Sperm Trumps Vagina. Excuse Me?

Last week, just prior to blasting off upon my 20 city book debate for my book Whats Up Down There? Questions Youd Only Ask Your Gynecologist If She Was Your Best Friend, we got a call from a man during CBSNews.com. They had posted a square called fifteen Crazy Things About Sperm as well as it has been a slam dunk, runaway hit upon a website. He wanted me to write a identical post about vaginas. He desired my style, suspicion we was funny, as well as they were trying to piquancy up their health news, so he suspicion Id be perfect (*Lissa blushes*). we was running around like a crazy chairman trying to get ready for my tour, though how could we spin down a event to write fifteen crazy things about a vagina? Vagina vagina vagina!So we forsaken everything as well as wrote a badass square fifteen Curious Things You May Not Know About a Vagina. The man during CBSNews.com desired it as well as betrothed to post it upon a day my book launched. Which he did. But when we went to look for it, it wasnt there? What happened?Too saucy?!
Well, a next day, a man called me, tail in between his legs, to say how embarrassed he was to have to discuss it me which a post was up for usually an hour prior to a suits in corporate done him take it down. It was too saucy. He felt awful. He couldnt stop apologizing. we was tempted to go off upon a man as well as begin ranting, though he was SO nice, as well as clearly, it hadnt been his decision. He loves vaginas. He felt bad, so we let him off a hook. No worries. Were scheduled to have coffee when Im in New York.But a more we suspicion about it, a more it bugged me. Why DID they have him take down my post? The spermatazoa post was pretty suacy too. Why do spermatazoa get to stay up, while vaginas once again are relegated to a closet? What does this say about the society?
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