Yoga - A Look at Its History
- Yoga in India - A Look at Its History
- Clearing Your Life for a New Year
- Trance And The Power Of Subconscious Mind Power
- Do all you can, with what you have, in the time you have, in the place where you are.
- What Are the Signs of Spiritual Awakening?
- Tibetan Buddhist Meditation- Free Fascinating Tip For Online Guided Meditation
- Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 1/9/2012
- 2012 Walt Disney World Half Marathon
- Zen does not mean sitting
- Ladakh â The Center of Buddhist Religion and Culture
- How To Prepare To Meditate
- Three Ways to Cultivate Patience in 2012
- New books for new thinking in a new year
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Posted: 09 Jan 2012 12:00 PM PST
Article by Soni Sajjan
Many people around the world have heard about and practiced yoga, but very few know the exact meaning of yoga.What is Yoga? Yoga is a system of exercises that is practiced as a part of Hindu discipline to enhance the control of the body and the mind. Yoga is just not mastering the techniques and increasing the flexibility and strength of your body, as it is often wrongly assumed. The History Behind Yoga The exact history and origin about yoga is uncertain, but there are some pieces of evidences that suggest that yoga originating in ancient India, with an aim to attain spiritual discipline and tranquility. People link yoga with postures and positions which forms the physical part of yoga, but this practice involves many other aspects. It has evolved and changed over time. The one who practices yoga with a sense of deep commitment is called yogi or a yogini. The aim of yoga varies and the scope involves improving one's health to achieving peace, liberation from suffering. Many seals discovered at the sites of ancient civilization, dating back to the third millennium B.C., show figures or drawings resembling meditation poses. Many scholars and archaeologists have described similarities between the yogic and meditation postures shown in the seals with the Tirthankaras. This shows Jainism's contribution to yoga. Yogic Traditions The tradition of yoga in India has been handed over from a teacher to a student individually through oral teaching and practical presentation. The techniques that are known are experiences of various persons over many centuries. The manner in which yoga is taught depends on the approach handed over through the teachers.Yoga is described as methods of meditation with the goal of attaining oneness with self. These are explained elaborately in texts of Buddhism which are probably one of first texts explaining the meditation postures and techniques. In Hindu philosophy, yoga is the one of the six orthodox philosophical schools. Evi! dence of yoga can also be found in the Rig Veda, and the ultimate aim of yoga is self-enlightenment. The yogic exercises are created to put pressure on the glandular systems of the body, which in turn increases the entire health of the body. Yogic students improve their breathing control over time to improve the function and health of their body and mind. The regular practice of yoga brings about a clear mind with a strong body. About the Author For more information about about yoga Online Booking Services, yoga in India Please visit our website for booking Hotels in Shilpa Yoga - BhujangasanaVideo Rating: 0 / 5 This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 09 Jan 2012 12:00 PM PST
Post written by Leo Babauta.Every January, people rush out and get a gym membership, set a list of goals or resolutions, and get ready to take on a new year of frenetic activity.Unfortunately, we don't often clear space to make room for all this new stuff. The beginning of the year is a great time for renewal of energy and taking on the things we've always wanted to tackle — clutter, fitness, work we're passionate about, debt, and so on. But it's also a great time to clear out your life, starting out the year on a blank page that's ready to be filled. While everyone's life is different, I'll share some of what I do to clear out my life.
To be honest, I do these things regularly throughout the year, and it's great to keep a clean slate most of the time. But the new year is always a perfect opportunity to clear everything at once. Read More @ Source |
Posted: 09 Jan 2012 11:00 AM PST
Article by Louis Bacurre
The movie Field of Dreams had the phrase 'If you build it, they will come'. When it comes to the power of your subconscious mind, it's 'If you think it, it will happen.' Asking yourself what does the future hold is simple to answer: Whatever you want it to. If you can imagine it by using your subconscious mind you can make it happen. Your subconscious mind power can completely change your life and give you whatever life you dream of. Unbelievable though it sounds, this is basically how your inner mind works and even though you may not know what is coming next, if you believe it will be good then it will be. What it comes down to is if you can use the power that comes from the subconscious mind, you'll be able to control your own destiny. Sceptical, probably, allow me to give you a few examples of subconscious mind power at work. One of my favorite examples to give is scientific, medically actually. This example is offered because the results have been documented time and time again. It is the Placebo Effect. This shows that about 30% of all medicines can be replaced with a sugar pill in a control group, and the patient being told they're getting medication, and the sugar pill works just like the actual medication can. However, both groups are told what the medication is for and what it should do for them, and neither group knows which pill they've gotten; placebo or actual medication. A surprising effect happens with many, many trials. That is, those who get the placebo pill still often show similar results to those who get the actual drug. No one quite knows why, but oftentimes, the people getting the placebo show at least some benefit (perhaps not to the same intensity as the drug, but still experience benefits), even though the pill they've gotten has NO medical benefits whatsoever, as an inert substance. They also may experience 'side effects' that they've been told the actual medication will give them, again, even though they've taken an inert substance.</! p> Sci entists have looked at the phenomenon of subconscious mind power for quite some time now. Just understanding the whole process is a masterful thing in itself, but utilizing it can make all the difference in your life. In today's world, doctors have come around to believing the importance of the subconscious mind. Good ways to see it for yourself is by getting a new prescription and wait for your physician to tell you about the side effects. There is now a school in medical practice that says that doctors should not inform patients of side effects, though this is hotly debated from a medical ethics standpoint. This suggestive power, and your subconscious mind power, used in concert, can unlock great potentials for you. Unfortunately, it has taken us far longer to reach this understanding then it should have throughout history. It was used thousands of years ago by ancient religions and then realized years later. Once we figured out that the power of suggestion combined with subconscious mind power could change anyone's life, it was much easier to train the mind. Many people find visualization to be an useful technique to get in touch with their subconscious mind power. Best of all, visualization is easy to do. You can simply close your eyes and try to 'view' anything that you want in your mind's eye. As a visualization aid, some people like to focus on a picture, like buying a new car. Get a snap shot of the one you want. Even better, get a picture of you in that car. Hang it everywhere. Put a copy of the picture on your fridge, in the car, your bedroom - everywhere so that you see it throughout the day. Your subconscious mind will eventually make it reality. This has been common knowledge for years, but we're just now starting to put it into action. Well, some of us anyways, others have already utilized their secret potential hidden within the subconscious mind. As physicists know, at its essence all matter is made of pure energy and there is evidence! which s uggests that our minds may be able to influence this energy. In fact, quantum physics has actually proven that the energy itself does not exist UNLESS it is observed. See, it may be hard to understand your first time going over the subject, but the subconscious mind is the reason your matter and energy is obtained. In the past we believed it to be the other way around. All matter and hence all reality has been proven to be a creation of our mind. This is the true meaning of 'subconscious mind power'! This idea that reality is shaped by our perceptions of it is the fundamental precept of Eight Way Buddhism, where the goal is to achieve enlightenment by giving up all wants, and all negative focuses. Sound familiar? Whether you come to the Law of Attraction through popularizations of quantum mechanics or religion, it's still a powerful effect to harness. Now that you know that your perceptions and mind shape your world, what are you going to do with this new found power? Try it; spend the next week or so using visualization techniques or affirmations (or a combination of both) to get what you want. Start small so that you can get acclimated to this new power. Once you see that it works, change your life by changing the way you think;literally. Develop the power your subconscious mind, sit back, and watch what happens. About the Author Why not look at the amazing world of using your mind power from the popular site. Find information on using mind power and find out secrets of your subconscious power. Get a FREE DVD Package when you visit here. |
Posted: 09 Jan 2012 10:06 AM PST
We can hold back our contributions to the world, including love, just as much as we can muzzle or repress sorrow or anger. But contribution needs to flow; it stagnates and gets stinky if it doesn't. Thwarted contribution is the source of much unhappiness. For example, the wound of loneliness and heartache is about not having others to give to as much as not having others to get from. And one of the major issues with adolescence in technological cultures is that there are few opportunities for teenagers to make a real difference, to matter and feel a sense of earned worth. Now, "contribution" covers a lot of ground. It includes big things like raising a child, inventing the paperclip, or composing a symphony. But mainly it's a matter of many little things. You give or receive hundreds of small offerings each day, such as doing the dishes, treating customers with respect, picking up a gum wrapper, encouraging a friend, having good intentions, or staying open to feedback. You contribute with thought, word, and deed, and both by what you do and by what you restrain yourself from doing. In addition to the offerings you already make, you may sense other things inside that want to be offered. Can you open to these and let them flow? It does not matter how large or small they are. As Nkosi Johnson – a South African boy born with HIV who became a national voice for children with AIDS before dying at about age 12 – once said: Do all you can, with what you have, in the time you have, in the place where you are.How can we learn to give? Appreciate some of the things you already contribute through thought, word, and deed. Let yourself feel good about this. Moving through your day, try considering your contributions as offerings – particularly the little things that are easy to overlook, such as the laundry, courteous driving, or saying thanks. When you relate to everyday actions as offerings, you feel an intimacy with the world, more kindness, perhaps even something sacred. Also try on a sense of being unattached to the results of your offerings. Sure, it's OK to hope for the best. But if you get fixed on some outcome, it's a set up for pressure and disappointment. I got a good lesson about this from my friend David, who was becoming a priest in an urban zen center and preparing for his first public talk. I asked David if it bothered him to work hard to present something precious to people who might not value it. He looked at me like he could not understand my question. Then he made a gesture with both hands as if he were setting something at my feet, saying: "My part is to give the talk as best I can. Whatever they pick up is up to them. I hope it's helpful, but that's out of my hands." It's alright to make offerings from enlightened self-interest. When you give, you receive. Which helps you keep giving. To be benevolent to others, you must be benevolent to yourself. Also listen to your heart for additional offerings calling to be expressed. Maybe it's the offering of never speaking out of anger, or really starting that novel, or determining to give love each day. It could even be an offering to your future self – the being above all others you have the greatest power over, and thus the highest duty to – such as regular exercise or taking steps toward a better job. Help yourself sustain this practice by feeling good about your contributions, regarding actions as offerings, staying focused on a key new offering, and holding self-criticism at bay. As Leonard Cohen sings: Ring the bells that still can ringRelated posts:
Read More @ Source VOA Burmese TV Magazine: Nov. 4th Week ProgramVideo Rating: 5 / 5 This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 09 Jan 2012 10:00 AM PST
Article by Belinda Daly, B.D.
Open your eyes and start looking around your surroundings. All appears to be in the same situation as you left it a while ago or is it? For example you are meditating and you have just finished stretching your arms and legs; you are feeling relaxed and calm. You are feeling rested, invigorated, well, and happy. The meditation session was good. Nonetheless, sometimes you query yourself what is an actual spiritual awakening and if I have already reached such an understanding. Many people would debate that the experience of spiritual enlightenment is so deep and life altering that it is just impossible to miss. When you accomplish spiritual growing, knowing the signs might assist them to understand that they are already in the place. Divine awakening is not a continuous thing, it can come and go. Therefore, it could really be better if you know if you're getting closer in attaining it or not. If we base our meaning to the Buddhist and Christian methods, we have a spiritual emerging rooted on the enlightenment or awakening of the consciousness and knowing their real or their unique self. This awakening of the consciousness is an advanced form of awareness; where the consciousness is able to see past the more evident carnal self. This is being aware, detecting and feeling their life that accounts for spiritual developing. Maybe amongst the more noticeable marks of enlightenment is having a firm level of peace. Individuals who have awakened their spirits have established to be more dedicated in reaching their aims. It appears they appear to have reached a degree of stillness where understandings, reminiscences, problems, as well as desires, are no longer causing misunderstanding and interruptions. What I mean is it is like every interruption you have experienced has been set aside and stored away which results in having a clear path from the start to finish. Amid the signs of spiritual developing is having self-discipline. Once you reach the level of spiritual Awakening, you not on! ly exerc ise free will but instinctively know what evil things need to be cast away and choose only the right path based on proper wisdom and good judgment. People and things that offer brief desires are no longer entertained since these deeds often lead to misery in the long run and only offer passing happiness. Self-effacement and self-sacrificing love are other signs of an awakened spirit. Having an awakened spirit is the willingness to acquire, comprehend, and toil for the happiness of not only yourself but of others as well. An awakened spirit will allow people to begin existing in agreement with both Mother Nature and other individuals. Empathy and friendship will be equal irrespective of race, nationality and culture. Sincere bliss, non-attachment, having the right instinct and feelings of non-attachment are other signs of spiritual awakening. Remember, to look out for any of the mentioned signs present in you after a meditation session. You may be surprised at what you discover. About the Author Belinda Daly a master practitioner in NLP, hypnosis, and TLT. She also has a degree in metaphysics. To recieve free e-courses e-books, audios and videos on self improvement and spiritual development visit our free membeship site. Please click below now. Spirit Space Extended TrailerVideo Rating: 4 / 5 This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 09 Jan 2012 09:07 AM PST
Article by Vik
Folks who wish to start meditation need to understand that it would certainly take time for them to learn. Nobody can learn meditation and harvest it's advantages in a short time period. Patience plays a very important role for all those folks that are new to the sector of meditation. For newbs, there are many eBooks which offer the best meditation techniques for beginners. If you're looking for information related to tibetan buddhist meditation or any other like meditations for women,online guided meditation, lululemon ormeditation transcendental you've come to the right article. This piece will offer you not just general tibetan buddhist meditation info but also specific and constructive data. Like it. This is one of the meditation techniques for uneasiness that involves concentrating on respiring process. All you need to do is target your mind on each and every breath. Also, known as silent meditation, this method focuses hard on the pace at which respiring happens. When we breathe, we take in oxygen and give out CO2. So, one has to focus on this rhythm of respiring when following this meditation method.The 1st stage of meditation is basically a strategy in concentration. Once relaxed, focus on your breath for a few minutes. After you find yourself completely relaxed and at ease, focus on the sounds around you. Try not to form thoughts about the sounds but rather just listen and let your intellect flow around and thru the sounds without clarification or judgment. Simple meditation strategies for kids will teach them something much more crucial than any other lesson ever could. It will be the most influential exercise of their life as the power to give deliberate thought and concentration of their own mind will remind him / her how to use the imagination in a targeted and positive way.Using these strategies will open you to a world of thought management, directional focus and a deeper appreciation of self and acknowledgment of others. By concentrating on the bre! ath as y ou develop your meditation and concentration abilities, you may start to subconsciously associate these tranquil and relaxed feelings with the control over your breath. RECESS -- As is clear from the half of this article, regardless of if your direct quest is tibetan buddhist meditation, reading to the end will prove helpful, as this piece has additionally helped those attempting to find info regarding meditation music online, yoga videos, meditations in an emergency, meditation guide. Millions of people all around the world use meditation strategies to chill and revive their bodies and their minds. One of the most constructive meditation techniques is called led images. Steered imagery uses music or sounds with verbal proposals to help align the body-mind connection. The biggest obstacle for folks wishing to know where to begin is the various meditation.methodologies and knowing whereabouts to find the correct and supportive information they seek before choosing a appropriate method to try. There's so much info out there on meditation and speculation, some will be more advanced and some will be the easier systems targeting primarily on relaxation and breathing exercises. Many of us that searched for <u>tibetan buddhist meditation</u> also searched online for zen meditation music, soft music, and even meditation and yoga,rene descartes meditations. Now visualise yourself sitting in a grassy field, in the bright sun, at the base of a beautiful, green mountain. At the very top of the mountain is an ancient stone castle, wrapped in mist. The air around you is clear and fresh, and the sun is nicely warming your body. About the Author So here is chance to get your free tips on tibetan buddhist meditation and in addition to that get basic information on saving money visit meditation teacher Offering Breakfast to Buddhist Monks - Part 1 of 3Video Rating: 0 / 5 This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 09 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST
"Do you have the patience to wait until your mud settles and the water is clear?"
~Lao Tzu
Technorati Tags: Buddha Buddhist Buddhism Meditation Dharma
The Wisdom of the Buddha Video - The Greatest Speech Ever Made - Coldplay Lisa GerrardVideo Rating: 5 / 5 This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 09 Jan 2012 08:14 AM PST
Updated: Saturday, 07 Jan 2012, 7:50 PM EST
Published : Saturday, 07 Jan 2012, 7:50 PM EST
WOFL - More than 50,000 people are taking over the happiest place on earth for the 19th annual Walt Disney World Marathon weekend.
The first run was the half marathon had estimated 26,500 runners. The second run will be held Sunday morning; it will be a full marathon. To commemorate the 15th anniversary of the half marathon, all finishers were awarded a one-of-a kind Donald Duck half marathon medal. Jose De Morais from Brazil won the men race. Rosa Chacha from Ecuador won the female race. Spiritual Materialism - Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche (Dorje Dradul) -ShambhalaVideo Rating: 4 / 5 This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 09 Jan 2012 08:09 AM PST
Characteristically, the modern Soto cult of Zen begins with the belief that in order to study the Buddha's awakening we must do lots of zazen (i.e., sitting Zen). This is not true when you measure such a belief against the Stress Reduction canon. Along with this, it should also be pointed out that many mendicants during the time of the Buddha also sat in meditation. The Jains, for example, sat in dhyâna(zen) . How many attained the Buddha's awakening?
Read More @ Source There is more to Zen, and for t hat matter, Buddhism, than sitting on one's arse. This is what the late Zen master Hsu-yun (1840–1959) had to say about zazen. "Fundamentally a Ch'an [Zen] hall is out of place; moreover Ch'an does not mean sitting (in meditation). The so-called Ch'an hall and the so-called Ch'an sitting are only provided for people (who encounter) insurmountable obstructions (of their own) and who are of shallow wisdom in this period of decadence (of the Dharma)" (Lu K'uan Yü, Ch'an and Zen Teaching (1970), p., 35). Religions of Peace?Video Rating: 4 / 5 This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 09 Jan 2012 08:02 AM PST
Article by Lalitmishra
Ladakh is beautiful landlocked region in the state of Jammu and Kashmir in India. The area is covered by Kunlun ranges from north and majestic Himalayas from south. The town is largest province in Kashmir and renowned as the leading spot of Buddhist religion and culture in Indian country. It is one of the few most important remaining Buddhist centers of spirituality and religious teaching. The religious spots of the town become as the prime tourist attractions. Numerous saintly vacationers from all over the world visit Ladakh every year in search of truth and spirituality. Apart from its spiritual importance the town is also well known as the fabulous adventure tourist spot around the world. Beautiful valleys and towering hill peaks covered with snow are also key attractions of Ladakh sightseeing. Ladakh is some of the most unique places around the world. It is a remote area in province of great Himalayans and far away from the new development and noisy culture. Life is very serene in the town but not easy. It is one of the most rarely populated areas across the world. People living in Ladakh lived very hard and difficult life. Snow fall is common there and several times sun doesn't come out due to clouds and fogy weathers for more than a month. In winter temperatures goes below twenty degrees from the freezing point occasionally. Beside all these difficulties and hurdles people of Ladakh are living in peace and harmony that's really wonderful. The place is far away from noisy western culture. People are living simple life and preserving their old and honored culture. Ladakh is also one of the few left over center of Buddhism in southern region of Asian continent. On sightseeing of the town you will see several old and important monasteries that are major tourist attractions of most of the package tours to Ladakh. In Buddhist belief, monasteries are the places of worship, mediation and spiritual teachings. Large numbers of saintly tourist come to Ladakh to visit its popular m! onasteri es. From large numbers of monasteries, Hemis is the largest and wealthiest in whole Ladakh region. It is located about 45 km away from Leh inside a beautiful valley on bank of Indus River. Hemis preserves rich collection of historical ruins related to Buddhist faith and belief including statue of the Lord Buddha made by copper, various stupas made with gold, silver and other precious metals and lots of other beautiful and precious stuffs. A Hemis festival is also celebrated every year at complex of Hemis monastery also a worth visit attraction. Besides Hemis, Alchi Gompa, Diskit and Hundur, Likir and Lamayuru are the other blessed and worth visit monasteries in the town. The town is also popular for the adventures trekking activities. During your Ladakh treks you will also enjoy the sightseeing of beautiful ice capped mountains, several rare species of flora and fauna and much more. In conclusion, being as the center of Buddhism, Ladakh also have much more to discover. So to enjoy this unique landscape plan a relax trip of Ladakh ion next vacation. It will really unwind you and also offers excellence of Buddhism spirituality. About the Author Lalit is an eminent analyst and writer in India Travel & Tourism related topics. He has authored many books on tour guide for more information please visit the Package Tours to Ladakh and Ladakh Treks. |
Posted: 09 Jan 2012 07:07 AM PST
Article by Owen Jones
There is a great deal of nonsense talked about meditation. I do not mean what it can do for you because that is difficult to prove one way or the other. I have read people saying that they discovered all sorts of things in meditation and who am I to say that they did not only because I have not had the precisely same experience. I believe that there are numerous stages of evolution and therefore what one person experiences in one way another might experience in a entirely different way. No, I mean that there is a great deal of rubbish talked about how one has to meditate. I am reading an article this moment by someone who says: '... for a successful meditation practice, everything has to be ideal ..... the room has to be set up in such a way ...' and so it goes on. The person who wrote that piece appears never to have even thought let alone ever meditated. Meditation has always been most often practiced by people with a spiritual bent. Of those people, most people who meditated were monks, because they were seeking enlightenment and had the time and peacefulness to meditate. It was difficult to find the time or the peacefulness if you were a subsistence farmer with ten kids running about. Anyway, lower orders of monks are not famous for living opulent lives where 'everything ... is perfect'. They live quiet lives and when they want to meditate, they will not be disturbed, no matter where they are but particularly in their cells. My father used to drive out to a cliff top and meditate behind a bush gazing out 100 feet above the Bristol Channel. Often he did it in the middle of the night. It is best that the people you live with understand that when you want to meditate that they must try not to make a great deal of noise and certainly not call you by name or barge into the room where you are. How you can accomplish this in your household, you know better than I, but talking to cohabitants and hanging a sign in a prominent position can help as can always m! editatin g at the same hour of the day, although is not usually practical. Most of us have to take our free time whilst we can. Turn off anything that makes a noise. Turn off phones and even the door bell, if you can. Open the window, if it is not unbearably cold or raining cats and dogs. Have a shower and put on loose-fitting comfortable clothes like pyjamas. Sit on the floor, if you can; cross-legged, if you can. If you are nearly there, try sitting on a cushion or pillow. There are things known as zafu or meditation pillows, which are small and thick. Some are round and others are square, but a round zafu might be 12 inches in diameter and four to six inches in thickness. This is to raise you off the ground enough to take the strain off your hips and knees, if you are not used to sitting cross-legged. It will encourage a correct posture, that is a straight back. It is also softer on the behind and when you are sitting comfortably, you may begin. About the Author Owen Jones, the author of this article, writes on a number of topics, but is now involved with Waterproof Mattress Pads. If you would like to know more, please visit our website at Egg Crate Mattress Pad For Sale. Relaxing Nature Scenes - Relaxation Meditation Sounds of WinterVideo Rating: 4 / 5 This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 09 Jan 2012 07:07 AM PST
Being that my new year's resolution is to be more content with living with the questions in my life versus rushing towards the answers, I found useful the advice in Allan Lokos's new book, Patience: The Art of Peaceful Living. Lokos is the founder and guiding teacher of the Community Meditation Center in New York City, and the author of Pocket Peace: Effective Practices for Enlightened Living. Here are the three themes that I found most helpful in his book. 1. See things as they are. Writes Lokos: In the …Read the original article » Related posts:
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Posted: 09 Jan 2012 06:07 AM PST
But now that the New Year is here and I'm in diet/resolution mode, I'm ready to share my collection of, shall we say, new thinking books, the ones we hope will shape us up physically and mentally. Let's start with a master. The Dalai Lama continues his dialogue with scientists and experts with the Mind and Life … Read the original article » No related posts. Read More @ Source Robert Thurman Speaks at Occupy Wall StreetVideo Rating: 4 / 5 This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 09 Jan 2012 06:00 AM PST
Article by hi joiney
History Penjing at the Rock and Penjing Museum in Wuhan China Classical Chinese gardens often contain arrangements of miniature trees and rockeries known as Penjing These creations of carefully pruned trees and rocks are small scale renditions of the natural landscape They are often referred to as living sculptures or as three dimensional poetry Their artistic composition captures the spirit of nature and distinguishes them from ordinary potted plants Origin of the Components The container known as the pen originated in Neolithic China in the Yangshao culture as an earthenware shallow dish with a foot It was later one of the vessels manufactured in bronze for use in court ceremonies and religious rituals during the Shang dynasty and Zhou dynasty When foreign trade introduced into China new herbal aromatics in the second century BCE a unique incense burner was designed The boshanlu stemmed cup was topped by a perforated lid in the shape of one of the sacred mountains islands such as Mount Penglai a strong contemporary belief often with the images of mythical persons and beasts throughout the hillsides Smaller versions of the pen dish were sometimes used as bottom pieces either to catch hot embers or to be filled with water to represent the ocean out of which the sacred mountains islands arose Originally made out of bronze ceramic or talc stone it is believed that some later versions were actual interesting shaped stones which occasionally were partly covered with moss and lichens to further heighten the miniature representation Since at least the first century CE Daoist mysticism included the recreating of magical sites in miniature to focus and increase the properties found in the full size sites The introduction of various schools of Buddhism from India after the mid second century included the meditative dhyana sect whose translations sometimes used Daoist terminology to convey non physical concepts Also floral altar decorations were introduced and floral designs started to become a dominant fo! rce in C hinese art Five centuries later the Chn school of Buddhism was established when renewed Indian dhyana Buddhist teachings were merged with native Chinese Daoism Chn maintained its more active vital spirit even as other Buddhist sects were becoming more rigidly formalized Earliest Versions While there were legends dating from at least the third and fourth centuries of Daoist persons said to have had the power to shrink whole landscapes down to small vessel size written descriptions of miniature landscapes are not known until Tang Dynasty times As the information at that point shows a somewhat developed craft than called punsai the making of dwarfed tree landscapes had to have been taking place for a while either in China or possibly based on a form brought in from outside As an example of possible general foreign influence around this time the first major influx of foreigners into the rebuilt capital city of Chang an occurred in 630 when Eastern Turks Gktrks were defeated by the Tang dynasty army and thousands of Turkish families moved to live in the city The exact jump from the sometimes use of a pen tray to hold rock and plant landscape to the creation of distinct penjing is unknown The earliest known graphic dates from c 706 and is found in a wall mural on a corridor leading to the tomb of Prince Zhang Huai at the Qianling Mausoleum site Excavated in 1972 the frescoes show two maid servants carrying penjing with miniature rockeries and fruit trees The first highly prized trees are believed to have been collected in the wild and were full of twists knots and deformities These were seen as sacred of no practical profane value for timber or other ordinary purpose These naturally dwarfed plants were held to be endowed with special concentrated energies due to age and origin away from human influence The viewpoint of Chn Buddhism would continue to impact the creation of miniature landscapes Smaller and younger plants which could be collected closer to civilization but still bore a resemblance to the rugged o! ld treas ures from the mountains would also have been chosen Horticultural techniques to increase the appearance of age by emphasizing trunk root and branch size texture and shapes would eventually be employed with these specimens From Tang times onward various poets and essayists praised dwarf potted landscapes A decorative tree guild from around 1276 is known to have supplied dwarf specimens for use in Suzhou restaurants in the province of Jiangsu In Japan Although imperial embassy personnel and Buddhist students from Japan had returned from the mainland with miniature landscape souvenirs since the sixth century the oldest known depiction of a dwarfed tray landscape in Japan dates from 1309 The fifth of the twenty scroll Kasuga gongen genki masterpiece depicts the household of a wealthy Japanese individual who has an outdoors slatted workbench holding a shallow wooden tray and ceramic dish of Chinese origin with dwarf trees grasses and stones By this time Chn Buddhism had been developed in Japan as Zen Its influence of eauty in severe austerity led native Japanese dwarf potted landscapes to be distilled into single ideal trees being representatives of the universe What is termed bonsai derives from this Also of course the vast range of full size landscapes making up the geography of China was not present as inspiration in the geography of Japan roughly 4 the mainland s size Middle Years Since at least the sixteenth century shops of the name Garden of Dragon Flowers to the southwest of Shanghai were engaged in cultivating miniature trees in containers These would continue to the present day Meanwhile Suzhou was still considered at century s end to be the source of the finest exponents of the art of penjing The earliest known English observation of penjing in China Macau dates from 1637 During the end of the eighteenth century Yangzhou in central Jiangsu province boasted landscape penjing that contained water and soil 19th Century In 1806 a very old dwarf tree from Canton now Guangzhou was gifted to Sir Joseph Ba! nks and eventually presented to Queen Charlotte for Her Majesty s inspection This tree and most others seen by Westerners in southeast China probably originated at the celebrated Fa Ti gardens near Canton By the first half of the nineteenth century according to various Western accounts air layering was the primary propagation method for penjing which were then generally between a foot and two in height after two to twenty years of work Elms were the main specimens along with pines junipers cypresses and bamboos plums were the favored fruit trees along with peaches and oranges The branches could be bent and shaped with various forms of bamboo scaffolding twisted lead strips and iron or brass wire they could be cut burnt or grafted the bark was sometimes lacerated at places or smeared with sugary substance to induce termites white ants to roughen it or even to eat the similarly sweetened heartwood Rocks with moss or lichens were often also a feature of these compositions The earliest known photograph from China which included penjing was made c 1868 by John Thomson photographer A collection of dwarf trees and plants from China was also exhibited that year in Brooklyn New York Socio political attitudes especially in America with laws such as the Chinese Exclusion Act favored the Japanese people and culture over the Chinese This led to the subsequent initial acceptance during the next several decades of the Japanese forms of dwarf potted trees before those of the Chinese Near the end of the nineteenth century the Lingnan or Cantonese school of Clip and Grow styling was developed at a monastery in southeast China Fast growing tropical trees and shrubs could more easily and quickly be shaped using these techniques 20th Century Established in 1954 the Longhua nursery in Shanghai included the teaching of classical theory and all aspects of the practice of penjing a process which could take student gardeners ten years As late as the early 1960s it is reported that some 60 characteristic regional forms of penjing could be! disting uished by the expert eye A few of these forms dated back to at least the sixteenth century During the upheaval of the misguided Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution May 1966 April 1969 one relatively small effect was that many collections of penjing in Mainland China especially around Beijing were destroyed or neglected because they were seen as a bourgeois pastime After their trees were gone some Chinese penjing masters men in their sixties and seventies were forced to do something considered socially redemptive many were sent to fields to plant rice However in some cities further to the south and east some penjing had been collected for safe keeping Wu Yee sun 1905 2005 third generation penjing master and grandson of a Lingnan school founder held the first exhibition of artistic pot plants jointly with Mr Liu Fei Yat in Hong Kong in 1968 This was a display of traditional aristocratic penjing which had survived the 1949 Chinese Communist Revolution by leaving being protected from Mainland China The two editions of Wu s Chinese English book Man Lung Garden Artistic Pot Plants helped develop interest in this older form of what the West only knew as the later refined Japanese art of bonsai The Yuk Sui Yuen Penzai Exhibition was held in Canton in 1978 This was the first public show in ten years with approximately 250 penjing from private collections displayed in a public park Antique pots were also shown The Shanghai Botanical Garden opened that year and permanently displays 3 000 bonsai The First National Penjing Show was held the following year in Beijing with over 1 100 exhibits from 13 provinces towns and autonomies One division of the Hangzhou Flower Nursery by 1981specialized in penjing including over fifteen hundred once abandoned older specimens being maintained and in the initial stages of being retrained The art of penjing would again become vastly popular in China in part due to stability returning to most people s lives and the significantly improved economic conditions growth wo! uld be m ost pronounced particularly in coastal provinces of Jiangsu Zhejiang Fujian Guangdong as well as Shanghai There would be increasing numbers of good public and private collections the latter with anywhere from several hundred to several thousand pieces Small earthenware figurines and ornaments are commonly used in compositions to define scale or theme By the end of 1981 the China Flower and Penjing Association was formed and seven years later the China Penjing Artists Association was likewise established The Hong Kong Baptist University opened the Man Lung Garden in 2000 to promote the Chinese heritage of penjing Temporarily located on the University s Shaw Campus in February 2005 a permanent site was set up at the Kam Shing Road Entrance of its Ho Sin Hang Campus Penjing aesthetics This juniper makes extensive use of both jin deadwood branches and shari trunk deadwood Penjing seeks to capture the essence and spirit of nature through contrasts Philosophically this craft is influenced by the principles of Taoism specifically the concept of Yin and Yang the conceptualization of the universe as governed by two primal opposing but complementary forces Inspiration is not limited to nature but also from poetry and visual art of which factor similar aesthetic considerations Common themes include dragons and the strokes of fortuitous characters At its highest level the artistic value of penjing is on par with that of poetry calligraphy brush painting and garden art Quite small in size these miniature landscapes include trees which are frequently over a hundred years old Like the plants in the Chinese garden they have been carefully selected and tended so that they develop into twisted and gnarled shapes reminiscent of their full size counterparts in the wild As an art form penjing is an extension of the garden since it enables an artist to recreate in miniature parts of the natural landscape Using artificially dwarfed trees and shrubs these arrangements are created in special trays or pots which are placed on orn! ately ca rved wooden stands Often rocks and porcelain figurines are added to give the proper scales as part of the natural scenery Like the chinese gardens these miniature landscapes are designed to convey landscapes experienced from various viewpoints a close up view a medium range view or a panorama Penjing is also often used indoors as part of a garden s overall design since it reiterates the landscape features found outside Penjing pots grace pavilions private studies and living rooms as well as public buildings They are either free standing elements within the gardens or are placed on furniture such as a table or bookshelf Sometimes a lattice display stand is built which adds particular prominence to the penjing specimen and exemplifies the interplay between architecture and nature Categories Bamboo penjing in Chengdu China Penjing in the US National Bonsai and Penjing Museum Tree Penjing also called shumu penjing in Chinese are classified just like bonsai with an emphasis on the layout of the trunk The usual styles such as straight trunk slanted trunk and forest prevail Due to this similarity only one category of Tree Penjing will be discussed here This interesting part of the tradition of Tree Penjing is the Literati style called wenren mu in Chinese and was originally created by the scholars of China as a method of self expression Literati generally have long thin tapering trunks and sparse branching This is a contrast to other Tree Penjing which generally have a more bushy quality Literati generally display four principles that reflect the feelings and ideals of the educated scholars who began the tradition The first is Gugao aloofness which is evident in the long trunk line of the literati and is considered to About the Author The e-commerce company in China offers quality products such as indoor grill Manufacturer , barbecues grills Manufacturer, and more. For more , please visit indoor grill today! Sun Rising East - Zen Master Seung Sahn Gives Transmission - Part 3 of 4Video Rating: 5 / 5 This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 09 Jan 2012 05:00 AM PST
Article by Aanchal Gupta
When people talk about packages Thailand, some of the first things that are mentioned are beaches, shopping and nightlife. Although Thailand is a country that is rich in all these aspects, there is another side to the country that is tranquil, serene and soothing to the soul. Buddhism spirituality is so ingrained in the culture and traditions of Thailand that it transcends the boundaries of religion. People of all religions, castes and creeds flock to the Buddhist places in Thailand for a slice of Buddhist spirituality. The shrines and temples dedicated to Lord Buddha are not just peaceful in their ambiance, but they are also stunningly beautiful. One of the best example of such a Buddhist spot is the 18 inch tall Emerald Buddha at Wat Phra Kaew. The golden Buddha surrounded by a number of reflective surfaces offer a feast to the eye. Bangkok packages are incomplete without a trip to these spiritual abodes of Buddha. The three most popular places of Buddhist tourism are Wat Benjabophit, Wat Pho and Wat Trimitr. There are hundreds of places of spiritual significance in Thailand that are profound enough to dazzle the toughest atheist. These places are more than just shrines to Lord Buddha. They are master pieces of architecture and beauty that draw millions of people from all over the world. You can also find some excellent temples if you tour Pattaya as well. Bangkok packages also include trips to other famous temples such as the temple dedicated to Lord Ganesha. A very charming aspect of Thailand is its people. They are always smiling and offer a very warm welcome to tourists from all over the world. The people here are especially charming for their endearing superstitions. Whether you go on a tour of Bangkok or tour Pattaya, you can find little spirit houses in front of all houses where people leave gifts to appease spirits. The local flora and fauna of Thailand are a feast to the eyes and including visits to natural sanctuaries is always an integral part of packages Thailand! . In add ition to wildlife, you can tour Pattaya and visit some of the best parks that are free of pollution and contamination. They are excellently maintained and are great for to spend a refreshing day. Another very special thing that you get to visit in all Bangkok packages is the floating markets. The number of boats filled with hundred kinds of flowers, fruits, vegetables and different kinds of merchandize make for very interesting viewing. If you want to experience something different in packages Thailand, then take the off beaten track and visit the countryside. The lush green Thai country with acres of swaying rice fields offers vistas that you will want to treasure all your life. You can visit local inns and taste some of the delicious local Thai food of sorts that you will find nowhere else in world. Bangkok packages can be enriched with experiences that will make you want to revisit the country over and over again. About the Author Packages Thailand are special for their spiritual significance. You can customize Bangkok packages and tour Pattaya to include visits to important spiritual places. |
Posted: 09 Jan 2012 04:00 AM PST
Article by janettapennison
Am I big enough to satisfy her? This is one old-age question that has confronted many men time and again. There are many guys out there who feel small when it comes to their penis size and wonder it there's anything they could do to enlarge their manhood. If this sounds like you take heart. Male enhancement is a real and genuine approach to make your penis bigger fitter and more impressive. But not all enlargement techniques and strategies are effective. In fact some are utterly dangerous. Read on and learn about 2 approaches that are proven to add inches to your penis... and turn your life around! Are you happy with your penis size? Most men are not. If you want to enlarge your penis size permanently and see huge gains - read on.. Just 6 minutes per day for a few short weeks will make your penis much longer thicker and healthier and give you permanent gains which you can enjoy for the rest of your life! A lot of men who are interested in penis male enlargement wonder if starting the entire process is even worth it because a lot of the products and methods of enhancement out there just seem like lies. The truth that a lot of men don't want to hear is that many of the products that are advertised on television for male enhancement or penis male enlargement are in fact lies created by greedy corporations and companies to get even more money but penis male enlargement as a whole is something that can work for you if you take the correct approach. This article will get you started on your way to have a longer and thicker penis in just weeks. Learn how to gain inches to your penis with these top 3 exercises. Use these to gain up to 4 inches very fast. Are you struggling to increase the size of your penis? Take heart! I was just like you fretting over the size of my manhood and just couldn't find a real authentic method to improve my penis size. Are you happy with your penis size? Most men are not. If you want to enlarge your penis size permanently! and see huge gains - read on.. Just 6 minutes per day for a few short weeks will make your penis much longer thicker and healthier and give you permanent gains which you can enjoy for the rest of your life! Enlarge your penis now >> If you want to experience a bit from the life of the Buddhism monks than the first thing you need is an efficient Zen meditation instruction. Zen meditation can be a great alternative to the more classic forms of meditation and even though it might be stricter it can be fully enjoyed especially after some weeks of practice. The first step to be the best husband is nothing like changing yourself it is like grooming yourself. Several people have a fear of being a bad husband who fails to meet all the responsibilities and happiness in relationship. Since I first started out in the penis male enlargement area I have been discovering new ways to enhance my penis and also help others do so in the process the bottom line is this you can increase your manhood size almost over a few weeks if you really put some effort into it. This is exactly what I did and also how I achieved my ideal size of just under 8 inches there are several ways in which you can go about doing this but before I go into details with those I first want to tell you why you shouldn't opt for any other type of method which is unnatural. About the Author Pills To Increase Penis Size The Truth About Female Sexuality Author's Reflections - Conversations from Penn StateVideo Rating: 5 / 5 This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 09 Jan 2012 03:10 AM PST
Article by Ankit Batra
John Cage - Sonatas and Interludes for prepared piano [3/5]Video Rating: 5 / 5 This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 09 Jan 2012 02:08 AM PST
Article by Maude Sargent
Yoga is definitely an historic time artwork of training of bodily poses. A large number of people are keen about yoga and its benefits. It raises human body strength and suppleness, ability to loosen up and delivers peace on the brain, entire body and soul. Customers might have much more exciting with yoga by attending yoga retreats and wellness programs. Yoga retreats are locations which brings you the widest assortment of sojourns at one particular position. This is the only place which acts as being a platform for your citizens to share their passion for yoga and its features. Manufacturers, who organise retreats and also wellness applications, also organise Yoga Holidays and lodging for an offer from throughout the entire world. They try to categorize arrangements in accordance to environmental preferences i.e. 1 can decide on Retreats or Retreat Centres determined by her site pick, retreat topic these as yoga / spiritual / detox, opt for precise forms of Yoga, etc. Additionally, they provide a person the chance to savor scenic surroundings, as several yoga retreats can be found in delightful destinations worldwide. Yoga Vacations are the best way for you to take it easy and recharge. They assist in widening the consciousness and education about yoga among most people. A great number of showcases are now being organised about these retreats to spread yoga throughout the planet in an organized method. Because of this, folks are waking up to the fitness and pleasurable ingredient of yoga. Yoga aids in reducing anxiety, boosting stamina, the circulation of blood and immunity, improving mental energy, etcetera. Yoga will help on efficiently recuperate from critical sicknesses and disabilities. An extra essential benefit of taking Yoga Holidays is the fact everyday people have a break from their each day regimen because they go out in different, exotic locations and this helps make them sense thoroughly rejuvenated. The yoga trainers information citizens inside of an appropriate ! platform and make them think cozy in practicing yoga. They share and talk the ancient understanding of Western and Eastern traditions from the healing energy of yoga and meditation with many people. These wellness programs even more enhance the exciting by presenting other amenities like strolling, cycling, excursions, etc. They could involve instructions on breathing, chanting, and meditation. This results in big added benefits like correcting metabolic problems, conquering stress and anxiety and mind behaviours that appear past your management, and changing firmly entrenched attitudes or identity problems. About the Author In search of additional data Yoga Holiday?See our web page for extra facts. Shilpa Yoga - UtthanpadasanaVideo Rating: 0 / 5 This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 09 Jan 2012 01:00 AM PST
Article by James Davis
In today's busy and stressful world people are seeking avenues for stress relief and natural ways for alleviating both mental and physical aliments. There are many therapy modules available and choosing the correct path for a person is as individual as the person. Art therapy is one such avenue that may necessitate further research to determine if this is the right mode for you or someone you know and is a good choice for alleviating stress and a variety of psychological and physical issues. As long as art has been around it has been an effective tool for evoking feelings. Just focusing on a particular painting for example can change the way you think about something and have a stress reducing impact. If you actively engage in the creative artistic process you may discover things about yourself you previously were not aware of. For this reason of inner discovery, mental health practitioners will utilize art therapy with their clients. If you are thinking about using art therapy as a means of stress reduction you may be worried that you don't have time to fit one more thing into your already busy schedule. You may be happy to know that there are places that offer art therapy services online so you can work at your own pace and not disturb your work of family life. This method will still be effective in helping you with inner discovery and reducing stress. In fact, many physicians would like to have patients seek out art therapy treatments but it can be difficult to find a quality service; therefore, as with all services it is important you do your homework before signing up with a therapy provided. It really makes sense that art is a great creative outlet for expressing feelings which may be hidden or even negative. You only need to look at the many artists that use their creative work as a mode of self expression. You don't even have to be good at art to receive the benefits of this kind of therapy just think of it as a means of self expression and not in terms of a final produc! t. Art, in its many forms, dance, painting, drawing, music, has been used for centuries to express feelings and meaning, and attempting to incorporate it into your stress reduction program is practical and pleasurable. If you are looking for a way to reduce stress, without using drugs, consider finding out more about art therapy online. About the Author James Davis is a staff writer at Ultimate Relaxation and is an occasional contributor to several other websites, including Wellness Digest. Kata Hot Yoga Phuket ClassVideo Rating: 5 / 5 This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 09 Jan 2012 12:03 AM PST
Article by frank tibss
How Meditation Can Improve Your Health The most common image of meditation is one of a monk in a religious experience. However, meditation is actually a practice that anyone can do to improve mind function and overall health. Meditation has been proven to reduce stress levels and it can even help with conditions such as high blood pressure. Once you've become more calm and peaceful through meditation, your life will open up to more opportunities and you'll find it easier to make healthy choices. What Exactly Is Meditation? Meditation is a way of clearing the mind. Once you've gotten into a habit of meditating often, you'll discover that it's easier than you think. Some people sit in a cross-legged position when they meditate, but this isn't mandatory. Another sitting position might be more comfortable for you, but the key is to maintain a good posture. If you slouch, you're more likely to get tired and feel like falling asleep. To get started, find a quiet place and get comfortable. Then start taking deep breaths in and out. Pay attention to your breath. You might find it helpful to say a "mantra" to yourself as you breathe in and out. Your goal is to keep your mind clear of thoughts. Thoughts are inevitable though. The best way to eliminate them is to recognize that you've had a thought and then focus on your breathing and clearing your mind again. This will get easier with frequent practice. Stress Free When you focus on breathing and clearing your mind, you're actually centered on the present moment. On the other hand, stress arises when you think about something in the past or future. Since you have little stress when you have a clear mind in the present moment, you exude calmness. When you practice this often, you can bring a calm, stress-free demeanor to your everyday life. Stress And The Body When you feel stressed, you put your body into overdrive. When it's overworked, it's more open to various diseases and diso! rders. S tress exists for a reason; you need to have the hormonal adrenalin rush and increased breathing and heart rate in order to escape threatening situations. It's simply how you're able to handle threats. By always having your mind on past or future stressors, you keep your mind and body in a stressful state even when you aren't enduring a stressful situation in the present. This is exactly why it's important to give your body a much needed break from all the stress. When you learn to meditate often, you're giving your body the energy and rest it needs to stave off exhaustion and disease. Improving Your Health The absence of overwhelming stress improves your health in many ways. You'll likely enjoy lower blood pressure and a strengthened immune system. Stress can also lead to mental disorders, so when you strive to be stress-free, you'll keep anxiety and depression away as well. When you meditate, you place your body in a kind of sleep state. You're still awake, but your body can begin to repair itself in the same way that it does when you sleep. If you meditate in the morning or at night, you can help yourself transition from sleeping to wakefulness and vice versa. Meditation is the ultimate exercise for a healthy mind and body. You'll feel refreshed and rejuvenated once you've given it a try. Who knew that "just sitting" could be so helpful! About the Author To learn more, checkout bible study topics and youth ministry resources Letting Go of Stress and Anxiety MeditationVideo Rating: 0 / 5 This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 09 Jan 2012 12:00 AM PST
The world needs a new religion. The ones we have are outdated. Every major religion -- Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism -- dates from prescientific days.
Read More @ Source Apple comes up with a new and improved iPhone every year or so. Why should we be content with ancient forms of spirituality concocted by people who didn't even know that the Earth revolves around the Sun, much less about quantum theory, relativity, the big bang, and evolution? Our old religions are deeply problematic. A short piece from the National Academy of Sciences on "Compatibility of Science and Religion" pinpoints the problem.
Science and religion are based on different aspects of human experience. In science, explanations must be based on evidence drawn from examining the natural world. Scientifically based observations or experiments that conflict with an explanation eventually must lead to modification or even abandonment of that explanation.
Religious faith, in contrast, does not depend only on empirical evidence, is not necessarily modified in the face of conflicting evidence, and typically involves supernatural forces or entities. Because they are not a part of nature, supernatural entities cannot be investigated by science.
I don't find much to disagree with here, though I have a quibble with the phrase "only on empirical evidence."This implies that religious faith is founded largely, or at least a lot, on empirical evidence. Huh? Most religious people consider that a leap of faith requires leaving behind solid factual ground and trusting in the reality of things unknown. It's the end of the National Academy of Sciences piece that bothers me the most.
In this sense, science and religion are separate and address aspects of human understanding in different ways. Attempts to pit science and religion against each other create controversy where none needs to exist.
Well, that's an idealistic attitude. Unfortunately, religion doesn't restrict itself to supernatural entities. Other-worldly forces such as God, spirit, the Devil, karma, and such are believed to affect this physical universe.So science and religion inevitably will butt heads when believers in the supernatural claim that they know more than scientists do about some physical phenomenon, yet can't prove this divine knowledge is true because it isn't based on empirical evidence. Hey, religion: you can't have it both ways! Feel free to play around with the supernatural, claiming that religiosity offers an enhanced faith-based perspective on reality. But if you want to venture onto the ground of science, be prepared to bring some demonstrable evidence to back up your claims. That scientific ground is, of course, this world. It's where each of us is born, lives, and dies. It's where we breathe, eat, work, love, explore, theorize, laugh, cry, create, talk, walk. I'm very much open to the possibility that there's more to reality than materiality, this universe. However, in my current churchless state of mind I'm no longer willing to surrender the reality of this world for a promise of a supernatural realm. I want my religion (if I ever find a suitable one) to be completely compatible with modern science. Perhaps I'll have to create my own religion. As the above quote noted, science continually grows, expands, and changes as more is learned about the natural world. Religions, though, mostly stay stuck on the theological foundations established by their founders (Jesus, Muhammed, Buddha, etc.). Today, through science, we know that... The universe came into being about 14 billion years ago; life on Earth got started around 3.5 billion years ago; humans evolved from primitive life forms, so we are related to every currently living entity, even bacteria; the brain is a "meat computer" without which bodily consciousness is impossible; there are several hundred billion galaxies, each containing on average hundreds of billions of stars. ...and so much more. Is there room for the supernatural in a scientific view of the world and ourselves? Sure. But a modern religion can't ignore facts about the natural side of reality. Remaining true to science while embracing some form of supernaturalism is difficult. I know, because I've tried (and am still trying) to come up with a scientifically-compatible conception of the cosmos that offers some of the reassuring cool belief-stuff that traditional religions provide: assurance of life after death, objective meaning, continuation of consciousness without a physical brain. There's a good reason why religions were born in pre-scientific times: it's damn hard, perhaps impossible, to believe in supernatural dogmas which seem to be ruled out by solid findings of modern science. Like I said, it's possible that a new religion could say Yes! to all of science while also affirming the truth of a non-material realm of reality. I await the revelation. Curious Consciousness 3 - GodVideo Rating: 4 / 5 This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 08 Jan 2012 11:02 PM PST
Article by carolniewieroski
It's true every man wants to increase the size of his penis! However not every man is aware of what the best way to do it is and what the danger associated with certain methods are. This article will explain how you should go about choosing a method to make your penis bigger that is right for you! Do you want to have an average to small penis all of your life? No you don't. Finally there is a method that is guaranteed to work for you! You can change your life starting from today and get a bigger penis get better sex and increase your confidence. Yes a bigger erection is possible. Most guys think it's impossible to get a bigger penis and who can blame them? Penis pills don't work. Neither do pumps. So what does? Hand exercises work. What are hand exercises? They're the ONLY way to get both longer and thicker for life. You can use YOUR OWN TWO HANDS to work out the penis. Don't believe me? I'll explain why and how it works in this article. If you think that penis size does not matter then you are making a huge mistake. A small undersized penis will not make your woman happy. And this could very well lead to a very boring sex life. Let's face it... most women prefer their guys to be bigger when it comes to their penis size. So if you do not want to feel embarrassed or even inferior in bed then you have to act today and start making your penis bigger better and more attractive to boot! Unless you are an extremely over confident man you have undoubtedly found yourself wondering if your penis size matter and if so what you can do to enlarge your penis. Truth is penis size matters when you are with a woman who has had the pleasure of a variety of different penis sizes as she will have a preference. Did you know that it's possible to enlarge your penis at home using nothing but your hands and a few specially designed and highly secret NATURAL exercises that anybody with two hands can do? Just 6 minutes per day for a few short w! eeks wil l make your penis much longer thicker and healthier and give you permanent gains which you can enjoy for the rest of your life! Get a bigger penis now >> If you want to experience a bit from the life of the Buddhism monks than the first thing you need is an efficient Zen meditation instruction. Zen meditation can be a great alternative to the more classic forms of meditation and even though it might be stricter it can be fully enjoyed especially after some weeks of practice. With the natural enhancement process you are going to see a massive change in both width and girth this means that after only a few weeks tissue expansion starts to come into play. Over the last hundred or so years there have been major advancements in the way of enlargement both with products and informational content. Congratulations! You have decided to take a huge step & join the growing penis male enlargement community. Get ready for no more denial & no more feeling sorry for yourself. It's understandable that the road to happiness may look far away but remember taking the first step means you will get to the end that much sooner. About the Author What Is An Erection 3 Effective Tips On How To Enlarge Your Penis Naturally The Legendary BodhidharmaVideo Rating: 4 / 5 This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 08 Jan 2012 10:03 PM PST
Article by Michelle Watson
What is DHA? It's was also commonly known as Docosahexaenoic acid which is an omega-3 essential fatty acid. In chemical structures, it composes of carboxylic acid with a 22-carbon chain and six cis (cis-trans isomerism) double bonds. Docosahexaenoic acid is most often found in fish oil which is originates on various photosynthetic and heterotrophic microalgae, and concentrates in organisms as it moves up the food chain. Although some of these fish contain low levels of mercury, based on the Food and Drug Administration it has found that consuming several servings of fish each week poses no risk to healthy people and conveys many health benefits. Those for women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant should avoid Atlantic mackerel, shark, swordfish, and tilefish, and should limit consumption of white albacore tuna to fewer than 6 oz. per week. (High-quality fish oil supplements made by manufacturers who test for mercury and other toxins do not pose the same risk of mercury contamination. Read labels carefully and check for purity, or ask your doctor to help you find the best quality DHA supplement.) For infants, breast milk from a well-nourished mother contains significant amounts of DHA, while infant formula often has none. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) may regulate stress mediators, such as catecholamine's (high levels in the blood are associated with stress) and pro-inflammatory cytokines (intercellular messengers responsible for signaling many cellular functions), and it may help reduce perceived stress, according to a study reported in Nutrition Journal. Members of a university staff who were stressed (measured by a score of 17 on the Perceived Stress Scale) were randomized to two groups for a six-week trial. Group one took six grams of fish oil containing 1.5 grams per day of DHA. Group two took a placebo (six grams of olive oil). The groups were compared to one another and also to a wider cross-sectional study population that did not receive any treatment. The ! subjects had significant reductions in perceived stress in both the treatment and placebo groups from baseline to the study's conclusions. However, the fish-oil group had a significantly better rate of stress reduction compared to the control group while the placebo group did not. The researchers stated that DHA appeared to have adaptogenic effects but that a larger study was needed to support the findings. The docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is available as a natural supplements in two usual common forms: * Fish oil capsules which contain both DHA and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) - another omega-3 fatty acid which this two omega-3 essential fatty acids that play important roles in maintaining healthy skin as well as cardiovascular and defense system function. * DHA extracted from algae (which contains no EPA) - What is algae? It is a large and diverse group of autotrophic organism which is ranging from unicellular to multicellular. This is also the largest and most complex marine forms are which is called seaweeds. How about the benefits? Based on the initial reports it claims that it helps to fight cancer, AIDS, heart disease, lower cholesterol, boost the immune system, and detoxify the body. About the Author Michelle Watson is one of the staff on Swansonvitamins health products who is dedicated to enhancing the quality of their natural herbal dietary supplements and also gives information on the most popular health topic including stress relief. Stress Management Tips from the Work Stress GuruVideo Rating: 4 / 5 This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 08 Jan 2012 09:07 PM PST
Article by Aanchal Gupta
When people talk about packages Thailand, some of the first things that are mentioned are beaches, shopping and nightlife. Although Thailand is a country that is rich in all these aspects, there is another side to the country that is tranquil, serene and soothing to the soul. Buddhism spirituality is so ingrained in the culture and traditions of Thailand that it transcends the boundaries of religion. People of all religions, castes and creeds flock to the Buddhist places in Thailand for a slice of Buddhist spirituality. The shrines and temples dedicated to Lord Buddha are not just peaceful in their ambiance, but they are also stunningly beautiful. One of the best example of such a Buddhist spot is the 18 inch tall Emerald Buddha at Wat Phra Kaew. The golden Buddha surrounded by a number of reflective surfaces offer a feast to the eye. Bangkok packages are incomplete without a trip to these spiritual abodes of Buddha. The three most popular places of Buddhist tourism are Wat Benjabophit, Wat Pho and Wat Trimitr. There are hundreds of places of spiritual significance in Thailand that are profound enough to dazzle the toughest atheist. These places are more than just shrines to Lord Buddha. They are master pieces of architecture and beauty that draw millions of people from all over the world. You can also find some excellent temples if you tour Pattaya as well. Bangkok packages also include trips to other famous temples such as the temple dedicated to Lord Ganesha. A very charming aspect of Thailand is its people. They are always smiling and offer a very warm welcome to tourists from all over the world. The people here are especially charming for their endearing superstitions. Whether you go on a tour of Bangkok or tour Pattaya, you can find little spirit houses in front of all houses where people leave gifts to appease spirits. The local flora and fauna of Thailand are a feast to the eyes and including visits to natural sanctuaries is always an integral part of packages Thailand! . In add ition to wildlife, you can tour Pattaya and visit some of the best parks that are free of pollution and contamination. They are excellently maintained and are great for to spend a refreshing day. Another very special thing that you get to visit in all Bangkok packages is the floating markets. The number of boats filled with hundred kinds of flowers, fruits, vegetables and different kinds of merchandize make for very interesting viewing. If you want to experience something different in packages Thailand, then take the off beaten track and visit the countryside. The lush green Thai country with acres of swaying rice fields offers vistas that you will want to treasure all your life. You can visit local inns and taste some of the delicious local Thai food of sorts that you will find nowhere else in world. Bangkok packages can be enriched with experiences that will make you want to revisit the country over and over again. About the Author Packages Thailand are special for their spiritual significance. You can customize Bangkok packages and Packages Thailand to include visits to important spiritual places. |
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