Give yourself the gift of kindness

Give yourself the gift of kindness

Give yourself the gift of kindness

Posted: 15 May 2012 01:00 PM PDT

flower in handCan you remember a time when you offered a gift to someone? Perhaps a holiday present, or a treat to a child, or taking time for a friend – or anything at all. How did this feel? Researchers have found that giving stimulates the same neural networks that light up when we feel physical pleasure, such eating a cookie or running warm water over cold hands. Long ago, the Buddha said that generosity makes one happy before, during, and after the giving.

Then there is receiving. Can you remember a different time, when someone was giving toward you? Maybe it was a tangible, something you could hold in your hands, or perhaps it was something like a moment of warmth, or an apology, or some kind of restraint. Whatever it was, how did it feel? Probably pretty good.

Well, if you are giving … toward yourself … it's a two-for-one deal! And besides the benefits noted above, there are the implicit rewards of taking action rather than being passive (which helps reduce any sense of learned helplessness, to which mammals like us are very vulnerable), and of treating yourself like you matter, which is especially important if you haven't felt like you mattered enough to others.

Further, when you give more to yourself, you have more to offer others when your own cup runneth over. Studies show that as people experience greater well-being, they are usually more inclined toward kindness, patience, altruism, and other kinds of "prosocial" behavior. As Bertrand Russell wrote:

"The good life is a happy life. I do not meant that if you are good you will be happy; I mean that if you are happy you will be good."


Gifting yourself comes in many forms, most them in small moments in everyday life. For example, as I write this, the gift is to lean back from the keyboard, take a breath, look out the window, and relax. It's a do-able gift.

Less tangibly, earlier this week I was getting wrapped up mentally in wanting a friend to succeed in his business, so I gave myself the "treat" of letting go of my over-investment in things beyond my control. Sitting in a meeting earlier today and thinking about this practice, I took in the gift of appreciating how fortunate I was to learn from the other people in the room.

Not doing can also be an important gift to yourself: Not having that third beer, not interrupting a friend's irritated account of a hassle at work, not bugging a lover who wants some space right now, not staying up late watching TV, not rushing about while you drive …

You can see how many opportunities there are each day to offer yourself simple yet beautiful and powerful gifts. Routinely ask yourself: What could I give myself right now? Or: What do I long for – that's in my power to give myself? Then try to actually do it.

Focusing on a longer time frame, ask yourself: What's the gift I want to offer myself today? This week? This year? Even: This life? Try to stay with the listening to the answers, letting them ring and ring again in the open space of awareness.

You could also imagine a deeply nurturing being and see what this one gives you – and then open to giving this to yourself.

Knowing your own giving heart – which is usually offered to others – can you extend that heart to yourself? Out of kindness and wisdom, cherishing and support, let your gifts flow to that one being in this world over whom you have the most power and therefore to whom you have the highest duty of care – the one who has your name.

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History of Vientiane - Laos Part 1

Vientiane (pronounced /vjɛnˈtjɑːn/, Lao ວຽງຈັນ Wiang-jun; Thai เวียงจันทน์ Wiang-chan, IPA: [wíəŋ tɕàn]; literally "City of Sandalwood") is the capital and largest city of Laos, situated in the Mekong river. Sri Sattanak, or Sisattanak (Lao: ສີສັດຕະນາກ; Pali: श्रि शत्तनक् शिसत्तनक्), is a former name of Vientiane. It is often confused with Sri Sattanakanahut, the Pali name of Lan Xang, the Kingdom of the Million Elephants. Sisattanak now is the name of one of the five districts of the city Vientiane. The name of the city is derived from Pali, the liturgical language of Theravada Buddhism. Its original meaning is "royal sandalwood grove" or "city of sandalwood", this tree being highly valued in classical India for its fragrance. In modern Lao, the meaning of Vientiane is ambiguous, and is often mistakenly believed to mean "city of the moon", because the words for 'moon (chandra (चन्द) in Sanskrit)' and 'sandalwood (chandana (चन्दन) in Sanskrit)' are written and pronounced identically as 'jan'. However, the name in Thai, เวียงจันทน์, retains the etymologically correct spelling, and clearly indicates "city of sandalwood" as the meaning. The romanized spelling "Vientiane" is of French origin, and reflects the difficulty the French had in pronouncing the hard "j" sound in the Lao word; a common English-based spelling is "Viangchan", or occasionally "Wiangchan". The great Laotian epic, the Phra Lak Phra Lam, claims that Prince ...

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Yoga, A Way Of Life

Posted: 15 May 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Article by Noel Halpin

Yoga as a way of life! For most people yoga conjures up thoughts of people in tangled body bending shapes. The most famous position of these is most likely to be the image of a person sitting in the lotus position emanating a total peace with themselves and the world.

The word yoga can actually be translated as "union" or more defined as " joining strands of the mind together". So this image of the person practicing yoga in any body shape is most likely to be true, that they are at peace and exploring their inner self.

The ultimate goal of any yoga practitioner is to gain the ability to focus the mind on one single point or thought without allowing any distraction interfere with their transcendence into their innermost peace.

Yoga is a total physical discipline because it uses the body and breathing to develop self awareness. This self awareness brings great self confidence because every movement is a step nearer the ultimate goal of perfect well being and peace.

In the modern western world people are obsessed with beauty and body perfection. There are millions of dollars and pounds spent on every type of known cream and tonic that promise a more youthful skin, a vibrant complexion, a wrinkle free face, and so on, and on the list goes. Anyway you know what I mean, I could go on, but I will stop now and leave the rest to your imagination.

You also know none of these treatments work in the way they are portrayed to do what they say. True beauty and perfection comes from within the person, not from creams and the like. If one achieves inner peace with themselves then everything else in the world is beautiful, including oneself. This is the only true way to achieve a, better complexion, a wrinkle free body, a love of yourself. This is what one achieves from practicing yoga. Yoga delivers on it's promise.

Yoga is not just for pop stars, super models, film stars, yoga is for everyone, young old, male or female, Healthy or sick, there are no boundaries to who can part! ake in i t.

Yoga can always be adapted to suit one's individual needs, regardless of ones circumstances. If you are facing major or small challenges in your life, you will find instant relief from stress and depression. Furthermore once you begin the practice and continue doing it regularly it will help you to live your life with more enthusiasm and confidence. Start your new path now.

About the Author

As a black belt third degree master of Kenpo Karate, I would like to say that Yoga has been my inspiration and guide through all my active sports life. I am now getting on in years, but I would not go one day without practicing my yoga combined with my karate katas.It is never too late to change your way of life. Do it now. Find your real self, CLICK BELOW NOW.

Yoga Health Benefits

Posted: 15 May 2012 11:00 AM PDT

Article by R. Mayer

A very important technique that helps us in relaxing our mind and body, and to function properly is none other than Yoga. In our everyday life we are faced with confusions and conflicts which result in poor performance of our activities.

The root cause of all this poor performance is Stress. It is the main evil that affects our body systems and results in disorders of the body. The simple solution to get you out of this situation is Yoga. Yoga has much more benefits than regular exercise. Some of them are listed below.

* In our daily exercise many joints remain untouched while the yoga posture not only acts on these joints but also improves the flexibility of the body.

* For the proper functioning of joints, ligaments and tendons, yoga provides lubrication making them more flexible.

* The third benefit retrieved from yoga is the massage. The body parts that never get stimulated during the whole life are acted upon by yoga.

* Yoga acts on our body parts so effectively that the chances of getting a disease or disorder are reduced to a minimum. Hence we can say that it keeps disease away from us. And if the body is not functioning properly it gives us a forewarning.

* During yoga, our body parts are stretched resulting in full circulation of blood and detoxification of harmful toxins. In this way all the toxins are removed from each and every corner of the body. It nourishes the body parts and we are benefited with long age, vigor and enthusiasm for life.

* Most of our body muscles remain inactive during our life yoga helps them in providing proper tenor.

The above mentioned benefits prove that yoga gives us extraordinary abilities to strengthen our mind and body. It also helps in releasing stress. All these factors contribute in making us healthy and giving us a positive attitude towards life.

About the Author

R. Mayer enjoys writing articles on many topics. Please visit her website about remanufactured ink cartridges or about the benefits of using cheap inkjet cartridges.

Even Hardcore Zen is too softcore for me

Posted: 15 May 2012 11:00 AM PDT

I've come across Brad Warner's Hardcore Zen site several times. I know this, despite my sometimes bad memory, because I always look at the t-shirts for sale.

So I remember a repeated feeling of "Seems like I should be the sort of guy to wear a Hardcore Zen t-shirt, but they don't appeal to me." Too Stress Reduction'y, even with the Stress Reduction dogmatism and religiosity supposedly removed.

I have the same reaction to Warner's recent post, When You Reach Pure Awareness You Will Have No Problems

He makes fun of Deepak Chopra, which I like. Chopra tweeted "When you reach pure awareness you will have no problems, therefore there will be no need for solutions." Warner, appropriately, deconstructed Chopra's self-serving B.S.

Let's analyze that for a minute.

When (in the future, not now) you (who exist now and will continue to exist in the future) reach (whatever you imagine to be) pure awareness you (who exist now and will continue to exist in the future) will have (in the future) no problems (for your self), therefore there will be (in the future, not now) no need for (you to have) solutions (and won't that be wonderful, over there, past that hill, just out of sight, let me sell you a way to get there).

If it were only Deepak Chopra who believed this, it wouldn't really matter much. But this is how pretty much everyone approaches meditation practice and it's why meditation practice seems to fail those people. It is certainly how I myself thought of practice for a very long time. I wanted something for myself. I might have even thought of what I wanted to get in terms of "pure awareness." I read enough shitty books that used shitty phrases like that.

There is no pure awareness for you.

OK. Agreed. Granted. 

But if this is true, I don't get how Warner -- and other "hardcore Zen" types who take an iconoclastic view of Buddhism -- can still believe in pursuing meditative practices which they say aren't needed and get the practitioner nothing, yet are still recommended.

Even though I've liked the Zen approach to life for a long time (started reading Zen books over forty years ago), more and more this strikes me as a less obvious form of a religious come-on.

"Something is wrong with you. You can't fix it yourself. You need help. I can give it to you. But you'll need to put yourself under my guidance and do what I say."

How is a Zen master (which Brad Warner is) all that different from a Christian minister? Both offer up solutions to life's problems, even though each admits there's really no problem to be solved. After all, there's no such thing as enlightenment or pure awareness, and Jesus died for our sins.

Just by embracing... something or other... done! Enlightenment. Salvation.

If it's that simple, if Zen is just everyday life, nothing extra added, then why is it necessary to engage in so much Zen practice in order to realize there's nothing to be done? Warner ends his post with:

The attitude expressed in Mr. Chopra's tweet sits right at the very epicenter of where things have gone wrong for mankind. It is the source of all of our troubles. The solution to what's wrong in the world is not some distant dream of pure awareness. It's the understanding that what exists right now is pure awareness, is God, whether you know it or not. We, who seek to know it and possess it, are the very thing that makes it so hard to understand that.

A couple of blogs ago Broken Yogi made a comment that, "Brad is mixing categories. I can't pole vault 18 feet like a top Olympic athlete, but I doubt that athlete would call me physically ill because I can't do that... Likewise, I'm not enlightened, but I'm not spiritually lame either."

In response I said something like, "Enlightenment (I hate that word) isn't like pole vaulting 18 feet. It's more like walking to the bathroom, if we were to continue that analogy. Most people, instead of walking to the bathroom, which (let's say) just happens to be 18 feet away instead try to pole vault to the bathroom. And they can't do it because the ceiling is too low. Yet they try anyway and keep injuring themselves. The pole keeps breaking, they keep hitting their heads, they keep beating themselves up over not being able to do it, and they still have to pee. The only thing an enlightened person (I hate that term) does differently is that she walks straight to the bathroom, does her business and then goes back to bed."

Enlightenment or pure awareness or God or whatever isn't some complicated thing we have to chase after far, far away. It's the chasing itself that gets in our way. We wear ourselves out running in circles to try to arrive at the place we already are.

So why Zen? Why all the books about Zen being sold by Warner and so many others? Why all the retreats, workshops, talks, group meditation sessions, etc. etc.?

Wouldn't truly hardcore Zen simply say this is all bullshit?

And give it up. Go back to just being at the place we already are.

Walking straight to the bathroom, doing our business, and then going back to bed. Unless it's enjoyable doing more than that, which I can understand, being a blogger who likes circling around the place that I am, looking at it from different angles.

I just don't think having fun going around in circles should be made into a spiritual practice. That's my problem with Zen. Its become an organized system, with a priestly hierarchy, for not getting anywhere.

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Creating Happiness for 2011

Ajahn Brahm's 2011 new year's eve Dhamma talk

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History of meditation

Posted: 15 May 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Article by Lea Fin

Create More Abundance in Just 10 Minutes

The Creating Abundance Guided Meditation is designed to help you relax, enter a high vibrational state, and experience the feeling of sharing your gifts and receiving abundance in return.

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What Causes Vertigo?

Posted: 15 May 2012 10:00 AM PDT

A dizzy young woman sits down and holds her head.
CREDIT: Dizzy woman photo via Shutterstock

"The Healthy Geezer" answers questions about health and aging in his weekly column.

Question: My grandmother told me she has a type of vertigo called BPPV, and that it makes her head spin. What exactly is this BPPV?

Answer: BPPV stands for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. It usually strikes when you change the position of your head.

We have to define terms first. Vertigo is the feeling that either you or your surroundings are spinning. It is more than being just lightheaded or dizzy, because you are subjected to the illusion of movement. If you feel your body is moving, you have subjective vertigo. When you sense that your surroundings are moving, you have objective vertigo.

BPPV occurs most often in people 60 and older. It is rarely a serious condition unless it makes you fall. The odds of falling each year after age 65 in the United States are about one in three. And falls are the leading cause of injury and injury-related death among older adults.

Other symptoms besides spinning include: dizziness, loss of balance, blurred vision, nausea and vomiting. The symptoms of BPPV can be irregular. They usually last less than a minute. Episodes can disappear and then come back later.

BPPV is caused by a problem in the inner ear, which contains crystals that make you sensitive to movement. If these crystals are dislodged, you can feel dizzy and experience vertigo.

Besides aging, a head injury or any other disorder of the balance organs of your ear may make you more susceptible to BPPV.

Among the diagnostic tools for BPPV are electronystagmography (ENG), videonystagmography (VNG) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

The ENG, which uses electrodes, or the VNG, which is done with small cameras, can help determine if dizziness is caused by inner-ear problems by measuring involuntary eye movements while your head is placed in different positions.

The MRI uses a magnetic field and radio waves to create cross-sectional images of your head. MRI may be performed to rule out lesions that may cause vertigo.

A common treatment for BPPV is known as the canalith repositioning procedure. This is done in a doctor's office. The procedure consists of maneuvers for positioning your head. The aim of the treatment is to move troublesome crystals that have been dislodged.

The canalith repositioning procedure is usually effective after one or two treatments. However, in rare situations when the procedure doesn't work, doctors may recommend corrective surgery.

Medicine can help with severe vertigo that makes you sick to your stomach. But using this kind of medicine can lengthen the time it takes to stop the BPPV.

If you would like to read more columns, you can order a copy of "How to be a Healthy Geezer" at

All rights reserved © 2012 by Fred Cicetti

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Buddha`s Thoughts

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Stress Can Make Cancer Worse

Posted: 15 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Article by belmarrahealth

Suffering from cancer is a scary enough thought. However, there are many natural ways to prevent the progress of the disease and reduce the risk of developing cancer. One of them is reduction in the level of anxiety and stress. Living with cancer is a huge challenge in itself. However, getting stressed and anxious for various reasons can further aggravate the disease. Public Library of Science (PLoS), recently published a medical report in which the influence of anxiety and stress was shown to increase the number of cancer cells in the body. This induced the progress of cancer. Associated Risks and Preventative MeasuresCancer is accompanied by an abnormal cell division in certain parts of the body or the whole body. It either affects a certain organ or the whole body. This uncontrolled multiplication can be due to a variety of reasons. One of them is mutation in the genes owing to certain chemicals in the environment that induce mutation. It can also be caused by activities like alcohol drinking and smoking. Another prominent cause is emergence of a defective gene transmitted through heredity. Irrespective of the cause, it is important that every individual must be aware of the cancer risk he or she carries. They must adapt a preventative measure and lead a healthy lifestyle. While preventive measures help in preventing cancer, many say a healthy diet clubbed with lots of exercise is the key to cancer prevention. Exercising plays a prominent role in cell repair. This is because exercises promote blood circulation which transports all the important nutrients and gases to various parts of the body. These are required for cell repair reactions thus decreasing the risk of cancer. Getting enough sleep everyday is also a preventive measure for developing many diseases. While it reduces the cancer risk, it also allows the body to recharge itself after a day's hard work. Sleeping healthily is also a preventative measure towards developing cancer. These measures are however useless in decreasing your risk! if you still maintain a high level of depression, anxiety and stress. According to the PLoS report, a continuously high level can trigger various cellular activities that are preventative against cancer cells. These cause a potential decrease in the cancer risk. Using mouse models that are cancer-induced, the scientists subjected them to chronic stress. Their molecular events and cellular activities were monitored continuously during the experiment. The models represented human subjects suffering from skin cancer. According to the results, the immune system of stress-exposed mice with skin cancer was lower. This enabled the animals to develop other medical conditions apart from melanoma. It was also reported that generally cancer develops when the immune system is incapable of fighting pathogens and foreign bodies that have entered the body through infection. It was also proved that the lymph nodes of these mice were functioning poorly. Lymph nodes are responsible for producing antibodies to fight infections.  These observations suggested that progress of cancer as well as risk of cancer increased when chronic stress was induced. Medical reports contribute towards control of cancer cells and measures to decrease the cancer risk and identify additional preventative measure against it. Thus, it can be stated that stress and anxiety does not simply affect the mental health of individuals but also increase the number of cancer cells and induce further progress of the disease. The quality of the patient's life also deteriorates owing to stress and anxiety. Thus, decrease the stress and anxiety and stay happy to prevent further progress of cancer.

About the Author

And remember, you can always get more natural health advice, the latest alternative health breakthroughs and news, plus information about nutrition, alternative remedies and cures and doctors health advice, all free when you sign up for the Bel Marra Newsletter. Visit now to find out how to start your free subscription.

Vishnu Yoga in Hindu Astrology

Posted: 15 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Article by Dr. Shanker Adawal

Constituents: Vishnu yoga is caused if the lords of Navamsa's which the 9th Lord is placed and the 10th lord joins the 2nd house in conjunction with the 9th lord.

Fruits: The native subject to other combinations in the horoscope is likely to lead and enjoyable life and reap the following fruits:

i) Acquire fortunes from various countries,ii) Earn in crores (reasonably large turnover and profits). iii) Will be strong physically and mentally,iv) Witty in conversations, v) Worshipper of Lord Vishnu, vi) Capable of getting awards from the Government and also praised from the Government,vii) Long life up to 100 years-mostly free from disease.

Our View: But, it is possible that all the results may not happen but the native may enjoy most of the blessings of Vishnu Yoga. Astrologically, Navamasha in which the 9th Lord is place plays an important part in the formation of this yoga. Yoga is expected to operate through out life if the Navamsa Lord happens to be the strongest planet (having the need quantity of shadbala). Where the lord of Navamsa occupied by the 9th Lord happens to be Saturn not having much strength (debilitated Saturn), the yoga would operate with certain restrictions.

It is for the Astrologer to judge the strength of the planet forming Vishnu Yoga. Be that as it may, combination of the 9th lord and 10th lord itself constitutes a powerful Raj Yoga. If this occurs in the 2nd house, combined with the Namamas Lord would indeed amount powerful Dhan Yoga and Raj-yoga.

In this horoscope, the horoscope belonging to high ranking influential man, Vishnu Yoga did not work well because of Rahu in the 2nd house though Lord of 9th Venus in Taurus Amsa and Lord of this Amsa is again Venus. He is the 2nd house along with the 10th Lord and he himself happens to be the 9th Lord.

However, Vishnu Yog is more pronounced in the following chart. Venus happens not only be the lord of 10th house but also lord of Navamsa occupied by 9th Lord Mercury. Both Mercury and Ve! nus are in the 2nd. With huge earnings, the native almost enjoyed all the blessings of Vishnu Yoga.

About the Author

Dr. Shanker Adawal, Jyotishacharya in Astrology is a professional and Astrology is his passion and an urge. His predictive technique is based on Bhrigu Technique whose principles and doctrines have been deciphered from research of above two decades.

Yoga For Digestive Health - Part 4 Pressing the Organs

To improve and maintain digestive health, the organs need to be squeezed, stretched, twisted, and pressed. This video demonstrates how to press the organs from three positions: standing, seated, and lying on the mat.

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The 9-5 Guide to Staying Active

Posted: 15 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Editor's note: This is a guest post from Matt Madeiro of Make Every Day Count.

Let's see if this rings any bells.

When the clock hits 8, I sit. I plop back in my rolling chair, crack open the laptop on my desk, and spend the next nine hours with my butt glued firmly to seat. I stand on occasion to step into the bathroom, but I'm back to my post again shortly thereafter — hunched over, bleary-eyed, and nursing my coffee like it's the greatest thing since toilet paper (I make no claims to the contrary).

When that clock hits 5, I bolt. I'm out the door in the blink of an eye, gunning my way through traffic to finally make it home. There, at long last, I do what I've been dreaming about doing all day: sit. I sink into the couch, smile, and seize the remote, content to shut the brain down for a few glorious hours before calling it a night.

Rinse. Repeat. See the common theme here?

We've grown used to idleness. The modern life too often asks us to sit, type, and keep off our feet, inviting the kind of sedentary lifestyle our waist lines are so better off without. As someone steadily entrenched in my chair over these last few months in the office, I've had to get creative. I've had to try and puzzle out how I can devote my daily 9 to 5, in other words, to the betterment—not the detriment—of my health. Here's what I've come up with.

1. Move.

Any motion is better than no motion at all. That's the core idea behind each of these tricks, and that's the biggest bullet point worth incorporating into your daily routine.

Your job might demand you spend a lot of time in a chair. You can't always change that, but there's nothing stopping you from doing your best to work within those (admittedly comfy) constraints.

2. Set a timer.

Most modern phones come with a built-in timer, but you can always just keep an eye on the clock if you're not keen on the sound of an alarm. The idea, in either case, is the same: to remind yourself at regular intervals to get up out of your seat and take a quick stroll around the office. I'm the kind of worker who gets quickly absorbed in my work, eyes locked on the screen as the hours sneak by, meaning an alarm set for every 45 minutes is often the only way I remember to stand up, stretch, and do one of the tricks below.

3. Incorporate bodyweight exercises.

It's tempting to save all your sweat for the gym, but that's not always practical — especially when life likes to take our rigorous training schedules, punt them into a trash can, and send us scrambling on back to the drawing board.

Saving your exercise solely for the gym, too, misses a simple point: several small sets of bodyweight exercises—knee or wall pushups and air squats as an example—throughout the day can be just as beneficial as thirty dedicated minutes on the treadmill, especially if those sets are timed to interrupt hours otherwise spent barely moving at all.

If you're aiming to add a little more motion to your routine, in other words, don't forget that you have a weight room already available. Have arms? Experiment with the Hundred Pushups program, a personal favorite of mine, and don't be afraid to enjoy some wall pushups in the privacy of your own office. Have legs? Air squats, so long as you go slow and ease them into your routine, work the body like few other movements, and you don't need more than five minutes to get the blood flowing before you're forced to move back to your seat.

If you're keen on setting a timer, too, this is the perfect opportunity to have a mini-workout. When that clock strikes 0, crank out 10 to 15 pushups, lunges, etc., and see how many you can collect over the course of the day. As the weeks progress, so will your totals, and so too will your overall fitness.

4. Capitalize on the size of your bladder.

This might be the first time in your life where a small bladder comes in handy. The next time you hoof it over to the toilet, why not spend an extra few minutes inside the stall? You can easily do twenty to thirty air squats in the privacy of that little box, and there's nothing stopping you from doing five to ten wall pushups while you're there. (Nothing, that is, aside from hygiene concerns). Put a thin sheet of toilet paper between each hand and the wall, however, and embrace the additional chance to work in a little exercise without having to wash your hands for the next hour.

And when you walk to the bathroom in the first place? Opt for the one the farthest away from your workstation, even one that forces you to take the stairs to a different floor. The additional minutes spent walking might not seem like much, but they always add up over the course of the day.

5. Keep walking.

You've heard the usual tricks: take the stairs where possible, park out as far as possible, and so forth. That's solid advice, to be sure, but there's no reason to stop there. Why not go further? Why not keep walking as much as possible?

When your timer goes off, pace around your office for five minutes. At the end of your lunch break, don't sneak back to spend some time on Facebook — take a walk around your office instead, or head outside to soak up the sun while you circle the block.

When you take a phone call, don't lean back in your chair to accept it. Pop up and move around for the duration of the call instead. In the case of long calls, this can easily—and effortlessly—add minutes of walking into your daily routine, minutes you otherwise might spend with your jaw flapping and both legs stuck motionless to the floor.

6. Take a stand.

This is revolutionary thinking, so brace yourself: standing is not sitting. It's so far-removed in how it tasks the body, in fact, that you could call it a kind of exercise in itself (especially when stacked up next to relatively motionless hours spent in a chair). Standing desks, unfortunately, haven't hit the mainstream, but they're still a great start if you're looking to tackle the core problem of the modern office: big, comfy seats, and jobs that demand we spend hours getting intimate with them.

If you're stuck with a regular desk, however, you can still see the benefits of taking a stand. It might seem like an obvious trick, but try this: when given the choice of sitting or standing, choose standing first. When you're visiting someone's office, stand for a decent-sized chunk of the conversation. When you're enjoying your lunch break, don't be afraid to stand while you eat or prepare your meal. If you find yourself closing the door to your office for a good think, why not do it up on your feet?

When you get home from work, too, don't immediately drop down on the couch. Stand in the kitchen while you cook, stay upright while you talk with family, and just try and delay that familiar combo of TV and couch for as long as your legs allow. A sudden increase in your standing time won't come too easily at first, but stick with it and you'll see your endurance rise within the span of a week.

The Biggest Step

If you'll allow a repetition: any motion is better than no motion at all. Given how many hours we spend sunk deep into our chairs, any new emphasis on steady, simple activities can go a long way to helping you keep active. The tips above might not replace dedicated exercise, to be fair, but I think they can do one better: supplement your existing routine, or even put you on the path towards implementing one in the first place.

Remember, lastly, that exercise doesn't have to be difficult. It doesn't demand three hours in the gym or long, sleepless nights on the treadmill, but it does ask you, now, to take an interest in your well-being, and to take small, steady steps toward improving your health.

Start today. Set a timer, stand when you can, and take a walk at every chance you get, and I think you'll realize something exciting: your 9 to 5 doesn't force you to sit still. Make the decision to start moving, in fact, and you might even find that your time at the office can have a positive impact on your health.

Matt Madeiro is the author of Make Every Day Count, a blog devoted to answering a single question: what does it mean to live well? He explores simple ways to do just that in his latest book, Happiness Is. Follow him on Twitter.

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7 ways to Remove Glasses, Correct Vision & The Mind

Posted: 15 May 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Article by Dinesh Sharma

Remove Glasses, Correct Vision & The Mind

Vision plays a large part in the memory's process. The better an image is processed the easier it is to recall later. The more relaxed the eyes are, the better they can absorb an image. Too much stress and strain on the eyes are the main causes of most eye problems and ailments. The brain and the eyes work closely as a team. The eyes have to first capture an image and focus on the shape, size, and colors. The mind needs to interpret that information which is seen and then store it for recall later. Images that we see daily take mere seconds to interpret and remember. New images take a little bit longer. The more focused the eyes are on an image the more strong the memory will become. When looking at new object, pay attention to the lines around it, the borders, colors, size, shape, and anything else that will make recall easier later. Of course, the more relaxed the eyes are the quicker the mind can process and memorize new objects.Concentrating too hard or focusing on images that doesn't interest us causes unneeded strain and it will be difficult to remember them later. In order to maximize the memory, the image must first be viewed in a calm and relaxed manner. Below is a short exercise to try in order to get the mind and eyes to relax and work together properly.First find a comfortable position, this could be sitting in your favorite chair or lying on the floor. Whichever your preference, make sure the spine is straight and the hands are relaxed at your side. Next, close your eyes and picture the number 5 down to 0 in your mind. Exhaling, really see the 5 in your mind. Let the eyes follow the black lines of the 5 and really picture the number. Relax and exhale completely by letting all the air out of your lungs until you naturally take the next breath.Allow the lungs to fill completely with air and then picture the number 4. Again, picture the number completely while you exhale. Really see the lines, the black color, the shape; don't stop p! icturing the number until all the air has left your lungs and the next breath comes naturally. Do this all the way down to 0. In time you should be able to visualize images in the mind more clearly and feel more relaxed in the processed.

For more information CLICK HEREThis "Dr. Bates 2.0" method applies to almost all visual problems, including:

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About the Author

Dinesh Sharma

TO KNOW MORE TO IMPROVE VISION WITHOUT SURGERY VISIT US AT here to find How to improve vision fast and naturally

Increase Mind Power

Posted: 15 May 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Article by Michael Logan

To increase mind power, that is the question, to paraphrase the bard, and that phrase can mean so many different things to so many different people.

To a kid with ADD, it could mean staying focused, to a kid with ADHD, slowing down, to a Senior Citizen, it might mean remembering a grocery list, or sustaining the visual acuity to drive to and from the grocery store, to an individual beginning the recovery process from an addiction, it might mean switching into the meditative physiology, and opening up to those insights, to a parent of an autistic kid, it might mean an emotional response from your child.

To someone recovering from a stroke, the ability to use one side of the body again would be an example of mind power, and if you have read the book by Norman Doidge,MD, called the Brain That Changes Itself, you would read about folks who are doing just that using innovative treatment strategies.

To Michael Merzenich,Ph.D., increasing mind power is something that is a side effect almost of his research into neurogenesis and neuroplasticity, two capacities of the human brain which were unknown until recently.

Neurogenesis means we grow new neurons and that happens every day. Neuroplasticity means we rewire the connections in our brains in a matter of minutes, according to what we pay attention to.

Want my source for that information? Read the e-book called Brainfit for Life by Simon Evans,Ph.D. and Paul Burghardt,Ph.D., neuroscientists at the University of Michigan.

That rewiring means I am building what is called a cognitive reserve, lots of connections in the brain which can reroute signals around trouble spots. Lots of connections and cognitive reserve is a good thing for 61 year old brains.

It turns out that increasing mind power in terms of IQ is very doable these days if you practice a computerized brain fitness program called Mind Sparke Brain Fitness Pro, and the Posit Science Brain Fitness Program has helped Senior Citizens recover about 10 years of ! memory, among other things.

Computerized brain fitness programs are sprouting up all around us, and can help us tune up aspects of mind power like our short term memory, reaction time, and visual acuity, all of which translate into a mind power of a kind.

The Four Pillars of Increasing Mind Power

So far though, there is no pill or potion or magical practice, done in a moment or two that increases mind power.

Increased mind power takes regular attention to several aspects of our lives; physical exercise, nutrition, sleep, stress management, and novel learning experiences.

When we weave attention to those aspects of our life into our daily activities, neurogenesis and neuroplasticity are enhanced.

If we use computerized brain fitness programs, then we may enhance memory and IQ, which could translate into increased mind power if you need increased IQ to achieve your life's goals.

Physical exercise appears to be the key to your brain increasing its power.

Both neurogenesis and neuroplasticity are enhanced by exercise.

According to Evans and Burghardt, in Brainfit for Life physical exercise can be as simple as more physical activity, doing more of what your are already doing. No massive barbells or prodigious sweaty workouts required, so a little extra walking or walking up and down the steps is a great place to begin, and as you build in terms of physical activity, then a workout regimen can be added in, which can be done at home using an exercise ball and dumbells.

The brain cannot store energy, so it has to have a constant supply of high quality nutrients including phytochemicals, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, glyconutrients, ect., all of which come from real food, grown locally, vine ripened. Increasing mind power means putting an end to eating processed foods filled with msg and high fructose corn syrup. No way around that folks. The brain uses 20% of the fuel the body burns even though it is only 2% of your weight. One of the vital ingredients for ! increase d mind power is omega 3 fatty acid. Neurons are composed mostly of omega 3 fatty acid and without replacement, neurons can become brittle which means they do not receive or send communications effectively. Remember that old computer term programmers still use, GIGO? Garbage in, garbage out. Very appropriate for your neuronal communication.

Stress management and sleep are also important aspects of increasing mind power.

During sleep, according to Evans and Burghardt, those newly minted neuronal connections are evaluated and kept or pared by the brain, which is an important energy conserving process, and hormonal activity important to brain health also happens during sleep. If that activity is cut short, our brain health suffers.

Novel learning experiences can be as involved as learning a new language, a new musical instrument, or doing a new career, or as simple as one of the computerized brain fitness programs.

The important aspect of novel learning challenges is that they must be new, and challenging, and deliver the right kind of feedback, or they just cement what we already know, which we can call crystallized intelligence.

Michael Merzenich, instigator of the Posit Science Brain Fitness Program, says the challenge must increase with your increasing effectiveness, so the program must track your progress and deliver a challenge that you can get a correct answer to about 80% of the time. That is the level which sustains increasing neurogenesis and neuroplasticity across time. Some of the reseach that computerized brain fitness programs are basing themselves on has not been published even a year yet.

For example, the Mind Sparke Brain Fitness Pro is based on reseach on the dual n back task published in the summer of 2008, and that research says that daily practice of the dual n back task for 1/2 hour for 19 days increases IQ and that there is apparently no upper limit to what can be accomplished in terms of IQ score.

Just a caution. High IQ, according to Daniel G! oleman, does not do much for life success if it is not accompanied by emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence can be learned too, rather easily actually. Now you are talking life skills, and increased mind power.

About the Author

Michael S. Logan is a brain fitness expert, counselor, a student of Chi Gong, and a licensed one on one HeartMath provider. I enjoy the spiritual, the mythological, and psychological, and I am a late life father to Shane, 10, and Hannah Marie, 4, whose brains are so amazing.

Hypnosis for Shyness/Social Anxiety

I made this hypnosis for my own personal use, but thought others might find it helpful also. And no, you guessed it-I'm not a professional

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Laughter as a Powerful Spiritual Practice

Posted: 15 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Article by Jason Randhawa

Laughter is an integral part of the universal human vocabulary, as every single human being understands it. Regardless of the language spoken, everyone laughs. We don't even learn to laugh as we must for speaking; we are already born with the innate ability to laugh.

One of the important things about laughter is that it occurs unconsciously. This is why it is difficult to fake laughter or laugh on command. There is a good chance that laughter is part of our survival mechanism. Just like any other survival system that is constantly occurring unconsciously like breathing or digesting.

Laughter is an excellent way of cleansing the body, and ridding it of stress. When you are laughing it is tough to be simultaneously feeling bad. After a bout of uncontrollable laughter you are left feeling relaxed and very much at peace. As well as the many good feelings that follow laughter.

This is important as well, since when working with the Law of Attraction you want to have good feelings. When you have good feelings you know that you are in alignment with what you are wanting. By feeling good, you are helping to consciously manifest your desires.

Many of the most spiritual people I know, including many of the sages that I have studied, have a very "strong" sense of humor. They seem to be laughing a lot more than the average person. I feel that this is not only for the good feelings but also because these people take life less seriously.

Notice this next time you study, or are in the presence of, a master. We all need to take life less seriously. Reality and our lives are not as important or real as we are led to believe. For information on reality, you should read another interesting article I wrote titled The Brain – Where Reality Emerges?? Greet every incident and encounter with the belief that reality is not solid and life is not a serious affair, and you will not be able to hold back the laughter.

"Humour was the only means of counteracting the compu! lsion of human awareness to take inventories and to make cumbersome classification." – Carlos Castaneda, The Fire From Within

I encourage you to practice laughter each and every day, as many times as you can. Consider it part of your personal, daily, metaphysical practice. This could be anything from watching a hilarious movie to exchanging jokes with your best friend. It is important that you laugh out loud and lose yourself in the laughter. A good bout of uncontrollable laughter will leave you feeling relaxed and at ease with life, which is just as you should be.

Enjoy this powerful spiritual practice that has been with you since you were born!

About the Author

Jason Randhawa, author of this article among many other metaphysical writings, invites you to check out This free online resource contains the popular 7-Day "What Is Metaphysics" E-Course, a subscription to the Metaphysical Mind Ezine published bi-monthly by Jason, and access to the Metaphysical Library (a collection of over 25 spiritual E-Books). Get yours at no-cost here:

Bruce Lipton-Spontaneous Evolution 1 of 11.mp4

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A bird's eye view of Buddhism

Posted: 15 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT

A bird's eye view of where the Buddha is coming from before one looks at the various aspects of Buddhism is very helpful to say the least.  Such a view, however should not be taken to be an oversimplification.  Nor is such a view a historical one.  

When Gautama awakened, becoming Buddha, he awakened to the absolute from which this world, including his human body and mental life were composed.  Although phenomena still existed as did his thoughts, etc., from his new standpoint their existence became illusory.  In other words, the only thing that truly exists is the absolute.  All else is barren or empty; it has no substance.  Furthermore, to try and possess what is barren or empty; which is continually changing, causes only suffering.  There is no release or cooling from such a negative enterprise.

For Gautama his realization was certainly positive and all encompassing.  Nothing was outside of it; nothing could defeat it or make it disappear.  Teaching it to others was, however, a much different undertaking.  It was burdened with difficulties.  Other than himself, people lacked the finesse to apprehend the hyper-subtle absolute.  First, they had to be weaned off their desire to find the absolute through sensory consciousness.  Eventually, these people also had to learn that the absolute of the Buddha transcends all phenomenality, coarse or fine.


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How Spirituality Will Help Your Business

Posted: 15 May 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Article by Sharyce Arciaga

Spirituality will help your business because it is a concept of comprehending one's own divinity, and that is empowerment. It is also the practical guidance of your higher self or clearer awareness beyond the limitations of your ego's fears and insecurities that affect your health and your ability to create wealth.

It is looking beyond today, the here and now, and to contextualize our lives in their totality. It is a physical manifestation of our thoughts about what spirit is, and what it does. If you apply spiritual concepts such as health, wealth, love, happiness, joy, compassion and abundance, how can you go wrong in any area of your life, including your business?

True, spirituality is a broad topic, and we all might have a slightly different idea of what "spiritual" means to us. But it cannot be denied that it is about faith in the self and that it is available to all and can be accessed anytime for any pursuit including your business.

It is about developing the inner you to the extent that you not only understand yourself, but you will soon begin to understand others. It is the condition of being in harmony with the universe and is the release from all the things of the world that keeps you from being quiet.

Spirituality is all about becoming more like God, who is spirit (John 4:24) and having our character conformed to His image (Romans 12:1-2). Spirituality is a form of religion, but a private and personal form of religion. It is the idea that we can look to be guided from within our being, by listening to our spirit which is in-tune with and part of the whole of Spirit.

If you were to cultivate spiritual habits you would already know the answers to many of the questions you have about your business and how to make it as profitable as you would like for it to be.Spirituality is a quickening, an evolving awareness of the depth dimension of one's life and one's connection with the universe.

It is the inner quickening that comes with a sudden or l! ong soug ht awareness which touches the core of one's existence. It is the heightened awareness of oneself in relationship to humankind and the universe. When you are in tune with humankind and the universe, it is easier for you to tap into the universe for your needs and desires.

You will be better able to manifest whatever you need in your business whether it is equipment, more sales, a business loan, more clients or more self-confidence.Spirituality is an evocation of feelings that leads into the spiritual; extrasensory, transcendent experience. The discovery of one's true self, a pursuit of one's full potential that ultimately leads to peace. And no one would deny that when your mind is at peace you are better able to focus on achieving your goals and aspirations of your life and your business.

This is the search for security, inner peace, love, joy, freedom and other basic things human beings need. It is about overcoming our self-doubt and weaknesses and experiencing love and beauty in everything while feeling love for others and for ourselves. It is about finding deep meaning in our lives while being centered and feeling the strength of our inner self standing with both feet on the ground.

It is the consciousness light that unites man's aspiration and God's compassion. It is one of the ways people construct knowledge and meaning. It is always constructive and never destructive in relationships with others.

It is further, the practical application of your state of consciousness that is not blocked with unhealthy, disabling belief systems. It's another dimension of you, your consciousness and your energy.

Spirituality is not achieved overnight and is a gradual process of becoming. However, being aware of the importance of having good spiritual health will have a positive impact on your life, including the success or failure of your business.

About the Author

Sharyce Arciaga is the Author of this Article at the The Spiritual Arc a place where you will be encouraged and guided to connect to your higher self for success in both your personal and business life. Get your free listing on our Business Directory today!

#2 of 11 Swami Dayananda - The Nectar of Non-Duality

1983 West Coast Spiritual Camp offered by Swami Dayananda Saraswati

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HCG Everett weight loss for quick and healthy fat reduction

Posted: 15 May 2012 04:00 AM PDT

Article by Ricky Whitemore

How often perhaps you have checked out the mirror and sighed in the sight from the stomach fat that merely will not disappear? You aren't the only real individual that has tried numerous weight reduction diets only to discover they don't bring promised results. Overweight problems have many roots and choosing the best method of getting eliminate it may be tedious. Exercising every single day isn't a possibility for a number of obese women and men, because of their hectic and stress ridden time-table. However, don't even think that there's no hope simply because you can't visit gym regularly or walk miles every day. If you wish to kiss those ugly layers of flab goodbye, it's never past too far to begin.Research conducted recently indicates for obese those who wish to attain slim figure, the summer time is the perfect time for you to begin a new diet regimen. Based on healthcare experts and dieticians, the start of summer plays a part in changing the eating routine. However, you'll need the best weight loss program to help you in losing excess fat fast. Summer likewise helps you in filling body with increased fluids while you often drink more water. This reduces hanger pangs to cause lesser consumption of high calorie fast foods. Therefore, you can imagine starting a brand new diet plus a suitable weight loss Everett program. However, be mindful when selecting diets and don't get relying on of certain promotions for TV and web. For discarding unwanted excess fat in effective and safe way, try Diet.This excellent weight loss program is most effective when coupled with a minimal calorie diet. is really a hormone which is used within this weight loss program to fix metabolism anomalies in body which, consequently, works well for losing fat better. One key difference of Diet with conventional weight loss programs is it doesn't enforce drastic alterations in the user's meal and lifestyle. With this particular plan, nutrients in food ingested on your part get released in body and provide required energy ! to do wo rk without fatigue.While Everett is really a female hormone, it's not harmful or counterproductive for males. Consequently, Diet could be adopted by both obese someone without worrying about negative effects. You are able to adopt this plan of action without causing much disruption inside your lifestyle and stat noticing the main difference inside your physique in no time. It's been formulated in a way that obese people with varying metabolism levels take advantage of it. With an average, the dietary plan helps a person to get rid of around 20 pounds from their body.Regardless of how busy you're together with your career along with other work, adopting H Everett Weight loss program is not cumbersome whatsoever. From first consultation to adoption and follow-up, my way through this is done under medical guidance. Based on your condition and existing ailment, you might be advised to consider specific supplements while sticking with this weight loss program. Since, the whole program is included by periodical medical checkup and analysis, probabilities of failing is nearly nonexistent.For weight loss in Everett Log on to:

How often perhaps you have checked out the mirror and sighed in the sight from the stomach fat that merely will not disappear? You aren't the only real individual that has tried numerous weight reduction diets only to discover they don't bring promised results. Overweight problems have many roots and choosing the best method of getting eliminate it may be tedious. Exercising every single day isn't a possibility for a number of obese women and men, because of their hectic and stress ridden time-table. However, don't even think that there's no hope simply because you can't visit gym regularly or walk miles every day. If you wish to kiss those ugly layers of flab goodbye, it's never past too far to begin.Research conducted recently indicates for obese those who wish to attain slim figure, the summer time is the perfect time for you to begin a new diet regimen. Based on healthcare expert! s and di eticians, the start of summer plays a part in changing the eating routine. However, you'll need the best weight loss program to help you in losing excess fat fast. Summer likewise helps you in filling body with increased fluids while you often drink more water. This reduces hanger pangs to cause lesser consumption of high calorie fast foods. Therefore, you can imagine starting a brand new diet plus a suitable weight loss Everett program. However, be mindful when selecting diets and don't get relying on of certain promotions for TV and web. For discarding unwanted excess fat in effective and safe way, try Diet.This excellent weight loss program is most effective when coupled with a minimal calorie diet. is really a hormone which is used within this weight loss program to fix metabolism anomalies in body which, consequently, works well for losing fat better. One key difference of Diet with conventional weight loss programs is it doesn't enforce drastic alterations in the user's meal and lifestyle. With this particular plan, nutrients in food ingested on your part get released in body and provide required energy to do work without fatigue.While Everett is really a female hormone, it's not harmful or counterproductive for males. Consequently, Diet could be adopted by both obese someone without worrying about negative effects. You are able to adopt this plan of action without causing much disruption inside your lifestyle and stat noticing the main difference inside your physique in no time. It's been formulated in a way that obese people with varying metabolism levels take advantage of it. With an average, the dietary plan helps a person to get rid of around 20 pounds from their body.Regardless of how busy you're together with your career along with other work, adopting H Everett Weight loss program is not cumbersome whatsoever. From first consultation to adoption and follow-up, my way through this is done under medical guidance. Based on your condition and existing ailment, you might be advised to consider s! pecific supplements while sticking with this weight loss program. Since, the whole program is included by periodical medical checkup and analysis, probabilities of failing is nearly nonexistent.For weight loss in Everett Log on to:

About the Author

Ricky is Expert and conteDelhi

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 5/15/2012

Posted: 15 May 2012 04:00 AM PDT

"Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our heart, we still cling to anything - anger, anxiety, or possessions - we cannot be free."
~Thich Nhat Hanh

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Natural Sacred Artistic Impetus: Sexuality Highest Form of Spirituality Available To Mankind (10th House)

Posted: 15 May 2012 03:00 AM PDT

Article by Paula Andrea Pyle, Ma

Part 01 of 16-Pleiadian Alaje - German Sub

This Video was made in the year 2008. ---- ALAJE from the Pleiades, Member of the Galactic Federation of Light -------------- The meaning of Life is to have Love in your Heart**** Love is the solution for everything**** Love is the key**** Be prepared for the coming Transformation Light Energy**** Now is the opportunity to evolve your consciousness**** Activate your Love in your Heart and send it daily to planet Earth. Use my Meditations from parts 4, 6, and 10 of my Videos.

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India tour packages – Options to savor diversified land

Posted: 15 May 2012 02:00 AM PDT

Article by Harry Carlin

India tourism is always fun loving and full of adventure for global tourists. This trip is dedicated to the popular tourist places of India. Some of the well known tourist places of India are hill stations, sea beaches, temples, backwaters and rest of the historical places. You can explore the best attractions of the country by availing the benefit of India tour packages with ease.

Tourists come in India from different parts of the world to cherish the popular attractions of the country. It would be the great experience to savor the holy shrines of the country at every corner of the country. You can feel the real essence of God at the holy places of India. Beside it you can also relish the charisma of green valleys and awesome hill stations at diverse regions of the country. It is always admirable to spend honeymoon time at popular hill stations in India like Shimla, Ooty, Kull Manali, Nainiatal and so on. Apart from that you can also enjoy the trip to South India that is also fun loving. Furthermore you can go for Rajasthan tours that enable you to discover the popular forts & palaces of the state. In this way you can explore so much on your India tours. To explore more treasures of the country, you need to avail the profit of India tour packages that are:

Rajasthan tour package

This tour is devoted to the desert land of India viz. Rajasthan. This desert land is the hub of several forts and palaces that were made by ancient rulers of the state. Feel like Maharajas and Maharanis whenever you wander at the royal palaces of Rajasthan. Some of the popular forts and palaces are Amber fort, Mehrangarh fort, Chittaurgarh fort, Jaipur City Palace, Umaid Bhavan Palace and many more. Beside it you can also get more fun on your camel safari tours as well. Enjoy the camel ride on the rippling sand dunes of Rajasthan. Tourists can also visit the popular Rajasthan cities or towns such as Udaipur (City of Lakes), Jaipur (Pink City), Bikaner, Jodhpur, Jaisalmer and many more. In this way, ! Rajastha n Tour Packages will facilitates you to explore the real attractions of the state.

Golden triangle tours

This tour is dedicated to the tri-destinations of India that are Delhi, Agra and Jaipur. All these places are rich with several tourist attractions such as historical places, museums, temples, gardens and many more.

Attractions in Delhi:

• Qutub Minar• Lotus temple• Akshardham temple• Red Fort• India Gate• Chandani Chowk

Attractions in Jaipur:

• Hawa Mahal• Galta Monkey temple• Amber Fort• Nahargarh temple• Jantar Mantar

Attractions in Agra:

• Fatehpur Sikri• Taj Mahal• Agra Fort• Moti Masjid• Rambagh Garden• Jahangir Mahal

All these allures can be discovered on the Golden Triangle Tour of India.

Buddhist pilgrimage tour

This tour package is dedicated to the popular Buddhist pilgrimage destinations of India. The country is rich with several Buddhist allures such as Buddhist temples, stupas, vihars, monasteries and Buddha caves as well. All these attractions can be seen at the popular Buddhist sites of India.

Some of the highly acclaimed Buddhist pilgrimage tour in India are:

• Kushinagar• Sarnath• Rajgir• Nalanda• Varanasi • Bodh Gaya• Dharamsala

Thus India tourism will enable you to explore the best treasures of the country.

About the Author

Harry carlin is a professional writer, presently writing for India Tour Operators and Himachal Tour Packages

Keep Melbourne apartments in mind for you next trip there

Posted: 15 May 2012 01:00 AM PDT

Article by Jasper Mason

There are plenty places for you to stay when you get to Melbourne, but at least an apartment would do you just fine by giving you a piece of home while you are away. No everyone enjoys the feeling of staying in a hotel and that is mainly because of the fact that they tend to be quite clinical in terms of what they offer. Sure you get different suites with better decor, but they are always the same concept throughout. An apartment on the other hand has everything you need handy and you can live there as if it were your own place. That means you could save money and cook on your own in a fully equipped kitchen if you wanted. You can relax and watch television in the evenings as if you were back home after a long day at the office and you wouldn't have to worry about being disturbed.

It's true that this kind of lodging is popular and it's is important to book them in advance but you also have to know when and where to look. Melbourne apartments accommodation is the search to use and you can take a look at all the options you have available. Some of them offer single bedrooms and may even be bachelor pads, but that is only good for single travellers that just need a place to stay for a few nights. If you are going to be taking your partner a single room will do fine, but your family will need at least two or three rooms. These apartments can be your home away from home regardless of whether you visit there regularly or not. You can treat your family to an extended holiday with the savings you make on a bigger place, because you are only hiring one apartment for all of you. You would be able to use the extra cash you have towards a couple extra outings for the day or perhaps spoil your kids to a treat or two. Fortunately, there is plenty to do there when you arrive and if you are away on business you can find something to do during your spare time so that you don't end up getting bored during your trip. You can take you kids on a boat trip, or treat your partner to a hot air ballooning at! sunrise and enjoy a champagne breakfast.

The possibilities are endless and there is nothing to stop you from having the time of your life during your holiday in Melbourne.

About the Author

Jasper Mason is a travel author. He pen articles related to Melbourne apartments accommodation. He share information on boutique Melbourne accommodation, boutique Melbourne apartments, boutique Melbourne apartments and more.

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How To Grow Taller With Yoga

Posted: 15 May 2012 12:00 AM PDT

Article by daebenz

Yoga is a prevalent form of human artwork and endurance. If you feel your height is hopeless and are wondering how to build up height, you ought to consider practicing yoga. Yoga involves the practice of brute yet comfortable poses to stretch and strengthen the body. Many of these yogic stretches are centered carefully around the spine. If you are wondering how to build up height, remember having a healthy spine is an essential requirement on behalf of this. Good posture is mandatory with today's demand's a good number of people sit in a way to makes their backs stiff and stoop down this brings all sorts of discomfort to the body. This in itself will account for poor height and posture. Simple lifestyle changes and certain yogic exercises will teach you how to build up height and physical stamina. Remember to a person's height depends on the duration of one's bones. Yoga cannot make your bones grow however. Yoga builds up height the exercises help to stretch and lengthen your spine. The bones meet up the spine are commonly compressed, yoga helps to decompress the spine. The discs stuck between the vertebrae in the spine are soft and compress due to gravity, causing the spine to grow shorter. Yoga postures help to gel the discs and alleviate the decompression. The spine therefore grows longer and you appear taller. Yoga postures help to strengthen and stretch your body. Apart from this, yoga makes you more aware of your body - how you tread, survive, sit survive throughout your day to day activities. This helps you to become more aware of your own posture and physical stature. You will start to walk and stand straighter and this will in conclusion make you look taller. Some individuals see height increases of up to 3 to 5 inches after months of yogic practice. It is necessary to practice yoga on a day after day basis if you want to see real results.Try yoga for yourself

About the Author

I love to do yoga.

Hot Bikram Yoga - Ibiza Retreat May 2011

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How To Get Fit At Home Using Yoga, Pilates and Full Body Stretches

Posted: 14 May 2012 11:00 PM PDT

Article by Susan Casey

If you're interested in getting fit, but don't want to spend time trying to schedule exercise classes or making it to your local gym, there are many great options of how to get fit at home.

If you have a busy schedule or a busy lifestyle, finding time to leave the house and go work out is very difficult and sometimes frustrating, but staying home and working out is a much better option.

Yoga, pilates, and full body stretches are all great ways you can get fit while staying in the comfort of your own home.


Yoga is a very popular type of exercise, and many people enjoy taking lessons. However, it's also popular to do yoga without even leaving the house. There are many types of instructional DVDs that can provide yoga workouts, for the beginner to the expert.

There are also instructions online for doing yoga at home. Both of these options provide opportunities to work out doing yoga while in your house. Yoga is a great way to get a good workout, and provides exercise to every part of your body.

You can do yoga poses that focus on the areas that you really want to improve on, and can customize your workout to meet your needs. Yoga is also a great way to relax and reflect on the day, and can be beneficial beyond just being a way to get fit.


Pilates is another great exercise to do at home. Pilates is a type of exercise that focuses on improving the strength and flexibility of the body, along with focusing on control. Pilates focuses on very precise movements and controlling your movements so you do each movement correctly and get the most out of it.

Like yoga, you can find instructional guides on DVDs or online, and can use them to improve your workout routine at your own pace. Pilates is a great how to get fit at home program that gives you a lot of freedom to define the fitness routine that works for you.

Full Body Stretches

Full body stretches are another at home way to get fit. These stretches can help you improve your f! lexibili ty and fitness level. Full body stretches give you a good workout, and are easy to do in the comforts of your own home. You just need an area with a great deal of space to do your stretches.

About the Author

Yoga, pilates, and full body stretches are all great examples of how to get fit at home. However there are many other ways to get fit. To learn more visit

6 Tips To Reduce Physical Stress

Posted: 14 May 2012 10:00 PM PDT

Article by Jennifer Adolfs

1. Drink Plenty of Water - Water is an essential component of life because every cell of the body uses it. It helps to reduce blood pressure, aids in elimination of waste from the body, balances acids in the body, and carries nutrients into all the body's cells. Water also helps to reduce the risk of colon cancer and cardiovascular disease by processing the indigestible portion of food called fiber.

How much water is sufficient to drink daily? A good rule of thumb is to drink about eight to ten eight ounce glasses of water or other liquids each day (not counting caffeinated drinks like coffee which lowers the amount of water in the body).


2. Eat Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner - Fortifying your blood sugar levels throughout the day with healthy meals will keep you fueled and ready to go all day long.

Try to include a protein, high grain carbohydrate and fruit or vegetable in every meal to balance out the blood sugars and satisfy your appetite.

Have healthy snacks throughout the day as well so you are less likely to overeat at mealtimes. Apples not only provide lots of fiber but all that bulk makes you feel fuller, so enjoy an apple a day.


3. Stretching in the morning, mid-day, and evening - Taking just 5 or ten minutes to stop and stretch can help relieve tight muscles and stimulate circulation.

Pilates mat exercises are a great way to stretch quickly and easily almost anywhere. They are mind and body energizers, muscles lengtheners, and core/abdominal stabilizers.


4. Elevate your heart rate daily - Go outdoors and take a walk, hike, or ride bike. Any activity that you like to do to get some sun and air will help you feel energized and clear your mind to focus on important tasks.

Cardiovascular exercise done daily for 20 -60 minutes can stimulate your heart health and pulmonary function. A regular and consistent exercise stress reduction routine can improve! your en durance, strength for daily activities, and improve your overall mood.


5. Develop a Healthy Sleep Pattern - Same time to bed and same time to rise everyday keeps your body and mind functioning optimally. During sleep your cells regenerate and you grow stronger. So, if you want to work and play hard then make sure you sleep hard as well.

Assure you have adequate wind down time at night by staying away from television and computer screens for as long as possible before going to bed to allow your mind to relax.

Take a hot bath; water transforms.

Stay away from processed foods, simple carbohydrates, and alcoholic beverages after 3pm because they will disrupt blood sugar levels.


6. Live in the Present Moment - Listen to your body and respond to its needs.

If you are hungry feed your body what it needs, healthy, wholesome foods. If you are tired take a nap. If you are feeling sluggish take a walk or bike ride, get out and enjoy the sun and fresh air. If you are feeling tense and tight in the muscles do some Pilates-based stretching exercises, once again they are easy to do anywhere you have a smooth surface to lie on.

About the Author

Jennifer Adolfs is a certified Pilates Mat and Equipment Specialist who works with musculoskeletal injuries. Her new Pilates Ebook outlines a progressive sequence of Pilates mat exercises and stretches for all abilities. Find more great Pilates articles and free tips by going to her web site at

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Traditional yoga clothing

Posted: 14 May 2012 09:00 PM PDT

Article by Eric Mayars

Staying fit is not only a dream but a necessity of life. Each one of us must resort to healthy practices to stay fit and healthy. We usually see actors, models or even our friends who look extremely fit and healthy. We sometimes envy such people and sometimes we wish to get that perfect body and figure an For this on opts for various exercises, sports, aerobics or yoga. Yoga is preferred more these days because it not only strengthens the body but relaxes the mind which releives you from the daily stress. This form of exercise can be practiced individually at your home, or in a group at a park or open place or in a yoga retreat. The place does not matter but two things are very important- your mat and your yoga clothes or apparel. The main requirements for this exercise is your mat and your clothes. You cannot practice this exercise without these two things. Your mat is very necessary because this exercise has many poses. The poses need you to balance your body and make some tough movements. While doing all these poses, your mat will help you to be avoid any injuries while practicing these poses. The mat provides you a support. Many poses require you to balance your body on your head, back, hands, etc. All these poses need this mat. Similarly one more important element which is essential for practicing yoga is yoga clothes. You need to be very flexible while practicing the poses of this exercise. The exercise aims at bringing in flexibility in you. While practicing these poses the kind of clothes you wear make a huge difference. Preferably white organic cotton clothes are opted for. Even the instructors recommend this type of clothing. This exercise also has meditation. White colored cotton fabric is very soothing. It helps in relaxing you and helps you improve your concentration and relieves you. Everyday when at work or otherwise you need to dress well and wear allsorts of clothes. But while practicing this exercise opt for white simple cotton fabric. White also symbolizes peace. The yoga pants! should be most comfortable. They should allow free movement of body such that you can stretch completely with utmost flexibility. Many online stores deal in yoga apparel. They provide you with different sizes and designs. You can buy it online as well as from many stores that sell yoga clothes or specialize in yoga clothes. Get the right outfit so that you can practice yoga freely.

About the Author

Eric mayars is profetional expart of Yoga Retreats.he is providing information about Yoga Teacher Training like Seva and Meditation Retreats.

Twisting Crow Pose Yoga Video

Twisting crow pose (parsva bakasana) is a super fun yoga posture that comes with many benefits. If you have mastered crow pose (sometimes called crane pose), then you might be ready to move on to this variation shown in this yoga video. Accomplishing twisting crow pose requires arm, core, and hamstring strength as well a solid understanding of yoga alignment and the use of your breath. Watch The JWM yoga video to learn how to do twisting crow pose with grace and ease!

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Have a Nice Colonoscopy: New Test Eliminates Probing, Laxative

Posted: 14 May 2012 09:00 PM PDT

CREDIT: Sebastian Kaulitzki | Dreamstime

Colonoscopies could be made a bit more comfortable for people if they involved lying in a CT scanner, rather than being probed with an endoscope, and at the same time didn't require drinking upward of a gallon of laxative fluid beforehand — current requirements that most consider unpleasant.

A new type of "virtual colonoscopy" that uses CT scans to construct images of the colon, as well as to virtually "clean" the organ, was just as effective as a standard colonoscopy in finding colon polyps 1 centimeter or larger in size, a new study finds. Most polyps, or growths on the lining of the colon, are benign, but some can turn cancerous.

"The subtraction of the laxative can only make what's already an attractive test even more attractive," said Dr. Durado Brooks, director of prostate and colorectal cancer at the American Cancer Society, who was not involved with the study.

The discomfort of colonoscopies may deter some people from getting screened, said study researcher Dr. Michael Zalis, an associate professor of radiology at Massachusetts General Hospital.

If this laxative-free, CT scan type of virtual colonoscopy becomes an option for colon cancer screening, Zalis said, it could increase the number of people who get screened, and thus reduce the number of deaths from the disease.

The laxative-free method was not as effective as a standard colonoscopy in finding polyps smaller than 1 centimeter, but polyps of this size are less likely to cause cancer, according to the National Institutes of Health. The new findings must be confirmed by larger studies before the test is put into practice, Zalis said.

The study is will be published Tuesday (May 15) in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine.

No laxative required

Each year, there are about 120,000 new cases of colon cancer in the United States, and 50,000 people die from the disease,Zalis said.

Several methods are available to screen for colon cancer, including blood and fecal tests. But the "gold standard" is the colonoscopy, and the type most commonly performed is the optical colonoscopy, which uses a fiber optic tube with a light and camera to examine the internal surface of the colon. Another method, computed tomographic colonography (CTC), uses images produced by CT scans to indirectly view the colon. Both methods require patients to drink a laxative the day before their procedure.

More than 90 percent of colon cancer screening is done with colonoscopies or the blood tests, Brooks said.

In the new study, 604 people ages 50 to 80 who were eligible for a colonoscopy received the new test — a laxative-free CTC. Participants were required to eat a low-fiber diet for two days before the procedure, and to ingest small doses of a contrast agent that labeled their stool so that it was distinct from the colon on an X-ray. About five weeks later, the same patients were given an optical colonoscopy.

The laxative-free CTC correctly identified 91 percent of people with polyps 1 centimeter (10 millimeters) or larger. The results for the optical colonoscopy test were similar; it identified 95 percent of people with polyps of this size.

However, the colonoscopy was better at finding smaller polyps: it correctly identified 76 percent of people with polyps 0.6 centimeters or larger, while laxative-free CTC identified 59 percent of people with polyps of this size.

Three cases of colon cancer were diagnosed in the study. These cases were detected by both screening methods.

Participants said the laxative-free method was more comfortable and easier to prepare for than the colonoscopy. Sixty-two percent said the laxative-free method was their preferred method of screening.

Not a 'game changer'?

While laxative-free screening might increase the number of people who get colon cancer screening, "I don't think it will be the big game changer that [the authors] suggest," said Dr. John Monson, chief of the division of colorectal surgery at the University of Rochester Medical Center, in New York, who was not involved in the study.

There are many reasons people do not get screened for colon cancer besides the requirement of a laxative, Monson said. For instance, some find other aspects of the test not agreeable, and others may be frightened to know the results, he said.

All virtual colonoscopies have a disadvantage in that, if polyps are found during the test, a follow-up colonoscopy is needed to remove them, Monson said. In addition, while polyps larger than 10 millimeters confer the greatest risk of colon cancer, most doctors do not feel comfortable leaving behind polyps that are 0.6 centimeters in size, Monson said.

CTC is currently considered an accepted method of screening by the American Cancer Society, but not by the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force.

The ACS recommends that people who get virtual colonoscopies be re-screened in five years; those who get optical colonoscopies are recommended to wait 10 years between tests.

Zalis said laxative-free CTC might first be offered to people who have only a moderate risk of colon cancer (those 50 and older without a family history of the disease, or other risk factors, such as inflammatory bowel disease). Some people may also be unable to have a colonoscopy, for instance, if they cannot be sedated for a medical reason.

While CTC uses X-rays, the dose is much lower than that required for a CT scan used to diagnose disease, Zalis said. A study published in 2005 published in the journal Gastroenterology concluded the cancer risks associated with exposure to radiation from CTC are small.

Pass it on:  Laxative-free colonoscopies may be an option for colon cancer screening in the future.

Follow MyHealthNewsDaily staff writer Rachael Rettner on Twitter @RachaelRettner. Find us on Facebook.

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How To Get Suit At Household Making use of Yoga, Pilates and Entire Human body Stretches

Posted: 14 May 2012 08:00 PM PDT

Article by Krimple Meyn

If you're fascinated in finding in shape, but don't want to commit time wanting to schedule exercise classes or building it to your regional fitness center, there are several terrific selections of how to get in shape at property.

If you have a fast paced timetable or a fast paced lifestyle, discovering time to depart the dwelling and go job out is very challenging and occasionally aggravating, but staying property and doing work out is an a lot better preference.

Yoga, pilates, and total system stretches are all terrific means you can get suit even though staying in the convenience of your own residence.


Yoga is a really well known style of working out, and quite a few people take pleasure in taking classes. On the other hand, it can be also trendy to do yoga devoid of even leaving the property. There are a number of types of educational DVDs that can produce yoga routines, for the beginner to the qualified.

There are also instructions on-line for executing yoga at residence. Equally of these possibilities present chances to get the job done out executing yoga though in your dwelling. Yoga is an amazing way to get an excellent training session, and offers exercise to all component of your human body.

You can do yoga poses that concentration on the locations that you in reality want to enhance on, and can personalize your exercise routine to meet your needs. Yoga is also a superb way to relax and reflect on the day, and can be helpful beyond just staying a way to get in shape.


Pilates is a second awesome exercise to do at household. Pilates is a variety of working out that focuses on bettering the power and versatility of the shape, alongside with concentrating on regulate. Pilates focuses on really exact movements and controlling your actions so you do each individual movement the right way and get the most out of it.

Like yoga, you can unearth instructional guides on DVDs or online, and can use them to develop your workout regim! en at yo ur possess pace. Pilates is a fantastic how to get match at residential home system that presents you a good deal of liberty to define the health regime that is effective for you.

Complete Shape Stretches

Complete body stretches are yet another at property way to get match. These stretches can assistance you advance your flexibility and health and fitness degree. Total shape stretches give you a really good exercise routine, and are effortless to do in the comforts of your own house. You just will need an space with a good deal of space to do your stretches.

About the Author

Seeking more data how to get fit?Explore our site for extra information.

Baba Ramdev -Yoga for Obesity (Motapa Ke Liye)

Regular yoga practice can help in weight management and aid you in getting rid of excess calories. Watch Baba Ramdev-ji skillfully guide you through some yogic exercises that will induce more continuous and deeper breathing, as a result of which you will be able to burn fat gradually. Click to watch more Baba Ramdev Videos

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