Are We Iodine Deficient?

Many physicians would be surprised to learn that more than a hundred yearsago, iodine was called The Universal Medicine, and was used in several clinical conditions, according to Guy E. Abraham, M.D., author ofThe Universal Nutrient.

Nobel Laureate, Albert Szent Gyorgyi, the physician who discovered Vitamin C in 1928, commented: When I was a medical student, iodine in the form of KI was the universal medicine, Nobody knew what it did, but it did something and did something good.

Over the last 30 years, according to David Brownstein, M.D., Iodine levels have fallen over 50% in Americans. He stated in the foreward he wrote for Marc Sircuss e-book,Iodine, Bringing back the Universal Medicine (International Medical Veritas Association, 2011)that he and his partners tested over 5,000 patients for a deficiency in iodine and found that over 95% were low in iodine and the vast majority were severely low.

While iodine deficinecy can be caused by a number of things, the main reason is the lack of iodine in our Standard American Diet. To make things even worse the toxic halogens bromine, flouride, chlorine, and perchlorate interfere with the absorbtion of iodine by the thyroid and other iodine deficient tissues in our body

Do you remember Morton Iodized Salt and the little girl with the umbrella on the dark blue container?

For years, many people relied on the iodine in the salt they poured into their salt shaker. Once iodine deficiency was discovered as the cause of goiter, these clever folks stuck it in an inferior refined product labled as salt to prevent goiter. Then of course more recently the use of refined salt was deemed to be unhealthy so many people stopped using salt all together and switched to salt substitutes.

You do not want to rely ! on table or refined salt for your daily iodine needs. If your salt is pure white that means that it is refined salt, even salt labeled as sea salt can be refined, which means all of its natural minerals have been removed in the bleaching process. This bleached white salt can then have aluminum, ferrocyanide and bleach in it.

We all know the difference between white sugar and white flournow we must learn the difference between refined white salt, as well, otherwise you just have sodium chloride.

Himalayan Chrystal Salt, which is also called Himalayan pink salt is what we want to use instead because it includes 80 trace minerals which are needed to maintain our health. These minerals also serve to elevate pH (correct acidity) which have been reported to lower blood pressure. Himalayan Crystal Salt is the one I use and recommend that it be used moderately, in a healthy diet. See, where you can also check out an excellent book, entitled Water & Salt, by Dr. Barbara Hendel, MD and biophysicist Peter Ferreira, which will shine a whole new light on the value of pure water and Himalayan Crystal salt as opposed to the toxic white stuff we find on the table in the salt shakers at restaurants.

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