Kundalini Energy And Spiritual Enlightenment

Kundalini Energy And Spiritual Enlightenment

Kundalini Energy And Spiritual Enlightenment

Posted: 27 May 2012 01:00 PM PDT

Article by Lyn Nichols

The Kundalini Energy is the basic evolutionary force in every individual. It's purpose is to drive us to reach for enlightenment. This energy lays coiled at the base of the spine until released, where the natural flow is then up the spine and out the top of the head, cleaning and refining the cells in the body as it goes and removing any energy blocks in its way. We all have a certain amount of this energy available to us at birth and throughout our life, but laying dormant, awaiting its release, is an abundance which we are able to consciously activate if desired, speeding up our evolution. A number of layers of the Kundalini energy are naturally released throughout a person's lifetime, depending on the readiness and personal growth of the individual. This release happens without our knowledge, bringing us new spiritual awareness, psychic abilities, blissfull states and a general feeling of enlightenment.

Energy blocks throughout the body are caused by old emotional issues, stubborn attitudes and un-forgiveness, negative life experiences and poor posture. These energy blocks have a major influence on incorrect flow of this energy force. When the flow of Kundalini is blocked in its upward journey from the base of the spine to the crown of the head, it automatically restarts the upward motion, this time concentrating on the blocked areas as it goes. This process can cause physical and emotional problems and can take years to complete. For people who are unaware of this evolutionary force, the side effects of the Kundalini Energy can be mistaken for other physical problems.

The Kundalini cleansing can cause symptoms such as unexplained flu-like illnesses, chills or hot flushes mistaken for menopause, erratic behaviour, excessive mood swings, distortion or loss of memory, extremes in appearance - looking young one day and old the next, visual effects such as seeing lights or colours, geometric shapes or scenes from past lives or the future. It can create a feeling of losing control and wi! th that feeling, the difficulty coping with everyday life. These overwhelming side effects of the Kundalini cleansing process can leave the individual confused and unsure of what it is they are wanting out of life, creating many marriage problems and being the catalyst to many a mid life crisis.

Involuntary release (where a person is not consciously trying to activate more Kundalini) can be caused by a variety of things such as a severe blow or injury to the tailbone, drug use, overwork, excessive fear, trauma, grief, excessive sex and even excessive meditation.

Voluntary release of more Kundalini energy can be achieved by a variety of visualisation, meditative and physical exercises.

To aid the Kundalini in it's role of cleansing and refining the cells of the body and for our own comfort throughout this process, it is suggested that we do all we can in providing a clear path for the energy in it's journey from the base of the spine upward and out the crown of the head. There are several things we can do to help with this process such as, clearing our chakras regularly of energy blocks via visualisation techniques, taking notice of and dealing with thoughts and feelings rather than continually blocking them out re-creating energy blocks, spend time in nature and take up a creative hobby. Nurture your body with nutritious foods free of preservatives and chemical additives and regular exercise during Kundalini cleansing is extremely important. Gain knowledge regarding this process so that you are aware of what is happening to your body and mind, know that this is an evolutionary process and enjoy the journey that is taking you one step closer to enlightenment.

About the Author

At Spiritual New Age Guide we are passionate about 'All Things Spiritual' You will find information on Spirituality and the Steps To Beginning Your Spiritual Journey. There's info on everything from Angels to Auras, Psychics to Spirit Beings- please visit us at www.spiritualnewageguide.com.au

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The dance of allowing

Posted: 27 May 2012 01:00 PM PDT

There is no controlling life.
Try corralling a lightning bolt, containing a tornado.
Dam a stream and it will create a new channel.
Resist, and the tide will sweep you off your feet.
Allow, and grace will carry you to higher ground….

I recently discovered this wonderful poem by Danna Faulds (which is an excerpt — the full poem is here.) It has really struck me because the themes of letting go and allowing have been coming up everywhere for me.

My unconventional life, where I'm earning a living as a dharma practitioner and teacher, is full of uncertainty. There are no clear paths for me to follow, and the ups and downs can be pretty wild. Teaching and coaching also demand a constant dropping of my facades of self-protection. That's because the more open and vulnerable I am, the better I'm able to connect, heart to heart, with another person. And I've written in this blog before about my health issues – my chronic fatigue, depression, and injured wrists. They constantly demand that I change plans, do things differently, and shift expectations. These are just a sampling of the ways I feel surrounded by constant demands to let go, let go, let go.

When I mentioned in a recent personal newsletter about my health issues, I received many emails of sympathy and support. And believe me, I really appreciated them! But I also wanted to express that living this way doesn't mean I'm just stoically enduring my suffering. It's becoming something different – quite positive really — and I've been grasping for words and metaphors to describe it.

When a certain pattern persists, over and over again, it's clear to me there's a message behind it. I need to get closer to it to hear it. I know it's a sign that I've gotten into the mistaken habit of going against the grain of the world, and it's my resistance that's causing the friction. I can also tell there's freedom on the other side. I can smell it.

An image that came to me recently is of dancing. Dancing with an unpredictable partner in a 100% committed, full-bodied embrace. My life, with all its demands to let go, is my dance partner – a very powerful, lifelong partner who is pointing me in the direction of freedom.

I'm learning to lean into him, so close that our movements and energies are completely merged as one. When I'm that close, I know immediately and intuitively when he's going to move or turn, so we move together as one. And I can't predict very far in advance what he'll do – it's only a moment-to-moment thing, communicated through the touch of the present. He leads, and I move along with him. Sometimes to some scary and difficult places. But that's where he takes me, and I know it's where I need to go.

Let me be clear that this doesn't mean I've become a totally passive follower. I still have to take responsibility for myself, do my own part. I have to make sure I stay healthy, rested and alert, so I am able to dance, for example. I also need to keep my conventional life as a member of American society intact – for example, maintain a home and financial means to stay alive and present in this body, functioning in this world. My dance partner won't just give those to me on a platter. That's what I mean by doing my part.

And there are times when he steps back and lets me dance alone. Sometimes he gives me the space to consider something new, move in a new direction, take a leap. He doesn't necessarily lead me on those. Some forks in the road require me to make my own choice, and step forward on my own.

But I also know that he would never, ever harm me. And I know there are no "wrong" turns. No, I don't mean that I'll never make mistakes, get hurt or feel pain. They're too much a part of the fabric of life. I understand that if I try to wall myself off from those unpleasant things, I'm also walling off all the good things. And I can't learn without making mistakes. I can't selectively shut out the parts of life I don't want. It's a short-sighted strategy that really doesn't work. No, that's not what I want.

When I say my partner would never harm me, I mean that he is always pointing me, guiding me, to higher ground. And it's only by letting go and allowing him to show me that I can find my way there, to real freedom. He is the most challenging, no-nonsense, uncompromising partner I've ever had. But without question, he is the best teacher I've ever had.

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Problem Solving with Tony Buzan's Mind Mapping

Posted: 27 May 2012 12:00 PM PDT

by RubyJi

Article by Rose Angell

Problem solving is one of the key skills required to be successful at work, but finding speedy and imaginative solutions to the challenges and difficulties that inevitably arise is not an easy task. When confronted with a problem, all too often, we try to 'force' our brain into coming up with a solution. Not only is this a poor way to resource our creativity but this approach can result in stress while our mind wrestles with the problem. Straining your brain in this way will not result in a satisfactory solution. Alternatively Mind Mapping is a far more effective way to attain clarity and answers. View the problem as a positive challenge, an opportunity to demonstrate your skills and flex your creative muscles.

I am sure you are well aware that making endless lists is no help to you in problem solving. By using Mind Maps, your brain will provide you elegant and powerful solutions. This is because Mind Maps contain all the elements of a problem in a single visual 'take', they show you where the real emphasis should lie and are a perfect stress-reducing tool. The colours and images appropriately stimulate your brain to the task on hand providing you with greater mental tools to solve the problem. Mind Mapping encourages radiant thinking and provides endless options, instead of closed thinking. Today, problem-solving has become even easier with the development of Mind Mapping software such as Tony Buzan's iMindMap. Such software extends far beyond the traditional capacities, creating an explosion of creativity, innovation and knowledge sharing which are all essential in solving problems.

There are two methods in which Mind Mapping can be used to in problem solving:

1) Start with the problem - use the problem as a central image and radiate thoughts, ideas and possible solutions from it.

2) Start with the solution - use the solution as your central image and work backwards.

Both methods are effective although you may be able to achieve greater clarity by drawing Mind Map! s for bo th methods.

The main branches of your Mind Map could be:

1) Finding a solution - you need to find a solution to the immediate problem.

2) Your team, employees, friends etc - what can they do to help? Include any advice they may give.

3) The problem - you need to analyse the problem, not only to come up with a solution but also to ensure that it does not happen again in the future.

You should approach the problem calmly. You will accomplish nothing if you panic. Having created your Mind Maps, you should feel in charge of the situation since you have started the flow of creativity. The Mind Map gives you control over all the information relating to the problem, in a secure and stable framework, showing you the 'big picture'. Even if you don't have coloured pens and paper to hand, your brain can still conjure up a mental Mind Map, a virtual picture of the situation to help you work out a plan of action.

A great way to stay calm is to distance you from the problem in hand by taking short breaks and then returning to it fresh and clear-headed. A short walk can be ideal for achieving this. The Romans coined the phrase 'solvitas perambulum', which means 'solve it as you walk'. They believed that the combination of fresh air, removing themselves physically from the source of the problem, light physical exercise and creative inspiration from nature worked wanders if they needed to sort through issues in their minds. The state in which your imagination is able to run free is ideal for making associations on a Mind Map. By giving your brain a rest from repeatedly raking over every aspect of the problem, you will find you are more likely to come up with a solution.

You are always going to be faced with problems, whether at work or home but Mind Maps enable you to rise to the challenge and turn problems into opportunities to display your creativity.

About the Author

Rose Angell recently joined the Buzan Online team after graduating in Psychology in 2007. Buzan Online was founed by Tony Buzan (the father of Mind Mapping)in 2006 and has since become a key part of the Buzan Organisation. Buzan Online recently launched the first offical Mind Mapping software, imindmap: the only software to utilise the true principles of Mind Mapping and to duplicate the brains non-linear thinking process. Visit http&

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Are You In Control of Your Life?

Posted: 27 May 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Your Personal Cockpit
A sentence that our cycling instructor told us a while back made me think. She reminded us that we are in control of our workout. She could be there to motivate us to push harder and try to keep us from giving up, but ultimately it was completely up to us to perform.

This is so true and yet, we so often give up control over important areas of our lives. Whether it is getting promotions, receiving the love and attention we deserve, eating the right kinds of food, getting our exercise in and building our life, we often willingly or unknowingly give up parts of this control to others.

Sometimes it's just a matter of growing content, neglecting certain areas or plain old ignorance, but I believe that our lives deserve to get our full attention and control. We should be the ones directing and carving out the best life possible for us.  Of course, there will always be areas in life where you simply don't have the decision or fate in your own hands, but there is a lot that you can do to create the most promising scenarios.

When I gave my eating disorder power over me, I stopped functioning and I was ultimately losing myself and almost even my life. When my brother beat me up over and over again, I felt the enormous amount of powerlessness. When I worked for Starbucks, I gave my boss the power to decide how much money I could make any given month.

3 completely distinct areas of a life. 3 ways of giving up control. In the end, I woke up and claimed the largest weapon we all have in common: setting our minds to a certain outcome and making it happen.

I recovered from anorexia with many setbacks but never giving up. I let go of my brother's wrongdoings and moved on with my life. After being fired by Starbucks and then being given a job at! a diffe rent branch, I quit after only one day because I knew there were bigger and better opportunities ahead for me.

I empowered myself and completely changed the course of my life. I knew that I deserved more than I had and here is the great thing: You do too.

There are a few things we can work on in order to take back what is yours in the first place.
  1. Start Dreaming
    What is it you want your life to look like? What have you always wanted to do? We cannot make any changes in our lifestyle if we don't know what it is we actually want. Maybe you want to move to a different country or travel around the world. Maybe you want to sell your big house in the country and move into a small apartment in the city. Maybe you dream of giving up your well-paying job and pursue the career of your dreams. Maybe you secretly wish to end your relationship and be solo for a while.

  2. Figure out what is holding you back
    Once you've determined your dreams, try to zone in on what exactly the reasons are for you not acting upon what you truly want. Why do you let other people rule over your life? Why don't you go after that job you've always wanted? Why do you keep finding excuses for traveling the world? Why do you envy others for having the guts to constantly evolve in all aspects of life but you never step outside your comfort zone? Be honest with yourself. Be ruthless. Take some time for yourself and really dig deep.

  3. Face your fears
    Analyze what it is that scares the heck out of you. When I started to gain weight, I was terrified of being judged, harassed and even left by my husband. Yet none of those fears were rational. My life didn't fall into pieces because of a few pounds more on my hips. Instead it improved in ways I cannot even begin to describe. So, whatever your insec! urities are, ask yourself if they are valid ones. Does your fear of financial bankruptcy really hold true? Does your relationship really keep you alive? Do your toxic friendships really prevent you from being lonely? Is the job you have really the only alternative to living on the street? Try to be as objective as possible, even if it feels very uncomfortable. You'll soon see that most of your fears are just as irrational as my anxiety of social disgrace because of looking healthy.

  4. Start Making Changes
    Now that you know why you're not in control of your life and what it is your afraid of, it's time to make changes. Start small in order to not get overwhelmed. Maybe your diet is worse than it should be. So, start eating healthier food. Maybe your exercise routine is non-existent. Start building one. Maybe your time online is preventing you from moving your business in the direction you want it to go. So, reduce the time on the web to a bare minimum. You don't have to quit your job in order to take back control; you can start small and work your way up to the bigger life changes. Start growing confident and then rock the world with your newfound freedom.
There is nothing more rewarding than being in full control of your life. Once you realize that, yes, you can have that power too, there is no end to the possibilities and opportunities that will present themselves. You'll soon see that the world is only waiting for you to make a dent in the universe. What are you waiting for then?

You owe it to yourself to take this leap before it is too late.

Written on 5/27/2012 by Anne - Sophie Reinhardt . Anne - Sophie Reinhardt is a world traveler, an anorexia survivor, a positive body image advocator, podcaster, blogger, digital entrepreneur, speak! er, wife , lover of books, aspiring yogi and social media enthusiast. Her blog, My Intercontinental Life, is focused around living a purposeful, free, healthy and passionate life.Photo Credit: Jerry Gunner
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Massage San Jose- A Way to Relaxation

Posted: 27 May 2012 11:00 AM PDT

Article by Tentozung mylot

With each passing day life has become more of a challenge. We work, work and work hours, but sometimes our own bodies does not support the decisions we make. People are as well busy to notice be familiar with anxiety their body has to accommodate everyday activities. Which includes a San Jose massage by expert massage therapists, they will start an innovative day feeling fresh and comforted.

Massage therapy can be a way of invigorating the body and mind. It is medically proven and even doctors recommend it to their patients in precisely as it is one way to release mental pressure. There are different kinds of massage treatments that are specially designed for your requirements at Massage San Jose. The massage techniques that will be being used by way of the therapists are up to date.

Most of the people get a massage at San Jose to provide themselves a break from routine factors and hardships of life that cause mental and physical stress.Stress can be a killer as it can be a root cause of a number of medical problems. The best massage therapy for this reason would be your relaxation massage. The main purpose of this massage is always to relax you and also to reduce exhaustion. The therapist gently works to the layers of muscle groups. It will not necessarily be wrong to speak about that relaxation massage is a wonderful experience as it can be performed really relaxing yet calming environment with music and scented candle lights.

San Jose therapeutic massage also enhances defense. This means that it improves the working in the immune system. Massage treatments make your body stronger to deal with all forms involving stress. Massage treatment are helpful in healing injuries. It helps the affected muscles to heal quicker. Sports massage is incredibly good for those people who want to improve the flexibility of the body. It is specially that will lessen the likelihood of injuries.

Deep tissue massage is be familiar with massage treatment that discusses the tissues which can be ! undernea th the layers of muscles. It is very helpful for sports athletes who use their own muscles on day-to-day basis. It is all natural to feel slightly body pain after getting this massage treatment. Deep tissue massage treatment really relaxes your body and heals it on the same time.

Massage San Jose helps the individuals to understand the bond of mind and body. The people who get massage treatments on routine basis know how important it ideal for their health. They know they cannot go on working with an exhausted body and mind. You need a minute to realize the importance of peace of mind and body. After a San Jose massage you will walk out for a different, more confident and relaxed person that is a guarantee.

About the Author

Click here and get the more information about Massage San Jose.

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Reiki Healing..music by Mind, Body and Soul series

Please visit www.healing-reiki.net Experience the healing power of Reiki..Each of these statements and pictures have been given Reiki by me to send to you. The symbols that you see are the power symbol and the distance healing symbol. The hands represent mine with the universal healing power flowing through them. The music that you hear has also been reikied so that as it plays it send out the healing Reiki energy. Enjoy and heal.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Time to Dig in and Get It Done

Posted: 27 May 2012 11:00 AM PDT

Dig in, Get it done
What do you do when you put loads of time and energy into a project … and you still don't get any results?
It's often tempting to just give up. Even if you normally find it easy to stay motivated, there's nothing encouraging about feeling like you're running hard and going nowhere.

Whatever you're struggling with right now – whether you're trying to lose weight, trying to make money from your own business, or trying to write a book – these four steps can help.

  1. Step #1: Write Down What You've Already Achieved
    Even if it feels as though you've poured hours of your life into this and gained nothing at all, you have achieved something. That might be:
    • You've made some progress towards your goal (even though that progress wasn't as much as you hoped).
    • You've learned new skills, or developed existing skills fur
    • You've made new contacts, or developed existing relationships with people who might be able to help you with other projects in the future.
    • You've figured out some things that don't work – which means you've got a better shot of figuring out what does work.
    It's important to write down your achievements, rather than just thinking through them. Not only does this give you a record to come back to in the future, it also aids the thinking process – you'll find more ideas coming to you as you write.

  2. Step #2: Read About Other People's Experiences
    When we look at other people, especially personal heroes, we often think that they had a smooth path to success. Inevitably, they didn't. Every e! ntrepren eur has had failures; every writer has received rejection letters. Every person who's successfully lost weight or got fit didn't get there overnight.

    You might want to read biographies of people who share some of your dreams and goals. You could also listen to interviews with these individuals, or look on their websites or blogs for their story of how they got to where they are today.

    The path to success is never smooth, straight, and easy. It's normal to struggle and to work hard without any rewards in sight … and when you find out more about the lives of your heroes, you'll realize that they went through just the same things as you.

  3. Step #3: Focus on the Process, Not the Results
    If you're spending hours of your life working towards a goal, you want to enjoy the process as much as possible. Sure, some goals have more excitement along the way than others – writing a novel is probably a lot more fun than paying off your debt – but you can always find something to enjoy in the process.

    And enjoying the process generally won't slow you down … it can actually make you move more quickly and easily towards your goal.

    Let's say you're trying to lose weight and shape up. If you struggle away each week, trying and failing to stick to a monotonous diet, and putting on a pound as often as you lose one, it's no surprise that you'll quickly give up. But if you decide to focus on finding healthy meals and snacks that you genuinely enjoy, and exercise that's fun rather than a chore, you'll be much more likely to succeed (and you'll enjoy the process).

  4. Step #4: Look for Ways to Work Smart, Not Hard
    Of course hard work is important … but it's not always a sign that you're doing the right thing. You might be working long days as a freelancer, for instance! , when y ou'd be better off raising your rates by 50% and working a bit less. You could be struggling to get chores done around the house, when you'd be better off paying someone to do the cleaning while you get on with building your small business.

    Don't make the mistake of thinking that long hours, or boring work, are an inevitable part of success. If you can find ways to work smart instead of just hard – perhaps by delegating or automating routine tasks, or by focusing on the 20% of your efforts that are bringing 80% of your results – then you'll find that your hard work begins to pay off sooner.
How do you stay motivated when it feels like your hard work just isn't paying off? Share your experiences and thoughts in the comments.

Written on 5/27/2012 by Ali Luke. Ali is a writer of fiction and non-fiction and a writing coach. She blogs about writing on her site, Aliventures.com, and has a free ebook "How to Find Time For Your Writing" available when you join her writing newsletter here.Photo Credit: Joe M500
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Subconscious Mind - How To Use It To Solve A Personal Problem -1 (A Testimonial)

Posted: 27 May 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Article by Ademola Ayokanmi

Subconscious mind is one life subject that I always feel excited to write and talk about when the opportunity to talk about it, presents itself like this. This is as a result of my personal experiences with invincible power of the Subconscious Mind and I have been using every opportunity that I have to shout it out to those who care to listen.

I had an unforgettable first-hand experience of the power of the Subconscious Mind in 1999, when I had a prolonged cough that lasted three months. After taking so many antibiotics I could lay my hands on, to treat myself, I went to a specialist hospital for thorough medical checking and treatment. At the well-equipped missionary hospital, I was tested and x-rayed for bronchial infections but nothing was found. The doctor in an attempt to help placed me on strong antibiotics for two weeks. After the two weeks of treatment, the cough persisted. And during the third week the doctor told me he has given me all he could and if I am not cured, I should seek treatment in another hospital. At that point I became confused and disturbed,. I left the hospital for home dejected.

On my way home, a thought came into my mind that I should try mind conditioning as a healing option. There and then, I started conditioning my mind with mental images of what I want. I pictured mental images of me playing football and jogging round every morning (for detailed information on how to condition the mind, see my article on how to get what you want using the mind power at the blog address below). Of course, you know that will be very difficult for somebody who is sick to do. Could you belief, after a week of thought programming and conditioning the cough stopped, I was healed and I began to jog around.

That experience above, is just one of my experiences with the power of Subconscious Mind. Whether directly or indirectly, your Subconscious Mind like mine determines a lot of things that happen your daily life. The benefit of this powerhouse, which is yet to be discove! red and understood by man, controls his life's fortunes and misfortunes that is why I am always excited about the body organ whenever I have the opportunity of doing so. The essence of putting together this article is also to use this opportunity once again to discuss the power of the Subconscious Mind and what it can help man achieve in an attempt to find solution to whatever problems he might have in his life. Once again, the major aim of putting this article together is to tell more and more people about the ability of their Subconscious Mind and encourage them to use it to solve their personal problems as I have done with my cough.

Perhaps, you already know about the power of the Subconscious Mind, this experience discussed in this article experience will proof to you that the power of Subconscious Mind is real. Try it and see what you can achieve with it.

About the Author

Ademola Ayokanmi is a senior career and lifestyle counselor with Welfarewatch International (WI). He specializes in thought dynamic teachings, career development activities and life changing programmes. You can read other articles on the subject above and other life subjects that will be of interest to you at:www.ademolaayokanmi.blog.com

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

Buddhism Beliefs

Posted: 27 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Article by Rune S.

Buddhists do not believe in a particular god. They do not believe that there is a God who intervenes in daily life, they live according to certain laws and regulations. The five ethical regulations is their "main laws":

- You shall not kill any living being. - You shall not steal. - You shall not misuse the senses. - You shall not lie. - You should not drink alcohol or other substances that damage the body and soul.

The Three Jewels of Buddhism, reads as follows:

-I take my refuge in Buddha -I take my refuge in Dharma (doctrine of Buddhism) -I take refuge to the Sangha (monastic community)

If life was a disease Buddhists believe that Buddha is the "doctor" Dharma's "medicine" and the Sangha is "the nurse". There are many movements within Buddhism. The main directions are:

Theravada Buddhism. As the oldest teachings within Buddhism. Tripitaka is their sacred texts.The monks teach Buddha's teachings. They also determine whether the texts are real, and that it is a genuine Buddha text. They have to approve the texts. Theravada Buddhists teach that Siddhartha was inspired by another Buddha to reach enlightenment, before he was born a prince. And there is no one who manages to make contact with him now, and therefore no reason to worship him. The historical Buddha is here called Guatama Buddha. This direction is widespread in Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Sri Lanka.

Mahayana Buddhism. The scriptures Tripitaka is also here. But they also have Lotus Sutra, which is more recent texts on Buddha. Where Buddha illuminates the whole universe. Mahayana Buddhists call the view of the historical Buddha Sakyamuni. They believe that the historical Buddha reached enlightenment for millions of years ago. They believe that it is important for people to work on themselves to achieve awakening. They emphasize generosity, tolerance, care, kindness and courage. The nuns here have great status. This direction is widespread in Mongolia, Tibet, Vietnam and South Korea.

Zen Bud! dhism. T he most important thing for Zen Buddhists is meditation. Otherwise, the Zen Buddhists is like the other directions. This trend was first widely used in China, but then it was spread to Japan and Korea.

Tibetan Buddhism. This direction is colorful and has many gods and goddesses. They dance in costumes to scare away evil spirits. They also have prayer wheels, where people can come and pray while spinning prayer wheels around. This direction is widespread in Mongolia, China and Japan.

Learn meditation, find enlightenment. Mindfulness is a type of meditation that essentially involves focusing on your mind in the present. To be mindful is to be aware of your thoughts and actions in the present, without judging yourself. Research suggests that mindfulness meditation may improve mood, decrease stress, and boost immune function. Meditation makes you happy and healthy, and is completely free.

About the Author

A man interested in the spiritual essence of life, im also a practitioner of meditation and Reiki (Healing). Here you can learn to meditate http://www.meditativelearning.com/

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

Early Morning Meditation Inspiration - 5/27/2012

Posted: 27 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT

"Compassionate action starts with seeing yourself when you start to make yourself right and when you start to make yourself wrong. At that point you could just contemplate the fact that there is a larger alternative to either of those, a more tender, shaky kind of place where you could live."
~Pema Chรถdrรถn

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A Spiritual Perspective Against Euthanizing of Animals

Posted: 27 May 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Article by Victor Epand

A half-feral cat showed up at our door 8-1/2 years ago, apparently abandoned, and we began feeding him. Now that he is older and has mellowed out a bit through the aging process and the hearing of Harinam in our house, he wants to stay inside more and more, especially in winter, but he refuses to use the cat box, so we put him out to go to toilet. He also gets some food and occasional shelter from at least one other householder in the neighborhood. I strive to keep him as a pet without getting overly attached. Cats in general set the example of a miser perfectly, and he is no exception, but he is gradually responding to our overtures of kindness.

I certainly do not agree with the euthanizing of "unwanted" animals. Even if we may no longer be interested in them, they are certainly interested in their own lives. In the case of an unwanted pet, better to set them loose if you do not want them. Although many will perish, some will survive. This is a better chance for them because all will perish if euthanized. Lethal injection (the most common form of euthanasia) sets in motion a series of negative karmic events for its proponents and practictioners, thereby making the world an increasingly cruel place for us all. In the case of pets going feral and having progeny, as Ananda das rightly stated it, nature will have its course and many will perish under natural circumstances, so we need have no fear of feral cats or dogs taking over the planet.

His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad repeatedly stated that Krishna could maintain innumerable beings on earth provided we are willing to follow His laws and not take more than our allotted quota (Sri Isopanisad). Therefore I wholly disagree with the premise that householder men undergo vasectomies. The household ashram (grhastha, not grhamedi) is given for those sincere jivas who, because of immaturity, cannot wholly control their senses. Pregnancy is the result of their union, and in fact, repeated pregnancies are more often than no! t the re sult. Progeny raised as Krishna-conscious devotees becomes service, and thereby the grhastha ashram becomes sanctified.

Unfortunately, in modern times, the general public and even some devotees are swayed by the mammonistic propaganda that to have numerous progency will result in them becoming deprived of a "high standard of care and a chance for advanced education. "Advanced education, according to Srila Prabhupad, means practicing Krishna consciousness, not necessarily attaining advanced material degrees for improving our livelihoods.This is certainly an illusion, as we frequentlly see people with advanced degrees in relatively humble occupations for which they are overly qualified.

As for the issue of care, the same standard of care would be there in a larger population because approximately the same percentage of the population would go into the medical field.Additionally, each jiva being born into the material nature brings with him the requisite karma sufficient for his maintenance. So a householder with a larger family would still find sufficient wealth to maintain his wife and progeny because the children would essentially be attracting wealth to the family sufficient to cover their own maintenance. In other words, the system is designed that all our needs can be readily met provided (1) we are not sinful, which will produce lack, and (2) we do not take more than our quota of goods and services.

About the Author

Chakra.org is a Vaisnava website designed to encourage the growth of devotion, foster critical thinking, and promote communication among Vaisnavas world-wide. Although differences of opinion will occur, we aim to provide a forum for mutual respect among the multiple strands of our community.

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#2-7 Robert Monroe Institute

Robert Allan Monroe (October 30, 1915March 17, 1995) was an advertising executive from Virginia who became known for his research into altered consciousness. His 1971 book Journeys Out of the Body is credited with popularizing the term "out-of-body experience". In 1978 Monroe founded The Monroe Institute, which carried on his work after his death. He is also notable as one of the founders of the Jefferson Cable Corporation, the first cable company to cover central Virginia. According to his own account, while experimenting with sleep-learning in 1958 Monroe experienced an unusual phenomenon, which he described as sensations of paralysis and vibration accompanied by a bright light that appeared to be shining on him from a shallow angle. Monroe goes on to say that this occurred another nine times over the next six weeks, culminating in his first out-of-body experience. Monroe recorded his account in his 1971 book Journeys Out Of The Body and went on to become a prominent researcher in the field of human consciousness. Monroe later authored two more books, Far Journeys (1985) and Ultimate Journey (1994). In 1978 he founded The Monroe Institute, a non-profit education and research foundation describing itself as being "devoted to the exploration of human consciousness". In his last book Ultimate Journey there is a chapter "About the Author". In this chapter it is said that Robert Monroe is directing Monroe Institute - from There, meaning that he is able to take part in his ...

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The Subconscious Mind

Posted: 27 May 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Article by Gary Evans

Your subconscious mind can be compared to a super computer. Just like a computer you can add and remove programs at your will. Unlike a computer, your subconscious mind can take on vast quantities of information and process all of this data at incredible speeds.

When you buy a new computer from a shop, it usually comes prepared with a barebones Operating System which carries out the necessary operations so you can effectively use the computer with your programs later on. Similarly, your subconscious mind has an Operating System which keeps your heart beating, blood circulating and your lungs breathing.

As new skills are learnt they too become programmed into our subconscious minds and rarely have to be thought of consciously again. These skills include things like learning to walk, and learning to feed ourselves, riding a bicycle, driving your car. Once these skills have been learnt and programmed into your subconscious mind, you no longer consciously require the knowledge for that particular skills or activity. It is a given that you will be able to do it again and it feels effortless - unlike the first time you ever tried it!

Without these subconscious programs the world would be a very different place. Your life would be affected dramatically and things that take you only a moment or two to complete would end up taking you hours. If you consciously had to think about every heart beat and every breath you take, you would have very little time to fit anything else in. This is why the human mind is such a wonderful creation. Your subconscious mind is dealing with hundreds of different tasks simultaneously and this frees up the conscious mind for higher thinking and its role of operator.

The subconscious mind will always act in your best interests.

We can look at smokers as an example of the subconscious mind acting in your best interest. The belief that smoking reduces fear is an illusion; nicotine produces a time delayed chemically induced fear in the body. And th! e body r ecognizes this and responds accordingly to the danger. The mind then senses this danger however it cannot recognize exactly what has caused the fear and so protects itself by signaling to the smoker that it requires relief from the fear by smoking.

The mind is protecting the smoker in the short-term because of fear, however because of the time delayed fear reaction it cannot ascertain the cause of the fear and thus it doesn't put two and two together to realize it is nicotine and cigarettes.

This makes our subconscious programs or beliefs very powerful indeed.

If we belief at a subconscious level that poor people are good and rich are bad, or money is the root of all evil - your subconscious mind will never let you be rich because it believes that being rich would make you a bad person and that money is evil and therefore not good for you. Therefore it sees being rich as a bad thing.

Subconscious programming can be a very positive thing if you believe that it's your birthright to be wealthy or that having more money enables you to help more people.

If you feed your mind with positive places, people, circumstances and events then ultimately your reality will become more positive. How do you get more positive events occurring in your life? Think positively in all moments and at all times - don't allow yourself to become distracted by the illusion of life. Make feeling good and being positive a dominant part of your life.

If you want to be wealthier, then find other wealthy people and spend as much time around them as you can. Have you not ever noticed how;

The rich spend time with the rich? The poor spend time with the poor? The lonely spend time with the lonely? The happy spend time with the happy?

If you want to create new subconscious programs then find people who are already successfully running those programs that you want. Do what they do, imitate their beliefs and watch in delight as your new thought patterns begin to emerge.

About the Author

Gary Evans is a Law of Attraction practitioner, author and owner of the company Good To Feel Good. Gary is dedicated to helping you attract anything you desire through successful application of the Law of Attraction.Get your free copy of Gary's 7 Proven Steps To Success e-course by visiting:http://www.7provenstepstosuccess.com

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78 Mindful Weight Loss-EMOTIONS Faster EFT

www.fastereft.comFreedom from Emotional Eating and Self Sabotaging Programs 100% Natural Weight Loss Program that is Powerful and Effective! Learn why it's so hard to give up! The odds are stacked against you if you have programs installed from your life Experiences and mental programs. Learn the truth and gain freedom. www.outsmartstress.com Robert is a fast-paced mind-expanding motivating Goal setting how to live your dreams total financial freedom personal freedom self-esteem subconscious mind solutions for success prosperity laws of universe debt-free no limit lifestyle millionaire self help motivation personal growth positive thinking personal development life coaching success coaching hypnosis stress management hypnotherapy Neuro-linguistic programming Anthony Robbins Paul McKenna NLP Tom Nicole weight loss training events courses seminars in-company training company training in-company courses programs sales training management training marketing service training telesales training business skills training Tapping using easy-to-use video Start your day up right with a positive dose of EFT Freedom at Your Fingertips ("The Secret") Free EFT instruction limiting beliefs self confidence personal power fulfillment success abundance inner peace gratitude joy dreams Midas touch peace of mind freedom stress-free release anxiety financial freedom how to get rich how to have it all truth success secrets potential willpower depression low self-esteem overwhelm debt ...

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The Eight Auspicious Symbols (The Eight Lucky Signs)

Posted: 27 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Article by Sylvia Smelcer

The Eight Auspicious Symbols, or Ashtamangala are present in Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism and Sikhism. The specific symbols can vary between each faith. The Eight Auspicious Symbols of Buddhism are the Conch Shell, the Lotus, the Wheel, the Parasol, the Endless Knot, the Pair of Golden Fishes, the Banner Proclaiming Victory, and the Treasure Vase. These symbols are another way of reminding Buddhist followers of the benefits of the Dharma. The road to enlightenment is a long one, but these symbolic cues can help keep Buddhists on the right path.

Conch ShellThe conch shell represents the omnipresent, far-reaching and harmonious teachings of the Dharma. The shell has been utilized in many cultures as a power horn used in battle, and the Buddhists compare the shell to a bugle that fearlessly declares the truth of the Dharma. The conch shell can be readily seen in many depictions of the Buddha, usually on his neck, to illustrate his melodious speech.

LotusThe lotus flower represents the purification of the body, speech, and mind, or the attainment of enlightenment. Enlightenment basically involves rising above the egocentric preoccupation of desire. The roots of the lotus grow in the mud, the stem rises through the water, and the bloom ascends past all the murky liquid to bloom in the sunlight. The lotus in bloom is compared to one's Buddha nature blooming in a state of blissful liberation. The mud, of course, is akin to the fog of Samsara. Lotuses of varying colors can hold different meanings. A white lotus represents mental purity and spiritual perfection. Red lotuses signify the original nature of being and purity of heart. Blue is the wisdom of knowledge and mastery over the senses. The pink lotus is associated with the Buddha himself, as it is the greatest lotus of all.

WheelThere are three parts to the symbol of the wheel. The first part is the hub, which represents the training in moral discipline. The hub is the center and support of all spiritual growth. The second is the spok! es, whic h signify the proper application of the teachings. The spokes connect the hub to the third and final part, which is the rim. The rim signifies concentration. As a whole, the wheel represents utilizing the Dharma to experience virtue and eventual liberation from suffering.

ParasolThe parasol represents the sky, in that it protects the world from the sun's intense heat. The parasol is a protector - a provider of safe haven to all. The parasol inspires followers to protect others from illness, obstacles and other harmful influences. It also reminds one that they can always take refuge in the Dharma.

Endless KnotThe endless knot is a symbol that contains many figurative interpretations. It represents the interconnection and union of opposing or unlike forces such as: wisdom and compassion, religious and secular affairs, or birth and death. The seemingly endless nature of this lattice type design also gives an impression of infinity, much like the Buddha's divine eternal consciousness. The endless knot is a staple in Buddhist art, and appears frequently on ritualistic and meditative tools.

Pair of Golden FishesThe golden fishes represent happiness, fertility, abundance and conjugal unity. The history of the two fish originates in India, where the fish embody the sun and moon, or yin and yang. The ocean also represents suffering. The fish are impervious to the influence of the water. They navigate through the sea with ease, never at risk of drowning.

Banner Proclaiming VictoryThe victory banner represents utilizing the Dharma to perfect one's body, speech and mind to become triumphant over troubles and unhappiness. It is said that Buddha himself planted a victory banner at the top of Mt. Meru once he attained enlightenment. Victory banners made of copper commonly adorn the four corners of sacred Buddhist buildings. It is placed in four places to represent how the Dharma radiates in all directions, and also symbolizes the Buddha's victory over the four Maras of: emotional defilement, pas! sion, fe ar of death and pride or lust.

Treasure VaseThe treasure vase, or urn, represents the never-ending abundance of the Buddha. Much like the lamp of the genie, the vase encloses countless vast, rich spiritual benefits that one could ever imagine. The urn is also referred to as, "The Vase of Inexhaustible Treasures", or "The Urn of Wisdom". The vase also symbolizes a long life and magnificent prosperity. A treasure vase is often used in Buddhist initiation ceremonies.

About the Author

Eight Auspicious Signs Prayer Flags and other items with the eight lucky signs, such as eight auspicious signs bracelets are items of interest to Sylvia Smelcer, who is the owner of e-commerce Buddhist websites.

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Om Mani Padme Hum - Original Extended Version.wmv

Om Mani Padme Hum - Tibetan Incantation - Original Extended Version The Powers of the Six Syllables -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The six syllables perfect the Six Paramitas of the Bodhisattvas. Gen Rinpoche, in his commentary on the Meaning of said: "The mantra Om Mani Pรคdme Hum is easy to say yet quite powerful, because it contains the essence of the entire teaching. When you say the first syllable "Om" it is blessed to help you achieve perfection in the practice of generosity, "Ma" helps perfect the practice of pure ethics, and "Ni" helps achieve perfection in the practice of tolerance and patience. "Pรคd", the fourth syllable, helps to achieve perfection of perseverance, "Me" helps achieve perfection in the practice of concentration, and the final sixth syllable "Hum" helps achieve perfection in the practice of wisdom. So in this way recitation of the mantra helps achieve perfection in the six practices from generosity to wisdom. The path of these six perfections is the path walked by all the Buddhas of the three times. What could then be more meaningful than to say the mantra and accomplish the six perfections?" The six syllables purify the six realms of existence in suffering. I do not own the copyright of the audio track ~ My purpose for up loading this on to YouTube is to share it with the world whom seek for it ~ My sincere Thank You to all for allowing me to accomplish this ~ Amitabha ้˜ฟๅฝŒ้™€ไฝ›

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The origin of Zen

Posted: 27 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT

The origin of Zen really begins with the awakening of Gautama when he became a Buddha sitting under the Bodhi-tree, having achieved his awakening by means of dhyana which in Japanese is "Zen."  Zen is not so much enlightenment or in Sanskrit, anuttara-samyak-sambodhi but the true middle way that leads to enlightenment, or the same, awakening.  The true middle way lies between sensory indulgence and sensory denial or asceticism.  On his spiritual journey, Gautama rejected both for dhyana

We could easily just call Zen, Dhyana which in Pali is jhana instead of using the Japanese term.  This might take some of the confusion out of what Zen is really about.  Basically, dhyana is an introspective process that sets aside all mental phenomena, no matter how subtle.  This setting aside even includes sensory consciousness; even the most hyper subtle fluctuations of our mind.  What dhyana is really aiming at is the very substance of mentation or suchness (tathatรข).

In the West it is difficult for us to imagine that our thoughts are composed of a 'spiritual mind substance' which in Buddhism is called by such names as 'pure Mind', 'clear light Mind', the 'unborn Mind', 'true Mind', the 'One Mind', or 'Buddha Mind'.  When Gautama awakened, that is, became a Buddha, he directly beheld Mind devoid of all disturbances, perturbations, and imagery.  It was Mind purely itself, free of all dependence, without support, absolute and singular.

The later institutions of Zen in China, Korea and Japan tried not to hide the fact that the goal of Zen or dhyana was directly to apperceive pure Mind by having abandoned all mind fluctuations in whatever form.  In this regard, Zen has never abandoned the means Gautama used to become the Buddha who called dhyana the "path to enlightenment" (Lalitavistara Sutra).


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Best Time for Meditation

Posted: 27 May 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Article by R.Pettinger

To make progess in meditation it is important to meditate at least once a day. If you are inspired then it is good to meditate 3 times a day. Regularity is very important for increasing your meditation capacity. Some people may say it is very hard to find time in a busy day to meditate. However if you really value something then you will find time. 3 times a day we find time to feed the body. We should also feel the necessity of feeding our soul, our inner being. If we value meditation then we will not want to miss our regular period of silence.

The best time to meditate is early in the morning. Early in the morning the earth is restful and more peaceful. Also there are less demands on your time. Therefore the morning consciousness is more conducive to meditation. Sri Chinmoy says:

"If you meditate in the morning, you will find that your meditation will be most fruitful. Before the sun rises, the earth -consciousness is not yet agitated."

In the Indian scriptures it is said the absolutely best time to meditate is between 3am and 4am. This is known as the Brahma Muhurta or hour of God. However in the west if we go to bed at 11 or 12 then this will be too early. If we try to meditate very early we may find our mind is sleepy making real meditation very difficult. However it is beneficial to be able to meditate early in the morning as the peace we feel will remain with us for the rest of the day. If it is possible to meditate facing the rising sun this will also be very beneficial as we will derive energy from the sun.

The next best time to meditate is in the evening. In the evening the atmosphere becomes a little more restful as we forget the troubles of the day. However if we meditate straight after finishing work then we may still have thoughts from the days activities going around in our mind. Before meditating it is good to take a shower and clear our mind of what has been going on during the day.

If you have time to meditate during the day that is good, however it ! may be d ifficult to go deep, so a short meditation may be appropriate. Whatever time you meditate it is important to give the meditation a high priority. It is better to meditate once a day with our full attention and focus, rather than sit down several times a day with thoughts going through our mind.

Whatever time you choose and this may vary depending upon personal circumstances it is important to try and stick to your fixed time. Like regularity, punctuality is also very beneficial for making our meditation more powerful. It is like eating food, at a certain time we become ready for food. At another time we may become ready for meditation. Our inner being will be more receptive.

About the Author

R.Pettinger is a member of Sri Chinmoy Centre in England. He gives free meditation classes from the teachings of Sri Chinmoy

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"Sleep Video" 45mins of Raindrops Natural Sounds

MP3 Downloads of many of my videos at www.texashighdef.net Taped in Austin Texas

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Mind Control Secrets

Posted: 27 May 2012 04:00 AM PDT

Article by Richard Osterude

Hypnosis scares people unnecessarily. For example, many people questions whether or not anybody can control your mind. And the answer is no. In fact, a hypnotist also could not force you to do anything against your will.

A hypnotist can guide you into a hypnotic state. And he or she may make suggestions. However, you always have the power to reject these.

About Mind Control

Mind control secrets are nothing but the techniques to control your thoughts. You can use these techniques with others too. These techniques can help to boost self confidence, for example, or help with overcoming inhibitions. Here are points about mind control:

1) Mind control secrets are successful if the conscious mind is bypassed and messagesare absorbed by the subconscious mind.

2) Our habits and behavior are controlled by our subconscious mind. The new thought patterns and behaviors are built by subconscious mind. When you want to achieve real change, it must take place at a subconscious level.

3) A brief visual message may not be seen by a person consciously, yet it may be perceived by them at subconscious level. Our mind filters the most of the messages we receive every day so they do not influence us. But the subliminal messages by-pass the conscious mind and go straight to subconscious, where they have lasting impact.

4) You are not aware of the messages if they are properly administered. The conscious mind is not affected by subliminal messages; however, the messages have good impact on the subconscious or deeper mind. Overall success of such techniques is debated.

5) Some messages are presented to the listener at the time when he is listening to normal, casual, everyday messages. In short, the sounds of two different types are ongoing at the same time. Experts believe that while conscious mind is listening to the louder sound, the subconscious is working to hear the lower sound message.

In summary, mind control secrets are for an individual's control of their own ! thinking , behavior, emotions, or decisions. Mind control secrets are different than brainwashing. Many mind control secrets have focused on physical or torture as principal methods to force victims to do what they do not want to do. Physical torture affects the functioning of the victim's nervous systems including the brain.

Such methods are subject of debate among psychologists and neuroscientists and sociologists. Different views on this subject do have legal implications. The important question is how much of the messages are perceived? Some think that unconscious signals could be absorbed only if they are simple. While others say that unconscious cognition is comprehensive and hence much more is perceived than verbalized.

Supporters of subliminal messages claim that they gain influence from the fact that they do by-pass the critical functions of the conscious mind. And so ordinary suggestions are not impressive as subliminal suggestions.

See for yourself. Learn more and give easy hypnosis a try to improve your health. Many use hypnosis techniques for all types of health issues like losing weight, ceasing smoking and other bad habits, replacing them with new, healthier ones.

About the Author

Visit, subscribe to and bookmark: http://easyhypnosistips.com for your health & self improvement aids. And keep up with the latest news there for your home and family.

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The Effects of Meditation on the Brain

Complete video at: fora.tv Physicist John Hagelin, director of the Transcendental Meditation Movement, advocates for meditation as a method of promoting a host of positive benefits, from relaxation to increased creativity. ----- John Hagelin, PhD President of the David Lynch Foundation President of the Global Union of Scientists for Peace SAND 2011 is a journey and exploration of the nature of awareness from the perspective of modern science, ancient traditions, philosophy, phenomenology, psychology and direct experience. Hear presentations of world-renowned quantum physicists, scientists, lecturers and authors like John Hagelin, Stanislav Grof, Lynne McTaggart, Fred Alan Wolf, Menas Kafatos, Gangaji, Rupert Spira, David Peat, Dean Radin, Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, Jeff Foster and many more, over this four-day conference. The theme which we will be exploring this year is Time. What is time and does it really exist? Linear, nonlinear time, eternal now, infinity... SAND 2011 will be an exploration of the concept and paradox of time from the perspective of modern science, ancient traditions, philosophy, phenomenology, psychology and of course direct experience. John Hagelin, Ph.D., is a quantum physicist, educator, public policy expert, and leading proponent of peace. Dr. Hagelin received his AB summa cum laude from Dartmouth College and his MA and Ph.D. from Harvard University, and conducted pioneering research at CERN (the European Center for Particle Physics) and SLAC (the ...

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Meditation: The Pause That Refreshes

Posted: 27 May 2012 03:00 AM PDT

Article by Douglas Hardwick

Do you find yourself overworked, full of worry, or just plain stressed out? Then, it's time to relax. Give your mind a break and your immune system a boost. Learn to meditate.

For many people, meditation is something quite mysterious. After all, meditation is a practice most often associated with ancient spiritual traditions. But, the fact the matter is, meditation is simply a way of relaxing your mind and your body which, in turn, helps to separate you from your everyday problems and worries. It is a process that can be learned and practiced by even the busiest person in today's modern world.

There are many forms of meditation. However, experts often say that the various forms of meditation fall into two broad categories: concentrative meditation and mindfulness meditation.

In concentrative meditation, the person sits quietly and focuses attention on a physical object, a particular sound, an image, or on the most fundamental bodily process, breathing. Most people have heard of using a mantra to meditate. Here the person repeats a special word over and over. Repetition of the word provides the focus needed for meditation. No matter what the person uses, the purpose of the object of meditation is to give the mind an anchor to the here and now. As the mind becomes absorbed in its focus on the object of meditation, external distractions are reduced. The jumble of thoughts and anxiety so common to daily life disappear.

In mindfulness meditation, there is no specific object of meditation. Instead, the person sits quietly and simply witnesses or notices whatever happens to present itself mentally. It could be a thought, a mental image, a sound, or a bodily sensation. The goal of the person meditating is to observe whatever passes through the mind and let it go without reacting to it or elaborating on it. By practicing a kind of detached awareness of immediate experience, the person is encouraging the development of a calmer, clearer state of mind.

Learning to meditate i! s not a complex matter. However, as with any skill of value, learning to meditate does take some effort. Fortunately, there are many books and e-books on the market that can provide the beginner with simple "how to" instructions and helpful meditation exercises. Meditation also requires practice. But, the practice can be as little as ten minutes a day.

One key to successful meditation is consistency of effort. The person needs to find a time in the day to meditate regularly. The payoff for doing so may be enormous, both physically and psychologically. Modern research has shown that the regular use of meditation enhances immunity, lowers heart rate and blood pressure, reduces cholesterol, and speeds recovery. Psychologically, meditation seems to reduce anxiety and depression, while increasing creativity and feelings of happiness and joy. Given its power and simplicity, the practice of meditation should be included in any serious, holistic approach to health and wellness.

About the Author

Douglas Hardwick, Ph.D., has extensive interests in issues of holistic health and human development. He is a primary contributor to the information website: www.holisticwebworks.com - Holistic Health and Healing Resources

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Tibetan Flute Music: Longing Eagle

Wu Guo Zhong - Longing Eagle

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Small Business Practice And The Vision In Your Mind!

Posted: 27 May 2012 02:00 AM PDT

Article by George Collins

They say in science that water is the most powerful force in the world, I believe that the mind is. When you can control your mind, you can have anything you want. That is how things are created in this world, that is how things are discovered, that is how we are always evolving, because people have new, better and more visions to do different things or come up with new inventions. It is the same thing with my company, we had the vision to do this, if we did not have the vision for it, it never would have happened. We had the vision to make the first 1 up and 2 up programs and get paid straight away and not only that, people get paid instantly on two levels. There was no other program on the internet that paid you instantly on two levels. They have instant payment programs on one level, instant split payments on one level, but there was no instant two level program.

There are programs that pay monthly and weekly, and even programs that pay daily, but nothing that pays instantly at the point of sale. So we were breaking new boundaries in different areas. There was also no other type of program that had an intergraded sales center that is intergraded with the company, or learning videos. If we did not have the vision, if we did not see it in our mind of this happening, it would never have happened. We have to have a vision in our mind to move forward in life to make things happen, to just do it.

I like to also, in my mind, have like a captain. In the military service there is always a captain for a unit, there are captains of football teams, there are captains of soccer teams, there are captains of all sports teams. If you look in the school systems, you have the principal, they are like the captains, they lead the school in a certain direction. Whether you want to call it a captain or manager, whatever you want to call it, you need to have something that is in charge in order to control you mind. You can consider the conscious part of the mind the captain, that is always there telling t! he subco nscious what to go forward with and do.

Whether you believe it or not, your subconscious is working twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, whether you realize it or not, whether you are sleeping or not. If you are a copywriter, you probably get ideas in your mind and you might not write it that day. You can start it the next day or even a day later. You will have the information in your head and look at what you are going to write, you have some ideas and some points, you get that in your mind and your subconscious will be working on it continuously. You can be doing something else but your mind is continuously working on the ideas and thoughts that are in your subconscious. You can come back a day or two later and have all the thoughts there and just get to writing, get right into it. I believe that this type of thinking will help you if you have writers block it takes care of that.

Back to the point, as a captain you are controlling your mind and you just have to control your mind. Believe that you have a captain and a crew, your captain should be your conscious mind and your crew is your subconscious. If you want to have the vision and create ten thousand dollars a month, then in your mind create ten thousand dollars a month, your captain should tell your crew and your crew should get to work on it. Low and behold, a couple of months you will be making your dollar amount. Along the line of fear, if fear comes into your mind delete it out of there and replace it with a good thought, it will happen. We do not have to live with fear in our life.

I just cannot stress it enough, it kills people, kills businesses, I see it all the time. And I have to talk about it because I do not want you to live in fear and controlling your mind is about getting the fear out of it. If you cannot delete the fear out of your mind, it is just going to stay there and destroy you and destroy your business. If you have bills that bring fear into you, you do not have to let the bills bring fear into you.

Bil ls can instill fear in people, bill collectors do. Bills come in, okay, just put it in your box, do not even look at it again until you have the money. You do not have to let that control your life, just like bill collectors that call you, do not let them control your life, do not answer the phone, do not listen to the message on the answering machine, whatever it is, get on the phone with them and tell them that you do not have the money, that is it, good bye. No fear at all, there is nothing that they can physically do to you. Again, fear is a terrible way to live and I highly suggest that if this is the first time that you have read this information, read it again, take notes and just do not live in fear.

Fear is false expectation appearing real, it is falsely appearing real in your mind. And a lot of times in the end result it was a lot easier because the things that you were thinking of never came about.

About the Author

Generate Cash Immediately Online. Our team members have done it in less than 24 hours and continue to do it everyday like clockwork... Contact George Collins Email George Collins.

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Why the dance and fitness industries need a change - the GROOVEmethod

Misty Tripoli, creator of The GROOVE Method talks about how we need to SIMPLIFY and RE-DEFINE dance/fitness/health so that everyBODY can start living a healthier life, according to their own definition and the unique needs of their bodies. If we want to help people get healthy - we need to create spaces that make movement and physical activity accessible to everyBODY. Fitness and dance got complicated. Simplify and DANCE for the health of it! www.thegroovemethod.com

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Personal Development & Self-Help: Unleash Your Mind Power And Attract Success, Money & Friends!

Posted: 27 May 2012 01:00 AM PDT

Article by Michelle L. Green

The suppressed mind has secreted attainments below its unconscious essential. Soul learning is an alternation of tactics that we can employ to call up that fortuitous online mail below the surface. We have collectible parts of our history at the bottom of the pinned consciousness or subconscious mind. Now, if we learn some practice to use instate letters to our advantage, perhaps we can run through the mind to enveloping awareness.

We have close online correspondence in the subliminal, which includes our continuation school. That consolidated math or history you reflect you have forgotten is not forever forgotten, rather the knowledge is underneath your subconscious time foreseeing for you to take an adventure to engender the specifics to take dealings.

You have options over the many steps one can take to unleash the power of your mind. You can make money and find new friends; first, however you have to learn these steps to accomplish your goal. Mentioning goals, this is a start of effectively unleashing your mind's power. That is set goals and work to reach them.

The soul has hidden literature beneath its unconscious foremost. Subliminal learning is an alternation of tactics that we can employ to refer to as up that extemporaneous mail underneath the surface. We have collectible parts of our history at the bottom of the under feel or subconscious mind. Now, if we learn some motility to use empower alphabet to our advantage, obtainable we can train the mind to encompassing awareness.

The subliminal or subconscious mind houses ulterior attainments beneath its unconscious essential. Subliminal messages are alternations of tactics that we can apply to call up that fortuitous recall below the surface. We have collectible parts of our history at the nethermost of the under consciousness or subconscious mind that holds our power. If we learn a few steps to employ our instate letters to our service, perhaps we can retrain the mind to encompassing kindliness.

We have enclo! sed mail in the subconscious or subliminal, which composes our continuing school of knowledge. This entire brook of knowledge you think you have forgotten, is not gone, more willingly, it is hidden below the conscious state auspiciously for you to take an adventure to generate these specifics to take measures to unleash the mind's power.

You can unleash this power by confederating the basic nouns, such as objects, persons, things, etc to discover what you had learned earlier. You may recall something as a child. This information you can use to discover new principles and information that will service you to learn what you already know by unleashing your essence mind.

You may recall things that you did not remember at this time, seeing you had to trigger your subconscious mind into recalling. Yet as you put forth the effort, you will soon discover something you had resting in your subliminal mind.

Likewise, if you take a stroll back you can commence to recall details of some event that took place in your history. For case history, your percipient mind will jolt you to take a stroll back to track your knowledge and to discover your key points that could benefit you. Each step you take in reverse cogitation you come closer to recalling, since your memory is improving.

You may embark on recall by associating items with your indispensables and low and break through, you accomplish what you have failed to recall earlier. By associating objects, people, and knowledge from memories you had put away in the subliminal mind you start to recall more each day. You may have some anamnesis of some recall when you were a child. The directions explore helps you to discover new tenets and guidance that give the effect of relief, since you start to extract from these recalls, thus unleashing your subliminal mind and finding new ways to better your life.

About the Author

Michelle Green is a leading expert in the self-improvement industry. She offers FREEpersonal development and self-help audio books to all herwebsite visitors.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

Guided Meditation with Lama Surya Das

A wonderful meditation with Lama Surya Das on the Great Luminous Perfection teachings of Dzogchen. Meditation is always ideal; there is no need to correct anything. Since everything that arises is simply the play of the mind as such, there is no unsatisfactory meditation and no need to judge thoughts as good or bad. If you recognize the emptiness of your thoughts instead of solidifying them, the arising and subsiding of each thought will clarify and strengthen your realization of emptiness. Banishing all hope and all fear, rest in the diamond-like certainty that the primordial simplicity of awareness is itself Buddhahood. That is the way of perfect bliss, in which all the qualities of enlightenment will flourish without effort. - Quotes by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche The fundamental philosophical principle of Buddhism is that all our suffering comes about as a result of an undisciplined mind, and this untamed mind itself comes about because of ignorance and negative emotions. For the Buddhist practitioner then, regardless of whether he or she follows the approach of the Fundamental Vehicle, Mahayana or Vajrayana, negative emotions are always the true enemy, a factor that has to be overcome and eliminated. And it is only by applying methods for training the mind that these negative emotions can be dispelled and eliminated. This is why in Buddhist writings and teachings we find such an extensive explanation of the mind and its different processes and functions. Since these ...

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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How Would Spiritual Awaking Effect You?

Posted: 27 May 2012 12:00 AM PDT

Article by Donald Yates

Spiritual Inquiry births ideas Every spiritual journey begins with the precept that all possibilities exist at all times. God's creation includes spirit where possibilities await discovery and become observable as experience. All that exist is for experience for without experience nothing can be verified. It is through the experience of mankind that all things become reality to the human intellect.

All power in the word of God is for mankind's discovery and enhancement. No demonic principle or principality can decipherer and put into practice its meaning. The expansion of Truth, addition of the Law and presence of Divine Spirit is instantly and permanently available to all mankind for constructively improving their experience. (positive experience) When the Law is misused, experience becomes reversed, held back or unconstructive. (negative experience) It is through activating creative mind that excites the Law into acting.

Fundamentals of harmony There is a fundamental law of accord and exclusivity which exist for directing mankind's experience into happiness. This intricate system is solely for illumining God's position as creator and supplier of all mankind's needs. Upon analyzing this force, it can be determined that it is neither cause, medium, or effect. It has no history, no experience, and no future. Its specific purpose is to destroy negative by elevating positive.

Law is exemplified by truth and affirmative action. There is no limitation, discord or doubt in the Law. The Law is truth and facts lie in its possibility. It is impossible for someone with negative though to enact the Law's true purpose. The Law is lifeless, without form, existing for mankind's discovery and putting into action or experience.

Confirms the lawIf thought confirms the Law, then is thought the catalyst for all discovery? Thought is the bridge between spirit and material for engaging unseen forces to expose serviceable principles. It would be impossible for one to access this unseen force! unless they at first resolved all physical objects into corresponding laws of thought. (Convert law into thought) By dealing with the thought you are also dealing with the law. Law then becomes attainable and experienced to the human intellect.

You must first identify and eliminate all resistance to the idea of using thought to access Law. What God does for us He must do through us. It is our attitude of reception that acts as a receptor and prompter of action. Realize this; a negative condition is neither person, place or thing and does not belong to anyone nor does it operate through anyone. It is a decision, a choice of the person demonstrating it.

For a sense of ease The Law should be approached naturally, normally, and with a sense of ease. There should be no sense of strain or compulsion when breaching Law to thought to opportunity. In the last analyses, opportunity is the target of our extraction. We want to pull valid opportunity from the truth contained in the Law.

Unless you are exceptionally in tuned to your inner spirit, opportunity will always be defiant in coming forward. It may be necessary to repeat your efforts in a way that demonstrates your confidence. God wants to provide, if you have a valid need or desire. What is not valid? Anything that is self serving or directed toward self. What is valid? Any true need or desire intended to illuminate God's generosity.

Remember accord always takes precedence over discord as light dispels darkness. If you seek a root for evil you will find no origin. Evil exist because of a misconstruction of good and has no power other than that which human's give it. The more a person believes in evil, the more evil enters their life, seeing as evil is grounded in their belief.

An important lessonThe most important lesson when using God's laws is to use the law in a constructive, definite and purposeful manner. It is impossible for the law to know anything about ourselves with one single exception and that is, the law presupposes we! are a s um total of the asked for application. This assumption arises from our complete involvement with our subject and belief in its validly.

Make no mistake, the law is forever perfect and to use it engages a law of reflection mirroring the images of our thought. As thought brought about the image so also it makes it an experience in reality. No matter if the thought becomes a blue print or definitive plan, thought was the base that drew out the idea and concept for materialization.

God's word is a PromiseGod's word is a promise of the law and its power. This is a powerful truth that most people do not know or believe. People have so misused God's laws they think they are the controller of their own destiny. Self help books and courses tout that it is people who make his/her own environment and it is people have to make things happen by planning and scheming their own course of action. They rely on fate, circumstance, chance and luck as forces for driving their plot too success. This misconception represents man/woman as the conceiver of inspiration and external circumstances.

Of Dominion over the earth Man was created in God's image and likeness. Man was given dominion, but unless he exercises it, he will be controlled by the hypnotic thought of the race. Those hypnotic suggestions must be broken down and dissipated. We must learn consciously to exercise our dominion. We must do definite and specific work for ourselves and for others. Life was given us and we must live it to its fullest.

Happy Trails

About the Author

Donald Yates, author, Former Director of Leadership and Development Training for First Baptist Church of Crossville, and Business Development coordinator for Imperial Research, is now retired but continues to engage life through self discovery. <h1>SAVE GAS!</h1>Run Your Car On WATER! - - - - Join With Other Successful Women

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LWT 37 | Nature, Life, and Presence – Teachings of Eckhart Tolle

Posted: 27 May 2012 12:00 AM PDT

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 27:05 — 31.0MB)

On this episode of Living with Tolle, our conversation centers around natural beauty. We discuss how nature reflects back to us how to be present in the moment. We explore how Nature can also be a portal to the now by inspiring breath-taking moments of no thought. We talk about connecting to the inner aliveness in nature, in pets, and in young children, a practice that can help us honor the life force in other human beings around us, and ourselves.

We begin this podcast by sharing our new projects:

Greg's discusses his new song Better Friends, his new recording, music video and website www.happyashumanlypossible.com.

Be sure to share it on this Father's Day!

Leo introduces his two newly launched
Eckhart Tolle iPhone Applications:

Read about them and view video demos *here*

Buy them now at the iTunes App Store:
The Power of Now Inspiration Deck for the iPhone
The Power of Now Meditation Deck for the iPhone

Watch the Video of This Episode:

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Key Insights From This Episode:

Natural beauty reflects back to us how to be present in the moment.

Nature can be a portal to the now by inspiring "breath-taking" moments of no thought – drawing out the presence within us.

The lack of ego in nature makes natural beauty available, aware, giving and receiving.

Nature is all around us in the form or plants or flowers, trees, water, and giving your conscious attention to these forms of natural beauty will allow you to engage these forms without thought – to sense their aliveness, beauty, and design.

Whether you live in a large city or the country, how can you begin to interact with nature in a more conscious way?

Pets are reflections of presence – reflections that evoke presence to emerge within us. They are mirrors and reminders of our own natural ability to live from the present moment.

Leo shares his experience with his eight month old son and how babies also serve as precious reminders of our natural state – with no back story or compulsive thinking about the future.

Indeed, The life force within a baby that is so captivating or breathtaking, is the same force of life within your spouse, boss, friend, and yourself.

By consciously appreciating the presence and aliveness of nature, pets, and small children, we naturally begin to honor the inner life force within other human beings – and ultimately within ourselves.

Questions for deeper reflection:

  • What forms of nature are in your daily surroundings?
  • How can you be conscious of nature, pets, or children, so they can serve as true reminders of presence?
  • How can you make a special effort this week to spend time in nature and take a breaks away from the structures of the egoic mind?
  • How can you make changes in your environment and daily routines for more conscious interactions with nature?

If you enjoy our podcast, please visit the iTunes store and write us a brief review. Thanks!

Leo & Greg

Tags: A New Earth, Aristimuno, babies, beauty, children, eckhart tolle, Featured, Greg Larsen, guardians of being, inner body, iphone, Life, nature, now, pets, podcast, presence, The Power of Now


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Posted: 26 May 2012 11:00 PM PDT

Article by hi joiney

Nomenclature orthography and etymology br The Sanskrit name for the syllable is prava from a root nu to shout sound praise verbal pra nu being attested as to make a humming or droning sound in the Brahmanas and taking the specific meaning of to utter the syllable om in the Chandogya Upanishad and the Shrauta Sutras More rarely used terms are akara or ekkara and in later times omkra becomes prevalent br Phonemically the syllable is aum which is regularly monophthongized to in Sanskrit phonology It is sometimes also written with pluti as o3m notably by Arya Samaj When occurring within a Sanskrit utterance the syllable is subject to the normal rules of sandhi in Sanskrit grammar however with the additional peculiarity that after preceding a or the o of om does not form vriddhi au but guna o per Pni 6 1 95 br The Aum symbol is a ligature of Devanagari o encoded in Unicode at U 0950 the Tibetan script variant at U 0F00 and the Chinese at U 5535 or at U 543D br It is thought that Amen in Christianity and Amin in Islam came from AUM but lost its original pronunciation through history br In Hinduism br God Ganesha is sometimes identified with the Aum br The syllable Aum is first described as all encompassing mystical entity in the Upanishads Today in all Hindu art and all over India and Nepal Aum can be seen virtually everywhere a common sign for Hinduism and its philosophy and theology As the creation began the divine all encompassing consciousness took the form of the first and original vibration manifesting as sound OM Before creation began it was Shunyakasha the emptiness or the void Shunyakasha is more than nothingness because everything existed in a latent state of potentiality The vibration of OM symbolizes the manifestation of God in form OM is the reflection of the absolute reality it is said to be Adi Anadi without beginning or the end and embracing all that exists The mantra OM is the name of God the vibration of the Supreme When taken letter by letter A U M represents the divine energy Shakti ! united i n its three elementary aspects Bhrahma Shakti creation Vishnu Shakti preservation and Shiva liberation and or destruction Shakti br In Hinduism Om corresponds to the crown chakra and diamond white light br Upanishads and Sutra literature br Further information Mandukya Upanishad br The Balinese Om symbol br The syllable is mentioned in all the Upanishads specially elaborated upon in the Taittiriya Chandogya and Mandukya Upanishad set forth as the object of profound religious meditation the highest spiritual efficacy being attributed not only to the whole word but also to the three sounds a a kra u u kra m ma kra of which it consists A kara means form or shape like earth trees or any other object U kara means formless or shapeless like water air or fire Ma kara means neither shape nor shapeless but still exists like the dark matter in the Universe When we combine all three syllables we get AUM which is a combination of A kara U kara and Ma kara br The Katha Upanishad has br The goal which all Vedas declare which all austerities aim at and which humans desire when they live a life of conscience I will tell you briefly it is Aum br The one syllable evkara viz Aum is indeed Brahman This one syllable is the highest Whosoever knows this one syllable obtains all that he desires br This is the best support this is the highest support Whosoever knows this support is adored in the world of Brahma 1 2 15 17 br The Chandogya Upanishad 1 1 1 1 states br om ity etad akaram udgtham upsta om iti hy udgyati tasyopavykhynam br The udgitha the chanting that is the syllable om is the best of all essences the highest deserving the highest place the eighth br The Bhagavad Gita 8 13 has br Uttering the monosyllable Aum the eternal world of Brahman One who departs leaving the body at death he attains the superior goal br The Bhagavad Gita 9 17 has Krishna says to Arjuna I am the father of this universe the mother the support and the grandsire I am the object of knowledge the purifier and the syllable O I am also the the Sma and! the Yaj ur Vedas br The Bhagvad Gita 17 23 has br om tatsatiti nirdesho brahmanstrividhah samratah br OM tat and sat has been declared as the triple appellation of Brahma who is Truth Consciousness and Bliss br In the following sutra it emphasizes The repetition of Om should be made with an understanding of its meaning br Puranic Hinduism br The Om Parvat in Pithoragarh district br In Puranic Hinduism Aum is the mystic name for the Hindu Trimurti and represents the union of the three gods viz a for Brahma u for Vishnu and m for Mahadev which is another name of Shiva The three sounds also symbolize the three Vedas Rigveda Samaveda Yajurveda br According to Hindu philosophy see Mandukya Upanishad the letter A represents creation when all existence issued forth from Brahma s golden nucleus the letter U refers to Vishnu the God of the middle who preserves this world by balancing Brahma on a lotus above himself and the letter M symbolizes the final part of the cycle of existence when Vishnu falls asleep and Shiva has to breathe in so that all existing things have to disintegrate and are reduced to their essence to him More broadly Aum is said to be the primordial sound that was present at the creation of the universe It is said to be the original sound that contains all other sounds all words all languages and all mantras br Dvaita br Omkar in Bangla Script br Vaishnava Dvaita philosophies teach that Aum is an impersonal sound representation of Vishnu Krishna while Hari Nama is the personal sound representation A represents Krishna U Srimati Radharani and M jivas According to Sridhara Svami the pranava has five parts A U M the nasal bindu and the reverberation nada Liberated souls meditate on the Lord at the end of that reverberation For both Hindus and Buddhists this syllable is sacred and so laden with spiritual energy that it may only be pronounced with complete concentration br Thai br File Thai Om jpg br Aum symbol in Thai language br In Thailand times Thais make Thai scripts and an om in the end File Thai Om gi! f br Adv aita br Aum symbol on a temple elephant s forehead br In Advaita philosophy it is frequently used to represent three subsumed into one a triune a common theme in Hinduism It implies that our current existence is mithy and maya falsehood that in order to know the full truth we must comprehend beyond the body and intellect the true nature of infinity Essentially upon moksha mukti samdhi one is able not only to see or know existence for what it is but to become it When one gains true knowledge there is no split between knower and known one becomes knowledge consciousness itself In essence Aum is the signifier of the ultimate truth that all is one br Examples of sacred triunes three in ones citation needed br Creation Brahma Preservation Vishnu Destruction Shiva into Brahman the Atman br Waking Dreaming Dreamless Sleep into Turiya transcendental fourth state of consciousness br Rajas activity heat fire Tamas dullness ignorance darkness Sattva purity light serenity shanti into Brahman br Body Speech and Mind into Oneness br Generate Brahma Saraswati Operate Narayan Lakshmi Destroy Shiv Shakti as GOD within br Satchitananda br In proper names br When Aum is a part of a place name for example Omkareshwar or is used as a man s name it is spelled phonetically using ordinary letters of whatever Indian alphabet is used in the area The adherents of Arya Samaj always use the ordinary letters and to write Aum br In Jainism br Depiction of Om in Jain script br In Jainism Aum is regarded to be a condensed form of reference to the five parameshthis by their initials A A A U M o3m The Dravyasamgrah quotes a Prakrit line br br oma ekkara paca paramehi nm dipam tatkabhamiti ceta arihat asarr yariy taha uvajjhy muy br Aum is one syllable made from the initials of the five parameshthis It has been said Arihanta Ashiri Acharya Upadhyaya Muni br Thus o nama is a short form of the Navkar Mantra br In Buddhism br Buddhists place om at the beginning of their Vidya Sadaksari or mystical formulary in six syllables viz om mani padme ! hum as w ell as most other mantras and dharanis As a seed syllable bija mantra it is also considered holy in Esoteric Buddhism br The syllable is often written with the Chinese character pinyin n or pinyin wng in Buddhist texts of East Asian provenience br Onkar in Sikhism br Main article Ek Onkar br Gurmukhi Ek Onkar symbol br Guru Nanak dev ji writes that From Onkaar the One Universal Creator God Brahma was created He kept Ongkaar in his consciousness From Ongkaar the mountains and the ages were created Onkaar created the Vedas Khushwant Singh writes that The concept of om which is somewhat elusive in Hinduism is crystallized in Sikh theology and is given a status of symbol the symbol of God The singularity of God is expressed in the saying Ek Onkar There is one God Guru Nanak s teaching about God is summed in the Sikh Mool Mantra br Notes br Wazir Singh Aspects of Guru Nanak s philosophy 1969 p 20 the a u m of aum have also been explained as signifying the three principles of creation sustenance and annihilation Onkar in relation to existence implies plurality but its substitute Ekonkar definitely implies singularity in spite of the seeming multiplicity of existence br Sri H W L Poonja The Truth is Published by Samuel Weiser 2000 ISBN 1 57863 175 0 br Mandala Yoga br Om Amen and Amin br a b c d Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda The hidden power in humans Ibera Verlag page 15 ISBN 3 85052 197 4 br Satyarth Prakash by Swami Dayanand Saraswati br 160 sarve ved yat padam mananti tapmsi sarv ca yad vadanti yad icchanto brahmacarya caranti tat te pada sarahe bravmy om ity etat br etad dhy evkarabrahma etad dhy evkara param etad dhy evkara jtv yo yad icchati tasya tat br etad lambana reham etad lambana param etad lambana jtv brahmaloke mahyate br Yoga Sutras of Patanjali English translation by Bon Giovanni sacred texts com br Siri Guru Granth Sahib English Translation 3rd ed pp 160 929 http www gurbanifiles org translations English 20Translation 20of 20Siri 20Guru 20Granth 20Sahib pdf 160 br Singh Khushw! ant 2002 The Sikhs in Kitagawa Joseph Mitsuo The religious traditions of Asia religion history and culture London RoutledgeCurzon p 160 114 ISBN 0 7007 1762 5 http books google com books id 5LSvkQvvmAMC amp pg PA114 amp 160 br Mahinder N Gulati 2008 Comparative Religious and Philosophies Atlantic Publishers amp Distributors p 160 330 ISBN 8126909021 160 br External links br Wikimedia Commons has media related to Aum br Aum in the Upanishads Bhagavad Gita and Yoga Sutras br v 160 160 d 160 160 e br Hinduism br Aum 160 Ayurveda 160 Chakra 160 Dharma 160 Denominations 160 Deities 160 Gurus and saints 160 Schools 160 Karma 160 Jyotish 160 Mantras 160 Moksha 160 Sruti 160 Smriti 160 Yoga br Portal br v 160 160 d 160 160 e br Buddhism topics br Foundations br Three Jewels Buddha 160 Dharma 160 Sangha 160 Four Noble Truths 160 Noble Eightfold Path 160 Nirvana 160 Middle Way br The Buddha br Tathgata 160 Birthday 160 Four sights 160 Physical characteristics 160 Footprint 160 Iconography 160 Films 160 Miracles 160 Family Suddhodana father 160 Maya mother 160 Yasodhara wife 160 Rahula son 160 Places where the Buddha stayed 160 Buddha in world religions br Key concepts br Three Marks of Existence Impermanence 160 Suffering 160 Not self 160 Dependent Origination 160 Five Aggregates 160 Karma 160 Rebirth 160 Sara 160 Sahra 160 Defilements 160 Ignorance 160 Craving 160 Five Hindrances 160 Ten Fetters 160 Faculties 160 Enlightenment Awakening 160 Parinirvana 160 Thusness 160 Two truths doctrine 160 Emptiness 160 Bodhicitta 160 Bodhisattva 160 Buddha nature 160 Mindstream 160 Dzogchen br Cosmology br Ten spiritual realms 160 Six Realms Hell 160 Animal realm 160 Hungry Ghost realm 160 Asura realm 160 Human realm 160 Heaven 160 Three planes of existence br Practices br Refuge 160 Buddhist devotion 160 Puja Offerings 160 Prostration 160 Chanting 160 Merit 160 Paritta 160 Generosity 160 Renunciation 160 Morality Precepts 160 Bodhisattva vows 160 Patimokkha 160 Threefold Training Morality 160 Concentration 160 Wisdom 160 Four Divine! Abiding s Loving kindness 160 Compassion 160 Sympathetic joy 160 Equanimity 160 Perfections 160 Enlightenment Qualities 160 Seven Factors of Enlightenment 160 Bases of Power 160 Five Strengths 160 Faith 160 Effort Four Right Exertions 160 Mindfulness Satipatthana 160 Jhna Dhyna 160 Bhavana 160 Meditation Kammana 160 Recollection 160 Smarana 160 Mindfulness of Breathing 160 Serenity meditation 160 Insight meditation 160 Shikantaza 160 Zazen 160 Kan 160 Mandala 160 Tonglen 160 Tantra 160 Tertn 160 Terma br Attainment br Types of Buddha 160 Private Buddha 160 Bodhisattva 160 Four stages of enlightenment Stream enterer 160 Once returner 160 Non returner 160 Arahant br Monasticism br Monk 160 Nun 160 Novice monk 160 Novice nun 160 Anagarika 160 Ajahn 160 Sayadaw 160 Zen master 160 Roshi 160 Lama 160 Rinpoche 160 Geshe 160 Tulku 160 Householder 160 Lay follower 160 Disciple br Major figures br Gautama Buddha 160 Sriputta 160 Mahamoggallna 160 Ananda 160 Maha Kassapa 160 Anuruddha 160 Mahakaccana 160 Nanda 160 Subhuti 160 Punna 160 Upali 160 Mahapajapati Gotami 160 Khema 160 Uppalavanna 160 Buddhaghosa 160 Nagasena 160 Bodhidharma 160 Nagarjuna 160 Asanga 160 Vasubandhu 160 Atisha 160 Padmasambhava 160 Dalai Lama br Texts br Tipitaka Vinaya Pitaka 160 Sutta Pitaka 160 Abhidhamma Pitaka 160 Commentaries Visuddhimagga 160 Mahayana sutras 160 Chinese Buddhist canon Tripitaka Koreana 160 Tibetan Buddhist canon br Branches br Theravada 160 Mahayana Zen 160 Pure Land 160 Tiantai 160 Nichiren 160 Madhyamaka 160 Yogacara 160

About the Author

I am a professional writer from China Bags Wholesale, which contains a great deal of information about women's tweed jacket , cubs jacket, welcome to visit!

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Zen Buddhism - Shaolin Monk Steel Jacket Kung Fu Demo

From an episode of This Morning years ago. A Shaolin monk demonstrates his mastery of chi. Richard, Judie, and the show's resident doctor and psychologist offer their perspectives.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

LWT 38 | Practicing Acceptance – Teaching of Eckhart Tolle

Posted: 26 May 2012 11:00 PM PDT

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 31:58 — 17.8MB)

On this episode of Living With Tolle we focus on "Acceptance," the first stage of "Awakened Doing," as explained by Eckhart Tolle in A New Earth. Practicing acceptance can help us cope with tragic loss, daily life, and the challenges of personal awakening.

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Key Insights From Our Conversation:

  • Sharing transformative experiences with others feels good.
  • The process of awakening, on a personal and spiritual level, affects you in unexpected ways.
  • Personal Awakening is not about creating a fixed paradise, but about being in the process of continually creating paradise
  • "Acceptance" can help you deal with and recover from loss and tragedies, such as hurricanes.
  • The Ego creates itself through identification by attaching itself to form, to things around us, and even to our thoughts. When those are stripped away, we have an opportunity to realize "I am not my possessions" or "I am not my thoughts."
  • Even in the face of loss, you can still experience the present moment, inner aliveness, and the joy of being.
  • An explanation of Awakened Doing: (from Chapter 10 of A New Earth)
    • Step 1: Acceptance.
    • Step 2: Enjoyment.
    • Step 3: Enthusiasm.
  • Begin with Acceptance: It is fundamental. [Watch Greg speaking about acceptance]
  • How do you accept a flat tire? How do you accept cold soup at a restaurant? How do you accept your kids' tantrums or daily messes?
  • A state of non-acceptance is a state of resistance, which creates Negativity.
  • Acceptance can help you listen to your kids, accepting their emotions, creating deeper empathy and better connections with them.
  • How can we practice acceptance without "putting up with" undesirable situations and challenges?
  • Acceptance is not about a passive resignation to life's situations. Accept the situation, acknowledge the problem, then consciously correct the situation through acceptance.
  • Though your conditioned way of being can react to problems by complaining, creating drama, anger, and frustrations, acceptance allows you to engage life's challenges in more clear-headed, dynamic, and creative ways.
  • Acceptance allows for clarity of mind.
  • Don't engage in drama, false stories, internal complaints, inaccurate interpretations of what's happening around you. All this energy wasted in the drama can actually make the problem worse. Rather, accept the situation and the present moment as it is unfolding. The solutions you seek are more readily available through acceptance than through resistance.

Questions to our audience:

  • How is your inability to create acceptance wasting energy in your life?
  • How is your resistance to life creating more anger or anxiety than necessary?
  • How do you experience resistance in your life?
  • How do you experience acceptance?
  • What has happens when you have accepted the situation differently, more fully, without the resistance?
  • Have our conversations helped you to reach that moment of acceptance?

Please share your experiences and your feedback in the "Response" section below.
As we continue to develop our site, your comments on everything from content to design will be very valuable.

Thanks for listening.
Leo & Greg

Tags: acceptance, awakened doing, eckhart tolle, ego, Featured, judgement, Living With Tolle, new earth, peace, podcast, power of now, presence

Category: ARTICLES, Featured, PODCASTS

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Four Places to Reach Buddha during Thailand Holidays

Posted: 26 May 2012 10:00 PM PDT

Article by joesmith

The Dalai Lama and Quantum Physics 2/6

"Maybe knowledge is as fundamental, or even more fundamental than reality." (AZ) The austrian quantum physicist Anton Zeilinger explains to the Dalai Lama some basics of quantum physics and some results of the last 9 years of experiments in quantum mechanics. Themes: Atomism, randomness, the phenomenon, interdependence, the role of the observer in quantum physics and buddhism (Parts 1-3). Explanation of the quantum computer (Parts 4-6). Dialogue Leaders: Anton Zeilinger and Arthur Zajonc. Questions from Matthieu Ricard and Wolf Singer. Excerpt of: "Mind and Life XIV" - Dialogues on "The Universe in a Single Atom". Day 1 Afternoon Session (April 9th, 2007) (Held at His Holiness the Dalai Lama's residence in Dharamsala, India) In this video the sequences with longer translations to the Dalai Lama and the conversations in Tibetan (together about 20 minutes) are not included. The version without cuts is available here (Day 1 pm): www.youtube.com Day 1 am (with introduction from the Dalai Lama): www.youtube.com Anton Zeilinger (born on 20 May 1945 in Ried im Innkreis, Austria) is an Austrian quantum physicist. He is currently professor of physics at the University of Vienna, previously University of Innsbruck. He is also the director of the Vienna branch of the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information IQOQI at the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Zeilinger has been called a pioneer in the new field of quantum information and is renowned for his realization of quantum ...

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LWT 39 | Beginner’s Mind – Eckhart Tolle Applied to Your Everyday Life

Posted: 26 May 2012 10:00 PM PDT

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 59:50 — 68.5MB)

How can the teachings of Eckhart Tolle help you in daily life? When you are dealing with the challenges of your job, your business, your family, or your own awakening, how can you apply these teachings to daily life so you can be present and effective?

Leo and Greg

On this recording of the July 6th, 2010, Living With Tolle teleseminar Greg and Leo reflect on their journey since launching Living with Tolle in the summer of 2008 and how the teachings of Eckhart Tolle have made a difference in their daily life.

The conversation revolves around two primary questions:

1. What have I learned from the teachings?
2. How have I changed?

Both Leo and Greg express a deep sense of gratitude for their families, friends, co-workers, and colleagues who make up the daily practice of these teachings and keep them on their toes.

The rubber meets the road in daily life and it is those relationships, environments, and situations that become the testing grounds that reveal where you are at on your journey!

Key Insights from this episode:

As we approach two year anniversary of Living With Tolle, we talk about the gift of acceptance and how accepting both the positive and the negative is key for developing a practice of presence. In accepting the energy of the moment, whether positive or negative, expectations no longer come into play. Identifying with these expectations from the future, or with the pain-body stories from our past, can distract us from the present moment. But awareness of these thoughts, even acceptance of our pain, can lead us to powerful learning and a greater sense of presence.

The journey of growing consciously is not about getting it "right," but of a commitment to the process of awakening. So we discuss the art of embracing "beginner's mind' and going back to the fundamentals of acceptance and practice.

What have you learned?

What have you learned from interacting with the teachings of Eckhart Tolle? How have you changed and what does that look like in your daily life? What have you learned from listening to "Living with Tolle"?

Please use the comments section below to share with the community your experience.

Much Gratitude and Peace,

Greg and Leo

Tags: A New Earth, acceptance, eckhart tolle, Featured, inner peace, presence, The Power of Now

Category: ARTICLES, Featured, PODCASTS

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Solutions Of Stress - A Background

Posted: 26 May 2012 09:00 PM PDT

Article by Schippers Attig

Stress can be quite debilitating. It makes you irritated, frustrated, and incapable of thinking clearly. Stress can be paralyzing for many people, making them want to escape from it all by hiding. Fortunately, there are a lot of stress-relief techniques out there. Use the following tips to get rid of your stress and get moving again.

No matter what is stressing you out, it is very important to think positively. Thinking negatively is only going to make it worse. When you get rid of one problem, there is always another. You must make sure you are living life in a positive manner so that you can manage stress and focus on the great things in life.

A pretty simple and tasty way to deal with stress is to eat healthy foods. Eating healthy foods provides your body with energy. The more energy you have, the more your body is able to handle stressful situations and think them through. Eat more live food to get more energy for stress reduction.

A good tip that can help you reduce stress is to always bring something to occupy your time in case you end up waiting. Waiting around can be very stressful especially when there's nothing to do. Bringing a book or magazine along can keep you entertained when you have to wait. Browse Weiterlesen for up to date opinion.

One great way to deal with stress is to be sure that your posture is correct. This is important because you may be causing physical stress to your body with incorrect posture. The tension that builds up in your shoulders can cause you to feel more pain than you ordinarily would. Correct posture will also help you to feel more alert and positive.

Let go of the stress. Believe it or not, some people are resistant to change even though it could help to reduce stress. Once you recognize that you are preventing yourself from de-stressing your life, you will be able to change certain things. It is very hard to let go of some behaviors, but by realizing that you are in control, you can change things for the better.

Try a t! onic or other form of homeopathic medicine in order to reduce stress! Research shows that these natural substances go a long way in helping your stress level. Kava Kava and other herbal extracts also can help your stress level, immensely. Try homeopathic medicine, and see what you think!

Live your life according to the things you learn in this article and you can diminish the amount of stress in your life on the whole. There are no reassurances when it comes to advice; ultimately it's up to you whether you apply these ideas and tips to make the amount of stress in your life decrease.

About the Author

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#CalmingTech: Philippe Goldin - Mindfulness Meditation (Part 1)

calmingtechnology.org http Philippe Goldin teaches Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction to investigate core cognitive (thinking) and affective (feeling) mechanisms. Presented to the Calming Technology Lab @ Stanford University.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

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