Are You in Perimenopause? 14 Signs

Do you feel like youre riding a hormonal rollercoaster? Have your periods become irregular or have you suddenly started having worse problems with your periods? If so, you may be riding a hormonal rollercoaster without even knowing it. If youre ready to start feeling like yourself again, natural remedies and a healthy lifestyle can help.

What is Perimenopause?

Perimenopause is a natural, normal time in a womans life when her body begins its transition into menopause. Perimenopause encompasses the years leading up to menopause, which officially starts when a womans period has completely stopped for one year. Perimenopause, can range from two to ten years, depending on the woman.

While it is a perfectly natural phase of a womans life, it isnt always easy to bear. Many women suffer tremendously during the perimenopausal years, while others experience no symptoms at all.
Most women begin perimenopause in their forties, but it can start as early as the mid-thirties. Perimenopause is the span of time when you notice that your periods are changing to one year after they completely stop. Thats when menopause begins.

The Signs and Symptoms of Perimenopause

Perimenopause can cause a whole range of symptoms. Some women experience many symptoms while others may only experience one or two. The main symptoms include:

1. Menstrual irregularities: You may experience changes in the intervals between periods or skip some periods altogether. The flow may be scanty or profuse. Ovulation may become more erratic as well. You may be vulnerable to anemia if your periods are heavy.

2. and 3. Hot flashes and night sweats: Between 75 and 85 percent of women experience hot flashes during perimenopaus! e. The intensity, frequency, and duration may vary.

4. Sleep problems: Often hot flashes are to blame for the sleep disturbances or fatigue that can be linked to perimenopause.

5. Mood changes: Fluctuating hormones can cause mood swings, depression, irritability, difficulty handling stress or anxiety.

6. Vaginal problems: As estrogen diminishes, vaginal tissues may lose lubrication and elasticity, making intercourse painful or uncomfortable.

7. Bladder problems: Lower estrogen levels may leave you more vulnerable to urinary tract infections or loss of tissue tone, which may also contribute to incontinence.

8. Decreasing fertility: Because ovulation becomes less regular, the ability to conceive may decrease. As long as youre having periods, though, pregnancy remains possible.

9. Decreased libido: Sexual desire and arousal may gradually decline; however, stresses in life can also play a role, so it is essential to reduce stress. A supportive and loving partner certainly lessens the effects of hormones.

10. Body and skin changes: Muscle mass may decrease and body fat may increase as estrogen levels fall. Abdominal fat may increase. A regular exercise program can counter these effects. Lower levels of estrogen may affect the collagen in your skin, making it thinner and less elastic.

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