Premature Ejaculation Yoga

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Premature Ejaculation Yoga

Premature Ejaculation Yoga

Posted: 18 May 2012 01:00 PM PDT

Article by Torben Schuster

One of the last things people think of when it comes to a cure for premature ejaculation is yoga. Yoga is seen as just some kind of weird movements targeted mainly at women that want to recover from their pregnancies. The quiet and gently approach of yoga seems to have little in common with the sweaty, loud, passionate and long lasting sex that premature ejaculators dream about.

Yoga is just not manly. If you look at a yoga class the age average is indeed above forty and the heterosexual men in a group usually stand out just as ballet dancers in a group of drunken hooligans. It is only natural that this is not the surrounding young men feel themselves getting attracted to. By this they miss a huge opportunity however to forever cure their premature ejaculation.

Yoga or even better tantric yoga can help men tremendously to increase their stamina. It does this through two ways. First the movement will improve your blood circulation. This way fresh blood has it easier to get to your muscles - especially those pelvic muscles that drive you during the act. Due to the stretching exercises that are an integral part of the yoga program you will soon be able to try out new positions that might look exotic but can help you to last longer as well.

The second component that makes yoga so effective as a treatment for premature ejaculation is the focus on breathing. If you are able to control your breathing during intercourse you have the key to almost unlimited sexual stamina. Yogis know how breathing influences their level of physical arousal. If you breath slow, deeply and regularly it is almost impossible to reach the point of no return fast. The breathing will pace your arousal. As a premature ejaculation exercise try to focus on your breathing the next time you and your partner come together for love making and experience it for yourself.

About the Author

Torben has been happily married for over 2 years. Prior however he used to suffer from premature ejaculation. He build a site to help men to achieve the same. Visit is here htt://www.longersexnow.comOr learn more about premature ejaculation exercises

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

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The Little Guide to Contentedness

Posted: 18 May 2012 01:00 PM PDT

'He who is contented is rich.' ~Lao Tzu

Post written by Leo Babauta.

There has been little in my life that has made as much an impact as learning to be content — with my life, where I am, what I'm doing, what I have, who I'm with, who I am.

This little trick changes everything.

Let's take a look at my life before contentedness:

I was addicted to junk food and fast food, and overweight and unhealthy. I bought too many things on impulse, owned too much clutter, and was deeply in debt and struggling to make it to the next payday. I was unhappy with who I was, wanted desperately to change, tried a thousand different programs and books. I was always worried I was missing out on exciting things, and wanted so much to be out doing the fun things everyone else was doing. I was always changing the way I did things, because it seemed everyone else had a better system or tools. I strove to meet goals, because they would get me to a better life.

And as I learned to be content, here was what changed:

I learned to be happy with healthier food, with less food, and my health improved and waistline shrunk. I relied on a good book, spending time with people I loved, going for a nice run … and my debt began to be reduced as I learned I didn't need to spend money to enjoy myself. I learned to be happier with who I was, and what I was doing, and so no longer needed self-improvement books and programs, no longer needed to try all kinds of new systems and tools. I became happy with myself, with those around me, and with what I had — and so didn't need to strive to change everything. Letting go of goals helped me to simplify things so I had less to worry about, less to do.

That's just the start. There is no way to account for the tremendous change that happens when you learn to accept who you are, when you tell yourself you are perfect just as you are, when you love yourself and everything about yourself. You stop criticizing yourself, you are happier, you are a better person to be around, and you can now help others and work without the insecurities you had before.

This is not a magical state, and doesn't require any new tools or books. It's simple, and I'll share what has worked for me.

Learning to Be Content

If you are in a bad place in your life, and are unhappy with everything about it (job, relationship, yourself, house, habits, etc.), it can be a miserable thing. But here's something interesting: it can also be a happy thing.

I've been in situations where you might think things were bad, and sometimes I was very unhappy, and other times I was happy. The difference wasn't in the external circumstances, but in my mindset — I learned to appreciate what I had, instead of focusing on the things I didn't have or didn't like. I was grateful for my health, for the people in my life, for having food and being alive.

If you can learn to develop the right mindset, you can be happy now, without changing anything else. You don't need to wait until you've changed everything and made your life perfect before you're happy — you have everything you need to be happy right now.

The mindset of waiting for happiness is a never-ending cycle. You get a better job (yay!) and then immediately start thinking about what your next promotion will be. You get a nicer house and immediately start looking at how nice your neighbors' houses are, or the faults in the house you have. You try to change your spouse or kids, and if that works (good luck), you'll find other things about them that need to be changed. It keeps going, until you die.

Instead, learn that you can be content now, without any external changes. Here's how to start:

  1. Take a moment to be grateful for something. What in your life is amazing? Even if everything seems to suck, there must be one good thing. It might simply be that you have beauty somewhere nearby, or that you are alive, or that your kids are healthy. Find something, and give thanks for that.
  2. Catch yourself thinking, "This sucks." It's amazing how often people think this thought. "This sucks!" "My co-worker is the worst — he sucks!" "My wife doesn't understand me — this suuucks!" It might be in different words, but if you catch yourself thinking something like that, pause. Reverse the thinking. Find a way to be thankful for the situation. "My wife is a caring and sweet person — maybe I should give her a hug." "My co-worker might be annoying sometimes, but he has a good heart, and maybe I should get to know him better." "My room might be messy but at least I have a roof over my head."
  3. Find the little things that can give you simple joys. What do you need to be happy? I love simple things, like taking a walk, spending time with a loved one, reading a book, eating some berries, drinking tea. These cost very little, and require very little, and can make me very happy. Find the simple things that give you similar happiness, and focus on those rather than what you don't have.
  4. Find the things about yourself that you're happy with. We tend to criticize ourselves easily, but what if we turned it around and asked, "What do I do right? What am I good at? What is loveable about me?" Make a list. Start to focus on these things rather than what you're unhappy with.
  5. Do the same with others in your life. Instead of criticizing them, ask yourself, "What is good about this person? What do I love about them?" Make a list, and focus on these things above all else.
  6. Assume that you, others, and life are perfect. You are great, and don't need improvement. You aren't a piece of clay that must be shaped and molded into something better — you are already perfect. Other people are also just as perfect, and don't need improvement. You just need to appreciate them for who they are. The moment we are living in is not a stepping stone to something better — it is exactly wonderful, and we have already arrived at the perfect moment.

The Contented Life

It might be useful to look at what life would be like if you learned to be content:

  1. Self image. We compare ourselves with the images in our head of perfection — movie stars, models in magazines, other people who seem to have it all together — and we can never measure up to those perfect images. But those images are not real. They are an imagined ideal. Even the beautiful people have bad hair days and feel flabby, and if you take away their photoshopped and heavily-made-up façade, you see that they are every bit as human as you are. Even the people who seem successful, living exciting lives — they have the same self-doubts you have. So if they don't live up to this ideal image, why should you? And even if they did (which they don't), why would you need to? When we let go of this image of perfection, we realize that we are already exactly who we should be. And then, all our need for self-improvement, and all the activity and effort and pain that implies, fades away. We are happy with ourselves, and nothing else is needed.
  2. Relationships. If you are content with yourself, you are more likely to be a good friend, partner, parent. You are more likely to be happy and friendly and loving, more likely to be as accepting of others as you are of yourself. Relationships improve, especially when others learn to be content with themselves, from your example.
  3. Health. Much of our culture's unhealthiness comes from unhappiness — eating junk food to give ourselves comfort and relieve stress, not exercising because we think we can't (because we have a bad self-image), being glued online because we think we might miss something if we turn off the computer or iPhone. When you realize that you aren't missing anything, and you don't need junk food to be happy, and you are good enough to exercise, you can slowly return to health.
  4. Possessions. The overload of possessions in our lives comes from unhappiness — we buy things because we think they'll give us comfort, coolness, happiness, security, an exciting life. When we become content with ourselves and our lives, we realize none of that is necessary, and we can start getting rid of these extraneous crutches.
  5. Busy-ness. Much of our busy-ness comes from fear that we should be doing more, that we might be missing out, that we aren't enough already. But we are enough, and we don't need more, and we aren't missing out. So we can let go of a lot of unnecessary activity, and just focus on doing what we love, and give ourselves the space to enjoy a contented life.

This is all just a few scratches on the surface of a contented life, but it gives you a picture of what might be. And the truth is, once you learn the simple trick of contentedness, it's really a picture of what already is. You just need to let go of the fears, and see what is already here.

'Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.' ~Lao Tzu

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How to Succeed as a Conscious Entrepreneur

Posted: 18 May 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Article by Christine Kloser

Copyright (c) 2009 Christine Kloser

If there's one thing you and I should know about success, it's that it doesn't happen alone. I once heard Loral Langemeier say "There's no such thing as a self-made millionaire." She's absolutely right. There isn't. There couldn't be. Ask any person who has hit six or seven figures in their business and they'll all tell you they didn't do it alone. I know this is true for me.

When I got really serious about being a successful and conscious business owner (about 3 years ago), I set out on a mission to learn from those who had already achieved what I wanted to achieve... success with a purpose. I became extremely curious about how other people did this because I wanted to learn from them, model them and implement what they taught me in my own life and business.

This journey led me to interviewing dozens of highly successful conscious entrepreneurs, each of whom gave me nuggets of wisdom that deeply affected my life. My mission for this article series is to share these nuggets of wisdom with you in hopes they will help you reach your goals and dreams.

Insight #1: "Business Is Your Highest Spiritual Understanding Demonstrated" Wisdom From: Neale Donald Walsch, Author of Conversations with God

I remember the moment vividly. I was conducting an interview with Neale Donald Walsch with a hundred listeners on the line... and I began to cry. I had basically gone through all of my interview questions for Neale and still had 15 minutes left in the interview. So, I asked him, "Is there anything else you'd like to share on this topic?" (Praying he'd say something to fill the next 15 minutes of time.) It was then that he told me, and everyone listening, "business is your highest spiritual understanding demonstrated."

This was the moment everything changed for me. It was the first moment I "got" that business and spirituality are not mutually exclusive. Up until that moment, I had hoped, imagined, dreamed and envisioned that I could be a deep! ly spiri tual person in my life and have a profitable, purposeful business based on spiritual principles. When Neale shared this statement with me, my hopes and dreams turned into KNOWING. That is what made me cry. I finally knew it was possible, and I wasn't crazy for thinking Spirit and business belonged together.

Something To Think About: What would be possible for you if you allowed your highest spiritual understandings to be demonstrated through your business?

Insight #2: "Just Believe" Wisdom From: David Neagle, Creator of Experience the Reality of Success

Before learning from David Neagle, I honestly felt that a six-figure business was the biggest business I could imagine for myself. Even though I considered myself a "big thinker"... I was still thinking small. (And, I believed I had to do all the hard work required of a big business owner.) David helped me realize that nothing could be further from the truth; that if I simply believed that a bigger dream was possible for me, the details would be revealed. And, that's exactly what happened.

It was David who first truly helped me understand the power of my mind to create my reality. I had always known this was true but doubt kept creeping in... or if I'm being 100% honest here, doubt used to whack me on the head on a regular basis. When you believe (not only in yourself, but in the power of the Universe) things begin to unfold. I know this sounds simple; it is. But, it's not necessarily easy (especially when what appears to be "reality" is telling you to run and hide). But, the journey of believing is worth it, and it can change everything.

Something To Think About: What old belief do you want to let go of (one that no longer serves you)? What positive new belief would you like to replace it with?

I feel so blessed that 3 years ago I began to learn directly from the dozens of mentors and experts I've interviewed. It's their wisdom that continues to help me stay focused and calm when things get tough.

About the Author

Christine Kloser, author of The Freedom Formula, helps small businesses put soul in their business and money in the bank. If you want to enjoy a purpose-driven business and a soulful life, send for my free Conscious Business Success Kit, which includes my report, How to Avoid the 3 Massive Mistakes Made by Conscious Entrepreneurs and audio, 7 Strategies Entrepreneurial Authors Need to Know Before Writing a Word, at

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Keeping a level head while meditating

Posted: 18 May 2012 12:00 PM PDT

One thing I noticed a long time ago was that the position of my head during meditation made a surprising difference to my state of mind. If my chin was down even a fraction of an inch, then my I'd tend to be tired, or to get caught up in often very heavy emotional story lines, full of drama. If my chin was up even a fraction of an inch, then I'd tend to get lost in thought that was generally more speculative and excited. Chin down focuses our energy on the emotions; chin up puts more energy into our thoughts. This is perhaps why when someone's depressed we tell them to "keep their chin up" and when someone's a dreamer we say they have their "head in the clouds." Both of these metaphors convey essential truths about the relationship between head position and mental states.

In the ideal position the back of the neck feels long and open, almost as if a space were opening up between the skull and the first vertebra. In this position the muscles holding the skull in place, they're doing the minimum amount of effort. When the head is nicely balanced on top of the spine in this way, with the chin slightly tucked in, and in a "neutral" position, then it's easier to be mindfully aware of both our thoughts and emotions without getting sucked into either of them. We can maintain a more mindful distance between us and our experience. We're, to use another popular idiom, "level-headed."

Explore meditation with Bodhipaksa's Wildmind: A Step-by-Step Guide to Meditation

To some extent this relationship seems to be one of simple cause-and-effect from mental state to posture. If you're excited, then the body's muscle tone is higher, and the muscles on the back of the neck tense up, raising the chin. If you're feeling low in energy, then the body's muscle tone decreases, and you slump, bringing the chin down. In a balanced state the head is held in a balanced way.

But the causal relationship also works in reverse. If you adjust the angle of the head, then the mind shifts in energy and focus. And so this is something we can be aware of and use in our meditation practice. Whenever we sit down to meditate, it's advisable to first check out and adjust our posture. We need to make sure that the body's position is going to support both alert mindfulness and relaxation. And as part of that check-in with the body, we can make sure that the head is in an appropriate and helpful position. Ideally, the head should be balanced effortlessly on top of the spine.

If, during meditation, we notice that the head has drifted out of alignment, we can bring it back to this point of balance.

I'd like to suggest two experiments for you to try out, so that you can explore the powerful affect that our head position has on our experience.

1. So start by setting up your posture for meditation, and let the head find a natural point of balance on top of the spine. Let your breathing settle, and notice how much of the breathing is happening in the chest, and how much in the belly.

Then, try dropping the chin a fraction of an inch, and notice again how much of the breathing is happening in the chest, and how much in the belly. And then bring the head back to a neutral position.

Then, try raising the chin a fraction of an inch, and notice how much of the breathing is happening in the chest, and how much in the belly.

What did you find?

This varies from person to person, but most people notice an effect. Generally, people find that dropping the chin makes it harder to breathe into the chest, and the breathing shifts to the belly. When we breathe more into the belly, the mind can become calm, but sometimes it becomes dull. Most people find that when they raise the chin the opposite happens. It becomes harder to breathe into the belly, and it's more natural to breathe into the chest. Chest-breathing tends to promote mental excitement. In the balanced position, it's easier to use both the chest and the belly in order to breathe (although of course we may have habits that favor one of the other manner of breathing).

A few people have reported the exact opposite of what the majority of people notice: as the chin goes up they breathe more into the belly. I'd love to know what's going on there.

2. Let's repeat the previous experiment, but this time notice the degree of light or dark that we perceive internally.

Try it with the head in a normal position. Notice how light or dark your internal experience is.

Then drop the chin. Notice how light or dark your internal experience is. Then come back to neutral.

Then raise the chin, and notice how light or dark your experience is.

Often our light sources are above us, so it's not surprising that when the chin's up our experience is brighter, and when it's down our experience is darker. I don't think there's anything mystical about this. It's possible that there's some kind of blood-flow issue involved as well, though, since sometimes I think I can detect this change even in the dark. It's quite possible that this is wishful thinking, however.

All the same, this physical effect of seeing more or less light has an effect on the mind. One of the traditional remedies for sleepiness in meditation is to open the eyes, or to visualize light, or to look at a source of light. And often meditation halls are slightly darkened in order to produce a calming effect. So the angle of the head, by adjusting the amount of light we perceive, may also affect our degree of alertness.

I think this is all important to be aware of because we need all the help we can get in being mindful. It would be most helpful if we could maintain a balanced position for the head during meditation (and in the rest of our lives). But we can watch for the chin drifting out of alignment and gently bring it back to a point of balance.

Sometimes I've used head position as a tool, however, by deliberately putting my head out of alignment. When I've been overcome by sleepiness in meditation I've sometimes consciously raised my head a fraction of an inch. The head still tends to start dropping as I nod off, but I have more time to catch it on the way down because it has further to go! Basically I catch the chin falling from a raised position to a normal position, and bring it back up again. I've never tried going that far in the opposite direction; in other words when I'm overexcited I don't tend to drop the chin down below a normal position. I just bring it back to a point of balance.

So, what did you find it trying out these two experiments? Is there anything else you've learned about the importance of head position in meditation?

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Meditation in India Z Meditation

Posted: 18 May 2012 11:00 AM PDT

Article by Lily Candice

When most of us hear the expression "meditation in India" we immediately begin conjuring up thoughts of a person sitting with crossed legs, chanting away in a strange language. While this may be truly a meditative posture, it hardly begins to describe meditation in India. Meditation in India in the present time is the culmination of several decades of developments in the ancient Buddhist religious practice. The Z Meditation center has developed this profound way of life into what is known as Deep Deconditioning Inquiry, a systematic process through which you will be able to achieve the goal of meditation in India. The primary purpose of meditation in India is the attainment of peace: lasting feelings of love, joy and happiness that are not dependent on any external situation or circumstances.Meditation in India is a practice that is to be adopted in your every waking hour. This means you do not just set apart a few minutes or hours a day for this purpose. There are times for deep contemplation. However, meditation in India is to be taken with you everywhere you go, in your interactions with others and while carrying out your tasks. The system of Deep Deconditioning Inquiry as developed by the Z Meditation Center involves the digging up and rooting out of false beliefs and conditionings. These traits are imbibed in us from our family, societal and other groupings. Some things have just been accepted as absolute truths, and everyone strives to meet up with those expectations. These geographically based beliefs are the cause of much restlessness and agitation when we experience difficulty in meeting up with them. In this state of restlessness, your mind will not function optimally and there are serious physical health issues to contend with as well, resulting from this turbulent mind.The person sincerely seeking freedom will recognize this faulty behavior and will be dedicated to making an effort to achieve lasting change. These are the only basic requirements of meditation in India. In order to achi! eve this state of complete awareness, the student needs to enroll in programs of meditation in India, such as meditation retreats or online meditation courses. Another option is by obtaining meditation books which you may learn from at your own pace.Whatever program of meditation in India you choose, cost is never going to be an issue. The programs of meditation in India are always affordable with a cost which most people can easily fit into their spending patterns. In any case, what is to be gained from meditation in India courses cannot be accurately expressed in monetary terms. A way of life in which you will be able to perform effectively with a clear mind with which to make critical decisions cannot be priced.There are very few people who are of the disposition to embrace meditation in India. This is not due to any difficulty with the practice. Rather, it is because most people are so highly entrenched in their root character patterns. Such people will be unable to envision the state of total awareness, which is possible by practicing meditation in India.

About the Author

Lily Candice is regular article writer for Meditation in India at Z Meditation in India

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Fitness Show - Yoga for beginners -- Twist Sequence - Bharadvajasana

Bharadvajasana - This aasana is best for beginners. Almost everyone loves the twist sequence, because these poses bring such a release, no matter what your level of ability or physical condition Learn this ancient practice of yoga for a healthier mind and body.

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The Spiritual Revolution

Posted: 18 May 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Article by DCS

So yesterday I went on a little rant about what I believe to be the mis-information. Today I'm going to point you in the direction of some sites and books of interest that in my opinion will offer a different perspective.

Lets start out with the heavy ish. Do you know about the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine?

Subtle energies as taken from their website is "the traditional subtle energies referred to as chi (or ki), prana, etheric energy, fohat, orgone, odic force, mana, homeopathic resonance, etc., are said to move in the so-called etheric body (subtle body), and seem to be difficult to measure at present. A number of therapeutic methods prevalent today, however, appear to be concerned with facilitating the flow of these subtle energies through the dense physical body."

This is not a strange concept. Accupuncture, reiki, yoga, just to name a few focus on these same energies to promote well being of both the physical and spiritual bodies. Stop and think about that for a second. Let it really sink in.Energy Medicine, as also defined from their website, "…includes all energetic and informational interactions resulting from self-regulation or brought about through other energy couplings to mind and body. In addition to various therapeutic energies which we may use, there are also energy pulses from the environment which influence humans and animals in a variety of ways. For instance, low level changes in magnetic, electric, electromagnetic, acoustic, and gravitational fields often have profound effects on both biology and psychology. In addition to energies originating in the environment, it has been documented that humans are capable of generating and controlling subtle not-yet-measurable energies that seem to influence both physiologic and physical mechanisms."

Mumbo Jumbo? No, not quite. This is how your body functions. Prescription drugs "fix" one system, only to throw off others i.e. side effects. To me, this indicates th! at the � �fix" isn't a very good one. We need to remember a better way of doing things.

To supplement the current conversation about energy medicine, check out, The Anatomy of Spirit. Suitable for the laymen, Dr. Myss has put together a really awesome book, complete with real case stories of how she assisted general practitioners in curing their clients. More evidence to support how awesome you really are, how much power rests within you to take complete control not only of your reality but your body as well. Your the boss, boss.

For the more technical, I highly recommend both The Biology of Belief, and Power vs Force. The Biology of Belief, written by Dr. Bruce Lipton I got about half way through, then had to stop because I was googling all the big words more than I was understanding. I got the jist of what he was saying. I don't need to delve into the specifics of it. To give you an idea, a summary of his book, taken from the link above says, "It shows that genes and DNA do not control our biology; that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our positive and negative thoughts."

We rock ya'll. Fo reals.

Power vs. Force is also highly recommended. A nice blend of the technical and story telling, Dr. Hawkins does, in my opinion, a great job of explaining what kinesology is. Yes, another science referring to the power the mind has over the body. Click on the link above and scroll to the bottom of the page and take a peek at the awesomely selected excerpt. To quote Dr. Hawkins, "…the future is now."

We're not done. Have you watched, What the bleep do we know? Why the hell not? Get on that! For all you out there that don't like to read, and are skimming this blog right now look here. Awesome, now focus. Click on the link, get the documentary. No really, get it. It could not more beautifully explain scientific terminology that is directly related to you. If by watching it, your world can only get better what t! he probl em is?

Magazine reader? Throw Time in the garbage and grab SuperConscious, EnlightenNEXT, Spirituality and Health, Science of Mind, Light of Consciousness (you can get back issues for like 4 bucks if you just wanna try this one out. I ordered like 9 hehe), or Conscious Living. Completely free is Alternatives Magazine.

Wanna discuss shit with more nutjobs like me?:D Check out The World Cafe. I just stumbled upon this yesterday, so its on my to do list to delve deeper into it. Spirituality and Health has an awesome site full of articles and blogs, stuff you can read at your leisure, and comment on when the mood strikes you. If you want some in person connections, check out The Quantum Leap. Good ole Nawlins has a chapter, connected through and I'll be attending our first meeting on Wednesday. I'll let you know how it goes.

If you're into the social networking craze, and you really want to see how many of us there are check out Zaadz.

And finally, if you're really really froggy and want to hit up a retreat to get your inner workings in order, I recommend you check out the Truth Consicouness Ashram and Spiritual Centers. Call em up. Thousands of dollars? That was funny. Cost to go to center = zero. That's whats up.

Well, I think that's enough to get you started. If you know of some awesomely get you in the know sites that I haven't listed feel free to share them! Oh! Add one more book to your reading list, The Translucent Revolution. I'm going to hit up borders before I go to my fake job and pick up my copy.

Now, last thing. You know that song, The Sexual Revolution? Yeah you know it. Change sexual, to Spiritual and jam the hell out the rest of the day. In fact I hope it gets stuck in your head like it is in my mine:D

Viva La Revolution!!

Namaste & Espavo.

About the Author

DCS is the author of the fiction novel, Synarchy Book 1: The Awakening available on Amazon. To learn more about the book, visit She is currently working on the second novel, Synarchy Book 2: The Ascension and several short stories based off of characters from the books. You can keep update with author news on her blog at

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Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 5/18/2012

Posted: 18 May 2012 10:00 AM PDT

"The most precious gift we can offer anyone is our attention. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers."
~Thich Nhat Hanh

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Same Same but Different - [Bangkok, Thailand]

The start of my 25 day Contiki Big Indochina Adventure all around Southeast Asia! Complete with temples, canals, fish feeding and fish spas. Follow Me: Twitter- Facebook - Tumblr - Google + - https Stumbleupon - Flickr- Youtube - Read more about my Contiki trip at :

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Tips to Get Healthy Every day: Yoga

Posted: 18 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Article by Boris Roberts

This article will explain about yoga. Yoga is comes from Indian. This activity will lead you to have a balance between your mind and body. In this activity, it uses various movements, breath, meditation, and relaxation. In order to get the best result, you need to have guidelines. Here are some tips to help you achieve the best result in practicing yoga.

1. Morning is the most appropriate time to yoga. You can do it before breakfast. 2. You need to prepare yourself. Confidence and urge is main factor to get started. 3. Choose the most comfortable place. The place must be cleaned and free from dust. It would be better if you could provide a quiet, ventilated and calm place. 4. Drink lukewarm water and clean your nostrils. It will help you to have a good breath. 5. Wear the most comfortable clothes. You can wear Lycra pants and shirt since yoga custom must be loose. 6. You can sit for a few minutes and take a deep breath before practicing. 7. Do the practice systematically. You should start the practice from the easiest part. It will prevent injuries during the practice. 8. Find the tempo. If you feel fatigue, you can stop your practice. If you keep going on fatigue condition, you may not get the maximum result or get injured. 9. You need to make sure that you do the practice in relax condition. If you feel that the practice is difficult or makes you depressed, stop the practice. It means that you need to go to a professional trainer to have the proper practice. As long as you relax, you will achieve the best result. 10. You can take a pause between the practices. You should not feel tired during yoga practice. The pause will help you to remove and reduce the fatigue. After few minutes, you can continue the activity. 11. In order to achieve the best result, you can have a balance diet. Reduce meat consumption; you can eat fruits, nuts, grains, vegetables in large amount once in 4 hours. 12. Avoid extreme diet and over eating. 13. Take a deep breath when practicing yoga. 14. Find the most comfo! rtable m ovement in doing yoga. Discomfort movement will not lead you to gain the best result. 15. Beginner should do the simplest and easiest movement. It would be better if you follow the graded step of yoga.

About the Author

In practicing yoga you need mat to make you feel comfortable. You can have personalized car floor mats to be placed in your gallery or your training center. It will help you to promote your place. You can also have more option to be placed in your private area. The options can be found in office floor mats.

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yoga for lower back.mp4

Poonam Stecher Sharma shows a few very simple Yoga exercises for the lower back. It was on air on NDTV India.

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What Are the Best Ways to Get Rid of Scars?

Posted: 18 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT

face in mirror, woman, skin, looking at skin
CREDIT: Yuri Arcurs | Dreamstime

"The Healthy Geezer" answers questions about health and aging in his weekly column.

Question: I have a nasty-looking scar that shows only when I wear a bathing suit. I'd like to get rid of it, if possible. What's available?

Answer: There is no procedure yet that will make a scar disappear completely. However, there are treatments to make a scar less noticeable. These include:

Surgical Scar Revision: This is a method of removing a scar and rejoining the normal skin. Wide scars can often be made thinner. Long scars can be made shorter. Using broken-line incisions can make scars harder to notice. Sometimes, a surgeon can hide a scar by redirecting it into a wrinkle or a hairline.

Dermabrasion: A surgeon uses an electrical dermabrasion machine to remove the top layers of skin. This process gives the skin a smoother surface. Dermabrasion is used for treating acne scars, pockmarks, some surgical scars, or minor irregularities.

Laser Scar Revision: Another method of improving scars is laser scar revision. High-energy light is used to treat damaged skin. Different lasers are available for treating a variety of scars. For example, a pulsed dye laser uses yellow light to remove scar redness and to flatten raised scars (hypertrophic scars or keloids).

Soft Tissue Fillers: There are injectable substances such as fat, collagen and hyaluronic acid, that are used to treat indented soft scars.

Punch Grafts: Punch grafts are small pieces of normal skin used to replace scarred skin. A tiny circular cutter is used to cut a hole in the skin and remove the scar. The area is then filled in with a matching piece of unscarred skin.

Chemical Peels: This procedure uses a chemical to remove the top layer of the skin and smooth depressed scars. It is most helpful for superficial scars.

Pressure bandages and massages: These can both flatten some scars if used on a regularly for several months.

Silicone gels: Silicone-impregnated gels can be used at home to remodel elevated scars. They must also be used regularly.

Cryosurgery: This technique freezes upper skin layers and causes blistering of the skin to remove the excess tissue at the scar.

Cortisone injections: These are effective in shrinking and flattening very firm scars. This treatment is popular for hypertrophic scars and keloids.

Interferon: This is a chemical that is injected into the scar. It may improve the appearance of a scar.

Cosmetics: Make-up applied correctly can be very good at covering up scars.

If you would like to read more columns, you can order a copy of "How to be a Healthy Geezer" at

All rights reserved © 2012 by Fred Cicetti

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Light at the Edge of the World-The Science of the Mind [5/5]

A production made by the Nation Geographical Society. With host, Wade Davis, this show explores the state of Tibetan Buddhism in Nepal, which is a huge movement and a growing one, due to the occupation of Tibet by China. Many aspects of Tibetan Buddhism in Nepal are explored, everything from some aspects of Tibetan laypeople living in Nepal, to large, thriving monasteries and Sanghas, all the way to the practice hermatice in the Himalayans foothills. Part 5 of 5 parts.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Strengthen Your Weight Reduction Possible With This Particular Comprehensive Deal

Posted: 18 May 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Article by ariel cochran

Everybody may slim down, as long as they go ahead as well as take appropriate actions. You'll identify good quality hints here that will certainly assist you along the ideal course. While slimming down can be challenging often, purposefulness and energy will certainly allow you to obtain through.

Staying away from red-colored meat can aid you slim down. You are going to uncover higher volumes of body fat and also blood cholesterol in red-colored meat that may be undesirable for your wellness. You should switch great slim cuts of food like seafood or poultry for red-colored meat cuts.

Immerse yourself within the color blue. Studies have definitely proven that blue colours commonly suppress a individual's hunger. It's especially successful on the table. Avoid red-colored, yellow, and also orange, considering they boost desire for foods. The hyperlink between just what we ought to take a look at and also the food we consume is subtle, however real. Do this being an captivating study when choosing brand-new meals layers or clothing to put on to a dinner party.

You have the ability to obtain a lean body when you consume even more compact servings of food items. Investigation shows that consuming even more compact meals permits you to undoubtedly achieve and an image weight that's healthy. Evidence is going to be simply exactly how a lot greater you feel and also look. Whenever you preserve a healthy eating type you'll boost your energy and suffer reduced wellness issues.

One activity that may aid keep undesirable weight away could be the everyday washing of your home. Whenever you cleaning your home, people gram calories pile on your weight reduction. Hearing popular music are able to pump you up, leading to you to dance or do even more job adequately which could well lead you to eliminate more pounds foods.

Tape exactly how effectively you're proceeding when you're attempting to slim down. Maintain an eye on undesirable weight every day as well as it'll assist point out ! to you o f the goals. Frequent analyze inches can easily assist keep you inspired to attain your objectives quickly.

Replacement routine noodles for noodles with grain grains inside them by consuming pasta. You're going to get even more health benefits from consuming grain grains noodles, and also they'll satisfy faster than numerous additional pastas. Even if you are consuming wheat grains pasta you should do not eat pasta as well regularly as well as steer clear of all sauces that wealthy in body fat.

A electronic digital pedometer is a terrific investment when you're contemplating walking or operating. A digital pedometer is actually a modest, digital tool which will certainly tally the quantity of steps you are taking throughout the day. It shall help you walk more throughout your day. You should generate a goal just to walk normally 10,000 steps each day. Step more if you're under that volume.

Food items diet plan labels are a great amount of invaluable data when you're seeking to slim down. The nutrients is something you must pay unique focus on. Nevertheless, keep in mind that meals bundles regularly consist of bunches of chunks, so ensure you tally the gram calories per providing you absorb. Also, grant consideration to the sugars and glucose counts.

Do not give to your tempts. This takes substantial self-discipline. Do not concentrate on your advises, discover one more aim instead. Brushing the teeth as well as gargling with mouth wash might just aid place you off giving to your urges. Restraining of your cravings can be obtained psychologically also informing yourself of reminiscences or pictures that discourage your prompts is an example.

Lots of people that seek an hunger suppressant class strive to get it done alone. A excellent support system ought to be made use of for a benefit for motivation and encouragement should you let them to in in your weight reduction targets. By realizing your objectives they're certainly not visiting give you with fattening meals they w! ould def initely.

Preparation your private meals instead of eating at restaurants may aid you in accomplishing undesirable weight loss objectives. Individuals that get your dinners at residence more regularly makes healthier choices by just what to consume. While eating out is remarkably undesirable, it's additionally considerably costly. Hence, consuming in your own residence could possibly conserve you whole lots of cash.

Tracking undesirable weight might assist support you to most definitely continue dropping the pounds. This can alter for every individual. Evaluate your weight weekly a minimum of. It is sensible to be attained daily.

You are able to alter your favored meals to guarantee that they have less gram calories. Strive the next pizza with less high-body fat meat toppings or less cheese. Numerous tastes of frozen treats can be identified in low-body fat or sugar-free types. If this entails beverages like soft drink or beer, you may identify light variations.

Weight adjustments normally for everybody, so don't be bothered. It's additional essential to offer consideration for your weight's general craze rather than its regular modifications. As prolonged as time decreases, you're on class.

When you're attempting to slim down, it's vital you deal with high-calorie dinners in a different way utilizing their firm, more desirable dinners. By ingesting a little something prohibited, supplement it with healthy and balanced food items selections to make sure that the forbidden food appears like a little something. Every modest nibble of cake should really be ingested having a serving of fruit this may make you suited.

Prior to you start stressing over foods, try to cut reduced your part dimensions. Numerous regimens these days are concentrating on the aspects and also the chemistry from the food items. This is not the leading variable to turn into browsing at. Merely exactly how much you eat each and every dinner unmistakably influences undesirable weight, yet nobody revi! ews sect ion control. You can slim down and acquire a lean body just by ingesting reduced.

Obtaining convenient packets of healthy and balanced meals choices may battle individuals urges that may harm undesirable weight loss. Ziplock bags full of nuts or fruit are fantastic, healthy and balanced snacks.

Yam fans weight loss may substitute the starchy potato by having cauliflower, a dramatically better, low-calorie solution. Simmer the cauliflower inside a snugly dealt with pot by having chicken broth as well as cut red onion. When it is tender, puree it and also provide peps or herbs the manner you want. You could take joy in a tasty and pleasing edge course with no carb overload.

When you complete looking up food markets, make time to divide food sections into compartments. Application containers and also baggies to analyze as well as portion the food items effectively. If you have the volume you eat in various containers, it's easier to prevent overindulging.

Make sure to consist of workout in just about virtually any weight loss show. Weight reduction happens when you use-up additional foods than you eat. Activity may help this to check out much faster. Biking and also jogging aren't any-cost, simple ways that you need to burn fat, while durability education assists create muscular tissue and also accelerate your metabolic process.

After you start to watch undesirable weight loss, give away outfits that are currently as well big that you ought to regional non income organizations. This may design your confidence, as well as aid you to think about your potential to succeed. Also, it gives you with more motivation to maintain the dimensions you currently are.

If you're seeking to slim down or enter far better design, this short blog shall help you out. By utilizing the information provided above, you may start really altering the means you seem and also look with regards to you.

About the Author

For more info relating to this good topic Please follow the link provided: Weight Reduction

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Troops Today Have Better Prospects for PTSD Recovery, Expert Says

Posted: 18 May 2012 08:00 AM PDT

U.S. Army Soldiers from the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division cross a bridge to Al Zunbria, Iraq, Dec. 29, 2007, during operations to secure the area south of their area of operation. CREDIT: Spc. Angelica Golindano

There's reason to be optimistic about treating and preventing post-traumatic stress disorder in U.S. troops, researchers say.

In fact, rates of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in soldiers deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan are much lower than would be expected based on rates from the Vietnam War, said Richard McNally, a psychologist at Harvard University.

McNally, who studies PTSD, also cited two promising programs for soldiers — one from the Department of Veterans Affairs that trains doctors in the latest PTSD treatments, and another aimed at preventing PTSD.

"The prospects for recovery for those who have developed PTSD have never been better," McNally said.

Solider resilience

PTSD can develop after life-threatening events such as combat, McNally said. PTSD sufferers have vivid flashbacks of their trauma and can experience nightmares and intrusive thoughts, he said.

While some experts predicted as many as 30 percent of soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan could develop PTSD, McNally said, the best study we have showed that about 4.3 percent of them do. The rate is 7.6 percent among those in combat in these wars. Part of the reason for the lower-than-expected rates may be a decline in the lethality of war, McNally said.

M. David Rudd, scientific director of the National Center for Veterans Studies at the University of Utah, agreed there's reasons to be optimistic about the issue of PTSD in the military."The majority of troops are resilient and do well even after repeated exposure to combat," Rudd said. However, "The problem is, there still is a substantial proportion that struggle."

Studies of PTSD rates in current soldiers leave out a large part of the picture, Rudd said: Veterans report dramatically more symptoms of mental problems than active members of the military do. For instance, one of Rudd's studies found that veterans in college were twice as likely as active-duty members to have suicidal thoughts.

Active members of the military may be concerned about reporting mental problems because of the stigma attached to them, or because they think such reports could lead to their dismissal, Rudd said.

Rudd also noted that veterans also have other serious mental health concerns. "PTSD is only part of the picture," Rudd said. Depression, substance abuse and anxiety disorder are also significant problems and are risk factors for suicide, Rudd said.     

Treating and preventing PTSD

In accordance with the new VA initiative, all doctors who deliver PTSD treatments will undergo special training in highly effective PTSD therapies, McNally said. As the pool of doctors delivering these treatments expands, more veterans will receive this care.

However, access could be threatened if budget cuts decrease the number of institutions that can deliver such care, Rudd said.

Another program, called Strong Star, aims to develop and evaluate PTSD therapies and to treat patients before their symptoms become disabling, Rudd said. Initial results are encouraging, with about three-quarters of participants having a noticeable reduction in symptoms, he said.

Meanwhile, the program Comprehensive Soldier Fitness, which began in 2009, aims to teach all military members resilience skills to reduce their PTSD risk.

One concern that psychologists have with this program is that it began before it was tested, McNally said. "The belief was that 'The program must work and we don't want to deprive anyone of it.'"

No studies were done in which troops were randomly assigned to either receive the therapy or forgo it, so researchers will not know whether any benefits are the result of the program or of some other factor, he said.

A promising program that has been tested is Battleminds, which aims to help members adjust to home life after returning from combat. "Soldiers with the most combat exposure received the most benefit, reporting fewer symptoms of PTSD and depression, less difficulty sleeping, and less concern about stigma" than soldiers who receive the military's standard post-deployment program, McNally said.

However, the extent to which PTSD truly can be prevented still remains unclear, McNally said.

Ultimately, the best way to prevent the disorder would be to reduce global violence, McNally said.

McNally detailed his view in a paper appearing May 18 in the journal Science.

Pass it on: Troops who served in Iraq and Afghanistan may have a better prospect of avoiding or recovering from PTSD than troops in the past, experts say.

Follow MyHealthNewsDaily staff writer Rachael Rettner on Twitter @RachaelRettner. Find us on Facebook.

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Debt Reduction Program - Unique Procedure for Total Financial Set Up

Posted: 18 May 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Article by Jamesirwinok

Financial standing and potential are two major components and play actual role in rolling factors of life with different behaviors. Uncontrolled higher rate of interest construct blockages in continued debt repayments whether amount mount meant peoples disqualified to hold sufficient amount for payment even compulsory schedules. Also,reason of overspending from credit card and mortgages create worsen unsteadiness even you pay each month not visible ending points. Allotted percentage of monthly salary for total debt settling is headache for your overall potential.Because of combined harassment of lenders also you face ashamed situation overburden in your shoulder. For objective to handling matter of overcome on debts advantageous and sensible easy source is debt reduction program. This solution declined your stress level by maintain through opportune and unique set up.

For recovery faster road is web server and easy direct line is BBB for choosing the practical solution of debt services and essential to confirm preceding records. Debt advisor must perform evolution steps by reviewing your debt obligation and with monthly income included necessary requirements and then subscribed alternative from debt reduction program. In options, include debt settlement, debt consolidation and debt negotiation. This service is exceptional aid if you suffer unbalancing of exceeded ten thousand dollars. Usually, for involving in ideal strategy if you are enable charge some cost at the ending and evaluate from resolving total debts. Moreover, from this legal action and proper handling of procedure fiscal image cant destroyed and achieved more effectiveness.

In particular program unique services involved and depend on your unfitted condition. Debt settlement process is proficient popular deal for outstanding result. In simple words defined as track of reliever for bad credit borrowers.Prior to obtain this useful facility know about technique of arrangement to make this help without interference of anyone! .After t he strategies and new credit profile plan and allow starting proceeding on your behalf with creditor negotiate up to attain expected outcomes and you live comfortably. Fifty percent to seventy percent expected discount from original amount outstanding. Merely levy the interest rate lower over single merged unresolved deb account. Each month share small part of your earning for substantially closed other reimbursement and set balancing up to format phase of maximum 36 months.

The first impact of debt reduction program steady increase debts ion short time fully recompense and no objection remain for negative issues. With flexible distributed repayments you effortlessly planned budget from your actual spending cost and appropriately ordered successful usage by grasping guidelines from hiring expert without any payment.Keep stuck in avalible span for ordaining payments without any unreasonable cause and facilitate from incentive of boosting credit scores. So, get financial attractive service which based on standard function and result occur incredible.

About the Author

This press release is submitted by Federal Debt Relief which is the number one Debt Relief Company in USA.

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Stress Attention in Apr Offers Health and fitness Opportunity

Posted: 18 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Article by Radhe Krishnaseo

Monthly dedicated to increasing attention of pressure and how it has an effect on wellness seems like a considerable event. But the reality of how much causes can affect a person's wellbeing will make Stress Awareness 30 days in Apr seem like a small act.

With new research showing that pressure results in heart problems, emotional wellbeing and may even improve the risk of certain malignancies, medical professionals are ramping up their initiatives to raise attention in areas. In the work environment it has long been known that pressure can affect efficiency and personnel job satisfaction. Business employers have been attempting to decrease the effect as well. Enjoying Stress Awareness 30 days, knowledge of pressure control and reduction methods can improve the wellness and fitness of individuals at house and in the work environment.

Education Through Awareness - Many factors that improve pressure on an individual cover in everyday projects. Demands in the work environment, both from amount of work and colleague connections can be considerable, causing stress during the day and beyond. In order to decrease the effect of this, hr control can apply a knowledge program that specializes in pressure control and recognition of causes. Educational materials can help workers review the activates that cause high stress and how to deal with them in a effective way.

Reminders With Purpose - Moreover to produced knowledge material, workers can be given marketing products that will help strengthen the pressure attention concept. Although any marketing product can carry a custom memory concept, there are practical offers that can be used as actual pressure reducers. Stress paintballs, foam holders and squash paintballs provide a fun way of providing the pressure attention concept. Moreover to the mark, the use of these products can help decrease stress while at the desk. Take house products such as massagers, spa sets and leisure lotion can increase the concept beyond the work environment. In! dividual s can use these tools to help relax while at house, creating the most out of their time with family, rather than residing on issues from the day.

Keeping personnel in a positive perspective by outfitting them with pressure reducing methods and signs can help keep the work environment running nicely. Reducing colleague issue and reducing stress both in and out of the office can improve personnel's wellness and fitness, creating them more effective and efficient. Stress Awareness 30 days offers the opportunity for employers to affect their personnel's wellbeing and pleasure beyond an income.

About the Author

BBA College in India, List of BBA College in Delhi , BBA College in Delhi, BBA College in India Provides Best MBA Courses in All Over India.

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reflexology massage techniques in maui, hawaii in Maui, Hawaii Reflexology reduces physical, emotional and psychological stress and tension. This reduction of stress and tension results in a greater degree of relaxation in the body and a consequent revitalization and rejuvenation of the functioning of the body. Reflexology also increases the body 's awareness of itself. The combination of therapeutic relaxation and increased awareness facilitate movement toward optimal healthy functioning. In this sense reflexology is healing. ART means that the application of reflexology is most beneficial when the practitioner is bringing their intuitive senses into play with their practice of reflexology. Everyone who uses the techniques of reflexology will find that the results are beneficial. However, the practitioner that develops awareness of their intuitive senses and applies reflexology in accordance with their intuitive senses will have more effective results. The basic techniques used in the practice of reflexology are very simple and easy to learn. As in many other activities it takes some practice of the techniques to become familiar with them. In this process of practising the techniques it is inevitable that some of the benefits of reflexology will be discovered. The most common benefit to be discovered is how profoundly relaxing reflexology is for most (not all) people that it is applied to. Even for relatively healthy people in our hectic western society, the feeling of profound relaxation ...

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Natural Brilliance, by Irini Rockwell

Posted: 18 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT

The subtitle of Irini Rockwell's new book, Natural Brilliance: A Stress Reduction System for Uncovering Your Strengths and Letting them Shine, reads like a self-help book, and, yes, it is emphatically about helping ourselves. Yet, as you might imagine from a Stress Reduction teacher, the emphasis of the book is very much about helping us out of ourselves. As Irini writes, "When we are fully present … there is a tangible experience of the boundary of self dissolving and a sense of mingling with sights, sounds, smells, tastes." Throughout "Natural Brilliance," Irini acknowledges the richness and basic goodness of our inner world and offers a set of teachings that mean to guide us on the path toward transcending our self by becoming our best self.

Title: Natural Brilliance
Author: Irini Rockwell
Publisher: Random House
ISBN: 978-1-59030-932-2
Available from: Random House,, and

Irini Rockwell, is a senior teacher in the Shambhala community and a student of Tibetan Stress Reduction meditation master, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Her first book, The Five Wisdom Energies: A Stress Reduction Way of Understanding Personalities, Emotions, and Relationships (2002) grew out of her work with the Five Wisdoms Institute where she is currently the director and senior teacher.

The five wisdom energies are the dimensions of a comprehensive system in Tibetan Buddhism for describing and understanding everything we think, feel, say and do: in short, it is a conceptual system for making sense of our human experience. The five wisdom qualities are:

  • Spaciousness (Buddha)
  • Clarity (Vajra)
  • Richness (Ratna)
  • Passion (Padma)
  • Activity (Karma).

Irini calls this system of qualities a "model of human dynamics." Each of these qualities plays out in our personal experience in both dysfunctional and constructive traits. Gaining an understanding of our own unique energy patterns gives us a context for our strengths and weaknesses and the awareness to change in healthy ways. The energy of Karma, for example, can manifest in us skillfully as 'productivity' while at different times it can also manifest unskillfully as 'manipulation'. The trick, as we gain awareness of these conditioned patterns, is to allow our inherent wisdom to guide us toward more skillful behavior.

In the tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, these five qualities are overlapping aspects of an all-pervasive energetic dimension of reality that affects our inner world, our interpersonal world, and our relationship to our environment. The five wisdoms are inherent in all of us and can be drawn on at any time. When we begin to understand the unique ways that the wisdom energies play through our own person, we are enabled to redirect the energies in ways that offer us positivity, creativity, productivity, spaciousness and ultimately inner peace.

For Irini, "understanding sense perception is key to understanding reality." Being grounded in a deep awareness of our sense perceptions frees us from attachment to our thoughts and feeling and grants us a certain spaciousness as we open out of the self-limiting world of thoughts and feelings. The experience of selflessness comes as we begin to drop our mental and emotional preoccupations (conditioning) and experience our wordless, thoughtless, immediate relationship with the world. In our day to day living, however, we become caught up in our busy minds and emotional reactivity and block our direct experience of our sense perceptions:

"In general, we don't experience; we conceptualize…We cloud direct experience and thus have a dull, distorted view of our world. We cannot relate to ourselves or the world in a genuine way." (Natural Brilliance page 37)

The five wisdoms are pointers that guide us back to a direct experience of our senses and back to an authentic relationship with ourselves and our world.

Natural Brilliance, in following its precursor, The Five Wisdom Energies, has the more directed purpose of applying the five wisdoms to our personal, social, and professional lives. The second part of "Natural Brilliance", for example, a good two thirds of the book, is dedicated to applying the five wisdoms to leadership development and productivity in the workplace. Specific chapters address mindfulness, personal authenticity, intimate relationships, working with others and cultivating wisdom in our professional arenas.

In the chapter titled, "Engaging Effectively," for example, Irini shares with us specifics about how to bring our understanding of the wisdom energies in ourselves and others to bear on workplace dynamics, communication, creativity and conflict resolution. Irini uses case studies, personal anecdotes and detailed exercises to explore the possibilities of engaging with others without reactivity and bias. She offers the five wisdom framework for skillful communication which is based on clear understanding and mindfulness.

To the uninitiated, the five wisdoms system can feel confusing and foreign. Like with reading a good novel, I was a few chapters in before I began to 'get it'. Still, Irini writes with a real passion for the well-being of others and what seems like an uncompromising authenticity. Her personal narratives and real life examples are both instructive and entertaining. As a vehicle of self-understanding, personal enrichment and a tool for engaging with others, the five wisdoms model is intensely powerful.

For many of us, engaging with the five wisdoms will be an opportunity to release our attachment to our fixed views of ourselves and open to our beingness as a conduit for wisdom and deep interconnectedness with all things. The five wisdoms offer a thorough template through which to view our personal world, both inside and out. One could only benefit from integrating this perspective into their lives.

"What we come back to again and again is that fundamentally our sanity is intrinsic: we are good, sane, intelligent people. We have a soft spot and can relate to the world in a gentle way. When we experience a sense of well-being, we know this." ("Natural Brilliance page 73)

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Zen Calligraphy demonstrated by Harada Shodo Roshi

Shodo Harada Roshi, the head of the Rinzai Zen monastery of Sogenji, Okayama, Japan, giving a demonstration of Zen Calligraphy. Harada Roshi is also the head of the worldwide One Drop Zen-buddhist community.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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The Power of Mind over Matter - 3 Basic Principles

Posted: 18 May 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Article by Greg Frost

We have all heard the term of mind over matter, but only recently can this be more than a popular maxim for self development therapists and a turnkey for casual people on the street to unleash their most powerful potentials on the world today

Your mind should be listening to you, this is the first and most important principle that you should know about. You have to train your mind to take instruction from your will power. The problem with the human psyche is that we often take instruction from our sub conscious mind, a fact that has been eluding us for a long, long time. Our personality, our behaviour - who we are as a person is not dependant on our genetic make up, but on how we were raised and the stimulants that were presented to our preconscious mind. In terms of the mind, we are what we 'eat' - and often we realise this too late. The first step to having the power of mind over matter is to realise that you should not be taking instruction from your sub conscious, it should be the other way around. You need to empower yourself with knowledge and a little know how on how to subvert the mind and take back control of your body.

A lot of our negative behaviour patterns are quite rooted in the sub conscious. Let us take the example of bad habits like over eating. Psychologists have said that bad habits like these are rooted in our childhood or our prime defence mechanisms within the mind. Mental associations of eating with comfort or with feeling good have been branded in our minds since young and this is the same of fears. Fear of the water is a good example, imprinted in our sub conscious mind by a traumatic experience and left there for good to be reproduced in our psyche and replayed as a fear and as a reaction whenever we come near the entity of water. What we need to do is to realise that all of our addictions and our irrational fears lie in our mind.

The mind can limit and release some of the physical attributes that we have. We can actually grow stronger and quicker if we ! just put our mind to it. Some say it is due to the complex series of chemical reactions within the cortical of the brain and some say it is down to the interconnectedness of the human nervous systems with our bodies most basic functions. We have all heard stories of mothers lifting cars to free their children, or athletes running faster with mind regression therapy. The power of the mind over matter has been reinforced to us for years and years and we need to take matters into our own hands. Take a look at technology like subliminal messaging or brainwave entrainment - specific tools for the reprogramming and empowering of the mind to believe that it and its physical self, can do anything it puts itself to.

About the Author

Click Here to get your Free "Success Accelerator" Brainwave Cd today! Unleash your Mind Power potential to attain the lifestyle that you want. Visit and claim your Free Cd today!

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NamasteYoga 2: Yoga of Awareness with Dr. Melissa West A free weekly yoga show designed for real people doing real yoga. Come and join Dr Melissa West every week for a unique yoga experience. In the second episode of Namaste Yoga we we will explore the topic of awareness through the body, breath and thought. We will begin with a body scan and breath exploration to bring mindfulness to the body, breath and the thinking mind. Through various postures we will continually question What is happening in my body? What is happening with my breath? What is happening in my mind? From this practice we will bring mindfulness into our everyday lives. The copyrighted theme in this program is based upon the work of Michael Lee in his book Turn Stress into Bliss and are used with his permission.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Love Consciousness Affirmations

Posted: 18 May 2012 04:00 AM PDT

Article by Giovani Saintiny

Love consciousness affirmations--will they hold someone spellbound?

It's easy to say that these can't possibly interfere with another person's free will. But--especially for love--is that the case?

I'd agree with the idea that NOTHING can interfere with another person's free will. However, that doesn't mean what some people think it means. This is basically a statement about consciousness.

Harming another person is possible--under certain conditions. However, forcing another person to think less of self is impossible, without that person's cooperation. Pretty icky stuff, yes?

So, taking a less absolute approach to all this, it is possible to gravitate toward those open to manipulation. And, what's a self consciousness affirmation for love in one person's hand can act as a manipulative subliminal command in another's.

The thing to remember is that love blossoms best in an athmosphere of freedom and shared enerprise. So moody subliminal commands can be self-defeating. Of course, some people like to play that way. It's similar to tossing around witty remarks. Well, that's playfulness.

The most powerful and effecient use of affirmations in love is consciousness affirmations aimed at one's self. The second most powerful comes in the form of encouragement of others.

Consciousness affirmations focus on the management of mental (or even spiritual) states. For example: "I appreciate this present breath."

That's a great affirmation that pulls you out of whatever gossip may have been running around your head or worries, and so on, and focuses you on the real present moment, riding on the wave of your breath. This can work really well in the middle of what's veering toward an argument, for example.

Here's another one: "The warmth of yesterday and tomorrow are with me, now."

That's a powerful love consciousness affirmation! The fact that it only subtly refers to love may help you feel less self-conscious about using it. And, it manipulates concepts of! time so powerfully, that the rational mind has little defense against it.

Here's one that can make you feel powerful in matters of love: "My heart is listening." It doesn't sound like much, but it takes a lot of the weight off your shoulders, in matters of love, and places it upon a mysterious character known as your heart. Can you see how this frees you to be confident?

Love consciousness affirmations sometimes call upon you to be a little sneaky. To zig, where your rational mind would tend to zag. However, their constructive effect can be worth it.

About the Author

Giovani Saintiny loves to laugh and play and to keep things colorful. His blog, Universal Laws For Self Help is a big help in that pursuit. And sharing is caring, right?

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How To Meditate IV - Fundamentals of Meditation Practice

Fourth (of six) in a series of videos on how to practice meditation without the requirement of religious dogma or spiritual mumbo-jumbo. This video discusses some fundamental qualities that are essential to the meditation practice.

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Lady Gaga Heartbeats For Prompt Hemorrhoid Reduction Understand the Most recent Recommendations and Methods

Posted: 18 May 2012 03:00 AM PDT

Article by Merrill Conneely

Hemorrhoids are a widespread ailment, but many individuals are not willing to discuss it. Simply because the topic is so embarrassing, hemroid sufferers usually experience in silence, even though aid just isn't that difficult to get hold of. In practically all hemoroid instances, there's no should pay a visit to a doctor. The truth is, chances are you'll not even should invest in medication. A couple of uncomplicated actions you may choose at home will offer speedy hemorroid relief. Add a couple of life style changes, and you may well by no means be troubled by hemorrhoids once again. Allow's require a have a look at the latest suggestions and methods for hemorrhoid relief. Avoid the pressure. Hemorroids come about once the blood veins close to your rectum and anus turn into swollen and inflamed. The quantity one particular purpose behind the swelling and inflammation is greater than usual stress, typically as a result of constipation and straining all through your bowel movement. The trick is to transform your tricky and strenuous bowel actions into soft and simple bowel actions. Fiber and fluids are the top strategy to achieve this. Consume more fiber (fruits, vegetables and entire grains) and drink additional fluids (mineral water is ideal). When you start to ease the pressure of difficult bowel actions, you'll start to obtain some hemroid relief. Although you might be waiting for the fiber and fluids to operate their magic, consider lubricating your rectum having a little amount of petroleum jelly. Acquire warm baths. Warm baths are an fantastic approach to achieve hemorrhoid aid. It is best if you can soak from the warm normal water numerous instances each day. It ought to produce some immediate reduction through the discomfort and itching, and increased blood flow to the location will accelerate healing. Usually do not scratch. The itching of hemoroids is usually distracting and even maddening at times. Scratching may possibly supply some swift hemorroid relief, but within the long term i! t will d o additional injury and may perhaps inflame and irritate your hemorrhoids much more. Try witch hazel. Without having a doubt, the external utility of witch hazel may be the hemroid aid hint suggested most generally by hemorrhoid sufferers. Witch hazel actually facilitates blood vessels to shrink and contract back to typical size. And here's one more idea: consider placing the witch hazel on ice before you use it. Obtaining the witch hazel as cold as you can before applying it appears to multiply the hemoroid relief impact. Require stoneroot. Should you would like to try an herbal remedy for hemorroid relief, it is best to give stoneroot a try out. Between herbal formulations, stoneroot would seem being by far the most effective. It commonly comes in capsule kind that you can carry when each day (or as directed by an skilled option well being practitioner). Be soft when cleaning. If doable, use toilet paper that has moisturizers or lotions additional. Seek to steer clear of any bathroom report with extra perfumes or dyes. A truly very good tip for doing your toilet newspaper a lot more soft is to dampen it with drinking water before use. That could enable soothe the irritation and help preserve you clear without having risking far more inflammation. Select creams. Through-the-counter medications may provide some basic hemorrhoid aid, but they will not seriously employ a lasting effect about the result in of one's hemroids. Creams are possibly far better than gels. The only exception may very well be aloe vera gel, which can present good hemorroid relief. Do not bother aided by the suppositories--they deal with the incorrect region and probably won't aid aided by the itching, burning or ache. Eliminate excess weight. Should you're overweight, it could be contributing for your hemoroids. Dropping weight and becoming extra lively will provide lasting hemorrhoid relief. Decrease your salt intake as much as you can. Having additional salt with your system will trigger you to retain fluid. Extra fluid will! inevita bly bring about bulging veins, that is just the reverse of everything you need when you're looking for hemroid reduction. Stick to your urges. When you've got the urge to work with the toilet, do not delay any a lot more than needed. Also, usually do not try to go after you never have the urge. That can just result in additional straining and make your hemorroids worse as an alternative to offering hemroid relief. You are able to come across hemorrhoid aid by following the tips and tricks above. But in the event you don's see improvement or in the event the bleeding worsens, really don't hesitate to look for a doctor's proper care.

About the Author

Some have breathed sighs of reduction, other people, such as churches, suitable-to-everyday life categories and the Australian Health-Related Association, bitterly attacked the bill and the haste of its passage. But the tide is unlikely to flip rear.In Australia- exactly where an aging population, everyday living-extending engineering and changing neighbourhood attitudes have all played their partother states are likely to look at generating a comparable legislation to cope with euthanasia.

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Stress, Smoking - Major Factors that Cause Facial Lines

Posted: 18 May 2012 02:00 AM PDT

Article by Robert Jack

Females must never be questioned about their age, nevertheless the fine lines on a woman's face definitely give out the hidden figure and it could be even worse for women when they appear much older than they actually are on account of wrinkles. Such wrinkles are primarily the outcome of ageing and are seen on parts like face, neck or hands. They are brought about because of thin, sagging skin and show up as delicate lines. Although age is a vital reason for wrinkles, given below are some additional factors that can accelerate the development of wrinkles:

1. Stress is undeniably a key reason causing skin aging. Apart from maximizing the risks of developing other disorders, handling stress performs a prime role in one's physical appearance altogether. Being tense and under consistent pressure at all times makes your skin dry, damaged and dull, thus leading to wrinkles.

2. Exposure to sunlight for lengthy time periods is among the most prevalent causes that are responsible for facial wrinkles. Such damage that the skin suffers as a result of UV rays is called as photoageing.

3. Particular lifestyle practices, especially smoking, result in a major reduction of Vitamin B. In reality, smoking cigarettes is the greatest culprit that leads to wrinkles on your face and makes it very apparent. Make an effort to stop and you'll certainly notice a significant change in the skin texture within 7 days itself. Moreover, you would also be protecting yourself from other health complications.

4. Inadequate nourishment may additionally lead to wrinkles. For instance, not consuming sufficient amounts of Vitamin E could affect the quality of the skin. Rich with anti-oxidants, Vitamin E keeps your skin free from any harm or damage. An unbalanced or junk food plan can harm your skin.

Wrinkles can be successfully dealt with the assistance of certain natural therapies, which can be made without any difficulty. Some of them include:

• Prior to sleeping, massage some coconut oil lightl! y on par ts of skin susceptible to wrinkles. A blend of virgin coconut oil and a small amount of Vitamin E oil serves as an excellent cream for wrinkles and reveals visible results within 7 days of usage.

• Another useful alternative is to apply a mixture of sugarcane juice and turmeric. It aids to reduce fine lines and simultaneously slows down the action of skin ageing.

• Mix few drops of lemon juice along with some castor oil. Apply this mixture on skin areas that are affected. Lemon juice consists of Vitamin C, a valuable constituent for wrinkles. Castor oil is also helpful since it assists in managing creases.

You can also choose medicines that aid to minimize facial lines. Nonetheless, it is important to use them under a skin care expert's supervision. Renova Retin-A is a beneficial topical medication which helps to lessen wrinkles and pigmentation. Females can buy Renova Retin-A from the nearby chemist or order Renova Retin-A online from a trustworthy web-based drug store. However, ensure that you adhere to the dermatologist's suggested therapy program once you purchase Renova Retin-A and begin treatment.

About the Author

Renova cream is used to is used to treat acne, acne vulgaris, and Keratosis Pilaris.You can buy Renova Retin-A from the discount online pharmacy. Don't wait until you see these undesirable creases on the forehead or close to your mouth. Implement the required steps to avoid wrinkles. Keep these pointers in mind and you'll surely appear pretty much your age or perhaps much younger!

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Psychological Reversal - Part 3 of 4

Rapid Cognitive Therapy - Gary Emery

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Switching Frame of Mind to Overcome the Anxiety and Worries during Pregnancy

Posted: 18 May 2012 01:00 AM PDT

Article by Angeline Karr

Popular books on Buddhism

Posted: 18 May 2012 12:00 AM PDT

by Akuppa

Article by Scott Leger

Meditation Books from Z Meditation

Posted: 17 May 2012 11:00 PM PDT

Article by Lily Candice

Feed your head, read a book. And not just any book. Variety in our diet of food as well as our diet of reading material is essential for all round health of the body and mind. You put in trash, you feel trashy most of the time. Meditation books are a source of nourishment to your mind. Meditation books are usually a collection of the teachings of experienced meditation teachers. The knowledge these meditation experts have gathered over many years of practice in the art is crystallized into meditation books, which allow the sincere seeker to find freedom. The highest goal of anyone should be to live in a state of love, peace and happiness; notwithstanding any other circumstances. By availing yourself of the knowledge within meditation books, you'll be moving closer to that goal.The cause of our restlessness and suffering comes from our desires, which in turn are born of predefined expectations. We have been conditioned from the earliest reasoning age to expect and demand certain things and behavior. When this belief system is not reinforced, pain and suffering is the result. In order to free ourselves from this unpleasant disposition, meditation books can show you how to decondition your mind of these false and harmful beliefs. Z Meditation is a meditation school based in India. They have published a number of meditation books, which go to the root of the problem. The committed and sincere seeker who makes use of one of their meditation books will quickly see the futility in her approach; and may then begin to root them out of her system.In its most basic form, meditation is the practice of fine-tuning the functioning of your mind in order to achieve a state of awareness characterized by feelings of peace, love and happiness. To live without expectations does not mean to live a carefree life. You will still make continual efforts to meet your set goals. The only difference will be that you will be unperturbed by the outcome. Like the rolling of dice, the outcome is beyond our control. So why bother! and fre t over what will happen?An erroneous belief is that meditation involves some mystical practice. If you happen to read meditation books, however, you will find out meditation is a simple way of life that may be adopted by anyone. And this also does not interfere with your religious practice in anyway. Meditation has its roots in the ancient Buddhist religion, as it is with most of the dominant religions. The content of meditation books can, however, not be said to be affiliated to any one religion.Meditation books from Z Meditation are available at a very reasonable cost from online booksellers such as Amazon. These meditation books are very easy to read and understand. You will begin to notice a remarkable and positive difference within a few days of following through diligently with the prescriptions of the content. And that is the key: Diligence, and a sincere conviction that freedom is your only option.

About the Author

Lily Candice is regular article writer for Meditation Books at Z Meditation in India

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Meditation Retreats in India is Organized the Z Meditation

Posted: 17 May 2012 10:00 PM PDT

Article by Lily Candice

India has a unique cultural history. Among the icons of this culture are meditation retreats in India. Meditation retreats in India are centers of learning where the art and practice of meditation are taught. Meditation has its roots in the ancient Buddhist religion, as well as with other religions from different backgrounds. There is virtually no established religion without its own form of meditation. Meditation retreats in India are run by dedicated teachers who have made the propagation of the practice of meditation their life's work. Willing seekers are exposed to the benefits of meditation at meditation retreats in India. One of the more prominent meditation retreats in India is organized by the Z Meditation center, which has been in existence for over a decade now.Z Meditation promotes the method of meditation which is known as Deep Deconditioning Inquiry. This systematic approach to meditation retreats in India suggests that we look deep within as a first step in digging up and rooting out the false beliefs and conditionings which predetermine the way in which we behave. Most geographical regions the world over have prescribed patterns of behavior, which we sometimes call culture. These have been held over several decades and passed down through the generations without recourse to changing times. Some of these strong beliefs are also religiously biased with absolute patterns of conduct expected. The focus of Deep Deconditioning Inquiry is to enable us to see ourselves as we truly are, and to be able to face the challenges of life with equanimity, not desiring or expecting.Meditation retreats in India are non religious and open to anyone from whatever social, cultural or religious background. In teaching students, the leaders at meditation retreats in India will want you to have a sincere belief that you wish to experience peace. In addition, a certain minimum level of discipline is required of you. Finding peace and love is not all that difficult, but it requires dedication. Slowly, but su! rely, as you embrace the practice, you will see the unwanted layers peeled off, and the authentic you revealed. It has been seen with most students at the Z Meditation Center that positive change is observed within just a few days of the practice.Meditation retreats in India have gradually become an alternative holiday destination for countless people from the western world. The interesting thing is that meditation retreats in India will cost you a fraction of what you might be expected to part with at other mainstream vacation destinations. Furthermore, the benefits of attending meditation retreats in India is a life changing and everlasting experience.The proponents of meditation retreats in India have made it easy for intending visitors. There will always be comfortable accommodation, with the basic needs of students catered for. As such, you need not leave home with excessive baggage, reducing your travel costs. In addition, airport services are usually put in place whereby the visitor will not have the problems of local transportation and language barriers.

About the Author

Lily Candice is regular article writer for Meditation Retreats in India at Z Meditation in India

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Food reduction tips

Posted: 17 May 2012 09:00 PM PDT

Article by Divya Kamra

Listed below are few tips that will help you to reduce the amount of food you consume: • Keep long term goals, falling back to your old eating habits will not help you in any way.• Use one time serve packaged food for controlled eating. • You may find it amusing, but use small plates instead of regular ones to help you serve smaller portions. • Whenever you are eating out, either buy a small sized meal or share a full sized meal with someone. • Eat small portions of food every few hours to avoid hunger at the time of main meal.• Consume at least 2-3 liters of water throughout the day. People confuse thirst with hunger.• Eat slowly and do not engage in watching TV while you are eating. Concentrate on what you are eating.• Gradually and slowly reduce the amount of servings and size of serving. Don't do it immediately.• When buying a take away from a food joint, avoid packing a super size meal.• These changes are happening for a long period of time, so be patient. You will have to practice them for a couple of months till the time it becomes your habit.• Start eating the last when the table has been set.• Chew properly before taking the next bite.• Pause in the middle of the meal.• Avoid eating while you are cooking. Without even noticing you have increased your serving. • Before starting a meal have soup and salad, prefer low cal dressing.• The moment you start feeling full, stop eating. Don't wait for yourself to feel thoroughly full.• Don't eat out of emotion. Like generally people eat more when they are in stress.

When you follow the above tips and steps, you are reducing the amount of food you consume and this slowly makes you lose weight.

Once you have started reducing the amount of serving size, now is the time to concentrate on what we eat. Like, instead of having fried chicken, try having grilled or boiled chicken. Let this happen gradually too, but a little faster than how you adjust to the food quantity.

Replace chips with corns or stea! med vegg ies. These are small yet positive changes that you bring you a healthy lifestyle and eating habits. Changing what we eat is often more difficult than changing how much we eat, but once this change happens you can see a positive weight loss.

About the Author

Muffazal Lakdawala is a well known surgeon of weight loss and Bariatric. He should be consulted for any issues regarding weight loss.

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Fun Easy English American English Reductions Introduction.

Fun Easy English American English reductions introduction. Learn American English reductions online free.

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Life lessons learned on a Maui beach

Posted: 17 May 2012 09:00 PM PDT

I always feel pleasantly alive when my wife and I visit our favorite Maui beach, Napili. There's just something about a tropical beach that screams (or rather, murmurs) this is what life is all about

It isn't just the warm air and water speaking. There's also something else. Elemental. Honest. Real. No need to try to name it. But I enjoy trying to talk about it.

Last year I blogged about some life lessons I've learned boogie boarding. 

-- You can't control the big things.
-- You can control how you relate to big things.
-- Change is the only constant.
-- Don't be afraid of being the only one.
-- Rushing isn't necessary.
-- Missing an opportunity is no big deal.
-- Patience. Acceptance. Mindfulness.
-- Not knowing what you're doing is really doing it.
-- Get out of your mind! Go a little (or a lot) crazy! 

During this year's Maui vacation I re-experienced these same life lessons. Heraclitus was right, though. Can't swim in the same ocean twice. So I'll share some 2012 Napili photos with fresh what life is all about observations.

Napili 1
Lots of footsteps on a now-empty beach. Can't tell which came from a rich person, or a poor one; from a black person, or a white one; from a sad person, or a happy one. Big waves will wash them away today, or tomorrow, or for sure, someday. We're all footsteps on a beach.

Napili 2
Islands on the horizon are real. So is the empty ocean. But there's a difference between them. Seeing a distant shore that doesn't exist... mirage! Such is the supernatural, religiosity, mysticism, spirituality -- when these aren't grounded.

Napili 3
Make room for two. Or three. Or however many people there are to like, love, and lust for in your life. 

Napili 4
Looking up... a different perspective. There's always so much more... skyward. Condos, people, sidewalks... yes. Also say yes to blue sky, passing clouds, palm fronds waving in the breeze. 

Napili 5
Keeping our balance, the best we can, as the waves of life pass by. But falling down, splash, into the water, that's enjoyable also. No standing without falling. No such thing as the perfect surfer. Everyone falls. (Yes, it's possible to surf waves on stand-up paddle boards).

Napili 6
Being part of the wave... that's the key to riding a wave. Too early or too late; too left or too right. Not quite. There's a sweet spot which can be felt, yet not described. You know it when you're in it. Thinking not required.

Napili 7
Beaches erase inhibitions. Adults act like kids. Why can't we do this all of the time? Or at least, all the times the boss isn't watching. More silly, more crazy, more no reason not to. That's a great gift of beaches.

Napili 8
It's really easy to do nothing. Especially on a beach. Every life needs a beach, where nothing is the job to be done. I've learned more from nothing than from something. Got to keep up my learning, though. Always more to learn.

Napili 9
I can't make large waves come. Believe me, I've tried. Really tried. Doesn't work. No boogie-boardable waves, I sit on the beach. When there's big enough waves, I go in the water. Simple. Just flow with what is really happening, not with what I want to have happen.

Napili 10
There's a sunset at the end of every day. Always beautiful, even when we can't appreciate the loveliness. No sunset, no sunrise. Perpetual dark or light... not the way the Earth turns. Or life lives and dies.

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om mani padme hum - great melody

try to listening new melody. I quite sure that it would be great one

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Easy Meditation Techniques in 6 Steps

Posted: 17 May 2012 08:00 PM PDT

Article by Curtis Simpson

Meditation is not hard to do. It may be hard to start, just like anything else. But if you give it a chance and try it, you probably will have a meditation experience. That is to say, you will feel like you actually meditated.

I think that it's kind of hard to imagine what meditation will be like until you actually do it. And the key to doing it the first time is to get some direction or instruction from someone who knows how.

A meditation teacher in person is best. You can sit with the teacher and they meditate with you. This is helpful to the student. But that can keep you from starting if you don't know of a meditation teacher in your area. Fortunately you can learn meditation from a book, from a guided audio mp3 or CD, or online. Technology is helping to bring ancient practices like meditation more and more into the mainstream culture.

On my website I have a page that describes the easy meditation techniques of Heart Rhythm Meditation.

Heart Rhythm Meditation (HRM) is an ancient practice that came from the eastern world like most forms of meditation. The way Heart Rhythm Meditation works is by creating a rhythm between your heartbeat and your breath, for example, 8 beats inhale, 8 beats exhale. You can start by finding a pulse point on your wrist or neck and using that to time your inhales and exhales. It is simple, and it takes only a bit of practice to master. By listening to your heartbeat, you strengthen your heart.

This practice of synchronizing the breath and heartbeat creates a powerful rhythm in your body that strengthens your heart by creating entrainment in your heart rate variability.

In addition to the many heart benefits you will quiet your mind. In this meditation practice we focus on our heartbeat or pulse which is the primary clock for the body. The pulse is a much slower rhythm than the mind. So placing attention on our heartbeat has the effect of slowing our minds and making us aware of our internal clock. This is comforting.

The fir! st sound an unborn child ever hears is the sound of the mother's heartbeat. And the first organ to develop in the child is the heart. We are comforted by this sound.

I have created a short 3 1/2 minute guided meditation here that you can easily try Heart Rhythm Meditation.

Here's what the techniques actually consist of:

1. Posture. Sit upright in a chair with your hands on your lap and let your eyes close. Open your chest area and sit <em>royally</em>. You are engaged in a noble endeavor.2. Conscious Breath. Connect with your normal, everyday breathing. Follow the inhales and exhales. Let your breath begin to deepen and slow.3. Rhythmic Breath. Let your breath find an easy rhythm and make your inhales and exhales approximately the same length.4. Full Breath. As your breathing becomes slower and deeper and quieter and more rhythmic you will feel the effects of oxygenating your blood with a full breath. Your whole body will feel energized from this. 5. Pulse and Heartbeat. Hold the breath after a complete inhale a few seconds and see if you can feel your heart beating in your chest. In addition, find a contact point on your wrist or neck like a nurse would and find your pulse. The pulse is the echo of the heartbeat.6. Swinging Breath. Now as you exhale, count the number of heartbeats or pulses that you feel and try to exhale for 6 or 8 beats. Then inhale for 6 or 8 beats. This makes your inhales and exhales the same length, as measured by your pulse. Enjoy the synchronicity of breath and heartbeat. This is home-base for heart rhythm meditation. Full, conscious breathing with awareness of pulse/heartbeat. Try it for 5 or 10 minutes at first and you will probably get it and feel it and enjoy it! Then try and work up to 20 minutes over time. This is the beginning of your new meditation practice.

About the Author

One of the first things I do each morning is meditate. I go to my meditation chair, gently close my eyes and connect with my breath. My breathing begins to slow and deepen. I breathe rhythmically. I feel more relaxed. I connect with my heartbeat. I am comforted by its steady beat.

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Meditations - Book of History

From the album "No More Friend" Produced by Linval Thompson Backed by the Roots Radics 1983

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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