Power of the Mind

Power of the Mind

Power of the Mind

Posted: 12 May 2012 01:00 PM PDT

Article by Ewin Chia

The power of the mind is very complex and mighty that holds limitless possibility for ideas, achievements and actions. It is though our minds that man has been able to achieve modern development and survived countless danger. Even before when man was still primitive, defenseless having no strength in par with the roaming beasts or speed to outrun their predators, it was their brilliant heads that brought them out of extinction. Driving their enemies away and what kept them alive. Before daydreaming of being able to conquer the sky was just a dream, but because mans desire for grater ambition dominated each of them. The dream soon became a reality, through deep, analytical thinking and creative ideas the mind was able to derive an equation that would set man into the sky. Ideas and dreams that seems impossible to achieve, with mans infinite power to think and create made almost alls things possible.

Knowledge is one basis in unlocking the power if our mind. To know a lot means giving our mind a greater footing on achieving many things. Our minds contains thought that are habitual that reflects the things we most usually do, from the manner on how we most usually behave to our mannerism that we usually do. This proves that we can directly affect our own brain and mind. The ones that dominate our minds our thought and emotions, Mind power or the power of the mind is way beyond what we commonly known as positive thinking - sometimes referred to as brain power. It is through thinking, faith, and believing our own ideals that mind power is able to connect and establish link between our desire and what we hope to achieve. Since this is a power that is coming from out thoughts and beliefs, the end results or outcome will be determined depending in how your beliefs and strong will lies. There are many ways describe mind power. In psychosomatic point of view, it is viewed as the ability to experience emotions, imaginations, memory and strong will or faith, it can be found as one of the individual's p! ersonali ty in which it functions under normal waking conditions.It is important to bear in mind that having a positive thought is important when producing positive results. Negative thoughts and negative emotions can produce a series of bad chain reaction that may result to the lowering of the immune system. Our thoughts play an important role in our mind. Depending on how we deal with problems our perspective will ultimately decide as to whether or not we can accomplish task assigned to us or will fail while trying to.Mind power affects our daily thinking and fashion mostly our daily reality. However you think will greatly influence the overall thinking and your belief will produce mostly the outcome you either expect. Failure will also depend on how you creatively push for something better - either you will play things safely or risking it all by following what your mind wishes to do.

About the Author

Ready to unlock the secrets of controlling the Power of the Mind to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know at www.secretofmindpower.com

Matthieu Ricard on Happiness - Q&A

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Finding Meaning in Mind Control

Posted: 12 May 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Article by Ewin Chia

Many public figures and advertising and marketing practitioners have been able to discover mind control as an effective means of persuasion and negotiation. As a matter of fact, quite a number of advertisers have turned to mind control strategies in the media to expand the number of patrons for certain products vastly. Others still have used mind control on an individual level, either as a persuasion tool in dialogues, or as a means to enhance the self.

From an industry perspective, the rise of mind control as a popular marketing and advertising tool is not at all surprising, given that proper use of this technique does enlist positive results. Elements as subtle as relaxing music at a spa to enhance customer relaxation and put them in the mood to avail of more services, and large attractive discount signs at a boutique are mind control tricks employed by advertisers and marketers in order to draw in their customers for more purchases. By enhancing the experience for patrons, these little add-ons that appeal to the senses create a positive feeling and a certain level of attachment in consumers that spell out success for brands and establishments. Through appropriate use of these elements, mind control is successfully utilized as an underlying advertising tool.

On an individual level, person to person interactions are also venues for the use of mind control. In fact, public figures discover mind control to be a restrained tool in convincing others to take their side in or conform to their ideas and proposals. Without being too hard sell, mind control techniques allow individuals to effectively negotiate with others to gain more supporters and followers, or simply just to get a certain idea through. At times, complications arise when a person of influence or power is too pushy in sharing his or her ideas, and subliminal messages are an ideal remedy to this. By subtly playing up on thoughts and concepts through underlying meanings, these public figures are still able to fulfill their int! entions of influencing others, without the evident politicking that blunt words and statements implicate.

Finally, mind control has been found effective as a tool in betterment on an individual level. With mindset being a vital tool in mind control and in conveying subconscious messages, it is imperative that the mastery of mind control begin with the self. This being so, an individual must first learn to control and condition his or her mind before being able to effectively influence others subliminally. It is at this level that people may learn to positively perceive things, and push oneself beyond physical limits by simply believing that there are no limits and anything can be attained if one's mind is attuned to it. In fact, psychologists have been able to discover mind control as a means of managing the flow of thoughts of their patients and interjecting reinforcing or corrective ideas into these thought streams, thereby altering behavioral patterns as well. In this respect, mind control serves as an innate treatment for psychological issues.

About the Author

Ready to unlock the secrets of controlling your Mind Control Powers to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know at www.secretofmindpower.com

Reprogramming Our Mind

Posted: 12 May 2012 11:00 AM PDT

Article by Ewin Chia

Human beings are products of many biological functions and processes. Located inside the human body are thousands of complex biological working systems, where some remains to be a mastery up to now as to how the exactly work and operate, once complex body part that still remains to be clouded in mystery is the complex working system of the human mind.

Basically the human mind is the overall control power house station of the body. It controls almost the human body. It controls almost everything inside the human body, from the regulation of blood down to the voluntary movements and action a person takes. All information proceeds into the human mind and once inside there are process, analyze and then later are given a response action, though hundreds of studies were already conducted to analyze and decode the working system of our mind, still it remains to be a phenomenon as to why and how it exactly operates.

Mind programming is perfect for achieving specific goals. It is said that human minds holds endless possibility for achievements. Achieving and breaking the average records. the human mind can posses potential beyond the estimated capacity of a human persons limit. Human being can perform task and create records that seems impossible to achieve. Swimmers who can stay underwater for more than five minutes, people who can walk past burning coals using their bare feet, running fast beyond the average human realm, this and many more can be achieved by anyone from any walks of life if they program their minds into it having their minds properly set.

Mind programming is simply a channeling of priorities by constantly remind the mind as to what it should it classify as important.

Mind programming adds colors and can help improve our goals, ambitions and our dreams; it can provide of course we do it in an appropriate place and time. Consider the following ideas as a way of programming the mind.

a. Daydream helps make our life more creative and original.

By actual! ly visua lizing and mixing our desired goals with imaginary thinking one can actually improve ones desire in achieving a specific goal. There are many talented individuals and some of our great achievers including hundreds of scientist engaged in playful mental exploration. The famous scientist Albert Einstien daydreamed about what it would be like if a man could fly into space at a speed of light, from this image he developed features of this theory of relativity.

b. Using the past to explore the future.

Consider this case about a man who sought help from a psychotherapist because he was suffering from increasing tension and self-doubt. During the session, he found himself recalling his daydreams. The therapist then informed him that his recurrent daydreams suggest something about the way he wanted to direct his future. The man began to re-examine his own life, by paying attention to his recurrent daydreams, he was able to change the pattern of his life for the better.

If we will just take time everyday for a quiet reflection or meditation and playful fantasies, we may begin to get the true benefit of mind programming.

About the Author

Ready to unlock the secrets of controlling your mind to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know at www.secretofmindpower.com

15 Ways How to Improve Mindfulness and 7 Reasons Why

Why mindfulness? *You will recognize dangers in time. *You will satisfy your real needs better. *You will use better your talents. *You will enhance your creativity. *You will improve your health. *It helps to develop spirituality *You life will become more interesting. www.drnespor.eu www.youtube.com/drnespor www.biharyoga.net

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Using Yoga to Combat Chronic Pain

Posted: 12 May 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Article by Joseph Teller

Chronic pain can sap your strength and spirit, leaving you feeling hopeless and desperate for relief. The spiritual nature of yoga can help you manage chronic pain both physically and emotionally, giving you the strength to live your life in the very best possible way. You can carry what you learn during yoga sessions into every aspect of your day, extending its benefits beyond the mat.

The Spiritual Side of Hatha Yoga

Yoga is more than an exercise system. If you pay attention to your breath and inner energy while you practice the poses, you will feel greater effects from the physical movements and a great sense of inner peace.

Yoga was originally designed thousands of years ago to allow spiritual seekers access to their inner selves through outer physical movement. Practicing breathing is the most important part of yoga even for advanced yoga students. You must pay attention to how your breath moves through your body and use it to bring wellness into yourself.

Clearing your mind while breathing regularly relieves the mental stress connected with chronic pain. You have something to pay attention to besides your body's pain, and it is possible you may learn to "forget" the pain at least for a brief time. When you suffer from chronic pain, all moments of relief are wonderful.

The Physical Side of Hatha Yoga

For many who suffer from chronic pain, the gentle stretching and manipulation of the body during yoga poses offer good ways to let pain go and experience relief. Yoga exercises work by encouraging you to explore the "opposites" of your usual physical patterns.

For instance, you sit or stand in a certain way most of the day. When you practice yoga poses, your body is positioned in opposite ways such as standing on your head or lifting your back up off the mat in a bridge fashion. These poses stretch your muscles out of their usual patterns and encourage you to experience your body in new ways.

When you perform yoga poses, you always push your body t! o the li mit of its capability and no further. The gentle nature of the poses is important to remember

About the Author

At AmatlanYoga.com our goal is to provide the conditions through which retreatants can deepen their practice, make friends with themselves and the world, and return home with a greater capacity for both contentment and purpose. To arrange your yoga meditation retreat visit us online today.

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 5/12/2012

Posted: 12 May 2012 10:00 AM PDT

"To think in terms of either pessimism or optimism oversimplifies the truth. The problem is to see reality as it is."
~Thich Nhat Hanh

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Locating Unique Buddha Earrings

Posted: 12 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Article by Sagbee C

The Buddhist world is replete with quality jewelry products of all kinds. Among them are the Buddhist earrings which are known for their unique designs and quality. The earrings are part and parcel of the total collection of what is known today as Buddha Jewelry.

The Origin Buddha earrings could be traced back to Buddhism which is the historic religion founded by Buddha. The core message of the religion is that the state of enlightenment can easily be reached by suppressing earthly desires. Hence, most Buddha jewelry products including the earrings depict this core message. Basic Features of the Earrings Buddhist earrings are known for their quality designs. They appear in diverse shapes and sizes. Most of them do come with hooks which are used in hanging them on the ears. The earrings are not just ordinary; they are very symbolic in the way they appear. A good number of the earrings bear images of various characters in the Buddhist religion. The image of Buddha himself is always used in designing the earrings. Most of them are made of silver, gold, bronze and brass elements. Types of Buddha EarringsBuddha earrings come in a variety of types. They are usually categorized according to their various nomenclatures and underlying elements used in producing them. For instances, there are Buddha Head Earrings made of Silver elements. These are always very shinny in the way they appear. You can also locate the Prayer Wheel Buddha Earrings which showcase with unique images on their sides. The Cost of Buddha EarringsBuddha Earrings come in a variety of shapes and designs. This fact makes their prices to vary a lot. Some of earrings made of silver and gold elements are usually very costly. Their prices range as from - . However, other simpler ones made of metals, brass and local elements are usually very affordable. You can always purchase them with the least amount in your pocket. When looking for the earrings, it's advisable to check them at notable Buddhist websites where! quality Buddhist jewelry products and gifts are sold. The Significance of the EarringsJust like the Buddha pendants, the Buddhist earrings have their spiritual undertones. They bear the image of Buddha and other notable characters in the Buddhist religion. Women who wear the earrings use them to attract favors, luck and fortunes. Again, the earrings are very useful for beauty purposes. You're sure to look more beautiful when you use any of the earrings. In all, Buddha earrings abound online especially in websites that deal on Buddha Jewelry products. You can always locate the best of such earrings when you take time to search for them online. They are also available in local boutiques around your vicinity. About the Author

Buddha Jewelry also comprises of quality earrings which are buddha meant for women fashion make-up. The earrings are also known for their spiritual undertones. Find out more from buddhagroove.com

How to Focus When You’re Juggling Lots of Different Tasks

Posted: 12 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT


Have you ever noticed that the times when you really need to focus are the times when it's toughest?

On days when you have far too much to do — an overflowing inbox, meetings to prepare for, chores to complete — it's easy to end up darting from one task to the next, never making any real headway.

When you've got a lot to juggle, you need a battle plan. Here's what to do:
  1. Write a List
    It's impossible to focus when you're constantly thinking "I mustn't forget to send that email" or "I need to call John." Write down everything that needs to get done today. Your list doesn't have to be complex, and you don't need to worry about sorting it at this stage.

    Some people like to keep their work and personal lists separate; it's up to you how you do that. If something's on your mind, though, make sure you record it somewhere — even little things like "buy milk on the way home" can drag down your mental energy.

  2. Decide on Priorities
    Once you've got your list, it's time to figure out what order to tackle your tasks in for today. First, look for anything that can be delegated or postponed: pare your list down as much as possible.

    Next, work out what you want to do first. It's up to you how you prioritize; normally, it makes sense to tackle the more important and urgent tasks first, but you may prefer to go for a few quick wins in the first half-hour of the day to build up a sense of momentum.

    Put some sort of mark against your first, second, and third tasks. (I use one, two and three asterisks; you might prefer numbers, or colors.) That way, you can relax and get on ! with you r tasks in order, knowing that you're dealing with things efficiently, and that you'll be able to get all the important stuff done.

  3. Resist the Urge to Multi-Task
    However tempting it is to have your emails open in one window while you reply to Tweets in another and edit that document in a third … don't. You can't focus on several things all at the same time, and you'll end up making silly mistakes or forgetting to finish part of a task.

    Tackle things one by one. That might mean:
    • Setting a timer while you work on the report for 30 minutes
    • Dealing with your emails as a batch, perhaps every few hours, not as they come in
    • Closing social media programs until your lunch break (if they're part of your work, treat them like your emails)
    Any time you find yourself trying to tackle several things at once, stop. Remind yourself that you'll work more effectively when you complete task A before moving onto task B.

  4. Work Steadily, Take Breaks
    None of us can focus for hours at a time — but when we're busy, we often try to. This just leads to slowed progress, mistakes, and procrastination. (You know the kind of thing; you tell yourself you'll just check Facebook quickly while waiting for a file to download, then you end up clicking on links, leaving comments, sending happy birthday messages…)

    To stop yourself procrastinating, plan for regular breaks. Work for, say, 45 minutes on your report, then take a 5 or 10 minute break to stretch your legs and grab a glass of water. When you know you've got a break coming up, it's a lot easier to stay focused.

    Hopefully, your too-busy-to-think days don't come up too often. If you seem to be in a constant pattern of rushing around, juggling more tasks than you can manage, then look for ways to make changes. That might mean learning some ! better t ime management skills, or talking to your manager about your workload.
If you've got a great tip for staying focused when life is hectic, share it with us in the comments below.

Written on 5/12/2012 by Ali Luke. Ali is a writer of fiction and non-fiction and a writing coach. She blogs about writing on her site, Aliventures.com, and has a free ebook "How to Find Time For Your Writing" available when you join her writing newsletter here.Photo Credit: Keith Ellwood
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Be Creative with Theta Meditation

Posted: 12 May 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Article by Jonsonmak

Attaining peace of mind is the most vital aim of the yogis who practice meditation regularly. Having a cool and calm mental status is a necessity in current times when every individual is stressed out. The reason for being under tension can be anything, starting from personal affairs to professional worries, but with the help of meditation, an individual gets a chance to be out of such stress and lead a fret free life. Studying about meditation minutely will let you come across the concept of theta meditation, which is the most advanced form of meditation. To facilitate its practice properly, meditation CDs are also available.Regular practice of theta meditation will assure a practitioner of getting complete relaxation with enhanced creativity. You might have heard some people talking about their strong intuitions, which make them realise whatever is going to happen. Practicing this meditation enables the yogi to strengthen this quality of intuitiveness in him.With regular practice of theta meditation, an individual gets a chance to enhance his capabilities as far as distinguishing between the right and the wrong is concerned. This, in turn, helps a person to build up his relationships with closed relatives and even with office colleagues by making correct and appropriate decisions.If you think you are not expressive enough, practice theta meditation and see the difference. This is the type of meditation that produces brainwaves of about 4-8 Hz, which is quite a low frequency, the smoothness of which can make one sleep and start dreaming. Like other forms of meditation, however, this meditation also enables an individual to reduce his anxiety, relief from stress and attain a peaceful mental status. However, theta meditation is found to be predominant in children, artists, extroverts as well as psychics as all of these categories do need to have some kind of creativity in them.Theta meditation can be practiced well in the form of Yoga, meditation and brainwave entrainment. Wirth Pranayama and vari! ous Yoga Asanas, an individual gets a chance to introduce his mind to different frequencies, including theta brainwaves. This makes the practice effective, thereby showing best results. In meditation, the second form of making the process effective, an individual devotes a lot of time, the prolonged session might lead to the production of theta brainwaves. Last but not the least, in case of brain entrainment, listening to meditation CDs, MP3s and other audio products introduced by hemi sync would surely be a great help.

The benefits of the theta meditation are summarised below:Enhanced creativityEstablishment of a connection with the subconscious mindImproved problem solving skillsReduces the level of stress and anxietyImproved ability to learnEnhances your immune functioningIncreases your healing capacityWith theta meditation, you can ensure to be associated with relevant creative field and flourish like anything. If you want to enjoy the benefits offered by this process, you can also utilise the meditation CDs available in the market to facilitate effective meditation for instant positive results. About the Author

jonsonmak is a Doctor who recommends meditation techniques for a stressful life or for a good physical and mental health. He also writes articles on theta meditation & meditation CDs. For more information he always recommends to visit http://themeditationmind.com/

Mind Reading Strategy: Does One Truly Exist?

Posted: 12 May 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Article by Ewin Chia

Some people claim to be able to read people's minds, and they do so by using a certain mind reading strategy. These people use their so-called 'abilities' to bring droves of people together in a corner of a busy street, tickling their curiosity and inquisitiveness.

When someone asks you to think of your favorite cartoon in the world, and he, after a few seemingly general questions guesses that cartoon correctly - and at the very first try - it is but human nature to be amazed and curious as to how he was able to perform the feat. That person had a one in a million chance to guess the cartoon you chose. Does he use a certain mind reading strategy?

For some people, it can be entertaining. They can gather a crowd at a night spot, and make all the attendants of a party come together in one table. Witnessing someone with this power is truly a spectacle, but obviously, it hasn't escaped skeptics or doubters. It may have supporters and detractors alike, but one thing is for sure - it really captures man's curiosity.

The internet has loads of explanation about mind reading strategies, some are even way too complicated for the common person to comprehend and grasp its true concept. If you want to know a few helpful strategies, just read the list below.

1. Look at a person's body language. A lot of us are unaware that we are expressing a certain message with our posture or with the way we sit down. It is no surprise that mind readers manipulate this 'unawareness' of most people and turn it to their advantage. For example, when talking to a person sitting down, if the person tends to lean forward and have his elbows rested on his legs, you can strongly conclude that that person is interested in talking with you. He may like what you're saying. More importantly, he may BELIEVE what you're saying. If person who claims to have the ability to read minds sees this posture on the person he's talking to, he can be confident that that person has a greater chance of believing he can read hi! s mind.2 . It's all in the eyes. They say the eyes are the 'windows to our souls.' People's feelings can easily be determined by looking at their eyes. This is another tool that mind readers use to decipher a person's thoughts. How do they do it? People share that one's pupils enlarge when he sees something that interests him. Thus, mind readers can look at the pupils of any person and determine if they are capturing that person's awe. If the pupils enlarge to a certain degree, the mind readers can interpret this as an immense interest for their minds to be read. Once the interest is established, mind readers can talk their way to make people believe anything they say.3. The questions he asks are the answer. Enough about how a person is seated or whether his pupils grew large or not. Sometimes, a person can ask questions and use the answers you give through simple deduction. Never underestimate the questions he asks you - no matter how simple they may seem. A very plain question can sometimes reveal so much about you. The simpler it is, the less suspecting you'll be.

These are just 3 of the ways mind readers use to figure us out. One thing can't be said conclusively, though: There may be REAL mind readers. It may be true that a lot of people use a certain mind reading strategy which employs the techniques enumerated above, but maybe, just maybe, there are people out there who can actually READ what's inside our mind - in its true, magical, and ever so amazing sense.

About the Author

Ready to unlock the secrets about Mind Reading Strategies to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know at www.secretofmindpower.com

Monk Radio: What is Depression?

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Ayurveda and Yoga for a better mind, body and soul

Posted: 12 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Article by Patresia Adams

Both Ayurveda and Yoga go hand in hand and put more focus on prevention of diseases and thus, preserve the health of an individual. When it comes to Ayurveda, it can be defined as, 'the science that teaches about life'. It lays a great stress on the prevention of diseases and offers numerous measures for the prevention of diseases. When it comes to Yoga, it is simply the union of the individual spirit with the almighty. And, the ultimate aim of Yoga is self-realization, also known as Samadhi.

In today's fast-paced life style, where everyone is busy, Ayurveda and Yoga come as a smart way of remaining healthy and peaceful throughout the day. Now if one goes by the words of Patanjali, the father of Indian Yoga, Yoga is simply the ability to control the modifications of the mind with one's will power. In simple words, it is the reunion of the self with the divine power. It can be termed as a mental state of mind where you cut yourself from the rest of the world and find the inner peace and comfort. And both Yoga and Ayurveda are gaining steady momentum in India and abroad.

For people who have no time to join yoga classes and want to avail best Ayurveda services, online health portals are the best option to go for. These portals are offering facilities of holistic health treatments online at affordable prices. Now, you need not to waste 2-3 hours for attending a one hour class. So, these portals also let you save your time and efforts.

Divine Wellness is a leading health portal offering Ayurveda and Yoga treatments. It is also providing holistic health online service. With qualified Yoga Gurus on board, the site offers one on one Yoga session, tailor made for individual requirements.

About the Author

Patresia Adams is a healthcare consultant working with Divine Wellness. This interactive health and wellness portal offers Live online yoga classes through high-definition video conferencing.

Yoga For Kids - Yoga With Cat And Tiger Pose

Watch Shradha Setalvad Teaches Fun Yoga - Kids Learning videos. Learning the various positions is so much informative and helpful. Here we learn the positions of Yoga in a playful manner which is a plus point for the kids. To watch more entertaining educating videos on animation stories nursery rhymes learning series and school poems SUBSCRIBE NOW at www.youtube.com To watch more kids animation videos in high quality log onto www.youtube.com

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Sharpen Your Mind, Stay Active, Live Your Life Your Way!

Posted: 12 May 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Article by Vikas

Many years ago, I learned: "A mind is a terrible thing to waste!" I refuse to waste mine. On December 25, 2007, I turned 60. I have just begun to actively live and enjoy the rest of my life. In this article, I will share some important discoveries about what you need to do to live the successful active life that you deserve.I have learned that we have few guarantees in life. The most important guarantee is that we have Choice. Choice about how we participate in our life. We can react well or poorly, with a smile and optimism or with anger and pessimism. We all are guaranteed 24 hours per day. No one gets more; no one gets less. We cannot stop the clock. Aging well is within our grasp, aging isn't!  "…..there's one diabolical factor that does more to kill achievement, smother success, cripple happiness and castrate prosperity- than anything else you can imagine. That dastardly culprit is poor health."                                                                                  T. Harv EkerYou have heard it all before: we need to take care of ourselves with proper nutrition and hydration, clean air to breathe and exercise. In addition, we need a good dose of spirituality to temper our humility and stress, to keep all our parts working properly. Keeping your brain alert and figuring out how to do all of this is the most difficult task of all. You "gotta" eliminate excuses, develop a plan of your choosing and stick to it for the rest of your life. Keeping yourself motivated and active is the secret to your success. Stop moving and it all comes to an end.I recommend that you develop a positive clear life plan and dedicate the rest of your life to following it. Once you have the plan, choosing the details about how to live your life becomes much easier.Here are some ideas that might be useful to you. Greet your day with a smile on your face, with yesterday done, your present and future having just begun.

A p! ositive attitude goes along way to helping you get along. Smiles and happiness are good. Hopefully you will CHOOSE to start today, right NOW, with a smile on your face.  Before you can begin to take care of today, to wake up with a smile on your face, with passion, clarity and conviction, you need to know what you want, what you are proud of and what you want to keep that is worth keeping. You need to de-clutter: to get rid of the rest! 

Know that opportunities, that you create, await you; that your spark is self-lit.

Now that you have begun to get rid of your past clutter, you can begin to focus on the positive and on the present. You need to believe that you can create positive opportunities for most of what you want; that you can maintain and sustain your self-lit spark even through adversity. You have that choice. You can figure out the "Whats", "Hows", "Whens", "Wheres" and with "Whoms" necessary to deal with these choices. Knowing this is powerful and essential to creating, maintaining, sustaining and truly living your active life your way. My recommendation is to first work on those obvious aspects of life that you have a lot of control over, choice about and success with; e.g. de-clutter, then eat, rest, sleep, relax, work, share etc. Focus on the less obvious later. They will be clearer then.

Develop, maintain and succeed at your loftiest goals and dreams.

I believe that with a realistic Plan and Lots of Support you can succeed at most anything you choose. I believe that by making the Plan as real as you can, you can Participate and find out what went well, what didn't and can begin to speculate about how to improve your life.  You can talk with and Debrief about what happened with trustworthy others. You can then Plan again for next time, all the while getting closer to living out the ideals of your loftiest goals and dreams. 

Design your environment to have people, places and things profoundly support, stimulate and inspire you. You need to work The Law of Attraction! . Trust your intuition and your self, trusting complementary others will cooperate and support you in complementary ways.

"Either you are creating your life or the circumstances are."                                                                          Thomas J. LeonardThe Law of Attraction states that you attract who you are and how you are, both the good and the bad. You have choice. You can attract winners or losers, people who support you and/or people who don't, people who like you for who you are and/or people who have a need to criticize you and/or want to change you, people who want you to succeed and people who don't. You can choose positive relationships: complementary others who are capable and willing to participate with you in complementary ways. Do it while you can. Toxic relationships suck you dry. Sometimes you have to find that support outside of your family. People are ready to help you if you allow them to.

Create enough energy to do whatever you want to, whenever you want to by taking care of your physical, spiritual and emotional health, eating right and exercising properly.

I finally decided to do something about caring for my health: to have a body to die for instead of to die from! I made a discovery, the personal discovery that I am worth it. If I am to succeed at my life my way, then I need my health and fitness to get me there because without it, I won't. I go to the gym and follow the advice of a nutritionist. I don't smoke or do drugs and drink alcohol rarely.  I de-stress regularly and purposefully. I sharpen my mind by learning from those wiser than I am, challenging myself with new thoughts, reaffirming old ones. I am confident enough to be humble, reverent that my powers and abilities are limited but that my Choices and Motivation are open ended. I invest time in my self and as a result, feel better, look better and have incredible energy to spare. How about you? I believe you can to! o. You m ust build your health and fitness plan into your committed positive life plan. Thinking about it isn't enough.

Integrate work, play, learning and growth. They can all be one.

If you are still working and enjoying it, great, if not, please volunteer, mentor, keep busy, doing what you love to do. Read, be around people and join a church, synagogue, activities group or club. Different retirement communities offer classes in music appreciation, and art. Join a chorus, sing, dance, learn the computer and/or play video games. There are professional people available to help you if you are willing to take that first step. Many municipalities provide economical and accessible resources for community activities and classes. They have catalogues that offer a variety of stimulating classes including exercise classes. Art museums, Town Hall meetings and local libraries all have ongoing programs for senior citizens. There are senior mentor programs in the local elementary schools to teach children how to read. The local hospitals hold at least monthly health education workshops. Check the local television and radio stations; they have useful information and lists of community activities and services.

Choreograph your day so that you have all the time you need, to do and be, whatever matters most to you. Ready/Fire/Aim at your priorities. Finish what you start on time and with the original joy that inspired "It".

You should live your life in pencil with a big eraser available at all times.Do everything you can to follow the schedule you set, but be willing to change, as your priorities and responsibilities dictate. Your responsibility is to succeed at fulfilling your obligations to your self and others. You can't do this without a predictable, clear plan with obvious steps and the time commitments necessary to fulfill them.  Steps to completion are important. They must be clear, with an appropriate beginning, middle and end. The more that you set up the What you need to do, the How you need to ! do it, t he When, the Where and the Who you need to do it with, so that you have no doubt about the order of events, the greater the opportunity you have to succeed and sustain your energy throughout the process.

Enjoy, laugh and play with your "truly" significant others. Fun energizes.

You need to take care of your commitments to your self and your complementary others first. Only then do you have the pure, free, voluntary, committed, non-distracted energy to enjoy, laugh, and play with your "truly" significant others.Fun energizes and you need to play, laugh, feel connected and relax daily to truly succeed. You need to assure yourself of fun caring people in your life. Sharing positive energies is essential to a complementary lifestyle. Loneliness kills your spirit.

Create your life to have everything that you want and nothing that you don't want as much as humanly possible. Sometimes life throws curveballs, you can hit your pitch: strikes.

If you hold yourself responsible to do your best, no more, no less, you have the greatest opportunities of succeeding. If you know your abilities and your limitations, you can make good choices. You can work with complementary others to help you accomplish whatever you can't do on your own. You can also do your best to help them succeed too. By respecting and including their complementary participation, you can develop and maintain synergistic relationships full of personal and mutual well being.

Operate from your passion, your mission and your positive life plan! This isn't easy. It needs to be more than an idea that was presented by someone else!

Your positive life plan needs to become your personal guide, yourmission, your passion, your code of ethics and your non-negotiable deal with yourself and with and to others. It is selfish without being selfless. When your selfishness includes the unabashed need to serve others in complementary ways that creates Win/Wins for all of you, you can lead and follow and get and give a! nd take and serve all at the same time. Wow, that's powerful.

Give back to others so you can sleep through the night like a baby; awakening to another day's opportunity!

It's legacy timein my life. How do you want to be remembered and cared for? Address it now. Avoidance leads to missing choices and opportunities and can result in chaos.I am realistic enough to know that there will never be a plan, a system that creates and controls the "perfect life". You can, however, always strive to do whatever you can to succeed. You cannot complete everything today. You can only complete everything that you intended to and planned for, everything that you can possibly do by yourself and with the help of others. You need to schedule the rest for later.  So list your intentions and prioritize them. By doing this, you can create successful opportunities to accomplish the achievable today and then, as necessary, the achievable tomorrow, the next day and into your active future. I believe you can do this if you want to badly enough.

Who doesnt say his life sucks. Shout out why your life sucks on - life sucks - http://www.whymylifesucks.us

About the Author

life sucks - Post your sucky life incidences and tell the whole world why your life sucks on whymylifesucks.us.

Stress Reducing

Posted: 12 May 2012 04:00 AM PDT

Article by Eric Smith

I'll show you some stress reduction exercises that I do regularly each day. While we work, many of us get wound up. Our bodies and minds become frazzled and we wander into a state of too much polarity. That is when it is the right time to come back into the center. In the center there is peace. It is not to the left. It is not to the right. It is not female, male, cold, hot, democrat or republican. In the center you will find Mother Nature, the universe and God. When you arrive at the center with body, mind and soul then you regenerate and allow yourself the energy to carry on. You also give to yourself the ability to tune into creation and permit transmission/reception of energy in abundance.

Consuming enough vitamin B will help you to think logically during stressful times and will help your nerves remain calm. Another thing that can happen when you become stressed out is that your serotonin level dips down to a low point. This makes you really crave carbohydrates, a major source of serotonin. This isn't necessarily a good thing because it's what makes you reach for that bowl of potatoes when times are tough. Too much carbohydrate consumption can result in excessive weight gain.

One of the many anxiety release techniques I rely upon is to sit on a comfortable chair, wearing loose fitting clothes in a quiet and calm room of the house, making sure that you're neither too warm nor too cold, but just right. Next close your eyes and visualize a lit candle. It doesn't matter what sort of candle it is or what type of flame it has, but it just needs to feel real in your mind. Next focus on the flame and see it flickering and dancing around like it had a mind of its own. As you concentrate on this warm flame, feel all your worries and cares moving from you and being consumed by the flame.

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About the Author

Eric Smith enjoys discovering new stress management techniques.

The LIFE System Biofeedback Basic Training Demographics

Then Life System Biofeedback is an advanced biofeedback system used for stress reduction and stress detectionQuantum Life is the premier distributor for The LIFE System.The basic training videos hosted by www.Quantum-Life.com

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Evoke the Massive Power of the Subconscious Mind

Posted: 12 May 2012 03:00 AM PDT

by RubyJi

Article by Gregory Frost

Inside your mind, behind the defences of the rationale brain and critical thinking, there is something quite spectacular living inside your brain. It has no form, it has no tangible structure to speak of, but it is the most powerful element within the human body. Without this, your mind has no function, your body has no personality and your soul would not be present. It is the alpha and the omega of everything that is you and it has been with you since you were a child. It has raised you, taught you and it has grown with you and everything that you are is because of this.

It is the subconscious mind, an intangible, shapeless and stateless mind that lives and breathes in the recesses of the core of your mind and without it you cannot function as a human being. The power of the subconscious mind is written and testament in all the research and all the urban legend of psychics and those with gift, but behind the lore, behind the rumour stands a very undeniable scientific fact. The subconscious mind is the most powerful thing in your body simply because it has the advantage of controlling every aspect of your body and your mind. It is the soldier that takes unrelenting instruction from the experiences that we have had and are still going through, and the power of association.

It is through the power of association that allows the brain to develop both the great traits and the bad ones. Character, confidence, phobias and addictions - they all are part of the subconscious. Science has been trying to unlock the power of the subconscious for a long time, and hypnosis was just the first part of it. IN fact, thousands of years ago, religion and meditation were also used to try and speak to the subconscious mind. The thing is, the subconscious mind has a voice, and has memories as well, and it can be spoken to, as proven to by the whole concept of hypnosis. Now, the difficulty with hypnosis is that there is no way to calculate whether or not the definite process in point of fact works to free th! e intell igence of the prisons of the mind. The understanding of those who have in point of fact gone through this process is mixed -most of the patients do misplace some preliminary heaviness but the deterioration tempo is far above the ground.

Each day, there is a little new to be exposed about the mind and how it works and each day, there is an additional eye-opener about a number of function of the mind that can be used to advance and one way or another develop the human race. One of the more current breakthroughs is the statement that the mind creates electromagnetic waves, borne from the very occupations of the neurons in the mind and from the accepted processes of the genuine psyche. These are the very reasons why you need to evoke the power of the subconscious mind.

About the Author

Click Here to get your Free "Success Accelerator" Brainwave Cd today! Unleash your Mind Power potential to attain the lifestyle that you want. Visit http://www.MindMaximus.com and claim your Free Cd today!

Attend To What Is

Alan Zundel on why paying attention to what is vs. trying to do something is important in spirituality.

Video Rating: 0 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

The Role of Women in Buddhism

Posted: 12 May 2012 02:00 AM PDT

Article by Kevin Miller

Ananda, conversing with Buddha on Mahapajapati's behalf, asked why he showed hesitation in admitting women into the sangha. Ananda asked, "Is it because women do not have the same ability as men to become enlightened?"

Buddha said this was not the case. "The potential of women for enlightenment is in all ways equal to men."

Sadly, for women, more than a few Asian countries adamantly believe that only men can reach enlightenment. For these unfortunate women, their only hope is to practice Buddhism closely and be born as a man for their next lifetime.


The following advice is given to laywomen through the Buddhist writings, Anguttara Nikaya:

· Be competent at your work.

· Work Work skillfully and diligently.

· Handle domestic help adeptly (if relevant) and always treat them reasonably.

· Perform household jobs with efficiency.

· Be hospitable to your husband's parents and friends.

· Show faithfulness to your husband and be frugal with the family's money.

· Be conscious and loving while handling your responsibilities.

· Be morally disciplined (observe the 5 precepts).

· Be generous (cultivate a mind free from stinginess or avarice; find joy in charity, giving and sharing).

· Seek wisdom and recognize that absolutely nothing is forever.

The Bhikkuni Sangha

A bhikkuni is an a Buddhist nun who is ordained.

Mahapajapati and her group of five hundred royal women were the core of the first bhikkuni order.

200 yrs. later, Emperor Ashoka's son went to Sri Lanki, working as a Buddhist Missionary, and heard-tell of a princess who wished to become a member of the sangha. To make this happen though, both bhikkus and bhikkunis were needed. Additionally, it was necessary for a minimum of five bhikkunis be a part of the foundation of the order. To create the sangha, the Emperor Ashoka's daughter, already a Buddhist nun, requested to be sent to Sri Lanka. Upon Sanghamitta's arrival! in Sri Lanka, she had been joined by hundreds of other women who were excited to join as well. That new Bhikkuni Sanghi, the first run outside of India, was a tremendous victory for Buddhist Women worldwide.

The Bhikkuni order had been flourishing until the attack on their country in 1017. Other Bhikkuni orders around the world were established and flourished, only to meet their demise from war or takeover. The Bhikkuni lineage has been broken for over 1000 yrs. throughout Thailand, Tibet as well as many other southeast Asian countries. In an attempt to re-establish the Bhikkuni ordination, Buddhist leaders of all traditions conducted a summit in Germany during the International Congress on Buddhist Women's Role within the Sangha. The Dalai Lama offered his total support and the delegates all voted to re-establish the Bhikkuni ordination. But many of the details are still being worked out. The Dalai Lama once said that if Buddha had been present, he likely would agree, but because he isn't, he (the Dalai Lama) can't act as Buddha.

So where does this leave Buddhist women today? Bhikkunis, In most of the world, are still in a subservient position to bhikkus. Nobody can say whether Buddha intended for women to be treated as 'lesser than' or if the stories were merely woven out of whole cloth by those wishing to stay in power, but they are treated as true, regardless. Those people who seek power will find it where they can, so Buddha's genuine intentions might never be known, regarding the subjugation of women. In much more patriarchal (read: oppressive) countries, such as Thailand, in which bhkkuni ordination does not exist, nor is even recognized, this has been especially relevant.

About the Author

Kevin is a student of psychology and spiritual studies and a minister at the Universal Life Church.

Tricia Stirling has written this course for the Universal Life Church Seminary. This is an excerpt of one lesson (of 30) from the Master of http://www.ulcseminary.org/store/product_info.php?cPath=29&products_id=153>Buddhist Studies Course offered through the Universal Life Church Seminary. We have many courses available and each one carries with it an earned degree.

Sharpen Your Mind, Stay Active, Live Your Life Your Way!

Posted: 12 May 2012 01:00 AM PDT

Article by Vikas

Many years ago, I learned: "A mind is a terrible thing to waste!" I refuse to waste mine. On December 25, 2007, I turned 60. I have just begun to actively live and enjoy the rest of my life. In this article, I will share some important discoveries about what you need to do to live the successful active life that you deserve.I have learned that we have few guarantees in life. The most important guarantee is that we have Choice. Choice about how we participate in our life. We can react well or poorly, with a smile and optimism or with anger and pessimism. We all are guaranteed 24 hours per day. No one gets more; no one gets less. We cannot stop the clock. Aging well is within our grasp, aging isn't!  "…..there's one diabolical factor that does more to kill achievement, smother success, cripple happiness and castrate prosperity- than anything else you can imagine. That dastardly culprit is poor health."                                                                                  T. Harv EkerYou have heard it all before: we need to take care of ourselves with proper nutrition and hydration, clean air to breathe and exercise. In addition, we need a good dose of spirituality to temper our humility and stress, to keep all our parts working properly. Keeping your brain alert and figuring out how to do all of this is the most difficult task of all. You "gotta" eliminate excuses, develop a plan of your choosing and stick to it for the rest of your life. Keeping yourself motivated and active is the secret to your success. Stop moving and it all comes to an end.I recommend that you develop a positive clear life plan and dedicate the rest of your life to following it. Once you have the plan, choosing the details about how to live your life becomes much easier.Here are some ideas that might be useful to you. Greet your day with a smile on your face, with yesterday done, your present and future having just begun.

A p! ositive attitude goes along way to helping you get along. Smiles and happiness are good. Hopefully you will CHOOSE to start today, right NOW, with a smile on your face.  Before you can begin to take care of today, to wake up with a smile on your face, with passion, clarity and conviction, you need to know what you want, what you are proud of and what you want to keep that is worth keeping. You need to de-clutter: to get rid of the rest! 

Know that opportunities, that you create, await you; that your spark is self-lit.

Now that you have begun to get rid of your past clutter, you can begin to focus on the positive and on the present. You need to believe that you can create positive opportunities for most of what you want; that you can maintain and sustain your self-lit spark even through adversity. You have that choice. You can figure out the "Whats", "Hows", "Whens", "Wheres" and with "Whoms" necessary to deal with these choices. Knowing this is powerful and essential to creating, maintaining, sustaining and truly living your active life your way. My recommendation is to first work on those obvious aspects of life that you have a lot of control over, choice about and success with; e.g. de-clutter, then eat, rest, sleep, relax, work, share etc. Focus on the less obvious later. They will be clearer then.

Develop, maintain and succeed at your loftiest goals and dreams.

I believe that with a realistic Plan and Lots of Support you can succeed at most anything you choose. I believe that by making the Plan as real as you can, you can Participate and find out what went well, what didn't and can begin to speculate about how to improve your life.  You can talk with and Debrief about what happened with trustworthy others. You can then Plan again for next time, all the while getting closer to living out the ideals of your loftiest goals and dreams. 

Design your environment to have people, places and things profoundly support, stimulate and inspire you. You need to work The Law of Attraction! . Trust your intuition and your self, trusting complementary others will cooperate and support you in complementary ways.

"Either you are creating your life or the circumstances are."                                                                          Thomas J. LeonardThe Law of Attraction states that you attract who you are and how you are, both the good and the bad. You have choice. You can attract winners or losers, people who support you and/or people who don't, people who like you for who you are and/or people who have a need to criticize you and/or want to change you, people who want you to succeed and people who don't. You can choose positive relationships: complementary others who are capable and willing to participate with you in complementary ways. Do it while you can. Toxic relationships suck you dry. Sometimes you have to find that support outside of your family. People are ready to help you if you allow them to.

Create enough energy to do whatever you want to, whenever you want to by taking care of your physical, spiritual and emotional health, eating right and exercising properly.

I finally decided to do something about caring for my health: to have a body to die for instead of to die from! I made a discovery, the personal discovery that I am worth it. If I am to succeed at my life my way, then I need my health and fitness to get me there because without it, I won't. I go to the gym and follow the advice of a nutritionist. I don't smoke or do drugs and drink alcohol rarely.  I de-stress regularly and purposefully. I sharpen my mind by learning from those wiser than I am, challenging myself with new thoughts, reaffirming old ones. I am confident enough to be humble, reverent that my powers and abilities are limited but that my Choices and Motivation are open ended. I invest time in my self and as a result, feel better, look better and have incredible energy to spare. How about you? I believe you can to! o. You m ust build your health and fitness plan into your committed positive life plan. Thinking about it isn't enough.

Integrate work, play, learning and growth. They can all be one.

If you are still working and enjoying it, great, if not, please volunteer, mentor, keep busy, doing what you love to do. Read, be around people and join a church, synagogue, activities group or club. Different retirement communities offer classes in music appreciation, and art. Join a chorus, sing, dance, learn the computer and/or play video games. There are professional people available to help you if you are willing to take that first step. Many municipalities provide economical and accessible resources for community activities and classes. They have catalogues that offer a variety of stimulating classes including exercise classes. Art museums, Town Hall meetings and local libraries all have ongoing programs for senior citizens. There are senior mentor programs in the local elementary schools to teach children how to read. The local hospitals hold at least monthly health education workshops. Check the local television and radio stations; they have useful information and lists of community activities and services.

Choreograph your day so that you have all the time you need, to do and be, whatever matters most to you. Ready/Fire/Aim at your priorities. Finish what you start on time and with the original joy that inspired "It".

You should live your life in pencil with a big eraser available at all times.Do everything you can to follow the schedule you set, but be willing to change, as your priorities and responsibilities dictate. Your responsibility is to succeed at fulfilling your obligations to your self and others. You can't do this without a predictable, clear plan with obvious steps and the time commitments necessary to fulfill them.  Steps to completion are important. They must be clear, with an appropriate beginning, middle and end. The more that you set up the What you need to do, the How you need to ! do it, t he When, the Where and the Who you need to do it with, so that you have no doubt about the order of events, the greater the opportunity you have to succeed and sustain your energy throughout the process.

Enjoy, laugh and play with your "truly" significant others. Fun energizes.

You need to take care of your commitments to your self and your complementary others first. Only then do you have the pure, free, voluntary, committed, non-distracted energy to enjoy, laugh, and play with your "truly" significant others.Fun energizes and you need to play, laugh, feel connected and relax daily to truly succeed. You need to assure yourself of fun caring people in your life. Sharing positive energies is essential to a complementary lifestyle. Loneliness kills your spirit.

Create your life to have everything that you want and nothing that you don't want as much as humanly possible. Sometimes life throws curveballs, you can hit your pitch: strikes.

If you hold yourself responsible to do your best, no more, no less, you have the greatest opportunities of succeeding. If you know your abilities and your limitations, you can make good choices. You can work with complementary others to help you accomplish whatever you can't do on your own. You can also do your best to help them succeed too. By respecting and including their complementary participation, you can develop and maintain synergistic relationships full of personal and mutual well being.

Operate from your passion, your mission and your positive life plan! This isn't easy. It needs to be more than an idea that was presented by someone else!

Your positive life plan needs to become your personal guide, yourmission, your passion, your code of ethics and your non-negotiable deal with yourself and with and to others. It is selfish without being selfless. When your selfishness includes the unabashed need to serve others in complementary ways that creates Win/Wins for all of you, you can lead and follow and get and give a! nd take and serve all at the same time. Wow, that's powerful.

Give back to others so you can sleep through the night like a baby; awakening to another day's opportunity!

It's legacy timein my life. How do you want to be remembered and cared for? Address it now. Avoidance leads to missing choices and opportunities and can result in chaos.I am realistic enough to know that there will never be a plan, a system that creates and controls the "perfect life". You can, however, always strive to do whatever you can to succeed. You cannot complete everything today. You can only complete everything that you intended to and planned for, everything that you can possibly do by yourself and with the help of others. You need to schedule the rest for later.  So list your intentions and prioritize them. By doing this, you can create successful opportunities to accomplish the achievable today and then, as necessary, the achievable tomorrow, the next day and into your active future. I believe you can do this if you want to badly enough.

Who doesnt say his life sucks. Shout out why your life sucks on - life sucks - http://www.whymylifesucks.us

About the Author

life sucks - Post your sucky life incidences and tell the whole world why your life sucks on whymylifesucks.us.

Physics knows more about "nothing" than theology or philosophy

Posted: 12 May 2012 01:00 AM PDT

It's amazing, how much can be said about nothing.

Nothing always has been a favorite topic of theologians and philosophers. Now physicists are getting into the Nothing Game, big time (see here and here).

There's a basic dispute between fact-focused scientists on one side, and concept-obsessed thinkers on the other: is "nothing" a something that can be investigated, or an absolute absence of anything? (including "absence")

I've read a bunch of books and articles that argue both sides of this question, which is central to the classic Why is there something rather than nothing? question. More and more I favor how physicists such as Lawrence Krauss look upon nothing.

"Intelligent design" is simply a unifying umbrella for opposing evolution. Similarly, some philosophers and many theologians define and redefine "nothing" as not being any of the versions of nothing that scientists currently describe.

But therein, in my opinion, lies the intellectual bankruptcy of much of theology and some of modern philosophy. For surely "nothing" is every bit as physical as "something." It then behooves us to understand precisely the physical nature of both these quantities. And without science, any definition is just words.

A century ago, had one described "nothing" as referring to purely empty space, possessing no real material entity, this might have received little argument. But the results of the past century have taught us that empty space is in fact far from the inviolate nothingness that we presupposed before we learned more about how nature works.

Now, I am told by religious critics that I cannot refer to empty space as "nothing," but rather as a "quantum vacuum," to distinguish it from the philosopher's or theologian's idealized "nothing." ... And we're told that the escape from the "real" nothing requires divinity, with "nothing" thus defined by fiat to be "that from which only God can create something."

In the New York Times, philosopher Gary Gutting asks "Can Physics and Philosophy Get Along?" He doesn't like how Krauss disparages the usefulness of philosophy in understanding the ultimate nature of the universe.

Well, get real, Professor Gutting. That's what science is all about: reality.

If there isn't a way to study the nature of something, either directly or through systematic theoretical models (often mathematical), science isn't interested in it. This doesn't mean that science knows about everything that exists in the cosmos.

Far from it. Science embraces not-knowing. (See "Ignorance: How it Drives Science." Fascinating book.)

However, if there's no sign of something, no way to sense anything about it, no ability to come up with any evidence concerning it, that "something" is a conceptual abstraction which only exists for us humans within the brains that conjured up the notion of it.

This is why most scientists, along with me, reject the astounding statement Gutting makes at the end of his essay.

Precisely because science deals with only what can be known, direct or indirectly, by sense experience, it cannot answer the question of whether there is anything — for example, consciousness, morality, beauty or God — that is not entirely knowable by sense experience. To show that there is nothing beyond sense experience, we would need philosophical arguments, not scientific experiments.

Krauss may well be right that philosophers should leave questions about the nature of the world to scientists. But, without philosophy, his claim can only be a matter of faith, not knowledge.


How could philosophical arguments show there is nothing beyond sense experience? And what makes Gutting think that scientists are interested in proving the absence of anything beyond sense experience through experimentation?

The results of experiments must be sensed by an experimenter. This holds true whether one is talking about "external" science or "internal" science. Meditation could be (and often is) viewed as a means of investigating realms of reality beyond the physical. But any sign of these realms would have to be sensed by the meditator.

So there's no way to get around the need for sensory experience in knowing reality. I have no idea how philosophy or theology can claim to possess knowledge of what lies beyond sensation, such as an ultimate "nothing" about which nothing can be said or experienced because it's, duh..., nothing.

Krauss updates his views about philosophy in a recent Scientific American article, "The Consolation of Philosophy."

It's well worth reading. Krauss is courteous to those he disagrees with about the nature of nothing, yet firm in his conviction: if there's no way to discern nothing, it's a human abstraction, not really real reality.

What I tried to do in my writing on this subject is carefully attempt to define precisely what scientists operationally mean by nothing, and to differentiate between what we know, and what is merely plausible, and what we might be able to probe in the future, and what we cannot.  The rest is, to me, just noise.

So, to those philosophers I may have unjustly offended by seemingly blanket statements about the field, I apologize.  I value your intelligent conversation and the insights of anyone who thinks carefully about our universe and who is willing to guide their thinking based on the evidence of reality.  

To those who wish to impose their definition of reality abstractly, independent of emerging empirical knowledge and the changing questions that go with it, and call that either philosophy or theology, I would say this:  Please go on talking to each other, and let the rest of us get on with the goal of learning more about nature.

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Nyingmapa Tenshu to HH The Dalai Lama

The whole Nyingmapa gathered at Dharamshala, HP, India to offer Tenshu( Long life ceremony) to HH The XIVth Dalai Lama. Trulshig Rinpoche, Tsetrul Rinpoche, Mindrolling Khenchen Rinpoche, Sechen Ramjam Rinpoche, Dzogchen Rinpoche, Kathok Getse Rinpoche,Dilgo Khentse Yangsi Rinpoche, Dudjom Yangsi Rinpoche and many other tulkus,khenpos,monks and nuns from various monastery throughout the world attended the ceremony. The ceremony was conducted on the basis of Mindrolling custom.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Physics knows more about "nothing" than theology or philosophy

Posted: 12 May 2012 01:00 AM PDT

It's amazing, how much can be said about nothing.

Nothing always has been a favorite topic of theologians and philosophers. Now physicists are getting into the Nothing Game, big time (see here and here).

There's a basic dispute between fact-focused scientists on one side, and concept-obsessed thinkers on the other: is "nothing" a something that can be investigated, or an absolute absence of anything? (including "absence")

I've read a bunch of books and articles that argue both sides of this question, which is central to the classic Why is there something rather than nothing? question. More and more I favor how physicists such as Lawrence Krauss look upon nothing.

"Intelligent design" is simply a unifying umbrella for opposing evolution. Similarly, some philosophers and many theologians define and redefine "nothing" as not being any of the versions of nothing that scientists currently describe.

But therein, in my opinion, lies the intellectual bankruptcy of much of theology and some of modern philosophy. For surely "nothing" is every bit as physical as "something." It then behooves us to understand precisely the physical nature of both these quantities. And without science, any definition is just words.

A century ago, had one described "nothing" as referring to purely empty space, possessing no real material entity, this might have received little argument. But the results of the past century have taught us that empty space is in fact far from the inviolate nothingness that we presupposed before we learned more about how nature works.

Now, I am told by religious critics that I cannot refer to empty space as "nothing," but rather as a "quantum vacuum," to distinguish it from the philosopher's or theologian's idealized "nothing." ... And we're told that the escape from the "real" nothing requires divinity, with "nothing" thus defined by fiat to be "that from which only God can create something."

In the New York Times, philosopher Gary Gutting asks "Can Physics and Philosophy Get Along?" He doesn't like how Krauss disparages the usefulness of philosophy in understanding the ultimate nature of the universe.

Well, get real, Professor Gutting. That's what science is all about: reality.

If there isn't a way to study the nature of something, either directly or through systematic theoretical models (often mathematical), science isn't interested in it. This doesn't mean that science knows about everything that exists in the cosmos.

Far from it. Science embraces not-knowing. (See "Ignorance: How it Drives Science." Fascinating book.)

However, if there's no sign of something, no way to sense anything about it, no ability to come up with any evidence concerning it, that "something" is a conceptual abstraction which only exists for us humans within the brains that conjured up the notion of it.

This is why most scientists, along with me, reject the astounding statement Gutting makes at the end of his essay.

Precisely because science deals with only what can be known, direct or indirectly, by sense experience, it cannot answer the question of whether there is anything — for example, consciousness, morality, beauty or God — that is not entirely knowable by sense experience. To show that there is nothing beyond sense experience, we would need philosophical arguments, not scientific experiments.

Krauss may well be right that philosophers should leave questions about the nature of the world to scientists. But, without philosophy, his claim can only be a matter of faith, not knowledge.


How could philosophical arguments show there is nothing beyond sense experience? And what makes Gutting think that scientists are interested in proving the absence of anything beyond sense experience through experimentation?

The results of experiments must be sensed by an experimenter. This holds true whether one is talking about "external" science or "internal" science. Meditation could be (and often is) viewed as a means of investigating realms of reality beyond the physical. But any sign of these realms would have to be sensed by the meditator.

So there's no way to get around the need for sensory experience in knowing reality. I have no idea how philosophy or theology can claim to possess knowledge of what lies beyond sensation, such as an ultimate "nothing" about which nothing can be said or experienced because it's, duh..., nothing.

Krauss updates his views about philosophy in a recent Scientific American article, "The Consolation of Philosophy."

It's well worth reading. Krauss is courteous to those he disagrees with about the nature of nothing, yet firm in his conviction: if there's no way to discern nothing, it's a human abstraction, not really real reality.

What I tried to do in my writing on this subject is carefully attempt to define precisely what scientists operationally mean by nothing, and to differentiate between what we know, and what is merely plausible, and what we might be able to probe in the future, and what we cannot.  The rest is, to me, just noise.

So, to those philosophers I may have unjustly offended by seemingly blanket statements about the field, I apologize.  I value your intelligent conversation and the insights of anyone who thinks carefully about our universe and who is willing to guide their thinking based on the evidence of reality.  

To those who wish to impose their definition of reality abstractly, independent of emerging empirical knowledge and the changing questions that go with it, and call that either philosophy or theology, I would say this:  Please go on talking to each other, and let the rest of us get on with the goal of learning more about nature.

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Technology Meets Spirituality

Posted: 12 May 2012 12:00 AM PDT

Article by J Henry

First theorized in 1971, it's existence wasn't proven until 2008. It's the technology that will allow future technologies to manifest. It's literally the bridge, the shift in Energy, needed to redefine the "what" and the "how" of the what and the how that we do in technology, in science, in learning, and (with it's metaphorical counterpart), in living.

To understand this, let's look at what was:

Any electronic device we've ever used, from PC's to cell phones to TV's and microwaves, has some type of integrated electronic circuit board. Technology has been limited to using resistor's, capacitor's, and inductors in these tiny circuit boards. It's taken us far, but to go further, a "revolution" in circuitry has been needed.

Leon Chua, a Professor at UC Berkeley, was confounded by the asymmetric nature of electronic theory and electronic practice. Fro him, the practical application didn't gel with the theory. There was some better way of doing things- like having a car run on all 4 cylinders instead of 3. Here's where he was:

Four fundamental circuit variables exist: current, voltage, charge, and flux (changes in voltage). While another may be theorized, it's yet to manifest itself in anything other than deeply scientific and math heavy documents. Keep that in mind.

There were 3 defined relationships between these four fundamental variables. Resistors oppose the flow of an electric current, they relate voltage to current. Capacitors store energy in an electric field between two conductors, they relate charge to voltage. Inductors store energy in a magnetic field created by the electrical current running through it, and they relate flux to current.

The memristor introduces a fourth because Chua was crazy (or brave) enough to postulate that there must be something that related flux to charge. This something would remember changes in the current passing through it by changing its resistance.

So, what the hell does the memristor actually do?

1) It "remembers! " the st ate of electrical charge that passed through it without itself consuming any electricity.

2) It can store values other than "on"(1) and "off"(0). So far, ON or OFF was the only way we could store any data on a medium; a bit was on (electrically charged on the storage medium) or it was off. Off is 0, on is 1. To this day the heart of your PC, your CPU, beats to a binary code of zeroes and ones. Now it has the possibility of beating to 0.752 and 1.8349, etc. Before the Memristor, the technology we had could only allow us to capture the two crude states of spinning electrons within an electrical charge. Now, we can capture the subtle variations of these crude states. In terms of technological advance, the memristor will make current supercomputers look like an unwiedly axe we've been trying to use before we knew how to use our thumbs.

3) The memristor itself uses no electricity whatsoever. It emits no heat. It can be scaled to even smaller atomic sizes- the picture above from wikipedia.org shows 17 memristors lined up in a rudimentary memristor circuit, each memristor is 50 nanometers, about 150 atoms wide. Because of these three factors, future advances in nanotechnology, nanocomputing, and quantum computing are now possible.

HP Labs has already developed a memristor device that allows 100GB of information to be stored on a one square centimeter die. The closest thing we have to this is Flash Memory- what's used in digital cameras, but can only store about 17gb in a one square centimeter die.

Taken through logical progression, this means that in another 6 months to a year, you can have a device the size of your iPod (or Zune) and instead of 250gb, you'll be getting 15+ TERABYTES.

Memristor devices will replace the RAM and Hard Drives that are used in PC's and other computing devices. When integrated with CPU's (the heart of your PC), instead of the 2.4 or 3.0 gigahertz we currently have, we'll have terahertz computing speeds, such as, 2400.0 or 3000.0 gigahertz.

This dev! ice, wit hout using any energy at all, can remember the last charge that went through it, store it for years, decades, or centuries... and then allow itself to be "read" providing the last stored charge it had. Although the "current" theory and application may be relatively new, it's mimicking a spiritual theory long well understood and documented....

Does this sound like anything you've dealt with before? Does it sound amazingly similar to something many people are already familiar with:

Karma? Memory Channels? Latent reminders of past lives?

Karma has been equated to the storehouse of causes that bring effects. When a certain situation or event (electrical charge) parses a persons Karma (memristor), an outcome is determined based on the value of what was "read". And, even if you don't resonate with the word "Karma", maybe it's more appropriate to see it as the series of steps and conscious decisions you've undertaken to get you where you are right now. All these steps have stored a certain value in our own energy- values that make why we have certain habits of actions or thoughts explainable. If youre still not comfortable with the idea of Karma, and the negative connotions it may carry, think of it as your chakras being as being muddy blue (or yellow, or red) instead of clear and crisp blue....

Do we need an experience to draw forth our Karma? We can clear and refocus our Karma and Memory Channels by something else.

The memristor is the quantum change needed to usher in new eras of technological advances. This change has happened because we've been lined up for it since one of the last massive shifts in technology. In 1983 could anyone have ever imagined how nerdy little Steve Jobs and his friend the Woz would create something out of mostly common electrical parts and radio shack diodes that would usher in an era of personal computers that has changed how humanity interacts with one another? I was rockin' an Apple ][e with a duo disk drive and a US Robotics 1200bps modem in 1985 w! hen I wa s 14. Before that, my only experience with a "computer" was with my moms clunky mainframe at her accounting office. Technology hadnt made the leap, and no one had even forseen the need to make the leap, from mainframe to home, until Jobs came along and did it. I've been using a PC ever since. That massive, yet subtle, shift in the technological paradigm- utilizing integrated circuit boards of microelectronics and creating a "mini"-frame computer aimed at people. 10 years later, in 1995, what is the current web was just taking shape. BBS's were being replaced by networks of servers linked together. Now, most of us can't live without the internet and a laptop. So, if that one little change in 1983 caused such a stir even 20 years later- imagine what the one little change in the theory of electronics will render...

Cleansing our Karma of negative and limiting beliefs, or, just understanding that we can cleanse our Karma, is the quantum change we, as humans, need to usher ourselves to newer levels or perception and understanding. To heal what needs to be healed. To charge us to follow our own path. Karma is a static memory our own Energy carries. Does it need to be addressed or cleansed or reset? Only you can answer that. The power lay in recognizing you have the choice to.

Remember the four fundamental circuit variables from above? Sure, a 5th has been theorized, and maybe it will take the memristor for us to figure out how it can be worked into reality. That's just the point though, it takes a breakthrough to make another breakthrough.

Just as Memristors store a certain value, many Energy and Light Workers (with many more being called to these fields every day) can help you help yourself to change those Karmic values. what breakthroughs are you ready to experience?

There are many amazing Light Workers and Energy Healers that can clear your Memory Channels, cleanse your Karma, before a situation arises where you must clear it yourself. Doing it myself wasnt the most pleasant experien! ces I've had, because I had to live through some sick situations to do it. Don't discount the minutiae. You can clear and cleanse your own Karmic Energy or an Energy worker or Light Healer can help you. I fully suggest utilizing their services. Their special gift of working with, and shifting, Energy, is something they have come to this plane of existence to do. Now. Especially in these times.

Need some help in deciding who is best for you for this job? Send me an email at jhenry@shiftedenergy.com and I'll point you to a few of the best.

Big Hugs,

J. Henryhttp://shiftedenergy.com

About the Author

Using the Secret, Law of Attraction, Life Coaching, Conscious Creation

A Conversation with Terence McKenna and Ram Dass

Terence Kemp McKenna (November 16, 1946 -- April 3, 2000) was an Irish-American[1] philosopher, psychonaut, researcher, raconteur, speaker and writer on many subjects; such as human consciousness, psychedelic drugs, the evolution of civilizations, the origin and the end of the universe, cybernetics, alchemy, and extraterrestrial beings. _____________________________________________________________ Ram Dass (born Richard Alpert on April 6, 1931) is an American contemporary spiritual teacher and the author of the seminal[1][2] 1971 book Be Here Now. He is known for his personal and professional associations with Timothy Leary at Harvard University in the early 1960s, for his travels to India and his relationship with the Hindu guru Neem Karoli Baba, and for founding the charitable organizations Seva Foundation and Hanuman Foundation. He continues to teach via his website. From the film Prague Gnosis.

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Should You Listen to Meditation Music When You Meditate?

Posted: 11 May 2012 11:00 PM PDT

Article by Kip Mazuy

Ask Sam Harris Anything #1

Bestselling apps now free: bit.ly Sam Harris, author of the New York Times bestsellers, The End of Faith, Letter to a Christian Nation, and The Moral Landscape, answers questions submitted by users on Reddit.com. Hear Sam talk about everything from meditation to religion, and see if one of your questions got answered! To purchase Sam's books, click the links below: The End of Faith: amzn.to Letter to a Christian Nation: amzn.to The Moral Landscape: amzn.to

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Separating With Stress and anxiety - Three Tips For Quick Benefits

Posted: 11 May 2012 10:00 PM PDT

Article by Elvin Coppin

Pain and stress reduction methods really are a dime twelve on the web. Do this, take this, look at this, and so on. Why are there still articles being written on reducing stress? Good question, and this is actually the solution: the majority of the tools available are too time consuming or difficult to implement. Let's face it, every day life is complex and time is really a luxury the majority of us can't afford. We want tools that will be simple to implement and work quickly so we can get to living our lives.

One of the most challenging obstacle to reducing stress may be the mind. Our minds are infinitely powerful and can do anything whatsoever we let them know to do. The issue is the majority of us let our minds run all over the place, focusing on regret in the past or worry over what the future would bring rather than being fully present in the now. Now's in which the peace is, now is in which the calm is and now is to live your life. You just need the proper technique and also the desire to give yourself a mini burglary order to experience the sensation of now.

I call this exercise, creating space. As you practice this exercise daily, you will notice that your lifetime will begin to undertake a magical quality and also the joy you felt as a kid will return. Read and print this exercise and employ it daily. It can be done anywhere you've got a spare moment.

(Step 1): Sit comfortably with your back straight as well as your feet flat on the ground.

(Step 2): Have a deep inhale using your nose for a count of four. Hold the breath for a count of 8. Release the breath through the mouth using the tongue pressed gently against the roof of the mouth( DeSean Jackson jersey ) just behind one's teeth for any count of 12. Repeat this process four times then move to step 3.

(Step 3): Sit calmly for a moment and relish the relaxed state you are in. Once the moment feels right, attempt to notice your heart beating in your big toe. This is usually a bit difficult at first because! you are n't used to focusing on this area, however with practice you're going to get quite good at it. It is sometimes useful to remember that while you may not be in a position to feel it, it's still a well known fact that blood is flowing in your big toe because if you took a knife and work it would bleed.

The main reason this exercise works, is the mind has received something more interesting to munch on compared to constant diet of negative thoughts that constantly tell you our heads. The deep breaths to organize your body then an intense focus on a particular part of the body channels the energy from the mind from regret, and worry into present moment awareness. This can be a deceptively simple and powerful technique.

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Part 1 Blooming Under Stress The Story of Dr. Judy Griffin

Part 1 of the Story of Judy Griffin. Ph.D. is an internationally renowned aroma therapist, author, lecturer and herbalist. Challenged with Crohn's Disease and unable to be cured with Western medicine, she turned to nature for healing.

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Speed Boat Services are the Way to go for Budget-minded Travelers

Posted: 11 May 2012 09:00 PM PDT

Mind Relaxation
by caribb

Article by Goldenview01

Contemplating on the sun plus the sea for a vacation or leisure cruise? You certainly need boat hire services.

But where as well as how will you start? Even those who have already experienced hiring a sailboat may be surprised to find there are numerous musts that should never be neglected. And hiring a different craft for the same purpose may be different than your preceding experience. Some Speed Boat Services agencies do not offer services you enjoyed the last time you did rent a boat. A Speed Boat Services hire is likely unalike to your sailboat hire. On the other hand different they are, some prerequisites have to be considered, including any or all of the following:

• Do you have budget to finance the boat cruise?

• What kind of boat hire are you setting your eyes on?

• Is it suitable for the kind of sea adventure you have in mind?

• Are you or your comrades who are going to acquire the getaway sea-prepared?

• Do you have the necessary provisions for the length of time plus kind of cruise you are planning?

• Is there a boat rental agency near you that serves your exacting locale of voyage?

• What obtainable packages of services are offered by the boat chartering agencies around your area?

• What does the insurance package cover? And how much does cost? Is it incorporated or else separate from the package being offered?

• What are the facilities offered in the particular boat you are hiring?

These and a host of other questions should be asked before embarking on a leisure trip for example the one you are planning. Remember: you are planning a relaxation trip, not a disaster or stress build-up trip, God forbid. If you did not ask these questions before you embarked on your last one, you are presently lucky it was a success. Otherwise, you will not be planning this after that one.

Among the boat rental agencies spread all over your area, as well take time to get an idea of their track records, terms of se! rvice an d how they conduct business, to wit:

• The fees they charge to particular types of Speed Boat services charter package.

• Coast Guard restrictions plus instructional advice that should be in the bulletin boards or travel kits provided by the boat hire agency.

• Weather bulletins and updates which are also extremely important and crucial information for everyone who sets out to sea.

• Assistants or employees who may be offered to guide the renters on the proper conduct of the adventure for example scuba diving, etc. Boarding the craft by these attendants may also be essential.

• Emergency precautions and communications facilities insured to be working along with with enough power or supply.

Koh Phangan Ferry rental discussion boards frequently tend to expose "bad" or unscrupulous operators. It pays to consult such fora in order to be assured of a safe as well as pleasant adventure.

Owning a Koh Phangan Ferry can be a great way to enjoy the water in a variety of ways. Speed Boat Services are a pleasure to race for cash prizes or other awards. Sailboats let you enjoy the water at the pace that the wind blows the sails along with moves the boat along the waves. Koh Phangan Ferry, Speed Boat Services, Row boats, yachts and many other kinds of boats make water sports and pleasure boating some of the most enjoyable past times around.

About the Author

Owning a Koh Phangan Ferry can be a great way to enjoy the water in a variety of ways. Speed Boat Services are a pleasure to race for cash prizes or other awards.

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Beijing Muslim Fayuan

Posted: 11 May 2012 08:00 PM PDT

Article by Lawrry Christ

Beijing Muslim Fayuan

Halal Fayuan Deshengmenwai Street in Xicheng District No. 200. Kangxi Dynasty rebuilt. It is not only the oldest city of Beijing's ancient temples, is also China Buddhist Institute, the Chinese Buddhist Library is located, is training young Buddhist Sangha and the study of the important place to pay. In 1983, the State Council to determine priorities for the Chinese Buddhist temple. June 25, 2001, Fayuan as the Qing Dynasty of ancient buildings, the State Council approved the fifth national cultural heritage.

Fayuan Temple built in the nineteenth year of Zhen Guan Emperor (AD 645), the oldest temple in Beijing, Tang Minzhong Temple when the Qing Emperor Yongzheng and changed its name when the renovation, the temple was established in 1965, the Chinese Buddhist Academy, 1980 years and established in the Temple Library and Museum of Chinese Buddhism, the Buddhist Association of China belongs to the Religious Museum.

Fayuan faces south, form the grand thorough, six-seven into the hospital. The main building has King Hall, the incarnation of Buddha Maitreya --- bag for a monk, on both sides of the Big Four. Main Hall has Qianlong Yu Shu "Fa Hai true source" board, which for the Buddha and Manjushri, Samantabhadra, both sides of the breakdown of Eighteen. Guanyin Pavilion, also known as Benjamin Chung House, display Fayuan history. Net trade halls for the Ming Dynasty Buddha five parties. Great Compassion Forum, now turned into ancient Buddhist version of galleries, each generation since the Tang Dynasty Buddhist scriptures on display and a variety of text by volume, a splendid sight. Canon House, now the ancient Buddha statues galleries, display from the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Qing dynasties dozens of Buddha statues fine statue, each with a charm, especially in the Ming Dynasty wooden Buddha Nirvana, like, about ten meters, is Beijing's largest reclining Buddha. Temple many flowers and trees, the beginning of the Begonia known to clove known today, has the ! whole te mple Dingxiang Cheng Lin, bloom season, Xiangpiao few years, as the capital of beautiful scenic spots.Traffic Line: 10 bus to the Hui hospitals, 6,109 alley way to teach the child to get off.

Fangshan Jinxian Gong main tower

Fangshan Yunju Si Jin Xiangong main tower is located in the Stone Mountain Leiyin hole above, built in the Tang Dynasty Kaiyuan eighteen years (740). Jin Xiangong main tower facing south, the species is 3.5 meters high, all use refined white marble. Block of stone from the base pedestal. Intermediate formed by four square stone slab shrines, set the front door coupons. Doors on each side of a relief Deva King. Since the door to the inside, opposite the rock walls and showing a group of relief, sat the middle of Sakyamuni flanked by disciples. The eaves are seven cascading Shibuya, inscriptions on the tower.

About the Author

Lawrry Christ is a local travel expert who has stayed in Beijing China for 5 years and works for Beijing Tours Travel Agency which provides various Beijing and China travel information, travel tips, culture knowledge and tour services.For taking tours of Beijing and China, please check Beijing China Tours for details.

Five Reasons Why You Should Take Up Daily Meditation

Posted: 11 May 2012 07:00 PM PDT

Article by Belinda Daly, B.D.

The present-day world tenets, successes and results, which is why, maybe, that more and more individuals are turning to meditation. In our noisy contemporary world, many people feel an ultimate need for quiet and reflection.

Below are Five Reasons why daily meditation can benefit your hectic life:

Stress Reduction

Practicing meditation aids in lowering our stress levels by training us to shift from the fears that can pester us through-out our lives. Meditating 15-30 minutes a day helps calm the psyche and concentrating on the present-day ensures we gain inner tranquility.

Daily Meditation benefits your health

Frequent studies on meditation have shown that it benefits your health. Though, this does not mean that meditation will promise you decent health. What I mean is, if your mind is in constant stress and anxiety it will lower you body's resistance to illness. For example if you mind is always in inner chaos it will likely cause heart disease and other ailments. With frequent meditation it can give you inner peace which can aid in eluding numerous stress linked disorders. It has also been said that meditation has also been shown to stop pain connected with many ailments.

Meditation helps to Control Your Thoughts

Mankind is a remarkable animal. Science had done so much to help us rid the world of dangerous diseases, explored the world and universe, and made the world a much better place for the ordinary individual to live in. Though, the world is a better place now for the majority of us, the question is how do we master our own psyche? What I mean is do you often find yourself thinking negative thoughts? How do you deal with it? Meditation instills that it is possible to govern you thoughts. With the help of meditation you can bring your disorderly psyche under control. Controlling your negative thoughts through meditation will help produce a tranquil mind which permits you to accomplish what you want to in your existence.

Bliss a nd Harmony of Awareness

With the help of meditation it can takes us to the foundation of contentment. When we have no harmony of awareness we are continually confronted by negative thoughts, bliss will continue to be intangible. If we can meditate with a tranquil awareness, it will help us to discover an unanticipated source of bliss inside our own ego. Daily meditation demonstrates to us that bliss is not reliant on just our external surroundings, but also on our internal approach as well.

Learning About The Reason For Our Existence.

Many people take up meditation because they feel that there is something missing from their life at this point in time. They feel empty inside and hunger for the reason of their existence on this planet. We look for significance in our existence through exterior procedures and other individuals. By meditating we can gain a fresh perception of being, without interference from our egotistical outlook. Remember, by meditating on a daily basis will benefit the individual, but it must also be realized that it also necessitates willpower. Do not think that you will gain all the aforementioned benefits from meditating if you only practice it on and off. Basically, to fully understand the benefits of meditation it is vital to meditate yourself. So don't procrastinate, start meditating now-and feel its full benefits.

About the Author

Belinda Daly a master practitioner in NLP, hypnosis, and TLT. She also has a degree in metaphysics.

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How Motherhood Changes the Brain

Posted: 11 May 2012 07:00 PM PDT

CREDIT: Crazy80frog | Dreamstime

Chocolate treats and sentimental cards may sweeten mom's belly and heart this Mother's Day, but it turns out motherhood also goes right to the noggin, with plenty of research showing how having kids, and even the process of childbirth, can change a mama's brain.

Recent research has revealed some of the changes that take place in women's brains during motherhood, and experts say that understanding how a mom's brain works could help them figure out what motivates moms to care for their babies.

"With this research, we hope to better understand how to support moms who don't naturally experience a brain reward response when they interact with their baby," said Dr. Lane Strathearn, a developmental pediatrician at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas.

In the future, this field of study could lead to treatments that help women with mental illnesses or who lack certain types of normal brain responses. "We're currently researching whether giving moms oxytocin, a hormone that triggers a reward response in the brain, could influence their response to their child," Strathearn said.

After birth, the brain grows

The changes seem to begin the moment the baby is born. For instance, in a 2010 study, researchers looked at brain-scan images of 19 women before and after they gave birth and found that the size of mothers' brains increased shortly after childbirth.

"We observed small but significant increases in the volume of gray matter in the brain," said study co-author Pilyoung Kim, a developmental psychologist who performed the research at Yale University.

Kim and colleagues also found that moms who gushed over their babies a month after childbirth showed the greatest growth in parts of the brain, compared with moms who didn't respond as enthusiastically.

The period directly after childbirth is an important time for new moms. According to the researchers, moms develop sensitive mothering skills during this time, and changes to the brain may be linked with how these skills develop.

The researchers observed increases in gray matter in brain areas such as the hypothalamus, amygdala, parietal lobe and prefrontal cortex. These regions are responsible for emotion, reasoning and judgment, the senses and reward behavior.

Compared with the less-enthusiastic moms, the awestruck moms were more likely to develop bigger mid-brains, and saw growth in key regions linked to maternal motivation, rewards and the regulation of emotions, Kim's team found.  

The researchers said this expansion in the brain's "motivation" area might lead to more nurturing, which in turn could help babies thrive. Still, "we don't know whether it's the experience that changes the brain, or the brain that changes the experience," said Kim, who is now with the National Institute of Mental Health.

While it remains unclear exactly why the brain grows, the researchers said it might be that an increase in hormones — including estrogen, oxytocin and prolactin — play a role.

Pleasure at the root of mommy behavior

Experts believe maternal behavior may be fostered by a pleasure system in the brain that involves areas such as the substantia nigra, which creates dopamine, a chemical messenger that interacts with certain brain cells and causes a "feel-good" high.

Once the brain receives these "feel-good" signals, moms, for instance, seek to repeat whatever actions triggered the bliss.

In Strathearn's 2008 study published in the journal Pediatrics, when mothers saw their babies' smiling faces, their reward signals became activated.

"These are similar brain regions that are activated when a cocaine addict gets a shot of cocaine," said Strathearn said. "So for moms, it may be like having a natural high."

How a child's brain develops may be influenced by mom

Motherhood doesn't just influence a mom's brain — her mothering behaviors may have a lasting impact on her child's brain.

In a 2009 study published in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology, researchers looked at two groups of mothers, dividing them based on how attached they felt to their own mothers.

They found both groups responded differently to their infant's faces.

"For mothers with 'secure' attachment, we found that both happy and sad infant faces produced a reward signal in their brain," Strathearn said.

But moms with an "insecure" attachment didn't show the same brain response. When they saw their baby cry, part of the brain that is linked with pain, unfairness or disgust became activated.

"Biologically, there seems to be a pattern that is repeated from one generation to the next," Strathearn said. "Early experiences we have in childhood play an important role in the pattern of brain development."

Strathearn said that in early infancy, "the brain is being sculpted in response to its social environment, like being rocked and touched." But he noted that many factors, including genetics and the environment, influence a child's development.

Ultimately, Strathearn said he hopes future research will help experts better understand the impact that early maternal care can have on child's social, emotional and physical development.

Pass it on: Motherhood changes the size of mom's brain.

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In the history of Nepal, the small Newari town of Kirtipur is unique. Even though the founding of the town dates back to the 12th century and the time of King Shivadev, its true origin is probably far older, as discoveries that date back to the Pre-Lichchavi epoch indicate that it could be one of the oldest settlements in the entire Kathmandu Valley. In the course of time, and particularly under the reign of the Malla Kings, Kirtipur developed into a small independent town with several beautiful temples and sanctuaries. The design of today's Stress Reduction Chilandeo Stupa, dates back to the 16th century but the original building is attributed to the Indian King, ASHOKA. Under the reign of this legendary leader in the 3rd century AD, Buddhism began to spread across the length and breadth of the Indian subcontinent. The many years of Kirtipur's independence came to an end in 1482, when the town's inhabitants reluctantly came under the rule of the nearby city of Patan. Today, the town of almost 15000 inhabitants is divided into two areas. The eastern section is predominantly inhabited by Stress Reductions while the upper part of the town consists mainly of Hindus. However, both areas of the town are united by an idyllic rural atmosphere. Due to the declining economic situation in Kirtipur, the town's cultural monuments appear to represent the last ray of hope for its inhabitants and a much needed possible source of future income.

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Long Yoga Pants for Women

Posted: 11 May 2012 06:00 PM PDT

Article by Sarah Yogini

Clothing line bloated the market stocks today, many designers were manufacturing stylish and different trend of clothes. Our clothes we wear daily depend on the activity we have and workplace we belong. For tranquility, we wear what our daily needs ask for. Like, in the office we are obliged to follow the dress code and while on sports, we also have a certain uniform to let us perform better. Our clothes affect our performance as well. We have heard of people who are fanatics of yoga. Yoga is an exercise where our mind is disciplined to train our consciousness for spiritual insight. We must focus our body and mind to relax and portray the meditation. When we do meditate, we do concentrate and blend our spirit with our body. Thus, we just don't need to squat or lie down wearing a discomfort clothes. Don't ever do that, everything will turn into blue and you will end up having a headache due to regrets. We always prefer those who do yoga to wear proper attire, they have what they call as yoga pants. Yoga pants are tight stretchable pants but soft and very clam. This will help you meditate and let your body follow through the trend. Since most of yoga exercise has to do something with stretching, yoga pants is perfect for them. Yoga pants are made of cotton fabric and stretchable one so the person wearing can move freely her legs while doing yoga. Yoga pants are the trend in clothing industry. Classified on the unique sports apparel but is very economical. Very cozy pants to wear even if you are not doing yoga exercise. Some woman is wearing it while playing badminton or do jogging every morning. Unlike our traditional jogging pants, yoga is more practical. Available in shops anywhere and is in demand in the market nowadays.

About the Author

Sarah writes about the need for women to have long yoga pants and more importantly yoga pants that you love.

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