Northern Buddhism in Its Good and Hard Times
Northern Buddhism in Its Good and Hard Times |
- Northern Buddhism in Its Good and Hard Times
- Stress
- The Second Noble Truth
- Stress may elevate diabetes
- 7 Powerful Meditation Tips to Develop Your Insight and Wisdom
- Inspiration DNA-The Importance Of The Mind And Body Connection
- Synesthesia may explain how some healers can see auras
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- The Second Noble Truth
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Northern Buddhism in Its Good and Hard Times Posted: 07 May 2012 01:00 PM PDT Article by Arjanyai A TRANSITIONIn summary, the Buddhist history as told above can be roughly divided into periods of five hundred years. In the first five hundred years, the original Theravada tradition was strong, and the further development of Buddhism in Theravada countries is the product of this period. The second period saw the prosperity of Mahayana, the rise of its major schools of Madhyamika and Yogacara, and their spread to Central Asia and China where Mahayana flourished and spread further to other northeastern countries. During the third period, the Mahayana degenerated into an unhealthy form of Tantra and lost ground in most parts of India until Buddhism was brought to an end in its homeland by the Turkish invaders in a short time following this period. However, during the same period as the degenerate form of Tantra became influential in India, there developed in China another school of Mahayana called Chan which later spread to Korea and Japan. In Japan it became known as Zen which remains today a main sect of Japanese Buddhism and plays an important role in modern international Buddhism.Thus, while Buddhism had disappeared from India early in the eighteenth Buddhist century, elsewhere it grew in influence, in southern countries as Theravada and in northern countries as Mahayana. Much has been told of the history of the Theravada, but some more account is needed to form a continuous history of the Mahayana. THE EMERGENCE OF CHINESE AND KOREAN BUDDHISMAs stated earlier, Buddhism came to China around BE. 600 (57 C.E.). Three hundred years later, when Buddhism had been firmly established in China, Chinese monks and missionaries carried the message into Korea. In those days Korea was divided into three kingdoms: Silla, Paekche and Koguryu, Buddhism was first introduced into Koguryu in BE. 915 (372 C.E.), then to Paekche, and lastly to Silla thirty years later. In B.E. 1211 (668 C.E.) Silla gained control over the other two kingdoms and ruled the whole Korean peninsula until B.E. 1478 (935 C.E.! ). In China the period of unity under the Sui and Tang dynasties (B.E. 1132-1449/589-906 C.E.) saw the rise and development of most of the Chinese Buddhist sects: Tien-Tai (known in Japan as Tendai), San-Lun (Madhyamika), Yui-Shih (Yogacara Vijnanฺavada as spread by Hsuan-Tsang), Hua-Yen (Avatamsaka, known in Japan as Kegon), Chan (Dhyana, known in Japan as Zen), Ching-tu (Pure Land or Sukhavativyuha), Nan-shan (Vinaya sect) and King-kang-chi (Tantra). Many of these sects spread further to Korea, especially the Hua-Yen, Tien-Tai, Pure Land, Chan and Yogacara sects. In Tang China the Chan school spread widely and became very influential. Under the Silla dynasty, the Buddhism of Tang China entered Korea. There the Yogacara school spread among scholars. But it was the Chan Buddhism that gained popularity. The Silla dynasty was replaced by the Koryo dynasty in B.E. 1478 (935 C.E.). The rulers of the new dynasty were deeply devoted to Buddhism, and under them Korean Buddhism attained the height of its prosperity in the sixteenth Buddhist century. Then Chan Buddhism became most popular in Korea as in China. The other sects were in the course of time gradually blended into it. And it is this Chan school that remains to this day as Korean Buddhism. When Buddhism was destroyed in India in B.E. 1742 (1199 C.E.), Chinese Buddhism was left alone and companionless in the continuation of a living tradition. Moreover, within a short time after that, in B.E. 1823 (1280 C.E.), Kublai Khan established Mongol rule both in China and in Korea. As the Mongolian rulers favoured Tibetan Buddhism, Lamaism became influential in both countries and was a factor in the weakening of Buddhism there. When the local dynasties established themselves in Korea in B.E. 1907 (1364 C.E.) and in China in B.E. 1911 (1368 C.E.), they turned to Confucianism for their nationalistic principles and adopted the policy of suppressing Buddhism. Buddhism, regarded as the barbarian faith, was forbidden to officials and declared undesirable fo! r the co mmon people. Then it declined and decayed both in China and in Korea. In Korea, Buddhist monasteries and temples were banished from the cities and the monks were forced to dwell in mountain and forest retreats. About five centuries later, Buddhism began to gain some strength again when Korea came under Japanese influence and then oc-cupation during the period of nearly 60 years from B.E. 2428 to 2486 (1885 - 1943 C.E.). To spread their doctrine and activities to Korea, the Japanese Buddhist sects built temples and conducted social and educational programmes there. Though their efforts did not meet with much success, they had some effects on the Korean Buddhists. The Korean Buddhist institutions began to feel the need of a revival. They, therefore, united in the task of reforming their community, especially in education and administration. The major Buddhist sect of modern China is Chan. The other sects which also survive are Tien-Tai and Pure Land. But, as the doctrines of these sects have blended together in the Chinese belief and practice, no clear distinction can be made between them. Followers of Chan and Tien-Tai also call upon the name of Amitabha and believe in the Pure Land. The calling-Nan-wu Amito-fo (Namo Amitabhaya Buddhaya, Homage to Amitabha Buddha) - is a common practice in every temple and every home of the Chinese Buddhists today. About the AuthorPhoto slide Love Submit website "Song of Realization" by Choying Drolma & Steve TibbettsThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Posted: 07 May 2012 12:00 PM PDT Article by Gary A. Rath Rationalizing indulgence is always easy in the day to day grind of human life and existence. We have this, now we need that. The negative effects, however, can leave us clamoring as to the how and why of our decisions, relating to that all to familiar phrase; "I am stressed out!". The factors that create stress are endless being all intertwined in the complexity of everyday life. For many it is simply the inability to cope in today's world. Even our sleep patterns are disturbed all the way from tossing and turning, to waking up only to be tired when we do start our day. The term "rest" means just that and yet for all to many it is just the opposite! Stress may stem from a variety of causes: psychological, physiological, genetics, environmental and so on and so forth...the list is endless. The old adage about counting sheep has evolved into just take this pill to help you rest and forget about life's worries and tensions until morning. This picture is horribly out of focus and yet all to many accept it as a way of life. And why not? Advertisements portray some enchanted land we can go to anytime we is so easy! What they forget to tell us is that we have to come back. The stress and tension do not go away. They are just pushed aside from us for awhile only to return. But one thing is for certain; the world we live in fuels these problems. Subconsiously, it is an emotional event, even if it is not noticeable at the surface. The human being...this unbelievable and incredible processor that catalogs and files literally everything that surrounds our life for later retrieval-molds and shapes our individual perspective both positively and negatively from all angles. The interesting thing is that stress has existed since the beginning of time. The prosperity peddlers have long had this figured out. They are getting wealthy at the expense of the future misfortunes of so many others and hope for what they have been programming into society as to seemly have a better life is alway! s the go al. Unfortunately, the real cost and toll are all but ignored. Regardless, of whether it is a more absorbent diaper, a better automobile, a larger home, or a longer and farther vacation, the possibilities are endless. Preaching health, wealth, and success are the trap so many of us have become accustomed to and seemingly no way to escape! Living life wisely is not based on steps of incremental accumulation of things! It is not possible to purchase stress reduction at any cost. All one has to do is look around and see the misery in so many. This misery is a plague on our society and is increasing at an alrming rate with no end in sight. Whether most of the indivuduals who have fallen into the classification of the haves and the have-nots eventually will become victims of this self imposing punishment and torment! The wonderful thing about this type of "stress" is that it can be eliminated and be put in the proper perspective. The truly beautiful picture of life and how it can be and was designed to be does not have to mean one of sacrifice but rather fulfillment beyond expectations and dreams! About the AuthorGary A. Rath is a seasoned, no-nonsense, inspirational, and motivational speaker. His sincere passion, drive, and knowledge for helping others and reaching as many as possible through his outstanding presentations has become a personal goal. For further information contact: Yoga Calm for ChildrenThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Posted: 07 May 2012 12:00 PM PDT
'Every decision is a good decision; you can always make a new decision' says my teacher the Venerable Sangharakshita. I was resistant to the pain of my bad choice. I could not face the pain of knocking on a social worker's door and admitting I had made a stupid decision by living on the streets. And so I numbed my pain with more shoplifting. I got a high out of it, and it made me feel good. So many things had been stolen from me as a young child: my virginity, my spirit, my voice and my feelings. I resisted the pain of this, did not even know how to come into relationship with it at such a young age. So I self-medicated through the buzz of "taking the not given" from shops. Detox Your Heart: and Shoplifting and pickpocketing were my second addictions, that covered up all my toxic and messy feelings. I knew I couldn't continue living this life, and I thought I needed something else to cover up my feelings. I had learned during the brief time with my biological mother not to show or express one bit of emotion or feeling. If I did I was sadistically punished. I had learned to take immense physical pain without flinching. And I was not going to let go of that power. She stole my spirit and it took everything I had inside me to survive her brutality and not leave my body forever. I learned self-hatred, and hatred of her. Self hatred was my first addiction. It was the place of self-pity I fled too. Self-pity rendered me helpless and on the path that led to more suffering. I was passive, I didn't ask for help, just hoped that Jesus Christ or God would rescue me. I got out alive. God didn't rescue me — my school friends finally did — and I was taken away by the police. However I was spiritually dead, with a heart full of hatred. I was unable to speak of my experience for years. I numbed the pain, and on the surface appeared the most together, happiest and sorted adolescent in the orphanage — and I was drowning inside. I became anorexic/bulimic. I had found an acceptable way of dealing with my feelings. Eating and throwing up. The only feeling I had was the physical pain of collapsing on the floor, the battering of my stomach, the hoarseness of my throat. But it soon became unacceptable, and I became an extreme bulimic. All other feelings were stuffed down and then purged out. I had become so skilled at not feeling that I was not aware of the fact that I was suffering. Some say ignorance is bliss, but in retrospect, my ignorance was a delusion. I knew I was unhappy, but all I had known my whole life was unhappiness and, so, I had nothing with which I could compare my unhappy life. And so, in my times of unhappiness, I felt a false happiness, most probably stimulant or alcohol-fueled. The origin of suffering is attachment. What was I attached to? I had spent a whole lifetime in my late teens and early adulthood running away from all the attachments in my life―or so I thought. I ran away from all the orphanages I was placed in. As soon as something difficult came up I was out of the door like a flash of lightning, and lived on the streets. I had no possessions, just a heart full of toxic luggage. I had become attached to not feeling; as soon as a whiff of sadness arose, I pushed it back down so that I would not have to feel it. I was only allowing myself to feel the highs in my life, but even when I felt good, I would squash that feeling too. It was too scary to inhabit such exciting feelings. The smile had been beaten off my face, and trampled into the ground by my biological mother. I was not allowed to be happy or sad. Pushing down all feelings had saved my life. Ironically this was my path that led me to more suffering. Of course there are many other things that can put people on the path of suffering. Ignorance is the lack of understanding of how our minds are attached to impermanent things. We are not aware of the fact that our desire, passion, pursuit of wealth, or prestige, striving for fame, and desire for popularity are all paths that lead to more suffering. Why should we not strive for these things? If we are to live life in the present, accepting the impermanence of all these things, living an ethical life, some of these things may naturally occur as a result of our insight. The reality is such that there is no way to happiness. Rather, happiness is the way. Happiness is what people like Tom Maggliozzi and Rakesh Sarin call reality minus expectations. I most definitely did not find my way by anesthetizing myself from life's dramas, nor did I find it through the use of stimulants either, or in night clubs. Instead, I found it deep inside myself. The resentments, anger, fear and hatred in my heart muddied my happiness. I was unable to let go of the expectations of my reality, of things that I thought should have happened in my childhood. It was too painful to accept what had happened, and so I felt rage, anger and blamed. I had to do what Pema Chรถdrรถn advises, and lean into the pain, stop fending it off with my addictions and feel the pain. I had to learn that in pain there is joy, and that in joy there is pain. I had to empty myself of my addictions, and sit in the gap. Learning to be with the emptiness of our lives, with the meaningless, the unknown, and the questions of what life is about, is a practice of patience. How many of us are patient, prepared to sit in the gap and reflect on these questions? It is easier to reach for something to put in our mouths or in front of our eyes, and to distract ourselves from the fact that life is fleeting and out of our control. Distractions and mood-altering substances point us in the direction of the path of suffering, and also the denial of impermanence leads to more suffering. Our denial, our distractions, are all part of the resistance that multiplies our pain. Letting go of our thoughts before they become thinking can help us step off the path that leads to more suffering. We are the maestros of our suffering. We can determine how much suffering we create for ourselves and how much we want to get lost on the path that leads to more suffering. And it is possible to be happy without the addictions many of us have. To say we have no addictions is a delusion. Addiction can be when you cling onto something to such an extent that its cessation causes suffering or severe trauma. Living can become an addiction: we are attached to life, our health, our youthfulness. In that realization, there is much insight. We can also meditate for positive emotion and integration, and become attached to this state of being. Or we can step on the path of spiritual death and spiritual rebirth that will truly take us to a place of enlightenment. Suffering can bring us to this realization. There is hope for the addict. Some psychotherapists say that some addicts are experiencing a spiritual emergency. Whatever the addict is going through, the fact is that it can be through the recovery from our addictions that we can turn our lives around. We can move beyond recovery and tread on the path of irregular steps to take us beyond self clinging and liberation. We can step onto the noble eight fold path. Read More @ Source | |||
Posted: 07 May 2012 11:00 AM PDT Article by Web2indya Since Yoga is considered a science that helps in the all-round development of a human, it can be effectively used for the betterment of diabetes patients. It is an extensive exercise that involves busting of stress and providing peace of mind. One of the contributing factors of Diabetes is stress. Given the modern lifestyles, most people find themselves amid a sea of tension and stress. It is difficult for them to avoid stress altogether. However, if the treatment of Diabetes and stress busting go hand in hand, the patient can still lead a fairly normal life. This requires major modifications in his lifestyles. This is exactly where Yoga can become an effective tool. One of the major focuses of Yoga is to bring about the ideal features of a healthy body. It means a proportionate body, which is strong enough and can fight with ailments. Various Yogasanas help attain this position in a very systematic manner. Similarly, the mental, intellectual and emotional conflicts are also taken care of with the help of Yoga. While studies have shown that intellectual and emotional states of mind have a bearing on the progression of this disease, they have also emphasized that stress reduction can help in the better management of glycemic control. If this target is achieved, diabetes can be controlled effectively. While a lot is talked about yoga, yoga is not just theory. It needs to be practiced. To make its practice easy and correct, has used movies and slide shows to provide information. Some very useful and credible information about the role of Yoga in treatment of Diabetes is effectively showcased on There is a full movie section on Yoga apart from a slide show at the Online Class section. All these are divided into two major areas- for beginners and for people who are already doing basic level Yoga. The section gives not only theory but also practical implementation of Yogasanas through visual aids. The exper! ts featu ring on the show have presented clear and detailed demonstration of Yogasanas, making them easier to practice. In addition, the section also has an exclusive visual presentation on Pranayam that features the various advantages and practical implementation of this Yogasana. Another very useful section involves the Padmasana and Tadasana-two very effective Yoga exercises. As per Dr Sunil M Jain, there is another side also which must be remembered. Any activity involving holding of breath may increase pressure in eye ball. Thus patients who have damage to retina [Diabetic retinopathy] should avoid any Yoga exercises like Pranayam etc that involve holding of breath. Thus, stress management with the help of Yoga may be useful in getting better control over Diabetes. About the AuthorThe author is an experienced health writer and journalist with an enthusiastic interest in, diabetes online classes and Virtual tour of diabetes The Real Secret to Life - MoojiThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
7 Powerful Meditation Tips to Develop Your Insight and Wisdom Posted: 07 May 2012 10:00 AM PDT | |||
Inspiration DNA-The Importance Of The Mind And Body Connection Posted: 07 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT Article by Khai NG Our mind is a supreme state where we're capable of connecting and identifying ourselves with our soul and even with our godly Maker. Our mind is focused on our assorted notions and faith and is really crucial for our happiness and gratification in life while our body also understands about the physical conditions that we exist in. Although a few trust that our mind is a state that supersedes our body and lies on the far side of it, in real life one needs to ask the question whether or not our mind can live on without our body. If someone has the notion that our mind is beyond the domain of matter and has no connectivity to our body that we exist in they're incorrect. Although our mind helps us understand and connect with our soul and help us comprehend our inner self and give our being a meaning, it's essential to comprehend that our mind can't supersede our body and dwell beyond it. That said, in actuality, you require both mind and body to have a symbiotic relationship with the two each feeding the other and being responsible for the other's existence and in turn helping bestow harmony to our lives and well-being to our mind. If our mind and our body are not on good terms with each other, a detrimental state of mind can develop when we're going through any trouble or stress in life, then it has a harmful effect on both these elements and successively, it has a relative effect on our state of well-being. Our mind will be occupied with worry and is perpetually in a state of agitation. However, if you work towards chasing away these forces that are pulling in agitation and disharmony to the coexistence of our mind and our body, you'll see that matters start to improve and you're bringing these two factors to par with one another and so causing a sense of contentment and satisfaction superseding the dissatisfaction and agitation that was present before. So, it's of extreme importance to recognize that our mind can't exist on the far side of the realm of our body ! and each takes the other to strike a balance and add a semblance to the scales of life. Without comprehending and using this universal truth in our daily affairs, we won't be able to impart a meaning to our lives and bring happiness and contentment to our world. This is something that each one of us shoots for and the sooner we recognize this truth, we can lead a much more euphoric and fulfilled life, free from headaches and agitation of the wavering mind. About the AuthorKhai is a marketing expert that makes big money by turning competitive niches into zero competition for a home business opportunity. Check here to find out more about Inspiration DNA and what it can do for your business and your life. | |||
Synesthesia may explain how some healers can see auras Posted: 07 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT
In synesthetes, the brain regions responsible for the processing of each type of sensory stimuli are intensely interconnected. Synesthetes can see or taste a sound, feel a taste, or associate people or letters with a particular color. The study was conducted by the University of Granada Department of Experimental Psychology รscar Iborra, Luis Pastor and Emilio Gรณmez Milรกn, and has been published in the journal Consciousness and Cognition. This is the first time that a scientific explanation has been provided for the esoteric phenomenon of the aura, a supposed energy field of luminous radiation surrounding a person as a halo, which is imperceptible to most human beings. In basic neurological terms, synesthesia is thought to be due to cross-wiring in the brain of some people (synesthetes); in other words, synesthetes present more synaptic connections than "normal" people. "These extra connections cause them to automatically establish associations between brain areas that are not normally interconnected," professor Gรณmez Milรกn explains. New research suggests that many healers claiming to see the aura of people might have this condition. The case of the "Santรณn de Baza" One of the University of Granada researchers remarked that "not all 'healers' are synesthetes, but there is a higher prevalence of this phenomenon among them. The same occurs among painters and artists, for example." To carry out this study, the researchers interviewed some synesthetes including a 'healer' from Granada, "Esteban Sรกnchez Casas," known as "El Santรณn de Baza". Many local people attribute "paranormal powers" to El Santรณn, because of his supposed ability to see the aura of people "but, in fact, it is a clear case of synesthesia," the researchers explained. According to the researchers, El Santรณn has face-color synesthesia (the brain region responsible for face recognition is associated with the color-processing region); touch-mirror synesthesia (when the synesthete observes a person who is being touched or is experiencing pain, s/he experiences the same); high empathy (the ability to feel what other person is feeling), and schizotypy (certain personality traits in healthy people involving slight paranoia and delusions). "These capacities make synesthetes have the ability to make people feel understood, and provide them with special emotion and pain reading skills," the researchers explain. In the light of the results obtained, the researchers remarked on the significant "placebo effect" that healers have on people, "though some healers really have the ability to see people's 'auras' and feel the pain in others due to synesthesia." Some healers "have abilities and attitudes that make them believe in their ability to heal other people, but it is actually a case of self-deception, as synesthesia is not an extrasensory power, but a subjective and 'adorned' perception of reality," the researchers state. Read More @ SourceJapan disaster child volunteersThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Posted: 07 May 2012 08:00 AM PDT Article by Cucan Pemo Easy to Learn MeditationThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Posted: 07 May 2012 08:00 AM PDT
'Every decision is a good decision; you can always make a new decision' says my teacher the Venerable Sangharakshita. I was resistant to the pain of my bad choice. I could not face the pain of knocking on a social worker's door and admitting I had made a stupid decision by living on the streets. And so I numbed my pain with more shoplifting. I got a high out of it, and it made me feel good. So many things had been stolen from me as a young child: my virginity, my spirit, my voice and my feelings. I resisted the pain of this, did not even know how to come into relationship with it at such a young age. So I self-medicated through the buzz of "taking the not given" from shops. Detox Your Heart: and Shoplifting and pickpocketing were my second addictions, that covered up all my toxic and messy feelings. I knew I couldn't continue living this life, and I thought I needed something else to cover up my feelings. I had learned during the brief time with my biological mother not to show or express one bit of emotion or feeling. If I did I was sadistically punished. I had learned to take immense physical pain without flinching. And I was not going to let go of that power. She stole my spirit and it took everything I had inside me to survive her brutality and not leave my body forever. I learned self-hatred, and hatred of her. Self hatred was my first addiction. It was the place of self-pity I fled too. Self-pity rendered me helpless and on the path that led to more suffering. I was passive, I didn't ask for help, just hoped that Jesus Christ or God would rescue me. I got out alive. God didn't rescue me — my school friends finally did — and I was taken away by the police. However I was spiritually dead, with a heart full of hatred. I was unable to speak of my experience for years. I numbed the pain, and on the surface appeared the most together, happiest and sorted adolescent in the orphanage — and I was drowning inside. I became anorexic/bulimic. I had found an acceptable way of dealing with my feelings. Eating and throwing up. The only feeling I had was the physical pain of collapsing on the floor, the battering of my stomach, the hoarseness of my throat. But it soon became unacceptable, and I became an extreme bulimic. All other feelings were stuffed down and then purged out. I had become so skilled at not feeling that I was not aware of the fact that I was suffering. Some say ignorance is bliss, but in retrospect, my ignorance was a delusion. I knew I was unhappy, but all I had known my whole life was unhappiness and, so, I had nothing with which I could compare my unhappy life. And so, in my times of unhappiness, I felt a false happiness, most probably stimulant or alcohol-fueled. The origin of suffering is attachment. What was I attached to? I had spent a whole lifetime in my late teens and early adulthood running away from all the attachments in my life―or so I thought. I ran away from all the orphanages I was placed in. As soon as something difficult came up I was out of the door like a flash of lightning, and lived on the streets. I had no possessions, just a heart full of toxic luggage. I had become attached to not feeling; as soon as a whiff of sadness arose, I pushed it back down so that I would not have to feel it. I was only allowing myself to feel the highs in my life, but even when I felt good, I would squash that feeling too. It was too scary to inhabit such exciting feelings. The smile had been beaten off my face, and trampled into the ground by my biological mother. I was not allowed to be happy or sad. Pushing down all feelings had saved my life. Ironically this was my path that led me to more suffering. Of course there are many other things that can put people on the path of suffering. Ignorance is the lack of understanding of how our minds are attached to impermanent things. We are not aware of the fact that our desire, passion, pursuit of wealth, or prestige, striving for fame, and desire for popularity are all paths that lead to more suffering. Why should we not strive for these things? If we are to live life in the present, accepting the impermanence of all these things, living an ethical life, some of these things may naturally occur as a result of our insight. The reality is such that there is no way to happiness. Rather, happiness is the way. Happiness is what people like Tom Maggliozzi and Rakesh Sarin call reality minus expectations. I most definitely did not find my way by anesthetizing myself from life's dramas, nor did I find it through the use of stimulants either, or in night clubs. Instead, I found it deep inside myself. The resentments, anger, fear and hatred in my heart muddied my happiness. I was unable to let go of the expectations of my reality, of things that I thought should have happened in my childhood. It was too painful to accept what had happened, and so I felt rage, anger and blamed. I had to do what Pema Chรถdrรถn advises, and lean into the pain, stop fending it off with my addictions and feel the pain. I had to learn that in pain there is joy, and that in joy there is pain. I had to empty myself of my addictions, and sit in the gap. Learning to be with the emptiness of our lives, with the meaningless, the unknown, and the questions of what life is about, is a practice of patience. How many of us are patient, prepared to sit in the gap and reflect on these questions? It is easier to reach for something to put in our mouths or in front of our eyes, and to distract ourselves from the fact that life is fleeting and out of our control. Distractions and mood-altering substances point us in the direction of the path of suffering, and also the denial of impermanence leads to more suffering. Our denial, our distractions, are all part of the resistance that multiplies our pain. Letting go of our thoughts before they become thinking can help us step off the path that leads to more suffering. We are the maestros of our suffering. We can determine how much suffering we create for ourselves and how much we want to get lost on the path that leads to more suffering. And it is possible to be happy without the addictions many of us have. To say we have no addictions is a delusion. Addiction can be when you cling onto something to such an extent that its cessation causes suffering or severe trauma. Living can become an addiction: we are attached to life, our health, our youthfulness. In that realization, there is much insight. We can also meditate for positive emotion and integration, and become attached to this state of being. Or we can step on the path of spiritual death and spiritual rebirth that will truly take us to a place of enlightenment. Suffering can bring us to this realization. There is hope for the addict. Some psychotherapists say that some addicts are experiencing a spiritual emergency. Whatever the addict is going through, the fact is that it can be through the recovery from our addictions that we can turn our lives around. We can move beyond recovery and tread on the path of irregular steps to take us beyond self clinging and liberation. We can step onto the noble eight fold path. Read More @ SourceDalai Lama: Inner Peace, Happiness, God and MoneyThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
One Simple Way to Impress: Do What You Say You'll Do Posted: 07 May 2012 07:00 AM PDT ![]() Over the past week, two people have – independently – thanked me for simply doing what I said I'd do. In a perfect world, we'd take it for granted that people would actually come through on their promises and commitments. But in the real world, it's the sad truth that many people – in business and in their personal lives – don't always put their words into action. You probably know a few people who always talk big, but never come through for you. Perhaps they promise to help out, and let you down at the last minute. Maybe they're constantly running late. And, over time, you realize that this is just a habit with them: you can't rely on them to do what they've said they'll do. Of course, none of us are perfect. I know I've had times when I had to reluctantly back out of a commitment, and I expect you have too. Stuff comes up. Problems happen. But you want to do everything you can to be a man or woman of your word. Here's how:
Like I said before, none of us are perfect – we've all over-committed at times, or just plain forgotten to do something that we'd agreed to. And sometimes emergencies crop up. But if you make a sincere, consistent effort to do what you've said you'll do, you'll find that you're seen as someone reliable and trustworthy – the sort of person who bosses love to promote and who clients love to work with. If you've got any tips to share on this, just leave a comment below.
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Relaxation Techniques for Stress Management Posted: 07 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT Article by James Maya In these busy times, it is impossible for us not to experience stress at the end of a long day. Some people would say that they are already immune to the effects of stress in their body. What they do not know is that, stress reduction is very essential in maintaining a healthy mind and body. It's true that no one can live a stress-free life, but there are actually things that you can do in order to alleviate stress. Relaxation therapy is composed of simple and natural techniques that can help relax the body while dealing with a stressful life. It includes progressive muscle relaxing, deep breathing, meditation and music therapy. All of these are no brainer techniques that you can actually do while you're on a quick break at work. In order for you to reduce stress, you should practice relaxation therapy on a daily basis. If you do it regularly, your body will learn to relax easier and faster. This form of therapy gives you significant benefits that can make your body healthier and more alive. Relaxation therapy relieves anxiety and muscle tension which can also help in decreasing or lowering down blood pressure. If you're experiencing insomnia because of the hyperactive nature of your work, relaxing and deep breathing can actually help you have a good sleep and reduces the fatigue that you feel. You can also choose to play therapeutic songs on your playlist like classical music to help your mind relax. This therapy help enhance your focus, concentration and memory which are very important when dealing with your daily task. Relaxation techniques are very beneficial in giving you a more relaxed mind and body. So, if the going gets tough, set aside your task for a couple of minutes and give yourself a few deep breaths. It's simple but it can give you dramatic benefits. About the AuthorJames Maya is a seasoned web content writer for nearly four years now. He specializes on various topics including health, fitness and travel. You can visit his newly launched website at Buy a Treadmill. Here you can find a selection of Reebok Treadmills and other top quality brands suitable for your fitness needs. | |||
Posted: 07 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT Some scholars of Buddhism seem to forget that vidya and avidya (P., avijjรข), which come from the root √VID, can also mean, complete, acquire, and obtain besides just knowledge. By putting the prefix a in front of vidya, which makes avidya, we get the general sense of being incomplete—even a kind of restlessness or blind striving. Taking avidya as generally meaning 'incomplete' or as a 'failure to obtain', rather than 'ignorance', helps overcome the problem between desire (trisna) and ignorance (avidya) as primary causes of our suffering. It is worth noting that Stress Reduction commentators "have claimed that "craving" [trisna] also means "ignorance" [avidya] (and "ignorance" also "craving")" (Tilmann Vetter, The Ideas and Meditative Practices of Early Buddhism, p. 47). (Brackets are mine.) To unpack this a bit more, looking at the Four Noble Truths, the cause of suffering is desire or thirst. But when we look at the twelve links (dvadasa-nidana) in which desire or thrist is the eighth link, avidya is at the top. But if we understand avidya as being more like blind striving by which ultimate reality is constantly covered then we can think of the eighth link as a specific aspect of avidya. It would be more akin to sensual desire which helps to doom us to rebirth and suffering insofar as we desire the corporeal which is synonymous with suffering.
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10 Ways to Ease Anxiety and Reduce Stress Posted: 07 May 2012 05:00 AM PDT Article by Jane Artisan Anxiety attacks aren't always composed of sudden, debilitating bouts of depression, melancholia, and worry like some people would have us think. As a matter of fact, anxiety and stress is at it's most troubling when it creeps up on us slowly, in the course of our daily lives. Instead of being a hammer blow of fear and stress, the most telling forms of anxiety are more like sand caught between the gears of a machine, that wear away at it gradually until it stalls or falls apart. To that end, dealing with anxiety is best done BEFORE the breakdown. For people who are already in the heavier stages of anxiety, it's best to seek professional counseling. However, for most of us, it's not too late to do something personally to relieve our stressors before they get more serious. Here are ten tips to take that can help you in that direction. 1) Concentrate on the Solution, Not the Problem - Most people's anxieties come from thinking so much about what's going wrong that they lose track of what they can do to set it right. Focusing on trying to find a positive solution to a problem is not only more productive, it also helps you to keep your mind off the potential "bad things" that can happen and stress you out. 2) Focus on Logic - anxiety or stress is a product mainly of our emotions. Whenever any stressful situation crops up, our first natural responses are with emotion, wether it be elation, laughter, worry, or pain. When troubles arise, deal with the problem logically instead of emotionally. This allows your solutions to be both more effective and unaffected by personal biases, as well as avoiding anxiety. 3) Find a Hobby - this is a simple thing to implement. Hobbies may, to some people, seem to be a waste of time and resources. However, hobbies, wether in the form of music, exercise, reading a book, or whatever, allow us to relax and take our minds off the "daily grind" that can contribute so much to our anxieties. Nothing is too "silly" to be a hobby, as long as you actually li! ke doing it. 4) Improve Your Sense of Humor - it's actually a truism that laughter is one of the best medicines in the world. Taking things TOO seriously causes a lot of anxiety. Fussing over any and everything is a surefire way to getting wrinkles before you're old (which add their own worries and anxiety). Learn to laugh at the world, the things around you, and even (perhaps most importantly) yourself and your worries. If you can find something funny in even the dumbest things that happen to you, your anxieties will collectively pack up and leave for an extended vacation. 5) Baby Steps - when handling situations, remember to take things one step at a time. Trying to plan everything far in advance makes you lose track of the present, and you wind up worrying over things that haven't even happened yet. There's nothing wrong with having contingencies for almost every possibility, but it's best to focus on the here and now. Looking too far ahead down a road tends to make you miss the banana peel at your foot... 6) Murphy's Law Has a Point - okay, so maybe the saying "what can go wrong will go wrong" isn't something designed to make you relax. However, this can be modified in a certain fashion. Things DO happen from time to time that we would rather didn't. You have two choices: agonize over them (and give yourself anxiety, heartburn, and hemmoroids) or just do something about it. Work on and plan for the things you know you can do something about, and just shrug off and deal with the things you can't. 7) Half Full or Half Empty? It's BOTH! - most people say "think positive" to deal with anxiety. This isn't always possible. Blind optimism that things WILL work out will cause tons of anxiety when they eventually DON'T. On the other hand, cynicism and a certainty that things will go boom in your face isn't a healthy way to think either. Hope for the best but don't expect it, and plan for the worst without letting worries over it bog you down. 8) Hamsters are Your Friends - okay, I'm half! -joking. Actually, it's true that people who keep pets, especially warm, fuzzy, loveable ones, tend to get their stress knocked out by the antics of their little buddies. If you're not an animal lover though, feel free to reject this option. 9) Avoid Music and Movies that Kick Your Butt - there are certain times life has a soundtrack. When we've just been ditched, it's almost a dead certainty that the radio will play something sappy and viciously appropriate. However, we don't have to go out of our way to amplify this cosmic phenomenon. If your anxieties are caused by worries over street violence and the safety of your children, for example, don't watch a movie about gang wars, or you'll wind up locking your kids away in the basement till they're 20-something. They won't like that unless you include an ample supply of beer, potato chips, video games, and porn. Not a good idea. 10) Avoid Paranoid People - birds of a feather, and all that... you know the saying. Well, if you have anxieties about certain things, don't hang around with people stuck in the same rut who spend all their time whining about it. Find people who have gone through the things that bother you but have come through it with their skins intact. You'll learn useful things, AND you will know that no matter how bad things get there's always an end in sight. We hope these stress reduction tips will provide some useful tools and tips to reduce anxiety to a manageable level. About the AuthorJane Artisan is a stay at home mom and has been writing articles and building websites on various topics for quite some time. Check out her newest on the Bissell carpet cleaner. She built an information site on Bissell steam cleaners. ZenfulTV - Episode Two - Abdominal BreathingThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 5/7/2012 Posted: 07 May 2012 05:00 AM PDT ![]() "If you determine your course with force or speed, you miss the way of the Dharma. Quietly consider what is right and what is wrong. Receiving all opinions equally, without haste, wisely, observe the Dharma." ~Shakyamuni Buddha | |||
Delhi Taxi Service - Save Your Precious Time and Relax On The Way Posted: 07 May 2012 04:00 AM PDT Article by Shubhammehta006 India is a gorgeous country with all sorts of tourists' attractions. They include beaches, palaces, forts, religious spots, wildlife sanctuaries, trekking spots, deserts, backwater regions, mountains, hill stations and so on. Large number of tourists visit the country from all over the world and also from within the country. They require Delhi taxi service that can take them to the desired destination and pick them up from your doors as per your request. The delhi taxi service value your time and make sure that you reach your desired destination well in time. They understand the meaning of being on time and strive hard to make you reach in time for that important meeting or the scheduled flight. Diverse models of vehicles are available at different rates and can be obtained on rent from several operators all over the country. You must keep in mind your budget and safety when you want to hire taxi on rent. These taxi services hire only professional and trained drivers who hold a license and have completed a formal practical training in defensive driving and safety. These modern vehicles and professional drivers ensure that the person who is travelling is safe and comfortable in the taxi. This makes sure that you maintain long term relationship as they provide you with the best rates and services for your money. The delhi taxi services pick you up from your place and drop you at your destination on your request. If you are one of those who travel frequently, you must make sure that the taxi that you hire is comfortable and reliable. This enables you to turn to these agents whenever you need a taxi. These agents understand your need to reach your destination swiftly and safely. The country has developed a highly efficient tourism system in all its towns and cities. The agents who offer reliable taxi services also provide profitable tour packages that include maximum tourist destinations in minimum budget. They also provide cars or rent to visit the cities around the capit! al of In dia. They include trips to Shimla, Agra, Rajasthan, Chandigarh and Amritsar. It is up to you whether you want to see the astounding Taj Mahal or the forts of Jaipur, these taxi services are available just on a call. The delhi taxi service have been devised for people who need the comfort of their own car while travelling but either do not own one or do not want to risk them for a long drive. About the AuthorShubham Mehta is one of the best service provider of Delhi Taxi Service. We are provide to fast & easy Cab Service. Just dial toll free no. 88000 95845 or fill our online booking form delhi taxi service, cab facility in delhi, cheap taxi service , cheap taxi available and delhi taxi. For more information visit here: | |||
Posted: 07 May 2012 03:00 AM PDT Article by PK Jha Ladakh has many historic monasteries called Gompas, some of them are 4/5 hundreds years old are places for Buddhist monks and nuns to live, to study and to practice their religion. The monasteries of Ladakh are situated in scenic locations, and on hill-tops and mountains. Some monasteries have rich collections of Buddhist Thangka paintings, art and architecture. Most of the monasteries are open to tourists who can admire the architecture and art collections of these Gompas. Monasteries in Ladakh may be either of the Mahayana or the Hinayana sect of Buddhism. The monasteries of Ladakh are unique flavor and beauty of this cold desert region.Hemis Gompa: The biggest monastery in Ladakh located 45 Km to the south of Leh. It was built in 1630 and houses monks of the Red Hat sect (Mahayana Buddhism). Tourists can see beautiful paintings on the walls and the largest Thangka painting in Ladakh, which is over 12 m in length. The Hemis Gompa is famous for its annual Hemis festival held in June or July, which is commemorating the birth anniversary of Guru Padmasambhava, the founder of Tibetan Buddhism by the colorful mask dances. Dancers wearing brightly colored masks that represent good and evil characters, perform an ancient tale of the victory of good over evil. The Festival also includes a exciting market where craftsmen sell handcrafted items.Shankar Gompa: It is located 2 km north of the town center of Leh. The Gompa belongs to the Gelukpa order and has an impressive impression of the Buddhist deity Avalokiteshwara Padmahari with 1,000 arms and heads. Shanti Stupa: It was built by a Japanese Buddhist organization to commemorate 2500 years of Buddhism and to promote World Peace. The Shanti Stupa was inaugurated by H.H. Dalai Lama in 1985. You can approach the monastery by a steep flight of steps or by a 3 Km route from the Fort Road. The views of the sunset and sunrise from the Shanti Stupa are spectacular.Namgyal Tsemo Gompa: It was constructed in 1430. This historic gompa has a rich collection of Bud! dhist ar t and manuscripts and an image of Buddha. It is 3 stories high. There is a ruined fort a.k.a. Leh Palace ahead of the monastery, from where you can see panoramic views of Leh Town.Lamayuru Gompa: It is located on a high rocky projection and founded in the 10th century, which overlooks a valley and the village of Lamayuru, 125 Km west of Leh. It is also called the Yung Drung or Swastika monastery. It has a many Thangka paintings in its main hall. The annual festival of Lamayuru Monastery is held every summer on the 28th and 29th days, of the 2nd month of the Tibetan calendar. As the legend goes; Lamayuru was a lake. It was blessed by a Lama after which the water of the lake receded up to the mountains leaving place for the monastery to be built. Lamayuru has charming caves carved out of the mountainside. For sheer spectacle value no other gompa can match Lamayuru Shey Monastery: It is situated on a hillock 15 km south of Leh. Shey Gompa was previously the summer palace of the Ladakhi kings. A prince of Ladakh Deldan Namgyal installed the 12 m tall gold-plated copper statue of Sakyamuni Buddha in 1633 as a funerary memorial to his father, king Singee Namgyal, which can be seen here. The Shey Gompa celebrates its annual festival on the 30th day of the 1st month of the Tibetan calendar.Likir Monastery: The Likir Monastery a.k.a. the Klu-Kkhjil or "water spirits" Gompa is situated 52 Km from Leh. It was founded in 11th century. The Gompa was burnt down in the 15th century, the present Gompa is an 18th century construction and houses monks of the Gyalukpa sect. The Likir monastery has a rich collection of paintings, ceremonial dress and artifacts. The Likir Festival is held from the 17th to 19th of the 12th month of the Tibetan Buddhist calendar (Lunar calendar).Spituk Monastery: It is perched on a high hill overlooking the Indus river about 18 Km from Leh. Rinchen Zangpo the Great Translator who helped in spreading Buddhism in Ladakh named the monastery. (Spituk means exemplary). The Spituk monastery is known! for its collection of Buddhist artifacts and for the Spituk festival held from the 17th to 19th days of the 11th month of the Buddhist calendar. On the top of the hill is a Mahakal Temple, where a fearsome huge image of Vajrabhairava is unveiled once a year at its annual festival.Thiksey monastery: It is one of the finest examples of Ladakh's architecture. It is located 20km from Leh. It is 12 storey high and has many statues of Buddha, a pillar inscribed with Buddhist teachings. Maitreya Buddha of 15 m high seated in the main prayer hall. It has a vast collection of Buddhist art. Home to monks of the Gelukpa order the Thiksey monastery is known for its annual festival held from the 17th to 19th day of the 12th month of the Tibetan calendar. Alchi Gompa: It is situated on the right bank of the River Indus and is easily accessible since it is the only Gompa in Ladakh, which is located on flat ground. It was founded by Ringchen Zangpo, the great translator. Alchi Gompa has a Kashmiri influence in its art and architecture. Within the monastery you can see many beautiful images of Buddha.Gurphuk Gompa: A branch of Spituk Monastery is a little away from the Stok palace, and only 14 km southeast of Leh. It is famous for its festival "Guru Tsechu" held on the 9th and 10th of the 1st month of Tibetan Calendar. Three days trek from Stok to Spituk and the 8 days trek of Stok to Markha Valley starts from here. Enjoy trekking in Ladakh or Jeep Safari while moving from monastery to monastery. Plan your vacation now, call us on 1800-103-2228 (toll free in India) or visit our website About the AuthorPK Jha Creative writer of Authors@Google: Mingyur RinpocheThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Slip For the Evergreen Bed of Kerala and Experience Complete Relax Vacation Posted: 07 May 2012 02:00 AM PDT Article by Nitu Kumari Among the holiday destinations of India Kerala is one amongst the holiday top holiday destination which gives you complete relaxing holiday experience. The site and attractions available in it means a lot to enjoy complete relaxing of mind and body. Kerala holiday tours offer you splendid breathtaking backwaters, picturesque hill stations and awesome health rewinding activities facilitated in it. Ayurvedic, health therapies and yoga practice classes taken up in many beach resorts and spa centers are some the activities which are taken up by tourism of the state. Take a trip and reload your pass youthful feeling and be delighted forever. Kerala holiday packages facilitate every seeker to experience full gratification services according to once own interesting and target. So Customerize your tour package and make the most benefiting tour trip with such Customerize health trip packages. It is the perfect way to get into the gateway of peace and tranquility of nature and unwind your stress of mind and body. Thus for such possibilities Kerala tourism nowadays has fascinated quite large number of tourist from across the globe. The rich beauty and wealth of nature with excellent original life style of the villages are simply alluring and incredible by nature. Have a look and you will be simply amaze and stunned by its awesome mind blowing tradition and nature of the state. The backwaters of Kerala offers immense of heart gripping opportunities and its houseboat cruise is among the most demanding packages love by tourist visitors of Kerala. Have an experience of the unbeatable excitements provided by the well organized tourism services of the state of God's own country. Make a plan and enjoy the unending chance of backwater cruises along with exhilarating entertainments happening beside the backwater. Kumarakom bird sanctuary, coir industry, toddy beer cottages and Chinese fishing Net are some of the popular destinations and attractions exhibited for tourist amazement and enjoyment. If you ! are look ing forward for the best Kerala backwater cruise experience the best way out is to book the holiday packages Kerala and street forward go for the most mesmerizing fun fill Kerala houseboat cruise. Take a break, plan for such relaxing leisure cruise and free your mind from all tensions and worries. Let your soul and mind linger amidst the peaceful serene ambience of the palm fringe backwater with coconut groves as background scenery of the world wonderful world of backwater.The places like Munnar and other hill destinations are also some of the best site to escape for rejuvenating life. Munnar as we know is amazing stress out hill station filled with exotic tea plantation where you can take up some exciting activities such as trekking and wandering on the thick tea garden covering half of your body to experience the real nature walk experience for life. Munnar holiday packages have the ability to draw thousands of tourists from across the globe. Find out its special spell bound power by paying a visit once in life time and you will remain stun for life time experience. Customerize and enjoy tours with packages better than any other private options. About the AuthorNitu Kumari is an eminent analyst and writer in Travel & Tourism related topics. She has authored many books on tour guide for Munnar holidays packages and Holiday Packages Kerala.Find more packages at | |||
Are Brainwave Meditation Cds Really The Ultimate Meditation? Posted: 07 May 2012 01:00 AM PDT Article by Susan Masters If you are into meditation, then you must have heard by know of the popular brainwave meditation CDs. But even if you are a beginner in the meditation domain, it's a good idea to find out more since many claim it can provide powerful benefits. You can think about brainwave meditation as an optimized form of meditation, since it basically combines the old, traditional meditation techniques and exercise with the advanced technology, a technology that allows you to discipline your mind more efficiently. What Does Brainwave Meditation Stand for? Brainwave meditation is based on the binaural beats - these beats are sent to the brain, under the form of audio signals or stimuli with a certain frequency. Therefore, brainwave meditation is often associated with a genuine massage for the brain. What is the purpose of this massage? Basically, brainwave meditation CDs help to induce a state of calmness and peace, a state that helps you relax and meditate in an optimum manner. The main role of the brainwave meditation CD is to help the practitioners enter the desirable theta state and the surprising thing is that even the beginners who use brainwave technology can actually reach this state, without having experience in the meditation field. Why is the theta state desirable? The main advantage of enjoying the theta state is the fact that is actually increases your creativity and imagination, mainly because it accelerates your perception functions and it improves your cognition and senses. Which Are the Most Popular Brainwave Entertainment Products? The specialized market and online marketplace are full of brainwave meditation products that offer the meditation practitioners exactly what they need in order to discipline their thoughts and to fully benefit from their meditation sessions. If you are interested to try these products yourself, there you should know that the most popular ones are the sound therapy products that include not only brainwave music, but also word! s and so unds with various intensities and specific frequencies that can induce the theta state. You can find a wide range of CDs, CD sets and subliminal CDs or even brainwave CDs for hypnosis. While some of these audio brainwave meditation products are destined for a basic meditation session, others are for those who desire a deeper journey that alternates awake and asleep states. Some of these brainwave meditation products include stimuli such as spoken words, other simply rely on musical sounds. Is Brainwave Meditation for Me? Brainwave meditation will bring, as you might expect, a new approach to your daily meditation routine. Why? Simply because your sensations and feelings will be intensified and your results will be even more noticeable. Basically, meditation itself is based on the discipline of your thoughts and what brainwave meditation does is to actually ordinate and clarify your mind even more efficiently. As we have discussed, there are different types of brainwave entertainment products, which come with different intensities and levels. If you are a beginner, you can opt for brainwave meditation CDs that include spoken words and guidance. With time, you can opt for complex and deep brainwave packages that can help you enter the theta state without difficulty and explore the deepest corners of your mind and spirit. About the AuthorWant to calm your mind & super-charge your energy level? We've created a FREE audio e-course with meditation techniques to slow brainwaves naturally. Click here Mandalas 1: Whispered Drawing and Tutorial for Relaxation, Meditation and ASMRThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Sandy Relaxation Is Everywhere On Ft Myers Beach Posted: 07 May 2012 12:00 AM PDT Article by Phillip Sutton Being a limo driver for a Ft Myers limo agency, I've picked up a lot of people in the airport terminals in route on to their resort destinations for that holiday with loved ones to leave the everyday work in the real-world. Numerous people have questioned what beach locations are the most beautiful. I have my favorites, so I don't mind giving a small amount of local information to help them delight in their vacation. Below is some of the items I actually have provided to people, and you can use this as well.Beaches in Southwest Florida are ripe with lots of points of interest, fun-based activities, and heritage. Many people have realized the trip nice enough to then move away from their current residences, making Naples, FL and Cape Coral, FL a few of the top-retiring areas inside the state. Stunning back bays enchant many vacationers and allows them to collect special experiences and treasured memories.Siesta Key beach in Sarasota Florida has very smooth sugar sand establishing this beach front an exceptional location. The gulf water is refreshingly saltier, plus it seemed like floating in the waters was less complicated as well.Every year, throughout southwest Florida, local beaches have various celebrations, parades, and social gathering activities. The area of Fort Myers Beach supports a yearly sand sculpting competition and a Shrimp Festival to motivate residents and encourage a better community. And those events leave visitors pleased about not simply the well-groomed beachfronts, but also the outstanding neighborhood outlook.South of Fort Myers Beach is the Travel Channel's number 4th finest beach, Lover's Key State Park. As a fee based public beach front, Lover's Key is extremely neat and bathed with shells that light revealing surf brought inland. Sometimes known for its good intimate solitude, it attracts the appreciation of people, both younger and older people as well. Picnic tables and play areas can be discovered on several of the beaches, guaranteeing that every person in the house! hold mig ht enjoy a real exciting day. Especially since all you actually wish to accomplish is laze in the welcoming winter rays.Greatly embedded in this region is southwest Florida's Fishing Industry. Many diligent families attempt to make a way of life of catching the fruits of Florida waters. Whether or not it is commercial fisheries finding and catching a simple cargo to sell to neighborhood seafood market or carefully guided charter ventures right off of the Florida coast, fishing keeps the heart of the sunshine state.Travel and leisure helps lead the state to more revenue and expansion welcoming many beach front lovers down here right from wherever these people are located. Take pleasure in the charms of open rich waters. Pleasant warm winter months. And a list of numerous items to point out to everyone that in Southwest Florida, you are in heaven. About the AuthorPhillip Sutton, Independent Writer on All Things FloridaWhen searching for someplace cool to visit, try asking a Ft Myers Limo driver for his advice. | |||
How to Shapeshift Your Body With Your Mind Posted: 06 May 2012 11:00 PM PDT Article by Alex Mensah We have often heard the saying that "a mind is a terrible thing to waste." But how many of us are really aware of the reality of this statement. Your mind literally charts your course in life. It even has the power to change the structure of your body through self-directed thoughts that propel your behaviour towards hitting our targeted weight. Yes, your mind even determines how thin or how big you will be. Using your mind wrong may be the reason you are overweight. If you're overweight one question you need to ask yourself is what do you find yourself thinking about. Do you worry about eating too much, or just plain eating the wrong things? These thoughts will literally shapeshift your body by enforcing bad habits or good habits. Why is this? There are 3 things that your mind controls: your focus, your physiology, and your language. Life has already thought us that our language controls our thoughts and our thoughts have a tremendous effect on our language, which further impacts our attitude. So if your mindset is wrong, for example, being afraid of overeating or under eating, you will eventually say negative things, such as "I will never be able to lose these last 10 pounds. Once you say that your body literally stops trying to intuitively come up with brilliant strategies to lose that weight. It's like the gentleman that says to himself "I will never remember that telephone number." At that instant his brain literally stops searching within the archives of his mind to dig up that forgotten number. Similarly, when you tell yourself that you can't lose that weight, or that it will be very hard for you to do so, you are actually programming your mind and body to experience excruciating difficultly to lose weight. In a sense, you are fighting yourself. Physiology speaking, your mind also controls your emotions. Research in this area attests that emotions control eating habits. This often reminds me of my college lady friend who went out and got a bucket of ice cream because her! boyfrie nd had walked out of the relationship. The feeling of rejection led her to pig out in the hopes of drowning out her worries and hurt. To turn this around and use your physiology to your advantage you have to use this to force your mind to think positive happy thoughts. So rather than thinking thoughts of worry and depression, consciously program your mind to think on good things like what ifs. What if I lost that weight, what if I was healthier? These what if statements will actually give your mind a target and the desire created in your heart from the dream of scoring that target will actually be the motivation you need to lose that weight. Your mind also controls your focus. When it comes to losing weight the reason 97% of people struggle and fail is because they lack focus. They are not able to push themselves to exercise or to eat right so they become emphatic about not being able to lose weight. Consequently, this creates the illusion of running up a slippery mountain. It's similar to the world's notion of being in a rat race, forever working and getting nowhere. The focus you give your mind towards your weight loss goal will be the determining factor of whether or not you can change your body's shape. To intensify your focus you have to direct more of your thoughts towards your goal and envision yourself already hitting the target. So to cap it all you can actually think and grow thin. Once you set a goal and make up your mind to attain it, guide your mind by directing your thoughts in the direction of that goal. Say things like "I see myself 10 pounds lighter already." Psychologists call this tactic self-motivational speech. Once you initiate these positive self-statements, begin to envision yourself 10 pounds lighter. Heck, take it a step further. Begin to talk with the confidence you imagine yourself having with being 10 pounds lighter. To become it you must learn to see it. This is the way to naturally shape shift your body. Once you create that mind set, your mind will give you th! e strate gies to hit it, and the rest is history. About the AuthorAuthor Alex Mensah is a health and a weight loss researcher for He writes and researches actively on Weight Loss Programs and shares his knowledge at where he coaches others to successfully lose weight. | |||
Effective Mind Power Strategies Posted: 06 May 2012 10:00 PM PDT Article by Jeff Boo "Mind over body!" This was the phrase that I used to hear from my superiors while having my long distance run during my national service in army. What the phrase meant was to use my mind to control my physical body. How? By focusing on the finishing line and how fast I would be reaching the spot, my mind in a way got my body going even though I might not have that kind of stamina. Yes, the mind is indeed powerful and it can be powerful in many other areas other than a long distance jog. However, mind power is useful only when you believe in it and know how to use it. 1. Believe in the Power Of Mind Can a skeptical person make good use of something he or she doesn't believe in? No and never! When you do not have the belief in the power of mind, naturally you won't have any confidence in it, let alone testing it out. Only when you believe in it and recognize its existence will the rest of the techniques work. 2. Fill Your Mind With Positive Thoughts Only How can you be striving towards your dream when your mind is constantly complaining and moaning? When your mind keep on telling you that you don't have what it takes to succeed, you will soon lose the confidence in yourself and ultimately give up. Hence, fill your mind with only positive thoughts; thoughts which give you the happiness, confidence and energy. We can be facing with problems almost everyday and instead of complaining about it or evading it; we take them up as challenges which we believe strongly can be deal with easily and confidently. 3. Develop Affirmations Always comes up with positive statements about yourself. For instance, if you are into sales and to develop your self-confidence in this line, you may come up with a statement like 'I am going to be the top salesperson." Constantly repeat the statement a few times a day to yourself and in no time, you will feel the power arising in you. 4. Set and visualize your goals I emphasize a lot on setting clear goals and visualize them cons! tantly. When you know very clearly where you are heading and hence your progress, it gives you that sense of accomplishment and the motivation to go on. Constantly visualize your dreams like you are looking into the future and your mind will start to pick it up as real. When all seems so real, your mind gets you to work towards your dream industriously. This is how great your mind power is. No matter what kind of dreams you have, they can be accomplished with the use of your mind power. You must believe in the power of your mind prior to applying the rest of the effective techniques to unleashed you great mind power. About the AuthorJeff Boo has been writing articles for many years. Come visit his latest websiteover at href="">dual coffee maker which helps people find the best href=" what-make-the-best-grind-and-brew-coffee-makers.html">grind and brew coffee makers and information they are looking for when they expect the best taste of coffee. Guided Meditation: Mindfulness MeditationThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Amp Up Your Power of Attraction Making Up Your Mind Posted: 06 May 2012 08:00 PM PDT Article by Kate Corbin "Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be." - Abraham Lincoln Have you made up your mind to be happy no matter what? Have you made up your mind to be in vibrant good health, to enjoy amazing prosperity, to have fabulous relationships? I think Honest Abe would agree that, in addition to being as happy as they decide to be, most folks are also as wealthy as they decide to be, as healthy as they decide to be, and as fortunate as they decide to be. As you make up your mind to be and do and have whatever you desire, in accordance with the Law of Attraction, it will be yours! Make Up Your Mind to Make Up Your Mind. Decide to decide. Amp up your power of attraction by making up your mind. Insist on absolute happiness and paradise health and it is. Make up your mind to feel good at all times. Your firm conviction to make your life the way you want it to be will begin the process of attracting and creating your ideal life. You are the writer, director and star of the fabulous production called YOUR Life. You can be anything you want to be. Decide what you want and allow it to happen. Nothing feels better than getting absolute clarity about what you want and then watching your life unfold just as you dreamed it would be. You Declare How It Will Be. How do you attract what you want? Start by filling in these blanks with your wildest dreams and stating with conviction: I AM _____________________________________ I DO ______________________________________ I HAVE ___________________________________ As you vibrate with these desires, they will inexorably appear. The Modus Operandi of a Master of the Universe is to declare how it will be, thus employing the power of a made-up mind to bring it into reality. You Feel the Way You Decide to Feel. I remember when I realized that I have the power to feel the way I decide to feel. One evening I was preparing to meet a friend for dinner and I was not f! eeling particularly well. Like a thunderbolt, this empowering realization came to me - I feel the way I decide to feel. As a Master of the Universe, I decide everything, including how I feel! Test it yourself. For example, when you're feeling exhausted, instead of focusing on your lack of vigor, make up your mind to feel energized, rejuvenated, indefatigable. You'll be amazed at the infusion of Energy you get from focusing on what you want. You can consciously choose how you feel or you can unconsciously feel whatever comes to you through the influence of others, the media, or your own negative self-talk. Which do you prefer? Employ the Power of a Made-up Mind. When you make up your mind to be and do and have whatever you desire, you are on track to create health, happiness, peace, and prosperity without limit. Here's how: * Make up your mind about what you want and ignore all the voices (both internal and external) that try to discourage you from even trying. * Make up your mind about what you want and become a vibrational match to your desire by arousing passion and enthusiasm. * Make up your mind about what you want and focus on it with the certainty that you CAN have it. * Make up you mind about what you want and trust that it's on its way to you. As a Master of the Universe, your life unfolds in precisely the way you decide it will unfold. You are the decision-maker, the permission giver. As you make up your mind to enjoy paradise health, fulfilling relationships, and abundance of all kinds, you are literally attracting and creating the life of your dreams. About the AuthorKate Corbin is a Law of Attraction Coach and the creator of Gold Star Coaching. Both her coaching practice and her two books - Dining at the Cosmic Cafe and Think and Grow Thin with the Law of Attraction - are designed to empower you to truly live the life of your dreams. To contact Coach Kate and subscribe to her free ezine, visit Meditation on the Movement of Breath - Chakra Mindulness MeditationThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Posted: 06 May 2012 07:00 PM PDT Article by Mousumi You dont have be a formula one rally car driver or a motor sport racer and get a hold of the race track or you dont have to be an elite fighter pilot or an infantry soldier in the jungles of Amazon to enjoy the frills and thrills of live adventure sports, instead what you only need to be a part of these nerve racking and thrilling adventures is just to have a computer and the internet and you are ready to cruise into these free online games. Online games have now become a bread and butter commodity for all ages, be it kids, college guys and even adults who have nowadays found an interesting way to beat off stress they experience in their hectic office hours. It has been found that an increasing number of adults especially office goers, have been indulging in these type of Free Online Games that are readily available on the net or online as this is one of the most common form of stress busters and an extremely affordable mode of relaxation as it is quiet easy with all ages to get hold of these games. But most prominently the age group which has the largest number of users of these form of games is the school going kids in the age group of 12 to 19 which the online gaming industry worldwide has targetted to gain a maximum chunk of the revenues. Today with the advent and spread of information technology worldwide and through all segments, platforms and ages, it has become increasingly popular among teenage population to indulge in these sort of online entertainment. One of the major reason for the popularity of these type of online games is firstly the lack of space in the form of playgrounds and open area which have been occupied to make way for residential and office spaces and secondly the lack of time due to increased education pressure in schools and colleges which have forced kids to go for this alternative form of entertainment which is cheap and does not require the space in the size of a playground, instead which can be enjoyed in the cosy cosy comfort of your living room. Indoor games in the form of these online entertainment games have gained immense popularity among kids as well as boys and girls alike as there are a wide range and array of these games which individuals and players can choose from the options that the major gaming companies offer. It starts from racing games like bike and car racing, Chinese kung fu games, American soldier and commando warfare games, us airforce strike games, games for girls like barbie dressing, tattoo making, and not to mention cricket, hockey, ping pong and soccer games and many more to suit and satisfy the taste of all class and segments of people who have become dedicated members of these online gaming community. These games offer a real time scenario in a simulated environment where the user can enjoy the feel of live action which is thrilling to the limits in his or her own living or bed room without the pain and hustle of going outside. About the AuthorSo what are you waiting for,if you are really looking to enjoy and have fun with your friends and family alike and that to indoors and absolutely free of cost, then Free Online Games is the best option to go for as this is the best form or enjoyment and relaxation with no deep hole in your pockets. | |||
Male massage- A complete massage therapy to give total relaxation to your body Posted: 06 May 2012 06:00 PM PDT Article by Igor Bubis Male massage has been gaining popularity in current years for various reasons, but also female therapists have usually decreased the demand of female therapist. Instead the number of male therapist is increasing slowly but it will not be possible for them to replace female therapists any time soon. Now it is becoming effortless to find a good male therapist in large cities all over the countryside. Now days both male and female are interested in this profession and choosing it as their career. There are still some clients who personally favor to be massaged by the same gender. The quality of massage depends on the particular masseur qualifications and not on their gender. But there are some advantages of massage taking it from a male therapist. Since both male and female therapists are well trained in their work still some people prefer male therapist then female therapist. This is because of a man's better physical strength as compared to female. With his great physical strength, man can really excavate deep into the muscle tissues and also amplify you properly. As we all know that physical strength is an important part of massage therapy and it is also better to contain some extra power whenever you need it.Physical massage is an important factor in massage therapy as it is used in deep tissue massage technique, which in turn decreases the muscle pressure giving you a complete rest. Many men also undergo comfort getting it from male therapist. This is all because of a simple reason that they feel that they can only get complete relaxation of their body by male therapist only. The relaxation just not only depends on the massage but also on the mind. A free and relax mind makes the massage more enjoyable. Leaving all of your worries behind just feel the sensation of massage and give total rest to your body. A male massage therapist always keeps in mind the client's mental and physical comfort. This is one of the important factors of male massage therapist and is also likely to uphold ! a profes sional character. A professional massage therapist always know enough about the various techniques used in massage like draping that only render the area of the body on which it is applied. Acupressure massage, Swedish massage, Swedish massage, Shiatsu massage Foot and hand massage are some common techniques used in massage therapy. So now you can get the all benefits of massage and get relax here. About the AuthorOrlando male massage Therapy offers a complete health and wellness experience to address all of your physical needs and concerns including relief from deep rooted stress, tension discomfort and muscular issues. 84. 3D Water Spray Bottle (Binaural / Holophonic - Wear Headphones) - SOUNDsculptures (ASMR)This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Cheap bicycle insurance : Peace of mind at affordable prices Posted: 06 May 2012 05:00 PM PDT Article by Sachin Kumar UK has experienced an unprecedented growth in the bicycle population owing to the conscious move of a majority of likeminded people to migrate to a transportation medium that is swift and environment friendly. Cheap bicycle insurance has a prominent role to play in ensuring a risk free ownership for a prolonged period. Bicycles are flexible to operate in a mad crowd and surveys indicate that they are more competent in getting the rider shifted through a traffic compared to a car. Bicycle maintenance cost is negligible compared to car and not a penny is required to be invested in fuel and other incidental expenses. Bicycles do not deplete precious natural resources and do not perpetrate pollution. Bicycles do not demand elaborate parking arrangements and can be safely tucked in a meager space. All these have inspired people to migrate to bicycles as a convenient and cheap mode of private commutation. However, bicycles run the risk of being stolen or damaged by miscreants and can be potential cause for other expenses unfavorable to the owner. Insurance companies offer best bicycle insurance to safeguard the bicycle against all probable unfortunate events in future at affordable premiums. Best cycle insurance is accompanied by a number of advantages to the user, some of which are enumerated below: • Cheap bicycle insurance is available at competitive premiums and the user has complete freedom to amend or mould the insurance requirements as per his specific needs guided by elemental considerations. • Most UK companies offering best bicycle insurance provide the users with the option of being refunded double the difference of premiums in the event of user locating a policy coverage of same nature and features at a premium value lower with another agency than the purchased policy. Best cycle insurance is worth the amount invested. • Third party claims are duly addressed and imbibed in the cheap bicycle insurance policy, even if the user is unaware of the same. A cyclist ! may acci dently collide with a pedestrian or other vehicle bringing about significant damage to property and human life. This has severe monetary ramifications as the cyclist would have to loosen his wallet generously to pay for the entire expenses incurred by the third party as decreed by the law of the land. Best cycle insurance companies cover the entire cost of such third party payments. It is prudent to always include this clause in the insurance purchased keeping in view the burgeoning road traffic and elevation in road incidents. • Best bicycle insurance has clauses that allow for recovery of bicycles from roadside at negligible premium. • One can buy a cheap bicycle insurance policy to protect the interests of their teenager offspring. • All UK companies offering best bicycle insurance ease out the process of looking for suitable policies by prospective consumers through well laid out online quotes, minimum intricate documentation and quick calculation of premium based on the cost of bicycle, locality and other relevant factors. • Best cycle insurance provider companies require bare minimum documentation from users in the event their cycles have sustained willful damage from anti-social elements or have been stolen. It is imperative for users not to tamper with evidential circumstances and be prepared with the copy of police complaint lodged to ease out the process of investigation and pave way for fast claim settlement. • Many companies with cheap bicycle insurance offer provide worldwide coverage of the bicycle at competitive premium rates. People can also opt to limit their coverage territory to UK and EU only to save a share of the premium. • Another sparkling feature amongst the wide array of benefits passed on to consumers by best bicycle insurance providers is that many of them extend coverage for cycles that take part in competitive events. Customarily, to claim the theft coverage one is required to lock his bicycle in the parking lot. However, many! compani es have entered into an agreement with event organizers of major cycling races that provides the cyclist with the relaxation of not having to lock his cycle in the event parking space. • Users subscribing to best cycle insurance have the option of paying their premium in monthly or annual installment and can easily renew their policies online. About the Author Buyers of cycle insurance should exercise diligence to check the track record of the insurance company before making a conscious decision of buying a policy. The financial strength, accreditation from Government regulatory bodies, user friendliness, positive customer reviews and a number of other considerations should be factored in before purchasing one of the best bicycle insurance policies. |
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