Learn the art of meditation with this helpful guide
Learn the art of meditation with this helpful guide |
- Learn the art of meditation with this helpful guide
- Genes May Determine If Nicotine Gum, Patch Will Help You Quit
- Zen and the Pure Esoteric School
- The Spiritual Breakthrough: Reaching Your Higher Self
- Buddhist Meditation - How to Meditate?
- Life transformation meditation retreats
- Spiritual and Demonic Possession: 7 Common Symptoms
- How Meditation Techniques Can Be Helpful in Remaining Fit
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Learn the art of meditation with this helpful guide Posted: 31 May 2012 01:00 PM PDT Article by Rockeysheen01 With the help of this article you can get a brief overview of the few meditation techniques that you can practice to get some amazing results. All these techniques are essentially meditation for beginners and could help you in changing your consciousness easily and drastically for your benefit. These techniques will also allow you to get into the magic of meditation and the effects that it can have on your mind and body. If you are a novice and are wondering about how to meditate for the beginners, then you can start with the meditation. This is also known as the mantra meditation and it trains the brain to be on a focus with some object. This helps you in increasing your concentration power and also gives you certain inner peace with time. As and when you become a veteran with the various meditation techniques, you will eventually learn that all the processes lead to the same result and this will also help you to attain a revolutionary experience. Some of the most effective ways of meditation for beginners is to buy the how to meditate for beginners books and CDs that can teach you the process of meditation thoroughly. There are also some techniques that are more complicated when it comes to meditation. One such type of meditation is the Vipassana. It is a form of Buddhist meditation and requires insight and wisdom to attain the necessary result. It is also a popular form of meditation and is practiced all over the world by advanced mediators as well as the by the beginners. It might take many years to master the techniques of Vipassana since the daily meditating routine is quite complex. In this type of meditation, the mind is made to observe a highly intense state of self observation. It is always said that to start meditation for beginners, you must use the audio cues which might come from the how to meditate for beginners guide book or through the help of various latest sound technologies that are specially designed to train the brain for a change in the state of mind.! W hichever technique you use for meditating, the end result is almost always the same since they all help you achieve a special concentration and power of mind. It can be easily said that this is the best form of healing your mind as well as body. About the AuthorThis Article on meditation for beginners & how to meditate for beginners is constructed by Rockeysheen. He has in-depth knowledge on different issues related to health and contributes his skills writing different topics related to health and meditation techniques, which has left a mark in the industry. For More Information he recommends to visit http://themeditationmind.com/ Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Genes May Determine If Nicotine Gum, Patch Will Help You Quit Posted: 31 May 2012 01:00 PM PDT
Certain genes that predispose people to become addicted to nicotine might also make it easier to quit using nicotine-replacement therapies, a new study suggests. People with the genetic variation smoked for two years longer, on average, than people with other versions of the genes. But people with the genes were also three times more likely to be helped by smoking-cessation medications such as nicotine gum or patches, the researchers found. People lacking the genetic variation should try other means of quitting support, such as counseling, the researchers said. "We've identified a group that's responding to pharmacologic treatment, and a group that's not responding, and that's a key step in improving, and eventually tailoring treatments to help people quit smoking," said study author Dr. Laura Jean Bierut, a professor of psychiatry at Washington University in St. Louis. The research was based on a clinical study of 1,000 people, as well as a survey of 5,000 people. Participants in the clinical study attempted to quit smokingwith the help of a medication, while the surveyed individuals reported what had helped them quit. Researchers matched successful attempts to quit with genetic information obtained by DNA tests. Because the same genetic variation were linked both to addiction to cigarettesand ability to quit using nicotine-replacement therapies, these genes may be critical to understanding nicotine addiction, the researchers said, but more research must be done to understand the link. Smoking is the leading preventable cause of death disease in the United States, killing 443,000 Americans annually. Smoking cigarettes causes lung cancerand other cancers, and also contributes to other lung diseases. "This study is moving us closer to personalized medicine," said study author Dr. Li-Shiun Chen, assistant professor of psychiatry at the university. The study was published May 30 in the American Journal of Psychiatry. Pass it on: The same genes that might make it more likely you get addicted to cigarettes could help you kick the habit using nicotine-replacement meds. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. Find us on Facebook. | ||
Zen and the Pure Esoteric School Posted: 31 May 2012 12:00 PM PDT Article by Michael Jordan B The cultivation practices of Tibet evolved from the spiritual traditions of both India and China. The spiritual practices of other countries have also often been shaped by foreign imports. In the case of Japan, its spiritual history has many parallels to that of Tibet but to understand this country's cultivation practices, we must look to China rather than India for the roots of foreign influences. In particular, we must investigate the cultural influences of China's Tang dynasty (618-907 A.D.) since it was this period of Chinese history that had the greatest impact on Japan's spiritual schools. China's Tang dynasty can be described as a great mixing period when Indian, Japanese, Korean and Tibetan cultural trends interacted with China at their fullest. The most obvious proof of even earlier foreign interaction is the fact that the word "China" comes from the Ch'in dynasty, when foreigners mistook the name of the dynasty for the name of the country. Anyway, the Tang dynasty itself was a period of continuous and concentrated contact between various countries and Mainland China. During China's Tang dynasty, there were three main pillars of Chinese society and culture: Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. The Buddhism of this period had by now developed into ten different schools of study, but the central sect in Chinese Buddhism was the Zen school established by Bodhidharma. It was because of Bodhidharma's pilgrimage from India that the Indian form of Zen had entered China. After its initial introduction, the Zen transmission continued through five successive Patriarchs until Zen finally became fully assimilated into Chinese culture. Bodhidharma and his five successors, including the famous monk Hui-neng, were called "Patriarchs" because they had all attained enlightenment. They could not be called "Buddhas" as they would be delineated as the second Buddha, the third Buddha and so on. They were the founders of the Chinese Zen school who had achieved enlightenment and greatly infl! uenced C hinese culture, and this is why they were therefore honored with the title of "Patriarch." The Sixth Patriarch of Zen, Master Hui-neng, was an illiterate peasant before he became enlightened. The very fact that an individual who could not read became the Sixth Patriarch says much about the Zen school and the nature of the times. The Sixth Patriarch dispensed with much of the religious trappings of Buddhism that had developed over the years, and his way of explaining spiritual teachings to the people was very down to earth. Zen therefore became quite popular because it touched the people's hearts and minds, and became embodied in a form of expression that the common man could understand. As a result of this development, Buddhism's impact on the politics and culture of the times became so substantial that it ended up transforming the co-existing schools of Confucianism and Taoism as well. In the Tang dynasty, the Chinese cultural influences, such as Zen, spread all over Asia, and even reached distant regions. America today is considered a superpower and wants to exert this type of influence, but it has never seen its culture infiltrate Europe nor the Orient in the same way that Tang China established a presence throughout Asia. While United States has definitely influenced the world, the transmission of its influence has not been due to a world-wide recognition of American life as representing "high culture." During the Tang dynasty, many scholars came to China from Japan and Korea because they respected the Tang culture and wanted to learn everything that it possibly had to offer. The Chinese Emperor built a gigantic complex in Xian for all these visiting scholars. He welcomed them to stay for as long as they liked and allowed them to leave whenever they desired. There was no pressure on these visiting scholars, and many stayed in China to become citizens or even court officials. Others took what they learned back to their home countries, thus influencing their native cultures. W! hen you go to another country, one of the first things that usually impresses you is the environment, particularly the architectural structure of the buildings and layout of the land. At that time, the Tang architecture was perhaps the best in the world, hence it was imitated in other countries and was one of the ways in which Tang culture made a big impact on other nations. The visiting scholars from other countries also closely observed China's arts, its political system, the people's clothing and every other facet of Chinese culture, including the cultivation concepts of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. In the world today, Japan and Korea are the only two remaining places that have preserved any of the highest cultural developments of the Tang dynasty, for in China itself, practically nothing is left. But both Japan and Korea are also quickly losing what is left of their Tang dynasty heritage. At the beginning of the Tang dynasty, since Emperor Tang Taizong's family name was Li, he started searching for a great religious master of the same name among the Buddhist, Taoist and Confucian schools of the time. The official state religion ended up becoming Taoism, rather than Buddhism, simply because of this emphasis on the last name; the founder of Taoism was Lao Tzu, who was also known as Li Lao-chun. Because of this similarity of names, Taoists priests during the Tang dynasty were accorded a slightly higher rank than Buddhist monks although both spiritual groups were greatly respected. Due to the imperial patronage, it was also during this period that Taoism finally congealed into a more formalized religion. Thus from the Tang dynasty on through to the Sung dynasty, Taoism became the official religion of the state. Beneath the surface, most people felt that this was right because Buddhism was a cultural import whereas Taoism was "home-grown." However, the practice of Taoism in the Tang dynasty was entirely different from the original Taoism of the Han dynasty since anapana, the skeleton visualizat! ion meth od, Zen and many other features of Buddhist cultivation had already entered into it and become assimilated into its body of knowledge. In fact, one could say that Taoism had become a second Buddhism. As an example, when two Buddhists bumped into each other they would extend greetings by saying, "Amitofo." The Taoists, on the other hand, would say, "Wu liang shou fo," which meant, "The Buddha of Infinite Life." In fact, this was simply Amitofo's name translated into Taoist terms. Buddhism by the period of the Tang dynasty had filled in most of the teaching gaps left by the lack of original Indian material. The Mahayana and Hinayana schools of Buddhism therefore existed side-by-side together due to the fact that a lot of the original source material had already been transmitted to China from India. The famous monk Xuan Zang (Hsuan-tsang) also returned from his studies in India during the reign of Emperor Tang Taizong. The Emperor so respected him that he had a team of nearly a thousand scholars assembled to help translate the Buddhist materials that Xuan Zang had brought back. All sorts of people helped in this translation project--Taoists, Confucians, even Manichaeists--and the result was a body of work that had a tremendous, almost immeasurable impact on Chinese culture. Because of this translation effort, the Consciousness-only prajna teachings of Maitreya Buddha (which form the Yogacara tradition) finally became available in Chinese, and this made the set of Chinese Buddhist translations virtually complete. About the Author<u>Click Here For Info On Meditation Training, Relaxation, Peak Performance And Metaphysical Phenomena</u> YOU CAN ALSO<u>Click Here For a web directory and search engine for popular eBooks, software, information and all downloads</u> Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
The Spiritual Breakthrough: Reaching Your Higher Self Posted: 31 May 2012 11:00 AM PDT Article by Dingane For decades now the accepted method of analysing the self has been to divide 'it' up into body, mind and spirit. This method of analysis is a means of separating the various parts that make up our being and has been recognized by civilizations as early as the Egyptians. But there is another way of analysing the self (one of many) that is equally valid and in many ways more useful as a way of understanding more about ourselves and this 'thing' called consciousness. Every one of us have two distinct aspects to ourselves. These two aspects are our constant companions that we cannot escape and together they make up your consciousness and your experience of your Self. The first aspect represents our appearance and the face we wear in this world. It's called the ego and it that part of you that represents you to others and to the world at large. The second aspect of You, is your spirit or your higher self. It is that part of you that's invisible and that quietly lives in that inner space deep inside your consciousness. These two aspects of your Self are not like two people living inside you, but are simply two sides of the same thing. Like two faces of the same coin they are inextricably connected to each other. Although ego and spirit are so closely related, they have vastly different demands on both your conscious and your subconscious attention. Ego is primarily concerned with maintaining it's importance in the world. It always wants to be right and is convinced of the fact that it is separate from everyone else. It's always in competition - always wanting to be better than everyone else. Ego always strives to have more, to be better and to dominate. The ego's value is determined by comparing itself to others to see how it stacks up - the ego's point of reference is always outside of itself. The needs of spirit is almost the exact opposite and is not interested in any of the demands that dominate the ego. Spirit's primary need is to be at peace and being right and conquering ! others i s of no concern to spirit. Spirit has no need for more because it knows that it's value comes from itself and not from what it gains, what it wins or what it collects and accumulates. Much of our own inner conflicts arise from a conflict between these two aspects of ourselves. It presents us with two vastly different and conflicting sets of demands. Living a more spiritual life with a greater sense of inner peace and personal fulfilment is primarily about placing greater emphasis on the higher self and on giving the spirit a greater prominence in your life. It's not a process of slaying the 'evil' ego, but rather about learning to subdue the ego and it's demands in favour of the higher self's demand to be at peace. The real question is who you are allowing to run things in your life. Is it ego or is it spirit? If your life is driven by having more, being better than, being right and dominating; then ego is in charge. If your life is driven by having a sense of inner peace, by being compassionate, reaching out to others and giving - then you allow spirit to take over. Living from your higher self is about living in harmony with the flow of goodness of the universe and you will rarely encounter any conflicts. Ego on the other hand thrives on conflict - it's a chance to proof it's importance and dominance over other people and circumstances. Renowned scientist Albert Einstein once said that "The true value of a human being can be found in the degree to which he has attained liberation from the self." What he meant with this is that we will discover a higher value in being human when we learn to free ourselves from the demands and expectation of the ego. Who is running your life? Is it ego or is it spirit? Learning to break through the facade that your ego upholds you can live a more peaceful, joyous and fulfilled life. About the Author*illumen8.com Download your free copy of "The 3 Ancient Secrets Of Spiritual Transformation" and discover the ancient wisdom behind finding your true self. Click Here... for instant access. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.How Remote Viewing Works 5: Dr. Simeon HeinThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Buddhist Meditation - How to Meditate? Posted: 31 May 2012 10:00 AM PDT Article by Jaky Astik The almighty Buddha is considered as a man who was educated at a very young age and spread the lessons of love and passion to all life. The meditation trained by Buddha also created an unity in the person who used it. There are different levels of meditation trained and used across the globe. Basically, the meditation allows to increase the attention to the work that is done and it also gives the person enlightenment. Meditation also allows to realize the peoples strength and the listlessness and also explain to the brain to stay away from urges of the world. Buddhism shows that through meditation one can obtain answer and can reach nirvana. To support this, meditation involves the process of mentally focusing ideas on one particular believed, event, action, image, item or sound. In other words, conquering or removing unwanted ideas by mentally focusing ideas on single believed. This stage is achieved by ongoing practice. Meditation brings management over the brain and also improves the attention to the individuals who methods it regularly. It also lowers stress, depressive disorder and aggravation in the individuals. Individuals are able to take options separately for them and can also able to execute multitask. At the first timers stage in Buddhist meditation technique, the meditation is based on respiration, it keeps the person's persona rejuvenated. So the person can be made released of illnesses or disorders and are capable of doing their projects in a better way. The brief walk in between meditation keeps the legs fresh and comfortable. Vipassana meditation allows to remove the negative opinions and ends more positive mind-set into the brain of the person who methods the meditation. This kind of meditation allows the person to feel the religious quality not only during the meditation but also to the end of the day. The other meditation strategy called Zen Buddhist meditation strategy centers mainly on the good results of waking up. This meditation is done ! at diffe rent opportunities and specializes in respiration to obtain the benefits of the meditation. While the breath goes in and out from stomach chakra through the nose, the person encounters the benefits of benefits and enlightenment. The Tibetan Buddhist meditation strategy works at the believed stage and allows the person to keep the ideas in management and thereby improves the attention, self management and performance. All of these meditation techniques help to improve the lifestyle by improving physical, significant and religious values. About the AuthorJaky Astik is passionate about helping people improve their lives using simple personal development plans and mindfulness meditation techniques. Subscribe to his free Newsletter to receive a copy of his free law of attraction book for free! Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Students and MeditationThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Life transformation meditation retreats Posted: 31 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT Article by Carmela M Turner Today meditation and yoga has become a daily routine for most of the people. Meditation is a state of mind when one gets an insight into oneself, looks into ones conscience and for some time his or her mind and soul is detached from the outer world. It is the time when is only with oneself, his/her conscience and the God within you. You too can meditate and experience the utmost state of relaxation at various meditation retreats opened up today where people can meditate. We need to understand the meditation is basically relaxing one's mind and body. Many meditation or yoga retreats also allow have music session where you can learn and play various musical instruments, listen to music and also have libraries that have many music and educational stuff. Now a days there are many well established meditation centers that plan and organize meditation retreats. These meditation retreats arrange for many seminars and workshops. You can have a look at the best meditation centers in your vicinity and enroll yourself with their relaxation programs. These meditation centers have made it possible for people to stay connected with society, live their routine and still meditate and relax without giving up everything and going to aloof peaceful areas. Meditation retreats also have accommodation facilities. As these centers are made to relax your mind and body and keep you away from the day to day stress in your life, these accommodations are very basic. Most of these do not have facilities like phone, internet, television, etc. that connect you to the outer world. These centers are set up in natural surroundings, with minimal technology around you and keeps you close to nature while keeping you away from the technical and cement forest you come from. This might sound boring to you but it is very essential to keep you away from the gadgets that bound you and are the main reason of your stress. The location wherein these meditation centers are set up are surrounded by natural scenic beauty. These centers have beaut! iful ope n landscape and gardens where you can have a walk and feel the fresh air which is hard to get in the daily hustle bustle of life. The food provided at meditation retreats is usually vegetarian. They serve vegetarian food with minimal spices. The fruits and vegetables are taken from the center's garden itself. This fresh fruits and vegetables are the key to good health and the meditation center never compromises on this. As said above it does not only mean meditating. It might involve yoga, some mind games, music, spiritual discourses, discussions, etc. All that makes you stress free is provided at a meditation center. Next time you wish to relax and de stress yourself opt for a stay at the meditation center. About the Authorcarmelamturner is a expart of Yoga Retreats. She provide information about Meditation Retreats and Seva Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Spiritual and Demonic Possession: 7 Common Symptoms Posted: 31 May 2012 08:00 AM PDT Article by Scott Petullo & Stephen Petullo Are you or someone you know being influencedby lost souls or dark energy? There's a world-wide epidemic today that most people don't know much about. It's a very common occurrence, yet it's misunderstood and usually overlooked. It's called spirit possession. "The Exorcist" movie was an exaggeration of the phenomenon,and a depossession by a priest is only oneway to deal with it. It's also known as spiritattachment and demonic possession. It happenswhen lost (disembodied) souls and, or darkenergy interfere with or even take controlof someone. It often occurs after the abuse of drugs oralcohol (because these substances weakenyour energy field), it can occur duringabuse, and some people who are highlysensitive (e.g., Britney Spears, in ouropinion), are more susceptible to it thanothers. Even a poor diet or high levels ofstress can cause sensitive people to be moreof a target. Those with addictions are almostalways affected by it. Taking responsibility yourself and your situation can be the beginning of healingand protecting yourself, but it can be more difficult for some to do this due to already existing, potent interference from dark energy. Ironically, even those who want to help themselves can be persuaded, frequently beyond conscious awareness, by dark energy or lost souls to avoid seekinghelp. The will to improve, along witheffective methods, must be present to fullyheal. Why do lost souls or dark energy feed off of ahost, you might ask? They remain earthboundand attach themselves, energetically, to thosefrom which they can get the fix of alcohol,drugs, nicotine, food, sex, power, revenge,or whatever else they were addicted to beforetheir physical bodies died. As for dark energy, demons and other negativeinfluences that interfere, their motives can beas simple as an allegiance with an evil force.In our experience, however, and contrary toscary Hollywood movies, most demons aremore like bratty, misbehaving children whoare more easily controlled than you may thi! nk. < p>By the way, long ago we didn't believe in "evil" or "dark" energy. But since doing a lot of empirical research on the subject and subsequently helping people with Spiritual Detox, we are now convinced that it does exist. There always has been and always will be polar opposites, as a natural part ofyour earthy existence: without darkness therecannot be light, without cold there cannot beheat, without fear there cannot be faith.For more stubborn entities and dark energies,we offer a more extensive method of askingfor spiritual help through our script (availablein the Direct Your Destiny e-package),Spiritual Detox audio, or private sessions.holisticmakeover.com/SpiritualDetox.htm The following list includes signs of being influenced by dark energy or lost souls. 1) Do you or someone you know havenegative emotional or physical reactions tothe idea of Spiritual Detox TM (such as "partof you" wanting to do it and "part of you" notwanting to do it)? 2) Do you or someone you know have, physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual feelings of being blocked? 3) Do you or someone you know abuse alcohol or drugs? (The use of either allows lost souls or dark energy to influence you far more easily.) 4) Did you or someone you know have a sudden onset of alcohol or drug abuse, or a sudden onset of a desire to smoke cigarettes, overeat, or engagein some other addictive, unhealthy behavior? 5) Do you or someone you know have distinct personality changes while under the influence? 6) Do you or someone you know sense an unexplainable presence in your/their home or office (sometimes referred to as a "ghost")? It's common to sense the presence when falling asleep or waking up in the middle of the night. 7) Did you or someone you know have sudden and unexplainable strife and conflict with apartner, family member, or friend? 8) Do you or someone you know have anaddiction to sex, a sudden or unexplainable onsetof sadness, depression, reckless behavior, poormemory and c! oncentra tion, change in personality,feelings of being followed or feeling drained,schizophrenia, physical problems, recurringdreams or nightmares, anger, guilt or anxiety,or hear inner voices (especially with negativemessages)? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it's likely you or someone you know is being influenced by "lost souls" and, or dark energy. But do not be afraid. The subjects of entity attachment and spirit possession may seem frightening, but there's really nothing to fear. It is simply a matter of energy that needs to be firmly directed to the proper place and knowing how to protect yourself. One way to protect yourself is to avoid drugsand excess alcohol, visualize a white light of protection around you often, and ask for help from God, your guides, or angels of the Light. Simply state your request for help out loud. Copyright (c) Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo About the AuthorScott Petullo and Stephen Petullo are identical twins and have been exploring metaphysics since the early 1980s. They are experts in the fields of prediction, personal fate, love life, and past life regression, and are natural psychics and mediums. Get their free report: 13 Spiritual and New Age Myths and 11 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Psychic. http://www.mystictwins.com http://www.holisticmakeover.com Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
How Meditation Techniques Can Be Helpful in Remaining Fit Posted: 31 May 2012 07:00 AM PDT Article by Rockeysheen01 Everyone has been aware of meditation since long time. In fact, it is considered to be one of the ancient arts that is helps you in your maintaining body mechanism. Earlier, meditation was popular among the saints only but due to its innumerable benefits it became popular among the common people as well during the later years of the 20th century. However, as compared to earlier times, there are much better and effective Meditation Techniques now. Today, meditation is essential because people all over the world are leading a highly stressful life everyday as they have to tackle many problems related to the personal and professional lives. Hence, it is necessary for the human mind, body and soul to relax and so that people can lead a stress free life. The most prevalent Meditation Techniques can be categorized into Concentrative Meditation as well as Zen-based Meditation. In Concentrative Meditation you have to concentrate on your breath with the help of a sound mantra so that your mind can achieve relaxation. However, the most important thing in concentrative meditation is find a calm and quiet place, sit with your closed eyes and concentrate on the working of your breath. This is considered to be one of the best Meditation Techniques for anxiety where you will have to focus on the inhalation and exhalation as this will help in achieving relaxation of mind. Concentrative meditation also helps in enhancing your imaginative and concentration power as well as increases your productive power and enables you to achieve your targets at your work place thereby reducing your stress. Zen-based Meditation is a meditation technique in which you are required to concentrate on sensations and perceptions which passes to and fro within your body. It is considered to be one of those Meditation Techniques which help you to control on your feelings, anger and emotions. By practicing this meditation technique you will become aware of thoughts, images, sounds and smells as well. For practicing this m! editatio n all you need to do is to sit quietly and watch everything that goes through your mind. It is very important to note that while practicing Zen-based Meditation you should not react in any way rather you must sit quietly and observe. It is also one of those Meditation Techniques that helps you in getting rid of tensions and anxieties. In case you want to know more about Meditation Techniques, you can search online as there are many websites which provide such information. About the AuthorThis Article on Meditation Techniques is constructed by Rockeysheen. He has in-depth knowledge on different issues related to health and contributes his skills writing different topics related to health and meditation techniques, which has left a mark in the industry. For More Information he recommends to visit http://themeditationmind.com/ Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.2 of 5. How to Access SuperconsciousnessThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Posted: 31 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT Article by Roy E. Klienwachter I have over 15,000 pages of "spiritual wisdom" on my main web site. The title of my web site is "Spiritual New Age Wisdom, but it never occurred to me to write about what "spiritual wisdom" is, until I received a posting in my guest book asking about it. Wisdom is knowledge applied, so "spiritual wisdom" is spirituality applied; it is that simple. New Age Spiritual Wisdom is the knowledge of New Age spirituality applied to your everyday physical life. Spirit is what you are naturally, so everything that you do is spiritual. Because being spirit is natural, when spiritual attributes are applied to your everyday life, your life becomes less of a struggle, and there is a natural tendency for your life to flow easily because you are in harmony with spirit. When you add your conscious thoughts to your spirituality, the purpose of your physical life becomes vague and chaotic. The farther you move away from your true nature (which is spiritual) the more difficult it is to return to it because you become brain washed. As you move away from your childhood and start to believe all the things your parents and your elders tell you about life, and how yours is supposed to be lived, the less spiritually motivated you become. You start to live your life for others and in a way that is acceptable to them, and you loose site of your purpose and why you decided to become physical. The farther you move away from your childhood the more difficult it is to apply spiritual attributes to your life, and the natural ability to consciously alter what you are or will experience. Because you are life itself as well as the creator of it, you have all the attributes of a creator. The more you accept the misinformation or disinformation of your parents or elders, the less your ability to use your power. After years of believing what they tell you, you become impotent and mortal. However, the good news is that you can get it all back, unfortunately for most of us; it becomes a major struggle with our ol! d belief s about why we cannot. The older you get and the more entrenched the misinformation, the more difficult your spiritual quest will be. You can have it all back in a heart beat if you can let go of your physical thoughts and accept your true nature as your new reality; but that is easier said than done. Experience has taught me that it is another lifetime or several before that transformation can happen. The idea of acceptance is easy; its practice however, is most difficult. It is a lot of work and energy finding your way back and the harder you try, the farther away you move. If you are lucky enough to have parents who are wise in spiritual matters and they allow you to maintain your natural awareness and develop it, the powers will stay with you and are accessible for the rest of your life. If you are fortunate enough to be reading this and are intuitive or intelligent enough to understand, you work will be less if you are critical about the information that is given you. People will always try to disempower you, with this awareness comes your best defense. They cannot take away your power unless you let them - unless you believe that you do not have it. Parents want the best for their children, but the struggle for spiritual awareness or wisdom should be the parents' not the children. It is difficult to let go and allow a child to find their own way. We want to guide them and protect them and that desire is inherited in every parent, but every child must choose, or suffer a life unfulfilled. As parents we tell ourselves and others that we want more for our children, yet we give them the same misinformation given to us, that will guide them to less. Of course when we say this, we are thinking of material things once again ignoring their spiritual purpose for being physical. Loving our children unconditionally and knowing that they have a purpose will allow the freedom for them to follow their destiny - again, easy to say, not so easy to do. The world is the way it is because we have st! ifled ou r spirituality and replaced it with boxed religions which do not want us to use our power. We have allowed fear to replace love and freedom to evolve into the greater human that we are so capable of. Spiritual wisdom would bring back life into our physical experience. Spiritual wisdom would encourage diversity, not assimilation. Life must move in all directions before it can know itself as complete. There is no life if we all believe in the same things. Acknowledgement of our differences is acknowledgement of life in all its expressions, none better or worse than the other. Spiritual Wisdom is your awareness expressed in the best possible physical manifestation of your own thoughts. Be true to your own wisdom. About the AuthorRoy E. Klienwachter is a resident of British Columbia, Canada. A published author, a student of NLP, New Age Light Worker, Teacher and Phenomenologist. Roy's books and articles are thought provoking, and designed to empower your imagination, and take you to places you would never have thought of. Visit Roy at http://www.klienwachter.com or Claim your copy of Roy's new book at: http://www.yourlifewasnevermeanttobeastruggle.com Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Posted: 31 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT Eckhart Tolle's book, The Power of Now, should be retitled to read, The Power of Samsara, because this is exactly what the now is. Using the analogy of a movie, the now is like one frame of samsara. Whether the now is a frame at a time or an entire movie, the now can never be nirvana. Truth be told, there is no now when we awaken to our true nature. Such a nature cannot be squeezed into a now. All the nows that have ever been are illusory. Before we are purified, enough to come to our first initial realization of pure Mind, we must first lose all faith in now, i.e., this moment. It is not enlightenment. I can remember once when I gave myself up to cleaning out the Zen temple's garden being focused on the here and now as my teacher instructed. Later, I realized that it wasn't any different than when my Zen teacher and I got drunk together on cheap beer (and I mean cheap). The series of nows that made up my life pointed in one direction. It was samsara—not awakening. Thanks to a few great mentors like Bishop Nippo Shaku, I sought to find the pure essence of my ordinary mind and its thoughts—an essence that was anything but ordinary or now. Looking back to this time from my present vantage point I can say, with absolute surety that, primordially, we are the Buddha-nature or if your like we are the One Mind. Unfortunately, if we don't recognize our Buddha-nature we remain stuck in the nows of suffering and rebirth. The real path we should be on goes beyond the now or the present moment. This path is about a search for our true nature. I can assure you that if we look hard enough, exhausting every possible avenue, eventually this true nature will discover us exactly when we discover it. There will be mutual recognition followed by what is called the light of Mahayana (mahรขyana-prabhรขsa).
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Expenditure reduction may be daydream but is there any option Posted: 31 May 2012 05:00 AM PDT Article by Jessica Jetti The IFS has not quoted about any options for the expenditure cut in the Green Budget, but the message was very vivid that the economists should have been high one the point when they outlined the severity plan. Just go some years back and you find that the UK has not tried to reduce its expenditures for more than two years. Nothing like, the step has been taken in the all European countries and adjacent to the same was 3 year lessening in Ireland between the period of 1987 and 89.The IFS director has stated that about 9 pound in every 10 pound of designed government service expenditure reduction is still to land. Among the intended tax goes up - the easy bit, figuring for just 0.2 per cent of total schemes - only 26 per cent would be left to be completed from the month of April. Of the expenditure reduction that figures about 0.8 per cent of the consolidation, 88 per cent are still in the hoard.The chief economist at IFS says that the state may yet confirm reluctant or incapable to bring out the expenditure reduction. Another report from the office of National Audit has cleared that just 2.2 per cent of departmental expenditure cut has been accomplished so far, aligned with a goal of 20 per cent by 2015 and many of those had been attained by non-permanent tools such as delaying IT program.There is no any substitute for the expenditure cuts, while, the Institute of Financial Studies has stressed. The black hole propelled in the public funds since 2008 is now projected to be about 113 billion pound - of that 101 billion pound can be liable directly to the economic recession with the other 12 billion pound put down to labour's being over confident, as the agency IFS has stated. Surprisingly, for all those pain, in notable language the reduction would only move back to the UK government expenditure in coming 2017 to the similar real terms point as it had been since last seven years. Apply for instant loans for bad credit and get funds instantly.Financial development is vital to trimming the Brit! ish defi cit that the Institute of Financial Studies quoted, was bigger in year 2007 than in all other prominent economies bar Ireland, Greece and Portugal. With the global condition, the IFS critiqued it best that the chancellor to reside his hand. Any munitions must be kept for fighting the nasty crisis an EU break-up will reason. The UK will be forced into a tightening of 1.6 per cent in 2012 and about 0.9 per cent in the coming year. Unemployment, expecting to touch 9 per cent in the current year, will be touching 10.8 per cent. About the AuthorJessica Jetti is a expert financial advisor. She works with finance in UK financial market. She writes articles on instant loans for bad credit @ http://www.instantloansforbadcredits.co.uk/ pounds to pocket and instant decision loans. For blog commenting please visit http://www.daytoninventors.com/ Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Joint Soreness Reduction All-natural Cures Which you Can Attempt At Your own home Posted: 31 May 2012 04:00 AM PDT Article by Roman Cervantes <p align="justify">Joint ache might be attributable to various illnesses mild to substantial but regardless of what would be the reason the pain can hinder standard each day things to do if not relieved. You'll find over the counter agony killing medicines for relieving the anguish but these might have some facet effects while through the counter ointment and creams for suffering aid are less hazardous make use of. Joint ache triggered because of to muscle mass strain or sprain might be cured by software of suffering relieving lotions and gels or massage by heat mustard oil. The anguish relieving ointments include ingredient which can break in towards pores and skin and provide heat and encourage blood circulation to aid muscular tissues recuperate from exhaustion though massage with standard heat oil too encourages blood flow for similar outcomes. For reoccurring joint discomfort there are several alternate treatments which can be advantageous in relieving it as well as to scale back its frequency. Usage of ashwagandha or withania somnifera is really advantageous in relieving all sorts of suffering as it is a really natural and organic pain reliever. Additionally it is able of relieving pain precipitated due to rheumatic ailments and improves energy and fitness. Ginger has outstanding properties of inhibiting secretion of particular hormones that are associated with agony and irritation, this residence of it causes it to be effective in relieving reoccurring joint soreness way too. Consuming a tablespoon of the mixture constructed by mixing equivalent sections of lemon juice and carrot juice each morning on an vacant belly also assists your body in relieving joint soreness. For immediate aid you can make a rubbing combination of eucalyptus oil, methyl salicylate, camphor and menthol, this combination may be rubbed on the aching joints for immediate alleviation. Heat apple cider vinegar can be an on the spot relief treatment, for many people today using delicate epidermis t! he appli cation of vinegar should be irritating, in this type of scenarios it can be diluted with h2o ahead of heating. An alternate helpful ache relieving remedy are generally developed by mixing two parts of olive oil and 1 component of kerosene oil to type a paste, rubbing this combination on aching joints can provide instantaneous reduction. Massage of this aching joints by warm blend of camphor oil and sunflower oil also will help. Heat olive oil massage is also effective in presenting instantaneous alleviation from joint agony. Incredibly hot and chilly compresses also can convey effective relief by developing blood move and stress-free the muscle tissue and ligaments belonging to the joints. Sizzling drinking water bath also relieves a number of discomfort in the overall body. Light workout routines like aerobics, swimming, jogging and strolling can even be very helpful in relieving agony by enhancing their power and endurance. Yoga poses like 'gomukhasana' could be very useful in relieving joint suffering. Breathing physical exercises in yoga can maximize the functioning of cardio-vascular system and oxygenation of this full physique that is handy in dealing with a variety of suffering and problems for the body. Hydrotherapy, TENS and mobilization therapy may also be practical tactics of relieving joint discomfort should the ache is persistent and progressive, regularly this sort of pains take place owing to fundamental health problem like arthritis. About the AuthorDo you want to know much more about Joint Pain Relief? Please check out Joint Pain Relief website. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 5/31/2012 Posted: 31 May 2012 04:00 AM PDT ![]() "My experience with forgiveness is that it sort of comes spontaneously at a certain point and to try to force it it's not really forgiveness. It's Buddhist philosophy or something spiritual jargon that you're trying to live up to but you're just using it against yourself as a reason why you're not okay." ~Pema Chรถdrรถn | ||
Large Bad Credit Loans for Debt Consolidation Reduction Posted: 31 May 2012 03:00 AM PDT Article by Ynez Aya You will find lots of reasons why somebody should get yourself a big personal bank loan. If you're in this situation and therefore are worried that the poor credit can create a hurdle, most. Nevertheless, ,000 bad credit loans can be found online and therefore are supplied every single day to borrowers just like you. You will find methods for getting the money you'll need for a cost you could afford knowing where you can appear. Why Large Lending options Function For time for you to think about the reasons that many people enter poor credit situations to start with, the answer then is obvious: lots of bills. That is how are you affected if you distribute your financial troubles out over lots of locations for instance school financial loans, individual lending options and charge cards. The burden of each and every minimum repayment together with the stress of planning out every month's expenses can crush you in additional ways than a single. The objective of getting 1, big mortgage of ,000 is usually to take people responsibilities, people financial loans and combine them into 1 repayment that is made quickly every month with little hassle. The advantage of debt consolidation reduction is always that in addition to the advantage it offers, you can also concentrate on improving your credit rating over time as responsibilities are made quickly. The Borrowed Funds to think about You'll find two major types of personal lending options now available: assured and unprotected financial loans. Assured lending options are individuals which are used with security backing them, like a home, property or shares. This gives the client a smaller interest rate as well as the loan company a cushion when the client fall behind. Easy is less hazardous within the borrower's placement since there's no security at the rear of it, but more harmful for just about any loan company and for that reason tougher to discover and get. The Borrowed Funds provider to select If put forth to! wn bank hunting for a bad credit loan you'll probably get yourself a large no as well as possibly some lighter in weight times. Numerous so-known as traditional loan companies are tightening their devices in addition to people with excellent credit ratings cannot obtain a mortgage in the bank or their bank. Rather, use the internet. While using the search term Unsecured Loan will yield a large number of loan companies who'll have the ability to final and allow you to get a big bad credit loan. When you determine a few feasible online loan companies, ensure to perform a criminal history check, nevertheless. You will find lots of people accessible who are able to provide you with an excellent loan, but you will find also lots who will con you and also just take your hard earned dollars or supply you with a terrible provide full of terms and conditions. Instead, turn to the Bbb for many guidance and just chose loan providers who're ranked W or higher. The Applying: The Best Step Once you find an excellent loan company, completing the form is simple and merely requires some rudimentary info. Numerous loan providers offering online bad credit loans won't even operate a credit assessment you should you prove that you simply manage to repay the money. Which means you require a steady, verifiable way to obtain earnings. It's also wise to have a very obvious picture from the other obligations as well as their month-to-month expenses. When you undergo these particulars while using loan provider, your bad credit loan might be refined within 24 hrs, departing you free of charge the cash to combine debt and obtain in to the spending budget that you might want. About the AuthorGranted that you are in a real ought to refund a enormous quantity of money that you had actually lent many years past then the bad credit loan welcomes you. Understand the 2 classifications of bad credit loan. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Yoga Is Useful For All Age-groups Posted: 31 May 2012 02:00 AM PDT Article by Yoga Freak Yoga is a priceless treasure now available to all. It is a form of exercise that has become increasingly popular in recent years. It is widely recognized as a scientific method to stretch, tone, strengthen, and relax the entire body, inside and out, rewarding the practitioner with glowing health. Yogasanas are safe and effective for people of all ages. Yoga is an exercise regimen that anyone can practice, no matter how old or young. Yoga is an ancient practice that benefits every age and body type. Yoga for Kids: Today's kids are under a lot of stress as compared to the previous generation - homework, peer pressure, never-ending after-school pursuits and interests. Yoga has been found to be very effective in addressing these problems. The practices of yoga not only help to keep the young body strong and supple but also incorporate mental activities and disciplines that help to develop attention and concentration, and stimulate the creative abilities that are latent within the child. Yoga for Teens: The teenage years can be the most difficult years, both physically and emotionally. A teenager's life is continually in a state of change. During puberty and the later teen years, enormous and rapid changes take place in the body and mind. The yoga program for teenagers should be so designed as to minimize the negative effects of hormonal changes that they inevitably go through. Sun salutation is an amazing asana series that would leave them both energized and calm at the same time. The shoulder stand is wonderful for balancing the hormones, and together with the plough pose and the fish pose, it is most effective. Yoga for Adults: The biggest problem with today's adults is of managing stress. It is a known fact that stress is the cause of ninety percent of aliments striking humans. One has to juggle so many variables to keep oneself competitive in his work place. An adult has to play many roles simultaneously, viz. father, son, husband, subordinate, boss, etc. This takes a toll on his! work-li fe balance. The practice of yoga balances the body, mind and spirit and ensures complete well being. Yoga for Elders: It has been proved beyond doubt that yoga is anti-ageing. It retards the ageing process. No one can escape from the clutches of the ageing process. But it is possible to avoid the ills of ageing with yoga. One can be as fit as a fiddle even at the later years of life by doing yoga. Most elders complain about various physical conditions including weak bones, muscle cramps, back pain, osteoporosis, joint pains, and decreased mobility. There are several yoga exercises specifically designed to address these issues. Yoga offers a wide range of benefits depending on which point of your life you decide to practice it. There are several variants of yoga postures and exercises intended for different age groups. Every person, irrespective of age, can practice yoga and reap its benefits. About the AuthorPatresia Adams is a Yoga enthusiast who loves to spread the goodness of the divine knowledge. In order to promote her passion, she has partnered with Divine Wellness to write blogs on the subject of Yoga poses and how it leads to good health and peace of mind. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Master Kriya Mudra Yoga pt 6 by GabrielaThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Posted: 31 May 2012 01:00 AM PDT Article by Jim Sherard Religion in Japan more than a specific set of beliefs or doctrines practiced on a daily basis, is a blend of traditions that stem from the early teachings of Shintoism and Buddhism, and which most Japanese have incorporated into rituals and customs that are applied on special occasions, such as visiting a Shinto shrine to mark the birth of a new baby, or attending wedding ceremonies performed by Shinto priests. Buddhism also plays a large role in this religious heritage, in that most funerals in Japan are overseen by Buddhist priests, who in addition to their specific duties at the ceremony perform an ongoing series of rites on death day anniversaries of deceased family members. Many of the festivals in Japan known as Matsuri are also chiefly of Shinto origin, and are often symbolic ceremonies representing the cultivation of rice and the spiritual well being of the community. Matsuri are popular events that are usually associated with Shinto Shrines, and are held annually over the course of several days. One of the key features are processions in which the local Kami (Shinto Deity) is carried through the streets on a portable shrine called a Mikoshi, often accompanied by drum and flute music. Every local festival has it's own unique characteristics, but most tend to be noisy, energetic occasions that offers the community an opportunity to come together in joyful celebration. Although most holidays in Japan are secular in nature, News Year's Day is marked by family traditions that are based in Shintoism, such as the consumption of special food, and visiting various Shrines throughout the day with family members to pray for blessing in the upcoming year. Bon Festival (Obon) in mid August is another well known event for Buddhists which marks the annual visit of ancestors to the earthly plane, and involves frequent visits to Buddhist Temples. Family altars are decorated with special spirit emblems, and ancestral graves are cleaned in anticipation of the return of the! souls o f family members since departed. Many people also return to their home towns to visit relatives, and to participate in celebrations such as folk dancing and prayers at local Buddhist temples. The origin of the Shinto religion is for the most part uncertain, but some scholars ascertain it emerged thousands of years ago as a cultural extension of immigrants from China, who upon arriving introduced agricultural rites and shamanic ceremonies which invariably took on Japanese characteristics in the new environment. The word Shinto means "the way of the gods", and proclaims no specific founder or sacred scriptures. The basic premise of the religion is that sacred spirits known as Kami take the form of objects and concepts significant to life, such as mountains, trees, wind, rain, rivers, and fertility. Human beings are capable of becoming Kami after they die, and the Kami of extraordinary people are sometimes enshrined as a show of respect. In contrast to many of the worlds monotheist religions, Shintoism does not profess to a set form of beliefs. The world is seen as being composed of various shades of gray, with no absolute forms of right and wrong. Humans are regarded as being fundamentally good, and immoral behavior is believed to be caused by evil spirits which must be kept at bay by Shinto rituals, prayers, and offerings to the Kami. The arrival of Buddhism in the sixth century exerted profound influence on Japan's social, intellectual, artistic, and political life, and as a result Shinto temporarily fell out of favor. Fortunately the two religions were soon able to co-exist harmoniously, with many Buddhists viewing the Kami as manifestations of Buddhas. In addition to Shinto and Buddhism, Japan was introduced to Christianity in the 16th and 17th centuries with the arrival of European traders and Jesuit missionaries, resulting in the conversion of thousands of Japanese to Roman Catholicism. In 1549 a Jesuit priest by the name of John Fernandez arrived in Kagoshima from Spain w! ith hope s of bringing Christianity to Japan. Thinking they would reduce the influence of the powerful Buddhist monks, the Shogunate initially supported the Christian movement, but as sentiment changed in the years to follow Christianity was banned by the government, and those who refused to abandon their new faith were killed. Christianity is currently practiced by approximately 1.3 million people in Japan. Although it represents only a small fraction of the population, Christmas is widely observed, though in a mainly secularized form. Christian organizations have also left their influence by founding well known educational institutions such as as Kwansei Gakuin University, International University, and Sophia University. About the AuthorJim Sherard is the author of "Land of the Rising Sun, A Guide to Living and Working in Japan", which can be found at: http://www.escapeartist.com/e_Books/Living_and_Working_in_Japan/Living_and_Working_in_Japan.html Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Experience inner peace with the art of meditation Posted: 31 May 2012 12:00 AM PDT Article by Rockeysheen01 Meditation helps individuals to embark on a journey towards inner peace and tranquillity. Start meditating for healthy benefits. The traditional way of meditation involves focussing on certain objects like a candle or doing the rhythm breathing while meditation. While you are meditating, your body tends to relax and this eventually also relaxes your mind. The end result is the inner peace and calmness that is missing in our day to day life. The main aim of a successful meditation technique is to stay focused on certain things. This will increase your concentration. Using the help of meditation in our daily basis will help you get greater concentration and focussing power. There are many people who do not believe in the powers of the meditation. But meditation truly has the ability to relieve you the stress if you are patient with the practicing techniques. Taking medication like pills and injections to relieve stress can be painful as well as very costly. And eventually in the long run, it can also have serious negative impacts on your overall health. Instead performing meditations is free of cost and anyone can start the process with the help of the how to meditate for beginners books as well as Cds. One of the basic techniques for meditation for beginners is to practice breathing exercises. For that, the basic thing that you need is a quiet and calm room. Now sit in the room in a relaxed manner, and close your eyes. Now start counting your breaths. Now start simply breathing in and out in a rhythmic manner and pay attention to the rhythm of the breath in a regular manner. When you are performing this exercise, make sure to breathe in and out only through your nostrils. This is a powerful mode of meditation and helps in increasing the concentration. Once you practice this form of meditation and master it well, you would realise that the contact with the outside world and all the disturbances are reducing while you are meditating and the focus on your breath is increa! sing. An d make sure to keep your eyes closed while performing this mode of meditation. This is an excellent start of meditation for beginners. Another popular technique for meditation is chanting of some kind of hymn or mantra. It is one of the processes that are more popular with the Hinduism as a religion. The most popular hymn used in such mantra meditation is OHM. About the AuthorThis Article on how to meditate for beginners & meditation for beginners is constructed by Rockeysheen. He has in-depth knowledge on different issues related to health and contributes his skills writing different topics related to health and meditation techniques, which has left a mark in the industry. For More Information he recommends to visit http://themeditationmind.com/ Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Har Darshan Khalsa meditation for the positive mindThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
A Few Effortless Meditation Techniques for Beginners Posted: 30 May 2012 11:00 PM PDT Article by Rockeysheen01 In today's world, it's not so easy to stay free of tensions. Throughout the entire day, one remains busy handling office pressures and tensions which consequently make one's body and mind inactive. Moreover, some are required to meet their domestic needs after returning from work, and as a result turns tired and frustrated. So, why not go for meditation to remain fit and active throughout the entire day? In reality, meditation is the simplest body relaxing procedure on earth. However, you must know the proper meditation techniques that can help you get better results in return. Meditation is nothing but contemplating, reflecting and thinking. However, you can only reap the benefits of meditation only when you practice the right meditation techniques on a daily basis. Although there are several techniques to meditate, all are not suitable for your health. Therefore, it's better if you can talk to some health expert and get to know the right meditation techniques. However, if you do not get any offline help, you can always look for your online resources. There are several websites as well as social media sites that bring videos where yoga professionals and meditation experts show meditation related exercises. Watching these videos can be extremely beneficial for those who are about to kick off with meditation. So, you can take a look at the following meditation techniques that might help you stay away from stress and anxiety: Try to kick off with simple meditation techniques. Although different meditation techniques are taught by different religious groups, psychologists and psychiatrists, it's you who need to know the right technique and get accustomed to it. Try not to go for the complex techniques.One of the effortless ways to meditate is to focus something imaginary and peaceful. Imagine a scenario where you are standing in front of a calm lake or amidst greenery. These positive imageries help to make your mind cool and relaxed.Nowadays, people prefer to meditate by hearing CDs. T! hese med itation CDs are uploaded with special tunes and instrumentals that makes us travel to a world of fantasy on the wings of our imagination. This is certainly one of the best meditation techniques that can let you get going throughout the entire day at work.Breathing is undoubtedly one of the most effective meditation techniques that can keep your body and mind fit and active. You will be able to work without letting any stress affecting your mind.About the AuthorThis Article on meditation techniques is constructed by Rockeysheen. He has in-depth knowledge on different issues related to health and contributes his skills writing different topics related to health and meditation techniques, which has left a mark in the industry. For More Information he recommends to visit http://themeditationmind.com/ Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Wellness & Harmony: Pure Relaxation - Enjoy The SilenceThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Reincarnation of the Seoul: South Koreaâs Rebirth from Flames Posted: 30 May 2012 10:00 PM PDT Article by Daniel Collins On the evening of February 10th, 2008, disgruntled 69-year old landowner Chae Jong-gi, upset over having been underpaid for land sold to developers, sprayed paint thinner onto one of his nation's greatest and most recognisable landmarks, and then set it alight, making his escape as the Namdaemun Gate was immersed in flame. Despite the efforts of around 360 fire fighters, the fire raged out of control, destroying the gate's ancient wooden structure.The Namdaemun, or Sungnyemun gate (literally 'Gate of Exalted Ceremonies'), was first constructed in 1398, and served as the main southern entrance to the great walled city of Seoul for a period of 600 years, right from when Seoul first became the capital of South Korea. Its destruction sent shockwaves through the nation, with many Seoul citizens gathering to watch in horror and dismay as their country's number one national treasure was reduced to ashes and soot.South Korea is, however, not a nation easily disheartened. For a country that is predominantly Buddhist, reincarnation รข" if you'll pardon the pun รข" is very much a part of life. And in the true spirit of Buddhism, the phoenix of Seoul has risen from the ashes of the devastation of January 2008 to celebrate the Vesak, an occasion that marks the birth of Buddha, and celebrates the history and culture that has helped shape South Korea into a country both harmonious and prosperous. Determined by the Lunar Calendar, Bucheonim osin nal ('the day Buddha arrived') takes place at a different time every year, and in 2008 fell on the 12th of May (it will take place on the 2nd of May in 2009). While obviously mainly celebrated by the quarter of Seoul's population that are of the Buddhist faith, Buddha's Birthday is a festival experienced and enjoyed by the whole city. Throughout May, colourful lotus lanterns are hung in the grounds of many of the 10,000 Buddhist temples that are scattered around Korea, and the lanterns of the Seoul temples are even known to spill out onto the streets of the city, clim! bing the walls of many of the restaurants and hotels in Seoul, which is an added bonus for tourists who have come to be catch glimpses and photographs of Seoul's most inspiring and enlightening festival.Other activities that take place during this period of Buddhist celebration include Buddhist bead-making, parades honouring the deity and rituals held within the Buddhist temples themselves, such as chanting ceremonies and the all-important Bathing of Buddha รข" the washing of a statue of the young Buddha, which represents the cleansing of greed, hatred and other evils from the mind, body, and from society itself. About the AuthorDaniel Collins writes on a number of topics on behalf of a digital marketing agency and a variety of clients. As such, this article is to be considered a professional piece with business interests in mind. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
The Diet Solution Program -- Ideal Weight Reduction Plan Today. Posted: 30 May 2012 09:00 PM PDT Article by Okura Lanser Stresses continues to be reviewed and I see that it has a wide range of opportunity and will convince help you lose the weight inside the this season and get you in to the best type of your health and also back in condition. The great portion about this program is the fact that it'll obtain the fat down and keep rid of it. The Diet Solution Program Review will disclose how the plan works and also the Diet Remedy Program Truth web-site believe that to you how the program is wonderful for everyone. It stands by several concepts: know the foods that creates quicker fat, understand the food items that keep you from losing fat, and how to placed the correct foods in concert to help you get to lessen the weight and to keep it off for good.There are so many variables that we analyzed that it's too much to place directly into this article. Unlike the vast majority of diet programs or work out plans, this program helps you throughout your whole life. This course installs in your head, once you begin this method the best food to eat, when to try to eat, what metabolic kind your physique is to further aspect the diet plan for the necessities, as well as help you stay on track. A very important factor in which stands out essentially the most about The Diet Solution Plan is the fact that it states with confidence that email address particulars are usual. As you know, many weight loss programs have that specifics in it which declare that theses final results that they are marketing aren't regular and also your own great results can vary greatly. This course flat out says that the use of their particular plan, you're going to get effects that are standard to what other people are receiving if they use the specifics within the instructions supplies. I strongly think that this program will help most of us. Plus the best thing plan is that you aren't ingesting negative tasting meals! You are eating whole-foods, real food, and tasty meals! In many other lose weight programs you do not utilize the foods ! you are eating.It is a great resource to get started on Today and enable you to finally lose the weight that is bothering you regarding so many many years. The diet just isn't an accident diet plan, a new hunger diet, a web based food ordering eating plan, or perhaps a hard training plan. This method merely shows you exactly what foodstuffs are good for you actually physique and how they actually burn off fat. I was amazed when I found that foods such as bacon, eggs, and lots of additional whole foods were being on the list to consume. Nevertheless foods just like wheat grains bread, pasta, cereal, and also marg . exactly where one of several foods not to take in. The diet solution program provides to assist you discover the metabolic type of your body and also the metabolic condition in which you have been in currently. After that it goes on to help you find the best meals that a body needs to start burning the fat and then keeping the weight off forever! Quickly you'll be on your way to obtaining benefits that are standard and definately will lose 10% of your latest body weight in the 1st 30 days. About the AuthorFor more information about the diet solution program please visit our website. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Spiritual Awakening at Sarnath Posted: 30 May 2012 08:01 PM PDT Article by sanjay kumar pandey The other day, I went to Varanasi to visit its many temples and ghats. When the time came to return back, someone suggested that I visit the nearby Sarnath. Since I had a day to spare, I decided to go by his advice. I took a taxi and in just half an hour reached Sarnath, which is located just 13 km away from Varanasi.. Sarnath, situated near Varanasi in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh is one of the four main Buddhist pilgrimage destinations of India. Also called Isipatana and/or Mrigadava, it was at Sarnath that Lord Buddha gave his first sermon and gave teachings from Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta. It was at Sarnath that Buddha spent his first rainy season after receiving enlightenment at Bodh Gaya. It was at here that the Buddhist Sangha first came into existence. The Buddhist ruins, museum, temple, and serene and calm atmosphere of Sarnath attract the Buddhists and the general travellers alike to the place in great numbers. When the famous Chinese traveller Hiuen Tsang had visited Sarnath, he had found about 1,500 monks studying the Hinayana form of Buddhism there. Even though Sarnath was vandalized by the Turkish Muslims in the 12th century AD, it managed to retain much of its glory and significance. Sarnath is actually a small village with the much famous Deer Park where Buddha is believed to have delivered his first sermon. In the Deer Park at Sarnath, the magnificent Dhamekh Stupa--built by the Buddhist Emperor Ashoka in 249 BC--stands majestically. A few other Buddhist structures, built between the 3rd century BC and 11th century AD, also exist in the park. If you are spiritually inclined and revel in serene and calm environments, then Sarnath would certainly intrigue you. The place may not be as famous as Varanasi but it certainly has its own charms and is sure to attract all those inspired by religion and spiritualism. About the Authorhttp://www.studentexcursion.com Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included."Aspects of Freedom" by Ajahn NyanadhammoThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Spiritual Awakening at Sarnath Posted: 30 May 2012 08:00 PM PDT Article by sanjay kumar pandey The other day, I went to Varanasi to visit its many temples and ghats. When the time came to return back, someone suggested that I visit the nearby Sarnath. Since I had a day to spare, I decided to go by his advice. I took a taxi and in just half an hour reached Sarnath, which is located just 13 km away from Varanasi.. Sarnath, situated near Varanasi in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh is one of the four main Buddhist pilgrimage destinations of India. Also called Isipatana and/or Mrigadava, it was at Sarnath that Lord Buddha gave his first sermon and gave teachings from Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta. It was at Sarnath that Buddha spent his first rainy season after receiving enlightenment at Bodh Gaya. It was at here that the Buddhist Sangha first came into existence. The Buddhist ruins, museum, temple, and serene and calm atmosphere of Sarnath attract the Buddhists and the general travellers alike to the place in great numbers. When the famous Chinese traveller Hiuen Tsang had visited Sarnath, he had found about 1,500 monks studying the Hinayana form of Buddhism there. Even though Sarnath was vandalized by the Turkish Muslims in the 12th century AD, it managed to retain much of its glory and significance. Sarnath is actually a small village with the much famous Deer Park where Buddha is believed to have delivered his first sermon. In the Deer Park at Sarnath, the magnificent Dhamekh Stupa--built by the Buddhist Emperor Ashoka in 249 BC--stands majestically. A few other Buddhist structures, built between the 3rd century BC and 11th century AD, also exist in the park. If you are spiritually inclined and revel in serene and calm environments, then Sarnath would certainly intrigue you. The place may not be as famous as Varanasi but it certainly has its own charms and is sure to attract all those inspired by religion and spiritualism. About the Authorhttp://www.studentexcursion.com Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included."Aspects of Freedom" by Ajahn NyanadhammoThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Women with Cancer May Not Get Fertility Advice Posted: 30 May 2012 08:00 PM PDT
Men receive better guidance than women on how to preserve fertility during and after cancer treatment, according to a small new study from Scotland. In interviews with young men and women who had been recently diagnosed with cancer, researchers found that at treatment consultations with doctors, men were encouraged to store their sperm prior to starting treatment, but options for preserving fertility were less frequently discussed with women. Additionally, there was a protocol in place for health care providers to refer men to a local sperm bank, whereas this was not the case for women and egg storage. "At the time of diagnosis, patients should be provided with accurate information about the potential risk of impaired fertility after treatment for cancer," regardless of whether there are nearby facilities for egg or sperm storage, said study co-author Valerie Peddie, a fertility nurse and midwife at the University of Aberdeen's School of Medicine and Dentistry. Infertility can be a side effect of cancer treatment, and discussions about preserving fertility are a growing issue as more younger people are being treated for cancer. When asked about why they hadn't discussed fertility preservation with women, health care professionals said that the need to start treatment seemed more urgent in women's cases, and that the first treatment would not affect fertility. They also said that the first meetings after diagnosis could overwhelm the patients with information, so it seemed reasonable to wait to discuss fertility when the topic became more pressing. Almost all patients, male and female, received extensive written information about treatment options, which included a section on fertility preservation. "In reality, the immediate emphasis is often on treatment, with little time available to discuss future fertility or options for fertility preservation,"Peddie said. The researchers interviewed 16 men and 18 women between age 17 and 49, who were recently diagnosed about their experience discussing their treatment and fertility options. The researchers also interviewed 15 health care professionals. Researchers acknowledged the study had a small sample size, and suggested that more research be done with a larger population. The paper was published today (May 30) in BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Pass it on: Cancer can compromise fertility for men and women, but health care professionals may be better equipped to advise men on how to prevent infertility than women. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. Find us on Facebook. | ||
Meditate for Beginners Help you Make the Life Better to Live Posted: 30 May 2012 07:00 PM PDT Article by Rockeysheen01 Do you feel tired without any reason? Do you feel restless all the time? Is anxiety and sleeplessness a common part of your day to day life? No, these are not the symptoms that indicate that you have intense health problems, but these are indicating that your mental and physical health is not ok. Yes, your hectic life schedule and tough work culture can be a reason behind this and all you need is meditation to come out of this. Well, meditation for beginners can help you start a healthier and better life easily. However, you must learn how to meditate for beginners to grip the art of meditation in a proper way. Once, you start doing meditation on a regular basis, you can witness too many changes in your life, like- You will feel physically fit and mentally strong.It helps you get back your lost confidence.When you become tired, meditation help you feel refreshed.Early morning meditation helps you feel energetic throughout the day.Meditation increases your appetite.It helps you get an adequate amount of sleep in a better way.It helps you get rid of anxiety and irritation.It makes you stay fit and fine without letting you depend upon medicines all the time.Meditation for beginners is really of great help to make the life more systematic and perfect to live at your best. Well, whenever the fact of meditation comes up, some of the general tensions surround you from all the sides, like- Time managementGoing to the classesSide effectsIn such circumstances, first of all, you should know that meditation does not have any kind of side effects. When you start meditation, it only helps you live better without any troubles. Yes, meditation should be done in a correct way. If you want to know how to meditate for beginners, then you can look up here. Doing meditation is really easy, when you get to know about some of the key facts, like- Concentration Meditation is all about gaining right concentration by increasing your focus. Breathing To do meditati! on in a better way, you must know how to breathe-in and breathe-out in a proper way. Comfort To make yourself comfortable, you must go for doing meditation sitting in a way, where you feel the most comfortable. When you have learnt how to meditate for beginners, you must go for doing meditation for beginners, because it makes your life easier to live. About the AuthorThis Article on how to meditate for beginners and meditation for beginners is constructed by Rockeysheen. He has in-depth knowledge on different issues related to health and contributes his skills writing different topics related to health and meditation techniques, which has left a mark in the industry. For More Information he recommends to visit http://themeditationmind.com/ Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Exercise, Fruits & Veggies May Lengthen Life, Even at 70 Posted: 30 May 2012 07:00 PM PDT
Eating fruits and veggies and getting plenty of exercise may be just as important for women in their 70s as it is at other times in their lives, a new study suggests. The researchers studied 713 women between age 70 and 79, and found that women who ate the most fruits and vegetables and got the most exercise were eight times less likely to die over the next five years, compared with those who did little exercise and ate few fruits and vegetables. "Given the success in smoking cessation, it is likely that maintenance of a healthy diet and high levels of physical activity will become the strongest predictors of health and longevity," said lead author Emily Nicklett, of the University of Michigan School of Social Work. During the study, 82 of the women (11.5 percent) died. Those who got the most exercise were 74 percent less likely to die, compared with those who did not exercise. Women who ate the most fruits and veggies were 46 percent less likely to die, compared with the group who ate the fewest fruits and veggies. Combining exercise and healthy eating resulted in the greatest increase in likelihood of longevity, the researchers said. Researchers measured participants' fruit and vegetable intake by testing their blood for antioxidants, and they surveyed exercise levels with questionnaires. They found that more than half the participants said they didn't do any exercise. The study found an association between the produce consumption, exercise and longevity but does not prove that partaking in these activities in your 70s can cause increased longevity, and more research is needed. The study was published today (May 30) in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. Pass it on: Eating fruits and veggies and getting plenty of exercise while in their 70s can still increase women's longevity. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. Find us on Facebook. |
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