Soldier's Rabies Death Points to Vaccine's Importance, CDC Says

Soldier's Rabies Death Points to Vaccine's Importance, CDC Says

Soldier's Rabies Death Points to Vaccine's Importance, CDC Says

Posted: 05 May 2012 01:00 PM PDT

U.S. Army Soldiers from the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division cross a bridge to Al Zunbria, Iraq, Dec. 29, 2007, during operations to secure the area south of their area of operation. CREDIT: Spc. Angelica Golindano

The case of a U.S. Army soldier who died in New York after likely contracting rabies from a dog bite in Afghanistan calls attention to the risk of rabies during travel or deployment to certain countries, and the importance of administering the rabies vaccine promptly to anyone who may have been exposed to the virus, according to a report of the soldier's death released today (May 3).

The 24-year-old soldier's death, which occurred in August 2011, was the first rabies death among U.S. service members since 1974, the report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said.

Unless the rabies vaccine is administered after exposure, an infection with rabies virus, which targets the nervous system, is nearly always fatal.

On Aug. 19, the solider was admitted to a New York emergency room with right arm and shoulder pain, nausea and vomiting. He tested positive for rabies. Although doctors administered an experimental treatment, the soldier died on Aug. 31.

The soldier had told family and friends that he'd been bitten by a feral dog in Afghanistan in January 2011, and had sought medical treatment, which he described as wound cleansing and injections. However, an Army investigation revealed no documentation of a reported bite wound or treatment, the CDC report said.

Twenty-nine people who were in close contact with the soldier, including health-care personnel, received the vaccine.

The case also highlights the need for the global elimination of rabies in dogs, the report said. Canine rabies is responsible for the majority of rabies deaths worldwide.

In the U.S., 45 cases of rabies were reported between 1996 and August 2011, and 10 of those cases were likely caused by dog bites. All 10 occurred overseas but were reported in the U.S., the report said.

People traveling should be aware of rabies risks, and should keep a safe distance from wild and feral animals, the report said. Travelers receiving bites or scratches from such animals should wash the wound thoroughly with soap and water, and promptly seek medical attention.

Human-to-human transmission of rabies has not been documented (with the exception of transmission through organ transplantation), the report said, but is theoretically possible, because the virus can present in saliva and tears, along with cerebrospinal fluid and neural tissue.

Pass it on: The death of soldier from rabies highlights the importance of receiving the rabies vaccine after a possible exposure to the virus.

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5 Tricks to Increasing Your Mind Power

Posted: 05 May 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Article by Susan Azzano

When you hear the phrase "mind power," what kind of things come to mind? Telekinesis? Manifestation? Perhaps your idea of increasing mind power is simply just to be able to recall more information, or raise your IQ. No matter the reason, there are steps you can take to reach those goals. Try out these 5 tricks that will help you improve the power of your brain.

MeditateMeditating is similar to cleaning your home. Imagine if you never really took the time to clean up your kitchen or bathroom. Things would certainly get cluttered and dirty after awhile. Meditating will clear your mind and get rid of all the gunk and dirt you've built up. Most of the time this gunk is just simply stressful thoughts, or worries. Try taking 10 minutes out of your day to sit back, close your eyes and breathe deeply. When thoughts begin to arise, focus your attention back to your breath. Just being in the moment for those 10 minutes will give you clarity for the rest of the day and allow you to focus on the tasks at hand more effectively. If you have more time, try increasing your meditation time to 1 hour.

Eat CleanWhat exactly does "eat clean" mean? Get rid of the junk food, processed or chemically ridden foods that may be in your home. Replace them with fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, etc. If you are a meat eater, go for grass-fed beef or cage-free, organic chicken.Ridding your body of all those unnecessary chemicals will help clear your mind, allow you to focus and concentrate with ease and may also increase your memory. A great way to cleanse the body is through juicing. Try this recipe: 4 carrots, 1/2 cucumber, 1 beet and 1 celery rib.

Vitamin A, Vitamin E, B Vitamins, Vitamin C, Folic Acid and Magnesium all improve brain function. Okra, black beans, spinach, lentils and romaine lettuce are all great sources of folic acid. Mangoes, tomatoes, chard, broccoli, carrots and bell peppers are great sources of Vitamin C and Beta-Carotene. Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, goji berrie! s, etc. are also great because of their antioxidant levels. Essential Fatty Acids, like those found in nuts, are anti-inflammatory and can improve blood circulation. They also help improve mood and discourage depression. Almonds are a wonderful source of these fatty acids and are often recommended for brain health.

Get More SleepSleep is essential for optimal brain function. It's not just the amount of time you sleep, but the quality that's so important. Have trouble with achieving deep sleep? Try meditating before bed. This may help you achieve a more restful slumber. Drinking chamomile tea will promote relaxation and help you fall asleep faster. I'm sure you've heard that 8 hours should be your goal, but that doesn't necessarily apply to everyone. Find the time that works for you. Make sure to stick to a consistent schedule. Go to sleep and wake up at the same time each morning - including weekends!

Work Your BrainOne of the greatest ways to improve the power of your mind is to exercise it. If you don't use it, you lose it! Have fun with the exercises you choose. Try solving hard crossword puzzles, or play a game of Sudoku. Some doctors suggest playing a video game for a short period of time each day to help your brain focus on just one thing at a time.

Be PositivePositivity is the key to any success in life. Never underestimate its power. If you go about anything with a negative attitude, it becomes awfully difficult to accomplish your goals. No one has ever build a successful business on the foundation of negativity. Replace those negative thoughts with positive ones. Anticipate happiness, joy and success with everything you do.

These five simple, ridiculously easy tips are the foundation to enhancing ones mind power. Once you have cleared your mind, started getting all of the chemicals out of your body, start using your brain power more often, sleep better and have a positive outlook everything will seem cleared. Once you have placed the last brick on your founda! tion to mind power then you can really start your journey to reaching your full potential.

About the Author

Increasing your mind power is not an easy task, but you can absolutely obtain it with some practice. Search the web for mind power program reviews to find a system that already works.

The Most Relaxing Music Ever! Slow down - by Paul Collier (11)

Purchase "Slow Down" on iTunes and support Paul: ** I do not have a record label. so any support given is REALLY appreicated. Thank you. Paul :) **Enjoy smooth relaxing beautiful music, no words, a gentle instrumental, Take a break from your busy life Slow down By Paul Collier ©, 2008, 2009 All rights reserved DOWNLOAD NOW AVAILABLE direct from me here... ***iTunes link direct link*** http I hope you enjoy listening to my music, I value your ratings/feedback and comments. subscribing (click the yellow button above :)to my channel helps to keep my music in the YouTube search results for others to enjoy and notifys you when I upload brand new music also. I am unsigned/I do not have a record label so your support is vital to me and greatly appreciated! I am thankful to each and every SUBSCRIBER Hi, I hope you enjoy listening to this piece of music I have composed. My intention for this piece is to offer a musically guided chance to just slow down. Everything seems constantly such a fast pace, we have lost the natural ability to do nothing. Please close your eyes and lie down or sit back, relax. I would appreciate your comments and rating. I wish you well. Paul :) Please visit my website to DOWNLOAD my music directly from me. If you visit my YouTube channel page here... http you will be able to hear my latest compositions and listen to PLAYLISTS of my music (no need to select new videos, each one will ...

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Jogging Regularly Can Add Years to Your Life

Posted: 05 May 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Winter Running Couple
CREDIT: Winter run photo via Shutterstock

Going for jog regularly may help you live longer, a new study from Denmark suggests.

The findings show that women who regularly jogged lived 5.6 years longer than women who didn't, and men who jogged lived 6.2 years longer than those who didn't.

Jogging for one to 2.5 hours per week at a slow or average pace seemed to deliver the greatest benefit, said study researcher Peter Schnohr, chief cardiologist of the Copenhagen City Heart Study.

"We can say with certainty that regular jogging increases longevity. The good news is that you don't actually need to do that much to reap the benefits," Schnohr said in a statement.

In the study, Schnohr and his colleagues looked at the mortality rates of 1,116 male joggers and 762 female joggers, and compared them with mortality rates of non-joggers in the study of 20,000 people. Participants answered questions about how much time they spent jogging each week, and rated their own perceptions of pace (defined as slow, average and fast).

The results showed that over 35 years, there were 10,158 deaths among the non-joggers, and 122 deaths among the joggers. That means the risk of dying over the course of the study was reduced by 44 percent for joggers, the researchers said.

Further, the researchers found that people who jogged less than one hour, and those more than 2.5 hours a week were more likely to die over the course of the study than those who jogged for between one and 2.5 hours.

"The relationship appears much like alcohol intakes. Mortality is lower in people reporting moderate jogging, than in non-joggers or those undertaking extreme levels of exercise," Schnohr said.

The ideal jogging pace can be achieved by striving to feel a little breathless. "You should aim to feel a little breathless, but not very breathless," Schnohr said.

The findings will be presented Saturday (May 5) at a European Society of Cardiology meeting in Dublin.

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เฅ ๆขตๅ”ฑๅคงๆ‚ฒๅ’’。Dร bฤ“i Zhรฒu 。Eleven Faced Avalokitesvara Dhฤranฤซ เฅ

ๆขตๅ”ฑๅคงๆ‚ฒๅ’’。Dร bฤ“i Zhรฒu 。The Great Compassion Mantra Of Avalokitesvara 。NEW FULL VERSION! Namo Ratna Trayฤya Namaแธฅ ฤ€rya Jรฑฤna Sฤgara Vairocana Vyลซha Rฤjฤya Tathฤgatฤya Arhate Samyak Sambuddhaya Namah Sarva Tathagatebyah Arhatebyaแธฅ Samyaksaแนƒbuddhe Byaแธฅ Namaแธฅ Arya Avalokite ลšvarฤya Boddhisattvฤya Mahฤsattvฤya Mahฤkฤruแน‡ikฤya Tadyathฤ Oแนƒ Dhara Dhara Dhiri Dhiri Dhuru Dhuru Ite Vatte Cale Cale Pra Cale Pra Cale Kusume Kusume Vare Ili Mili Citijvala mฤpanฤye Svฤhฤ แƒฆೋแƒฆเฅเฅเฅแƒฆೋแƒฆเฅเฅเฅแƒฆೋแƒฆเฅเฅเฅแƒฆೋแƒฆ Hi :) If you came from the other shorter version of this fabulous Matra, then I thank you for taking the time to check this out also. And for first time visitors, welcome! I received this message/permission from Youtube as I was uploadin 'Santa Baby':- ** Congratulations! Your account is now enabled for uploads longer than 15 minutes. Click the Upload button below to select a video.** and I could hardly believe my eyes!! Oh thank you, thank you, YouTube!!! I am soooo glad I did not delete the first original video (THIS one) after it was rejected for being too long!! It took me sooooo long to complete this project, but I have NO complains. It had been a labour of love right from the start! ALL of the pictures, which I'd found on the Net; belongs to their respective owners, and the Sea Clips are Ari-san's. Thank you, senpai! I used the sea clips whenever my hand frozed around the mouse (I have RA hehehe) and took a few seconds to rest! So maybe you can call it cheating WAHAHA ...

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Provide Relaxed and Affordable Trip around City

Posted: 05 May 2012 11:49 AM PDT

Article by Raajan Gupta

Delhi is the capital city of India and houses profuse attractions including India Gate, Akshardham Temple, Red Fort, and President House and so on. This city has been able to drag tourists from all parts of the world due to its historical, cultural and political significance. The Cabs Service in Delhi is the simplest way to explore the wonders of this city in all their glory. Since times immortal, this city has been ruled by various kings and emperors. This has resulted in the conception of various magnificent cultural and historical attractions that include Old Fort, Lodi Garden, ISKCON Temple, Rajpath, Qutub Minar and so on. Since all these attractions are located at a distance, you would need to hire the services of the Cabs Service in Delhi to cover all the attractions in the city without any hassle.

The Cabs Service in Delhi makes our journey across the city effortless and relaxing. These services can be obtained very easily. The availability of a large number of service providers provides affordable car rental rates and exclusive package deals. It is recommended that in order to select the most reasonable and quality services, you must make a prior booking as early as possible. These firms provide a wide range of cars that provide huge options for the travelers. The traveler is allowed to make a choice among the cars provided keeping in mind his needs, requirements and budget.

The Cabs Service in Delhi is simple and most comfortable option to travel around the city. They provide immense convenience to the travelers and are considered to be the most fascinating way to travel for a satisfied journey around the city. There is a number of Cabs Service in Delhi that provides immense options for the discerning travelers. They allow their travelers to put the journey on hold when they ask for a break. The vehicle rental companies offer a variety of services including the taxi services in Delhi and NCR, Online Cab Booking India and Car Rental Services. Some of these services come with! a guide who escorts the travelers to their desired destinations.

The Cabs Service in Delhi also take you the neighboring cities such as Agra, Udaipur, Jaipur, Corbett National Park, Dehradun and Rishikesh etc. these cities house some of the most glorious attractions. They are in the hit list of the tourists who hire the Cabs Service in Delhi to explore them conveniently and in a relaxed manner.

About the Author

Raajan Gupta is one of the best service provider of Cabs Delhi. We are provide to fast & easy Cab Service. Just dial toll free no.88000 95845 or fill our online Booking form Cabs Service in Delhi, cab service in New Delhi, radio taxi in Delhi, Cab services from Delhi For more information visit

Kamal: Quiet Earth - The Tides of Time (Music for Relaxation, Tranquility, and Inner Peace)

Kamal is a dream weaver. His musical images conjure strange and beautiful inner landscapes that slowly move and transform, like drifting summer clouds appearing out of nothing that grow into something fantastic, transform into the unexpected, and vanish like mirages, leaving behind a more still mind, a more relaxed body, and lingering images of quiet earth.

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Great free will question: What do we want to be free from?

Posted: 05 May 2012 11:00 AM PDT

Having given up a belief in resurrection, physical immortality, eternal soul, or living on through my works, I've settled on another approach for dealing with my eventual demise:

Not being me. 

Now, some will say, "That's Buddhism 101." Sort of true. Anatta, not-self, is indeed a core Stress Reduction concept. But I'm lazy.

Buddhists, including those of the Zen variety, go through a heck of a lot of effort to realize that the entity striving to become enlightened doesn't exist. My feeling is, why not simply begin and end with the nothing-much-of-anything that I am? 

Done. Finis. Enlightenment trophy, please.

There's no me who is living, so there's no me who is going to die. Or, to become immortal. So the whole problem of What Happens to Me after Death is irrelevant, since there is no me (or you, of course) before death.

Neuroscience is a great way of overcoming the illusion of me-ness. We humans certainly feel we're in charge of ourselves, which implies there are selves we can be in charge of.

However, neuroscientific evidence strongly points to no "ghost in the machine," as Gilbert Ryle famously put it.

Meaning, each of us is deterministically connected with the world, including other people. This doesn't mean we are machines. Just that we're not free-floating, freely-willing soul "ghosts" separate from the physical body.

In his book Who's in Charge? (subtitle: free will and the science of the brain), neuroscientist Michael Gazzaniga asks an excellent question. "What do we want to be free from?"

Again, we feel like we have free will. It seems like I can freely choose what I'm going to write in the next moment. It seems like you can freely choose to continue reading this post, or to head off to another corner of cyberspace. 

Questioning the reality of free will is threatening to most people.

Something bothers us about the notion (which almost certainly happens to be reality) that goings-on in the brain are determined by processes outside our conscious control, and that mind/brain are different aspects of the same physical entity, both governed by the laws of nature.

Yet Gazzinaga says, persuasively:

What does it mean to really talk about free will? "Ah, well, we want to be free to make our own decisions." Yes, but what do we want to be free from?

We don't want to be free from our experience of life, we need that for our decisions. We don't want to be free from our temperament because that also guides our decisions. We actually don't want to be free from causation, we use that for predictions.

A receiver trying to catch a football does not want to be free from all the automatic adjustments his body is making to maintain his speed and trajectory as he dodges tackles. We don't want to be free from our successfully evolved decision-making device.

What do we want to be free from?

How about... nothing.

The nothing-separate that is "me" doesn't want to be free of all that I'm connected with. Not that I have a choice in the matter. Life depends on others: energy, food, water, shelter, love, friendships, giving, taking, relating.

Yet mind-body dualists in general, and religious believers specifically, view this world as constraining us, enslaving us, restricting us. This is how the notion of a hideous problem with all existence arises, the subject of a previous post.

Religions want us to believe that something or someone is keeping us from an ideal state of divine freedom. "The Devil made me do it." 

Or if not the Devil...

Original sin
A fall from heaven

Since we're supposedly trapped, we need someone to save us. A...

Spiritual guide

But then we come back to Gazzinaga's question: What do we want to be free of? 

I haven't finished his book, so I can't confidently relate his answer. However, some reviewers have given me a peek into the final chapters, as have clues in what I've read so far. 

Gazzinaga doesn't think we're looking upon "free will" in the correct fashion. The way we're looking at this issue is preventing us from understanding what reality really is. It's sort of like understanding that the Earth is round, not flat.

Everyday personal experience isn't going to do us much, if any, good. We can walk to the ends of the Earth. It still will look flat to our eyes. Not long ago, people were afraid they'd fall off the edge of the flat Earth if they went too far. 

No amount of introspection (looking within) or extrospection (looking without) will lead to genuine understanding if we're looking in the wrong way with a limited perspective.

The scientific method -- in this case, the methods of neuroscience -- are able to correct individual misunderstandings through careful experiments and explanations. Reading Gazzaniga's book, along with others, I can realize how faulty my feelings about free will are. I can see through the illusions of everyday life, where I believe that a single entity, mysteriously named Me, is controlling what I do with my body/brain.

I seek to be free of... what? For most of my life I never seriously considered that question. I just assumed that something was holding me back from being all that I could be.

With age, and hopefully a bit more wisdom, I've come to understand that the whole notion of a Search for Freedom/Liberation was off the mark. I never was enslaved. Religions want us to believe that we are because they're in the business of selling Get Out of Jail permission slips.

Religions are excellent at marketing. They help create a demand for an illusory product aimed at solving a non-existent problem. Unfettered free will isn't possible, nor is it desirable. Neither is separating mind from body, or soul from materiality.

The key is understanding that the me each of us wants to be free doesn't exist.

This is the illusion that humans daily entertain: we are the masters of our domain, aware of what we're doing and why we're doing it.

In fact, the illusion that we've got a unified operation inside our heads, running the show, is so thorough-going that  "even the most strident determinists and fatalists at the personal psychological level do not actually believe they are pawns in the brain's chess game."

So it's not that Gazzaniga denies the unseen forces that influence all of our actions and moods and impulses. Instead, he challenges the concept of free will as we know it.

"In traditional philosophy, free will is the belief that human behavior is an expression of personal choice that is not determined by physical forces, fate or God," he reminds us.

In this view, implicitly, it's possible to subtract away these external factors—"physical forces, fate and God"—and be left with an essential self, a free-wheeling agent.

But, Gazzaniga argues, neuroscience has dispelled the myth of such a self, of such a "you." The brain, composed of all kinds of decentralized circuits that work in tandem, has no central command center.

"There is no ghost in the machine, no secret stuff that is YOU."

"Prior to the startling advances of neuroscience, explanations of mechanisms were unknown. Today they are. Today we know we are evolved entities that work like a Swiss clock."

It's no longer useful to ponder the question of free will as such because neuroscience has changed the very meaning of the question. Accordingly, the mind develops ideas and beliefs that then influence the brain, which in turn influences the mind. It's a constant back and forth. It's dynamic.

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Massage Therapy: A Stress Reliever?

Posted: 05 May 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Article by A. Nutt

For decades, massage has been touted as a method of stress relief, but unless you`ve experienced the benefits of a good massage yourself, you might be skeptical. After all, a decent massage can put a bit of a hole in your wallet, so is it really worth it? Will you really be relaxed and calm after some bodywork?

The answer depends on the masseuse. There are some people who can turn a massage into something uncomfortable and utterly useless, but in the hands of an experienced masseuse, you`ll find that the benefits are many.

What Is Massage?

Very simply put, massage therapy is when the masseuse manipulates the tissues, muscles and tendons in someone.This is usually done using the hands and fingers, but there are assorted methods of massage that involve everything from special tools to actually using feet and elbows to maneuver the recipient`s body.

There are several reasons that your muscles need to be stretched and massaged... the main one being that with tension and stress, they tend to shorten and knot up, often causing pain. Tense muscles are the most common cause of headaches, so easing them out can help with recurring headaches, as well as other common issues.

How Massage Benefits You

Each style of massage is designed to create a different effect. Some are more strenuous than others, such as Thai massage, which involves stretching and plenty of participation by the person receiving the massage. Others, including hot stone massage, tend to be more passive and focus more on breathing and relaxation. Only you can decide which type is best for you.

Massage therapy in general, however, is something that can reduce stress and ease the tension that the muscles are holding. Multiple studies have been done on the benefits of this type of therapy and it has been proven that the simple power of touch is very beneficial.

Here are just a few of the amazing benefits of massage therapy:

- Strengthens the immune system- Increases range of motion- Eases th! e pain o f sports injuries- Mental relaxation- Physical relaxation- Stress reduction- Less anxiety- Lowers blood pressure

The effects of massage therapy are many because the treatment involves more than just rubbing the muscles. Physical touch tends to relax people and the rhythmic motion of a massage encourages the body and mind to calm and let go of the anxiety and stress that has built up. This is part of the reason a massage session needs to last so long... an hour or more is the usual length needed to truly relieve stress and to give you the break from problems needed to refresh the body and mind.

Manipulating, stretching and pressing muscles helps to release hormones like dopamine and serotonin, which affect your mood. It`s much more difficult to feel stressed out and anxious when you`re happy! This is the main reason people enjoy massages so much, though the actual physical contact with another human being also has a huge impact on how you feel. We underestimate our need to be touched, but it can be a very powerful thing.

Does massage therapy really work for stress? Yes, it does. If you haven`t experienced this yet, then it might be time to book a good massage. Keep in mind that not every masseuse is going to be a good one, so talk to friends, get recommendations and then try it out for yourself. You`ll be pleasantly surprised at how relaxing it is to have someone work on you with expert bodywork techniques.

About the Author

Source1 Medical offers a variety of therapy equipment, home health care products, ultrasound medical equipment, massage therapy supplies, physical therapy equipment and massage chairs.

Early Morning Buddhist Spirituality Inspiration - 5/4/2012

Posted: 05 May 2012 10:00 AM PDT

"A good friend who points out mistakes and imperfections and rebukes evil is to be respected as if he reveals a secret of hidden treasure."
~Shakyamuni Buddha

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Master Your Mind - Master Your Body

Posted: 05 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT

by drp

Article by Kate Corbin

"The body is the servant of the mind." - James Allen

According to Dr. Candace Pert, "our mind literally creates our body." Therefore, if your mind has created the body you now have, it follows that your mind can create the body you would like to have. You can actually THINK your way to your ideal body weight. You create your physical condition through your thoughts, therefore, you can THINK yourself thin or THINK yourself fat.

When you focus your mind, you gain power. Like starting a fire by concentrating the sun's rays with a magnifying glass, intense mental focus causes a combustion of Energy and the invisible powers of the mind are transformed into visible manifestation. You can use the power of your mind to create ANYTHING you desire. Master your mind...Master your body...Master your life.

Food is not fattening. It's not the food. It's your thoughts and beliefs and attitudes about yourself, your food, and your body that determine whether you gain weight or lose weight. As you consciously choose your thoughts, you become empowered and no longer fear "fattening" foods. Once you feel empowered, you become the master of your mind and your body is at your command.

With the mind, anything is possible. You may have heard stories of people who have employed the power of the mind to reverse blindness, dissolve tumors or survive terminal illness. Consider these cases of mind over matter:

• Morris Goodman, AKA The Miracle Man. Paralyzed as a result of a plane crash, his neck broken, his spinal cord crushed, and every major muscle in his body destroyed, Morris could not move except to blink his eyes. No one expected him to survive. No one, that is, except Morris. All he had was his mind and that turned out to be all he needed. He refused to allow anything to come into his mind that would distract him from his vision of walking out of the hospital. Using the infinite power of his mind, Goodman's body started to function again; he not only sur! vived bu t regained his health and is today an inspiring motivational speaker - proof of his rock solid belief that you become what you think about.

• The Tarahumara Indians of Mexico run 25-50 miles a day in high altitudes thriving on an absurdly substandard diet of corn and occasional root vegetables. Apparently they don't buy into the belief that the body must ingest a wide variety of vitamins and minerals to maintain health.

• The story of Theresa Neuman, a Breatharian, is documented in the book, Autobiography of a Yogi. Breatharians claim to live only on love and light, believing that the body is self-sustaining. From 1927 until her death in 1962, Neuman did not eat or drink anything. Neuman and other Breatharians clearly attest to the fact that the only limits to your mind are the ones you believe in.

The human brain is an extraordinarily complex web of more than one hundred billion nerve cells, which generate, receive, record, and transmit Energy. When all their myriad interrelated combinations are taken into account, the number becomes astronomical. Why such enormous power? It is for the purpose of creation! As you learn to use the infinite power of your mind, you become capable of designing and creating your body, indeed your entire life, in exact accord with your desires. Mastering your body begins with mastering your mind. Your thoughts created the body you now have. Your thoughts can create the body you would like to have.

About the Author

Kate Corbin is a Law of Attraction Coach and the creator of Gold Star Coaching. Both her coaching practice and her two books - Dining at the Cosmic Cafe and Think and Grow Thin with the Law of Attraction - are designed to empower you to truly live the life of your dreams. To contact Coach Kate and subscribe to her free ezine, visit

Stress Reduction 1 of 6

stress reduction

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Massachusetts Thai Meditation temple topped off

Posted: 05 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Monks in saffron robes chanted a traditional blessing as the uppermost steel girder was hoisted 100 feet in the air and placed atop what will be the largest Thai Meditation temple outside of Bangkok and the tallest structure in Raynham. [See previous stories for the background.]

"As a Meditation, there is great merit in participating in building this beautiful temple, not just for the Thai people but for all mankind," said architect Been Z. Wang of Architectural Resources Cambridge at the "topping off" ceremony Thursday morning for the NMR Meditation Center at 382 South Street East.

Dignitaries from Thailand, members of the local …

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Key facts about mind control

Posted: 05 May 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Article by Mike Wiser

The process in which a person gains control over one's own mind and subsequently influence their own thinking, attitude, behavior, emotions or decision making is known as mind control. This term has various other aliases which are brainwashing, coercive persuasion, thought control, thought reform and systematic manipulation of psychological and social influence. When a person adapts this technique with full perfection he is able to make anyone do things according to the manipulator's will. It is a form of hypnosis in cases where two parties are involved where in the victim of coercive persuasion can create new attitudes to do those things willingly which they formerly might have detested. When the technique of mind control is practiced on oneself it helps the individual in a variety of ways. It helps you to communicate with yourself and understand your capabilities that have been submerged within you all your life and finally to channel your strength and learn how to use it to your own benefit. By aiding you in gaining total control of your emotions and thoughts thus developing self control this technique is an ultimate life saver and proves to boost your inner confidence. You tend to use this balanced control on yourself to tackle any kind of major difficulties you come across in life. This technique not just helps you gain self control but also makes you so influential in the eyes of the people around you thus winning over their respect and eventually paving a way to a peaceful life. It is rather easy to control other organs of your body like your eyes, hands, legs and so on wherein when you want to close your eyes your brain signals the eyes to be closed and so it is done but when it comes to the mind, the moment you decide not to think of a certain thing, the mind thinks of it anyway. The moment you are able to manipulate your thinking according to your own will you can be successfully termed as a master of your own consciousness. Hypnosis is one of the techniques of mind control where you ex! perience a change in your thoughts and feelings and an alteration in your perception of certain things. In cases of extreme pain or hurt it can ask your mind to eliminate the pain which does prove to be so when you have total control of your mind. Thus mind control is effectively used as a painkiller and a way to alleviate anxiety. Sleeping and eating disorders can be cured using this technique. Techniques like self-hypnosis is one of the most effective mind control procedure practiced on one self that eventually helps you come out of a stressful situation, get rid of bad habits and addictions and inculcate self-motivation.You also gain the ability to prevent some memories from occurring in your mind that might have caused emotional disturbance in the past. Sometimes psychotherapists make their patients listen to recorded tapes of positive messages that are aimed at seeping in the positive thoughts into the patient's mind and thus changing their outlook towards certain things. Another mind control technique is to practice the silent treatment. At times there are people or situations that bother us to the extremes but when you gain effective control on your mind you tend to be neutral towards these unwanted elements in your life and try and be indifferent to what has been bothering you. By remaining indifferent you attain peace of mind and instead make the others who create trouble for you wonder how well you handle the situation with your calm attitude. This behavior not only changes your way of thinking but also changes the way people approach you.

About the Author

The author of this article is an expert in mind control. He has written many articles on mind control as well. His articles are great resources for those who want to know about mind control.

Early Morning Spiritual Consciousness Inspiration - 5/5/2012

Posted: 05 May 2012 08:00 AM PDT

"Anger will never disappear so long as thoughts of resentment are cherished in the mind. Anger will disappear just as soon as thoughts of resentment are forgotten."
~Shakyamuni Buddha

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How To Learn Mind Control - Discover Mind Control Secrets

Posted: 05 May 2012 07:00 AM PDT

by RubyJi

Article by Larry M. Dutton

Mind control refers to the use of various tactics to influence the human mind. Unconsciously this process affects an individuals own thinking, thus also affecting the behaviors and emotions of an individual. The practical application involves the way one's decisions are formed with the aid of such subvert manipulation. How to learn mind control is achievable if the person involve puts his heart and mind to it.Click Here to Learn How to Communicate EffectivelyLearning mind control is the same way as controlling your life. Most of us aim to fathom the depths of our mind and have control over it placing it in the realms of our hands. However we don't have the mind power to control our mind; we are limited my ourselves and that is perhaps the hardest battle to conquer in the road of betterment and personal development.Some of us often fail to get rid of bad habits and we remain the same dysfunctional person. It is simply battling against oneself, which means we lose at the same time and the only way to do it is to separate ourselves from ourselves, and as confusing as that may seem, it means putting ourselves in a state that allows us to separate the subconscious from the conscious mind - splitting the dualities of the mind.Mind control is said to be a purely neutral concept. Looking back to its basics, the attempt to communicate with one's own mind what's involve in mind control. This is a very effective technique in getting to know one's potentials and abilities, which is essential in figuring out how to deal with this skill.The power of mind control is widely used. It has become a part of the natural flow of things that we cease to acknowledge and be bothered by its existence. Once we are able to separate the conscious and the subconscious we are able to get rid of all the bad habits.Click Here to Learn How to Communicate Effectively

About the Author

This author writes about Effective Communication Strategies at Importance of Communication Skills

A little bit of Thailand, just outside Boston

Posted: 05 May 2012 07:00 AM PDT

This will be the largest Thai Buddhist temple outside of Bangkok. It's being built right now a little outside Boston, in Raynham, Massachusetts.

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Rage Against The Machine - Freedom

Studio album by Rage Against the Machine Released November 3, 1992 Recorded May -- September 1992 Genre Alternative metal Funk metal Rapcore Length 52:56 Label Epic Records Tom Morello's guitar soloing is somewhat traditional on this album, taking influence more from heavy metal music, in comparison to later releases where it is more experimental and geared toward emulation of DJs and hip hop. The album is known for its high production values, which are almost to the strictest audiophile standards. Some audiophile sites and magazines even go as far as using the album — in particular the song "Take the Power Back" — to test amplifiers and speakers. In 2001 Q magazine named Rage Against the Machine as one of the 50 Heaviest Albums Of All Time. Artwork and sleeve notes The cover artwork features a famous photo of Thรญch Quแบฃng ฤแปฉc, a Vietnamese Buddhist monk, burning himself to death in Saigon in 1963. The monk was protesting President Ngรด ฤรฌnh Diแป‡m's administration for oppressing the Buddhist religion. The statement "no samples, keyboards or synthesizers used in the making of this record" can be found at the end of the sleeve notes, and similar statements were made in the band's subsequent albums. The band also refer to themselves as "Guilty Parties" for each album. Track History: "Freedom" was a single released by Rage Against the Machine from their self-titled album in 1994. The song is played in Drop D tuning on the guitars and has a distinctive riff in the intro and ...

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Mind Control

Posted: 05 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Article by Chuck Ryan Strogish

● People in great shape truly are masters of mind control.● Learn how to use manipulate your own mind, and results come FAST.

The number 3 reason, "Mind Control" is rather a fun and exciting chapter. Mind Control is usually something that you think of as doing to someone else for financial or political gain.

Not here....

We are going to focus more on the "thought reform" definition because these techniques are used by many people in excellent shape. The only thing is, alot of times, the person never realizes their strength of using this just kind of happens in their subliminal minds.

It's HUGE to be able to use mind control on yourself to reach your goals. You are going to need to forget everything you think about what comes to your mind when working out. Let me pause for one moment...

Let me first say that this is not a lesson on psychology. I am not a psychologist and do not intend to misguide you with information that isn't true.


The techniques that apply to fitness and getting faster results deals VERY importantly with the way your subconscious mind views exercise,results, etc. They are intertwined and WILL be effected by your current state of mind.

What do I mean by this?

Well, when learning and researching of how muscles work, your body works, and ways you can influence this, I realized something I was doing was a BIG reason for achieving fitness goals naturally.

What was I doing differently?

When I talk about "thought reform", you need to access the way your exercise currently is processed by your mind.

For example-

A recent study had 3 groups of 100 basketball players wanting to improve their foul shooting.

Group 1 were isolated for 6 weeks and practiced shooting foul shots hours everyday. They were physically practicing to improve results.

They improved..

Group 2 weren't aloud to practice at all for 6 weeks. Their foul shot percentage dropped a good deal as you co! uld gues s.

What is interesting is that group 3 SIGNIFICANTLY improved their foul shot percentage in 6 weeks without touching a basketball as well.

Can you guess what they were doing that helped them SO much?

You guessed it, for 6 weeks, they could only go threw the motion of shooting a foul shot and visualizing EVERY SINGLE shot going through the net perfectly in their minds.

They saw them getting better and what do you know, their minds were surely convinced, followed by their ability to physically make a perfect foul shot.

Now HOW does this apply to what we are focusing on, getting faster results to your body through exercise?

It separates people that are making great strides for results, and those who are not.

To give you an example, bodybuilders use something called "mind muscle connection".

I know, you and I are not looking to go that extremes of a monster bodybuilder, but this analogy will definitely help you as well.

Mind muscle connection involved doing your workoutbefore you even get to the gym(or wherever you exercise). It is a process where you already had the perfect workout, you maintained proper form while challenging yourself to the 3rd degree.

Your focus is almost like a mild trance, concentration becomes so high because your goal is so important to reach.

Like the basketball players, you have already did what you're going to do in your mind, now you just need to follow the prepared script that you know word for word and back words.

How can you help yourself do this you may ask?

What motivates you the most?? Everyone is different.

For me, certain songs on my ipod never get old, everytime I play it, I suddenly am filled with extreme amounts of motivation, confidence, and power.

It is so important to me, that if I forgot my ipod when going to the gym, I would become anxious and need to leave to go get it. It's my mojo...and when taken away, It is very hard for me to be as motivated. Yes, I could still do my wo! rkout, b ut if I did 100 of the exact same workouts with my ipod, and then without, results would be MUCH different.

Ask yourself what motivates you the most? Maybe it's looking at a specific persons picture in a magazine that you want to look like. Cut it out and take it with you in your car. Look at it before you go in.

Whatever it is, find it, and USE it.

Mind muscle connection is also associated with visualizing the target muscle working alone.

Example, when doing bicep curls, you are visualizing only your bicep lifting the weight. All of a sudden, it feels heavier and other "supporting" muscles are no longer assisting your bicep. This is VERY important to practice and become good at.

Next time you are doing an exercise for a specific body part, close your eyes and FOCUS hard and FEEL only that muscle working. Before long, you will become good at it and see results MUCH faster.

I have always been good at this, and didn't realize I did this naturally without thinking about it. But lots of people don't, and this is gold information to know. I promise you that this is KEY and you will feel AND see the difference the first time.

BOTTOM LINE- You must practice and visualize your results. You will know you're good at it when you are fully convinced and confident that you are on your way. Use motivation, practice concentration, YOU wouldn't be reading this if you didn't have a goal you strongly want to accomplish. Use this technique, and the road is going to be a HELL of alot shorter.

About the Author

Chuck Ryan Strogish is Dicks Sporting Good fitness model and master level personal trainer. He offers one on one training programs for those looking for that model type lean build.

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San Diego County group continues fight against meditation center

Posted: 05 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT

The Bonsall Community Sponsor Group has filed an appeal to the county Planning Commission's April decision to allow a Buddhist monastery in Bonsall to expand into a meditation center.

County spokesman Gig Conaughton said the appeal could be heard by the Board of Supervisors sometime this summer.

The Bonsall Community Sponsor Group opposed the expansion of the Dai Dang Monastery when the project went before the local board, and group members argued that it would be inappropriate for the area at last month's Planning Commission meeting.

Opponents also included neighbors, a local farmer and the Farm Bureau.

The monastery is at 6326 Camino del …

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On-line Gambling establishment Evaluation - Have in mind the Value

Posted: 05 May 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Article by Earl Jordan

Together with the increasing quantity of online internet casino web pages, many times, it gets to be very essential for each gambler to endure complete internet casinos evaluate. It can be with the evaluations that participants can get hold of info relating to diverse internet sites.Currently just about the most prevalent issues that people participating in on the on the web betting house web sites experience is the inclusion of the charlatan web sites. It will not be achievable for each and every one among us to look at a site and say the legitimate one particular and which just isn't.For those who rely the complete variety of reliable web-sites and also the criminal sites offer on line, you will find that the quantity of criminal casino web-site surpasses the respectable web sites to the great extent. That's where you can understand why on the internet casino critique is critical before you'll opt for to relax and play with any web site.Fake internet sites will always be there capture you and also gain access to money. So it can be necessary for every gamer, serious to try their hands and wrists at gambling house gaming on the net, to decide on an extensive homework within the the internet. Identifying the legitimateness of your online gambling establishment web pages is going to be a major key to assure a safe and delighted casino practical experience.What does it evoke? These days, there are plenty of websites completely devoted to provide you opinions on different casinos. These evaluation internet sites tend to be created to make video gaming fanatics learn about the credibility in the on the web casino uneasy.More knowledge about the entire process of any video games web page: The leading business enterprise from the on the net gambling house review web pages will be to make avid gamers conscious of the reputable web sites by giving them a range of facts. You're going to get a great deal of information and facts from these evaluation web pages. Like for example , way of functioning of you! r online gambling establishment web pages, video games, types of additional bonuses to be had, variety of cost that has cards, paypal financial records and lab tests.Quantity of video game titles available: On line casino evaluations tell you the overall volume of video games provided in a web-site. You will definately get to know what they are called of the games being offered like slot machine games, live dealer roulette, blackjack and a lot more. What's more, home elevators the different games different versions are coated below the on-line betting house assessments. This kind of learning resource allows you to decide on a web site that provides information on favorite video gaming facilities.Reminding about bonus deals and events: It is online gambling house review website that offers viewers with numerous necessary data relating to the interesting an entire world of the web based on line casinos. You can know of the add-ons and free things that are place on give for both new players and current gamers in the web-site. If there is any competition which includes higher cash payouts, you will also familiarize yourself with more info on them as well.Software program awareness: Moreover, it truly is as a result of gambling house critique that you receive to learn additional information like the type of game playing computer software utilised in any website. You're free to know who will be the manufacturers with the betting program and what are capabilities offered by them plus more.For ones advantage, most sites will provide the main points in the video gaming software package utilized in any specific gambling house web site. Most of these details variety to be attractive leading you to a future online betting house game lover. Make the best selection to obtain a safe gaming encounter if you purchase a possible site that guarantees your games knowledge.To summarize, be sure to take a look at online casinos evaluation web sites that provide you information on the present sites online. Look at opinions and be sure! to sele ct the suitable web page while you plan to register and have fun with your chosen recreation on-line.

About the Author

Anthony Burgos is an online casino reviews games enthusiast. She incorporates a superior knowledge of the casino houses on the net. Using an all round familiarity with on line casino wagering, she presents video gaming buffs an insight in the thrilling whole world of on-line casinos internet and things insured below

Deep Meditation Theta Brainwave music collection

YOU CAN SEE THIS VIDEO IN STEREO HERE SOUNDTRACKS Journey through THETA REALMS with five unforgettable sixty minute Brainwave Sound Journeys that go beyond the normal and into the deep theta awareness mind states that will leave you wanting more. For better quality...

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Spinbrush Rechargable SONIC Toothbrushes Recalled by Church & Dwight Co., Inc

Posted: 05 May 2012 05:00 AM PDT

recalls, Church & Dwight Co.

Church & Dwight Co., Inc., in cooperation with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), is voluntarily recalling Spinbrush® Rechargeable SONIC toothbrushes because the charging base may overheat with localized melting and sparking, possibly causing fire, shock or burns.  The risk of these malfunctions appears to increase with the age of the product.  To date, Church & Dwight has received six consumer reports of overheating in the U.S. and one consumer report in Canada.  There have been no reported injuries to date. 

The recall is limited to select lots of Spinbrush® Rechargeable SONIC toothbrushes.  Product with a lot number from one of the following ranges is affected by this recall:  DD9310 to 9365 or DD0002 to 0122.  The lot number can be found on the bottom of the charging base and on the packaging.  Products with lot numbers outside of these ranges are not at risk and are not subject to this recall.

The Spinbrush battery-powered or Spinbrush® SONIC battery-operated toothbrushes do not have a charging base with an electric cord and plug and are not subject to this recall.

The indicated lots were distributed between February 2010 and October 2011 in all U.S. states and in Canada.

Consumers who have the affected units should stop using them and return them to Church & Dwight for a full refund.  Consumers should call 1-888-709-4100 from  9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. EDT, Monday through Friday (an automated service is available 24 hours a day or visit online at for further information and to determine if they have product subject to this recall).  

Church & Dwight is committed to delivering only the highest quality consumer products and providing the appropriate information to ensure their safe use.

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Relaxation Scripts - Hypnosis and Brainwave Entrainment

Posted: 05 May 2012 04:00 AM PDT

Article by Megan

Relaxation Scripts

If you're examining this article you probably know the benefits that self hypnotherapy can have in self progression and self enhancement through either eliminating adverse routines or increasing your current expertise set. By working immediately on the unconscious and skipping the aware thoughts, the re-training that arises can be highly effective enough to change routines that have taken a life-time to create.

Brainwave entrainment, however, is less well known as an application for change and the technical innovation, although ot has been investigated since the end of the 1800s has only been put to realistic use in relatively latest years. Mind wave entrainment downloads available can be used for many realistic specifications where there is a benefit from an changed condition of attention.

Combining brainwave entrainment with self hypnotherapy downloads available is without doubt the best way to ensure you arrive at a condition of attention which has a long-lasting and effective impact on the brain styles and producing routines. Mixing binaural surpasses, isochronic colors or monaural colors with statements and affirmations and a strengthening hypnotherapy program is the greatest in mind-changing technical innovation. Relaxation Scripts

You may well be anticipating to require a light and sound machine or other technical device to duplicate the wavelengths and subliminal mail messages audio necessary for such a program, but in fact you will look for the necessary technical innovation available already on-line. With little experience or knowledge you can put together a procedure of focused wavelengths and related subliminals for the designed objective.

So how does a common procedure work?

You will look for the isochronic colors taking you into an leader condition, when the recommendations and statements and affirmations from the program will start to take impact. The collaboration of good colors and hypnotic leisure program will create ! you very subject to the included statements and affirmations and this will be shown in your approaching conduct. As you pay attention to the procedure you will be greatly comfortable and the statements and affirmations will experience invigorated. When you come out of the procedure you will be taken back to your normal getting condition and experience rejuvenated and with regular use you will discover your conduct modifying in the way you had predicted but never expected!

Brainwave entrainment techniques can be an efficient way of increasing your thoughts even when used on its own, but when in addition to self hypnotherapy you will be increasing any conduct changes and this can be personalized so that it is personal to your own specifications. Relaxation Scripts

About the Author

End your misery right now!Relaxation Scripts is a proven Tinnitus program you can do at home to lessen your Tinnitus Sufferings!

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

This progressive muscle relaxation exercise involves progressively tensing and then relaxing muscles. Learn to relax your body with this relaxation script. Visit for more free relaxation scripts and resources. Royalty free music from Kevin MacLeod:

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Prolonged Sitting Increase's Women's Diabetes Risk

Posted: 05 May 2012 04:00 AM PDT

CREDIT: Working woman photo via Shutterstock

Prolonged periods of sitting may increase the risk of Type 2 diabetes in women, a new study finds.

In the study, a woman's likelihood of having risk factors for diabetes, such as insulin resistance and chronic inflammation, increased with the more time she spent sitting. No such link was found in men.

Even women who engaged in moderate or vigorous physical activity were at an increased risk for early signs of diabetes if they also were also sedentary for prolonged periods, the study found.

"If these results are replicated, they have implications for lifestyle recommendations, public health policy, and health behavior change interventions, as they suggest that enabling women to spend less time sitting is an important factor in preventing chronic disease," the researchers wrote in the January issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

Thomas Yates, of the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom, and colleagues analyzed information from about 500 people living in the U.K. who attended a diabetes screening program. Participants reported how much time they spent sitting on a weekday in the last seven days. The researchers collected blood samples to test for diabetes risk factors.

On average, women said they spent five hours a day sitting, while men said they spent six hours a day sitting.

[5 Tips for Sitting Less During Your Day]

For women, prolonged sitting was linked with insulin resistance and high levels of markers of inflammation, including c-reactive protein (CRP) and interleukin-6 (IL-6).

The strength of the association decreased when the researchers took into account the women's body mass index (BMI), indicating that obesity might explain part of the link. The researchers said it may be that hormones released from fat tissue are detrimental to the body's metabolism.

The study was limited in that participants reported their own sitting time, which may not be accurate and could affect the results, the researchers said.

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Pass it on:  Sitting down all day may increase the risk of diabetes in women.

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Weight Gain During Pregnancy: 2nd Trimester May Be Key

Posted: 05 May 2012 03:02 AM PDT

exercise during pregnancy, exercising while pregnant
CREDIT: Exercise photo via Shutterstock

The second trimester of pregnancy may be a crucial period of time for women to stick to weight-gain recommendations, a new study says.

Overweight or obese women who gained an excessive amount of weight during the second trimester had a greater than 90 percent chance of gaining too much weight by the end of pregnancy, the study found.

On the other hand, normal-weight women who stayed within the recommend guidelines for weight gain during the second trimester had a 77 percent chance of staying on track to gain the appropriate amount of weight at the end of pregnancy.

The findings suggest that interventions to keep pregnant women on track to meet the recommended weight-gain guidelines could be started as early as the second trimester.

"If you tell somebody, 'you should have put on less weight [in pregnancy],' it doesn't help the person very much," said study researcher Rรผdiger von Kries, of the Institute of Social Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine at the Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich in Germany. The new finding identifies the problem (too little or too much weight gain) at a time when a woman can still do something about it, von Kries said.

The amount of weight a woman should gain in pregnancy depends on her starting weight. The Institute of Medicine recommends normal-weight women gain 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy, underweight women gain 28 to 40 pounds, overweight woman gain 15 to 25 pounds, and obese woman gain 11 to 20 pounds.

By the end of the second trimester, the IOM recommends normal weight women gain no more than 20 pounds, and obese women gain no more than 10 pounds.

Dietary advice given in mid-pregnancy could increase weight in women with inadequate pregnancy weight gain, and physical activity and weight monitoring could reduce weight in women with excessive pregnancy weight gain, the researchers said.

In the new study, researchers gathered information from 7,962 pregnant women living in Germany. The researchers used medical records to obtain the women's pre-pregnancy weight, as well as the course of their weight gain during pregnancy. They used the Institute of Medicine guidelines to calculate the amount of weight each woman should have gained in each week of pregnancy, depending on her starting weight (the rate of weight gain is slower in the first trimester, compared with the second and third.)

Normal-weight women who gained too much weight in the second trimester had a 74 percent chance of gaining too much weight by the end of their pregnancy, the results showed.

Underweight women who gained too little weight during the second trimester had a 72 percent chance of gaining too little weight by the end of their pregnancy.

Overweight women who gained too much weigh in the second trimester had a 94 percent chance, and obese women a 93 percent chance, of gaining too much weight by the end of pregnancy.

Too little weight gain in pregnancy can lead to complications such as preterm birth and small-for- gestational-age infants, while too much weight gain in pregnancy can lead to gestational diabetes as well as an increased risk of health problems for the child, such as childhood obesity, according to the Mayo Clinic.

The study was published online May 2 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Follow MyHealthNewsDaily staff writer Rachael Rettner on Twitter @RachaelRettner. Find us on Facebook.

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Chenrezig Meditation

A guided Chenrezig meditation and talk by Mana Waite given at Dhammaloka Buddhist Centre in Perth Western Australia. Dr. Waite is a meditation teacher from the Tibetan (Vajrayana) Karma Kagyu tradition. He operates Open Mind Meditation School:

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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It's all in the mind, therefore working is the worst way to make money.

Posted: 05 May 2012 03:00 AM PDT

Article by Dennis Andrew

It's all in the mind, therefore working is the worst way to make money. Huh? Who-wha? Working is the least efficient way to make money or generate wealth. Laziness? By no means. Just in-tune. Here's the scoop.

First off, the mind has two sections: the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. The conscious mind is what we refer to when we say that someone is pretty logical. This is the part of the mind that our senses are hooked up to. It's what we use to read, think, analyze, design, multiply, recognize, etc. The conscious mind is commonly assumed to be the powerhouse of the head. However, it is only responsible for 2-4 percent of our perceptions and behaviours.

The other 96-98 percent is in the subconscious mind. This is the dude in the engine compartment that nobody really sees. The third part of the pizza is the body. But what is the body at its core? It is a mass of energy that is vibrating at a very high rate. The brain is the command center and the body simply does as it is told. Our actions are nothing more than the end result, or effect, or product of our beliefs...and our beliefs are neural networks on the subconscious mind.

So what does this mean? Hold up. I'm getting there.

Every one of our thoughts can be measured. They all have their very own rates of vibrations, or frequencies. If you take matter (a physical oject), go down to the level of an atom and look inside. You'll find energy. If you look inside energy, you will find consciousness. This means that it takes CONSCIOUS INTENT to move, or alter THAT. If you look at ONE bit/particle of consciousness, it has a frequency...a specific rate of vibration, just like a thought. When everything is boiled down, thoughts and things are the same.


This is the Law of Attraction. Most of us were raised by parents who were always working to make money. As children, we unknowi! ngly pic ked up their identical belief: that you have to work for money. So what do you think that does? You have a belief that you cannot and will not make money unless you work. Guess what? You cannot and will not make money unless you work. And more, you create(d) a belief of how hard you must work in order to make x amount. This is the reason why nothing that is beyond your beliefs is coming your way. Yet we have programs where highschool drop-outs are making more money in their sleep than many CEOs are making while they're awake. It's all in the mind. And when you are asleep, you are in a subconscious state of mind...a very powerful state if it is directed as desired.

So why are you not attracting or getting a million dollars when you think of it? After all, you are sending out the frequency for ,000,000 if you're thinking about it or pretending to have it. The answer is: because your beliefs are sending out frequencies that you CAN'T AND DO NOT HAVE IT! The frequencies of your beliefs are canceling out the frequencies of your thoughts. Your subconscious mind is constantly sending out the frequencies of your beliefs, whether you know it or not, whether you're awake or asleep. Your conscious mind only sends out frequencies of the thoughts you are thinking about at the present moment. As a coach, I do not focus on changing business strategies but changing beliefs. Locating the holes in the net and repairing them. The business strategies come as a product of your beliefs.

When we say that it's all in the mind, we mean 96-98 percent the subconscious mind. It is all in the beliefs. The conscious mind is used to determine which beliefs we want to change and create. How do we create or change a belief? By repeating affirmations. However it is very critical to make affirmations the right way. There is nothing like running very hard only to find out that it's in the wrong direction. Thoughts of repetition become thoughts of habit. Our subconscious mind is the program by which we function.

Don't let ! all this stuff go to waste now. Start learning from those who teach it. Invest in yourself. You can't lose that way. Whatever you do, make certain that you're making the right adjustments.

* Dennis Andrew *

If you want to learn more, check my bio for a presentation that I did that may help you.

About the Author

Here's the presentation link. Working is the WORST way to make money.

The Foundations Of a Healthy Mind

Posted: 05 May 2012 02:00 AM PDT

by RubyJi

Article by Jed McCall

We all understand how we get a healthy body, don't we? We know we need to make sure to eat healthily, exercise regularly and cut down on bad habits such as drinking and smoking; however, building a healthy mind is less understood. Furthermore, many people do not even consider the importance of having a healthy mind. Since there is so much confusion about healthy and unhealthy minds, let's try and clarify this.

First of all, having an unhealthy mind does not mean you like to watch horror films or play violent computer games, but it does mean taking a healthy interest in life, habit and behaviour. The sign of an unhealthy mind is seen in the least in self critical behaviour and in the most with clinical mental illness.

Just feeling sad from time to time is not a sign of being unhealthy, for that is part of being human. An unhealthy mind sees difficulty in everything and finds adapting to circumstance near enough impossible. If you have ever failed to do something because you feel that you are not good enough, you may have to loud an internal critic.

The different parts of our personality are organised in importance according to levels of self belief. So for instance,if you are lacking in confidence, the chances of you having a daring or risk taking personality are significantly reduced.

Many people think their personalities are set in stone with the 'I was born that way' expression being the popular refrain. Yet the chances are you know someone who has achieved something that has changed their character forever, such as losing weight, gaining a qualification, having children or getting married. To say our personalities are set is stone is like saying we never change as we get older, and we know this is not true.

Yes, being human is all about accepting change while adapting to it accordingly. The foundations of a healthy mind are those built on an acceptance of change on the one hand; and a desire to maximise as much benefit from it on the other. In the example of someo! ne who m anages to lose weight, we thought about the possible changes to that person's character. The chances are that individual will become more confident, feel more attractive and have the courage to learn new skills. The physical act of losing weight will have had a real time effect on their mental health. Of course, in this example, the change is one that the individual desired and prepared for.

How can we have a healthy mind when there are so many random, difficult events that can happen in our lives? I mean we can't change what happens to us, right? Well, a healthy mind is one that is capable of adapting to change and events that are good or bad. You see the individual who is healthy and happy is best placed to cope with any eventuality. Having high morale means being able to take the rough with the smooth. A healthy mind is a resilient mind. You may not be able to change the things that happen to you, but you can affect your response to them.

Never underestimate the power of your own mind to deal with the bad things that happen in life. An unhealthy mind thinks in patterns of negativity and self critique; whereas a healthy mind is engrained in a pattern of positive attitude and self affirmation.

There are various ways you can increase your mental strength. I am not saying you can learn to bend spoons here, but I am saying you can develop mental fortitude. So long as you are willing to put the work in, a strong and healthy mind is within the reach of everyone. This will help you to cope with stress, keep anxiety at bay and be more well rounded in your personal life. One of the best ways to increase you levels of resilience is through insight.

When something that makes you feel bad happens then ask: What happened? How did it affect you? Why did other people behave the way they did? How do you feel about it? What other factors were part of what happened? People who ask themselves penetrating questions and give honest answers tend to bounce back more quickly.

About the Author

Many years of struggle to overcome negative thought patterns and achieve success in personal and financial life has opened my mind to others in the same or similar situations, too many of us have spent to long in the success wilderness.Take a look at what is on offer and remember to get your no cost package of amazing tools to assist you.Jed McCallVisit

Why Mariano Rivera's Torn ACL Is a Devastating Injury

Posted: 05 May 2012 02:00 AM PDT

A runner clutches his knee in pain.
CREDIT: Knee pain photo via Shutterstock

The knee injury that New York Yankee's pitcher Mariano Rivera suffered during batting practice in Kansas City yesterday (May 3) has prompted speculation that the 42-year-old's illustrative career may be over.

The key reason why tears in the anterior cruciate ligament, or ACL, require surgery, while other torn ligaments can heal without surgery, is that the ACL runs through a fluid-filled capsule within the knee, said Malachy McHugh, director of research at the Nicholas Institute of Sports Medicine and Athletic Trauma at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York.

When other ligaments are torn, the free ends are held relatively in place by the surrounding tissues, allowing them to heal by growing back together, McHugh said. However, when the ACL is torn, the free ends of the ligament float around within the fluid of the capsule, making natural rejoining extremely unlikely.

And a torn ACL cannot be sewn back together, McHugh said. "In the 70s, we went in and sewed them up, and all those people ended up with knee instability," he said. The problem seemed to be that the blood supply to that part of the ligament was insufficient to promote proper healing.  

Today, during ACL reconstruction surgery, doctors replace the tissue with either a ligament from a cadaver or an intact tendon from elsewhere in the athlete's body — typically either the patella tendon, which runs over the front of the knee cap, or the hamstring tendon, which attaches that muscle to the back of knee, are used, said Dr. Howard Levy, an orthopedic surgeon and trauma specialist at Lenox Hill.

"For someone like Derek Rose, an explosive 23-year-old basketball player, you might be more likely to use one of their own tendons. But for a case like Mariano Rivera, where you have someone close to retirement age, you might be more likely to use a cadaver ligament," Levy said. Rose is a guard with the Chicago Bulls, and tore his ACL during a game in late April. McHugh noted that he had not examined either athlete.

During the surgery, doctors drill tiny holes into the shin (tibia) and thigh (femur) bones, and feed the new ligament into the holes, Levy said. Over time, the bone grows back where the holes were drilled, and becomes connected to the ligament. In the meantime, screws made of biocomposite materials, designed to dissolve over time, help to hold the ligament in place. (Metal screws can also be used, but since biocomposite screws became available five or six years ago, most doctors prefer them, he said.)

The operation can take less than an hour, Levy said, and is done arthroscopically. Patients are put under general anesthesia, so they won't move during the operation.

But after surgery, rehabilitation can take six months to a year or two, McHugh said. For athletes, that typically means missing the remainder of the season.

Returning to athletics too soon after the injury greatly raises the odds of injury, McHugh said. "The problem is, they stretch out the new ligament. You don't know it, but your knee becomes looser. Then you tear your cartilage," he said.

The success rate is generally about 90 percent, but athletes remain at a higher risk of re-injuring the ligament afterwards, Levy said.

The main job of the ACL is to control the stability of the knee, Levy said. There are four ligaments within the knee that together control the joint's stability during movements, but people vary in terms of how much their stability is directly controlled by the ACL.

"Some people are more ACL-dependent than others," Levy said. "Some people could run perfectly normally without their ACL, others couldn't even walk without it. But when it comes to high-level sports, everyone needs their ACL," he said.

The way that Rivera tore his ACL was "so classic, it's unbelievable," McHugh said, watching video of the event and freeze-framing at key moments. As he ran to field a ball, Rivera's foot was just about to land on the ground at the exact time he was just about to make the catch.

"If you've done this thousands of times, your brain is automatically controlling all of these movements," McHugh said. "But just before his right foot hits the ground, the ball misses his hand."

"He probably realized, in about half of a second, that he wasn't in exactly the correct position, so he bends his body to the right, and twists to the right at the same time."

The bending and twisting, together, meant that when his foot landed, all of his weight was on the very outer edge of his foot. "That's puts a lot of stress on the ACL."

"Just before his foot his the ground, he's not in a horrendous position, he said. "But when his foot hits the ground — it's frightening."

So could Rivera come back? "Absolutely he could," McHugh said.

Pass it on: ACL injuries have a good recovery rate, but rehabilitation takes a long time, and returning to sports too soon can make things worse.

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Meditation Music from Spirit Voyage ensures mindful Meditation

Posted: 05 May 2012 01:00 AM PDT

Article by Raj Malhotra

Seventh limb of the eight limb of the Patanjali Yoga Sutra, Meditation, implies focusing the mind's energy at one point to create a deep state of relaxation and tranquility. Meditation calms one's mind, enriches concentration leading an individual to a heightened level of awareness. Fluctuations of the mind ceases and one discover the all-encompassing stillness. Meditation, by weakening those elements of the mind which leads to negative thoughts, helps to maintain and control the thought processes of an individual. As the fluctuations of the mind ceases, the individual can concentrate on the single point. This stage ultimately leads to the equilibrium of mind. A serene state of mind is experienced, which in the process, liberates him/her from anxiety, depression and stress. With meditation, the body is relaxed and he mind is rejuvenated. Since thousand of years, meditation is known to alleviate suffering and promote healing. The psychosomatic illnesses are healed with meditation. By erasing the negative thoughts, meditation channelizes the mind and soul and lead them to a spiritual insight. It helps one to develop the latent powers of mind.

Meditation can be well accompanied by a soothing music. Since time immemorial, meditation, yoga and music are intrinsically related to one another. Music have a healing and soothing effect on the listener's mind and right kind of meditation and yoga music balances the human organism through its rhythmic pattern of tones. Be it any yoga form, Kundalini Yoga or Hatha Yoga, Bikrama Yoga or Iyengar Yoga, music have a strong effect on the mind, brain and nervous system of an individual. Right kind of meditation music gifts a calming and refreshing meditative mood and leads one to a harmonious waking state.

Meditation music should inspire feelings of joy and calmness of mind. Soothing music, by drowning all other disrupting noises, can inspire one and elevate his consciousness. Listening to it, improves mental and physical health and relieves stress. Spi! rit Voya ge, the online music company, offers a number of meditation and yoga music CDs and DVDs aiding a listener to soothe his mind, body and spirit. The spiritual meditation music collection aids in healing and relaxation. The Kundalini Sadhana Music collection includes the set of seven meditations, Aquarian Sadhana by Yogi Bhajan, that are to be chanted every morning. Aquarian by Nirinjan Kaur, Kundalini Meditation by Harijiwan Khalsa, Illumination by Guru Shabad Singh Khalsa, Live At Five! by GuruGanesha Singh, Melody and Majesty by Satkirin Kaur Khalsa are some of the exclusive music for Kundalini meditations.

Spirit Voyage offers Meditation Music for Relaxation. This kind of music is suited for relaxation, creating an environment of deep meditation and relax the body and mind. Yoga Living Series - Meditative Moon by Spirit Voyage Artists, Sanctuary by Donna De Lory, EPIPHANY by Manose are some of the wonderful music collection that promotes peace and leads a mind to a realm of tranquility.

Gongs are believed to be one of the most deep and expansive healing instrument. the vibration of the gong facilitates our connection with the infinite higher self. A gong vibration strengthen the mind and the nervous system instantly. Spirit Voyage offers Gongs, Bells & Bowls CDs. These CDs, compiling the sounds of gongs and bells, create vigorous frequencies that are ideal for healing, meditation and relaxation.

Spirit Voyage also offers Healing and Massage Therapy Music CDs that are used in Reiki healing sessions and other therapy sessions. Liquid Bells Tibetan Bowls by Damien Rose, Invocation of Divine Light by Gurunam Joseph Michael Levry, The Essential Touch by James Asher, Healing Ragas by Mandala are few CDs among the myriad collection.

Japji Sahib and Daily Banis from Spirit Voyage mediation music collection includes audio and video CDs that helps one to focus on meditation and induce the deep transformational process as the aspirant recites Japji and other daily banis. Japji Sahib by ! WAH!, Ja ap Sahib by Sat Nirmal Kaur Khalsa, So Purkh by Nirinjan Kaur are some of the exclusive CDs in the offering.

Different Yoga DVD collection from Spirit Voyage includes some fantastic composition which produce a meditative mood and improves mental and physical health. A Kundalini Yoga DVD or the a General Yoga DVD, Bhangra DVD or Children's yoga DVDs shall be your gateway to find inner peace and explore the spiritual aspects of yoga. Let your mind and spirit diffuse in the supreme consciousness with the Spirit Voyage music as you lead yourself to a divine odyssey with yoga and meditation music.

About the Author

The author writes for Spirit Voyage which offers a collection of yoga music and meditation music CDs and DVDs. This company essentially tend to infuse a spirit of harmony and peace within the people with its collection of yoga DVD, yoga clothing and books.

Take A Break And Relax With Rustic Bedding

Posted: 05 May 2012 01:00 AM PDT

Article by Rebecca McKeich

Most people place a lot of importance on the way that they decorate their homes. The rustic lodge bedding that you decide to use for a particular room will have an effect on the atmosphere that will be created. Such a decision will have a direct effect on the type of furniture, soft furnishings and ornaments that will be used in any given room. The bedroom is one of the most important rooms in any house. It is where one will unwind after a day at work, and so it is important that this room is decorated according to one's tastes so as to ensure a pleasurable and relaxing atmosphere. Inevitably, the main item in a bedroom will be the bed. It is the most important item, both in terms of functionality as well as when it comes to the decorative element as it is the focal point of the room. There are many styles one can choose from, such as, modern, antique and rustic. They all have their pros and cons, and the choice will depend on their personal preferences. Here we shall be discussing some key elements relating to bedding styles.

The rustic style was very popular several decades ago, but it has retained its appeal even in this day and age. In fact, many people prefer to use this style because they feel that it has a unique appeal.

What comes to mind when rustic is mentioned? Most likely, many will answer solid wood and elaborate designs. As a matter of fact, this style focuses on furniture items that are made from solid wood. These furniture items are generally quite bulky and durable and when properly accented by the use of rustic bedding sets it becomes a beautiful elegant focal point of the room.

A rustic bed is made of solid wood giving a natural look and a warm feeling. This type of bed is bigger and stronger than a modern one. Most bed-producing manufacturers apply the mortice and tenon construction methods which provide a more durable assembly.

These beds are generally left in their natural wood color. The most common woods used for these beds are beech, oak and pine. ! However there may be times that the client would request a particular shade or a specific type of wood for the bed, so the manufacturer may accommodate the clients' preferences.

In order to add to the appeal of these beds, it is common that they include some designs. Common ones include square panels on the headboard and circular designs around the legs. Flowers, leaves and loops are also common designs. Generally these are handcrafted by being carefully carved in the wood.

In fact, although there are several beds which are manufactured by large companies by means of machines, there are still several self-employed carpenters who will accept individual orders and make the bed specifically to the customer's wishes. Inevitably, these beds tend to be more expensive.

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Another common feature is to add metallic designs like spiral or circular wrought iron. The canopy or four-poster bed is another variant of rustic bed. The rustic lodge bedding should also match the design of the bed. Bulky and patterned blankets with square patterns will practically dress up the bed and boost the appeal of your bedroom. Consider the rustic lodge decor of the entire room, including the perfect items will enhance the room adding to its comfortable and relaxing environment.

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