A Rite of Passage: AARP

Well, it finally happened to me. you was opening my mailfeeling fit as a fiddlelistening to unequivocally cold brand new musicwhen you saw it. MY FIRST MAILING FROM AARP! Ack!I know for a fact (since you heard someone from AARP contend it in a meeting not even a month ago) which AARP doesnt wish to be well known as a Association for a Advancement of Retired People anymore. After all, who can equates to to retire these days? But there is no subject which removing a mailing from AARP equates to something unequivocally specific: you AM GETTING OLD. you am removing to which age. The age of no return.How to Work after Your Retirementand Why you should have seen a signs. Last year it was a granny glasses, which are kind of cute though make me feel similar to Aunt Bea upon The Andy Griffith Showespecially when you put upon my plantation nation kitchen apron. Then, this year you started buying which blue shampoo because, lets face it, us grey-haired ladies need a small assistance keeping a grey looking fresh. My unequivocally cold hair stylist in New York recommended it. He uses it too. His hair is silver. Are you unequivocally which old?Fuzz Is My New BuzzCrap.
I dont feel which old. you can do a handstand in yoga. you attend to brand new music similar to Bon Iver, Band of Horses, as well as a Avett Brothers. And my mental recall was regularly bad.
But you dont wish to be a single of those people (like my mother) who refuse to confess they are removing old. Woe to any a single who called her a senior, as well as her hair NEVER turned grey. It only went from a single shade of brownish-red to another, mysteriously, overnight. Ive regularly said you wouldnt mind removing older. But right away which its staring me in a face, its a opposite story.The true price of beauty.Opening a mailing was a bit of relief. Turns out it was unequivocally only an suggest to allow to the. you know a editor, Hugh Delehanty. Hes a good guy. Hes cool. Hes got grey hair too, though hes from which Beatles generation. Hes a boomer. ! you am u pon a cusp, half boomer as well as half Gen X. That equates to you unequivocally dont caring for a Beatles, though you adore Johnny Cash.
Well, Im not starting to allow today. Im only 48, after all. And you still feel full of life, as well as lush, similar to a single of those late roses of summer. Ill suffer it while you can.

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