Simple Postures for Male Yoga Exercises for Abs

Simple Postures for Male Yoga Exercises for Abs

Simple Postures for Male Yoga Exercises for Abs

Posted: 16 May 2012 01:00 PM PDT

Article by Brian Shelton

Many men believe that the only way to get the flat, six-pack that they are after is through intense anaerobic exercises and hundreds of crunches. While these methods certainly have been proven to work, there is a better solution to get your ideal abs.

Male yoga exercises for abs not only target the stomach region, but they increase flexibility as well. For centuries, people wanting to increase their posture, strength and overall physical condition have relied on yoga. Yoga will also help you balance your mind, body and spirit through a series of physical exercises.

All of these male yoga exercises for abs will elongate your abdominal muscles to create the lean, tight middle that you are after. Practicing these yoga poses regularly will sculpt your abs and increase your muscle tone all over your body. Talk about getting a package deal!

Crunches are definitely the most popular non-yoga method to sculpt abs. But this yoga take on the classic crunch will definitely increase your muscle tone. Lie on your back and bring your knees slowly to your chest. Then raise your legs with your feet flexed toward the ceiling. Concentrate on using your ab muscles to guide your legs down toward your chest again. Stop if you feel your back arching, and try to regain control of your legs. Build up to doing 10 repetitions in a row.

The following standing male yoga exercises for abs will lengthen your body and improve posture, in addition to defining your middle area.

Perform the Mountain Tilt from a standing position with both arms and your sides and your feet distanced hip-width apart. First, raise your left arm above your head and point your fingers upwards. Bend sideways at the waist and extend up and out toward your right. Hold this posture for a few seconds, return to your starting pose and repeat on the right side. Do both sides 3 to 5 times to begin with.

The Triangle pose, a popular male yoga exercise for abs, begins with your feet distanced about 3-feet apart. Turn your left! foot ou t 90 degrees and keep your right foot pointing directly forward. Extend your arms out on either side of you at shoulder length. Then slowly bend to your right at your waist, and keep your chest facing forward. Place your right hand on your shin and point your left hand up to the sky. Hold this posture for 15 seconds and then return to your starting position. Switch feet and sides, and complete three poses on each side.

These are just a few of many male yoga exercises for abs that can build strong muscles in your midsection. Practicing these daily is beneficial for your body, as well as your abs.

About the Author

Summer will be here soon...When you go to the beach, don't you want nice Flat, Six Pack Abs?...Go to now!

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Combat Blasts May Give Troops Same Brain Disease as Athletes

Posted: 16 May 2012 01:00 PM PDT

U.S. Army Soldiers from the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division cross a bridge to Al Zunbria, Iraq, Dec. 29, 2007, during operations to secure the area south of their area of operation. CREDIT: Spc. Angelica Golindano

Members of the military exposed to blasts in combat can develop the same brain disease as professional athletes who experience multiple concussions, a new study suggests.

Researchers found evidence of chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE, in the brains of all four deceased U.S. military veterans they examined. The men were exposed to blasts or to multiple concussions during combat.

CTE is a degenerative brain disease previously seen mainly in professional athletes, including boxers, hockey players and football players. It is usually caused by repeated blows to the head, but results from the new study suggests that exposure to a single blast equivalent to that of a improvised explosive device (IED) can result in CTE. The condition causes symptoms such as impaired learning and memory, and has been linked with suicide, the researchers said.

"Our study, for the first time, shows military personnel that have experienced blast exposure exhibit CTE that's basically indistinguishable from the athletes we've looked at," said study researcher Patric Stanton, a cell biology professor at New York Medical College in Valhalla, N.Y.

The findings indicate that brain injuries with different causes — concussions and exposure to blasts — may trigger the same disease in the brain, Stanton said.

The link between CTE and suicide can be seen in the case of former National Football League star Dave Duerson, who committed suicide last year. An examination of his brain after his death revealed he had CTE, as he suspected. CTE has also been suspected of playing a role the suicide of NFL player Junior Seau earlier this month.

The new findings suggest that blasts on the battlefield may lead to suicidal thoughts in veterans, Stanton said. Blasts may be a factor in the recent rise in military suicides, he said, and researchers should investigate this..

Degenerative brain disease

The researchers analyzed the brains of four male military veterans, ages 22 to 45 (CTE can be diagnosed only after death). Three of the men had been exposed to at least one blast from an IED, and two of them had concussions earlier in life. One soldier experienced four concussions throughout his life, although he was not exposed to a blast.

All the men had symptoms such as headaches, irritability, difficulty sleeping, depression and short-term memory loss.

One man died from a brain aneurysm, one from a brain hemorrhage and one from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. The fourth man inhaled foreign material while under the influence of pain medication and later died from lung complications. About two years had passed between their last brain injury and their death.

The researchers also examined the brains of three football players, a professional wrestler and four men of similar ages with no history of blast exposure or concussions.

Signs of CTE were seen in the brains of the military veterans and the professional athletes. One characteristic of CTE is abnormal deposits of a protein called tau, which can kill brain cells, Stanton said.

Mouse model

It can be difficult to say whether CTE was definitely caused by a blast, by previous events in a person's life, or a combination of both, Stanton said.

To study CTE in a more controlled environment, the researchers created a mouse model and simulated blasts from an IED.

The rapid movement of air that occurs after an explosion may play the biggest role in causing blast-related brain injuries, Stanton said. This blast wind can be stronger than the winds of a hurricane, and can rapidly shake the head back and forth, compressing the brain, Stanton said.

About two weeks after exposure to a simulated blast, the mice showed learning and memory problems. These problems were averted when the animals' heads were prevented from moving during the blast, the researchers said.

The findings provide a new pathway for developing methods to prevent blast-related brain injuries, the researchers said.

The study is published today (May 16) in the journal Science Translational Medicine. Study experiments were conducted by researchers at Boston University, New York Medical College and the Veterans Affairs Boston Healthcare System.

Pass it on:  Military members exposed to blasts may be at risk for a degenerative brain disorder most commonly seen in professional athletes who experience multiple concussions.

Follow MyHealthNewsDaily staff writer Rachael Rettner on Twitter @RachaelRettner. Find us on Facebook.

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Fight scene with da Ice Boss.

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Benefits of Yoga for Sex

Posted: 16 May 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Article by Rully Nugraha

Benefits of yoga beside to making you relaxed and calm, can also help you during sexual activity. According to Ellen Barrett, author of Sexy Yoga, yoga, forming the body to a strong and flexible so that makes you easy to make more variations of movement or positions in making love. Still not convinced? Here are four reasons why you have to consider yoga

Smooth Flow of Blood

Similarly, if you do sports in general, yoga can also smooths blood flow. In certain yoga positions, such as the eagle position, the movement directly train your pelvic floor muscles and blood flow in the pelvis. "The more often you train these muscles, your space will be more extensive," says Becky Jeffers, Director of the Berman Center for female sexual health and menopause Management in Chicago. According to Becky, pelvic muscles will help you make the contraction and relaxation more strongly that brought you to experience a longer orgasm.

Growing Confidence

When you do yoga movements, you train your concentration and focus your mind. This makes you more focused on what you do. "When you accept yourself, you'll know what it takes to enjoy sexual activity with a partner," said Becky again. You can communicate these feelings to your partner when you two are doing the activity.

Reduce Pain

For some active woman, who likes sports, especially running, hip and thigh muscles tense can sometimes inhibit sexual activity. Yoga helps to relax the muscles. "The pelvic floor muscles which can affect how tense it was contracted pelvis when you perform sexual activities," said Becky. One part of muscle tension may affect other muscle movements that can not orgasm maximum and your love of the game can not be enjoyed to the fullest.

So, relax, and let it all flow, and the orgasm will come

Giving Sensation "More Life"

Movement triangle sitting cross-legged in yoga to stimulate your chakras. According to Eastern philosophy, sex life is governed by several chakras. Chakras are energy! centers around your body. "When your chakras healthy and working well, your sex life will be healthy and satisfying," said Becky. The three most powerful chakra of your sexual activity is the root chakra (at the perineum, the area between the vagina and anus bone), the sacral chakra (the middle lower abdomen), and the heart chakra (the center of the chest). Yoga movements make blood flow smoothly into sensitive areas and open the prana (life spirit) you. This will make you more open and more to explore the sexual activity and you become a happier person.

About the Author

Rully Nugraha. Is ordinary man. Who always want to learn to be better person. Come to visit his blog Folding Lawn Chair which provide complete information about Folding Lawn Chair and Auto Battery Chargers which provide complete information about Auto Battery Chargers

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In-flight Well-being | Seated Yoga | Movements & Breathing

Yocalm media: Seated Yoga, presented by Anne -Marie Newland, Founder of Sun Power Yoga UK produced by Yocalm Media, ideal for during a flight and long journey to prevent DVT and promote the transportation of oxygen around the body

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Meditation Techniques for Beginners

Posted: 16 May 2012 11:00 AM PDT

Article by Paula McLaughlin

It would be all to easy to become confused by meditation, especially if you feel the burden to be fantastic at meditation when you first begin the process. The aspiration of meditation isn't to win an award or discover how long you'll be able to meditate. Instead always be focused upon best ways to get going with meditation and then make the most out of your time and energy spent meditating.

In this post, we'll focus on meditation techniques for beginners and exactly how an individual can benefit from the ancient technique of meditation to elevate both one's mental and physical health.

The First Step Towards One's own Practice

The main step for any individual fresh to meditation is to find a relaxing area. You may be able to master each of the meditation techniques on the planet, however they won't support you unless you can truly get a moment of relaxation. Later on, you could be equipped to meditate while surrounded by distractions, other people or maybe even the busy noises from the town, for the time being you ought to use a restful spot for meditation. If you have a big family or perhaps you live with a lot of other individuals, it usually is important for you to meditate at specific times of the day if there are fewer potential distractions and disturbances.

An Important Meditation Technique for Beginners Is Deep Breathing

One of the best methods to develop your meditating is to pay attention to your inhalation. By taking deep breaths in and out in addition to focusing on your breathing, you're giving your mind some thing to concentrate on. With time, you will discover that you are able to attain much deeper and more regular meditation times.

Keep Your Body Relaxed

Keep in mind one of the important goals of meditation will be to loosen up both your body as well as your mind. Focusing upon deep breathing can help you clear your mind and relax your body, however , you also need to look for muscle stress within your body. Try an! d permit the tension from the day to drop from your body while you meditate.

Look for a Relaxed Place

A significant portion of being relaxed, and absolutely one of the most crucial meditation techniques for beginners, is finding a great place for your practice. With this in mind, just be sure you choose a calm space and set your body in a relaxed position before you begin meditation. You are always able to shift to a different posture if required, however , the more you move around, the more distracted you could end up being.

Work At Consistency

Just like learning how to play the piano, being sure that you put in the time every single day to meditate can be a quick way to improve. Besides as soon as you get the hang of it, you'll want to meditate often. Meditation will allow you to relax and feel significantly better!

About the Author

Meditation for beginners is not hard at all and in fact is useful for those that have been meditating for years! Check out Practical Meditation for Beginners for more tips and techniques on Meditation for Beginners

Archangel Michael messages for 2012, Doreen Virtue

From meditations and prayers, the messages for 2012 are: continuous clearing and shielding of lower energies is essential right now. Do this daily. Shield yourself vigilently. The dichotomy of darkness and light is at a peak right now, like high noon when the shadows appear the darkest. The darkness has an effect similar to ticks upon a dog, and must be addressed and not ignored . . . or it will grow bigger. Don't fear the darkness, as this just gives fuel and power to it (which in spiritual truth is nothingness). The darkness is afraid because it knows that its time to rule is drawing to a close. We must also devote daily time to praying for everyone's abundance, health, and happiness. Your contribution to the light is essential right now. Everyone's participation in acknowledging the non-material world is essential. Daily prayer for world peace is extremely helpful. You can make a huge positive difference by praying for everyone.

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The Meditative Mind, by Daniel Goleman

Posted: 16 May 2012 11:00 AM PDT

The Meditative Mind is an updated version of a book Daniel Goleman first published in the 1970s and revised in the 1980s. Goleman, who's famous for his classic, Emotional Intelligence, was in on the first wave of research into the effects of meditation, having made a visit to India and having met some impressive yogis before returning to Harvard. Goleman has been ahead of the curve for a long time. This earlier parts of this book, he points out, first appeared at a time when the links between traditional Asian systems of mental training and modern psychological science were few and far between. They are of course far more common now, with an explosion of research having taken place over the last two decades in particular.

To take account of at least some of these developments, new material has been added, detailing some of the history of the encounter between meditation, on the one hand, and science and psychotherapeutic traditions on the other.

Title: The Meditative Mind: The Varieties of Meditating Experience
Author: Daniel Goleman
Publisher: More Than Sound
ISBN: Unknown
Available from: Kindle Store, and Kindle Store.

The Meditative Mind is uneven in tone, but this is to be expected given that it's a compilation of writings spanning several decades and having been composed for a variety of purposes and circumstances. The book is in five parts.

Part One: The Visuddhimagga: A Map for Inner Space

The first chapter, on Buddhaghosa's Vissuddhimagga, gives a comprehensive and useful overview of the sophisticated psychological theory that underpins practice in Theravadin Buddhism. Since I was already familiar with most of this material, I didn't find this chapter particularly engaging. I'm also very aware that the commentarial tradition, including Buddhaghosa, departed significantly from the teaching found in the (much earlier) scriptural tradition, and I found that there was a skeptical barrier between me and my appreciation of this particular chapter.

However, to be fair, the point of the chapter is to present an overview of classic Theravadin spiritual orthodoxy, and not to critique it. The chapter performs its task well, and gives an impressive survey of the Asian tradition's systematic approach to spirituality. What is outlined here is a comprehensive schema of the progress of spiritual development, and given the vague terms in which people tend to think about such matters, this chapter will no doubt surprise and enlighten many readers.

Part Two: Meditation Paths: A Survey

At the risk of making Dr. Goleman feel very old, The Meditative Mind, as far as the earlier material goes, constitutes a valuable historical document. Part Two of the book offers an overview of a number of meditative traditions: Hindu Bakti meditation, Jewish meditation, Christian meditation, Sufism, Patanjali's Yoga tradition, Tantra, Tibetan Buddhism, and Zen. For me this was the most fascinating part of the book. In fact I'd go as far as to say it's one of the most eye-opening spiritual documents I've read.

The commonalities between the various traditions are immense, and I came away with a deep respect for non-Buddhist traditions. It's clear that within Christianity, Judaism, Islam, etc., there have been deep currents of meditative experience, and correspondingly deep insights. I'm convinced now that there have been enlightened practitioners in many traditions besides Buddhism — something I hadn't really contemplated before. I still consider other traditions to be hampered by their theological baggage, however, and for that reason I do still consider the Buddha's insight to have gone further than others', but I am still humbled and reverential toward the Desert Fathers and other non-Buddhist meditators.

Part Three: Meditation Paths: Their Essential Unity

The third part of the book gives a brief outline of some of the commonalities (and divergences) of the various meditative paths, although the emphasis is on their essential unity. Particularly useful was the categorization of meditative techniques into those that involve concentration, "in which the mind focuses on a fixed mental object," mindfulness, "in which mind observes itself," and integrated, in which both functions are present simultaneously. As Goleman points out, few schools take a purist approach, and employ whatever means are found to be helpful. This is a valuable reminder not to cling dogmatically to one approach to practice, but to retain a pragmatic approach.

Part Four: The Psychology of Meditation

Part Four examines the spiritual psychology of meditation, and its "potential for cross-fertilization with western psychology." It was originally written for psychologists in order to introduce them to non-Western systems of psychological theory. The Buddhist scholastic tradition of the Abhidhamma, which attempted to systematize and clarify the Buddha's teachings, is the main focus. The overview of Abhidhamma (unlike the Abhidhamma itself!) is engrossing, and offers an overview of Buddhist personality theory, and a map of the Buddhist conception of mental health. The enlightened individual is then presented as the examplar of religious views of the ideal of human "peak performance" and this is contrasted with the history of western psychology's obsession with psychological disfunction, and compared with the way in which some western psychological theory has sometimes seen the healthy individual in terms very similar to those of the Buddhist tradition.

Part Five: Meditation: Research and Practical Applications

The final section of Meditative Mind offers an overview of some of the impressive findings from meditation studies. The degree to which meditation is able to affect our physiology and psychology — from enhancing the ability to recover from stressful incidents to affecting the immune system — is staggering. This section however, absorbing though it is, seems dated, with no reference to studies after the early 1980′s. Given the huge body of research that has taken place since that time, this is a puzzling omission. Dr. Goleman is well placed to offer such an overview.

So, overall my opinion of The Meditative Mind is mixed. One the one hand it contains much thought-provoking material on comparative psychology. On the other hand it doesn't bring us up to date on the west's embrace of meditative practice. There is no mention of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, for example, or of the many therapeutic techniques that it has given rise to. On balance, the book is certainly worth reading, although readers will want to turn to Goleman's The Brain and Emotional Intelligence to get an overview of how the dialog between meditation and modern neuroscience, and Ed Halliwell's The Mindful Manifesto provides an excellent survey of how meditative practices are transforming therapeutic approaches.

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Taking Yoga and fitness In Reducing Your Anxiety symptoms

Posted: 16 May 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Article by James Mako

The number of people who suffer from anxiety or panic attacks is on the increase. The cause can be due to many factors that can be internal and external. People who have anxiety have found that taking regular exercise has helped them a lot to feel more relaxed, calm and able to cope better with their condition far more effectively.

This is not surprising because keeping fit by taking regular exercise can provide you with many physical and emotional benefits. For example, it can lower your high blood pressure which has links to stress and anxiety. It can also give you more energy, vitality and confidence. Many people who become anxious or experience panic attacks have many perceived fears. With regular exercise you can cope with these fears because it can help to improve your emotions and moods.

There are many exercises that you can do to help your anxiety and panic attacks. One in particular that many people have found beneficial is yoga. Most people have heard of yoga because it has become very popular over the last 20 years or so. However, yoga has been around for over 4000 years and it is believed to have been developed in India by the holy monks. There are many different types of yoga to choose. Certain types focus on the physical while others focus on the meditative side. Basically yoga combines stretching poses with deep breathing techniques.

People use it in either two ways. They either use it in a spiritual sense to become closer to their inner being. Other people use it to derive the physical benefits of it. You can also use both methods to experience the physical and spiritual benefits of yoga.

Yoga has many health benefits. It can help you to become calmer and relaxed in your mind and body. The philosophy of yoga is that the mind and body are connected. This means your mind must be calm and relaxed in order for the body to be calm and relaxed and vice versa.

One particular aspect of yoga that can benefit people with anxiety is the meditative practice of em! ptying t he mind of all your thoughts, worries and fears. Yoga also provides physical benefits that include improved agility, flexibility, balance and strength.

Always seek a doctor's advice if you have a medical condition before doing any form of new exercise.

About the Author

James Mako is writer who has been publishing articles for the last 4 years on issues he is passionate about. One of his greatest passions is exercise and fitness and you can visit his latest website that discusses the polar f11 and the .html">polar cs400 brands and exercise accessories.

Theta Meditation Transports You to the Realm of Divinity

Posted: 16 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Article by Justin Woods

Meditation is an easy trick to curb the daily tension that you inevitably face in the various fronts of your life. With the fast-paced life, shoving off these worries completely is next to impossible. It is therefore prudent for you to learn to extract the best that you can draw out of this kind of fretful life. Meditation helps you to find the required relaxation that your mind deserves in order to maintain sanity within the trashy insanity surrounding you. Moreover, it allows the mind to thrive and think which is otherwise impossible, given the chaos that is all pervading. It thereby becomes mandatory to practice this art with dedication and concentration. The meditation cds help a lot in this context. Practicing theta meditation is also beneficial for individuals.The meditation cds provide you with the perfect atmosphere to practice and master the theta meditation. The various ways of practicing meditation however involve a lot of focus and perseverance. Nothing comes easy and the wonderful results that these options provide will obviously not be gained overnight. Meditation helps you to benefit both physically as well as mentally. The benefits are therefore all encompassing and leave you completely relaxed at the end of the process.The procedure of the theta meditation includes the following steps:

The first prerequisite for this type of meditation is the location of meditation. It requires a calm and quite ambiance in order to execute it successfully. The surrounding noise and chaos more often than not leaves you completely distracted and unable to pursue meditation. The bedlam that is all around you often leaves you so disoriented that concentration becomes a bleak possibility. Therefore to reap the benefits of this meditation you need to search out a tranquil location.The second prerequisite to ensure a successful and beneficial theta meditation is that of an easeful posture. Since the meditation seeks to relieve you from the bugging worries it is important that you sit in a posture th! at helps you to relax. There if no hard and fast rule as far as the sitting posture is concerned. The veterans sit in a cross legged posture with their back straight. You can begin with the posture that makes you comfortable and later on change to the other one.The art of breathing also counts as far as this meditation is concerned. Practice deep inhalation and exhalation. Breathe in a lungful of air, hold it for a couple of seconds and then slowly breathe out the air. Keep repeating this process for as long as you can meditate. Clear your mind of the nagging tensions and niggling worries. Just try to make your mind blank and then try to concentrate. It is difficult but not impossible. Regular practice will enable you to master this as well.Also try to bear positive ideas in your mind. This helps to infuse that positivity into your entire being.The meditation cds help a lot in case of freeing your mind and clearing up the trash that has collected in your mind. Listen to the soft and soothing music from the meditation cds, gradually wipe out those unwanted mind contents and get ready for the blissful experience.The advantages of the meditation cds and the theta meditation are therefore unarguably attested. Their success is phenomenal for any individual who have sincerely practiced it till date. Hence, if you are thinking of relaxation; think of meditation. About the Author

Justin Woods is a Doctor who recommends meditation techniques for a stressful life or for a good physical and mental health. He also writes articles on theta meditation & meditation cds. For more information he always recommends to visit

Insights into meditation, Messages of truth

This is my first ever video, and Hopefully many more to come! There was no real planning going into this, so I really just spoke from my higher self, conveying the message of meditation. There are many misconceptions on meditation and I feel a lot of the world has dubbed it just another "fad" or rising in popularity because well, people are "doing it"...but this also creates fear and hesitation in many who do not know the truth about it. They have not sought the ways to connect to themselves and better themselves..This is a great time to seek inner truth..2012 is the golden age and a time for great change, and change begins within and one person at a time. Be the change you wish to see in the world and create joy. Awaken to the possibilities that lie inside of you regardless of your religion or background. Create your own reality and keep your perspective in alignment with the highest good..Happier people = Happier world! Namaste

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Strain Reduction ghd Tactics For a Preschool Child - Component One particular

Posted: 16 May 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Article by Damian Gailey

Several many years ago, youngsters from birth to 4 or 5 years of age exercised natural preschool tension reduction. Instruction in preschool strain ghd relief was each not known and needless. Remain at home moms never ever anxious about attempting to boost self-concept within their preschool youngsters. They did not work to instill artificial coping abilities and specialized anger management skills in pre-schoolers. Prevalent feeling dictated preschool anxiety reduction efforts.

In the twenty-first century, however, quite a few who on their own mismanage anxiety are searching for tension relief approaches for any preschool child or youngsters. I have been appalled, both as instructor and principal, to see ghd the unfavorable, detrimental adjustments because I began my profession. Although we battle to instill higher steps of preschool pressure relief, we in fact increase strain on youthful children.

From my viewpoint as career educator of additional than 30 many years, I would like to deal with the concern briefly. What exactly are - or must be - proper preschool stress relief techniques?

Defining Preschool Pressure

Preschool strain would be the reaction of the preschool kid to physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual demands produced ghd straighener on the youngster. Once the response is constructive, the preschooler encounters eustress. When the reaction is unfavorable, the child activities distress. Each are stress: "eustress" is effective, pleased strain; "distress" is unhealthy, miserable tension.

What Preschool Strain Is not

1. Preschool tension will not be the teacher's demand that Sally occur to the tale circle and sit quietly. It is Sally's reaction to that desire. Preschool pressure relief ought to focus on the reaction.

2. Preschool stress isn't the teacher's demand that Bobby try once again to count to twenty. It is Bobby's response to that need. Preschool strain reduction should focus on the reaction.

3. Preschool stress ghd h! air stra ighener just isn't Mother's need that Sasha cease crying when still left at preschool. It is actually Sasha's reaction to that desire. Preschool pressure reduction have to focus on the reaction.

Preschool Stressors vs . Preschool Stress

By far the most widespread error in makes an attempt at preschool tension reduction may be the confusion of stressors with tension.

1. Preschool stressors, on the a single hand, are usually present. They may be an inescapable part of lifestyle. Preschool stressors by themselves should really never ever be seen as the trigger of pressure. Stressors are simply demands produced upon the preschool kid in a single form or a further: to cooperate; to study; to discuss; to comply with rules; to exercise self manage; etc.

2. Preschool anxiety, however, may be the preschool kid's ghd response to demands produced upon her or him. If the youngster willingly accepts the demands, a sensation of eustress requires over. Endorphins are launched along with the youngster is cheerfully compliant. Preschool pressure relief isn't needed for eustress. If the child rejects the demands, having said that, distress requires fee. Distress, the fight-or-flight mechanism, releases adrenalin as well as the child will become combative or fearful, and non-compliant. Distress does call for preschool stress relief.

Underlying Reason for Preschool Anxiety

The ultimate, underlying purpose preschoolers expertise "distress" instead of "eustress" is their inner reaction to relinquishing control or having no one in manage.

Preschool kids, like grown ups, want control within their lives. They want and will need boundaries. Over the one hand, they do not want someone else managing their lives. They want to steer their very own lives. The term "terrible twos" originates in the preschooler's desire to be independent of outdoors control. Alternatively, they need an individual to exercise firm, loving control, and in the event the grownup will not do so, the child will try ! it.

Standard Necessity of Preschool Pressure Relief

Strain reduction strategies to get a preschool kid need to recognize and construct around the underlying cause for strain if they are to succeed. Preschool anxiety reduction need to focus on the kid's determination to exercise manage, or have company control exercised more than, all 4 locations of his or her personal daily life: emotional, psychological, physical, and spiritual.

Weeding Out Stressors

Preschool pressure relief should not focus on wedding out stressors. The stressor is seldom at fault. Regardless of how excellent, the stressor by itself will not decide how the kid responds to it.

It really is an error to think that any in the following 7 ways (which I have witnessed normally) will achieve preschool stress relief.

1. Grownups give commands, and allow children comply or not, as they wish.

2. Older people allow youngsters roam the space at will.

3. Adults let children refuse obedience till the count of 5, 10, and so on.

4. Older people individual young children who refuse to obtain along collectively.

5. Adults ignore misbehaving kids, hoping want for awareness will win.

6. Older people classify misbehavior as pressure behavior, and permit it.

7. Grown ups teach preschool pressure reduction techniques that concentrate on peace, smiling, and deep breathing, but neglect the root cause.

Thriving preschool pressure reduction has a confirmed system, which we address in Component Two of this write-up.

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Laughter Yoga with Dr. Siddharth Ashvin Shah

ABC News story on how a Washington DC-based physician teaches laughter yoga to physicians and nurses in order to prevent burnout in their demanding environment. These laughter sequences are among the many mind-body therapies that Dr. Shah teaches for self-care and stress reduction.

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Relax your brain with Theta meditation

Posted: 16 May 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Article by Jonsonmak

The human brain is the most fascinating yet mysterious part of the human body. Have you ever given a thought to the fact that your brain is the one that controls the key to your mind and body? Did you ever ponder to the fact that your brain is the one that programmes all the bodily functions each and every day? Well, undoubtedly, the brain is the master of the human body where as the mind and the other body parts are mere slaves. Though the brain is the crown king of the human body, it also needs proper excercise, enough nutrition supplements and ofcourse ample rest so as to function properly. Otherwise, the brain might malfunction which may cause diseases like depression, stress and fatigue.

To avoid such malfunction from happening, there are several excercises like the meditation that can help your brain relax. There is a variety of meditation that you can practise to sooth your brain. One such meditation is the Theta meditation.

If you are wondering what theta meditation is, then read on. Theta is a kind of brain wave, the cycle rate of which is around 4-7 Hz. If you are one of the persons who have regular dosage of peaceful sleep and great dreams, then you are heavily influenced the the theta waves of your brain. In general, the theta waves for an average person are around 12-30 Hz when he is working and 8-12 Hz while he is sleeping. Theta meditation offers a deep relaxation by influencing the theta waves of the brain. This is a procedure that normally eludes an average person and hence is the need for theta meditation and the meditation cds.

There are several benefits of the theta meditation, some of which are mentioned below:

There are many meditation cds available in the market that offers great meditation techniques. One such medication cd is the Hemi Sync which is an audio cd recording of a variety of binaural beats which enhances the theta meditation process. It has been proven time and again that the meditation cds are of great help for a person who is a beginne! r in the process of meditation. The meditation cds have till date helped numerous people across the world in overcoming various mental as well as physical ailments.

Doing meditation in the correct way is extremely important because otherwise, it is of no help. Therefore, meditation cds are a must for the beginners so that they learn and practise the correct form of theta meditation. You can always reap the advantages of theta meditation and experience the relaxation of the brain with the help of meditation cds.

Make sure to get in touch with a meditation therapist before gooing for the procedure of theta meditation as these techniques need a guidance. Only a professional therapist would be able to guide you through the entire procedure of theta meditation with the help of the meditation cds. The best part of this entire task is, you need not stop any other form of excercise for this process, that you were pursuing earlier!

About the Author

jonsonmak is a Doctor who recommends meditation techniques for a stressful life or for a good physical and mental health. He also writes articles on meditation cds & theta meditation. For more information he always recommends to visit

3 of 5. How to Access Superconsciousness

the best video I know on youtube about the topic. It describes my own experience as close as words can say. The complete video with all five parts can be found here:

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No time to read the Buddha's discourses

Posted: 16 May 2012 07:00 AM PDT

The usefulness of the Buddha's discourses, as found in the Pali and Mahayana canon, including other sources, are not useful or relevant if we don't study them delegating their study, instead, to others.

I can almost hear some people saying, "I haven't the time to read all this stuff—sitting in zazen for ten or twenty minutes a day is much easier."  This response assumes that some good will follow from sitting still for a while.  But his is not authentic Buddhism.  It is an excellent example of what the Buddha did not teach.  What allows such a misconception of Buddhism are believed opinions which have no canonical evidence to back them up.

On this note, Buddhism is far more interesting if we allow ourselves to delve into the discourses of the Buddha instead of relying on some Zen center teacher, for example.  By doing so we quickly learn what is real Buddhism and how to distinguish it from pop Buddhism, which sounds like Buddhism but isn't.

But this will do very little to change the present course of Buddhism which slopes towards 'pop Buddhism'; which rests on a kind of consensus about Buddhism that has been mainly formed and disseminated by media savvy Stress Reduction teachers going back to Alan Watts, for example, who was no big reader of Stress Reduction Sutras unlike D.T. Suzuki.  When you begin to do some detective work, looking for the canonical basis of some pop Stress Reduction ideas, it is not easy to find, which should lead one to be suspicious of what is being taught as Buddhism these days.  But modern Stress Reductions are a credulous lot.


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Best Instructions on How to meditate properly

Posted: 16 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Article by Sharen Scott

Psalm 19 Meditation

Psalm 19 Responsorial Meditation Music written and performed by Carrie Allwine John 6:68 ~ Lord, you have the words of everlasting life. Psalm 19:8,9,10,11 CF G7 C R. Lord, you have the words of everlasting life. CF G7 C R. Lord, you have the words of everlasting life. CF G7 C The law of the LORD is perfect, refreshing the soul; CF G7 C The decree of the LORD is trustworthy, giving wisdom to the simple. R. Lord, you have the words of everlasting life. The precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; the command of the LORD is clear, enlightening the eye. R. Lord, you have the words of everlasting life. The fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever; the ordinances of the LORD are true, all of them just. R. Lord, you have the words of everlasting life. They are more precious than gold, than a heap of purest gold; sweeter also than syrup or honey from the comb. R. Lord, you have the words of everlasting life.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 5/16/2012

Posted: 16 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT

"Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful."
~Thich Nhat Hanh

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Kingdom of War Part 1

An epic historical action film about King Naresuan the Great, who liberated the Siamese from the control of Burma, changing the destiny of a nation. Part 1 depicts Naresuan's boyhood when he was taken hostage by Burmese King Bayinnaung to keep the vassal Ayutthaya Kingdom subservient. During this time, he was a novice Buddhist monk under the tutelage of a wise father-figure monk (Sorapong Chatree).

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Gum Reduction Post Operative Instructions

Posted: 16 May 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Article by Cedric Loiselle

Gum reduction surgery involves a number of procedures meant to reduce bacterial spread in the mouth, stop bone loss, enhance one's smile or simplify home care regimens. Also known as gingivectomy or flap surgery, it is mostly pursued for its aesthetic implications, although, it does have significant health advantages. This clinical measure involves gently pulling the gums from the teeth, so that the crown is more exposed, and then shaping and contouring it, so that the teeth look longer. Bacteria and tartar are removed in the process. Gums are then sutured and left to heal for 5-10 days. The procedure is generally painless, since anaesthesia will be used, and recovery won't be difficult given proper guidance. Listed below is a condensed post-operative dental emergency guide you can refer to as you recover from the operation.

1. Swelling - This is expected during the first 24 hours after surgery, since a part of the body has been disturbed. Don't be alarmed if it happens. Just apply ice on the affected area for intervals of 20 minutes, so that blood flow to the mouth is lessened. However, it is important that you do not observe this anymore after 48 hours, since that would stall the healing process.

2. Consumption - Post operation, you will not be allowed to eat solid foods. You must adhere to a liquid or soft diet, consisting of yogurt, oatmeal and soft fruits, unless otherwise ordered by the doctor. You should avoid consuming spicy and hot food and beverages, as this would irritate the affected area.

3. Medications - Take them as prescribed. You will probably be given pain relievers and antibiotic treatments to facilitate the healing process.

4. Vices - There should absolutely be no smoking and drinking after your gum reduction operation, if you want the wounds to heal faster. Both introduce chemicals to the body that disrupts blood flow and clotting mechanisms.

5. Exercises - Passive range of motion exercises is acceptable during the first 72 hours. However, patien! ts are d iscouraged to do aerobic activities, as well as heavy lifting, since this would trigger bleeding.

6. Bleeding - Speaking of bleeding, this is another expected outcome after going through a gum procedure. Just like swelling, all you have to do is apply pressure on the affected area using a cool, damp cloth or ice, as this would hasten clotting. You can also use a dampened tea bag as an alternative. But if bleeding should persist, report immediately to the physician, and wait for further instructions.

7. Pain - Pain is also inevitable, but pharmacological treatment will be provided in specific dosages and frequency. Outside of that, you must employ pain management interventions, such as meditation and visualization, to keep your mind off of the discomfort you feel. If you stress too much on the feeling, you will only risk provoking a spike in blood pressure, and predispose yourself to bleeding.

8. Cleaning - Though last on this dental emergency guide list, it is certainly not the one that is the least important. In fact, it might be one of the most important tasks that you have to observe, in order to prevent infection. One good way to clean the mouth during the first week after surgery is to do warm salt gargles instead of brushing. This will prevent wound aggravation. To prepare the rinse, just mix ½ tablespoon of salt with 8 ounces of water.

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For more information about Dental Emergency Guide and Gum Reduction visit our website

Delta Society Beyond Limits Awards - Connie Gates & Katie

CONNIE GATES of Huntsville, AL and her partner, Katie, a 12-year-old Golden Retriever, are one of five finalist teams for the Delta Society's 2007 Beyond Limits Award as Pet Partners Team of the Year. They bring "unconditional acceptance, stress reduction and joy to residents and staff" at Hope Place in Huntsville, a shelter for woman and child victims of domestic violence, wrote one of their nominators. For the past ten years, Katie's big, wagging Golden tail and her Golden smile have brought the sparkle back into the eyes of many children and parents, adults and seniors, in the shelter, in a local rehabilitation hospital, and in therapy services residences for emotionally disturbed children removed from their families and for neglected children without families. Connie is a co-founder of Huntsville's Therapy Partners, Inc., and also serves on the board of the Greater Huntsville Humane Society, which generates many activities for Connie and Katie. They participate in the local Alzheimer's walk, the annual Christmas parade, and in Therapy Partners' speakers bureau, making presentations in schools about the work of therapy dogs. To vote for any of the five finalists, log on to before November 5. Videos of all five finalists (Sarah Allen, Maggie Crawford, Connie Gates, Monica Payson, Karla Rose) can be viewed on YouTube.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Unlock Your Unlimited Mind Power With Hypnosis and Conquer Fear

Posted: 16 May 2012 04:00 AM PDT

Article by Regie Lions

Most of us have had varying degrees of fear of crowds and have experienced such episodes of anxiety disorders at least once in our life. You don't have to despair if you suddenly experience this anxiety attack as you have within you the means to overcome the disorder. You have unlimited mind power with hypnosis and you can overcome whatever fear you may have of crowds.

Anxiety Disorder and Fear of Crowds

This disorder is normally manifested with heightened anxiety, restlessness, nausea, shortness of breath, sweating and many more. If left unchecked, it can entirely affect the way you interact with others and will lead to an altered lifestyle. The extensive impact of this anxiety disorder to one's life brings to the fore the importance of harnessing our unlimited mind power with hypnosis to overcome such fear of crowds.

There is a need to break the cycle of fear by making the subconscious mind relax while you are in a crowd. One has to remove the imprint of danger and frightened state that is created in the subconscious mind and replace it with something that will make you relax while slowly introducing the suggestion of being around people. This is the key to unlocking the unlimited mind power with hypnosis to conquer our fear of crowds.

Treatment of Anxiety Attacks and Fear of Crowds

You can harness hypnosis as an effective tool to induce relaxation of the mind and body. When you utilize the unlimited mind power with hypnosis, you are able to calm both your body and mind. A date with a clinical hypnotherapist is all it takes to be able to start the process of making you overcome your fear of crowds. He will gradually train your subconscious mind to remain calm as he gradually introduces the image of you being around people. You will start with a small group of people and he will gradually increase the size of the crowd. You will come to a point where your subconscious mind gets used to a large number of people, and that there is no danger in being in such a situatio! n. The e ntire procedure of harnessing the unlimited mind power with hypnosis reaches its conclusion when you are able to break the cycle of fear.

Your subconscious was able to "experience" a situation where you were not threatened by the crowd and that you found no reason to feel anxious about such an "experience." Your subconscious mind will not be able to distinguish what actually happened from what you "experienced" during a trance. This positive reinforcement will make you feel relaxed the next time you are facing a real crowd.

Harnessing your unlimited mind power with hypnosis is really a tested and proven technique and follows the principle used in systematic de-sensitization. The technique involves the gradual introduction of a fear stimulus in episodes. This method of treatment using the unlimited mind power with hypnosis has helped a lot of people in managing their anxiety attacks and conquering their fear of crowds.

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Claim your FREE Video revealing secrets of conversational hypnosis to persuade more people right now by going to

The Foundations of Mindfulness with Bhante Vimalaramsi

In this talk, amidst images of nature from Missouri and California, and Bhante Vimalaramsi himself, he discusses a very important step that many meditation teachers have left out in their teaching of the classic Breathing Meditation and other foundations of mindfulness. In this talk he compares the Mahasi Style, taught in Burma, with the method which he proposes that the Buddha really meant to teach, which is what is written in the Theravada Buddhist Suttas themselves. He talks about a critical step that enables the meditator to reach very high levels of tranquility- even far up into the Jhanas in a relatively short time. Students on his retreats have reported very fast progress over other styles of retreats. He talks about this different "Tranquil Meditation" he is teaching versus the "Absorption/Momentary Concentration Meditation" of today's Buddhist Vipassana Teachers. Bhante Vimalaramsi meditated up to 22 hours per day in Burma and finally left because he still felt there was something more. He found that, with Sinhalese teachers in Malayasia who told him, "Throw out the commentaries and only go with the Suttas'" After much study and practice he now tells us what he has found. This is the 10 minute version of the full 30 minute video posted to Google Video that is free to view. You search for more films using "Vimalaramsi" as the key word at google video. Discuss with Bhante himself at: Get the video on DVD here or more info on Bhante:

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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How To Improve Buddhism Practices With Meditation Supplies

Posted: 16 May 2012 03:00 AM PDT

Article by Seo5 Consulting

Meditation is a significant component to the practice of Buddhism and followers of the religion can enhance their path to enlightenment with meditation supplies. These supplies give Buddhists the tools and accessories that they need to learn, improve and enjoy their meditation. Meditation supplies can include shawls, mediation belts and a 108 bead mala. These accessories are an affordable and effective way to improve meditation.

The Benefits of Meditation

Meditation has a many advantages to the body's physical, mental and emotional state of well being. Some of these benefits include:

• Assists with Relaxation• Reduces Stress• Assists the body and the brain attain higher levels of awareness• Promotes Inner Peace• Provides a Moment for Reflection• Helps individuals conquer their mind and free themselves from thought• Detachment from small distractions

Meditation is harder than it looks. It requires the full and complete concentration of the individual. Many new Buddhists are surprised by how easily distractions can occur. These supplies reduce the likelihood of obstacles toward obtaining peace of mind and enlightenment.

Supplies to Enhance Meditation

1.n Meditation Shawl

A shawl provides comfort and warmth. A cold morning or evening can distract the body with physical discomfort and a mental obstacle from freeing the mind and clearing the consciousness of thought. Shawls can be purchased in 100% wool for the ultimate warmth or a poly cotton blend for cooler summer mornings.

2. Meditation Belt

One of the first real surprises to an individual that is new to meditation is that it can be painful. It is very challenging to free the mind from thought when trying to maintain an upright posture. Before one becomes accustomed to sitting in the meditation pose, new Buddhists can be prone to backaches. This is even true for older followers who have been meditating for years. A meditation belt provides the support to reduce the likelihood of p! ain and discomfort.

3. Mala Beads

The mala bead aids the enhancement of meditation by providing mental stimuli during prayer. The 108 beads count for the 108 mantras or blessings that Buddhists will chant either verbally or from within. By counting prayers one bead at a time, the individual has a focal point and can easily lose themselves in their practice, even if there are outside distractions that could hinder their meditation. This is especially true when a group is trying to trying to meditate in urban areas, or the student is new and still prone to a wondering mind. Mala beads come in different, high quality materials including sandalwood and rosewood with a traditional Tibetan knot at the end of the guru bead. A set of mala beads will last a Buddhist a lifetime.

All of these supplies are a good starting point to beginning a meditation practice. Meditation has significant health and wellness advantages that benefit anyone, from the long-time Buddhist, to the brand new student.

Tibet Arts helps Buddhists obtain enlightenment with their meditation supplies. To view their catalogue visit, Tibetarts.

About the Author

Tibet Arts supply a fine range of Tibetan jewelry and Tibetan singing bowls. They are located in Cambridge. Our Store also sells meditation shawl, supplies and manadala earrings. For more information, please visit,


Synopsis: Kaya, a Buddhist village girl from Spiti, is waiting to join the monastery. An elderly lama, dreams of his teacher's rebirth and Kaya is assigned to find and bring the reincarnated boy to the monastery. Kaya finds Llahmo in Mumbai and they plan their journey back to Spiti. On their way back, Llahmo witnesses the murder of a police officer. Police Officer Shiven is assigned to investigate the case. He forbids Llahmo from leaving town much to the resentment of Kaya. Shiven gets into danger when he realizes that some police officers are involved in the murder. He escapes with Kaya and Llahmo to Spiti. It is here that love blossoms between Kaya and Shiven and the movie changes track. Kaya's father does not approve of their love because he thinks that romantic feelings are sinful. Kaya is torn between love and celibacy and has to decide which one she wants.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Efficient Weight Reduction with P90X

Posted: 16 May 2012 02:00 AM PDT

Article by Tom Hunk

P90X training is an effective beginning for accomplishing your weight reducing aim. Will you be able to place a good figure on, how much pounds you would lose? You really can't. Going through successful testimonies and carrying out a bit of researching would help offer you a close figure, you cannot keep an exact tab on the amount of weight until you are involved in P90X. Here are factors which may assist you to reduce weight using P90X.

Lifestyle - Inactive or Energetic: P90X is meant for both way of life whether it be for sedentary or sport individuals. A sports body is comfortable with the intense workout, has a healthy eating habits and a dynamic everyday life. In contrast individuals that have got frantic lives because of the job opportunities they pick provide a solid prospect of shedding calories. At the moment the objective from weight loss has changed into realizing a fitter and healthier physique.

P90X is an excellent workout plan which is designed for several body shapes and to assist sculpt and build your body into a healthier look. Improving muscle and raising fitness will not be any simpler. People have been accustomed to stressful way of life having no time to go to the gymnasium; you could bolster the standard of living using this workout. Everyone has a unique body, their medical past, genetic and countless other facts play a substantial part in deciding the amount of fat an individual can lose.

Diet and Nutrition: Weight loss will not be feasible unless you've got a proper eating habit. What you eat shall be the crucial factor to your slimming results. Check out online and you'll choose numerous diet programs which range from cabbage soup diet to fresh fruits diets. The plans change along with passage of time, nevertheless the P90X diet is geared for training hard and growing stamina. Your body requires the basic nutrients to help maintain the regimen and for that reason you have to take in a diet plan correspondingly.

Intensity: With the passage of ti! me the s trength levels of any exercise regimen often rises as the time passes by. Weight reduction is simply achievable once the exercise works upon all the problematic places for you to shed excess weight. Hear your body and visualize yourself in a stronger form and slimming down just becomes considerably simpler. Dreams will likely surge, however you have to continue exercise each day to see outcomes that show.

Commitment: You need to be passionate and keen for having faster results. To be in shape is not simple for all people. You need to be motivated and enthusiastic on adhering to the diet plan and carry out the exercise continuously. It is transformation in lifestyle; it will not be easy to escape from snacks or carbonated drinks. You should skip and switch to lower cal and high protein meals rather. Pursuing these strategies you are on the right path for good weight loss.

About the Author

Tom is a fitness guru and believes in being fit and healthy. If you are looking for P90X or in need of P90X Workout then visit now.

Yoga Causes Back Pain

Posted: 16 May 2012 01:00 AM PDT

Article by Henry Moss

Ancient mystics did not develop the disciplines, practices, and spiritual blah-dee for the sake of studying the cute college coeds at the gym. In fact, if you would get off the weight machines and actually try yoga, you immediately would develop appreciation and admiration for its difficulty. In fact, if you would try yoga, you would discover that the soccer moms and coeds have strong, flexible muscles and cardiovascular fitness you barely can begin to imagine. Stress is usually a mental pressure exerted due to fatigue or excessive work. It is also caused from worrying about the work or happenings in the past, present or future. Suppose there is a businessmen exporting his products to several countries, his business is doing fine and growing but somehow a situation comes and he finds his business on decline though there might be some cause for this and it could be short lived making his business to bloom once again, but within this short span the person develops stress which may lead to severe mental hazards.In the modern world we face stress in every sphere and every step of our life, whether we are in schools, colleges, offices etc. Students face stress due to exams, serviceman face stress due to huge pile of pending work etc. As a result people often practice medications like taking sedatives, narcotics and tranquilizers (medicines to cure anxiety) which calm the mind but in future it creates serious other maladies.But still there is a therapy which is purely natural and is considered to be the best weapon against stress and that is "YOGA". Yoga is the ancient mantra for sound health and also to retain juvenility to a great extent. It has been practiced by several Rishi-Munis in ancient India and now has become a major concern among the modern genre too.So back to stress management, Yoga provides a unique way of managing stress through Prayanama (A breathing technique), in this technique an individual do slow and steady breathing - like inhaling through his one nostril and exhaling through oth! er. Besi des there are fast breathing movements like intake of air through nostrils and exhaling through mouth at fast pace, this way air is passed properly through blood capillaries and the person feels himself / herself in light mode i.e. he / she feels that there is no burden over their mind and soul.It is possible that you may have some minor muscle stiffness if you do not usually practice yoga, but it should not be anything more than this. Any pain or worsening of your back pain or any new pain means you should stop immediately. If yoga does not work for you then it doesn't work - it is as simple as that. Find something else like Pilates or swimming. I go caving and walking and riding too, but would not risk damaging my back again practicing yoga.Yoga, in my opinion, is for people without any back problems. It can prevent injury, but it will not cure it.he / she feels that there is no burden over their mind and soul.Dhyana (Meditation) is also a good method of controlling stress, in this part of Yoga a person sits in a posture (usually in relaxing mode) and concentrate his / her mind over one point with eyes closed.

About the Author

Jeremy Johnson - a talented writer who writes about curso yoga, formacion yoga, clases yoga, curso de yoga, formacion en yoga, clases de yoga. He is interested in sports.clases yogaclases yogacurso yoga

Yoga Full 30 minute routine - eFit30

Valerie from Yogarevalation takes us through a full 30 minute routine. Available soon for full download. eFit30 feel better in 30 minutes from now. Buy it and keep it. From our website Questions, suggestions, comments, contact us

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Healthier Bodyweight Reduction Program: Why It really is Crucial

Posted: 16 May 2012 12:00 AM PDT

Article by Eloy Short

Locating a healthy bodyweight decline plan really should be the first priority of dieters almost everywhere. The lookup for applications that contribute to fat loss has developed in recognition more than the previous decades. As more and a lot more individuals grow to be more acutely aware about their entire body picture and figures, weight reduction plans have been arriving still left and proper. Mostly, these excess weight reduction applications arrive in the sort of a combination of a strict diet program regimen and a concrete workout strategy. These two components are nearly usually existing in a healthy bodyweight reduction plan, but we have also noticed an boost in weight loss plans that focus on one element by yourself. Ahead of choosing to embark on any fat decline plan, it really is essential to guarantee that the program is effectively-formulated and takes general well being and physical fitness into thought.

A healthier excess weight decline software is crucial due to the fact excess weight is not the only amount folks must seem at. Whilst excess weight is a thing that most men and women are obsessed with, creating it the sole foundation for your diet program and fitness techniques can be unhealthy at instances. Rather of just searching at excess weight on your own, one ought to search at total health and fitness, and this is how any excess weight reduction plan ought to function. The major objective of a diet program immediately after all shouldn't just be to search great and to drop individuals lbs off. The principal target of a diet regime is to boost general well being and health. When men and women want to lose fat, it shouldn't just be to fit in a more compact dress or to search very good, but it must be simply because becoming chubby can result in a lot of wellbeing troubles. Losing weight is a step to a more healthy existence, and this should be the main priority.

When you embark on a diet system, your primary target will be to lose the bodyweight. Even so, you ough! t to als o think about the other numbers that go with bodyweight - quantities that have far more to do with wellness than bodyweight by itself. Following all, a particular person who is considered as large but who workouts at the very least 3 moments a week can in fact be more healthy than a person who is deemed slim but who isn't going to exercising at all. There are several factors that contribute to bodyweight, and not all of these aspects are controllable. For occasion, if a person has by natural means massive bones then that particular person will have a tendency to weigh far more than an individual who has a slender body, but that doesn't suggest he or she is unhealthy. This is why individuals want to be wary about hunting at bodyweight by yourself as a fitness indicator. As a substitute, they ought to seem at other numbers like blood sugar degree, cardiovascular endurance, blood stress, and cholesterol. Although fat is usually a symptom of becoming wholesome or unhealthy, it is not the only amount that is crucial.

If you want a Free manual on how you can eliminate weight quickly then...

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A healthy weight loss program will think about all of these elements, and it will give concrete steps that address each of these factors. It is for that reason not adequate to only minimize on calories or on a single foods team, but it's important to produce muscle tissue and a healthful coronary heart as nicely. Hunting at the total well being indicators of a man or woman is what a good excess weight reduction software should be about.

Relaxation Meditation (Sunset Over the Ocean)

New relaxing video every Saturday If you like this video you will LOVE my new channel Scenic Videos, it has been designed for all videos just like this one. Be sure to subscribe for new releases. (its free) Treat yourself to a good night's sleep with the nature sounds of gentle ocean waves on a beach. This nature sound features sounds that help calm your mind so that you can sleep better and wake more refreshed. The sounds of continuous ocean waves on a beach are perfect for stress reduction, relaxation and insomnia. The sounds of ocean waves can be part of a wonderful routine that has been proven to help adults and babies fall asleep easier and sleep through the night better. The calming water sounds are both soothing and gentle, which helps your body drift away to restful sleep. BE SURE TO WATCH IN HIGH QUALITY! Sit back and enjoy 22 minutes of the sun setting while waves are crashing on the rocks below. This sunset was filmed in Newport Rhode Island watch this video in a 5 minute time lapse

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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How understanding the Dark Side of Body fat reduction can help you aviod some really serious consequences

Posted: 15 May 2012 11:00 PM PDT

Article by Julio Bukovac

The dark side of fat loss Sean Croxton lately completed his first e-book entitled, The dark side of fat loss. The dark side of fat loss includes 10 chapters of truth bombs about how it is possible to drop fats and get hundred% balanced! You'll find out what "true foods" definitely is, and the best way to effortlessly navigate via our confusing and often misleading fashionable foods labeling technique. You'll learn the variations in between grass fed, no cost array, standard, organic, and all-natural food items labels, and what they all imply. You'll also find out regarding the wheel of daily life and why you'll be able to NOT get balanced consuming sick family pets. You'll study the 5 resources of stress about the human body, and the way to mitigate them and the best way to reduce stress in your own everyday living. You'll discover the most important hormones for extra fat reduction, and how they interact with the other person along with your system. You'll find out what real wellbeing ACTUALLY is, and how to design your health right after people who are really wholesome. By using this fat loss diet plan It aids you recognize how your system operates, and gives you the correct way to get rid of the unwanted physique fats. It truly is assured protected for any age or weight group, due to the fact it truly is a risk-free and scientifically proven way to eliminate weight. The first chapter inside Dark Aspect of Extra fat Reduction is about hormone management and imbalances and the way they influence fat achieve and fat loss. The dark side of fat loss review also contains a workout handbook which focuses on resistance coaching and interval instruction workouts to melt away extra fat and preserve your metabolism planning strong. These approaches are already shown to get considerably more successful at pounds reduction than constant-condition cardio merely because they also help tone your body on top of that to burning away from entire body excess fat. Sean Croxton delivers a nearly one hundred sheet! real me als cookbook of recipes that had been submitted from legitimate foodists from all more than the planet. From wholesome breakfasts to healthy desserts, this ebook has all of it. Again, the addition in the cookbook certainly indicate Croxton's mission for making staying wholesome attainable for all. He understands that if individuals anxiety out about what they are really likely to eat, it'll impact their results. He does every thing in his energy to produce the transition to consuming legitimate foods an effortless a single. The dark side of fat loss Program is really a fitness program that will allow you to enjoy your system by producing you recognize the way it operates when it comes to extra fat burning. With this software backing up your weight loss, you will certainly begin enjoying a fit entire body with no depriving yourself of nutritious food items. This book tells you about each of the knitty gritty research behind nutritious (and unhealthy) living but in a very way that is uncomplicated to understand. It really is a genuine webpage turner which will inspire you to choose action and grow to be the person you wish to be. The most significant matter of all, The dark side of fat loss has a hundred% refund guarantee from the goods's marketplace along with the merchandise's creator itself if you're not fulfilled Aided by the Dark Side Of Body fat Reduction. So attempting out the program will be POSSIBILITY-TOTALLY FREE…

About the Author

I have, over the course of my writing careermade on promotion, wellbeing and physical conditioning, and diet for quite several a protracted time,

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Read more about the dark side of fat loss here!

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How to Change Your Life With an Altered State of Consciousness!

Posted: 15 May 2012 10:00 PM PDT

Article by Nicole Lanning

Binaural frequency work is something I came across a few weeks ago and thought it would be a nice change of pace. I have used many different methods in the past for reaching my own desires, goals and altered states of consciousness, but this had a huge impact on my own personal and spiritual development!

There are many different ways to reach altered states of consciousness:

1. Recorded Audios-which bring you into the moment of NOW and manifest your desires! 2. Subliminal Audios-which work on a subconscious level of re-programming the conscious side 3. Binaural Frequencies-which alters the fequency level of the state of mind at the time of use for deeper results.

Binaural Frequencies are meant to be used when you are resting as well as they can create a feeling of heaviness over the body, as well as vivid visualizations and projections from the physical body.

I have tried many of the above ways to reach what I have been desiring in my own life and all work wonderfully on different levels. The two best I have found are the recorded audios as well as the binaural frequency.

They both work in a different way and each have their own insight to gain into your own spiritual and physical pathway through life.

Recorded Audios, such as seminars or one on one walk through sessions are great to use when you are working or cleaning the house or even resting or meditating as they are not meant to put you asleep but can relax you. This is a wonderful way to work in the NOW!

But if you are looking for the quickest and easiest way to reach that altered state of consciousness; whether it be relaxation, dealing with anxiety, astral projection, remote viewing, shaman consciousness, dealing with dear, etc; this is with Binaural Frequencies. They work on your brain level frequencies and can be done while you are sleeping!

What I have personally ! found be st to work with, is using recorded audio sessions during the day to work on issues during the NOW! Then I listen to the binaural frequencies in the evenings or when I am resting, this way you get the best of both worlds! You can work with the NOW and alter your state of consciousness as well!!

I hope this helps all of you out there trying to reach that level you are desiring! And remember if anyone ever as any questions feel free to let me know!

Many Blessings and Love and Light


About the Author

Nicole is a Natural Born Psychic Medium, Ordained Minister, Spiritual Counselor, Reiki Master Teacher and Certified Energy Healer with the International Natural Healers Association and the World Metaphysical Association.

Your First Yoga Class

Posted: 15 May 2012 09:00 PM PDT

Article by Sam Qam

Kennedy International Recalls Folding Step Stools

Posted: 15 May 2012 09:00 PM PDT

fold up stools, recall
13-inch stool by Kennedy International

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and Health Canada, in cooperation with Kennedy International Inc., of Dayton, N.J., announced a voluntary recall of about 1.6 million Folding Step Stools in the United States and 64,000 in Canada.

Hazard: The folding step stools can break or collapse unexpectedly when in use, posing a fall hazard to consumers.

Incidents/Injuries: Kennedy International is aware of at least 15 reports of incidents involving step stools cracking or breaking, including three reports of injuries to consumers using the stools. Injuries included two reports of back injuries and one report of a fractured leg.

fold up stools, recall

9-inch stool

Description: This recall involves 9-inch and 13-inch Kennedy International folding step stools. The step stools are plastic and have a handle for carrying the stools when they are folded. The style number is 3575 for the 9-inch and 3576 for the 13-inch step stools. The style number is printed on a sticker on one of the legs of the stool. "Kennedy Home Collection" is also printed on a label on some of the stools. They were sold in the following colors: blue, green, gray, red, purple, pink, orange, turquoise, aqua, white, plum, orchid, emerald, sapphire, sangria, ocean, sage, fuchsia, lime and various color combinations.

Sold at: HomeGoods, Marshalls, TJ Maxx and other retailers nationwide from January 2010 through January 2012 for between $ 8 and $ 12.

Manufactured in: China

Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled step stools and contact Kennedy International to receive a full refund.

Consumer Contact: For additional information, contact Kennedy International toll-free at (855) 270-8301 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET Monday through Friday or visit the firm's website at

Note: Health Canada's press release is available at

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Rebuilding Bamiyan - 23 Jul 07 - Part 1

In 2001 the Taliban swept through Afghanistan's Bamiyan Valley. Their target was the colossal stone Buddha statues which had stood for over 1500 years. The world watched powerless as one of its true wonders was lost. In Rebuilding Bamiyan Al Jazeera's Nadene Ghouri travels to Bamiyan to explore the restoration work being done on the site, and to talk to those planning to rebuild the statues.

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A Theory On Spirituality

Posted: 15 May 2012 08:00 PM PDT

Article by Vasudeva Rao

Spirituality is one of the most discussed topics but at the same time, unfortunately, it is one of the most misconceived subjects of all times. Most of the times Spirituality and Religion are not understood in the right sense. In this post we will try to look at spirituality with an entirely different perspective and correlate it to Science.

Spirituality is simply a science, just like physics, that was built to answer questions. Some questions have been asked innumerable times since the beginning of time and perhaps at every tick of the clock a few people out there ask this to themselves. Who am 'I'? Why am 'I' here? Where did 'I' come from? Am 'I' just matter like this chair or am 'I' something more?

'I' is a consciousness. It cannot be measured and quantified. You can measure the characteristics of your body but you cannot measure 'I'. Then what is this 'I'? "I am John" - no, that is just a name by which others identify you. "I am David's son" - no, that is only how you are related to David. "I am employee of Microsoft" - no, that is what you do for a living. Answers will dry out but you cannot give an answer to the question. All these answers only describe something that is an attribute of your body or something that you perform.

Everyone would have heard of the Big Bang. Here is the video link for a very good lecture from Stephen Hawking on 'Origin of the Universe'- According to the theory the entire universe is expanding like a bubble. This lead to the conclusion that the universe was in a contracted and dense state at some point in time. It is not the matter that is expanding but the space itself. Also, according to the theory the entire universe was in a state of singularity i.e. was located in a point without volume and infinite density. There was no Space, no Time. A state of absolute zero. It is pretty difficult for an ordinary mind to think of something without Space itself!

Ok, then what existed be! fore spa ce and time? The only answer is 'Consciousness'. Consciousness is the one and only thing that does not depend upon space or time to exist. Your consciousness does not require a body for its existence. But your body requires your consciousness to make it 'alive'. It is infinite, not measurable and eternal.

Why did the Big Bang occur at all? Scientists like Stephen Hawking have been trying to give an answer with the help of quantum mechanics. Till date we do not have an answer. At the state of singularity, with zero volume and infinite density, none of the laws of physics hold good. Physics established its laws only after the Big Bang occurred i.e. only after matter and energy evolved.

What does Spirituality have to say in this regard? Prior to the Big Bang, there was just one consciousness that was in serenity, nirvana - the perfect one. Space, matter, energy are the irregularities that blew up from this perfect state. But why did that happen? Spirituality can explain.. Very authoritatively..

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Energy Builder Level 1

Energies and frequencies designed to help widen and boost the energy flow between chakras along with dissolving energy blockages. You will find your natural energy levels increasing. Some natural healing/healer abilites may also be fine tuned. It is designed to be taken in levels, this is level 1. The benefits are stacked so you can always come back for more to keep boosting.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Scared of Needles? Looking Away Lessens the Pain

Posted: 15 May 2012 08:00 PM PDT

vaccination, vaccine, needle, doctor
CREDIT: Vaccine photo via Shutterstock

Looking away while you're getting an injection really does make it hurt less, a new study from Germany suggests.

Study participants who received a mild electric shock on their hand rated their pain as more intense when they watched a video of a hand being pricked by a needle, compared with when they watched a hand being touched by a Q-tip.

"We've provided empirical evidence in favor of the common advice not to look at the needle prick when receiving an injection," study researcher Marion Höfle, a doctoral student at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, said in a statement.

Our perception of pain is based on our past experience. "Throughout our lives, we repeatedly learn that sharp objects cause pain when penetrating our skin," the study researchers wrote.

But it's also based on our expectations in a given situation, they said. For example, a health care professional may influence our pain by telling us what to expect before they administer an injection.

In the study, 25 people, mostly university students, were given electric shocks designed to "evoke a stabbing and sharp sensation" in their left index fingers. Prior to the experiment, researchers measured each participant's pain threshold and adjusted the intensity of the shock accordingly.

During the experiment, each participant sat with his left hand, palm-up, beneath a screen in front of him, as a video of a hand in the same position was played on the screen — this gave the impression that they were looking at their own hand, the researchers said. The hand in the video was either pricked with a needle, or touched with a Q-tip. As a control, participants were also shown a hand alone.

Participants rated the pain they felt, and the unpleasantness of the sensation, on scales from 0 to 100.

Results showed that participants reported slightly worse pain, and significantly more unpleasantness, when they watched the video of the needle, compared with the video of the Q-tip. 

The findings suggest that people's expectations regarding a pain they are about to feel affect their perception of the pain's intensity, the researchers wrote in their conclusion, published in the May issue of the journal Pain.

The results are in line with those of previous studies, the researcher said. For example, people who are given cues that a stimulus will be very painful rate their pain as stronger, compared with people given the same stimulus but given cues that the pain will be mild.

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Wipe off Worries with Meditation Techniques for Anxiety

Posted: 15 May 2012 07:00 PM PDT

Article by Jonsonmak

In this present world, we can't escape from being encountered by anxiety. In fact, this very unpleasant human behavior is considered to be one of the most common problems in today's society. Well, if you are one of them, there is nothing to get disheartened since you are not the only sufferer. There are ways of overcoming it. Meditation is one of the best solutions for ebbing off anxieties, fears and tensions. It's natural and assures to give you relief if maintained on a regular basis. There are certain meditation techniques for anxiety that can work wonders for you.Meditation completely relaxes your mind and helps you focus on your thoughts. Further, it lets you concentrate on your work and keeps all your worries miles away. Once you start meditating, you are sure to gain ample relief from unending worries. Now, let's take a look at some popular meditation techniques for anxiety.Breathing meditation is known to be one of the simple meditation techniques for anxiety. Here you simply need to concentrate on your breath. You just have to pay attention to your breath as it enters and leaves your body. You can even concentrate on your nostrils and feel the breath as it enters and leaves. It's one of the outstanding meditation techniques for anxiety and has benefitted thousands.The next effective technique is guided meditation. Here you are required to listen to a recording involving vocal cues that can actually help you pass through a series of visualizations. However, the imagery types vary in guided meditation. Here you will focus on scenarios and landscapes or imagine a mental trip to the mountains or rather a walk on the beach.It's also one of the efficacious meditation techniques for anxiety that relaxes your mind to a good extent. Music or any soothing instrumental is often used for this particular meditation technique for anxiety.The Brainwave Entrainment Recordings for Anxiety Reduction is another brilliant meditation technique that can reduce your worries and tensions. However, guided m! editatio n techniques for anxiety are simpler and easier in comparison to breathing meditation. Novices might find it difficult to cope up with this technique. There are also several meditation techniques for anxiety online where you can watch videos and follow postures.For every human being, sleep is highly essential. It's one of the mandatory requirements of a human body. Owing to our busy hectic lives, obtaining sufficient slumber is a big challenge for us and most of us often fail to get quality sleep. Sleeping pills and tablets are real blunders that can ruin the mechanism of a human body. Therefore, we should always think and opt for some natural means to remain safe and healthy. One such strategy is sleep meditation which is one of the most natural and effective methods to get good sleep.In these years, sleep meditation has emerged to be one of the best possible way-outs for those having problems related to sleep. Owing to the advancement of the audio technology, sleep meditation has proved to be highly effective.

About the Author

jonsonmak is a Doctor who recommends meditation techniques for a stressful life or for a good physical and mental health. He also writes articles on meditation techniques for anxiety & sleep meditation. For more information he always recommends to visit

Grounding Meditation

A sort Grounding Meditation

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