Don't Make Assumptions

This is one of ‘The Four Agreements’ as given to us by Don Miguel Ruiz. Based on Ancient Toltec Wisdom he offers us a simple way to personal freedom through the use of these agreements.

‘Don’t Make Assumptions’ gives us an easier way to consider situations in our lives. How much easier would our lives be if we chose to adhere to this agreement? The stories that we can create when we don’t know what the truth is can cause so much torment and unnecessary pressure.

The subconscious mind cannot differentiate between what is real and what is just a thought, so we can even find ourselves physically feeling the effects of the stories we are creating.

Think back to a time when perhaps someone was late to meet you. Can you remember the stories that went through your head?

If we are not conscious of our thoughts, they may have arrived to a hostile situation which had been created from our wild fantasies of all the reasons they may have been late. And then even if they tell us ‘Sorry, there was an accident on the freeway’ we can still take it upon ourselves to be the victim whilst conjuring up the energy to be mad at them for something that was all in our mind.

Making assumptions about situations or things that we don’t know the truth about is a useless exercise. The reason it can feel so distressing is because you are bouncing around frantically searching for the truth. However if you just let the ego go and accept that right now you don’t know, the relief will be instant... and it will save you from the stories.

When we learn to surrender to all that is, we can relieve ourselves of our own stories and learn to relax. It brings us back into the present moment which is the only place that truth can truly exist.

If you would like to find out more about Don Miguel Ruiz you can visit his website at Don Miguel Ruiz

Many Blessings,


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