A New Warning About Olive Oil

A common question that many people have is whether or not food should be eaten uncooked. I personally believe that consuming a majority of your food uncooked is a cornerstone of optimal health.

Typically, the less processed and heat-treated the food is, the more nutritious and healthier it is going to be. Nevertheless, most people prefer to cook their food, at least occasionally. When you do, youre going to cook with some form of oil.

The question is, whats the best, healthiest type of oil to use when cooking?

Dr. Rudi Moerck has studied oils for a long time, and offers some intriguing insights.

Cooking with Tropical Oils Your Healthiest Alternative

I have, for many years now, recommended coconut oil on the basis and the supposition that it doesnt contain much unsaturated fat. As a result, its not going to be damaged by heat and create trans fats like some other oils. (Another tropical oil that is very similar is palm oil.)

Dr. Moerck agrees, saying:

I would say that coconut oil is okay to cook with. Its a saturated fat. Your body will burn it as fuel or it will get rid of it some other way. It wont store it in your body. So from that point of view, if youre going to use oil then thats a good one to use.

Interestingly, unlike carbohydrates, which can also deliver quick energy to your body, coconut oil does this without producing an insulin spike. Yes, it acts like a carbohydrate, but without any of the debilitating insulin-related effects associated with long-term high carbohydrate consumption.

But thats merely the beginning.

Earlier this week I published an entire special report on the health benefits of coconut oil, which include:

  • Promoting heart health
  • Promoting weight loss, when needed
  • Supporting your immune system health
  • Supporting a healthy metabolism
  • Providing you with an immediate energy source
  • Keeping your skin healthy and youthful looking
  • Supporting the proper functioning of your thyroid gland

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