8 Spelling Mistakes Even Smart People Make

By Desktop Diva via DivineCarolineEnglish is the screwy language. Theres just no logic to it. Why is daughter conspicuous daw-ter, though delight not law-ter? How can though, through, as well as tough look so similar as well as nonetheless sound so different? Why does we come prior to E except after C? Whats so effing SPECIAL about C?This is the reason that people who speak more sensible languages approach English with stumbling trepidation. English is insane. It has the capacity to upset even the smartest of the native speakersincluding scientists, engineers, as well as association presidentsespecially when it has to be put down upon paper.This we know from experience. As the copywriter, the large partial of my pursuit is to translate pages upon pages of essay written by non-writers into duplicate that is short, persuasive, easy-to-read, as well as yesperfectly spelt as well as grammatically (or during slightest colloquially) correct.Nobody knows the troubles Ive seen.For the most part, any person is unique in conditions of essay incapacity (myself included). But there are some crimes of confusionparticularly when it comes to spellingthat we come opposite upon an almost daily basis. And like overstaying guests, theyve started to grate upon my nerves, becoming more as well as more unforgivable with any unwelcome appearance. Such as:
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