Most Influential Persons in World History

Most Influential Persons in World History

Most Influential Persons in World History

Posted: 28 May 2012 01:00 PM PDT

by calix

Article by Tom Yates

Human civilization is dynamic and growing. Throughout the history of human civilization development, there are many things that happened and a lot of people involved as prominent figures in world history. There are some important and influential figures in human civilization and had a great influence in history and also until the present time.

1. Prophet MuhammadProphet Muhammad is the last prophet in the Islamic religion. Mohammed is the son of Abdullah Ibnu Manaf who is descendants of Hashim. He was born in this place of Mecca and he also spread the Islamic religion. As one of the messenger god, Muhammad brought down to earth Teachings and commands to worship the one god.

Prophet Muhammad, he sent a prophet by God at the age of 40 years. God revealed to him the Koran is the mankind and the jinn are not able to match it. He named him as the killer of the Prophets and praised him for the glory of conduct to use Ruqyah. Rasulluloh is the most perfect human being and the prince of the previous Prophets among the Prophets who had the position that honesty and trust to keep the main foundations of life. Prophet Muhammad dies at the age of 63 years after the struggle against the infidels and spread the religion of Islam.

2. Isaac NewtonIsaac Newton was a physicist, Mathematician, astronomer and chemist who also comes from a big British scientist. He is all history is known by various findings. Newton is also a follower of God who is very obedient. He believes that bringing people to a deeper knowledge of God, the Creator of this universe.

Newton is one of the great Greek scientists who argue that the method of experiment in science is the scientific because the ideas in the field of science must be tested and only accepted if its usefulness can be proven. Newton managed to spark a few ideas that are important for human civilization to the present, for example law of gravity, the binomial theory dab some other theory in mathematics and natural sciences.

3. Prophet IsaHistor! y and al l things related to the Prophet Jesus was a vague thing until now. This is because there are different versions of each story that claimed by the two major religions in the world. According to the version of Christian Believers, the Prophet Jesus, or who is known as Isa al-Masih the son of God who descended to earth to be a Savior for all mankind. Then Jesus died on the cross to atone for his people and then he climbed ropes.

Meanwhile, the race version of Islam, the Prophet Jesus is one of the Prophets in Islam the religion of the Children of Israel to spread the doctrine of the Oneness of God and the avoidance of error. Prophet Isa was born of Siti Maryam the virgin as a reward for obedience to the God Almighty. Narrated in this version of Jesus not die from crucifixion by those who disbelieve, but he was rescued and raised by a god.

4. BuddhistBuddha or Siddhartha Gautama known as the first is a prince of the kingdom of Bhutan. Buddha is known as spreading Buddhist Teachings. From toddlers during Siddhartha has predicted the world would be a king who would lead the king of kings, and also there will be a great preacher (Buddha). After growing up was the prince decided to leave the palace and do wanderings, finding the meaning of life is for the safety of all mankind.

Various Buddhist Teachings documented in the form of oral and written which contains all the commands and prohibitions in the Buddhist religion. In Buddhist belief, Siddhartha said that the true way to know the Buddha is the perfect way to reach enlightenment. Four important Teachings of Buddhist spread is suffering, suffering the top, and the end result of suffering and how to overcome suffering.

5. Kong Hu-CuKong Hu-Cu a great philosopher was the first Chinese developer to integrate a system of mind and confidence in Chinese people most basic. Kong Hu-Cu provides teaching individuals about the Morality and conception of a government about ways to serve the people and the command. It then became an idea embraced b! y the ci tizens of China until now.

Hu-Cu Kong often regarded as a propagator of religion, but this view is wrong. Since he is well known as secular philosophers who only teach about moral issues and politics. Two important doctrine taught by Kong Hu-Cu is love or the relationship between individuals to one another. And the second is the teaching of manners, religious and moral Teachings in the future is known as Confucianism.

Some of the above is a figure of major influence in human civilization. In addition to these figures are still many others who have a major role in world history.

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Quantum Buddhism manifestation part 3

Part 3: First approach of Quantum Buddhism regarding the ability to manifest, create, influence nature.

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Consciousness and Technology

Posted: 28 May 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Article by Anthony Pace

Throughout philosophical discussions concerning technology the concept of "human nature," and its influence, are often referenced. Upon examining consciousness within a technological context the idea of a loss of humanity or individuality continually arises. Curiously, this seems to imply something very strange • " specifically that the major trends of human nature are ultimately leading to its own demise. The abstraction of human characteristics and qualities, such as talent and emotion, which emerges from the influence of human nature on technology, causes a reasonable sense of fear and unnaturalness in most people. It's clear and obvious that the world is rapidly changing in a way that history has never felt before. Socially, environmentally, and even spiritually, humankind is experiencing a metamorphosis. Issues that have stirred the minds of fanatics and dreamers for centuries are finally coming to a boil. Despite this, we may find consolation in the idea that perhaps human beings are simply a stepping-stone in the bigger picture, and that quality which we refer to as 'humanity,' actually derives from the whole of the cosmos and will be survived regardless of the fate of the 46 chromosomed machines that claim it as their exclusive birthright.

The twenty-first century is understood to be a pivotal moment in the history of humankind. Through technology human nature is being altered and we begin to face issues that never before existed. In a talk given by Sir Martin Rees, it is argued that this may be our last century on Earth. Discussing the immense future lying ahead of us, Rees explains that complexity and intelligence have far to go even here still on earth, not to mention into the depths of space. A main tenet of his argument entails that for the first time humans are able to materially change themselves, and the planet on a global scale. With the arrival of the internet, complexity and abundance of information has sky-rocketed. Slowly, digital information is becoming more import! ant than material things (consider cash versus electronic banking, etc.). Perhaps this transition is also affecting humanity itself. Our own ability, and desire, to change ourselves may in the end result in the loss of ourselves. Bioengineering and bionics aside, I assert that most vital role will be played by the systems we create in this 'infinite game.' Humanity itself is based on information systems, in various regards. Our physical selves result from genetic information. Our minds, our consciousness, are all essentially information processed through a system. Everything that defines humanity seems to be compatible.

Interestingly enough, there is already a website that is devoted to "the putative future process of copying one's mind from the natural substrate of the brain into an artificial one, manufactured by humans." "The Mind Uploading Webpage," also details a list of various issues and questions that seem to arise from the concept, including personal identities, brain enhancements, and artificial realities. What future does a website like this promise in the developing context of web 3.0 and beyond? Imagine once something like this invades our everyday lifestyle • " the explicit and intentional outsourcing of the human brains. The reason why I have focused so much on this mental outsourcing and expansion of humanity is because it points to result in something even more complex than the sum of its parts. The various digital systems that humanity has begun to embrace, interconnected within a system itself (which will ultimately be a descendant of today's internet), will itself eventually develop into a conscious, sentiment being. As described in an article from the New York Times by Jim Holt, which Dr. Giles has shared with us through e-mail, something as simple as a rock may "be viewed as an all-purpose information processor."

I recently enjoyed a cartoon strip by Scott Adams that maintains great relevance to the topic. Its title, "Supreme Being: Our Future, Not Our Origin," accurately d! escribes it argument. Its initial four slides explain how complex things result from the combination of simpler, less capable components. Its sixth slide then says: "What if 'God,' is the consciousness that will be created when enough of us are connected by the internet?!!" Interestingly, I feel that this idea generally pointing in the right direction. A ubiquitous, unseen entity that connects everything, huh. Not that I'm trying to bring up a theological argument (perhaps God does exist, and what the cartoon refers to would simply be a manifestation of such), but the idea does seem remarkable.

Philosophy Explained

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Philosophy Explained

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Samyama-Technology of Extrardinary Powers Patanjali Yoga Sutras 111 Nithyananda Satsang 04 Feb 2011

Living Incarnation and Avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda took his teachings to a higher level when announced he wants all his centres around the world to be mystery schools, adept in Samyama. Samyama is the science of experiencing and expressing the extraordinary powers and experiences from the super conscious through your mind and body. There are 2 categories of people in the spiritual field: some who experience amazing super conscious experience and expresse those to the world and some others who have experienced extraordinary powers and expressed only those to the world (Great yogis levitating, teleporting, appearing in 2 places at the same time are all extra-ordinary powers). Paramahamsa Nithyananda was very clear, "I want my Sanyasis and Rishis to experience the highest consciousness and express the highest powers to the world. I don't want you guys to be theologians in a seminary. I want you to be flowers in the mystery school where you know experience all the deepest secrets of life, and have the ability to express the extraordinary powers. Break the body and mind to make the yogic body, Vedic mind and eN Living." "Your body and mind is like clay. Every day you can make it what you want. All you need to do is reclaim it. From today I declare that all our Satsang centers are branches of our Mystery school. We are a Naimisharana, place where the great truths are taught, experimented and people are made to experience it. So I want you all to understand, experiment and ...

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Exactly How Meditation Audio Helps With Stress And Anxiety

Posted: 28 May 2012 11:00 AM PDT

Article by Elizabeth Davis

Numerous forms of meditation are applicable to numerous conditions. If you're a audio enthusiast, then probably you might need to try meditating music. Actually, as a human , you'll be able to be compared with musical instruments due to the fact it is possible to hum, sing, whistle, and make other pleasant and expressive tones. Every person's musical expertise is often explained using words such as harmony, flow, stimulate and a lot of others. Whenever you express yourself by means of musical sounds, some thing unconventional is happening within your soul.Numerous disruptions saturate people as they proceed thru their everyday existence like environmental noise, social dramas, stress of every day travelling, boredom of career, plus a lot extra. Existence right now is regarded fast due to a whole lot of new technological advancements, and for that reason, folks suffer from continuing strain. You can not focus on your work efficiently simply because your mind is currently overloaded, uninspired, and exhausted. This results to a creativity block that can bring hopelessness to a person. But here's the very good news, there is a approach to combat and cope with this type of situation and that is by means of deep meditation music.Meditation audio can advantage a good deal of people. Actually, some specialists suggest deep meditation music as a form of therapy to deal with specific problems such as that of stress-related illnesses. A lot of individuals are really utilizing this very successful tool and they're surprised and pleased with the outcomes. They're able to achieve private development when they continue paying attention to meditation music. Exactly where are you able to find such audio? If you have no idea, then it would be much better to ask the assist of a person with expertise about music meditation. On the world wide web, you are able to uncover many websites that offer pre-recorded programs on music meditation. It was only following the 70's when audio was employed for meditating. All the p! rograms make use of the binaural technology. Through this know-how, the brain wave wavelengths are synchronized.Via the deep meditation audio, the mind can produce fresh new neural connections. By doing so, the absolute maximum possible of the thoughts is drawn on at a reduced time frame. Usual meditating methods take lengthier times however with music, you can find increased intelligence, inner peace, and reduction of tension. Diverse objectives and needs might be met by the wide selections of programs available. The particular system should be employed to handle a particular requirement since options differ within their brainwaves; and this is essential to receive the desired results.If you are experiencing severe strain, or if you are always unfocused, burnt out, and uninspired, it would'nt harm to attempt meditation audio. This is currently acknowledged in today's world nowadays and several medical doctors now are suggesting this kind of therapy. Should your medications appear to have no effect in any way, then it could be finest to start with music therapy. This is a quite very good kind of meditation. It unwinds your thoughts, at the same time as the spirit.On the internet or real world, there are a great deal of resources that you can use to help you in obtaining the ideal meditation music suited for your situation. Get family and pals to help, or even your work colleagues. Better but, seek advice from your physician or a specialist who knows a very good deal regarding meditation music. You are going to shortly understand that you're slowly but surely recovering from your problems.

About the Author

Writing about meditation and things that the novice can do to assist this.

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Temperature Biofeedback SC911.wmv

Temperature Biofeedback Demonstration using SC911 Digital Thermometer A low cost temperature biofeedback device that can be used to help with relaxation and stress reduction.

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Stress, a problem for all people

Posted: 28 May 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Article by Stefania Constantin

Maintaining good health requires a capacity to handle stress. Stressor agent is not always a negative event. A wedding and a death can be equally stressful for the body. Exposure to intense or extreme stressful events and deprivation of stimuli can cause imbalances in the body and also major problems. Too much heat, cold, work, food or social requirements or the contrary, lack of food, achievement, social interactions and sleep can be harmful for human health.Our perception of stress is important, any factor that we can consider a threat, real or imaginary, will increase our anxiety levels. How we react is influenced by several factors, some of which can be controlled, while others do not. Physical and mental health, genetic predisposition, past experiences, diet, and social support determine which stimuli will be interpreted by the body as stress agents in a particular moment of our lives. People with healthy, balanced, harmonious life style coming from a family without health problems, living a quiet life and having normal relationships with others will respond better to stress and is far less likely to develop a condition related to stress than people with at least one factor deviated from normal.

When we think of stress, come to mind terms like "power, load, application, effort, pressure, strain, force, coercion". People who are constantly under stress for long periods of time become overwhelmed by tension, anger, fear and frustration, which lead to the development of a strong chronic anxiety states. As a result, the secretion of adrenaline, blood pressure, heart rate and breathing will have increased values.

Glucose and fatty acid level in blood increases in stress, the combination favoring accelerated atherosclerosis with coronary heart disease development. Immune functions are less efficient, so the body can no longer effectively fight pathogens and cancer cells. On the mental capacity can be seen a reduction in memory and concentration. Sleep disorders and depression occur, an! d other mood disorders.

Characteristics of individuals that are in a chronic state of stress

Probably most of us will recognize himself in this description. If you have at least 3 of the following characteristics, it is time to seriously consider a way to reduce stress:• Constant sense of urgency, haste, lack of time for relaxation• Tension in all relationships, resulting in fights, misunderstandings, insults etc.• Mania of "escape" (in personal room, car park etc.)• Feeling that time runs too fast, children grow up too fast, etc.• Constant desire to have a simple and quiet life, permanent discussions with others about better times (which have been or will come)• Too little time devoted to his person or coupleHow stress affects various organs and systems• The digestive tract - many diseases may be caused or aggravated by stress include gastritis, gastric or duodenal ulcer, ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel• The organs of reproduction - infertility, menstrual disorders or no menstrual cycle in women, impotence in men• Bladder - irritability, incontinence, enuresis• Central nervous system - mental and emotional problems, anxiety, psychosis, depression• Hair and scalp - hair loss with balding• Mouth - ulcers and oral lichen• Lungs - asthma exacerbation during periods of acute stress• Heart - cardiac arrhythmias, angina attacks• Muscles - painful muscle tension, increased twitching and tremor in patients with Parkinson's

How to eliminate stress with Calivita natural products

Natural herbal products are always the best way and the healthiest for combating stress and his symptoms.

- Rhodiolin - has an adaptogenic effect, reduces the negative impact of stress on the heart, prevents and eliminates depression, and provides a physical and mental well being.

- Melatonin - is an effective natural way to combat insomnia and regulate a normal nocturnal cycle, which in times of stress are a common problem and help to increase the negative state.

- Vi! talMan - exclusively for men - is good for removing stress, nervous tension and mental exhaustion, threats to the intimate life and fertility.

- VitalWoman - exclusively for women - supports vital processes in the woman body, stimulates the ovaries and uterus and improves intimacy in women. Has aphrodisiac effect, improves physical and mental state and reduce stress and tension.

About the Author

Stefania write blog articles for RetetaNaturista where you can find more details about Stres and natural products from Calivita that can help you with this problem.

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Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 5/28/2012

Posted: 28 May 2012 10:00 AM PDT

"Only to the extent that we expose ourselves over and over to annihilation can that which is indestructible be found in us."
~Pema Chรถdrรถn

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Do You Prefer Stress, Anxiety, Fear, Panic or Peace of Mind

Posted: 28 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Article by Remez Sasson

Do you live in a state of constant stress, anxiety, fear and panic, or do you enjoy peace of mind?

Do you let external influences affect your moods and state of mind, or do possess inner strength and detachment?

Are you obsessed by fearful thoughts and worries, or do you have control over your thoughts?

Too many people are anxious, stressed, worry too much, subject to moods and have no control over their thoughts and feelings. This situation leads to emotional, mental and physical problems, unhappiness and failure.

The truth is that that situation can be changed. Inner peace can be developed, just like other skill. You can gain a state of inner peace and inner strength that nothing can shake.

Inner peace, which is peace of mind, is not the sole possession of yogis and hermits. You too can enjoy it without becoming a yogi or a hermit.

There is an erroneous concept relevant, which says that peace of mind is sought and can be attained only by people who lead a completely spiritual life in ashrams or monasteries. Some even think that real peace of mind is an illusion and cannot be attained. These are erroneous assumptions. Some might attain a higher level of peace and others a lower level, yet everyone can gain at least some measure of inner peace. Such peace will certainly improve the quality of life, health, relationships and everything else.

There are various treatments for stress, anxiety, fears and panic attacks. Some involve psychological help, some use hypnosis and others involve the use of medications. All these treatments involve external help. There is another way to handle these problems, which does not involve external help. It is through inner work and training.

Don't be afraid of the word words inner training and work. You are not required to do impossible things. A mental training program for peace of mind starts from really simple actions, which you can incorporate in your daily life. They include a change of attitude, being more positive! , develo ping of inner detachment, developing some control over the thinking process and later, also some special meditations aimed toward increasing the level of inner peace.

Stress, anxieties, worries, fear and panic start in the mind. They start as thoughts, which grow in strength and affect your behavior, actions and habits. Your thoughts and attitudes act like a filter, a screen or lenses, through which you see the world in a particular way, which does not always depicts reality. Your aim is to be more aware of them, and use certain techniques to stop their power over you. There is no reason to go on through life being at the mercy of uncontrolled thoughts, feelings, anxieties, worries and fears.

You can transform your life! You can change the state of your mind! Even a small amount of inner peace would do a great deal to you. Are you afraid of some effort? Can't you spare just a few minutes for making your mind and life a little calmer, with less fear and worries?

'Peace of Mind in Daily Life' is a book that goes into detail about this most important subject. It teaches in simple and easy to follow progressive steps how to attain this coveted state of inner peace, right here where you are, without the necessity of making any outer changes in your life. True peace starts from the inside, and is independent of external conditions.

Here are a few tips to help you start:

# Learn to use the replacement method, of changing every negative thought, as it arises, into a positive thought. Don't fight negative thoughts, just divert your attention a positive thoughts or mental images.

# Write down and keep a list of inspiring and uplifting quotes, and read them several times a day.

# Think positive and inspiring thoughts before falling asleep.

# Though it might not be so easy, try to keep an attitude inner detachment in dealing with difficult or unpleasant people. Don't take too personally their remarks or criticism.

# Don't watch thrillers or action movies on TV be! fore goi ng to bed or falling asleep.

# Reduce the number of times you listen to the news on the radio or TV. Know what is going on in the world, but there is no need to constantly fill your mind with news that cause you stress or fear.

# Repeat positive affirmations several times a day. Do so also when you feel stress or fear.

Here are a few examples:

- I feel peace and tranquility filling my mind and body.- My mind is calm, like a lake on a quiet summer day.- I feel calm relaxed and peaceful.- I am a center of peace, calmness and happiness.

About the Author

Remez Sasson teaches and writes on positive thinking self-improvement, peace of mind, spiritual growth and meditation.Website: http://www.SuccessConsciousness.comBooks:

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2 ~ Meditation Relaxation Music

Meditation Relaxation Music

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"Mind" It

Posted: 28 May 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Article by Kent Makro

The human mind never rests. It always has to keep thinking in order to survive. A sound mind is the most important aspect of life. If the mind ceases to function, life comes to a standstill. Even though the fad nowadays is all about keeping the body fit as a fiddle, mental health must also be given its priority for a happy life.


- Never allowing stress to prey on the mind. This is the first and foremost initiative to be taken as far as the mind is concerned. Tension at workplace must never be carried back home. These are some ways to de-stress the mind:

* Meditating: By learning techniques of Yoga, Tai Chi.* Listening to music: The best way to soothe the mind.* Pursuing Hobbies: Revive all those fun activities given up long back.

- Getting enough sleep. It's a fact that lack of sleep kills a person faster than lack of food. An average adult must have at least eight long hours of sleep. Lack of sleep will burden the mind and affect the thought process.

- Crying out the heart. Bottled up emotions do no good. Not crying out doesn't mean one is very strong willed. Problems should be discussed with loved ones and friends and the needful must be done at the earliest. Such bottled up emotions often lead to suicidal intensions and they must be mitigated soon before it's too late. Family members must be the pillars of support during such crises and always lend a shoulder to cry upon.

- The mind grows along with the body. As a child grows its mental thinking changes. It becomes more inquisitive and adventurous. The mind of the child has thousands of questions and parents and teachers are obliged to answer them with proper care. This contributes the maximum to the mental make up of the child. Adolescents are usually rebellious, and its nature that they be so. They should never be intimidated, rather must be treated with soft, firm words. Common mental problems that some children face are dyslexia, fear and anxiety. These have to be traced at the ! earliest and must be treated with proper care.

- Exercising the mind. Along with the exercises that are done to tone the body, the mind must also be kept active by exercises. Indulging in mind games such as crosswords, puzzles etc, improves our thinking and also keeps the mind free of ill thoughts.


The society always stigmatizes mental illnesses. However, what is often forgotten is that the mind is also liable to "fall sick". Loneliness, depression, insomnia, neurosis are some of the most common complaints that people come up with. If some mental problem is suspected, it's always better to head to a Psychiatrist and seek the necessary treatments. But, people fail to do this due to the fear of being ostracized by the society.

Initial counseling and pep talking, can improve the situation to a certain extent. Often, the family members are educated, about the way in which they must approach the patient and how he or she has to be treated. A change in the environment can also bring about a great change in the mental status of the patient. With steady progress, the person can be brought back to normal condition, after which he or she can lead a normal life.

To conclude, the mind has its own dimensions and is prone to many changes. The health of the body and that of the mind go hand in hand, as they complement each other. Mental health should never be taken for granted and should be given due importance.

Hoping that this would have been a food for your...thought.

About the Author

To learn more on Mental-Health go to Mental-HealthBlog

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Past Karma = Your Life Now

Welcome! Continuing our studies on Buddhism, our topic in this video is a 10 minuted guided meditation on loving-kindness. I am Brian Ruhe, a Buddhist follower and lay teacher. I teach Buddhism and meditation in Vancouver, Canada in adult ed. at several school boards and community centres. I am also available to lead private and professional retreats, and to mentor on a one-to-one basis by Skype. You can call my Skype address at: BrianARuhe . You can join me on Facebook at: Brian Ruhe Vancouver. For more information please do visit my website . My latest book "A SHORT WALK ON AN ANCIENT PATH - A Buddhist Exploration of Meditation, Karma and Rebirth", is available in book or ebook form at at: I was a Buddhist monk in Chiangmai, Thailand and I have been teaching Theravada Buddhism and meditation for 15 years. My first book from 1999, is "Freeing the Buddha," also at Amazon. I follow the Theravada Forest tradition with Ajahn Sona at .

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Meditation: Relaxing The Body And The Mind

Posted: 28 May 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Article by catya

Meditation is a state of being focused on a certain thought and involves the "quieting of the mind" as you concentrate inwardly, resulting to a more relaxed and calm feeling. This relaxation technique can help a person develop his personality through mental discipline as well as encourage his spiritual well-being by communing with God.

Usually associated with some ancient eastern religions dating back several centuries, meditation has been assimilited in western culture via spiritual practices and medical therapies which focus on different kinds of healing with the help of the mind and inner energy.

According to Dr. Borysenko, author of 'Minding the Body, Mending the Mind', "...through meditation, we learn to access the relaxation response (the physiological response elicited by meditation) and we become more aware of the mind and the way our attitude produces stress." He believes that through meditation, one can also get in touch with the "inner physician" and allow the body's own inner wisdom to be heard.

In Taoism, the mind of emotions is controlled by the "Fire" energy of the heart. Unrestrained, this Fire energy flares upward and wastefully burns up the energy and smothers the mind. On the other hand, the mind of intent, or will power, is governed by the Water energy of the kidneys. Without direction, the "Water" energy is flushed down the sexual organs which drains its essence and spirit. However, when you are meditating, these flows of Water and Fire energies are reversed. The Water energy is drawn up to the head through the Central and Governing channels, while the Fire energy from the heart is drawn down into the Lower Elixir Field in the abdomen, where the energy is refined and transformed. This process allows the mind of intent, which is Water, to provide a soothing and relaxing effect over the mind of emotion, which is Fire. Hence, meditation relaxation occurs.

In today's world, where there is so much chaos and negativism brought about by man's pursuit of we! alth and power, many have fallen victim to stress and anxiety, not to mention a variety of medical conditions such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.

Meditation relaxation involves the body and mind. It is beneficial in providing relief to those suffering with anxiety disorders as it allows the person to experience relaxation and release negative energies stored in the body, allowing it to acquire a different form of healing that is not afforded by medications. But this method is a skill which needs to be learned properly. Training in the art of meditation relaxation is necessary to avoid getting distractions.

In Yoga Meditation, the key principles in this process are attention and breathing. These two work together naturally in allowing the relaxation of the physical body, as well as the mind.

There are times when the mind is restless that it could not keep itself from getting distracted and have the tendency to open the eyes or make unnecessary movements during the process. What some practitioners do is to make use of external device or stimulus like music or visual support to get to that state of relaxation. However, to train the mind means not relying on this external technique but directly working in the mind itself.

In order to train the restless mind, one must first acknowledge it as restless and that it will not easily come through. Give the mind something to do, something internal and real, not external or a fantasy. Focus on what is within the body and do not create something that isn't there. That's the beauty of Yoga meditation. So, whether the goal is to combat stress, cure illness or to gain higher spiritual experience, Yoga meditation as well as other relaxation therapies can help you find healing by training your mind to reach into your inner being.

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Sending Friendly Wishes

A segment from a documentary about the Inner Kids program broadcast by In this activity Susan Kaiser Greenland and Annaka Harris encourage students to send friendly wishes to themselves and other people. The friendly wishes activity is based on a classical mindfulness practice known as Loving Kindness or Metta. The video was taken in Los Angeles classrooms where the Inner Kids mindfulness program was taught.

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Ward Off Disease-Carrying Skeeters with… Chocolate Fragrance?

Posted: 28 May 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Malaria is responsible for nearly 1 million deaths each year, mostly among children in sub-Saharan Africa. It is caused by a parasite and transmitted by a mosquito.
CREDIT: Dreamstime

You can slather on the DEET and light citronella candles this summer, but you still divulge your location to hungry mosquitos just by breathing. Like a smoke signal, mosquitoes can track a potential meal yards away by smelling the carbon dioxide we exhale in each breath. 

But now, researchers say they are close to developing fragrances that attract and stun mosquitoes' carbon dioxide sensors.

"Some of them smell minty, some smell fruity, and some smell like caramelized chocolate," said Anandasankar Ray, an entomologist at University of California Riverside.

When West Nile virus, dengue fever or other mosquito-borne illnesses pop up in the United States, officials have the resources to set carbon dioxide traps, Ray said. But the traps are often impractical for many families battling mosquitos, especially in developing countries struck by malaria. The World Health Organization reported malaria infected 216 million people, and killed 655,000 in 2010.

In 2011, Ray and his colleagues discovered that certain compounds mimicked carbon dioxide closely enough to trigger mosquitos' carbon dioxide sensors. Some compounds attracted mosquitoes, and others overstimulated them, leaving them disoriented and unable to track carbon dioxide plumes for several minutes.

The Aedes mosquito, which carries dengue fever, the Culex mosquito which carries West Nile, and the Anopheles mosquito that transmits malaria, all responded to the compounds.

"These are the three main species that transmit human disease," Ray said.

But the first generation of carbon dioxide mimics were too dangerous in high concentrations for public use. So members of Ray's lab created a computer program to screen half a million known fragrances to find more carbon dioxide mimics.

"We went from a handful to a thousand chemicals as potential lures and repellents," Ray said. Lab members then puffed samples of the promising compounds onto living mosquitoes to test if the scent activated their carbon dioxide sensors.

"We were able to go through these chemicals and identify the ones that were found in nature, the ones that had pleasant smells, and ones that had safety features," Ray said.

Repelling mosquitoes is no easy task

Mosquito-control experts have long struggled to find repellants that are safe and effective. DEET, considered the gold standard of mosquito repellants, masks the odors from human skin. Natural repellants exist, but most alternatives to DEET are less effective or more dangerous, said Joe Conlon, technical adviser for the American Mosquito Control Association.

Mint-flavored fragrances that mimic carbon dioxide's attraction would help, but neither Ray nor Conlon expect they would rid us of mosquito bites entirely. DEET, along with a push and pull system of lures, traps and repellants would mount the best defense.

"Mosquito attraction is considerably more complicated than people think," Conlon said. "Carbon dioxide is not so much an attractant as an excitant. It gets them up and starts a cascade of events that gets them looking for blood meals." 

Once a mosquito is near a group of humans, many other factors determine where it may land and bite. Not every species of mosquito bite humans. Humidity, temperature and even the microflora living on skin may attract or repel a mosquito. These complicated chemical cues differ among the 176 different species of mosquito in the U.S., and the 3,000 species of mosquito documented worldwide.  

"In repellent research, we're just scratching the surface," Conlon said.

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Intention, Attention & Spiritual Growth

Posted: 28 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Article by Richard Blackstone

Your spiritual growth depends heavily on the law of attraction. You bring into your life what you put your attention on so ideally you want to focus on spirituality information and let go of fear based thoughts.

As I got on the spiritual path my first order of business was to start working on my ego and I soon discovered that the more I was able to suppress my ego, the clearer life became to me. I finally started seeing the parts of life's puzzle start to come together for me.As I started putting more attention on my newly found self-improvement, one of the most consistent messages that kept coming up time and time again was this idea that we bring into our reality what we put our attention on. Intention and attention. Figure out what you desire, intention, and then start focusing on that, attention.In this physical relative world, we place a lot of conscious and unconscious importance on this concept we call time. Time rules our lives here in the realm of the physical. You have twenty-four hours each day. They are yours to use as you please. Our sages and poets keep telling us not to waste time because, even though you and I know that we are eternal, we are stuck right now in a belief system that says we are going to physically die and leave our bodies sometime in the future.So, the question becomes how will we choose to live our lives while we occupy this space and time? We have all had the experience of believing in the fear-based paradigm of separation. If you make the choice to experience the love-based paradigm of oneness, you must begin to make that your intention and then place your attention on that intention. You know how this works. You want to reduce your exposure to fear-based thinking and increase your exposure to love-based thinking. The immutable law of attraction tells us that the more we put our attention, consciously or unconsciously, on one or the other that is what is going to show up in our lives. The more you are able to keep your attention focused on love based ideas! , the mo re that would serve you to help shift your paradigm to one of love and oneness. That is your intention, isn't it? Remember, we are talking about your life here. Focus your attention on you. Don't think about how other people think of you changing. Just be concerned with yourself. You can't change your world without seriously working on and loving yourself. In fact, that is the only way you can change your world.

That is the crux of what is going on here. You thinking about you. Do you get that? Do you understand the importance of that to yourself? Do you understand the importance of that to the world? We are all one. What you do for yourself, you do for all others. What you do for all others, you do for yourself. The world needs you right now. It becomes a wonderful adventure when you wake up to yourself and wake up to love. So it is critical to your evolution that you put your intention on becoming who you, yourself, choose to be, and then it remains critical that you put your attention on your intention.To do this, you have to take your attention away from all those things that distract you from your intention. My observations and my experiences tell me that it would serve you to stop listening to the news. My observation and my experience tells me that you should make a choice to turn off the news whenever you hear it on the television or the radio.

My observation and my experience is that you should not read the national or international news in the newspaper. Except for the funny pages, there is not a lot of news worth reading in the traditional corporate owned newspapers. There is always lots of fear but not a lot of unbiased reporting of actual events.

That is my observation and my experience of giving up the daily bombardment of information that is only designed to instill fear in my life is that I have served myself in a tremendous manner.

My challenge to you is to try it for a month and see if you like it. See if it serves you to give up all the lies and all the FEAR! .

Abo ut the Author

Richard Blackstone is an author and international speaker on Life, Love and The True Nature of How Things Work. He won the prestigious "America's Next Top Author" award from for his book, "Nuts & Bolts Spirituality." Read his FREE report, "The 3 Simple Immutable Laws of the Universe" at:

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Solfeggio Harmonics - 852 HZ - Awakening Intuition

A solfeggio based meditation for awakening intuition and telepathic communication. Audio Downloads are available at: All music tracks are original and the sole property of Source Vibrations. If you would like to use our audio programs for any reason, please feel free to contact us at:

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Kids Boost Activity Level When Around Active Friends

Posted: 28 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT

CREDIT: Anatoliy Samara | Dreamstime

Children with more-active friends tend to raise their own levels of physical activity, according to a new study.

Experts say the finding could help create interventions to curb the growing rates of childhood obesity.

To conduct the study, researchers interviewed 81 children ages 5 to 12, who were enrolled in after-school programs, and asked about their friendships. The kids also wore devices called accelerometers to monitor their activity at three points in time over the course of the 12-week study.

"By far, the greatest influence on how active kids are is what their friends are doing," said study author Sabina Gesell, a research assistant professor of pediatrics at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. "In our study, they were six times more likely to adjust their behavior to be like their friends than they were not to."

Children in the study typically adjusted their amount of physical activity by 10 percent or more, to be more like their friends.

Gesell noted the change went in both directions, with more-active and less-active kids both moving toward the group's average activity level.

"The existing friendship network had a tremendous influence on how active kids were," she told MyHealthNewsDaily. "It can help kids, and it can harm them."

Gesell cautioned against being overly concerned with peer pressure and weight in this age group.

"If your kid has only inactive friends, that should be a red flag," she said. "If he has one inactive friend among many friends, that shouldn't be a concern."

The fight against childhood obesity

Childhood obesity rates have received increased attention from researchers in recent years. According to a 2010 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, 19.6 percent of children between ages 6 and 11 are considered obese. That number was 7 percent in 1980.

Gesell said the next step in her group's research will involve figuring out whether kids' activity levels are more effectively raised by efforts to help kids build friendships with more-active children, or efforts to encourage the peer leader in a given group to become more active, in the hope that friends will follow suit.

"The next step is to leverage these influences. How do we get these kids to get active and stay active?" she said.

In the study, the researchers suggested that groups of inactive students might exercise more if they were introduced to groups who engage in a lot of physical activity. One of the study's findings was that within this age group, children did not appear to discriminate based on physical activity levels when choosing their friends.

But, Gesell said, if the kids aren't happy, and don't maintain their friendships, the interventions will fail.

For that reason, there is another step needed to create effective interventions, said Ray Browning, a physiologist at Colorado State University who studies social networks in health interventions, and was not involved in the new study.

"I'd like to understand what it is that causes those friendships to form, and potentially, what causes them to dissolve," Browning said.

Childhood friendships

Simply putting inactive and active kids together won't work, he said. In order to help children to find more active friends, researchers need a better sense of what values children might share that could help them form a bond.

In his experience with his own children as well as in studies, younger children tend to form and end friendships rapidly, he said. This means the potential to promote an active lifestyle via social networks is there, but researchers first need a better understanding of why and how the friendships form.

"Friendship selection, in at least this limited window of time, is not due to any sort of bias around body weight or obesity status," which is encouraging, Browning said.

Browning also noted that school-related friendships may have more influence on children than the after-school friendships analyzed in the study.

Research in this area will help explain how our friendships at different ages affect us – and how they might be used to develop better habits, Browning said.

"If we can take this and develop or start to think about how these social connections can influence health promoting behaviors, then we're all going to benefit," he said.

The study appears online today (May 28) in the journal Pediatrics.

Pass it on: Kids with more-active friends may raise their activity level, a new study finds.

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Hot Tubs Murfreesboro, La Vergne, Eagleville, TN – The Perfect Way to Relax after Sitting All Day

Posted: 28 May 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Article by HSS Of Music City

Who says you have to be exercising to feel the strain and achiness of a sore back? In fact, one of the most damaging activities that can leave you in crippling pain is simply sitting at a desk all day. Who would ever have thought that an activity as mundane as going to work could wreak such havoc on the body? The truth is, millions of Americans experience aches and pains associated with sitting in front of a computer or a desk for extended amounts of time. So what do we do?

Rejuvenate Naturally - A hot tub is the number one way to rejuvenate naturally. There's simply nothing more therapeutic than warm, massaging water working its way over every inch of your tired body. A natural form of relaxation and an easy way to calm tired muscles, a spa provides the buoyancy that can lift your body effortlessly. This sensation of weightlessness is not only relaxing, but more importantly, takes the pressure off your joints. Whether you have a stiff neck from staring at a computer screen all day or lower back pain from being hunched over a desk, the buoyancy of a hot tub takes it all away.

Soothe Stiff Joints - For the millions of American's who suffer from arthritis pain, the benefits of a spa are well known. While you may not have severe joint pain that has been diagnosed professionally, what you do have feels the same - and it hurts. Soaking in the warm water of a hot tub with the jets turned on can simulate an allover body massage, leaving your back and neck refreshed and feeling much better. The combination of the heat and massage work wonders for that nagging pain that starts to surface around 2:30 in the afternoon.

A Soak to De-Stress - The sensation of pain is often accompanied by stress. Stress can actually create pain and the cycle continues. Until you de-stress the mind, de-stressing the body will only solve half the problem. An effective way to de-stress is to soak in the spa. In addition to warm water and massaging jets, a hot tub soak can clear your mind, le! tting yo ur body focus more on recovering from a long day. Keep in mind, some of the reason why your muscles are tight and sore is because you may have been clinching them without realizing it. The daily grind, whether its kids, the boss, clients or even family can negatively affect your body. Learn to de-stress with a soak in the spa and improve aches and pains almost instantly.

Unfortunately, most of us have to work. For those of us who are confined to the desk and the office for extended periods of time, it can feel like a full day at the gym. A relaxing soak in the hot tub is the perfect solution for that nagging lower back pain and neck pain that's often associated with sitting at a desk. Experience the soothing, massaging sensation of a hot tub and look forward to going to work again.

When looking for a Hot Tubs Murfreesboro, Hot Tubs La Vergne or Hot Tubs Eagleville, you now know what to look for.

About the Author

About HotSpring Spas of Music CityOur mission at HotSpring Spas of Music City is to provide Nashville Tennessee with the best name hot tubs and saunas. We back up our product with expertise and a "get-it-done-right-the-first-time" water care and maintenance service. At HotSpring Spas of Music City we build relationships. It's the excellent hot tubs and saunas we sell that allow us to do just that. To learn more or check out our monthly specials call 615-443-4441 or go to

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Laughter Yoga-A Gym of Soul

Posted: 28 May 2012 04:00 AM PDT

Article by Laughter Yoga, Laughteryoga, Laughter Yoga New York, Laughing Yoga, Laughteryoga NYC, Laughteryoga New York, Laughter yoga NYC

Yoga, once practiced only in India and other eastern nations, is rapidly becoming popular in the United States. Of course, there are a number of detractors who refuse to believe in its curative powers, but they are far outnumbered by millions of others who have benefited from the practice of yoga and have made it the center of their physical and spiritual well being. There are a number of Yoga centers offering coaching in different yoga forms. Most of them offer classes for general health and well being of their patrons and there are some that offer classes to treat particular health issues. There are different yoga forms like Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Power Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, and several others. But all yoga forms without exception improve the general heath of the practitioner.

Yogic forms lubricate the joints and tendons and ligaments and increase the flexibility of the body. Yoga is perhaps the only exercise technique that massages the body's internal organs including those that hardly ever get any stimulation. This stimulation spurs the body's immune system and strengthens it against diseases. One of the benefits of yoga is that it endows the practitioner with an uncanny sense of awareness that warns him/her against an impending health disorder. Yoga, by completely detoxifying the body, delays aging, increases energy, and bequeaths the person with a remarkable zest for life.

One of the easiest and most effective forms of yoga is Hasya yoga or laughter yoga. It's said that laughter is the best medicine and is considered to be nature's way of realizing pent up energy. A hearty laughter releases in the body a cocktail of hormones and chemicals. These hormones reduce negative emotions of stress and tension, lower high blood pressure, and boost the immune system. Laughter is the gentlest form of exercise. But when you practice laughter Yoga you will find every inch of your body vibrating with your laughter. One of the immediate benefits of laughter yoga is a clear breathing, which is! especia lly beneficial for those suffering from asthma and other respiratory complications.

In Yogalaff (, you will be taught laughteryoga by Dr Kataria. Dr. Kataria has helped countless people all over the world gain immensely from laughter yoga. Anyone can practice this yogic form irrespective of age and medical condition. But it's always best to practice it in a laughter class with other people. When practiced in a group, laughter becomes infectious and the exercise almost always leads to real laughter. Please visit for any information regarding laughter yoga, laughter therapy.

About the Author

Vishwa Prakash is a well known writer who writes on the topics related with Laughter Yoga, Stress Management & Laughter Club New York for the site

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Massage and Stress Relief

Posted: 28 May 2012 03:00 AM PDT

Article by Mulkurnia

Few people need to be convinced of why and how massages are relaxing, so in this article, you'll see just how much of a difference massage therapy can make and how to incorporate a massage routine into your stress relief agenda. According to the American Massage Therapy Association, in 2006, 39 million Americans, or one in six, received at least one professional massage. Clearly, Americans are seriously interested in stress relief as well as the many other benefits of massage.The Mayo Clinic identifies massage as a valid medical method to reduce stress and pain and reports, "Massage reduced anxiety in depressed children and anorexic women. It also reduced anxiety and withdrawal symptoms in adults trying to quit smoking." The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry conducted a study that concluded, "Massage therapy had immediate beneficial effects on anxiety-related measures." The Franklin Institute reports, "Massage releases endorphins that calm the peripheral nervous system." The PsychoOncology Journal in 2008 reported that, "Massage in patients undergoing intensive chemotherapy reduces serum cortisol (stress hormone) and prolactin…A significant reduction in cortisol could be safely achieved through massage, with associated improvement in psychological well-being." To incorporate massage into your stress relief routine, you can see if your insurance plan at work covers massage treatments under some type of physical therapy clause. Often insurance programs like this will allow you a set number of "covered" (i.e. free) massages per year which you can use all at once or stretch over the course of the year. Another option is getting a massage membership. For example, the company Massage Envy located throughout the United States offers a monthly membership plan starting around . They allow you to "roll over" un-used massages and add on family members for a reasonable fee. Another affordable option is to find a massage school nearby and find out how you can get a discounted massage from a st! udent. A ll of these options will ensure that the price of a massage doesn't add to your stress or anxiety.If your budget prohibits even these stress relievers, you can swap massages with a family member, significant other, or trusted friend. You can also learn many effective massages to do on yourself. For example, a popular component of stress can be tired eyes. To re-energize your eyes, close them and put your thumbs under your eyebrows at the inside corner of each eye. Press in gently and make tiny circles with your thumbs. Work towards the outside of your eyebrows and continue this movement all around your eyes, finishing back at your nose. Spend a little extra attention where the bridge of your nose meets your eyebrow--you may notice that it is a bit tender here. There are many auto-massage techniques like this that you can use for effective stress relief.Finally, remember what the Mayo Clinic says, "Brush aside any thoughts that massage is only a feel-good way to indulge or pamper yourself. To the contrary, massage can be a powerful tool to help you take charge of your health and well-being..."

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The Mindful Revolution: Exploring How Mindfulness Can Transform Education

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Spiritual Meditation - Best Way to Find Peace

Posted: 28 May 2012 01:00 AM PDT

Article by Bertil Hjert

Do you know what is meditation? It is simply focusing your 100% undivided attention on something for sometime. The time period may be restricted for some minutes or a couple of hours.

When it comes to spiritual meditation, it is focusing your attention on spirit. Yes, spiritual meditation is achieved when one is able to listen to the words of the almighty. It is a phase when we pray to God, talk to him and he listens. If you want to hear the words of the almighty, maintain silence. This will let you hear what god has to tell you. This can be practiced only via spiritual meditation.

Spiritual meditation is referred to as the most relaxing and spiritually rewarding. It acts very well. It is the best way to make the bonds of the spirit and the body unites into one. This is the best way you can practice spiritual meditation.

According to the tradition in the east, there are sever different disciplines of spiritual meditation. Neophytes in this field can easily under take this task. All they require to do is to create an atmosphere that is appropriate for them.

This can be easily dove via lighting joss sticks, lighting candles, using aromatic oils and playing soft instrumental music. You can also involve in something similar to a ritual.

Spiritual meditation emphasizes on allowing an individual to get acknowledged with your inner self. One is also able to discover the wisdom and peace that exists deep within.

Here is a guide on how to practice spiritual meditation:

a) Step one

Sit comfortable. Keep your ankles uncrossed just as if you are seated in a chair.

b) Step two

Observe the calm and serenity of the waters here. You can either keep looking at the picture of calm waters or even memorize the picture of calm waters in details.

c) Step three

Close your eyes and let the calmness of the picture of the river.

d) Step four

Now, observe your breath without attempting to control it in any manner.

e) Step five

Now, observe how it enters your body when you inhale and exits your body when you exhale.

f) Step six

In case, your attention wanders in anyway, gently bring back your awareness to the breathing pattern.

g) Step seven

After five minutes, divert your focus on the word 'Harmony'. Now, conclude on whether this word had any shape, if yes, then what it was. Never force any thought into your mind. Let the shape come to your mind naturally.

h) Step eight

Gently ask yourself whether the word 'harmony' has any color. If yes, then what color it was. Don't force any color to visit your mind. Let the color come to your mind spontaneously.

i) Step nine

Ask yourself whether Harmony had a sound and let the sound enter your mind slowly.

j) Step ten

Start with this view of harmony having a shape, color and sound. Now ask about the spiritual attributes come to your mind naturally. Lastly, focus your consciousness on breath without making an attempt to control it in any way. Open your eyes slowly after a minute.

About the Author

For more Articles, News, Information, Advice, and Resources about MEDITATION and YOGA please visit MEDITATION BUZZ and YOGA TIPS

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The Mythology of Star Wars [FULL DOCUMENTARY]

Bill Moyers joined George Lucas at Skywalker Ranch in northern California to talk about the ancient myths and personal values that have synthesized into Star Wars. The epic themes in Lucas' cinematic stories are a springboard for a candid conversation about family, fatherhood, spiritual beliefs, and the importance of moral tales for every generation. Intercut with movie footage from the original trilogy as well as the prequel, The Mythology of Star Wars with George Lucas and Bill Moyers provides a revealing journey in the company of the filmmaker through some of the most famous scenes of the Star Wars saga.

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Yoga - Begin Your Spiritual Journey with Siddha Yoga

Posted: 28 May 2012 12:00 AM PDT

Article by Bertil Hjert

Siddha Yoga is a path of spirituality, which is gaining popularity tremendously worldwide. It has helped its followers to reach to their state of spiritual liberation or enlightenment by following its teachings and practices.

It works over the guidelines of Hindu spiritual traditions of Vedanta and Kashmir Shaivism. It has opened around six hundred meditation centers and ashrams for its followers all across the globe including India, Unites States, Great Britain, and Japan.

A) History behind Siddha Yoga

After going through the available records, it has been found that this path of spirituality came into existence in West by Swami Muktananda in 1970s, who was the devotee of Swami Nityananda and acquired the state of enlightenment.

After the death of Swami Nityananda, the lineage of Siddha Yoga was then passed on to the hands of Swami Chidvilasananda who is famously known as "Gurumayi". Swami Chidvilasananda, being a kingpin of this new path of enlightenment, guides the students in the teachings and practices of Siddha Yoga so as to enable them to experience the awareness of themselves.

B) Various practices of Siddha Yoga

The various practices of Siddha Yoga, which enable the students to move on to the path of enlightenment, are as follow:

a) Meditation: It is the silent focusing on a mantra "Om Namah Shivay" or on the flow of breath.

b) Chanting: It involves the chanting of Sanskrit mantra which can be the short Sanskrit texts known as Nama Sankritana or even the longer phrases of Sanskrit known as Swadhyaya. The forms of these texts generally include the Guru Gita, morning and evening artis, Kundalini Stavaha, and Shree Rudram.

c) Seva: Seva include the various types of services done at the ashrams or centers as an offering to the deities.

d) Dakshina: It is a practice of repaying the Guru as a token of respect and thankfulness after a period of receiving teachings on the spiritual path. This repayment can either be a financial off! ering or a gift.

e) Satsang: Satsang is a combination of two words, "Sat" means Truth and "Sang" means Company. Therefore, Satsang is described as the group meetings or programs accompanied by the highest truth. These are generally held weekly at the ashrams and the meditation centers of Siddha Yoga. It comprises of various elements including lectures, meditations, or recitations that are conducted by the Guru.

f) Intensives: They are the gatherings which are especially designed to enable the devotees to experience enlightenment or self-realization. They bring a momentary change in the state of consciousness of an individual which further enable them to understand the ultimate truth of themselves. Therefore, these intensives play a significant role in the philosophy of Siddha Yoga. They are generally held twice a year.

C) Gurudev Siddha Peeth

Gurudev Siddha Peeth is the first Siddha Yoga Ashram, which is located at the Tansa Valley in Maharashtra. It promotes the students of Siddha Yoga to participate actively in the retreats and to serve the mission of Siddha Yoga.

The humanitarian expressions of Siddha Yoga comprises of two main elements including The PRASAD Project which works for various health, education, and sustainable development programs for children and communities in need. It also comprises of the Muktabodha Indological Research Institute for the preservation of the ancient Indian scriptures and Vedic traditions.

About the Author

For more Articles, News, Information, Advice, and Resources about YOGA and MEDITATION please visit YOGA TIPS and MEDITATIONBUZZ

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Spiritual Meditation: Technique to Learn and Benefit From

Posted: 27 May 2012 11:00 PM PDT

Article by Bertil Hjert

Spiritual meditation emphasizes on allowing an individual to get acknowledged with your inner self. One is also able to discover the wisdom and peace that exists deep within.

This is possible via developing awareness and harmony in a person. Spiritual meditation can be of great help. One can employ various techniques of spiritual meditation in order to achieve best results.

Spiritual meditation usually involves either physical or mental exercises. One can also involve in both physical and mental exercises at a time. These exercises will help you to reach god. In case, you don't wish to utilize a specific meditation practice, then here is a simple technique of spiritual meditation to help you to reach god.

First, analyze your faith. You cannot achieve spiritual meditation. Remember that faith is an important part when it comes to achieve absolute spiritual meditation.

Next, you need to find a suitable environment for spiritual meditation. The environment should be peaceful where you can be alone for the maximum amount of time.

There is no particular pose you need to acquire when performing spiritual meditation. All you require to do is to look for a position you can hold on for about fifteen minutes.

Experts feel that spiritual meditation is a two way process. It may not seem to be. However, in the process, you see yourself speaking to god and god speaking to you.You need to start off the process with a lot of breathing exercises in order to let your mind feel relaxed. The relaxation of body also matters a lot here.

You need to forget about all your problems and worries for the moment and focus on enjoying the whole opportunity of union with the almighty.

Most people who are lucky, usually reach the ideal state of consciousness.

You should not allow bad memories to hurt you as these were just some of the experiences that teach you to be tougher and wiser.

Now, focus on who you actually are look yourself within. You need to be very true ab! out what your actual strengths and weaknesses are.

The second last step is to focus on your relationship with god. Ask a few questions on this relationship. Who is god to you? In what way you allowed god to take part in your relationship. What do you actually want to achieve out of spiritual meditation?

Do you have any questions to ask from god, if you just pour out?

The last step is to wait. You need to believe that god will answer you prayers. Have faith that he is hearing you and in each session of spiritual meditation, you will be getting answers to your questions. Believe in god and your prayer will be heard.

Spiritual meditation is a great option for those who want to know their real self and want to unite themselves with the almighty without any selfish motives.

This guide to spiritual meditation will definitely help you to achieve what you are looking for, provided you perform this art correctly.

About the Author

For more Articles, News, Information, Advice, and Resources about MEDITATION and YOGA please visit MEDITATION BUZZ and YOGA TIPS

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Getting Beyond Ego

The ultimate trick of egoic consciousness is to try to get beyond ego. Yet the more you try to get beyond it, the more you get caught up in it. In this enlightening satsang, Adyashanti reveals the real meaning of "allowing everything to be as it is." He shows how this teaching, when understood fully, offers a way to go beyond the egoic state.

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Benefits Of Doing Yoga To Improve Your Meditation

Posted: 27 May 2012 10:00 PM PDT

Article by Spiritual Now Editors

It sometimes sounds confusing that Yoga can benefit you in meditation, as meditation is only a part of Yoga. However, in modern scenario, Yoga-Asanas are often referred to as Yoga in short and people often mean postures when they say that they are practicing Yoga for meditation. The basic benefit of Yoga-Asanas is to keep your body fit for the requirements of meditation. If you are not feeling well physically, you will find it hard to relax your mind and attaining the bliss that comes naturally with meditation. Body should work with the mind so that one can reach up to the level of soul, where the extreme bliss rests.

Yoga meditation, or Meditation supplemented with Yoga-Asanas, is beneficial in making a firm foundation and keeping you intact along the path. Though one can run bare-footed, but sometimes one feels that the regularity can't be maintained. Shoes helps in providing that regularity. Yoga meditation is like that: one wears the shoes of Yoga-Asanas and can meditate effectively and regularly. We would also refer to this thing as Yoga here, and we will try to find out the benefits that one experiences from Yoga meditation.

1. Flexibility

It is obvious that you are involved in continuous sitting for longer durations as you move with your practice of meditation. However, sometimes the body becomes very stiff and hinders your progress and regularity. Yoga meditation comes handy here, and can serve the purpose quite well. It gives your body the much needed flexibility to sustain the needs of meditation for long periods.

Sometimes your vocation involves much physical work and you find it very hard to keep your body in optimal condition for meditation. Yoga meditation has almost proven benefits for such kind of situation, and once you do it, you will also realize the advantages that you gain.

2. Energy

It is quite obvious that all types of exercises impart energy to your body, and Yoga meditation is no exception. When you spend time for Yoga and do the meditat! ion ther eafter, you feel energized to the extent that you will be able to keep your body in erect position, which is extremely important for meditation. Whether you sit for 10 minutes or for 1 hour, you will feel that your physical being is supporting the needs of your mental and spiritual beings.

3. Relaxation and Calmness

Yoga meditation helps in getting deeper control on your mind, as you are able to feel your body quite easily. The muscles and joints are not causing any problem that can distract your mind. Yoga meditation helps in gaining body calmness that ultimately leads to mental calm. One can feel the body in a better way and can relax well, thus, initializing the founding steps of meditation.

It goes without saying that if you are practicing meditation; you need to supplement it with Yoga. Yoga meditation can bring the results early and make them lasting. Yoga meditation will make you feel better physically, mentally, and spiritually, of course.

About the Author

Spiritual Now is a comprehensive guide to spiritual enlightenment and yoga meditation. Includes articles, audio, videos & interviews as well as an online spiritual community.

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Relaxation. Sounds of nature, wind chimes and morning song birds.

Relaxation music. The sound of wind chimes and morning songbirds. Just give it 30 seconds or so and the volume/sound level will improve.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Quantum Physics and Spirituality

Posted: 27 May 2012 09:00 PM PDT

Article by Ragnar Storyteller


Since our Solar System has evolved into the Age of Aquarius, we have been given several gifts. The evolution of the Solar System has taken on a Physical Movement. We have moved into a new place around our Galactic Sun. Just as our Earth revolves around our Sun, our Solar System revolves around our Galactic Sun.

Just as man individually and collectively is evolving, our Solar System is evolving. It too has a destiny and purpose in the Mind of God.

The gifts that this movement around the Galactic Sun have given us are: The Laws of Quantum Physics, The Laws of Radionics and the Internet.

The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean. This is the Mind of God that the Ancients spoke about. We can use the Laws to better understand ourselves, the workings of God and the Relationship between us.

The Laws of Radionics give us the technology to project our thoughts, wishes and desires into the Quantum Ocean.

The Quantum Ocean responds to our thoughts. The present physical reality that we all find ourselves experiencing is the the result of the sum total of thoughts we have allowed ourselves to think in this lifetime and in all past lifetimes.

We have become what we have thought. Tomorrow will be a synthesis of today's thoughts combined with all our past thoughts. And so infinitum until we have reached our destiny.

What is Destiny? It is to become ever so more God-like and conscious; until we are so much a part of God that we do not have to incarnate again.

So, if we find ourselves not exactly where we want to be on our road to spirituality, we can change our position.

We can use the Laws of Quantum Physics and the Science of Radionics to think better and higher thoughts and project them into the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. Our new thoughts will manifest into a new life.

The INTERNET is a gift of immense usefulness. Now we do not have to tr! avel the world, or look in caves or out of the way places for the Wise men and Seers.

What they have thought and said will find it's way onto the Internet. The how of this is not important, that is for the materialistic scientists, who do not believe in a Creator God to figure out..

There is a Divine Plan for Creation and Evolution and what you need to do as your next step on your path of spirituality will be waiting for you on the net. Again, don't ask how, just surf and look. You found this article, didn't you?

Spirituality is the belief in a higher being. A belief that there are those higher in consciousness and farther along their path to spirituality than we are. Although their destiny is to ever lean forward, walk forward. They also look behind to seek out those who are also climbing the Path of Spirituality. They will stop for a while to teach and give you guidance but only if you seek and ask.

With your mind and heart full of expectation step out boldly on your path of Spirituality.

The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that the Laws of Attraction will bring you what you think about- Think about God and those Higher ones who have gone before, those who are higher on the mountain. They will hear you.

About the Author

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. His writings are unique and refreshing.To see more of his writings visit his websites. and his Blogs:

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Skeptical look at mantras and Transcendental Meditation

Posted: 27 May 2012 09:00 PM PDT

I've never practiced Transcendental Meditation (TM). But for over forty years I've meditated daily, mostly using a mantra (a word or words repeated over and over) just as TM does.

So I resonated with a "Mantras" post on the TM-Free blog, which describes itself as:

Insider information about the Transcendental Meditation™ techniques, the TM movement and its late founder, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Our bloggers take independent, skeptical and critical views of TM claims and research. We report allegations of deception by TM organizations and reports that some individuals experience harm from involvement.

For most of those forty years I used a mantra taught by a Sant Mat organization, Radha Soami Satsang Beas, that was known as the Five Holy Names. The mantra bore some resemblance to the ones used by the Transcendental Meditation folks. 

Sudarsha, the author of the post, says:

My question is this: why are the results in activity so much more rewarding for me using the breath as an object than using a "meaningless sound".

The "method" is useful, but what about the "mantra"?

The mantra (a.k.a. meaningless thought, meaningless sound): Let's look at what Mahesh said at the beginning:

We do not select any sound like mike, flower, table, pen, wall etc. because such ordinary sounds can do nothing more than merely sharpening the mind; whereas there are some special sounds which have the additional efficacy of producing vibrations whose effects are found to be congenial to our way of life. This is the scientific reason why we do not select any word at random. For our practice we select only the suitable mantras of personal Gods. Such mantras fetch to us the grace of personal Gods and make us happier in every walk of life.***

So, first we don't want sounds that just do nothing more than merely sharpening the mind. Isn't this in and of itself a red flag? Why wouldn't we want sharp minds? If we had sharp minds might we detect something not in Mahesh's best interests? That was my thought when I read this remark by Mahesh.

Like any totalitarian thinker, Mahesh would only want sharp minds from which he could cull information. Then, as he has done so often when finished with someone providing him with answers, he could send them to round and do the 'sidhi' program until they were no longer sharp enough to realize they were being blindsided and their work siphoned off to the credit of someone else. 

Later in the blog post Sudarsha talks about the dulling effect of a mantra. 

A simple experiment:

(after you read this)

Sit and close your eyes and say/think/ponder some word over and over; just that word, over and over, some word you understand, some particular word you know the meaning of. Pick a simple word like house or flower or chair.

What happens?

If you keep doing it you notice that it becomes nonsense. The sound and the meaning detach from one another. There's just this very strange sound that does not have the sense it had when you started. It's even funnier if you do it again and pick a complex word like hypothalamus or train station. After a while you begin to hear what someone who known no English hears.

Now notice: do you get intellectually sharper doing this, or do you feel slightly spacey? – Ask yourself very carefully how different is "just any word" and your personally selected meaningless sound? Do different words bring different experiences of silliness? Is this a beneficial experience of altered alertness? Is this experience of altered alertness beneficial?

Good questions. I started asking similar ones myself after many years of repeating a mantra for at least ninety minutes during a morning meditation session, and then as much as possible throughout the rest of the day.

I've come to much the same concluson as Sudarsha has: following the breath mindfully is a better meditation approach than is repeating a mantra mindlessly. 

In some way, I knew I was in the darkened house of ignorance and TM really had the feel of gold. Maybe it might have been just that; but much later I discovered that Mahesh was corrupted by his own greed and narcissism subsequently corrupting not only what he had purloined from his tradition and teacher, but those he taught as well. This is my perception to this day, based upon my interaction with Mahesh and observing his interaction with others.

But just because I had been hoodwinked by a charlatan whose motives I felt were highly suspicious, I did not cease seeking. I kept looking for the gold and now I feel I have found that gold and have been examining it in the broad daylight, questioning practitioners and teachers alike, watching, observing, certainly looking for the behaviours and attitudes with which TM allowed me to be familiar. I am also looking at criteria such as Lifton's to see if I am being cheated. I wish I could have done this from the beginning with TM.

I have continued the search that began in the spring of 1964. I can only conclude at this time that there is much more to life than TM. There is more than imagining that if you believe something good is happening long enough something good will happen. There is more to life than imagining you have been spiritually endowed by using the suitable mantras for personal gods.

I am a Buddhist presently practicing in the Thai Forest Tradition of Theravฤda Buddhism. I have no intention of suggesting that this is better than or superior to what Mahesh or Guru Dev is teaching/taught. However, if you are or feel you might be or might have been a TM casualty, you might want to look at "feeling the body" as explained in the Buddhist teachings.

...I am suggesting nothing easy, but I am suggesting something very do-able and uncomplicated. But, if you will, notice that the teaching begins with following the breath and letting mind and body become calm. Do you remember from the checking procedure how, before any mention of mantra, after opening and closing the eyes, you felt some quiet and calm, just naturally?

Did you realize anything or ever think about this?

You already knew how to be calm and quiet. It is my opinion that Mahesh's teachings beyond establishing this insight is nothing more than a distraction from that calm and quiet, sidestepping the only meaningful reality, your own innate, knowable reality.

How can there possibly be any other basis for happiness in the world than knowing your own specific reality (your own colour)?

Cultivating this calm-and-quiet is the object of the Anapanasati Sutta. The method and teaching above (A Practical Guide) has been extremely helpful for me and I feel that if it is only read as an explanation it is helpful to understand the concept of mindfulness in the Buddhist tradition.

Further, in the The Satipatthana Sutta, we read how the Buddha established mindfulness in four REALITIES, the primary four realities of the individual, the person, YOU.

Lastly, I'll end with some cogent thoughts from Tucson, a regular commenter on this blog. Back in 2007 I shared what Tucson said in a comment.

I will say that Sant Mat meditation, at least the basic technique of simran (mantra repetition), seems to me to have a dulling, dumbing-down effect that seems to interfere with intuitive perception.

Imagine you are in a wilderness at night. It is pitch black and you know there is a predator out there. All your being, all your senses are fully in the moment listening for some sound or movement to indicate where that predator is. You are fully absorbed in the present situation, in the immediacy of your current reality. No simran is necessary at this time and would actually be a hinderance to full awareness of what is. Your mind is totally quiet absorbing the sounds of the night because of the urgency of the situation. It is alert, ready.

This is a good non-meditation. Be fully present in whatever you are doing. The mind will wander off. No matter, it can't be helped. When you are fully aware again, just be that way.

Great advice. Why would you repeat a mantra in your mind when your goal is to be aware of what exists in what I like to call really real reality?

It'd be ridiculous to remain focused on mentally repeating sex, sex, sex, sex, sex when a beautiful willing partner is lying next to you on a bed, arms outstretched for your embrace. 

Likewise, it'd be ridiculous to keep saying sunset, sunset, sunset, sunset, sunset as the REAL sun is dipping below the horizon, displaying gorgeous colors across the sky.

And even if your aim is religious, does it make any sense to utter God, God, God, God, God (or other supposed names of divinity) instead of being receptively open to whatever divine presence might be capable of being experienced at the moment?

Occasionally I still use a mantra, but more and more it seems pointless to speak repeated words inside my head. Life is going on all the time I'm awake and aware; experience is happening all the time I'm awake and aware.

A mantra now seems like an unnecessary distraction from life and experience. When I'm ballroom dancing, I don't think to myself dance, dance, dance, dance, dance. I just dance. 


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Myanmar Culture and Etiquette

Posted: 27 May 2012 08:00 PM PDT

Article by Vinvent Ruan

Myanmar culture is basically Buddhist and so much of the accepted etiquette pertains to Buddhist beliefs. As in all Buddhist countries, the head is considered to be the most sacred part of the body, where as the feet are considered dirty and corrupt. For this reason it is important never to touch anyone's head. Even ruffling a child's hair will be seen as a grave insult.

In the same way, visitors to Myanmar should never point their feet at anyone and especially not at a Buddha statue or image or at an elderly person or even a photograph of an elderly person. Pointing to someone with the feet is seen as extremely rude behaviour. The habit of some westerners of sitting back in a chair and putting one's feet on the table may not be the best of behaviour at home, but in Myanmar it is considered absolutely outrageous.

No one in Myanmar would ever use the same towel to dry their hair and feet and would use a different basin to wash each. Using water reserved for drinking to wash one's feet is a grave insult. Women are even prohibited to sit on higher levels such as the roof of a boat, or buses while or monks or nuns and men are sitting beneath.

Men should never touch a woman, even to shake hands. This is not respectful at all. Similarly women should never touch Buddhist monks. If a woman is making a donation, she will place it somewhere the monk can retrieve it, rather than hand it over directly. When visiting Buddhist monasteries all footwear including socks should be removed - there are places to leave your footwear - and short sleeved tops and shorts are not allowed. Myanmar women dress conservatively and expect the same from those who visit. Taking photographs of Buddhist statues or images is considered to be sacrilegious.

If visiting a Myanmar home, shoes should be taken off at the door. More urbane city dwellers may find that a polite attempt at removing shoes shows enough respect, but even then do not walk on carpets or rugs. These are for sitting on. When eating, it i! s custom ary for the elderly to be served first and coughing, sneezing or blowing one's nose at table is not acceptable. Politely excuse yourself if you feel the need.

In Myanmar, there are no family names. Siblings usually have totally different names. Most consist of two or three syllables and should never be abbreviated. Also, as is common in this part of the world, women do not change names on marrying.

If presenting or receiving a gift, always do so with both hands. This is even true of giving or receiving business cards - a custom the Myanmar people have enthusiastically absorbed. Do not be surprised if your gift is not immediately opened, but just places aside. It is somewhat rude to open it immediately - this can be interpreted as being rather greedy.Myanmar people are aware that foreigners have different ways and accept them for who they are, but at same time, greatly appreciate when visitors make efforts to respect their culture and etiquette standards. You can visit to get more information about this.

About the Author

Indochina Odyssey Tours - Your trustworthy Indochina Vietnam tour operator since 1987. Personalized and worry-free service in tours, hotels and tickets in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand.

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The evolution of Mind Mapping: How iMindMap is helping release Mind Mapping's full potential.

Posted: 27 May 2012 07:00 PM PDT

Article by Rose Angell

Hypnosis in Mental Spiritual and Physical Self Development

Posted: 27 May 2012 06:00 PM PDT

Article by Michelle L. Green

When you sense a feeling of content with the person, obviously you have worked hard to develop your mental, spiritual, and physical being. General folks comfortable with their own tegument are usually the crowd that spends time waiting for someone else to figure out how to improve their life. Some of these people may care less about changing their overall life for the better, since they adhere to the old sayings, "you can't teach old dog new tricks."

To indubitable width those multitude who feel uncertain of their character may have a hunch weakness in their own distinctiveness. In view of this embryonic fact, these people will need to discover wherewithal to make changes to develop their mental, spiritual, and physical being. Some of the top strategies exploited for centuries are self-shot and reflective self-therapy.

Wearisome folks who are less in clover with whom they are often reflect their attitudes and behaviors on others, whether it is consciously or unprepared. These reflections often ensue in the way that they act unsociably or fail to understand or accept others opinions, thoughts, etc... If they are less outgoing and more retiring, what is in fact totally a shy or insecure weakness of the flesh may even be seen as snobbish, cold, or adverse in those around them.

Accordingly, when you feel a lack of sympathy and more retiring, you may have an unshielded nature that may even be palpably as egotistic, cold weather, or detrimental to those around you. You can change this behavior by engaging in self-hypnosis.

On the dot these terrain are time and come again misinterpreted. Making an allowance for right away mortals being without caveat are often projecting angel*s of themselves, yet not accurately of their undesigning identity, and is actually a reflection of other persons placing floor plans on these personages.

Since other plebeians will peerless underpin this discernment by countering their own lack of comprehension of shy hoi polloi*, the introverted ! human be ing then totals even more timorous, creating a sincerely discontented cycle. It is the multitude and not those who are sanguine or optimistic with themselves or undimmed and contented with who they are as plebeians, who are most individually desiring to trade or convalesce their personality, transmuting as they carry on.

At the time constructive self-hypnosis determines not straight out* reversal-flop* somebody's personality, it can be litigate to transform that person's approaches of him or herself and in a way to modify the way in which the individual reckons themselves to others. This reflection or change order reforms the way a person views you.

By supportively changing themselves of their own cordiality as humanity and the fitness of their own muster, by and large the retiring soul can discover pristine self-reliance they can envisage.

The creature race should in fact commence to end bad habits by underpinning their own self-worth as a human being. It could shift awfully chivalrous to create a record of all the things you have stated about you in the aforetime experiences.

You can accommodate by including a midget number of respects of your physical outer shell. Since these respects also make us feel prime and will cast in our confidence, yet it should not change into the focal point of self-talk, as fleshly individualism can discussion exceptionally speedily and should never become the hand too of our estimation in our own merit.

Cargo can then create a list of eyewash* with ideas of their own self-worth. You may want to record additional exemplary attributes you may have funneled to look on more, and characterizes you and promoting the beginning of your exhibit like now* the wonderful qualities to others.

By replicating adulation others have supplied to us, we can use promptly as reminders to prey on our mind food. Positive self-image-talk then allows us to take notes to look in areas to better our life. Our thinking processes and understand them can help u! s to dev elop healthy qualities.

About the Author

Michelle Green is an expert in the personal development industry. She offers free self-help AUDIO books at

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Salvia: A Beginner's Guide to Expanding Your Consciousness

Posted: 27 May 2012 05:00 PM PDT

Article by Chris Robertson

If you've only recently heard about salvia divinorum, you're not alone. Although this member of the sage and mint families has been used by Mazatec shamans in Mexico for ages, its use as an adjunct to modern day spiritual practices has spread like wildfire in recent years. Those who are interested in experiencing a new breadth and depth to their consciousness are finding that salvia offers a gateway to previously unexplored territories of the mind. If you're new to salvia, this primer will help you get the most from your experience.Legal IssuesFirst things first. Although salvia is often grouped together with other consciousness-expanding drugs, it is significantly different on a number of levels. For many people, the most relevant distinction is that salvia divinorum is legal is virtually every country (except Australia). Within the United States, salvia is legal in 43 states. The exceptions are Delaware, Illinois, Louisiana, Missouri, North Dakota, Oklahoma, and Tennessee. Where to Buy SalviaBecause it is legal, you can easily buy salvia online. In fact, an online source that has a reputation for quality products and reasonable prices is definitely your best bet. You should be able to find packages ranging from to 0, and that include salvia divinorum leaves and/or concentrated forms that can be 10, 20, or even 60 times stronger than the leaves. You should look for a site that offers free shipping and that offers a 30-day money back guarantee. Getting StartedAs with anything in life, everyone takes a different approach to trying new things. The same holds true for salvia. Some experts recommend starting slowly, by chewing salvia divinorum leaves. You will probably experience a mild effect that will give you an idea of things to come. Because the stomach acid counteracts salvia's effects, it's important to keep the leaves in your mouth, so the active ingredient can be absorbed through the membranes in your mouth. Other people want to skip chewing leaves and proceed directly to smoking salvia. Bec! ause the substance needs high heat to activate its psychoactive properties, and because some people find hot smoke to be an irritant, most people use a water pipe when smoking salvia. Although generalizations can be made, every person's experience with salvia is unique. For that reason, it's helpful to ask a friend to sit with you while you have your first few experiences. Your friend, of course, should not partake, and should sit quietly in the room to watch over you. What to ExpectWhile each person's experience is unique, you can expect salvia effects to last between five minutes and a half hour. Many people report feeling a loss of physical coordination, so it's helpful to lie down or recline in a comfortable chair. Beyond that, you may experience astral projection, divination, traveling to other times and places, a dream-like state, visual distortions, and a sense of becoming one with the universe. Many people recommend starting with a small dose and then increasing your dose once you understand salvia's effect on you. Wherever your journey takes you, you can be sure that your spiritual growth will be enhanced.

About the Author

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies.For tips/information, click here: salviaVisit Majon's New Age directory.

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Divine intelligence ~ LOVE (part 1)

"Love isn't something you feel. It is something you become." ~ Deepak Chopra ~◦ ◦~

Video Rating: 0 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Mind Movies

Posted: 27 May 2012 04:00 PM PDT

Article by Ken Mossman

"After we read a story, we have mind-movies and then we do buddy-buzz," Cai tells me."Mind-movies," I ask?"Yup. Mind-movies are what happens when you read a story that doesn't have any pictures. You make a mind-movie, and that's how you know what the story looks like. Then we buddy-buzz and talk about what we saw."Oooohhhh... Mind-movies... How cool!My boy is talking about vision, and he seems to really have a handle on this thing, so I push back a bit..."So," I say, "I think the person who wrote the story saw a mind-movie first, then wrote it down."Cai looks at me, crosses his arms, and says, "Of course. Did you know that all movies are mind-movies before they get made into real movies?""Are you saying that everything starts with ideas," I ask?He thinks for a moment... "Not ideas, mind-movies! And sometimes people just start making up stories and movies without mind-movies, and then they get a mind-movie so they can finish!"We spend the next few minutes discussing mind-movies, father and son in the kitchen, riffing on some pretty significant concepts. This stuff that has taken me 47 years and countless books on the nature of the Universe to even begin to get a handle on. Junior Bodhisattva, on the other hand, just comes off a school bus and lays it out for me as clear as day. And with a "duh!" attitude, no less! Cai went on to tell me how the people who made some of his favorite books and movies had used their "mind-movies" to create them.Yeah, of course everything we create starts with an idea. Kids know this stuff intuitively, and once they have a mind-movie in their head, it isn't long before every cell in their being is vibrating with the electricity of their vision. From the parental chair, it can feel as if junior has embodied the spirit of an atomic pit-bull that refuses to let go. On one hand, a kid with a vision can be huge pain in the rear. (I was... Hypothetically...) On the other hand, there are huge lessons to be learned about jumping on a vision and riding it for all it's worth.Chil! dren lat ch onto their mind-movies about what their world can be - often without any attachment to how it all comes together. They just don't care where the toy comes from, so long as it arrives. They aren't concerned about whether their mind-movies are based in reality or not, because if they are real to the child, that's real enough.I've been reading Ken Wilber's "Theory of Everything" recently. Early in the book he points out that people, faced with problems, eventually find a way to solve them. As a species, we're very, very good at sitting around and coming up with solutions. We have think-tanks, brainstorming sessions, meetings of the mind, process focus groups...Six year-old kids? They see mind-movies, start churning, ask for what they want, and have an endless well of faith that what they saw will come to be.I can't say for sure, but I think it may just be that simple...

About the Author

Ken Mossman PCC, CPCC, is a business and personal coach who specializes working with fathers and "creative cliff-jumpers," men and women with creative dreams that just won't quit. Ken's coaching style is lively, fun, challenging, full of humor and shamelessly irreverent. To contact Ken or learn more, visit:

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