Are You at Risk for Osteoporosis? (Quiz)

Bones have been tall up upon the list of things we take for granted until they destroy us. Having weak bones, the condition doctors call low bone mass, creates we exposed to detonate as well as not just, say, the broken arm. Bone fractures which result from osteoporosis have been often in the hips or spine, as well as they can impair we for months. Even worse, fractures can trigger what experts call the cascade of illness symptoms, finale in lifelong disability or even death.While osteoporosis competence sound like an comparison persons disease, its essentially the finish product of the long, gradual routine which affects every adult from the teenage years on. Believe it or not, we stop building bone when were between twenty as well as twenty-five years old, the point at which we strech whats called peak bone mass. We start losing bone sometime between 30 as well as 40, depending upon how observant we have been about diet, exercise, as well as alternative factors which keep the skeleton strong.Worried About Osteoporosis?How do we know if your skeleton will hold we up for many years to come? Test yourself by regulating this list of 12 common risk factors for osteoporosis. If we encounter dual or more of these criteria, talk to your alloy about whether we should have the bone firmness scan.1. Have we ever suffered from an eating disorder?A history of anorexia is one of the greatest red flags for osteoporosis, says Columbia University endocrinologist Elizabeth Shane, who studies osteopenia the early stage of osteoporosis in younger women. Thats since when the womans body weight drops too low, it lowers hormone levels, as well as she typically starts skipping periods. Anything which lowers estrogen levels interferes with bone building, Shane says.Test Yourself: Are You at Risk for Osteoporosis? originally appeared upon
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