The Perception of the Ancients and modernists On Time and its management

The Perception of the Ancients and modernists On Time and its management

The Perception of the Ancients and modernists On Time and its management

Posted: 16 Jan 2012 01:00 PM PST

Article by John Matthew

Oddly enough, despite being wrapped away in the unconscious centre of our brain it is light sensitive. In Taoism, Hinduism and Buddhism, since long before the medical function of the pineal gland was known, it has been referred to as the "third eye". Indian tradition links the ajna chakra (sixth chakra) to the pineal gland. Ajna translates in Sanskrit to "command". Whereas the base chakras each relate to a different element, the sixth chakra relates to time, and insight through 'higher knowing'.

The Ancient Greeks believed the pineal gland was our connection to higher thought; Descartes called it "the seat of the soul." The "third eye" became a sign of divinity, or "heavenly eye" in China, the "eye of Shiva" in India, the "eye of Ra" in Egypt (the Sun God - the sun symbolizing gold in alchemy). Combined with the pyramid, a symbol of the trinity and the divine, it became the "all-seeing eye" which we now find on the back of every American dollar bill.


How do we know when we are in the flow? On the one hand, flow is our path of least resistance. At a deeper level, flow is a well-known state that people who becomes totally immersed in an activity they have mastered, whether a sport or their passion, can find themselves in. When we are in our life flow, we can access this flow state more easily. When we are in it, we change the way we experience time.

The conscious brain experiences time, while the unconscious brain appears to take little notice of it. Jung observed that dreams occur outside of time, with no past, present or future. When we operate in our unconscious, time appears to disappear.

When we are in our flow, we experience time quite differently. On the one hand, time seems to fly, as we operate largely from our unconscious. Yet we can also slow time down almost at will, as our conscious mind is freed up to live entirely in the moment. When we are in our flow, quite amazingly, it feels like we can control time.

"Wealth is con! trolled time."- Buckminster Fuller

We have all had an experience when "time flies". This is when we are doing something we love, our unconscious mind is operating and our conscious mind is at rest. We have also all had the experience when we can "slow time down" - especially at critical moments when you are entirely in the moment, and are able to recount every step of the instant. What exactly is it that makes time appear so relative?

Deepak Chopra, in his book "Synchrodestiny", recounts: "The physical world is made up of nothing but information contained in energy vibrating at different frequencies. The reason we don't see the world as a huge web of energy is that it is vibrating far too fast. There is an analogy that illustrates this point. Scientists know that it takes a snail about three seconds to register light. So imagine that a snail was watching me and that I left the room, robbed a bank, and came back in three seconds. As far as the snail was concerned, I never left the room. I could take her to court and she would provide the perfect alibi. For the snail, the time that I was gone from the room would fall into one of those gaps between the frames of flickering existence. Her sense of continuity would simply not register the gap.

"So the sensory experience of all living beings is a purely artificial perceptual construct created in the imagination. There is a Zen story in which two monks are looking at a flag that is waving in the wind. The first one says, "The flag is waving". The second one says, "No, the wind is moving." Their teacher comes over and they pose him the question, "Who's right? I say the flag is moving. He says the wind is moving." The teacher says, "You are both wrong. Only consciousness is moving." As consciousness moves, it imagines the world into existence."

About the Author

For more information about Roger Hamilton and Wealth Dynamics, visit

KOAN Sound - Wide Open KOAN [Pronounced Ko - Anne]: A puzzling, often paradoxical statement or story, used in Zen Buddhism as an aid to meditation and a means of gaining spiritual awakening. What is the buddha? Three pounds of flax. It's strange how the death of one musical group can be exactly the sort of catalyst needed to spawn another. KOAN Sound, the Bristol based trio, are certainly a highly gifted example of this phenomenon. 2008 saw Brendan, Jim and Will unite, deciding to fuse their passion for electronic music and blazing musical talent to form a new group, KOAN Sound. With influences such as The Prodigy, Amon Tobin and Noisia, it's not hard to see why KOAN Sound tracks are synonymous of dark gripping basslines that tear dance floors apart. Support is nothing but exponential for KOAN Sound; their unique twist to normality in production and thrilling basslines has granted them credibility from producers and DJs all over the electronic music scene. The future seems to hold something special for the young producers, who have aligned themselves with the likes of Asa, Culprate, Statix and the Screwloose Records family. Keep your eyes fixed, your ears to the ground and prepare your speakers: KOAN Sound have arrived.

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Buddhist Tour in India - Some Places to Visit

Posted: 16 Jan 2012 12:00 PM PST

Article by Lalitmishra

India is the country of all religion. Wherein Hinduism is the dominating belief of the country but people from all different faith and believes living in harmony from long time that really make it different from other countries. Spiritual people from all over the world come in India in the search of truth and salvation. Except form Hinduism, Buddhism is also a popular religion of the country and several admired pilgrimages dotted in the country especially in northern region. These pilgrimage destinations are also emerging as major tourist attritions across the world. Now have a look of some important sites in India.

Bihar a popular state of East India is known as the birth place of Buddhist faiths and believes. Later this religion spreads in several other counties like as Nepal, Sri Lanka, Japan, Tibet, Thailand, etc. So a complete trip includes several destination form India and its adjoining counties like Nepal, Tibet and Bhutan, etc where Buddhism is consider as a dominating belief also. With its spiritual places a well planned trip also offers the remarkable exposure of magnificent architectural beauty of old temples and monasteries. In India you will find the several places with numerous sites of Buddhism like Bodhgaya, Patna, Varanasi, Ajanta and Ellora caves, Lumbini, Dharamshala, Tawang, Sikkim, etc.

There are several popular destination of Buddhism dotted in different regions. Bodhgaya, Nalanda, Patna, Varanasi, Ajanta and Ellora caves, Lumbini, Dharamshala, Tawang and Sikkim are the some most popular destinations in India of Buddhism. All these cities are preserving the rich culture and heritage and several teaching centers also running there for the growth of this unique belief. So on your excursion you will also have chance to visit several remarkable teaching center that offer real exposure of the religion. At these teaching centers all the things are running according heritage and old study patters of this unique belief that make your trip more interesting and erudite ! .

Since Bihar is the birth place of religion so it must have more significance. Bodhgaya in Bihar is one of the most admired Buddhist pilgrimage sites in India. Biodhgaya is known as the place where Lord Buddha attained enlightenment under the banyan tree after long deliberation. After that the tree become famous as the Bodhi Tree and has much importance and one of the popular attractions of the place. Lumbini is another very popular destination of this faith; it is regarded as the birth place of Lord Buddha so that considered as one of the most important sites in Buddhism faith. You also find numerous other important place in Bihar like as Nalanda, Patna, etc that also considered as important destinations. Apart form Bihar there are several other deserving destinations dotted for Buddhist tour in India. Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh is very popular and important one. After all about more than 25 destinations are dotted across the country offer lots of options for understanding the significant of spirituality of Buddhism. So plan a spiritual tour according to interested destinations and embark on a perfect divine trip.

About the Author

Lalit is an eminent analyst and writer in India Travel & Tourism related topics. He has authored many books on tour guide for more information please visit the Ladakh Trekking and Trekking in Ladakh.

Spirituality and Metaphysics

Posted: 16 Jan 2012 11:00 AM PST

Article by Kirsten Stacey

Ideas turn out to be things. Radiate good vibrations and watch the universe reverberate in type; we create our own truth; feel high thoughts along with your world grows brighter; concentrate on the detrimental, along with your fears materialize. Ideas inside attract things around.

Tomorrow's God will arrive down to earth and be part of us, as humankind awakens to locate that its concept of the supreme getting wrongly displays the true deity. Daily life is God acting out its purpose, getting to be genuine in bodily sort. An universal head underlies the planet; converse to it and it will supply an reply. Make up your brain; feel positive thoughts; enrich your self; leave your person ego and create a whole new Earth.

And so the new spirituality speaks of a tidal wave shortly to wash about us, becoming a member of the old truths of religion with new-age optimism; 1 thoughts, one planet.

Since the teachings from the new spiritualism reflect the teachings in the old spiritualism, it is difficult to oppose this optimistic viewpoint. But for the teachings to become genuine, the new spiritualism will want more than substantial thoughts, bright-colored guides, and promises of the greater globe. It's going to require a logical, credible grounding. It will need a coherent worldview, a metaphysics, and especially, an integrated picture with the universe that explains both spirit as well as the content entire world.

That is all very good and excellent. Nobody reads, considerably less agrees with, Berkeley and Hume any much more. But then right here arrives the shocker for anyone who care to devote some focus to your problem.

When we flip to quantum principle, physic's leading principle with the nature of fact, we discover that physicists as well as the idealist philosophers are declaring very close to exactly the same point but in different ways. Physicists repeatedly remind us that "atoms usually are not points." Somewhat, on the base of truth all we've are "quantum waves," somet! hing res ting from the borderland among a particle as well as a wave, or even the wave perform, a method telling us wherever we could find a particle if we choose to look for one. (See Bruce Rosenblum & Fred Kuttner, Quantum Enigma: Physics Encounters Consciousness). Nobel prize-winning physicists, Robert J. Laughlin, tells us that "[q]uantum mechanical matter consists of waves of nothing." (A Distinct Universe). Jim Al-Khalili, in his book, Quantum: A Guide for that Perplexed, acknowledges that "no one really knows what the wave operate actually is." It is not a "classical particle with a definite location at each time." Somewhat it is a probability wave that "collapses" into a discrete particle when observed.

As Bruce Rosenblum and Fred Kuttner write, "There is no way to interpret quantum concept without encountering consciousness." Why? Because even though quantum principle says only wave functions exist, scientific observations somehow convert the wave perform into a particle. As quickly as consciousness is found to play a role inside the "collapse from the wave operate," the next question is, how much of the role? Instead of mind-independent matter, are there mind-independent wave functions "out there" waiting to be collapsed into a true world? Or, was Berkeley right after all? Are we simply looking at a dream from the mind of an Eternal Spirit?

Quantum theorists say that conscious observations are necessary to produce a photograph of bodily truth; Berkeley said that a mind or spirit is necessary for us to experience a content globe. Isn't the difference between these two viewpoints one of emphasis somewhat than of doctrine? Have scientists, in belittling Berkeley's philosophy, missed out on a chance to integrate science with idealism?

Despite the findings of quantum physics, the scientific head cannot bring itself to dispense with the principle of objectivity, the belief that "there is a real globe independent of human perceptions." (Ernst Mayr, This is Biology: The Science of the Livi! ng Entir e world.) Science remains the emotionally-detached search for truth; it does not want to inject spirit, lifestyle, or brain into the wave operate; it only wants to observe particles in motion.

The two the idealist philosophers and quantum theorists agree that there is no such factor as a mind-independent planet of matter. Somewhat, under both fields of thought, matter is a notion we've got implanted upon the external entire world. In other words, the two matter and spirit are internal concepts and exist around the exact same level. Therefore, spirit should be able to affect matter from the exact same way that the substance entire world - a bad day on the office, the home team comes from behind to win, our best friend moves away - affects spirit.

So we are now ready to outline a metaphysics for that new spirituality. And it really is simple. All of physical fact does in fact reside in an Eternal Spirit, and this spirit is what we call God. If we are one particular thoughts within the midst of a powerful dream, then most everything the new spirituality says can be true: thoughts can make up points because the thought along with the thing are connected, like a dreamer and its dream. If we can solve the problem of solipsism and discover a way to integrate science into this new viewpoint, then we will really be on to something.

The prediction right here is that the "new spirituality" will eventually divide into two camps: those who practice spirituality (or religion) within the worldview of materialism and pray for an omnipotent God to change the planet through a miracle, and individuals who conclude that to make spiritualism actual, it'll be necessary to eliminate the independent-world assumption of scientific materialism and join spirit with matter, the dreamer with its dream.

Philip Mereton is a practicing lawyer with a philosophy degree whose mission is to expose the fallacies in our current materialistic worldview and to advance a much more rational -- and promising -- outlook. Hi! s first book, The Heaven on the End of Science - An Argument for a fresh Worldview of Hope, began as a college essay in 1974. The theme is the same: idealism (the entire world is really a dream) greater explains the world than materialism (the entire world is a decaying machine). His website and blog appear at

Mr. Mereton asks all viewers who have doubts over the truth in the Big Bang, the origin of lifestyle from a primordial swamp, humankind's descent from bacteria, or even the death of God (among many other doubtful findings of modern science), to join the revolution against scientific materialism. The revolution begins with a question: is materialism correct? Is there a much better way to explain the world we live in? After all, if the planet is really a dream, it'd be to our advantage to learn and understand that fact now so that we can learn how to master the dream and thus our personal lives, fairly than manipulate particles in materialism's grand machine. So what can you do? Visit the website; read books that question materialism; raise your hand in class and question science teachers; be variety. Under the tenets of science, the truth will remain standing after all the questioning and experimentation ends. But we must start first start the debate. Join in.

About the Author

Read more here: religion

Spirit Science 6 - Flower of Life

Hidden deep within our past, lies a secret that has been long forgotten. There have been various organizations throughout history that have protected its secret, The Masons for example have done just that. What are we talking about? It's the ancient secret of the Flower of Life. Twitter - @spiritsciences Facebook - Sources and Links The Flower of Life books Spiral of Light -

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Courteney Cox: David Arquette 'is my best friend'

Posted: 16 Jan 2012 11:00 AM PST

Courteney Cox and David Arquette remain close and run their production company together, Coquette Productions.
Courteney Cox and David Arquette remain close and run their production company together, Coquette Productions.
  • "[David Arquette is] my favorite person in the world," Courteney Cox told PEOPLE
  • Cox and Arquette separated in fall 2010 after 11 years of marriage
  • "[We went out to celebrate] David's one year of sobriety," Cox says

( -- They may be the happiest unmarried couple in L.A.

"He's my favorite person in the world," Courteney Cox told PEOPLE of her estranged husband David Arquette at the "Cougar Town" TCA party. "He's my best friend. No matter what happens in our future, he's my very best friend."

Cox and Arquette, who separated in fall 2010 after 11 years of marriage, remain close and together run their production company, Coquette Productions, that has some art-imitating-life projects in the works.

Cox tells PEOPLE, "We sold one show, 'Ten Year,' about a couple who separated after 10 years of marriage. It's not really about David and me, but it's something we related to and we thought we should tell a story about people who could actually get along after being separated. It's telling a different version."

As far as Arquette's recovery after rehab for alcohol abuse, his No. 1 supporter says they just celebrated a milestone. "[We went out to celebrate] David's one year of sobriety," Cox says. "He's great. Good for him."

See the full article at

© 2011 People and Time Inc. All rights reserved.

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Three Reasons Buddhist Practice Centres Should Buy Wholesale Mediation Shawls From Tibet Arts

Posted: 16 Jan 2012 10:00 AM PST

Article by Seo5 Consulting

Buddhist practice centers can buy shawls for their students at wholesale prices, to help their followers enhance and improve their mediation, and to create a profit for the center. A mediation shawl is the perfect way for students to comfortably meditate all year around because they provide just the right amount of warmth and comfort to feel at ease without the distraction of nature's elements. A mediation shawl that is offered at a wholesale rate, supplies the practice center with a discounted price on multiple shawls, which can be sold to the students, or be used as gifts for new students and visitors.

The Benefits of Wholesale Mediation Supplies

1. Savings for the Practice Center

Many practice centers run on the donations that they receive and the fundraising efforts of the handmade items that they create and sell. It's likely that any center does not have the funding for a large investment. Wholesale rates allow any practice center or shop the ability to buy the supplies that they require for mediation at a discounted rate. This is beneficial as the center will still receive a high quality product but because they are purchasing the item in bulk numbers, the wholesale distributor will be able to offer a discount on the merchandise.

2. Selling at a Profit

Practice centers can increase their income by re-selling mediation items to their students. This works as an advantage to the students as well. When a new student joins, he or she may feel intimidated, and not know what he or she is supposed to have or bring to meditation. When their superiors tell them what is recommended, and inform the students that these supplies can be purchased on site, it makes the student's integration into practice and mediation a seamless and fluid transition.

3. Gift Giving

A prayer item such as a shawl also makes a very fine gift for students or visitors. Mediation shawls can be made thick, completely out of wool for a lot of warmth on very cold nights, or a poly cotton bl! end for cooler summer mornings. These shawls can be provided to important visitors, or students that have achieved something for the practice center, or has done something honorable that has made he or she stand out amongst the other students. Whatever the case may be, having shawls on hand that are superior quality, is always recommended for practice centers.

Buying wholesale is a great way to still receive quality items and to purchase them at a discounted rate. Wholesale savings can improve Buddhist practice centers by offering students a convenient place to purchase their supplies, and provides students and visitors with the accessories that they need for a comfortable and enlightening meditation. Wholesale rates can be applied to any mediation requirement including alter cloths, mediation belts and bell and vajra sets.

Tibet Arts has been offering their Buddhist meditation shawl and other practice items since 1992. For a list of their wholesale products visit, Tibetarts.

About the Author

Tibet Arts supply a fine range of Tibetan jewelry and Tibetan singing bowls. They are located in Cambridge. Our Store also sells meditation shawl, supplies and manadala earrings. For more information, please visit

Annual Buddhist Show in Jing Fung (NYHSK)

Recorded on January 14, 2012 using a Flip Video camera.

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Drowning Incidents Among Children Drop, Study Finds

Posted: 16 Jan 2012 10:00 AM PST

swimming, kids, pool, water, lifejackets, safety
CREDIT: Kids in lifejacekts photo via Shutterstock

The rate of children hospitalized yearly due to drowning-related incidents has dropped by 50 percent since the early 1990s, a new report finds.

The biggest drop occurred in the southern U.S., where drowning-related incidents fell from seven yearly hospitalizations per 100,000 children to three annual hospitalizations per 100,000 children.

"The report shows that we're doing a good job," said lead author Stephen Bowman, an epidemiologist and professor at the Johns Hopkins Center for Injury Research and Policy.

"Trends are going in the right direction, but there's still about 1,000 deaths from drowning in children per year," Bowman said. "And that's too many."

This is the first study to look at trends in hospitalizations for drowning incidents in children.

The study is published today (Jan. 16) in the journal Pediatrics.

Drowning highest among infants and toddlers

Every day in the U.S, about ten people die from accidental drowning. Of these, two are children 14 years old or younger, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Drowning is the second leading cause of accidental death in children ages 1 to 19 in the U.S.

Among children, infants and toddlers are the highest risk group. In 2007, almost 30 percent of children who died from accidental injury died from drowning.

Near drownings can cause brain damage, which can lead to long-term health complications such as memory problems, learning disabilities and permanent loss of basic functioning.

"Drowning is such a terrible, nasty injury because you're not getting enough oxygen," said Dr. Linda Quan, a pediatric emergency room physician at Seattle Children's Hospital.

"You can have a cardiac arrest, and with medical assistance, your heart might be able pump again," said Quan who was not involved with the work.

"But other organs including the brain may not be able to sustain such an injury," she said.

Which may explain how even after resuscitation, a person can still die after being hospitalized.

Are efforts to reduce accidental drownings enough?

Researchers looked at hospital data over a 16-year period and found the rates of hospitalization from drowning-related incidents declined in children younger than 19 years old.

From 1993 to 2008, researchers found, the number of hospitalizations associated with drowning decreased from about five cases per 100,000 children, to two cases.

Researchers also observed a 40 percent drop in bathtub-related drowning hospitalizations in infants and toddlers.

Study authors noted boys maintained higher rates of drowning injuries than girls.

The reason for the overall decline may be due to "educational campaigns that have been put into place to reduce drowning," Bowman said.

"Efforts such as putting fences around pools and encouraging parents to have kids in a supervised setting, are some of the things we'd like to believe are yielding positive results in reducing drowning," he said.

But Quan said she isn't entirely sure such efforts are the only reason for the decline.

"It could mean that kids aren't going to the beach as often," she said. "Or maybe they're just sitting at home playing computer games. We don't really know for sure why there's a decline." She said there hasn't been enough attention given to water safety.

"We haven't had national focus, medical focus or family focus on preventing drowning," Quan said. "We haven't taken the same approach to preventing drowning like we have with motor vehicle accidents."

What is most important is that parents follow all the necessary steps to ensure their child is safe, she said.

"Every family needs to think about how to prepare and respond to any water related activity," Quan said.

Some of her suggestions included:

  • Bring a lifejacket with you when visiting a beach.
  • Swim only where there's a lifeguard.
  • Keep active watch on your child if they're near or in the water.
  • Have your kids take swimming lessons.
  • Before engaging in a water-related activities, set expectations and rules with your kids.

Pass it on: Fewer kids require hospitalization from drowning.

Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. Find us on Facebook.

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Guided Meditation - Loving Kindness.wmv

Cultivate Loving Kindness for all beings. Practice and experience the true happiness from within.

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Spiritual Trap to Avoid At All Costs: Believing You Are Above Karma

Posted: 16 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST

Article by Scott Petullo & Stephen Petullo, the Mystic Twins

The Awakening-Final Version-Full Length Documentary

An independently produced documentary from Max Igan, covering controversial topics and important issues facing humanity. Max Igan (Pen Name) is an Australian researcher/ activist/ author. From the Author Max Igan: In this film I have attempted to explain to you, the real structure of this reality, the nature of energy and of the light and sound that make up this entire universe and everyone and everything contained within it. I have attempted to show you that this understanding is supported both by ancient traditions and also by modern science. I will say to you again now that all that actually exists within this or any other reality is pure conscious energy. That is truly all there is and the stuff this energy is made from is pure unconditional love. I bring this message to you now because it is important that you receive it. The Earth and all that live upon it are about to undergo some very significant changes but these changes are nothing to be feared for once you have gained a clear understanding of what this reality truly is; once you have gained knowledge of how the true stuff of the universe actually works; Once you have realized your connection to all people and to all things and follow the path of the one universal law, then what is there to fear? What is there to hate? What is there to judge? Understand that the life we are experiencing within this reality is a game of free will being played out by a single consciousness of which we are all merely frequencies ...

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Martin Luther King and Thich Nhat Hanh

Posted: 16 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST

On the occasion of Martin Luther King Day, it's worth reading the letter he wrote to the Nobel Peace Prize committee, nominating the Stress Reduction monk-activist, Thich Hnat Hanh:

1967 25, January
The Nobel Institute
Drammesnsveien 19


As the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate of 1964, I now have the pleasure of proposing to you the name of Thich Nhat Hanh for that award in 1967. I do not personally know of anyone more worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize than this gentle Stress Reduction monk from Vietnam.

This would be a notably auspicious year for you to bestow your Prize on the Venerable Nhat Hanh. Here is an apostle of peace and non-violence, cruelly separated from his own people while they are oppressed by a vicious war which has grown to threaten the sanity and security of the entire world.

Because no honor is more respected than the Nobel Peace Prize, conferring the Prize on Nhat Hanh would itself be a most generous act of peace. It would remind all nations that men of good will stand ready to lead warring elements out of an abyss of hatred and destruction. It would re-awaken men to the teaching of beauty and love found in peace. It would help to revive hopes for a new order of justice and harmony.

I know Thich Nhat Hanh, and am privileged to call him my friend. Let me share with you some things I know about him. You will find in this single human being an awesome range of abilities and interests.

He is a holy man, for he is humble and devout. He is a scholar of immense intellectual capacity. The author of ten published volumes, he is also a poet of superb clarity and human compassion. His academic discipline is the Philosophy of Religion, of which he is Professor at Van Hanh, the Stress Reduction University he helped found in Saigon. He directs the Institute for Social Studies at this University. This amazing man also is editor of Thien My, an influential Stress Reduction weekly publication. And he is Director of Youth for Social Service, a Vietnamese institution which trains young people for the peaceable rehabilitation of their country.

Thich Nhat Hanh today is virtually homeless and stateless. If he were to return to Vietnam, which he passionately wishes to do, his life would be in great peril. He is the victim of a particularly brutal exile because he proposes to carry his advocacy of peace to his own people. What a tragic commentary this is on the existing situation in Vietnam and those who perpetuate it.

The history of Vietnam is filled with chapters of exploitation by outside powers and corrupted men of wealth, until even now the Vietnamese are harshly ruled, ill-fed, poorly housed, and burdened by all the hardships and terrors of modern warfare.

Thich Nhat Hanh offers a way out of this nightmare, a solution acceptable to rational leaders. He has traveled the world, counseling statesmen, religious leaders, scholars and writers, and enlisting their support. His ideas for peace, if applied, would build a monument to ecumenism, to world brotherhood, to humanity.

I respectfully recommend to you that you invest his cause with the acknowledged grandeur of the Nobel Peace Prize of 1967. Thich Nhat Hanh would bear this honor with grace and humility.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Related posts:

  1. "You are Here" by Thich Nhat Hanh
  2. Your True Home: The Everyday Wisdom of Thich Nhat Hanh
  3. The path of nonviolence: six principles of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Buddhism: Prostrations Part II

The Venerable Thubten Chodron physically demonstrates how prostrations are done.

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15 Tips To Manage Stress; and They Won't Cost You a Penny!

Posted: 16 Jan 2012 08:00 AM PST

Article by Jeff Behar

15 Tips To Manage Stress; and They Won't Cost You a Penny! Written by Jeff Behar

15 Tips to Help Manage Stress

Get enough sleep. Lack of rest can aggravate stress. Eat well. Avoid sugars, processed foods, too much caffeine. Exercise Regularly. Exercise is one of the best physical stress-reduction techniques available. Exercise not only improves your health and reduces stress caused by unfitness, it also relaxes tense muscles and helps you to sleep. Exercise has a number of other positive benefits you may not be aware of: (1) It improves blood flow to your brain, bringing additional sugars and oxygen that may be needed when you are thinking intensely. (2) By exercising, you speed the flow of blood through your brain, removing bio waste products caused by our body's internal actions faster.(3) Exercise can cause release of chemicals called endorphins into your blood stream. These give you a feeling of happiness and positively affect your overall sense of well-being. (4) There is also good evidence that physically fit people have less extreme physiological responses when under pressure than those who are not. This means that fit people are more able to handle the long- term effects of stress, without suffering ill health or burnout.

Don't sweat the small stuff. Try to prioritize a few truly important things and let the rest slide Learn how to best relax yourself. Determine if the issue is worth stressing about? is it something that you have no control over to change?

Try positive thinking. Positive thinking does help bring about positive change. Negative thoughts can affect the brains thinking and result on physio-chemical changes within your body...and thought process. Negative thinking also damages your performance by undermining your self-confidence. It also occupies "attentional capacity" at times when you need to focus your entire mind on what you are doing.

Try not to personalize things. Maybe the other person or situation you are dealing with is really abou! t them a nd their poor coping techniques and not about you. In many cases, situations do not cause all of the stress that we experience.

Keep things in perspective. Sometimes, our reaction to circumstances (and what we say to ourselves about them) contributes to the stress we experience. Sometimes we are right in what we say to ourselves. Often, however, we are overly harsh and unjust in a way that we would never be with friends or co-workers. This, along with other negative thinking, can cause intense stress and unhappiness and can severely damage your self-confidence.

Prioritize. In today's fast paced world, whether it be at home or at work, workload issues lie behind much of the stress we experience. Not only can a heavy workload be tiring in its own right, it often drives us to work much longer hours than we would really like. This means that we spend time working that we'd prefer to use for the things that give life value. It also means that we're working when we should really be resting. Worse than this, a heavy routine workload leaves us little time to deal with the emergencies that come up from time-to-time. This adds to the feeling of being "out of control" that is so much part of stress. Successful workload management is therefore vitally important for your job satisfaction.If you feel overwhelmed with a "to do list" reduce the number of events going on in your life and you may reduce the circuit overload. Set a realistic list of items to do and start prioritizing.

Be mindful. You can selectively change the way you react, by first identifying stress in its early stages. Listen to your body and feel the early signs of stress (maybe you can feel tightness in your chest, or your response starts quickening). Take these early signs as an opportunity to implement relaxation techniques like counting to ten and deep breathing, and/or use it as an opportunity to remove yourself from the stressful situation before it gets worse. Bottom line: learn to recognize stress for what it is. Increase ! your bod y's feedback and make stress self-regulating.

Meditate. Meditation is a good way of relaxing during, and at the end of, a stressful day. It is something you can learn to do yourself, or may be something you prefer to learn in classes. Meditation and breathing exercises have been proven to be very effective in controlling stress. Note: Some of the key research on meditation was carrier out by Dr. Herbert Benson of Harvard University. His book on this, "The Relaxation Response", was published in 1968. In a series of experiments into various popular meditation techniques, Dr. Benson established that these techniques had a very real effect on reducing stress and controlling the fight-or-flight response. Direct effects included slowed heartbeat and breathing, reduced oxygen consumption and increased skin resistance. Reduce brain clutter. Practice clearing your mind of disturbing thoughts.A good technique is to write down what is bothering you, then file it away, and out of your mind.

Take 5 for yourself. Give yourself a break if only for a few moments daily. Avoid extreme reactions. Why hate when a little dislike will do? Why generate anxiety when you can be nervous? Why rage when anger will do the job? Overreacting can escalate stress. Walk Away. Remove yourself from the stressful situation. Many people bring stress upon themselves by not walking away.

Avoid self-medication or escape. This includes alcohol and drugs, as well as dietary extremes such as excess sugar and caffeine.

Remember, the management of stress depends mainly on the willingness of a person to make the changes necessary for a healthy lifestyle. For many more articles in the areas of: health, fitness, disease prevention, nutrition, bodybuilding, men's health, weight loss, vitamins and supplements, and anti-aging you can visit - Your Source for the latest health, fitness, nutrition, and anti-agin information and late breaking news.

About the Author

Jeff Behar is a senior writer for and where he regularly writes about hot topics in the areas of health, fitness, disease prevention, nutrition, bodybuilding, men's health, weight loss, vitamins and supplements, and anti-aging

How Your Subconscious Mind Affects Your Thoughts & Behavior

Posted: 16 Jan 2012 07:00 AM PST

Article by Rhonda Jones

The subconscious mind is the most wonderful gift by God to you. It is the most powerful part of your body because it controls your destiny. While the conscious mind is in charge of thoughts and actions that are under your full control, the subconscious mind takes charge of your feelings and emotions. How you direct your subconscious mind will greatly determine and affect the quality of your life.

Your Subconscious Mind Stores Information

You should be careful with what kind of information you put inside your mind because they go directly to your subconscious. If you fill your mind with negative thoughts then you tend to be more negative in life. Therefore, remove or limit the unnecessary harmful things that you see and hear which your subconscious mind might absorb. Negative information usually comes from the mass media such as the television, newspaper or radio. Try to fill your subconscious mind with more positive thoughts which will result to a more positive outlook.

Repetitive Affirmations Affect your Subconscious

Your subconscious mind stores knowledge through repetitions. When you constantly tell yourself about an idea or a belief, your subconscious mind will ultimately accept it. Positive affirmations can therefore be effective in achieving what you want in life because your thoughts control your actions. If you speak unkindly about yourself, then you tend to feel inferior and insecure. So try to appreciate your good qualities and compliment yourself for your positive traits. Do this positive self-talk as often as you can so that your subconscious mind will also see you in a positive way. Self-confidence that results from a positive outlook of your own self can lead to success, prosperity and happiness in life.

Use your Subconscious for a Healthier you

Your subconscious mind has a big role in getting rid of your vices and bad habits. Since it is in charge of your feelings and emotions, it can generate both enjoyment and fear. You probably enjoy engaging ! in your bad habits or vices but your subconscious mind can also produce the feeling of fear or anxiety due to their negative effects. This can serve as a powerful force for you to quit your vices and bad habits. The subconscious mind is also known for its power to heal. Doctors say that the mind and the body always go hand in hand in regaining a person's health. A patient has a greater chance to recover from his illness if he believes that he would rather than if he believes that he wouldn't.

People sometimes forget the important role of the subconscious mind in their life. You should remember that it is a very powerful tool which can help you reach your goals and achieve the kind of life you want. It is a gift from God that must be used correctly and wisely.

About the Author

Learn about Guided Christian Meditation CDs and resources that will enhance your life and relationship with God at . Are you ready to transform your life and live with more purpose and passion? Visit Detox Your Life Now and Awaken Your Inner Spirit at to learn about this 10-week Christian faith-based program.

Five steps to opening the heart to peace

Posted: 16 Jan 2012 07:00 AM PST

For many years I co-led a yoga and meditation retreat with a friend.  The retreat was called Open Heart, Quiet Mind and it was offered  at Aryaloka Meditation Center in Newmarket, New Hampshire. My friend taught yoga and I led guided meditations on the metta bhavana, the meditation on the development of loving-kindness.

The retreats initially began on Friday evening and ended on Sunday afternoon. They were so popular the next retreat was fully booked at the end of each retreat. After sensing the rhythm of the retreats for several years, we decided to extend the timing of them and so we started Thursday evenings and ended Sunday afternoons so that we would have an extra full day to meditate and practice yoga.

With the combination of yoga and meditation, participants relaxed and looked inward and a community was established. Throughout the retreat we thought about an intention, something we wanted to consider during and after the retreat. The intentions came as a result of the yoga, meditation, silence, cooking together and having spaciousness from the usual routine of daily life.

Towards the end of the retreat we shared our intentions, with each person listening quietly as individuals described their intentions. The intentions spanned a range of topics from exercise, meditation, diet, communication, music practice to making amends with estranged friends and family members. Although each person's intention was different, the common thread was that they came from the heart.

Although we did not lead people to make intentions based on ethical disciplines of yoga, most of them did fall into five ethical categories.  So, eventually, when leading meditation at the yoga retreats, I spoke about these steps to freedom.

Just as the practice of yoga releases tension in the body, these five steps will release blocks to the flow of the heart and release unconditional love.  When we love, we are free from the restrictions of ill will.

Here is a list of five ways to open the heart:

1. ahimsa – nonharm – the practice of compassion and unconditional love for ourselves, for all human beings and all sentient beings

We can practice ahimsa with each word we speak, each action we take and each thought we think. Ahimsa is the foundation for vegetarianism.

Of course we don't always reach our ideals so an important aspect of this practice is to be gentle and accepting of ourselves when our practice falls short of the ideal.

As a way of practicing ahimsa we might ponder the following queries:

  • In what ways am I critical of myself and others?
  • Recall a time when I blamed myself for an outcome of an action. What could I have done differently, if anything?
  • In what ways have I allowed others to be critical, cruel, unloving to me? What will I do to become free from this situation?
  • How can I be more loving and accepting of myself and others?

2. satya – truth – the practice of being true in our thoughts, words and actions

To practice satya, we are fearless in understanding the truth and this is reflected in what we think, how we communicate and how we behave. We are also fearless when listening to others, to understand their truth. We recognize that the foundation of truth is ahimsa.

As a way of practicing satya, we might ponder the following:

  • In what ways am I true to myself?
  • When do my actions conflict with honoring the truth?
  • With whom am I truthful and which people "not so much"?
  • Reflect on relationships that are not based on truth and consider whether it is time to communicate with the person in an honest and kind way.
  • How can I be more true to myself and to others?

3. asteya – not stealing – being free from desiring what belongs to others

Desire and craving what we do not have means that we feel insufficient, as though we lack something. This practice means that we respect the property of others, return what we borrow, act in a courteous way with others (respecting their energy and time) and to be at peace within ourselves.

We might practice asteya by reflecting on the following:

  • With whom do I feel "lesser than" or jealous? What is beneath this feeling and how can I change this sense of lack?
  • What material things of others do I desire?
  • When do I feel at ease and grateful for how things are? How can I develop this sense of ease?
  • How does generosity fit with asteya?

4. aparigraha – letting go – freedom from collecting possessions

We desire to possess many things including material objects, thoughts and ideas, and even people. We cling to things – homes, cars, technological toys, books, adventures, partners, travel and pets. We feel secure when we have our "stuff".

To practice letting go:

  • Consider times when you released your attachment to something or someone.
  • Consider what you cling to. In what, who and where is your sense of security based?
  • Which possessions are you most tied to? Which can you easily let go
  • Make a list of your possessions and consider a giving away 10%- 25% of them! What is your felt sense as you consider this idea?

5. santosha – contentment – being at peace no matter what our situation is

We may be in a partnership or single, live in an apartment or a home, drive a Subaru or a Lamborghini, work in a cubicle or the corner office with the view, we may be twenty or seventy, have a high school education or a Doctorate, healthy or ill, intellectual or not, artistic or not – whatever our circumstances, we are content and at peace.

Being at peace means that when we work with, or know, or hear of someone who seems to "have it all" or "have it easy", we are centered and at peace with the understanding that we lack nothing.

Some ideas to ponder when working with santosha include:

  • When I find myself feeling jealous of someone's conditions, how do I feel in my body and what emotions arise?
  • Consider a time you were filled with negativity, how did you react? How could you respond to move towards contentment?

Patanjali (150 BCE) is the compiler of the Yoga Sutras, an important collection of aphorisms on yoga practice based on reflection, meditation and ethics.

He wrote: "Peace can be reached through meditation on the knowledge which dreams give. Peace can also be reached through concentration upon that which is dearest to the heart."

Related posts:

  1. Veterans find peace with yoga in 'Connected Warriors'
  2. Peace of mind
  3. Avalokitesvara: The heart of the rainbow

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The essence of Buddhism - Sogyal Rinpoche

The entire teaching of the Buddha can be summed up in just three lines. Find out more -

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Coping With Stress at Work

Posted: 16 Jan 2012 06:00 AM PST

Article by Seomul Evans

No matter what situation you work in, or what type of work you do, there will usually be things which from time to time cause you to feel stress. Frequently employees in the workplace will end up having one or two days away from work, as a result of stress build up. For some, their time off may even be longer than that. The key to this is how people manage stress.

Some situations at work may cause you more stress than others; for example some people feel stress because of limitations on their time, whereas others feel stress because of the people they have to deal with at work. Many things are affected by how you handle stress at work, including your relationships with co-workers, your work performance, and even the state of your health.

Nobody can completely avoid stress, and this is an important point you must understand if you want to be able to cope with stress. If you are constantly trying to avoid stress, then your health and work performance are still going to suffer. The next thing that's important for you to understand is that your stress symptoms are not cause directly by the work pressures, but by the way you look at them and how you manage them.

Businesses are now becoming more aware of the huge effect which stress can have on their employees and their business, and as a result many have stress reduction measures in place. Some examples of these include employment benefits such as massage and gym membership, or 'mental health' release days.

A lot of businesses which employ people in jobs that are known to be high stress also employ counselors, who help their employees to cope with their stress at work as well as stress they may be suffering in their personal lives.

We are all affected differently by stress, which means that one person's symptoms of stress will differ from another's. Therefore it's important that you know what your stress symptoms are, as this will help you to cope with them. Amongst the more usual stress symptoms are stomach problems, all! ergies, sleep problems, back pain and headaches.

Habits such as biting your nails can also develop as a result from stress. If symptoms of stress are not dealt with they can often lead to the development of more serious issues, including life threatening ones such as heart disease and high blood pressure. Serious psychological problems can also result, including difficulty controlling your anger, and depression.

Stress at work does not, however, have to be a bad thing all of the time, and in fact some kinds of stress can improve your work performance and feelings of self worth. For example, if you have been allocated a particularly challenging task because your boss considers you the best person for it, then you will be likely to enjoy the challenge. You will probably then rise to it, even though you might have to put in some extra work.

So, prepare yourself for inevitable stress at work, by knowing how to deal with those times before you get to them. Physical activity is a good way of coping with stress, because stress causes a build up of toxins, which can be released by exercise.

You should also talk to someone about the things that are causing stress at work. It is important to share problems, and this may also help to work out solutions. Deep breathing can also help during times of stress.

About the Author

Seomul Evans is a Online Marketing Company consultant for leading a Small Business Blog and contributor of self improvement articles .

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Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 1/16/2012

Posted: 16 Jan 2012 06:00 AM PST

"Loss is not as bad as wanting more."

~Lao Tzu
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Technorati Tags: Buddha Buddhist Buddhism Meditation Dharma
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Mahamevna - Nawalapitiye Ariyawansha Thero - Dharmaya Dana Ganeeme Wadagathkama

Buddhist Sermon preached by the Most Ven. Nawalapitiye Ariyawansha Thero

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Making Homemade Stress Balls

Posted: 16 Jan 2012 05:00 AM PST

Stress Reduction
by Cea.

Article by Luka Dobravc

Most of us are constantly confronted with stress even if we try to avoid it. It is commonly known that stress can affect our mind and body in other words it can seriously affect our health.

There are several ways to combat stress and almost all of them are successful. It depends on each individual what path will he took when managing stress. There are conventional stress management techniques and many other unconventional but also useful techniques when trying to reduce stress. The later unconventional techniques are the ones that all of us can access and use them to our advantage, amongst those are funny stress relief, relaxation, stress relief balls and stress relief games. Most of those techniques can be practiced at home for low or no price, probably the hardest thing to get for free are stress relief balls. For that reason I will try to explain in few easy steps how to create homemade stress ball.

Make your own stress balls in few short steps1. Prepare the materials: You need small or medium durable balloon (normal watter balloons are not strong enough), a tiny funnel, tying ribbon or thread, cornstarch and stickers (to design your stress ball).2. Keep filling balloon with the air till its center portion is about 5-inches in diameter. After this is done do not tie the balloon immediately.3. Hold the balloon inch bellow the top and pinch the mouth of the balloon with your hands.4. Insert the funnel into open balloon mouth and let the top shut loosely around the open funnel leg.5. Insert the cornstarch in the funnel.6. Slowly move your hands to allow the cornstarch to fall through the mouth into balloon.7. Continue filling the balloon until about 3 inches are filled.8. Pinch out the excess air from the top of the balloon.9. Grab the balloon close to the cornstarch and tie the thread around balloon very tightly.10. Use the colors, stickers and your mind to make stress ball amusing and unique.Well done, your first stress ball finished. I hope you were successful in creating i! t and th at you like it. Now you see that no specialist is needed you have devised your own stress reliever at home. Of course these homemade stress balls are not as good as the ones made in a factory but if you make them at home they are cheap, you have fun and you can make new one anytime. The best advantage of homemade stress balls is that even by making them you are on the good path to stress reduction.So what are you waiting for? Make another stress ball and make sure you follow the steps carefully, we do not want to make useless stress ball that will only make us more nervous. Do it step-by-step and result will be amazing.

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Helping the society reduce stress

Meditação ( Tom Jobim & Newton Mendonça ) - Bogdan Plech

An excellent example of music that helps many people relax and reduce stress is Jobim's Meditation. Recorded in May of 1963, Meditation by Antonio Carlos Jobim, remains a classic in the music industry. There are several different renditions of this beautiful relaxing song available as an online download, CD, or sheet music. Listening to music is a wonderful way to relieve the stress of the day. Throughout history, music has played an important role in the lives of people worldwide. It has the power to evoke strong emotions, soothe the mind, and relax the body. The styles of music that reduces stress are as varied as the people listening to it. Some prefer the tranquil sounds of Chinese meditation music, while others enjoy hearing the harmonious tones of a relaxtion guitar. For many people listening to the smooth sounds of jazz or the wonderful rhythms of Latin music is the key to relaxation and stress reduction. Meditation by Antonio Carlos Jobim is a beautiful melodic combination of these two timeless styles. If you want stress relief and love the cool melodic sounds of jazz combined with a swaying Latin beat, try listening to Jobin's Meditation. Before you know it, you will be immersed in the soft sounds of the music as your stress and tension fade away. Lyrics: Quem acreditou no amor no sorriso e na flor Entao sonhou sonhou, E perdeu a paz, pois o amor o sorriso ea flor Se transformam depressa demais Quem no coração abrigou a tristeza de ver tudo isso se perder E na ...

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A Visit to Gangtok during Festival – Glory of Buddhist Festivals

Posted: 16 Jan 2012 04:00 AM PST

Article by Dave

Gangtok, the largest town of Indian state Sikkim is situated in the Shivalik hills of eastern Himalayas at an altitude of 1,437 meters. The name Gangtok means lofty hills which itself suggest about the land amidst lovely woods and hills. This charming town adds a perfect picturesque effect to the Himalayan beauty. Blessed with high Himalayan peaks and a mild climate throughout the year, Gangtok has been rediscovered as one of the popular tourist spots in the recent years.

Along with nature's splendor beauty Gangtok is surrounded by many Buddhist monasteries which add a spiritual effect to the view of this naturally blessed town. The monasteries all over the town give a Holy effect to the town and spreads and aura of peace and holiness. The monasteries and the Tibetan institutes give the visitors an idea of Tibetan culture and history. On the other hand the great Tsomgo Lake stands for its silent presence of sublime beauty and purity. Gangtok also offers a perfect glimpse of the Kanchenjunga Mountains which gives a splendid beauty and visual glory to human eyes. The major attractions of Gangtok are: Rumtek monastery, Tashiding monastery, Tshuklakhang palace, Deer park, Himalayan Zoo Park, Nathula pass, White Hill, Tsogmo Lake, Enchey monastery, Ganesh Tok and so on.

Gangtok beholding a pleasurable climate throughout the year experience huge amount of tourists from every corner of the world throughout the whole year but during the festivals of Gangtok, the number of visits is the maximum. A visit to Gangtok during festival allows the tourists to enjoy the festive colors of the land along with its natural beauty. Being a town amidst the belief of Buddhism and Hinduism, Gangtok festivals are greatly influenced by both the religions.

The main festivals of Gangtok are: Saga Dawa, Phang Lhabsol and Dasain. Saga Dawa is a Buddhist festival where people visit the monasteries to pray and offer butter lamps. Also the procession of priests provides a spectacular view of holiness. Phang L! habsol i s a Gangtok festival celebrated in the honor of Mt. Kanchenjunga. Dasain on the other hand is a festival celebrating the victory of good over evil which is sacred for both the Hindus and the Buddhists. There are many other festivals of Gangtok such as Loosong, Maghe Sankranti, Flower festival, Gangtok festival, Losar and so on. All these Gangtok festivals add colors of festivity and merriment to the land and thus a visit to Gangtok during festival adds glory to a travelers delight.

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Get related information on Gangtok Hotels, Goa Hotels

New Film Themed Around Buddhist Drama

Buddhist Monks Battle Demons in New Fantasy

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Happiness is All That Matters

Posted: 16 Jan 2012 03:00 AM PST

Article by quotesmari

The end all and be all of online encyclopedias, Wikipedia grabs the first slot on a Google search for the term Buddhism and the breakdown reads like this: "Buddhism is a religion and a philosophy encompassing a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices, largely based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as the Buddha (Pali/Sanskrit "the awakened one"). The Buddha lived and taught in the northeastern Indian subcontinent sometime between the 6th and 4th centuries BCE.

He is recognized by adherents as an awakened teacher who shared his insights to help sentient beings end suffering, achieve nirvana, and escape what is seen as a cycle of suffering and rebirth. Buddhism is traditionally conceived as a path of liberation attained through insight into the ultimate nature of reality. Two major branches of Buddhism are recognized: Theravada ("The School of the Elders") and Mahayana ("The Great Vehicle"). Theravada, the oldest surviving branch, has a widespread following in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia, and Mahayana is found throughout East Asia and includes the traditions of Pure Land, Zen, Nichiren Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, Shingon, Tendai and Shinnyo-en. In some classifications, a third branch, Vajrayana, is recognized, although many see this as an offshoot of the Mahayana. While Buddhism remains most popular within Asia, both branches are now found throughout the world.

Various sources put the number of Buddhists in the world at between 230 million and 500 million." After living abroad in Asia for several years I have found that Buddhist cultures are more tolerant because the focus is on the 'self' and the meditation on the calming of the mind, concentrating on controlled breathing and the idea that meditation to bring one closer to peace is central to discovering one's self.Read more about love advices and love quotes at

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Mari is one of new author about love relation

The Experience of No Self

What is this thing called "self"? Does it actually exist? In this deeply penetrating satsang on the central teaching of the Buddha, Adyashanti invites a direct investigation and experience of who we are. By recognizing our impersonal nature, we can discover the one reality that is beyond the imaginary self.

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Osho Dynamic Meditation - 3 Ways to Learn from Osho

Posted: 16 Jan 2012 02:00 AM PST

Article by Richard A. Manfredi

Osho, an Indian Mystic and spiritual teacher, may be gone, but there are still plenty of ways to learn from his teachings. Even though Osho died in 1990, his technique of Osho dynamic meditation lives on through his followers.What is Osho dynamic meditation?Osho believed that meditation was not just a way to relax; rather, he saw it as a way of life. Osho believed that the search for harmony, love, and wholeness is a fundamental part of every religious and spiritual tradition - regardless of whether you believe in Christianity, Hassidism, Buddhism, Sufism, Tantra, Tao, Yoga, or Zen.Osho dynamic meditation is very different from other meditation techniques. Osho believed that people did not benefit the most by sitting perfectly still and remaining silent, because more people have too much tension to remain still and quiet. Osho dynamic meditation is considered an active meditation technique that aims to get rid of stress and tension. Osho dynamic meditation has been used by doctors, psychotherapists, and teachers all over the world.Just because Osho is gone doesn't mean that people cannot still learn from his philosophies. In fact, there are 3 ways to learn more about Osho and his beliefs:1. Tantra booksOsho believed that people could achieve self-acceptance through love, relaxation, awareness, and receptivity. In Tantra books, Osho himself covers a wide variety of topics, like children, parents, emotions, and even the meaning of life.2. Osho SannyasA great starting point for people new to Osho's teachings, Osho Sannyas are books that were written by his followers. Osho Sannyas offer details about Osho's life, his teachings, and his techniques. His followers believe that learning more about Osho is the first step towards enlightenment.Osho Sannyas are available in a variety of languages, including English, Russian, Hindi, Spanish, and Arabic.3. Osho mp3An Osho mp3 is a great way to learn more about Osho's beliefs, whether you are at home, in the office, or on the road. An Osho mp3 gives listeners ! the chan ce to hear Osho's meditations techniques, his discourses on the development of human consciousness in his own words, his answers to questions, and even his thoughts on Jesus and Buddha.

About the Author

Richard A. Manfredi has written about They offer Osho Dynamic Meditation materials including Osho Rajneesh books, Osho meditation CDs and Tantra books, as well as the largest and best selection Osho discourse DVDs.


Posted: 16 Jan 2012 01:00 AM PST

Article by Krzysztof Sroka

We live in a very fast, changing and often stressful world. Sometimes things happen so quickly that we don't react as fast as we want to. We might even lose our capacity to think fast, clearly and make right decisions.

It's not supposed to be like that. It is important to slow down, relax and calm down our bodies and minds. Otherwise the stress will build up and this will affect our lives and our relationships in negative ways.

One of the best methods to slow down, relax and calm down our bodies and minds is meditation. We need to be sometimes still and we can achieve it through meditation. Meditation is a great antidote for all the stress and pressures which are practically unavoidable in the modern world.

Meditation is good for everybody. Although it is a practice of many religions, it is not just a religious method. It can bring some religious or metaphysical experiences, but it is also a great way to reduce stress.

Meditation may be a challenge for most people to do as a habit. But it is not as difficult as some may think. There are several easy meditation techniques that anyone can follow toward attaining a deeper sense of relaxation. Meditation is an effective weapon against banishing stress brought about by the rigors of life.

People practice meditation for all kinds of reasons, and one of them is health. By practicing meditation we can improve our health significantly.

Ultimately we all look for happiness, and meditation can bring the real happiness which is in us.

Nowadays people are also interested in subjects like manifestation and the law of attraction, but to be able to manifest what we want, we also need to calm our minds and bring happy feelings to us. To do this we need to control our minds to some degree. There is no better way of controlling our minds than practicing meditation.

About the Author

To learn how to practice mediation and anything you need to know about it visit Meditation Guide.

Visit also our Manifestation Site and download Free eBooks about Manifestation, The Law of Attraction and Self Growth and Meditation

Why Meditation?

Posted: 16 Jan 2012 12:00 AM PST

by ElDave

Article by David Clemen

The Trypnaural Meditation Program Going For A Much Deeper Look At What Is Provided

Posted: 15 Jan 2012 11:00 PM PST

Article by Iris Ingles

Dealing with unique variations of anxiety as well as depression and even various types of phobias and additions can be taken care of by using meditation. Meditation is something that a lot of people would like to do however they are unable to find the best program or even the proper sounds to do their meditation. Of course you can find all different sorts of programs and meditation music all over the Internet, but what actually works? That is why I have chosen to take a far better look at the Trypnaural Meditation Program.The particular results that you can get with this method can actually begin within your first few sessions as opposed to years with other programs. You won't just discover all the methods needed but the speed of the results are incredible. And unlike various other meditation courses you will learn to put this meditation directly into action with just a few minutes each day instead of hours. Meaning with just a few minutes every day you will be able to get rid of stress from your life.This method was created by a person who is in fact a musician as well as a scientist with a masters degree and has also had education in ancient Indian Vedic and Gregorian music. And also by combining everything he has learned with all this training he produced this meditation program to truly work.Something else you will be taught with this program is exactly how and why meditation is so useful at getting rid of stress. The science which was utilized to create this system is what makes the program so effective. He has left nothing at all out of this program because he integrated everything he has learned.After you join this system you will be receiving many modules such as the ones listed below. The particular guides you receive will explain how to use the program efficiently and you will also be getting over 13 hours of meditation sounds, music and tones. There is something else that you will receive when you join and that's a free membership for the Alchemy Sound Therapy membership website.This s! ystem it self is currently being sold for which may seem a little expensive. But when you consider all the great results this program can have on your life as well as your health, that is really not that much. The truth is the retail value of everything you will get in this program is 62.This system itself includes a money back guarantee and lots of individuals are comforted by that fact. This really is great because you can take advantage of the program for 2 months and if you really don't get the results they claim you can obtain a refund. If you are looking for a meditation program I would highly recommend this one mainly because of everything you get and also because of the refund policy.

About the Author

Iris Ingles is a full time life coach working in the San Diego area. If you would like to know more about self improvement and self help then check out this website called Personal Development Fad.

Third Eye Chakra Meditation (Ajna)

NOTE: It is important to have a strong foundation, do not neglect the lower chakras! The lower chakras focus on details such as our home, familiy, and feelings, while the upper chakras develop synthesizing views and wisdom that help us understand the grander order of things. All of our chakras affect one another and ultimately work together. Best if done with headphones! I decided to make videos on each individual chakra with some information and the track for you to meditate too. This is the sixth video in the chakra meditation series. I will be making a video for techniques to practice working with your third eye, check back! I hope some of you are able to benefit from this. Guided meditations really helped me out in the beginning, and I loved these tracks.. I could really feel the results. Music by: Paul Lawler

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The Murkiest Intentions of Criminals Unravel on Criminal Minds Season 6 Episode 8

Posted: 15 Jan 2012 10:00 PM PST

Article by Jonesparker

Criminal Minds season 6 episodes have been offering us an insight into some of the most gruesome crimes so far, giving us more of the dose of criminal drama that we all so love. Criminal Minds season 6 is packed to the brim with edge and excitement, giving us every reason to tune in to all the episodes of the season. One of the most shocking twists in the plot related to the cast of the show came in the second episode of the season. Entitled 'JJ', this episode marked the final appearance of Detective Jennifer Jareau, which came as a rather unpleasant shock for fans of the show.

Apart from this, the Criminal Minds season 6 episodes have presented all sorts of crimes on show so far, making them a tempting watch for all lovers of criminal drama. Most of these were ghastly in every sense of the word, managing to send a chill down our spines. One of the most dreadful crimes that we witnessed so far was one that showed a criminal attack that targeted every single member of many families, with the worst attack being inflicted on the mothers, who were killed by blunt force trauma. It was blood-curdling to watch the children being strangled infront of their helpless parents. The BAU magnificently unraveled the case, and was successful in identifying the killer, who was a minor, known to the victims.

For more of this captivating crime-investigation, be sure to get a Criminal Minds season 6 episode 8 download as soon as it's available. This episode, which is the upcoming episode of Criminal Minds, will be entitled 'Reflection of Desire'. S06e08 will throw light on the intricacies of a case involving the kidnapping, and subsequent murder of a young woman in an alley in Georgetown. The crime will have all the characteristics of a serial killer at work, considering the target being a young woman. The BAU will have to get to work at the fastest, so that they nip the crime in its bud, before any other innocent woman falls prey to the killer.

You can watch Crimin! al Minds season 6 episode 8 online after its telecast, or tune in to the episode on the small screen, so as to watch this brilliant investigatory team put their skills at work. The episode is sure to have all the elements that make one keep coming back to the show, offering an amalgamation of the skills of each of the detectives, as they put their minds together to solve this complicated crime in an attempt to bring justice to the victim and her family, with the huge responsibility of protecting all the other vulnerable targets from the clutches of this ruthless killer. Catch up with all the action that is to be unleashed on Criminal Minds s06eo8.

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Journey To The Buddhist Stronghold Of Himalayas

Posted: 15 Jan 2012 09:00 PM PST

Article by Varun Srivastava

Along with an exciting adventure sport, trekking is a wonderful exercise for your body and legs it is an on foot journey to places inaccessible by transport. Though difficult, the fun and excitement attached to trekking makes it a favorite sport for many. The breath taking view of the lofty mountain, beautiful valley, crystal clear lakes and rivers attracts tourist and travelers from all around the world. The main trekking routes include Yuksam, Leh, Kangra, Kulu, Lahaul-spit the Ladakh Zanskar trek and the Stok Kangri trek. Several travel agents are available to help to choose your ideal trekking route. There are also many hotels and resorts to make your trekking experience comfortable and convenient.

Situated at an altitude of 5350 m the Zanskar region lies along the Pansila water range. The isolated Himalayan valley, decorated by tiny Alpine lakes and bounded by snow covered peaks; the Ladakh Zanskar Trek is an enticing place for mountain lovers. One can also get a panoramic view of the famous Drang- Drung glacier, which is one of the largest glaciers in the Ladkh region. Doda and Stod are the main tributaries of the Zanskar River that flows along the Zanskar valley. Spread along an area of 5000sq km the Zanskar valley is home to the Buddhist population. The Zanskar region is surrounded by deep gorgeous and high rise mountains. Due to extreme temperature during the winters these areas remain inaccessible throughout the winters, for around eight months. If you are lucky you can also come across the remote caves, used by the Buddhist saints for meditation.

The Stok Kangri Trek at an altitude of 20075 is one of the most prominent peaks of the Leh. Trekking in this valley one can come across the beautiful Buddhist monasteries, at Hemsi, Thikse, Shey. One can also trek through the Markha valley region from here. The picturesque location and pleasant weather, takes away the stress of the tedious journey. The small and pretty Budhist villages, that one can see while trekking in this reg! ion give s a glimpse of authentic Budhist culture. The path runs along the Nimaling plain below the majestic peak of the Kang Yatze. There are also many camping options that one can venture into, while trekking along the path. It is an interesting as well as challenging task to climb the steep mountains of the Himalayas. There are a few hotels that one can use as comfortable resting places, in their trekking expedition.

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Buddhist Culture, Bacom, Indonesia

We were invited to volunteer at a buddhist meditation training retreat for children in Bacom, Indonesia. We spent 7 days observing buddhist culture and on the last day, we were given an opportunity to share about our recent Haiti missions trip with a christian organization. Even though we have a different worldview about suffering and the path to enlightment, we shared the same interest to help the poor and needy. We were also inspired by the children's respect for their elders and strict discipline to wake up at 4:30am every morning to chant and meditate.

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Attain Nirvana in the Buddhist monasteries of Best Hotel Gangtok

Posted: 15 Jan 2012 08:00 PM PST

Article by Atiba Jefferson

"Buddham saranam gacchami" is the key to bring peace of mind to your unrest mind. Since ages travelers have experienced the calmness when they have entered a Buddhist monastery. The silence in the environment of monasteries takes you to a different world of culture blended with nature. To break out from the hectic daily schedule most of us opt for places which are culturally rich and accessible for a peaceful holiday. North east India is known to showcase some of the most beautiful hill stations along the edges of the Himalayan range by Best Hotel Gangtok. Situated at an altitude of 4, 715 ft and crafting out an area of 25km¬¬2 in the Shiwalik range is the wonderful city of Gangtok.

The popularity of Gangtok had risen from a famous Buddhist pilgrimage site that was constructed in 1840. This site was made for the pilgrims visiting the renowned Enchey Monastery (the oldest monastery of Gangtok). Being positioned on the trade way between Tibet and Lhasa, this region had become a holy visiting stop for the Buddhist pilgrims. But in recent years, this beautiful region has boosted eco tourism by including various sports like river rafting, mountaineering and even trekking.

The moderate temperate climate has encouraged the visitors to increase its toll year after year. Not only the climate but also the nearness to the Nathula Pass (situated 50 km away from Gangtok) the tourism industry has upgraded the economy of the capital city of Sikkim by Best Hotel Gangtok.

The Dro-dul Chorten Stupa is built in memory of the Nyingma dynasty. This stupa is considered to be the library showcasing the written proof of the exchange between the cultures of Tibetan and Buddhism.

Another monastery being considered as the most sacred one is located in the fringes of Gangtok is Rumtek Monastery. Built in 1960, this holy place is owned by the Kagyu order of Tibetan sect and the sacred scripts showing the rich blend of the two religions is been protected inside the monastery.

Other than the mon! asteries , the terrain is decorated with beautiful scenery of mountains, flora and fauna which features the land of monasteries, Gangtok. A cool breeze blow all the year round making the pedestrians feel the magic of the scintillating landscape of this "Hilltop".

That is why it is referred as the Switzerland of the East Asia by Best Hotel Gangtok!

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Welcome to the most affordable and leading best hotel Gangtok . Hotel Nirvana is ineffable ultimate for respite and food at Gangtok. We serve you the best cordial relation in terms of hotel rooms, food, package tours and even some special attraction. We would like you to join us and give us the opportunity to serve you to our level best!

must see meditation 616

Posted: 15 Jan 2012 07:00 PM PST

Article by Danny Soto

The meditation forum happens to be an addition to the site that is their to aid people in expressing their experiences along with gaining more guidance to support them on your journey. Having worked which includes a few good spiritual teachers and done lots of work on my I know how valuable it is to have guidance when questions show up. Sometimes you will need to answer these thoughts yourself, other times surface clarification from somebody with experience is useful.The meditation website itself covers several topics, and over time a lot more are being further. With the capacity to search through various threads to search out what you are looking for, it is a hassle-free resource to use. Plus of course you may always add a different topic you might be that there is without a doubt nothing there of which answers your dilemma. Of course there are several resources in the guided meditation, meditation ebooks and options sections, the meditation community though is more connected with an experience sharing and also advisory place.If you suffer from any questions and also suggestions about fresh resources, or resources that you prefer to see created then an forum is a fantastic place to air those views. It enables suggestions being grouped together and things that people really wish to be noted, and produced into being far sooner. I am doing business as best I can to make a strong resource to essentially aid people who want to learn how to help meditate and excel at meditation, so working together in this way enables better leads to generated.Also this can be a good place to plug with other including minded people, people which might be anywhere around the world. People on such type of journey can sometimes find it a little lonely a result of the absence of people to chat with whom are on a single wavelength. Another source of bringing the deep breathing forum into simply being, to create relationships and generate a lot more enjoyable experience for every individual.I encourage wonderful participati! on from everyone on the meditation forum, by building this together you can easlily create a strong resource for the whole family and help to relocate humanity forward jointly. By creating your calmer environment for ourselves yet others through meditating we change the planet around us in any positive way. This effects air on a more expansive basis too, as being the calmness filters available and affects many others. Thus we produce change in the world. The more people we bring together for this more suitable, and the wider the change can spread at a greater pace.So join myself and let's set about improving all of our worlds.Whatever your experience of meditating, wherever you reside, whatever you do, there is something inside for everyone. A viewpoint that may aid you, a new tip that there is been seeking, a way of helping person that sets you off in the better direction, or even just new associates. So come on in and revel in the meditation site now.

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Watch Criminal Minds Season 6 Episode 8 full video now!

Posted: 15 Jan 2012 06:00 PM PST

Article by Balot Siopao

WHAT A CRIMINAL MIND! Watch Criminal Minds Season 6 Episode 8 now! To start watching, you must click the link below now!

Undisputable, watching Criminal Minds Season 6 Episode 8 unhurriedly take form is entertaining, but what's captivating here is the profoundly compassionate storytelling. This show has no struggle conclusion all the customary, passionately engrossing ideals controlled within the show's life, which inappropriately causes a lot of the series to feel foreseeable. In order to watch, you need to click the link below.

CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL VIDEO! - - > > Criminal Minds Season 6 Episode 8

Don't slip a minute of it. As a final point, this is a show that investigates into a real human world. This show is all about the people, both under the lights and behind them, who make those presentations conceivable.

When a kidnapped woman is found dead in an alley, the team must ensure that the murderer again.Airs strike on Wednesday November 10 by 9:00 pm EST - WCBS (CBS) watch Criminal Minds Season 6 Episode 8 - Reflection of Desire live megavideo.

Criminal Minds Season 6 Episode 8 - Reflection of Desire - Criminal Minds Season 6 Episode 8 reflection of the desire: When a woman is found murdered in Georgetown, BAU TEAM MUST find the murderer before he strikes again, on "Criminal Minds", Wednesday, November 10 watch Criminal Minds Season 6 Episode 8 - Reflection of Desire free stream online .

Criminal Minds is a drama that premiered on CBS on September 22, 2005. Follow the adventures of an FBI profiling team from the FBI Behavioral Unit Analysis (BAU) at Quantico, Virginia, that stars Thomas Gibson as Aaron Hotchner.Criminal Minds Season 6 Episode 8 - Reflection of Desire Criminal Minds differs from many dramas criminal justice system, focusing on the criminal than the crime itself.

Criminal Minds "Review of desire" Season 6 Episode 8 - When a kidnapped woman is found murdered in an alley in Georgetown, the BAU team hunts the murderer before ! they can strike again, Criminal Minds, Wednesday, October November (9:00-10:00 PM, ET / PT) on CBS.

In this episode we will see The team tries to stop a killer from striking again after the body of a kidnapped woman is found in an alley.

Criminal Minds Season 6 Episode 8 is a series with a copiousness of life, and reality. The cinematography is good-looking, and there seems to be nowhere around the Big Apple's tents and trailers that the camera won't go. I hope you don't need to be reminded to watch Criminal Minds Season 6 Episode 8 at the link below.

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CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL VIDEO! - - > > Criminal Minds Season 6 Episode 8

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