Sarnath Buddhist Pilgrimage Tour

Sarnath Buddhist Pilgrimage Tour

Sarnath Buddhist Pilgrimage Tour

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 01:00 PM PST

Article by Mithi Dey

Situated in Uttar Pradesh, Sarnath is one most-visited place in the Buddhist tourism circuit. This door to sanctity is believed to be the place of Lord Buddha, where He delivered his first holy doctrine after attaining enlightenment. Besides, the name of the place is derived from Saranganatha, Lord of the Deer.

Attractions in Sarnath not only highlights Buddhism but travelers can enjoy a close glimpse of the events related to the erstwhile Emperor Ashoka.

Major Attractions in Sarnath

Dhamekha Stupa

It is one of the marvelous edifices in Sarnath. The stupa is cylindrical in shape and measures about 31.3 m high and 28.3 in diameter. Its lower portion is adorned with beautiful stone carvings of Gupta period. Buddhist believe to move around the Stupa and chant the mantra of 'Om mani padme hum'.

Choukhandi's Stupa

On entering Sarnath, one can start their journey with enjoying the view of Choukhandi Stupa, built by Emperor Ashoka in 1555 A.D. The sacred place is said to be the meeting point of Lord Buddha with his five disciples. The massive Ashoka pillar in the Sarnath museum highlights the visit of Emperor Ashoka to Sarnath. Besides, one can also find images of Lord Buddha, Bodhisattva and artifacts of Mauryan, Gupta and Kushan periods.

Digambara Jain Temple

Constructed in 1824, this Jain temple is located southwest of the Dhamekh Stupa. Devotees, believe that it is the sacred place where, 11th Jain tirthankara was born. The interior of the temple is decorated with frescoes, which clearly depicts the life of Lord Mahavir, the founder of Jainism.

Best Time to Visit:

Geographically, Sarnath is located near the Tropic of Cancer. During summer, the place bears temperature soaring high up to 45 degree Celsius during winter, while in monsoon it experience torrential rain and high humidity. Therefore, the best time to plan a Sarnath trip is from October to March.

How to reach

By Air:

The airport in Varanasi is the nearest aerod! rome to Sarnath. Regular flights are operated by public and private airlines, which connects Delhi, Mumbai, Khajurao and other major cities in India.

By Rail:

The rail heads in Varanasi connects Sarnath with the major places in Uttar Pradesh and its neighboring places.

By Road:

Sarnath is just 10 kms away from Varanasi. It is one of the popular tourist destinations in Uttar Pradesh. Therefore, regular state transport buses and private tourist coaches help travelers reach the place.

About the Author

I am an eminent content-writer in Delhi, India. I have a knack for writing about travel and tourism in different parts of the world.

Buddhist Film Festival, GameSoundCon 2010, Festival de Cannes, Jazz Foundation Benefit, DocMiami Film Festival

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 12:00 PM PST

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China Wuxue pharmaceutical industry industry introduction

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 12:00 PM PST

Article by Yovone

Pharmaceutical industry is a particularly advantages in Wuxue. It owns 10 large medicine chemical enterprises, whose annual sales revenue is over 5 million RMB. And their production capacity can make 2 billion RMB output value every year. The production of many kinds of medicament and veterinary drugs in Wuxue ranked top in the nation.

Wuxue is on the side of Changjiang River and belongs to Huanggang City.Huanggang locates in the eastern of Hubei Province, on the south foot of Dabie Mountain, the north bank of the middle reaches of Changjiang River and the middle segment of Jingjiu Railway. In present, it administer one section (Huangzhou), two cities (Wuxue and Macheng), sever counties (Hongan, Luotian, Yingshan, Xishui, Qichun, Huangmei, Tuanfeng), and one county-grade farm. The territory acreage is 17.4 thousands SQ.KM. The population is 7, 300 thousands.   There has long history culture of Huanggang. Huanggang has over 2000 years cultural history, gestated Sizu Daoxin, Wuzu Hongren, Liuzu Huinenghe of the Chinese Buddhism zen, In Huanggang, there has numbers of great masters which in science and culture fields. For example, Bisheng who is the inventor of Type Printing in Song Era, famous doctor Shizhen Li in Ming Era. In present age, there has Siguang Li who is a famous geologist, Yiduo Wen who is Patriotic Poet, Kan Huang who is National Scientist, Philosopher Shili Xiong, Literature Critic Feng Wu, Yana Wang who is the Translator of "On Capital", etc. All of these great masters have made important contribution for the Chinese Nation and the world.

Huanggang has advantaged transportation. It located in the march with Hubei Province, Henan Province, Anhui Province, and Jiangxi Province. It is joined with Wuhan City where is the centre city of Hubei Province, it is an important part of Wuhan City. Churchyard is close to a "golden watercourse" (the Changjiang River), near two Airports (Wuhan Tianhe Airport and Jiujiang Airport), run-through for railways (Jingjiu Railway, Hejiu ! Railway, Jingguang Connective Line, and Huhanrong Express Railway), four Changjiang Bridges (Ehuang Bridge, Huangshi Bridge, Jiujiang Bridge, and Edong Bridge), five motorways (Hurong Motorway, Huangxiao Motorway, Jiangbei Motorway, Wuying Motorway, Daguang Motorway), have the area advantage of "connect east and west, run-through south and north, advantaged".

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Professional editor working for frbiz.Help people to findfrench nail designs,good China Suppliers.

"Masters of Truth"

The video "describes" the living Zen-Buddhism.

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Buddhist Meditation: Tune In and Turn On

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 11:00 AM PST

by Stuz?

Article by Shannon Rae

When Timothy Leary coined the '60s counterculture phrase, "Turn on, tune in, drop out," he wasn't just advocating free love and lots of drugs. Leary wanted people to meditate as a way to turn on the mind, tune in the world and drop out from negativity.Forty years later, mainstream interest in meditation has been replaced by the promise of connectivity through technology. Today we're communicating with more people from more places, more often. But are we helpful neighbors in the global village or more like time-crunched techno-geeks who "data drop" rather than reach out? When we tune in and turn on to meditation, we're tapping into something more sacred and far-reaching than a tenet of globalization; we discover who we are and how we want to live. More importantly, we rediscover our compassionate and empathetic nature, which makes us friendlier and more peaceful global villagers. For Buddhists, cultivating compassion is considered nothing less than the path to happiness, capable of making ourselves and others happy. Yet developing a kind of strong compassion is not for the faint of heart. Sitting quietly and watching our personas and prejudices, resentments and wounds is at first uncomfortable. When we start shining the light of awareness on our uncompassionate ego, we encounter what the Buddhists call the "hungry ghost," a mindset with an insatiable appetite and a tiny mouth. Ego's relentless attitude is: Gimme, gimme, gimme. I want more, need more and nothing will ever be enough. This type of hungry energy creates unbearable pressure, anxiety and stress in our lives and erodes the potential for living joyfully, peacefully and compassionately.One of Buddhism's most sacred and complex principles is the cultivation of compassion, which Buddhists consider a state of mind best nourished through regular meditation. When we take the time to quiet inner chatter, count our breaths or pray, we move away from our tendency to approach life in a self-centered way.It takes tremendous courage to sit and reflec! t on how we cling to comfort and security and resist change. Meditation shows us where we're holding ourselves closed and how we shut off from our authentic selves. By moving away from the loud demands of ego and into the peaceful quiet of meditation, we feel the kindness of who we really are. So turn on to your behaviors, tune in to your feelings and drop out from the global village of hungry ghosts.

About the Author

Shannon Rae is dedicated to helping people find more peace, fun and freedom in their lives. Whether you're looking for online meditation, high-tech CDs or MP3 downloads, will help you on your meditation journey. To learn more about how meditation (especially free meditation!) can improve your life, visit us at

Buddhist Remedy and Teachings.wmv

remedies for unright thoughts or actions

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Puppetji on meaning of life

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 11:00 AM PST

Via an email, someone just reminded me about a source of ageless wisdom that I'd tapped into some years ago, but had forgotten about: Puppetji.

His socksang on "Why Are We Here?" pretty much says it all. Certainly more entertainingly than my recent blog post about finding meaning in life. 


l can also recommend "What is Sacred?" as providing a meaningful answer to this oh-so-important question.


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Mind Control

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 10:00 AM PST

by RubyJi

Article by Chuck Ryan Strogish

● People in great shape truly are masters of mind control.● Learn how to use manipulate your own mind, and results come FAST.

The number 3 reason, "Mind Control" is rather a fun and exciting chapter. Mind Control is usually something that you think of as doing to someone else for financial or political gain.

Not here....

We are going to focus more on the "thought reform" definition because these techniques are used by many people in excellent shape. The only thing is, alot of times, the person never realizes their strength of using this just kind of happens in their subliminal minds.

It's HUGE to be able to use mind control on yourself to reach your goals. You are going to need to forget everything you think about what comes to your mind when working out. Let me pause for one moment...

Let me first say that this is not a lesson on psychology. I am not a psychologist and do not intend to misguide you with information that isn't true.


The techniques that apply to fitness and getting faster results deals VERY importantly with the way your subconscious mind views exercise,results, etc. They are intertwined and WILL be effected by your current state of mind.

What do I mean by this?

Well, when learning and researching of how muscles work, your body works, and ways you can influence this, I realized something I was doing was a BIG reason for achieving fitness goals naturally.

What was I doing differently?

When I talk about "thought reform", you need to access the way your exercise currently is processed by your mind.

For example-

A recent study had 3 groups of 100 basketball players wanting to improve their foul shooting.

Group 1 were isolated for 6 weeks and practiced shooting foul shots hours everyday. They were physically practicing to improve results.

They improved..

Group 2 weren't aloud to practice at all for 6 weeks. Their foul shot percentage dropped a good deal as you co! uld gues s.

What is interesting is that group 3 SIGNIFICANTLY improved their foul shot percentage in 6 weeks without touching a basketball as well.

Can you guess what they were doing that helped them SO much?

You guessed it, for 6 weeks, they could only go threw the motion of shooting a foul shot and visualizing EVERY SINGLE shot going through the net perfectly in their minds.

They saw them getting better and what do you know, their minds were surely convinced, followed by their ability to physically make a perfect foul shot.

Now HOW does this apply to what we are focusing on, getting faster results to your body through exercise?

It separates people that are making great strides for results, and those who are not.

To give you an example, bodybuilders use something called "mind muscle connection".

I know, you and I are not looking to go that extremes of a monster bodybuilder, but this analogy will definitely help you as well.

Mind muscle connection involved doing your workoutbefore you even get to the gym(or wherever you exercise). It is a process where you already had the perfect workout, you maintained proper form while challenging yourself to the 3rd degree.

Your focus is almost like a mild trance, concentration becomes so high because your goal is so important to reach.

Like the basketball players, you have already did what you're going to do in your mind, now you just need to follow the prepared script that you know word for word and back words.

How can you help yourself do this you may ask?

What motivates you the most?? Everyone is different.

For me, certain songs on my ipod never get old, everytime I play it, I suddenly am filled with extreme amounts of motivation, confidence, and power.

It is so important to me, that if I forgot my ipod when going to the gym, I would become anxious and need to leave to go get it. It's my mojo...and when taken away, It is very hard for me to be as motivated. Yes, I could still do my wo! rkout, b ut if I did 100 of the exact same workouts with my ipod, and then without, results would be MUCH different.

Ask yourself what motivates you the most? Maybe it's looking at a specific persons picture in a magazine that you want to look like. Cut it out and take it with you in your car. Look at it before you go in.

Whatever it is, find it, and USE it.

Mind muscle connection is also associated with visualizing the target muscle working alone.

Example, when doing bicep curls, you are visualizing only your bicep lifting the weight. All of a sudden, it feels heavier and other "supporting" muscles are no longer assisting your bicep. This is VERY important to practice and become good at.

Next time you are doing an exercise for a specific body part, close your eyes and FOCUS hard and FEEL only that muscle working. Before long, you will become good at it and see results MUCH faster.

I have always been good at this, and didn't realize I did this naturally without thinking about it. But lots of people don't, and this is gold information to know. I promise you that this is KEY and you will feel AND see the difference the first time.

BOTTOM LINE- You must practice and visualize your results. You will know you're good at it when you are fully convinced and confident that you are on your way. Use motivation, practice concentration, YOU wouldn't be reading this if you didn't have a goal you strongly want to accomplish. Use this technique, and the road is going to be a HELL of alot shorter.

About the Author

Chuck Ryan Strogish is Dicks Sporting Good fitness model and master level personal trainer. He offers one on one training programs for those looking for that model type lean build.

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Celestial Material concerning the need to anchor all we do in mindfulness of all levels of existance. Delivered through clairaudient channel Rose Campbell.

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Shortcuts to Inner Peace, by Ashley Davis Bush

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 10:00 AM PST

In the interests of full disclosure I should say that Ashley Davis Bush, the author of Shortcuts to Inner Peace: 70 Simple Paths to Everyday Serenity, attends the same Buddhist Spirituality center I teach at. I've bumped into her and her husband a literally a couple of times, but it's a large center, we're not by any stretch of the imagination friends, and I'm under no obligation, inner or outer, to say nice things about her book.

Now that that's out of the way…

Shortcuts to Inner Peace grows out of the meeting of Bush's practice as a psychotherapist, and her personal Buddhist Spirituality practice. She knew that many of her clients would benefit from meditation, and yet it was also obvious that few, if any, of them would be able to set aside the time for a regular practice. And so began a project to "sneak" (my word) mindfulness into daily activities.

Title: Shortcuts to Inner Peace
Author: Ashley Davis Bush
Publisher: Berkley
ISBN: 978-0-425-24324-4
Available from: and Kindle Store, and and Kindle Store.

And here is where Bush reveals herself to be a master teacher. She is positively cunning at finding ways for people to practice more mindfulness.

Here are a few examples:

  • Go With the Flow: Whenever you're at a sink and touch water, let the stream of warm liquid cue you to say, "Go with the flow" or "I trust the universe" or "Everything is as it should be." This reminds you to let go and flow with the current of life. (p. 46)
  • Mirror, Mirror On the Wall: Look at your reflection and say simply, "I accept all of you." For some people "I forgive you," "I love you deeply and unconditionally," or "You are doing the best you can and I admire you for that" also work well. If nothing else, give yourself a vote of encouragement with a "hang in there." (p. 61)
  • Lend a Hand: When you're feeling anxious or stressed. Place one hand on your upper chest and your other hand on your belly. Apply some light pressure, breathe deeply into your belly, and then as you exhale slowly, rub your hand in a circle on your upper chest. (p. 97)
  • Play It Again, Sam: When you find yourself grumbling over an unpleasant household chore … Sing a specific song or play special music when you're engaged in that unwanted chore. Decide to let yourself have a positive experience and actually let it fill your body with good sensations. (p. 128)

There are almost 70 of these exercises in this quite substantial book. Most of the actual presentation is in short chapters or usually two page, with a brief précis of the exercise as I've given above, accompanied by a more expansive account of the background of the practice, with examples drawn from real life. Each practice chapter concludes with a summary of the deeper purpose of the exercise, so that it's not just a "trick" you can pull in order to change your emotional state, but part of a total transformation of the way you relate to your life. There are also introductory chapters that "set the scene."

The practice chapters are organized into different sections, covering ways to weave mindfulness into daily activities, into relationships, into our experience of the senses, as well as sections on ways to calm the body, quiet the mind, open the heart, and to connect with a sense of purpose. At the end of the book there is a cross-reference list of the exercises so that you can find techniques that address specific problems, such as being angry or tense. Shortcuts to Inner Peace is nothing if not thorough!

There have been several books out recently that have addressed how to bring greater mindfulness into daily life. I've recently reviewed How to Train a Wild Elephant, by Jan Chozen Bays, and One Minute Mindfulness, by Donald Altman. All three are excellent books. If I had to distinguish between them I'd say that:

  • How to Train a Wild Elephant is ideal for the experienced practitioner who wants to go deeper into mindfulness, or for the committed beginner who is already able to devote a reasonable amount of time and thought each week to mindfulness practice. The practices are deeply transformative, and come from two decades of monastic practice, although the lessons given are applicable to "normal" life.
  • One Minute Mindfulness is similar in presentation and content to Shortcuts. It's a little less imaginative in approach, but still a very fine book.
  • Shortcuts to Inner Peace would be my highest recommendation to anyone beginning to explore mindfulness and meditation, and who is having problems "fitting practice in" to their lives. I would also highly recommend it for anyone who has problems with anger, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed, or any of these manifold contemporary problems of finding emotional balance in life.
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Only The Body Is Sick

An enlightening talk about how it is not wrong to be sick. Ajahn Brahm discusses the merit of being sick, and illustrates a touching story of a dying nun. Not to be missed, and sure to rid you of those guilty feelings forever, when the flu bug next bites!

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Posted: 21 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST

Article by Maria Jones

Yoga dates back to before prerecorded history. It enables one to live in balance in this world. By inspiring deep security and peace yoga enables the mind to function at its heighest level.Yoga is the method by which we transcend the veil of illusion.The yoga system of exercise can be compared to none other with its beneficial effect on the body.There are so many different forms of yoga nowadadys though for thousands of years yoga has ahad anly one name, yoga. It has become fashionable though still should not be forgotten for what it is. The word in sanskrit means union, Yuj is how it is spelt in sanksrit.Union, of ones own body mind and spirit with the universal mind and spirit.Designed to enable one to sit in meditation for many hours with no physical discomfort or pain, yoga allows one to feel at peace and bliss regardless of the circumstances one finds oneself in. One of the operating principles of yoga is detachment, detachment from pain and pleasure.Through immersing in the posture through the breath one find a connection with the inner self, the connection between body and spirit, the connection between mind and soul.Yoga is practiced across all nations across the world. Though origianting in India it is practiced widely in the East and West. Despite the many forms of yoga, yoga in itself remains one. Differerent postures, also known as asanas are practiced and these provide mental and physical benefits. Pranaygama is practiced for breath control, and regulating the breathe brings great peace and harmony to the nervous system.It is said that yoga is over five thousand years old. It has been practiced by all types of people and in many different ways. It is also said to be a Tantric pathTantra is the path of spiritual ecstacy thorugh sexuality. One yogic principle is non violence, another yogaic principle is detachment, another yogic principle is honesty. Other yogic principles include austerity, conctentment, purity and concentration.The aim of all yoga is to achieve the truth wherein the ! individu al soul identifies with changeless spirit.Jnana yoga is intellectual knowledge of the truth, bhakti yoga is devotional and often expressed through singing and dancing, karma yoga is service, and hatha yoga is physical exerciseMeditaiton soon becomes the most blissful experience in ones life. It is pracitced through focusing the mind one pointed on a point of focus, either the breath, a mantra or a candle flame for example.Thorugh practicing meditiation one gains control of the mind. We think that through harnessing the power of electricity we have control though through harnessing the powers of the mind we gain much more.Meditaiton should be practiced for a minimum of 20 minutes a day.Through praciticing meditation ones clairvoyance is developed though ones mind should still remain one pointed and not be distracted by lights and visionsA daily practice of yoga and meditaiton together with a balanced diet bring great peace health and tranquility to the mind and soul. Ones soul finds eternal peace in identifying with changeless spirit and the health of the body remain stable and constant.

About the Author

Francesca Marks is asked to instruct yoga and meditation all over the world. Having pracaticed all her life, it is a natural course of life for her. Her students rate her as one of the best yoga teachers in the world. Her style is clear, dynamic, strong and concise. All throughout her life she was travel in amongst many cultures, finding the root of universal consciousness in all, transcending diffences.Yoga, Yoga, Yoga

Angels and demons, Natural remedies And Spiritual Blog To Help You Become A Psychic

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 08:00 AM PST

Article by Denish Verma

If you are looking for guidance on how you can become a psychic and channel the higher powers through you, a Spiritual Blog can turn out to be an extremely valuable resource.

Most people are afraid of the power of communication and channeling as they consider it to be an area beyond their abilities. However, the inner spirit and consciousness required to kindle psychic powers lie within everyone and needs to be trained properly in order to manifest itself. You cannot become a psychic unless you have overcome your base fears and opened up your mind towards a new form of learning. The blog can provide expert advice on how to make your journey worthwhile.

The universe itself is a constantly changing plane of souls and spiritual energy that is visible beyond our earthly realm. If you believe in angels and demons , you should also take heart in the fact that there are ways of communication to elevate you towards a much higher state. You cannot reach such high levels without the proper guidance from teachers who have ascended the plane themselves. The best course of action is to select the blog that appeals to you with its insight about the universe as well as the delicate workings of human nature.

Many people want to play a more direct role in the interaction with the powers that govern the natural universe. You can easily connect to your angels and demons who can show you the right path to life and spiritual happiness. You need to practice feelings of abandonment and control as you prepare your body and mind to transfer the cosmic energy and receive the gift of the heavens. Once you use traditional techniques like zen meditation to expand your mind, you would be able to contact your spirit guide at will and gain all the information pertaining to your questions and answers.

Your association with your guide will hold a lot more benefits beyond the transfer of information. These techniques often act as natural remedies that can help you cleanse your body ! and mind out of any impurities. The art of channeling involves filtration and command over the energy that allows you to utilize it towards positive spheres. If you feel physically weakened or mentally stressed out in your earthly life, you can use the practice of meditation and communication as Self-healing procedures to cure you of your ailments and give you a new strength for the future.

Such practice requires easy to understand lessons along with additional guidance and methods to help you improve over time. Many packages are available on DVD that includes simple courses on the essential steps of your journey in order to transform you into a psychic.

You would notice that most of the high level teachers are people with normal lives who have benefited immensely from their spiritual angels and have communicated the hidden secrets to people around them. You too can be a part of this metaphysical experience and bring about a transformation in your life as long as you find the right Spiritual blog and utilize it to harness your inner potential.

About the Author

Spiritual Blog , angels and demons , guardian angels, zen meditation, natural remedies,Self healing

Michael Tsarion: The Maya and 2012

in5d UPDATED DAILY! The Internet's largest Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Database! Michael's website: Michael's YouTube channel: For more on spirituality, 2012 and meditation, please visit and Permission granted by Michael Tsarion to use the material in this video. Thanks, brotha! Michael talks about the Mayan calendar, 2012 and time acceleration Honors for this video (1) #97 - Top Favorited (This Week)) - Science & Technology in5d spiritual, awakening, journey, ascension, enlightenment, meditation, 2012, doomsday, apocalypse, prophecy, 11:11, 1111, 5d earth, 3rd eye, pineal gland, spirit guide, spirit guides, chakras, golden age, consciousness, awakening, indigo, indigo kicd, indigo adults, indigo quiz, spiritual journey, symptoms, 5th dimension, 2012 enigma, spirit, vibration, edgar cayce, spiritual awareness, DNA upgrade, how to meditate, chakra, indigo children, starseeds, walk-ins, life path number, numerology, near death experience, photon belt, oobe, out of body experiences, age of aquarius, empaths, healing, photon energy, Dolores cannon, December, 21, 2012, mayan, calendar, prophecy doomsday, apocalypse, end times, higher self

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Early Morning Stress Reduction Inspiration - 1/21/2012

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 08:00 AM PST

"A dog is not considered a good dog because he is a good barker. A man is not considered a good man because he is a good talker."

~The Buddha
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Technorati Tags: Buddha Buddhist Buddhism Meditation Dharma
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The Oracle - A 400 Year Old Secret - HD

Cloaked in secrecy for over 400 years, the State Oracle of Tibet has been a strange and mystical aspect of the Tibetan Stress Reduction tradition. This ancient spirit, which has inhabited a succession of thirteen human mediums, advises the Dalai Lama on matters of public and religious policy. To witness the eerie spectacle of a medium entering a trance state and being possessed by the Oracle is to confront profound questions about the very nature of human consciousness. With permission from the Dalai Lama that had never been granted before, The Oracle explores the ancient practice of consulting spirits. NOW on DVD and LOADED with Bonus Features, Cat# U693, Go to

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Yoga Training Course: For Getting Deeper Knowledge Of Yoga

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 07:00 AM PST

Article by Maria Jones

Human want to get never ending harmony, joy and a sense of is a way of cleaning and purifying mind. It is the way through which we overcome from problems and unite with ourselves. helps in bringing self-culture and mental discipline. It is famous all over the world as people are now fitness conscious and different poses or asana of reducing weight. Training, Teacher Training courses, etc. are running everywhere.Human want to get never ending harmony, joy and a sense of is a way of cleaning and purifying mind. It is the way through which we overcome from problems and unite with ourselves. helps in bringing self-culture and mental discipline. It is famous all over the world as people are now fitness conscious and different poses or asana of reducing weight. Training, Teacher Training courses, etc. are running everywhere.

Yoga provides benefit to all people whether they are young, old, good, bad, sick and healthy. It is basically divided into six types of exercise: of Postures, of Devotion, of Devotion, of the Mind, of Service, and of Rituals.Yoga Certification Course, Training provides benefit to all people whether they are young, old, good, bad, sick and healthy.urse, Instructor Course, etc. in all types of is available in many universities all over the world. <p practice leads to better and deeper sleep, maintain your energy throughout the day. It is also very helpful in many diseases like stiffness, depression, insomnia, exhaustion, and weakness. Because of all these reasons craze of yoga is increases every minute and many people want to join Yoga Instructor Training course so that they can instruct other people also and help them to get out from their problem.

If you love as well as want to teach others the art of by completing a teacher training course, then you need 200 hours as minimum time to get master in the art of. To become a teacher, all you need is teacher training courses that are conducted to provide you full knowledge of . Teacher Training! Course teaches all positions of yoga, history of yoga and how it works. helps us to understand our identity with the Divine Self.

Yoga practice leads to better and deeper sleep, maintain your energy throughout the day. It is also very helpful in many diseases like stiffness, depression, insomnia, exhaustion, and weakness. Because of all these reasons craze of yoga is increases every minute and many people want to join Yoga Instructor Training course so that they can instruct other people also and help them to get out from their problem.

If you love yoga as well as want to teach others the art of yoga by completing a teacher training course, then you need 200 hours as minimum time to get master in the art of yoga. To become a teacher, all you need is yoga teacher training courses that are conducted to provide you full knowledge of yoga. Yoga Teacher Training Courseteaches all positions of yoga, history of yoga and how it works. Yoga helps us to understand our identity with the Divine Self.

About the Author

It is famous all over the world as people are now fitness conscious and different poses or asana of yoga reducing weight. Yoga Training, Yoga Teacher Training courses, etc.Yoga Teacher Training Courseteaches all positions of yoga, history of yoga and how it works.for more details please visit us at:

How To Reduce Stress... Permanently

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 06:00 AM PST

Article by Susan Owen-Thursfield

Most commonly used stress management techniques are little more than band aid relief. They do nothing to reduce your ongoing stress or allow you to relax long term. To reduce your stress permanently you need something altogether different.

Stress relief is big business nowadays. People are coming under increasing workplace stress. The effects of it on industry in terms of health care, illness, days off, reduced productivity and accidents are difficult to calculate globally, but were estimated at more than 0 billion per annum in the USA back in 2004. And that was a conservative estimate! Since then, the costs of stress have escalated as people have come under increasing pressure from their hectic lives and the stress reduction business has boomed.

To meet the varied demands, a huge variety of relaxation techniques have been developed ranging from gentle techniques such as deep breathing, yoga, gentle stretching and meditation through to the more active methods including vigorous exercise and social networking. As a result, stress relief is more widely researched, available and sought out than ever before.

And yet all of these techniques do nothing to actually get rid of your stress. Instead, they provide a transitory feel good factor which evaporates when you return to real life. As soon as you finish your Tai Chi class and return to the office, you will still have to face that uncompromising boss, business proposal or tough client meeting, which put the knots in your stomach in the first place.

To get rid of this sort of stress, you will probably need to change your job. Or you could go for something less drastic.

If you really want to deal with your stress long term, you need to tackle it from a whole different perspective.

When under stress, everyone experiences the same biochemical and hormonal responses within their bodies. And whilst a sabre toothed tiger attack in prehistoric times would doubtless have produced the same flight or fight response in all ! of us, t he largely psychological pressures we find ourselves under these days do not evoke the same response in everyone. In short, what stresses you might spur me on or leave me totally indifferent. And this gives us a way to tackle stress for the long term, for good.

Stress is what you perceive it to be. So if you want to reduce your stress levels permanently, the only way to do this is to change your perceptions of what is stressful.

One of the best ways to do this is to use positive affirmations. These are positive statements which help you see the situation differently. For example, you might get stressed from the uncertainty of a new situation at work. In this case, you might use an affirmation like "I embrace the opportunity of change" or "change will allow me to improve myself." Whatever you choose, it must be a positive statement which resonates with you. Write it out. Stick copies of it on the refrigerator, the mirror, your computer screen, anywhere in fact. Read it and repeat it out loud several times a day. Over time, you will internalise your positive affirmation and you will no longer feel stressed by the change at work.

Stop using temporary fixes. Change your perspective if you want real long term results. Learn to interpret stressful situations positively using positive affirmations and you will reduce your stress permanently.

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Beth Irvine at St Lukes Hospital - Dealing with stress!

Beth Irvine gives a talk during national nurses week at St. Lukes hospital in Houston.

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Stress Management Techniques - How To Incorporate Stress Relief Into Your Everyday Life

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 05:00 AM PST

Article by Susan Owen-Thursfield

Why is it that work, home, family and financial worries all conspire to heap stress upon you at precisely the same time, so that even finding time for stress management becomes stressful? Everyone knows that you are most in need of stress relief precisely when you are busiest, which is exactly when you have the least time to practice it. Is there any wonder so many people simply put off going for a massage until their stress passes?

Stress is now recognized as one of the biggest contributors to most of the serious diseases known to mankind. Strokes, heart attacks, even the speed of post operative recovery are all exacerbated by stress. And stress has far reaching social implications too. Behavioral changes such as loss of motivation, memory loss, listlessness and inappropriate aggression mean that many millions of dollars of global productivity are lost each year. Prolonged stress can cause relationships to break down, leading to loneliness, depression and other mental health issues, even suicide.

So ignoring your need for stress relief, simply because you are busy, is not a healthy long term option. There is another way. Millions of people do find time to follow stress management programs successfully. So what are they doing and how are they doing it?

Here are some examples of stress reduction techniques that you can incorporate into your daily life:

Whenever you feel the stress rising, take a step back from the situation. If you can, walk away from it altogether for a while to take time to think about it. If you're in a meeting, this might be the perfect opportunity to get the coffees. You will find you can think more clearly when you come back.

Practice deep breathing several times a day. This takes just a few minutes but can make a lot of difference. When you are stressed you tend to shallow breathe, which means you take in much less oxygen per breath. This brings on headaches, increases muscle tension and increases your feelings of being stressed. Deep breath! ing help s alleviate all of this.

Count backwards from 10. If you know a foreign language, Spanish, French, Japanese, or whatever and can count in that, then so much the better. Because it takes more effort for you to think in a foreign language, counting backwards from 10 forces your brain to concentrate more on the task in hand, providing temporary respite and relaxation from your immediate stress.

Find half an hour each day for yourself. If you think this is impossible, try getting up half an hour earlier, or cutting out TV. Use the time to read, go for a gentle stroll, listen to your favorite music or take a relaxing bath. The cumulative effect of this over time will significantly reduce your stress.

When you are already stressed finding time to practice stress relief techniques can actually leave you more stressed out. Follow these tips and you'll soon reap the benefits.

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For more practical help and a free ecourse on how to reduce stress or for stress relief for weight loss just click on the links.

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Facial massage is a very popular Western beauty treatment to slow down the aging process and achieve younger looking and healthier skin. It is also used to relieve stress, migraine headache, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and sinus congestion. It may involve a whole massage session, a portion...

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Zen Buddhists Philosophy in Life Episodes

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 04:00 AM PST

Article by Rain rotoka

There are lots of procedural police dramas, but Life is a show with some difference. It is filled with the element of Zen Buddhists, which lures the interest of many viewers and they go for Life download, because the show has already met an end. The only way to catch the show is through the internet where it is easily available.

The Zen Buddhists element is not too stressed, rather it is playfully done. It is most prominently shown through Charlie Crews, who comes out from jail after spending 12 years of his life. He was punished for the crime he hadn't done. Moreover, he lost his job, contact with his family and friends during the course of the punishment. Watch Life online if you don't remember how he started following the philosophy of Zen.

All the bad things that happened in his life encouraged him to follow the Zen philosophy. When he was left with nothing, he found it a good way to be at peace. He even uses these philosophies to focus and solve cases. His struggle with himself and his beliefs are mainly highlighted in season 1. One can get hold of Life episodes in order to have an insight.

Season 1 finale reveals the real killer of the case. After getting acquainted with him, Charlie gets filled with anger. His feelings go against the norms of Zen. Therefore, he just throws the tape named 'The Path to Zen' in anger out of his car, because he is now occupied with the feeling of revenge. The same tape was also shown in previous episodes, which one can see after a Life download. When the killer gets what he deserves, Crew picks the thrown away tape from the road.

It is obvious for Crew to believe so much in Zen Buddhists, because at one time, one of the books of Zen teachings helped him survive. When he was in jail, he used to read 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance'. This is the source from where he gained knowledge and strength to pass his days. There are many other episodes in which we get to see the influence of Zen on Crew. Such things are appreciated by ! show fan s, mainly those who had belief in the same. They still watch Life online for the same reason.

The show aired for two seasons. In a little span, it made a place in the hearts of viewers. Although many police shows are airing currently, but for some viewers, none of those shows can take the place of Life. Such diehard fans of the show can catch their favorite show on the internet. Due to the demand of viewers, many websites have made available Life episodes.

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In Life TV show, we can see the Zen Buddhists Philosophy, which is very attractive for viewers. I love it and Life TV show is different to other crime or police dramas. I never missed any Life episodes. Sometimes, I have missed it's episode then I watch Life episodes online at This is best site for all TV freaks.

Buddhist Meditation (8) Sitting Posture

What you should know about the right sitting posture for meditation...

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Making Assurance with Yoga Classes in Maidstone

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 03:00 AM PST

Article by Gary Crane

There are plenty of ways on how to increase wellbeing and improve lifestyle expectancy. A person method that is incredibly successful is by indicates of practicing Yoga. Yoga has the energy to create endurance and the ability to make you remain calm even in your most threatening predicament. Yoga drastically improves stiffness or joint discomfort in your entire body and the great factor is that it is not a strenuous activity. You only have to complete sleek postures and you can now have a additional enhanced overall health. These days, mums are encouraged to practice Yoga as these will make them remain in shape, rejuvenate and gorgeous. Moreover, dropping fat and developing self-assurance are possible with Yoga.1 excellent place to practice Yoga is the Martial arts Maidstone. Higher education pupils who have been taken classes in Yoga accomplished to have toned muscular tissues, increased fitness and stayed in form. In addition, mums who enrolled in Maidstone also have the chance to socialize as meeting up with other mums in Maidstone is incredibly possible. So there will be acquaintances which also issue you to location effort in Yoga.Yoga does not only perk up fitness stage but a ton of consumers in Maidstone report sensation much healthier, younger and a good deal additional bouncy right away after taking Yoga classes. At any time just before because Martial Arts Maidstone began out instruction Yoga, there are escalating numbers of people who feeling additional physically, mentally and emotionally match, far more self-assured and overall of strength and preparedness to practical experience the rigors of day-to-day residing. In addition, it also assisted them to stay lean as effectively as staying in a big form. So you will arrive into conclusion that Yoga also has the capacity to melt absent undesired bodyweight and help develop a sexier you. A slender and slim body, very hot waistline as proficiently as toned abdomen that you have generally wished is fairly achievable if you apply Yoga.All in! all, on e of the most exceptional conclusions you will make for your brain, physique and wellbeing is to take Yoga classes in Martial Arts Maidstone. It will guidebook you through the procedure and it will give you peace of head as properly as feelings of console. Also, there is no prerequisite of normal potential, power and versatility in Yoga. All you will need is your courage and eagerness to understand Yoga. The moment you have began Yoga, by no means get effortlessly discourage if you feel you are not excellent when compared to other people. Remain emphasis and established so that rising fitness, toning your muscles and creating your self confidence will be achieved.martial arts maidstone

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Bridge Pose - Yoga for Stress Relief The bridge pose is known to release stress because it has been devised keeping in mind the power of inversion as discovered by the yogis. In this posture the body is upside down and in turn in calms and soothes the mind.

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The General Picture, Japan

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 02:00 AM PST

Zen Buddhism
by araki

Article by Arjanyai

On the whole, Japanese Buddhism still maintains its strength in the intelligentsia and the rural population. Zen is associated with the culture preserved among the highly cultured people, is the spiritual strength of the nation, and has a strong appeal to the intellectuals and the modern Western mind. For the rural people, the popular sects of Amida and the Lotus offer stronger appeal, especially the Shin sect which has the greatest number of adherents. Superstitious beliefs and practices are also widely accepted. As a characteristic of Japanese modernity, the many new religions have emerged to meet the modern religious needs of the middle class.

Movements have grown among the Buddhists tdwards cooperation and unification, and lay Buddhists have taken a more active part in religious activities. This has resulted in the organization of the Japan Chapter of the World Federation of Buddhists, the All Japan Young Buddhist Federation, and the Japan Buddhist Women's Association. Representatives have been sent by the different sects to observe conditions, practices and activities in other Buddhist countries. There are many universities, colleges and schools operated or supported by Buddhist sects. Research activities have been conducted actively in universities and research institutions such as the Nippon Buddhist Research Association and the Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies, by scholars using modern methods, on the whole field of Buddhist literature in Sanskrit, Pali, Tibetan, Mongolian and Chinese. Studies in the Indian Buddhist sources and international contacts have also inspired a strong urge to return to original Buddhism.

Statistically, with a Buddhist population of approximately 75 million, or about 85 percent of the whole population, and with about 80,000 Buddhist temples attended by 200,000 priests, Japan is rightly called a Buddhist country. Through the variety of Buddhist movements and efforts toward a revival, Japan of the postwar period has thus experienced B! uddhist vitality in various ways. There has grown a deepened religious concern through works of Buddhist scholars devoted to the reinterpretation of Buddhist ideas. There have been increased Buddhist social and political roles through lay people taking a more active part in Buddhist organizations. With the coming of the new-born sects, there has been a reawakening to the Buddhist social ideal to make up for the faded social ethics of the old traditional sects, and a starting on a new course of the development of political power. So far, the energies of the Japanese Buddhists have been directed "not so much to the revival of the Buddhist culture as to the attempt to preserve and consolidate it amidst the essentially alien and hostile environment of modern life."

Internationally, Japan's great contribution to the progress of Buddhism cannot be underestimated. Through the works both of the Japanese and of the Western scholars, the message of the Buddha has been carried to the West. There, in the light of modern studies, the interest has been ever increasing, both in the doctrine and in the practice, especially in Zen psychology and meditation. If a special form of the religion called Western Buddhism is ever developing in the West, it is Japanese Buddhism that has made a great contribution to the process of the development. And it is this contribution that, as a repayment, has helped to keep for Japan a dignified and respected place in the realm of international relations.

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Masochism as a Spiritual Journey

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 01:00 AM PST

Article by Dorothy Hayden

It has only been in the last hundred years that masochism has been seen as a perversion. When the nineteenth-century psychiatrist Krafft-Ebing placed the term masochism under the rubric "General Pathology" in his famous book "Psychopathia Sexualis", masochism began to get bad press. A few decades later, Freud wrote about masochism as a function of infantile sexuality, incomplete development, stunted growth, and childish irresponsibility. Since then, masochism has been irrevocably allocated to the ghetto of "perversion" and the clinical community has viewed it as a pathological aberration that must be cured.In the thousands of years before that, however, a masochistic-spiritual connection prevailed throughout most of civilization. Whereas psychology considered masochism as a disease, pre-nineteenth century religion regarded it as a cure. The ancients were in touch with the spiritual, physical and emotional value of masochism. For them, it was an essential part of reality; a combination of the soul in a tortured state, rapturous delight, exquisite pain and unbearable passion that brought them closer to experiencing union with something greater than their individual egos.

In the Western religious tradition, the desire to be beaten and whipped reflected the desire for "penance" which often involved humiliation, shame, pain, worship and submission. In monasteries and churches, bowed heads, bent knees, folded hands, covered heads and full-body prostration reflected the basic masochistic posture. The writers of the New Testament made frequent mention of flagellation and physical pain. The entire "passion play" of Christ, a narrative that has been embedded in our collective psyches for thousands of years, involves bondage, flagellation and crucifixion as part of being subjected to the will of a higher power and the subsequent resurrection to a transcendent consciousness. The Psalmists were in the practice of lashing themselves every day. It was part of the Jewish tradition, 500 years after Christ; ! to lash one another with scourges after they had finished their prayers and confessed their sins.

Flagellation in monasteries and convents were the order of the day. Saints such as St. William, St. Rudolph and St. Dominic would routinely order their disciples to lash them on bare backs. From flagellating themselves, priests began to flagellate their penitents as part of their penance. It came to be regarded as a necessary act of submission to God. Some holy men maintained that whipping had the power to rescue souls from hell. They believed that humiliation and physical pain provided a way in which one could become fully human.All of the early Christian orders used flagellation as part of their spiritual discipline. St. Theresa, founder of the Carmelites, used severe flagellation as part of her daily practice. Through the birch and the scourge, she entered into states of ecstatic mysticism. The Carmelite nun, Caterina of Cardona, continuously wore iron chains which cut into her flash. She flogged herself with chains and hooks as often as possible and would sometimes flagellate herself for two or three hours at a time. It was said that through these practices, she was subject to mystical ecstasies and visions of heavenly grace. Similar stories abound among the Franciscans, the Dominicans and the Jesuits. Apparently a heavy dose of masochism was an essential part of Christian monastic life.

In the early eleventh century, monastic hermits in Italy took up the practice of self-flagellation and fled the monasteries to take to the public streets and churches. Called the sect of the Flagellants, and organized by St. Anthony, these monks would work themselves up to frenzied desire and could reach consummation only in torn flesh and self-degradation. The Flagellants marched from one town to the next in procession, picking up new penitents as they passed through. Sometimes numbering in the tens of thousands, they would march to a church, form a circle in front of it, and perform a highly ritualized penitential ! ceremony . Stripped to the waist, the penitents would chant hymns and prostrate themselves in contrition. The ritual culminated in severe flagellation of all the participants, sometimes lasting for hours. In the end, these gaunt figures, faces pressed to the earth in shame and rapture, their backs beaten to raw meat, their whips dyed blood red, were lifted into ecstasy. It seemed to work a spiritual transformation in those who participated.

Western culture does not have an exclusive hold on the use of subjugation and pain as part of spiritual discipline. Zen Buddhist monasteries are known for the master's use of the rod on disciples and for the Zen "slap" which is said to awaken a person to a higher level of consciousness. Zen students often sit crossed-legged on a cushion for 14 hours a day, seven days a week, submitting themselves to the physical agony of staying completely still in the face of unrelenting pain for long periods of time. Hindu disciples subjugate their wills to the will of the Guru; Tibetan Buddhists unquestionably follow the will of their Lama. An early Tibetan saint, Milarapa, was forced by his prospective teacher to undergo hard, painful and arduous physical labor without questioning the master's will before being accepted as a student.

If, in fact, the history of civilization is filled with stories of a masochistic/spiritual connection, how is it that the masochistic attitude is connected to spiritual transformation? What exactly has been the appeal of masochistic submission to spiritual personages throughout the ages?

One possible answer is that modern society has been heavily influenced by the Horatio Alger "rugged individualism" mentality. The goals of contemporary psychotherapy have been aimed at building strong, coping, rational, problem-solving egos. Take responsibility, Take control. Assert yourself. But at what cost? Building a strong ego is only one side of the coin. To experience the fullness of human experience, we need passivity and receptivity as well as assert! ion. We need a sense of mystical wonder as well as rational problem solving. We need to be in touch with what the psychoanalyst Carl Jung called "the shadow" -- the weak, limited, degraded, sinful side of ourselves as well as the strong, loving, compassionate, competent side. We need to move out from under the onus of our egocentric way of viewing life; to abdicate control as well as to take it. Masochistic submission, in centering on lack, inadequacy and weakness, puts us in touch with the entirety of our humanity. Full humanity requires surrender to the down side of life as well as the upside. Religious penitents knew of the soul's need for suffering. They knew that it keeps us from having hubris, or the pride that keeps us in the limited perspective of having too much faith in our competence and abilities. The Christian and Eastern mystics knew that. "Humiliation is the way to humility and without humility, nothing is pleasing to God," says St. Francis of Assissi.A scene strips the ego of its defenses, ambitions, self-consciousness and successes. The ego become subservient to the master, the dominant, the soul, or God. Whether we call it submission to the dominant or to the will of God, it nevertheless remains submission one of the hallmarks of the masochistic posture. The masochistic components -- the longing to serve, to submit, to abandon oneself sexually, emotionally, and physically makes one a slave either to a man, a woman or to God. Submission to that passion is divine degradation.

Another similarity between masochism and mystical ecstasy is that both are motivated by the desire for oblivion and liberation; for getting rid of the burden of self with all its conflicts, burdens and limitations. In former, less secular times, this might be called a striving for mystical ecstasy in which the individual is so taken out of himself that his individual identity is extinguished in sublime union with something higher.In submission, one is taken out of one's personal limitations and transcends social sancti! ons whil e at the same time being reduced, weakened and humiliated. With noses pressed against the ever-present reality of human suffering, it is both an agonizing defeat and a magnificent spiritual journey.

ReferencesBertram, JG (May 2001) Flagellations and Flagellants: A History of the Rod in All Countries from the Earliest Period to the Present Time; Fredonia BooksCowan, L. (1998) Masochism: A Jungian View; Spring PublicationsSelenqut, C. (Feb. 2004) Sacred Fury:Understanding Religious Violence; Alta Mira Press.

About the Author

Dorothy Hayden, LCSW, is a psychosexual psychotherapist with 15 years of experience in working with people who suffer from sexual compulsion including sex addiction and sexual "deviance" She has been interviewed on such media as ABC's "20/20", HBO, CNN, and has been a regular guest speaker on WNYC radio.

Arabic Chillout - Meditation (Henna Henna - Deep Forest)

Just a quote on wisdom and peace which I think goes hand in hand with the feeling this song gives you :) "The extent of your consciousness is limited only by your ability to love and embrace with your love the space around you, and all it contains. Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts. So relax and breathe... Your identity is not your body, its your consciousness, your heart. The more you take time to fully breathe, the more you find peace. When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others. There is no way to peace, peace is the way." By the way, this song and all of its rights belong to their respectfull owners/makers which I've been told by through various comments is Deep Forest. The songs is called Henna Henna which I've heard means grandmother in Morrocan :)

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Finding meaning in the midst of life (not in God, not in "I")

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 01:00 AM PST

What gives life meaning? Why do we get out of bed in the morning rather than pulling the covers over our head and curling up in existential despair? Where are we to look for purposes, goals, things to do?

God or the supernatural is one answer. Deeply religious people believe that meaning flows down from a divine above. The purpose of life isn't made; it is discovered -- via a holy book, holy person, holy revelation. 

The source doesn't have to be a personal higher power.

In Eastern religions, karma is considered to be the guiding force which leads us to do stuff: marry this person, choose this job, live in this place. As with God-believers, meaning is manufactured by a transcendent entity and delivered into our psyches, where we mistakenly believe our free will is in control.

Alternatively, thoroughly secular people view meaning as being in our hands. Or rather, minds. The meaning of life isn't given; it is created. What's right or wrong, good or bad, desirable or undesirable is up to each of us to decide.

Without an "I," meaning is absent. Only when the thought "I really enjoy writing blog posts" arises is meaning formed within the otherwise meaningless world that surrounds me.

Today, while exercising, I finished listening to a Philosophy Talk podcast of "Nihilism and Meaning." The guest philosopher was Hubert Dreyfus, author of "All Things Shining," a book I blogged about last year most positively.

So while some people surely are drifting aimlessly in a boundless ocean of godless choices, many others believe that they're being propelled along a straight and narrow sea lane with the Supreme Being guiding their course.

I'm familiar with both nautical analogies, which were very real to me when I held fast to them. In college I was an enthusiastic existentialist, devouring Sartre, Camus, and all that existence precedes essence stuff; meaning was to be made by me. Then I embraced an Indian guru; I had faith that my karma and the Master's grace jointly determined everything that happened to me.

Now, I resonate with how "All Things Shining" views a vibrant way of living. After discounting excessive self-confidence as a foundation for one's existence, the authors say:

In contrast with this, a genuine confidence of the sort that seems to have directed Mr. Autrey's actions is driven not by some internal set of thoughts or desires, nor by a calculated set of plans or principles.

Indeed, as in the case of Mr. Autrey, it is experienced as confidence drawn forth by something outside of oneself. It is grounded in the way things actually are, not in the confident person's perhaps self-serving characterization of them. The genuinely confident agent does not manufacture confidence, but receives it from the circumstances.

Listening to Dreyfus discuss his soon-to-be-published book (the podcast dates from January 2010) reminded me of how much sense it makes to follow a middle way between "my fate is in God's hands" and "I'm in total charge of my life."

Dreyfus talked about how the ancient Greeks believed that people could be taken over by a godly inspiration. For example, if Eros turns his attention to you, you're going to fall in love. For sure. Resistance is futile. Might as well embrace Eros and fall freely.

Today, us churchless folk believe as little in the Greek gods as we believe in the God of monotheistic Christianity, Judaism, or Islam. Yet Dreyfus still sees a place for a sort of godliness in the meaning of our lives. The "gods" are naturalistic circumstances, though, not supernatural divinities.

Meaning is made continuously through our experiencing of what is happening all around us. As we respond to those circumstances, opening ourselves up to the realities of the present moment, embracing the desires, urges, wants, intentions, and passions bubbling up into our consciousness, we find that meaning is neither given to us, nor produced by us. 

It arises naturally when we simply attend to where we are, what is happening, how we feel. Dreyfus and his co-author wrote about a heroic action:

Greatness of this sort is nearly mystical to apprehend. It is characterized by the kind of sustained responsiveness to the situation that the Subway Hero embodied when he leapt onto the tracks. It is unflinching, unhesitating, and unwavering, and it has these certain qualities precisely because the activity flows not from the agent but through him.

(Someone has put a recording of the "Nihilism and Meaning" podcast onto You Tube in three pieces, here, here, and here. It's an interesting discussion. I'll embed the videos; audios, actually.)




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Exploring the Benefits of Stress Management Courses

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 12:00 AM PST

Article by Sandra Nova

Stress can be dealt with by using various methods. In order to get rid of their stress, people soon discover that going to a stress management class is a convenient method for eliminating stress. Taking a course will make you concentrate on a few of the major problems that you have in your life. It also helps you to develop new skills to help you overcome stress. Quite naturally, you should attempt to locate a plan that will provide the best results for you. During this article, we will talk about some of the stress management courses that are available.

If you work for a large corporation, your company may offer stress management courses that are not only designed to help you deal with life, but also improve your overall performance. Employers actually look at this type of investment as very beneficial for their long-term goals as it helps create a more productive and happy employee. There is plenty of stress in today's organizations, which can be very costly in the long run. People that suffer from stress will often call in sick because they are unable to deal with their day. Stress levels, if you can reduce them, will be beneficial for your employees and they will reward you by being more efficient everyday. So stress management courses are increasingly being viewed as a smart business decision on the part of both large and small companies. Whether you're taking a stress management program or trying to reduce stress on your own, one thing you should ask yourself is whether you're a perfectionist. Many people set lofty goals and have exacting standards, but if you always expect perfection of yourself, chances are you'll have high stress levels too. That's because no one, including yourself and the people you interact with every day, is ever perfect. Yet if you feel that you should aim for this level of perfection all the time, you'll find it very difficult to relax or unwind properly. You should continue to focus on doing your best at what you do, but don't believe you need to reduce your! standar ds or stop aiming so high. Instead of allowing stress over a less-than-perfect outcome take over, work on realistic ways to find solutions that could improve that outcome.

The Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction was invented by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn. Many people all around the world are familiar with Dr. Kabat-Zinn's program. It's available in many formats, including home study courses. But, the main campus for the program is located at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center. This program combines Eastern practices such as yoga, meditation and martial arts with Western psychology. This course focuses on giving people a way to control their stress by increasing their awareness. This course helps many people get off of high blood medicine and get back down to a normal blood pressure by helping them to see the types of things that were making their pressure to rise . The only way to determine if a stress management course is right for you is to do some investigating. You may also want to uncover any training, credentials or background the course presenter has had with this type of work. Try to find out what level of results will be guaranteed and read through some reviews of what others are saying about the program. Finally, make sure the course is given in a format that works for your needs. For example, an online course allows you the privacy and freedom to work through course material at home in your own time.

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Tapping Into The Subconscious Mind In 5 Simple Steps

Posted: 20 Jan 2012 11:00 PM PST

Article by Michael Lee

Tapping into the subconscious mind can give anyone a wide range of possibilities - from empowering themselves to inspiring others.

But while some people claim that they can unleash the power of their subconscious, they might not be doing it correctly. Here are 5 simple steps to help you do it properly.

Step 1: Find A Good Place.

Meditation is a powerful way to unlock your unconscious mind's potentials. However, it all starts with finding a good environment.

Find a place without any distractions; just a simple, quiet room where you can relax. Tapping into the subconscious mind requires concentration, so I don't think that having children around or leaving the television on will help you.

Step 2: Make Yourself Comfortable.

Find a natural position that you feel comfortable with, since relaxing is very important in meditation. Try not to lie down because you might just fall asleep. Once you are meditating, try your best to clear your mind and avoid anything that might disrupt your concentration.

Step 3: Try Hypnosis.

If you need help tapping into the subconscious mind, you can make an appointment with a hypnotherapist. These professionals have the power to get inside your subconscious if you can't seem to slip into it yourself.

Step 4: Believe In Yourself.

You must have no doubts. If you're going to do affirmations, believe in them with all your heart. I know it may sound difficult to actually believe in things that are still yet to happen; but constantly repeating your affirmations can work wonders in instilling more faith in them.

If you doubt your command even once, your subconscious mind would react and your affirmations would not work properly, even if you didn't do it on purpose. Remember that the key is in strengthening your belief.

Step 5: Trust Your Subconscious.

You must trust that your unconscious mind will make your affirmations come true even faster. Tapping into the subc! onscious mind isn't just as simple as opening it and wishing for things. You have to trust that it will help you reach your goals.

If you don't trust it, it would be the same as doubting your subconscious. However, that doesn't mean that you can forget about doing your part; you also have to help yourself in fulfilling what you want.

That's it! I hope these tips for tapping into the subconscious mind have been helpful. Just remember that while these may unlock new power and possibilities, you also have a job of your own. Fulfill your own job and your desires will come fast.

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Enjoy smooth relaxing beautiful music, no words, a gentle instrumenal featuring brainwave entrainment tones to give your mind a virtual massage. Strength training for the mind, level One by Paul Collier (C) 2010 All Rights Reserved This music contains brainwave tones, for more information please visit... FOR DOWNLOAD INFO READ BELOW :) Your own mind is your world, your heaven or your hell. It is your mind alone that fully determines if you are happy or sad, angry or at peace, not the guy who just cut you up on the highway, not the person who just stole your purse. It is your mind! There are so many enemies of your mind. Lack of sleep, artificial stimulants such as coffee, alcohol, drugs, these force your mind to react to words/events without properly processing the information, it seems to me that the way our mind automatically reacts is fast becoming the enemy of ourselves! Life is hectic, and we are wired to always do things the easiest way possible, not the best combination, and not how life was intended in my opinion. Life is precious, it is a gift, and we treat evey day like a sprint. Our automatic reactions to most of the days events are creating massive mental problems on a global scale never before known. Its so sad, this can't be the intended way. I offer these video's to introduce you to meditation, whether you follow a certain religion, or follow none. It makes no difference, all can gain from regaining control of your thoughts. If you ...

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The Emergence of the New Religions

Posted: 20 Jan 2012 10:00 PM PST

Article by Arjanyai

In spite of all these efforts and achievements, however, the success of the traditional sects has been confined mostly to the academic and scholarly field. In answering to the religious need of the populace, they are still at a loss. They may be well known internationally but in their native land they fail to recover their former influence on the Japanese national life. Their position was made even more difficult by Japan's surrender in World War II when, as a reaction, a tendency was developed to reject whatever was traditional. The oldness of these sects has thus resulted in a natural loss of their appeal. It is the hope of these traditional sects that through their intellectual pursuits they will find a channel through which they can achieve the joining of the spiritual with the temporal and the revitalization of the teaching in a way more fit to cope with the general trend of the age and civilization.

The defeat of Japan in World War II in 2488/1945 was followed by the emperor's renunciation of his divine status and the disestablishment of Shinto as the state religion. With the allowance of religious freedom and in the face of mental crisis, the number of religious sects and subsects increased rapidly. The number registered in 2488/1945 was 43. By 2494/1951, this had increased to 720. In 2504/1961 the number dropped to 170. Of the number 720 in 2494/1951, 260 were Buddhist sects and subsects. Again, of these 260, only five were the main sects which had more than one million adherents, namely, Jodo, Shin, Zen, Shingon and Nichiren.

The new movements or the so-called New Religions have been a development to fill the gap left by the traditional teachings. Most of them are offshoots of the Nichiren sect. They have been rapidly attracting enthusiastic adherents. Interestingly enough, it is mainly through the practice of certain popular rituals of these new sects, and not through an intellectual role or scholarly achievements, that Buddhism remains an active religion in Japan.

Mos! t of the se new sects or religions began with a revelation and are centred on the personality of the founder or organizer. The founders are usually believed to have unusual spiritual powers in divination, sorcery, fortune-telling and healing, and to be able to work miracles. They usually teach simple doctrines which appeal most to the lower middle class and the rural populace who are inclined to superstitious beliefs and practices. The new sects are essentially lay organizations, avoiding distinctions between lay believers and priests. They give their followers a sense of belonging and promote mutual aid and public welfare, promising actual mundane benefits here and now. Emphasis is placed on group meetings and the performance of services which are to be taken very seriously.

Among the new sects, the most prominent are the Rissho-Kosei-Kai and the Soka Gakkai. These both arose out of the Nichiren sect. The Rissho-Kosei-Kai (Society for Social Justice and Neighbourly Relations) was founded by a sickly girl from a poor and lowly family who earned her living as a factory worker. It claims a membership of approximately 3 million. The Soka Gakkai (Value-Creating Society), which started in 2474/1931 and had about 500 followers in 2483/1940, surpassed in the 1960's all other Japanese religious orders, both old and new, in influence and power. While among the great traditional sects, Shin Buddhism with all its ten subsects claimed the largest following of about 14 million adherents, the Soka Gakkai alone had in 2508/1965 13 million members on its lists. The movement is militantly nationalistic and has political activities. As its political party called the Komeio (Party of Social Justice) has become Japan's third largest party, the Soka Gakkai has grown into a movement of great political importance.

About the Author

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Alan Watts - Thought Alan Watts (1915-1973) who held both a master's degree in theology and a doctorate of divinity, is best known as an interpreter of Zen Buddhism in particular, and Indian and Chinese philosophy in general. He authored more than 20 excellent books on the philosophy and psychology of religion, and lectured extensively, leaving behind a vast audio archive. With characteristic lucidity and humor Watts unravels the most obscure ontological and epistemological knots with the greatest of ease. - "Inability to accept the mystic experience is more than an intellectual handicap. Lack of awareness of the basic unity of organism and environment is a serious and dangerous hallucination. For in a civilization equipped with immense technological power, the sense of alienation between man and nature leads to the use of technology in a hostile spirit---to the "conquest" of nature instead of intelligent co-operation with nature". Alan Watts "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."

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Unique Proven Stress Management Activities

Posted: 20 Jan 2012 09:00 PM PST

Article by Previous

When times are robust, people discover themselves feeling extra strain than normal. With the economy failing, people dropping their jobs and cash getting tight, there are more causes than ever to stress, worry, and feel tense.

The unhealthy part of that is that when one ignores this tension, it would have an impact on all components of their life and set off considerably additional damage. Stressing can cause one to lose management and develop to be depressed; even worse, it goes to possibly wreck relationships and price one their job hence it's noble to embark on stress management activities.

Stress reduction activities includes making private routines that allows you to scale back stress thus avoiding its double prevalence in your day by day life.Usually, stress typically start mentally than physically. Since each are linked and work in tandem of your existence, we will say that the extra affected you may be collectively along with your issues, the extra antagonistic impact you will feel on your body.

There are many strategies that will assist us deal with and cut back stress. Some go to their respective medical doctors and asks for medicines that offers non permanent help to their anxiousness or regulate blood pressure. Some would resort to meditation and leisure methods to maintain their ideas in concord using aromatherapy or music remedy to assist them along.

Basically essentially the most advisable tip is through enjoyable video games and physical exercises. Sweating it out by doing one thing strenuous will show to be extra useful than taking in therapy or dietary nutritional vitamins which can have some detrimental effects in your system.

How stress management activities helps you.

You will likely be able to take charge and management of your ideas, feelings, your schedule, your surroundings, and the manner through which you address problems. A balanced life with time for work, relationships, leisure, and enjoyable can be achieved plus the resilience to! hold on while underneath stress and meet challenges head on one-by-one earlier than they pile up.

Completely, it is attainable for you to address work deadlines whist mitigating procrastination in your job calls thus sustaining and boosting the productivity that your profession desperately wants because your emotional, psychological and physical concern will be put to rest.

Seeing that stress can affect major physique system, stress management actions will mitigate the risk of illnesses like cardiac arrest and completely different coronary heart-related issues, digestive system illness, sleeping disturbances, nausea-allergic reactions, digestive dysfunction, coronary coronary heart illness, fatigue complications and migraine.

Impotence and untimely ejaculation that regularly happen in males beneath hectic situations whilst erratic menstrual cycle for women will be reduced.

Organizing stress management activities.

There are confirmed relaxation methods and stress administration strategies a person can implement to assist scale back stress and its antagonistic effects.It is strongly really helpful by consultants that a person must have an on an everyday basis training session of three to five occasions per week, for a minimal of an hour each session; attempt to vary your time to include a wholesome dose of exercise.

A visit to your native bookstore, gymnasium and stress management seminars could assist on fully differing types in removing your stress. Participating in stress management group activities will help to share relevant information regarding the methods and ways to attempt to reduce stress's prevalence.

Usually stress when given an inlet leeway, can inevitably build up. There are a selection of destructive results of stress within the many options of life and within the full physique mechanism.

In view of the above avoidance is all the time better than cure. Make it point to stay clear of stress build up by simple strategies that you'd comply with in your! free ti me so as to avoid the price and demands of participating in stress management activities.

About the Author

To learn more from an ex-stress victim who overcame through engaging in various <ahref=">stressmanagementactivitieswhich he is keen to share with you in case they will help you out of this deadly situation. Access more tips, strategies and programs you can be involved in on how to effectively deal with stress just click, : Previous Murove

Hypnosis Relaxation for Stress

a great stress relief hypnosis process--longer than most you will find here

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Deadliest Skin Cancer Hides in Plain Sight, Study Finds

Posted: 20 Jan 2012 08:01 PM PST

face in mirror, woman, skin, looking at skin
CREDIT: Yuri Arcurs | Dreamstime

More people survive melanoma now than in generations past, but the death rate of one type of melanoma has not budged for the past 30 years, a new study shows.

Nodular melanoma consistently accounts for 14 percent of diagnosed melanomas, but makes up 37 percent of ultimately fatal cases, according to the study published in the January issue of the Archives of Dermatology.

Part of the reason that nodular melanoma contributes to a disproportionate number of melanoma deaths may be that it doesn't always look like the cancerous moles described in public health campaigns.

"You can have melanomas that don't follow the rules, said Dr. Martin A. Weinstock, co-author of the paper and professor of dermatologyat Brown University. "These nodular melanomas tend to be more dangerous than the other melanomas."

"If you're just relying on the [typical signs of melanoma], there's the risk that if you get a nodular melanoma, then you won't notice it," Weinstock said.

A more deadly melanoma

The researchers pored through more than 111,000 cases of invasive melanoma reported between 1978 and 2007 in the widely used database called the Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results Program, and found that at least one in five cases of nodular melanoma is ultimately fatal.

Both nodular melanomas and the more typical "spreading" melanomas begin in skin cells called melanocytes, which produce the skin pigment melanin. When most melanomas develop, they stay in the skin's top layer, growing no deeper than one-tenth of a millimeter, for months or years. These cancers are easier to spot as their diameter increases, and it usually takes only a little novocaine and a quick mole removal to cure it. 

But in nodular melanoma, the cancer cells quickly start growing vertically: A bump forms at the skin's surface, and they send roots down into the fat, blood and other tissue of the body. This matters, because a cancer's depth can determine the chances of survival.

"One of the most important aspects of prognosis is how deep the melanoma is when it's found," said Dr. Roy Grekin, professor of dermatology and director of the dermatologic surgery division at the University of California San Francisco.

Grekin said if a cancerous mole grows 3.5 or 4 millimeters deep into the skin before it's found, then only 60 percent of these patients will survive in the next five years.

Once the cancer grows deep enough, the subtype of melanoma has no bearing on the chance of survival, Weinstock said, so he suggests the public pay more attention to catching nodular melanoma in earlier stages.

What to look for

Dermatologists have long promoted looking for the "ABCD" characteristics of moles: asymmetry, borders (look for irregular edges), color (look for changes, or a mixture of colors) and diameter (a dangerous spot is usually 6 millimeters wide, or about the size of a pencil eraser).

"In general, we've done such a good job of educating the public about melanoma, but it only covers the superficial type," said Dr. David J. Leffell, professor of dermatology and surgery at the Yale School of Medicine.

Finding nodular melanoma requires adding more letters to the ABCD model, such as "E" for evolving, or rapidly changing over weeks or months. Doctors also added "F" and "G" to describe nodular melanoma's tendency to show up as firm, and growing rapidly.

"If you're just relying on the ABCDs, there's the risk that if you get a nodular melanoma, then you won't notice it," Weinstock said.

"The most common kind of melanoma starts as a dark brown or black patch and it increases in size -- there's often some pink in it," said Dr. Ali Hendi, member of the American Academy of Dermatology and assistant professor of dermatology at Georgetown University Hospital. "Nodular melanoma is different: it can be any color from pink, to a purple, to a dark brown color. But it's often pink."

"The common denominator is that they're changing, they're increasing in size, they're getting wider, they're getting deeper," Hendi said.

Weinstock and his colleagues admitted there were some limitations to the study; first, that not every doctor reports the subtype of a melanoma case in the SEER registry, and his team had no way to check the reports.

But nodular melanoma grows so aggressively that it can be difficult for any person to catch the cancerous lesions. Leffell said he has had patients leave a doctor's office with no suspicious moles, only to return two months later with nodular melanoma.

"Do the ABCDs, but also trust yourself, because in my experience patients are the first ones to notice something is wrong," Leffell said. "If patients are worried about a spot and the doctor doesn't want to biopsy it, find another doctor to biopsy it. The patient is the customer."

Pass it on: Some melanomas don't grow in diameter, they grow in depth instead, and can be more deadly.

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It's all in the mind, therefore working is the worst way to make money.

Posted: 20 Jan 2012 08:00 PM PST

Article by Dennis Andrew

It's all in the mind, therefore working is the worst way to make money. Huh? Who-wha? Working is the least efficient way to make money or generate wealth. Laziness? By no means. Just in-tune. Here's the scoop.

First off, the mind has two sections: the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. The conscious mind is what we refer to when we say that someone is pretty logical. This is the part of the mind that our senses are hooked up to. It's what we use to read, think, analyze, design, multiply, recognize, etc. The conscious mind is commonly assumed to be the powerhouse of the head. However, it is only responsible for 2-4 percent of our perceptions and behaviours.

The other 96-98 percent is in the subconscious mind. This is the dude in the engine compartment that nobody really sees. The third part of the pizza is the body. But what is the body at its core? It is a mass of energy that is vibrating at a very high rate. The brain is the command center and the body simply does as it is told. Our actions are nothing more than the end result, or effect, or product of our beliefs...and our beliefs are neural networks on the subconscious mind.

So what does this mean? Hold up. I'm getting there.

Every one of our thoughts can be measured. They all have their very own rates of vibrations, or frequencies. If you take matter (a physical oject), go down to the level of an atom and look inside. You'll find energy. If you look inside energy, you will find consciousness. This means that it takes CONSCIOUS INTENT to move, or alter THAT. If you look at ONE bit/particle of consciousness, it has a frequency...a specific rate of vibration, just like a thought. When everything is boiled down, thoughts and things are the same.


This is the Law of Attraction. Most of us were raised by parents who were always working to make money. As children, we unknowi! ngly pic ked up their identical belief: that you have to work for money. So what do you think that does? You have a belief that you cannot and will not make money unless you work. Guess what? You cannot and will not make money unless you work. And more, you create(d) a belief of how hard you must work in order to make x amount. This is the reason why nothing that is beyond your beliefs is coming your way. Yet we have programs where highschool drop-outs are making more money in their sleep than many CEOs are making while they're awake. It's all in the mind. And when you are asleep, you are in a subconscious state of mind...a very powerful state if it is directed as desired.

So why are you not attracting or getting a million dollars when you think of it? After all, you are sending out the frequency for ,000,000 if you're thinking about it or pretending to have it. The answer is: because your beliefs are sending out frequencies that you CAN'T AND DO NOT HAVE IT! The frequencies of your beliefs are canceling out the frequencies of your thoughts. Your subconscious mind is constantly sending out the frequencies of your beliefs, whether you know it or not, whether you're awake or asleep. Your conscious mind only sends out frequencies of the thoughts you are thinking about at the present moment. As a coach, I do not focus on changing business strategies but changing beliefs. Locating the holes in the net and repairing them. The business strategies come as a product of your beliefs.

When we say that it's all in the mind, we mean 96-98 percent the subconscious mind. It is all in the beliefs. The conscious mind is used to determine which beliefs we want to change and create. How do we create or change a belief? By repeating affirmations. However it is very critical to make affirmations the right way. There is nothing like running very hard only to find out that it's in the wrong direction. Thoughts of repetition become thoughts of habit. Our subconscious mind is the program by which we function.

Don't let ! all this stuff go to waste now. Start learning from those who teach it. Invest in yourself. You can't lose that way. Whatever you do, make certain that you're making the right adjustments.

* Dennis Andrew *

If you want to learn more, check my bio for a presentation that I did that may help you.

About the Author

Here's the presentation link. Working is the WORST way to make money.

Coming to Our Senses with Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD (excerpts)

From Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn's opening talk at the Center for Mindfulness 3rd Annual International Conference in Worcester, MA in April 2005. To order audio or video from the 2005 conference, go to:

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Deadliest Skin Cancer Hides in Plain Sight, Study Finds

Posted: 20 Jan 2012 08:00 PM PST

face in mirror, woman, skin, looking at skin
CREDIT: Yuri Arcurs | Dreamstime

More people survive melanoma now than in generations past, but the death rate of one type of melanoma has not budged for the past 30 years, a new study shows.

Nodular melanoma consistently accounts for 14 percent of diagnosed melanomas, but makes up 37 percent of ultimately fatal cases, according to the study published in the January issue of the Archives of Dermatology.

Part of the reason that nodular melanoma contributes to a disproportionate number of melanoma deaths may be that it doesn't always look like the cancerous moles described in public health campaigns.

"You can have melanomas that don't follow the rules, said Dr. Martin A. Weinstock, co-author of the paper and professor of dermatologyat Brown University. "These nodular melanomas tend to be more dangerous than the other melanomas."

"If you're just relying on the [typical signs of melanoma], there's the risk that if you get a nodular melanoma, then you won't notice it," Weinstock said.

A more deadly melanoma

The researchers pored through more than 111,000 cases of invasive melanoma reported between 1978 and 2007 in the widely used database called the Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results Program, and found that at least one in five cases of nodular melanoma is ultimately fatal.

Both nodular melanomas and the more typical "spreading" melanomas begin in skin cells called melanocytes, which produce the skin pigment melanin. When most melanomas develop, they stay in the skin's top layer, growing no deeper than one-tenth of a millimeter, for months or years. These cancers are easier to spot as their diameter increases, and it usually takes only a little novocaine and a quick mole removal to cure it. 

But in nodular melanoma, the cancer cells quickly start growing vertically: A bump forms at the skin's surface, and they send roots down into the fat, blood and other tissue of the body. This matters, because a cancer's depth can determine the chances of survival.

"One of the most important aspects of prognosis is how deep the melanoma is when it's found," said Dr. Roy Grekin, professor of dermatology and director of the dermatologic surgery division at the University of California San Francisco.

Grekin said if a cancerous mole grows 3.5 or 4 millimeters deep into the skin before it's found, then only 60 percent of these patients will survive in the next five years.

Once the cancer grows deep enough, the subtype of melanoma has no bearing on the chance of survival, Weinstock said, so he suggests the public pay more attention to catching nodular melanoma in earlier stages.

What to look for

Dermatologists have long promoted looking for the "ABCD" characteristics of moles: asymmetry, borders (look for irregular edges), color (look for changes, or a mixture of colors) and diameter (a dangerous spot is usually 6 millimeters wide, or about the size of a pencil eraser).

"In general, we've done such a good job of educating the public about melanoma, but it only covers the superficial type," said Dr. David J. Leffell, professor of dermatology and surgery at the Yale School of Medicine.

Finding nodular melanoma requires adding more letters to the ABCD model, such as "E" for evolving, or rapidly changing over weeks or months. Doctors also added "F" and "G" to describe nodular melanoma's tendency to show up as firm, and growing rapidly.

"If you're just relying on the ABCDs, there's the risk that if you get a nodular melanoma, then you won't notice it," Weinstock said.

"The most common kind of melanoma starts as a dark brown or black patch and it increases in size -- there's often some pink in it," said Dr. Ali Hendi, member of the American Academy of Dermatology and assistant professor of dermatology at Georgetown University Hospital. "Nodular melanoma is different: it can be any color from pink, to a purple, to a dark brown color. But it's often pink."

"The common denominator is that they're changing, they're increasing in size, they're getting wider, they're getting deeper," Hendi said.

Weinstock and his colleagues admitted there were some limitations to the study; first, that not every doctor reports the subtype of a melanoma case in the SEER registry, and his team had no way to check the reports.

But nodular melanoma grows so aggressively that it can be difficult for any person to catch the cancerous lesions. Leffell said he has had patients leave a doctor's office with no suspicious moles, only to return two months later with nodular melanoma.

"Do the ABCDs, but also trust yourself, because in my experience patients are the first ones to notice something is wrong," Leffell said. "If patients are worried about a spot and the doctor doesn't want to biopsy it, find another doctor to biopsy it. The patient is the customer."

Pass it on: Some melanomas don't grow in diameter, they grow in depth instead, and can be more deadly.

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Kamma without Belief

In this talk Ajahn Brahm takes a non-traditional approach in explaining kamma (actions and their results). The widespread idea that one's actions will result in punishment and retribution is too simplistic. So if you want to know more about kamma, listen on...

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