog that is out to encourage people to do natural family planning. He is the owner of the following blogs, they will fire you up to become what He created you to be,,,, He is a motivational speaker who travels far to bless others through his messages of encouragement.

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Jon Kabat-Zinn: 3 Lessons from Wherever you go there you are Sophia talks about what she learnt from the book, "Wherever you go there you are." 3 Lessons related to 3 Questions How do I ease into meditation? How long should I meditate? What keeps me from having direct contact with life? Get this book:

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Beating the Anxiety of Online Reading

Posted: 25 May 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Post written by Leo Babauta.

I am a huge fan of reading online — I can generally do it for hours a day. But with the explosion of great blogs, online magazines and news sources, personal development sites, social media and more … how do you deal with the anxiety that comes with it?

Anxiety often results from:

  • Trying to keep up with all of your reading sources, online networks, etc., which have an endless stream of posts.
  • Trying to catch up with a reading backlog that might have items that are months or even a year old.
  • Being afraid that you're missing important or key articles or posts.
  • Not being sure that you're reading all the best blogs and sites, or following the most important people on Twitter or Facebook.
And so on. This is an extremely common form of anxiety. Take a reader, Eric, who recently wrote:

I have been struggling with the problem of keeping up with all the awesome self-development websites & blogs for quite a while and I thought I would ask you for your suggestion. The only self-development websites I am subscribed to as a regular reader include yours, Scott Young, Steve Aitchison's and Lifehacker. I have plenty more that I want to add to my regular list of blogs, but even with just the blogs I regularly read, I frequently have difficulty keeping up with all the excellent articles that are posted on an ongoing basis. My current "waitlist" of articles consists of over 350 articles, among which the oldest one was written in April of last year!

How do you deal with this? It's a matter of letting go, and realizing you can't ever, ever possibly read 1% of the good stuff that's out there. It's absolutely impossible. And so you must let go, or the anxiety will never end.

Trying to keep up is not only impossible, but a great waste of your life. You could be spending some of that time creating, pursuing a dream, exercising, learning a new skill, spending time with a loved one, or taking a nap. Any of those would be better than trying to keep up with everything, or worrying about it.

How do you let go? More below.

But first, one additional point … Eric also writes:

I have considered subscribing to only the very best ones, because many blogs borrow content from other better blogs. But just the work of trying to research the best ones through trial & error by reading sample articles takes a toll on my time & energy because there are just too many websites and I don't want to wrongly eliminate some great blogs based on a few of their less-than-average articles. My biggest fear is falling behind on some really important productivity findings, insights and so on, with the rapid rate at which information is expanding these days.

It's also impossible to know what the best blogs are, and to be sure you're reading all of them. It's impossible to find the best posts on the best blogs. This is not an important goal, and should also be let go. The reason for this lies in a philosophy of life, which I call the River Flow philosophy. Let's take a quick look.

The River Flow Philosophy

If life is a river, and all the information out there (including blogs, social media, etc.) makes up the water, as well as all the possible experiences in the world … imagine trying to consume the entire river. Consuming an entire river is obviously impossible for one person, and no one would ever try.

Trying to consume all information and get all experiences in life is like trying to consume the entire river. Impossible.

Now imagine that you wanted to taste all the best drops of water in the river. How would you go about doing that? Well, you wouldn't know where the best drops were, and so you might have to sample huge amounts of water to find out. Or you could ask various fish and fishermen, and they might have different opinions, and so you could test out all their recommendations, but that could take a lifetime, and even then you wouldn't be sure you didn't miss out on the best drops of water.

This is how many people approach finding the best blogs, the best books, the best movies, the best experiences in life … they try out a huge amount, or read a lot of recommendations and spend a lot of time testing the recommendations. That takes an entire lifetime. And still they might have missed out (actually, they almost certainly did).

Notice the futility of all of this activity. Now imagine that you let go of the goal of tasting all the best drops of water, which isn't a necessary thing at all.

What might you do instead? Try the drop of water flowing towards you at this moment, and enjoy it. It might not be the best drop of water in the river, but who is to say? Maybe it is. Maybe if you love that drop fully, it will be the best, regardless of how good other drops are.

Enjoy the post or article you do read, and don't worry about the rest.

Enjoy the experiences you have, and forget about those you don't experience.

Have fun with the people you're with, and don't worry about who you're missing.

Life is a flowing river, and worrying about every drop is futile. The water you're in now is the best.

The Art of Letting Go

How do you let go of all the articles you want to read but can't? How do you let go of the worry that you're missing great articles? How do you forget about your backlog?

Wipe the slate clean.

Every day, you're not adding to a new list on a whiteboard — those you've read and those you still have to read — but instead you're starting on a clean whiteboard. This clean board is empty of what you've already done, but also empty of what you still need to accomplish. It's blank, which means the possibilities are endless, and the guilt is zero.

Wipe the slate clean every day.

You don't need to worry about your reading lists. Mark them all as read. Don't worry about all the social media posts you haven't read. Don't worry about all the blogs there are to search through, or all the news sites there are to keep up with. Each day, your slate is clean.

Then you can decide how to fill that slate each day, and enjoy whatever you choose to experience. Then let go, with a new slate each day.

You won't get to everything either way, nor will you find the best of the best either way. So enjoy the water you're in.

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How does Relora Max Assistance with Stress and Pounds Control.

Posted: 25 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Article by jason mannyacky

n America by itself you can find roughly 47-50 million people that are generally affected using serious pressure. Pressure and weight regulate get hand in hand and to a good that can be a little daunting if you ever dont listen up. Pressure can lead to sentimental together with actual physical troubles including fear, unrestrainable mood golf swings, becoming easily irritated, hypertension, anxiousness, made weaker immune system, joint pain, back pain, muscle pain, sleeping disorders, diabetes, heart disease together with pounds regulate.

Stress and body fat control are generally consequently strongly tied together. Stress can result in over eating whether it is a short-term relief from the stress, to fulfill other psychological and mental require and also because a tense lifetime fails to allow you plenty of time to eat healthy meals. Your system is in addition featuring its own entertaining inside as a result of pressure that is only compounding any kind of poor ways of eating.

When the body is get with continuous pressure that emits pressure hormones termed cortisol with substantial proportions. These hormones tell the mind that the body wants sweet together with fat convenience foods. These human hormones also tell our own bodies to maintain into much more body fat and not necessarily use stored body fat with regard to energy.

Pressure human hormones may well disrupt that substances in our head that will regulate some of our spirits golf swings. Its while you are experiencing down and frustrated you all over again crave even more in the sweet and fat convenience foods.

Even further, stress are able to specifically have an impact on this purpose in the thyroid which often adjustments some of our calorie burning. When the bodys metabolic process falls next our own bodies all over again shops more fat skin cells rather then losing electricity.

Along with the previously mentioned combination i am additionally slowly but surely increasing some of our risk for hypertens! ion, car diovascular disease and diabetes immediately related in the pounds get thats taking effect as a result of pressure.

This is why Relora Maximum was created. Relora Max is an all natural organic product that was specifically designed to help take care of stress and body fat regulate together just by backing the stress hormone cortisol and has confirmed its impacts in scientific experiments.

Relora Maximum was proven to lower anxiousness, spirits ups and downs, becoming easily irritated, joint pain, again pain, muscle pain together with sleeplessness. It also proven to have a 76%reduction with cravings together with snacking associated with sugary and fat ingredients.

Relora Maximum can certainly help within alleviating pressure and weight regulate nevertheless, you also need to learn to regulate your stress using exercising, yoga, some sort of quiet method to break free to help or maybe a passion that will calms ones stress. Also ery at times on the regular eating schedule, a healthy diet and drinking plenty of mineral water can help which has a day-to-day habit to reduce stress.

About the Author

Eloy Toyne blogs on the subject of relora

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Long-term meditation leads to changes in brain organization

Posted: 25 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT

People who practice mindfulness meditation learn to accept their feelings, emotions, and states of mind without judging or resisting them. They simply live in the moment.

Several studies have shown that this type of meditation may have beneficial effects on long-term emotional stability and, consequently, on disorders such as anxiety and major depression. A new study reveals that this mind training has an influence on the default brain network of experienced meditators when they are at rest. Differences in the brain indicate that meditation contributes to better concentration and more objective self-thought.

"We studied the brains of 13 meditators with over 1,000 hours of practice and 11 beginners by analyzing functional connectivity," says Veronica Taylor, the lead author of the study published in the journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Advance Access in March 2012.

Functional connectivity refers to the synchronization between two or more brain regions that changes over time during a specific task or at rest. This method of analysis can be applied to data from functional magnetic resonance imaging. "Participants remained in a CT scanner for a few minutes and were asked to do nothing," explained Taylor, who is currently completing her Ph.D. in psychology under the supervision of Professor Pierre Rainville at the Universitรฉ de Montrรฉal.

These analyses enabled the researchers to identify subjects' default brain network, i.e., the set of regions activated at rest when the person is not performing a particular activity.

"We wanted to assess whether the effects of mindfulness meditation persisted beyond the practice," said the doctoral student. "We hypothesized that the default brain network of meditators is structured differently. The default network is associated with daydreaming and self-thought when one is doing 'nothing.' In fact, we thought we would find a different organization because these individuals are used to being in the moment, and their thoughts do not go in all directions when at rest."

Indeed, the results show weaker synchronization between the ventral and dorsal medial prefrontal cortex. "The dorsal part is involved in cognitive processes associated with the self, while the ventral part is associated with emotional self-evaluation," says Taylor. Because these areas are less interrelated, it shows that these people think about themselves more objectively." She adds that the more participants had experience with meditation the weaker the connection, which, according to her, "gives weight to the results."

A curious and interesting fact: the subjects had greater synchronization between areas that all converge in the right parietal lobe. This area is known for having a role in attention, suggesting perhaps a long-term beneficial effect of meditation, but which remains to be proven by research specifically studying attentional processes," says the student.

Although the subjects were tested at rest, Taylor has first-hand knowledge of the tangible benefits of mindfulness meditation in everyday life. "I have practiced meditation for several years and have noticed that my attention is longer and steadier when I concentrate."

"There is still much to discover about the power of meditation," she says. In the meantime, she suggests everyone take it up. "It doesn't cost anything and you can meditate anywhere and anytime… and the benefits are real. "

Via Universitรฉ de Montrรฉal Nouvelles

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Religious Tee Shirts

Posted: 25 May 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Article by Darren Pace

Religious Tee Shirts are a way and a method for those who want tell their personal religious story on their T-shirts to have the outlet to express themselves. Religious tee shirts usually don't have to be Christian in nature when people think about them. This is because it's also common for people of other religions to sport T-shirts of their own. This is because they want to tell the world about what they believe in, and also, they might want to encourage others to participate in their faith.

Here's a look at some of the other categories of T-shirts that a person can find with an online retailer.

Buddist Tee Shirts are a type of religious shirts that are of course worn by people who believe in Buddhist faith. The type of people who might wear a Buddhist shirts are those who are into nature, and into peaceful things. These are people that worship at Buddhist temples. Buddhism is a very popular religion, so it's no surprise that people want to sport these religious tee shirts when they practice the Buddhist faith, or when they want to encourage others that they are practitioners of Buddhist faith. If a person wants to find these type of T-shirts, then they go look online for Buddhist organizations that sell these, or they can look for online retailers that sell religious tee shirts, along with Christian apparel.

Christian t-shirts are of course worn by those who practice the Christian faith. Many people use Christian T-shirts as a way of advertising the fact that they are Christians, and that they are proud of it. In addition to this, many people wear Christian T-shirts, because they want to encourage others to become Christians. Wearing a Christian T-shirt, or wearing other Christian apparel is a wonderful way in the minds of many people to encourage others to convert to their beliefs. These are available online with retailers that sell Christian T-shirts specifically.

Alternative Religious tee shirts are worn by those who believe in religious faiths that don't fall und! er Chris tianity, or Buddhism. For example, those who practice Judaism might want to wear a T-shirt of their own. Judaism is not only a religious belief system, but it is a lifestyle choice, and a culture as well.

Therefore, when a person wears one of these religious tee shirts, they will be supporting their pride in their culture, as well as their faith. A person can find Judaism-based T-shirts, or religious tee shirts for any type of faith that they believe in, if they do a search engine search to find companies that sell these type of products, along with Christian apparel.

About the Author

Welcome to Best Christian Shirts, inside you will discover an amazing selection of low priced and excellent quality religious tee shirts.

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Tibetan Sound Healing - Part 2: A

Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche teaches and guides the practices of Tibetan Sound Healing — five guided practices for clearing obstacles, accessing positive qualities, and uncovering your inherent wisdom. For information about Tenzin Rinpoche and Tibetan Bon Buddhism, visit For advance updates about Rinpoche's live Internet teachings and in-person retreats, subscribe to Ligmincha's free monthly e-newsletter at http To learn and engage deeply in Tibetan Sound Healing as a formal practice with direct personal guidance from Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, consider enrolling in his upcoming online workshop at:

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Early Morning Stress Reduction Inspiration - 5/25/2012

Posted: 25 May 2012 08:00 AM PDT

"When you begin to touch your heart or let your heart be touched, you begin to discover that it's bottomless, that it doesn't have any resolution, that this heart is huge, vast, and limitless. You begin to discover how much warmth and gentleness is there, as well as how much space."
~Pema Chรถdrรถn

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10 Powerful Meditation Techniques and Tips

Posted: 25 May 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Article by Michaiel Bovenes

Open To Your Light Heart

Follow your heart lotus. Fill the world with peace and love.

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Cherish the Holiday Paradise Monastery Leh Ladakh Tour

Posted: 25 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Article by Tiya Kaur

Ladakh is very prominent region state of Jammu & Kashmir in India. Leh is considered capital city of Ladakh region. Ladakh is mostly known as the 'Land of Likeness'. It is widely affected with Buddhist culture and tradition. However, it is famous among trekkers and adventure travelers with various exciting trekking activities and adventure facilities. You can see different Buddhist temples and monasteries in Leh Ladakh tour of Kashmir state that are famous for the visitors. Buddhist monasteries of this area develop Buddhist tourism and visitors across the globe. Many popular gompas and Buddhist temples are situated at scenic landscapes, growing their significance further. Get brief information about few of very famous gompas of Ladakh.Trekking and Ladakh have been related to each other. This place which has been a most attraction for the trekkers is a unique land surrounded by two of the highest and mightiest peaks in the world namely the great Himalayas and great Karakoram. The fantastic beauty of the venue is bounded in specific geographical and cultural holiday tour. Mean time, on one hand you will see arid, wild terrain and on the other hand fantastic alpine meadows and verdant-forested valleys. The Ladakh adventure tour is widely potential of providing awesome trekking features. Trekkers on trekking tour to India very much interested to return with delightful experiences. Great and mighty though Leh Ladakh is suitability approached by flying directly to the capital city Leh from Delhi or by road from Manali in Himachal Pradesh state.Leh and Ladakh are the epicenter of adventure in India which is provided with various adventure sports such as Ladakh jeep safari, mountaineering, cycling and river rafting etc. The vast mountain ranges, beautiful valleys, scenic trails and higher passes extend to the adventure style of Ladakh. It has an array of deep valleys that compare with Indus Valley, Dras Valley and Nubra Valley and more. The geographical structure of Indus valley is very important pa! rt as it shares the borders of China, Pakistan, Afghanistan and India. The fairs and festivals in Leh Ladakh are unique features of its cultural heritage. Ladakh is popular for rich culture and tradition which is mostly affected by Tibetan Buddhist culture and their tradition. Festivals in this area are arranged with great enthusiasm and indicate the unique culture and tradition.Leh Ladakh tourism involves with larger no. of travelers across the world coming to the place. Ladakh trekking through the snow covered mountain is the fabulous gift with some of the heavenly fantastic moments for the travelers on return to their home. Ladakh hotels provide the visitors with royal staying features filled with modern life style to best. The architectural creation of the Ladakh hotels gives with incredible climate beauty to make the visitors more enjoyable. The sky high mountains sides are wished by the local people as the homes of the Gods. Ladakh is also rich in wildlife and is home to many rare animals and birds. Plan your next vacation with Leh Ladakh tourism. Enjoy the world of adventure and amazement that Leh Ladakh tour has to offer for you.

About the Author

Tiya Kaur has deep interest in writing informative articles on Travel and tourism India. Also given her words to a portal for Leh Ladakh where one can find info on Ladakh Tours

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Sutra - Sidi Larbi & Antony Gormley with the Shaolin Monks

Celebrated Flemish/Moroccan choreographer Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui presents a brand new dance work inspired by the skill, strength and spirituality of Buddhist Shaolin monks. He has collaborated closely with Turner Prize-winning artist Antony Gormley, who has created a design consisting of 21 wooden boxes which are repositioned to create a striking, ever changing on-stage environment. Polish composer Szymon Brzรณska has created a beautiful brand new score for piano, percussion and strings which is played live. The 17 Monks performing in Sutra are directly from the original Shaolin Temple, situated near Dengfeng City in the Henan Province of China and established in 495AD by monks originating from India. In 1983 the State Council defined the Shaolin Temple as the key national Buddhist Temple. The monks follow a strict Buddhist doctrine, of which Kung fu & Tai Chi martial arts are an integral part of their daily regime. By visiting the Shaolin Temple in China, and working with the Shaolin Monks over several months, Sidi Larbi follows a life-long interest of exploring the philosophy and faith behind the Shaolin tradition, its relationship with Kung-Fu, and its position within a contemporary context. Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui / Sadler's Wells London Sutra Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui / Antony Gormley Szymon Brzรณska with monks from the Shaolin Temple Direction & Choreography: Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui Visual creation and Design*: Antony Gormley Music: Szymon Brzรณska A Sadler's Wells Production Co ...

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Accelerated Debt Reduction - Can Save Thousands Of Dollars

Posted: 25 May 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Article by Eko Porwanto

Accelerated debt reduction is a lofty way to contract your debt under control quickly and simply. You can hire s debt consolidation company to help you with the process or you can resolve it by hand. It's very stress-free to resolve and if you don't hunger to include outsiders into your economic humankind, near really is rebuff need to resolve so.

The belief is regular, unearth selected 'extra' money (or contract a flash job to create ultra money each month) and apply with the aim of ultra money to single of your sum unpaid. Start with the smallest single basic while still making most minuscule payments on all the others. This method takes a little schedule but similar to a while it will really start to achieve momentum.

Once you've got your basic debt paid inedible you take all the payments you were making on with the aim of debt, the most minuscule amount as well as the ultra amount you were putting on it, and apply all with the aim of to the subsequently smallest debt you maintain. Just keep repeating this cycle and by the schedule you contract to your biggest debt you will maintain freed up a fate of money (all the money you were paying in place of the most minuscule payments on the other debts) to apply to your biggest sum unpaid.

While regular in theory, accelerated debt reduction does take a little planning to contract inedible the ground. The basic step, and in place of many citizens the hardest, is to contract a safe grasp on your current economic position. You need to maintain a very exonerate, and probably bleak, snapshot of immediately someplace you are by the side of financially appropriate in a jiffy.

To contract this picture, you maintain to mark down each single debt you maintain. For appropriate in a jiffy solitary include unsecured belief tag debt and don't apprehension not far off from mortgages and car loans (though you can wear out this method to wage inedible folks loans first too and save by hand a bundle in consequence payments). Once you've got ! a comple te file of your debt mark down all other monthly expenses such as board payments, car loans, utilities, chat, fare, vet bills, prescriptions, membership assessment, subscriptions,et cetera.

Make really your file is complete. You can look on your checkbook register in place of the carry on several months to jog your remembrance and kind really you haven't elapsed no matter which. Clothed in order in place of this to toil your file has to be very accurate and complete.

Next, file barred all your takings in place of the month. Then immediately take away expenses from takings to find out someplace you are by the side of. If you approach up with a helpful quantity with the aim of channel with the aim of you consume a smaller amount than you kind, and that's high-quality. Just take with the aim of gone on each month and apply it to your basic debt to contract it paid inedible.

If you approach up with a harmful it channel you consume more than you kind and you'll maintain to unearth a way to bring to an end expenses or bring in more money, or both. Once you've ready with the aim of you can apply with the aim of ultra money to paying down your basic debt. This method will help you contract barred of debt even though it will take schedule and control. This is the superlative method of accelerated debt reduction for the reason that it's regular and uncontrolled to resolve and you can contract on track at the moment.

About the Author

My name is Eko Purwanto, my hobby of writing many articles such as articles about internet marketing, business, health, article in Indonesian (sprei murah , sprei my love,sprei katun jepang ,  sprei kintakun,grosir sprei , selimut , balmut , sprei  ,), computers, and much more. I hope this article useful.

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Savasana - Relaxing Meditation

This is the ending segment from the DVD, "Gentle Yoga for a Healthy Low Back," that I just completed for Yoga Journey Productions. A slide show of beautiful images and calming music to assist your meditation at home or at the office. Reviewed in the September 2011 edition of Yoga Journal. Gentle Yoga for a Healthy Low Back Images found at MorgueFile (thanks to dave, AJenyon, carunan, bosela, DTL, imma, hotblack, kevinmurray, chamomile, kevinrosseel, dieraecherin, anitapatterson, clarita, marykbaird, Alvimann, jdurham, missyredboots, gracey, Lazy_Lobster, kconnors, zeanalacrimosa) Music, "Almost in F," by Kevin MacLeod

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Body Architecture and Cortisol - A New Patented Anxiety Anxiety Reduces Stress

Posted: 25 May 2012 04:00 AM PDT

Article by Hbg5ty

When designing a ashen beef accretion program, best bodies don't alike accede accent administration an important factor. The accuracy of the amount is that aerial levels of accent accomplish architecture angular beef tissue actual difficult. Hormonal Imbalances - Having the appropriate antithesis of hormones in your anatomy is important. Too few anabolic hormones and too abounding catabolic hormones can demolition your success quickly. Abiding accent can put all of your body's hormones out of whack. There is generally both a abatement in anabolic hormones like testosterone and HGH, and an access in catabolic hormones like cortisol - a baleful combination.Higher and added abiding levels of (catabolic) cortisol in the bloodstream (like those associated with astute or abiding stress) accept been apparent to accept abrogating effects, such as: Impaired cerebral performance, suppressed thyroid function, claret amoroso imbalances, decreased cartilage density, beef tissue degradation, ashen beef wasting, aerial claret pressure, bargain amnesty and anarchic responses and slowed anguish healing.The cortisol activation acknowledgment is an access of about 50% in cortisol levels occurring afterwards activation in the morning. Shortly afterwards awakening, a aciculate access occurs in the claret akin of cortisol.To accumulate cortisol levels advantageous and beneath control, Clinical Neurologist Dr. Hans Joerg Stuerenburg, M.D., Ph.D. developed and patented an avant-garde adaptive accent chargeless anxiety clock, "The Affable Alarm".Compared to accepted anxiety clocks, the Affable Anxiety introduces an individualized, accustomed deathwatch up procedure, which adapts itself to the users' accurate needs aural a few nights. This patented anxiety anxiety is arch to a affable and accent chargeless deathwatch up.Sudden, brusque alive in the morning as with loud, accepted anxiety clocks and the associated absolution of accent hormones from the adrenal gland can be abhorred by application this atypical and able cocky! adaptin g, claimed beddy-bye aeon anxiety clock.Stuerenburg sees bloom allowances of this able addition in weight loss, accent reduction, access of ashen beef mass, affliction reduction,enhanced macho virility, advance of cerebral performance, advance of fatigue, abiding fatigue and bigger accepted bloom and concrete fitness.The Affable Anxiety is accessible to use. In adjustment to be woken up smoothly, sleepers will be guided from the abysmal beddy-bye appearance or dream appearance into the ablaze beddy-bye appearance by affable sounds.Unlike the ahead absolute beddy-bye aeon anxiety clocks The Affable Anxiety does not crave added apparatus such as wristband motion sensors, complete sensors or movement sensors. Users artlessly set their adapted deathwatch up time. Afterwards alive up, they alone accelerate a feel beyond the awning to stop the alarm. Everything abroad is taken affliction of by the patented and able system.The advocate Affable Anxiety (patent pending) was developed for iPhone in accord with Craft adaptable and can be downloaded from the Apple iTunes AppStore for iPhone or iPod Blow (requires iPhone OS Version 3.0 or newer).In November 2010 "The Independent", London, UK, one of the four better British affection newspapers called "The Affable Alarm" for iPhone and iPod blow one of "The ten best anxiety clocks" and the best anxiety anxiety - app worldwide. The Independent: "Best for accent heads. The Affable Anxiety app for iPhone and iPod touch. This app monitors your accustomed beddy-bye patterns and produces a personalised alive programme which stirs you from your coma at the atomic demanding point of your beddy-bye cycle".

About the Author

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Andy Core's Keynote Sneak Preview

Andy Core, MS is an awarding winning author and speaker on the topics of: *Work-life balance *Motivation *Health *Wellness in the workplace *Stress reduction *Women's Health Video includes clips from recent Keynotes for the National Health Underwriters Assn, The Convention Industry Council's CMP Conclave, Speaking of Women's Health, and Intel's WIN Leadership Conference.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Weight-loss Or Unwanted fat Reduction - Vital Variations To Shed Excess weight And Fat Healthily

Posted: 25 May 2012 03:00 AM PDT

Article by Hollis Swainston

Some individuals made use of the term ?weight loss? while other people phone it ?fat loss? whilst quite a few use the terms and conditions fat loss and body fat reduction interchangeably. Do they indicate the identical factor To a lot of people, they do imply precisely the same thing. But the phrases could be completely distinct in which means. You must know the difference if you'd like to lose weight or shed body fat efficiently and healthily.

Any time you stage onto your bathroom scale each morning, what you will be studying from the scale is weight-loss rather than fat reduction. Bath room scales are under no circumstances accurate in figuring out excess fat reduction. Why Mainly because it measures your general weight rather than your physique fat for each se. In case you weigh yourself inside the morning prior to breakfast right after your bowel motion, you can possibly get your lowest studying of the day simply because your body is dehydrated by way of hrs of non fluid replenishment after you had been sleeping and just after emptying your bowels, a lot more drinking water and wastes are flushed absent so a lot to ensure that you might be that you are lighter in weight. Just after an evening of sleep and not eating anything, your carb retailer is running very low and thus you are even lighter in weight without having the saved carbohydrate recognized as glycogen. What occurred then you just loss excess weight not loss extra fat! Your body unwanted fat is still there even though the excess weight of other materials such as glycogen, wastes, h2o etc are depleted.

Now go weigh oneself again following dinner once you are completely replenished by means of meals and consumption of water and it might shocked you that you simply might most likely weigh 2kg or extra heavier and that is at the very least 4.4 lbs! You just attained excess weight and may perhaps even attained extra fat! Now it is possible to see that it can be this kind of a misnomer when individuals assume weight-loss and! fat red uction are precisely the same issue.

Why should you understand the difference Since for most of us, specially those who are within the extra fat side wish to shed extra fat rather than automatically wish to lose excess weight. Getting the drift

Now for that more critical element. Mere weight loss may perhaps lead to you to shed muscle and in turn, cause you to gain body excess fat later. Of course, it is ironical. That is because the a lot more muscle mass mass you have, the additional you burn unwanted fat efficiently since muscle mass is definitely an energetic tissue and it demands calories to function. Body body fat just sit there undertaking absolutely nothing and therefore don't burn energy on its own. So the less muscle mass you might have, the less energy your body will burn. The fewer calories your body burn, the a lot more energy ended up being stored as body unwanted fat! Consequently it can be vital to lose extra fat but not just lose excess weight which might consist of the loss of muscle tissues.

How could it be that an individual might shed muscle mass on the weight-loss program Nicely to begin with, we normally listen to about people going on this diet regime which diet plan. Most diet plans demand a serious restriction of meals or calorie intake. Your physique will then sign to your thoughts which you are in a starvation mode plus the body is designed to shop excess fat for that impending famine and will expend your muscle for energy within your every day activities.

Some diet plans advocate a severe reduce in carb. Carb is your body's 1st supply of energy. When your physique is depleted of carbohydrate, it turns for your protein (muscle tissue) and body excess fat indiscriminately for energy. Now to create issues worse, due to the restricted carb consumed, there might be fewer carb calories to become applied as energy calories which again will sign the onset of starvation mode once more. The vicious cycle of one's physique cannibalizing its personal muscle mass! is read y in motion again. The same applies to men and women on slimming capsules or salon extra fat reduction plans.

So many people say ok, Chris, I see your level, so I will just do lots of cardio workout routines to shed excess weight. A different grave mistake. Have you at any time wondered why marathon runners, individuals who operate many kilometers generally and they are doing cardiovascular workouts just about daily are so skinny without any muscle mass tone Because your body is often a fantastic device. It's created to adapt. When you operate or skip or swim extended adequate, it will say, appear, I much better get lighter in weight so that I can take the stress far better and increase the endurance. Guess what Your muscle tissues are heavier than fats and what will your body shed additional when it desires to get lighter Muscle mass or fat Your body will drop both but extra muscle tissues than fats.

Anyways, why would you wish to shed excess weight only to develop into a smaller sized you with the very same physique shape with no any muscle mass tone Why would you wish to be on a weight-loss plan that eats your muscle tissue and lower your unwanted fat burning rate so substantially in order that when you are off the program, the fats occur piling again on once again

Thus, whilst you might be on the lose excess weight program, you should also be on the build muscle mass system. That may mean a combination of right dietary habit, cardio workouts and weightlifting workouts to sustain muscle preservation and an excess fat loss outcome.

From now on inform individuals you will be on a body fat reduction system rather than a weight reduction program. That you are on a correct consuming routine as an alternative of just just dieting.

With the distinction plainly in mind, you'll then know how you can lose excess fat effectively, protect and grow your muscles and at the identical time losing weight on your rest room scale. That could be an perfect method to achieve your fat loss obj! ective m ainly because you can lose physique fat as an alternative of muscle and mere physique wastes.

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Acupuncture facelift with Heather Lounsbury, L.Ac.

See how easy and pain free getting acupuncture is. Acupuncture facelifts are safer, less expensive, and have more natural looking results than most Western options. Celebrity acupuncturist Heather Lounsbury, L.Ac. demonstrates her technique and explains how it works. For more information on how Heather Lounsbury, L.Ac. can help you with improving your appearance and many more health concerns:

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Cosmic Consciousness and Binaural Beats

Posted: 25 May 2012 02:00 AM PDT

Article by David Kiger

Binaural Beats work by sending positive suggestions into your subconscious mind. This helps the subconscious to accept the message as a command, and as the subconscious is unable to reason by itself, unlike the conscious mind, this allows it to accept the positive messages as reality.

The first step is that you must believe in it. The best way to decide if the subliminal Binaura Beat works for you is to try it, and believe in it. After all, if it doesn't work there is sometimes a money back guarantee.

Before you learn anything new, you shoukd identify exactly what is it that you want to achieve. What do you hope to learn, and what is your desired out come? If you start using your subliminal recording without a goal in mind, your subconscious mind will lack a clear and focused direction, and this hinders the subliminal messaging process. All it takes is a few minutes of your time to identify what your goal is.

Most subliminal recordings recommend you are not doing anything that could be dangerous like driving or working. This is important, and you should only listen to them when you are on public transport, or jogging on a treadmill. It is alright to listen to them when conducting other activities, it is better if these activities do not need your full attention, such as driving, as it could be potentially dangerous for you. Check the website or the packaging of your subliminal Binaural Beat for instructions on when you can or cannot listen to it.

when possible, listen to your recording only when you relaxed and are able to sit quietly without being disturbed for the length of the recording. This way, you will be able most out of your time spent listening to it. When you are relaxed, your mind and body will be more receptive to the messages it is listening to, which will speed up the process of making the subliminal Binaural Beat more effective for you. Subliminal recordings is like learning a new subject, requires alot of reinforcement so that you don't forget what you h! ave lear nt. It is encouraged to listen to the subliminal recording at constant intervals to ensure that your mind does not forget what it has been tought!

Spirituality is a part of every living human on this planet whether or not you believe in a higher power or a higher purpose. One thing well have is the power to believe in different forms of spirituality which allows us to be free with in our own person.

About the Author

Lived moat of my life Studying the ways of the mine,and trying to help people live a better life.

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Law of Attraction Not Working For You? Take A Look At Mind Movies - The Missing Link

Posted: 25 May 2012 01:00 AM PDT

Article by Maya Jakes

A dear friend recommended Mind Movies to me because she knows I'm very into The Law of Attraction, The Secret, Affirmations, etc.

I'm a bit of a technical novice when it comes to computers and I'd recently read about creating movies to help me focus but that was a bit over my head so I was creating a simple Power Point slide show instead.

My friend knew I was working on my Power Point slide show and pointed me in the direction of Mind Movies. I was intrigued and watched a few of the other movies and was initially impressed.

Anyone that knows me, also knows that I'm a naturally frugal person and don't like spending money at all and definitely not on something I'm not sure about. However, the cost was extremely low for the whole package, including bonuses, so I dug out my plastic and bought it.

Another reason I actually bought it was because it came into my life at just the right time anyway. I was already trying to make my own easy version (Power Point) of a Mind Movie and with this package I can now make a proper one. The Law of Attraction was well and truly in action, for me. That's the real "Secret" - being ready to take action, to achieve a goal, when the opportunity comes along.

My understanding of a Mind Movie is that it's a modern version of a mood board. There was a time when I used to cut pictures out of magazines and create a mood board to help me visualize and focus but times have changed, and moved on, so this whole Mind Movie business actually makes sense to me.I downloaded everything from the Mind Movies website, watched all the tutorials and then set to work creating my first Mind Movie. I say first, because this was such good fun that I'm now totally addicted to playing around and creating all sorts of different Movies, not just Mind Movies!

I've uploaded my first Mind Movie and entered the competition to win 00.00. I'm now creating a Breast Cancer Mind Movie, Spiritual Mind Movie, Health Mind Movie, Wealth Mind Movie.......just about every Mind M! ovie I c an think of.

I'm also using the software to create movies for my offline businesses and even my children are creating their own Mind Movies. My entire household has gone Mind Movie crazy!

It was so simple to create and so much fun too. This is definitely a step forward from simply creating a mind mood board and using affirmations. No more cutting pictures out of magazines or sitting and reading my affirmations out load - now I just watch my Mind Movie, first thing in the morning and last thing at night, and it's great. Motivating music, fantastic visualization to look at and my own words of encouragement.

I just can't find any fault with Mind Movies and recommend it to anyone who is the slightest bit interested in Affirmations, Law of Attraction, The Secret, etc. This really does take it to the next level.

I'm not sure what else I can say except, at this low cost you simply have to Give It A Try!

About the Author

Ready to create your own Mind Movie? Just click here to get started.

If you're intrigued by the power of Mind Movies, follow this link to see Maya's Mind Movie.

For more information visit Maya's lens

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Buddhism and Suicide

Posted: 25 May 2012 12:00 AM PDT

by Akuppa

Article by TheEmotionMachine

Gangaji - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview

Also see Gangaji shares a simple message-This is an invitation to shift your allegiance from the activities of your mind to the eternal presence of your being. Born in Texas in 1942, Gangaji grew up in Mississippi. After graduating from the University of Mississippi in 1964, she married and had a daughter. In 1972, she moved to San Francisco where she began exploring deeper levels of her being. She took Bodhisattva vows, practiced Zen and Vipassana meditation, helped run a Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Center, and had a career as an acupuncturist in the San Francisco Bay area. Despite her successes, Gangaji continued to experience a deep and persistent longing for fulfillment. She pursued many paths to change her life including relationship, motherhood, political activism, career, and spiritual practice, but even the greatest of her successes ultimately came up short. In the wake of her disillusionment, she made a final prayer for true help. In 1990, the answer to her prayer came unexpectedly, taking her to India and to the meeting that would change everything. There on the banks of the river Ganga, she met Sri HWL Poonja, also known as Papaji, who opened the floodgates of self-recognition. In this meeting, Gangaji's personal story of suffering ended and the promise of a true life began to flower and unfold. Today, Gangaji travels the world speaking to seekers from all walks of life. A teacher and author, she shares her direct experience of the essential message ...

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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India Pilgrimage Tour to Feel the Religious Pulsation of India

Posted: 24 May 2012 11:00 PM PDT

Article by Sanjog

India is the land of spirituality which calls religious inclined people and spiritual seekers from several parts of the globe. This place is often quoted as the land of gods and several religions. It is the birth place of various religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. Large number of tourists comes here to feel the pulsating vibes of several religions which are intact in its temples, shrines and holy destinations. Millions of devotees as well as tourists from across the globe prefer India Pilgrimage Tours to discover the charm and fascination Indian religions. The well known Indian pilgrimage which are preferred by devotees as well as tourists are: 

Hindu Pilgrimage India is the most popular and the most preferred destination for Hindu pilgrimage tour. Millions of tourists as well as devotees from several parts of the India and world visit several holy sites of India. Each religious destination is steeped in deep mythology and has interesting legend behind it. Religious destination of India is situated across the country which is visited by scores of tourists throughout the year. Although each religious destination has its own glory but still some are the most popular. The major Hindi pilgrimage destinations are Haridwar,Vaishno Devi, Char Dham, Mathura, Amarnath, Varanasi, Rishikesh, Vrindavan and many more.

Buddhist Pilgrimage India is the birthplace of Buddhist religion. There are number of sacred Buddhist sites which are related to the life Lord Buddha. These sacred sites are popular among the follower of Buddhism and tourists. There are four main Buddhist pilgrimage destinations which include Lumbini the birth place of Gautama Buddha, Bodh Gaya the place of his enlightenment, Sarnath is the place where he delivered his first teaching and Kusinagar the place of his death. These four Buddhist holy sites are the best places to feel the mystic charm of Buddhist religion. The other well known religious sites of Buddhism are Rumtek Monastery in Gangtok,! Dharams als in Himachal Pradesh, Sanchi in Madhya Pradesh and Ajanta Caves in Maharashtra.

Sikh Pilgrimage Sikhism is another most popular religion which emerged during the early 16th century in the state of Punjab in North India. This religion was founded by the  Guru Nanak which was later mentored by nine successive guru. Thousand of Sikh as well as non Sikh devotees flocked to number of Sikh pilgrimage sites to feel the charismatic charm and glory of this religion. The popular Sikh sacred sites include Golden temple, Anandpur Sahib, Takht Sri Damdama Sahib and  Hemkund Sahib. The Golden temple is the most famous Sikh pilgrimage located in the holy city of Amritsar.

About the Author

Indian Pilgrimage Tour is the best way to explore and experience the religious pulsation of several Indian religions. This tour also provides an opportunity to tourists to visit several world renowned Temples in India belonging to several religious sects. For more info about Indian Temples please visit

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Using Yoga Supplies to Stay Fit

Posted: 24 May 2012 10:00 PM PDT

Article by Yoga Direct

If you have chosen to use yoga as your primary way to get fit, then you will have some decisions to make. Many people wonder if yoga can help you get fit and stay fit or if they will need other types of exercise as well, or if there is a special type of yoga or equipment that is needed to get the results that they want. If you are wondering if yoga can be your entire exercise regimen or if you need to do other stuff as well to get fit, you only need talk to a yoga instructor to get the answers you need.

You can certainly use yoga to get fit and to lose weight, but you may want to spend some time deciding just how to do this as well as what yoga supplies you need to do so. Many of the yoga poses require little more than instruction and a yoga mat but if you have something special you want to accomplish you may want to add to the instruction you get as well as the supplies you might use to do so.

A yoga mat will always be the most important thing you need for any yoga practice. Getting fit with your yoga means being able to building muscles and promote flexibility something that is done by have the stability to hold poses when you go through your routine. A good mat allows you to maintain certain poses and get the most benefits from them.

You want to choose a mat that offers you enough area for your body frame size, if you are small any size mat will likely do, but if you are tall or large framed you will want to buy a larger mat. You also want to make sure that your mat is plenty thick enough this can help the joints in your body as well as give you a better grip. The thickness may also depend of the type of floor that you will be practicing on, if you are on a hard floor opt for a thicker mat. Surface is also important; it should be sticky enough to stick to the floor surface and should afford you a good grip with feet and hands. A poor grip can result in you not have the stability you need for an effective pose.

A yoga ball can also be a great way to stay fit and build str! ength an d balance. You can use a yoga ball to do certain poses and work certain muscles more effectively giving you a more well-rounded work out. Many of the poses in yoga that use a yoga ball target strength and balance as their goal, and will help you to get fit and lose weight.

For beginners using props such as yoga blocks can assure that you get the full benefit of your yoga practice, this will help you in your goals to get fit and will ensure that you are getting the maximum workout each time. Yoga blocks are good to extend your ability to achieve certain poses, many of which might not be achievable otherwise for those that are just starting out. Yoga blocks are also used for those that are naturally not as flexible and also may be used to enhance or deepen a particular pose.

If you specifically want to use yoga to get fit and exercise you may want to consider getting a book or video about doing so, these resources can help you target your practice specifically around these goals and ensure that you are able to meet them. These resources may have their own specific yoga supplies that they will want you to get, so wait until you have had a chance to review them before you go out and buy everything you think you need.

All you need to do is to look at yoga instructors to see that yoga can be an ideal way to take care of all of your fitness needs, it offers a variety of benefits that are not just good for your body but can also help you sleep better, be more relaxed and less stressed all of which have a significant impact on your overall health. At Yoga Direct we offer everything you will need to start your yoga practice and to help you achieve your fitness and health goals. We offer yoga supplies of all kinds and all the books and DVDs you will need to get yourself started.

About the Author

High Quality Yoga Mats, Yoga Blocks, and Pilates Props at Discounts and Wholesale Prices.

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Yoga For Kids - Yoga Helps To Focus

Watch Learn To Maintain Mind Balance With Yoga - Kids Learning Videos. The tree pose helps one to maintain balance and make the appropriate choices in life. To watch more entertaining educating videos on animation stories nursery rhymes learning series school poems SUBSCRIBE NOW at To watch more kids animation videos in high quality log onto

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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3 Powerful Reasons Why the Mind is all You Need to Manifest

Posted: 24 May 2012 08:00 PM PDT

by RubyJi

Article by Daniel Hinds

The ability to manifest the life and circumstances that you want requires that you learn to honor and master the mind. In their efforts to manifest so many people focus on the outward circumstances. The outer circumstances are only a mirror of what was first created in the mind. It can be very hard for most people to let go of the appearances around them. The difficulties that you see all around you are a manifestation of what you have previously created in the mind. If only you understood the power of the mind to manifest what you desire you would let go of fear and doubt and inertia.

When you decide to master the mind you will naturally let go of attachment. Without an understanding of how that powerful operating system of the mind works you are always at the mercy of life. Attachment is born out of fear and ignorance of one's true self. The less knowledge you have of your true self the more attachment you have to outward circumstances and the less freedom you truly have. To manifest you must learn to be free and freedom comes from learning to master the inner mind.

The inner mind is your navigator. As you learn to listen to messages of your inner mind you will discover that you are always on cue. You will always know where to turn, when to turn and how to turn. One precious step to manifesting requires listening to that inner navigator within the mind. Without the listening the manifesting process becomes quite daunting.

Honor the mind and you will become a powerful creator of your reality. Are you still placing too much emphasis on the outer world around you and worrying why you have not manifested what you desire? You can start with absolutely nothing and manifest great abundance if you respect and nurture the mind. The mind is your ally; it is your guide and the creator of your experiences. The moment you begin to partner with it your ability to manifest miracles becomes child's play.

You don't have to try to invent or create some larger than li! fe thing to live an outstanding life. Every little step that you take will be a manifestation of power and joy. Every little step will be quantum steps. Master your mind and all that you desire will come.

About the Author

Sign Up for a Free Manifesting Software and Newsletter the ancient techniques to manifesting faster resutls using simple yet powerful techniques found in the powerful Magic Money ebook written by Daniel Hinds.

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Will Kabat-Zinn / Spirit Rock Meditation Center

Will Kabat-Zinn offers some reflections how to see for ourselves, through meditation and other practices, who we really are. This talk was recorded in April, 2011 at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, CA. Bio: Will Kabat-Zinn has practiced Vipassana meditation intensively in the US and in Burma for over ten years. He currently lives in the San Francisco Bay Area and teaches regularly at SF Insight, Spirit Rock, and at meditation centers around the country. For eight years Will taught meditation and awareness practices to incarcerated youth in New York City and Oakland. In addition to sharing the Dharma, Will is an MFT Intern in private practice in San Francisco and Oakland. He completed four years of teacher training with Jack Kornfield.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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The Ideal Pounds Reduction Program For Gals In excess of fifty

Posted: 24 May 2012 07:00 PM PDT

Article by Miriam Lonelly

You're a woman in excess of 50, and by our society's expectations, that would make you "more than the hill". So does that signify you shouldn't trouble about your weight? No, in fact-it's even much more important now. Examine on to locate out the ideal excess weight decline method for girls about 50.

Factors to Eliminate Bodyweight

A key reason to lose bodyweight is your overall health. Becoming chubby can lead to ailments these kinds of as higher blood stress, substantial cholesterol, and Sort II diabetes. It can also boost the danger of heart attack and stroke.

A different motive is your overall look. Okay, you're by no means going to seem like just one of people ultra-skinny models or movie stars. But that does not mean you can't search very good. Losing excess weight will make you look greater and really feel greater about by yourself.

So what is the greatest pounds loss method for women above 50?

1st of all, stay absent from fad diet plans. You may well see a fast bodyweight reduction from them, but the fat is shortly gained back again. And most importantly, they are not balanced-a crucial issue in excess weight loss in excess of fifty.

Be reasonable in your expectations. If you set targets that are way too substantial, you will become discouraged when you don't meet them and be tempted to give up. Let every pound you get rid of promote you to keep likely.

Get loads of fiber in your eating plan. Fiber assists market regularity and produces a feeling of fullness, which retains you from overeating.

Continue to be absent from quickly food and fattening snacks. Eat lean meats, poultry, fish, and clean fruits and vegetables.

View your portions. Even healthful foods can be fattening if you consume far too substantially of them.

Physical exercise! This does not indicate you have to join a gymnasium or purchase high-priced equipment. Strolling, jogging and aerobics are all excellent types of physical exercise. If you are just starting up out! , consid er it gradual at 1st and progressively create up.

1 of the deadliest and most feared epidemics of all ailments regarded to man, aside from the nearly eradicated smallpox, will come to mankind in the sort of epic proportions: weight problems. Nonetheless, out of these folks, the women have the worse situation listed here. Entire body figure means more than any other object in the world to them, and it would be a big blow to their moi if, in a certain point of their lives, they would sooner or later come across matters. For this reason, these creatures, when compared to their douleur counterparts, would more usually than not research for weight loss programs for women. Because this challenge has turned out to be a single of the most trending issues to day, a lot of have sought to make a living out of this. Simply because of this, it is all the additional significant for them to decide on the top rated weight loss programs for women today.

Prior to choosing to pursue any sort of programs for females, it is necessary to first be common with their standard facets. Weight loss programs for women would most likely contain the subsequent components: psychological modifications, and physiological modifications. The psychological element of these important way of living modifications, discipline and motivation. How their attitudes are and how they feel although they are undergoing the system influences the turning stage in their lives and their resolution. By modifying this component, more coverage in the plan would generate superior results. The very last element is the physiological element, which consists of correct excess weight control, dieting and nourishment, and comprehensive exercising routines. These actions in these weight loss programs for women would assistance preserve and manage physique shape in the prolonged run.

Just one of the most famous of these plans for ladies is Burn off the Excess fat, Feed the Muscle. This technique is usually regarded as by numerous as an essential soft! ware in burning body fat the rapid and easy way because of to its detailed and holistic program contents. It is made up of 4 excess weight control aspects in the course of the plan: nutrition, bodyweight training, cardio instruction, and psychological education. The key concentration of this plan is the management of consuming behaviors, which is referred to as the number just one result in of inhibition. The up coming most usually advised method is The Bodyweight Reduction Formula.

This electronic guide focuses on 3 principal principles: eating the right variety of food items, ingesting in the correct quantities, and consuming at the proper occasions. As software users go by the training course, they would be in a position to appreciate the positive aspects with out becoming strained to grow to be hungry. The very last program for females is Affirmations for Pounds Reduction Software, which can make use of subliminal messages to enhance positive feelings in the mind. By adhering to this method, the consumer will be equipped to internalize the concepts subconsciously, which enables customers to expertise the software without them staying mindful. That way, they are not coerced into carrying out intense responsibilities whilst remaining suit and nutritious.

About the Author

If you like to know about Workout Programs For Women, Visit us.

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Is Your Pounds Reduction Diet program Offering You The Foods Diet You Have to have

Posted: 24 May 2012 06:00 PM PDT

Article by Brandenberg Dallas

Have you limited your eating routine in order to reach a certain sum of excess weight loss? It is certainly tricky to eliminate fat until you make a considerable attempt to limit the amount of money of calories you consume each day. Needless to say, you do want to work out as clearly in order to burn calories but you will not be in a position to shed kilos unless you training some regulate more than what you eat. The concern with likely on an eating habits is that it might possibly not give you the number of food items diet you need to have in buy to stay healthful.

Most men and women just target on growing to be slim (or anything approximating that) without recognizing that the process of losing excess fat can choose a toll on their health and fitness. As a matter of actuality, a lot of a lot of women suffer from a wide variety of maladies introduced on since of adhering to a negative diet program. Not using the appropriate variety of foods diet can cause the early onset of menopause. It can also depart the female with osteoporosis considerably earlier than a lot of women who do not diet regime. In addition, she can go through from unhealthy skin and hair because of inadequate diet.

The concern with most fat loss diet programs is that they are rather minimal in carbohydrates and fats. Whilst you without a doubt require to curtail the amounts of these materials you consume you should certainly never go so far as to eliminate them entirely from your food plan considering that they are imperative to the suitable operating of your system. The other concern with most weight loss meal plans is that they are abnormally large in proteins. Protein abundant eating plans can wreck the medical of your kidneys. A large number of men and women also diminish the amount of money of vegetables and fruits they eat given that these foods are whole of sugars which also include to the total calorie intake.

It is doable to lose bodyweight in a safe way by adopting the best type of excess fat loss eat! ing rout ine. For starters, you really should never try to cut your calorie intake dramatically due to the fact this will only backfire on you. Even if you get rid of excess fat by performing this you will speedily place the bodyweight back on all over again due to the fact your human body is conditioned to do so if it gets meals just after an interval of deprivation. If you have a well balanced diet plan that contains the fundamental amount of carbohydrates you demand then you will lose excess weight progressively and correctly. Make absolutely sure that you consume plenty of fruits and vegetables considering they will give you all the vitamins and minerals you need in buy to keep wholesome and young for as extended as feasible.

Do not fall for fad diet programs mainly because they will not be able to give you the food nourishment you will need. Ironically, they will also not be capable to enable you burn any fat and most certainly not in the extended time period. Have a talk to your medical professional or nutritionist about any well being problems you might have just so that you do not exacerbate this issue. You will then be in a position to reduce bodyweight slowly not having stressing about ruining your medical.

About the Author

Looking for extra info Weight Loss Tips?See our web site for more details.

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Relax With Body Toning Swimwear

Posted: 24 May 2012 05:00 PM PDT

Article by Barry Summers

This is a tricky but not a trick question: if it's true that many swimsuit models feel self-conscious baring their flesh, how are regular women - with curves and a few extra pounds in the trunk - ever supposed to relax?

Answer: by wearing body-toning swimwear that slims and flatters and de-emphasises traditional "problem spots" like the stomach, tush and thighs.

Take Miraclesuit swimwear, which promises to make women look 10 pounds lighter in 10 seconds. Made from a control fabric called Miratex, Miraclesuits are not made with control panels or inner linings, which compress problems spots but can sometimes make movement - and even breathing - difficult as well as other difficulties. These spandex suits also keep their shape - while helping you keep yours and looking your best.

Fantasie swimwear lives up to its name by combining "effortless support" with sophisticated styles and fabrics. The smart, sexy looks defy the conventional wisdom that once held that body-toning swimwear had to be staid and dull.

Panache swimwear is aimed at women with D cups and up. The collection includes bikinis, tankinis - which combine tank-style tops with bikini bottoms or shorts - and one-piece swimsuits.Freya swimwear takes some of the stress out of swimwear purchases by offering "bra doctors" - or an expert diagnosis that leads to an expert fit for its line of body-toning swimwear.

While many women make emotional purchases when it comes to clothes, Lauren Borish advises Oprah Winfrey's "O" magazine readers to be a bit more discerning when it comes to choosing swimwear. She recommends:• buying a slightly bigger size; purchasing a too-small size will backfire, especially with swimwear bottoms;• accentuating the positives about your figure;• researching your style options online to get a sense of what you like before heading out to shop;• getting a tan - and even a quick spray-on tan - to shore up your confidence level before you shop;• trying on several different styles and keep! ing an o pen mind to different options. For example, you may be leaning toward a tankini, but a one-piece swimsuit in a darker colour could be even more flattering to your figure.• wearing swimwear in brighter, bolder colours as the season wears on and as your skin darkens.

If this is sounding easier already, you're well on your way to finding the right body-toning swimwear for you - and then taking a deep breath and relaxing because you know you're looking your very best.

About the Author

If you are looking for shapewear or spanx then visit beaudame lingerie today.

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Spiritual Chakra Balance Meditation Using Powerful Metaphors - The Language of the Subconscious. For a Deep, Lasting & Profound Effect on Your Energy. Chakra Meditation Balancing, Cleansing & Energizing The Chakras. A beautiful Chakra meditation to cleanse, balance and energize the chakras. This chakra meditation is wonderfully relaxing and uses powerful metaphors to stimulate the healing power of the subconscious mind and chakra system. You can simply relax and allow my voice and the peaceful images on screen to take you on a journey to promote inner peace, clarity and calm. Inviting in new abundance and positive energy on many levels.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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C-Sections Linked with Childhood Obesity

Posted: 24 May 2012 05:00 PM PDT

pregnancy, stethoscope
CREDIT: Pregnancy photo via Shutterstock

Babies delivered by Caesarean section may have an increased risk for obesity in childhood, a new study suggests.

In the study, children born by c-section had double the odds of being obese at age 3, compared with those born vaginally, the researchers said.

The results held even after the researchers took into account factors that might increase a child's risk for obesity, including the mother's weight before pregnancy, her weight gain during pregnancy, and the child's birth weight.

The findings suggest that prevention of childhood obesity may be yet another reason to avoid unnecessary c-sections, said study researcher Dr. Susanna Huh, a gastroenterologist at Children's Hospital Boston. C-sections have previously been associated with an increased risk of asthma for children, and an increased risk of bleeding and infection for mothers.

Currently, about one-third of babies in the United States are born by c-section.

The study only found an association, and not a cause-effect link. It's possible factors not accounted for in the study could explain the link.

For now, mothers who choose to have their babies delivered by c-section without a medical reason should be aware of this link, Huh said.

C-section risk

Huh and colleagues analyzed information from 1,255 mothers and their children from eastern Massachusetts. Mothers joined the study before they were 22 weeks pregnant, and the children were followed until age 3.

About 22 percent of the babies were delivered by c-section.

Just under 16 percent of children born by c-section were obese at age 3,compared with7.5 percent of children born vaginally.

After accounting for a number of factors that could influence the children's obesity risk, including whether they were breastfed and how many calories they ate at age two, the link held true.

When the researchers limited their analysis to include only women who were not overweight before pregnancy, the strength of the link increased.

There was no link between birth by c-section and risk of being overweight (but not obese) at age 3, the researchers said.

Participants had relatively high levels of education and income, and the results may not apply to the population as a whole, the researchers said.

Gut bacteria and obesity

The study is well done and "adds more to the ammunition we already have, which is enormous, to avoid unnecessary c-sections," said Dr. Mitchell Maiman, the chairman of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Staten Island University Hospital, who was not involved in the work.

Although the exact cause of the link is unknown, the researchers speculated the composition of gut bacteria in children born by c-section may put them at risk for obesity.

Previous studies have shown babies born by c-section have a higher proportion of bacteria called Firmicutes, and a lower proportion of bacteria called Bacteroides, compared with babies born vaginally. Studies in mice suggest higher numbers of Firmicutes may increase the risk of obesity, and studies in people suggest lowering Firmicutes levels is associated with weight loss, the researchers said.

The study is published online today (May 23) in the journal Archives of Disease in Childhood.

Pass it on: C-section delivery is associated with an increased risk of child obesity.

Follow MyHealthNewsDaily staff writer Rachael Rettner on Twitter @RachaelRettner. Find us on Facebook.

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Train Your Mind for a Happy and Successful Life

Posted: 24 May 2012 04:00 PM PDT

Article by Bertil Hjert

A well trained mind will always provide you great opportunities to work better and achieve a lot of success in life. The wise men have always said that "the mind is like a bad neighborhood-never go there by yourself". In case, your mind has not been trained, it would definitely prove to be a bad neighborhood.

Fortunately, there are several techniques available these days to train your mind such as meditation, NLP etc.

You must remember that our minds keep absorbing several thoughts, responses and behaviors from the environment around us. These entire patterns may affect us in different ways. There are times when most of the thoughts we tend to absorb don't go well with our goals. Hence it becomes very necessary to train our minds in order to give out equal response to what we require.

If you don't have a cure of what should be done in order to train our minds, don't worry. Here are some great tips on what should be done in order to achieve a well trained mind:

- Segment intending

This is a simple and best way to train your mind. This process will also help you to accomplish a lot on a daily basis.

Here is how to go about it:

1) Step one

You need to decide the time period for your segment. Now, this time period can be of any length. However, remember that it should not exceed more than a half or one hour.

2) Step two

Now, decide on your aim for that particular segment. This can be a whole list of tasks that you want to accomplish, a state of being or may be both if you wish.

3) Step three

As soon as the segment start time arrives, you need to start your segment no matter what. Don't have any second thoughts.

4) Step four

In case, you get interrupted during your segment, you must decide whether the interruption is significant enough for your segment. In case, it is not just ignore it and keep up the good work. You need to keep your segment work going.

Practice all the above mentioned steps throughout the day. ! Remember that each segment that you practice is a kind of training period for your mind. Here, your mind is learning to help you in whatever task you undertake. The technique of segment intending also works with a friend. You can easily keep yourself on track if there is a friend helps you to do so. You would definitely notice that your mind is getting more responsive.

Of course, there are other techniques you can follow to train your mind such as stimulating your brain via doing activities that fill your mind with enthusiasm, doing regular physical activities, focusing on memorizing things, reading books on varied topics, adopting a creative hobby, learning new words, discussing on various topics to exercise brain, popping out ideas, developing an aim in life, sleeping well and using the invincible power of medication.

As you start enhancing your brain power, you will identify a new and improvised confidence in yourself.

About the Author

For more Articles, News, Information, Advice, and Resources about BRAIN TRAINING please visit BRAIN TRAINING SECRETS and MEDITATION BUZZ

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Enlightenment, DP/DR & Falling Into the Pit of the Void ~ Shinzen Young

Shinzen talks about the empowering facets of enlightenment and compares this to "enlightenments evil twin" DP/DR. He talks about the rare occasions that he's encountered a meditator moving in the direction of DP/DR and the strategy he used to "cure" it using mindfulness methods. Filmed in Nov. 2009 at Mt. Carmel Spiritual Centre in Niagara Falls.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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