11 Reasons To Share This With Every Woman You Know

Im a gynecologist who once wrote a never-published memoir called I Dont Do Men, so it should come as no surprise that I adore women. NoIm not gay (though my standard I dont do men brush off got rid of many lecherous men in bars who hit on me with pick up lines like, Will you be my doctor?) As much as I also adore lesbians, I kind of have a thing for chest hair. And dude-shaped biker legs.

But sexual preference aside, I have ultimate respect for the awesomeness of my gender.

Women sometimes get a bad rap. We call each other catty. We turn each other into frenemies. They make movies aboutMean Girls.

But I dont see us that way. From where I stand, women rock. We BOULDER, really. And if youre a woman, this post is for you. So please pass it on to any woman you know and love.

Why do I love women? Let me count the ways.

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