Subliminal Visualization - Get What You Want With These Mind Power Tips

Subliminal Visualization - Get What You Want With These Mind Power Tips

Subliminal Visualization - Get What You Want With These Mind Power Tips

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 10:00 AM PST

Article by Nelson Berry

Lose Weight While Dining Out: Study Reveals 6 Tips

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 10:00 AM PST

restaurant, dining out, meal, eating food, healthy
CREDIT: Dining out photo via Shutterstock

Eating at restaurants frequently, which can mean consuming large portions of high-calorie foods, could boost your risk of becoming obese. But there may be a way to eat out and still lose weight, a new study suggests.

Researchers looked at 35 middle-aged women and found that after six weeks of following a weight gain prevention program, they lost more weight than women who didn't follow the program. 

In the program, researchers suggested that when dining out, the women should ask that half of their meal be boxed up "to go" before they start eating, and should look up calorie information on restaurants' websites, along with other advice.

"Being able to control and manage what you eat is useful," said lead author Gayle Timmerman, a nurse who studies eating patterns and weight in women at the University of Texas. "But you need some knowledge and skills in order to do that."

The study is published today (Jan. 10) in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.

More Americans eat out

Over the past several decades, the percentage of our total spending on food that goes to eating out has risen. In 1970, 26 percent of all food spending was on food away from home, but by 2005, that number had climbed to 41 percent, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

"Restaurants are a high-risk food environment," Timmerman said. "If you don't have a strategy, it's easy to gain weight and eat more without intending to."

In fact, a 2011 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests that lower-calorie foods purchased in restaurants may contain more calories than listed.

The study included 35 healthy women between the ages of 40 to 59 years who ate out frequently. Nineteen of the women were given instructions about how to prevent weight gain, while 16 were not.

Women in the prevention group attended six weekly, two-hour sessions. Each session included discussions on managing weight, weekly goals, eating out strategies and mindful eating meditation, which involved exercises aimed at helping the women appreciate the sight, smell and texture of eating food.

As an incentive, those in the prevention group were given a $ 20 gift card during the first part of the study and a $ 30 gift card at the end of the study.

By the end of the study, researchers found women in the weight gain prevention group consumed less calories and fat than women who were not in the prevention program.

On average, women who participated in the prevention program lost close to four pounds, whereas women in the control group lost about half a pound.

Moreover, the number of times women ate out didn't decrease over the course of the study, indicating that women were able to manage their weight while continuing their habits of dining out.

Judy Stern, a nutritionist from the University of California, Davis, said she wasn't impressed with the study's findings.

"If you're overweight, and I gave you some incentive to lose weight, you would probably lose weight," Stern said. "While I appreciate the efforts they went through in this study, I'm underwhelmed."

She also noted that the study could have been strengthened by being longer. But she did find the study to be a step in the right direction. "It's increasing our awareness of what we're eating," she said.

Tips for managing what you eat when dining out

Along with boxing up half of a meal before starting to eat, and researching calorie counts, here are the tips the researchers gave study participants:

  • Budget your calories. If you know you're going to be dining out, eat a lighter meal, but don't skip a meal. You might overeat later.
  • Pay attention to what you're eating and enjoy the experience. Try to chew slowly and savor it.
  • Avoid "unloved" calories. Do you really enjoy eating cold fries? Skip food you feel neutral about—but that doesn't mean you can pass on your veggies.
  • Order salad dressings, sauces and gravy on the side. That way you control how much you put on your food.

Pass it on: There may be a way to eat out while still losing weight.

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Posted: 10 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST

Article by Saagara Health And Wellness

Cholesterol-Lowering Statins May Increase Diabetes Risk in Older Women

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST

CREDIT: Dreamstime

The cholesterol-lowering drugs known as statins may increase the risk of diabetes in postmenopausal women, a new study says.

Postmenopausal women in the study who took statins were 1.5 times more likely to develop diabetes over a seven to 12 year period compared to women who did not take statins.

The findings add to a growing body of research suggesting that, in some cases, diabetes may be a side effect of statin use. The current study found the particular medication did not seem to make a difference in terms of the women's risk.

However, statins do have heart benefits, and even address the cardiovascular consequences of diabetes, the researchers said. In fact, the results of a recent study suggest that, for those who need the drugs, the benefits of taking them appear to outweigh the risks.

Until more is known, guidelines regarding use of statins in diabetic and nondiabetic people should not change, the researchers said. Experts said it may be necessary for women on statins to be monitored for the development of diabetes.

Statins and diabetes

The study involved153,840 women between the ages of 50 and 79 who did not have diabetes at the study start. Participants signed up for the study between 1993 and 1998, and were followed until 2005.

The subjects were asked about their use of statins when they enrolled and again after three years. About 7 percent of women said they were taking statins when they began the study.

During the study, 10,242 new cases of diabetes developed, and risk of diabetes was associated with statin use.

The results held even after the researchers took into account factors that could increase the risk for diabetes, such as age, ethnicity, cigarette smoking and physical activity.

The association was seen for all types of statins, although the researchers note they can't say for sure whether women switched statin medications or stopped using them over the course of the study.

Interestingly, women with a body mass index (BMI) less than 25 were at greater risk for developing diabetes while on statins compared with women with a BMI of 30 or more. (BMI is a ratio of weight and height and is considered an indicator of body fatness. A BMI between 18.5 and 25 is considered normal and a BMI of 30 or more is considered obese.)

The reason for the higher risk among individuals with a lower BMI is unclear, but it could be related to body fat distribution. Fat carried around the belly (so-called visceral fat) is thought to be worse for health than fat found under the skin, and women with high amounts of visceral fat may be at a higher risk of diabetes, regardless of their body mass index.

Monitor diet

Researchers still don't know the consequences of developing diabetes while on statins, said Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum, director of women and heart disease at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York who was not involved in the study. For instance, does the health of patients stay stable, or "do patients get sicker?" Steinbaum asked.

Until more is known, women who are taking statins may need to monitor their diet and blood glucose levels, Steinbaum said.

A woman should be put on statins only if she absolutely needs the medication, and this should be evaluated on an individual basis, Steinbaum said.

The new study is published today (Jan. 9) in theArchives of Internal Medicine.

Pass it on: Women taking statins may need to keep an eye on their diet and blood glucose levels.

Follow MyHealthNewsDaily staff writer Rachael Rettner on Twitter @RachaelRettner. Find us on Facebook.

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How To Achieve Subliminal Wealth Prosperity Quantum Mind Power Alone Can Give

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 08:00 AM PST

Article by Nelson Berry

Mindfulness Chanting

Chanting: nuns and monks of Plum Village and Deer Park Monasteries. Part of the Mindfulness & Psychotherapy Conference presented by UCLA Extension on Oct. 5, 6, 7 at UCLA.

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More monks die by fire in protest

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 08:00 AM PST

Sharon LaFraniere: Three Tibetan monks in central China set themselves on fire this weekend, raising to 15 the number of suicides in the last year by Buddhist clergy members protesting aspects of Beijing's rule in Tibet.

The deaths suggest that self-immolation is gaining favor as a form of political protest for Tibetan clergy. And they underscore the challenges the Chinese authorities face in controlling more than five million ethnic Tibetans living in what China calls the Tibet autonomous region and adjacent Sichuan and Qinghai Provinces.

China's central government has cracked down hard on religious activism in Tibet since ethnic riots in 2008 killed 19 people, many …

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The Power of Meditation -Its Connection to Mind and Body

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 07:00 AM PST

Article by Anthony McBride

Meditation is a powerful tool that can provide a wealth of benefits. One of the most promising benefits is the ability that meditation has to help both the mind and the body. Many people use meditation as a way to relax the body. Meditation makes extensive use of breathing techniques as well as preparation techniques that are designed to promote the release of tension from the body. Some people begin by breathing in a particular pattern or by taking large measured breaths and maintaining the number of breaths per minute. This in turn creates a situation, which allows the body to naturally release tension and relax. They may also make use of techniques designed specifically to relax the muscles of the body and release tension. For some people who make use of meditation this technique provides the necessary internal environment for them to reach the meditative state. The benefit of reaching this state of physical relaxation is similar to exercise. Exercise causes the muscles to release toxins. These toxins are often caused by stress and tension as well as environmental factors. When you relax and remove the tension from your body, you often can achieve the same benefit. You body will naturally release toxins and be less likely to store them within fat and muscle tissue. Tension and stress also tend to make it harder for your body to move. The harder you have to work to move and function in your daily routine the less energy you have to spend on the things you need and want to do. Mentally, numerous benefits come from meditation. Meditation helps to bring situations into perspective. It helps to relieve mental stress and anxiety. You can set your mind to a problem while you are meditating. Meditation can also provide focus and can even be a way for you to be able to rest your mind. Many people do not get enough sleep. This is generally caused by stress, tension, and overwork. Meditation can help to compensate as a short-term solution by providing a way to release stress and allow your mind to rest. ! As a res ult of allowing your mind to rest, you can often eliminate the afternoon drag that often sets in after lunch. You also can obtain the mental focus and clarity that often comes with a good night's sleep. Having the ability to obtain this type of mental clarity and focus can be of great benefit. You can put it to use before a big meeting so you feel focused, clear headed and able to easily handle anything that comes your way. Meditation provides a powerful tool and method for connecting the body and the mind and drawing out the best of both. It can also help you restore your body and mind and provide you the focus you need to do your best at whatever you set out to accomplish. In a world where overtime, taking work home, and over packed schedules are the norm, meditation can provide a restorative oasis.

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Meditation Music of Ancient Egypt (2 of 9)

Pre-Dawn Meditation All that has been made has been made by the word. So let it be written. So let it be done.

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Early Morning Mindfulness Inspiration - 1/10/2012

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 07:00 AM PST

"To attain knowledge, add things everyday. To attain wisdom, remove things every day."

~Lao Tzu
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Parts Works, Tom Holmes

Tom introduces parts work, Internal Family Systems therapy and its integration with the Mindfulness model of consciousness presented by Thich Nhat Hanh

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Subliminal Videos - Maximizing Mind Power in 5 Simple Steps

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 06:00 AM PST

Article by Nelson Berry

A dialogue with western science

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 06:00 AM PST

Screen shot 2012-01-10 at 8.37.20 AMIn the Dalai Lama's continuing dialogue with Western science, I would not be surprised to read one day that neuroscientists have decided that Buddhism's pure Mind or One Mind is not real.  In other words, Mindfulnesss have been deluded for over twenty-five centuries!  Poor Mindfulnesss, like the Dalai Lama, really don't grasp the nature and function of mind/ consciousness that, in fact, mind is an epiphenomenon of the human brain. 

I doubt the scientists who flutter around the Dalai Lama, eager to convert him to the wonders of neuroscience and string theory will make any headway in persuading him to dump the Buddha's teaching for science.  

The only reason the Dalai Lama admires the West is because the West is good at a few things like inventing (I have in mind Thomas Edison).  Take the examples of fly screen, refrigerators, washing machines, radios, airplanes, ballpoint pens, to name just a few items among countless others.  Without them life would not be as pleasant.  But such devices tell us nothing about what our thoughts are made of.  This is ignored by Westerners.

It is only the Mindfulnesss who have dared to plumb the mystery of thought, itself, and behold its clear light substance.  By doing so, they have declared the universe is only Mind; what we are perceiving, in other words, is mind phenomena.  Unfortunately, the West has been derelict in this undertaking.  Westerners see no benefit in seeing the clear light substance from which our thoughts are made from.

If Western science sees Tibetan Mindfulnesss as primitives, educated yak herdsmen, well Tibetans see the long-nosed Westerners as sentient beings who need to be saved from their ignorance; who lack insight into what phenomenal reality is really composed of.


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Gratefulness in the Now

Upaya Zen Center This is a preview of a talk with Brother David Steindl-Rast and Roshi Joan Halifax. The full-length DVD will be available from Upaya Zen Center. For more information, please email Copyright: Prajna Mountain Mindfulness Order

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Mind Control Hypnosis – 5 Things You Must Know to Gain Power Over the Mind

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 05:00 AM PST

by RubyJi

Article by Nelson Berry

Mind control hypnosis is something that everyone is capable of doing. All you need is an open mind and the belief in your own power. But just imagine gaining control of the mind. The mind is extremely powerful. We humans don't even use a significant fraction of its full power. If you can control the mind at will, then imagine how much power lies in your hands.

Here are a few things you must know before you can successfully practice mind control hypnosis.

1. What is hypnosis? Hypnosis is a process of taking control of the subconscious state of the mind. Our subconscious mind is more powerful than the conscious mind in many ways. The subconscious is at work 24 hours a day; it doesn't stop working for even a minute.

2. What can you do with it? Mind control hypnosis can give you power beyond what you can imagine. If you know how to do it properly, you can use conversational hypnosis so you can gain power over all your conversations and interactions. This way, you can easily solve problems as well as avoid or resolve conflicts. You can also use this power to persuade other people, which can be very useful when you're selling products and services. You can also use it for sales pitches to large groups and imagine the results you can expect. Salesmen would do well to learn this trick. With this particular power, you can be the most persuasive and compelling force there is in the universe.

Aside from that, you can also use it on yourself. Feeling worn out? Control your mind to make you feel refreshed and free. Can't fall asleep? With mind control, you can lead your mind slowly to oblivion until you eventually fall asleep.

3. Why don't everyone use it? A lot of people are still, until now, not convinced by the power of hypnosis. For them, hypnosis is still a mystery. Some also pose a fearful stance towards mind control hypnosis, thinking that it's dangerous territory they'd rather not mess with. As previously said, it won't work unless you ha! ve an op en mind, and if you have even a small doubt about the true power of hypnosis, you won't hold that power in your hands.

The fact is, hypnosis is used even by doctors and therapists in healing, freeing, and stimulating the mind. Why would they use this method if it doesn't work?

4. How does it work? The brain works at different frequencies; this is like the language of the brain. Messages can be sent at the frequency used by the subconscious mind, and these messages will not be recognized by the higher conscious level. So if you send commands, suggestions, and persuasions to the subconscious level, people won't even know that you are making suggestions in their heads.

5. How to learn it? There are many mind control hypnosis techniques that can be used to get the results you want. Most of these are revealed by mind control experts online; you just have to buy hypnosis scripts or CDs that will tell you how to gain this subliminal power over other people's minds.

About the Author

Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Subliminal Messages online. Valued at 0, click for 4 Free Subliminal messages!

Subliminal Programming – Train Your Mind and Energize Your Life!

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 04:00 AM PST

Article by Nelson Berry

Do you want to get the best in life? Your body only does and reacts as directed by your mind. You can do everything you need to do to reach your goals and fulfill your many desires. You can work hard, make sales, make money, pour your time in your job or business, study more and continuously, and expand yourself. But once your mind tells you that you can't or you shouldn't bother because success don't come easily, then you simply won't.

That's how much power the mind holds over you. That's how your mind can dictate the condition of your life.

So if you want to bring full energy into your life, you need to train your mind to cooperate with you. Here's how you can do that:

1. Get rid of resistance in your mind. Ever wonder why it's so easy for people to get blindsided by negative thoughts and emotions? Ever wonder why it's just so hard to look at things from a positive point of view? That's because the society is blasting pure negative talk into our mind's inner ears every single moment. Negative feedback is embedded in every aspect of society; you watch TV, hang out with co-workers, socialize with friends, and you already absorb, even unknowingly, a lot of negative things through your subconscious mind.

That's why when you want to look at things positively, the mind automatically resists. This is why when we want to work hard, we are easily get overcome by doubt, poor self image, low self esteem, stubbornness, lack of motivation, and so on.

2. Reinforce the mind's true power. The mind is not supposed to react that way. All the negative feedback from society piles up on the poor mind, hiding its true power. All you have to do is give those positive power freedom to come out.

How can you do that? First, clear out your mind of all daily worries, fears, doubts, and worldly concerns. Meditation helps a lot in clearing the mind and making you feel less burdened. The empty space in your head will signal to the positive force inside you t! hat they 're now free to roam.

Once all the negative layers are cleared out, reinforce those positive thoughts with positive messages. Send messages straight to your subconscious through subliminal programming. Here are some positive messages that may help.

I am in touch with my inner power.I am naturally capable. I can bring about anything I want.I can actualize what I set my mind on. I am powerful inside and out.

3. Avoid pollution. Now that your inner power has come out, don't let any negative thoughts bury it again. So you have to put a protective shield around your new positive personality. This includes avoiding circumstances or even people that tend to pollute or dampen your positive energy. This could be hard to do since the negative reinforcements usually come from family members and co-workers.

If it is impossible to maintain physical distance from these negative forces, then you just have to create a boundary around your mind. Training the mind with daily or regular subliminal messages can help keep anything negative from polluting your newly empowered mind.

About the Author

Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Subliminal Messages online. Valued at 0, click for 4 Free Subliminal messages!

Mindful Hearing

Here is a short mindfulness practice that you can come back to again and again whether you ar at work or home to practice mindfulness throughout the day. Once you get the hang of it, try it out wherever you are. Come visit us in the facebook mbsrworkbook community to connect with us and others.

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Archangel Jophiel - The Importance of Meditation

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 03:00 AM PST

Article by Glenn Harrison

This article has been trance-channelled by Jill Harrison, psychic medium and Avatara. An Avatar, or Avatara, is a person chosen by the Godhead, to deliver messages for the benefit of mankind.

Archangel Jophiel: It has been sometime since your last reunion, and although we have not communed previously, it is my pleasure to talk with you now.

Jill: Who 'are' you?

Archangel Jophiel: I AM Jophiel, and with your kindness I would like to help you teach the importance of meditation; and the process whereby one can connect with the infinite light-energy, for guidance, inspiration and moral righteousness.

Jill: Moral what?

Archangel Jophiel: Learning to access from within, the way that is right for you. Many of you struggle with meditation. There are many who claim to meditate, but have not one true idea of what meditation is; why it is important; and the benefits that can be achieved through regular meditation. Meditation is as important as breathing.

Jill: So what is the right way to meditate?

Archangel Jophiel: To sit in silence and listen to your heart, is the 'only' way to meditate. Go somewhere, where you cannot be disturbed. Sit yourself down and make a decision that you will overcome any barriers that may stand in your way. Be open to what unfolds, and do not have in your mind any preconceived ideas as to what will occur. When sitting, keep your back straight, and both feet connected to the floor. You may sit crossed legged. You may leave your legs unfolded. It matters not. As long as you are in a position which you know will not interfere with your meditation.

Morning is always a better time, in a busy life, for meditation, than the evening; for the day's proceedings will often break into your meditation if you try to meditate at night. Also, it is quite common for you to fall asleep if you have had a hectic day.

Once you are in your place, close your eyes and focus on the silence. Do not allow thoughts to disturb the process, for you will fin! d initia lly, many thoughts rise to the surface. When this happens, re-focus on nothingness. Allow the darkness to come to you. Fear it not.

It is by shutting out your external sensory systems, that you can focus on the inner spirit. There is no need for special breathing techniques. Allow the natural rhythm of breathing to unfold. When you are the master of being able to sit in silence for a period of time; then; and 'only' then, should you consider asking or praying for help with a particular problem.

Once you have given this thought out to the universe, it is then that one must sit back and allow the answers to unfold to you, in universal time, not human time.

Your world is so noisy, which interferes with the silence and so it will take your time and patience to achieve total inner calm and peace. But it 'will' come; along with any answers you need to personal poblems you may have.

Your pace of life is so fast, very few of you enjoy the present journey and wonderment that each day brings you. Sometimes, meditation can be more beneficial than sleep.

For something to happen, be it a thought or an action, requires energy. Without energy there can not be reaction. Putting your energy into meditation will bring about mindfulness, clarity and vision of who you are, your life purpose; communion with infinite light-energy.

Jill: When you say infinite light-energy, are you meaning what we call God?

Archangel Jophiel: Yes.

Jill: Why do you not call it God?

Archangel Jophiel: It matters not what I call it. When you label something, you limit what you've labelled. God, if you like, is omnipotent. 'You' are me. 'I' am you. 'You' are God. 'God' is you. The world is in 'you'. 'You' are in the world. Until we meet again.

Archangel Jophiel.

About the Author

Glenn Harrison is an ANGEL MESSENGER. He was first contacted by The ANGEL OF DEATH: Archangel Azrael, in 2005. Glenn has recorded messages from over 50 Archangels, Ascended Masters and Light-Beings.You can get our Angel Guided Meditation download:- MEETING YOUR GUARDIAN ANGEL; FREE at:==>

NeuroFlow Meditation Series: "Digital Euphoria" - Try the FREE 20-minute Demo, guaranteed to radically deepen your meditations. You'll also receive a free 6-week PDF course on The Neuroscience of Meditation. Find out more about Digital Euphoria here: "Like" our Facebook page: NOTE #1: You will notice some of the most tangible effects of this technology AFTER listening to this meditation, as you enjoy the rest of your day. The energetic frequencies emitted through this presentation will continue to interact with your biofield throughout the day. NOTE #2: Presumably due to YouTube's video compression, the audio featured in this video does not adequately represent the high-quality, high-energy audio featured on the upcoming Digital Euphoria CD. NeuroFlow Instructions: - Headphones are recommended for optimal results, but not required. - Sitting quietly with eyes closed for the 15-minute duration of the video will give the best results. The NeuroFlow Series: NeuroFlow is an exciting new series from iAwake Technologies that uses breakthrough neural and biofield (subtle energy) entrainment technology to radically induce meditative, altered and peak-performance states of consciousness in record time. The focus of this series is to facilitate transformative flow-states and help you SURVIVE, THRIVE and GROW IN TODAY'S TURBULENT TIMES. "Digital Euphoria," the first in the NeuroFlow Series, features the brainwave patterns and energetic ...

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Binaural Beats And Subconscious Mind Power

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 02:00 AM PST

by RubyJi

Article by Katie Yimue

One of the best movies that sends a message about the power behind your subconscious mind has to be the Field of Dreams. You remember, it's the story that revolves around the voice that says, 'If you build it they will come.' What if you asked yourself what will come? Well, actually it anything your heart (and mind) desires.

The power to change your life is already there. It is in your mind and starts as a dream. Your subconscious turns it into reality.

It's truly a powerful and beautiful thing, and can heal, transcend current circumstances, make you feel good; or make you feel bad. This subconscious mind power, truly has the power to completely change our world if we take control of it.

Lets look at a few examples of subconscious mind power at work. One of the best examples is well known by most people already. This example is offered because the results have been documented so many times. It is of course the Placebo Effect.

This is used mainly in clinical trials where a group is split into two. One half is given the real drug and the other a dummy, or placebo pill.

Neither group actually knows whether or not it is actually receiving the drug.

Placebo effects usually aren't as strong, and they aren't reliable; you can't predict which person will react to a placebo and which needs the full drug before testing, but it's still a valid medical testing concern and shows the power of the mind.

This shows that with the right suggestions, the mind really does have the power to heal the body.

Or, let's take another example. Perhaps you've gone to the doctor to get a medication for something that's wrong with you. You may have noticed that although a doctor will tell you what the side effects are, he or she will usually minimize them to at least some extent.

You could be thinking that they are not doing their job. Actually they are. They know how powerful the mind is. They know that if they suggest that negative things could happen that you will either! not tak e the medication or you will take it and get the side effects no matter how rare.

The combination of suggestion and subconscious mind power is awesome!

And as it works in medicine, so, too, can it work in your life to create positive change. What's preventing you from tapping into this most amazing power? You may want to use the power of suggestion to change the way your subconscious mind 'talks to you.'

People harness this power through visualization. This is a straightforward technique where the subject imagines the desired outcome and puts themselves in the picture. Doing this every day can trigger the subconscious mind to direct you to reaching this goal.

To reinforce this visualization create a physical picture or get a photo of what it is you desire to have or achieve.

The more often you see the picture, the stronger of a focus you'll be able to develop on this goal in your mind and the more of your subconscious mind power you can bring to bear on your objective.

Although this has been common knowledge for years to the really rich and high achievers, it has only been recently that scientists have started to understand the very real scientific process associated with this.

Then of course there are some of us who just don't understand the way it works. If you're into technical answers, the best one we can inform you with is that the solid subatomic level of matter turns into pure energy.

For instance, there is the famous thought experiment of Schrodinger's cat. Some speculate that matter cannot exist unless it is being observed.

What does that mean? Matter or energy exists because it is observed, and for no other reason.

So mind power is what creates everything! It is not as we have always believed that our thoughts are created by energy and matter.

There is a huge difference there as you can see and it's what makes the power of your subconscious mind so wonderful. The person who thinks positive is focusing on the big picture as oppose! d to the 'right now.' However, this is just a small indention of how helpful this can be to changing your life for the better. There is so much out there that we've missed as a society that was practiced thousands of years ago.

So if you could change your life just by thinking about it, wouldn't you? All you have to do is harness your subconscious mind power. Use it to your advantage instead of letting it control you.

The way to begin is to use visualizations and affirmations to get you closer to your goals. Start with small things and as your subconscious mind power develops, you'll be able to achieve greater and greater things.

About the Author

Explore the phenomena of using your mind power by visiting the popular website. Find out about using the healing power of the mind yourself and discover mind healing when you visit here and get your FREE video and audio DVD Package.

EMDR Mindfulness part2

EMDR and Mindfulness: theory, questions, exercises more info available on

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Mindfulness - Just What Is It?

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 01:00 AM PST

Article by Saddhamala (Nancy Nicolazzo)

Mindfulness is pure awareness, the awareness we experience when we first become aware of something, before we conceptualize it, identify it, objectify it, think about it and name it. This soft focused moment, this mindfulness, is pure experience and is what is called Reality, according to the Buddha.

Mindfulness is filled with a knowing that is lost when we start thinking, naming, imagining, projecting, labeling and getting into 'story lines' about what is right in front of us. When we prolong the initial moment of awareness, we are being mindful. We practice this in our meditation and we can practice mindfulness in our everyday life. This state of perception can be learned and can change how we see ourselves and the world, our attitudes, our relationships, our communication and our behavior.

Mindfulness is like a mirror, it reflects what is before it, what is happening in exactly the way it is, without any judgment or bias. Mindfulness is non-judgmental observation, observation without criticism, an ability to see things as they naturally are without preconceived ideas. Whatever we are experiencing, when we are mindful, we accept, and bring awareness to without pride or shame or anything personal.

Mindfulness is impartial watchfulness without infatuation or disgust; there is no grasping, clinging, fleeing or confusion. Mindfulness sees all experiences equally. Mindfulness is direct and immediate experiencing, as though things are happening for the first time, before we impose our thinking onto the experience.

Mindfulness exists in the present moment and is not personal; it has nothing to do with our ego, so it exists without reference to 'I', 'me' or 'mine'. When we are mindful we are able to observe all phenomenon without any enhancement or distortion, without goals, without story lines, without getting stuck in thought patterns, and without habitual ways of thinking about this or that. (adapted from Bhante Gunaratana 'Mindfulness in Plain English').

We can bring a! sense o f curiosity and wonder to our practice of mindfulness. As we bring mindfulness to our everyday life we will find delight in simple pleasures. A friend told me recently that she was driving to a meeting and stopped for a moment by the side of the road near a pond. She looked at the pond and saw three turtles, sunbathing on a rock!

When we are mindful, we are awake to life. Mindfulness enhances our everyday experience and brings pleasure to each action, conversation and though.

About the Author

Nancy is a twenty-year veteran of teaching, consulting and coaching. Assisting individuals and corporate professionals to find new skills to improve their professional and personal lives with skillfulness, compassion and mindfulness is the focus of Nancy's coaching.

Nancy leverages what she has learned as a mother, teacher and Buddhist minister to offer a unique, relevant and valuable perspective to the people she works with.

To learn more about mindfulness coaching, click here

US 'concerned' over Tibetan self-immolations

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 02:06 AM PST

The United States said Monday it was "seriously concerned" over self-immolations by Tibetan monks, adding they represent deep frustration over curbs on religious freedom in China.

"We're seriously concerned by reports that three more Tibetans have self-immolated over the past few days,"State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said, adding Washington has consistently raised the issue with Beijing.

State media said a Tibetan monk died after setting himself on fire in Qinghai in northwest China, taking to 15 the number of people who have set themselves on fire in Tibetan areas in less than a year in apparent protest.

It was the first time the Tibetan-inhabited province has been hit by such a death. Most self-immolations have taken place in neighboring Sichuan province, in what rights groups say are protests against perceived religious repression.

"These actions clearly represent... enormous anger, enormous frustration with regard to the severe restrictions on human rights, including religious freedom, inside China," Nuland said, referring to the wave of self-immolations.

"And we have called the Chinese government policies counterproductive," she said.

The US have also "urged the Chinese government to have a productive dialogue, to loosen up in Tibet and allow journalists and diplomats and other observers to report accurately, and to respect the human rights of all of their citizens," she said.

The State Department issued a similar statement in October.

During a visit to Honolulu for an Asia-Pacific summit in November, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton expressed alarm over the wave of self-immolations.

The Tibetan government-in-exile based in India says that it does not encourage self-immolations but understands the frustrations behind them.

Thousands of Tibetans in India have attended protests or prayers to criticize China's rule of the predominantly Buddhist region.

The Dalai Lama fled Tibet for safety in India in 1959. He met in July with US President Barack Obama, angering China.

Buddhist Temple in Sojiji, part2

impressions from the Buddhist temple in Sojiji

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Yoga sutras Patanjali

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 11:00 PM PST

Article by Joanne Faye

In modern society nowadays, the pace of life is so hectic and busy. With such hectic schedule, most of us forgot to take good care of our own bodies. This is why yoga has been a popular exercise recently. An ancient text about yoga has been pass down for a very long time; the Yoga Sutras Patanjali.

Yoga sutras Patanjali is a book of 195 phrases is written by Patanjali. The purpose of it if for easy memorization. This text is original written at around 2nd century. Yoga sutras Patanjali is base model for all modern yoga. It has great impact and influences over the development of yoga.

Yoga sutras Patanjali consist of 4 books; Samadhi Pada, Sadhana Pada, Vibhuti Pada and Kaivalya Pada. Samadhi Pada explain the fundamental of yoga. It talks about the disciplines of yoga. We need to know that yoga is not only about the poses and stretching. There are 3 elements required in yoga practice, poses, breathe and also concentration. This is the way we can recreate the connection back to our bodies. Therefore this can be the most important and basic philosophy of the Yoga sutras Patanjali. Without these, yoga will be no different from other exercises.

In the book of  Sadhana Pada, Kriya yoga is first introduced and also the eight limbs of yoga first described. The word Sadhana is practice in Sanskrit. Basically, this book is also about practice. The very purpose of Kriya yoga is to achieve enlightenments or awareness of our being in the universe. This form of yoga is often related to Buddhist and Hindu studies because it is practice by monk in order to achieve peacefulness and enlightenments.

The third book Vibhuti pada is the book about power. There are so many abilities described in the text that seem impossible to us now. But if we take a closer look at Vibhuti Pada, it emphasizes the awareness of our bodies and awakening of our senses. With the awareness, we can synchronize with the energy around us and achieve unity with the universe.

The final book of Yoga sutras Pata! njali is Kaivalya Pada, the book for isolation and liberation. Isolation means the isolation of mind from manifestations of material, a pure consciousness of mind. In this books also explain the structure of minds and how it works. If you heard or read about the laws of attraction, you know many of our condition manifests from our mind. In fact this theory is similar to Kaivalya Pada.

Yoga is often regarded as merely an exercise. But the wisdom behind yoga is so wide and deep. It is design not only for our bodies but also for our minds. Not all of us are interested in having enlightenment now, but it is indeed a good exercise for you to connect back with your own body.

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If you like this article, you may visit Blue Topaz Rings. Everyone has the right to be beautiful, healthy and happy.

Beginning Buddhist Meditation

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 10:01 PM PST

Article by Rasmus Lindgren

So you've decided you want to make the art of meditation a part of your life; first, though, you must determine the proper course of action for beginning Buddhist meditation.For while it's wonderful that you've chosen to make meditation a part of your daily regime, you can't just jump head first into the process without a certain amount of thought and preparation.Before you begin to meditate, you must first do a little housecleaning of the soul; purifying and sanctifying your lifestyle. Break unhealthy habits, abandon all manner of sin and vice, and strive to be both a good family person and a component professional. Lead your life with purpose, stay honest and true.Just as important, before beginning an intense course of Buddhist meditation you have to do your homework. Study Buddhism, reading, studying and inquiring about the Three Treasures (Buddha, Dharma and Sangha) as well as the divine nature of the Dharma. In this way, you truly can develop and grasp the Buddhist-related concepts of Right Understanding and Right View. Suddenly you are freed from troublesome urges and empty desires, and the havoc that they wreck in the lives of many people. Without having to suffer through these common, somewhat pleasurable but often damaging vices, you will be better able to concentrate and-in time-to meditate with great success.Next you need to set just the right mood and atmosphere for a successful meditation session. Once you are ready to sit down and meditate, you must choose the proper place to engage in this sacred activity.After all, you can't just pick anyplace to fall asleep, read a good book, or contemplate a tough problem. Similarly, you can't meditate just anywhere; particularly not in places that are noisy, busy, and brimming with activity.In setting the proverbial scene for meditation, you want to select a quiet place where you can sit and concentrate without fear of disruption or interruption. You can't push a pause button on the meditative process; you must immerse yourself in the process.! Thus yo u must meditate in a place that is uncluttered, well-ventilated, and most of all silent, one where you can sit undisturbed and concentrate. Your office or bedroom likely would be preferable to your kitchen, living room or family area; you may even wish to leave your homestead and go instead to a yoga/meditation studio, a private vacation house, or even a nature retreat.Ultimately, your place of meditation should be your haven; a place of ultimate and divine escape, your own personal path to enlightenment.Now that you're in the right place for meditation, both mentally and physically, you now can embark on the divine act of Beginning Buddhist meditation.

About the Author

Rasmus Lindgren has practiced meditation for several years and has created a free course in Buddhist Meditation targeted at beginners. He is also author of the ebook Buddhist Meditation For Beginners.

How To Affect Subliminal Therapy Into The Subconscious Mind

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 09:00 PM PST

by RubyJi

Article by Greg Frost

Most people have reverted to self development therapies so as to initiate success in their lifestyles. There are quite a number of therapies available for such acts; however it is very important for an individual to have good information before affecting any kind of self development therapy. People who've indulged in such acts have positive commendation about these therapies. It is very important for an individual to seek therapy from good techniques which have a proven track record of initiating successful mind alterations. Getting unmatched information on how the brain works to perform various functions is positive for good therapy sessions. Research has it that the mind is inclined to allow information which is acceptable to the conscious mind. The mind exists in two mind states, one of it being the more aware of the mind which is often referred to as the conscious mind, the other state of the mind is the subconscious state. The subconscious state of the mind is very crucial in performing large thought processes. An individual's behavior and lifestyle is influenced by the state of their subconscious mind.

The conscious mind acts as a curtain to the subconscious mind; an individual's reasoning creates a gateway into the subconscious mind. This part of the mind store emotions and feelings, research has it that the subconscious mind is also influential in attaining certain out of norm activities such as telepathy, mind reading, high neuro linguistic programming activities and so on. Any thought process that's allowed to the subconscious mind affect a learning process which is influential in an individual's lifestyle. It is very important to have detailed information of any self development therapy one may be interested in affecting as possible mind alteration therapy. It is also imperative for individuals to shield or stay off from situation which can influence negative subconscious learning.

The means by which subliminal technology takes affect in initiating positive subliminal messa! ges into the subconscious mind is quite complicated, this writing cannot in anyway exhaust the process. However, subliminal technique takes advantage of the means by which the brain utilizes in affecting its functions. The brain uses wave frequencies in communication processes, these wave frequencies are transferred from one neuron to the other through minute electric charges. Subliminal sounds takes advantage of the level of wave frequencies utilized by the brain to induce subliminal messages into the subconscious mind. The effect of such is subconscious learning which is geared towards the prearranged subliminal messages.

It is very important to understand that subliminal learning does not happen overnight. For subliminal therapy to have full effect there must be consistency in utilizing the therapy. There are quite a number of subliminal auction sites, one can purchase subliminal from these sites at no hustle at all. Finding sites which have free subliminal products for sampling purposes can help an individual more grounds to decide on what subliminal therapy they should affect in their self development acts. Subliminal influences are everywhere, it is important for an individual to affect positive subconscious learning so as to combat a negative lifestyle.

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Mindfulness, Cancer & Healing - 1 of 3 ~ Sat Dharam Kaur, ND Interviews Shinzen Young

Sat Dharam Kaur, ND, author of "The Complete Natural Medicine Guide to Breast Cancer" interviews Shinzen Young, author of "Break Through Pain" and "The Science of Enlightenment" audio series - regarding mindfulness meditation strategies in working with cancer and other health crises in this first of three parts. For more information on mindfulness training with Shinzen see For more info on Dr. Sat Dharam Kaur's Healthy Breast Program see Filmed May 2010 at Mt. Carmel Spiritual Centre in Niagara Falls.

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Buddhists, Krishna's, Muslims, Christians - PEACEFUL CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTION TO WAR

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 08:00 PM PST

Article by Gregory Volz

I am going to try to explain why ALL OF US should be ready to not only DIE for FREEDOM but for the LOVE of HUMANITY. PEACEFUL CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTION to WAR has been taught by Buddha, Krishna, Muhamad & Jesus. Jesus said turn thy other cheek.

Now the water coming from JAPAN is contaminated with nuclear fallout. The escalations in the middle east are showing signs of world war III.

YOU have a decision to make -

1. Do you wish to continue your TRANSCENDENCE TOWARD GOD? or

2. DO YOU WANT TO start over?

Our light bodied essences in a distributed cloud of collective consciousness are continuously traveling in time through this third dimension of illusory reality! - Please listen to my Northwest UFO Chasers Radio Broadcast - Part 13 - Melchezidek to find out why there are humans, ancient humans, alien intelligences, ANGELS & GOD. Each of these entities or beings has advanced technological capabilities to move in different realms of density and/or dimensions. Most humans and all life on this planet only identify with this third dimension of illusory reality, but alien intelligences (57+ identified alien intelligent species), and ANGELS have an understanding of reincarnation technology and can move between 3rd and 6th dimensional densities, as well as the ANGELS moving between US and the realm of GOD beyond the 11th or the 12th dimension. The ANGELS move back and forth between us, including the 1st, 2nd and 3rd dimensions, as well as on toward GOD beyond the 11th dimension. We are all genetically related to 12 angels that were originally here on Earth sent by GOD as told in the NAG HAMMADI, Books OF ENOCH, BIBLE, Jewish TORA, ancient sumerian sanskrit texts, the viking mythological tales of Val Halla, chinese buddhist DAO teachings from Tibet, vedic texts of India and the MahatBarratta of Rama Krishna, as wel as many more bodies of work. I am receiving these messages from intelligent NORDIC aliens delivering telepathic communication but am unable to do there communi! cation j ustice in a message on facebook, in an article or even a radio broadcast using the human english language. The Most important message is the all inclusiveness of BUDDHISTS, KRISHNAS, MUSLIMS, CHRISTIANS in PEACEFUL CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTION TO WAR as CHRIST SAID TURN THY OTHER CHEEK and BE READY TO DIE for not only FREEDOM, BUT the LOVE OF ALL HUMANITY! If you want to TRANSCEND when the nuclear water from Japan or World War III destroys us then please read, listen and join us in the delivery of this message. This has all happened before in a story of the precessional rotation of the earth and the ancient cultures and civilizations that lived previous to us! Northwest UFO Chasers next radio broadcast will be on the topic of what the Illuminati knows and why we are in a war of good vs evil. You will all get the chance to make the decision through FREE WILL as to whether you want to TRANSCEND to become alien intelligence then on to ANGEL yourself, all on your jouney, on your way to the glorification of GOD!

The SACRED number is 12 - They came to me in prophetic message to tell me that the ANGELS were singing to the glorification of GOD when one ANGELS LOVE was distracted by another just for a moment when that sent him and/or her back through reincarnation of the 1st through 12th dimensions of Transcendence, which you and I are moving in time, in the 3rd dimension of illusory reality. Now, we are genetic descendants of the twelve fallen angels who fell involving mortal humans and the offspring was nephilim as in genetic hybrids like THOR and many ancient stories handed down. Each of us has an astrologic symbol as I am sagitarius, and ther is leo, libra, etc.... Now each of those twelve has twelve children and twelve special people as JESUS did with is disciples. There will be twelve people around you that are special giving you messages as I am one of those now. I am really simplifying this story, but please listen closely to my 13th radio broadcast and you will also become enlightened as to why the nucl! ear radi ated water coming from Japan and or World War III will cause a cataclysmic event that will push the collective cloud of distributed consciousness toward GOD rapidly and because of FREE WILL each light bodied essence has to make a decision as to whether they want to TRANSCEND or go back through REINCARNATION to the beginning. Your goal is to become an alien intelligence yourself at one point in time in the 5th dimension of ethereal reality and ultimately become an ANGEL moving into the 6th, 7th, 8th 9th , 10th , 11th dimensions ultimately meeting GOD and for GOD to allow YOU to stand in bliss in the glorification of GOD in heaven. This is all in the BIBLE, Nag Hammadi, Books of ENOCH, Vedic Texts, Buddhist DAO, MUSLIM Quran, MahatBaratta and many other spiritual texts. The message of most IMPORTANCE RIGHT NOW is the all inclusiveness of humanity as in BUDDHISTS, RAMA-KRISHNAS, MUSLIMS, CHRISTIANS & THEY MUST ADOPT - PEACEFUL CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTION TO WAR AS CHRIST SAID TURN THY OTHER CHEEK AND NOT ONLY THAT WE MUST DIE FOR THAT LOVE OF HUMANITY TO TRANSCEND OR WE REPEAT THROUGH REINCARNATION OF TIME. Because of the precessional rotation of the Earth and the 26,000 year cycle this has happened to many ancient civilizations in the past taht have gone before us. Now, this is just a quick message to you and I do not do it justice in the translation of the telepathy coming from the alien intelligence that embeds it within my cerebral cortex memoric locations but I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, I WANT YOU TO UNDERSTAND THE MESSAGE. YOU HAVE A GREAT ROLE TO PLAY THAT WILL BE UNVEILED TO YOU IN TIME. EVERYTHING IS AS IT SHOULD BE IN PERFECTION SO LOOK IN THE MIRROR AND SAY I LOVE YOU AS THIS IS THE REFLECTION THAT OTHERS SEE IN ORDER TO GET THE MESSAGE OF US ALL TO HOLD HANDS IN PEACEFUL CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTION TO WAR!

Please listen to this Radio Broadcast -

About the Author

Sincerely,Author, Writer, Researcher, Producer - Gregory M Volz - Northwest UFO Chasers -

just a guy who worked for the black operational military industrial complex and learned to inter & hyper dimensionally space travel.

Scans ‘show mindfulness meditation brain boost’

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 08:00 PM PST

The theory that meditation can reduce stress, depression and even chronic pain is one that has been gaining in momentum in recent years.

So the BBC's David Sillito has been learning the art of mindfulness meditation in order to find out for himself.

After getting to grips with the activity, he joined some other devotees for an MRI scan to find out what impact the practice can have on brain activity.

[Original story contains video, which may not work outside the UK.]

Click to read the original article »

Related posts:

  1. Meditation and mindfulness may give your brain a boost
  2. Meditation alters your grey matter, studies show
  3. Mindfulness meditation training changes brain structure in 8 weeks

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Medicine Buddha Mantra 药师琉璃光如来心咒

Buddhist Dhamma Talk, Pali Chanting, Sanskrit Chanting & Song,MP3,Audio,Video free download Malaysia, Petaling Jaya Tibetan Han version Paritta mandarin English

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Meditation Vs. Prayer

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 07:00 PM PST

Article by Dinah Jackson

Christianity has taken a beating in recent years while Buddhism and especially the 'Zen' flavor of it, has become rather chic. I state that just as an observation from the crowd of Westerners I've hung out with and from media in general. I'm not writing here to promote or defend either religion, but hopefully to shed light on a couple of things and demystify others.

It seems that in the West growing numbers of people have begun to view their Judeo-Christian background with suspicion. Some of the complaints are that it's too full of guilt and punishment, and that the mythology behind it is just not believable. Other people see Zen as a breath of fresh air as it does not require that you believe in God or facing eternal damnation, and it doesn't seem to have much in the way of dogma.

Both views are of course, shortsighted. The Judeo-Christian ethic offers people a unique tome of wisdom and stresses an understanding of a God that is loving and forgiving, not angry and punishing, though there is that side too. Real Zen on the other hand is a sect of Japanese Buddhism that is famous for its asceticism, rigorous disciplines, and physical deprivations. Simply, it's not at all the laid-back meditative practice Westerners mistake it for. It also has a rigid moral code that must be obeyed, and prayers (sutras and mantras) are evoked several times a day. I'm just trying to say here that what the one seems to be, the other really is, and vice versa. They are both religions after.

As for prayer or meditation, studies indicate that both are very good for you both emotionally and physically, and it would be wise to have a daily regime of one or both daily. There is Christian meditation too by the way, and Zen prayer as well. Go figure.

About the Author

This article was written by Dinah Jackson who enjoys writing about Pokemon and travel. We have every Pokemon plush that you can imagine. We have hundreds of Japanese Pokemon Pokedolls, plushie, plush toys, figures, binders, deck boxes, sleeves, charms, straps, dice bags, and thousands more very rare Japanese Pokemon items. Direct from Japan to your door.

Dennis Wholey interviews Hyon Gak Sunim - Part 1 of 3

Dennis Wholey interview about Zen beliefs and practices with Hyon Gak Sunim in Seoul, Korea. Venerable Hyon Gak Sunim - was born Paul Muenzen in 1964 to a family of devout Catholics in New Jersey, USA His mother is a PhD in biochemistry, and his father was an executive at a prominent American computer company, and later founded his own company. He has eight brothers and sisters. He is currently the Head Teacher of the Zen hall at 500 year-old Hwa Gye Sah Temple in the Sam Gak Sahn Mountain range, outside Seoul, South Korea. In August 2001, he received inka by Zen Master Seung Sahn the 78th Patriarch in a lineage stretching back to Shakyamuni Buddha.

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Romney ahead with Fla. Republicans

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 07:00 PM PST

Updated: Monday, 09 Jan 2012, 9:28 AM EST
Published : Monday, 09 Jan 2012, 9:28 AM EST

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) - A new survey shows Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney leading among likely GOP primary voters in Florida.

It shows 36 percent backing the former Massachusetts governor, though more than half of those questioned said they could still change their minds before the state's Jan. 31 presidential primary.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich followed at 24 percent.

Former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania was third at 16 percent. U.S. Rep. Ron Paul received backing from 10 percent. Texas Gov. Rick Perry had 5 percent and former ambassador Jon Huntsman had 2 percent.

A random telephone survey of 560 voters taken between Jan. 4-8 by Quinnipiac University has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.1 percentage points.

Arizona Sen. John McCain won Florida's 2008 GOP presidential primary.

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Factors That Influence The Subconscious Mind

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 06:00 PM PST

by RubyJi

Article by Greg Frost

There are quite a number of factors that influence the subconscious mind, these factors are more related to the kind of surrounding an individual finds themselves in. Understanding how the mind works to perform its specific function is very important for anyone interested in finding information on the factors that influence the subconscious mind.

First and foremost, the mind exists in two states, namely the conscious and the subconscious mind. The latter is viewed to be more superior, about 90 percent of any human activity is influenced by the subconscious mind. It is believed that a developed subconscious mind can help an individual attain unbelievable activities such as telepathy, mind reading, advanced neuro linguistic programming and so on.

The subconscious mind is susceptible to the kind of environment an individual spends most time in. The mind grows and learns from activities which happen around it. To prove this point, many people are influenced by events which happened when they were growing up. At early human stages the subconscious and the conscious mind develop and adapt to specific factors which materialize in behavioral patterns. It is very important for parents to set up their children in good surroundings so as to shape he kind of people they become when they fully grown adults.

There are quite a number of therapies available in the market geared towards positive mind alteration activities. For instance, an individual struggling with self acceptance can engage these therapies to form new thought setups which make the same individual accept themselves more. A number of these therapies involve individual sliding into different mind states in order to affect relevant mind alteration. However, the rise of subliminal technique has changed the way personal development acts is viewed. Subliminal therapy does not involve any kind of trance; in fact this therapy is termed as the mild form of hypnosis. The use of subliminal technology involves the induction of prearranged ! messages into the subconscious mind to form desired mind result. The use of subliminal technology in any form of personal development act is very effectual in lifestyle change, subliminal technology has no known side effects or after effects.

It is very important for an individual to have detailed information of the kind of subliminal therapy they wish affected on them. There are quite a number of subliminal products on the internet today; each subliminal product is designed to affect specific therapy. For instance procrastination subliminal can only be used by individual who wish to affect anti procrastination behaviors. Anyone interested in this therapy should always seek guidance from the physician or the subliminal auction site they wish to make purchases from. Some outlet shops have free subliminal products for sampling purposes, this may be a good approach to help individual have a bias when making decision of which type of therapy to use. Subliminal technology is an effective therapy of influence to the subconscious mind, results from subliminal technology therapy have always stunned many who've engaged the therapy in self development acts.

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A Mindful Birth and Zen Parenting, Part 1 of 2 ~ Shinzen Young

In part one (of two parts) Shinzen shares with a student how to use mindfulness during the birthing process.

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Yoga Teacher Training or Yoga Certifications

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 05:00 PM PST

Article by Daveopton

The word, "Yoga" means "to join together," and it brings the mind and the body together into a single peaceful experience.

The Yoga is becoming popular day by day among people as they are becoming more and more fitness conscious. You can browse internet to learn different poses of yoga and various postures that helps you in reducing weight.There are some ways to get yoga certifications. One of the best ways is to study under the auspices of an online Yoga teacher training program. Another way is to cut down on travel expenses and the cost of accommodations, by studying for your certification at a local Yoga studio.

In the present times, people prefer to hire an instructor that has yoga certification as helps them to be sure of their choice. Yoga instructor certification can help you build your own credentials and gain your pupil's trust.There are two sets of expectations for a 500 hour Yoga instructor certification course. There are the expectations of the teachers who are guiding interns enrolled in the course. There are also a set of expectations on the part of the student, who is choosing a particular 500 hour Yoga teacher training course.5Online Yoga Instructor Certification Program Requirements:

1. Online Instructor Program Must Have Multi-Media Components.2. Online Teacher's Training Must Teach You How to Make Money and Be Successful.3. Online Program Should Teach Pranayama and Meditation.4. Online Certification Course Should Offer Full Support.5. Online Course Creator Should Be a Successful Yogi.

You could take a specialized Yoga teacher training intensive for each ailment, a group of ailments, or take an online course.Yoga is an ancient discipline that has traditionally been passed directly from teacher to student on a one-to-one basis. When you choose yoga certifications you have to check. Enrolling for a instructor certification, the first thing that you need to see is that the program is well developed.Most of the good courses offer advanced programs so that onc! e you ha ve done the basic course you can apply for the advance courses and specialize in a particular branch.

Career in yoga: - Yoga is a traditional form of exercise that includes certain postures and movements. Two most important advantages of practicing are prevention of disorders and ailments and maintenance of health and fitness in daily life.After attending a certified Teacher Training program you can start your career as a Yoga teacher. All you need to do is rent a studio, inform people about your yoga classes by advertising, and start taking classes. If you can't find a place to rent, you can approach the high profile clients, who prefer to take classes at their own place.Yoga Correspondence Course:- Yoga teacher correspondence courses, on the other hand can be much more reasonable. Home-study courses allow much greater flexibility and time for study and allows for practice locally.

About the Author

Read more about yoga certifications or yoga teacher training.

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