Kids Make Their Own Farmers Market (video)

Did you know that farmers markets are sprouting up in neighborhoods and communities all around? According to new research by the U.S department of Agriculture, the number has risen by 17 percent. This means that there are now about 7,175 locally sourced markets in the United States. But why should we choose farmers markets over conventional supermarkets? Here is a list of only a few great reasons:

  • Farmers markets are sourced by local farmers; this means we have access to the freshest, locally grown/raised fruits, veggies meat and dairy. Most of these markets are supplied by a community of farmers nearby, so you get your pick of seasonal foods straight out of the garden.
  • Farmers markets can easily fill a void in areas otherwise known as food deserts. Theyre a great alternative since theyre mobile and can be set up anywhere.
  • When you shop at a local farmers market you are contributing to the local economy, this means that the money youre spending is more likely to be spent locally thus strengthening the regional economy.
  • By supporting local farmers you support a system that provides jobs and opportunity for your community.
  • Lastly, farmers markets in many states are now adopting programs that support SNAP recipients. Many programs like Double up Food Bucks and Hea lth Bucks are helping low-income families afford healthy, fresh produce.

So why not take a cue from these savvy kindergartners and learn how you can build your own farmers market in your community. Watch as the children plan, prepare and execute their own little market with a little help from their teachers and parents. Enjoy!

8 Reasons to Support Farmers Markets
Farmers Market or CSA?
KinderGardeners Grow Their Own Food has great videos about food for parents and pregnant women on everything from cooking and gardening to nutrition and behavior. Our mission is to answer parents' questions about food and create a world that nurtures healthy, thriving children.

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