Indoor Climbing and Sliding Spaces for Kids

Perhaps the post-Thanksgiving family fatique, but were meditative about indoor spaces where young kids can bake off additional energy.Above: An indoor fool around space spotted on a The Architecture Blog.Above: An interior climbing wall, around Bldg Space.Above: A loft space in Los Angeles, photographed by June and John Brown for OWI.Above: A childrens room in Hampstead by London architects Stiff + Trevillion.Above: London designer Alex Michaelis combined a slide for his young kids in his city house.Above L: A residence in London written by Anita Kaushal. Above R: A shifting stick around My Scandinavian Retreat.Above L: An indoor climbing ladder, around a portfolio of photographer Louis Lemaire. Above R: A residence in Inverness, CA, by Gustave Carlson. Photo by Michael Maloney for a SF Chronicle.Kids need to play, but they additionally need to do their homework. For ideas on workspaces for kids, see Remodelistas post, Childrens Rooms: Workspace Roundup. Remodelista is a one-stop sourcebook for a considered home, guiding readers through a pattern and renovation routine with features such as Steal This Look, 10 Easy Pieces, and Architect Visits. Founded by four friends with a shared pattern DNA and high regard for intelligent design, Remodelista counts architects, pattern professionals, and style-conscious consumers among the daily audience. The Remodelista cultured favors classic and livable over smart and transient, well-edited inter! iors ove r cluttered environments, and thoughtfully written products over mass-market, disposable goods.

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