Brainwave Meditation CD - Brainwave Evolution
Brainwave Meditation CD - Brainwave Evolution |
- Brainwave Meditation CD - Brainwave Evolution
- An Expedition of Buddhism- excursion to the sacred land
- psychic readings and meditation
- Christine Breeze Goes From Working on Movie Crews to Life as Spiritual Guide
- Keep blood pressure in control practicing yoga
- A visit to Nagarjuna Sagar
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- History of footwear along with interesting facts
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Brainwave Meditation CD - Brainwave Evolution Posted: 23 May 2012 01:00 PM PDT Article by A. Majid Meditation is good for our body and soul. Though nobody know exactly when meditation started, researchers speculate that primitive hunter-gatherer societies may have discovered meditation and its altered states of consciousness while staring at the flames of their fires. Over thousands of years, meditation evolved into a structured practice. Indian scriptures called "tantras" mentioned meditation techniques 5000 years ago. Many respected studies have shown time and again that meditation greatly improves mind power, increases IQ, boosts energy level and many more positives. Studies has shown that meditation can lower blood pressure. Meditation is widely used to treat addiction to drugs and alcohol Meditation is also frequently recommended to those who are stressed. It is also catching on worldwide as a powerful therapy. Other benefits of meditation includes, decreased anxiety, decreased depression, decreased irritability and moodiness, improved learning ability and memory, increased self-actualization, increased feelings of vitality and rejuvenation,increased happiness and increased emotional stability. While practicing meditation is good, the act of meditation itself is not easy. It takes years of dedicated training to achieve deep meditative state. And to fully reap the benefits of meditation, one need to practice for hours on a daily basis. And in today's world, does anybody has the time? But there is an easier path to this. Heard of brainwave meditation CDs? Brainwave meditation CDs been around for years. Holosync, Optimindzation and Hemi-Sync comes to mind easily. By listening to the specially-created sounds using headphones, our brainwaves are altered, taking it to a lower frequency just like those achieved after years of practice. This process is known as brainwave entrainment and provides a proven easier path enjoy the benefits of meditation without spending years learning how to meditate.You don't need to quit your job, give up your possessions and spend 30 years chanting! . Though the science behind meditation CDs is solid and proven, many products while costing a small fortune simply do not deliver. This is mainly because many meditation CDs use limited, and in some cases, only one mode of brainwave entrainment. This is a fatal flaw and a flaw that has been successfully addressed by only one product, the Brainwave Evolution System or BrainEv as it is popularly known. Brain Evolution offers the benefits of meditation. Just by listening 30 minutes everyday for 6 times a week, users can experience sharper senses, increased level of energy, better memory, a sense of peace and calmness and a feeling of wholesomeness. It does not cost a bomb to own a 6-CD BrainEV system that probably on its way to becoming one of the best brainwave entrainment products of the decade. BrainEv employs pioneering technology in the field of brainwave entrainment. Known as the "3P DEAP" technology, where three different methods of brainwave entrainment are intertwined together to produce perhaps the most beautiful sounds the self help world was ever heard. BrainEv system is a gem in the field of brainwave entrainment. It delivers the wonderful benefits of true meditation within days of starting the program allowing you to enjoy the advantages of what would takes years of practice to achieve. BrainEv is a superior and revolutionary product. It is quite simply the best in brainwave entrainment and a leader in the world of brainwave meditation CDs. About the AuthorTo learn more about The Brainwave Evolution System, visit this website. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.RELAX TV 3 hours of Relaxing Music, Nature Sounds, 1080p HD FilmsThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
An Expedition of Buddhism- excursion to the sacred land Posted: 23 May 2012 12:00 PM PDT Article by Mr. Subrato Mukherjee This Expedition of Buddhism began with the life of Siddhartha Gautama (ca. 563-483 B.C.), a prince from the small Shakya Kingdom located in the foothills of the Himalayas in Nepal. Brought up in luxury, the prince abandoned his home and wandered forth as a religious beggar, searching for the meaning of existence. The stories of his search presuppose the Jain tradition, as Gautama was for a time a practitioner of intense austerity, at one point almost starving him to death. He decided, however, that self-torture weakened his mind while failing to advance him to enlightenment and therefore turned to a milder style of renunciation and concentrated on advanced meditation techniques. Eventually, under a tree in the forests of Gaya (in modern Bihar), he resolved to stir no farther until he had solved the mystery of existence and start the Expedition of Buddhism. Breaking through the final barriers, he achieved the knowledge that he later expressed as the Four Noble Truths: all of life is suffering; the cause of suffering is desire; the end of desire leads to the end of suffering; and the means to end desire is a path of discipline and meditation. Gautama was now the Buddha, or the awakened one, and he spent the remainder of his life travelling about northeast India converting large numbers of disciples. At the age of eighty, the Buddha achieved his final passing away (parinirvana) and died, leaving a thriving monastic order and a dedicated lay community to continue his Expedition of Buddhism.For centuries Indian royalty and merchants patronized Buddhist monasteries and raised beautiful, hemispherical stone structures called stupas over the relics of the Buddha in reverence to his memory. Since the 1840s, archaeology has revealed the huge impact of Buddhist art, iconography, and architecture in India. The monastery complex at Nalanda in Bihar, in ruins in 1993, was a world centre for Buddhist philosophy and religion until the thirteenth century.Expedition in India: There are between four and sixteen prin! cipal Bu ddhist pilgrimage sites in India, with the most important located primarily in the Ganges Valley of India.One can get their peace of mind and soul during their Buddhist Pilgrimage Tour and you will surely enjoy everything.Buddhism is India is the for the soul of people which is to obtain peace for the people .Go heritage India journey provide the best tourism for Buddhist tours pilgrimage which is the state of the new delhi in India. About the AuthorAuthor is an eminent and experienced Content Writer in Travel & Tourism related topics. He has written several articles on India Tour Packages, Buddhist Pilgrimage and Buddhism in India etc. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Gudo Nishijima Roshi: How To Wear O-kesaThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
psychic readings and meditation Posted: 23 May 2012 11:00 AM PDT Article by Rachel Saxon Meditation is great for the soul - though it brings to mind for some images of new age hippies and chanting.The reality is meditation can put you in touch with the real you, we are spirit and we can realize this and link deep within ourselves. You can use meditation for everyday use and it make your life calmer and less stress free, rid you of negative energies and on the whole make your existence a better one all round.What is meditation? We think that we are in control of our mind but that's not the truth. Most of the time our mind is in total control. If we are in control of our mind we should be able to be happy regardless of what ever happens in out side world, right? To achieve that deep mental relaxation we need to practice our mind. Meditation is used by almost all psychics, clairvoyants and medium readers. All mediums are psychic and move to the level of being mediums by raising their consciousness to a higher level, thereby linking into messages from spirit, practice, practice, practice with any spiritual subject and the results will show for themselves. If you have a psychic phone reading then it's a great place to start finding out about meditation.Types of meditations There are two main types of meditations 1. Concentrative Meditation 2. Mindfulness Mediation. Concentrative meditation- The fundamental technique looks very simple. But when you put it to fact you'll realize how hard it is. It's always recommended to follow concentrative meditation before practicing mindfulness. These are the simple steps. Find a quiet environment, keep the upper body erect. Start breathing normally. Slowly concentrate your mind on the process of breathing. Feel the sensation as it enter the nostrils through the nose and filling the lungs. Then release your breath observing the same sensation. Always breath normally. Otherwise you'll get tired of trying to breath hard. Just observe the whole breathing process. At first you'll not be able to concentrate on it for more than few seconds because your mind wi! ll start distracting you with other thoughts, if you get carried away for a moment immediately bring the attention back to breathing. If you are a beginner don't try to meditate for hours, this will make you tired. Start with 10 minutes and then gradually increase the time. Try to meditate at the same time everyday. Trying to meditate just before sleep is not recommended you might tend to sleep while meditating. Because some meditative states are closer to sleeping states. Gradually you'll realize that you can concentrate more. You might even slip in to deep relaxation states once in a while. Mindfulness Mediation- This is the meditation described in Buddhism as the meditation which leads you to attain enlightenment, Nirvana the ultimate happiness. In concentrative meditation we try to focus on one point but in this we try to observe the thoughts as they arise in our mind without attaching to any of them. Its main goal is to witness the thoughts, memories, images or worries without reacting to any of them. It is said that through this meditation one can realize the impermanent nature of matter self and mind which result in attaining enlightenment. Many psychic and clairvoyant readers will meditate often, as well as obtaining spiritual guidance and if you are not quite in touch with yourself yet, they can give you hints and tips on how to achieve this state, a psychic medium reader will work on higher conscious levels & again will be adept at meditation in a very advanced form.Some of the Benefits of Meditation are: 1. Improved concentration 2. Reduction of stress 3. mental relaxation 4. Being able to control anger/stress/jealousy 5. Cheerful attitudes 6. Distractions from the outside world becomes insignificant 7. Positive attitude towards life 8. decreased metabolic rate, lower heart rate 9. reduction of free radicals, reduce tissue damage 10. Slows down of aging process. 11. Decreased irritability and moodiness.Search online and you will find many guides to both basic meditation and also more advanced vers! ions, of which can be used for advancement of & also uncovering of your own psychic abilities. And don't forget how a phone psychic or medium reading can help you in this area. For further research and information go to:phone psychic reading or see this company psychics uk or find out more mediums About the AuthorRachel Saxon works in the psychic and metaphysical industryrecommended website for uk psychics - online psychic uk you can also click here psychic reader Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Win Meyerson - 3rd Chakra / ManipuraThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Christine Breeze Goes From Working on Movie Crews to Life as Spiritual Guide Posted: 23 May 2012 10:00 AM PDT Article by Groshan Fabiola After Christine Breeze, Ph.D. returned to the United States at the age of 28 following her travels all over the world on a spiritual quest for truth and enlightenment, she started her education. Christine Breeze got a degree in Audio Engineering, followed by a degree in Video Production. This led her to a career path in the entertainment industry. Although Christine Breeze met a lot of famous people as she worked on film, commercial and television show crews, she began to feel the itch to do greater things in the world of spirituality. Since Christine Breeze already had experience in meditation facilitation, she decided she would use these skills to teach meditation once again. Christine Breeze also went on to use her communication skills to create a metaphysical newsletter called the Starlight Journal, and used her video and audio skills to begin producing and directing a metaphysical talk show series called Spirit Talk TV that airs on public access stations all over the nation. And to complete her new career path, Christine Breeze founded the Universal Church of Metaphysics and started the University Of Metaphysical Sciences so others could find their spiritual career paths. Christine Breeze now dedicates herself to examining all the religions in the world and encouraging others to explore the nature of consciousness as she has done. Christine Breeze has written several books on metaphysical topics, and she has continued to use her audio and video production skills to produce CDs and start working on a movie that will be complete in 2009. Christine Breeze also continues to have a major role in her university, which she facilitates retreats and workshops for at various centers throughout the United States. At the heart of Christine Breeze is a dream of helping others to seek spiritual enlightenment and to stay in the "now," as she has found so many benefits from this way of thinking in her own life. About the AuthorFor more resources regarding Christine Breeze or even about Christine Breeze and especially about Christine Breeze please review these pages. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Shivabalayogi his TapasThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Keep blood pressure in control practicing yoga Posted: 23 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT Article by Gauri Sharma The healing power of yoga has been known for centuries. In India, yoga is used to treat many diseases and conditions. It combines body, mind and spirit and synchronizes them to one entity instead of three separate ones. This allows for healing to be received and accepted. Thousands of people have been able to control their blood pressure by using yoga and practicing asanas.To control high blood pressure, forward bends are the most effective. They can help you lower the blood pressure. These exercises also have a calming effect on the brain; the blood circulation to the brain is normalized, and stress is reduced from the sense organs, which lowers the blood pressure. The entire sympathetic nervous system and sense organs are relaxed, and pulse rate decelerate at the same time, that stabilizes the blood pressure. Other asanas that have beneficial effects on the nervous system and help you lower blood pressure are Uttanasana and Adhomukha Svanasana. These asanas help in free circulation of blood into the aortic arch, thus helping to maintain a normal blood pressure.Baddhakonasana and Virasana are some of the sitting asanas which can be practiced in order to get a lower blood pressure by the hypertensives, which in most cases are hard breathing. These poses eliminate the tension from the ribs and the intercostal muscles, so they help you to breathe with no difficulty, and normalize the blood pressure.Other useful poses are supine poses, like Supta Baddhakonasana, which, by relaxing the abdominal region, and so the entire body, bring calm on the nerves.Divine Wellness is an interactive health portal that offers online classes for blood pressure yoga and natural high blood pressure cures to provide interactive sessions, videos and information on yoga. Yoga can be used to cure diseases like blood pressure, hypertension, joints pain, acme, allergies, bronchitis, etc. About the AuthorGauri Sharma is a Yoga expert working with Divine Wellness. This online portal is dedicated to holistic health therapies and clearly defines the connection between weight loss, Ayurveda and Yoga. To know more about how weight loss and yoga are related, visit Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Posted: 23 May 2012 08:00 AM PDT Article by afyakhan Nagarjuna Sagar once called as Vijayapuri is a small town sitting in between the regions of Hyderabad and Guntur in Andhra Pradesh. The region is world renowned for its Dam named the Nagarjuna Dam which is the tallest masonry dam in the world, thousands of people flock to the region to catch a glimpse of this majestic dam, which not only is a major source of irrigation but, also a popular tourist attraction. The present name of the region 'Nagarjuna Sagar' is said to be derived from the great Buddhist saint Acharya Nagarjuna. Nagrajuna Sagar is not only a major tourist destination of Andhra Pradesh but also a prominent Buddhist center. Excavations in the region have revealed ruins of Mahachaitya, the most sacred of the Budddhist stupas along with Viharas, universities and monasteries raising the relevance of the region as a key Buddhist site. Apart from its religious significance to the Buddhist community, Nagarjuna Sagar is also a beautiful destination that can be thouroughly enjoyed by nature lovers, with the presence of rich flora and fauna in the region complete with unending stretches of greenery, waterfalls, precarious cliffs, deep valleys, dense vegetations, wildlife reserves, temples, etc all adding to the glory of the region. Even wildlife enthusiasts can have a gala day at Nagarjuna Sagar with the presence of the Nagarjunasagar - Srisailam sanctuary, a wildlife reserve which is also tiger reserve and is home to several species of wild animals like the tiger, panther, sloth bear, wild dog, jackal, chital, sambar, nilgai, chinkara, chouwsinga, wild boar and crocodiles. As for the tourist attraction of the region is concerned, some of the tourist attractions of the region include the Nagarjuna konda Museum home to relics of the Buddhist saint Acharya Nagarjuna along with other Buddhist artifacts and Ethipotala Waterfall. Apart from these attractions there is very few things that can be done for entertainment except for nature walks, hiking, trekking etc. Nagarj! una Saga r being a popular tourist destination offers several good quality lodging options from resorts and hotels to home stays. The hotels in Nagarjuna Sagar can be found across various budget sections, thus catering to all groups of travelers quite comfortably. Sitting in close proximity of the cosmopolitan 'Hyderabad', Nagarjuna Sagar is well connected to various regions of India by means of train, plane and also by cars and buses. The nearest airport is the Hyderabad airport while the nearest railway station is the Machrela Railway station. Buses can be availed from various regions of the state that operate regular bus services to this popular tourist destination. About the AuthorGet more information on Nagarjuna Sagar,and Nagarjuna Sagar Hotels. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Posted: 23 May 2012 08:00 AM PDT Not too long ago somebody asked what my 'practice' was. I had the suspicion that they were asking me if I did zazen, as if zazen is the only legitimate Zen Buddhism practice—which it isn't. I answered by saying that I constantly engage with pure Mind and left it at that. I remember reading that Ajahn Chah Thera said, "Our practice is simply to see the Original Mind" which I thought was about as good as it gets when it comes to describing what the true practice of Zen is. Zen should really be named the Buddha Mind School because it is all about realizing pure Mind which is what made Gautama the Buddha or awakened one. We can think of other kinds of practice such as doing rituals or the practice of morality and wisdom. We can include, also, the practice of awareness. Of course seated meditation or zazen in another practice, or doing thousands of prostrations. I forgot to mention there is also the practice of invoking the Buddha's name which is a very old practice in Zen going back to the East Mountain Dharma Gate tradition. In the Noble Lineage Sutra (Arya Gotra Sutra) it says, "Where there is neither restraint nor rules, there is neither practice nor the practice which is no practice"! This lineage is obviously the Buddha Mind which transcends all practices that can be performed by body, speech and thought.
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History of footwear along with interesting facts Posted: 23 May 2012 07:00 AM PDT Article by Craffts History of footwear in India can be traced back through centuries old Hindu, Buddhist and Jain scriptures as well as several sculptures, coins and paintings. Footwear have been in usage in ancient India as a necessity as well as luxurious item. There are found a large number of written and physical evidences, which prove that history of footwear goes back to centuries old Vedic period. Let's cast a glance over the history of shoes and sandals along with interesting facts. Written evidences of the origin of footwear in India Footwear find mention in plenty of Hindu, Buddhist and Jain scriptures thereby testify that these were being worn by Indians since an erstwhile era. * In ancient Indian texts Rigveda, Yajurveda Samhita, Atharvaveda, Brahmans and Panini Grammer, footwear has been mentioned with Sanskrit term ' Upanah' or 'Upanat'. These footwear (sandals and shoes) were made from grass, wood and leather. * As per great epic Ramayana, Bharata rerurned from Chitrakuta carrying the Rama's paduka (toe-knob sandal or khadau) and ruled the Ayodhya after placing the paduka on a throne in Nandigram, as Rama's proxy. Ravana also holds an umbrella and wears shoes while assuming the form of ascetic for Sita's abduction. * According to Mahabharata,once Jamadagni got enraged seeing her wife Renuka exhausted in scorching sun and started sending arrows against Sun god. Then Sun god presented him a pair of sandals and an umbrella to protect against the heat from below and above. In this great epic, shoes (upnate) and sandal or toe knob sandal (paduka or padu) are clearly differentiated. It also mentions that footwear stealer is born as an "Otikyata" (a lizard)* In Shrimad Bhagwat Puran, Lord Vamana is mentioned wearing umbrella and shoes. Lord Krishna never wore shoes while herding the cows. * As per Brahma Vaivarta Purana, one should not wear the shoes already worn by others. * According to Garud purana, sandals and umbrella should be gifted on `Sraddha' day. Shoes stealer is born from she! eps' wom bs.* As per Vasstue shastra, footwear should be placed in south-west direction of hall and never in bedroom. * While leaving the princely life in 5th century BC, Lord Buddha is mentioned in scriptures having taken off his sandals. * n Mahavagga, a section of Buddhist scripture Vinaya Pitaka (5th century BCE ), sandals made of fancy materials were forbidden for monks and nuns. It mentions 4 types of shoes, which include Putabaddha (covering ankle), Tittirapttika (shape like partridge wings and adorned with horns of ram or goat), Padigunthima (full boot) and Tulapunnika (padded with cotton wool). Sandals with separate point like scorpion's sting and adorned with peacock feather were largely demanded but were forbidden for Buddhist monks. * Banabhatta, the court-poet of emperor Harsh Vardhan has mentioned in his book Harshacharita (7th century) footwear. * Mahavyutpatti (800-815 CE), which contains the Sanskrit and Tibetan terms for understanding Buddhist texts has mentioned the footwear as Padavestanika, Pula, Manda-pulah etc. * n Jain scripture Brihat Kalpa Sutra Bhasya the guidelines for the attires and footwear of monks and nuns are given. * Abhidhan Cintamani of Hemchandracharya (11th century) footwear are classified in several categories including Upanat (shoes), Paduka (sandals), Padarakasana etc.* Paduka Sahasram" of Swami Vedantha Desika (1269 AD-1370 AD) contains the 1000 verses on the padukas of Lord Vishnu, whose statue is enshrined in Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple (Tamil Nadu). Physical evidences of the Footwear in India Following sculptures, coins and paintings also throw a light upon the centuries old history of footwear in India: * During the archeological excavation in Chandraketugarh (West Bengal), footwear of 200 BC with raised heel and floral motifs are found. Further, a terracotta sculpture (1st century) also wears a V shape sandal or chappal. * Buddhist statues (3rd & 4th century) of Gandhara are portrayed wearing strapped sandals * Numismatics have found the coins! of Kush an period (130BC to 185AD) and Gupta period (320 to 550 AD), which feature kings wearing full boots. * Ajanta cave paintings (4th to 5th century) also portray the people wearing stockings along with full boots. * n some early Sanchi sculptures (3rd to12th century BCE) foreigners are depicted wearing boots.* Amongst all Hindu deities, only Sun god is portrayed wearing the footwear. Modhera Sun temple ( 11th century CE) of Gujarat shows him wearing a belt and long shoes. The granite Sun statue of Dakshinaarka Sun Temple (13th century) of Gaya depicts him wearing a jacket, waist girdle and high boots. * Bronze statue Chola period (11th to 2th century AD) also depicts the Bharat holding Ram's paduka over his head. Pahari Miniature painting of (17th century) shows Bharat worshiping Ram's paduka. Interesting facts about the footwear Below mentioned are some interesting facts about the footwear in Indian during modern era: * Paduka of Lord Rama are worshiped even now also in Ram Paduka temples situated in Rameshwaram (Tamilnadu), Ramtek (Maharashtra) and other places. * In Chencherimali Temple of South India, devotees carry leather sandals in honor of Lord Subrahmanya (Kartikeya, Murugan), as he is believed to wear leather shoes. His wife Valli is worshiped in form of sandal pairs in Marudhamalai, Chennilais, Palani and Sivanmalai (Tamil Naidu). * In Vithoba festival, pilgrims travel to Pandharpur temple (Maharashtra) carrying the Padukas of saints Tukaram and Dnyaneshwar in a silver palanquin.* In dian oleograph of Ravi Varma (19th century) shows Rama's padukas and sword placed on a throne. * Mahatma Gandhiji learnt the art of handcrafting shoes in South Africa and made a pair of shoes in African jail. While leaving the Africa, he presented shoes to president General Smutts, who was cruel towards Indians. Smutts kept it for 24 years and returned it to Gandhi on latter's 60th birthday. Gandhi also set up a tannery in Sabarmati Ashram (Ahmedabad) and made simple chappal a symbol of India's self-suf! ficiency during 20th century independence movement. About the Author Satyajit Banerjee is an expert writer in handicraft arena and writes for, an eCommerce portal for handcrafted and Handmade products. It offers wide range of products across various categories ranging from women footwear designer bags, Women Apparels, Accessories, Necklaces, Home Dรฉcor products and much more. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Mystical Spirit 3 - Hindu, Buddha, Shinto and BeyondThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 5/23/2012 Posted: 23 May 2012 07:00 AM PDT ![]() "Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~Siddhฤrtha Gautama | ||
If You Love to Meditate Then You Need to Look Into Obtaining Meditation Cushions Posted: 23 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT Article by Annie Deakin For a plethora of years, people that are engaged in meditation have used meditation cushions to enhance their experience. These cushions have a major impact, and make an immense difference of your meditation period being something that you enjoy doing or resulting to something that you simply despise to do. The meditation cushions make your meditation period a lot more enjoyable. They allow you the opportunity to practice solely on the meditating that you are commencing in. You will be able to enjoy a deeper sense of meditation because your body will inadvertently be a in a comfortable stature. When one commences in meditation, they basically are trying to eliminate any outside factors that may interfere with the process. If you find yourself in a state of discomfort then your meditation period will not be everything that it should be. Your main focus should be at the task at hand, not your comfort level. These meditation cushions are commonly referred to as a Zafus. Their underlying purpose to allow the person that is using them to be able to be in a more comfortable predicament during their meditation period. The cushions allow you to consistently be in the lap of comfort during your meditation sessions. They provide the proper amount of support that your body needs to be engaged in. The cushions allow you the opportunity to keep your spine perfectly aligned and they eliminate the cause for any discomfort distractions. Many people who avidly meditate without the utilization of the meditation cushions have reported feeling extreme discomfort in their lower backs; knees and many have also experienced annoying joint pains all over their body. They also reported that they were unable to allow themselves to fall subject to a deep source of meditation as they had intended on doing. Everyone knows that whenever anyone finds themselves in a state of discomfort it can be a daunting task to try to concentrate on what you should be doing. Therefore many people that have ! tried me ditation without the aid of the meditation cushions, often times cease the task because of the comfort level. These people are never able to experience the full extent and joy that meditation can bring to their lives, simply because the overwhelming discomfort takes over. When it comes to choosing what meditation cushions will be right for you, you need to take into account where you engage in your meditation at. If you meditate outside on the hard ground, then obviously you are going to want a softer cushion in order for you to perform the task. Inadvertently the meditation cushion that you decide on will be made to fit your underlying comfort level. So the harder the surface underneath your feet the thicker the cushion should be so it can provide you a maximum amount of comfort when you need it the most. Meditation cushions are an important tool to have to anyone who simply adores the act of meditating. The cushions ensure that your comfort is taken into account, and they will also assure that your spine remains correctly aligned at all times. About the AuthorAnnie is an expert furniture and interior design writer. Her current area of specialism is bedside table,furniture and side table Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Throat Chakra MusicThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Miley Cyrus urges young girls to meditate Posted: 23 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT
The pop star and actress admits she lost her way during a tough period in her life – and started hanging out with people she thought were "cool" in a desperate bid to be just like them. Then she found meditation and realized her best friend is herself – and she urges other confused teenagers to follow her example and get in touch with the real you. Appearing on TV show "The Conversation with Amanda DeCadenet," the former "Hannah Montana" star says … Read the original article » Read More @ Source | ||
Binaural Meditation -Experience Greatly Enhanced Meditation With Binaural Beats Posted: 23 May 2012 05:00 AM PDT Article by Peter Dougan Exactly what are Binaural Beats and how are They Used in Binaural Meditation? The scientific definition for binaural beats is; "auditory brainstem responses that occur in each hemisphere of the brain as the result of two different sound impulses (one to each ear.)" In more simple laymen's terms it is when each of our ears hears a distinct frequency sound at the same time our brain will then change the two into a different frequency. What are a Few of the Benefits to Using Binaural Beats in Meditation? Researchers of the effects of binaural beats on the levels of meditation have found that they are quite effective in creating very deep meditational responses. Most people who are new to meditation have found that they can find their calming center easier than they ever could, using the more traditional meditation techniques. Some people who are more experienced in meditation, (like me) are finding that deep meditation levels are found much more rapidly. We are able to reach heights of deep meditation during our sessions not previously found to be possible. How can Binaural Meditation Help with Meditation? Scientific studies have found that, using subjects new to the technique, after a few binaural beats meditation sessions, the subjects of the study reported experiences including; accelerated learning, increased creativity, more and better sleep, deep relaxation and even lucid dreaming. For the subjects that already had experience in other meditation methods, the use of binaural beats meditation resulted in ultra deep meditational states and an increase in psychic abilities and out of body experiences. Upon hearing about binaural meditation I was a bit skeptical, having quite a bit of experience with meditation I did not think that, other than years of practice, there was any other way to speed up the meditation process. When I had my first experience with binaural beats I was quite surprised. I had come across a free binaural beats download while surfing the n! et one d ay and decided to try it, so I downloaded it and began listening to it using my headphones at my desk. I was incredibly surprised by the intense effect the recordings had on me. As I was listening to the relaxation music I became aware of two distinct sounds being played, one in each ear, within about five minutes I slipped into a deeply relaxed meditation without even realizing it. I found myself ten minutes later staring at the computer screen in such a deep state of relaxation that I did not even realize that the recording had finished. I have repeated this process many times and I am completely confident that the science behind binaural beats meditation will work for anybody. Binaural meditation using binaural beats will work for both people new to meditation and for people with more experience. Binaural beat meditation is a great way for anyone to experience an incredible way to relax, relieve tension and anxiety, and to help you cope with the day to day stress that everyone faces daily in their lives. About the AuthorTo obtain a greater understanding of the excellent benefits of Binaural Beats and Binaural Meditation and to get your FREE sample recordings, please take a moment and visit: you will be amazed at what you discover. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.8Hrs of Rain Sounds II "Sleep Sounds"This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
More Than Just A Sneak Peek Into The Divine World Of Buddha Posted: 23 May 2012 04:00 AM PDT Article by Alecia Williams Spirituality matters a lot to people. Such people are so inclined towards divine powers and divinity that for them there is nothing else beyond that. For people who sleep, eat, walk and talk spirituality, thus, now there is what is popularly known as Buddhist tourism. This type of tourism covers the significant places related to the religion in the country. You can easily go for such a type of tour when you want to get in touch with your spiritual side more closely. A lot remains unexplored about the teachings of Buddha and the rich architecture that the teachings have inspired, most of which are built by his strict follower King Ashoka. You can discover a lot more than you can imagine if you choose to embark on such a divine journey. An experience that will be engraved in your memory is guaranteed if you are a follower of Buddha and his mind awakening teachings. Sites that will take your breath away, sites that were visited by Gautama Buddha himself, sites where his followers teach the lessons of the Buddhism and a lot more is what is in store for the people who are inclined towards Buddhist tourism. Lumbini, Kushinagar and Bodh Gaya are amongst the famous spots in India that are covered by such a tour. The last of them all is located in Bihar and is utterly famous as a toruist spot for many devout Buddhists. This is because Bodh Gaya is known to be the location where Buddha had sat under the tree and acquired enlightenment. It is no necessary that you choose a tour that is restricted merely to India. You are free to go for tours that extend to the world of Buddhism abroad. One such option that you can select is the India Nepal Buddhist Tour. Such a tour not only covers the locations of interest in the Indian sub continent but also beyond into Nepal. Moreover, such a tour only adds to your quest for more knowledge and get closer to Nirvana as you travel. Both countries have attractive spots to offer to their respective Buddhist tourists. But when it comes to a package that! gives y ou the tour that combines the spots of both countries the you are bound to have a twofold enlightening experience. Buddhist tourism is usually taken by the aged folk of the country. But with changing times and the current affinity of many towards this religion, there have been tourists world over who have shown a keen interest in such a tour. People who also just love to travel and enrich their lives with certain religious and spiritual journeys can also go for such a tour. About the AuthorBuddhist tour packages online is a reputed organization of tour and travel in India, Nepal and Thailand etc. We provide tour packages like Buddhist Tourism and India Nepal Buddhist tour for you and your family. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Reiki Meditation - The Four Major Forms Posted: 23 May 2012 03:00 AM PDT Article by Cristian Stan Meditation is a very important part of Reiki - a form of healing practice from Japan. This meditation has some benefits, according to Reiki practitioners, which includes clairvoyance (the ability to foresee things), greater ability of visualization, enhanced relaxation (improves self healing) and a greater awareness. Through meditations your energy is balanced. This balance in your energy helps in your healing process as well as in healing others via "energy attunement". As with any other meditation technique you aren't supposed to force things to happen but rather to "let them flow". This way your frustrations will go away and in return you'll find the inner peace you're looking. It's like in real life - you cannot force the nature to change its course but you need to accept it anyway. There are four major forms of Reiki meditation. Breathing meditation - is the prelude of all the other forms. You need to breathe slowly and focus your mind to Reiki. Another form requires you to breathe normally, which somehow is opposed to the other form of breathing meditation. This form is usually used in the end of the breathing meditation as a transition from one meditative state to another. Visualization - based meditation is another form of meditation from Reiki. The idea is to visualize the Reiki symbol or another object with your 'third eye' as clearly as possible. This form of meditation is done only by those practitioners who have the second degree in Reiki training. Another thing you must visualize in this meditation form is to see your goal. Reiki helps you in achieving your day to day goal, besides healing you. Postural meditation - the third form of Reiki meditation. In this form the practitioner can obtain the meditative state using various postures. This form of meditations is mostly used as a prelude to the other Reiki meditation forms, like breathing meditation which itself is a prelude form of other types of Reiki meditation. This form of meditation may be practice! d sittin g or even lying down. Other postures may be used as well. Moment to moment meditation is the last form of Reiki Meditation. It requires devotion and manifest in the day to day roles of the practitioner. This is based on understanding things like avoiding worry or anger. Understanding and dispatching from these things along with devotion in one's vocation are the keys in a moment to moment meditation form. This form requires a detached attitude from the things mentioned above. You must understand and do all these things in order to be a good Reiki practitioner. About the Author Do you want to become a Reiki master with Reiki courses? Visit TrainingReiki and become a powerful Reiki master with a complete Reiki online training program created by two highly experienced Reiki masters! Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Acquire Power Of Material Abundance, Joy & BlissThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Your Mind Power Is The Product Of Your Goal-Seeking, Goal-Achieving Mind Posted: 23 May 2012 02:00 AM PDT Article by Harold L Lowe The Path Of The Urban WarriorThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Spiritual Growth and Development Posted: 23 May 2012 01:00 AM PDT Article by Patrick Meninga Spiritual growth is the process of evolving our consciousness. What exactly does this mean? We can define spiritual growth in a number of ways: 1) As we grow spiritually, the way that we perceive the world should be changing for the better. For example, in the early stages of our spiritual development, we might take a relatively bad experience that we have and simply chalk it up to being bad luck, and possibly play a victim role in how events unfold. We react to the experience in a negative way and make little or no growth from it. As we make spiritual growth, we can choose better actions to deal with such negative experiences, turning them into positive ones. Instead of playing a victim role when something bad happens, we can reflect and look for the deeper meaning, and try to see our part in how we might have brought such an event on. 2) As we grow spiritually, our attitude shifts for the better, in a number of ways. Spiritual growth isn't so much about changing our world or our lives, but about changing ourselves and how we perceive the world. It is like waking up and seeing the world through "a new pair of glasses," as it says in the AA big book. One way that our attitude changes is in terms of pride and humility. As we make spiritual progress, pride starts to melt away as we realize that we really don't know it all, and that every experience can become a learning opportunity for us if we approach it with genuine humility. People that we might have dismissed in the past come to have new meaning for us, because we know that each person might have a potential lesson to teach us. Pessimism doesn't play well with this idea. Instead, we start looking for the silver lining in things in terms of our experiences and what we might possibly learn from them. 3) Our connections with others change as we grow spiritually. One way that this happens is mentioned above, in that we come to see others as potential teachers. Another way that our relationships change is that we tend t! o place more value on them as we grow, and there is also a tendency towards reaching out and helping others. These ideas replace what is normally selfish and self-seeking behavior that used to dominate our lives. 4) A holistic approach to our life and our overall health comes into being, as we start to realize that everything relates to our spiritual growth. For example, we might start eating better, quit smoking, start exercising, and so on. We see the connectedness of these holistic ideas and realize that we can't make further growth until we address certain problem areas. A balanced lifestyle becomes the goal, as we see how this further helps us to grow spiritually. In addition to these ideas, spiritual growth is also characterized by a growing connection with a higher power, which some might experience through prayer and meditation. We come to learn that our greatest teacher can be either the stranger we meet on the corner, but also the quiet and still mind that we achieve in solitude while meditating. About the AuthorAnd now I'd like to invite you to learn exactly how the creative theory of recovery can help you find spiritual growth. Come visit Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Switching to Night Shift May Cause Weight Gain Posted: 23 May 2012 01:00 AM PDT
Switching from the day shift to working evenings or nights may affect your waistline, according to a new study from Australia, part of a growing body of research indicating working at night can lead to weight gain. Nurses and midwives in the study who switched from working mostly during daylight hours to working odd hours in the evening and night saw an increase in their body mass indexes over a two-year period. In contrast, those who switched from working at night to working in the day had decreases in their BMIs. The findings held even after the researchers took into account factors that could influence a person's weight, including diet quality, physical activity, smoking and alcohol consumption. Isabella Zhao, of the University of Queensland School of Nursing and Midwifery in Brisbane, and colleagues surveyed more than 2,000 nurses and midwives in Australia and contacted them again two years later. Participants were asked to report their normal work hours, as well as their height and weight, which researchers used to calculate their BMIs. (A person with a BMI between 25 and 30 is considered overweight, and a person with a BMI of 30 or higher is considered obese.) Participants who switched from working evenings and nights to working during the day saw their BMIs decrease by 3 units on average. In contrast, participants who continued to work the night shift, or who changed from working the day shift to working the night shift, saw an increase in their BMI of about 0.5 units, the researchers said. Night shift workers may gain weight because their biological clocks are disrupted, Zhao said. Studies have shown that people who work at night produce less leptin, a hormone that signals the body to stop eating, and more cortisol, which has been linked to obesity, Zhao said. However, more research on this topic is needed, Zhao said. Some factors that might have affected the results were not included in the study, such as whether participants suffered from depression, the researchers said. In addition, the researchers did not know at what point during the study the participants changed shifts. The study is published in the May issue of the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Pass it on: Switching shifts from day to night may cause weight gain, while switching from night to day may lead to weight loss. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. Find us on Facebook. | ||
The Divine Altars of Darjeeling Posted: 23 May 2012 12:00 AM PDT Article by Surendra Rawat With the magnificent Kanchendzonga painting the horizon and lush green hills arising from the fertile plain of West Bengal is the Queen of hills known as Darjeeling. It is a tourist haven and has been the attraction of many foreigners and Indian tourists since the advent of time. Known mostly for its scenic beauty and awesome weather conditions, it is flocked by scores of tourists every year. However it is not only the scenic beauty and cool weather that attracts tourists. The majestic and divine temples that stand here have an aura of their own that brings people to be in peace and tranquility at their shrines. With the help of Darjeeling Travel Agent feel the welcoming nature of Darjeeling for people and cultures of all walks of life has made it home to different religious backgrounds. One can find monasteries, temples, churches, mosques and pagodas dotting the beautiful and God fearing hills.North East Darjeeling presents a few among the most well known places of interest and worship here:- Bhutia busty monastery- this Buddhist monastery is one of the oldest monasteries in Darjeeling. Destroyed by the earthquake of 1934, and later rebuilt by the king of Sikkim this is a landmark as old as Darjeeling herself. On visiting the monastery one can sense an aura of peace and tranquility that will leave him feeling blessed by the gods. Also to admire is the great architecture and the paintings on the walls of the monastery. The second floor also houses a library containing many old Buddhist books. Ghoom monastery- on the highest elevation point of Darjeeling was built this age old monastery by Lama Sherab Gyatso in the year 1875. The monastery is from the Gelug school of Buddhism. Centuries old traditions are still instilled in the monks here. Dali monastery- established during the 1900's, this monastery was built by Kyabie Thuksey Rinpoche of the Kargyupa sect. Dali monastery's main aim at the time was to preserve the ancient Buddhist teachings. The brightly painted walls in t! he monas tery are a sight to be seen. "Chams" a religious dance is also performed here on auspicious days of the Buddhist calendar. Japanese temple- the calm aura that this place resonates with is so peaceful and quiet that even footsteps seem too loud. Also known as the Nippozan Myohoji Buddhist temple was established by the Fuji Guru. The temple stands just near the Peace Pagoda and is built in pure Japanese architecture. The philosophy of the temple stands on peace and spirituality. Darjeeling package tours also include the most holy shrines in town such as:- The Mahakal temple- on the apex of the Darjeeling observatory hill is this holy sanctum both for the Hindus and Buddhists. The sound of the bells tolling and ringing combined with the chatter of monkeys altogether gives it its charm and sanctified atmosphere. A number of devotees flock this place to seek blessings and peace in their lives as is bestowed upon this place. Senchal Dham- this temple is located at the highest place in town and is considered to one of the holiest places. The high elevation of this temple adds to the beauty and charm of the temple. The tiger hill observatory is also just a walk away from this temple. Dhirdham Temple- located nearby the town's railway station which is home to the toy train of Darjeeling, a heritage steam engine, lies this holy temple. To look at it resembles the Pashupati temple of Kathmandu and is a temple regularly visited by devotees for blessings and to pay homage. St. Andrews Church- built during the 1800s this colossal church looking over Darjeeling town is a figure that must be seen. The church holds service every Sunday and one can attend it. The building is colossal and has seen centuries pass by bringing changes along with them. Bishops house- this too built during the late 1800s is a wonderful church to see and worship in. Although it lies in the vicinity of town itself, it is remarkably clean and quiet. This particular church has a wonderful canopy of fir an! d other trees sheltering it. This church also served as a summer retreat for the Archbishop of Calcutta. The sanctified aura with the acceptance of the hill towards all visiting or staying has given life to the many temples, monasteries, churches and mosques that have stood centuries along with her. Come feel the sanctity of beautiful Darjeeling as she shows you her religious side with Darjeeling tours. About the AuthorSurendra Rawat is an eminent analyst and writer in Travel & Tourism related topics. He has authored many books on tour guide for Darjeeling tour, North East Darjeeling and North East tours. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Hopiola - Sigur Ros The Buddha Awakes -720p HD (Planet Earth Music)This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Obesity in Pregnancy Strongest Predictor of Large Babies Posted: 23 May 2012 12:00 AM PDT
Obesity during pregnancy is the strongest predictor of whether a mother will give birth to a large infant, a new study from Canada suggests. In the study, the more the woman weighed before pregnancy, and the more weight she gained during pregnancy, the greater her chance of giving birth to a large baby, which can create health problems for the infant and the mother. In general, babies that weigh about nine pounds or more are considered large babies. At the same time, researchers found no association between slightly elevated blood glucose levels — below the level needed to classify a woman as having gestational diabetes — and an increased chance of having a large baby, once researchers took women's weight into account. That finding was significant, since the American Diabetes Association recently lowered the criteria for gestational diabetes so that many more women would be classified as having the condition, in an effort to reach more women at risk of having a large baby. The new criteria have not yet been adopted by U.S. health officials, however; nor have the standards changed in Canada, where the study took place. If weight, rather than glucose levels, turns out to be the most important factor in having a big baby, "lowering the criteria might not be targeting the appropriate problem," said study researcher Dr. Ravi Retnakaran of Mount Sinai Hospital in Ontario. Instead, getting to a healthy weight before pregnancy, and avoiding excessive weight gain in pregnancy, might be more effective ways to reduce the risk, Retnakaran said. "The rate of obesity has increased so much that maybe glucose levels aren't as big a factor as they once were," Retnakaran said. However, Retnakaran said, for women with gestational diabetes, glucose control is very important. The study did not include women with full-blown gestational diabetes. Risks of large babies The health risks babies face when they are born too small have long been familiar, but large babies, too, face health complications, including broken bones during delivery and an increased risk for obesity in childhood and adolescence. Mothers who have a large baby are more likely to suffer labor complications and torn tissue, and are more likely to need a Caesarian section. Gestational diabetes is known to increase the risk of having a large baby, but recent research has shown women without diabetes are also at risk for this complication. To find out what contributes to the risk in these women, Retnakaran and colleagues analyzed information from 472 pregnant Canadians, 368 of them with normal glucose levels, and the other 104 with slightly elevated glucose levels. Researchers considered babies to be large if their weight put them at the 90th percentile or higher among all newborns of their race and gender. The medical term for a large baby is macrosomia. Sixty-eight of the babies born to women in the study were considered large. Women who were overweight before getting pregnant, or who gained excess weight during their pregnancy, were 12 to 16 percent more likely to have large infants. Glucose levels, and levels of fatty acids in the blood, did not affect a woman's risk of having a large infant, the researchers said. Should criteria for gestational diabetes be changed? In 2010, an International Association of Diabetes in Pregnancy study group proposed lowering the criteria for diagnosing gestational diabetes as a way to reduce more women's risk of having a large for gestational-age infant. However, lowering the criteria would mean that many more pregnant women would receive a diagnosis of gestational diabetes. In the United States, the percentage diagnosed with gestational diabetes would increase to 18 percent from 7 percent, according to the American College of Obstetrician and Gynecologists, which has not recommended adoption of the new criteria. The National Institutes of Health is planning a conference on the topic in October. Until we have more research on the cause of large babies, reducing weight and weight gain in pregnant women is a sound recommendation, Dr. Edmond Ryan of the University of Alberta wrote in an editorial accompanying the study. The editorial and the study will be published today (May 22) in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. Pass it on: Weight should be controlled in pregnancy to prevent babies from becoming too big before they are born. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily staff writer Rachael Rettner on Twitter @RachaelRettner. Find us on Facebook. | ||
Leh Ladakh Tour - Explore the high Indus valley's monasteries Posted: 22 May 2012 11:00 PM PDT Article by Travelorganizer Leh Ladakh is known as "cold desert" which is situated in state of Jammu & Kashmir. The snow covered mountain peaks and bewitching beauty are the attractions of the Ladakh. Leh is the famous for Buddhist monasteries. Here is lot of adventures sports like mountaineering, trekking, Camping and water rafting. Leh is approx 1050 Kilometers far from the Delhi. Buses run from Leh to the surrounding villages. The two most famous mountains the Karakoram and the Great Himalayas make Ladakh a much proffered adventure destination. The people are very friendly, hard working and always have a smile on their faces. The main tourist attractions are of Ladakh: LehThe Buddhist monastery is famous in Leh. Mostly people come to visit here for seeing the Lakes, waterfalls. The tourist can do trekking, river rafting, mountaineering and camping in summer. The best time to visit in Leh is June to October. DrassIt is situated at an altitude of 3300 m. above sea level. It can get extremely cold during the winter months and is generally covered with a thick blanket of snow during that time. The tourist can visit here in summer and can get full enjoy. Nubra ValleyIt is located in the north of Leh, the Nubra valley is famous for Bctarian Camels, Khardung-La Pass, the world's highest motorable pass at an altitude of 18380 feet, and the monasteries like Samstaling. Other places of interest in the state are Kargil, Zanskar and Chang Thang. Many travel agencies provide the Leh Ladakh Tour Packages with all facilities. We offer the special facilities to tourist during Leh Ladakh trip. We also offer the best and trusted guide who is guided the visitors. The climate in Ladakh is very dry and the air is freezing cold. Due to the high altitude, the sun rays in this area are very strong, posing a risk of sun burn. The temperature in the area generally remains below twenty seven degrees and can go down to about minus twenty degrees in winter. It actually comes alive during fest! ivals. I f you are passionate about culture, the festive season is the best time to plan your trip and come to here. A number of cultural shows, exhibitions and rituals are a part of these Buddhist festivals. So, Ladakh tour will become the amazing and memorable tour. Tibetan handicraft items including prayer wheels, Buddhist masks and Thangka paintings can be purchased in Ladakh. Handwoven rugs, carpets and shawls are available in a range of prices in Ladakh's markets. The Ladakh tour takes you to the most famous Buddhist monasteries situated on the isolated hillock in the vicinity of the villages. Hemis Gompa is one of the oldest Buddhist monasteries and is the major center of attraction among the visitors. If you are planning to spend your vacation in hill station then you can go for the Leh Ladakh Tour and make your trip amazing and memorable. We offer the budget tour packages. The bewitching beauty of Ladakh is sure to capture the imagination of one and all. About the AuthorMr. Martin is a web specialist associated with Atechnocrat Solution written a quality based article on Travel Agent India, Travel Agency India, Char Dham Yatra, Leh Ladakh Tour, Vaishno Devi Trip, Wild Life Safari, honeymoon packages, Hill station tour. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
People with Diabetes Living Longer Than Before Posted: 22 May 2012 11:00 PM PDT
People with diabetes are living longer, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Between 1997 and 2004, the percentage of people with diabetes who died from any cause dropped 23 percent, and the percentage of people who died from heart disease or stroke dropped 40 percent, the report says. Improved treatments for heart disease, better management of diabetes and healthy lifestyle changes contributed to the decline in death rates, the researchers said. People with diabetes were less likely to smoke and more likely to be physically active than in the past. "Taking care of your heart through healthy lifestyle choices is making a difference," said Ann Albright, director of CDC's Division of Diabetes Translation. However, obesity rates among people with diabetes continued to increase. The researchers analyzed information from nearly 250,000 U.S. adults with and without diabetes. Participants were asked whether a doctor or other health professional had ever told them they had diabetes; whether participants had Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes was not specified. Although adults with diabetes are more likely to die younger than those who do not have the disease, the gap is narrowing. Currently, diabetes is estimated to contribute to an extra two deaths from heart disease per 1,000 people, and an extra six deaths from any cause per 1,000 people, the report said. Because people with diabetes are living longer, and the rate of new cases being diagnosed is increasing, scientists expect that the total number of people with the disease will continue to rise, the CDC says. The number of Americans diagnosed with diabetes has more than tripled since 1980, primarily due to increases in the number of people with Type 2 diabetes, which is closely linked to a rise in obesity, inactivity and older age. The CDC estimates that 25.8 million Americans have diabetes, and 7 million of them do not know they have the disease. "As the number of people with diabetes increases, it will be more important than ever to manage the disease to reduce complications and premature deaths," said study researcher Edward Gregg, chief of epidemiology and statistics in CDC's Division of Diabetes Translation. The study is published today (May 22) in the journal Diabetes Care. Pass it on: Death rates for people with diabetes are on the decline. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHelath_MHND. Find us on Facebook. | ||
Cheap hotels in Australia made the trip easy for budget conscious people. Posted: 22 May 2012 10:00 PM PDT Article by Nancy Eben Australia, the only country in entire continental land, is the world's smallest continent. It is the driest continent on earth that has lowest rainfall in the world but still it has outstanding economies of the world. Australia has become more vibrant city as it has high growth, low interest rate economy and low inflation. It lifestyle completely depicts it to be grown out of western style. It is the most urbanized nation of the world. The central Australia gives you vast and unspoiled wonders of Australia's interior. One can come across wonderful natural beauty in Australia. One of the best shows in town, million-star display at night, attracts people form all around. Increasing number of tourists to this continent has led to the emergence of cheap hotels Australia, so that they can cater to the basic need of travelers at lower price. These hotels in Australia are well equipped with modern facilities and amenities, but being cheaper they could avail only some of their facilities to clients. One can come across several types of recreational facilities like swimming pool, games, and beauty treatments with spa and massages. The wide network of Australia hotels have spread across the city to serve the visitors in the every corner of the mainland. Most of these are concentrated along main tourists attractions for the ease of tourists. Luxury star hotels or cheap hotels Australia can be booked online through several booking agencies. Some of the main spots that are becoming the reason for increase in tourist are:- Great Barrier Reef- it is the most attractive tourists' destination in Australia. It is the world's largest natural feature comprising reefs and islands. One can come across tour to this natural beauty through the towns of Cairns, Townsville or Port Douglas.Red centre- it is not only the physical but also the spiritual center of Australia. The place is famous for world's largest monolith, world famous red rock, Uluru. The rock is best viewed at sunrise and sunset, when ! one can see the change in color in magical way.Sydney- it is most visited destination of Australian tourists. The opera house is framed with unique design and excellent acoustics liked by most of the tourists. Sydney is filed with cultural and fun loving activities. It offers some of the most beautiful beaches and ocean side playground in the entire world.Canberra- it is the capital of Australia. The places can be visited to have a glance over some national buildings like Parliament House, National library, National gallery and war memorials.About the AuthorCheap Australia hotelsPlease Visit:- Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Flu Shots Linked with Lower Stillbirth Rates Posted: 22 May 2012 10:00 PM PDT
Pregnant women who were vaccinated against the flu during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic had a higher chance of having a healthy baby, compared with those not vaccinated, a new study says. Women who received the shot were 34 percent less likely to have a baby that was stillborn, 28 percent less likely to deliver before 32 weeks of pregnancy, and 19 percent less likely to have a baby with low birth weight, compared with women who did not receive the vaccination. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention already recommends the vaccine for pregnant women to protect against the flu, but the correlations between flu shots and lowered rates of stillbirth or early birth were unexpected, said study researcher Ann Sprague, of the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario. The study showed an association; the findings do not suggest that getting the flu shot caused reductions in a baby's health risks, and the results need to be confirmed in future studies. The researchers used information from a Canadian database on the 55,570 single births delivered by mothers in Ontario between November 2009 and April 2010. Of the mothers, 42 percent received the vaccination. The researchers took into account factors such as the mothers' smoking and education levels, but said that still other factors might have influenced the results. In the U.S., stillbirths occur in about one in 160 pregnancies, according to the March of Dimes. Babies born before full term (37 weeks of pregnancy), and those born with low-birth weight, are more likely to have breathing and heart problems, as well as other complications. There were no adverse affects for the mothers or children as a result of the vaccination, in the weeks leading up to or immediately following birth, according to the researchers, who said they will continue to follow the children throughout their first year to further examine the impact of the vaccine. "Pregnant women are generally very, very careful about what they put into their bodies," said study researcher Dr. Mark Walker, senior scientist at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute. The findings will be helpful in discussions that doctors have with their pregnant patients about vaccinations, he said. The findings were published in the June issue of the American Journal of Public Health. Pass it on: The flu shot may not only protect pregnant moms from infection, it might also contribute to healthier births. | ||
Personality Defect Removal - As spiritual practice Posted: 22 May 2012 09:00 PM PDT Article by Sean M. Clarke Introduction to personality defect removal There is a saying in ancient scriptures that the mind is responsible for both man's binding and his ultimate liberation from the cycle of birth-death or happiness-unhappiness. The personality defects in a person are responsible for unhappiness, whereas his qualities are responsible for happiness and contentment. In order to lead a happy life with a sense of permanent safety ad stability and for effective spiritual practice it is essential that the personality defects in an individual are destroyed and qualities are imbibed or developed. Personality defects are the main obstacle in obtaining/experiencing happiness or contentment in one's life. What is personality? While performing any action, when repeatedly same impressions in the sub-conscious mind keep surfacing, they are called as 'personality'. In short, personality means person's nature. In many individuals, the occurrence of this happens so often that one can classify it as qualities or defects. What are personality qualities and defects? Generally, good impressions/habits are called personality qualities and bad impressions/habits are called personality defects. Due to a certain personality aspect, either that individual or another person suffers as a result of his actions. In that case, this is known as that person's personality defect. In this article we will focus more on the removal of personality defects than imbibing qualities as they create hurdles in our progress both worldly and spiritually.Our actions and reactions are dependant on our impressions/habits in our subconscious mind which constitutes our personality. Due to improper actions and reactions, either we face problems or we give problems to others. Therefore, one should pay attention to our actions and reactions in minute detail constantly. Only when we become aware of our shortcomings, we can make a step ahead to accept them, rectify them and improve our personalit! y. The importance of removal of personality defects as spiritual practice The process of removing personality defects from the perspective that they are an impediment in one's spiritual growth is known as 'the process of removing personality defects as spiritual practice'. We all know that a drop of oil cannot merge completely in water. This is because the characteristics of both are very different to each other. So also to achieve the pinnacle of spiritual growth that is God-realisation or merging with God, we need to remove all our personality defects. This is because God has no defects. Summary Even for those who do not have a spiritual aim i.e. God-realisation, just to avoid ill-effects at a physical, psychological, or social and spiritual level and be able to lead a fulfilling life we need to remove our personality defects at least to some extent. Removal of our defects not only makes our personality and the environment around us more conducive to our spiritual practice, but we also start to become an ideal personalty. To know how our mind works, how the impressions are created in our mind and much more visit PersonalityDevelopment To learn about the 'Functional structure of the mind' you can watch this tutorial at spiritualnature About the AuthorSean M. Clarke has been studying and practicing Spirituality with the Spiritual Science Research Foundation (SSRF) over the past 9 years. An MBA graduate from Monash-Mt Eliza Business School, Australia. Sean gave up his regular career as a Strategy and Business Analyst in the technology sector to help co-ordinate dissemination of SSRF research material as a full-time volunteer. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Breathing Problems During Sleep Linked with Cancer Posted: 22 May 2012 09:00 PM PDT
People with sleep apnea — disordered breathing while they slumber — are more likely to develop cancer or to die from it than people with no breathing problems, two new studies suggest. Those who had severe sleep apnea were found to be nearly five times more likely to die from cancer over the 22-year period of one of the studies. In the other study, people with apnea had an increased risk of developing any type of cancer, and those with the most severe apnea had the greatest risk. The new findings seem to agree with studies in animals that show tumor growth is promoted by an inadequate supply of oxygen. The studies found only an association — they do not suggest sleep apnea causes cancer or contributes to its growth, the researchers said. But if future studies confirm the results, diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea in patients with cancer might prolong their survival, said study researcher F. Javier Nieto, of the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health. The studies were presented this week at an American Thoracic Society meeting in San Francisco. Previous studies have linked sleep apnea with increased risks of high blood pressure, heart disease, depression, and early death from any cause. The condition is characterized by pauses in breathing or shallow breathes during sleep, according to the National Institutes of Health. Such pauses can last for seconds to minutes, and often occur five to 30 times or more an hour. At least 1 in 10 people older than 65 has sleep apnea, the NIH says. In the study of cancer mortality rates, Nieto and colleagues analyzed information from 1,522 Wisconsin residents who enrolled in a sleep study in 1989. Every four years, the participants underwent a polysomnography test — an all-night recording of their sleep and breathing — along with other medical tests. The worse the participants' sleep apnea was, the more likely they were to die from cancer during the 22-year study period, the researchers said. Participants with severe sleep apnea were 4.8 times more likely to die than those with sleep breathing problems. The link was stronger among non-obese people than obese people. The results held even after the researchers took into account factors that could affect a person's risk of death from cancer, including age, sex, body mass index (BMI) and smoking. In the other study, researchers in Spain gathered data on 5,246 patients who were diagnosed with sleep apnea in seven Spanish hospitals between 2000 and 2007, and found that 5.7 percent of them developed some type of cancer during the study period. In a separate study, also presented at the meeting, researchers from Spain found that the link between an inadequate supply of oxygen and increased cancer growth was stronger in lean mice than in obese mice. Pass it on: Two new studies associate cancer with sleep apnea. |
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