Top 6 Medication Problems and Prevention Tips

By Marlo Sollitto, contributing editor

For elderly people, medications can be a lifeline to good healthor a disaster waiting to happen. When doses are skipped, or too much medication is taken, the results can be deadly.

Medication problems are widespread. According to the Department of Health and Human Services:

55 percent of the elderly are non-compliant with their prescription drugs orders, meaning they dont take the medication according to the doctors orders

Dangerous Drug Interactions: Medicines at War Within the Body

Approximately 200,000 older adults are hospitalized annually due to adverse drug reactions

There are many reasons why seniors dont take their medications as prescribed. Here are some common causes of medication mistakes, and what to do about them.

Vision Problems

For elders who have vision problems, not being able to read small print on labels or distinguish between pills can lead to potentially dangerous misuse.


Ask for Large Print. If your parent has vision problems, ask the pharmacist for medications labels in a larger print size.

Top 6 Medication Problems and How to Prevent Them originally appeared on for more information oncaregiving, senior living, and elder care.

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