Is Global Coherence Really Possible?

Several readers commented they would like to know more about the Global Coherence Initiative discussed in my Sept. 25 Care2 column, Nourishing the Collective Heart. A few added, I hope this is really possible.

The purpose of the Global Coherence Initiative (CGI) is to unite people around the world in sending synchronized heart-focused care to our planet to help heal it and also measure the impact of intention, thought and emotion on the earths geomagnetic fields to demonstrate that people and our planet are all interconnected through these fields.

I thought Id provide some fascinating data to help explain the scientific basis for global coherence. First of all, the hypotheses are:

  • All living things are interconnected, and we communicate with each other via biological and electromagnetic fields.
  • Not only are humans affected by planetary energetic fields, but conversely the Earths energetic systems are also influenced by collective human emotions and consciousness. Much of the planetary field environment is made up of the collective consciousness of the inhabitants.
  • Large numbers of people intentionally creating heart-coherent states of care, love, compassion and appreciation will generate a coherent! standin g wave that can help offset the current planetary-wide wave of stress, discord and incoherence.

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