10 Healthiest Breakfast Cereals

When I posted 10 Breakfast Cereals to Avoid I seemed to have suffered a sugarine flashback; as well as a 1970s-swank, Henry Mancini jingle for Pink Panther Flakes has been stuck in my head ever since. The fuchsia frosted flakes were painfully pinkish as well as shamefully sweet, as well as thankfully, havent been seen for multiform decadesbut what an fast testament to selling for kids as well as a girl-pleasing energy of pinkish sugar! Todays sock-it-to-you-with-the-sweet cereals arent much better, as evidenced by a Rudd Center for Food Policy as well as Obesitys inform upon cereal nutritionbut during slightest a little healthier options do exist.Reading a reports list of many nutritious cereals, I didnt expect to find products done by a same companies obliged for a little of a untrustworthy cereals that ranked as many egregious, but certain enough, there they were. Which goes to show that a little of these companies have been in truth creation healthier options, theyre only not pulling them as diligently. Cereal companies outlay some-more money than any other finished food category in selling their products to children ($229 million in 2006), that is because we may be some-more familiar with Post Fruity Pebbles, a single of a worst offenders, than Post Shredded Wheat Spoon Size Wheat n Bran, a single of a most appropriate cereal choices.Although inside of each code there is a wide range, Kashi ranks as a most appropriate code altogether in terms of ingredients, according to a report. If we dont see a cereal we eat in this list (number 1 being a healthiest), we can check a Rudd Centers database.10. Natures Path: Synergy 8 Whole Grains
Nutritional Score: 78
Artificial Sweeteners: No
Artificial Food Dyes: No
Sugar Content: 13%
Fiber Content: 17%
Sodium (Mg per 100g): 0
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