8 Grossest Candies

I adore Halloween. Its the one time each year when our white gloves come off and we can indulge in any manner of blood, gore, guts, and all things gruesome. Its the time to get down and dirty, embrace our fantasies in costume, and practice ritualized extortion for treats!

I love that Halloween wasnt borne out of Hallmarks desire to sell greeting cards. The holidaystems from the ancientGaelic festival of Samhain which celebrated the end of the harvest season and the ensuing preparations for winter. The Gaels believed that at this time, the boundaries between the worlds of the living and the dead overlapped and the deceased could reach back into life and wreak havoc such with disease or ruined crops.

Some of these themes survive, but we have managed to snowball the who shebang into something all-entirely different. Namely: a candy extravaganza, withnearly $2 billion dollars spent on the spook-some sticky stuff last year. This year, more than 35 million pounds of candy corn alone will be produced. That is equal to nine billion pieces enough to circle the moon nearly four times if placed end-to-end.

But Halloween candy has taken a turn to the dark side as well. No longer candy corn, mini-chocolate bars, and lollipopsthe novelty candy market has invaded the scene like a pack of zombies. Here is a selection of the creepiest, goriest, and downright grossest of the ghoulish goodies on the market. Aside from the frightening ingredients, the candy concepts here are the stuff of shudders!

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