A New Trend or a Read Justment

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A New Trend or a Read Justment

A New Trend or a Read Justment

Posted: 13 May 2012 01:00 PM PDT

Article by Arjanyai

It is said that under the monarchy of the 19th century when Buddhist studies flourished, monks were strict in discipline. The king appointed a hierarchy headed by a Sangharaja to regulate the affairs of the Order. Under the British rule, no new patriarch was appointed. Eventually, the British ruler made arrangements for the monks to elect a head for themselves. Since then, discipline in the monasteries has become lax. Many younger monks became involved in politics. There were even small groups of monks who formed gangs demanding protection money from theaters in Mandalay. The monkhood did not receive direct government support. Their influence on the political parties was the only tie they had to the state.

In August 2504/1961, Buddhism was made the state religion by a vote of 324 to 28. The event, however, did not please some minority groups in the hill country, especially the Kachins and the Karens who had been converted to Christianity. Uprising problems developed at the time when economic conditions had become worse. On March 2, 2505/1962, General Ne Win seized power, suspended the constitution and pro-claimed a new anti-Communist government under a Revolutionary Council. Its policy and social and economic ideas were outlined in the document called "The Burmese Way to Socialism," in which Buddhist thought and Marxism could join. But the new leading role was to be played by the socialist military, not the pongyis. Ne Win returned to the policy of the leader of the Burmese independence movement, that is, to separate religion from politics.

In August 2507/1964, a number of pongyis attacked and destroyed the printing press and the office of a Mandalay newspaper which published an article "A reminder to keep the Sasana pure." Then, the Ne Win government issued a statement, saying, ".....from now onwards the revolutionary government will have to defend itself against bogus sanghas who have merely adorned the yellow robe to oppose the government at every available opportunity." At the end! of the year, senior monks agreed to formulate a new code of conduct and form a hierarchy to enforce the strict rules of monkhood.

In 2508/1965, young pongyis in many parts of Burma condemned the revolutionary government as anti-religious and urged its overthrow. On April 27, ninety-two pongyis were arrested by the government. By showing public evidence of the corruption of the arrested monks, the government prevented popular opposition and won the approval of the monkhood. As the government action was proved to be an effort to purify the Sangha, the political role of the pongyis was crushed. This was followed by many meritorious activities on the part of the government to show that it supported Buddhism only in a nonpolitical role. To a great extent, the government has met with success.

The above story may be summed up in Mr. Schecter's words, "In Burma the monks have failed to serve as anything more than a critical and negative force; since their contribution to independence, they have spent their efforts in holding on to past prerogatives rather than offering initiatives..... It (the Ne Win government) has tried to apply Buddhist principles to social, economic and political change, leaving the clergy behind."1

To many people, however, the attitude of the Ne Win regime towards Buddhism has been negative or doubtful. At least, it is apparent that the rich government support to Buddhist activities formerly given by U Nu has been reduced to a deficiency. The majestic work of publishing Buddhist texts and translations, though not brought to a complete stop, has hardly continued. The advancement of Buddhist studies and propagation has been barely encouraged or even checked by some government restrictions, though there is now a sign of some improvement.

Before World War II, there were about 800,000 monks and novices in Burma. Today the number may lie between 80,000 and 120,000 or, according to some private source, 350,000. Of this number about 33,000 are novices. Among the several sects of Th! eravada Buddhism, the Thuddama sect is the most numerous, while the Shwegyin sect, though smaller, is an important and influential branch. Standards of monastic discipline and learning vary considerably from monastery to monastery. Since the Sixth Buddhist Council, the focus of religious life has gradually been moving from Mandalay in Upper Burma to Rangoon in Lower Burma, where Buddhist centres of higher learning have been founded.

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Tina Turner on Larry King

SGI, Soka Gakkai International, Tina Turner Chants on Larry King

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Training the Mind

Posted: 13 May 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Article by Ewin Chia

The human mind posses the most intractable problems in many areas of study, perhaps nothing is more obvious than that each of us is a conscious being with a continuous steam of thoughts, emotions, desires and sensations. Because the mind holds key influence to almost everything, our mind is the commander if the human body. It is through our minds desire to react that we tend to react to a lot of things, that we run when we are in danger or in trouble and we fight whenever we need to defend.

Learning pervades our lives. Among students, learning is involved not only in the mastery of a new skills or academic subjects but also in the development of emotions, social interactions and even personality. It is through training of our minds that human beings achieve more. By training our mind we and set a specific targets towards our desired goal.

There are many ways to train the mind. Monks do this by chanting repetitive lines, members of the catholic train their minds by praying, and some perform physical exercises to calm and train the mind like yoga.

One method of training the mind is by doing a simpler meditation. This meditation practice has become a popular exercise and an important part of yoga and other religious practices of Buddhism and other Asian religions. There are varieties of meditation; some are simple while others are difficult to master. The simplest form involves assuming a relaxed sitting or lying position and breathing deeply, slowly and rhythmically. Attention is directed only at the breathing movements of the diaphragm and all other thoughts and feelings are gently blocked from consciousness. In some forms of meditation, the individual repeats a sound or word silently to himself or herself.

Generally, meditation procures a release of state, some experiencing achievement of desirable altered state if consciousness, meditation is a practice that trains the mind in order to bring mental process under greater voluntary control. It like wise cultivates specific ! mental a ctivities such as consciousness and psychological well-being. At its best, mediation stabilizes attention, transforms emotion and emotions, cultivates awareness, and heightens sensitivity to unethical behaviors.

Experimental studies mind training has a direct effect on the personality, performance, and perception. It provides evidence for enhanced creativity, perceptual sensitivity, empathy, lucid dreaming, self-actualization, self-control and actualization in life. It elicits significant physiological effects. In addition, research suggests that through this training of the mind, it can provide some therapeutic effect on various psychological land psychosomatic disorders.

By training our mind a wide range of beneficial effect and therapeutic benefits can be acquired and procedure. The best time in training is in the morning after the rising and showering. The early evening or part where there is not much of disturbance is a nice place too. This is also about accepting ideals and ideas that would benefit us in many ways. By re-programming our thinking we can actually increase our chance of achieving a particular goal.

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Ready to unlock the secrets of controlling your mind to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know at www.secretofmindpower.com

Western Buddhism Into the 80's Part 2

Posted: 13 May 2012 11:00 AM PDT

by Mal B

Article by Arjanyai

In another part of England, a new Buddhist movement has also developed. This is the Friends of the Western Buddhist Order (FWBO), which was founded by an English Buddhist, Ven. Sangharakshita. Born in London in 2468/1925, lie became, at the age of sixteen, a Buddhist as a result of reading some Sutras. In 2486/1943 he went to India as soldier. Some three and foul years later he took the Theravada lower and higher ordination respectively. Around 2500/1957, Ven. Sangharakshita founded his Vihara (the Triyana Vardhna Vihara) in Kalimpong, where he worked aiding in the ex-untouchable movement of conversion to Buddhism and as editor of the Maha Bodhi Journal. Meantime, Ven. Sangharakshita received the Bodhisattva Precepts from a Rimpoche as his Mahayana ordination.

Ven. Sangharakshita paid a visit to London in 2507/ 1964 on an in-vitation from the Sangha Trust at the Hampstead Buddhist Vihara and stayed there for three years. After a fire-month revisit to India in 2510/1967, he returned to London and decided to found a new non-sectarian monastic community with a new structure and an amended code of conduct suited to the West. He began his new movement, the FWBO, in April 2510/1967 at Monmouth Street in London and the first twelve men and women were ordained into the Western Buddhist Order in 2511/1968. At the end of the year 2525/1982 its overall membership ran into six figures, from the 187 fully ordained members who make up the Order through the large number of Mitras and regular friends, to those with only occasional and peripheral contact. In addition to the ones in Norwich, Brighton, Surrey, Glasgow and in north, west and east London, permanent centres have also been established in other parts of the world such as in Finland, New Zealand, Australia, America and India.

The FWBO is the Order of Dharmachari (Dharma-facer: Upasakas and Upasikas in a special sense, not as usually understood in the East). It does not believe in purely informal monasticism as generally found in the East. The! FWBO is "Sangha" in the meaning of the fellowship of all those who - regardless of lifestyle and background - have dedicated themselves to the attainment of Enlightenment. It is a spiritual com-munity which takes Right Livelihood as the most cooperative way of spreading the Dharma, the development and adaptation of a West-ernized, fully self-sufficient unit. Order members are scarcely laymen yet they are not isolated from the.world in monastic surroundings. Readiness for ordination may take about two years. One who first encounters the FWBO and attends its activities is called a 'Friend'. When he has developed a definite sense of belonging, he may ask to become a 'Mitra', who usually has two senior Order members as his Kalyana Mitras. A period of training may be required of a Mitra before he is ordained a member of the Western Buddhist Order. The ordinee asks for the Three Refuges and the ten Upasaka precepts. He then. is given a new name, usually in Pali or Sanskrit. Thus, Order members are known as Dharmachari Atula, Dharmachari Subhuti, Dharmachari Sridevi, and so on. Some Order members may take additional vows and become known as Anagarika, wearing the traditional yellow robe. However, the FWBO hopes that, in time, the robe will be no longer necessary.

The above developments may represent all the various current Buddhist movements in the West, both Theravada and Mahayana, ranging from the most orthodox to the most liberal, which begin to grow after the planting has been successful. Now only time is needed before we can see which form of Buddhism best suits the West and will thus last and flourish there.

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Yoga Teacher Training India,South India,North India,Goa,North Goa

Posted: 13 May 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Article by chanchal

"YogaLife (RYS 200), offers Yoga Alliance registered Teacher Trainings Course (TTC) in India, in 3 attractive locations: the beaches of Goa in February, the Himalayan foothill of Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh in June, the desert and Holy places of Rajasthan in October. All 3 choices are enticing place to study Yoga."

Yoga Teacher Trainings Dates 31 May to 27 June 2009 - Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, North India13 September to 10 October 2009 - Pushkar (TBC), Rajasthan 31 January to 28 February 2010 - Goa, South India

Our next TTC edition from May 31st to June 27th 2009, will be hosted in Mcleodganj next to the residence and temple of His Holiness The Dalai Lama.

Registration fee 1100 EuroEarly Bird Registration ( before 1st April 2009 ) 950 Euro

The registration Course fee excludes food and accommodation. We provide a list of recommended budget places once you become a registered participant. 1. Livelihood creation/ income generation- present scenario and growthYoga teachers: How many are there: since there is no registration system or one centralized body to observe we cannot say for sure. Schools and organizations like bhartiya yog sansthan and vishwayatan in Delhi and Bihar schools of yoga in Munger. Shivananda Ashram in Nayyar dam Kerala. BKS Iyangar school in Pune and Patabhi joise. Are few schools in India where we know that lots of Indian and international students pass out as a Yoga teachers.

 How much they earn: Yoga is a very lucrative carrier in Cities where it is a fashion and a trend. That create demand of yoga teachers and they are paid well. Yoga teacher can get pay from 250 Rs.-1800 Rs. Per hour basis. This can give from 10-50 thousand a month to individual yoga teachers. How do they get jobs?a. With references from schools they studied in or a place they are working like naturopathy and Ayurvedic clinicsb. Yoga teachers conduct open classes in community centers and parks.c. Through the websited. Through the advert in newspapers and magazines.e! . Throug h friends and families f. By performing in schools and local events.g. Yoga teachers get work opportunity through head hunter with in India and out side India "Click here for details - http://www.yogalife.org/training.asp"

========Best Regards…..Chanchal SinghSEO (Search Engine Optimizer)Maven Workforce (p) Ltd.B-27, Lajpat Nagar IINew Delhi: 110024, IndiaPh: 011- 45682213 (D)Office: 011- 45682222Fax: 011- 45682200E-Mail: yogalife@gmail.comURL: http://www.yogalife.org

About the Author

"YogaLife (RYS 200), offers Yoga Alliance registered Teacher Trainings Course (TTC) in India, in 3 attractive locations: the beaches of Goa in February, the Himalayan foothill of Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh in June, the desert and Holy places of Rajasthan in October. All 3 choices are enticing place to study Yoga."

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 5/13/2012

Posted: 13 May 2012 10:00 AM PDT

"If in our daily life we can smile, if we can be peaceful and happy, not only we, but everyone will profit from it. This is the most basic kind of peace work."
~Thich Nhat Hanh

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SPDC attack DKBA -PALU Base 9 January 2011

On Jan 9 2011,about 300 SPDC soldiers attacked DKBA PALU BASE.Many SPDC soldier were injured and death.

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Abstain from Pleasure and Lead an Ascetic Lifestyle during Vassa in Southeast Asia

Posted: 13 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Article by Exotissimo Travel

Vassa, also known as Buddhist Lent or the Rains Retreat is a spiritual retreat that lasts three lunar months during the region's rainy season (from July-October). During this time, monks engage in deep meditation within the monastery grounds and Buddhists in general revive their spiritual training.

Buddhist Lent starts the day after Asalha Puja (also known as Asanha Puja or Asarnha Bucha in Thailand) which falls on a full moon of the eighth lunar month. So for the year 2010, Asalha Puja falls on July 26th and Vassa starts the day after on the 27th. The Lent period ends on October 23rd.

On the first day, people will give up meat and strictly adhere to the five precepts which are:

1.Abstain from taking life2.Abstain from taking what is not given3.Abstain from sexual misconduct4.Abstain from false speech5.Abstain from intoxicating substances

The more religious and spiritual individual will continue these practices for the duration of the Rains Retreat.

Asalha Puja is important because it commemorates Buddha's first sermon in the Deer Park in Benares (also known as Varanasi) near the Ganges River in modern day India. The founding of the Buddhist sangha (monastic life) also occurred during that time. Buddhists celebrate Asalha Puja by making merit, listening to a monk's sermon and participating in a candle-lit procession in the evening.

So, why can't monks step out of the monastery during this time? During the rainy season, crops are beginning to sprout out. In those days, villagers complained that their young harvests were damaged because of unnecessary travel by monks. So, Buddha decreed to his followers that nobody should step outside. Only under extreme cases or emergencies can a monk step out of the monastery during the Lent period. However, they must return no later than seven days.

Vassa is also a time when monks study the Buddhist text and teach those who chose to come into monkhood. It is believed that being ordained during the Lent period is the b! est time , as a result, many young monks enter the monastery during this time. In fact, Buddhists count their time spent in the monastery not by the number of days or years but by how many Vassas their ordination period went through.

Many Buddhists offer candles to monks as their way of making merit. The importance of this offering stems back during historical times when monks used candles both for ceremonies and for reading scriptures at night. It also symbolizes illumination, in that if people offer candles to monks for the mentioned reasons, it will also shed light on their minds.

The rainy season is an interesting time to visit Southeast Asia. The rains do come, but only in short bursts, which should not disrupt sightseeing plans. In addition, the rice fields and jungles are much greener during this time and the waterfalls pour with an abundance of water, perfect for photography and relaxation. The rainy season also corresponds with the low tourist season, so accommodation options are plenty and are at lower prices than the high season. Get a taste of the region with Exotissimo's Colorful Capitals tour. This tour introduces you to the history and rich culture of Thailand, Laos and Cambodia as we take you to glittering temples, magnificent ruins as well as each country's capitals, both past and present. See our multi-country tours page for more ideas on travel in this beautiful region or contact us if you have any questions or would like to witness or experience life during the Rains Retreat.

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Established in 1993, Exotissimo Travel is a well known Tour Operator with 16 offices throughout Southeast Asia. We have the expertise and connections to create your perfect tours in Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Indonesia at the best possible price.

Stress Survival at Work

Posted: 13 May 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Article by J. Wentworth

We all know that a direct result of change can easily be stress.. thus the question that often pops up is: "So who's causing the changes?" In most companies today, upper management takes the rap for causing the changes - after all, they are the ones who get to call the shots. Thus, most people believe it is quite fair to point fingers and accuse the upper management for being the main source for the pressure and emotional strain encountered.

But the fact of the matter is that this is not necessarily true at all - for appearances can be deceiving. It is important to realize that in most cases, management moves are often "reactions" for the organization may simply be trying to respond to some outside force... competition, new technology, economic turns, and/or marketplace shifts and customer expectations. So if organizational management is actually attempting to deal with such an underlying problem that could impact the company's future, then that root cause is the real culprit.

Now it is important to not take this line of reasoning as some sort of weak defense for company management - for there are definitely times when this would not be the case. For example, when someone in management makes a bad decision and it is obvious that there was a better way of handling a specific situation and avoiding the consequences that resulted.

What's important is one's ability to be responsible for their own stress reduction in these difficult situations. Don't count on others to come along and relieve your stress. Put yourself in charge and be responsible for managing the pressure you are encountering. The fact of the matter is, you are probably the only one in your work situation who will - or even can - do much to lighten your emotional and psychological load.

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J. Wentworth

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Spiritual Evolution

Posted: 13 May 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Article by Ellis W Peterson

Spiritual Evolution

One of the biggest reasons why the world is in so much chaos and why so many people are living in individual chaos is that we have lost our way. We have lost our spirituality.

We exist in a Living Universe, which is the physical manifestation of God's Mind. When I speak of God, I speak of the Creator God, not smaller, individual Gods worshiped by different groups of people.

The Ancients called this Creator God "The Grand Architect" of the Universe. And indeed He/She was.

The whole physical structure of the Universe, it's millions of Galaxies, billions of Solar Systems and infinite numbers of planets and Suns were all created out of the Mind of God.

It was not through some chaotic "Big Bang Theory," but through conscious God-like thought.

Everything in our Universe is alive because they were created from living matter, the living energy of God's Mind. Everything has a destiny and a purpose. We, as human beings, as individual souls in the Mind of God, projected onto a physical reality, called the Planet Earth, also have individual destinies and purposes.

The purpose and destiny of everything, be it a Universe, Galaxy, planet or Human is to evolve and become more God-like.

Spiritual Evolution towards the God-Head is the purpose of all.

Of all the living structures in the Universe, only man has been given the gift of free will. This being to either follow the Divine Plan of Creation or to ignore it and write their own rules.

We have, for too long, ignored the true path of Spiritual Evolution and instead of looking within for guidance we have looked with out, waiting for a God/Goddess or the 7th Cavalry to come and help us.

It won't happen. We are to look within. Our guidance is written in the heavens in the movement of the stars, planets, and the galaxies.

It is time for us to be still and know that "we" are extensions of God's Mind and that our instructions of how to live are given to us by the mov! ement of the cosmos around us.

Every 2000 years, as our Solar System orbits around our Galactic Sun, a new Age is born. With each new age, a new paradigm is presented to man for guidance. This Paradigm is not presented in the form of books or speeches, but in the subtle form of energy.

Every 2000 years the guiding energy for mankind changes. The last 2000 years we have been guided by the Galactic energy of the Age of Pisces.

These energies are neither Good nor Bad. They just are. The danger and problems that mankind now faces are because we have lost the knowledge of Spiritual Evolution and have not prepared properly for the new energies of Aquarius.

And enlightened Humanity would have known that great changes were coming and be prepared for them.

All the institutions, Religions, Schools, and Associations have been powered by the watery energy of Pisces. For the past 2000 years they ruled They should have been consciously restructured. Restructured in such a way so they could usher in and accommodate the new airy energies of Aquarius.

Man has not done this and continuously holds stubbornly on to the old belief systems of the Age of Pisces. Pisces has no more power and in the next 100 years or so the institutions of this past age will come tumbling down.

Even many of us, as individual souls have not spiritually restructured ourselves physiologically, mentally and emotionally to accommodate these new powerful Aquarian energies. We too will come tumbling down.

But there is still a little time left for those of us who can think out of the box, to create new structures within ourselves and our society. These will be new smaller structures, individual and small group structures that will take in the new Aquarian energy and start to rebuild the Spiritual destiny of man.

Uranus is the planet that rules Aquarius. It is the sign of the Lightening bolt. Look around and watch when and where it strikes. It will strike old Pisces structures to make room for the new Aquari! an Struc tures.

About the Author

Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called "The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator." He has written over 200 articles. See them on his websites:


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Control Mind Power: Techniques to Becoming Your Mind's Own Boss

Posted: 13 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT

by RubyJi

Article by Ewin Chia

The ability to control mind power is a talent not all of us are looking forward to enhance. It is perhaps because, in a world where everything goes by so fast you hardly catch life going, sitting around trying to train your mind seems like you are not doing anything at all. On the contrary, focusing on your mind to unleash its boundless power is one of the most effective ways for you to live a happy life. Using mind power requires a whole lot of concentration on your part. There are techniques and methods that you can practice everyday so that you gain full control of the way you think and, consequently, the way you live.

Meditation, which is often stereotyped into the spiritual contemplation undergone by monks in their remote monasteries, is one of these techniques. Unknown to what many people think, however, meditation can and should become a small but influential part of daily life. Simply take a few moments away from the hustle and bustle of everyday to breathe deeply, relax, and meditate. These moments could be those that you keep to yourself right after you open your eyes from last night's sleep. For others, meditation is also a nice way of easing into deep, relaxing slumber.

So you ask yourself, how can meditation help control mind power? The answer is this: Meditation allows your mind to reach its alpha state, where you can let go of all your worries and troubles and concentrate on things that can make you happy. Have you ever felt yourself lingering somewhere between being fully awake and being half-asleep? Or have you ever caught yourself daydreaming? That is how it feels like to be in the alpha state.

The alpha state of mind is where you can most easily practice the second technique of mind power, that is, visualization. Visualization affirms your goals and ambitions by letting you see yourself achieving them. It does not merely involve thinking of what you want to happen, it requires that you actually create a clear and vivid mental picture of yourself getting wha! t you wa nt. If, for instance, you want to get hired, visualize yourself working in that particular company's office, walking through its hallways, and making small talk with your co-workers.

The techniques of meditation and visualization are very effective, most especially if you pair them off with positive affirmation. "I will be hired by Microsoft. I will be hired by Microsoft. I will be hired by Microsoft." This is an example of positive affirmation - a short but meaningful statement of your ambition that you repeat in your head over and over again. Positive affirmation trains the subconscious mind to accept new beliefs and help turn them into realities. Much like visualization, positive affirmation is best done when the mind is in the alpha state, where it is most receptive to new ideas and instructions.

To control mind power, you must practice these three basic techniques everyday. Meditate, visualize, and affirm your goals. It may look like you are not doing much to get your life going. Heck, it may look like you're not doing anything at all! But the mind is the most powerful part of you that can make your dreams come true. The mind is yours. Take hold of it and you take hold of your life.

About the Author

Ready to unlock the secrets of controlling your Mind to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know at www.secretofmindpower.com

How Stress Turns to Illness - Part 3 of 6

www.mindful-way.com Beth Mulligan PA-C discusses how stress turns to illness and how mindfulness practices can help alleviate that stress. Visit our channel to view all chapters.

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Boost Your Mind Power. Meditate

Posted: 13 May 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Article by Willie Horton

057~ Simple Meditation

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visiting massage in London just Relax yourself before metting with people

Posted: 13 May 2012 04:00 AM PDT

Article by Tom coffin

A business trip will be an exciting journey to expertise a replacement country. It can even be stressful attempting to accomplish the goals of the corporate whereas trying to require care of private desires. Taking it slow off to rest and relax helps to alleviate these added pressures. whereas many folks that are in London for business functions can visit well-known landmarks like Buckingham Palace, others could like the quiet solitude of their hotel space. a way to reinforce down time is to hunt the services of outcall massage London. Inviting a trained masseuse to the hotel so as to calm the nerves can reinvigorate the mind for consecutive day.Not all massage services are created equally. Some businesses provide a premier level of satisfaction that can't be matched by alternative relaxation suppliers. Tantric massages incorporate a sensual component that gives bigger satisfaction for the client. a talented and exquisite trained therapist can return to the hotel space and supply a sensual and holistic body rubdown to erase the cares of the day. Outcall massage London could be a excellent thanks to end a busy day or unwind once a protracted flight and obtain prepared for the productive conferences that lie ahead. The deluxe services offered by the therapists are geared toward total client satisfaction.A calm and centered skilled can create a much better impression upon people who are being met. Finding piece of mind once managing the challenges lately flights and finding the manner toward the hotel will leave those unfamiliar with London feeling to a small degree frazzled. For those nights when morning can arrive before a full night sleep will be realized, calling for an outcall massage London therapist can overcome these obstacles. The soothing bit of a trained and engaging therapist can facilitate to scale back the strain at intervals the body. This sense of calmness are conveyed within the actions of consecutive day.The next time that business takes you to places unknown, take it slow out to p! amper yo urself. the consequences of bodywork from an outcall massage London therapist can higher prepare you to represent the corporate. With the troubles of the trip left behind, the mind will higher work toward accomplishing the goals of the meeting. All services are tired the protection and privacy of the hotel space with the shoppers being none the wiser. Instead, the attendees are impressed by how ready and competent you were for the meeting.

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Liquid Mind - Awakening (Cosmic Sea)

Music By Chuck Wild Liquid Mind V: Serenity - Awakening. Images courtesy of ESA, NASA and The Hubble Space Telescope.

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Relax with a glass of absinthe alcohol in your hand

Posted: 13 May 2012 04:00 AM PDT

Article by Linus Petersson

After a week of hard work and stress you can easily free your mind from unwanted tension once you relax with a glass of absinthe alcohol in your palm. This glorious drink entered the civilized world from the late 1700s, was banned by several countries in the 1900s due to several misconceptions, and it is now making an entry back as being an unique liquor with its own signature flavor and color.

Historically, absinthe drinks were often known as absinthe green fairy due to the green color created from the herb Artemisia Absinthium or Grande Wormwood, along with a few more herbs and flowers. Absinthe also includes Thujone, which is present in the shape of oil in wormwood and which was thought to release toxic chemicals in the drinkers body upon consumption. The resultant absinthe effects included hallucinations, convulsions and even violent behavior in a few of its early drinkers. The main problem was traced to the presence of large levels of Thujone in those drinks and the high strength of the alcohol of just about 68% in early drinks as people did not dilute it to safe levels.

Most countries in Europe and the United States slowly lifted the ban from absinthe alcohol as previous problems were traced to high levels of Thujone and extra chemicals which were added to inferior quality absinthe drinks. Modern absinthe liquor also needs a fair amount of dilution with water to make it safe enough to drink in moderate quantities. Several absinthe brands in addition have started appearing in markets around the globe and in addition provide a wide range of colors other than the traditional green.

Most modern distillery methods also have the ability to remove most of the Thujone content from absinthe wormwood, thus rendering it a safe and tasty anise-flavored drink. If you want to try a different alcoholic drink then you definitely should also obtain a few absinthe accessories to develop the right mood. You can select absinthe glasses that are available in several styles and sizes, and als! o buy th e absinthe spoon, that is perforated in a variety of patterns. This spoon holds the sugar cube, which will dissolve as you pour water over it before it flows into the glass filled with absinthe drink. The ultimate absinthe fairy will certainly be a milky colored, sweet and bitter drink having a distinct flavor that's certain to please your palate and your senses.

However, you should be certain that you only buy real absinthe drinks made with actual wormwood rather than cheap fakes which may contain unwanted chemicals and colors blended into them. In case you are wondering on where you can buy absinthe then you can also hop online and choose from several reputed online retailers that provide genuine absinthe alcohol drinks. Once you get used to enjoying absinthe then you can certainly also make this delicious drink right in your own home by purchasing an absinthe kit which includes all accessories and recipes required to make delicious absinthe drinks right at home, and that too in a fraction of the cost of bottled absinthe drinks.

If you are an alcohol connoisseur then you definitely should certainly try this infamous alcoholic drink which has been making a strong come-back in the western world. You can try out absinthe alcohol as readymade drinks or can also try out delectable absinthe recipes right at home with the assistance of absinthe kits, so as to relax with a cool glass of absinthe within your hand.

About the Author

If you want to know about absinth spoon then check out>> absinthekit.com

Relaxing Nature Scenes - Relaxing sounds of an icy river

If you're looking to de-stress before bedtime, then try the wonderful nature sounds of Soothing Water Stream. Soothing water stream features the relaxing natural sound of a small stream of flowing water. Enjoy the calming, soothing and relaxing sounds of the falling waters of a babbling brook. This bubbling sound is both soothing and relaxing. Soothing Water Stream creates a peaceful oasis and brings relaxation and sleep. The water stream has a lulling effect to enhance sleep. Follow me twitter.com Feel free to download my videos, and MP3s absolutely free. If you are a musician and you want to use these scenes in a music video, or if you are an animator and you want to use the scene as the setting, or how about a back drop for your green screen/chroma keying? The possibilities are endless. Be creative have fun and please remember the YouTube Terms of Service when uploading. In return all that I ask for is a link in the description and in video credits. Each video is one minute in length and in 1080x720 widescreen mpg format. Each MP3 or WAV is 3 minutes in length. If you post any of the footage, let me know and I will add your video to the recomended pages on my website and add you to the playlist on my YouTube Channel. go to www.ripfilms.net then to the downlaods section or just click on by banner to get to the site. and remember to tell your friends! ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Finally Here ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★ Scenic Videos is the ultimate escape to your daily stress & anxiety. A ...

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Good Exercise for Home? Try Yoga!

Posted: 13 May 2012 03:00 AM PDT

Article by JP Davis

There are a lot of different workout routines to choose from when deciding on an exercise for home. One popular exercise is yoga. Yoga originated in India nearly 5,000 years ago, but it has risen in western popularity over the past decade.

Yoga is a great option for an exercise for home because it requires very little, if any, equipment. You'll need to make sure you have comfortable clothes that are easy to move in and a yoga mat is always nice.

When you're buying your yoga mat, expect the cost to range from to . Sometimes you're spending more on a name brand, so remember that function will be the most important thing to consider when making this purchase. The best yoga mats usually have a rubber bottom to prevent slipping.

If you're unfamiliar with yoga, it's not difficult to start a routine. There are many resources available that can teach you everything from the basics to the most advanced yoga poses. There is yoga on TV, DVDs, books, and websites.

Here are a couple yoga moves to get you started.

First is downward facing dog. Starting on your hands and knees, place your palms flat on the floor with your fingers extended. Your hands should be a couple inches in front of your shoulders. Take a deep breath and exhale as you lift your knees away from the floor and lift your rear end towards the ceiling. Take a deep breath again and then exhale as you place your heals on the floor (you should feel a stretch in the back of your legs).

When your downward facing dog pose is complete, your body should look like a wide upside down V. Your head should be between your arms. Hold this for fifteen seconds.

Upward facing dog is the next pose which starts with you lying flat on your stomach. Bend your elbows and with your palms facing downward on the floor, bring your hands to your waist. Your toes should be pointed. As you inhale, keep your lower body to the floor and lift your upper body until your arms are straight. Keep your head up so that your neck is ev! en with your spine.

If you're doing upward facing dog correctly, your body should look a lot like the Nike symbol. Hold this pose for thirty seconds.

Yoga is beneficial in improving flexibility, reducing stress, and building strength. If you're looking to improve your mind, body, and soul, than yoga is your exercise for home.

About the Author

Discover how to transform your body from home with the P90X Yoga X workout at http://www.90DayWorkoutPlan.com today.

Also, be sure to check out the P90X Nutrition Plan.

Subliminal Mind Control - Everything You Need to Know

Posted: 13 May 2012 02:00 AM PDT

by RubyJi

Article by Ewin Chia

Subliminal mind control refers to the hidden messages that are said to have an influence over the subconscious mind of a person. By sending and infusing hidden messages to a particular medium, it is said that the mind would be greatly affected setting a change in mood, appetite, and thinking. Subliminal is defined as beneath the linen that refers to the threshold sensory of a person. The word sub comes from the Latin word meaning under, and limen, meaning threshold. By embedding secret messages to a particular medium a person would feel an urge of positive or negative desire and thoughts. This type of approach in controlling the mind is designed to bypass the normal threshold limit of a person by directly influencing the subconscious state of mind, or in other words, it simply skips the human minds perception and directly targets the inner consciousness having less contact or no contact with the human senses. By doing so, not only is a person's mind being under control, but their action, reaction, and desire is also under control. A person's desire to do a specific thing, the need to do a particular task, and the sudden need to grab something to eat, are some of the examples this kind of mind control does to a person. It makes a person perform or change his/her current state of mind. Eventually controlling them by making them do or act towards a specific goal. Influence is the best term which describes this type of mind control, and influence is also the key for its mechanism to take place.

It is said that subliminal mind control originated in the late 1900s when an American professor conducted an experiment on the field of psychology. He noticed that his subjects acted uniformly after viewing a flashed of imperceptive shadow. He concluded that this images had affected his subjects subliminally in their judgment when ask about the length of lines that they saw. Although the validity of this study is still not verified. There are already claims that such matter is possible. This then opened ! thousand s of door for possibility, believing that if such thing is possible then it could lead the world into greater understanding on mans phenomenal brain.

Subliminal mind control still remains to be a hot controversial topic. Many had already disclaimed the effectiveness of this mind control, studies and experiments showing the in validness of the issue. Because this idea means having the ability to control the mind of a person, the news quickly spread all over. Possibilities began sprouting, and new ideas started showing up. Although this idea has already been proven to be false, many still continue to believe regarding the effectiveness of the idea. While scientist claims that it is impossible for anyone to control the subliminal part of a person's mind. There are still a few people who refuse to accept this conclusion. After all the human brain is a very sophisticated body part that remains to be a phenomenon until now.

About the Author

Ready to unlock the secrets of controlling your subliminal mind to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know at www.secretofmindpower.com

Michael Jackson and Human Consciousness Evolution

Posted: 13 May 2012 01:00 AM PDT

Article by Marcus T. Anthony

As a person who has worked with a deep connection to Spirit, it has become clear to me that we process not only our individual psychological issues, but the emotional energy of the groups that we are embedded within as a collective. These include smaller groups such as family, school, and community, as well as larger collectives. Certain events, and certain lives resonate with group oversouls, and even the entire human collective oversoul. These events and lives become a kind of living synchronicity. Like all synchronicities, they offer consciousness to those who experience them.A very poignant example involved the life of actor Christopher Reeve, who played Superman in the movie series. The idea of Superman is an archetypical projection of the human ego - the idea of immortality and invulnerability are delusions that the ego puts forward as it confronts the reality that it will inevitably pass. At the level of consciousness, Superman represents the denial of impermanence, embodiment and death. Thus when Christopher Reeve accepted the role of Superman, he literally embodied a collective spiritual issue of the human oversoul. His life became not merely his own, but a channel for the consciousness evolution of humanity.When Christopher Reeve was thrown from his horse and became a quadriplegic, he became the antithesis of Superman - all too vulnerable and very mortal. He became completely helpless and dependent on others for survival. He became powerless in almost every sense, except for the power to choose his thoughts and attitude.Within his spirit, and at the deeper level of the human oversoul, Christopher Reeve accepted a role as an agent in human consciousness evolution. He soared as high as the ego can fly, and fell as far as it can fall. And it was all for the service of humanity. His life helped us process a little of a collective issue of human egos, the delusion that we have ultimate power and control. The truth is that we do not. We are part of a greater spiritual evolution. And all form ! passes.R ecently another individual human soul passed away, and his life also served the human collective. Michael Jackson's life, his music and his individual soul issues resonated deeply with the oversoul of a large segment of humanity - the Generation Xers. What I am about to say is not meant to be disrespectful to Michael Jackson. I write this with no judgment of him as a soul. These perceptions emerge from my intuitive sense of his life and soul issues. We all have soul issues. Michael Jackson's were probably a little deeper than most, and he just happened to live his in the spotlight.Michael Jackson never integrated his childhood scars. He did not know how to deal with adult relationships, because his personal boundaries were so diffused as a child that he did not know where "he" ended and others started. He began to push others away. His retreat into child-like behaviours was testament that he had not integrated and owned his inner child. He became a parody of that child because he was not prepared to become the parent to it. He rejected responsibility for himself. An increasing acceptance of responsibility for self and one's soul issues is a fundamental component of personal, psychological and spiritual development. This is a lifetime process for most of us. Inevitably, most of us never complete the processes.Yet most significantly, Michael Jackson never accepted his mortality, and thus lived in great fear of death. He spent his life attempting to anaesthetise his emotional pain, deny his body, and control and alter his physical form. He orchestrated his life such that he did not have to confront his soul issues, retreating into a fantasy world of his own making. The increasing pain in his body reflected his deep, undressed emotional scars, and as he tried to drug these out of his awareness, he eventually turned so far away from the truth of himself that his spirit vacated his body. He was not able to grow any more as a spirit.Yet the timing of his passing has its own perfection.Michael Jackson's life was! archety pal, and his death has created a huge wave in human collective consciousness. This is not because MJ was "weird" or a freak. In fact the media have suddenly stopped referring to him as "Whacko Jacko". The capacity of Micheal Jackson's passing to deeply affect the collective human oversoul lies in the fact that Michael Jackson is so definitively human. His denial of death and impermanence, his attempts to shut out his pain, and his inability to integrate his inner child are all prime issues of the Generation X oversoul, and the human collective oversoul in general.In Michael Jackson's passing, Generation X is forced to confront these issues at a deep level. So, don't be surprised if you find yourself facing some unexpected emotional issues in the coming days and weeks. It is not just you. It is "we". The ocean has stirred, and a wave is descending. The tsunami though, is meant to be. Ride with it wherever it takes you, and you will be just a little bit freer.

About the Author

Marcus Anthony (PhD.) is a Futurist who lives and works in Hong Kong. He is an elected member of the World Futures Studies Federation and the author of Integrated Intelligence. You can comment on this article on his blog/web site http://www.mindfutures.com.

Find techniques for Relaxation for the Eyes

Posted: 13 May 2012 12:00 AM PDT

Article by Dinesh Sharma

Relaxation for the Eyes Excercise

The eyes are chalk full of tiny muscles. The muscles main job is to change the shape of the eyes. The eyes change shape so they can focus and move up, down, and side to side. As with any muscle in the body, without proper exercise and training the muscles can weaken as we age. Most people are forced into artificial lenses because the muscles are too weak to change the shape of the eyes.The lens of the eye hardens with age forcing the muscles to work harder. The eye muscles can be trained to work no matter how hard the lens get. It is the muscles around the eye that control the shape of the eyeballs. Once you learn how to exercise and train these muscles it is easy to put them to good use and avoid the need to ever need glasses.Almost all eye problems are due to mental strain and excess stress on the eyes. Learning how to relax the eye and the eye muscles is the best thing to ensure you will never need artificial lenses. Relaxing your eyes sounds difficult, but it is much easier than you think. We cause our eyes unneeded strain by looking at things that annoy or irritate us. Take some time out to focus your sights on pleasant things. Put photographs on or around the desk at work of things that bring joy and happiness. Look at these pictures when you are feeling especially frustrated or stress and concentrate on relaxing and calming down.Practice relaxation the eyes at night while lying in bed. In the darkness, close your eyes and cover them with a sheet or blanket. Let your mind think about pleasant things such as people, places, or things that bring you joy. Thinking pleasant thoughts helps relax the eyes which make them softer. The softer the eyes are the more easily they fit into their sockets. When the eyes are relaxed, they don't stare or strain. Practice relaxation techniques until they become more natural. Take the time during the work day to relax the eyes for at least 10-15 minutes. You will find you are more energized and can focus more clearly on ! your wor k.This "Dr. Bates 2.0" method applies to almost all visual problems, including:

Near-Sightedness (Myopia) Lazy Eye (Amblyopia) Cross-Eye (Strabismus) Macular Degeneration Eyestrain Dyslexia Astigmatism Hyperopia (Far-Sightedness) Presbyopia (Old-Age Sight) Cataract Glaucoma Tension Headache Light Sensitivity Poor Night Vision And More...For more information CLICK HERE

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Dinesh Sharma

TO KNOW MORE TO IMPROVE VISION WITHOUT SURGERY VISIT US AThttp://38e3f7vmvfw42teqtcocyci7ss.hop.clickbank.net/Click here to find How to improve vision fast and naturally

Gentle Rain,Soothing Sounds of Nature

Sleep Relaxation,Sounds of Rain,Background of Pictures i have taken,and some found

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States of Consciousness

Posted: 12 May 2012 11:00 PM PDT

Article by Kristine Moya

We grow up in this world telling ourselves who it is that we ARE when in actuality we are really on a journey to remember from when we came. We live our lives based on the STORIES that we tell outselves.. BTW, I found a site about existential crisis in Spanish:crisis existencial. Those stories change greatly over our life here on earth. How many stories have you told yourself about yourself and where are you now?

I remember when I was going to play left field for the Brooklyn Dodgers. Then they moved to LA!

I remember when I was going to be the next Clarence Darrow, and the president of the United States, but not before becoming a Major in the US Air Force. I'll skip a lot of the "other stuff" and come to the NOW story that I am living. I'm a spiritual guide! What the heck is that?

It's the latest state of consciousness which tells me the following.

Religion is important in the lives of people but it is equally as dangerous as it becomes a LAW crutch on which we attempt to stand and do life. The only way to live life is by and through the Spirit which doesn't come naturally- to our ego of course. If God is Consciousness (Spirit if you'd prefer), and for me He (no gender implied) is, then consciousness is the CAUSE of all things.

If I want to change the world, starting with my world, I need to change my state of consciousness which will change how I see things, which will change the reality of things, and not just my perception of them. It may sound a bit complicated; however, we're messing with fire and things are getting hotter.

The good news is that it doesn't take but a few percentage points (of society as a whole) to reach a tipping point wherein ALL of life has to change. We need to get there sooner rather than later.

WHO are YOU today- that you weren't three years ago?


Kristine Moya

About the Author

Kristine Moya

Sound Healing - Meditation Music {Delta Waves}

Sound Healing - Meditation Music {Delta Waves}.... www.brainsync.com ..... For more info on the image please visit saschaette.deviantart.com .....

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Sentient beings are not Buddhas

Posted: 12 May 2012 11:00 PM PDT

Badly taught Stress Reductions or just raw beginners seem to believe that the Buddha taught that all creatures are Buddhas.  To borrow from the Mahaparinirvana Sutra this is like believing fresh milk from a cow is already butter.  Well, it is not and neither are sentient beings anuttara-samyak-sambuddhas.  

It is one thing to have the potential to become a Buddha and quite another matter to actuallize the state of Buddha or buddhata.  If the potential were identical with the actual state, as some Stress Reductions seem wont to believe, we might sell an acorn for the price of a cord of wood!

On the same thread, if we imagine the seed from a Bodhi-tree to be extremely rare, it isn't going to be easy to search for it it even though we are not lacking the ability to find it.  And even if we do find such a seed, it will take a huge effort on our part to insure that it matures and becomes fully grown.

Yes, all this is a dauting task.  Furthermore, we have to exhaust every last one of our preconceived ideas about buddhata which even includes the belief that zazen is sufficient; that somehow if I manage to sit on my butt for thrity years this is enlightenment.

I can't help but saying this: Buddhism involves realizing something so profoundly subtle that when it is realized, absolutely nothing 'determinate' is realized.  On this note, if we were already Buddhas this subtlety would not be so subtle—it would be obvious and our confidence would flow from it with a lion's roar.  This is why we are not already Buddhas.  We are totally clueless as to what buddhata is.  Even overcoming layer upon layer of cluelessness is just part of the daunting task of working our way to Buddhaness (buddhatva) or buddhata


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Alpha Mind Power: How to Succeed through Meditation

Posted: 12 May 2012 10:00 PM PDT

Article by Ewin Chia

Alpha mind power is essential where people live fast-paced lives in a stress-inducing world. Unfortunately, we rarely have time to harness the power of the mind to improve our lives. With too many bills to pay, too many noisy kids to put through school, and too many deadlines to meet, who has time to sit around and focus on the mind?

It isn't too difficult to take hold of a few moments in your busy schedule to set some time off for yourself. Take, for example, half an hour at daybreak, when the children are still asleep and you can enjoy the warm morning sunshine by yourself. It is during your private time that you can let your mind and body relax and allow room for meditation to take advantage of the powers of your subconscious. Common knowledge already has it that meditation helps us get rid of stress as we put up with life's daily hassles. This technique, which allows the body to ease into a more peaceful state of mind, can occur in many ways. Closing your eyes and shutting out everything else, walking through the woods to simply admire its beauty, and yes, sitting cross-legged atop a high mountain - all these are forms of meditation you can perform. However it is done, meditation paves the way for a mind of clarity, serenity, and calmness.

It is also a means of using your alpha mind power to control your life. This particular brand of mind power is achieved only when your brain reaches the alpha state. Scientifically speaking, this is when the energy activity in your brain occurs on a scale of 7 to 14 cycles per second, slower than beta waves but faster than delta and theta waves. You are in your alpha state of mind when you find yourself halfway between normal consciousness and being asleep. You are very relaxed and will often find yourself daydreaming.

With a relaxed state of mind, you can more easily focus on visualizing the things you want to happen in your life. Alpha waves, as scientists believe, allow you to tap into your subconscious creativity and transfer it into! your co nscious mind. The brain, they say, is more receptive to new instructions and the mind is more open to new ideas during the alpha state of mind. It is, thus, through meditation that you are set free from your worries to see the outcomes that you would like to happen.

Whether the outcomes you desire are as simple as finding your keys or serve as the fulfilment of your life's long-term goals, using your alpha mind power intensely increases your chances to succeed. A popular method of reaching the alpha state is Jose Silva's Mind Control Method. This involves closing your eyes and slowly and silently counting backwards from 100 to zero. By the time you get to zero, your mind will enter a more relaxed state, the alpha state of mind, and you will ease into a higher level of consciousness where you have full control of your mind, instead of the other way around.

About the Author

Ready to unlock the secrets of controlling your Alpha mind power through meditaion to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know atwww.secretofmindpower.com

How To Meditate For Children #2: Colour Meditation

Second video in the series on how to meditate directed towards younger viewers. In this video, we learn how to meditate focusing on a colour. Check out the whole series, here: www.youtube.com --------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe for updates here: www.youtube.com anddon't forget to click the "like" button to help promote these videos! Thanks for your questions, comments and support for what I do. May all beings be happy. --------------------------------------------------------------- Community Website: my.sirimangalo.org Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: www.twitter.com Google: www.google.com Weblog: yuttadhammo.sirimangalo.org Schedule: yuttadhammo.sirimangalo.org Audio Talks: yuttadhammo.sirimangalo.org Book on How To Meditate: yuttadhammo.sirimangalo.org Sirimangalo International (Our non-profit organization): www.sirimangalo.org Supporting This Work: www.sirimangalo.org

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Yoga for Weight Loss

Posted: 12 May 2012 09:00 PM PDT

Article by Hailey Evans

There are several ways to lose weight, though some can be quite effective and some can definitely require hard work, people who are on losing the extra weight would basically try it. Losing weight could take time for it is not easy to trim down the fats that your body contains because of excessive eating and habits that would surely contribute in gaining it.

Activities such as an exercise and work out can make you fit as well as make your body strong, strengthening the muscles in your body. Dieting can also be a way to lose weight, but some would find it quite risky because some of the diet supplements available are not safe but still makes it a way to the market.

Some people would rather choose losing weight through dieting because they find exercise and work out to be stressful and tiring. You won't definitely lose weight by just simply taking those pills and disregard the factors that exercise can contribute in losing weight. There are alternative ways for exercise like swimming, or you might want to try yoga.

Yoga is a form of mild exercise that offers many benefits. Yoga makes you feel better about your body and help you become stronger and more flexible. Yoga can also help in toning your muscles, reducing stress, and improves your mental and physical well-being, making you fit both mind and body.

The type of yoga you need to do to lose weight is called vinyasa or flow yoga, a style of yoga based on the performance of a series of poses called sun salutations offering you athletic and sweat-drenched yoga styles. For weight loss purposes, try:

Ashtanga Yoga- a very vigorous style of practice that can give you distinct advantages for losing weight.

Power Yoga- is extremely popular, because of the fact that it provides a very vigorous cardiovascular workout, advisable for those who lose weight.

Vinyasa yoga (Hot Yoga)- done in a hot room up the ante by guaranteeing you'll sweat buckets, burning the extra calories that you have in your body.

Ha! iley Eva ns used to have weight problems back then. But her motivation and commitment to reinvent herself, pushed her to come out from her shell, and shine as a fitness and health expert. Now, Hailey is as fit as a fiddle, happier with her new self. She also likes to share what she had learned with others. Visit www.fatlosschronicle.com to know more.

About the Author

Hailey Evans used to have weight problems back then. But her motivation and commitment to reinvent herself, pushed her to come out from her shell, and shine as a fitness and health expert. Now, Hailey is as fit as a fiddle, happier with her new self. She also likes to share what she had learned with others.

Acro Yoga-AcroYoga performance June 2004 in Montreal at V ic

www.acroyoga.com Acro Yoga-AcroYoga performance June 2004 in Montreal at Victoria Hall, with Eugene Poku and Jessica Goldberg. Music: Sri Durga by DJ ChebISabbah www.acroyoga.com

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Your Spiritual Pathway & Where To Begin

Posted: 12 May 2012 08:00 PM PDT

Article by Nicole Lanning

When you are first beginning to learn energy and healing, everything can seem a bit confusing and complicated as there is no right or wrong path, but your own personal pathway through life. You have to make choices on what is best and most positive in your own spiritual pathway to do this. There is not A, B and C to connect the dots or lines, but there are basics and general knowledge that we all need to obtain and learn when working with energy and healing, which I will go into in this article.

For most people they start out with hearing and wanting to learn about Reiki. Now others start out with meditations as well, and to be honest it doesn't matter where you begin, what matters is that you do begin your process with ascension, enlightenment and awareness while we are all connected and raising the vibrational level of this planet and ourselves.

So let's say you are at one of these two most common starting points, now where do you go? Well to begin, Reiki and meditation are the most common areas people are drawn to. Reiki is in one's life for its healing purposes and meditation for the calming and centering of the logical and conscious side of the mind.

For Reiki, you should being by learning Usui Reiki first, as this is the original form of Reiki and are always a good basis for any learning program dealing with energy forms. Now meditation is a wonderful key in working with energy, as you need to calm and center yourself while working, so this is an important factor. Not everyone can meditate or meditate successfully I should say, but it is important to try! So receive your attunements, lots of practice and work on meditation. And remember meditation is not something you do once and never return back to, this is something you have to work on and practice with just as much as your Reiki.

So where do you go from there, well to be honest that is al dependant on where your own spiritual life pathway takes you. We are all not here for the same reason, purpose or issues, as w! e all ar e different. But this type of work and area is not clear cut, as some people want to grow and just work on themselves, while others want to heal people, and yet others want to heal the planet and yet others have even more dreams and ambitions. That is ok! It is completely normal! There is no right or wrong pathway, and if someone says you must do this or that or it is wrong, I dislike in saying it but they are wrong. We all determine our own spiritual pathway through like!

So what else do you need to know and work on? The basics of energy, healing and spiritual growth are wonderful places to start. Here are some basics for you and your spiritual pathway you can look into more:

1. Reiki 2. Meditation3. Healing Yourself & Others4. Grounding5. Centering6. Protection7. Chiballs8. Chakra & Aura Work9. Basic Crystal Knowledge10. Basic connections with your guides, angels or power animals for your own innate intuitive side

These are the good basics for learning, working and starting out on your spiritual pathway through this lifetime. There are of course many additions to add onto this listing, such as karma work, nature work, astral cord energy, past life work, and many more. But we are talking about your spiritual pathway and its beginning. I know it can seem overwhelming, but remember this is your physical lifetime and spiritual pathway through it. You need to look within to find those answers, I am just here to help and guide those along the way with my own knowledge and help from my guides. So get started on your own spiritual pathway today and enjoy the ride!

For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com

Many Blessings and Love and Light

Nicole Lanning

About the Author

Nicole is a Natural Born Psychic Medium, Ordained Minister, Spiritual Counselor, Reiki Master Teacher and Certified Energy Healer with the International Natural Healers Association and the World Metaphysical Association.

Webbot Clif High: 2012, 11:11, the Mayan Calendar and the Roman Catholic Church

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Buddha Bracelets And Their Kinds

Posted: 12 May 2012 07:00 PM PDT

Article by Sagbee C

Buddha Bracelets are part of Buddha jewelry products that are causing waves in Buddhism and in the fashion enterprise. Just like every other jewelry item, the bracelets are known for their uniqueness in the way they are designed. Let's examine more about them.

The OriginBuddha bracelets have their origin in the famous Buddhist religion which is known for its esoteric teachings on the attainment of enlightenment through meditation and suppression of worldly desires. The bracelets in the early times were the handiwork of Buddhist blacksmiths and artists. In the recent times, such bracelets are still being crafted to represent the famous Buddhist religion in every ramification. The designs and Make-upMost Buddha bracelets are made of quality metal elements. Some of them are made of silver and gold elements while others are crafted from copper, bronze and brass elements. The bracelets come in various designs and shapes. In most cases, they feature the images of Buddha and some other characters in Buddhism. They are usually designed to represent the traditional Buddhist culture. They come in various sizes and shapes you can ever imagine. Kinds of Buddha BraceletsBuddha bracelets are of various kinds. They are classified according to their make-ups and names. Among them include:* Silver Buddhist Symbol Bracelets* Resin Om Adjustable Bracelets * Om Symbol Bracelet with Silver Plating * Big Om Bracelets made of Resin* Om Mani Bracelets* Nama Shivaya Om Bracelets* Peace Sign OM Bracelets* Copper Yin Yang Bracelet and many othersThe list is much. They come in various names which signify a lot in the famous Buddhist religion. The Cost of the Buddha BraceletsBuddha bracelets are known to be very affordable. In most cases, their prices range as from to . However, it all depends on where you're buying them from. It's always very advisable to purchase such bracelets from websites that deal on general sales of Buddha jewelry products which include the Buddha Pendants, necklaces, e! arrings and other Buddhist stuffs. You'll always locate such products very cheap from Buddhist websites. The Significance of Buddha BraceletsJust like every other Buddha Jewelry item, the bracelets signify a lot. They have special spiritual undertones. Many people who wear them use them as protective charms against evils and dangers. The bracelets can also attract favors, luck and good fortune to those who wear them on their wrists. They are also used for fashion boosting.In all, the Buddha bracelets have come to stay. They are among the leading jewelry products in the world of fashion today. Many people who are crazy about fashion will always benefit from such wonderful jewelry items. About the Author

Buddha Bracelets are among the best Buddha products in the world today. You can discover more about them as you visit buddhagroove.com

Persuasion By Subliminal Mind Control Secrets

Posted: 12 May 2012 06:00 PM PDT

by RubyJi

Article by Ewin Chia

There are lots of subliminal mind control secrets that aren't really secrets, since they are available to everybody. It's just that people don't get to understand and use them that often. More and more people nowadays are learning how to use the power of the subconscious minds to help themselves in their lives. Others swear on it that it is able to help them be more confident about themselves; others say that it helped them to heal their physical bodies. While others also say that it had helped them improve their work performance, others also testify that it allows them to seemingly hypnotize other people. It just further proves that the human mind can truly do such wonders to help us.But if you really want to utilize your mind power to its fullest and to your advantage, then here are some subliminal mind control secrets for you to unleash that intrinsic power within your mind.1. Use non-verbal communication - Ever wonder why some people don't exactly understand you when you speak but understand you fully when you use gestures and facial expressions? How can you be able to persuade and 'hypnotize' people to your advantage if you only use words? You should be able to show, to present what you want them to understand. It's not only the power of the words, but the power of your body language.2. Think the part; look the part - if you want somebody to feel happy, do you have to sit down and just stare at that person? Of course not. You need to look happy and feel happy. You have to make your mind feel happy if you want people around you and the things around you happy, as well. Remember: negative thoughts in your mind are radiated to everything and everybody around you. If you want to start that mind control, program your mind to what message you want to convey.3. Believe; do not doubt - as written earlier, any negative thoughts would results into negative situations - and you wouldn't want those. Doubt is a negative feeling. Always believe that you are able to accomplish this, and you have more chanc! es of be ing successful in what you are doing.These secrets don't look very difficult, do they? These secrets can of course, be altered according to how you want to use it, depending on the person. It's all up to you how you can use it and put it to use. But always remember the basic point - the law of attraction. Whatever is in your subconscious mind is subject to be transferred to everything and everyone around you. The moment you begin to think positively, you are calling upon the universe to be positive for you. This law is the same with these subliminal mind control secrets - you have to believe that it will work. You have to put your subconscious mind to believe all the positive things that you want to happen, and just let your human mind work its wonders. Just always remember that it is better to help other people and even yourself when you use these secrets. Help other people and the universe will help you, as well. It's the simplicity of life; the law of attraction.

About the Author

Ready to unlock the secrets of controlling your Mind to do subliminal messaging to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know atwww.secretofmindpower.com

ACT Breathing Space Exercise when Stressed

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How to get enlightened going into samadhi and expanding your consciousness

Posted: 12 May 2012 04:00 PM PDT

Article by Conrad Raw

There are not only several different levels of Samadhi, but also different ways to achieve Samadhi. Samadhi is a state of consciousness described as a state of spiritual ecstasy in which the consciousness leaves the body.

There are several different levels of Samadhis and within them, even more grades. You might be in a low level of Samdhi called Savikalpa Samadhi or one of the highest Nirvikalpa Samadhi. In savikalpa samadhi, there are also levels. At the Nirvikalpa samadhi level, the person is in a trance for as long as 21 days. Sometimes they don't return to their body but their spirit leaves to the universe. Many believe the feeling of ecstasy and power makes them want to dwell in the trance. Sahaja samadhi is the highest level where the participant functions as one with the universe yet can function also on the earthly plane. When in a higher level of consciousness, you have the ability to live prolonged periods without consuming any food. It is the practice of eating air. The body in the higher state doesn't need food. The practitioner has the ability to sit long hours motionless. There are tales of people found after hundreds of years in a trance. Are these stories true? No one can say for certain but there are witnesses to much shorter prolonged trance periods. A documented study on a yogi buried for eight days does have proof that they can survive for long periods in a trance like state. They connected the yogi to an EKG, which showed that his heart stopped while in the pit. Right before they dug him up, it restarted. He was alive and well after eight days.

While in Samadhi the universe is visible to the person in the trance. They are able to accomplish things in the trance they couldn't accomplish out of the trance. Aside from the miraculous types of capabilities, the trance like state is beneficial for the body as well as the mind. The calming effect negates much of the stress faced by individuals on a daily basis. The brainwaves of those in samadhi differ from those of a! normal state and those of meditation. It is deeper than traditional meditation. Studies of the brain show a different pattern of activity from traditional meditation. There are increased alpha waves and also a rhythmic theta pattern.

Yoga is one method of achieving the samadhi state. It's a state you learn but some people attain it naturally easier. There is nothing magical about learning the capability to do so. It simply requires practice and relaxation. You cannot push to learn the skill. That defeats the purpose and you find yourself exhausted rather than in a blissful state. The ability doesn't occur right away but takes years of training to achieve the highest level. Along the way, other levels of samadhi are rewarding enough to make you want to strive higher.

"Conrad Raw is an expert on practical techniques for personal and spiritual development. He is a bestselling co-author with Wayne Dyer and Brian Tracy and is the author of "The Zensation Manual: Forbidden Secrets of Personal and Spiritual Development".

About the Author

Learn telapthy Visit his website to get your free video course on how to activate your true potential. meditation courses"

The Advantages of Yoga - An Ancient Spiritual Practice

Posted: 12 May 2012 03:00 PM PDT

Article by Eddie Lamb

There are a number of different advantages that can one can gain from yoga, and yoga is able to come to our assistance in many different ways. For one, it is an activity which works slowly and gradually, and yet which in the end produces remarkable results. Basically the act of yoga involves many different components, including a code of ethics, regulations, disciplines, and this is all combined with that of prayer and meditation.

In regards to what yoga actually is, it is a family of ancient spiritual practices, and it is considered as being a means to enlightenment, and has in fact also been credited for influencing many other religions and spiritual practices throughout the world.

It is important to know that the more modern yoga practices often include many of the more traditional elements that are truly inherent in eastern religion, such as both moral and ethical principles, postures that are designed to keep the body fit, spiritual philosophy, instruction by a specified guru, chanting of mantras, pranayama, as well as a stilling of the mind through meditation.

What are the Advantages of Yoga?

Yoga brings many benefits and advantages to those who participate in its activities, and this includes such things as the restoration of balance, flexibility, poise, health, as well as well-being to the body, and it also brings a better sense of self to anyone and everyone who practices it.

As well, yoga can be used to stimulate the glands, organs, muscles, and nerves, and this is in ways that other forms of exercise cannot; as well, muscle tightness and strain can be quickly relieved or even rid of entirely with yoga, and both circulation and digestion can be improved as well. Even many stress-related symptoms, such as fatigue, poor sleeping habits, muscle spasms, anxiety, and indigestion can be improved, and this is only the beginning of the types of benefits and advantages that yoga can provide.

In fact the greatest advantage of all is that virtually anyone can pr! actice i t, regardless of their age, health status, or fitness level, and not only that but it can be incredibly enjoyable and fun as well. Some other conditions that may improve with regular yoga practice include: arteriosclerosis, chronic fatigue, varicose veins, certain heart ailments, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and multiple sclerosis, for example.

The best way to determine if this is something you want to do is by trying it quite obviously, and there are so many different types of yoga that you are sure to be able to find one that suits you.

About the Author

Eddie Lamb publishes an abundance of information on a range of topical subjects. You can find out more about childrens yoga, yoga equipment and meditation and yoga by clicking on the links.Distributed by http://www.ContentCrooner.com

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