Is Processed Fast Food Really Food?

McDonalds is the poster child for the modern Western diet, and Im pleased that people are finally starting to wake up and ask some questions. Such as: Is processed fast food really food?

I would argue that anything processed to the point of being everlasting is NOT actually food and should not be consumed.

What is Food Anyway?

As a general rule, food equals live nutrients. Nutrients, in turn, feed your cells, optimize your health, and sustain life.

Six years ago, film maker Morgan Spurlock vividly demonstrated the consequences of trying to sustain yourself on a diet of fast food. After just four weeks, Spurlocks health had deteriorated to the point that his physician warned him he was putting his life in serious jeopardy if he continued the experiment.

His cholesterol had soared and he started suffering from depression, lack of attention, and sexual dysfunction, just to name a few of the health problems that surfaced once he traded in his normal diet for three square meals a day from McDonalds.

His remarkable documentary, Super Size Me, ended up earning the Writers Guild of America award for Best Documentary Screenplay in 2005. Its still one of the most powerful illustrations of the dangers of a fast food diet Ive ever seen.

I also recently commented on the advertisement produced by the nonprofit Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine that singles out McDonalds for obesity-related deaths.

As the ad claims, obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension and heart attacks are hallmark diseases associated with a fast food diet a clear indication that it does not provide the appropriate nutrition for your body.

And, if lack of healthful nutrition isnt enough of a deterrent, perhaps the fact that this type of fast food simply does not decompose, even after several years, will get you to reconsider putting it into your body.

So, is McDonalds fare really food?

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