Breast Cancer: Its Not Just for Women

Dont let all those pinkish ribbons fool you. Men get breast cancer, too.Almost 80 percent of group who have been at aloft risk for breast cancer dont even know which group can get breast cancer.A study published in the American Journal of Nursing polled group who were at aloft risk for male breast cancer because they had the red blood relations with the mildew upon their mothers side. Seventy-nine percent didnt know which group could develop breast cancer as good as 43 percent admitted which the diagnosis would means them to question their masculinity. None of the group surveyed said their doctors had discussed it when them.This October outlines the 25th anniversary Breast Cancer Awareness Month in order to foster awareness of this devastating disease.The numbers have been relatively low, but the American Cancer Society (ACS) estimates which this year in the United States, 1,970 new cases of invasive male breast cancer will be diagnosed as good as about 390 group will die.Breast cancer is about 100 times reduction common between group than between women because their breast duct cells have been reduction grown as good as have been not all the time exposed to womanlike hormones.Men can additionally have benign breast disorders which do not spread or threaten life. These have been additionally more common to women than men.Risk Factors for Male Breast Cancer
  • Aging: The risk of breast cancer rises as the male ages. Average age of diagnosis in group is 68 years old.
  • Family History: Risk is increasing if other red blood relatives have had breast cancer. Approximately the single in 5 group with breast cancer have the close relations with the disease.
  • Inherited Gene Mutations: A gene mutation accounts for about the single in ten breast cancers in men. People with these mutations typically have the strong family history of breast and/or ovarian cancer. C! ancers i n these families often occur in people younger than the usual age of 60.
  • Radiation Exposure: A male whose chest area has been treated with colour with radiation has an increasing risk of building breast cancer.
  • Alcohol: Heavy celebration of alcohol increases the risk of breast cancer in men.
  • Liver Disease: Men with serious liver mildew such as cirrhosis have relatively low levels of androgens as good as aloft estrogen levels, as good as might have an increasing risk of building breast cancer.
  • Estrogen Treatment: Estrogen-related drugs have been infrequently used in hormonal therapy for group with prostate cancer as good as might somewhat enlarge their breast cancer risk. Men taking tall doses of estrogens as partial of the sex change procession might additionally have the aloft breast cancer risk.
  • Obesity: Recent studies have shown which womens breast cancer risk is increasing by obesity as good as is substantially the risk cause for male breast cancer as well.
  • Testicular Conditions: Some studies indicate which sure conditions which start the testicles, such as carrying an undescended testicle, carrying mumps as an adult, or carrying the single or both testicles surgically removed might enlarge breast cancer risk. More research is indispensable in this area.
  • Occupations: Some reports indicate an increasing risk in group who work in prohibited environments such as steel mills. This could be because long-term exposure to aloft temperature can start the testicles, which in spin would start hormone levels. Men heavily exposed to gasoline smoke might additionally have the aloft risk. Further research is indispensable to confirm these findings.
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