Brilliant Tip to Cut Down Snacking

In a new paper by USC researchers, bad eating habits were shown to persist even when the food didnt taste very good; but the best nugget of the study, perhaps, is the revelation of a surprisingly easy way in which to counter bad eating habits.

Researchers gave people entering a movie theater a bucket of either just-popped popcorn or week-old popcorn.People who dont generally eat popcorn during movies ate much less of the stale popcorn, but moviegoers who indicated that they typically had popcorn at the movies ate about the same amount of popcorn whether it was fresh or stale. The conclusion: for people accustomed to eating popcorn at the movies, it made no difference whether the popcorn tasted good or not.

When weve repeatedly eaten a particular food in a particular environment, our brain comes to associate the food with that environment and make us keep eating as long as those environmental cues are present, said lead author David Neal, who was a psychology professor at USC when the research was conducted.

People believe their eating behavior is largely activated by how food tastes. Nobody likes cold, spongy, week-old popcorn, said corresponding author Wendy Wood, Provost Professor of Psychology and Business at USC. But once weve formed an eating habit, we no longer care whether the food tastes good. Well eat exactly the same amount, whether its fresh or stale.

According to a press release for the paper, the researchers also gave popcorn to a control group watching movie clips in a meeting room, rather than in a movie theater.In the meeting room, a space not usually associated with popcorn, it mattered a lot if the popcorn tasted good. Outside of the movie theater context, even habitual movie popcorn eaters ate much less stale popcorn than fresh popcorn, demonstrating! the ext ent to which environmental cues can trigger automatic eating behavior.

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