Is Your Kitchen Making You Fat?

Relationships. Relationships. Relationships.

It doesnt matter what my coaching clients bring to the table, our work together always seems to come back to relationships. It may be our relationships with others that need to be tendedpartners and old flames, children and parents, bosses and clients. More often, buried below those relationships, we find an even more important one to tend, our relationship with our self. It is most often revealed in our dance with money, food, creativity, and god, but that song plays out in a million different ways between the first day and the last day of every life.

Naturally, all of these relationships manifest in our physical space, in the places we call home. The relationship between each of us and our space is a profoundly reciprocal one. We make our environment and it makes us right back. We cultivate around us a life that reflects what lives within us, and then our environment perpetuates much, much more of the same.

This is, of course, the good news and the bad.

Pluck twenty morbidly obese people out of their homes and place them on a ranch where meals are healthy, gym time is abundant, and every person in sight is singularly focused on improving health and youve got yourself a recipe for remarkable weight loss success (and a wildly popular tv show). I suppose thats more than good news for those individuals, its great! We are talking about an epic opportunity, the invitation to change your life by going to live in a radically supportive environment like that.

We make our environment and it makes us right back.

You may be living with an oven thats warmed a thousand pizzas in its lifetime, plus a volume of cookies, muffins, and other bready goodness that are probably best left alone. It might be that the exact pantry you have to eat out of tomorrow has hosted an incalculable number of calorically-intense, yet absolutely nutrit! ionally- void processed and pre-packaged foods for years leading up to this. And the handle on that fridge door may be the very same one that youve employed day after day to access a rather enviable inventory of meats and cheeses, dressings and juices.

You may be living in the place you created when you where living in a way that you know longer want to live.

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