The Power of The Mind - Unlocking the Secrets
The Power of The Mind - Unlocking the Secrets |
- The Power of The Mind - Unlocking the Secrets
- Ashtanga Yoga
- How to Shapeshift Your Body With Your Mind
- Meditation Myths: Here's What People Are Missing
- What is Enlightenment?
- Best US City for Hospital Care Named
- How to Build and Stick to Your Exercise Routine
- Effective Mind Power Strategies
- To strengthen the vital organs - stress balls
- Spa Glossary - A To Z
- Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 1/24/2012
- Self Help For Eyesight How Subliminal Messages and Meditation Can Help Reverse Poor Eyesight Naturally
- The highest kind of mentality
- What To Know About Yoga Mats
- The History of Meditation
- The Benefits of Meditation.
- Buddhist Tour Map: Comes With Rainbow of Divine Moments
- Ideas To Help Cope With Stress
- What to see in India- Buddhist Holidays
- Swami Ramdev Yoga Tips for All Ailments and Common Illnesses
- Stem Cell Treatment Succeeds, Improves Vision, Researchers Say
- Identifying The Symptoms Of Stress
- The Stress Symptoms To Look Out For
- Fast and Simple Stress Release Meditation
- Amp Up Your Power of Attraction Making Up Your Mind
The Power of The Mind - Unlocking the Secrets Posted: 24 Jan 2012 01:00 PM PST Article by Steve Hughes What if someone told you that the only thing stopping from achieving your dreams was you? The incredible mind power that each one has inside of us is literally unstoppable if harnessed correctly and in the right way. In reality, the power the mind exerts over us influences our daily life, career, families, relationships, and every aspect that we may never have even thought about. How Do We Harness This Mind Power?The number one thing that we have to do in order to increase our mind power and become aware of our true potential is to realize that we are capable of being number one! Remember the scene in the movie The Matrix where the Oracle tells Neo that being "The One" is like being in love: no one has to tell you that you're in love. Once we can truly recognize that we are number one and are the one who can unlock our dreams and desires only then will they materialize!Stimulating the BrainAs with many things in life, this is true: if you don't use it, you lose it! This is certainly true when it comes to unlocking the secret portions of our mind power. Brain stimulation is an important piece to the puzzle in harnessing the power of the mind that we ultimately want. The daily exercises, struggles, and time that we spend thinking each day all contribute to whether or not we are giving our minds healthy food for thought or simply 'junk food.' Stimulating the brain through daily brain exercises to increase our memory, concentration, and true learning is what we need!Mindful MeditationsBeing mindful of our surroundings is an important tool in order to understand how to unlock the power of our minds. There are plenty of mindful meditation techniques that can help vastly improve the mind's functioning, and in turn, increase our incredible mind power. Taking time each day for a 15-30 minute break to sit quietly meditating and thinking of nothing but your natural breathing or movements can help quiet the noise inside and unleash the power of your mind's functioning.Using mindful meditation techniques, giv! ing the brainpower through daily exercises, and focusing on the true potential of ourselves is what each and every one of us needs to overcome the obstacle that we face: ourselves! Being mindful of the incredible mind power within ourselves and striving to unleash it will ultimately improve the power of the mind in our career, family, relationships, and all other aspects of our daily living! About the AuthorWant to unlock the power of the mind secrets? Learn the secrets that thousands have learned to unleash their inner mind powers and have improved their life! Go to now! Limited time offer! | |||
Posted: 24 Jan 2012 12:00 PM PST Article by yoga meditate Ashtanga Yoga is a method of yoga that allegedly has its historic routes in an ancient manuscript. This script is known as the Yoga Korunta, which was created by the Sage Vamana Rishi. Its current form was developed by Sri K. Pattabhi. Yoga is intimately connected to the religious beliefs and practices of the Indian religions.[52] The influence of Yoga is also visible in Buddhism, which is distinguished by its austerities, spiritual exercises, and trance states.[53][54] [edit] Yogacara BuddhismYogacara (Sanskrit: "Practice of Yoga [Union]"[55] ), also spelled yogāchāra, is a school of philosophy and psychology that developed in India during the 4th to 5th centuries. Yogacara received the name as it provided a yoga, a framework for engaging in the practices that lead to the path of the bodhisattva.[56] The Yogacara sect teaches yoga in order to reach enlightenment.[57] [edit] Ch`an (Zen) BuddhismZen (the name of which derives from the Sanskrit "dhyana" via the Chinese "ch'an"[58]) is a form of Mahayana Buddhism. The Mahayana school of Buddhism is noted for its proximity with Yoga.[54] In the west, Zen is often set alongside Yoga; the two schools of meditation display obvious family resemblances.[59] This phenomenon merits special attention since the Zen Buddhist school of meditation has some of its roots in yogic practices.[60] Certain essential elements of Yoga are important both for Buddhism in general and for Zen in particular.[3] [edit] Tibetan BuddhismYoga is central to Tibetan Buddhism. In the Nyingma tradition, practitioners progress to increasingly profound levels of yoga, starting with Mahā yoga, continuing to Anu yoga and ultimately undertaking the highest practice, Ati yoga. In the Sarma traditions, the Anuttara yoga class is equivalent. Other tantra yoga practices include a system of 108 bodily postures practiced with breath and heart rhythm. Timing in movement exercises is known as Trul khor or union of moon and sun (channel) prajna energies. The body ! postures of Tibetan ancient yogis are depicted on the walls of the Dalai Lama's summer temple of Lukhang. A semi-popular account of Tibetan Yoga by Chang (1993) refers to Dumo, the generation of heat in one's own body, as being "the very foundation of the whole of Tibetan Yoga" (Chang, 1993, p7). Chang also claims that Tibetan Yoga involves reconciliation of apparent polarities, such as prana and mind, relating this to theoretical implications of tantrism. About the Author Meditation, relaxation and spiritual exploration... TEDxAustin Flint Sparks 2011This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
How to Shapeshift Your Body With Your Mind Posted: 24 Jan 2012 11:00 AM PST Article by Alex Mensah We have often heard the saying that "a mind is a terrible thing to waste." But how many of us are really aware of the reality of this statement. Your mind literally charts your course in life. It even has the power to change the structure of your body through self-directed thoughts that propel your behaviour towards hitting our targeted weight. Yes, your mind even determines how thin or how big you will be. Using your mind wrong may be the reason you are overweight. If you're overweight one question you need to ask yourself is what do you find yourself thinking about. Do you worry about eating too much, or just plain eating the wrong things? These thoughts will literally shapeshift your body by enforcing bad habits or good habits. Why is this? There are 3 things that your mind controls: your focus, your physiology, and your language. Life has already thought us that our language controls our thoughts and our thoughts have a tremendous effect on our language, which further impacts our attitude. So if your mindset is wrong, for example, being afraid of overeating or under eating, you will eventually say negative things, such as "I will never be able to lose these last 10 pounds. Once you say that your body literally stops trying to intuitively come up with brilliant strategies to lose that weight. It's like the gentleman that says to himself "I will never remember that telephone number." At that instant his brain literally stops searching within the archives of his mind to dig up that forgotten number. Similarly, when you tell yourself that you can't lose that weight, or that it will be very hard for you to do so, you are actually programming your mind and body to experience excruciating difficultly to lose weight. In a sense, you are fighting yourself. Physiology speaking, your mind also controls your emotions. Research in this area attests that emotions control eating habits. This often reminds me of my college lady friend who went out and got a bucket of ice cream because her! boyfrie nd had walked out of the relationship. The feeling of rejection led her to pig out in the hopes of drowning out her worries and hurt. To turn this around and use your physiology to your advantage you have to use this to force your mind to think positive happy thoughts. So rather than thinking thoughts of worry and depression, consciously program your mind to think on good things like what ifs. What if I lost that weight, what if I was healthier? These what if statements will actually give your mind a target and the desire created in your heart from the dream of scoring that target will actually be the motivation you need to lose that weight. Your mind also controls your focus. When it comes to losing weight the reason 97% of people struggle and fail is because they lack focus. They are not able to push themselves to exercise or to eat right so they become emphatic about not being able to lose weight. Consequently, this creates the illusion of running up a slippery mountain. It's similar to the world's notion of being in a rat race, forever working and getting nowhere. The focus you give your mind towards your weight loss goal will be the determining factor of whether or not you can change your body's shape. To intensify your focus you have to direct more of your thoughts towards your goal and envision yourself already hitting the target. So to cap it all you can actually think and grow thin. Once you set a goal and make up your mind to attain it, guide your mind by directing your thoughts in the direction of that goal. Say things like "I see myself 10 pounds lighter already." Psychologists call this tactic self-motivational speech. Once you initiate these positive self-statements, begin to envision yourself 10 pounds lighter. Heck, take it a step further. Begin to talk with the confidence you imagine yourself having with being 10 pounds lighter. To become it you must learn to see it. This is the way to naturally shape shift your body. Once you create that mind set, your mind will give you th! e strate gies to hit it, and the rest is history. About the AuthorAuthor Alex Mensah is a health and a weight loss researcher for He writes and researches actively on Weight Loss Programs and shares his knowledge at where he coaches others to successfully lose weight. | |||
Meditation Myths: Here's What People Are Missing Posted: 24 Jan 2012 10:00 AM PST Article by Matthew Cleary Once you've read this article, you'll have the secret... the secret of real meditation. Meditation... now a common term all around the Western world. 100 years ago this would have seemed unlikely... 99% of the culture used to have no regard for it at all, totally skeptical. Needless to say, although now a common conversation over most dinner tables, Western understanding is very much in it's adolescent stage. Now you'll know what most people are missing... The average meditation practitioner of today will be of the understanding that meditation is about settling down thoughts. Some in fact are still misconstruing that it's about forcing thoughts to stop... this is probably one of the most anti-meditation things you could do... However, the real truth is, settling down thought is only half of the equation. The first part being going beyond thought processes, to awaken clarity. The second part... using the concentration to see the truth of literally everything. THIS IS HUGE! This essential step is the sole reason so many dedicated meditation practitioners are only despite 1000's of hours of practice, only feeling a little nicer than they used too! Enlightenment... really just another way of saying... awake and clear about what is going on, is only possible through a structureless observation of reality. One free of pre-judgement. The result that makes it worthwhile? A far more wonderful world for all of us. When you get a full clear lookat the root of hatred, greed, in fact all forms of wrong-doing, is simply that people are semi-asleep, and don't truly know what they're doing. They are seeing things through the tinted spectacles they've been handed by theor [arents; teachers, favourite magazines and even news channels. Isn't it time you got back your personal power to see things for yourself? As you read, you may be one of the brave, bold ones, ready to go beyond pre-conceptions and find out the truth, and will have only one thing holding! you bac k, and that is the ability to fit meditation in to a busy schedule... but now you don't have to let that stop you anymore. About the AuthorYou should know many charge you for the information on the other side of this link, but I'm feeling generous. I recommend you go there before I start charging for this Healing MeditationThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Posted: 24 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST Article by Anmol Mehta Enlightenment is essentially realizing the non-dual nature of reality and for those who understand Hindu philosophy, non-duality is Creation (Param Brahman). From there, emerges multiplicity as Creation pours out into Existence (Bhuh, Bhuvah & Swaha). But, in my view, to really grasp deeply what is meant by non-duality and enlightenment, philosophical discussion or debate is not the best approach. I think it is better understood from the point of view of experience, and I will delve into my own personal experiences with non-duality to help clarify this most profound of concepts and phenomenon. Hinduism (Advaita Vedanta) & Non-Duality: Non-duality is best understood in Hinduism and Advaita Vedanta by the phrase Tat Tvam Asi, or Thou Art That. The true nature of reality is that all is just you. Everything is you. It is actually how it is. The apparent sense of separation of "me" and "you" is actually false. There is no you. There is only me, or as put forth by Advaita Vedanta, there is only "I AM". The "I" referred to here though is not the ego, but the True Self. Everything is a part of this big "I", and when awareness shifts from the egocentric "i" to the real "I", you actually see that all is just you. Then there is no duality of any kind. Buddhism (Zen) & Non-Duality: Buddhism looks at non-duality also as the absence of the sense of a separate ego. Simply because that is the Truth, it is not Hindu or Buddhist, it is simply the Truth. Instead of asserting that "You Are All", Zen simply stops at the negation of the false sense of separation. This sometimes helps prevent the confusion of the small "i" versus big "I" concepts in Advaita and Hinduism. In both cases, a shift of awareness is what creates an encounter with the non-dual nature of Reality. Such a shift of awareness can produce an experience such that one encounters the emptiness or absence of the sense of separate existence. There are states where the organism continues to function, with ea! ch sense organ working perfectly, but there is no center or "i" to be found. So in my view, Hinduism and Buddhism only differ in the nature of the non-dual experience. If you are experiencing the natural working of the organism, without any sense of separation, you are enjoying a Buddhist enlightenment experience, while if you feeling the expanded sense of the Oneness with everything, you are experiencing enlightenment from the Hindu perspective. Of course I may be over simplifying it a bit, but I think you get the idea. At the end, it does not matter what you label it, and if you wish to argue it differently you may. The point is that the roots of non-duality lie in the absence of the sense of separation and to help you understand it all even better, let's expand this idea of no-self even further. Understanding Enlightenment Experiences of Non-Duality: You will notice the common ground of non-duality, is the fact of no-self. But, above you will notice one other common denominator between the Hindu and Buddhist versions of this experience, which is that both result from a shift of awareness. From here we can formulate the following definition of enlightenment experience (non-dual experience) which I think is very valuable. A shift of awareness outside of the ego-centric mind, produces an enlightenment experience. Predominately, we live consumed by our little lives and little self. All the time dwelling on our personal drama and struggling for a little more pleasure and security. Those who are lucky, get a chance to experience cracks in this shell of the ego, and when that happens they get a glimpse of what lies beyond the self-obsessed mind. That experience of Reality, absent of ego-centric thought, is an enlightenment experience. Such experiences are wide and varied and the nature of these experiences can form the basis of great philosophies and religions. Here I want to point out that the experiences do not have to always be mind-blowing to be significant. Any glimpse ! of the n on-dual nature of Reality, is indicative of cracks in the shell of the ego and will provide the inspiration for further challenges to this apparent dualistic reality. These non-dual (or enlightenment) experiences can range from being swept away by the enormity of the mountains, the flow of great love, the ecstasy of sexual union, to experiences with the greater sense of Self (Big Mind in Zen Meditation), Bliss, Divinity, Natural Spontaneous Living, etc. So from here I can even come to a definition of life which I am comfortable with... Life is an opportunity to set the stage for this shift of awareness to occur. This shift of awareness is something that happens to you. It can be understood simply as a reward for doing your spiritual practice sincerely. This is echoed by great spiritual masters throughout history. Enlightenment, or the necessary shift in awareness, is not something you can force or create in any way. What you can do though, is help set the stage to facilitate it's occurrence. This is where meditation, yoga, self-study and spiritual living comes in. They are the tools for preparing the soil such that the flower of Truth can blossom. About the AuthorAnmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. Learn yoga from Free Yoga Videos and explore Nude Yoga on his extensive Meditation and Yoga site, Free Kundalini Yoga & Guided Meditation Techniques. | |||
Best US City for Hospital Care Named Posted: 24 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST
The city with the best hospitals in the nation is Baltimore, according to a new report. The report is based on rates of patient complications and deaths for 26 medical procedures and diagnoses at nearly 5,000 hospitals across the United States, and was produced by the organization HealthGrades, which provides physician and hospital information to consumers. Hospitals with the lowest complication and death rates were designated as HealthGrades Distinguished Hospitals for Clinical Excellence. Two hundred sixty three hospitals were awarded this distinction, representing the top 5 percent of hospitals in the nation. Baltimore has the highest percentage of these hospitals: 9 distinguished hospitals out 19 eligible hospitals, or 47 percent. Runner-up was Phoenix-Prescott, with 11 distinguished hospitals out of 25 eligible, or 44 percent. Rounding out the top ten were: Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Richmond, Va.; Cincinnati, Ohio; West Palm Beach, Fla.; Chattanooga, Tenn.; St. Louis, Mo.; Hartford-New Haven, Conn.; and Grand Rapids-Kalamazoo, Mich., respectively. Patients had, on average, a 30 percent lower chance of dying at distinguished hospitals compared with other hospitals across 17 different procedures and conditions, the report said. Patients also had a 1.8 percent lower risk of developing complications from 9 different procedures at distinguished hospitals compared to other hospitals. If all hospitals in the nation had performed at the level of HealthGrades "distinguished" hospitals, 165,704 lives could have been saved and 6,800 cases of complications could have been avoided between 2008 and 2010, the report said, according to data available on patients with Medicare. In an environment where one in seven Medicare beneficiaries is harmed as a result of their hospitalizationand patients are fearful of the very institutions that are entrusted with saving their lives, it is important to identify and acknowledge those hospitals that are leading the way in reducing mortality and complication rates and to provide consumers access to this information, a statement from HealthGrades said. Pass it on: Nearly half of hospitals in Baltimore are ranked as top-performing hospitals, according to a new report. 7 Weirdest Medical Conditions Top 10 Leading Causes of Death Health Care Infections: A 'Winnable' Public Health Battle? Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. Find us on Facebook. | |||
How to Build and Stick to Your Exercise Routine Posted: 24 Jan 2012 08:34 AM PST ![]() Most of us need to exercise more. Being active isn't just important when you're trying to lose weight – exercising regularly also means you'll have a decreased risk of heart disease, diabetes, strokes and even some cancers. Perhaps you've tried getting into exercise in the past, but you always find yourself slipping back into your old habits. You might manage to get to the gym three times a week at first, but soon, you're back to going a couple of times a month at best. But you're not lazy and you don't lack willpower. All you need is an exercise routine that will actually work. Here's how: Your Routine Needs to Suit You Even if you played a lot of sport in college, you might struggle to exercise today. That's because your lifestyle's changed: you may have kids, a busy job, even a health condition that makes it tough to do certain types of exercise. Your routine needs to work for you. Don't feel that you have to stick to some "perfect" exercise plan from a magazine; instead, find ways to incorporate exercise into your life with as little disruption to your day as possible. That might mean working out in your lunch break, or walking/cycling to your workplace, instead of trying to get to the gym at 6pm. Don't Shoot for the Moon When you're fired up for a new goal, it's tempting to go all-out in pursuit of it. When it comes to exercise, though, you need to start small and gradually build up. If you try to run for an hour every day having never run before, you're (a) going to get discouraged when you only manage five minutes and (b) likely to injure yourself. An! y exerci se is better than none. Try starting with just 5 - 10 minutes of cardio activity, and add a little more every week. For moderate-intensity activity (the kind that burns fat and keeps you healthy), a good rule of is that you should be working hard enough that you can't sing the words to a song, but you can hold a conversation. Have a Minimum Target and Ideal Target However motivated you are, there'll be days when nothing seems to go right. Perhaps you've got a cold, or you're really busy at work, or you forgot your exercise kit when you hurried out of the house in the morning. This is when a minimum target comes in handy. Perhaps you'd ideally like to do a total of 40 minutes cardio, plus some weight training: but you'll settle for a minimum of 20 minutes cardio. You can still check off your exercise for the day, meaning you won't end up thinking "I've failed, so I might as well just give up now." Track Your Workouts Keep a record of your exercise. That could mean writing down brief details of what you did during each session, and how you felt afterwards, or it might simply mean putting a check (or a gold star if you want!) on your calendar. Keeping track helps you stay motivated: if you can see an unbroken string of days when you managed to exercise, you'll be loath to break the pattern. You may also spot patterns emerging: perhaps you find it tough to exercise at the weekends, for instance. Switch it Around Don't get stuck in a rut with your exercise. If you always use the same cardio machine at the gym and always lift the same weights, you'll find yourself getting bored. You may also run into problems if your favorite machine isn't available, or if you can! 't get to the gym at all. Try out new types of exercise every few weeks. That might mean going for a jog, cycling, swimming, dancing ... anything new. As well as stopping you from getting bored, and helping to make your routine flexible, this also ensures that you keep getting fitter (if you do just one type of exercise, your body will eventually adapt to it, and you won't see such good results). Are you trying to get into a regular exercise routine? Share your tips – or your struggles – in the comments below.
Skyward Sword - The Ancient Cistern - Episode 28This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Effective Mind Power Strategies Posted: 24 Jan 2012 08:00 AM PST Article by Jeff Boo "Mind over body!" This was the phrase that I used to hear from my superiors while having my long distance run during my national service in army. What the phrase meant was to use my mind to control my physical body. How? By focusing on the finishing line and how fast I would be reaching the spot, my mind in a way got my body going even though I might not have that kind of stamina. Yes, the mind is indeed powerful and it can be powerful in many other areas other than a long distance jog. However, mind power is useful only when you believe in it and know how to use it. 1. Believe in the Power Of Mind Can a skeptical person make good use of something he or she doesn't believe in? No and never! When you do not have the belief in the power of mind, naturally you won't have any confidence in it, let alone testing it out. Only when you believe in it and recognize its existence will the rest of the techniques work. 2. Fill Your Mind With Positive Thoughts Only How can you be striving towards your dream when your mind is constantly complaining and moaning? When your mind keep on telling you that you don't have what it takes to succeed, you will soon lose the confidence in yourself and ultimately give up. Hence, fill your mind with only positive thoughts; thoughts which give you the happiness, confidence and energy. We can be facing with problems almost everyday and instead of complaining about it or evading it; we take them up as challenges which we believe strongly can be deal with easily and confidently. 3. Develop Affirmations Always comes up with positive statements about yourself. For instance, if you are into sales and to develop your self-confidence in this line, you may come up with a statement like 'I am going to be the top salesperson." Constantly repeat the statement a few times a day to yourself and in no time, you will feel the power arising in you. 4. Set and visualize your goals I emphasize a lot on setting clear goals and visualize them cons! tantly. When you know very clearly where you are heading and hence your progress, it gives you that sense of accomplishment and the motivation to go on. Constantly visualize your dreams like you are looking into the future and your mind will start to pick it up as real. When all seems so real, your mind gets you to work towards your dream industriously. This is how great your mind power is. No matter what kind of dreams you have, they can be accomplished with the use of your mind power. You must believe in the power of your mind prior to applying the rest of the effective techniques to unleashed you great mind power. About the AuthorJeff Boo has been writing articles for many years. Come visit his latest websiteover at href="">dual coffee maker which helps people find the best href=" what-make-the-best-grind-and-brew-coffee-makers.html">grind and brew coffee makers and information they are looking for when they expect the best taste of coffee. | |||
To strengthen the vital organs - stress balls Posted: 24 Jan 2012 07:00 AM PST Article by Harry Randhawa Stress balls are hot news. They are cheap and fun to use. So why is there such rumors? Each high flier, and all the top dogs in business, it seems, at least one. So what do they know about "stress balls that you do not? Well, you may already know that stress balls are effective stress relievers. But you probably know, they also have a highly positive and lasting benefits throughout the body, including: To strengthen the vital organs In addition to traditional Chinese medicine, specific points of the fingers and hands are believed to be connected in different ways to power all the vital organs of the person. These points, known as reflexology points are stimulated when the stress ball is used. Regular use of stress balls clean energy routes connecting the reflexology points in his vital organs. This will ultimately strengthen the vital organs. Improve Mental Clarity Regular use of balls of stress on mental health benefits of moving to direct attention to the mental pressure, reduce stress and lower intelligence. Reduce stress Different weights and strengths of different squash ball manipulation eliminates the stress of physical tension built up in the hands and fingers and lower arm muscles. Boost Circulation Daily stress balls have been anecdotally shown to improve blood flow to the extremities. Improve Arthritic Conditions There is much anecdotal evidence that the use of stress balls are very useful for people with mild arm pain and arthritis. Then there is suffering at the hand strength to use one hand squash ball rolling a couple of balls in China often makes joint pains. Aid restful sleep People who use stress balls during the day also reported sleeping better. This may be a practical and easy to use stress reduction techniques that can benefit people who find it difficult to sleep. And while squeezing the stress-relieving these toys are completely safe and durable as well as insomniacs should consult your doctor ab! out your health condition. Improves mood and feelings of well-being How do you become less stressed, sleep better and benefit from improved circulation, which means that you will also feel calmer, more in control, healthy lifestyle. Indeed, as you use them, you can begin to feel calmer after the time when you pick up a ball of stress. All these benefits are cumulative and additive. You must use your squash or Chinese balls every day the best results. When you do this, you will find that your muscles are so programmed to respond positively to the stress ball that you begin to relax, the second you pick it up. You will notice that it has become easier and easier to get the benefits of using a stress ball. About the AuthorFor more information on high quality products like Tote Bags, Stress Balls and Koozies and for competitive prices and good service visit bluesodapromo. Go To Sleep Easily - A CWFA video.mp4This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Posted: 24 Jan 2012 06:00 AM PST Article by Susan Gans Know the difference between acupuncture and acupressure? How about Shiatsu and Watsu? The spa world is filled with a dizzying collection of terms and procedures. Following is a sample glossary, thanks to Spa Finder, to help spa-goers speak and understand the lingo with ease. AcupressureUsed to stimulate the flow of energy in the body, acupressure is a traditional Chinese pressure-point massage. AcupunctureAdministered using needles, a low-voltage electric current, or acupressure, acupuncture is a traditional Chinese healing technique based on Taoist philosophy. Body WrapHerbal body wraps cover the client in a cocoon-like form with strips of cloth soaked in herbal teas. Sea mud body wraps use mineral essential-rich mud to cleanse and hydrate the body. Complementary medicineUnlike alternative medicine which replaces traditional therapies, complementary medicine uses treatments and therapies in conjunction with traditional medicine. Destination SpaProperty that focuses on improving one's lifestyle, enhancing health, and creating self-renewal in the company of other like-minded people. European FacialA treatment that includes deep cleansing, steam, exfoliation, and a professional face massage, followed by a mask that hydrates the skin. GreenThe buzzword that describes a concern with, or promotion of, environmentalism through recycling, creation of biogradable products, or reducing pollution. Hot Stone TherapyA treatment in which dark, smooth stones are heated in hot water and then placed or stroked lightly on key areas of the body. ISPAThe International Spa Association, which represents all aspects of the spa industry. Lymph DrainageA type of massage meant to stimulate circulation in the lymph system to drain away excess fluids and trapped toxins. Medical SpaThese are destination or day spas that offer traditional and complementary medical services including cosmetic procedures, diagnostic testing, and preventative care. OrganicF! ood grow n without the use of chemicals of any kind, including growth hormones, pesticides, and fertilizers. PilatesDeveloped by Joseph Pilates, this is a body conditioning program that develops flexibility and strength through controlled movements and specially-designed exercise equipment. Qi Gong (or Chi Gung or Chi Kung)A group of Chinese self-healing exercises, the term Qi Gong comes from qi (energy) and gong (achievement that comes from practice). The exercises include simple movements, breathing, and mental imagery to relax and strengthen the body and mind. Salt GlowUsed to exfoliate and stimulate circulation, skin is rubbed with coarse salt combined with fragrant oils. ShiatsuThis massage technique developed in Japan uses applied pressure to specific body points to stimulate and unblock meridians, or pathways through which energy is said to flow. Thai MassageWith a client dressed in full clothing, this treatment involves yoga-like stretching and pressure-point massage to release blocked energy, relieve tension, and increase awareness. Vichy ShowerMeant to hydrate the body and improve circulation, the Vichy shower was inspired by treatments in the French thermal spa city. It involves a client lying beneath a spray of warm water created by a five- to seven-head shower system. WatsuThis treatment achieves deep relaxation in the client through rhythmic movements and a pressure-point massage administered by a therapist in a warm pool. YogaAimed at self-development and self-realization, the physical practice of yoga uses positions, deep breathing, and meditation to stretch and tone the body. ZenA school of Mahayana Buddhism that asserts enlightenment can be achieved through meditation, self-contemplation, and intuition by focusing on one's essential nature. About the AuthorGeologix Inc. manufactures products using a proprietary formula featuring 34 natural minerals contained in the ancient sea water from the famous Michigan Basin -- a concentration of minerals higher than that found in any known body of water in the world. Mineral Essentials focuses on spa, skin care, and massage products to moisturize and provide anti-aging protection for great skin. Mineral Essentials Alan Watts - The Way of Zen 4of6This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 1/24/2012 Posted: 24 Jan 2012 06:00 AM PST ![]() "An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea." ~The Buddha Technorati Tags: Buddha Buddhist Buddhism Meditation Dharma | |||
Posted: 24 Jan 2012 05:00 AM PST Article by Nelson Berry Have you heard of the unlimited power of the mind that can be harnessed through subliminal programming? Whether you believe it or not, the concept of subliminal programming is continuously proving its worth and effectiveness in almost any field or undertaking. In fact, it has recently been discovered that this technique can actually help improve bad eyesight. Vision problems are now very common; people with perfect vision are becoming harder and harder to come by these days. Even young kids surprisingly suffer from really poor eyesight, making the problem a common one that does not choose by age. Experts also blame the growing prevalence of vision problems on the computer-based lifestyle that's so common these days. So what are your main weapons against poor eyesight? Here are some self help for eyesight tips worth following: Subliminal Programming. Subliminal programming relies on the power of your subconscious mind to change circumstances in your life and remove damaging habits from your system. If you are having difficulty seeing far away things clearly or if your eyes easily get tired, a simple subliminal programming session can do wonders for you. A lot of experts believe that vision problems are not completely physical problems that cannot be reversed using natural methods. With the use of subliminals, you can actually nurse your eyesight back to optimum health without having to undergo surgery. For eyesight correction, this method is banked on the idea that many of your activities can cause problems with your eyesight. Some of these activities include being out in the sun for a prolonged time, staying up late at night, watching too much TV, working in front of the computer all day long, and so on. Subconscious re-programming can clean your system of any habits and activities that cause your eyesight to weaken. This way, you will avoid activities that can further weaken your eyes. Subliminal programming is also said to be effective in improving peri! pheral v ision and reducing your risk of developing degenerative eye diseases. All you need to do to access these benefits is to keep a positive mindset about your eyesight. Think clearly so you will also see clearly. One effective way of instilling a positive mindset is sending subliminal messages to your subconscious state. Meditation and Focus. Another effective way of relieving the strain your eyes get to prevent eyesight problems is meditation. Meditation is the art of concentration, focus, and relaxation. In meditation, you are to focus all your concentration on a single thought or object; by doing so, you let go of your conscious self and just exist. This makes you feel relaxed, not just in the mind, but also in all parts of your body. Meditation can help ease the burden felt by your eyes because it relaxes the entire body, which includes the eyes. Since you spend time every day meditating with your eyes closed and releasing all tension that causes those furrowed brows, your eyes also achieve maximum relaxation when you meditate. This is said to have a positive physical effect on your eyesight. About the AuthorNelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Subliminal Messages online. Valued at 0, click for 4 Free Subliminal messages! | |||
Posted: 24 Jan 2012 05:00 AM PST In some respects the Greek word theoria and the Sanskrit word dhyâna are almost the same. Both generally refer to contemplation (L., contemplatio), but contemplation as esoteric which involves the highest kind of mentality (P., abhicetasika). In the Greek sense, it is by theoria that the good, which is beyond being, is contemplated. This includes the contemplation of the beautiful which is inaccessible to concepts of any kind. On the question of Buddhist dhyâna, it is by dhyâna that Moggallâna, a chief disciple, is said to enter other worlds so as to be able to report on the destiny of those who had died. In addition, one in the forth dhyâna can be beware of the presence of devas (gods), and converse with them. As far as spiritual disembodiment is concerned, after the fourth dhyâna, a monk is said to have a clear observation of his consciousness as different from his physical body, but enveloped and bound by it. On the same track, the Buddhist adept who is in the fourth dhyâna can make a spiritual body (manomaya) complete in all its limbs and faculties. What has been said thus far about contemplation, especially Buddhist dhyâna, is instructive for the beginner who at least will understand that Buddhist meditation (dhyâna) is just not about sitting on a zafu in some Zen center trying to keep still.
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Posted: 24 Jan 2012 04:00 AM PST Article by Christoffer X Altesino When you are a beginner in yoga, you will do anything just to make sure you have everything right but as you go along and become an expert you begin to wonder whether they are important at all. Well, they are if only you know what to look out for when buying them in order not to waste your money. Yoga is very different from the other stretching exercises that we have in our lives because; no matter where you find yourself, you can practice yoga. It is not restricted to only one kind of place. Yoga gives you so much peace of mind and puts your soul and all nerves to rest because it relaxes them. When practicing yoga, yoga mats are one great material that always needs to be present because they are used to practice it. Yoga is an ancient way of exercising our ancestors used to relax and keep their bodies in shape. There are so many routines in practicing yoga and with the mat involved you will enjoy every minute of your yoga experience. When practicing yoga, energy is produced from your body which is a good thing but can become dangerous when you do not use a yoga mat because; all the energy that is produced from your body will be transported to the surface on which you are practicing the yoga on. You can also fall mistakenly when practicing the yoga routines if you are not using a mat and the floor you are practicing on is smooth. You falling can cause many inconveniences and damages to the body which won't auger well for you individually. When you want to stay healthy and strong, yoga is just one way to do that but please always have it in mind that yoga mats are also a part of the whole yoga process. You gain mental, spiritual, physical and emotional energy when you practice yoga; it also relieves you off stress and makes you feel so free and pure. In practicing yoga, concentration is very essential when doing some routines because, you might end up falling and hurting yourself very badly if you do not concentrate. Yoga mats like all other material and equipments have various t! ypes and sizes you can choose from. Depending on what you can afford or your budget it is always advisable to go for the best. About the AuthorFind reviews and deals on trampoline nets and hand percussion. | |||
Posted: 24 Jan 2012 03:00 AM PST Article by Laurie Desjardins "Yoga" and "meditation" seem to have become trendy words recently, and even trendier practices. But for all their modern applications, both yoga and meditation have been around for a long, long time. For more than five thousand years, meditation has been a part of human life. Though it has its roots in Hinduism, most religions throughout the globe practice one form of meditation or another. Meditation in Buddhism Siddhartha Gautama, better known as Gautama Buddha, was the founder of Buddhism thousands of years ago. Originally a pampered prince, he fled the palace and sought a life of spiritual enlightenment rather than material wealth. After meditating beneath a sacred fig tree for 49 days, Siddhartha attained enlightenment, which allowed him great insight into the cause of human suffering, as well as the process needed to eliminate it. Since the Buddha's revelation beneath the sacred fig tree, meditation has been a centerpiece of Buddhism. The meditation techniques they pursue are a part of their goal of reaching Enlightenment and Nirvana, and develop four key areas: mindfulness, insight, concentration and tranquility. These same techniques, however, are often used by non-Buddhists to better their mental and physical health, or to reach other spiritual goals. Meditation in Hinduism Meditation actually started as a part of Vedic Hinduism, which is the oldest religion to have meditation as part of it for spiritual and mental enlightenment. Indian scriptures from 5,000 years ago actually describe meditation. Of the six schools of Hindu philosophy, yoga is the one that focuses on meditation. However, Hinduism has a variety of meditation techniques, each with different focuses for the subject. The ultimate goal for all Hindu meditation is to attain a calm state of mind. Meditation in Christianity Though you may not hear about it as much, there are some Christian traditions that can be classified as meditation. Early Chris! tian mon ks practiced reading the Bible slowly and carefully consider the meanings of each verse, a practice called "lectio divina." It's widely regarded as the first instance of meditation in Christianity. Prayer is also considered a form of meditation. Enhance your meditation with meditation tools Five thousand years ago, it was probably a lot easier to clear the mind and focus without cell phones ringing and emails beeping. With the stress and constant state of movement that modern life forces upon us, it can be difficult to completely focus on prayers or on mantra meditation. In this case, meditation tools can make it easier to focus on meditation and quiet the constant chatter in your mind. Find a quiet place where you can have just 5 or 10 minutes by yourself, without a computer turned on or your cell phone ringing. Once you've gotten to your place, use a meditation tool like the Zen Stick to attain a meditative state quickly and easily. The benefit of entering a meditative state quickly with the Zen Stick is that you need only spend about 5 minutes a day meditating, as opposed to 10 or 20 minutes with regular meditation. Make an ancient ritual part of your modern life For centuries, meditation has been an integral part of many religions. Break out of the rut of your daily grind. Let meditation help you better your life mentally, physically, and spiritually. About the AuthorLaurie Desjardins is a meditation expert and creator of the Zen Stick relaxation tool. Get started on meditation today. Visit and sign up for a free newsletter packed with meditation tips and techniques. | |||
Posted: 24 Jan 2012 02:00 AM PST Article by Andrew Tomkinson "Select a clean spot, neither too high nor too low, and seat your- self firmly on a cloth, a deerskin, or kusha grass. Then, once seated, strive to still your thoughts. Make your mind one-pointed in meditation and your heart will be purified................................" These words originate from the Bhagavad Gita, one of the best known and most influential of the Hindu scriptures. This book provides an entire section on the practice of meditation which is central to the Hindu way of life. It is also an important part of other eastern religions, Buddhism and Zen but it also has its place in Christianity and Judaism. However meditation does not require adherence to any of the faiths and religions that advocate it. The benefits to be gained from meditation are many. Those people who meditate regularly believe that it leads to a significant lowering of tension and negative emotions. At the same time meditation can increase efficiency at work and deepen the sense of inner calm. This feeling of well-being will bring a number of physical benefits. Regular meditation will eliminate or reduce stress, ease migration and tension headaches, reduce blood pressure, benefit the the heart and reduce the pain of menstrual cramps. What we seek to achieve through meditation is a state of passive alertness that transcends the day to day level of thought and distraction. This 'higher level' of consciousness can be achieved by every person and does not require a knowledge of religious or spiritual teaching. Meditation is a straightforward way of freeing the mind, forgetting about everyday stresses and focusing upon mental relaxation. In its simplest form meditation is nothing more than allowing the mind to concentrate upon a simple repetitive sensation such as the running of a fountain or repeating a word over and over again. Any of these and more can be used as something onto which the mind concentrates so strongly that problems and anxieties disappear. When described in its more re! fined an d mystical guise, it is a means to a state of self fulfilment, being completely at one with the universe. Meditation is not a time consuming process nor is it a form of self-hypnosis. If done correctly it is a life saving experience during which any preconceived opinions and ideas fade, the intellect and senses are refined and the ability to concentrate is improved. Meditation has existed for several thousands of years but it was only in the 1960's that it became popular in western culture and today many thousands of people benefit greatly from its effects. Meditation slows down the heart rate and reduces oxygen and carbon dioxide production. It also raises levels of skin resistance to pain or to an electrical current, which tends to be lower when we are stressed and anxious. This indicates an increase of muscle relaxation and can be explained for phenomena such as lying on a bed of nails or walking through fire. During meditation there is also a reduction of activity in the nervous system and an increase in blood circulation. This slows down the metabolism resulting in the body achieving a hypometabolic state. This is a different state than what the body experiences during sleep or while under hypnosis and is best described as deep and prolonged relaxation. Meditation has also be shown to have a major effect on the way that the brain works. During meditation the brain produces a balanced pattern of both alpha and theta brave wave rhythms. This may indicate that while in a state of deep relaxation the brain is better able to find a balance between its logical and rational and creative and imaginative sides. This results in more healthier, productive and fulfilled individuals. If it is practised regularly meditation will help to fight depression, reduce hypertension, and relieve anxiety, migraine and psychosomatic illness. Concentration, memory and creativity are also improved through regular practice of meditation. Regular practice of meditation is also of benefit to people ! who have difficulty in sleeping and suffer from low energy levels. The quality of sleep will improve when meditation is practised regularly and most meditators testify to feeling less tired during the day, needing less sleep at night and waking up feeling more refreshed. When starting to meditate it is important to find a quiet, peaceful place and to use this place regularly. Soft background music, incense or low lights are helpful in creating a conducive atmosphere. There are two stages involved in the process of meditation. Firstly comes physical relaxation, where the focus of attention is on the body and tension build up is tackled and when the body is relaxed the clarifying and emptying of the mind can begin. About the AuthorIf this Article has been of interest to you please visit my Web Site at Zen: Fluidity of Mind and MovementThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Buddhist Tour Map: Comes With Rainbow of Divine Moments Posted: 24 Jan 2012 01:00 AM PST Article by Harry Carlin At the moment, beyond any doubt India scores over other countries in terms of most persistently visited tourist destinations across the globe, for the kind of variety it offers to the travel freaks. The Buddhist holiday packages include almost all the spiritual places that are magnificently related to the Buddhism and hence are greatly contributing in making India one of the most preferred tourist destinations.No wonder that tourism Industry in recent times has witnessed unprecedented boom all across the world and India is also not any exception of this latest trend. A majority of recently held surveys have pinpointed that India has raised the bar several notches up through showcasing great Indian hospitality and letting the whole world know that nothing in the world can match up the aura and glitz of Indian generosity as a whole. No wonder that why India has been dominating all the travel related surveys and rankings and therefore, has charted out an incredible journey from being one the many tourist destinations in the world to become one of the hot tourist destinations. The kind of diversity that India offers through its natural landscapes and fascinating cultural diversity are just unparallel. The western world is just thrilled and being bowled over seeing the classic beauty of Indian states. Therefore, the entire world is looking at India and Indian tourism industry is leaving no stone unturned to lure the travel freaks to the maximum. Places of spiritual significance and cultural diversities of late have been fast emerging as the latest trump card to charm the travel freaks manifold. In current scenario, where, globalization and fast paced life have turned men into machines and modern contemporary world into concrete jungles; travel buffs are looking to rejuvenate themselves through spending time in the lap of the nature. Therefore, in the light of the fact it's understandable that why people are packing their bags and flying to the places which offer incredible peace and thundering b! eauty to the travel freaks. India boasts of having some fascinating array of spiritual places that are located within the periphery of the Indian shores. The Buddhist holiday packages unfold some of the never seen intriguing sides of the incredible India along with the magnificent surroundings and jaw dropping beauty of the place. The major attractions of such places are that they pose glittering blend of spirituality coupled with cultural extravaganza, and hence for adventure freaks all around the globe India is a true calling. Interestingly, the state government is rendering all possible assistance to develop these most sought after places embellished with world class facilities. So let's enjoy the Indian hospitality and soak in absolute divine. About the AuthorHarry Carlin is a professional writer of web content. For more information on Buddhist Monasteries Tour and Footsteps of Buddha Tour. | |||
Ideas To Help Cope With Stress Posted: 24 Jan 2012 12:00 AM PST Article by Zac Whisper 5: Relaxation for InsomniaThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
What to see in India- Buddhist Holidays Posted: 23 Jan 2012 11:00 PM PST Article by Ajay India is the largest democracy in the world which is diverse in nature right from lovely place to move around and see the attractive destinations. India is unique in its own way; its features are imbibed in its ancient cultures, traditional religions and multi- linguistic. India carries so much diversity and all the uniqueness in it. Right from varied landscape to changing climate, colourful appearance to delicious food and religion, culture to tradition, India has it all. Moreover, India is one of the world's best places having plenty of Buddhist places. It is a land of variations where you can find countless fascinating places to spend your vacations. The North face of India carries beautiful and snow clad of hill stations and mountains such as Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttaranchal which are at the foot of Himalayas. As going near to Western region of India, you will be with cultural landscapes such as Rajasthan, Punjab and Gujarat. These states of India are widely famous for their spirituality and culture. Several forts, palaces, Havelis and Gurudwaras of these sides are quite worth-exploring that has some unique features and elements. On the eastern region of India, one will have a golden opportunity to visit Assam, Sikkim and other states that are famous for Buddhist holidays. On the other hand, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh are two world-renowned places famous for their caves and temples. Part from it, south India is the major backbone of global tourism. It boasts of Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh which are famous for their untouched surroundings and beautiful scenes. Its amazingly gorgeous greenery, pristine beaches, exotic hill stations, breathtaking beauty of backwaters, memorable cruise on houseboats make it one of the most-visiting belt of our country. Due to influx of total estimation of tourist visits every year, Indian travel agencies have announced a bulk of tour packages, divided them into categories to cater the needs and interests of the travelers. If a tr! aveler w ants to see some historical sites in India but what to see in india is the major doubt, so in this situation, he must opt for golden triangle tour package. It isthe only package which is featured with three Indian hotspots and that are Delhi, Agra and Jaipur. Taj Mahal is undoubtedly a star attraction of this tour package that reminds you the ultimate ever-lasting love of Mughal emperor Shah Jahan for his wife Mumtaz. Hence, visit to India shall be the most remarkable that gives you beautiful memories for life. At every step, India has something special to see which would undoubtedly be allured you with its worth-exploring features and gives a unique lifetime experience. About the AuthorWhat To See In India?Busshist holidays is a good idea in India. Aboutindiatours provides Buddhist Holidays, buddhist trip and journey in India. Know more visit us at: Buddhist Art - Origami BuddhaThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Swami Ramdev Yoga Tips for All Ailments and Common Illnesses Posted: 23 Jan 2012 10:00 PM PST Article by stee vaustin Yoga is actual benign for your accomplished physique if it is done appropriately and regularly. Every one has the active agenda in this fast life. No one has the time to go for medicine, doctor and physique affliction centers. Therefore yoga now a day is demography acceptance to accumulate the physique anxiety and abroad from disease. It is actual important to accept the able and appropriate advice afore traveling for yoga. Yoga is accustomed and has no ancillary furnishings on body. Yoga is age-old art of befitting physique fit and healthy. You will acquisition no charge to go to the doctor if you affiance for approved convenance of yoga. It will advance your mental, concrete and airy power. Yoga for Hair Loss Vajrasana Apart from practicing these yogas, one can try bulletin analysis for hair accident problems. You can yield 3-5 account of affable arch bulletin by application your fingertips, which will advance claret breeze to hair follicles and advice hair growth. Divya Kesh Tail (Hair Oil for Hair Loss, Dandruff and Headache), which is produced by Swami Ramdev's Divya pharmacy, can be a abundant cure for hair accident problems. This oil has capacity like Bhringa-raja, Brahmi, Amalakl (Amala), Shweta Chandana & added constituents. Yoga during Pregnancy Cat Pose: Cat aspect is benign for the aback and lower back. Abundant mothers generally acquaintance acute affliction in these areas. This affectation increases adaptability of the aback and back. Heroine Pose: This is the lot of recommended aspect accouterment abatement during abhorrence and indigestion.Yoga has solutions for every blazon of physical, psychological, affecting and airy ailments. Yoga postures are primarily accession contest that accommodate backbone and access adaptability in muscles. They as well absolution astriction that has accumulated in amid base alternating the spine. These postures as well accommodate alleviation to basic in rib cage, high chest, close and should! ers. Sin ce yoga postures crave able alignment of the body, they are not at all adverse to the mother and body. Other allowances of yoga cover added claret apportionment to the uterus, easier movement of the diaphragm, abating able amount of respiration, abbreviation brainy accent and announcement abundance and calm in abundant women. Yoga teaches how to absolution astriction and binding in the uterus application breathe, an address that is badly benign during activity and delivery. Yoga for Thyroid Yoga for thyroid afflicted patents involves a accurate affectation as an exercise. This is as well anticipation to be an abundant account to accord acquittal from thyroid disease. The affectation is accepted as sarvangasan or accept stand. To activate with assuming yoga accept stand, the accommodating lays collapsed on his back. With legs artificial together, he raises them till they anatomy an appropriate bend to his shoulder. Thereafter, with button tucked to chest, he rests his physique weight assimilates accept and elbows. Arms continued to abutment his hips. This yoga exercise goes for some time until the apparent becomes able to do accept bend for a abounding two minutes. The thyroid gland is an arch allotment amenable to accumulate actual adjustment of concrete weight and active look. Yoga stimulates the thyroid gland to accredit its action at its abounding efficiency. Alternating with the thyroid gland, the pituitary gland as well gets angry appropriately consistent acceptable advance to physique function. In accession to Sarvangasana, there are added Asanas accustomed for abating thyroid such as Naukasana, Uttanpadasana, Matsyasana and Yashtikasana. They are accepted to accompany alternating bigger achievement and quick alleviate to thyroid patients. About the AuthorRead more useful Yoga DVD . Also know effective Asanas and Ramdev Baba Medicines Shilpa Yoga - KapalbhatiThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Stem Cell Treatment Succeeds, Improves Vision, Researchers Say Posted: 23 Jan 2012 10:00 PM PST
For the first time, researchers have results from a test of an embryonic stem cell treatment in people. In the study, the treatment appeared to be safe, and modestly improved the vision of two patients who were legally blind. However, the results are very preliminary. The researchers modified human embryonic stem cells to produce eye cells, which were transplanted into two patients who had lost their vision due to macular degeneration. After four months, there were no signs of cancer formation or immune rejection of the cells, both potential complications of stem cell therapy. Vision tests suggested the patients' vision improved. One patient went from being able to see only hand movements, to being able to see movements of individual fingers, the researchers said. The other patient went from being able to read 21 letters on a chart to being able to read 28 letters. "Despite the progressive nature of these conditions, the vision of both patients appears to have improved after transplantation of the cells, even at the lowest dosage," study researcher, Dr. Robert Lanza, chief scientific officer at Advanced Cell Technology, a biotechnology company in Marlborough, Mass., said in a statement. "This is particularly important, since the ultimate goal of this therapy will be to treat patients earlier in the course of the disease where more significant results might potentially be expected," Lanza said. Continued follow-up of the patients is needed, the researchers said. It's not clear whether the patients' vision may change over time, or if complications may develop. Human embryonic stem cells give rise to virtually any cell in the human body, but their use in medicine has been controversial, because obtaining these cells requires the destruction of human embryos. The findings are "exciting," and are a first, saidJoshua Hare, director of the Interdisciplinary Stem Cell Institute at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. However, the study was very small, and it's possible any improvement seen were due to the placebo effect, Hare said. "The jury is still very much out on whether or not this is going to be a cure," for patients with macular degeneration, Hare said. The study is published today (Jan. 23) in the journal the Lancet. It was funded by Advanced Cell Technology. Pass it on: A treatment with cells derived from human embryonic stem cells may improve vision in some patients with macular degeneration. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily staff writer Rachael Rettner on Twitter @RachaelRettner. Find us on Facebook. | |||
Identifying The Symptoms Of Stress Posted: 23 Jan 2012 09:00 PM PST Article by Laura Diamond Syllable Stress in WordsThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
The Stress Symptoms To Look Out For Posted: 23 Jan 2012 08:00 PM PST Article by Steve Gilbert Relaxing Nature Scenes - Relaxing sounds of Ocean waves in HawaiiThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Fast and Simple Stress Release Meditation Posted: 23 Jan 2012 07:00 PM PST Article by Renny Baker Plenty of folks these days are prone to anxiety and stress. With so much stimulus bombarding people work, in our homes, on tv, in the media, in the news, all the racket, mobile phones, the data's no shock that our mind and body max out and respond with a feeling of tension.Uncomfortable situations might also cause anxiety and stress to build. Work and goal deadlines are a prevalent cause of stress. Guilt. Thoughts of demanding obligation. Conflict in the home, in family relationships, and at work can set off anxiety. Fear is another significant cause of stress and anxiety. Anxiety is processed in different ways, depending on your personality. If not handled the right way, the building of stress could lead to any number of physical and psychological issues. A few of these consist of elevated hypertension, sleep loss, uncomfortable dreams, skin problems, ulcers, worry, melancholy, impatience, moodiness, and headaches. There are numerous extremely effective methods to decrease the stress in your life. Before you're able to do that, it's important to be able to recognize exactly what it is that's causing the stress. Once you identify what that is, take the opportunity and reflect on specifically what's stressing you out. Think about being troubled about what's stressing you changing anything? Does it serve you at all? Do the feelings of emotional stress and anxiety bring you the outcomes you're looking for? The answer is an absolute "no." No degree of worry or stress is likely to alter ANY circumstance. So what can you do to reduce those adverse feelings? A very effective way to relieve stress and tension is to meditate. Meditation is among the most wonderful relaxation techniques for anxiety. Meditation allows you to get calm. It really pushes you to be still. Meditation helps you to realign your 'inner game' so you can get back on the right track and vanquish the negativity. So how exactly does meditation achieve this? By using your breath. Plain and simple. A! s soon a s you get in a state of mind or predicament where you're stressing out, purposely discontinue what you're doing. Right then and there. Notice what's happening. Ask these questions :, "Exactly why do I feel this way? What's really contributing to this feeling?" Identify it, right then and there, in the moment, while it's occurring. It's very necessary to do this. Don't procrastinate or make excuses to put it off and think about it later. You'll merely hold the negative thoughts in your body as well as within your mind, emotionally. It is critical to let it go. Find a place to sit down. Close your eyes. Now, draw in a long, slow, deep breath. Hold. And then gradually exhale, blowing out the breath fully. Repeat. Take in another long, deep breath. Hold it. Breathe out. By doing this very simple meditation technique for anxiety, you can swiftly wipe out a significant amount of stress in your life. Once you get in the habit of catching yourself the very instant you're feeling anxious, nervous, weighed down, or in a tense situation, incorporate this quick and effortless meditation to get calm and happy. About the AuthorFor more great tips and relaxation techniques for anxiety and getting calm, Click hereand be on your way to a stress free life. Yoga For Kids - The Art of Meditation With YogaThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Amp Up Your Power of Attraction Making Up Your Mind Posted: 23 Jan 2012 06:00 PM PST Article by Kate Corbin "Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be." - Abraham Lincoln Have you made up your mind to be happy no matter what? Have you made up your mind to be in vibrant good health, to enjoy amazing prosperity, to have fabulous relationships? I think Honest Abe would agree that, in addition to being as happy as they decide to be, most folks are also as wealthy as they decide to be, as healthy as they decide to be, and as fortunate as they decide to be. As you make up your mind to be and do and have whatever you desire, in accordance with the Law of Attraction, it will be yours! Make Up Your Mind to Make Up Your Mind. Decide to decide. Amp up your power of attraction by making up your mind. Insist on absolute happiness and paradise health and it is. Make up your mind to feel good at all times. Your firm conviction to make your life the way you want it to be will begin the process of attracting and creating your ideal life. You are the writer, director and star of the fabulous production called YOUR Life. You can be anything you want to be. Decide what you want and allow it to happen. Nothing feels better than getting absolute clarity about what you want and then watching your life unfold just as you dreamed it would be. You Declare How It Will Be. How do you attract what you want? Start by filling in these blanks with your wildest dreams and stating with conviction: I AM _____________________________________ I DO ______________________________________ I HAVE ___________________________________ As you vibrate with these desires, they will inexorably appear. The Modus Operandi of a Master of the Universe is to declare how it will be, thus employing the power of a made-up mind to bring it into reality. You Feel the Way You Decide to Feel. I remember when I realized that I have the power to feel the way I decide to feel. One evening I was preparing to meet a friend for dinner and I was not f! eeling particularly well. Like a thunderbolt, this empowering realization came to me - I feel the way I decide to feel. As a Master of the Universe, I decide everything, including how I feel! Test it yourself. For example, when you're feeling exhausted, instead of focusing on your lack of vigor, make up your mind to feel energized, rejuvenated, indefatigable. You'll be amazed at the infusion of Energy you get from focusing on what you want. You can consciously choose how you feel or you can unconsciously feel whatever comes to you through the influence of others, the media, or your own negative self-talk. Which do you prefer? Employ the Power of a Made-up Mind. When you make up your mind to be and do and have whatever you desire, you are on track to create health, happiness, peace, and prosperity without limit. Here's how: * Make up your mind about what you want and ignore all the voices (both internal and external) that try to discourage you from even trying. * Make up your mind about what you want and become a vibrational match to your desire by arousing passion and enthusiasm. * Make up your mind about what you want and focus on it with the certainty that you CAN have it. * Make up you mind about what you want and trust that it's on its way to you. As a Master of the Universe, your life unfolds in precisely the way you decide it will unfold. You are the decision-maker, the permission giver. As you make up your mind to enjoy paradise health, fulfilling relationships, and abundance of all kinds, you are literally attracting and creating the life of your dreams. About the AuthorKate Corbin is a Law of Attraction Coach and the creator of Gold Star Coaching. Both her coaching practice and her two books - Dining at the Cosmic Cafe and Think and Grow Thin with the Law of Attraction - are designed to empower you to truly live the life of your dreams. To contact Coach Kate and subscribe to her free ezine, visit |
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