Healing With Light: The Future of Medicine? (Pt. II)

Click here for part I of Healing With Light: The Future of Medicine?

As soon as he knows whats causing the bodily disturbance, Boswinkel can treat it. The patient holds two glass electrodes, one in each hand. One electrode records what the body is emitting. That light is subsequently inverted in the machine and fed back into the body through the second electrode. The process is repeated with the feet, which are placed on two glass plates. Youre treated with your own light. Every dysfunction can be identified, Boswinkel says. His therapy is based on the same law of similars that underpins homeopathy.

Boswinkel needs less than an hour to diagnose and treat illness, and he can resolve most problems in five or six sessions. He estimates his therapys success rate at 80 percent and notes, We treat precisely the chronic cases, the people whove already exhausted the entire mainstream medical gamut. He grows thoughtful. In principle, you can always heal everything. There are very few people who cant get better. You can intervene at the last possible moment and restore the bodys ability to heal itself. In his ideal world, everyone would undergo a checkup every six months. No disturbance can build over that period of time into something that cant be corrected simply.

The greatest challenge to successful treatment using Boswinkels therapy is making the diagnosis. Thats the trickiest part, he says. In the human cellular organism, millions of processes are taking place at every moment. You can compare it to a tree, where each leaf can display a particular symptom or disturbance. You can focus on each sick leaf and realig! n it. Th at will quickly relieve specific symptoms. But leaves get sick because theres an underlying disturbance in the trunk and the roots of the tree. You have to look for that core. Thats where the real solution lies.

He cites an example. In mainstream medicine, the helicobacter bacterium is known to cause peptic ulcers. But when I want to treat a peptic ulcer, I treat the gall bladder, not the helicobacter. When organs or glands are exhausted, the immune system no longer functions optimally, and the body develops a receptivity that bacteria can exploit. After 30 years, Boswinkel sees many connections that mystify the lay personand even mainstream doctors. To Boswinkel, theres a connection between Crohns disease and chronic appendicitis, between asthma and whiplash and between an enlarged prostate and a potassium deficiency. He sees the cause of liver cancer in pituitary malfunction, and thats also where treatment begins for alcoholism caused by the pancreas in overdrivebecause the pituitary gland influences the pancreas.

It takes extensive knowledge of the human body to make the right diagnosis, which Boswinkel painstakingly taught himself over many years. This is far from true of the hundreds of people he has since trained to operate his instrument. Several conversations with practitioners reveal that those who are most successful in using Boswinkels therapy are those who have completed a specific medical educationfrom natural medicine to physical therapy to nursing. Thats why Boswinkel is so enthused that his training program, which takes an average of 21 days spread over several months to complete, has become part of the complementary medicine curriculum at the Medical University of Graz in Austria. He has plans for even wider university exposure. Such an integral approach offers the best chance of success, he says.

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