Spirituality and Money: 10 Tips to Overcome Financial Fears

Spirituality and Money: 10 Tips to Overcome Financial Fears

Spirituality and Money: 10 Tips to Overcome Financial Fears

Posted: 19 May 2012 01:00 PM PDT

Article by Scott Petullo and Stephen Petullo

It seems just about everyone is needing to bemore mindful about money these days. Peopleare cutting back more than ever and finallypaying more attention to their spending habits.

For some, so far, it's only a matter of awareness.All the recession talk is causing them to be morecautious, even though their income and expenses,to this date, have not changed much.

Others, after losing their job or experiencingmajor pay cuts, are having trouble meeting basicexpenses like their rent or mortgage payment.

One good thing that may come from the recession includes an increasing number of people taking more responsibility for their financial future.Many will think twice before whipping out acredit card on every impulse. Things that seemedlike necessities in the past, such as a nicer car,dining out frequently, expensive cups of coffee,or the hippest new fashions from the trendieststores are being bypassed for alternatives.

Despondent about when things will get better?It varies for everyone. Periods of financialstruggle and times of abundance throughout yourlife can be readily identified; they are symbolizedthrough cyclical timing methods in thecomprehensive numerology and astrology chartsor foretold by some psychics. Likewise, youroverall money fate over the course of yourentire life can be determined as well; below,average, above, or way above average financialprosperity is symbolized in the comprehensivechart patterns. If this concept is new to you andyou're skeptical, we understand. It took us manyyears to recognize the authenticity and accept thenotion of, fixed personal fate.

How does this concept apply to someone who isalways in debt? It indicates they may be livingbeyond their means, buying more than what theyare destined to possess (unless they are destined tohave more money but are subconsciouslyblocking financial success, which is discernablethrough handwriting analysis). They may think it'stheir "birthright" to have and buy whatever theywant, when they want it. But! if they want to getout of debt and remain there, they must reducetheir spending and accept the level of materialabundance that their soul (not their consciousself) chose before incarnating.

For those who are financially responsible buthave hit a temporary rough patch, or for anyoneelse who wants to make the most of theirfinancial fate, we offer two different methods tohelp whenever you're feeling apprehensive aboutyour finances.

The first is what we call the Mystic's MagicFormula:

1) Make time to consider your situation from aspiritual perspective. Review your assumptionsand expectations and let them go.

2) Accept what has happened, what is, andwhere you are (essential in order to move on).Surrender to your inner wisdom. Establish andcultivate your goals after determining if they arerelatively realistic.

3) Gratitude: express it for where you are,everything rewarding in your life that you have,and the good that will be, and strengthen your faithby continuing to emotionalize the desired, endresult.

4) Invite help from your higher-self, guides of theLight and, or God.

5) Calm your mind and fears and awaken yourawareness through meditation.http://www.holisticmakeover.com/LetGo.htm

6) What's the next step? Ask this every step ofthe way and be open for clues.

7) Assume responsibility for yourself and yoursituation (no blaming).

8) Navigate your path with the tools available toyou: numerology and astrology, meditation, pastlife regression, graphology, and other effective self-help methods.

9) Do what you need to do, when you need to do it(and do "the right thing" in all situations).

The second method is easier and especially helpfulwhen you are feeling depressed, confused, orhelpless about your situation. It can be usedanywhere, anytime, and when practiced often, itwill make a world of difference and generateenormous peace of mind.

Instead of feeding your depression or feelings oflack, elevate your energy and change your state ofmind. ! That may sound a bit vague, but it's fairlyeasy to do: just feel excited about more money,a better work environment, more clients, more love,a better date, or whatever, but the trick is to feel ingeneral terms, such as simply "mass abundance."

Don't think of details yet or analyze how you canreach your goal. When you feel the worry energyweighing down your heart and solar-plexus(stomach) chakras areas, instead of giving in to it,transmute it, replace it with the positive energy ofexcitement. Feel excited and let the energy rise andthen imagine yourself merging with a higher,protective, and guiding power. Perceive yourselfsurrounded and filled with a bright, white light.Make this process a regular habit.

Feel as if your dilemma is solved. What's thatreally like for you? A huge sense of relief?Satisfaction? Generate all the positive emotions.Getting excited about the idea of a solution willmore easily allow you to perceive the most fittingone when it's time for you to do so. Worryingabout something? Cancel that (think, "cancel,cancel, cancel") and correct and, or reverse thefear-based imagery in your mind; feel excited asif everything is working out better than expected.Keep feeling the excitement over and over and itwill help to cancel out dark or negative energythat may be interfering and causing you toexperience more fear than usual.

Everything goes in unique cycles, including yourfinances. Even though you can't skip the tough partsof life, you can use your free will to make the mostof your personal fate and your stay on this planet.

Copyright © Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

About the Author

Scott Petullo and Stephen Petullo are identical twins and have been exploring metaphysics since the early 1980s. They are experts in the fields of prediction, personal fate, love life, and past life regression, and are natural psychics and mediums. Get their free report: 13 Spiritual and New Age Myths and 11 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Psychic. http://www.mystictwins.com http://www.holisticmakeover.com

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One Drum by Simon Bailey ♥ UNITY ♥

Wave1111.com ~ United as One with Love Vibrations ~ Simon's songs are being described as 'Conscious Rock'. Theme is Spiritual awareness, Unity and Unconditional Love. Lyrics Letra espaรฑol Look at you, look at me, Raindrops in a big blue sea. We are one love. Everybody is a word, Painted on the pages of The book of love. Definition is a wave, But separation is my illusion.... Cause we're all in this together, We're all beating on One Drum, We are water, we are ocean, Everyone. Stranger in a distant land, Offering an outstretched hand, You are the love. You and I have different ways, Of singing along or dancing to The song of love. Satellite up in the sky, Sees the world, as undivided... Cause we're all in this together, We're all dancing to One Drum, We are water, we are ocean, Everyone. Kicking off these heavy shoes, Of prejudice and hate, Let's celebrate our differences, With give and take. It's not too late... Cause we're all in this together, We're all beating on One Drum, We are water, we are ocean, Everyone. One drum, everyone. Mรญrate, mรญrame gotas de lluvia en un gran mar azul somos el amor Cada uno de nosotros somos una palabra pintada en las pรกginas del libro del amor. Definiciรณn es una ola pero separacion es mi ilusiรณn... Porque estamos juntos en esto, estamos sonando como un Unico Tambor somos agua, somos ocรฉano, todos. Extraรฑos desde otras tierras ofreciendo una mano tendida, ustedes son el amor. Tu y yo tenemos diferentes modos, de cantar o de bailar, la ...

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Relax your Senses through Natural Sleeping Pills

Posted: 19 May 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Article by Robert Samuels

Spending the whole day by doing lots of work vigorously, the person is in great need to have a sound sleep at night. However if that person is unable to enjoy a good night's sleep due to the insomnia, he/she will not be able to perform on the next day to the fullest. The performance is bound to fall due to the person's inability to sleep. Therefore it is evident that people would love to have something which helps them to enjoy a sound sleep. There comes the special item called natural sleeping pills which helps us to enjoy a good night's sleep effortlessly.

It is needless to say that people usually take lots of medicines to cure their different problems. These medicines comprises of various chemical compounds which causes numerous side effects to their body. In this fashion, whenever people use these medicines to cure their sleeping problems, they usually face some negative side effects of these chemical pills. Moreover these capsules generally increases the body toxin level which causes serious imbalance to our body. Under such circumstances, the natural sleeping pills come as a boon to us for give us the convenient way out to have a sound sleep at the night time.

If you consider taking up these natural sleeping pills on a regular basis, it is needless to say that you will enjoy a sound sleep without much effort from you. Regular intake of these pills will let your nervous system to soothe your senses properly. Therefore when you go to the bed, you can have the calmer mind to ensure a good night's sleep.

Most of the ingredients of these natural sleeping pills come from the natural products. Therefore it is needless to say that these pills cannot cause any negative side effects to the people. As these pills come from the natural resources, the effect of these capsules last for a longer period of time.

After you intake one of these natural sleeping pills before you go to sleep, the natural element directly affects on the central nervous system to soothe the senses. This pro! cess neu tralizes our nervous system and gradually we tend to feel asleep. It is to be noted that these pills do not force your nervous system to get relaxed. Therefore there is less chances of you to face any side effects from your sleeping pills.In short, if you are willing to let you enjoy a good night's sleep, you have to depend on the natural sleeping pills without having any negative effects on your body.

About the Author

Robert Samuels who is a freelancer writes articles on natural sleeping pills. For more information on it he suggests to visit http://www.5stagesleepshot.com/.

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Relieves low back pain through yoga

Posted: 19 May 2012 11:00 AM PDT

Article by Keely

Low back pain can affect the back anywhere below the ribs and above the legs. The lower back is the connection between the upper and lower body, and supports most of the body weight. Because of these functions, it is easily injured when you lift, reach, or money. Nearly everyone has low back pain at one time or another. The good news is that lower back pain will disappear in a few weeks with some basic self-care. But if the pain is severe or lasts more than a couple of weeks, consult your doctor.

Only a few people with low need for back surgery pain. Surgery may help if you have a herniated disc or back pain along with symptoms of nerve damage, such as numbness in the legs. Even in these cases, most people get better without surgery. Having surgery does not guarantee that all your pain will disappear. Before having surgery, is a good idea to get a second opinion.

There are some ways that can relieve low back pain through yoga. Yoga is one of the nondrugs, non-surgical therapy has been shown to benefit from back pain. In 2005 a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that a yoga program was more effective in the treatment of low back pain than other exercise regimen or educated about proper aftercare. In October 2007, the American College of Physicians and the American Pain Society published guidelines recommending therapies including massage, Viniyoga (a smooth, yoga therapy), acupuncture and spinal manipulation for persistent back pain.

According to Timothy McCall, MD, the medical editor of Yoga Journal, yoga can enable patients to strengthen weak muscles, increase flexibility, improve oxygenation to body tissue and shift the balance of the autonomic nervous system from the sympathetic "fight or flight" response to the parasympathetic "rest and digest" state. All of those changes can help support the musculoskeletal system and bring pain relief, but beyond those physical improvements, Dr. McCall believes that the greatest benefit yoga can provide to patients is! in thei r mind.

"In yoga there is a difference between pain and suffering. Pain is often caused by physical things, but the mind fuels the fires of suffering by thinking about it and coming to negative conclusions, which activates your stress response system," says Dr. McCall. "When you do meditation or breathing practices, you start to see the role that the mind plays. Advanced mediators can modulate their pain. They know the pain is there, but they don't react to it the same way."

Up to 20% of Americans suffer an attack a month of back pain every year. That's a lot of wailing on the couch and lost in the fun or even work. It is important to come to understand some simple ways to relieve pain.

About the Author

Coach purses outlet is one of the best places to find information and great deals on coach purses and accessories of coach purse.

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Yoga Teacher Certification

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Hotels and Kids: Plan Ahead to Maximize Your Relaxation

Posted: 19 May 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Article by Antoinette Ayana

Traveling with children can be a bit stressful at times, especially if the children are young. By planning ahead and doing some mindful packing, you can make staying at hotels much simpler so that everyone can relax a little more. Consider the following ideas when you start preparing for your next trip.

Ideally, you want to make your environment as much like home as possible. Hotels can be quite relaxing for adults, but children tend to be a little more hesitant to unwind in unfamiliar territory. If your children have favorite blankets or stuffed animals, be sure to bring those along. Also, consider playing a favorite lullaby CD or movie on your laptop. This may help alleviate some of the unfamiliarity of their surroundings. You might want to consider bringing your own portable crib (provided you have the space) for your infant or toddler. The more like home you can make your hotel room feel, the better chances you have of getting your kids to sleep soundly.

Another way to maximize relaxation while staying in hotels with kids is to think about food options. Some sort of breakfast may be offered, and this is usually an easy time to feed the kids. However, consider packing plenty of non-perishable snacks for times when meals are delayed due to travel or restaurant wait times. Fruit strips, granola bars, crackers, bottled water and juice are all great options to have on hand. If your child drinks formula, pack a formula dispenser in your bag instead of carrying the cumbersome can everywhere you go. By making sure your children do not get overly hungry, you can minimize their crabbiness on long days.

Hotels often offer amenities such as pools or water parks, and these can be very fun activities for you and your children. Always pack a swimsuit (and swim diapers) just in case! Even if you think you will not use the pool or park, you may change your mind. Planning ahead for such events will at least give you the option once you have checked in and gotten settled. If you frequently work! out, be sure to pack exercise clothes for yourself so you can take advantage of the equipment that the hotel offers.

Minimizing stress while staying at hotels with children also calls for minimizing your schedule as much as possible. Trying to pack too much into a single day leads to frustration (from fatigue and hunger) and disappointment (from unrealized expectations). Plan each day out before you leave home, prioritizing events and activities for each day. By doing this, your vacation will not end with a bunch of "what ifs" and "if onlys". Instead, you will look back at the "remember whens" as you fondly remember your trips with your little ones.

About the Author

The hotels Playa del Carmen visitors book as fast as possible boast luxury and location. Book your stay today at http://www.condohotelsplayadelcarmen.com.

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UltraWellness Key #7: How to cure mental problems

I'll tell you why getting your body-mind connection under control is more important than cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure, and any other risk factor in determining whether you will live a long and healthy life. For more information on this, visit the UltraWellness Blog at www.ultrawellness.com

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The Perfect Ways of Meditation

Posted: 19 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Article by Jassica Thomson

The prevalence of stress and depression is a very common aspect of modern life. There are various reasons that lead to excessive stress of the mind among individuals that ultimately result in depression.And for all problems of the mind there are ways to improve the condition with the learning meditation. This is a derivation from ancient Indian yogic techniques that were aimed at treating the mind and the body of various ailments.There are various ways meditation is known to cure the mind of several problems like those listed below. Anxiety Depression Sleep problems Lack of ConcentrationThe Importance of Meditation How does meditation lead to mental stability? This is a common query that may arise in the minds of many. The process of meditation leads to a state of the mind where you think of nothing.When you close your eyes and concentrate you come to a point of total blackout from the outside world. This is the time when the mind sheds its weight and refreshes itself.Meditation Techniques The process of meditation is a simple one. It has more to do with the mind and that is what should be ready for the exercise more than your body.There is a particular posture that is generally followed as part of meditation procedure. You have to sit on a flat surface and cross your legs.Place your hands on the lap where your legs are crossing each other.The palm of your hands can be placed in a variety of ways. In some postures it can be placed on top of one another in the middle of the lap on the legs. In other cases you may also place them on the knees of your folded legs in an open manner. Open palms means when you keep the inside of the hand facing out.This facing out of the palms of the hand also signify reaching out for more energy from the atmosphere.Meditation Aids There is no specific requirement for meditation. There are no conditions that are laid down to act as necessary for someone to practice meditation.You may practice this art whenever you have time and reap its benefits for your health and mind! . Howeve r the modern world has an answer to help you with your perseverance level for meditation.There are different kinds of meditation music that are available and you can use these as the stepping stone to concentrate while closing your eyes for more concentration. Meditation music cds are widely available and there is also the scope to download free meditation music from internet sources.Meditation Cure What are the specific ailments for which meditation can be a possible cure? There are a wide variety of mental problems like anxiety depression to sleep problems that can be cured with meditation.Chronic headaches and restlessness can also be healed with meditation. One of the major aims of meditation is to improve concentration which in turn will also improve memory.Human minds are a complex system that works at various levels. Meditation is what relaxes the mind to improve concentration in everything. This will bring about more stability to the mind.

About the Author

For more insights and further information about learning meditation visit our site http://www.meditate.com.au/

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Relaxing Music Therapy - Relaxing Piano Rain Music - Nature Scenes for sleep

Google+ plus.google.com Facebook www.facebook.com Relaxing Music Therapy For Stress Relief Relaxing music therapy is a very potent phenomenon. Sounds can soothe you, fire your imagination, bring you to the heights of ecstasy or bring you down to the depths of your soul. Music is known to relax and to help in stress relief. In the right manner, music can bring lightness into a serious situation. Relaxing music therapy can heal, soothe and bring calm tot an agitated mind. Defining "relaxing music" seems a matter of personal choice. Some people find the serene sounds of the waterfall and chirping birds relaxing while others relax with their favorite hard rock. How Does It Work? The therapeutic effect of relaxing sounds seems to have a scientific definition of its own. When the human brain is relaxed it produces more alpha brain waves. When a person is stressed out, his brain produces more beta and theta waves. Beta and theta waves are faster changing brain waves than alpha waves. Within the fight-or-flee logic of a sudden stressful situation, the human brain processes seem to speed up to act faster. This can be helpful in short, specific moments, but it is counter productive when it becomes a chronically state of being. A relaxing tune can help with its sounds typically rich in frequencies that are similar to our alpha type brain waves. The mind is always open to suggestions and thus when a person is agitated or tensed, relaxing sounds, rich in alpha like frequencies, can ...

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Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 5/19/2012

Posted: 19 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT

"You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free."
~Thich Nhat Hanh

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Can exposure to low level of stress or toxins make you stronger?

Posted: 19 May 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Article by Healthy Buy Store

There are a good number of scientific evidences that associate disease resistance with exposure to certain levels of health hazards. The medical community calls it the theory of hormesis.

After decades of being dismissed as purely anecdotal, the scientific community finally acknowledged hormesis as a fundamental principle in biology and medicine.

One study has demonstrated the validity of hormesis among laboratory animals. Rats that were bombarded with radiation showed less susceptibility to develop cancer when they had been exposed to minor gamma rays. A similar response was observed when dioxin was given to rats.

The biochemical mechanisms underlying hormesis are still a mystery. It is believed that a certain amount of toxin prompts repair mechanisms, which not only fight the toxin's effect, but also the damages caused by other toxins.

Aging is one the areas where hormesis has been widely investigated. It is believed that exposure to mild stress prompts adaptive or hormetic response that fights aging. Examples of mild stresses that may trigger such response are irradiation, heat shock, hypergravity, pro-oxidants, food restriction, and physical activity.

Hormesis challenges the mainstream concept in conventional and natural medicine that if a little is good, more must be better.

Human body is like a finely-tuned musical instrument that either malfunctions or improves in response to minor changes in its settings. Some stressors make you healthy, while others do the opposite. Examples of stressors with damaging effects are:

Vaccinations Water fluoridation Radiation emitted by cellphones Mercury amalgams Smoking

Hormesis and Adaptation

Hormesis is derived from the ancient Greek word hormรกein, which means "to set in motion, impel, urge on," Hormesis pertains to healthy reactions to low exposures to toxins and other stressors. Therefore, a toxin that prompts hormesis has the opposite effect when introduced in larger quantity.

An example of ! such "he althy" form of toxin is homeopathy. This practice proves that even a highly toxic substance can cause health benefits when it is introduced to the body in small quantity, which is just enough to trigger hormesis, but far from being sufficient to cause damage.

Hormesis is as important as homeostasis for biological survival. Through hormesis, an organism adapts to internal and external stresses by strengthening the body. This phenomenon corresponds to the "survival of the fittest" theory of evolutionary biology. Aging is an obvious manifestation of the principle of hormesis. Aging results when the body fails to withstand stressors that cause biological degradation.

Hormesis in old age can be in the form of longer lifespan in response to calorie restriction or exercise. It is believed that the adaptive ability of the human body is developed during the resistance period.

One of easiest ways to trigger hormesis is through physical exercise. Exercise can increase metabolism, improve the immune system, prevent various diseases, prolong life, and fight oxidative stress. However, excessive exercise, just like other forms of stressors in high amount, can induce harmful effects.Anti-Aging Effects of Stressors

Stressors are often viewed as major causes of aging. The stress theory of aging emphasizes the role of stressors in aging. For instance, overproduction of stress hormones such as ACTH, cortisol, and catecholamines is associated with shorter life-span and disintegration of various biological functions.

Excess levels of antioxidants, which are commonly marketed as health supplements, could lead to a form of harmful stress called "reductive stress."

The stress theory of aging fails to take into account the role of stress in improving health. An example of such stress is calorie restriction. There are strong evidences that support the claim that calorie restriction prolongs life.

For example, a study published in the "Journal of Nutrition" proved that limiting food intake ! could pr olong life. The study reported that reducing the calorie intake of mice by as much as 40% increased their lifespan by almost 300%. This figure was relative to the lifespan of mice with no calorie restrictions.

What's more interesting was that the longevity effect of calorie restriction exceeded that of fish oils, which only prolonged lifespan by 40%.

As the study showed, life span of mice increased six-fold (from 40% to 265%) when calorie restriction was combined with fish oil diet.

Hormetic tendency is believed to be an acquired survival mechanism. Lack of food forces the body to mobilize available resources to defend itself from disease-causing oxidative stress. As a result, energy utilization is maximized by allocating greater resources to immunological functions and life supporting systems.

But it doesn't mean that you should restrict calorie intake to stay healthy. The hormetic effect of calorie restriction is due to insulin reduction. Actually, there are safer and more pleasant ways to reduce insulin.Eating Less for Longer Life

Reduce your calorie intake by eating according to your nutritional type, which is based on your unique biochemistry. This should reduce your food cravings. By giving your body the right amount of energy it needs, you will experience less hunger.

Know the types of food and amount of nutrients required by your body. Then create the appropriate mix of proteins, carbohydrates, and fat. This approach to energy restriction puts more emphasis to the proportion of essential nutrients in the diet rather than the amount of calories. Having a well-proportioned mix of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates is the key to energy restriction. This explains why vegetable juicing is so effective in energy restriction. Vegetable juice is low in calorie, high in essential nutrients, and has no insulin-elevating ingredients.More "Healthy" Stressors and Toxins

There are plenty of cases that show the hormetic principle in action.

1. Ionizing radiation

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers ionizing radiation as a health hazard regardless of its amount. EPA-mandated radiation limit ranges from 15 to 100 mrem (millirem) a year. Radioactive sites cannot be released to the public unless they meet this limit.

Contrary to the negative impression of EPA on ionizing radiation, it was found that minimal radiological exposure does not cause cancer and can even improve health.

For instance, survivors of World War II atomic bombing in Nagasaki, who received 1,000 to 19,000 mrem of radiation, are less vulnerable to cancer and have longer lifespan than the non-irradiated population. Hormesis may also explain why people in high-radon-level areas in Japan, Germany, and central Europe are less prone to cancer.

But beware that x-ray exposure is a major cause of cancer and heart diseases. These side-effects are attributed to radiation's ability to cause chromosomal mutations and DNA instability.

2. Radium

Radioactive health products were in huge demand during the 1920s and 1930s. Sellers of these products purported that they could lengthen lifespan and cure many diseases.

Fatal complications caused by overconsumption of radion health products eventually weakened their reputation. The death of Eben Byers, a millionaire and sportsman who was urged by his physician to drink radium-infused water, was the most sensational of all morbid cases associated with radium consumption. Four years after his death, the "Wall Street Journal" published a cover story about another radium-induced complication, which marked the death of radium health products.

Despite the health hazards of radion, bathing in radon water remains popular. Every year, around 75,000 people resort to radon spas in Germany to treat arthritis and other ailments. Japan, Austria, and the Czech Republic also run radion spas.

The health benefits of such low-level radiation exposure is being investigated in Japan. It has been proven in Japan that low-level radiat! ion coul d fight cancer by strengthening the immune system and repairing DNA. Minimal radon exposure is also believed to stimulate super-oxide dismutase, a potent antioxidant, and ATP, the energy supply of cells.

Whether hormesis is right for you or not is something that you yourself should decide. Be accountable to your own health and choose the treatment options that you think best suit your personal circumstances.

About the Author

Source: http://healthy-lifestyle.most-effective-solution.com/2009/09/14/what-scientific-data-say-about-hormesis

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Stress Relieving, Calming, Relaxing Music

Guaranteed to put anyone in a good and calm mood!! Got noisy kids? Stick them infront of this screen and watch as they magically ask you if THEY can take out the trash tonight! :P

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Stress and Weight loss: Why Dieting Alone Is not Enough

Posted: 19 May 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Article by Eddy Barber

Stress and Weight loss: Why Dieting Alone Is not Enough

Numerous individuals struggle with attaining and sustaining their ideal weight. Numerous individuals spend enormous amounts of money on fitness center memberships, personal trainers, and dietitians but achieve extremely minimal or unsatisfactory results.

Much more than just an issue of metabolism and food intake, current research show that tension and anxiety might be amongst the leading factors why people possess a hard time shedding weight. The human body really responds to stressful circumstances by initiating a burst of power; and by growing metabolic rates and blood flow. The body also produces a substance called Cortisol, a natural steroid-like hormone that is also called the "stress hormone." It is known as the"stress hormone" because large amounts of this substance are released whenever an individual feels stressed out. It is an essential hormone in the human body because it is used by the physique for proper glucose metabolism, regulation of blood pressure, immune method function, and inflammatory response. Nevertheless, high levels of cortisol may do more harm than great. When people becomes stressed, the adrenal glands produce much more cortisol that release sugar within the blood which leads to additional weight gain. Individuals who secrete higher levels of cortisol as a reaction to tension have a tendency to eat more food that is high in carbohydrates, fats, salt, and sugar. This includes sweets and other processed foods which are less healthy and may result in weight acquire.

Many people have a tendency to consume much more food to suppress emotional tension and depression. They use snacks and food indulgence as escape routes to deal with discomfort or pressure that they expertise. Individuals who partake in these activities are termed as "emotional eaters." The addictive qualities of food is most likely the reason why people consume once they are stressed. For example, chocolate promotes the release of subs! tantial amounts of opiates that improves mood and satisfaction. Among the large reasons why you will find much more individuals who gaining undesirable weight or obese is simply because numerous are too stressed and too busy to prepare healthy meals at home. Because of this, they opt to eat food from the nearest quick food. Quick food meals include numerous empty calories that are responsible for unwanted weight acquire.

To help keep tension levels below manage, the body's relaxation response ought to be activated throughout stressful circumstances. The following techniques happen to be proven to be extremely advantageous in relaxing the mind and also the body:

? Keeping a journal or diary ? Self-hypnosis ? Exercise ? Yoga ? Listening to music ? Sex therapy? Tai chi ? Meditation ? Sex Shedding weight is not just about lifting weights and cutting down on fats and carbohydrates. Obviously, exercise alone can't guarantee that those additional pounds will probably be shed. But definitely, mental well being is critical in any completing a weight reduction plan. Changing one's eating habits, engaging in physical activities, and having a positive mindset all play a complimentary function in shedding weight. Sustaining a stress-free lifestyle and the practice of tension management methods may lead to healthier, happier lives.

About the Author

If you want more information on Murfreesboro weight loss, don't read just rehashed articles online to avoid getting ripped off. Go here: Weight Loss in Murfreesboro TN.

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Benefits of Earthing & Grounding

www.emfnews.org The Benefits of Earthing & Grounding For more than ten years, Earthing research and feedback from individuals who have grounded themselves, primarily while sleeping at night, demonstrate a multitude of benefits. Here is a short list of them: • improvement or elimination of the symptoms of many inflammation-related disorders • reduction or elimination of chronic pain • better sleep and faster to sleep • increased energy • lowered stress, more calmness by cooling down the nervous system and stress hormones • normalization of the body's biological rhythms • thinner blood, improved blood pressure and flow • muscle tension and headache relief • lessened hormonal and menstrual symptoms • dramatically faster healing and reduction/prevention of bedsores • reduction/elimination of jet lag • protection against potentially health-disturbing environmental electromagnetic fields (EMFs) • accelerated recovery from intense athletic activity. www.emfnews.org

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Subliminal Mind Control In Your Daily Life

Posted: 19 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT

by RubyJi

Article by DA Southern

With the heated campaign season mostly behind us, a topic of discussion I've heard bantered about here and there is the political act of Subliminal Mind Control and how it may have been used in the political season. Many may not even be aware of what Subliminal Mind Control is and how it impacts their daily life. If you are of the mindset that Subliminal Mind Control is just some "Whacked out" method of becoming more positive, think again.

First I need to set the stage for what Subliminal Mind Control is. Essentially, Subliminal Mind Control means below the level of the conscious mind. In theory, the brain perceives the information, but the mind does not interpret the information for meaning. Many studies have shown that we do indeed assimilate information at the Subliminal level.

Here is an example; Say that you are going to get a new red car and on your way to work, you see several of them thinking that you had never seen them before. It is not that they were not there, it is just that your Subliminal mind knew you didn't need the information. Kind of Subliminal Mind Control in reverse.

Years ago, Sigmund Freud suggested that a murky, conflicted subconscious infused all of our actions. Freud thought that there was a subconscious component to what we did, but the actual application of the subconscious differs from what Freud thought of it. He just didn't have the technology available in his day to investigate the true nature of the unconscious.

In the last several decades, it seems that medical science has made some fairly substantial strides using advanced brain scanning technology, even to the extent of proving that coma patient's brains are activated by photographs of familiar faces or if family members speak to them. There has even been studies that the subconscious mind seems to trigger the body to start to react to a fearful situation, even before the person actually realizes the fear.

The point is that there are elements of the unconscious that can be trained,! whether you like it or not. Advertisers know this implicitly.

There have been countless studies on how advertisers use subliminal placement of elements in their ads to conjure up an image to the subconscious mind. Back in the '60's, movie theaters used quick images of popcorn and coke flashed at such speed that most didn't know they were seeing it. Well, they saw it all right and the coke and popcorn sales went through the roof...as high as 70% in some cases. Well the US Government got wind of that and put the kibosh on that little experiment.

Still, there is always very Subliminal Mind Control going on around you every day and to dismiss it as some "Wacked Out" theory is absurd. Why do you think corporations spend billions putting products in movies and video games? Because the Subconscious Mind picks up the data for you as you are engrossed in the activity and when you need that product later, wow, there it is.

Amazing isn't it? You bet it is.

I say this because I believe there is going to be an explosion of products in the marketplace in the coming year that can truly turn your life around when it comes to using these powerful techniques. Many Doctors use Subliminal Mind Control to treat stress and advance weight-loss techniques as well as to treat other self-destructive habits.

Here is my caveat; You need to be careful and thoughtful on how you use the products. You must use your power for good...really...you do. You need to honestly evaluate different products and see if they will work for you.

These techniques are indeed powerful and whether you believe in them or not, they have been scientifically proven. Can they be used to give you a better attitude? Yes they can!

So use them and, remember, a Subliminal Mind is a terrible thing to waste.

About the Author

DA Southern is an entrepreneur who has learned the hard way that unless you are doing something you are passionate about, you cannot begin to realize true financial riches. He has been involved in several startups and has learned the lessons that give him the ability to talk about true Financial Freedom. DA blogs about Directing Your Own Life from a financial standpoint at itsyourshowitsyourlife.com/blog

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Pebble for your pocket Meditation

Thich Nhat Hanh's valuable meditation to remind us of our flower freshness, mountain solidity, calm water clarity and spacious freedom. Wonderfully presented by Plum Village brother Thay Phap Huu. HD version of this video included on the DVD, "Mindful Living Every Day." An orientation to the Plum Village practice of mindful living, which is available at Parallax Press. www.parallax.org In Holland at www.aandacht.net

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Live The Experience of Buddhism in This Tranquil Tour

Posted: 19 May 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Article by Sara Hasan

India is a marvelous land of rich heritage in the form of architecture, culture, history and religion. It's a land where various mythologies and legends were born which gave a distinct feature to India's religious culture. Nowhere in the world thrives a secular state like ours where more than ten major religions thrive in perfect harmony. One of the most important and practiced religion in Asia is Buddhism which originated in the fortunate and sacred land of India by Lord Gautam Buddha who lived during 6th century B.C . Today it is followed by 6.6 million Buddhists who believe in the philosophy and code of morality preached by Buddhism. India is also testimony to the great places adorned by Lord's life which attract tourist from all over the world who are enamored by His Life and teaching. Buddhist pilgrimage tour takes one to the country tour where Lord Buddha was born, lived, attained enlightenment, and died. Though Prince Siddhartha, later called Lord Buddha was born in the holy place of Lumbini which is now situated in Nepal, other shrines where he performed other important activities are found in India such as Bodhgaya, where he attained enlightenment sitting under a tree called bodhi in Bihar and subsequently called Buddha-the enlightened one. Tawang monastery situated in north east state of Arunachal Pradesh is an imposing structure which has a superb collection of ancient scriptures, images, thangkas and an 8 m high gilded image of Lord Buddha. Over 500 monks reside over there and practice Buddhism. Sarnath located near the holy Hindu city of Varanasi is also quite popular for the first sermons Gautam Buddha gave to his disciples and turned the wheel of law. Kushinagar where Lord stayed last and entered into mahaparnirvana is also a beautiful place where magnificent golden statue of sleeping Lord Buddha is present. Moving down south the world famous Stupa of Sanchi is a wonderful example of the early Buddhist stupa architecture which has a distinction of storing remarkable spice men of B! uddhist art and architecture from early Mauryan period Sanchi is famous in the world for stupas, monolithic Ashokan pillar, temples, monasteries and sculptural wealth. It also is a UNESCO World heritage Site. This Great Stupa served as a nucleus to the large Buddhist establishment during the later period. Buddhist pilgrimage tours to India include the preserved Buddhist sites which provide a deeper insight about the sects, rituals and customs followed by the followers in earlier times. One of the great and worth watching paintings and art about Buddhism can be seen in the caves of Ajanta and Ellora in Aurangabad. Ajanta has 29 caves which are carved on the sides of hills and show finest spicemens of cave temple architecture. Stories from jatakas, rich tales of the several incarnations of the Buddha are depicted on the walls. Chaityas and Viharas, the ancient seats of learning where monks used to perform rituals are too richly carved with paintings and sculptures. Similarly caves of Ellora which are 34 in number are exquisitely adorned and dedicated to Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism.

About the Author

Sara has deep interest in writing informative articles on Travel and Tourism in India. Also given her words to a portal for India Tours where one can find info on India Tour Packages and India pilgrimage tours and other destinations of India. Explore-india-tours.net

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Does Yoga Help in Breast Enlargement?

Posted: 19 May 2012 04:00 AM PDT

Article by Online Doc

Yoga involves the use of mental, physical and spiritual energies to enhance the size of breasts. This is an exercise that involves a lot of breathing, body movements, and posture hence giving the body organs chance to rejuvenate. One of those parts that is given this opportunity is the breasts.

There are many health benefits of Yoga. It is a good way of incorporating many physical and mental aspects that will see your body at a good health. By applying Yoga you will be stress fully on top of being psychologically health. Many people who have taken part in this exercise have come to realize that is enhances the balancing of blood pressure in the body. It is also used as an anti-aging agent. To some extent, if yoga is applied in the right way it can lead to breast enhancement.

Yoga for Breast EnlargementDoing surgery to enhance breast size can be costly. It needs one to invest well. Despite the cost, there are also health effects that accompany it. It may have bad effects on your health. Apart from surgery, there are other ways of enhancing breast size that are safer and cheaper.

The use of some mode of exercises has proved to show better results when it comes to breast reduction and enhancement. One of these exercises is yoga. Yoga has slow but sure results as compared to the use of pills. This doesn't have any bad effects on the body. Yoga is a combination of various postures which affect breast enhancement. Some of the postures are:

Vrikshasana (Tree posture)1. Start by breathing in and out before raising your joined arms above the head.2. The next step is to step on your toes and feel the weight of your left leg while breathing in and out.3. Using your right hand lift your left foot and place it's sole on the inner side of your right thigh.4. The next step is to stretch your arms as far as possible and look straight in front.5. Breathe out as you connect your hands.6. The last step is to step on the floor in a normal position and be in this pose for a minimal time of 2 m! inutes.< /p>

Suryanamaskara1. With this exercise, you will be required to stand up in a relaxed posture in such a way that your feet are spread.2. The arms should be stretched towards the back of your head.3. Steadily bend your waist backwards as the arms go separate.4. While breathing out steadily bend your waist forward until your fingers touch your toes.

These are some of the best exercises that will see your breast enlarge. It is good to use the right exercises as using incorrect exercises can worsen the situation. Do these exercises under supervision of an expert.

About the Author

Article speaks about the natural breast enhancement. Yes, it is proven that Yoga is best breast enhancer.

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How to Gain Height Doing Yoga

Posted: 19 May 2012 03:00 AM PDT

Article by Ninja7087

The question that we are trying to answer in this article is can you gain height through yoga? Yoga can be used to strengthen the body and prepare your muscles for growth. It isn't just a celebrity fad that has taken off for no good reason - it is proven to work and improves your balance and your posture too. You don't need an elaborate gym to be built in your home or invest in lots of equipment. Some people perform their Yoga routine from the comfort of their own homes and if you are seriously thinking about ways in which you can gain height then this could be something for you too.

If you think about how difficult it is to stand straight and tall without slouching it is hard to imagine that anyone could maintain this stance permanently but yoga can teach you how. You can gain height instantly by working on your posture because when you stand straight you are at your tallest. Starting from this point will give some real results quickly and help you look as though you can gain height straight away.

Yoga is also about flexibility. You need to be flexible so that you can walk around and move with ease but the more flexible you are and the less compression there is in your spine the more chance it has of elongating and therefore growing.

Here we will look at some specific yoga movements you can try that will help you gain height over time and with perseverance and are very easy to start trying. You can improve your posture and release built up tension in your back so you feel able to stand up tall without slouching and keep that posture over time.

We will look at three yoga movements in turn and describe how to carry out each one Before you start though, you should speak to your doctor to check these are right for you.

The centered movement is very easy. You sit with your legs crossed on the floor and rest your hands gently on your knees. Sit so that your spine is straight and breathe in. As you breathe in lift your arms in the air above your head. As you breathe out slo! wly brin g them back down to their starting position.

The triangle movement is slightly different and is great for posture but also good for relieving built up tension in your back. Stand with your feet quite far about. You might want to start at three feet apart and make your way up to four. Your feet should start by both pointing forward but then turn your left foot out at a right angle and your right foot out at 45 degrees. As you inhale lift your arms in the air and as you exhale turn to look along the length of your left arm. As you inhale again stretch your upper body down to your left ankle and when you can go no further place your left hand on the back of your leg and point your right arm to the ceiling. Hold this pose for a few deep breaths and then as you inhale straighten up and come back to your upright normal position. Repeat this movement for the other side of your body.

The dog and cat can be done together and involve getting onto the floor on all fours. As you inhale you curve your spine downwards so your stomach points to the floor and your head is pointed upwards. As you reverse this position and curve your spine the other way you can enter into the cat pose.

These are some great techniques you can try when you are looking to gain height. But, what you could also try is HeightGrowthPlus Height Gaining Supplements. HG-PLUS Grow Taller Pills will help you get the maximum benefit from your exercise regime and any other changes you make to your lifestyle. HeightGrowth-Plus Height Increase Formulation is completely natural so you don't need to worry about nasty side effects, just enjoy the benefits!

The author of this article is an expert in how to gain height naturally by doing yoga exercises and stretching your spine. He has spent over 13 years studying how the human body works and in particular how to grow taller.

About the Author

Grow Taller | gain height

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The Misunderstanding of the Prosperous Mind

Posted: 19 May 2012 02:00 AM PDT

Article by Duke Clarke

Copyright (c) 2008 Good News Publications

Most people equate the Prosperous Mind to something related to the Law of Attraction. They think that having the Prosperous Mind is about somehow attracting prosperity with no work or like magic out of thin air. Personally I don't believe in fairies, magic or producing something out of nothing. It's this kind of nonsense and new age misdirection that gets people turned upside down and defeated.

Everyone knows that having the right mind set is needful in this life but they usually say they are too busy right now and that they will take care of it later after they have taken care of their immediate needs.

Those who enjoy wealth and prosperity understand that this mind set is what helps them not only get their wealth but weather the storms of life that will ultimately come. It helps them see through deception and misdirection of dishonest schemes and enables them to make clear profitable decisions in life. A true prosperity mind set keeps you strong while those around you are in a panic. In your calm state you are then able to take unemotional and decisive action that takes you out of the storm onto solid ground.

The interesting thing about the Prosperous Mind is that when things are good people say they don't have time to spend on develop mind set, they need to "get-it-while-the-getting-is-good". But then when the storms of life come and the down times are pounding them on the rocky shores they cry out for the one thing that could have saved them. Now it's never too late, but sometimes if feels like trying to steer the ship and bale out the water at the same time.

Unlike the mystics who pretend that the Prosperous Mind will make all the "bad things" go away. What the Prosperous Mind really does it keep you focused and determined to reach your goals and achieve your desired results. It keeps you in the game while everyone else is crumbling around you. It defeats the fears and panic that devours the weak minded and faint of heart.!

P roverbs 10:15 says, "The rich man's wealth is his strong city..." The term "strong city" is an eastern term talking about the fortress of his mind. This is easy to understand because our real wealth is not based on our possessions because those can always be taken from us as so many have experienced lately. The true treasure is the mind set that acquired those possessions because even if for some reason they are taken from us the mind (the strong city) that acquired them in the first place can get them again.

So, while working on your business, your skills, your means and methods is good, don't ever forget "your strong city" that Prosperous Mind that is going to be the rudder of your ship to take you to safe waters.

About the Author

Duke Clarke is a writer/coach/teacher helping individuals for 35 years reach their full potential in every area of life. To find out more go to http://www.GodWantsYoutoProsperFamily.com

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Spiritual Alchemy

Posted: 19 May 2012 01:00 AM PDT

Article by Beau Hermes

We know that the iron core of our earth vibrates at 40 hertz (40 pulses per second.) Our earths crust has a different vibrational speed at around 7.5 hertz. When we are at the height of our brain activity we record roughly 40 hertz and a 7.5 hertz low brain activity. This draws a direct correlation between the earths core environment at its height and our brain activity at its height. Also the earths outer crust environment pulse rate and our low end brain function.

The Maya called the earths iron core "The World Mountain," as they considered our core to be uneven and what we would consider today as fractal. Veins of our earths core rising up in irregular patterns. This is just another example of our science catching-up with these primitive peoples long held knowledge from...well we don't know that yet. I don't want to digress into Maya worship, but when you talk of the possibility of a future world-wide higher consciousness you can't get away from the Mayan astrology, mathematics and various ages.

The Hindu, Mayan, Egyptian Heirophants and several other ancient belief systems excepted world cycles as a given. The Hindu did not subscribe to an "End." They believed in our spiritual advancement, both personally and collectively. There is zero proof of the Maya believing in an end of the world as well. I agree with this sentiment. The Maya went back 16.4 billion years and ended their nine separate ages in "The Great Year." Each of the nine ages (starting 16.4 billion years ago) are 20 times shorter than the previous age. A condensing of time through the various ages. This doesn't change our clocks by any means. This deals with intelligence and consciousness. How much has your world changed from 1989 to 2009?

This condensing of time and the 2012 culmination of a higher consciousness was also shared by Terence McKenna. In the 1970's McKenna and his brother Dennis came up with the Timewave Zero theory decades before the Maya calender was the least bit understood. This Timewave Zero the! ory show ed the ebb & flow of history and a culmination of an "event" in 2012.

I should disclose that I considered the McKenna brothers to be eccentric geniuses that dabbled in entheogenic experiences (mushrooms mostly) that apparently pushed them to the outer limits of our brains abilities. A nuclear physicist named John Sheliak has since found a small error in the math and reformulated the massive equation that actually strengthened the brothers theoretical Timewave Zero. Its now called Timewave One and the website is timewave2012.com

The Hopi Indians call the beginning of this New Age (my words) the "Day of Purification," that will bring cosmic & seismic chaos. Strangely enough, Purification was the main underlying process for the Alchemist. We are in a walking, talking, spiritual Alchemical process of Purification. There are times when the process of Purification takes several times to get the desired outcome. At other times its, one and done. For us to Purify almost anything on this material plane, the process will involve water or fire or both. Remember the Hermetic phrase, "As Above So Below."

In a 1991 article in Bioelectrmagnetics Magazine called, "The Solar Wind and Hallucinations," Walter and Steffani Randall wrote of the breakthrough research showing the possible influences on our pineal gland and melatonin production during increased GMF (geomagnetic field) periods. The strength of our earths magnetic field is directly tied to the earths core and the interplay between layers up to our crust.Our GMF is a magnetic shield protecting us against solar storms & radiation exposure. Our GMF has lost 7% of its strength in the last 100 years (as of 1999) and our true north pole is migrating 40 miles per year west, toward Siberia.We know that our poles have flipped many times before. Some scientist believe our earths GMF is getting ready for another pole flip soon. The last pole flip was over 600,000 years ago...thats a good thing! Scientist in this field say we're due for another ! pole fli p soon.....that's a bad thing ha! An event such as this would be a global near-death experience of fire & water that would purify the least worthy garment among us no doubt.

About the Author

Beau Hermes is a 46 year old rancher, energy producer and part-time philosopher from Texas.

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How Remote Viewing Works 4: Dr. Simeon Hein

www.LearnRV.info Sign-up now for the free RV "mini-class"! Dr. Hein's virtual remote viewing classes are now live online! Excerpts from a presentation by Dr. Simeon Hein at the International UFO Congress, 2005. Dr.Hein is the director of the Institute for Resonance in Boulder, Colorado. The Institute is devoted to the study of subtle-energy sciences including remote viewing, crop circles and related subjects. Dr. Hein has a Ph.D. in sociology and has previously taught research methodology and statistic courses. Simeon's most recent book is PLANETARY INTELLIGENCE 101 Easy Steps to Energy, Well-Being, and Natural Insight, a simple primer for anyone interested in connecting to subtle-energies on a daily basis. He is also the author of OPENING MINDS: Journey of Extraordinary Encounters, Crop Circles, and Resonance. www.NewCrystalMind.com http www.OpeningMinds.info http

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Sharpen Your Mind By Exercising It

Posted: 19 May 2012 12:00 AM PDT

by RubyJi

Article by Don

The quality of your mind is becoming more and more important these days. Since we live in an age where knowledge is king, you need to have a sharp mind if you want to succeed in life. With a sharp mind, you will be more productive. Furthermore, you can still be productive even in your old age. So, all in all, you will achieve much more in life since you are more productive and stay productive for years.

So you need to do what is necessary to sharpen your mind. What you need to do is exercising your mind. Just like you should exercise your muscles to build them, you also need to exercise your mind to make it sharper.

Now how can we exercise our mind? There are three ways I'm going to discuss here. The first one is playing mind games. Exercising your mind with games is a good thing to do because it's fun. So you get the benefit of mind exercise while also enjoying the process. You will naturally want to exercise your mind more if it's fun. To fully exercise your mind, you need to increase the difficulty level of the games you play. If you just stay at the same level all the time then it's unlikely that you will sharpen your mind.

The second way is to exercise mind is reading classic books. It is good for exercising mind because the material is more challenging than normal material. Often classic books require you to think a lot in order to fully comprehend them. This will give your mind the necessary exercise to improve. The good thing is there are a lot of classic books that you can download for free. This way you can exercise your mind without any additional spending.

The third way is to read academic papers. Just like reading classic books, reading academic papers is good for your mind because they are challenging. This is especially true for papers that come from unfamiliar fields. Academic papers exercise your logic while also increasing your knowledge.

These three ways can help you sharpen your mind if you do them consistently. Persistence is the key here becaus! e it tak es time before you can reap the benefits. If you stop in the middle of the process then you won't get the results you want.

About the Author

Don writes about self improvement. Check his articles on best classic books to read and free mind games.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

Ani DiFranco on Being a Mindful Mama

A big thanks to Ani DiFranco for supporting the launch of mindful-mama.com. Ani is a pioneer of women's music. Nominated for several Grammys, she owns her own record label - Righteous Babe Records-and now her own performance venue in her home State, New York. Ani was recently on NPR's World Cafรฉ, Jay Leno, and the cover of Mothering Magazine. Ani is a self-proclaimed feminist, participated in the march for women's lives in Washington DC in 2004 and was the first musician to be honored with the "Woman of Courage Award" by the National Organization of Women in 2006. Ani's daughter, Petah, is 2-years old and was born at home with a midwife.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

How to Gain Height Doing Yoga

Posted: 18 May 2012 11:00 PM PDT

Article by Heather Cleveland

The question that we are trying to answer in this article is can you gain height through yoga? Yoga can be used to strengthen the body and prepare your muscles for growth. It isn't just a celebrity fad that has taken off for no good reason - it is proven to work and improves your balance and your posture too. You don't need an elaborate gym to be built in your home or invest in lots of equipment. Some people perform their Yoga routine from the comfort of their own homes and if you are seriously thinking about ways in which you can gain height then this could be something for you too.

If you think about how difficult it is to stand straight and tall without slouching it is hard to imagine that anyone could maintain this stance permanently but yoga can teach you how. You can gain height instantly by working on your posture because when you stand straight you are at your tallest. Starting from this point will give some real results quickly and help you look as though you can gain height straight away.

Yoga is also about flexibility. You need to be flexible so that you can walk around and move with ease but the more flexible you are and the less compression there is in your spine the more chance it has of elongating and therefore growing..

Here we will look at some specific yoga movements you can try that will help you gain height over time and with perseverance and are very easy to start trying. You can improve your posture and release built up tension in your back so you feel able to stand up tall without slouching and keep that posture over time.

We will look at three yoga movements in turn and describe how to carry out each one Before you start though, you should speak to your doctor to check these are right for you.

The centered movement is very easy. You sit with your legs crossed on the floor and rest your hands gently on your knees. Sit so that your spine is straight and breathe in. As you breathe in lift your arms in the air above your head. As you breathe out sl! owly bri ng them back down to their starting position.

The triangle movement is slightly different and is great for posture but also good for relieving built up tension in your back. Stand with your feet quite far about. You might want to start at three feet apart and make your way up to four. Your feet should start by both pointing forward but then turn your left foot out at a right angle and your right foot out at 45 degrees. As you inhale lift your arms in the air and as you exhale turn to look along the length of your left arm. As you inhale again stretch your upper body down to your left ankle and when you can go no further place your left hand on the back of your leg and point your right arm to the ceiling. Hold this pose for a few deep breaths and then as you inhale straighten up and come back to your upright normal position. Repeat this movement for the other side of your body.

The dog and cat can be done together and involve getting onto the floor on all fours. As you inhale you curve your spine downwards so your stomach points to the floor and your head is pointed upwards. As you reverse this position and curve your spine the other way you can enter into the cat pose.

These are some great techniques you can try when you are looking to gain height. But, what you could also try is HeightGrowth Plus Height Gaining Supplements. HG-PLUS Grow Taller Pills will help you get the maximum benefit from your exercise regime and any other changes you make to your lifestyle. HeightGrowth-Plus Height Increase Formulation is completely natural so you don't need to worry about nasty side effects, just enjoy the benefits!

The author of this article is an expert in how to gain height naturally by doing yoga exercises and stretching your spine. He has spent over 13 years studying how the human body works and in particular how to grow taller.

About the Author

HeightGrowth.com Is One of the best ways to grow taller naturally without dangerous surgery or unnecessary exercises.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

Butterfly yoga and slight annoyance

VEDA DAY 7 So i was act if i could this yoga position so i've done it, i hope it is right :) and today i was just a bit annoyed because i wanted to open my bank account but i couldn't -_-

Video Rating: 5 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Most Successful Meditation Techniques and How to Choose Your Style: Learn to Meditate

Posted: 18 May 2012 10:00 PM PDT

Article by Scott Dinsmore

Fitness Show - Yoga to get Energized -- Halasana 2

Halasana 2 - This aasana helps in relieves fatigue and boosts energy levels. It also helps control hypertension. Learn this ancient practice of yoga for a healthier mind and body.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Tibetan culture in the ancient garden

Posted: 18 May 2012 09:00 PM PDT

Article by Lawrry Christ

Strong during the Qing Dynasty, the construction of many royal gardens, its representative in Beijing of the Three Hills and Five Park (Yuquan Shan Jing Ming Yuen, Xiangshan Providence Park, Summer Palace, and Chang Chun Longevity Hill, Summer Palace) and the Garden Palace (now the North Sea, scenery, Zhongnanhai).

To reflect the national great unity, the Qing use "shrink to move into the monarch days pregnant," the garden design method, the well-known all over the country and representation of landscape architecture into the landscape composition. One of the most unique is the Tibetan architecture.

Junji start from, the body mass Chong Hong tall, gorgeous colorful Tibetan Lama Temple, La Mata introduced a large number of royal gardens, garden more colorful image of the building, which in the Qianlong period, it is particularly prominent. North Sea, the Summer Palace, Lama Temple is particularly spectacular, but until now kept largely intact, for us to enjoy.

White Pagoda style and Tibetan sutras

We enter the south gate of Beihai Park, the bridge across the Yongding, head is a vibrant landscape of the North Sea - Qiongdao, and as Qiongdao facade is a Lama Temple, the "Temple of Eternal Blessing." Above the third major temple, the name "Pu Dian", Miankuo five. East side hall "holy fruit," West side hall "cases mirror," are Miankuo three. Pu worship hall as Tsongkhapa, founder of Tibetan Buddhism, the two disciples on both sides for the Dalai Lama, Panchen like.

Then climb seventy steps, that is, the highest point reached Qiongdao, good for the house and the White Tower. Good for the house in front, and Wing Temple for the same central axis, a square city of Taiwan, on the glass structure was built vinyl eaves hall, the pavilion-style roof canopies for the round, yellow glazed tiles under the eaves for the green square cut edges gilt bronze Tongwa King ding, take "hemispherical dome" of justice. Tibetan Buddhism, the original hall for Wade King Kong as big.

After ! the good result is the temple of white tower 35.9 m high, the typical follow-bowl-style La Mata. Tibetan sutras and possession of legend tower. White Tower is the tallest building in the North Sea, North Sea, the landmark building is also the North Sea, dotting the landscape of the garden for. The northwest corner of the North Sea can be said that a lamasery world. Broadly speaking, can be divided into three groups: the Western Paradise Vatican territory, and the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple illustrates floor, Xiaoxitian.

Vatican territory in the North Sea North Shore Western Paradise, is a combination of Chinese and Tibetan temple architecture, also known as Great Western Paradise. Tall mountain in front of a four-poster F, glass arch, the momentum of strong macro, majestic and magnificent, South Amount "China Tibetan community," North amount "Sumeru Spring", are the Qianlong Emperor Yu Shu.

Vatican Western Paradise is famous throughout the West, Nine Dragon Wall, which turned out to be "Dayuanjingzhi palace" of the screen wall. According to "China (Qing) Dynasty Palace History" volume sixteen reads: "Vatican territory west of the Western Paradise, a glass wall (that is, Nine Dragon Wall), the essence of the north wall, door, door to Taiyuanjingzhi palace, said rear pavilions' Po net 'Yunting, Pavilion Buildings North and about forty Sanying, are four Buddhist scriptures plate of the storage. "

Wind-room palace and other buildings have been destroyed in the history of the vicissitudes of life in the ruined, the only remaining Nine Dragon Wall, and the true meaning of the door. The ceiling is the essence of the door mantra, that is a lamasery of its original, for the board of the Buddhist scriptures. Nine Dragon Wall of the West, has tall stone steps, a Kui-Ran of the gate is located on it, the amount of questions, "illustrates Temple" is the eleventh year of the Qing Dynasty Emperor Qianlong (1746) Construction of the Royal Lama Temple, the Long Imitation Zhengding County Hing Temple. Historica! lly, it is very glorious spectacular. Within the gate for the King Hall, so Bell and Drum Tower, the main building is three eaves of the Great Buddha, looks like the three towers, the Lama Temple Buddha floor with the same shape, which for a gold Phoebe with thousands of carved goddess eyes of Buddha.

Interpretation of Temple of the West, the original construction of a glazed brick, "House of Ten Thousand Buddhas", seven three-bay, is thirty years of Qianlong (1771) Queen Mother to celebrate the 80th birthday or so. The original Astor front door, and the stone bridge (the bridge north-south tree arch). The manufacturing floor, imitation palace, the former white marble building sets, three Pi, the left tree, pole banners, right stand stone buildings, buildings engraved with the Han, Manchu, Mongolian, Tibetan text written in four-body Emperor Qianlong, "House of Ten Thousand Buddhas Feast of" poetry.

House of Ten Thousand Buddhas south, west of Temple illustrates, the "nirvana", commonly known as "Xiaoxitian" (Republic of China has "Goddess of Mercy Temple," said.) It was built in thirty-three years of Qianlong (1768), thirty-five years (1770) completed, but also to celebrate her sixty birthday of Qianlong, his mother Empress eighty birthday Lamaism built buildings. However, its architectural form, different from other royal Lama Temple. Fang Zheng is the layout of the building group close together. Hall surrounded by water on all sides, the middle of building stone, the bridge outside the seventh floor of the glass arch built a four-column, four corners and save the building eaves and a pointed Fontane. In the Qing Dynasty royal building, this group also have distinctive architectural features, unique, and is extremely solemn and magnificent.

Summer Palace in the "wheel possession"

Summer Palace is also famous ancient imperial garden in China, Kunming Lake and Longevity Hill it is the main material base and landscape, creating a blend of large palace and gardens garden. Kunming Lake is mo! deled on West Lake in Hangzhou, a famous imitation of southern landscape garden and gardening practices, spectacular lakes and mountains to rivers and lakes. The Longevity Hill is the Lama Temple is the main building, resulting in a Buddhist world.

Tower of Buddhist Incense is located in the octagonal stone Xu Mizuo, the Genei many original Buddha worship, when the Boxer Rebellion Xianfeng destroyed after the war of aggression in Beijing. Now dedicated to the modern woman, 80 years of last century were moved from the Amitabha temple; Qianfo Ge, the Church has a four-post structure of the seventh floor vinyl, stone door three coupons, yellow green glazed tile cutting edge Xie Shanding . The north of the mountain top, built Miankuo five, two-story brick structure for the securities hall, the "wisdom of the sea" (meaning the wisdom of the Buddha, such as the sea), the external walls of glass mosaic one thousand statues, which for the Goddess of Mercy, P Yin, Monju, like; runner possession of imitation Hangzhou Fa Yun Monastery scripture library construction. Booths are equipped with upper and lower sides, the octagonal tower save point type Danyan. The lower floor runner Dongting possession of home for bronze 16, the upper four wheel Tibetan Buddha 32. West Pavilion is the flower offering lower the Buddha, a Buddha 4, the upper five floors offer flower Buddha, a Buddha 40. Two kiosks are pagoda through, the tower has axis. Interlinked tunnels under the tower, the tower shaft organs start, the tower along with rotation. The architectural forms, known as "runner possession." It is a construction of a form of religious objects. We can often be seen in the Tibetan areas, monks and laity Petiole small hand-held prayer wheel (containing scriptures), gyrate, mouth also kept chanting the mantra. In their view, the rock turning drum circle is equivalent to chanting again, chanting is a very convenient method. Tibet runner in the pagoda is a large prayer wheel, is set to facilitate bowing Empress who, in the Temples we! re by th e Putuo Temple, also has such a turning pagoda, with the same shape.

After the slope of Longevity Hill is also a spiritual environment to Sumeru The Temple as the center of large buildings. Sumeru is located in the Longevity Hill North Mountain Spirit Habitat, sitting northward, slightly T-shaped plane, the mountain on the potential, followed by increased construction, appears structured, patchwork, rhythm-oriented. The whole building regulations, with much the same Puning Temple Temples, the construction time is much the same, are in the twenty years of Qianlong (1755) before and after. Before and after the entire complex is divided into two parts, the first half for the Chinese-style Buddhist temple pattern of imitation of the latter part of the first Buddhist temple in Tibet, Samye Monastery.

After the spiritual environment in the Sumeru (South) side there is a high wall of King Kong, Tibet, Samye Monastery of Tibetan architecture simulation to build the wall of the plateau in the diamond, the pattern is identical with the second half of Puning Temple in Chengde. It is printed in Hong rock were the center of the Court (the equivalent of the Court of Chengde Puning Temple of the Mahayana), in the Buddhist sense, is home to Mount Sumeru Buddha. Four Big Island are built around eight small part of Africa, sun and moon temple, four-color tower. Ministry of the so-called four different continents in the shape of the high platform. Four to eight small outside the Department of the Ministry of Chau Island, Tibetan Tibetan stone house platforms are built on a small house.British and French troops also destroyed in the war, there were Indian incense rocks on both sides of the good things that are between the Temple, clouds Temple, are Tibetan Lama Temple.

Providence garden "called the temple"

Famous landscape gardens in western Beijing Fragrant Hill resort, in the Qing Dynasty called "Providence Park", also a famous imperial gardens. The Temple royal garden in this large-! scale la ndscape composition, also has an important position. Among them, the most famous of course, is "Mirror large number of call" of the temple (known as "call the temple"). It is forty-five years of Qianlong (1780) to come to Beijing to celebrate the seventieth birthday of the Sixth Panchen Emperor Vatican repair, residential and construction. The Regulation and Temples Temple of Sumeru Temple (known as "Panchen palace") is basically the same. A little fake Panchen Lama in Tibet Shigatse hall of residence Tashilhunpo meaning. Because of its main building has been destroyed, can not be detailed to the reader. However, the surviving glass pagoda is still so touching that with a view.

Today, as we fame in the Qing Dynasty imperial garden, the walk leisure, refreshing, the taste of the unique Tibetan culture, is a spirit of enjoyment. Meanwhile, the landscape architecture can also be written as history books, it will "Tibet has been an integral and important part of China", written in the land of the motherland, people of all nationalities together to create the Chinese traditional culture, is always a beautiful harmonious whole.

About the Author

Lawrry Christ is a local travel expert who has stayed in Beijing China for 5 years and works for Beijing Tours Travel Agency which provides various Beijing and China travel information, travel tips, culture knowledge and tour services.For taking tours of Beijing and China, please check beijing one day tour for details.

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Vegetarianism: Its Role in Mental and Spiritual Development

Posted: 18 May 2012 08:00 PM PDT

Article by Dada Dharmavedananda

It is common to cite the advantages that a vegetarian diet bring to a person's physical well-being, but relatively little attention has been played to the role of the vegetarian diet in the realm of mental and spiritual development. I would like to share my perspective on this issue.

1) Toxic build-up does not only affect intestines, arteries, kidneys, liver and other organs -- it also is bound to affect the nervous system, which is directly related to the functions of the brain. Therefore toxicity is bound to hinder the individual's capacity to react appropriately to all sorts of external and internal stimuli. Toxicity also must dull one's efforts to concentrate and to contemplate.

2) Many people believe that the only exhaustion a person may experience is physical body-tiredness. Usually, however, when an individual becomes depressed or confused, by resting or sleeping he or she again feels mentally rejuvenated and clear. Due to physical struggle our bodies develop, and due to mental struggle our minds develop. When that struggle becomes excessive in quantity or duration, then the mind begins desiring to enter into the non-conscious condition during which it rests and gets energy by merging in the unconscious-mind. Poor physical health exhausts the body, destroys the effectiveness of our resting periods, and thus certainly creates an environment in which it is difficult for the mind to rest, in which case the mind's development becomes stunted.

3) Usually yogis explain to their students that the physical and mental exercises of yoga and meditation are closely related with glandular hormonal secretions, i.e. to increasing, decreasing or balancing the activities of the glands. They therefore encourage students to be vegetarian so that they may better control their glands, and thus better control their minds. Over thousands of years of experimentation yogis found that different foods differently affect the glands, and have categorized them accordingly. (A categorized list follows ! later.)< /p>

4) The same yogis teach that lighter food is easier for digestion, and thus is generally better for meditation or for any other brain work.

5) One's ability to concentrate or meditate depends to a large extent on the mental strength derived from following one's conscience. The evils of meat-eating include environmental destruction, harm to one's own body, the immorality of unnecessarily killing innocent conscious animals, and helping to maintain a global economic imbalance due to the rich nations over-consumption of the expensive foods: meat, fish and eggs.

The conclusion of the yogis regarding the effect of foods on the mind and body is contained in the following well-known list:

SENTIENT FOODS (good for both body and mind): fruit, most vegetables, grains, beans, milk products, nuts, apple vinegar, honey, sugar (in small quantity)

MUTATIVE FOODS (if taken in small quantity neither harmful nor helpful): coffee, tea, caffeinated drinks (like colas), brown chocolate, kelp, brewer's yeast, hot spices

STATIC FOODS (bad for body or mind or both): meat, fish, eggs, onion, garlic, mushroom, mustard greens, alchohol, tobacco, narcotics and many drugs

The yogis explain that the static foods which are harmful to the mind cause disturbance to the three lowest psycho-spiritual energy centers, called "chakras". The main chakras are usually categorized as being seven in number, and are related to physical glands. The hormonal secretion of each of the glands affects various human emotions and instincts which are either beneficial or harmful to mental balance and development. The relationship is as follows (the list of emotions is only partial to avoid complication):

When the static foods heat up the three lowest chakras the mind's balance and concentration is directly disturbed. As a result, both mental and spiritual progress are sharply hindered.

The yogis teach that monks and nuns should eat only sentient foods. Family people should likewise prefer sentient food, ! but they may consume small amounts of mutative food if they so wish. Everyone should strictly avoid static foods except when compulsorily required for medicinal purpose or in conditions where starvation would otherwise result.

Considering that onion and garlic are generally praised as body cleaners, one may wonder why they are categorized as static. These two foods are affective as cleaners because they are mildly poisonous to the body. When the body tries to quickly reject them, usually other negative elements may be simultaneously expelled. This is not a good method because it causes a large amount of internal heat to be created in the area of the lower glands. It is far better, rather it is positively helpful, to use lemon water or apple cider vinegar in small quantity mixed with water to clean the body. These two sentient cleaners increase alkalinity and help the over-active glands to cool down.

Very little has so far been done in physical laboratories to examine these yogic teachings. On the other hand, as previously mentioned, for thousands of years the relationship of food with mental and spiritual development has been the matter of experimentation by countless individuals working with their own bodies and minds. We may hope that such objective examination is done in the near future. It will be a great service to humanity to clarify these fundamental principles. In the meantime, however, any individual may try for himself or herself, and see the results within a matter of a few weeks.

As such information cannot be objectively justified, we may refer to the large number of famous persons who personally analyzed the relation of food with the body and mind and decided to be vegetarian. The list of such famous people who have publicized their preference for vegetarianism is long indeed. The fact that such highly developed personalities were vegetarian is in itself a statement of the intimate relationship between a subtle diet and a subtle mind. To finish this article I quote a few of these f! amous pe ople.

Benjamin Franklin, one of America's foremost leaders in physical science, ethics, social movement and many other fields, became a vegetarian when he was 16 years old. From his diet Franklin understood "greater progress, from that greater clearness of head and quicker apprehension." He called flesh-eating "unprovoked murder."

The French philospher Jean Jacques Rousseau said that as meat-eating animals are by nature much more violent than herbivores, so the vegetarian diet generally produces more compassionate people. He even suggested that butchers not be allowed to testify in court or sit on juries.

Because the great Greek mathematician Pythagoras was a vegetarian, so the vegetarian diet is sometimes called the Pythagorean system. He said, "The earth affords a lavish supply of riches, of innocent foods, and offers you banquets that involve no bloodshed or slaughter; only beats satisfy their hunger with flesh." Pythagoras was known to even pay fishermen to throw their catch back into the ocean.

The essence of a strong mind is to follow one's conscience, or in other words to be consistent with one's beliefs. The poet Shelley pointed out that a meat-eater cannot have a strong mind because he is not consistent with his deeper feelings. He said, "Let the advocate of animal food force himself to a decisive experiment on its fitness, and as Plutarch recommends, tear a living lamb with his teeth and, plunging his head into its vitals, slake his thirst with the steaming blood....then, and then only, would he be consistent."

One of the world's greatest physicists, Albert Einstein, said, "The vegetarian manner of living, by it's purely physical effect on the human temperament, would most beneficially influence the lot of mankind."

The great Renaissance painter, inventor, sculputor and poet Leonardo da Vinci wrote about meat-eaters, "He who does not value life does not deserve it." He said that the bodies of meat-eaters are nothing other than "burial places", graveyards for ! the anim als they eat.

Even Adam Smith, the propounder of free-market capitalism, was a vegetarian. He said, "Grain and other vegetables, with the help of milk, cheese, and butter, or oil, where butter is not to be had, afford the most plentiful, the most wholesome, the most nourishing, and the most invigorating diet."

The Russian author Leo Tolstoy said that by killing animals is "simply immoral," and that by doing so "man suppresses in himself, unnecessarily, the highest spiritual capacity -- that of sympathy and pity towards living creatures lilkle himself -- and by violating his own feelings becomes cruel."

Most Christians believe that their meat-eating is proper because they think that Jesus ate meat. Here we are faced with a trick of translation just to befool people, causing widespread misunderstanding for these 2000 years. Nowhere in the original Greek manuscripts of the Bible is there any reference to Jesus eating meat or encouraging others to eat meat. The words that have been translated as "meat" are such Greek words as "trophe, brome, and phago," which simply mean "food" or "eating". The Greek word for "meat or flesh" is "kreas", which is never used in relation to Christ. Understanding this point, many of the early Christian saints were vegetarian, including St Jerome, St John Chrysostom and St Benedict. Also many early Christian fathers like Clement of Alexandria ate no meat.

Today many Buddhists including even monks and nuns are eating non-vegetarian diets. This is the height of irony when one considers that one of the main thrusts behind thefirst spread of Buddhism was as reaction to the widely accepted practice of animal slaughter. By and large Buddha stopped this evil by preaching the doctrine of nonviolence.

Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw, who became a vegetarian at an early age, even though many doctors warned him that the diet would finally kill him. When he was an old man, he was asked why he did not go back and show them what good it had don! e him. H e replied, "I would, but they all passed away years ago." Once someone asked him how it was that he looked so youthful. "I don't," Shaw answered. "I look my age. It is the other people who look older than they are. What can you expect from people who eat corpses?" On the relationship between flesh-eating and violence, Shaw wrote:

We pray on Sundays that we may have lightTo guide our footsteps on the path we tread;We are sick of war, we don't want to fight,And yet we gorge ourselves upon the dead.

H.G. Wells wrote about vegetarianism becoming the only way of life in his vision of a future world in "A Modern Utopia". He wrote, "I can still remember as a boy the rejoicings over the closing of the last slaughterhouse."

Though the realization of Wells' vision still looks far away, in one way any meat-eater can bring about the end of the slaughterhouse today itself. Because today every house in which flesh is eaten is just like a mini-slaughterhouse. All the humane loving creatures, be they animals, plants or humans pray that a change will come in the meat-eating humans. They pray that those meat-eaters, whose digestive systems squirm with the extreme unnaturalness of their barbaric habit, will embrace the lifestyle based on fruits, vegetables and other natural elements. And each time even one barbaric human opts for becoming civilized and shutting down his or her own personal slaughterhouse -- the world rejoices.

About the Author

Dada Dharmavedananda has been teaching yoga and natural therapy for nearly 40 years in over 50 countries. He is the founder of the Ananda Marga Wellness Center, which offers comprehensive in-patient natural therapy and naturopathic treatment. Visit his website: http://www.amwellness.org for more information.

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How To Meditate II - Sitting Meditation

Second (of six) in a series of videos on how to practice meditation without the requirement of religious dogma or spiritual mumbo-jumbo. This video discusses a simple technique of sitting meditation.

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Pilates: Is There A Connection To Yoga

Posted: 18 May 2012 07:00 PM PDT

Article by Jones Wright

There are many similarities and differences between Pilates and Yoga, the decision as to which exercise is best must come from personal preference.

With the emphasis on health and obesity in the world there is an ever increasing need for exercise. Most people want a type of exercise that lasts a short amount of time, does not tire them too much and has the most benefit. Is there such a thing? To answer that question many are evaluating the difference between the Pilates system and Yoga. Yoga became very popular years ago because of the concentration and low impact strain on the body. When Pilates hit the scene many of those that were taken with Yoga found themselves trying the Pilates system and never looking back. Others partake of both exercises because not only do they show great results, but they also make the person happier and healthier.

Similarities & Differences

Both Pilates and Yoga give great attention to concentration, balance and the controlled movements of the muscles. With either exercise you will never see an individual that is performing vigorous or jerky type movements. This is one of the leading reasons that people get hurt in the exercise arena in the first place. Both of the exercises make use of a floor mat, with Yoga being primarily on the mat and Pilates uses the mat quite a bit. The goal of both of the exercises is definitely the same, relieve stress and provide the person with peacefulness while strengthening the muscles. The mere concentration from both, create a feeling of well being. The person exercises knowing that they are working on their fitness, therefore restoring health to their lives.

Though there are several similarities there are a few differences between the two exercises as well. Most that compare the two reports that one makes them feel about as good as the other, but many feel that they get a better workout by using the Pilates system. Everyone is different and requires a different type of workout, but Pilates makes people fee! l like t hey are in control and shaping their body! This may be because Pilates uses a variety of tools that enhance the exercise session. Sometimes when people are using a tool or weight they feel like they are accomplishing more and that is because they are! It is common for a person exercising with the Pilates system to use a Wunda chair, stability ball, and resistance bands.

Another difference between Yoga and Pilates is the theory behind the exercise. Yoga works more on the internal body, the controlling of the spiritual nature allowing for the movement, whereas Pilates focuses more on concentration to allow for a strengthening of the muscles. Comparing the two exercise types is almost like comparing your two favorite candies. It really depends on what you are most comfortable with and makes you feel the best. Pilates and Yoga both are excellent exercises systems that you should try out before making a final decision.

About the Author

Jones Wright owns and operates http://www.pilates-nation.com Pilates

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Bridge Pose Yoga for Stress Relief

www.onlymyhealth.com The bridge pose is known to release stress because it has been devised keeping in mind the power of inversion as discovered by the yogis. In this posture the body is upside down and in turn in calms and soothes the mind.

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Dealing with The Stress Of Getting A Mother or father

Posted: 18 May 2012 06:00 PM PDT

Article by Zachery Brenes

Becoming a parent is actually a life changing occasion, and while bringing up youngsters undoubtedly could be a joyful knowledge there is no denying that it can also location large stresses on you as being a mother or father. Frequently suggested approaches of dealing with anxiety in other places of lifestyle often involve getting away from it all, like visits towards the fitness center or a game of squash to release the strain. However, getting a mother or father is really a complete time job and it really is not always doable to get time out in this way.

Luckily, you can find several methods of coping with your pressure that actively involve your kids, and so are much less complicated to apply for your each day existence. Youll also most likely find that enjoying time along with your children whilst simultaneously reducing your anxiety levels will deepen your mutual bonds and reinforce your romantic relationship - which seems like an excellent factor all round!

As soon as your kid is outdated adequate to walk, youll most likely uncover yourself consistently seeing out for them as they use their seemingly limitless power to discover each their atmosphere and their very own physical abilities and potentials. This could sometimes be draining from the parents energy as well as an element of anxiety, but why dont you use the scenario to your benefit Harness their power and curiosity by using them into a secure location including a park or perhaps the open nation, and join in with their games inside the sunshine and recent air. Exercise can be a proven stress-buster, and outside fun together with your kids is possibly a lot more pleasant than a health club exercise, and almost surely much less expensive!

Artistic expression is good for the kids growth, and also good for your parents soul. Take part with your childs painting periods, permit yourself go, and have as covered in paint as she does. You may not generate a masterpiece, but you will have enjoyable with each other which tiny ! reversio n for your own childhood can supply reduction out of your stressed grownup globe.

Inside a similar vein, audio could be another wonderful help in the battle from anxiety. Possibly the most apparent technique for making use of audio is to select some thing mellow and relaxing, but this is unlikely to appeal to your kid as much because it does to you personally, and so is maybe best left till following theyre in bed and you are able to listen in peace. A far better selection is actually a piece of songs which has power and encourages dancing. Your kid will need no encouragement to obtain down and boogie, but maybe you will - attempt it, permit your self go a little, jump around a bit, and you can each giggle with one another and at yourselves.

If youre nevertheless experience stressed, then head for the childs toybox and choose the noisiest toy youll find. Some thing like a drum is perfect. Let loose your pent up frustrations by generating a total racket - your kid might be bemused at first but really should soon enter in to the spirit of things. One thing to bear in thoughts although, is that this final action is perhaps very best conducted inside the security of ones own home, and absent from the eyes of non-parent grown ups who could not quite realize!

About the Author

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Stresses on Global Phytoplankton

Researchers have conducted the first global analysis of the health and productivity of ocean plants using a unique signal detected by NASA's Aqua satellite. Ocean scientists can now remotely measure the amount of fluorescent red light emitted by phytoplankton and assess how efficiently these microscopic plants turn sunlight and nutrients into food through photosynthesis. Researchers also can study how changes in the global environment alter these processes at the center of the ocean food web. Single-celled phytoplankton fuel nearly all ocean ecosystems, serving as the most basic food source for marine animals. Phytoplankton account for half of all photosynthetic activity on Earth and play a key role in the balance of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The health of these marine plants affects the amount of carbon dioxide the ocean can absorb from the atmosphere and how the ocean responds to a changing climate. "This is the first direct measurement of the health of the phytoplankton in the ocean," said Michael Behrenfeld, a biologist who specializes in marine plants at Oregon State University. "We have an important new tool for observing changes in phytoplankton every week, all over the planet." All plants absorb energy from the sun, typically more than they can consume through photosynthesis. A small fraction of this extra energy is re-emitted as fluorescent light in red wavelengths. Using the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA's Aqua satellite ...

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Meat's Macho Image Keeps Guys from Downing Veggies

Posted: 18 May 2012 06:00 PM PDT

A plate of delicious hamburgers.
A plate of delicious hamburgers.
CREDIT: Stephen Ausmus

A bloody steak or char-grilled burger may be just what evolution ordered to bulk up a man's muscles in preparation for a big-game hunt. But even today, when meat is more likely to come cut and packaged than bloodied on the forest floor, both men and women tend to view the protein as masculine and macho, finds a new study.

The results, detailed in the October 2012 issue of the Journal of Consumer Research, may explain why men are less likely than women to eat vegetables and instead choose foods that seem to jive more with their macho self-image, the researchers said. 

"To the strong, traditional, macho, bicep-flexing, all-American male, red meat is a strong, traditional, macho, bicep-flexing, all-American food," write the researchers.

The research also offers some advice for nudging men to eat more veggies. "For a wife or company trying to get guys to eat more plant-based protein instead of meat, one of the things [this research] indicates is that you probably need to make that protein appear to be more meatlike," said study researcher Brian Wansink, director of the Cornell University Food and Brand Lab. "So you need to take that soy burger and put grill marks on it," added Wansink, author of "Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think" (Bantam, 2007).

Manly meat

In a number of experiments, most of which included individuals from the United States and Great Britain, the researchers looked at so-called consumption metaphors. They found that people rated meat as more masculine than other foods, such as vegetables, which were rated as more feminine. Participants also viewed meat-eaters as more masculine than people who do not eat meat. [7 Foods Your Heart Will Hate]

In one of their studies, university students were asked to read a vignette describing the habits of a guy or girl, including their food preferences. Students judged the fictitious characters who ate meat as significantly more masculine than those described as fish- or vegetable-eaters; they also rated vegetable-eaters as significantly more feminine than meat-eaters.

In another part of the research, 384 university students rated 23 foods on their perceived masculinity and femininity on a scale from 0 to 10, or "not at all" to "extremely." The top 5 most masculine foods were, in order of most to least masculine: medium-rare steak, hamburger, well-done steak, beef chili and chicken. And the most feminine foods, from most to least, were: chocolate, peach, chicken salad, sushi and chicken.

You are what you eat?

If meat represents masculinity, it would seem men would be more likely than women to prefer meat to other foods — a means of reinforcing gender. To test this idea, the researchers analyzed data of more than 2,000 university students who indicated how much they liked or disliked various foods. Male students were significantly more likely than female students to like beef, meat and orange juice; and the women were significantly more likely than guys to like salad and vegetables.

This "masculine meat" phenomenon seems to hold in other countries as well. In one study of 23 languages with gendered pronouns, the researchers found "that the vast majority of these gendered words and these languages associate meat with the masculine pronoun," Wansink told LiveScience.

The food choices and manly meat link likely comes from self-image, Wansink said. "It's very much inconsistent with the image a lot of them have of themselves," he said during a phone interview. And regarding vegetables, even protein-rich tofu, "it's not something a strong man can survive on."

This story was provided by LiveScience, a sister site to MyHealthNewsDaily. Follow LiveScience for the latest in science news and discoveries on Twitter @livescience and on Facebook.

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Get Rid Of Your Back Pain With Yoga Once And For All

Posted: 18 May 2012 05:00 PM PDT

by ejmc

Article by David W Richards

Do you know that four out of five adults have at least one bout of back pain sometime during life?

There are many things that might cause back pain. It most often occurs from tense back muscles and ligaments, from improper or heavy lifting, or after a sudden awkward movement.

It can be prevented by building your muscle strength and flexibility. Also watch your move and be smart while lifting heavy stuff.

But, what if you've got it? Is there anything you can do?

Other than some prescribed medications from your doctor, why don't you try yoga? Yes, yoga.

Yoga can help ease lower back pain by gently stretching and strengthening the muscles of the lower back and legs.

Check out these poses of yoga that can help you get rid of back pain:

• Bow or Dhanurasana

This pose is effective in straightening upper spine hunches. Yet, this pose is meant only for those having light back pain and it is better for anyone with a history of chronic back pain or acute back pain to avoid it.

• Cobra Bhujangasana

This pose is a healing posture for the low back but this posture may have a negative effect if done incorrectly or too deep. This posture decreases stiffness in the lower back, enlarges the chest, and strengthens the arms and shoulders.

• Corpse or Savasana

The Corpse Yoga Pose is considered as classic relaxation yoga pose. hysiological changes include the lowering of your respiration and heart beat. It will also reduce your body's energy loss, remove your stress and rest your whole system.

• Plough Halasana

If practiced slowly and smoothly, the entire spine becomes flexible and the spinal nerves, muscles and ligaments are toned up and fed with extra supply of arterial blood..

Those are only some of the poses that can help you get rid of back pain. Take a yoga class to know more poses. However, it is best to check out with your doctor as well before trying any yoga poses and consult with your yoga trainer.

About the Author

David W Richards is a husband and father. He has been doing yoga for years with his beloved wife.

He also has interests on other stuff such as stock and finance, and trading that he shares on his sites.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

Child's Pose Yoga During Pregnancy

www.onlymyhealth.com Child's Pose Yoga - A woman's body is designed to give birth is what Seema Sondhi of the Yoga Studio fame believes in. And with the help of the child's pose you will be able to deal with the aches and pains that are commonplace during pregnancy.

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Most Effective After-Sex Contraception: IUDs

Posted: 18 May 2012 05:00 PM PDT

A woman sits in bed, looking worried.
CREDIT: Worried woman photo via Shutterstock

The most effective way to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex is with an intrauterine device (IUD), a new study finds.

Researchers reviewed 42 previous studies involving a total of 7,034 women who had an IUD inserted after unprotected sex, and found that 0.9 percent of the women subsequently became pregnant.

The study did not directly compare IUDs with emergency contraception pills, but other studies of women taking the pills have shown that 1.4 to 3 percent become pregnant, said study researcher Kelly Cleland, a public health researcher at Princeton University.

The notion that IUDs can prevent pregnancy after intercourse is not widely known.

"I think that IUDs are not at all on the radar of most women," Cleland said. "The idea of using an IUD as emergency contraception is completely new to most people."

In the U.S., IUDs are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use as emergency contraception; this would be an off-label use. But doctors' guidelines say this use is appropriate.

Unlike the pills, IUDs provide long-lasting protection against pregnancy, for as long as 10 years after they are inserted into the uterus.

To be sure, there are reasons why women may opt for emergency contraception pills instead of IUDs. The pills are safe, effective and much easier to obtain than IUDs, Cleland said. IUDs must be inserted by a health care provider; pills are sold over the counter (without a prescription) to women ages 17 and older (those ages 16 and younger need a prescription).

"Although IUDs are clearly the most effective option for emergency contraception, and provide excellent ongoing contraceptive protection, this does not mean that we think emergency contraceptive pills should be abandoned," she said.

How IUDs work

Cleland and her colleagues reviewed 42 studies conducted in six countries between 1979 and 2011. Most of the IUDs in the studies were made of copper; IUDs that use hormones, such those sold under the name Mirena, have not been studied as a method of emergency contraception.

The majority of the studies were done in China, where IUD use is common. In 2009, 53 percent of married women using contraception were using IUDs, according to the study. In the U.S., about 5 percent of women use them for birth control.

The main way IUDs prevent pregnancy is by preventing fertilization, Cleland said. "Copper ions released by the IUD are believed to be toxic to sperm, impairing their motility and viability," she said. In addition, IUDs cause inflammation in the uterus, which leads to the release of fluids that impair the function of both eggs and sperm.

The fact that IUDs are so effective suggests that the devices may, in a small number of cases, prevent fertilized eggs from implanting in the uterus, Cleland said. Emergency contraceptive pills, which are slightly less effective, are not believed to prevent implantation. 

Guidelines recommend that IUDs be inserted with five days of unprotected intercourse to be effective, and this also helps avoid the possibility of inserting the device after a fertilized egg has implanted in the uterus. On average, implantation happens nine days after ovulation, Cleland said.

IUDs can cost up to $ 500 and emergency contraception pills generally cost between $ 10 and $ 70, according to Planned Parenthood. [Morning-After Pill: Plan B Controversy Explained ]

Use on the rise

The only copper IUD available in the U.S. is sold under the brand name ParaGard. Guidelines from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists say that copper IUDs are "appropriate for emergency contraception in women who meet standard criteria" for using IUDs. (The devices are not recommended for women with chlamydia, gonorrhea, pelvic inflammatory disease or certain cancers.)

Risks of using the device include severe menstrual pain and heavy bleeding, bleeding between periods and vaginal inflammation, according to the Mayo Clinic.

"In the U.S., the IUD has a bad reputation," Cleland said. One device called the Dalkon Shield, which was sold in the 1970s, was poorly designed and caused a great deal of illness and infection, she said. Much of the reluctance to use IUDs on the part of providers and women is likely related to that, but the fact that insurance companies do not always cover IUDs may also play a role.

In recent years, use of IUDs for birth control has risen, and further increases are expected, Cleland said.

The study was published on May 8 in the journal Human Reproduction. The research was funded by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Development.

Pass it on: IUDs are an effective way to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex.

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