5 Things Not to Say to Someone Whos Trying to Quit Smoking

By Melanie Haiken, Caring.com

1. Youre going to get lung cancer.

Yes, its true, smoking causes cancer, emphysema, and all sorts of other problems. But smokers have heard these arguments so often that theyre like the annoying buzz of a mosquito.

The health risks of smoking arent news to anyone; smokers have heard it all before, says Pam Mills, an addiction counselor and hypnotherapist in Denver, Colorado. All they do is block you out or say whatever they think will shut you up.

2. If you loved me, youd quit.
As with any addiction, guilt doesnt work, experts say, because if the smoker believed he could quit, he would. All it does is make him feel guilty and bad about himself and angry at you for making him feel crummy.

Breathing Trouble? 7 Signs Your Lungs Are in the Danger Zone >>

5 Things Not to Say to Someone Whos Trying to Quit Smoking originally appeared on Caring.com.

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