10 Worst Cities for Fall Allergies

As the globe slowly orbits from summer to winter, those of us in the northern hemisphere get to enjoy the pleasures of autumn. But for the nearly 50 million Americans have suffer from nasal allergies or allergic asthma, the next few months might be more of a mad dash to avoid the symptoms of fall allergies: runny nose and congestion, itchy and watery eyes, violent sneezing, and even coughing and wheezing.

Since 2004, the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) has provided an annual list of 100 Fall Allergy Capitals, the cities they describe as the most challenging places to live with fall allergies. Following are the top 10 offenders, as well as allergy facts and statistics from the AAFA.

10. Tulsa, OK
Score: 89.2

The rankings are based on scientific analysis of 3 factors for the 100 largest metro areas in the U.S. The data measured and compared each year includes:
Pollen scores (airborne grass/tree/weed pollen and mold spores)
Number of allergy medications used per patient
Number of allergy specialists per patient

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